THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. DEOEMBEK 20 , 1880.--TWELVE PAGES. DAILY BEE. , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. P sunscnrrrtov : Dnflr ( Moml.i * K llton ! ) Including Sunday n > .r , Onn Voar . 1001 for Six Month * . l > (0 ( MirTlmm Mnntli * . . . . . 8 W fho Omnlin Swiiilnr HER , mailed lo imy ndJio.- * , Ono Vcnr. . . . 20) WTJA Owrn , No , Bit ANII Oil FAn.fAM Srnrrr. vr.n \ on iin'irr , HUOM B , TIIIIIUNK Jimi.uiMi. omct , No. 513 KouutKiunii SrmttT. All commtinleitiona rolntliur to nofrfl mid nil- t rial limttor nliouM bo ml'lrusacJ to thu l.m- roil or TUB IIKI : . BfUNEEfl t.MTT.tlll AH | iM'lnc nlnttiMfin ) < lriinlttnncofl lioliliH)0 Till lit I'UHMSIIIMI t'DSII'ANV , MllrritO'l ' to ! : * On Mit. Drifts , chocks mid po'tofflco orders to be made pnyubla to tlio ord r of tlio company , IKE BEE POBLISHlifiipm , PROPRIETORS , U. UOSEWATHIl. KntTon. T11H UAIIjY IH3K. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Blnte of Nebraska , I , County of Hondas. Is'1 Ueo. H. T < churk , secretary of The Hco Publishing company , docs solemnly swear Hint tlio actual circulation of tliu Dally Urn lor tlio week emllnijUec. I7lh , l&bO. was ni follows : Sntunlay. Dec. II tf.m : Htiiulav. Dee. V ! M.O.V ) Moiidny , Dee ti : UI.SHO Tncpilav. Dec. It I'UKi Wednesday , Dec. ir. UiW TliurMlav , Dee. ir , Wit ) Krldn > , Dec 17 .l.OI.r. ! AU'inCO 1.12.10 tlr.o. 15. TZSCJII.TK. Subscribed anil swot n tii he-fore mo this I'Uh flaj of December , A. I ) . , ISSrt. N. P. KKIU t.SHAU A'olniv Public. Oco. 11. T fchuck , beliiR Hist duly sworn , ? c | > n > cfl nix ] 8iyu tlint lin H secietnry oPtho lee I'imllsliluic company , thai tlio actual nv- unirc daily nltciilntlcin of tlie Dallv Uco for Ilio month of .Inntiary. 18'A was lO.lliH ropier , for Fein narv. ItW , 10,51)5 ) copies ; for Mnieh , 1SS , ll.KJT copies ; for April , IbsO , I'J.IUL ropie.s : InrMiiy. 1SSO. I'j.-t.'Ki roplrs ; for Juno , J8N ) , JS,2)3 ! ) cople * ; fnr July , IKhO,1:114copies ! ! : ; for AuiriiKt. ibM ) , 12 , mi eoplcsjfor September , issn , KUO ) : : copies ; for ( ) ciniier , ISM > , I'.usa copies ; lor November , iw-r , conies. Oico. H. TzwinrrK. Swoin to nnd subscribed before 1110 this nth 8nv of November. A. 1) . ISsr , , (8iAL.J ( : N. 1' . KKII. . Notary Public OontnntH of tlio Sunday IIco. i'neol. New York Ileialil Cablegrams Npeclnls to thu lii ! : : . General Telegraphic News. P.U'e2Telegraphic Now ? . City News. Bllscellanj' . 1'aco 8. Special Advertisements , General nnd Iocal MntkutH. PIIKO 4. Kdttoilals. Political Points. Press Comments. Sunday ( limlp. Pnijofl. Lincoln News. Miscellany. Ad- vortlsumunlH. Pace f > . Council Uluirs News. Miscellany. Advoitisomenls ) . I'UBQ 7. Social Krcuta in Omahn. SIls- collnny. 1'aaoS. Oennral City News. Local Ad vcrtlsements. 1'ftuoO Onnpral Hadeau on We Dinners. Hallroads That Wicck Towns. Reform In City ( lovoinnwnt , bv 0. a. Klcutter. Brll- llftiit Natives Abroad , by Josepnlnu. Adver- tlsoniciits. PnKO ] U ChpprliiK Wonts for Women. AIIIOIIC the Wits nntl Wa s. Chunks of Jlnino Comfort , A Ghastly Voyn o Women of thu Ilarrm. I'nijo 11 Tales of Tips That Hind. Hero's ft Queur Mystnry. Mv Onu Adventure , An JntuHfltliiir.Story of Western Life. A Hill's Visit to lloavon. Iloiioy for th Ladles. C < iiimillalltli ) > .s. Musical and Dramatic. J'.dueatlonal. Impieties. JCulleious Advuf- Uscmenls. J'a e X'J-Gotham's Upper Stratum , by T.lara Belle. The .Man the Coon O.inui To. Killed l > y Ills Kather. Winter SCIIIKN nt I'an , nvNatlian Appleton. Hank's Cholen of a Wife , A Jtomunceof. Deadwood. Adveitlsu- inent.s. ftlu , CJ.IVIIAXI : : > : ito his G'hristnias tur- loy with his inothur-in-liixv. There nro thorns to every ro o. VAN Wvcic is said to Iiavo found : i number of unexpected soiwtoriul votes in his Christmas boolc. Mit. AMUS is incroasinp : his Oninlir. in- vcstmenls. The alleged hostility of Ilio new in.inngoiutmt of the Union 1'a- eltio toward this oity is not yet aj > prrenl to the naked eye. WIIILK Its aunablu oonteinponirli's arc accusing uucli other of publishing news two or thrco days lain , the Uii : goes rishl ahead colleelinu moro news duily than all the other Omaha , papers combined - binod , and paying heavier telegraph tolls than thu o.\iensu | of niiuiln tlio entire establishments of hovural of its distin guished rivals. Mit. rowniurY : lias liimsolf eschewed politics and advised the organization of which ho is the head to do likewise. There are some r.Uhnr forcible indica tions , however , that this very proper ex- nmplo and judieious counsel is not uni versally accepted with that regard for discipline and respect of authority which are necessary to the welfare ana highest usefulness of the organization. Tlio more thoughtful and careful members , liowovor , will RdknowJoago the wisdom of Mr. I'owdorly's coureo and policy and net agreeably to it. ANOTiir.ii witness has coino forward vagainst the unfortunate ox-Knvoy Sedg- wiel ; , whoso sad fall it would perhaps bo charilablo to curtain with oblivion. A llov. Mr. Drcos , who has for several years been a Mothodltit missionary in the City of Mexico , says the published accounts of Sodgwiok'a disgraceful conduct were all true , and adds the picturesque statement tlmt after his Mexican entertainers had gotten the envoy gloriously drunk , "tho crown of his plug hat was caved in and it was filled with gaudy llowors. Scdcwlok , bedecked with a profusion of Jlowors hanging about his head and neck , was paraded the streets , as U the custom with the bovinu before proceeding to the I > lace provided for a bull light. " More than this would bo of the natiiro of an utiti-cllinax , therefore lot the curtain bo rung down. IN spite of every cflurt to supjiivsj and cheek it * progresj , socialism still lives and grows in Uerniany. A recent rojiort to the Kcichstag on this Eiibjuct btatcs tlmt bineo the autumn of lust year social- istio agitation has been very active , nnd that in democratic circles uxtrumo meas ures luivo met with greater favor than these of a more moderate nature. The representatives of the party in parlia ment have exercised a preponderant in- llueiico on * thu masses who give them n hearty support , anil ovcry time they have participated m popular meetings it has boon to increase the fanaticism of their followers. In licrlin and its environ * twenty meetings had to bo broken uu by the police , and in several cases disorder resulted from the intrusion of the author ities. The number of democratic ) nssoei- tions has considerably increased through out Uornmuy. In Allona , the most popu lous and important city of Slnswig- Holsteln , they huvo risen from ten to eighteen. fitorlliiir Morton's I1nnd > Mr. J. Sterling Morton has been In Chicago long enough to hold a confer- cnco with the IJurliniiton manatees , whoso control over the democrats of Ne braska is to bo exerted through his Infill- cnre. Mr. Morton has taken pahis to publish his advice to democrats through n Chicago paper. Wo tnko it for granted tlmt lie voices semi-ofllcially the Burling ton railroad programme as to the rail road democrats in the legislature. The lirst thing Mr. Morton advises is a demo cratic caucus , by whoso decision inem * bcrs an ) to bo tied hand nnd foot to the political chariot of the railroads , In this deliberate surrender of individual action to the mandates of the corporate managers , Mr. Morton Is In nerfcct ac cord with Dr. Miller. Whatever Mr. Morion's private preferences may bo , his peculiar relations to the HitrMngtou road virtually compel him to make common causoonco moro with his most bitter political enemy. This is by no ninnns entirely unex pected. Mr , Morton is an anti- monopolist only between campaigns as wo have often said , lie never allows his null-monopoly views to interfere with his regular business. If tlio Burlington road were unlisted for n free light he would be as strongly against a caucus : IH ho is now in favor of one. "Tho democrats should stick lo their candidate to the death" is "Governor" Morion's advice nnd if they can't do that Mr. Morton intimated that Judge. Dundy is , next to Van Wyck , the lending candi date. Of course "sticking to the death by n democrat" mu.uis that tlio demo crats shall piny calspaw lo the republi can railroaders and assist thorn in defeat ing Van Wyck. Mr. Morton has let Ilio cat out of tiio bag about the scheme to control the democrats in favor of Judge Dundy under the pretext that Dnudy'a election will create si vncaney on the federal bench which will be filled by a democrat. This is by no means a. startling disclosure. This neat liltlu to give tlioslutoof Omaha two senators and one congressman for the next two years was made public some time ago through tills paper. Governor Morton with thu rest of the railroad vnqtiuros cannot lasso tiic democrats into the Burlington branding pen. The dem- onratio members of the next legislature have lee much pride and belf respect lo be made voting cattle in or out of the caucus. They do not. wear brass collars and will not put thorn on for any boss. Nine-tenths of them were elected on a district issue , as inde pendent of partisan dictation. Nearly all of them were pledged against monopoly candidates and in favor of Van Wyck unless the democrats had control of the legislature. They are just as intelligent as Mr. Morton with regard to the situa tion and are responsible lo their constit uents , while Mr. Morton is only respon sible to their employers. They know that Morton , Miller and Boyd have joined hands in favor of a caucus with Mar- qnette , Charley Greene and Jim Laird. They ruali/.e that the combinations against Van Wyck in both parlies rally around tlio same standard. Korol-jn Cnpilnlnnil Omnlm. The opening of the present winter in Omaha hac been noticeable for the heavy investments of foreign capital in our city. The purchase of the Millard prop erty on Farnam street by n New 1'ork syndicate has boon followed by a number of other investments of a like nature in smaller and greater amounts. Last week Mr. Fred Ames , of ISoslon , added lo his Omaha interests by acquiring the Strang block on lower Farnam street , at n of18j,000. It is safe to say that during the past two weeks moro than a .quarter of a million dollars of Omaha proncrty has passed into the hands of eastern capi talists , all of whom have pur chased for improvement. Well informed real estate -dealers estimate the amount placed in city lols by foreign investors since the first of June at a million and a , naif dollars. This is a new feature in Omaha's growth , While cities like St. Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas City owe their development chiefly to the Hood of foVeign capita ! which has poured in upon themOmaha haft for years been built up largely by the enterprise and push of her own citizens. Most of the men who built her blocks and paid her taxes earned their modest fortunes by hard work in our midst. While they were obliged lo make tiioir money before they could spend it tlio progress of the city waited on their industry. No ciiy of her size in the west is so largely the prod uct ot the labor of Us citizenship as Omaha. It is to her credit that this is so , for it has laid a solid and a sure founda tion of confidence for Eastern investors. Uul tlio tide of foreign capital will be none thu less welcomed on this account. Kyory dollar invested by non-residents unlocks a dollar of home capital to sock investment. The prolits resulting from renumoratlvo purchases and Improve ments in turn stimulate further invest ments from abroad while they advertise the linaucial opportunities which this great and growing metropolis oilers for Ilio safe and prolitablo employment of foreign capital. _ Coilllsli ArHtoornoy nt WnntiliiKton , The question of social precedence is a very serious one in Washington , espe cially in senatorial circles , The upper branch of congress , not content with clinging ( Irmly to what it calls its rights nnd privileges in the senate- chamber , is assuming now social dignities outside of the capital. If the eastern correspond ents are to be bnliovcd , senatorial social circles are beginning to assume all the frills and agonies of an incipient aris tocracy. Questions of precedence ! are continually arising nnd ollloial.s of the government nnd tliulr wives are compelled to take moro or loss part In the inevit able discussions which ensue in cense quence. All this is very absurd. The attempt to make a six years' service of the people at Washington the basts for the growth of an American aristocracy will bo greolod with general laughter. A United States senator , at the present time at least , can lay no valid clai ms for precedence , social or mental , over the rest of public servants. As a matter of fact , the brainiest men of the country are found in thu house of representatives. The senate , with a few honorable excep tions , is mainly composed of men whom wealth and corporate influence have ele vated to oftlce , Many of them are without family or breeding , Perhaps they urn none the worse for that , but when the lack of education is added the only basis for superiority is missing , Nothing remains but the fact that sena tors are sure of a six years' pull at the national salary list. This In itself is n poor foundation upon which lo build n superslrucluro of aristocracy. It Is ridiculous to * read of the wires of senators who made their fortunes shov ing a bucksaw in Wisconsin nnd Michi gan turning up their noses at the wives of senators who dug the foundation for their position with pick and .shovel in the pincers of California and the levels of Ne vada , It is equally absurd to hear of the consorts of men who are owned body nnd soul by great corporations lira wing their skirts aside when the wives of honest and brainy representatives of the people chance to pass them by , The senate has already in Us oflloiul capacity drawn llsolf far enough away from the people. It will bo a poor piece of policy for il3 members to Iry to in crease the gap by erecting n "codfish" aristocracy In I ho capital city. A The Pacific debt extension bill tailed of consideration before adjournment and has gene over until after the holiday re cess. No ofl'ort was spared to pass the mcnsuro. The lobby was out in full foico nnd ovcry device was made to rush the bill through without consideration. The name of the president was freely used in urging the necessity of immediate anil uncoiiBiderod action , and the endorse ment given In the mestago was Hung in the face of supporters of tlio administra tion as an Incentive to the prompt pas- Mage of the scheme. It was fortunate that the lioiico was not caught napping. Some of its members have at last had their o.ves opened lo the biisplcious methods that are being used to further a measure which will for ever close the books and ratify all the irregularities and frauds. perpetrated in the past by the dishonest and corrupt railroad jobbers and corporation wreck ers who mismanaged the Union Pacific railroad in times past. There is one great objection to tlio Pacific debt exten sion bill. It binds the government lo ac cept as valid lions upon the road the monumental debts which thieves nnd plunderers like Jay Gould have heaped up in bold and brazen defiance of the char ter and congressional prohibitions. The basis of the bill is an acknowledgment by Iho government that the debt to bo extended as a just and valid one. The result of its enactment would be to leg alize all the iniquities of past manage ments and to confirm to tlio robbers the title to their spoils. This is sulllciont ob jection in itself. Hut there is another nnd a greater objection still. The road must earn interest on its fraudulent bonds and dividends on its watered slock , all of which will be made legal by this precious measure. Every dollar of interest and dividends must be drawn from the producers of the west through freight and passenger tolls. The passage of the bill means not only an eighty years' ex tension of a fraudulent debt , but an equally long porpetua tion of exorbitant rates in tlio conn try served by its lines. The bill should be voted down. Industrial Trniisinc. The question of industrial training , as a part of tlio system of public education , is not an entirely new topic of discus sion. It has been talked about moro or less earnestly and vigorously for a num ber of years by progressive educators with practical tendencies , ftlany thought ful men have long admitted that the weight of argument is very largely in favor of such training. lnt $ the advance to uracticul results has boon slow. A start has been made in several chics , rather by way of experiment than as the serious beginning of a general innova tion , and in every case with the most satisfactory results. The experiment has boon successful in this city , in Chicago , in St. Louis , in Cleveland and elsewhere. Fortified by thcso successes the friends of the system are urging it with in creased earnestness , and of course with greater effect. The movement is realiz ing something of a boom and the promise of its final victory and general preva lence ) , though it may still lake years to accomplish this , is growing steadily brighter. The question is chiefly practical , though it has its moral side. If it lias spiting mainly from tlio instinct of the age which demands material results , it owes something of Ua existence and f o rco also lo iho enlarged knowledge an d broader views which nilirm that brai n and brawn must work together in order that cither shall achieve the best it is cap able of. Nor is this perhaps to bo credited wholly to Iho present age. Tlio Greeks and Romans wiio connected game ? and athletic oxorcLscs with their education possessed the wisdom now being renewed , with us. These people in the day of their greatness understood , though perhaps loss thoroughly than we of to-day do , the correlation of mind and body , and they made one auxiliary under all circumstances to the other , For what ever reason tlio modern system of educa tion departed from this wise rule of the ancients. Tnu body has been neglected and the whole pressure put upon the brain The consequence has been phy sical degeneration without anycompen- sating return in increase of mental power. The unreoupornted resources of ono part have been consumed by the other part , ami when that was completed the result in most cases has been simply ashes. The protest against this ruinous system was first made when athletic ex ercises invaded the colleges and .schools against the stubborn resistance of a deep- rooted conservatism. Hut the innovation was backed by the wisdom of experience and tlio toaohlng.s of sages , and it tri umphed. It may still require regulation , but it has come to stay. The student re quires playtime that wllldovnlop muscle and strengthen * maw , and no college Will hereafter deny him this necessity , This concession to tlio body , no los es sential to the .mind , will not bo with drawn , Hut industrial training goes farther. It contemplates not alone all that is re quired of physical exercise for the good of bolh body and mind , but n lasting benefit to the pupil in imparting knowl edge which may bo the foundation of fnturo usefulness. This is peculiarly nn industrial age. Its tendencies and aspira tions are for the mojt part material , The legend it lives by and the obligation it exacts ot all is work , Every person has Eomo special aptitude in a practical direc tion. What could bo moro proper and just than that all should bo given the and fullest opportunity practicable to de velop this talent , and what place moro suitable for beginning liis | development than the schools of tlio people ? Ikslilcs the utilitarian value to bo derived , the general introduction of industrial train ing in the schools would have the cflcct of clov.iting manual labor In popular re gard , nnd the miccccdtng generation would learn to lake a higher and justcr view of the work than is general with the generation of to-dfiy. Under this system Iho thousands of boys anil girls who an nually go out from the schools to begin the battle of life would do so With n knowledge of the talent which promised most surely the vrny to a livelihood , and with .1 'well-laid foundation noon which lo build. They would , also not bo deterred from following the bent of their talent by Iho false shame that now keeps thousands from acquiring a trade and renders them de pendent through llfo upon precarious nnd poorly remunerative employments. It would improve the ranks of labor by sending into lliom a class of earnest nnd intelligent workers. A recent writer on Iho subject of industrial training slides the object sought as follows : "The motive of the whole system is true educa tion and intelligent work on thosimplu'l , most practical principles. No attempt is made in Iho technical and manual train ing classes to special ! . A boy or girl Is simply prepared for hfo ; ready for any Inde. lo which they may bo called , In command of self , with a knowledge of what can bo done , and a power lo do it accurately , intelligently and skillfully. " There was recently held at P.ordeauv , France , Ihu lirsl meeting of Iho interna tional congress , having for its object technical , commercial and industrial training. There wore present represent- titives from England , Franco , Germany. Italy , Spain and Belgium. It will thus bo scon that this important question is not being gurlnusly discussed in the United States alone , but is receiving the earnest consideration of progressive educators caters in all llio nations of Europe that arc foremost in the cause of popular en lightenment. Mount ! , Tax Kcdiictinn Nooilod. What the country needs is honest lax reduction. Tlio air is full of proposals to give up strictly revenue taxes in order to continue the bounty to monopolists. Every advocate of protection through a war tarifl admits the necessity of lax re duction and is willing to assist in further ing it by any means which will continue the profits of the industrial barons. The lumber barons are convinced that .sugar is of prime necessity nnd should bo put on Iho free list. The Bessemer steel mo nopolists vio\vvith indignation the out rageous revenue derived from whiskey and are clamoring for its , reduction on behalf of a lax-ridden people. The cloth factories look with surprise on the exorbitant lax levied on to bacco nnd call loudly for its abatement. But cacli and all protest in the interests of American labor against any reduction of the tariff which will make a dollar worth a dollar and a half in purchasing power by decreasing Iho cost of living as compared with present prices. They are willing , like Artcmas Ward , to sacrifice all their wivo's relations on the altar of their bleeding country so long as the recruiting sergeant passes thorn by. The public at largo arc not deceived by the combinations and counter combina tions made by profnssed friends of the people to bolster up the profits of manu facturing millionaires. However lacking in results at present discussions of the Inriu" may bo they are educating the intelligent working people of the United States to a knowledge of the shams of high protection. Less than 7 per cent of the industrial population of the country are bcnuliltcd directly or indirectly by the present tarifl' . The other 911 per cent will sooner or later rise in revolt against a system which taxes the. necessities of lifo an average of1C per cent on their value to heap up monumental fortunes for eastern capitalists without a dollar's worth of resulting benefits to the great mass of the working population of the country. Tin ; donation of a drinking fountain to the birthplace of Shakespeare , by Mr. George W. Chilcle , of the Pl.ilodolphia Lcilyer , has given that philanthropic gentleman an additional claim to the ro- spcet of Englishmen , and perhaps of all people , since the birthplace of the im mortal bard Is a shrine at which all na tionalities pay homage. It is not tor a moment lo be thought that Mr , C'hilds ' had any other motive in this gift than to provide a much needed addition to the public conveniences of Hie great poet's birthplace , but it is so natural to reflect that no other of his munificent and mer itorious bohofaotions will do a small part of what this ono will to perpetuate his fame as one of Iho most generous givers of his tiiuo. For generations * o come the visitors who allay their thirst at this elegant fountain will learn that they arc indebted for Iho privilege to a once dis tinguished and wealthy American editor , famous as a philanthropist and widely known as an obituary poet whoso verses had no equal in their day as messages of solace to the borcavod , The window in Westminster abbey is n most worthy tes- timonlal , perhaps of gratitude , from the living poet to two of England's onoo famous bards , but its merit is small beside - side that of tlio fountain , whether ono considers Ilio matter of utility or the rel ative worth of the twojgifts as conserva tors of famo. Mr. Cldl/is / is lo bo eon- gralulalcd upon his very happy thought and hid complete success in carrying it into effect. FKUM the lluttcrlug and agitation among iho English lories over Church- ill's resignation , it looks as If the cabinet would bo too fully employed in holding itself together to pay nuich attention to troubles in Ireland , , I'OMTICAIj ' I OlN'fS. ( lllaino Is lobe Invltod lo deliver nn addu s nt tho.Michigan ItcpublUan club's banquet , soon to take place , James McMillan , ono of Senator Congi't'a stioncest competitors , has wlthdtawn from the Michigan senatorial race. Jioprosentallve Sjuiiigei'sblll provides for the admlfslon Into tlio union of Dakota , Montana , Washington and New Mexico , all at once. Congressman Holman continues to exhibit Ids aversion to liivint-t ; HKiiets | idaced on his desk. Ho probably Iuols : on them as a mild form of bribes. Oerro ( iordo Williams will probably bo the next democrat in candidate for governor ot Kentucky , and Ids icptibllcan opponent will likely be Cassius M. Clay. Hiram 1' . Ittvcls , the first colored man elected tb the United State.- , son ate , Is now * well-to-do farmer In Mississippi. Thcio have been two ncpio senators nnd thli lecn tcprc scntatlvcs. The amount ot attention that J ltd so Orcsh.\in LSI ccelvliif ; Just now and the SU Kcstlons with which his name Is coupled , are inakitnr various prominent Rcntlonion In ( ho lopiibllcan party alrillo unca j. And n ell Ihcy may. Ocncral Unller , though occasionally queer In his opinions , now nnd then oxpnw very sensible views. Unsays that Cleveland will undoubtedly bo the democratic candl dale in 1S33 , and will ns undoubtedly bo de- lea ted. Kx-Sciiator Thurman 13 snventy-two years old , worth SCOI.OW , and frankly admits that he would like to bo president. Ho l.s maUli S'0,000 a year , It Is said , as legal adviser to bis prolesslonal brcthicn , who visit Col inn bus from nil paits of the state to consult him. Ills fee in such cases Is never less than S100. S100.Tho The new editor of the JHookljn Union , Major 15. Papn , has never been nn officer In Ihoniiny or the militia , nnd does not boar n military title. Major Is his Christian name. Ho has been a icpnrter , correspondent nnd editorial wilier for iho Brooklyn Knplo for a dozen years , but all the lime has been an ac tive republican politician. K1M5S AM ) QUI3HNS. QIIPOII Vleloiln is said to have taken nn Immense fancy to the llattrnhcrp baby. She Kcls down on ncr royal hunkers nntl says "floo" just like any other grandma. The empeior oC .lapan has adopted Iho cllipiot of the Prussian oouit and has an- polnted Herr \on Mohl , formerly ( lermnu consul at St. PeleisburK , as master o cere monies. The empress of Itussla has succeeded in frightening awav from Nice the lalo c/ar's morunnnllc wifeby spreading reports oC dyn amite plots against her. The two ladles have no love lor each other. King Iiconold , It is teiwirted , positively do- nles that heordcied theretuin ( if JleniyM. Stanley , and It Is now believed that the ex- plorei Is to undcitako an expedition uhlch shall hla/.o the way lo Drltlth power in the Coimo region. Tlio infoinintlon that KincKalakaua , who Is so lend nf draw poker , has just teemed n loan In London amounting lo S'oouooo ! will be likely to start n lulu ot emigration Irom America to Hawaii. Industrial people HIP Imperial family ol Austria are. The crown prlnco 1ms Intelv published a book , .the Archduchess Mai la Vulerlu Is writing a piny , nnd the Archduke Karl Salvntor has just got a patent for a new rlllc. Queen Vlctoila's ' 'command" ' oxclndiuir the journals containing the report of Lord Campoell's dlunco ease liomtlm nival nalaco will appear a llttln inconsistent to those who remember that Kim Issued no Mich command when Ids nival highness the piincooi. Wales had that little episode with Lady Mordaiinl some years ago. The crown prlnco of Hcrmnny , like Von Moltic , Is n very silent man. He lives In n quiet domestic way , nnd i.s said tn be bitterly opposed to the sentiments of 1'rlncn Uls- inarckand ; this Is n source of consideinblo annoyance to the nmperor. Alter thu nrst audience with Iho pope his only remark was : "Tno pope is a Fionchmau. " The prlnco of Naples , crown prince of Italy , since Ids return to 1'onie. has resumed his course ol' study. His list of ; studies this season comprises literature , history and mathematics , and his examina tion In those will be at the end of tlio-prcscnt month , in the presence of the king , the ( jueen , the minister of war , a number of nen- crals nnd his icgular professors. Ho is sub jected ton ilgorous line , nnd theiols no sham abouc his studies. AVhnt Ails tlio 1'reslOont. I'littuiMplita A'orUt AincrlfAii. " ] 'iesident Cleveland is in the hands of his friends , " says n democratic jouinal. Maybe that's i\hat alls him. Tlio IHSUC in Plain. lliiffalo I j-prws. Men and bielhrcn : The issue Is plain. Either the telegraph wlicsor the women's hats will have to come down. A Hint to Indiana Democrats. fttthtnat I cpiibltean. If the Indiana democrats would .succeed in scaring the republicans they must readjust the lion's skin with a view to better conceal ment of cars' . Will Move for a Continuance. .San I'i-anclfM : I'ost. When the Ansel Gabriel blows his horn a vast army ol'lawyers will rise up , and trom sheer force of habit move for a continuance of the eases befoic the eouit George's Nownpnpcr. St. fjnils HrpuMiean. Henry Oeoigo N going to start n paper in Now Yoik.January 1. Mr. ( Jeorgo has evi dently had so much Pioirre. sthnt ho wants to try a little I'oM-ny by way of a change , nnd bo could not go about si'ciiiuij ; It Hi a better way. In Ilii ! lllglit Direction. jl/fmirajxilta TrUmnr , The effort to do away with formal spices at the expense of the country when a mem ber of cnnurcss is bulled Is a move In the Hghtdlicctlon. A tialn of cais with a dis tinguished cadaver at one end and a howling Kournmsh party at the other is-by no means linpichshc. 'Waiting for Van Wyelc'n Slioew. rufrmmit .SVymil. The most lemarkablo example of patience just now aio the fellows who are standing aionnd , waiting for ( Jeneral Van Wyck's shoes. The fuel Is tlio general l.s wearing them himself , besides they weio not made to lit men who do nothing but w.iit for other people's old clothes. Wo I'll H. Woids lee lightly spoken Co mo not back nicaln , And sweet hints are Inukcn ly ! the softest lain , Winds may s'tiikn ns nnows. U'llh too ciuel small ; llo who heeds the Hpnrrows Heeds the Mounded hearl. Words may he coed angels. \Vlnged \ with love and light , Hearing ( idd'n uvanuels To the homes of light. U'oids niavbeas devils , Slaving \\licro they fall , On ! thu hitter nvIN Coming at their call. liuaid the ml'-'lit thus given , Sowing weeds or llowrra , Sjneailinr hell or heaven With these words of oura. hast summer IJoswoll Drown , of Mys tic , Conn , , put soiuo watermelons in his collar , and ono of them was covered up and forgotten. Just heforiiTlianksiriving it was discovered in good condition , ana the Browns ate it on Thanksgiving duy , and enjoyed it. The consul general of Co la Uica In Paris , having asked for n salary , the gov ernment has replied that it cannot pay for its consular service , and has canceled hi.s exequatur , along with tliuso of RHV- eral oilier consuls , at the same time thanking them for their previous services. Eunice Harton. an eighteen-year-old girl of Frederick , W. Vu. , was shot dea-1 by her younger elslcr , who was examin ing a revolver that she know was not loaded. Ennicfi was to have been mar ried on Thursday to Asa Gray , young farmer , but she was buried on that day instead , Coiner & Archer's add. fo.South Omaha cheapest and best properly in that vi cinity for sale byC. K Mayne. SUNDAY UO9SII * . " 1 \ MSIth Mr. Sownul nshls private sco- relary for se\ernl year * , " said Colonel K. 1) . Webster. "Mr. Sewaid was even then rnp- Idly npproacldm ; old nge , nnd Ids physical vlcor was not of the beat. In a larpo sense of the word I bccnmn Mr. Sownitl s 'Ins ! ? , ' calling each day at the war ofllco for the latest news from Iho iront , carrying wmests from Sir. Scward lo the various dni'artmcnts ' lor action by the executive oillccis , and , In Konerni. oceupilnp n very close and confi dential position toWaids the sccu-lnry of state. * "deiieral Aueur was then In command of the district of Wnshl'ipton ' , with headquar ters In thru city , 'll.s ' nlllcas were located In the \vnr department , adjacent to these of the seciotnry of wnr. Ills ndjutnut-gcnernl was then Colonel .loseph It. Taylor , son of the commissary-general ot subsistence , and nephew of Cenoral Xack Taylor , both of whom were dear and warm friends of .Mr. Soward. Colonel Taylor was ( hen In Iho prlmo of life. These who saw him n few- years ngo would Imidly have rccoL'ulzed , In the bioken-down man of 1SS4 in Omaha , the vlgoionsnnd healthy specimen of manhood ot twenty years earlier , llo was generous , warm-hearted , Impulsive himself a gradu ate of West Point , bis sympathies , neveitheless , always went out to the volunteer officers , and many were the tcmpcs who e consequence * were averted tliiouuh the kindly inteicefslon ot Colonel 'ln > lor while hnwns on Oencral Aueur'.s MalT. Mr. Scwaul was frequently appealed to , to assist- Colonel Tayloi's fi lends tlmnigh his Inllu ciicn with the seeretaiyof war , and ho was larely appealed to In vain. I often carried such mes aucs from Mr. Seward to the. score- taiyol wnr nnd thevwero alwa > s honored. Xol infrciniPiitlv Colonel Taylor to whom 1 soon became warmly attached enlisted my elfoils with Mr. Seward In behalf of his ti lends In the army. II soon became known that my applications lioia the. sl.Uo depart ment to the secretary of wnr were those of Mr. Sow aid , and I made it a point never tn go to the wnr depaitment for an vfaor unless Mr. Seward had given his sanction to the ic- quu t. M W # " 1 lemeinlierone morning as I stiolled over to the war department to gather the latest news fiom for Mr. Howard's benefit , that I found Colonel Taylor In a great st'Uo of agitation. 'Webster , ' said ho , 'ono ol Ihu most oinb.irrnf.sltn ; and disagreeable Inci dents has just happened to an nrmy friend of mine , and I want vour assistance in the matter. A biavo officer will probably bo ills- inkscit Horn the service of the United States bofoie evening. 1 don't ' sec bow It can be aveitcd , but pei haps your initenulty or Mr , Sownid's clforts can extricate him liom hi.s position. Colonel Tieachel , commanding n Michigan regiment , now stationed nt Alexandria , lode Into ( hu city on a few hours' leave of absence. He met several of his trlcnds at Willard's , nnd before long , Hushed with wine , ho mounted tils horse to return to bis command. Colonel Treachel , It seems , had bad for years a standing quarrel wllh Congressman Kel- loccr , of Michigan. They weie bitter one- tnlcs , nnd the cause ol' the quarrel , ns I re member , redounded greatly to the credit ot Tieachel. As hn left Willard's and lode up Pennsylvania avenue , Colonel Ticaclu-1 ob served a landau , contalnlnu two ccntlcmcn , approaching him. A short- glance was only necessary to enable him to recognize in the gentleman seated nearest to him the features of his old enemy , Kellogir. He promptly drove his horse In front of the approaching preaching vehicle , and dismounting icacheu his hand over the side , scl/.cd Kellocg by the whiskers , and gave them three hard jerks. Taking out his card from his vest pocket ho threw It Into Kellot'g's lap , remounted his horse , nnd rode off to bis camp. This morn ing he received n telegram ordering him to re port at oncn at the ofilco ol the secretary of war. Ho arrived only half an hour ago. Pellonsc , as soon as he was announced , produced n card fiom his pocket bearing the colonel's ' name , and asked if It was his. On replying that it was. ho was In vited to step Into the room of thn secretary of war. Mr. Stanton rose from hi.s chair , and , recognizing Treachel , shook bis list at him anil said : 'That's the man ; take him awny. ' Thohoirlhlo truth now burnt upon Treachel. Ho had mistaken tlio secretary of war for Kellnsrg. Ho had palled the wrong man's whiskers. Mr. Slanton ana Mr. Kellogg look very much alike , and Colonel Treachel had never seen the sccretuty of war. Ho was stupllied with ama/cmcnt. What to do ho does not know , and I mvself nm equally atnloss how to gel him out of the scinpe. There Is only ono hope. J know that the scc- ictary himself Is n peisonal enemy of the Michigan congiessuian. I know that Mr. Sowaid docs not ndmlie him , and I know that Colonel TreachelV lecoid and character mo-such as to entitle him to every consider ation. ' : * * # "Such was I lie story as told ino by Colonel Ta > lor , " continued Mr. Websti'r-.ind 1 re plied that I would sec Mr. Suwnrd at otioo and lay the case before him as a persona ) one of Colonel Taylor , the nephew and son of two of the warmest friends of iliim'cictniy. It hastened to the state depai intent and laid the case befoio Mr. Sewnid. Ho said It was n hard one , but that hn would .seo what could bo done. Hn nt once ordoied bis cniria-'O nnddiovo over to Mr. Staiiton'sofllce. An hour later ho returned. Ho told mo ho had Been the secretary of war and explained the circiimstnicc.s ) of the case fully to him ; that the secretary would nt lirst listen to no explanation , butvl.on the bnfils of Colonel Tjoaelicl'8 mis take was stated to him ho Dually lolaxcd Into n smile and said , 'If I look like old Ke- | lojB I deserve to have my whitkers pnllod.1 Mr. Sewaid diiected me to h.m Colfdtel Tieachel Immediately write n personal letter of explanation to thosecietary of war , slat- In ; : nil the circumstances of the case , explain ing fully that hu was under Iho Influence of Iqunrnl tlui time , and staling also In a clear manner Hut basis ol' his dislike to Kollou'c. This was accordingly done. Socretaiy Stanton - ton accepted the npolncy , nnd Colonel Trcaehel hnd no fuither trouble In connec tion wllh the unfoitunnte episode. * * * "All thn r > ni ( It's Intuieslcd In thin incident ol twenty-tin in years ago nio now ex- cent Colonel Troachel and myself. Homo tlmuago f was Intciestrd In hunting up the colonel. I found that he was nn Inspector In the New Yoik custom house. II you ever go there nnd nsk him about his whisker-pull ing episode ho will doubtless lully coirobo- rate what I have told you. " Mis ? Ki-'i'ii ; KI.I.SIJI , ulio will niaie ; her first appearance boloio an Omaha uudliuicn at Hoyd's opera bouse lo-nmnow nlvlit , ouL-lit to be generously nnd cordially received by tlio patron ? of thodiama In this city , ftho Is nn actress of uncommon ability and mcilt , nn ai list In HID tiiiofat sense , since the oat- dinallittio of lieinit Is to "hold the mlnoi up lo nature. " KlUlfi , " said a ( 'cntlcman familiar with her dramatic caicei , "nas almost liter- nlly born on tlio Mage. She lm known It Irom Infancy , It was the play loiind of her chilunood , the inspiration of her glrllah years , and h the Meld on which she has won many victoriesShu Inheiitb her line his- menlo inlont from both her paients , who In their tlini ) weie of exceptional merit In their profusion. Mr. .Icilm Kllslor , now ninnni- mg the Piltsburv oj > eni hoiisu hnd the theater In Cleveland , O , , Is one of die bust representatives ol that old school of actors who ate laphlly passing away , and uho-u ; like wo bhuM. not look upon a uin , while Mrs. Kllslef11ms probnbly appeared oftener before thu footlights than nny other nctreM llvlnp , plnylnit all lines of diameters from Gietchcn to Ludjr Macbeth. Miss 12file's nttninmcnt.sniid.accomplishments In the nrt nnd business of her profession weio acquired under the experienced nnd judicious dliec- lion of thcso tnlonted parents , who were proud of the rare ability of ( heir dniiphtcr nnd iho promise It unvo Ih.U she would win honomblo distinction In the piotcsslon. "Miss r.lhlor began nelimr very early in llfo and was most successful < M child's units. My dullest distinct rccoliecf'- of her is In tlio chnractcr of Aladdin , t-uppoitcd by her father In nn Inlinltnblo Impersonation of C'nssnrac , Iho dumb slave. Ono of her earliest successes was In tha unit of Virginia supporting thonient I'M win Konestns Vlr- plnlus. It Is not too much to ? ny tlmt Miss Jillslerhns lind no peer on tint American fitnco In ( his lovely character , In which slio captivated the dlstingulshi'ii trnijedlan , who awanlcd her the very mro favor trout him oC n hcnity expression of conuiieiulntlon , Miss Kllslcr was probably never Impplcr before or slnco tlmn when she received this praise. Her .lullel hns been accorded warm commendation fiom ' 1110111119 of wisest ecu- sine , * nnd It was an Impersonation mlmlr- aoloas a whole and unexcelled In parts uy any contemporaneous nctiess. llcrOphell.i was a pcm In its sweet lUKenuoiistu > ss , ll.t simplicity and Us pathos , alto was nn nd nilinhle Paiichon. n most plcnsli'i ; Kosallnd , nnd in such units as .liillu In thu plnv nC 'liU'belleu' nnd ISoso Kidding in the drnnn of ' ' 1 ho Willow Cop-.e , ' she WIIH unsurpassed , Miss lillslor was greatly ndmlied by H.utley Cnmpbell-big hcniied , Denial soul Hint ho wns-nnd ho wrote for her'A Heroine In Has" , ' but it was not a niaikcd success. * * "The chnraoier of lla/el Kiik was created by Miss Kllsler , and her and beauti ful noting of It made the suwc s of the play. With her emotional nnttiio she Is especially stionu' in parts tlmt letpilro ( lie passion of di'cpniid Intensu feeling , nnd such a ehiune- ler she has in 'Woman Acalnsl Woman. ' The t-icnt merit of Miss E.Isler's noting N Hint It Isnhvnjsiiatiiinl nnd ot unlfoiin cx cellenci ) . Tlicip Is nothing meroirlelmts In hernrt. She Is not brilliant In spots nnd o\erywheio else commonplace. Sim does not aim to achieve distinct eflecls , to the dispar agement of Ihu geueial strength and quality of a chnracler , ns It Is the Imbil of most stars to do. MIssKINIerlias a good deal ot tlmt Indclinablo peisonnl nmiinellsm which at once enlists thu sympathy of nn nudlmiec nnd holds It. Inaworu she is an accomplished , nieiltoriousnnd pleasing nctress , while per sonally n chatmingnnd delightful ludy. I nm conlldcnt she will win a secure place In the hem Is of Omaha p lay-goes , thou.'h this would bo moro certainly assured If her en gagement hero were not so brief. " AVAKKAIUJ JMmlo AgniiiHt un Kncmy of JMonoiu ) . lien Whnt UutHlilcrH 8ny , LTraiislalcd from the Illinois Slaals- /eitung , Dec. 1 , 1880. ] The pconle of Nebraska have resolved thenifcolves decidedly in favor of the re election of Senator Van Wyck , but the different monopolies tire ngitaltng lo ( bo utmost against him to defeat him in iho legislature. It is not only the railroad ! ) and land monopolies tlio brave senator has made his bitter enemies- , but also the corrupt rings in ( he national capital , who are working to defeat him ; notably the gns and the real estate rings , who are strongly supported by the present com missioners and other oflieers of the Dis trict. They liato Van Wyck like u scourge , because they have to fear every thing from this sharp-seeing , rcstlcFS , unapproachable opponent of corruption on account of the supervision congress exorcises over the government of the Dis trict. The real estate ring wishes him in the bottomless pit. At the head of this ring stand District .Marshal Wilson and Probalo Register Clngfiot , in whoso interest the commissionor.s laid out Massachusetts avenue on a crooked line , over raines and gulches far out into the country for the purpose ol increasing the value of real esttito in the hands of thn ring oven if tlio unlawful extension of thn street would cost millions. Thu miserable lies which have been sent to a great many newspapers by Washington coriespondenlH lately were manufactured by this Washington ring , which is working in this way hand In hand with the great railroad and land monopolies , principally in Nebraska , against Van W.yek. nnd they have suc ceeded in smuggling s-iicli lies against \Vyckintosuveral ( icrninn-Amencnn papers which are honestly opposed lo thu monopolies , These papers are oortainly very cureless in the choice of their corre spondents. The most shameless and malicious of lies i.s thu following : "A tin Wyck's friendship Inwards thfi railroad monopolies is proved by tint assertion that hit was fighting Iho Union Pacino lEniirnail. and other cor porations in connection therewith , only for the purpose of helping Ihu other | iriuciiil | ) corporatioim in Nebraska that is , the H. & 1\1. railroad ; in other words , hu is an anti-monopolist on onu side und a monopolist on Ihu other. " This HhuinolcHS inlander coming from \ \ nshington. whloh is quoted bodily by a part ol tlio Nebraska press who are paid liy Ihu monopolies , may hu refuted by the Fact that the H , & M. railroad ( a continua tion of Iho Chicago , liurlinglon iV. Quiiioy railroad ) and tJioir associates are on- [ 'aged in thu most desperate strife in jvery county in Nebraska lo gain control over thu now legislature , .simply for the iiirposu of preventing popular railroad awn and thu re-election of Van Wyck , All honest , well-informed persons In Nebraska are willing to conecdo to Van Wycl : Hint ho has fought agninst ono monopoly i\n \ hard ns ho lias against the ilher , nnd that they nil stand combined igainst him to-d.iy. Trying lo Slcnl n I r , ( > ( ) ( ) Horso. Newark Sunday Call ; An abortlvu at- lempt to steal Mr , It. Oadugan's .stallion ! iiyonnu : Prince , was made last week. 1'hit stallion is nt Flumlngton , Ilmilordnn sounty , wliuru bo ban been for the past reason , in the earu of W. Scott Smith. It appears that Ihu thieve * entered the stable alioiit half-past 7 o'clock and eon- ealed IhcnisclvcH. When thu IIOIIMI got jiinil ( hey wont lo work. They eolleuliid ill the harness anil blankets they could Ind and put thuin in u Hluigh , which ( buy ook from it ? nlaco in I'm ' rear of thu car- luge IIOIIBII. Tim harness thov tint In a jag , anil thu blankets were piled on Ihu float of thu sleigh. Thuy look the harness which belongid to another horse nnd nut it on liaunmo I'riiieo. and went 'ivnlentlv just about to hilch thu horsu in ; ho sluiuli , when they wur disturl > ml bv hu brother-in-law of Mr Smith , who had ir-cnston to ( ; ' " to onu of the < iulh < iusoi icar thu stable. As he jiassed Ihu hitler ic noticed that ono 01 lln doors was tartly oiien , and thinking il s'traiijif , hu Hilled Ilio door wide open nnd entered llu had scarcely passed the threshold when ho was fulled to the lloor by a blow delivered siditWMi on In * neck , which Htiitine.d him. While lying on Ihu Hour thu thloviiB rilled Inn pockets , taking $ ' " > in 11101103' and lied 'J'ho lloor of thn car Inge house ha 1 been covered with bliin- < uls to deaden the sound of thu horsi Hid in a finv minutes morn thu lliicvi i would hnvu biuui on Ihu road behind i liorsu with a ic.eord ofi : ' . ' ! { nnd vahur -il."ioX ( ) . With ictranl lo thu stateiucni is to thu valii'i of thu hori-n , I mav taj liul Mr Cailn iin refused a Hat oll'i r $10.000 tnr dimonth. ' .