12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY DECEMBER t > 0. 188(1TWELVE ( PAGES , COTIIAH'S UPPER STRATUM , The Patriarch's Bnll find the Money There Represented. ELIGIDLE BELLES AND BEAUX. A Sxvrll Dance on ilio Avrmic The New Si-leiiocor Hnuktitry Intel lectual litnos nnit AiiKlcn of .Shoulder NF.W YoiiK , Dee. 83. fCoiTosnondence of the llKi ; . ! , There nro four hundred and sKtv-sevcn per.Mins out of New York's million who am "in .society. "You are incredulous ? Well , let us figure up. 'J'o begin with , wo inuct admit for argu- niHit's sake , If not for : i fact , llmt the AHtor strntnni is top in the social geoloiry. Now , then , the patriarch' * ball was dniieed this week. Tim utmost lire- caution has boon taken to keep it ex clusive. Criticism was made lust season Hint . evcral of these extra-sensitive occa Hions were doinonili/.od by the iiresnneo of a few unaccustomed and uiKiunlllied guests. This time the lines were drawn with rigidity. The hall was given by fifty patriarcliH , all within the vail be yond peradventnre. Kven so lirnily cs- tnbliMiod a swell as Cornelius Vanderbilt was new to this sacred half-hundred , he having been elected this year. Kach paid . ? IfiO to cover the expenses , and re ceived an invitation for ids Immediate family , besides others for live persons whom he might choose as suitable. This method \vas calculated to secure exacti tude in admitting only individual ! : "in society.1 The number was 407 , by care ful accounting , and of them all except forty two were there. JA.MKS uoitnox nr.SNirrr i.s an eligible bachelor who has lately re vived New York interest in himself by a briet visit to town ; and while hero ho proved , by overhauling and improving the Herald , that lieean do something else than luxuriously enjoy himself if lie tries , His presence led Harry Nolon , a boat man well known in yatching circles , to clear np an old mystery by telling a story of Dennett's diversions Harry s.iid : "A bout was discovered one morning sailing about in a crazy way that pnz/lcd everybody that saw her. .Sometimes she would dart ahead like a lish ; then she would come np and 'laugh' in the teeth of the bree/.c , back up , spar for wind and then make another rush. In fact she mano'iivred pretty much like a lighter in the ring. Everybody thought that whoever was hailing Unit boat was era/y sure. But spyglasses soon showed that there was nobody on board. She was out on a spree of her own , and , as she was disorderly , she was taken in. it was believed that she had tossed some fellows overboard. but she hadn't. I know what happened to her. The Dauntless was in the harbor the night before , and llcniicll went ashore. He wasn't long there until he ran foul of Jight in a hotel. I don't know anything about the details of the battle , but 1 believe he had quite a brec/.y time. Champagne bottles woie damaged , mirrors were bombarded , waiters were scattered , bouncers bounced and the police called. The posi tion became a little disagree able , and Bennett , who , whether he de served it or not , was sure to get the credit of having painted the town red , found himself obliged to retreat. He ran down to the dock , jumped on board the lirst catboat ho could reach , cut her lose , inado sail , and put out for the Dauntless. Oh , ho could handle anything with can vass. When ho got on board the Daunt less he left the cat boat go adrift and gave orders to leave immediate. Wo left , and that explains the catboat mystery. If the boat had been lost or damaged , litinnott would undoubtedly gave given the owner of her tlte price of a new one ; but , as no damage wns done , no money was paid , at least as far as I know. Ho was always willing to pay all damages at the close of any boyish frolic ; for although licnnct was a wild fellow , ho was also a gentleman , 11ACKISTKV is a suddenly new science of my own. It i.s no great thing to read the lines in the hand. Why , one's character sticks out all over , and it is particularly bristling and obtrusive across the back of the neck and shoulder blades. 1 took a lesson in an opera box in company with lour illus trative examples. In front of me loomed the stately shoulders and aggressive back of a dame , who was surveying the other boxes , happily unconscious of the fact that her fashionable low corsage was oll'enng as snrp an index to her character as a diamond circlet around her neck did to her wealth. I saw that the outline of her blioiildcr-blades came down parallel with her spinal column , and I said to myself , that line i.s as still' and unbend ing as the old lady herself. See how sharp it turns that corner making the angle of obstinancy , and it couldn't bo any bigger than it is right there. The general outline indicates aggressiveness in a high degree , but , I suppose , if I were explaining her back before an au- dieiico of her dearest live hundred , I would simply say that she had a vivid understanding of bur own rights and never allows herself to be imnosed upon. Just as I was getting deeply interested in the old lady , she moved to the other side of the box , and 1 transferred my study to the shoulders of the girl who took the neat. Pliant as your own wil low figure , my dear , I said to myself. Those shoulders slope at an angle which can mean nothing in tiie world but gentlessness and meekness. That line down the middle in what vulgar and practical physiologists would call spinai column , but it is your life line , and the way in which it makes itself appaient indicates great vitality , and assures me Unit you can confidently expect a long lease of life , Those outline humps arc not vertebrae , they are love knobs , and the number of them Unit can bo counted above the cor sage show how many inoro years she may expect to continue writing " .Miss" before her name. I see the upper inside of your shoulder blade rises into a little headland , and I suspect that It means a good deal of thr ft , and the intention of Keeping the interests of number one just n little ahead of the rest of the world. When I turned my attention to Tin : 111:1.1,1 : : UK TDK uox , With ho Hut , smooth back , as soft- smooth and white as velvet , I remarked to my- S'olf that if thorn was over a self-possessed back there it sat right before me. That peculiar curve ot the neck where it jnorgos into the shoulders plainly means u merry disposition. That little hollow at the base of the neck , when she throws her head back and straightens herself , thU | is the eup of huppincss , and mean ! ) that she will liivo ; a very fortunate , happy , contented life. There Isn't much of si depression between her shoulder blades , ami that , I dike it , clearly proves that sue ia to have many friends , that she will prove faithful and that she will take great pleasure in their society , The close of the opera broke np my investigations that evening , but I have pursued thorn on a number of occasions since at the opera , at balls and at dinner parties , unit 1 find that the results fully justify the enthusiasm I felt wlien 1 made the discovery. At the opera , as an intel lectual entertainment it fully equals Wagner s music. At balls and dhuuu parties , there is nothing like it when your partner bores you awfully. The great adyantage of it Is you take people unawares , and tlioy can't deceive you bj hoisting their shoulder-blades or letting down their shoulders , and so disarrang ing their lines and angles. And then it is , n nmcli more considerate way of get ling information .and .ttmiscnicnt than Prtlmistry , beenu o as you read people's backs without thorn kuowitig it , you don' * make them feel like prize fools set up for exhibition. I am confident that bnoki.sMy is the coming fashionable A HAM. OS Tlin AVHSfE. Several of the nicest of swell parties from the avenue went to n ball as an ex ploit. They bought private boxes for the ball rvt Hosier A : Bial's notorious garden , and looked on the doings safely from be hind screening curtains. A few stood concealed by a rampart of potted trees and vines , some of them in full bloom , and peered out from the foliage at the pcciip. They could hardly distinguish the occasion'from a fashionable one in high life before 1 o'clock. The dresses wore n la mode , many were wholly modest. several were expensive , and a few were in excellent taste and beautiful to look upon. At least half the men Were in full driw. The venturesome - some belles could not see the wine bottles in the other boxes , or the beaded glasses at the tables in the further end of the hall , or the blue smoke from cigors and cigar ettes that was beginning to rise in every direction. A noticeable percentage of the men present had come to see the sight * and were in a stale of profound dis gust. They had paid two dollars , the ad vertised price of admission , and then been refused entrance to the hall unless they got their hats cheeked , for \yhich they had to yield up lift.y cents additional , and then to lind wine the only drinkable to bo obtained and that at a mountainous price , admission to the gallery ami other places where a view of the lloor could be had , refused without : i still further surrender of shekelsand nothing but church fair sobriety to see even at the best. Jt was disappointing. But tliere was one person , at least , to whom even this stage of the performance was interesting. She was dressed in white , wore a long train , had bare arms and neck , and watched the allidr with the keen attention of a novice. The men were polite to her and everybody elsoher escort was gallant and introduced his friends bv what seemed at least to be their real names. After such an intro duction , when the gentlemanly dude iiad withdrawn , she cast a sweeping glance about tlui room , saw the waltxers pro ceeding to the waxed lloor , the old men bowing graciously over their fair com panions , an air of wealth character izing the proceedings , and turning to her e cert said half earnestly , hnjf jocosely , as if to guard against a ridiculous slip : "And is this the way they do in society ? " ASTIIKSfllttT OF AVINP. began to get the upper hands of the lev ellers the scenes in the boxes ranged around the gallery became more a'ud more hilarious. The first intimation that the bounds ot decorum were passed was a series of falsetto and soprano yells that sounded like the emotional cries of the untutored redimui when he is either in anger or rejoicing. The sounds came from a box at the further end of the bal cony , were caughtup by the _ occupants of ho next one , and rapidly carried omul the circuit until the whole ow of boxes was alive with shrieks , curious spectators edged out too see what it meant. Look- ng into a box near the end of the Imicony opposite where the sounds lirst were hoard they saw the grave faces anil bofeathcred heads of two stalwart braves peering over the rail , and back of them smiling in vast amusement Mr. William r. Cody , ( "BullaloBill" ) his long black iair in elegant order and his wild western form clad in the regulation full Iress of civilization , on the broad , white jxpanse of which snarklcd a diamond. The savages were making no noise ; they , vero awful in their dignity , but later ivhou the dancing grew fantastic : hey could not. repress in terested smiles. The war-whoops were furnished solely by the dudes. Presently a swallow-tailed representa tive of one of the boxes came over to L'ocly and invited him and the Indians to join liis party in a bottle. The invita tion was accepted and the savages were escorted to the box. They did not fit well into the surroundings ; their dignity was oppressive , their demeanor too solemn. There was a plan laid to get them to the lloor and have them join the dancing , but it failed , and soon nothing but the whoops of the civilized remained to remind one that THK Hill ) JIIJN HAD HKKNTHKllE. A list of the swell matrons and maidens who went to this ball for a lark and re mained carefully undisclosed to the gen eral assemblage , would read astonish ingly to those who do not know the dar ing that society sometimes indulges in : But even tlieso venturers felt called upon to retreat , rather early in the fun. One of the chief amusements of the latter cud of their stay was the demolition of tall silk hats. The young ladies led in this exciting sport , their part of the game being to step quietly up behind a man and give his topper such a smart rap that it would go rolling over the lloor under the feet of the dancers , there to be kicked and tossed about joyously until the owner could rescue it. In some onsen the own ers objected to the ruin of their hats , but no row occurred oyer the matter , as everybody saw that any resentment would surely n'mvolve one or more wo men in a disagreeable scene. After U o'clock every dance degenerated into the can-can. Spectators crowded upon the lloor , surrounding the mo.it extravagant kickers , and completely breaking np all attempts to waiter go through ligures of lancers or a quadrille. Continuous laughter and howling ; filled the air. The scene was sufficiently shocking , as was evidenced by the action of a woman past middle life , who had sat at a table for an hour or more , a close spectator. She rose when the excitement was at its height , and , uushing her way through the crowd , sei/.ed a young woman by tlio arm violently and dragged her away , saying : "I don't allow no girl that Im chaperoning to aet like that. " The men thought it cruel to draw the line so sharply , but what is a ohaperono for , anyway ? CI.AIIA Hiu.u : . Judge firesluiin as a Conscientious Alan. Chicago Herald : "Jndiro ( ircsham was a near neighbor of mine for many years , " said a former citizen of Indiana , "and I can say I hat a more conscientious man than ho never lived , I believe his con- ficiontlounos.s in oven-thins he does to bo his most predominating trait. Onu story iihout the judge's severity in this direct ion , told me by Mrs. ( ire.sham , runs liku this : In the early part of the war the general was a provost marshal some place down in Tonnosso , or perhaps it was Mississippi , Mrs. ( Srcslmm. aoug with some otlier ollleers' wives from In diana , took a run down there. Among the curiosities in which they werogreatly interested was an enormous pile of con traband cotton. Kach of the ladies wanted to make up a small parcel of the raw material to send homo as a curiosity , ami also for household use , and they wore greatly surprised when Marshal ( ireslnim forbad them doing any such thing. Ho said that cotton was govern ment property , ami not a.pound of it , nol oven aii ounce , should bo taken away without duo process of law. S "Another thing which I have bean about Judge ( ircsham , and which I believe lievo to be a fact , is that in all of his ex perience on the bench moro Uian thir teen years in all ho neycr had a decision reversed by the supreme court. The judge's friends in Chicago and Indiana understand very well that he desires IK politjcal olllce , and that he has abjurei polities forever and dedicated himself body and mind , to the lif" potion ho now holds. Ho is too conscientious : man lo huve any liking for polities or politicians , and actually despises botli lie-has no morn political ambition thai Uuthcrford 11' . linycs-has , " IDE MAN THE COOS CAME TO Gap lain Martin Scott , of Vermont , tie Noted Rifle Shot. A Fellow Ufltcct' Is Cured of Consump tion by Ono or Ills Unerring Mul lets The Cnptnln'i Clever Dog His Visit Home. Atlanta Constitution : Almost every- ) ody has heard of Captain Scott's coon ? mt who lias heard of Captain SeoltV The coon has become famous , while the man who made the coon come down Captain Scott is almost unknown , lie was really one of the most interest- ng of men , with a curious anil adventur ous history. It is strange that so eapa- jle a man should have gone down lo his tory amended , so lo speak , to a coon. To 'jegin ' , let's have the coon story. This story was first printed in a conn- ry pu per in New York state about 1810 At Unit time the coon had considerable political significance , and the story may liave been told as a political anecdote. The tale is as follows : Captain Martin Scott , who was a noted rijlo shot , was out in the woods one day with a party of friends hunting. They were scattered through the woods , each muling separately. One of the party at length came upon a racoon that was sit ting in one of the highest branches of a very tall tree. He lire at him and mi. ? cd. One by one the rest of the parly came up ind tried their hand , each missing the lislant coon , who grew saucier as they iroceeded. At length Captain Scott ar rived , and was in the act of pulling trig ger , when the coon looked slyly around tie limb and said : " \Vlio are yon ? " "I am Scott. " "What Scott ? , ' "I am Captain Scott. " "Are you Captain Martin 80011 ? " "The same. " "Well , " said the coon , ' unlimbering iim elf , you need not shoot ; 1 will come down. " When 1'J years old Martin Seott was iving at Hcnmngton , Vt. A bear made Is appearance . in that neighborhood , loiiifj yreat havois among the lloekh. The icopio organized in squads to hunt it. Young Scott , knowing that his father would not let him take part in the hunt , loaded up an old smooth bore gun , crawled out ol the house before daylight , nnd wont out on his own hook to hunt the bear. It was nearly night when he jaine upon tlio bear , lyhig apparently isleopjnst before him. He raised the trim to his shoulder , fired , and fortun ately reached the vilals of the beast and killed him instantly. When he reached the tave.rn the hunters were all relating their experience , lie announced that he Inul killed the bear , and agreed to show them where it was. When they found the bear they constructed a litter on which to carry him to town , and mounted Martin on top of the bear. As they pasted his father's house the old mail jailed him down , but , unlike the coon , the youngster would not come , and the triumphant crowd told his father that he Iiad killed the bear. From his earliest days Captain Scott was a remarkable line .shot. Ilia fame ran over several counties. One day while he was plowing in the field a letter was handed to him. He stopped fin horse , opened the letter , and found that it enclosed him a commission as ensign in the United States army. To the day of his death he never knew how this coni- isxion came to be tendered him. He never applied for it and never thought of it. lie accepted it , however , and soon became famous throughout the whole army as the best shot of his day. Here are some stories about his shooting told tinon the authority of Colonel il. 11. Maroy , ot the United Stales army. In the presence of his company an ace of clubs was tacked upon a tree.'Captain Scott measured seventy-live yards from the tree ami took his position. With a mn//le-loading squirrel rille he proposed to sec how quickly he could load and fire three times. He began , and in one min ute and twenty seconds had loaded and fired three shots at Hie card. This was very quick work , forcing him to take a drop sight and fire instantaneously. Colonel Maroy went to examine the tar get and found one hole exactly in the center. He remarked , however , that the other two shots had missed the tree en tirely. Captain Scott smiled , called for an axe , dug into the tree , and found the three balls embedded in a ninglo hole. Colonel Marcy says ho has noun ollicers who vouch for having seen Captain Scott do this : lie would take two po tatoes , throw them into the air suc cessively , and put a pistol ball through both of llicm as they crossed in the air , one going up and one coming down. Naturally this was the sort of a man that 11 fellow would not like to light u duel with , and yet he had a great many. His lirst duel was under peculiar cireum- .stances. He was stationed on the fron tier nt the military uost of Council HI nil's. The army ollices , were then , as they are not nov , fond of a .social glass , and addicted to card playing. They considered a man who abstained en tirely from the like indulgences as lack ing in the proper spirit. Captain Seott never drank a glass of liquor in his life , and never played a game of cards , and while he was liberal in his intercourse with his brother ollicers , was exceedingly parsimonious in his own pei onal ex penses. The ofllcor.s of the post took um brage of this , and gradually withdrew from all intercourse with him , until ho was put in Coventry by all save two or three of his most intimate associates. He submitted for a long time to the in sults and small slights , and then held a council of war with his three friends lo determine upon what had best be done. They informed him that only two alter nates wore left him. One was to throw u , his commission. Tlio other was to challenge the lirst man who insulted him. He promptly announced tiiat lie chose the latter course , and his determin ation became known throughout the post. His skill as a marksman and his undoubted nerve protected him for a good while , no one caring lo provoke an encounter with him. At Jast , however , an officer from a neighboring post , wiio was a celebrated shot , and had drought down his man in some several duels , came to the po.st. Captain Scott's singular hnblt soon gave him provocation , anil ho put a de liberate insult on him , Tlio affair oc curred at the mess table. Captain Scott left the room , and immediately sent a challenge. In telling about the duel af terward Captain Seotl said that he went to the ground considerably agitated. It was his first duel , and being utterly , op posed to the practice , he had determined to throw away Ids lire. While the seconds were measuring tlio ground , and the principals with their friuiujgvjr.i grouped near each other , ho accidentally ovorlivard jji < > < > t.noi.ti ; ! ! say that ho had a very disagreeable job on hand that morning , vi/ . , ( lie shooting of a "damned Yankee. " This raised Captain Scott's indignation , and ho determined that in stead of throwing hi * lire awav , lie would put his ball whore it would do some good. When the word was given tlio men fired together. Captain Seott re ceived a slight flesh wound , and fuul a ball whi/.xing through his opponent's lungs. It i.s menlioncd as a curious fact that this Khot saved iho man's life. Ho had consumption before the duel and re covered afterward it being said that the wound he received stoppeu the course < > the disease It is nol stated , however that this remedy has become popular. Captain Scott- came very near having another ' (11101 ( on the most ridiculous grounds , lie was a great sportsman and a stickler for tochnicaldics of yporting loro. lie would ( lv into a passion at hearing any one call n line of geese a flock of gecsp , or a covey of quails a bi'ood of quails. On one occasion ho or ganized a grand hunt. The game was jack rabbits. A groal many visiting olllccrs with a number nf ladles were present , nnd Captain Scott Iiad fnkcn great pride in having the hunt conducted on the strictest principles , lie had re hearsed the homo oOieers , and had in structed tliPiu that when a rabbit ran from cover they should all give the "View-halloo , tally-ho ! " Among the ollicers wns a Captain I ! . , who was an in veterate practical joker. The hounds were loosed and taken into the brush. The cover was soon crackling with music. Every man was at his post in tip toe anxiety to catch the first glimpse of the expected game. The baying of the hounds grew sharper and sharper , and ncatcd Captain H. . who hail a conspicu ous stand. Suddenly , just in front of him , out bounded an enormous cam ) ) mu'.e , witli twenty dogs in full cry nt her heels. Alibis critical moment Captain 15. roared at the top of his voice , "Sallv whoa. " "Sally whoa , " "Sally who.i.1' The ridiculous cry was taken up by the others , and the whole field burst into un controllable laughler. Captain Scott was greatly outraged , and it took all that tin ; friends of the parlies could do lo pre vent his calling tlio practical joker out. Mr. Scott had a dog named Hark , a cross between setter ami pointer , Hint was famous throughout the army. I'or example , while silling in his tent at the fort , lie would say to Iho dog. "Hark , I want you to go over to the island , ascer tain it tliere are any wooilcoek there , ami come back and tell me.1 The dog would instantly go to the. river , swim to the island , and after hav ing hunted il over return , and if he had found birds would run up to his master , then to the gun , wag his tail , atid make it perfectly apparent that be had boon successful. Captain Scott would then tell the dog to get the canon ready. Hark would thereupon take the cushion in Ins month , lake it to the canoe , place it upon the seat , return for the paddles , take them to the canoe , and then come back and signify to Mr. Seolt Unit everything was ready. Another dog Turk , whipped Hark < ev- eral times , and had him hacked. One day Hark saw Turk eating a very tempt ing bone. He was afraid to take posses sion by assault , and going outside of I lie fort , sot up a furious barking. All the dogs in the fort ran out , Turk included , when Hark s'ipped back quietly , sei/.ed the pri/.e and look it to iiis hiding place. Ho was a dog of excursive habits at night , and when ho spent a night away from home was compelled by his master to .stand on his him ! feet with Ids fore paws restintr against the wall , and take a sound whipping. In one instance , having ; been out ali night on what must have boon an unusual debauch , ho re turned the next morning with the most dejected and penitent air. liis master looked at him , but did not say a word. Hark pimitenlly'wenttt ) the wall , got. into po.sition for licking , and turning round with tearful eyes looked at Captain Scott as much as to say , "I am ready. " After he had been iu the west for a number of years and had uccnmulated considerable money , Captain Scott went back to visit Ids people at .Honniiigton. He. left there a poor bov , and returned rich ami famous. Ho had .two remark ably line horses , and a negro boy named Jack , for whom he had paid $ . * i a pound , and whom he afterward treed. The cap tain oil his return home-was seated in a' beautiful gig , drawn by liis superb white horse , followed by Jack in livery as an outrider , and his thoroughbred "Dandy , " with twenty or thirty 1'nll'blooded dogs of various breeds bringing up tlio rear , lie created considerable.excitement. He bought a farm for his brothers , stocked it finely , and made them deeds to it all. Shortly afterward ho was called to the service in llie Mexican war , and was killed while icadinir Ins command at tiic batlle of Moline ilelUey. KILLED BY HIS FATHER. An lOnrajjod I'cnnsylvanlnii Sliools Ills Only Son. A horrible tragedy was enacted at Port Howklev , I'a. , of the evening of Decem ber lit. For many years pastJohn Crouse has been looked upon as the leading man of the little town. In all enterprises which had for their object the advance ment of the prosperity of the town he took a foremost part , and in charitable work he always headed the list , lly thrift and strict"attention to business , he managed lo accumulate a large com petence. He had an only son. .John , the jiride of his heart and the pet of the home , Nothing was too good for the lad. At an early age he was sent to a New England school anil after ward to college. Last June lie returned lo the paternal roof , a full-Hedged college-bred man , and ready lo enlcr the world to battle for a livelihood. In accordance with the wishes of his father , he chose mercantile pursuits as his avocation , and \vasulmit- _ : ted to partnership with his father in con ducting a large general store , which had for its customers eight hundred or moro miners. In the same neighborhood and opposite the Crouso mansion , resided a family named Buckley , who' for wealth and village nrislocratir bearing , were fully equal lo the Crouses. In the Buck ley' family there were two daughters , May and Lena. The latter was tlio youngest , and looked upon as the wife 'prospective of young Crouse. Lena was not Iho prettiest girl in the neighborhood by any means , but compensated in other charming attraclioiiH. She was coquettish in the extreme , and nothing gave her greater delight than to have a half doy.enyoungmen of tlio neigh borhood "on Iho string. " On the other hand , her alleged lover , Crouso , was of a very sullen and jealous disposition. The acquaintanceship between Mr. Crouso and Miss Lena existed for years , and , although there had been frequent spats , tlio gos.sips of the town had it that now that the son had been admitted to part nership with hisfalherthe wedding would soon take place. Hut those who claimed to know the inside facts of the relation ship existing between the lovers said there would be no marriage , at least nol I'or llie present. Lena had grown cold to ward Crouso , and found a now admirer in the person of John Clark , who was much handsomer than Crouse , but not near so wealthy. The appearance of a rival in the field nettled Crouso to tlio quick , and he became moro jealous than over. Last night lie called at the homo of the Buckleys , and , finding his rival there , flow into n passion. He refused to be seated , but , taking his hat and cane , filarled for the door , Miss l.ena accom panied him to the door , where an angry discussion took place. Croiiho accused his lady love of treat ing him shamefully , in inviting hi u rival to the house when ho had sent her word tiiat ho was going to call. The young lady said she. had not invited Clark to luir house , Cronnso would not be satis- lied with the oplanatlon ; , however , and left , as mad as a hornet. Ho at once proceeded to his homo whore ho told Ins father what had taken place. The parent got very angry and saift ho ought to lie ashamed of him-elf to allow a poor clerk to cheat him out of n wealthy girl ; thai if ho had any spunk in him ho would have remained at the Huckloy mansion and sat his rival out. This twitting on the father's part made the son very restle.ss , and nervous , and he retaliated by calling the old genlle- man s-omo hard names. Mr. Crouuso. himself a very impetuous man , grabbed up a revolver which lay on a shelf near by nnd shot the son through the breast , indicting a fatal wound from which ho died this morning. There is great oxcilo- meiit in the town , nnd lynch law is threatened. The murderer has been Scenery , Society ami Healthy Outdoor Life , SOUVENIRS OF ANTIQUITY. A I.ii7.y nmt Comfortable IiH'c , AVIinrc Days ( illdo Into Wceki and iMoutlis If tlio 1'nrsc Holds Out. P.\c , Dec. 10.--Correspondence [ of the HnK.lOf Iho many attractive winter re sorts in Southern Franco , few have for years been more deservedly popular and sought after than Pan. Indeed it com bines many nttractions , climate , scenery , society and healthy outdoor life. The air certainly ia delightful , of a perfect temperature at this season of the year , especially when mellowed by the rays of the sun , of which there is generally a good deal , with an occasional cloudy or rainy day interspersed , just to make you feel that perfection is not quite attain able. An Kngllsh lady who has wintered hero many years , having lirst come for her health , which she soon entirely re covered , described to me the elimate by the one word "soothing , " and this it is > even in the damp rainy days. Nice and the other re sorts of the Mediterranean , though fa vored perhaps with more blue skies , arc oi ; the other baud subject to the harsh wind of the mountains behind , as well as the tempestuous .storms of the sea. Hero tor the most of the year , tlio Pyrenees are snow-capped , but seldom does a waft of the icy air sweep down iho valley. The view from the promenade looking southward over llie river ( Jave , Iho llr.st line of hills , and then to the mountains beyond , some times half obscured by the clouds , and the nioniin < r or evening sun changing- with color their tips , is most enchanting. The eager lover of nature can find plontv of easy exclusions to the famous Knux-lioiines , Luclioii , Canlerels or the mysterious shrine of Lourdes , which take him well into the mountains. or TIII : SIGHTS is THI : TOWN itself the most interesting is the Chateau tie I'au. full of souvenirs. A fortified camp from before the time of Charle magne , of which the remains can easily lie traced , with the stone piers of the old bridge across the river , il has since then passed through many vicissitudes , it was lirst made a regular chateau by Can ton III. dc Foix , who was called I'l'm-bus from his remarkable beauty , and whose stalno is placed in the grounds which sur round it. This transformation occurred towards the end of the fourteenth cen tury. From that time down the chateau lias been inhabited by many distinguished persons , the various kings of Navarre , Marguerite de Valois , who made its gar dens most beautifuland has for ils great est glory the fact that Henri IV. , the .son of Jeanne. d'Albret and her husband , Antoinc de liourbon , Due de Vendonic , was born within its walls. His tortoiseshell - shell cradle i.s still therewith the banners aboyc , and higher yet his helmet with the white pjumes hhining as in the poem , when he said : 1'iess when you see my white plumes shine Amidst the ranks of war , Ami be your onllumine today , The helmet of Navarre. In our time the Chateau de Dl'au was for awhile the retreat of Abd-el-ICadcr and was a favorite abode of llie graceful Kmpress Kugenie on the occasion of the visits to ihe Kaiix-Boimes or Hiarritx. Restored and renovated by Louis-Phil ippe , it lias oven in the epoch of the Re public been turned into a national mus eum lor the. south of France , and will HOOU have many treasures added to the collection it already contains. Many are the attractive drives and rides to be en joyed in Till : ENVIRONS OK TAU. For a morning stroll , you have the park * of the chateau , in one direction , with its sheltered trees and glimpses over the stream and mountainsand ; in another , the quaint streets of the town itself , by the old market , until voti reach another park , where music is often heard. Vou see the earls of the country , drawn by a pair of oxen , or often cows , .sometimes driven by a man with liis beret cap of dark blue , Hat and large , not unlike a Scotch ( Jleiigarry , or perhaps a sturdy peasant woman in his place. The ani mals are generally covered with sheets to protect them from the cold of winter or the heat and Hies of .summer. Pan is a great place for animals and fairs are held where there i.s much trafficking in them. Mules are bred , and the Spaniards , in their picturesque dro s , come from over the border 10 biry them and lake them to tlieir native land. The market i.s an large open bit of land , and thou sands of horses , mules and caille are brought hero for sale from the neighbor ing country. There is also here one of the government haras , or establishments for breeding horses , which arc so care fully looked after in France. KOIS oi'TDooit ixiitnsi : ; : , those persons who like to run over hill ami dale in the pursuit of a poor little fox until he is driven to desperation and death , can have this taste gratified as much as they pleu.se. But there arc good healthy games which hurt no one , as for ins-lance golf and lawn tennis , for winch admirable grounds have been arranged , 'I hero i.s a very neat Iltllo theater with performances three times a week. Tim Cercledol' Union is especially for Frencti- men. while the English club is the ron do/A ous of the sons of Albion and the United Stales , ' { 'he hotels are excellent and many in numberand the visitor who intends to remain some time can lind a good villa , or , if ho preler.s.liikoan aimrt- menl , or settle down in a pension. 'I hero are plenty of churches , a good eircnlatjng library , and many resources for making the days pass easily. Few towns of tlio size of Pan liavo so much of what i.s known as a regular good ( ioiiiety. This arises from the tact that ' many'families of different nationalities have taken up a long or permanent resi dence here , and MJ easily fall in with iho natives of iho country , wiio give them a warm welcome. Receptions , teas , din ners , picnics and evening parties are con stantly taking place , and there i.s all the gossip ami rivalry for social distinction which is found in larger cities. Vou meet pjonty of well-dressed people daily sun ning' themselves on tlio lloulovard du Midi or listening to the mnsio in the I'aro Deaumont ; you lind yourself by them at the table d'hote or in the reception room of a hotel or pension. Life i.s rattier lazy and comfortable , and so many coniu to the conclusion that there are many worse places for passing the winter sea son than Pan , that they can go farther and fare worse ; .so they remain as the days glide into weeks nnd months , nnd , when at length they leave , it is Cf"n ! with the intention of returning another year. NATHAN Arri.irro.v. Mrs. Druse , the Herkinier , N. V. , mur deress , is said to be .so confident Unit ( iovcrnor Hill will commute her sen tence that she gives no thought to her. spiritual condition. The Citizen reports her as saying the other night to her guard ; "Hy .if I'm hung I'll haunt you all in my night clothes. " A young man , one of a party of hunt ers in Colorado , left camp to go out nnd set a trap. Ho did not return in duo time , and search was made for him. it was six days before ho was found , and they'll was. seen that in setting llie trap both hands had been caught in it , and thus he hud been held until ho was frozen to death. CHEAPEST , aes- : ks J ] and 4 in tliis taiiitil'nl ' addition lo S Omaliii is now in tlic martcl. Scmrc a lot whip , yon can have your pick. 218 South 15tli Street. FIHEST. Makes and Sells These Goods. Millard Hotel Block , Omaha , AT COST , fora few days only , Hase Heaters , Square and Round Stovet for parlor , dining room or bed room- ! . Also Ilnngr * ami Cook Stoves , and .1 beautiful assortment of llie New Agate Coflcc and Tea Pots. All our Tinware and Iloiiic Kiirnihhiitg Goods , olVeicd at t > pccinllr low n ures s HANK'S ' CI10ICE OF A WIFE , A Woranu to Pit the Dresses He Had Bought for Another. A ROMANCE OF DEADWOOD. 1'hc Otlirr Han Awuy from Hank Just on the Kvn or the AVcildlncr , Leaving ttio on Ills Hands. "Speaking about the Deadwood ro mance , " said old John Kittle tlio other night at Deadwood , "the only real Deadwood - wood romance that 1 ever heard of has never yet been printed by any of these story fellows. " Some of the hoys gathered about llie speaker , and after lighting their pipes , expressed a willingness to listen. Old John hemmed and hawed a little , and then began : "You see , what I'm going lo tell you occurred hero when the hills were com paratively now. Tlio romances in those days were not gobbled up by the news papers as soon as they are now. When I crime in here white men were scarcer than they are now in Alaska , and , as far as women are concerned , you'd see one once in a while , maybe , and maybe you wouldn'tVo hadn't ' any of us any business here then , because the reser vation hadn't been opened up as yet. but the few of us who were willing lo take the chances of getting ourselves ycalped and hamstrung by the Injuns wort ; not disturbed very much. I'm sneaking now of the time that Crook was afler tlio Sioux. He had been up in Montana and not finding the savages there ho had circled around and fol lowed the trail of various parties which he hoped to intercept. After n while bad weather came on , and as the country was terribly rough at that time lie and his command sufibred a great , deal. They eamo into tills camp finally , ragged and hungry , having lived on mule ineat for about two weeks , and here they stayed for a long time , getting their breath , as it were.ou can bet Unit they didn't li.nl any fault with us white'men for being on an Injun reservation. They took all that we had to oiler , and we ollered the lads about everything that the country afforded. "Several of Crook's men had already served liuvond their time , ami when the command reached Dcndwood it was de cided to let such of thcnr-as had served the full term of tlieir enlistment go about their business : Several of ( be troopers skipped out us soon as they could , but a few remained hero , thinking that lliere was more money In mining than there was in anything else at thai moment. In this way we Iiad quite an addition lo our camp , and , as the presence of the army in this vicinity did much to relieve the lours ot the average rustler , the new ar rivals became more numerous as time went by. Well , what I want to tell you is that one of the men from Crrak's com mand was Haul ; Watrous , as fine a fel low as you'd care to see in a month of Sundays , He had been in the army live years , nnd , of course has seen a heap of service. Soldiering in those daj's didn't give a man much of a enance to lie around and look pretty. \ \ him a band of regulars came to town they looked like pirates , nnd felt thai way , too , I reckon. Hank made himself agreeable to my parly , and. as lie was a likely chap , we look him. Ho could work as well as he could light , and tie was handy around tlio camp. ISusidos him and me , there were live others , and us time wore on olhors .still came in. With one party came a woman , the wife of o < n > of the men , who culled himself 1'elo. Wo always know he. * us 1'eto'w wifo. She was a mighty smart little woman , too. She didn't handsome much , but hn didn't hnvo to In those days. Afterawhilo she got into the habit of r.ookiiur for the crowd , and wo all thought a heap of her. "rote and liis wife had been in the camp about six weeks , when what .should 1'eto do but blow his head oil' with a Win chester that ho was fooling with. Nobodp saw him do the job , and when wu found tlio body we thought at lir t that ho had been klled by the Injuns. They w ° ' ' ° ° > - ccedingly liable to do Mich tilings in those < hi3-s. Hut on examining the lay of the ground wo found that iho Ihing musl liavo been uu accident. Only ono cart ridge had been shot oil' , and , as thcro was no reason to Mippoto that 1'elo was tired of life ! wo returned aerdict that Ins death was accide.ntal , ono of llioso inyslo- riosdispensations that you read nlnmt Wo buried him in good shape and as the wojiuiii said Unit bho would Hay vith ut > we kept right on calling her Pete's wife. About a month afterthis my friend think told mo that he had been ma I ; in ; ' up to 1'ete'p wife , and that f-he had pronn-cd to marry him thirty days later. This met my approval and nobody else objected , so that Hank made prcpar.Uions ac cordingly. At first he sent over to Sid ney for a couple of new dresses , nnd when they came I can tell you that they were mighty pretty. They filled IVlo'H wife live a glove , because they had been made after an old one. and when slit ; tried one of them on Mio looked mighty lino. Now 1 waul lo tell you something On the day set for the marr.ying--wc were going to conduct Ihe ceremony our selves Pete's wife vanished. llaiiK W.IH about era/.y , for he hadn't counted on anything of this kind , and I was alraid thai he would go out and shoot his head oil ; too. Hut he didn't. We looked all over without finding a trace of her. At first wo thought that the. Injuns might liavo got her , but Hint theory wa.s aband oned after a while , because we could not find anywhere within twenty miles of camp a fresh trail. Then we came lo the conclusion tluit she had jusl .skipped. To save Hank's feeling a little we told him thai she probably had found out that . * ihe still thought too much of Pete to marry again right away , and so went on trying to forget ail about her. That was in I87H. Five years later I heard of Pete's wife up in Montannr and a year after that I MIW her there. She wa.s then well m.irried , and she told me that ? lic had skipped out because she had concluded that -lieeouhl do better. She found her way lo tin ; track all alone , and ( hough she was sorry to di.-apj > niiit anybody , she had never re gretted her decision. "We } ! , Hank kept the two drones for some time and said nothing. Finally , when the crowd began to come iu , we noticed Dial lie would lake a great deal of inlere-,1 in every woman that arrived in eami ) : Two or throe times he got Iho dresses out and carried them down town , but he always brought them back again. Finally we got word that he was to bo married , and as there was a preacher here then , we went to the parson's IIOIIKH to see tins ceremony performed. Wo didn't know the girl , but when she eamo in with Hank what do you think she had onV Polo's wife's dress , by cracky , as big as life. She was a tough little cus tomer , and she led Hank a lively race for a year or two , but you can't wonder at that when you hear how hhu came to get him , or how he came lo gel her. "Vou see , Hank had been Drought up more economically than most of ii-1 , and he had tried for nearly a year to get a wife who would lit Ihe dresses that ho had bought for Pete's wife. Sometimes when the dresses would fit , the woman wouldn'tand when the woman would fit , tiio ( iresses wouldn't , ami so it went. At length ho found a girl who wa.s jut Urn size of Iho dresses , and as hho happened to want sonic clothes she agreed to marry him. Now , I have seen plenty of Deadwood - wood romance * , but they are gem-rally lee high lo bn true. They COWT lee much ground. They involve too many fine people. Tide is u true story , and it is none too rich for the blood of any old Dcadwooder who was hero when ju t such things were go ug on/ ' KiiUlixli IIM Sli ( < IH Kpoke. A contributor to the Pall Mull Cay.etto takes occasion to explain to hi.s lidlow- countryman that nmny of thelcrm which they call Americani.sius nothiii1. li"-s than good old Kngli.sh words which have become ofisolnto , or nearly so , at homo. In some OHM'S we have nol onl.piv erv 'd the words from obliteration , li'it after re taining exclusive UKoof them awhile hnvo restored them lo the Kiiglish vernacular. "Freshen" is one of UIOMI and "blull IK another. " < ; iiess , " the IIMJ of which be trays an American at mice m hngland , was in vogue when the Puritans cnnio over , and has hinmly been pre served here and fallen into duns } thero. "Fall , " which we ellen Mibsli- lute for "auiuinn,1' has the IK-IJ ! of nil- fhorilyln Dryileii. The word " .sick1 is not often heard in England , but : . ' ( ) < > years n"o it wna as common lhc.ro as ji t > - . now with us. Milton made iihO oJ ' 'homely , which we cling to , while the modern Knglishman cxpri' ' e.s the same idea by "plain. " "Slick" mid ' 'whittle" are both good old Knglihh words , now mainly con- lined lo this nidi : of Ihe water. When wo use "cntit1' in Iho MIIIIO sense of clever" wolumigo'xl precedents , bill when in Ilio SCUMof "prelt.\ " no authority at nil. In thu latter case it nan entire depart ure from the original meaning and it , os- ( sonlially au Americanism. "How d yo1 appears"in Pope , who wa.s exlronfoly particular in bis mode of eipressiop , nud Dickens , who made so much fun of us in Ids Ami-rieaii NoloJor the uoiMu.ul " > " of "nir. hud mily H'lro back nceutury to lind colloquial Kngl. > 1i peppered with it.