Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dfllmtd by cnrrirr in nnypsrtof the city t
twenty tcnls ptrneik.
U , W.TILTOX , Manager.
ItePiKr ! * Omcr , No. 43.
NlOHT KtllTOIl NO. 2J.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Hurhorn for bargains.
New fall goods at llcltcr's.
Who . nys ( J randy's cigars are not line ?
Complete sots of Dickens for if 7 00 at
A Ilushnell's ,
Hooks of all kind ? very cheap at iJush-
I noil's.
J.OOO . pounds of line candy at reduced
price , Palmer's , No. IS Main street.
4,000 pounds of line candy at reduced
price , Palmor'.s No. 12 Main street.
4,000 pounds of line candv at reduced
price ; Palmer's , No. 12 Main street.
The Catholic ladies give a festival in
J. J. Hrown's building ne.xt Wednesday
II Shoemaker has old residence
nropeity to Mr * . Perils Stacy for
Miss H. W. Iugcr = ell , one of the Chero
kee leaehers , is visiting Rev. Dr. Cooley
tind family.
The lady clerks of the bankrupt store
presented the propiielor , Mr. ( Joldberg ,
with an elegant easy chMr.
James N. itrown. of liiirnham , Tulley
A : Co. , has returned Irom his extended
eastern trip in time to spend the holidays
nl home.
The fcchools. have rlo'ed until oun week
from to-morrow , lu M'vcral of thc-chools
there were uppiopriatc closing c.xerehei
Friday afternoon.
An employe of the Chicago & North
western , named Anderson , yesterday
morning got his lingers smashed while
coupling in the janJs here.
Service' ' in the Congregational church
to-day. Morning subject : " ( Sod's ( ireat
(51fl.v' Evening : "Tho Faithful Saying. "
A cordial invitation Is extended.
Johnny Keating is taking a rest from
faithhil implication to studies at Xotro _
lame , South IJend , hid. , and spending
the holidays at his homo in this city.
The printers' ball last night was a great
success. There were a variety of cos
tumes many of them very novel. The
attendance was very large , and the en
I joyment ran high.
The Dodge Light Huards have organ-
ix.ed by the choice of W. L. Pallerson as
chairman , and J. R. liar ret t as secretary ,
and will proceed lo a permanent organ-
l/alion as rapidly as possible.
Oliicer Leonard , of the police force ,
lias laid oil' his blue and his star to don
the grey and the badge of a letter currier.
A more laitlitnl and i-liuighlforwanl man
could nol be named for either position.
The pastor of the Baptist church will
preach at 10. ! ! 0 a. m. and ? : ! JO p. m. Sub
ject for morning. "The Hirtli of ChrUt. "
In the evening "The Salvation Army , Its
Strength and Its Weakness" . Seats free.
The books pi evented bv Mr. Mono to tlic
Bnnduv .school of the Kapli-it church
were not intended for the poor alone but
for general distribution. The giving was
a generous one audits purpo > c commend
Some of the saloon men , who pay
license , are complaining because some of
the gambling houses have not been made
to contribute to the city's support of late.
They prppo-e calling the attention of the
authorities to the oversight in gathering
in revenue.
Rev. ( ! . W. Crofts of the Congrega
tional church , was remembered Christ
mas by the older members of his church
nml congregation presenting him with a
litile satin four containing § 100 m gold.
The young folk.s presented him with an
elegant eai-y chair.
( icorge Rudio , the well known com
mercial rustler , who has been reprcMjnt-
ing Lauty. Uros. it Co. . in this part of the
west for a number ot years past , will on
January 1 .start in the real e.-tutc and
loan business in Omaha. ( Jeorgo ha lols
of energy and will no doubt go to the
front in his now enterprise. The now
venture can hardly be culled new , as he
has been dealing qniie extensively in
Omaha real estate tor the past live years.
Frank Thill , arrested here as answer
ing the description of a man wanted for
grand larceny in Dakota , was jestorday
released , the sheriff Irom there arriving
ami declaring Thill nol the man wanted.
He answered the description closelv and
the oliccr.s ! arresting him could hardly be
censured for thinking they had the light
man. The visiting shorill alter ordering
hi.s release went to Omaha to look over a
man named Hunt arrested on a like de
Some more real pstite dealsof goodly
MXO , are being closed , aim thn papers
will be nluecd on record within a few
lays. The activity in re.xl estate at I his
seu on of the year is remarkable
Another remarkable feature is that
eastern capitalists arc taking hold with
even more enthusiasm than tlio homo
folks , although the latter are investing
more largely than for yeais past. Omaha
is also getting a good si/ed interest in
Council UlulVs real cstale. When the
gpring time comes there vull bo a s'ill '
greater activity.
The business houses were nearly all
opened yesterday forenoon , but 'littlo
business was done and the most of the
pluce.s closed early in the dtiy to allow
those connected with them to eat turkey
and put in a liltlo lime at homo getting
acquainted with their families. Council
DlulVn Is one of the busiest places in the
land , and the retail stores and many of
the ollice.s are kept open evoning-ias well
as days , and more hours are devoted to
business than in most cities of this si/o.
Even Sunday is not exempt from work
with many. For Council UlulVs to devote
even a noi lion of a holiday to rest and
recreation is thcrefoic more of a tribute
to the duv than for many other places lo
close up tight from morning till night.
See Moore A : Kiplingor's elegant pres
ents to tlicir customers , One chance
wilh each 23o purchase.119 Broadway.
Tlio Turlington Murder.
A private telegram received bore states
that the body of MUs Turlington , the
supposed victim of the eru/.j mute , King-
hunijlius been found seventeen miles from
Italoigh. Her head was horribly mutil
ated. Hinglmm , who disappeared after
threatening to conui to Council HI nil's and
wreak his vengeance on u supposed rival
hero , iius > not put in any appearance as
4,000 , pounds of line candy at reduced
priciv , Palmer's , No. 1'i Main street.
4,000 pounds of line candy at reduced
price , Palmer's , No , 13 Main street ,
Wo carry a larger -stock than over be
fore. Our slock is the cleanest , best as-
< orleJ , newest design in the city. Our
prices defy competition , See and con
vince yourself , iiurhorn , Jeweler , No.
17 Main street , _
Nol Ice , I. O. O. l < \
All members of Council lilull's lodge
No. 49 , I. O. O. F. are requested lo meet
it their hull to-day ( Simony ) December
10 , at a o'clock p. in. to make arrange-
icnts to attend the funeral of IJro , Win.
Noble on Monday.
J. B. DOKIT , N. O.
1) , S. HKEX.NKMAX , Seo'y. . - .
* J regular services , tli * iol--jayear.
A Fewd Sbatles , Thougt , to the Glad
some Doings of the Day ,
No Stop to tlic llnom A Short Sermon
A Christ mas MnrnltiK FlRlit
I'cttjJ'hlovory Kntettnln *
incuts nml Church Services.
Christina1) ) motors.
About 2 o'clock yesterday morning a
toohono ! ] ) mc. ago came to the police.
station to the ell'uet that Dave Kippin had
been killed in a row , andOlliecrlJntliank
started out to see about it. IIo soon
Icarnctl that Kippin was not dead , but
was reported as being hurt. Four fellows
walking along Broadway were pointed
out a I IIP onus concerned in the row , and
Uutliank proi-r-edcd to take them in. lie
diit not dare blow his whistle for more
ollicer ? , lest the fellows hearing it would
break into a run , so lie concluded to
quietly corral th MII himself , lie placed
them under nrre.M , and single linnded
started to innrclithem to the city i.ul. On
he way one of them , Frank Peterson ,
irokc and run. Tlio oliicer tired one
hot , bill Peterson would not slop , so lie
ivasletgo while the trio was marched
nto the station. They pave their names
is Pat McCaun. George ( 'operand Frank
Mercer. It appeared from furtherjin-
'ormntion that there was a crowe of these
ollows in 1'eto MeN'ulty'.s saloon on
( roadway , havinit a boisterous time , and
Hiding in a low. " Kinpin was hit in the
are witli a heor class , and it is aid i\lc- \
. 'ami drew a icsolver and threatened to
ihoot a young man named Frank Dalton.
The police had been al Al < Nnlty's place
two or three times , and had warned him
> close up as there would l > o trou hie.
The allair was a disgraceful one , but for-
unatcly was not ? o serious as at first re-
.lorted. Kippin had a bad cut in his face ,
but not so bad as to prevenl his cele-
'iralintr yesterday.
'rank Peter-on , who got away , went di-
cetly to a private house where a girl is
employed who is very friendly to George
Koper. It was then ! ) o'clock in the
norning , and lie got the. girl out to see
_ f hlie could not secure Roper's release ,
ihe having a little money. Peterson and
he girl came down to the station , and
hey were looking in an the \\indow , and
.ilanning to have llic girj go in while
Peterson was outside waiting , when one
of the ollieers noticed them. Ollicors
Uiilhank and O'Brien started oul of the
infilling , and the two started to run , in
liu'erent directions. They were speedily
overtaken and Peterson locked up , while
the girl waited in the oiheoj for daylight
before returning home.
jUeCann was just released from jail on
' , the grand jury having found no
ndlcnncnt against him. ' IMol'ann denies
hal he had any revolver , much less did
le draw one. He say thai while in jail
t the common talk among the pris
oners that Major Williams , just aciiiitted |
of killing Hughes , was wanted in
Wyoming tor killing si man there , and in
Montana for another oll'cii'o.
An inlormation will probably bo filed
o-day against MeNully for keeping a
lisorderl.y house. His place has beeomo
| tiitc troublesome to tlio police , anil they
lave lost patieneo.
Masquerade suits at Mrs. J E. Met-
call's lor rent. Nouo cheaper west of
The annual renting of pows will occur
at the Presbyterian church Monday , De
cember 27 , IBStl , at 8 p. m. All c.M-ting
contracts o.\piro at that time.
By order ol the uoard ot trustee" .
Death of William Noble.
Yesterday morning , just , as the hands
md passed the hour of twelve , ushering
n a merry Christmas to many , William
Noble passed into his eternal homo , to
here be welcomed by the heavenlygreet-
ng , leaving the come in sorrow on the
very day on which other homes were so
gladdened. Mr. Noble has been an
nvalid tor month * , and since last -.July
iias sutlered greatly. For the past few
weeks death has been almost daily ev-
iccte.d. His strength went little by little ,
mtil , like a wearied child , he fell into
the restful , long .sleep
William Noble was born at Lynehbiirg ,
O. , in the year 18'iO , consequently was
sixty-six years old at the time of his
death , lie went to Wisconsin at an early
day , where ho was married September i ! ,
ISii ) . Afterwards lie went to California-
luring the gold excitement. lie settled
at Sheuandoah , la , in ISliS , where he
lived till 18NI , when he became a eili/en
ot Council Bluffs , where lie has since re
sided. His excellent constitution resisted
the painlnl disease with which ho was
atllicted until worn out with intense suf
fering , He was a man of strict integrity
and .strong conviction.1) ) , was a member
ot the Christian church , uNo of the Odd
Follows and Masonic oi'lers. He leaves
a widow and three children , two sons
and a daughter , the former being here
and thn latter , Mr-i. 1' ' . L. Moitat , at St.
Paul , Minn
The funeral will take plaeo from the
family residence on Ernnklhi street
under the direction of the Odd Follows ,
on Monday , the 27th , at 13 o'clock , alter
which the remains will be taken to Shcn-
andoah for interment.
Friends are invited to attend without
fnithur notice.
Don't buy your new suit or o\ercoat
until you look at those at Mctciilf Bros'
New goods and Christmas Novelties at
Kirkland's , jeweler , No. ! KaBroadway.
It Was Not 11 8tfiler.
The clerks in Elsoman & Co.'a store
gathered around Simon Kiseman Christ
mas eve , and through Mr. S , U. Stock
man , as spokesman , informed him that
there was a little matter which they
wanted him to settle before they left for
tlie night. He was surprised , and with
the thought of a possible strike on hand ,
was about to give expression to it and
oiler to arbitrate , when the explanation
of the my.story came in the pleating form
of an elegant gift to Mr. and Mro. Simon
Eibomaii , consisting of a bron/.o , with
plush frame , picturing in has relief , "Tho
Hear Hunt. " The gift was a very valu
able , one , and pri/.cd still more highly on
account of the feelings which led to such
an expression of the esteem of employes.
Mr. Henry Eisoman , who had modestly
retired to the otllco , on getting a hint of
how his brother wns bolug sowed , was
then surrounded by the employes , who
presented him with an elegant gold-
headed cane. The gift , like the other ,
was one which was a lilting expression ol
The Cbtcem felt for him , and was most
worthily bestowed. It is seldom thnt out
finds in so extensive an ostablismontniiel
a unanimity ot good feeling between cm
ploycrs and employes as in the People's
store < _ _
Five hundred overcoats for boys am
children , from * l.OO up.
up.MKTCAI.K Hiios.
Heating stoves at cost to closn them out
M. A. Wood , No. 501 Muiu street.
The Galinski brothers bcom to have been
singled gut Christmas eve as bright am
shining marks by thiove.s. Ono of the
GalhibUia keeps -second hand store oa
L. Harris1 old stand on Broadway. The
other brother has a similar place not far
distant on the same street. The former
of the Oalinsks was awakened during the
night bv some ono trying to break into
the store , lie scl/.ed his revolver and
started itp just in time to sec a colored
man making a hasty exit.
When the other brother awoke yester
day morning ho found that someone had
broken in the fiont window of his store
and taken a pair of gloves and a pair of
boots , together with a cheap revolver. It
is a wonder that more was not taken , as
there woio .several now boots noU to the
second hand ones taken , and other goods
which were not disturbed.
An elegant line of short wraps new-
markets , etc. , cheap , to clo o them out.
JOHN Bixo : & Co.
The Publishers' Book sale will clo e
out ail holiday goods at less than whole
sale prices.
The masquerade given by the Son of
Veterans proved a grand .success and the
udgcs had no little dillieully in deter-
iiining the one entitled to the prizes.
They linally gave the lirst , an elegant
oilet ca e , to Mi s Louisa Williams , as
icing the most handsomely costumed
ntly. To Mr. Charles Denny was given
ho pi i/c of a shaving set , as being the
nest comically costumed gentleman.
'lie judges wcnj Colonel W. F. Sapp , ,1.
M. Seanlan , , lohn Tomplelon , Miss .Nel-
ie Abbott , Miss I.i/.zie Ambrose.
L. 15. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all clashes of chattel securities at one-
inlf their former rates , bee them before
securing your loan .
1,000 poiuiil- line candy at reduced
> rice ; Palmer's , No. 1i ! Alum St.
They Merit I'mlse.
The Klllo KlMer company playe-t
'Woman Against Wonmn" at the mult-
ice yesterday and last night at Dohany's
) pera house. The audience , as on Fri-
lay night , were highly entertained , as
shown by the generous applauseand Miss
Kll ler and Frank Weslon were several
lines brought before the curtain. The
ilay throughout Mono full ot interestand
lie entire troupe , in their respective
larts , are line. The company play a
hrco nights' uiigagumont , beginning to-
nonow night , nt the lioyd in Omaha.
Stoves ' Slovos ! Stoves ! tor thn next
lurlv days 1 will sell heating stoves at
cost for cash only. p. o. liVoi :
A line , large line of the moat elegant
vatehes , chains , .silver and plated ware ,
lecorutod ( ! hina and glassware , Mutable
'or holiday and wedding presents at O.
: { . Jacqucmin & Co.'s , No. 27 Jlain
ilreet. _
A Short Srrinoit.
The Itaptist church has had printed for
each of its three rooms ornamented
cards with the following practical sur-
non :
Sow Acl .
Heap Habits.
Sow Habits.
Heap Character.
Sow Character.
Keap Destiny.
See that your books are made bv Moore-
: iouse & Co. , room 1 , Everett blouk.
Centervillo .soft-lump coal , W" i > cr
: on , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main
street , telephone ! > ! j.
No AVIioa to the Itoom.
The A. S. Hryant forty-acre tract north
of the Italian ! eighty and west of the
1C. U. , has been soli ! by Odell Hros. & Co.
Deeds for eighteen acres of the piece
went on record yesterday. The remain-
ng twenty-two acres will bo transferred
ne.xt week. The boom doesn't even in
tend to lay oil'for the holidays.
AVc have a line large line of Christmas
novelties that we are selling cheaper
Ihan ever wns known , also mulilers , silk
handkerehieis ladies' ' and '
, gents' gloves ,
clothing , line sealskincaps , etc.
JOHN Hixo & Co.
Personal ParngrnpliR
Dr. Small is spending the holiday sea
son with Dr. Jlanehelt.
Tony Everett has returned from his
.studies in the east to spend tlio holidays
: il home.
J. J Sti'.idman , editor of the Nonpa
reil , ate his Christmas turkey nt his home
"n Ureston.
Miss Li//.m Crocker , of Fairmont ,
Neb. , is the guest of the family ot Cant
ain 1) . J. O'Neill.
Judge J. P. Turner and wife , of Hal
ey , Idaho , are holiday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. U. Atkins.
Miss L. 1.1. Valentine , one of Avoca's
popular teachfrs , is spending the holi
days as the guest of Mrs. J.M. Matthews ,
of'this city , j
I. Merrill , citv editor of the Nonpareil ,
returned yesterday from Logan , where
lie has been at I ho bedside ot his son ,
who has been dangerously ill , but who
is now deemed almost out of danger.
C. M. Ilarl , who has gained such a
serviceable reputation by his oratory , is
to deliver a lecture on Masonry at
Watson , Mo , on Monday evening , before
tlio fraternity of that city and by their
J , A. Crowley has accepted the posi
tion of assistant manager of the MeCor-
mick Harvester company , at DCS
Monies , and will enter upon his now du
ties January 1Ho is one of the
known and'bol posted agricultural im
plement men in the west.
Shot In The Arm.
A hhooting afl'air took place about 11
o'clock last night in front of MeNulty's '
Dow Drop In saloon , 71 ! ) Uroadway. It
appears thi't a young follow named
Douglas Imrn.s , who lives at ID'20 Lower
Hroadway , was in the saloon celebrating
Christinas when ho became involved in
a di.sputo over the relative intoxicating
qualities of Tom and Jerry and egg nog
or some other such weighty Mimool.
They repaired lo the outside of the saloon
to settle thn dispute , when the unknown
drew a revolver and lircd upon Hums ,
The bullet took effort in Burns' arm
above the elbow , Indicting a severe llesh
wound. At a late hour the man who
lired the .shot had not been apprehended.
Hon. AVIIIlnm .M. Kvnit'B Knrly.lmt In
nocent , lerlciico ! | With n
l'uc t CheoU.
Now York Sun : "Doyou know , " said a
prominent member ot the bar tlio other
day , as ho watched Senator William
Maxwell Evarts sauntering along past
St. Mark's churchyard"that the senator's
lirst large fee as a lawyer didn't do him a
bit of pecuniary bonelitv"
The reporter didn't know it.
"Well , itV rather a good story , " the
lawyer said , "and as few lawyers even
remember it , it can bo told without nnj
fear of the chestnut annunciator. The
incident occurred in ' 843 , when Evarts
was only twenty-four years old , and a
slim young lawyer with an old-fashioned
choker collar , and his interrogative fore
linger just beginning to bo a noticeable
part of his practice. Ho was then a
criminal practitionor.and giving glimpses
of that peculiar mastery of sentences of
till bixcs which has kept pace witli the
ellectivo use of his forelingor.
Monroe Edwards , a very skillful and
conscientious penman , had forged a
check , got caught , and hired young
Evaits to save him from Sing Sing. The
rial came up on Jnnn 0 , and lasted six
lays. The future senator stabbed at wit-
icss after witness with his dentilv fore-
inner interiogatorles , and dually np-
icalcd to the jury for his client's acquit-
al , It was n marvellous speech , full of
ho lire and impetuosity of youthful en-
husiasm. It was the talk ol the cotuts
or mouths and undoubtedly laid the
basis of William Maxwell's fame as an
advocate. Hut tlio jury freed itself
rom the glittering heap of bril-
iant sentences that young Evarts
riled up on them , and found
'd wards guiltv. The judge complimented
l-'varts and then scut Ids client to Sing
Sing for ten year ? . The prisoner com-
ilimcnted Evarts on his eloquence , too ,
\nd just before he walked into the sheriff's
carriage lo go to the Sing Sing train gave
ho tall young advocate a neat ehecK ,
joaring the signature of a well known
nan. It was for several hundred dollars ,
and William Maxwell went proudly to
ho bank with it after he hail bade his
client good by.
" 'No good' , ' said the bank cashier ,
when Evarts handed it up for deposit.
" ' \ \ by ? ' cried young William Max
well , in amazement.
" ' The ignature is a forgery , sir , ' the
cashier responded.
"Jt is reported that this u us the only
occasion in his lifetime- that , given a
chance to use -ome vigorous and impres
sive 'onlPn.'cs. William Maxwell Evarts
ct the opportunity slip. Ho simply
stared at tlieclipck in silo.ce. "
Inclined lo Abbreviate .
New York Tribune : A. young man
who wanted lo draw fSO on n money
order wrote "Chesterlield Chatham'
inder the words "Received the above , "
mil presented the blue paper at the
iroper window of the New York post-
illiee. The clerk looked tip the letter of
nstniction .sent by the issuing olliee in
ho interior , after a long delay .showed
us inquisitive face al the port hole.
"Is this your naninV" he asked , with his
iugnr on "Chesterfield Chatham.1
"Certainly , " was Hie reply.
" ( Jot aiiv other name ? "
"Eli ? Why , n-n-no-o- "
"Nothini ; tor you to-day , " the clerk
said bhurply , handing back the blue re
1 Aherhold on. " cried Chc = terlield
7hatlitim , all in a tremor. " 1-er-l have
mother name , but "
"What is it ? "
"ijhud\\iek , I-cr-thiuk it is yes quite
sure. "
"Then .sign it to that receipt. Wait a
minute , got any more names ? "
"Aren't those sullieientJ"
" ( 'ot any more names' ' "
"Ah-er-hang it , sir , yes , one more
Charringlon. Do you expect me to write
all that ? "
"Sign your full name to that receipt if
you want to get jour money. Wait ; who
sent it to you1'1
"Chestcrlield Cliadwiok Charrington
Chatham' ' named his distant friend.
"Where does it come from ? "
The distant friend's town was men
"All right , " said the clerk , and when
three C's Chatham had exhausted tin ink
well in appending his name to the money
order , the government employe gave
IfimaMiiall piece of white paper bear
ing certain cabalistic hieiqgiyphies.
"Present that to the paying teller , " he
"Any more Signing to do1 queried
Chesterlield Chadwiek Charrington Chat
ham , growing pale with the anticipation
ot renewed exertion.
"No more"said the clerkandClie ter-
tield Chadwiek Cliarrington Chatham
went his way.
Judge Gieibam ami tlic Kni ! ay.
Chicago News : Judge ( iicsham does
not receive the talk about running him
two years hence tor president with any
degree of favor The oilier day , a few
hours before he delivered his now famous
opinion in the Walia h receivership case ,
ho was sitting in his room , when ex-
Senator Doolittlc .spoke about the boom
that was growing for the judge in tins
cast. "Well , " said the judge. "I don't
think much of this boom business. I
have not said I was a candidate for
president , anyhow , and even if I was it
is too early now to talk of what will hap
pen two years hence. "
"I don't think , " said a bystander ,
"that ( ircsliam cares about being elected
president. He has his wife and his
daughter , a charming young lady , to
support ; iiis only son. Otto , is practising
law in IndiunanoHs. ( Jrcsham is a great
man' for home life , and the coldest night
that ever blew he can be seen ploughing
his way through the .snow on Ids way
home , f ran into him on the north side
near Ontario .street that very cold even
ing two weeks ago. He was limping
against the wind , with his collar up and
his head down and his face was as rosy
as a schoolboy's. Walking is one of his
favorite amusements. "
David Iitittrick , who was born in Con
cord , M.i s. , eighty-seven years ago , and
his wife , aluo a native of the place , cele
brated the sixtieth anniversary of their
marriage the other evening. Their live
wns fought in the warandone was killed
at ( tpltysuurg.
n/Jnit i/oii irtint for
rrJiint ojieneil li'n run's of
Xoreltlcs esneetall/ ; for Clii'i > > tin ! s ,
You can Jlntl
Yon n > anl atnony tin-in < in < 1llie nrt-
erHftt'ii rei'u loin.
JItii'c ( ilnojitst received a vet'H ' nice
lot oj l.di'c fatrfu and Fiscltm * ,
unit to male to
Our assortment is largo , of Silk Hiinu1-
kerchiefs , Mnfl'lers , Kinbroiilorcil nml
Hc-nihtitchcil H iulkcrchiffK , Kid ( Jlovos ,
.Sllk DrossCff , etc. , clc.
Table Linens
Klegant Table Linens in ) > : itlcrn and
y Ilio j-ard , and nnnUni to match.
Voaro RUGS
In all sl/fs at nominally low prices.
Como nnd look over our largo Mock and
yon will tind on so mo onu of our three
lloors something you will want and you
will save money by buying it of us.
We do not give lottery tickets nnd con-
frequently yon do not Jmvo to nay nny
Oilra price for the gootU ,
To Be Given Away Bj Heniy Eisoroan ft
Oo.'s People's ' Store.
On Tnn nry Ifith , 1887 , Coimistlni ; of
1'iii'iilturo , Chlnnwnrc , Clotltlnir ,
Ulnnltcts , Tnliln filncn , Notions ,
Money , Silk Dress Pat
terns , I2lc. , Kto.
For every two dollar's worlh of goods
purchased , yon will receive n coupon
ticket , good for one chance in tlio folldV-
hi" ; lirand I'tcsents lo bo given nway by
ns on .Inntiary l.Mh , 18S7 :
FlltST I'lUXK-Oiio suite of Parlor
I'urnllure , con istinp ; of fofn , tcto-tt-toto
nnd lour . ' chairs nil
grand c.'ny , upliol-
tiered in assorted shades of elegant silk
pluihrs , worth $125.
SliCOXU PU1BOno Malio-iony Hi-tl
ISoont Sititi' , con * > i. tnff ! of itedslead ,
Dresser nnd Wash Slanil of ole : ant HnUh
with beveled glass , worth ? 100.
THIUl ) IMlT/K-Ono of the very best
six-drawer Nlekel Plated Domestic Sew
ing Machines. The very be t inachinu
in the Ignited Stales worth fO.'i.UO.
KOUHTII I'KIXU - Twenty ynrdn
( iiiinett best gros grain Ulack SHU , cost
" 11,00 tier Viird , worth ffiO.OO.
1'IF'rH'PinXK-One elegant SealPlu h
London Dyed ( . 'loak , to be niado to order
to lit the luck v ticket holder , worlh : ? < iO.OO.
SIXTH IM51X1JOne pair of Hie finest
While HlankeU made bv the J'loneer
Woolen mill , of Ciilifoniii : , worth $10.00.
MKVKNTll IMUXK-One Hcantifnlly
Decorated Dinner anil Tea Set , consist
ing of one hundred and forty pieces ,
worth $ V.00.
KIG11TH PlUXiAn : Elegant Seal
Skin Mnir , Worth :10.00. :
NINTH I'UIXE-A very line Paisley
Shawl , worlh i > il.'i.OO.
TENTH IMUXK-Ono Angora Heaver
Shawl , worth ? ; i.on. ( )
KhKVENTIl PUIXEOne ( Jentlcman's
it of Clothing , made of Imported
Vorstctl , gtinranteed a line fit for the
winner , worth fltn.OO.
TWELFTH P1UXEA ( Jnntleman's
I'nr Heaver Overcoat , worlh ? : tO.O ( ) .
Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of
! ) and 10 years , lobe chosen by ( ho lucky
party holdimr the ticket. Worth f 15.00.
Suit , for a boy between thu ages of ! J and
li ( years , to be selected by the winner.
Worth = f 15.00.
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
Brass Parlor Table , worth i 10.00.
50 yards "trull of the Loom" muslin ,
worth $1.00.
EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half of the very be.-t Celebrated "Gold"
white hliirts , of which we are the exelu-
hive agents , worth ffl.OO.
Mulllcr. worth $5.00.
Tallin Sot , consisting of Table Cloth anil
a Do/.en napkins worlh if 10 00.
Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No. 22 One Toilet Set.
No. 215 One very fine Doll.
No. 21 One Handkerchief Hov.
No. 25 One elegant Hand Hag.
No. 20 Ono large Doll.
No. 27 One Stand Cover.
No. 28 One bottle fine Perfume.
No. 2 ! ) One Toboggan Cap.
No. HO One Table Searf.
No. ; -One line Splasher.
No. 112 One line Lunch Basket.
No. M One hammered brass Umbrella
No. -One-half define Towels.
No.Oin > Silk Umbrella.
No. ; W-no ( ) line Doll.
No. ! )7 ) One MSI China DHies , suitable
for little folk.s.
No. :18 : One Brass Broom Holder.
No. 30 One pair .Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . 40 One. Silk Handkerchief.
No.-11 One nice Doll.
No. 42 Olio-half do/ , ladio'.sliiio Linen
No. 4I ! Fifteen yards Host Calico for a
dress pattern.
No. 44 One Boy's Hat.
No. 45 One Hoy's Sealskin Cap.
No. 41 ! One line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 Onu Toilet Sot.
No. 18-Oue nice Doll.
No. 40 One line Doll.
1st ) . 50-Ono elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 Ono Bottle Pcrlimie.
No. 52 Ono Lace Handkerchief.
No. 51-Ono ! child's line Lace Collar.
No. 51 One elegant Doll.
No 55 Ono elegant Doll.
No. 50-One Tidy.
No. 57 One Table Scarf.
No. 58 Ono line Doll.
No. nil -One Mouth Organ.
No. ( it ) One Imitation Steam Piano.
No. 01 One Ijnc Hook.
No. 02 One line Hook.
No. Oil One Pocket Knife.
No. ( H One line Doll.
No. 5 Onu line Doll.
No ( ! ( ! One Dr. Warner's Coi'aot.
No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl.
No. OS Ono inf-inl's Lace Cap.
No. 00-Ono baby Dress.
No. 70 Ono largo Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Hag.
js' , , , 7Jnc ( ) lady's Companion.
No. 7l ! One Silk Miilller.
No. 71-One largo Doll.
No. 75 One line Hook.
No. 7i ( Ono tine Hook.
No , 77 Ono Lunch Basket.
No. 78Ono pair children's Shoes.
No. " 0-One pair boy's Boots.
No. 80 One li-se Lace Collar.
No. 81 One largo Doll.
No. 82 - Ono Lady's .Jersey Jacket.
No 8U One pair Gentleman's Sus
No , 81 One pair Men's Gloves.
No. 85-One pair Boy's Skates.
No. 8(5 ( One pair Girl's Skates.
No , 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 88-Onn line Doll
No 89 Ono line Doll
No 00Ono largo Doll
No. ill Ono largo Doll
No ! )2-One ) Necklace
No. oa Ono iiair Gold Cull1 Buttons
No , 01 One Locket
No. J.'j-Ono nice Breast Pin
No. 9(1-Ono ( pair Sleeve Buttons
No. 97 Ono Silver Thimble
No. 08-Ono line Breast Pin
No. 8'J One pair Kid Gloves
No. 100 Ono Lace Handkerchief
Total value of presents , $800 ,
\ \ ith every $2 purchase you receive a
ticket , abe a ticket for every additional
f2 mirchaso you make.
Hold your tickets until January 15th ,
1887 , when the fortunate numbor.s will bo
announced and invited to call and re
ceive their " ' ( ' " ' ' ) ; , ,
You have to pay nothing extra for your
purchases. We guarantee to soil you
goods cheaper than any other house in
the west , and best stock to select from.
All orders by mail will receive prompt
attention , and tickets for the free
gift distribution will bo forwarded
anil enclosed with y our purchases , tlio
same as if you worn present in person.
Tiiesa distributions will bo made with
every fairness , and you may depend on it
that the lucky numbers only will receive
their presents.
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our honso.
( Justomero only will receive Ihe bone-
Ills Call and sco tlic above mentioned pres
ents now on exhibition in nr mammoth
store and convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
llKNHV ElsKMAN & CO , ,
People's Store ,
Nos. Oil , 310 , ai8 and U20 Broadwny ,
Council Blufl's.
Holiday Gifts
A substantial present is ahvays most appreciated by the receiver. Wo are clo
C out all of our furniture consisting of
Elegant Easy Chairs ,
Divans , Ottomans. Hassacks , Foot Kests , Music Racks , Etc. , Etc , to make room foa
Carpets and Upholstery. This furniture is our own manufacture , and superior In
workmanship and material to factory made good" . We are prepared to make to oj
tier on short notice , Hair Moss nnd Cotton JMaltiosee , Tnrki li Spring Beds nn4
Bedding of all kinds , and to
Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds.
Mr.Stockert Personally Superintends all work ,
Council Bluffs Carpet Co , ,
r. it. oK 'i"irr. i. n. TICIV\OK. : r.u.sTorur.trr
Wliole .ilc and retail. Kamilios supplied with ton and twenty pound piick-
nges ! .
J Y FULLER Pearl Council Bluffs' *
, , , 39 st , ,
y f - ' ' -
' VSz - -
Pullj Kiiul | > | ) oil Xoiiinil mill roiinnrioliil Di'imrlmcnts Tuition ltr > U , llonril nml
KUOIIIP ut Ht'U'oniiblo Itiitu . Nlwlit School Uunnir tlio \ \ iiilei.
V7"iS. . 2 ? k."CTIjSO2Sr , 3roct.
1514 Douglas St. , Oinalia.
Ladicsbu > ! ug a $5 hat or bonnet , oncfnr
will Lc paid ; ? to , louad Irip.
fc'perlnl nilvrrtlbcincntB , tueh na Lost , Fo.iml
To Until , For Sulo , To Itont , ft nuts , Hoantlnir ,
etc , will tin iiipci tort In thin fohunii nt tlio low
rate omi.N'CKNTS Wit UNI * , lorlhum.t Insur-
lonnnd t'ivo Cents 1'cr Line lor enchubso < iuunt
Insortion. J.i'iivo ' advertisements nt our olllco
No. lit real btrcLt , lltoiul\vaj- \ , Council
111 u Us.
WANTIJD lly ulnwjor of nviicildiL'e , fiilr
liliraiy and olllco tuinltnio , including Milo ,
horfoand luiKtfy , iiiiiln little nioni'y , u | iailnci-
bhii | In ri'iil catiilo luiBliicsIn Omalm or dc.-k
room lu an olllco. lloHI , New Hampton , I onu.
WAN'JTl ) A joiinjr Kill to hi'lp ilo hoii'.p-
woilt ( limiijr the vacation ol ilio city
RplinnH Addicts J. il. , Jloo ollk.c , Cinincll
FDIt SAI.i . : llurliur shop , trooil locutinn , irond
loasoulorsollliif , ' . Ailili < " > s 11 , lleo olllcc.
' . 100 Inborcn mill fiO tcmiifilcr'i to
work on tlio t-oiithuin Kansas lailroml In
tlio ludlun toriItoiy.iiO inlloq Minlli ol IClowii ,
Knifus. Thu lure from Kansas City to Klown
Is JH.IK ) . Iy ) inking it tuiulpt ot the nuenl nt
KuiipnB City , In the unmoor C1. ? licntlrlcj , n re-
bntool' fi.Kil \ \ iiu allowed liy the cniuractor.
Wnjfcs S" ' ) per month nml board to the Icam-
stor , and f\M \ nur day to tlio Inliororp. Ilourd
f'JM ] icr nook. Woik will lust two yo.irs.
( iooil ivoik lor winter. Tor fiuthoi-lutoimil
lion Rililiffl C. Slii'iillcld , Kloi\n. ICniiMi" . lief-
01 once , Juetii'O N Schuiv , Counull Illulli. .
Foil SAI.IJ-Or Kent Sloio linildinB , 'J00 ,
two r'tnrlo" ' , lot "rixlti5 , Malilcs , ole. , on
| iicrnlhi8 in ( ( inter ol Ittisliie1iioilloo ol llan-
coclc. lu. Address William II lltiller. > cola. la.
HUNT A now two slory Irame house
coiitiiinlnjr f. . iiiinns hull nml cellar under
mitlro hon'-c , DM N. It turner Avenno r nnd
I.iltlo I'lirtlh sliect. Only 7 Mould trom Do-
linny'sopern houin full on M. r. Ikilnci , at
10J > Iain Hln-c.'l. ( ujV"lMirf ) .
V\rA.NTI.l ) eotnuro ol live or lx looms.
' locntod convtiniont to InnlMen * ; email
fomily , no children. Address "Cii'-ij | , " lieu
W ANTIIIA route. hey ivllh jion ) to carry Hoe
FOll SALIC Old ( inpuiB tor eulo lit thu llua
" \\7"AN"ni : > I'mlu-b intendintf In ho miuilcd
> V art ) wauled lo fall at thu I'rj-ia'a Ili-e J < ilj
otllec to select tholr cddlnr unril" .
IH < xiliitlon Nol Ice.
NOTIl'RIs Ijoiohj t'lvcn tlml the puiliic r-Mp
lltrcloloio O\Minir lit'Msci'il C IIinllll nnd A
li MIIS-.OH is tlilh day dip ol\cd In miit-ml eon-
t-ont , A. l < . Musson letliinp- The liii'lin < -\\lll
hecoiulnclcd In C II. Mn-lh , who ull II-IL-IVU
nrnl , Kettle nil tn'touutbiluf Hit late Him
t , II. > MIIII
A , I/ . Ml4MV. ) .
Horses and Mules
For all pnrposcF , bought anil sold , at retail
and in lots. Laric ; rniaiilillus lo select
fioin Several pairs of fine timers , tin-
fjle or do1 , blo ,
Council Illulls.
At lltli st and Ulli nvo. , t\nd 31. ( Jalln-
rttoro , Lower Bnmdway.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Opposite JD'imuiy Depot.
Hordes and mules Kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads ,
Odi-rs promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Siii.u-ir.u V Boi.ur , Proprietor.
Telephone No. 111.
Formerly of Kcil Sale S'.nbK.-s ' , corner
lit , live and 4th street.
Will suppo \ \ with .1 ICMIU.T and better
< iu.ilitof
OA | _
Than ain one in the citA tiinlillcon
\ incc you.
NTo 023 Uionil\\ay. Telephone 110.
--oi : > 10
* McMAHON & CO ,
ibstiacts of Title , L-an aal Rial3s
tats Broken , No. 236 Main St.
Hitviniinti'dniKi'tl the
tile < ilt1nt < 't Imukti In this
ftiioirn s tlif "Mt'Mahoti Abstrac.
liunl ; * , ' ' irt'iireiioin invpn red lo fur
nish nfotiwt.v nml WHpi'i'tfnllH KO-
Itcit tltr imtroiiaiicof nil those < lcsir-
iny cni't'fft altttritfts of title to JanilH
and Ms in I'otlun'ttttmnlc connli/ .
J'ractice in thn 'Udte : inil Keileral court *
ilooins 7 itnil 8 Shnu.irt Hisno bio' k.
, .ImirnaN , < 'oinily and
Worltor ill liiudsi
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Hooin 1 Kvercl llloek , founeil Hli
Sluiiiiuiil TaperH I Neil Ail ht.yles of bind-
in ; ; in Alti tii'Iuus stml
mpiitKN : : < is. :
C. n , National lln.ik. M U. Smith A Co , ,
Ulll/nnV IlitiiW. Ken c , Wull * & Co. ,
Mml National llfttik , I' . II. Insiiranco ( ki. ,
OfllcerA. J'usej.llrtnUo Savmars riitnk ,
° °
" " &
er VOS
* ° Rt" .
to * „ AR , ,
105 a B 'lls
v. Cou -
, 0
v < * * & * . * _ .
\f . i Jfl
In , ftio followiiicj Cc'iYipames
Otrinan Autrrlian , of tltui 1 < iih
p/wd/r / , * of llartfoiil.
lliiel/OHt , * uf llarlfoia ,
California * , if iun fic ilico ,
Scuttiili Union A Nat.oi ul , v.
Uniono/i'nii rmi.cnco
41ule. of Pel Mount
vtryCitf , '
Ttiost n.aritJ ( rlth a Irtuiealto agatntt lots
VJnia iiloriiis , Uycluits anil Jornuoott
f7CTHTt7 . . | I - tiri. AVO 'i" '
LY LO\XKD osrooi > 11