Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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" "
"Advcrtlf-inents tindcrthls head , lOcentapcr
line tor the flr t Inurtion , ? cent * for encheub-
Kiurnt Insertion , ami f 1.M ) n line per month
V No n < H rtl6cmenl taken Tor Itte thnn S3 cents
for tno first insertion. Sex enrord * Mill be
ronnttil to the line ; they mutt run consetu-
lively find must bo pnldinmUnnce. All ndvir-
tietmcntfl must bo hnndcd In before 2 o'clock
p.m. . nnd under no chciim'tunces will thoj bo
liken or discontinued by telephone.
I'm tits advertising In these tolumnsarxl Inv
trtKlhonh6ucrsnidrc ! 9 l In cure of Tut lit *
trill plcn.e fk for n chf eV toennblo tlirm to get
Ihclr letlcis. n none will be delivered except
on creecntntlon of cheek. All answers to ad-
Te.titemcnls should be enclosed In envi lone ? .
If tM.VS-l.omis l.omi .
Ilinl rrmtf lonup ,
Collnli ilnl lonns ,
Clmlli'l liinno.
l/oiiff Ilinci loiuio.
Hhoit tlinu loans.
Honey nlwnjs on lirviid to loon on iny up-
lnv ( tiii'iil ! 'eurilli ) liout'lit niul fold.
Diiinhn I Innntlid Kxtliiiiigf , n. w. tor. IStli
mid Iliiinoy.
C'oiliutt , Munnper. fOl
i AiiistiiAHiif. . tii t.
I Money to loan on llrsl clis stem it > . . from
KM !
MOiC ( < l'IO LOAN "M 0 per cent. J. .1. Ma-
$ honey. HXjy Pat nnin. i'Kl '
' CI'.NT . Ion cy.
Gl'KU C I'allcifon , 15th nnd llnrne ) . aH
iToVooo to lonn. Sums OJ mid upward. ,
lx > rate's Iloinle , i oem J , Harhcr block ,
y. W. cor ISIIi nnd rntnnniiti I/JI
} . IMHCINT : * : Mone ) to loan.
" * ( iiciroiy & lladlev ,
HoomB 1 nnd ! ) , Kcdick nlock , VM S. Hlh t.
TITONI'.V lo lonn. cnsh on iinnil , no ilclny. J.
"IV mul II. li S'liiliu , 141) ) I'm mini el. , I'm-
ton liottl linllillnir. _ W8
'PO LOAN Moiipy Loans plated on Im-
1 | ire > t'l rc l estiito In cltor county for
Ni w llnulnnd l.oiui \ 'I i list Co , b } DoiitrliiB
( oimty blink , leth nnd t'lilongo > ts _ il _ _
Til ( INKY ' 1 0 li7 A T , At ow rules. 0:1 1-ood
.11 i Ity piopcrty , HiililicrA Co. , 1-10 Doii lus
Blr et. 6'J"- .
( ) : \ tuloiin on city And ( arid piopcily ,
MNi\ rules , blcwnrt & Co. , Hoom II , lion
Hunk. Tyi
_ _ _ _ _ _
TTlOXKV TO lTtAN-At icnsoimtile inlrir n
i > I furniture , line wutclicH imd other personal
prnpprty. 0..1. CnHWoll , room 19 Iron Hunk
liilimin , I'-'lli nnd riirnain. _ JiL' ! ' _
" OVKl 1 O I.OAV O. r. liiIK \ < ro. Tlcu"
Belnle nnd LORII Agents I CO'i Knrnnm St.
) HVTO I.OAN-On ital cstlituimt nU -
ttls. n I. Thomas. rM
( ) MV TO I.OAN-iTTsuinYoF'fl.vJuJ i\ntt \
M npwnrds on tlrst cluss leal estuto etcorlty.
1'otttrA. Cnlib , int'i rnrnnin F- | . b'J7
: f.oANKUaTc r. iic
onicaon furniture1 , pianos , .
pt'rtonnl property of nil kinds nd fill other nr-
i iclrp of \ liui , without romovnl. IH'J S llth ,
o\cr Illiifflmm' * ( "ninmlsBlon stoio. All biwl-
nets strictly conlldontliil. W8
$ . ' ,00,000 To lonn on OmaliH city propoity nt 6
percent. U. W. Uny , o\ur IIU Dounlnsjt.
MONI1\ loan tiy tbo iindorKlKnedwho has
the only piopurly onmnl'ud lonu ioney
In Omnhr. Ixiims of $10 to 11,000 nuido on fur
niture , pln'iON. orRnnp , horsci , wnifons , innchln-
ery , 4o. , without romovAl. No dolnys. All
btiRlncM strictly ronndontIM Lonns to rande
thnt nny pnrt cnn he pnld nt nny time , cRcli p y-
mcnt rcdiiclnt ? thn toft pro ratn. Advnnces
madoon flno wntchPH nnd dinmonds. Pcreons
Fhould cnrofully consider who they nro dcnllnpr
vlth.ns mnny new concerns re dnlly comlnu
Into existence. Should you need laonor , cill
End MO me. W. n. Croft , llooni i , AVIthncll
nillldlng , 1MH nnd llnrnoT. nn'l
WANTIID A lehuhle drmrcost , with J31MI to
liiiiii tunploMT , lo luke i-ntlio eliaigc of
stoio Kuqilltoul | | . I. Clink UitiK Co
or. iS *
_ _
A THOIiOrOII business } < nm f man would
liku 10 ( onnnunliHlo with n trontluinnn ,
niul huorablv known , > \lth ihoevr \ of en-
thu Heal KHditu unit Insuianco linxi-
ll.Jti.thlaonico. CH i7 *
BANKiilR-llm\e : ii piuty nho will build ,
for infill partita , n hnnkhifr house , on u
coinor. In lieitrt or beat business poitlon.of
liest Mdo , ofS l.lth nt Splendid Inintion for
larmors' business. T. J. hook , iBtw Pnituim.
"IJIOHS1.K UisiriiiK toiotlrfi fioin Duume" * ,
J1 1 olfi rmy eutlio stock of Ceneial Mor
ihandlnn , lOUblPtlnirol Diy Ooods , Heady Made
Clolhinsr , Huts and Caps , llools niul Hhoe , nnd
Oroctnlfg. Would tuko hnpioxed nnd unim
proved ipiil tslato In oxchnnco lor part of
nnioiint Can show up n itood record ot busl-
iiei" . Addipsgloch bov No 7 , Noitli Ilend ,
Neb 37. ! J. 15.
F OH SM.r.-lIultht.'s clock and fl\tuio . \\ill
mm or lease blindingliiiiitlicnl piomlses ,
11121 1'urm.t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r > c r " *
710 II s , A I.K-Nk < 1 1 rTiThlocUof irioco. Ic . "on
1 CuinniinKPst Hush A bolbj,21b ri. i.ith.
VAN'lHD-l'nituor with a Miu.ll i aiiiui in
* retail griotery. Addrts.- ill , lice ollke
' 50.1 Jill'
rpo i\'CHAXr2 : ( About tiUtKUn'dtyKOods
* notloiiF , ifrocorle. and store liuiiitnic , In a
Kood llo lou In the Hepiihlii nn Valley lor un-
incinnboied faun land in Noluiifilia 01 lo\ui ,
I'lllmpiined land prffeuid. Additus lock box
, fl , Alum , Nob. 487-2'
1 ? OH SALI2-llnpid Holler Dump Lo T Copl T
' .Jhiiniion I lies. Letter nnd Hill Tiles , I'll
Jmr Cablnols nud Tiaii.lni I'IIMJH. mde\os for
J tdijor andall purposes r.\po6itlon buildlnu ' :
_ _ _ _ _ _ 20SJ1 _
I OIt SALI2-Ilulthoi Hlioi ) , Wlili tools and ll\-
J-1 tiircs ; ( 'ood location ; IOIH | bnslnom. 0. I' .
Horis , nouthciist tor. 2 > th and Pniiinm. tC'J j G"
rOH S > ALI2 A iiinnt marktl in 11 KOOI ! loca
tion dohiK f 1,1)10 ) btidlnt'ss per month. In-
< liiiroo. . address room 20 , Omahn Nat'l bunk
bid. _ ; n
_ _ _
1TOH bALI' Oi undo for moichandhie. ftlfi
\ nins of No | faun imid iv nr Ornnd
jKlnnd. I' . ,1. C.inan b5 !
HOUS12S LotB.rnriiin.LnuiiRnioiu > ) | onnnii.
Iteinls , room 3 , llmkor block b W. coi.
15th and J'imiin [ ? t . _ Ml
FOH SALK-Well oBtabllshed biiblnrt , In ono
of tno bee t business points in notthucM- . inskH , tdlitntednt Iliokon How , CiiRlor
county , Neb. ; stotk tonsWIiiK ofdiy iroods.
clolhimr , hoofs nnd shoes ; will ahow up uood
iccind of biiilne8 , Jleat.ons for RellhiK will bo
irlt on by iidaio < * Klnt ; lock-box 74 , llrokoii How ,
S iIANt'i-A | Rood ocallon tor
1 'crockery nmJ ipuon's \uuo store , luiiulio al
A lloriiiun. C07 S-JSIhjilr. _ r.s2
TPOIt bALK Hnrilwnro llusiness Via iTJTer
X1 ourthnlf nnd luav ) hniilnnro liiiMnnRs for
* nlc. lo etbor with our ionso nnd Rood ; lll ,
. .iido lartrest In the city and location thn b < t
llftliluir from the bualuuKH CBUBO lor selling
The lluilm naidwnic Co. , 10-3 0 6t , Llniohi
T\l A'lHIMoNl . Pnpor contaliiR nnarl ) 203
* * ndveill emoiits lioin Indies and penile-
mon mint I MIT coricaiondont9 | , bent 2 months
Mr 10 ion ! ' . Addiess , Helping Hand , 70 Ln
ballo8tltflChlcno | d2B , J2
1 ADIP.bO.N'LV-riecaully Illusliiited pnner.
J ( mouthlj ) piepued speclRlly lor ladles'
use. Vnlnnl.lo . , liullspcri-nliHi 'I nio , 10 els :
il im > 3.Mot * ; I ) onr , J'.cu , Liulles' Join nil , 74
1 a SHlIu st , Chlcnco , 111 Wil 26
' - , i. lienul-
fully Illiistnituil , contain ? nnarl ) 4iio uil-
\oitl6rnicnt8 from In , lies and ucntlrmoii WHIU-
Ing toriespomUnts Sent 'I mos foi 10 it ; 0
inns , Id ilh ! I jiar21 etc. Addiess , Helpintr
Hand , ; o IM Snllc tt.CliluiKo , 111 , 651 : ' ! >
Mil. . K. HOOl'KH.Trftiico and Ilenllnir .Mo-
dlum.N. \ \ ' coi20th andCa.s
_ 2 OJJ3 _
3JinONAL-Mlfs : H.r's pi Iviito acho'ol for
) oumr Indies mid girls at nortlnvest cor.
l.thnnd Puriinm * ! * . I'umls will bu mi oh d on
Mid Hftor Jaii.Jd , 5I2J4 *
YJKliSOXAI.-.Mri' . iTr7 Niin.uT V.nri7S
J- rlnir\ojant. ileditnl nnd bualnciS Medium
Boom No , a , l.'l Noith ICtU el. . OmRhlv , Kob.
l OST.
K'lOLi.N-finul pliifh dolman , with bon\cr fur
fniliiB- und Dulls , uud buaror mult liom
1J2J Howard 61 , Ubcuil reward to finder.
157 27 *
STHA. 121) Oil 8TOU-N-A ll\er colorud
jiiiiny Spaniel > \ug \ , I'lciisc return to etutio
dooi , llojd'o opera house , and rcceho rewnid ,
) Oil bTOIjK.N'Two red coWb nnd
Jcrt > holiui , binndud 1) K. Any iiifouiiH-
lion of the SAino will be thankfully rrcoi > ed bj
the owner , Denis Q'Ucllly , N. of roller's pU'g
lioukC. 6C27 *
TOST A Ni'wroundlund [ nip d04r , about four
J mouths old. Flndur rolurn tuV. . L' . Annul ,
bhcrman ttv c , oppoattu Cark it , claim re.
ward. bM
ObT Ono Fountain Pcu. rttiirw lo
" Clairvoyant. _ _ _ _
AHAM ALASKA , nArnToynnl Mid r lmh- ,
imn ft. m
I OL'M ) .
tOPXI-Thepl"CO to KCI the bc t oysters In
X1 the city , blue point * , New V .rk countA
undfilccts Rt PiUer Moon , tor. Jl'tli ' nnd St.
.In. ) nve. J. II. O'Xclll , prou. 418 J 17.
BANMO-intKly tnuifhl by I harles H. I'nrteo
thi'iiUbintcd llnnjolM. late of the Snn
I'rnochio Minstrels. A iitrfett tune irunrnn-
tcedo\rr ) Itfsou. bludlo,5Jt .Noith ( = !
015 2fi *
{ --1'OLH ( ) , | irl\y Miulti ilinntd by the
CI odorlM * prott. . K. r. lnjr , 1' . O Imv 4J7.
! i03 J 7
Vlfl.NNA fortune tHRiTtciiidiiice" * s"
llthnt. _ _ M)0j ) ; _
Orgnn , it per tm.nfh. . Uo pe ,
5I8 Douclna _ _ _ _ ww _
lJ"Oll IID.M biiuari ! I'lnno , ( i monihlr. A
JL1 Hosne l.n Douuli * . _ _ _ cio _
tjUmilRM' sjsiiiro I inno "fj .nonihly. A
JL1 H ix DC J Ml Douulns. _ Oil
Troll "ML12 tluttvy hoifc , " > ) inro old. In
-L iiulro 1' . JL \ ounfcs , lleo ollico , prtss room
(151 (
roil " "AH-20 ! In ad ol unbroKin Aimrlcnn
J . unit ( _ rom Mod yenrs old , ueltrht I'Vlto
1,100 poundat 2.)05 ) Cumins-st. 'Jhouboxe will
bo 'dd thonp foreash. .lolin I cwli > . 6M 2. '
"jrOltSALr ' jTll IlnM-.ep
Tjpo-wrltor. JO' ) . ,
i1 HotO-M , Omnha. r7 _
171OH SALI2 I'lr t Clnss fuinltnre of iiluo
- iloom hoiiPO wilh prulleuo ot Kiit.clt )
water , Kn. . Addrcist H 24 lire ollhe. 'i4Dfi'
Lent Copier ,
Shnnuon fllc . Loiter and Hill Tile ! nud 1 II-
( . 'iililiKtsniid 'lniu lcr Ca c" . indoMS lor
nnd nllpiuposis. Imposition hulldltiff.
SALI2 Team ol lioiatB. Sri lilcnlnacr
1 1 Hi 01 , ( .I IS lilt li = t. 81 ! JO
_ _
SAI.I2 I'lirniiiito MUI IPII O ol * u-room
Foil ' , tlmo on pnit. Call KUI Noith 'ilh
.licet , tno blockB fioin ItcilCnr lino. b'Jl '
> Ari : Cncnp. iron toliiinn * nud window -
dow cnps Miltabio for front on biltk build.
InForiinrl.oill . ir unnU nt IhlHoTm' . HI
\V ANT 1. 1) ) Mi'll lei stoic olllce. hotel nnd
T prhatc Ininlloik. . 1'ooRlou nnd llolp
Supplied. Oinulm llefisitry Ituitnn , 2O ) Noith
IfitliM. 047 27
WANTl'D A ( ompilnill boolikeeppr , irnod
Itfeioncts rcijuutd. Inquire at 1U6 1'ui-
niim street. < > 53 2S
WA.N1I2D Hy aim ire roispt mannfiicttiirr.
an oipunciiced coifit MIICSUIHII fill thu
Init'e letnil tiado In the Mate of Vorun Kn Ail-
dreta willi lotoifiico. lock box Xo. , No
Voik. .191) ) J r
' ) A euili r for n hoisp mute on
Daily Urcnlmr Ilio ; ono Ihlntr hi
west pnrt of city piofcritd D4S
\\rA.NTI'.l ) Albilirht'H liiboi nk eiie ?
> rcmiAt'd liom I US 1'ainara ioll0 ! I'ar-
nnm 'licit Jll
WAXTiT-Ooo7frTT7oor : ) a Mdlant HotcT
. "
_ _ _
\\rANT12l ) -A loniw i.pluM . , liTi "wlTiT uiTdei-
stands double entry bookki opmir. Ad-
diess.withiofeicnco , ht uhig talni > doslicd , A
4. llceoinco tfU
, _ _ _ _ _ _
. ' ' tlty 01 tonntr\ can miiKoto to
JIO n day aolllmr our spo 'laities N W.
Xo\ fit } company. U07 I'm nnm ( > t. 01 J
\\7A\1 ED Lady clcik" , accountants , eopj-
> | stphoutt'ktoporsniiisct , , wniticssou , etc ,
giipplird I.uduuitcd. . Omaha Hcglsii.x llnio'iu ,
SJUXoith Iblh hi. Il4b 2T
W \VI UD ( ! lil foi Ronoial lioiibouork. Ap
ply at once , 1014 Dodge ttieet. Ml 2(5 (
\\TANTKD Ciood prices will bo paid Illiy
' ' so hiKr iriil-1 to nmUc < i\crnllb and jenu
pant' ( Jirls fainlllnrUtli the Use ol power
mm blues pinioned. Appl > nt ,14 bouth Itth
streetM tloor. ( Jco. Slllcs (4421) ( '
) Uvppilnnicil p | > riir silosnian.
Stiiteti nJloij nciiunlntcil on. H < loirnces
roiulicd , Addles , , IW , 11,21 , Itto
. .14
TAXTLD-Oood uhl lor RII
2411 llainc ) St. ; iitlciom o ioiUlred. | .17 2C
WAX'U'.D A irood Khl for Mrcnp'nl lion-c-
work In lamllyol two. Good home uud
steady omplo ) mont. Inquire I'llS X. t'tli.
' I'M 12 Ladies wishing any klml of hair
N'O . made looidbi.cnll l.llu .luck-nii si.
5.11 2ti
WANTI2I ) Ladle" nnd Kcntlomen in city or
tountrj to InkollKht noik at their hon.os.
$1.00 to $ IOOii day casilj rondo ; nork sent by
mnil , m > eiuiMiHiintr.Voimoa oed doinnnd
tin our \\orl ; nnd fin nisli sti aily oinplovniont.
Addipsp , with stuniji , Uionn Mljr Co ,2H Vine
t , Cincinmitl , O. 4V.JJO' .
WAXTI2D ( ! lil lor grt-ncnil houscnoik al
Hll.lonobKt. ( IIG
WANTI2D ( iood girl lorKenoral housewoik
In sniRll family. Call nt J7I8 Oodpo st. I7
\ \ AXTii-oid ; ) ) pill for houses one
TI In small lamlly,2Wi l.cnvcnwoilh st. liJl
WAXTI2D Two Klile , ono fin fliM and ono
lei sociiud work , at 2111 bt. Mary'n u\c.
Imiuiic ttiii * . IJth flt. iu2
" \\rAXTI2l-lil ) ( ! to do dlshwashuiK nnd laun-
ill ) woik,710boulh lllti st. G. . 2o
\\fAXri20 Cook and econd TrTrl. Kiuiuua
of C. 12. Mu } nen w coi. 15th and llariic ) .
W"AXn2ir iood"ulil loir Huncial house
woik , tin ( iuoiKla live. T.i )
T\rAX'l 121) .Ml Indit-HTV Seuts tiTie'iru tehT
t Kraph ) l'io | i"tt ifood foi position whou
competent ; uddifes , ,1 I ) , llooni 1 , Crounso
blk.Oiiinha 117
WAXI I'DMunition ns bookluopei or n -
"Istnnl.or ns snipping tlerX , h ) a mlddlo-
a od man with Kood lofuicntos ; oxpcilomcd In
Kiotoiiesaud Imulwaio us MIU mniui. MoiHnilo
snlai ) o\iccled | nnd will KO ail } \\hne undue-
icpl an ) Kind ot a position. Adilicss C. II , 115
N IMhsl. 571 . ' 7
" \\AXT121 > lly a lellnblo man n plate 111 gio-
> i tory stoic. A trend noiKor , Addrets H
tn lleo ollkft. -IM 'G'
U 'ANTIifi bltuatlon by aKcntleinau ovpori-
eiucd In hnidnaroand airili ulliiral Imple
ment. . Would take thartfo of binnch sloro in
now town woat.ani tlioioiiKb and c.ip-
nble , A 1 loteioucos including nieeont cm-
ploor Addroy , II il , Hoe olllte. 3M-291
A\-.rTfil A Kood ililvuiir hoiso i.nd liurvy
i ino.\h nnii as paillal pn > mont for u
nont HttlocoHaK" ' nnd lot , Mlxlirj , neai I'aiU
ajonu , . balnnco easy J' . O. box ibs , city.
T\WAXTI5I ) Two orllueo fiiinished looms
> > foi housekeeping in KOOI ! locality to keep
luble boardcis Adilrei ; , HJO Hto olllto.
57J 2 ; '
U'ANTED act as HKont for ciiBtimi pup.
ilallsis In netjoiliitliiK- loans on llmil receipt
nud hnpiorcd Iniuls. GuoigoA. Van Jnwenon ,
North IMnllo , Nob. f'H27
WAXTCD-Stock of diy poodi , elothlntr and
fronts'lurnUhhiK.'ooiU or Hoots and shoos
in on liiume for Omnha ical cstato , bchloxing- :
orllros ,011 S lOlli ht. s.11 j9
\\AM'KH 60 men to cat buckwheat cakoa
niidinnple cyiup o\ory mornliuat Norrls'
Itcstiiuriiut , 81. bet. Dndve am ) DouvlnB
Strnlgbt board per weekfJ.Jj ; 21 meal ncKots ,
tl i n.
OK IU2Nl'-Xo HA)3 ) North 1Mb st. Xow"
housowlth all modern ( onvcnionces ; owner
otcupii'fiworoomaand whhcs to board with
tholnnill ) , Imiuiici next door. Kill , or lo HK- |
low llroa , I51U UoiiKliu. i,01 2Q *
pOH HUXr-Slore all N 15tn bt. C05 2b *
EOlt HI'NT If ) ou want to lent n lion.o , cull
on llcna a A Co , o.po8llo | . | io.iolllco , OTJ
FOH ItKN P Two 7 room hou.oi on car line ,
oily niul cistern nntu. , McaJ A. Jamlesou ,
318 S 161 list. Cl'J
FOH IU2N1'3 houses 10 rooms rach , with all
modern tmpioveincnta , 21st and Hurt ,
ulic of lr ) , I'uul , 15th aud Dod e. 514
FOlt HUNT Or lenso. Twenty aero
KR/don , with house nnd btuble ; inaide ( Ity
limits of Sidney , NOD. Apply to 11. McFaddeu ,
tiduoy , Neb. 128 J6
> OH HUNT fl-roomhouse on 1'arnam st , bet.
J7 18th nnd 19th. City nnd cistern water , ahcds
nnd outbuilding * : brlclc cellar , f3) per month.
J. t' . Hammond. 117 B 1-lb st , 418
IT'OH ' III.NT Suitable for Jobblntllouse.Sec -
X ? and and Third Kloors , DUIUO wltu base
ment and elevator , entrance from front on
Douglas el. , and eutranco on rround floor from
rear to eluyator. Audrees A JJ , Uco oace.
FOH ItENT 2 new houses S. E cor. llth and
Vlnlon. .Inquire on primiUtt. 262
ll HEIW-9 room bouse 8. W. cor. 7th and
I'ttdCo. Inquire M. K Martin. 213
> OH J1KNT A n-w cotlUBP nn upper I'nTnnm
I7 ft. Inquire t SIOO 1'nrnnm st H _
OH KENT A bnrrTfor he J of horc . In
quire of M. 1' Mnrtln. 8S7
tlorc tn the fined locntlon In the city.
Inline room 20 , Om film Nntlonnl bnnV build-
inr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M * _
F OH HI2N r A nice fi-room cottnjre. by S. T.
1'cti rson , S , c. cor. llth and
TTIOIt HLNT A 10-ioom bilck hou o with Im-
A proxcintnta ; JW per month. Inqiilrnot Mia.
I'mrntt , near cor. 2 ( > th nud rnrnnin. 403 26 *
orrnTTxT-piTncn brlck toro wlTh bn c-
incut * , corner Illexcnth nnd Hownrd : tholco
locAtlon ; nil con\oupnctp. | I.eaUtt Huinham ,
liooinl , CrelKhlon block. ( L'7.
T7 > oTtlllTXf-ayric now cotTnic,7 ? iootn , S.W
J1 Ihreo news tory lieu e , 140 , one nt $31 ;
wellloiAted. all convcnlonrrs l.c&\ltt Hum-
ham , llooni 1 , Crtlghton block. 127
li Oir Ki\ 7 room entttio In Wnlnilt Hill.
J1 TeimatJJ per month Apply to lV. . Sate.
14-4 rnrnnin St. Wfi.
iKNT W narc niljomimt city north-
-L wtstcultnhlo tor dairy or innrkot iturdiin.
Appli lo flioo. William . , Hie OIUcc , UM I'nr-
nanu _ _ MS _
iT OK IIKST ilou c il looms Iliirnev .irec :
J-A niicK'Ist. $ .1) per month , nl'o house near St
Mn'siup. Oroonis , JJo per month S. A.SIo-
inniijlllZ I nrnnm at. _ _ _ _ l'L ' _
LV UI2.Nr-Storc22xW , lllbJnckson tt.
"IjlOlt ll\T -iionnt : ruiin hod lonniB and
JJ lionul , nl < . < ) fiout p n lor foi man mid Mire.
All the modern eon en Deslralilo loeii-
lion. lgU Ch _
TTVilt lU'.ST Klojtnntl ) fuinl'hcd front pmlor ,
1nho pltnsatit I it'll loom iriis , hath , anil
nonr liUflncE" center , 1C15 I iipltol uen n
CM J1 *
_ _ _
Full lll'.NTXi'iitly fnrmshed looms , HIS
llo anl. filH u- ! >
TTIOIt HP.NTilh liomii a luinlViPil lOfiirT
X' rl6Cn > RRt. d'Jil h1
"iroif IIT.N 1' r "o luTnleheil loom" sultiiblo
J lor couple IIOIIPI Kt'cpmir. Al-n.ononnhn-
nlslitdioom , Applj loom 7 , Nu. JU7 . llth st.
W ' , ' (1 (
"iroit HI'.VT-I.aiKc. liont , olhto room , north-
.1 nt'-t coinci lul hand lliu nt-j sts $1000 mr
month. 4il
Jjiolt ItUN'IVl'hst rli'fuiniohcd looms , Irom
$ .s to ? li per month 1'XTI Duvoiipurt. oil U
" "poll HUN rwoTooiusTt 1 117" 'as3 l ; ircn"
limoii profoiiPd and lercreiiuas ioiiiiiod |
I/NIK IM'.N I' Nicely luriiMied loiinu. 27
J-1 llodRo st , ; irns , bath , lurnnco In at. MS 2U
* ItnX'l Nice w aim room , "tillable foi 2
1 Kciitlemcn with boaid , tl pui WCOK , daj
lionul , f ! M . UM X. Htti t. ns'i >
F O31 H12XT Kiiinlshed room" , modern eon-
U'iilontt , .118 X. 15th st. 1W 2h *
"TjVlt lir.NT I.airfe , h.ind oine ca't looms ,
J- ' and Milte of iinfiiinlsliLO looms 1'lr't chiss
table. " 4SI PiiitiHin M. 475 ft ! "
TTlOiritllNT AHci JaliuntTTt"T ; haunj
Jnlccl > ruriil'liod mump , douhlc or single , to
suit : ha\c one icidno , thtap. Call mid FO
cuic 0'in. Milt. 18lh ftrtct , ntar M. Muy's
men no. r.JI .
l Olt ItK.N Iv-ruiuTooins 1015 Dodge. 7f
ITIOIt 111. NT Nil ill furnished bedroom , with
-1. U'O of pailor. Imiulit' nt 1511 ( .allrornla.
] 7H > II HUNT I'liiniHlii d limit loomw , < > a--l
Kiuloulh nlnihiWh , fj. $10 and ( If. pui
monihbU N' . nth f-t. bJI L'6 *
"CIO 1 1 ItllNT N'only turnlslicd , htntcd front
JU room 'J511 M. Mary sax e. L'Ci !
T71OII IlKNT Nkcioom- \ KPniimm \ n ,
-L' OIK block nu t ol Louit lieu * > csoutli side.
( M
_ _ _
1/OH HUNT 7 dc'iiablo inonis ( iisulto ox
"t'liaiatc , steam heat , wntur , bitli looms ,
401 N lUih bt. Kbtnbiook block. li. ) I , A.
Slnioii' . 018 _ ' ! )
"HlOlt IIIAT A lisiRe enM louniwltli nltovo ;
i sticot eai" nt door. No. 11. South "Jd. 4"i. .
" 17011 HUNT I'uimshedfiont loom , IWrt I'ai-
JL nani. , fil"
FOIt ItKN'l' TITO nut in nlB'iud rooms for liKht
housekfupliir. ( bO'J llon.ud ft , hetnccn 8th
and titli. 4'JU
FOIt KENT rnfiiinMiod loom , suitable for
ollitt. Inijiiuo Mis.A Itltc , iliisliman bllt.
| K. :
_ _ _
"IJlOlt HUNT A luitfo limit uluimliur nitli
-U closet , pns , fuinarn and bnth , 501 b "Oth .
1 block north M. Mm v's ue. . i'OJ '
| jlOH Itr.vr Vciy di iliab'o ' liiinlshud i xnns
L in sulto oi"-m > ; lt' , hot and i old alci. pas
nnd bath , Kill Unwind st , llifglns block , on
thuihhd lloor. " > il-ti- (
j'Oll HUNT a iinliiinlshcd rooms , coiner
Caldwell and Campbell its. 61 i ; "
T71OII H12XT Mtol ) fumihhod room with
JE bnnid.bOl S ITlli-J ily ) ! 3
Foil HUNT Two nltidy fuimshol rooms ,
suitable for 2orH KOiitlemon ; lo\ ely loca.
lion with c ciy modem improvumont 1411
Joneast. 203
IjlOH HUM' rnrnishtd loom. A. llosnc ,
1.1U Douglas si. 911
FOH HI2XT I'oiir nutnrnbiioil rooms
lor lioiiockoopliii ; to snuill family , 10-
cut i d on ftoirln ) a\u noiir ticct car" , sui round-
Inirs plca nnt nnd will rout thenp to food
pniticaictoiiintoroiiuliod. ; Address A 6.1lloo
olliie. 247
FH ) HI2ST Suiloot no-iily luinlRhel looms
in new houpo ; modem conxuuloncos : lo
' IKJIJIodKeft 2W )
1j"Oll HI2.N r ruTnlilied rooTis for Ilirlitliouhn
-L litepinr , llecmoia Llot'k , tor nth V Hou-iud.
_ _ CM _
M' rurnlelmiT lOOin.TsiU Doduo.
_ _
17(011 ( Itr.N'l T rooms iinruriil-hcd suitable
-L1 for lioiisekscplnir , 1017 N 2Jth st ; apply to
> P .Marilulli ; S15th st. _ -10.1
HIJXT I.nigu oleg ml looni'tWllli tlosct
bouthfiont. lllli Chlciiijo hticel , 810
"IjX1 OU HI2XT bleupins rooms , luiiilshcii and
X1 unfuinibht-il.alfci/'J / llowuid bct.Htli and tilti.
_ _ _ _ _
JriOII HI2.N I' Ileslrahlo uiiwly fiiinished
' looms lor pcmtlomen ( Jus , biilh nnd fin-
nnce heat. 2..1 Dodtfo.
"I71OH HI2NT riPt-ant 100 ns on ctrciit car
1. lint * , hnth nn 1 ri'.sj w. cor 20th and
Webster. ji. ;
HUNT I rnnmg Miltablo for lionuc-
kocplne : . Vin'acilljht. Itont , ( in 00.
"TJTOH HUNT To g-ontlomen oul ) . tno tur-
X1 ni-liodiooinsiii coed location , . ' iloois from
Btieet cars,0110 on flrft lloor lartro front loom ,
liny window , iraK niul iCKlatur , t''i pei month.
Other front room , ccconil tloor , toirUtor and
Kas.f 11 per month , Holoronco iiiiiuiitd. Call
ntdosk7 , HWI'iiniKUi hi , tlrst flooi. ! U1
C ' .VAKCIIHIt'Sadd. to outh Omalm.
lor titlu | jy C. 12. .Itync : , 15th A lluiiipj.
Ml 20
. t ) J'lOO ench foi beuutilul lots in ( otnui'i ,
$2.10 ' inld. to boulli Omaha. C 12. Mat no ,
1,1th and Ilniney , 5i" M
COrNKH rATlCHIIIt'SHdil to SoutirOimihi. ,
forealob ) C , 12 Miiiio , llih and Ihiinej.
5' 20
$ . ' .10 to tM oath lot beautiful lots In Cotncr A
Aichoi'Badd. to Kouth Omalm. C. 12 Mnjno ,
IMh nnd llainoy Ii'ij ' 2il
CO rX12lt AAitrlliU'd : add lo Soutiiiomnlia ,
lei MHO by C 12 Mn ) ne , 15th and Hnrnor
,1'J | 20
2V ) to JVXI each for btnutilul lots In Cotnci A-
§ Aiihcr'sadd. to boulh Omalm , C. 12 Mawio ,
h A. lliu ne ) . & 'J1 'O A AHCIintSadd to South Omnhn ,
for tide by C. K. Mniie , 10th and Hniney
f.9l 2i )
$2&0 to f.'M CKCII foi licHiitilnl lots In Cotuor &
Aither's ndd , to South Omaha C , r.MHjne ,
2ith and Hnriuy , fi''o ' ' 20
COTNr.HA-AHCHI2HS ndd lo r'onth OnuT "
for bnlo b ) 0.12 , Mn ) lie , I5th and Hnrncy
& ' . .iU
ACH12AP and mo't elesrant ChrHtniHij 1'ies-
.nt.f ) hoiifce nud lots nciu Hod Cur Line ,
only JI.WO each. JTODtiuh. bahiuoe ensy. r U.
Manner A. Co. , 1015 lloHiiul ft. WJ ) 20
COTXI2H A AHCIIKH'S ndd to . outh Omnha ,
for 6Ulu by C. 12 , Mil ) no , loth and Hnrncy
5.1 at
25) TO { 5VO inch lor benutiful lotslu Cotnnr
$ Archer's add. to Houth Omahn. O. 12.
, Ulh nnd lluriiey. 005 2g
COrNKHt AltC'H I2H'S add. to South
for tale by 0 , E , Mayn , 15th nnil Hunter.
604 2ft
_ _ _ _ ! _ _
< t iOTO 1100 each for beautiful lots In Cotnor
cD & Archer'a add. to boutU Omaha. C. K.
Mayne , LMh apiniainay. 6 M
TXElli. AnCIIUU'S luldto b'outU Omnha ,
for sale by U. K. Jluyn * , luth und llurney
d 2M ) to t&OO each lor btmutlful lots in Cotncr &
uJ Archer'i add. to South Omaha. C' ' . K. Mayne ,
Htu und Hartley. 65S ti
/10TNKH , V AfirHKirs add to South Onmlm ,
\J forsnlo b ) 0. 12. Mn ) no 11th nnd Hnrnoy.
_ _
ASM TO f VW encli for .cnulirul lota in Cotnor
tp A Archers ndd. to Sou'h ' Omaha , C. K.
Mnynp , 15th nud Hume } * f > M2fl
TuvTXnUA AHrmfirs'a-liMoSoTitirOmnhii"
V- for sale by C. 12 Mnynp , Kith nud Hnrnry
r.l4 20
A3.10TOV > Ocnch for1 beautiful Ion In Coiner
( P .V Aichcrs ndd. to south Omnhn. 0 12.
Mnne , 15th nnd llnrney. 6i-'o
OOINI-.H \ AllCIinii _ . ndd. to outh Omnlm ,
for snle by U. 12. Mayne , 15th nnd Harney.
6'4 2t )
_ _
IJIOH SALK Lot ( WrlV feet on IlAionport
i1 bet Jlth nnd 12th ulreols with housci ,
fl'OOtl.OJOcish ) and lonw time
VVphnionbirffO h t ot inside city piopeitv
both bn'inessnnd rpudonco , tlist 1 1.119 I'ur.
chn cr i will dowclltosco us. Mnishnll A Lo-
bock , IWVnniiftin- 107
A Sudd to Sotllli Oinnlin ,
V. fin 6ido li ) C. K. Mflyno , 15th and llnrney
il'il 2il
< hJV ) to JVM each for bo uitlful lot * In fotnei .V
U > Arihci'sndd. to Sruth Omahn I . ! Manc ,
tilth and llniucy .m 20 A A 111 IIKirsadiTtnToiitli Omaha ,
lor sale b ) C. 12. Mn ) nc , l.lth nud Harney. , /
f > ' 'l ' 2tt
M MlvT)2 ) \ \ Lot S.Tilk ' \ t ids n und 4 , blk
(5 ( , 7'UO ' ench IM I , Illk i , $ lIi ii-i : ( nsh
(1ie > rorA 1 1 a llcy ,
Uoom .1 nnd : t , HrdlcK s Now Illk , 2 IBtli pt
f < orxiitT.\lt : ( lir-ll ndTto outli OmnhnT
Vr lorinle b ) l 12. Miiyno , 15lh nnd llntne ) .
591 2(1 (
iVTO ) J.IOlcnih lor bcautilul lots In Coiner
$ \ Archer * ndd to South Oui'ilm. C. 12.
Miiyne , tflili nnd Hnrnev r.3-26 A AIlCltl'.H" ! ndd to South Omnhn.
for sale b ) C.I ! Mayiu , llth nnd llarttc ) .
iVM i
' 51010 $50-1 encn foi bcnullliil lots , In Cottier
$ AArcher'ii ndd to ' outh Omnhii (2 ( L.
Malie , 15th nnd Haincy. f > "ii 2(5 (
C \ q add to Soul
for Milt by C. 12. Mu > ne , llth and llninc )
VU 211
KT2AIl"s. ATB ANlT LOXSU. . K. Hull A
Co. 115 S 15th .t MB
COl'NnU A All ( III.ITS mid toSonlh Omaha ,
lor sale b ) C. 12. Mnn _ , 15th and Hartley
.VU ' 5i !
S orTlT OMAH \ Our hoTiksVhovv .1 1'iri-o list
ofpiopeity III and nioiiud South Omaha
whore num. r la lieltnj ntadr now and will bo
doubled ml ho spihiK
HuslnoMlntson M. N. O.,25th , 21th and llelle-
vnu "titsts.
Hesidence lots and houses and lot lu vndi
caloliuul , i'owlor I'lnce , I'oltor A tobbhiuldl
lion , etc.
Oiepory A Itndlev ,
Hoomsl nud J HcJItVs taw blockUJ b. llth Et.
TO fVOeach for bnutllul lots In Cotnei
$2HI Aichti s add to b'outh Omaha C. L.
MIIJ UP , I'.th . and IIatne\ . fi'il 2tl
CorXI'KA AHf Ill'lt s\ \ add toontli Omaha ,
lorbiiloby C. 12. Mnjnc , llth and llnrney
W 12 IIAVi. cunsriuit in.Uii . | ) for nil kinds of
liiisliH.'Siuul lo'ldencn ptoporty. If ) ou
luuc 11115 piopcrty for s lie list sumo with us.
Soldi slm.01-mos ,014 S 10th st. " 5JJI5
) TO $100 fach foi 1 eniitiful lots ill Collier
, V Anhoi'n ndd to bouth Omahn. C. 12
Milne , inth and Iliiino ) . u'H Si )
/"lOTNl'.ll A"AHCH.H'S : > mliT.Ti.sTiilli lmalm"
\-J tor < nlo h ) ( M2. } Iuiic , llth and llnino ) .
_ _ _ _
4 > 2Vlo ) ? VIO eiich liu hcmitilu ! lot * , in Coiner
ip .v , Xichor'k add. to South Onmlm. C. K.
MiiMie , 15th and Ilimiui. MI'I )
CO1NP.II i Altriinit'Padd. to Pouth Omiihii ,
torsnlo bj C. K-JInjnc , l"il > li iindlliinioy ,
fi'M t.
Ct-.l to $ .00 each lor bontitltiil lots in Cotnci i.
3 > Arthei's ndd to "south Omnha. C. 12. Miiyne.
Ijlhnnd llaniLy. 5'r ' > M
7lOr.Niil : A , AliClllHr dd. lo Soulh Omaha.
Vy foi < ale by 0. 13 , .Ma.Miu , 15lh and Harnoj.
rat 20
210 TO $101) ) ench for beautiful lota In Co tin i
& Auhot'H add to South Omaha. C. 12.
i , llth and lint noy. < Ti5 2il
$ . ' 10 TO J.TOl ) ench for beautlliil lots in Cotuei
A Aichci'H ndd. to South Omaha. (3. ( 12.
Majue , llth nnd Hnrncy. 5P1 2C
\ AHCIinifSadd toouth0mnha ,
lor sale by C. I' . Mnynu , lutii niul llainey.
q 210TOVK ) each foi lieaiiliful lots | u Coln.'i
tp A AH Horn add. to gouln Omnha. C. 12
MaIIPlllh and Harnoy. ViDSO
COTM2H A'S aild.Ti ) South"lniiihiT
lor sale by C. 12. Mn ) no. 15th and llarn. } .
.1-14 20
_ ' 10 TO f.VIO oath for btuuliliil lots In Cot not
A Arehei's ndd. to South C. 12.
Mnync , llth nnd llainoy. 5.5 20
St. , just south of licit , I. Inn \\lll nho fonui
irood biinr.uns on a fun lot" . 1) . Kendall , tes. s ,
w. cor 17th and Callfoinin his. y > j | 27
< h2r,1 TO $ ,00 oaeh lei beautiful lota in Coiner
" A , Archer' H ndd to South Omaha. C. 12.
Muyno , 15th and llainoy . 5'J" ' > 2i >
O I'NEK AAltOnt'add. : to enl
lot sale lij C. 12. Majno , 15th nnd llarnt'j- .
r.'ji 20
17 > Olt \IJ2-IWfcot on "oulh 20lh St. : f.W
Jj per loot , l.ce , Mchol A. Co uW 27
AJV1 TO SM)0 ) each for bonullliil lols ill Coiner
3) A. Aithei'r ) add to South Ouiidm. ( K.
Mil ) no , 15th nnd lint ncj Wi JO
/ lOi'N'r.u A A itcmnriddiomh om.iiu
I- lei sale by C. I ! . Majiie , ICtli nnd Ilninoj.
_ _
) to ffiOU each for hcmitllut loth In Cotuei &
$ Aichei's add. to s.Outh Om.iha. C. 12. Mnno. .
r > lh and llainoy. Wi 'id
01M2H .V AHCllliu'S add To Vmiln TTmitTni
lei nalo U ) C. L. Miijno , I'tli and llnmuv.
_ _ _ _ _ Vlj 26 _
ctU W 'IO fiiifl each lor 1 nutllul lot In Coiner
U ) Aiilmr's add. to booth Omalm P 12
.M aj nc , lit h nnd I larney , 5'i" 2fi
FINIHtsldonco ! lot on duorirln n\c > . . Noilli
ot .oaxoiiwoitli , MfllO tor n te r < hlj , at
> ,7W > , 5H")0 4 ash , bil. 1 , „ ' , il and 4 j eai s
( ircirory A Hndley ,
I nnd U , HudltX' * now bIK , 320 R Pith
_ _
7lTNlTu ( A AUClTnil
\-S for sale bj C. 12. Muyno , llih and llainci ,
f,91 2il
_ _ _ _ _
Au''Oto foOOeaoh foi hvniillful lots In Coiner .V
cD Ait hor'h mid. to"Oiilh Omalia. C , K. Miiyne ,
I6th and llarnoj1. tfi'i 2i )
' 'iuill'S To Pouih o'miTmZ
COI'NKH A A Il ( ndd
lorsilo by 0. 12. Mnyno , lllh and llmnoy
f'U 20
171USAIi-174fi ( : > it on Luuenworlh = t : * 7
X : per fool , I.PU , Nil hoi > V Co. UW 27
rrxiil A. AitClut'Sadd omth
lei tnlu by C. 12 , Mayno , 15th and lliu noy ,
6' . ' I M
"JLI ANStJOjrnFiN. CU irot on .UniiTT , near
I 1- the I'niV at T-,15'J ' to f.'I W. On ( iconrln
nvo , near Hickory st. J1.700 to Jl.R',0. On aoth
st. noni the I'nrk , fl.nou. On Vlitrlnla axe iieai
Woolnorth nt 12,000 to f . ' . ( IJO. On I'hll Hlioridnn
Pt noai lllol > ory nt $ lr,7fi , inc. , eta , ole Wo
liKMiiiiiy iiiunljor nriots In this addition , nlno
houscE and lots. Sumo or the best homes in the
. , fiiesroi ) A llitdlcj- ,
itoomsl amis , IlcdlelVsnuw Illk , J 'ja , 15lli ft ,
_ _ < oa
_ _ _
$ . ' . . ) lot * In Cotnor
AArehoi's ndil to South Onmha. C. 12.
Mill no. 1.1th and llaiuey , dM-M
COTNI.H A AHf'IIKIt'Sndd to fsotith Oimitm ,
loi-enlo'jyC ' J2. Miune , 15th and Harncy ,
f/ll 20
( h''V ) to $10) each lor beautiful lots in Cotnor A
e > Arthei'endd toSouthOmaha C 12. Ma ) no ,
15lh niul llarnoy , GDI 20
OOIN'1211 A AHcrillu'sTid I. to South Omaha ,
lorsulobj c. 1 ! ( Mujae , 15tli und Iliuncy.
Ml 20
.SIOTOJWO . eath lor beautiful lots in t'otner
A ; Archer's mlil to South Omahn. < J U.
, llih and Hnrnvy , W 21 ?
COI'NCIt AHCHKt'd ndd to bouth
tot ealoby C , 12. Majnc , 15th and Harnoj
DUI 'ia
_ _ _ _
FOHSAI.P. A 1'J room bonrdlngbouso , sa
loon and hnrbur shop , ulth 8 lull lot ,
17,500 Luc , Nlchol 4. Co , Jtooin 2)lthueli )
block. 6jy Jt
OoV.Niit : , V AUCIinit'B add to Houtii Omuliu ,
foi sale by U , Ii. .Mayne , llth and Harnuj ,
ASM TO $500 eath for beautiful lota in Cotnor
tj ) A Aicnor'a add to South Omnha. C. K.
M yne , 15th and llnrney. 53V26
d. toSouth Otnahn ,
for bula by U. 12 Maine. IStli and Hnrnoy.
rnilB IH23T Inrcstmont j t otfered
-L 101 acres four wiles bouthwoat fioin poet-
office , 11-4 miles from stock lards ; lica beauti
ful : T100 per acio ; adjoliilnii property on north
belllnir at 1230 per acre. Keller & . Oumpbell. 1WJ
Farnam it , Uoom 1. iU
pOTNI'llAAltCllEU'S ndd. to South Omahn ,
vy fortnlc by 0. > 2. Jlnynp , 1'th nnd lUrnay.
SCI 20
_ _
JJO TO $ W HCh forl.pautlfullolR In Cotuor
$ A Archpr's odd. to South Uuinhn. C. K.
Mnj ne , 15th nnd Hnrnoy. BOV20
C AltCllKICS ntlil toponth Onmlm ,
forjftlc by I' . U Mnjno , 15th nnd Hnrnoy.
TO $ Y cnch for beautiful hits in Cotncr
$550 Archer's ndd. to South Omnha. 0. 12
> | rtyne , Itith nnd Hnrnoy. _ ! flaS6 _
l' N
only $
Corner lOJvl'Is ft. , nciir Crulirldon college ,
chcnp nt $ JIKW
P. n.Tnnntr A Co , Ifil" . Howard l ( W ) 2
dj'0'IOSOOonch for beautiful loin In Coiner
C" * Archer's odd to South Omnhn. O. 12.
Mn > ne,15th nnd Ilniney. 5'1' . 2lt
1 orfronllnjr 2 troot < , 2'itli ' nnd Pncillc , 2
* 'houses , } .J"i10j rn v toi ms.
st lot In Orchard Hill \Mth \ " . loom hoiifc ,
bnruellelstcin , fiult and shniio tico' . JI.OMi
easy tcini" .
Lots'.1 , 10,11 , K' , 21 nnd''s , block 7 , Oichnul
lllll\oij cheap
S W. cor. lllh nnd 1'aelllc , < V3\13.,1 nne col
tncrs , $ .1,000.
Uit Iroutlntr on Conxeni and 21th < Ma , Im-
pmemontsMiith $ .IX)1 ) ; 2 IIOIKOS , illy and
el tern water. $ WOi ) , ea 101 ms.
f.ionm colt RO nnd lot , "Dili nnd Chliles ,
O. , $ HU cash , bnt cns\ . Mead A .InmlcKon ,
iJth M. tva
rt250'IO fiOlcnch for bennliful lols In Coiner
cf ) A An hor's add. to South Omatri , C. K.
Mil ) no , nth mid llnrncj. r.'V. 2il
ioi'Nr.u.viTciir.iVs miiV.'t
1 lor sale bj c. 12. Majno , 15th and Harnej
i'U 26
UKcr llroa ,
JL1 ( , itotith lOlli lipel.
I61 * fioton'J'ith st neii I'uinnm , lll sell nil
01 pnit ,
5 uric lot In Tainani pirlt , $ U' " . per nore.
Kim ) lei ms , nils Is vcijr UeMinblo foi Kordeii-
IllL' .
N ) acres , Impnnodfr , \ city , house , barn ,
oill'o.ete. Clieap and on casj teims.
Lots inSolilcshnrot's .iddltiou $ " , J to $ Til on
I'IIK > torin . _ _ _ _ " _ s'.t 16 _ _
/tOt'NI.K A.AIU HiifSidd : South Omnhn ,
\J fori-alulijO 12 Mane , Iftth nud llainoy.
.VJI . 0
1or.NMil : \ AliLIII US add. to Ooiith OmnhH ,
C lor bale bj C. P , Mnj ne , r.tli . and Iliirney.
_ _ _ _ r.u M _
Hoi'SES Lots I'Binis.l tniKmonnvlonnrd. .
IliMiil' , loom I ) , llnrko blocK , S.V tor
ISlh ami Tumuli ! sis. _ i.tft
TTIOIt HKKl' Honsn , 4 rooiiH , coinoi 1'hl
X1 Micildnn nnd Howard is.
Ilduxo.ii moms , nil modern Iiupio\oint'nt3 ,
Iliirney and " 01 li sis ,
.New hrU U gtoio , north Kith "t
1 nowsloieo noir HiiB" iri > hotel , smith Hill
Bt . f5 ! per mouth.
Hi Ick wan hoii'-o on It. II. truck nnd piveil
'lnl etorj UaiKcr bulldmjr , llth and I'tunam ,
HI tent P. . i mi ic.
U.I ! Mn > no , nth and Haincy. . ' 7
( ftSWITo IVO each lor beautiful lots In CotiuH-
i > \ Arclici's mid. to South Omalia. C I"
MBJIIC , 15th and llainey. r > 'jj-'rt
BOW1.1 NuiM'.soiii now addition li
\TO I orWnlniit Hill , on llnmllton stirut.
lly Polt-fltliiK lots nt SITO for iusldn and J171 for
coiners , you will mnko n pond iuvoatmunt.
TnrmslOpnr cent cn h nnd ? " . raonlhly. No
uhni KO for showing iho lots MiualuiH , V I.o-
Sin'lO iJOO cadi lot boiiitltul lot In Cotuot
A An tier's ndd. to South Onialm. C P.
iiync , 15th and llainey. Vi" > -"U
I710H AI.E-Cliuip , n aoiea Ijlm , ' wcstof
JL1 Walnut Mill in tracts to suit. Will tell all or
part Scldcoliutor Ilios , lt S. 10th st. 1IW .1) )
LTiO TO ? . )00 ouch lot hciuitllul lots In Coiner
$ iVAichei's add. lo fcouth C. II.
Mayne , and Harney. tfl'i 'M
( tilO'10 $ . )00each ) foi bcniitlltil lots In Coiner
< J > , \ Aielicr's ndd to South Omahii. U. i :
Mu.Min , I'.tli . and llainuy 'ft'i M
HK.M. is"rATiril.VIMl7viN--T'holtcliiisino T
lot , near cor. Powni-1 si , fiontlnir on Satin-
ilcrH at. and pnvod sc. : cheap for cash. .l.L.
Itlco&Co , ovai Coininoiclnl liink. 7" " >
$ J'iO TO JSUO each toi bciiiitiful lots In Cotuci-
& An hoi's add. to South Omaha O. U.
Mayne , nth and llainey s u'll _ ' 0
COTXP.Il"5 AltOH I.It S add. To7 > , itiroTnHliii.
lei tale by C. i ; . Mnjno l th and llainey
fiDl ' . ' 0
FOHAlilJ omo of the best rwicultmnl
hind In i.istoin : Nchinskn nt $10ici | noie on
" 0 > ciun' tlnio , n percent inloreit nnd no tint's.
Willcor cnlllui pnilitiihus. O. r. ln\ls\Co ,
Omnha. Nob. 51UJJO
t Alniiii'sndil. { to Soulh Oiniilin ,
for tnlu In C U , Mujne , I'lli and HHIIION.
591 M
) ' ) ' 1 0 ? V)0 each foi hciiiitlful lotc hi Cot nor
X Ai Choi's add. to bouth Omaha. C 1. .
Mnj ne , . nnd II at ney. u'.C ) 26
\J for tale by C. K , .Mnjne , 1'itli and llainny.
W4 2U
FOK S.\IK OS ft lioiitinp on Dodge M.2
blocks cast of the postollico. A hnrffnln at
$111.000 ; $10,000 cash. MaialiallX I.obt-ck , 1.VJ9 .
1'arnam. bio
B.VTO ) JW ) ench lor hcniililill hits hi Cotnt'i
\ . Aithor'8 add. to iroutli Omalia. C. i : .
, 1'ilh and llaine ) . o'lj 2i >
* OVNIII : &T JiTiciiT : irs mhi. to-ouTii "om.iha
O lei tiilo bj C. i : . Ma\nc , l..tli and Hmno\ .
. ' , " 1 2(1 (
' ' HAltCAINS-rwo corner lots in
lliirdettocouit.only 4 blocks hum Suiin-
iloi'Rhtiootcni M llushm in. Itonin 10 ,
llushmnn IlloLKUcor Ifiili nnd Dou lns.
_ _ _
$ ) ' 1 0 $ .UO each lei beautiful lots In tolnci
A Aiuntn'rf add. to South OiiiRha. C 15
> , 15th and Harney 5r , L'd
COrXl.llAIICII UK'S mid. to So nth"Onialm
lei sale by C. 12. Ma > ue , l.'ili ami lliun < ' \
Vi I 26
I71OH SALi : 20 acres Ijjnir we t ofalnut
1 hill In li.iuts to suit , will Rtill nil 01 pail.
Sohlt"-lni.'er HIOS..IIH .So lOlh PI. | iriO :
210 ' 1 0 fVK ) each for hemillful lins In Cotui r
$ A. Aichci'M add , lo booth Omalm C , 1' .
, 1'th and Ilarnej. 5'J" ' > 2U
OrNit& ; AHCUKIt'S add 10 boulh Omalm
C JoitnloliyU i ; . Mnyne , 1'itli and llnrnuj.
rJl ! M
. ' 50 'I Of 190 ouch for beautiful lots m Coiner
, V Aicher'H ndd. to boutli Oniilha. C 12
Mn\ne , llth and Ilniney. .1')12i ) )
: \ All ! Hiil'S : add. to So , ill , ( iTimlm
lei sale b ) 1. 12. Mnjno , llth and liaino } ,
Ml 2(1 (
_ _ _ _
< J 2.10Tf 100 inch for benutiliil lots In ColTirr
u > A AifhciV add lo tfoutli Omalm. C 12 ,
Ala ) no , 15lh and Harnoy . Mil 2i3
T7 OUSALK-12lols 4 tl Ufoot , IrontlnR-noith
Jonllilstol etiout , half way hcl eon Sunn-
dots nud State , uoar stioet cam. City watorln
front , fsQ ) onch , 1-4 tii"h , b'llanco In 1 , 2 nnd i
yoniB. Address 8 H.Iloo ollito. 2 > ! i
! orNii4. : AHc7liirS : add tTTsouili oTimim
forenlobC 12 Maiie , Ifila nnd Harnoy ,
M4 2.1
_ _
$210 ' 1 0 $3 ) I each for beautiful loin in Coiner
X Aithei's ndd. to boutl. Omaha , L' . K
Mnyno , 15ih nud Harnoy , Ti'JI 2(5 (
llt'S ndd , lo'boiilh Oinnlm
forEtiltbC 12. Mayuo , llth and Hainuy.
( I'll 2t >
$2V ) TO f50Dciuh lor beautiful lotsln Coiner
A Aithor's add to boulh Omaha. O , 12 ,
Mane , 16th nud liuinty. li'ii M
FlMMot on TOth si near I'm mini st. , school
In HO/ITS A. Hllla2il add , , only i..irio ; one-
thtidcnBh 1. 1) . Tamioi .v Co , lull Howard
at ltd. ( .012rt
HOUMIS Lots.rnrmfl.LatidR money loaned.
IJemh , rooin'1 , llnrkor blots , H , W. cor.
IMh nnd Fainnin Ma. 5'J4
Hy M A I'p ton A Co ,
ITjj'J rainani.
Tolophoiio 73
Mill. , H 12 coi lllh and Houiud sin. , ncnr
Ixvlllliilltrol Viaduct , JCJ.OUO , JIB.dOO Cllbll , bill.
1. U'und II ytiir-i , at in i ion ! . Kiom the fact
thi't asU-blor ) building- wulnif up opposllu
thlricorner , alulahole half block or slx-stoir
buildings dliiKounlly across ihu fcticitl Irom it ,
makes iho prlto whoio .VI per ct-ui. am b" niadu
on purcliino before 1SS' , closes. This proutriy
isonly In tlio market this week II not toU
then , owner \UlloicU u aiv-stoi ) building on
the lot
111 ftcl , eoutli front , on rariifim , nlley on
enchaido ; thlt > sldo of JTtu avc. , tl7.0 < ; one-
third cash. If ( his isn'l woith f 'Wn f ion ! foot
bpfoin August next , it will IIB bcaiusbdro'iuht ,
giiiefhoiipcrs and hey cholera rliikcs us.
8 12. cor. lllh and MUiolns , BJxIIli , track 111
nlloy. JI,200-tlNM caah Thinli n moment now
ubout inls lot , Us locutiontho facilities nlloided
for u nmnufnUorybiiiil | | ) depot 01 waichou.e.
Whyin live jcursfiom now , 25,003 won't buy
( ilvo us a tall and let ns show you the flue
baiiniins ha\o In nil kinds of pioperly ,
fW)21 ) M. A , I'pton A Co , SiOJ rnimiin.
' $ each for beautiful loU In Cotncr
i. Arcluir's add. to Soulu Omaha 0 , K
Mano. llth and Ilniney. 5'ju2d
. 211 A ; AHCHI2H'Hadd to boulh Omaha
forbalo by C. 12. MHJIIO , 15th and llnrney.
5"4 2(1 (
( t > 250TO J.'AX ) each for beautiful lots in Coiner
tp \ . Arihcr'nadd to boulh Umnha. O. 12.
1IIO lie , ICtU uud llaro r. * M "t
Our now mldltlon
AcrpstiV ) to f275 per acr * .
Xenr South Omaha ,
Anil .ydlcMo Mill.
Mat shall , V L
169 1MB
pOTXKII A AltcTl RII'S ml il to "South Omaiin
\ tor snle by C. K.Mayne , 15th niul Haincy
f.'M 26
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' ' J100 cadi for beautiful lot * In Coiner
& Aichcr's mid. to South Dunlin , r , 13.
Majne , 15th and Hnincy. 6i' > 26
FIVIS Lots In Albtlsht's Annex , $ -10 cnclt It
old bufoio .Inuii'iry 1st , SJ. I. I ) Tanner
ACe _ , Ifllf , lion mil Rt. 00,1 CS
100 niOl-T. LOfi'-Kpndixll's nildltionT Snitu-
I ders St. . Ju t south of Line It. II..1HHI
to $ .ai , monUilv pnymcnts. Will build hon u If
w.mlol. I ) . Kcndnll , tc * . w. tor Kill and
Calttoininsts. ! > s$27
: MTO JMO pftth for beautiful lots In Cotuer
A Archer's ndd lo South Omaha. U 12.
' , Mth and lint noy. . f > 'V1 2ft
" ( \7'Knrouithorl7oil : to Invent J53.0V ) in Int-
pro * oil tiuldo propoitt Wimt hn\CMou
to odor \Vo n.enubuslncMend ! ! A Jnmlo on ,
.UBS. 15th st .Kii
General Pfoiliiac <
KiUlay. Oee SI.
itic jor nwiiu fott n/
pro/i ( / v , assoMoii llic tmiiAci < oJ J < tjTlic /
Quotations OHVul / ( $ icjiies.iit tttuvrlcis nl
tc/iii'/i / ouKfr/cortfr/'f / / ciio NlfoJ.
I ICH The imikct icinnliis steidv at'JIe.
Poll i in Tlio receipts \\cin ll hl today
on tiiikt1 } * nnd not t'noiiRli to supply the
demand. CliolPi ) stork sold us lust as re
ceded at 1'V. 0 lileloiis did not move. oil as
last at be. ( t'ee c and ducks sold at iVglUc.
Uiir.isn : rnllcicam , slnilo , IHo ;
lull noam llaU , this , IHoinii ; ? American ,
l-l'ii1 ; lancy Swiss u/ifiri / ; h i > .s Impoitud ,
J5o ; l.lmbiiicci , takdii-'o. biick , Mo.
( i IMI : 1'iulilo clik'lii'iis , diolio PCI do/ ,
SI.OO ; quail , pet do7 , S./A ) ; dud > , inall.ud ,
1'PI do1.7r , ( ( .oO ; ducks , pel doSI.M
C'fl.M ) ; tltii'ks nilsiil , per UnM 'Jfi : KWV ,
pel do ? , SJl.MHdeoi , saddles pei Ib , UVilJo ;
doer. c.ucaSM's , pcrlb , TQ'-o , elk siildles , pei
llKj10c ! { ; elk. carcasse' ! , pcrUntn7ej anlelopp ,
saddles , per Hi , 10J 1'V ; antelope , catea sps ,
pei Ib , 7iiN" .lack ubblts , per ilo/ , 3UC'C : )
i.onmall ; rabbits PPI doWe. .
Ari'i I. * The. Mocks on Iiandarciiol heavy
and the market Is llimei. Choice Mlssouil
niul Mleldpin slock at k ! Jfl'
ONIONS -Thuio Is no hoine-yio\Mi slock on
the maikut to speak of. ( JiioLilImis uiis
nominal at 91.- " > 6il.30 ; ( . 'alllotnla , pel Ib , ' . " ,
( rJ'V.
rJ'V.CI.I.KKV The mailict is steady , riioico
stock pci doiiflo : cNti.i laiRc , pei do/,4Uc.
Osn us Mediums , uoe ; standauls , UK- :
selects , ' 'is : esti.i selects , . I 'e ; X. y. counts ,
URIIIS I'apo Cod , fanev , per bbl ,
mix ) ; lie.ll and bule , per bbl , S'.OO. ' '
HAN ANAS llananasellow , poi huneli ,
S'.00u-"ri ( ; bannnisM < llo\\lniuii , pel bunch ,
' '
Messina , pel box SO 0G.tO. ( .
Oil \N(4l.s 1'loilda , i hoice , lollyr-MO to box
< . " ) 00 ; do , 5 bov lots , ? l,7 , " ) .
( ill \rr.s Mal.wna , pei bbl , fiO Ib
5rO t)0. )
M.MM.r. Si in i Sltlellv IIIUP. . * 0 Ib
tier Ib , ifie ; choice fie tnicksr > Ib hoses , pei
lit , 1-e ; choice p.'iinj cakes. ' ° i Ib boxes , pei
Ib. VJ > $ c.
hAUCitKiiM i Per 3J ijsil bbl , SC.OO ; 16
gal , hall bhl , M.W.
I'orAioi.sThe maiket is lum. Thcioaro
> ciy fcweoiuinK m , and transactions aio
mostly limited to the Mill's ol sin , ill lots fioiu
the stole at nOf.tO'ic.
1'itovisioNs-llam , sii'jai-curod ; , llJi'1 !
bieakfasl bjcon.sui.Mi ciiicd , boneless , it)1. ) , ,
shouldeis , fie ; side bacon , be : dij salt
sides , 7c ; dik-d beet , hams , lie ; illicit beol ,
reunlar , lie : mess poik , pei hiil. Si2.'iO ; laid ,
riOlb cans , K.miunks , ii .c ; laid. 10 , 5 and . ' > '
Ib pails , Kalibinks , | ( ( ? , c.
lri.orn AND Mii.t.sii'Ki's \ \ Inter \\hrnt
flow , best quality patent , MI.75 : second ( inal-
itv. 5--IO ; best quality suiiuic
flour , ) ) atent. S ( X ) ; bran , 5Uc per cwt ; chopped
feed , 70c ) ier c\\t ; white coin meal , IKC ;
jollowcoin meal , y > c percwt ; screpiilni ; , We
percwt ; hominy , Sift ) per c\\t ; shoits , .V > o
perewt ; craliam $1.00 ; hay , in bales , SS/jOta
G.OOner ton. _
flrocors' 1i\Kt. \
Pic UI.LSMedium , in bbls , Sf > : > 0 ; do , in
half bbls , 31.7.1 ; biiiall , in bbls , S7r > 0 : .to , In
halt bblh. S . ! W ; UKlukins , in bbls , SS.W ; do ,
in half bbls , ? 4.75r
SYHt'i * No. 70. 4-g.illon kegs , S1.20 ; Xew
Oilcans , per callon : K < NOc ; maple ; sjrui ) .
half bbls , "old time. " pet gallon , V'c 1 gal
lon cans- , per do ? . 510.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per do ? . S5r > 0 ; quail cans , ? : i.0w.
STAitrii Mltror glass. I Ib , .r 'c ; mirror
Kloss , : ; ll > , f ic : tninm Kloss , oib , OKe ;
( iiaxes' coin , 1 Ib , Oe ; KitiKStoid'scoin. 1 ID ,
To ; Klneslntil'b Kloss , i Ib. 7c : Kint'sford's
jrloss , tl Ib. 7J c , KinKsloiil's pure , y Ib , 7 'c ;
Kincslords bulk. Ic.
Ton \rrc > I'liig , cllnnv , 4'Jc ' ; horseshoL1 ,
fl7c ; star. UOe ; spcniliead , RIC : plperlicidsick ,
OOc ; Rokl ; shield , 3lc ; incnj war , ! ic ! : J. T.
J. . ! f'c.
TOHAI co Sinoklnjr , Duthaiu , Is file ; J.'s
. " 4c ; Vs. We ; ' , ( Xc ) ; inei'ischnm , IJOj ; old
style , U-'e ; P. N. O. , ir > c ; spiiit cinealrC. .
MA rc-iiFs 1'er caddie , Use : sqiiaio cases ,
SI. 70 : imilo square. 81.S ) .
CAM ) v Mixed. UWll'.c ' ; sticlc , S\@Ji | < fe. C.fine.iu's'soda , buttoi and
picnic , fivje ; creams.aVc ; giiiKO siiais ) , bj c ;
tit\ soda , 7'
SOAI'Knk s sa\on impcilal. S2.70 ;
Kiik s. satinet , f I.OD ; Klik s si.mdaid , Jr'i.O'i ;
Kirk's \ \ Idle Uussi in , 54 W ) : KuK's \\hito-
up , 50.M ) ; doin'N SJA1nsliboaitl } ; , 5.i.lO ; ;
white cloud , S.175.
Itoi-K-'ij inch. orp ; l Inch , 10 V ; 'A '
inch , lMdc. (
C\NNro ( -Ojslcissindaidpprcase ( ,
S-i.lfjiiU.Tj ; sti.uv beuies , iib. pci easy. g. . O ;
lasphen ies. J Ib , per ( ase , Si.lOj Calilornia
peais , pei cise , S-l.'iU ; apt loots , pei casj ;
S4.00iicaciies. . PP > - case , 5rVJihilo ; chei-
iles , pci case , SC'.OO ; pmiiis. pei ease , $ ' . \.r \ > > ,
hlueherilcs per case , > : o.'jr iiliiins. a Ib
puM.ise , isJ.riU ; jilneapDli's , a Ib , jiei case
S.I J0i4" ( > . ? ri ; 1 Ib ins'ki'iiM. pel doSl.i.O ;
1 in salmon , pci doSl.r.rsi.GO . , Hi goose ,
hollies , pci case , $1.71 ; 'i Ib itiun ; bc.uis. jier
case , ? l.70 ; 'J Ib lima beans , per ease , $1.1,0 ;
Ulb peas , pei t.ihe , SJ.4' ' ) ; 'Jib
eaily . Mine peas , poi case. SJ.7.r > : ! i Ib toma
toes. ! > MOO/'J.T , ; -Jib coin -MOoc''JO.
Jnni : ) Kiti ir NO. 1 qu.nler apples , M ,
fie ; in fvapoiated boxes , l'l'i i.c ; black
berries. boxes. 10K@Ue ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
lh" > 0 , lOfcilov ; jieaches , uxapoiatcd. lfi'e ' :
17e ; laspberrics , new , 'i.'e ; cinionts. 7'j7j < ;
prunes , new. V/ j/c.
SIOAKSI'owdeied , 7c ; out loaf.
6J , ( < e7o ; lanulaled , ( ) 'HiC ' ( ; c : confeclioiiers'
A , ! ' ( , : standaid exlia ( ' , ft\M Ztiextra ;
-I'fC'iri've ' ; medium jellow , 4J # iv.
rorruisOnllnirv Kiades , HJfMl'e fa )
llj ( r > < ' ; inline. l.ri > i ( < iiro : choice , Kj liiJii ! ;
fancy KU'en and \Hlutv , K 'fil7c ' ; old uov-
prnnipnl Java , 'JOiiJJOc ; Inli-iior .lava , UiJ fiJl
"Oo ; Moeha , 'Wiir.'iu : Aibuuklu's loastcrt
lU'ie ; Mel.auiilillirs XKX.\ roasted ,
Oil\\oi Hi's , r.n4c ; Jted '
'M Ark oti ,
WOOL -.Medium Iyf30e ( pei Ib ; line heavy ,
Htijlilei llKht.nvjiplbc ; coii-,0 , , Httiue ; burry
wfol,2 jeolf.
Jiinr.ti ( Jiecn biitiheH , O' e ; iecen ; oiirod ,
Be ; dry Hint. llWl.'o : diy salt , ! ( * luc ;
Ciccn call skins , JK ( < uo ; dainaued hides ,
twothlids piico. 'l-illow-nj e. ( Jieaso-
I'runu white , : ic ; yellow , 'io ; brown , 1'f
fcheep I'elts. V. ( i : > c.
UrTinii1'iiiiio : slaiiKliter solo Joathcr ,
B-c ; ] > ilmuoik sole leather , miy .N ; . I'ppei
leatliei pci loot , : i0ftfj"c ; hem , kip. "fiCftu.'to ;
oak kip. KV < < U'p ; French kin.'JO ;
liem.'calf , 1.00J1.10 ( : oak call. Jsl.OOcjii.-joj
Kiencu call , Sl.'JK'JI.Wl ' ; Morocco , bout IPK ,
no , Uc : Moioceooll pLbble.yVfl'Jic ; toiipiiiL's
and linings oo < ttXe. )
HCAVV llAitnwAiti. lion , late S..OO ;
plow sir el special cast , Jliij < 'i uelblo itePl.OJ c ;
cast tools , do. ) li < ijlbca ; on siiokes , | ) Ci set.
8' . ' . 00 3 . ' ,0. hubs , per fid , fcj.'i'i : lulloes ,
cawed dry , Sl.AO ; toncui'M , eac'h , HJc. axeh.
cacli , 75c ; Miu.nii mils , pur Ib. lu7Ie ( ; cell
cliali ) , ppt Ih. ( V'fl'to ; nnllcablo , 70 ' ! ' ; lion
wedccs , Oc ; ciowhaH , r * < ; hauow teeth , 4' c ,
sluing steel , 7 ( yc ; liuidcn's hors shoes. , Huiden'fl iniilo shoes , fi.M. ItatheU
\\lie , In car Jot ; , bi 00 itr W > Ilis
Nails , rales. 10 to .10 , S3'X ) ; steel nails , VJ.C
\ AIIMBIIIIH Iltnel3 , PCI K'llloli :
fai'i KITS Cologne spli its , 1S3 proof , SI. 17 ;
do 101 uioof , il.iy ; hpliits , srs-ond qiialitx ,
1U1 proof , S1.17 ; ( In 1 pioof. 81.10 Alcohol.
IhS prooi , SWH per \ \ Ine t'allon. Jteillstillcd
whiskies , $1.00(1 1.10. ( ! ! n , blended , fcl.HJ ®
5J.OJ ; Kentuck ) bouibons , fe-MKxttnoO ; Ken-
tncky ami J'pnnsylvanla ryes , S-.00' < tO.&Oj
( loldcn Shc.if bouibon and ijo Mhlskles ,
Sl.WKlM W ) . Ihandies , imported , SI-OO W ;
domestle , SI--WM.OO. ( ilns , imported , S4.'XI
( afi.OO ; domestic , 1 i5'a3.oo. ChampaKiicv
Imported , per ca a , S'i-i.OO'irW.OO ; Amuipan ,
per caso. S10.tKK.4llO.00.
1'AiM-i is Oii/-Wlilto lead , Omaha , I > . P. ,
7 > < cj white lead , 31. Louis , pure , S7.15 ; Mar'
eclllfs crcon , 1 to Mb CMI S , 2o ; Frcncn TUIC.
treen cnl , 12c ; French 7lnc. red seal , llcj
trench zinc. In varnish a sf.soo ; J rencti
rlno. 75c ; xormllllon , Kncilsh , In oil , 75o :
ted , lOc : rose pink , np ; Venetian rod , Cook.
on\2.c ! Venetian ml. / ' "
Ditv 1'AiNT * Whlto lonil , Sp : Trpncli sine ,
He ; Par ! . \Uilllnc. st , > ; whltlnc. sliders
" } fc ; whltiti ) ; , com'l , 1'te ; lampblack , ( ! er-
manstu\Mi. I'.V ; lampblack , ordinary. So ;
Prussian blue , " * : ' , ultra marl no , 1saudyk ; -
brown , MC ; nmbor. burnt. Ic ; timber , raw , 4o
sienna , burnt , < c : sienna , taw , 4e ; Parto
green , genuine. v , " > o. Pails ( jreen , com
mon , Wo ; cliromo green , N. Y. , SOc ;
\ertnlllion Atiicrican , c : tnutan
raw and binnt timber , 1 n > pins , I''c ! raw nnd
butnt sienna , 15eandKe ; hrown , ) Hc ; relined -
lined lampblack I3o- roach blaok and hory
black , ir-c ; drop black , li'c ; Prussian bine ,
40c : tiltramarlne black , l1 ; chrome gtcon. ! * .
M. * I ) . , lOc ; blind and shuiict Kteen. 1. , M.
, V O.,10e ; Pans creon , : S > ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venotlan rod , l"o " ; Tuscan , -'p ; Anifilcan
\ctmlllloti , | j. V I ) . , t0o ! ; jcllovr ochio , 2c ; li.
M. fc O. I ) . , 1S3 ! coed oclirr , 1Hp ; patPU
dr\ei , ! < c ; cralnliid color , light one , datkoaU ,
walnut , chestnut and nsn. i-c.
VNM i iiRMirvi. < t. Actd , patbollc' ,
pure , pprlb. i'w lead , acetate , tier n. . vile ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , pei pal. , El.MJo ; oil castor ,
> o. 'J , per K.U. , SI 40 , oil olhe. tier cal. , Jtl.40 ;
oil nrlir.mnnm. Me ; opium , 51.20 , ( niinliie ,
P. V-\V. and K Vf , , per o7iV ; iHmisslinn
Iodide , per II. . , s VT > ! Mllcln. pei or. 4Uc ; Mil-
pliatomorphliip , per oSif.O. . snlpluii , per
Hi , Ic ; strjclitnne , per oSJ1.J5. .
Urr I'Utuuor.
Xo.l Coro. s. 1. t. 10 , Hand 10 ft . . . . $17.fiO
No.a " ia , 14 and 10 ft 14.7:1
Xo.a " " 12,14 and 16 It 1I5.50
No.t " " IS. U and 10 ft 1400
1C.VI10 BO 1R 60 17.00 IS.OO Jl CKll'.M.OO
IH.M ) 111 W If , M 17 11(1 ( 1C 0122 HI 52 IX ) in. 10 n oo i. no 21 UO.IIPO
1(1 ( Ml K ) 51 111 50 17.00 ! ( ( Kl 2..UJ2 ! ) liO
! 111.51 | 10 f)0 111.V ) 17.0) ) IS ( H.l .0i ) 2.100
. .
No. 1 , 4\ Cinch , is ! and U ft , , rough. . . § 17.09
Xo. a , 4 . Clucli , U ami H ft. , loinrh. . 14.00
n n.iNfi AMI p MII i MON.
1st com. , Jfin White Pine Pattltiou STil.00
s.'d " " " " 87.MI
M Com. V in. Xoi way Pine Cclllntr . ] 4.W (
A 13 Inch. 1. 1 s 4(10 ( .
HIS ! inch " " 4J1) -M.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , .s. l s. . 10. 18,1 SiU ft. . . 21.00
N'o. tt. " " " " . lh.M
No.'J , " " " 12tl4 ft. . . 17.1X1
" " " "
10 ft
SHIP t , vr.
No. 1 , plaln.Sand 10 inch . f7.Ml !
No. ' - ' , plain.b and 10 inch . 15.W
suiNfii js ; , I.A.III.
XX clear. 52 ! K ) : A standaid , 5-0 ; No. 1 ,
31.C : , ; l.ith. S'-M. ) .
1'os is-White Cedar , 0 In. , J'i , I''c ; 8 In.
1 Except .Sunday.
1 Connects \\itli S , ( ' , A
I' , at Council liliitK ti-'lam' ' sixam :
, Connects \\itlif I ! A 11 :
Q. , C. \ X. U' . , C. M. A "MO : : M
St I' . , C It. 1. .V I' , at II n am 11 10 am
Council Itlulls. | : : so inn l:00iim :
) Connects \ \ ItliV. . .St.1 : : : rpui | 12.00 pm
L. ivl' . at Council liluH's' ' ii 5'i0pm :
IConnccIsllliall ( i\cn ' : i:00pni :
\HK \ tialns lei Chlc.iL'o at : .Hpm ) 400pm ;
Council BIulK Tialns 'l.'iuu ' K:00ptii :
Icaxe Omaha at I'nioii ilopm .IOIIM : : ; )
7'acllic depot. lOtli and : Upm (0:10pm ( :
I'leicc slicets. | ; .iOim | , 7.00pm
iirpni ; < . : l5pm
. . ' 10:00 : pm
1 ll-lOprn
coixciij ;
CON'NKCT 1N O LIN n.VlVaiister 'J'l imsler
I depot I depot
U. H.J. it I' . : 17:11 : a m lllI5iun :
* : \ ( . | hiinday. I iiii.a m <
tE\coit ) Mondaj , C : JO p in7.00pm
AH trains nm daily , ! > a in 0.11 a in
if : 10 pm 7:00 : DID
C. H. , . ( J. i
All tialns inn dally. , j ii'llia in
700pni ;
All tialns urn dally , I 0:11 : a m n Main
, ; ) ) p ID 7.00 p m
K. C' .
. lo.o. a in in 'Ham
UOxccpt .Monday. ' * h5jiin ; | * " 0 I' "I
All tialns inn daily ( { 5,00pm " ,0 p 111
S. ( . . AI1. . i I
All ti.iliibiiin dall ) . \ " , : U1 i in ( i " .1 a in
- W-fXiiii )
i ii-Tip m |
rpo Mil IIITI.CIV AMI liriLDI2HS-I'lniiB
JL und | HtllliutioiH in. ) Hol.illnd h ) Hie U
lloii'-.l . ol l.duu.Uloli ( it the Fihool Dmlntlot
Oinalin , touiit ) ol Duu lab , Smi of Nnbraeka ,
tinlll .lot lock p. m , 'I no-din , I ol > . < ih , It-s- , ,
foi a 12 01 Kl loom Irto > toiy uid lusonidit
brick fci liool IniililliiK lo , . , ) : 1 on lliu Ill lt
School grounds tit nu i tinutl.i.i toil o/- ! ' '
WKOOforn ) t o Ftoi ) nnd b.istiULiu li loom
1)1 If K blllOOl bllildlllK to b OlCtlOl Oil till )
soutliwtst coinoi ol 2ct h und U elm IT tin ( lent
an tbtlnintcd eott of J."iin > ) in , Mini loraiiD
room imd b.isoment biiLk * h > ol budding to bo
CKCled on lliu noi tin nsl R.nuor of 20lli and
j/aul btictls nt no t-tlmil < ol . OM ol f M.iiOO.U't. '
'Ihe I'.oaid ot 12diicitiun o'Ji ' ij iho lolloiMiu ;
inomluniti. foi thn time 11 > i | dnuto hi * MI-
Jj ( ltd by thtm , for thn bioidiiuc on Ilio Ilij-li
3d " . 15' ) 0 >
Id " . . ' (6 ( uO
1'rcmlum for plitiiHtiu i iin i ill. iiions adopted
by thu Hoitrd BI. ! II bu lonskli.icj imit ( inynuu
if bin h huildlnsa urn ( untied
'Hi oil aid the iljrht to icjw t nn ) or
l iilana , nudntimaiibt n ill bu paid foi ijttltd
Hy older of the Hoard of r.d'irutioii
Omnrin , Dot , Kill , \iW. \ jitc IV lUt