Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1886, Image 1

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Sensational Rumors Afloat Regarding the
Illinois Senator ,
Thn 1)111 to Hctlrc the Trade Dollar to
lie Repented AN Soon nn
Itca * < Hciiit > lr National
Capital NolcN.
Dec. 25. ( Spcchl Tele-
to the ! ; : . ] There aioonsattonal
rumors to-nlcht concerning the physical con
dition of bonator Logivn. It was icported
josterday encnlng that ho was a verj sick-
man , but no attention was paid to It because
U was not believed that he could bo In a pie-
carious condition. This morningr however ,
tlio repoit wns continued , nnd It was stated
that his condition was giowlug alarming.
' 1 his attcrnoon Dr. Haxtcr , who Is attending
Jbrnator Logan , was seen , and , although the
doctor was very gunided In his language , It
was plain , from what ho said , that ho re
garded the senator's condition as being pre
carious. "Senator Logan , " said he , "sutlers
most Intensely. He has Inllammat oiy rheum
atism of tlio severest type , llo has been hav-
lnrh ! | h fever , but 1 fouud his pulse to day
! to be only flvo degiees above normal , and 1
think ho ( lias iinpiovcd. Ho has not , how
ever , reached the crisis. Ho has lost much
sleep and flesh and Is miserable. " It Is stated
by a friend of the senator , who gets his in
formation direct , that the familv docs not
1. . want the public to know his true condition ,
Bit , ns It Is regarded as almost critical. It was
Intended that ho should bo taken to the Hot
Springs of Arkansas ten days ago , but It was
not deemed advisable to move him.
Sonatoi Logan went to Hot Springs nearly
three jcais ago for the same trouble lie now
Buffers from. When tlie phjsiclans there
diagnosed the case llioj cxpiessed a fear that
It would develop into Hright's disease , and
thOHtatenient went tlio lounds ot the press
that ho had that dreaded maladv. Later It
became clear to the phjsiclans tint it was
only a complicated case of inflammatory
rhuematisin , when it affected his lower
HniDs. Now It Is not only in his legs , but
his aims , and the pains are so gcnoial at
times as to bo cxciuclating and impossible to
locate. The most serious aspect of tlie case
Is the diiiRcr of the rheumatism going to his
heart or some other vital uoition ol his body.
So much care is exercised In the statements
of thosenntoi's condition by the plijslclau
and mombeis of the family tliat It Is almost
hnnossibio to learn the developments and
Iho exact outlook for him.
WIIAI nisuorions\VB.
WASHINIIIO.V , Dec. % ( Press. ] The
condition ot Senator Loirnn , who has been
Niilferlng forsovcial dajs liom acuteilieuma-
tlsin , grows raj-ldly worse , s > o much so ns to
seriously alarm his family. Friends in at
tendance hpcnk In despondent teims of the
prospect ot his recovery. Logan's phvtdclan
said to an Associated press reportoi to-night
that the ganeral'H condition was indeed
alarming. Ills Illness , the doctoi said , elates
back neaily two week , vvliun he commenced
to suffer from acute iheumattsm , which
went chiefly to his right vviist.
Under treatment for four or live
days the symptoms neaily dlsappoaied.
when the coneial took cold , which lesnitcd
In a loltpso. thu rheumatic affection extend
ing to his hips , lower extremities nnd botli
arms. The attack has been attended nt times
by high fever and nervous piostratlon , In
which the brain Is considerably involved , re-
Bulling In delirium more or less active. While
the gencial is not now sulfeiing much pain ,
there has been in the past two or tlueo days n
gradual decrease in strength and a tendency
to brain complications of a vciy serious
natiiic. Logan's phjslclan says the patient
is much leducod in stiength by ovoi work
nnd his system is not in piopcr condition to
resist disease. He lies most of the time In
u Bomi-iinconsclous condition from
\vhlcli he is with dilllculty moused.
His fever somewhat increased to night. The
bialn H > mptoms were prominent and his
jihisleinn admits that Ids condition is vciy
ciitical. In icsponso to a question tlio doctor
tiald flic danger lies , not so much in the pos-
tilbllltv of lieiit complications ns In hU ex
treme exhaustion and biain allectlon. Tliu
doctoi fiajs Honatoi Logan had a Hlmilai at
tack foui joars ago , unattended , however , by
many of the pioscnt alarming hvmptoms
Consulting phjslclans have In en called in
nnd consultations are Doing held times
dally. nOne of tliu plivslclins lemains at his
bedside to-night and another to-moiiovv.
IjArnn. A icportci who called at Calumet
place at nildnluht was told that the scnatoi
was thoTight to bo Mlghtly bettoi. seeming to
Hive improved n little in Miength and to bu
less Inclined to .stupor than e.iillor in the
monln ? . Di. Hamilton and Kcpiosontatlvo
( iroigi < t. Symcs , of Coloiado , vvllliomain
at tliu seniitut's bedside during the night.
TIII : ntVDi' DOI iAn.
Unexpected that tlm bill to letlio the
trauu dollai will bo ioioitod ] liom thu hcniso
committee on oolnatro as soon as congiess le-
asscmblcs. A major ! ! ) ol thu committee
have expressed tliumsolves in lavoi ol ic-
polling the moasuio just as it came from thn
honate , and an attempt will bo made to pass
It In that foim. TheiolK , hotvcvor , tv voiv
strong opposition to thu olausu In the bill
which provides for the siibtiacllon of thu
amount paid out for ti.ulo dollarfiom the
mnnthlv pmcliasooC bnlliju. Thisoiiposlllon
comm of course fiom thu extiomo silver men
whoaro not disi > osod to tavor any plan , no
matter how meiltoiious , tint piomlscs to
cuitilltho bullion pinehasois. At present
the tindo dollars niiiedecmed mo entliely
i oleiisaseuiienej ns thoj have a money
value not t\\\\la \ \ \ \ pqnal to tlic-ir t.ico value. Mi.
llland. chanman of tlm colnago committee ,
Imsdonoall ho posMblj could to piuvent tlio
eonslderntlon of ( ho bill in tliu committee ,
Imtothei members aiu determined that this
vexed question shall bo settled by the ptescnt
e ongrciss , If such a thing Is possliile.
onvNriso i.MiiAVsisni.s si.vrnvnv.
Wltliln the pa t fuvv weiks the nntthwcst-
cm cattlu gioners havu sent rene.itc d muiiior-
InM to cungruss urging thu Rettlomcnt of thu
Indians in hcveialty who occupy loseivatlons
ulong ( no not thorn boundary line. They
liihlHt that fo loin : as tho-o vast icservatlons
are allowed to exist along the Canadian boi-
dor American caltlo men ejin havu no re'diess
ngaliist the thieving piopensltles of tlio led-
minis. They alho urgu tnit as long ns In
dians can hteal cattle they will not woik foi
u living , nnd that it would bu a long stildo to
wards the civilisation ot the noithwestoin
tribes If they were removed from thuh n'sei-
vatlons and made to support thonisulves on
faiiuApioportlonedamoiigthem Indlvlduallv.
Hut In sjilto of these appeals , them Is roa-
HOD to bullevo that the bill to open tlio great
hloux resoivatlon In Dakota will not icccivo
much encouragement at tills session. Chair
man Wellborn , of the Indian committee ,
which has the bill In charge1 , has hild that ho
would do all In his power u > press liio nioas-
uro tlnoiuh the house , but the bill contains a
e-laiisogiving to ndlioad corporations the
light to ' pnichaboarlghtof way through the
lesi-rva'tion to the lllack Hills. Mi.Voll \ -
born Is opposed to lids , and foi that reason
Jini MwniB In no way ainiousto call up thu
bill for consideration.
iiiK Disrnirr itrroisDnttstui' .
I ho action of tne prc-UUnt in nominating
J. 0. Matthews to bo iccoulerof deedot the
Dish let ot Columbia , after tlio henate had
once icjected Ills namo. is likely to lead to a
vciy sciious row , and Mr. Cleveland may und
nlmself bltforlv opnnseU by omo ott ils best
11 lends. Thu stiiiale. as far nscanTioahcci-
tainediipto the pn-se'iit wrltiiiL' . is not dls *
| Uscd to coiiMdei the iimnlnatlun ot Mat-
tliuvvs. . tavoiabh , and they will undoubtedly
reject ills name wltli even muio emnhasls
than was donu in tlio last .session , it has
been asserted that ttio opposition to him
ailsesouh on aciotint of hUcoloi , but this
RtoiyU ubsiud , Mitthews Is n resident ot
Albany nud one ot Mr. Manning' ; * most
( instill Ik'uteiiants Hu is a powfli amoim'
thn nero populution of tlmt illy , ainf Is
witlml uveibrl it joungman , but at the
MUIIO time theio aio do eiib of men iu the
Dbtl'lct of X'ulumhlii , both white audeoluiuj ,
Vlio would bu entirely uuobjfctiouablo uot
onlv to the senate but lo the people having
business vvllh the ollice. Matthews knew
nothing whatever ot Washington affairs
when he was appointed , and he knows \crv
little more about them now. It is well said
by membcisof the enatowho oppose him
that It the president desired lo furnish a place
for this \oung man ho might have done so by
innking him postmastei nt Albany.
A Crazy Man' * ( Jnrcr Troak.
N'r.vv Yom , Dec. 21 ; . Abncr Hakcr Ma-
conn , of South Hnnovct , Mass. , was com
mitted in pollco court to-daj for Insanity to
thccaieof tlio commissioners of charities
and correction * . Ho claims that Simpson
anil Stilt" , of Texas hold 3ST,000OOJ in trust
tor Him , which a Catholic tnicst Is trjlng to
get from him. Hu leglstored nt the I'lnh
Avenue hotel on Thursday , llu Is
a line looking man about tlft.v > cais
old nnd had In his pii MSslon
$ -,110 in cish. On Kildnv ho locked lilmeclf
In his room nnd it was necessary to force the
dooi oiu'ii , llo lORistiMcd ns Hun , W. Heine.
Ho ordered Ids moils tt > be given in Ids loom
and tooi ; them tliiotuli the transom and
tlnovva HO bill out to the waiter , it is
tlioiuht hi ; was formerly In the furniture
business In Chicago and had become cia/y
on icllclon. At times ho imagined hlntsclt
to bo the Messiah.
hot ra HANOVI it , Mass , Dec. T Abnor
It. Macoun , who is detained by the police uf
New Yoik eity because of his stringu actions
at the I'M I th Avenue hotel , is well known
hcie. He Is a bioKei and Is engaged In busi
ness In Chleigo. He left hero quite suddenly
and was unhcaul of till bunday. Ho Is pos
sessed of a largo amount of piopeity hero , Is
icspected , and is veiy vvcaltlij.
riic at Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Xcb. , Dec. 25. [ Special Tele
gram to the HIF.J : A lite to-daj at Twenty-
eight ! ! and O streets ciused the loss of the
residence of II. M. Hicc , a tiavcling man
for a safe company , The loss on tlie dwell
ing was S3.000 , loss on household goods
51,000. Tno insuiance was held by compa
nies in the Clark & Leonard agency , nnd was
ns follows : On tlm dwelling , SS.OOO , and on
the ( household goods and tuinitutc Sl-00.
Thu family were absent fiom the house anu
it Is supposed the lire caught fiom an ovet-
heated range. The location of the lire was
outsldu the limits of water mains nnd of
the department , but lliehooK and ladder com-
piny could vvoik. Hobert Mcdee , an out
sider called upon by tiio warden to assist ,
w as severely Darned about the lace , hands
and arms and some ot the htemen were
somewhat -scorched.
A second alaim was turned in at Tour-
teenth and O in the evening , but tlie the was
out befoio the hose vvas laid.
The Death Kcuord.
ST. Loci1' , Dee , 2. " . John Mortal , one ot
the best known temperance worker , in the
country , died here to day. Molfat vvas cone-
spending secretary of the Christian Temper
ance union and cneral accut of the Tern-
paranco Henovolont association. Ho was
born in ( ilaseow , Scotland , in 1S2S , but came
to Canada e.uiy in life. Hu moved to Mount
Kagle , Tenn. , In lti)9 ? ) , and came to St. Louis
tvvojoars ago. Ho vvas a nephew of the
famous missionary , liobert Moiiat , and was
a cousin by mariiagu lo Livlngstonc.tho Afti- explorer.
Captain George II. I'ea , ono of tlie oldest-
steamboat men tn the west , and foi several
jcais president and a laige owner of the
Mississippi Valley Tianspoitation company.
died at his residence hero je'b.tculay , aged
Haso Hall
Jfivn YcwK Dee. 25. O'Urien , formerly
catcher of the Atlantic club , Ins been re
leased by that club and for a consideration
signed to tlio Brooklyn club. Picsldent
Young of the league has just approved the
following contracts : J. F. Mclone ( ! , nnd F.
F. Gilmore , with Washington : P. J. Convvav ,
witli Detioit ; J. J. Cull , A. II. Hutchlns , J.
Toton , and C. M. Grant : with New Yoik ;
( I. Teban. with Denver ; W. A. Goldsby , with
tlm Topcka club ; J. I ) , riielau , and J. It. Mc-
Allen , with Memphis , and Kiank and
Philip Kelt-hits , with iVovv Orleans. Decker
has been icloascd by the Washington club.
Cuff , Hutching , Totcn and GiantaruetiRagud
foi tlm Itinloi second Now Yoik nine and
unless tliey show unusual abilities will not
play In the legular league club.
A Fatted Itog For ChrlKtinan.
Coiior.s , N. Y. , Dec. LM. Kdwaid Tlt/-
gciald , llv ing ucai J-ock tliirtcon , complained
totho police yestetday that his little sou had
been bitten by a dog owned by
Alphouso Lefcibcre , and ho dcsitcd tlie
dog shot , ril/geiald and Olllcer O'llearn
called at Leferbero's dwelling and made
Inquliles 10.'arding tlio dog. Lcfeibero
Infoimed the men that ho had killed the dog
and intended to cat the * < am foi Christmas ,
that ho had especially Inttcned the animal lor
the puinose. Tlio men were tnkontoashod
where tliu ( load dog was hanging by Ids hind
feet. Tlio hide had been taken oft and a
man w.'n engaged in pre-Dirinir thu carcass
foi thokitchon. Lefeibeio savs 1m likes dog
meat. He has a big family and intended to
have n tieat fur Christmas.
Woolen MillH Diirncd.
XtvvAiiK , Dei , Dec. a"Tho largo mills
of the Dean woolen company heio weio con
sumed by fnc this moinlng , causln ; a loss of
about 5200,000 and tlnow ing 21'J hands out ot
rmplovment. 'Iho Insuinnco amounts to
about Sl'l.'i.CXiO. ' Nolhlng but the baru walls
are standing and It Is extremely doubtful If
the > will be soon rebuilt by the present coa-
NOIITH AD-.MO , Mass. , Dec. 21 ; . W. C.
Pliiukett .Sous' laico four stoiv bilek vv.up
mill In Adams was burned this afteinoon.
Loss , irlSO.OOO ; coveied by Insuiance ,
After Twenty YCIIIH.
Cor i vinus , O. , Dec. 21 ; . Saiah Victor , a
life pilsonei In tlio Ohio penltcntlaiy who
lias served neaily tweniy j eats ot hei sen-
lence , was to day paidoncd bj ( lie goveinor.
Tns case is ono of the most Interesting In
the cilmlnal annals nl the state. She was
conv letod uf polsoinni ; her btothei in Clevo-
lind tohccuiu thn insurance on hlslifc' . Jh .
vicloi will maku her homo in Columbus tor
thu pu'sont , Frank Knntof Hauling
( otintv , who iccolvcd In IbTI a life sentence ,
wi' also paidoned.
Schoolc lirenkH Iho Hocoid.
MI.\MAI'OI.I , Dec. bicvclo
iaco closed at 10:03 : tonight and all previous
ic'coids for long dlstaico wcro bioken ,
hchoe-k left thu ttHck at 10or : p. m .having
lidden 1,405 miles in 112 houis. 'Ihu best
prev Ions ii-cord was 1-tOI miles and U laps In
l-H IIOIIH. MOILMII unit after completing
1,170 miles , M'lle.imalndo quit at tlm
same time as Scliook vvllh a lecoid of i.ov )
miliH , be.itinc Piliico's ri'coid in tlio name
ilnkot l.oii miles.
Wins HID Trot.
S\s I'nvMiseo , Doc. " . : . 'Iho fico-for-all
liot , puiMi § 1,000 , mllu heats , tlneo inhvc ,
at lheba > dlstiict pnilc this afternoon , In
which vveie enteied Guy Wllkes , Chailes
Holton and J. t' . , vvas won oy Guy
\Vllkes \ , who took the second , thiid and
fourth heats , J t' . took the first he-at. but
was distanced iu tliu lotulli , and Holton got
second niono > . Host tlnio 2:11' : ' .
to Ho Dollvercd Up.
On vvv.v.Oul. , Dec. -Olllclals of the
ilopaitmcnt of justlco aie at present cntraged
In correspondence with the at
Montreal In regard to the case of lloke , the
Ameilcan umbewlor , who will bo dolhciod
up to tno American govc'rnmcnt Janniry ' . ' ,
An oidci for tlm exli.idltlou of the iirlsonor
w as iceently granted.
i . \ittiitb .
liovir , Doe 25. Loid Haitiiuton , aceom-
liantcd by Kliht ; Hon. He-nr > Chaplin , mem-
U-rof Lord Salisbury foimei ministry , at
tended Christmas services todav nt tot.
IVtei s atul hantaMaiia Maxi.'I retatlicdials.
LoidHtirtlngton will go lo Monte Cailo on
Monday. He will not icach London until
Jnuuar } 10.
Report That the Noted Express Kobber is
in the Toils
Two Oilmen Paper * Sny Mint Plnkcr-
ton Has the IMon Securely anil
One Denies the Capture
'Hie Stotj.
The Pilt.oo Train Itoldior.
Cmr Uio , Doc. i"i 'J'vvo local papcis puli-
llshcd this inninlng accounts ol the aricst
here jestciday of Jim Cumnilngs who has
long been genetally believed to he the load
ing peipetrntor of the St. Louts A San I'lan-
cUco express tobboiy last October , and two
of his accomplices. 'I he Intel Ocean w 111 say
to moirovv moinlne tlmt these accounts have
no foundation in tact except that three men
vveicairested for a smitl olfen e , neithei of
whom was Jim Cummlngs. The finding of
tlio money Is also denied. The local authori
ties me ustromely letlccnt regarding
tlic expiess robbeiy ease , but It is understood
that staitlliig developments may bo ex
pected in n few dajs. Tht- following
are tliu details of the capttncas ictimted :
Two months ago this evening nn Adams express -
press car attached to a Until on the St.
Louis A ; San Francisco load was enteicd by
a dating highway man and roboed ol SV,000 ) ,
and > esterday I'lukei ton's National Dctcc.
tlvo agency ano3ted on the West Side the
man who committed the act and two of Ids
"pals" who paitlclpatcd In the lobbeiy. The
guilt of the men under airest ono
of whom is "Jim" Cumtnlngs , who
bound and gagged the cxpioss mos-
sengei , rotheilnghain Is proven bcjond all
icasouable doubt , and about 35,000 was rc-
coveied , being found on his person , while
he was squaudciing lavishly his 111-gotton
cams witli one of the demi-monde who was
aiesldcnt of a house of assignation on the
West side. The details of the auc t and
the names of the accomplices of Cummings
aio not known to moio than a half do/en of
IMnkerton's slncwdest detective * , and as the
prisoncis were taken to SI. Louis on the
caily Alton train last evening by William A.
Pinkeiton , Itoboit IMnkeiton , diaries \Vap- \
penstein , and othcts. no Intormatlon as to
what pai t they plavcd piior and subsequent
to the jobbery can ue ascertained.
I'oi the same reasons the details of the cap
ture aui not public piopeity , but It is known
that Kobcit rlnkeiton , the New Yoik man
ager and held of the agency , came to this
eity about tlnco weeks ago. He and Chailuy
Wappciibtein , ex-chief of police of Cincin
nati , weio appaiently putting their heids to
gether too olten to bode any good for bome-
body. and linally the seciet leaked out
among a select few that they wei eon the
tiack of "Jim" Cnmmings nnd his confedei-
ates. Robert Pinkcrton and his mm had
tiacedthcm all over Mis ouii and Kansas ,
and In his investigations I'inkcrton made the
discovery that Cummings had been keeping
company with a di&icputnblo woman In St.
Louts. She vas handsome , and Cummings
had become infatuated w Ith hei , but after the
lobbeiy lie was careful to remain away from
her for a time , bhe was kept nndei a clo ° o
watch , however , nnd toi a month noprosiess
was made. At tlie end ot that time Hobeit
I'lnkciton was luloimcd by ono ot his op
eratives that the woman was preparing to
come to Chicago. This aroused the suspi
cious of tlio cunning detective , and not only
was she accompanied lieieby ono ot bib men ,
but Mr. I'lnkciton also followed close in her
wake. Charlej Wappenstcin , who had iust
ariived hero a short time previous fioin Cin
cinnati , and been placed on William A.
1'inkerion's statf , was put to vvoik ,
and Cinmnlng's lady filend bcinir lo
cated In the west bide assigna
tion-house , she could not make a move with
out being shadowed. About tlnee weeks
ago thu expectations of Mi. I'liikoiton nml
his suboidnutes weio icall/cd , when Cum-
mlncb joined his lady it lend and began his
caiousal. Cumming groined to suspect that
something was w long , and was aliald of
daylight , and ho seldom , 1C ever , lett tlm
house except altei clink. When ho did so
he was never lost sight of by the detectives ,
who did not want to airost him until they
en&uaied his partucis. They let him "play
his .sti lug out , " and when they had the ac
complices in I'inkeitoii's sweat-box they
veatciday attenioon wont to the assignation-
hoiibo and found Cummin js with
his woman. Hu and tlie woman ,
too. weio tai.en qiiietlj to the IMnkeiton es
tablishment on Filth avenue , and wlietliei
or not ho made a statement is not known ,
On being searched neaily ij'i.OlO was found
on him , and this la supposed to be piit of
the plunder.
About b:30 : last ovinlng thtoo hacks diove
up to the agency ollice. A tew minutuslatoi ,
Cumininci , hindciiffed , and incompanj witli
two of ( lie I'inkertoii operatives was hustled
into one ol them , and the two othei pitson-
cis took scats In the othei two hacks , anu thu
party was dilven to the Twentv-sciond
htteet station. Tlio I'lnkerlons wishitu to
obseive sociecy did not go to the union
depot , and thcicfoio wont to Twenlj-seeond
stieot , wheiu they took tlieii piisoners on
boaul the Alton ti.nn and went to St. Louis.
'jin i.virsi in. i vii s.
Up to a late hour Inloimatlon fiom do-
tec' no souiccswas of a decldedlv meagio
nature , but coin oved the Impression tlmt thn
olllcoi ! , nelioved themselves to have caplmed
the triln robbcis. Thetiio arohtlll Inclose
custody huio , and the papeis jiublisliing the
leports of thuaiH'ot maintain stoutlj that the
statements given me btibstanthillv collect.
Their authority Is Mated bj them to be equiv
alent to dliect Information fiom thu olliccis
making tlie nnest. It is now icpoited liom
poiuct's ii'sponsiblo lor the lirst accounts
that the amount ot money captured on
the lobbcrs is S.VWO.mitSlo.oJO.ahiiiM staled.
HIM latest assoitlons comemlng the ca o
aio to theellcct that the men themsclvenweiu
not shadowed their whereabouts tiuing nil-
known but a notorious woman who \\.is intimate -
timato wltli tlio suspect Cummings was
tiaced hero Horn St. Louis and has lei about
ten dijs been kept under constant esiilonago
Inthisdlv. 'Ibis plan was lewaidcd bj thu
auiie.uaneuot Cummings and hiscoimadcs
llm man Cummings is said to bo not the
noted desperado homing tlmt name , but
another whose caieei has attracted less atten
tion. All thu arts known to the detectives
weio In use tlitoughout the night and dining
ClulstmiSi moinlng und afterwards to fotco
ono 01 nuothei ot thothreo men to reveal
theiicciet. . To-night it is confidently HV
scried In borne quaitcrs that from one of the
has at last been exti acted a paitial
conle.ssiuii , AllllFnT AT KANS VS TITV.
KVNSAS Cm * . Dt-c. ' 'i. Oscar Cook , a
cooper , was anested in a gambling house in
tfio noitlicist pirt ot the city this afteinoon
on suspicion ot complicity in tlm Cummiiu-s
o\piessiobbeiy neai St. Loins two months
ago , I'lnkciton detectives , it is said , have
been hetu Bw | eeks shadow ing Cook. The ot-
hchilsnio ictlcent and tlm natuiu of ( ook'.s
alleged connection with thu lobbery is not
known , Jt Is icpoited that "Ciimmin-'s , " so
called , was aiicsted joterday in Cldcaso.
and that ho and Cook were once on intimate
teims while living in Leavt'iiwoith , Kan.
Cook is about twtnt.v-ilvo jears of age and
has a wltu heiu , hiving lived hero two
> eiu , Ho Ins beun idle for about
tour monlhs , vet has b < cn Miendini , ' monej
quite often of late. The supposition
U thai if the above imports of the rouociy am
line , Cummings may have given him money ,
thoii''h ho hail no actual paiticipatlon in thu
robbery. A ropy ot a St. Louw paper con-
tainliu a lull account of the lobbery was
found In Cook's ti unk , Ha was taken to St.
Louis b > the W.ibish lialn to night.
1111 : M.WS i.v s > r , i.oi 14.
Si. Lous , Dee.12.V'Ihere Is no dennite
Information heio in reect ] to the alleged
aricst fn Chicago of Jim Cummini3 and his
pals In connection with tlmihms express
robbeiy , excejit that the men have notarrlved
li ) the dty. The news wis dlseredlte. ! at
Insf by law and evpiess oflicers. but
to-night tlio opinion la galnln ;
ground fiat not only was the am-st
nude , but that it U possible , if not probabie ,
that thu light wen have been captnud. Cii-
cult Attoinoy d lover Issued capiases some
time uuo to rinkerlou for th urreit of tlie
men , w ho the tietwth es said they had located
In the western pail of this state.
Iho men , ho says , may have
< dnco clanged their location to Chicago , and
the parlies arrested may be the same persons
Damsel , superintendent of the expiess com
pany , disclaims any knowledge ot the nucsts
nnd will not express any opinion , The po
lice authoilties Imvo , ol claim to have , no
knowledge of the arrests , and will
not express any opinion. 'Iho police
authorities have , 01 claim to hr.vo
no knowledge of the matter except the state
ment made to them by c hlef of pollco IJbcr-
sold of Chicago In a telegiam Hint three mm ,
had been aircr.ted and that they hid been
sent down lime. Thuendof the ca e Is really
barren of news.
Another C\IC H llolibery.
ST. Lori" , Dee. 5 , * > . When Hie east bound
train on the Missoml Pacific i cached Chill-
cnham. a suburb ot .this city , last night ,
seven b-us of silver worn put Into the 1'acllic
rxpicss ear , and when the sllvei was un
loaded , omo time attei its aiilval boie , only
five bais could bu found. It h supposed tlmt
the two iiilsslne tni-nvcio stolen in the
union depot v.udj. It was u consignment
to Iho 'I hlid National bank nt Philadelphia
fiom the St. Louis SmeHliii : and liolinlng
companj Tlio l > ais are valued at S-,000.
, " > IMS | Hull' * HcnmliiK l ounct In n aiotll-
cul CollcKe.
Dr.sMdiM'.s la. , Dec. 2. ) . [ Special Tele
gram to the llnn.j 'This evening Detective
llradshaw , acting under oidcis of the sheiilf ,
climbed o\er oovuial buildings and vvont
down the scuttle hole in tin1 loot
of the Iowa college of plivslc-
lans and surgeons , I'roceedtne to the
dissecting loom lie tound on the table the
body of a > oung vvonnn from whoso face
and hands the skin had been tcmovcd. She
was Identified at once as Maud Hull , the
jouncladv who dlsappuued so m > sterlously
alterbutlal In Cailisle , Wanon connti.a lew
days ago. Hergiavofiad been opened and
the icmalns taken away , but no
ttaco of them could be founJ.
Her brothci came to this eity ,
and on Thursday made a
vcryoaiofut seaieh of the medical college.
hut without avail. Since then a watch has
been kept and to-night the othccis deter
mined to try again and seauli was undo
with thoiesult named. The brothci , who is
neailj dlstraetod with griel and Indignation ,
claims tlio body as tint of his bistci , and
identilios her by two 01 tlnco marks. The
medical college anthoiitles deny any knowl
edge of the case , but Ii. fechoolei , the dean ,
savs that if the Inothei can completely iden
tify hei he can take away the icmains. Tlio
young man left lei his homo nt oueo and ex
pects to loturn in tlm moininc witli othei
liicnds who will coniinn the identihcatlon.
Slio Wan Insane.
CIIKAOO , Dec. 25. The coionei held an
inquest > estcrday In the case of Mis. Jessie
Johnston , who committed suicide Tliinsdny
bj thiow Ing hciiclf Into tlio lake. Thucvi-
dencowas In accordance with the facts al
ready published , and a veidict ol suicide by
diownlngwhile suffering fiom an attack of
temporary insanity was icndercd.
KNOXVIM.E , In , Dec. 25. Mis. Jessie
Munch Johnston , -wife of S. C. Johnston , has
lived lu this tly ( since her marriage , about
.ton jears ago. She had no chikheii , but hei
domestic iclatlons woio most hanpy. ShO
was well sltuotcd , as hei husband owns a
hue residence , elegantly furnished , and
keeps a hoi so atuVpbaetou , In whieh she was
accustomed fo < l\o about the city. Having
lead law vvith Jior husband , she xvas ad
mitted to tlie Kriox\illo bai In 1881. jJyher
own icqnest her examination was conducted
publicly , and tlie unanimous decision was
that she was thorough ! } qualified to practice
in any coitit. The luni iminu was Johnston
< te Johnston , nnd she worked In the ofllcu
until hei mind began to lvr vvav' under tlio
mental strain. She was well rMeemctl nnd
moved In the best socletv. andvvas a line
musician and a Iad > ol cullnie In evciy le-
Tlio tiwilchiiicu'b Strike.
Loi'isvn r.L , Ky. , Dec. 2 > A niimbei of
bwltchmen in the Louisville & Nashville
jnidIioie considered the question to day of
supporting the biakcmon in thcii strike , but
decided not to do so and si''iied a communi
cation stitlne that thoj would tike ntfhand ,
Coiisldciln it ridiculous to ask the company
to dlsehaigo Its aupcrlntendent. Ollieis ,
hovvevci , at .1 meeting tonight decided to
como out whenever the biakemen should
ask them to , The brakemen on the Nash
ville division and tlio noitli end
ol the Memphis line , who rame
out Thmsday in suppoit of flic action
ot tlie men at Louisville , hive ic-
uniied to work. This cunhnes the stiike to
the main stem between Louisville and Howl
ing ( iiten and the KnoxvlHo division be
tween Louisville and Uowland. Theiu Is
nodmnge In the situation hem since tlie
company positively declined to cousldci the
men's icrpiests for relii'tatomont ol thu ills-
chaiged men , und thu dlscliiuga of theii hii-
peiintendent Downs. The coiniiany repoit .1
nniiibei of nion appljing for positions n- >
brakemen in place of the sliilcers.
Hnn Avvaj vv Ith a Iocoiiiilivo.
Ivrov , ( ) . , Doc. 'J > Mack lladdlx , the
son of a well-to-do farmei , lesidingneai O- > -
boin , was arroited jc-jlerd ly and sent to jail
on n wanant elntginp him vvllh the lateony
of a locomotive valued at 33,000 , the piopoity
of the Cincinnati , Hamilton Dajtoniall- -
ioid The tlioit was committed night beloio
last at midnight , the engine , with steam up ,
loidv to slatt on hei nortliein tilp , Iteliig
taken Irom before thu roundhouse , lladdlx
who was drunk , on boaidliu hei thiuw the
lluoltlo wide open and was soon i mining at
the rale ( j | thirty mile , an hour. He collided
witli a Height tialn , wiecklng tlnee ens and
daunglngabonl llfteon olheis , but escaped
without anverv Reiloiis injiiiy to hlnibclf.
Had no been a tew moments Inter alter thu
fieUht h.ul parsed ho would have dashed
Into a pisscnger tialn just bojond thu eltj.
Hu to night tiUiults tluit he knows nothing
about innning an engine , and that when ho
took it he Intended toinc to Hamilton and
from there to Indianapolis. Hallronil Auclilenl.
Sr. J'jirji , Dee. 2j. The I'loneoi-I'ross
Winnipeg special sajs : J wo cars of a pas
senger train on the ItocUj Mountain division
becamu dctacluul , lan tlnco mllu.s down a
heavv gtade. jumped the tiack and were
smashed , Ktpress Messen.'d Mi Null ) and
an unknown patscntjei worn klllul , Twentj
passengeis vvero badly shaken up ,
Anntlior llritkc'iiu'iiN Strike ,
JVCKROV , Tenn. , Doc. - ' " > . 'Iho lioiglit
biakemen on this division of the MohiloA
Ohio toad are on a fti ike. ' 1 ho men ask foi
lueieahc'd wacosand say no trains bhall move
till thu demand ) ! * gi.uited. 'Iho > ; uds nio
blocked \\itl ( cms. Thu btiikeia aio quiet ,
A Ifotitl Itiiiiinil ,
MncjrKTTr Mich , Dec Jl-Kaib this
morning , b'jfoio the guests had iben , thu
Clifton IIOUHO was dlscoveied on lire. Tlio
alarm was given In time so tlmt all escaped.
Thu building binned lapidlv , and , wltli most
of tlio furniture , U a total loss , amounting to
about jJS.OOOj Insurance ? y , < XW.
A Hf'1-n'ot ' Joli.
Junsuy CITV , N J. , Dec. 2.1. Mis. Mary
Martin , of Tdffejville , built a liio in a stove
to-day and slatted for a gioceiy , Duung hei
absence Ueorgo Nebengi r and Thomas
1'Tjnn , two will known thieve , entered hei
homo und stole thob oxe. They weio ai-
rested with their heavy and hot booty.
Cotton Dehtrojcd.
Nr.vv VOIIK , Dee. 23. Viro in Louisiana
cotton > ardsto < la > d ! stro > td 1 li'iO bales of
cotton. Iho leas is cstlmatrd at SOO.coj ,
fully insuied.
_ _
.NoltrawUu anil invva Weather.
Tor NebiaskMnnl Iowa ; bnovv , slightly
The Proposition to Abandon the Congres
sional Record Meets With Opposition ,
Note * of the Klnd-Ho.trted in Iho Unlta
ofConurcss Uunrti In the llniiso
A Itctimtkahle
? l an.
AVnntTlicli1 Spcpclio i In Pi Int.
WAMIIVOTOX , Dec. 41. [ Special Cot rev
pondencce of thu Hi.i . | 1 1 the mnpo < dtion to
abolish thu Congtessional lioonid pievallcd
Ihero would not be one CcmitU ns much de-
Into In congicssas thcio Is at picscnt An
emplovu ut tlio stenographers' fouo In Iho
lionet ; sajsthat thcv have. fioquentli meas-
uitd the voiumuot iniltcililch eocs Into
tlio liccoul mid that one half ot It Is made1 tn >
of "sot specches" that i , icmnik * ptepaied
In advance and Intended fet cliculalion
among tlio constituents of the "speakers.
rullj 'JTpei cent , of the running debates , he
savs , , aio Intended lor circulation also. It
can leadlly be seen that if one-lnlf of the
Kccoul Is cut down hj the exclusion of vvilt-
ton speeches , iiuil " 2' > pet tout of the icniain-
\\\K \ \ \ liall Is oxelmlcd on account of lib pie-
pared nntuio , that the icslduum \ciysin.ill. .
Then fioin this must bo taken the committee
it'porls , the bills , petition1' , momoiinls. oxoeu-
the communicationdepiitmcntul cones-
pnndciico and a thousand and one othei
things , leaving but \eiyllttlo matter to be
pilntcd which was Intended In the design of
the Congtosslonat Itocord.
It is not at all likely , how ever , that the
Kccoul will be abolished , foi , although it
pro\csthi ( bane e > f uian > meinbcis , it is Iho
jealous mistress of moie , and is the
piido ot a laice majority , who like to
sco \\hat they j-ay produced c\ciy
morning In that beautiful bold-faced
minion on highly calenderedhitc book
p.ipei nllatlho Government's e\pcn . Al
though only about thiity copies ot the dally
Uecoid nro dlstilbuted l > j each member It
makes nn heirloom mid a tablet which neaily
all like to lea\c to postcilty.
KIM ) linAIUU ) C'O.Mim.sSVtr : . ' .
There are a good many big hearted men in
congiess , notwithstanding the tact that theio
: ue scoies of stony heailcd ones. His not
tine , as many people suppose , that long sei-
\iee in the legislative hnllsot the national
capital make men teehngioss. Some of the
kindest and most chat liable and llbeial
minded statesmen aie those who huvoscivcd
longest. Hut it is true that if a new man
comes in who r > ho\\s genial qualities lie is bo-
selged by the hanueis on and is picjed upon
until tlie stnfl ho Is made ot becomes known.
.Mr. Willis ol Kentucky , who was dcle.xted
for i e-elecl Ion because ho favored the contin
uation ol Airs Thompson , thopostmisliess at
Louisville , who is u icpubllcan. is one of
God's noblemen to those who havu to inn
against the stein men at the capltol dally.
Jlo hastlui patience born of Job and that con
sideration for n fellow man which charactei-
1/ed some oC Job's compatriots. Attei live
jears of dally contact with Mr. Willis 1 ha\o
jet to hear of the hist person who met with
cnrtiioss or Incivility at his hands. Almost
as much , It not quite , can bo said of Colonel
Henderson , ot Iowa ; Judge Iloulf , of IVn-
nesBec : Judge Kcaeau , of Tons : Judge
Pajson , of Illinois ; General llrownu.
of Indiana , and his coiilrore , Mr. Owen ,
who is loundlng up his Hist teiin. Mr ,
O\von up to a few \eats axe , was a minister ,
and suipiiscd a few jicoplo by cairjlng into
the house of ic-pic.sonlatives all ot those
Clnistlati impulses that ho oxeielbed In the
pulpit , TheKev. J. H > att binitliwho was in
the Foity-seventli eongiessfiom Brooklyn ,
and \\hodicd the other day , and whoso mem-
oiy elicited so much eloquence nnd praise
fiom the tongue of Talmage , wnsvery much
the same thai ixetei ol man. Neither ho nor
Mr. Owen announced by thcii manner tint
they had been mlnlbti-is , even liom the
moment the.v liist appealed upon thcflooi of
the house , but It was plain that them was an
unusual attractiveness about them even upon
the slightest glance , men aio enabled
to do much more bv keeping in obsctnity the
piofc-sion they follow , as they weio enabled
to make last tiiends and wield an Influence
in all classes. When Messis. famltn and
Ovvfin hrbt appealed in thcaiennol legisla-
tois thPV vveie sought out by all the old hab
itues ol the capilol who havu giiovanecs and
mi.isuies , hut they soon leaned that thi"-u
men had other missions nml weio as lirm In
chaiactoras thosuot ! klndl } inclimtlons
It isn't often thr > t am but intimate friends
nnmonch ox-Speikei Randall. Mi Hewitt ,
Mi. Mmilbon , Mi. Bragg 01 a do/en othei
men , ol haish tempi-lament. These make up
thesteinci cinqs' , who never smile , and who
novel ask jou to eomo again , and who do
not imptcss one that there Is milk of human
kindness uboiit tlm cnntol. more in
th u sam diicctlon could be said ol .Senatois
Vest , L'dmunds , Heck. Tije , etc. Jlut theio
lf > enough kindness in Mi Allison , ( ieneial
Van Wii-k.Mi. Mitchell , ol Oiogon. ( iencial
Havvlcy. Mi. bpnonut. Joe Iflackburn , and
the patient Call , ol Hoi Ida logo all mound
In the senate.
in iir.riti's rs-coNri HI IIV.TH HUT. .
Lxliaordlnai v ellorts me to bo put loith In
thu lioiifo foi the consideiatlon ol Mr.
lleiheit'h bill iclievlng e\-conli'deiates ot
nil disabilities not made by tlio i-oiislitutlon.
The revised Matuos ol the Hnitpd .States
make coitaln dlhabllitii'S foi thO'-o vvhoseivrd
in the contcdeiacy , the moil objectionable
being the one prohibiting them tiom holding
commissions in the legulai aimv of tlio
Unltid . . Lieutenant 1' I' '
Mates. . . 1'owell. ot
the Ninth cavaliy. Is tin * only man now hold
ing a commission in the I 'lifted states aimy
who was u soldier In the tonlideiliey. llu
wasemib'cd ' totako this commission by an
net of congiess si\ 01 fight \i-ars ago. Ho
had worked himiclf up liom the iiinkstobo
a sergeant nujoi , vvhhh 11 the highest giado
a iKin-iommlssloiurt olllcei can hold. It is
l'iUnd ( ( that the cncunibtamci Kiiiioiiiuilng
his piomothm would w .11 rani coiign-ih in H- .
llcvlng him ol his political dKibllluei- .
U'hu Jlcilieit bill has long bt ( n hi'loic tlio
lioii'O ronnuiltco on jndlciar } . lieleiilng to
the piobabilltv "I tlio iwasuio bccomincra
law , .Vir. John CarrnlUiael , of Viitilnla , the
ntcompllbhed clerk of thu ( oniinlltee , who
populai opinion like
yields it iiitclllL'cntlj , hild thlsmoining :
" 1 believe the bill will go through. Tim
la-ool Lli > uteiiant 1'owellpiovoilhatlsfactoiy
to the eoiinto , nnd It was us aggiavatlng to
thu noith as oidlnaiy cases , I'owell now
entries n yankro bullet In his ribs nnd n com-
mhsioii in the nimv In his pocket. Xovv , 1
.seiVLdin tlio LonUduato aimy. 1 -
teen vears old at thu llmu , and , idihoiuh I
have lived longer nndei tno loiihtliiitlou of
the t'lilltil States than I did uudei the con-
lideraej , ] could not hold u commission in
tlm a i my. "
Undoubtedly the metsuio will arouse
hiati'd debate , blinking up nil the lecllng en-
gondeied dm Ing tlio w ar , but It has a majority
In the house , In til ! piolnblllty.
n.iJIHI.I ) HI I'lii'.t-r.v i AT n r s
To one sitting in the irnlleilesof tliithouso
of ii'pieM'iitatlvc , with nu t piclal lnteii < at
In thu legislative proceedings ot that bed } ,
the tact btcomcs painfully Impressed that
the mcmheis ot thu Torty-ninth conuroib ara
i-ollfctlvely nn nnieimed If not a illstlnitly
111 bred bodvot men. Not only Is the tern ,
Mjimrn-jawed , trageillan-llku lace of the
speaker constantly looking ami irowninu ut
hisLonfit'rcsnnd calling out that the house
bhall 1)0 In eider whieh looks uml com
mands mo lecehul with the most indifferent
attention but the peisonal habits ol the mi
nority , If not of the majoiitj , of the chosen
repieseutatUe.s ot thu pcoplo uro vulgar to u
desreo simply astounding , The gauche and
lll-nttingonditlonsof an ovcning du > M tie
of wliitu hwn with n tweed suit , a icd nrtk-
" * ; polled with blue , and like tihlalltle.s ,
perlnpd , ' , u < iuld not bo noticed , but when ion
bro it man on his f tt hinioiiiided bslt > or
seventy interested legl&iiU'M llttenlni : to liN
iiutntivo oialoiv , calmly trjin t't i\5blst \
tlio\u'iit b > parim ; and ( leaning Ids niillb Ar. ' ' .
mistaking the carj > ct lorn n pldori , ' , 01 con-
v iitciUB all present tint lie h4h a ical or nf-
fcctul ca e of catairh , the tiormallj sw > Mti\o
prr oii cannot but notice and protest.
It would , ] * jihaps , bo nut nttintr to refer
to actions , a deal more uuulcasauK , bat thb
statement must goon record : tlmt there Is
no time when Iho hou o of representatives
Is In session , that nt least 10 nor cent of
the mcmbcis present nro not endeavorIng -
Ing to poifoim that action with tlio bain
digits , that the polite world eencrallv uses
the handkeichiof feu. 'the optimist may
ay that this crltlclMn Is a bit linioal and un
kind of men who nio named to do their host
In a legislative way lor the "common
people , " and perhaps tno vvtllci would have
avoided this comment if ho had not seen
the same miserable behavloi Indulged In by
an Impoitant fraction of the suventy-s\ |
men who have been selected b > tlio state gov
ernments. What lias been snld to occ'itr in
the house mav bo seen nt nt any horn of any
dav In the chamber of the most honoinblu
bodv of icimtois. Mans of us smile , fiom
that action of the mlmt tint makes ilslble-
ne" < sg ( ) with snceilng. at thu Inqulrlts eon-
cciulng whit lo do when olhei people are
met , and seen , and talked with , and acted
with , that one sees In the public ptlnt , bin
those communications generally near date' ol
oorno unhoaid ( d townorlitnulct , butvviienwo
soothuveiv leadoisof oitrcountiv ollendtng
against the mo t indlcal e'anous of conduct
\vlilch civ ill/atlon has tauu'lit ns Is titling , it
Is time tolomllv piotest Indeed. Hecaitsi-
man Is noted , notorious 01 wmthful , his sins
ai'alnst sweet deconcv should not bo. pel-
milled to ptssunnoticed. Fiom i ntntglvon
me the olhei day 1 am wniianted In s.ijlng
that jou will sen a eeit.iln gentleman ome
to his Icet In tliuhonso of representatives In
thouarlv davs of thn Fillielh congress and
ask that an apmounatlon bo undo foi the
putcliaso of a thousand copies of the host
book ot tlio inles ot civ Hired
hunia'.i Intuicouiso , foi dhtnhution In
the housu and senate , and coupled therewith
the icquest that a committee bo named
todetoimine which book of social laws shall
be chosen.
now UK srrrn.nri ) .
'Ono of thu must lemarkablo men I rvor
knew. " snld an oastoin senator to daj , "was
Mr. John M. Francis , ol Trov , New Yoik.
1'iancls was till leccntly. the United States
minister to the coin t ol Athens , Lisbon and
Vienna , and now piopiletor ot the Dally
Times published at Troy. Mr. Fianels was
bom In Sleiiben county , N. Y. , in Ib-M. His
parents were not pom but rc'spoctablo , as
has been said of the progenltois of so many
of otn noted men , though they wore by no
means wealthy 01 aristocratic in thcii eli-
eumstaneos 01 tendencies. Ills Ulliei vvas
In ooiutoitablecncuiustaneos , ov-ned a good
Inrm In bteuben county , and added to his in
come by doing occasional jobs of land oiii-
vejimrfoi Ids ncighboihood.s , ho being an
expert with tlm chain and cumpiss.
"John M. was ono of a Umllj of nlno
chlldien , loin bojs and live gills. Hu did
not take klndlv to laimlng oi to a country
life , anil went to Canndalgua , w heio he ap
prenticed himself to John 11. llahn , piourle-
toi of tlio Ontario Messengci , lei the pmposo
of leal n Ing tlm piintliig trade. He leniafned
tliore till bin time was out. when his fatlier
induced him toietinn to the farm , by pinmis-
Ing ( dm that It should become ids it ho took
cue ol the lather and mothci while they
"The young mm tiled the business for
some time , but ho could not content
himself witli such a life , and finally
told his father to ghu his Interest in the
farm to hishiotlier A mold , and lot him go
out Into ( lie w idu world to seck his own foi-
tuue. The old leluclantly con
sented , and John SI. leturnod to C.inandai-
gua to vvoilc at ills hade.
"Somewhere about this peilod of his life he
became connected witli lleniv O'ltolly in
buihlinc tclc-giaph lines , Aflci the failure
ot O'Uullj hu "joined" It awhile , woiklng at
a case in the Jsovv York Herald and othei
ollicosof moie oriels note. While In Canan-
dalgua ho saw nn advertisement slating that
the [ n omit ten of tlio Wnyno County senti
nel , published at Palmvia , Nf. v. , was In
want of an editor , Young Francis dolei-
mined to apply f&r the place , and consulted
\vlth hlb foiniei omplo > er , Mr. llahn , as to
the propriety ot his dolni : so. He was even
then .so joiiut ; that Mr. llahn told him that
If ho should let his pioposcd cm ploy ei know
his icnl ago he would not give him the posi
tion he coveted. Nevertheless ho made ap
plication and seemed tlio place. How loner
ho lemaincd at Palmjta I do not know , but
ho afterwards filled a journeyman's place in
tlio Now York Heiald oilico and othei olll-
ees. In those positions , ns In all othois in
.vhichho has since been placed In his busy
lifp , ho won the lospect ol all with whom ho
tame in contact , vvhcthci emplojcrs or fel
low eruploj cs.
"Willie vvoiking away at his ease he , by
some means , learned that the ollice of the
Tioy Uudget vvas toi sale. Hu at once pro
posed lo a veiling friend of his to buy tlio
Budget , lock and stock , bob and sinkci ,
though neither of them had much moans.
His fiicnd nt once assented , and
negotiations wore opened with thu
ovvnei , oi tuc Iludgct , and by means of
business cheek , fail promises and a chattel
moilgatie the > scented possession of the ol
lice. ' 1 hey contlnutd in business lei some
time , vv lien Francis bccamo dissatisfied , and
sold his inteiost to his partner. This vvas
the turning point ot Fianeis' life. Hu looked
tlie novvspipei situation ovei at Tioy , and be
came satlsnod that a now dally llieiu would
le a fiiecoss. Hu applied to ono ol his
I lotheisaiid bouowid feluo Horn him. With
that small sum in his pocket ho we'll , to a
IvpMoiiiiderlu Xow Yoik City nnd told him
that hu wanted an outlil lot adtlly papei , to
be published at tlio tin iv ins little city ol Tioy ,
staling fianklv tlial lie could only pay ? 100
down on it. Ho described the situation at
Tiolo the foundei , onlaigod upon the possi
bilities ot success , and made such a lav m able
show inc Unit the foundei ayiocd to let him
have what ho wanted. In a short turn * tlicio *
alicr the fitstnumliei of tlie Tioy Dally Times
made Us Hppenrance. Its jnung piopilctoi
tliiew Into his business all lij | cneigy , in-
dusiiv and talents , and ids journal piou-d a
success liom tliobiiiit.
"tn building tip his loilunos ho has been
most ably seconded bj his amiable wile. As
an instance oi hei co-optiatlon Mi. Finncls
was at ono lime elected eitv clerk , llu at
tended all Iho mtetiiiL'S ot the city council ,
kept aceuiiitu minutes ol then pincrcdingH ,
took I he in home and his vv lie cngiossed f hem
in n maniiei thiil would liavo donu ciedlt ( o
Hie best seilbe In the countiy.
"As an indication ot tlio foicsLht of
Mi. Fianeis , nsa business man , and ol thu
high esteem in which ho held his wlic ,
who has pioven hersell to bun helpmate nil
thiougli tlieli wedded life , as boon as ho had
cleau-d oil all his debts he detui mined fo sot
oil tohei one-thlid ol all Ids iiuomo. This
lusolution ho rellglouMv eaiiiul out , until
Mis 1 lane s became vvoilh , In hei own
name- , some -gioo.uoo en you.OOJ , whhh she
has Invested and managed just as she pleased
and without inteileieneoon his put.
" 'Ihiough thu giovvIh ot his paper , and bc-
caiisuoftliu nbilitv manifested in its edltoi-
ial columns -Mr. Fianois bccamo known all
ovei the Umpire state as ono of thu bilghtcst
leaders o | tlio lupublhiiin theiool ; his
( ouiisc-I vvas sought in ovciyomer-
genej ami his udvao can led gnat weight
iu .shaping tlio poliev ol tlio piily , and In tlm
election ol its candidates. His appointment
b > diant to Atliniihwascmipledvvlth a ptoiu-
IhothalMi I'l.inels should bu promoted to a
higher giadu in tliu diplomatic hctvlco as
soon as an opportunity ollend , Subsc
qiientlv hu was tiaiisleirod to tno court of
Lisbon bv I'losident Ailhui , A few months
aftei he was ] iiomoted by Mi. Aithiir and
m.ulo mlnlstei plenipotentiary at tliu court
ot Vienna , whenho ) icnmined until his suc
cessor was appointed by President Cleve
land , Ilu filled all thesuhlgh positions with
honor to himself and great credit to Ills conn-
tij. Neither in his pilvatu carec-i noi his
imbllc caiaclty | has unjthin , ' evei occuiud
that has caused a Hiulicli upon Ills honoi , era
a nt.iln upon his chaiactei. llu is unlvcihilly
esteemed bj thosu who know him ; and thosu
who know him best esteem him most.
"Mr , Francis novel nut with hut ono
set back. Tlmt occurred In 1W5.J , about thu
time ot the dinft riots. Thu Tioy Times
was for tliu thoioiuh prosecution ot tlm war ,
and it lucked nn Hie war nnasiiies of Presi
dent Lincoln wltli nil Iho vim and pcnvei it
could command , The conscqiinncu vvas that
U inclined nil thu nialicu and hatred of the
copperheads of that nut ol thi'tinplrontaio.
'I 'lib hailed linallj culminated In a draltiiot ,
dining the progress of which the Times ollliu
was gutlrd the tjpos , pusses , c-iu . being
nlti lied Into thebtitsct. Howevei.Mr FianelK
Inouglit suit against thu clt > ami locoveied
damages. " P. b. JUui ,
Niw VOIIK , Die. ii1) . 'Iho shiipiuont of
Chrihtmtis pickles to this 111 } was MI gC ( it
that llwy coulil not bu dcllvcrtd by thupx-
urfot' uuuanies , who have neailv one mil
lion ) > apkage3 on hand , nnny uaieels con
taining pelishable alilele ; , Tlm superin
tendent o.f police to-day issued an imlci p < i-
mlttlng the fompauliw Ki deliver i
to-uioirovr containing such nrlkles.
Germany EDJOTS Holitli ) Week With a
Heavy Fall of Snow ,
How llorllnors Spout the OUT nt
OhitrohcH and Thenteis The New
Woi kinou's lloinn
A Stoninof Iturticd. t <
Kris Krlimlc's Dny.
JWM l > v ttints Unnlun H
Hutt tv. Dec. ' . ' " . . | Nu\v Yoik IlotaldCablo
-ypcclal lo the Hi r.l Christmas week wan
ushered in by hoav.v snow totius which cov
eted thu whole ot Itciimnv with their i-oft
white mantle I'lomeven. side rime slot let
of snowed up tiams and belated tiavelors.
berne ellli's Dtc'sdon , for instaiico wcio
almost cut oil from Ihooutu vvotld for several -
oral ( lav * , while even Itotlln had dlulculty tn
communicating vvllh the otliei l urupcan cap
itals. B
In the Thuigarlen. vvheio nothing hns
been done to ch'ar it awa > , the snow Is Ijtng
ovei a foot deep. The pmmcnndo I'nter elcr
Linden and till the gtcat Mtccls of lierlln
seemed paved vvllh gliltcilng cijstals ; the
Tanneiiuaumo , In the nnitkut places nnd at
the street conicis weto heavy with snow
llakrs , and the air Idled with the cheery
sound of sleigh and dio-eky bells.
A run : caunciics.
The Uerlin cliuiches , Ihcateis and blor
ballon have boon equally ciowdcd this week.
Sonsonableseimon's woie preached at the
Nlcolalk-ltche. the rctilUliohe , the Dum ami
the othei ugly but sacied edieleos on Clnibt-
mas eve , but had a less joyful tone than
usual , and , In sovctal instances , weio
studded with solemn allusions to thotioubks
and disisters which nmv visit Kinopu befoto
anothci Cluistmas Is lung in.
AI nn. inr.Aii ns.
Christmas novelties at llm licilln theaters
aio few nnd far between. "The Mikado , " M
usual , has snllieod to till Krall's theafei. Anew
now foni-nel comedy entitle * ) "Gold Kischo. "
by Frati7 von Sclioentlian and Oustav Kad-
ellmrg , waspioduccd at ( lie Doutschu thea-
tei , and Mllloeckei's "Vieu Admiral , " hav
ing exhausted ils | ) opuaiity ! , Is replaced at
the Frledilch vVllholm's htadtlsclies tlieatcr
by the levival of Stnnss' meiiy "Xigeunci-
baion. " lint the most inteicsflng diamatle
featute of the week , pciliaps , at the Deutches
theatoi , Is the pioitiictlon ot Kail Wcidei's
veision of "Macbeth , " with Di. I'lihl In tno
lolo of the Thane ot Coweler and Josef
] CaIn ? as Macdulf.
At the Ylctoiia theatoi tliu management
has piovided a tally extinvaganza combin
ing. in a thiilllng plot. "Jack , the Giant
Killei , " "Tom Thumb" and "Culllvcr'a
Travels , " In twelve coigeous tableaux. i > .Uy
talcs and romances sec.m to have no charm
for the sclenilSc elilldten of vaterland. Just
t'tTo adults and ono Infant were In the Vic
toria balcony to day. nine peisons , chiefly
deadheads , in the stalls , the rust of the andl-
enco consisted of about iuventv-hvogallciy
enthusiasts , nil of w liom had been let In at
half juice.
Tno kaiser nnd kaiseioin.spe.nt a peaceful ,
pious Christmas day iu the bosom of their
family. In the morning they attended divine -
vine services wltli the princess at the palace
in the so railed ' 'balcony hall , " which wns
tompoiaiily tiansfoimcd Into n chapel. In
the afternoon all metngain lonnd the dinner
table nt the ciown piinco's mlaco , the kaiser
looking pictly well as ho drove across the
way to thu lioli appaicnt. In tlio evening ;
the kaisci vvont to tlie opera.
now ntsMAitCK ciii.nitATni : ) .
Another notable lamllj gatherlinj occurred
to day nt Tiled Itlchsciuh , where Prince
Itlsmarck Rat down to dinner with I'llinc s
IJismaick and Ids two sons , Heibert and
\\lllielm. 'Ihc table and sldcboaid gioaned
beneath the weight ol elf Is sent by the
ehancclloi'.s countless admlieid. Among
them weio the usual offeiings ot cheese , beer
and gaum fiom the ehancolloi's iif-tic nelgh-
bois , the most of wlilch woru dead sea fruit
to thu gieat man , vvlio hits hardly recovcied
fiom his recent illness and Is obliged to bo
Ameihan pllgiims heio did their best to
foigct theii uxlle. On Chilstmas eve , about
midnight , thoio was u goodly American
inuslei at a hospllablu tivbllng pl.ico Untec
don iiinden. 'ihuhcaitiisof rresldent Clevev
land and Iho kaiser weio diimk with tlircn
times tlncc and a llgci which was followed
bj a spliitcd rnndoiing of tlio "Mai Spangled
Unmet" and "Auld Lang Sj ne , " led by the
.New York "Mikado11 company.
'i in : I'ooi : nrvii'Miiinii'ii.
Xot woio Iho IKIOI , the hick , nnd the dead
fofgotton to-day , There weio Clulstmaa
beivlcesand lomns , nnd Clnlstnm dlnnera
In nnny lieilln hospitals and nsjliims , vvhllu
in the ccmcteilcs hniulieds of .sad-ojed *
inotheis inlihl Imve been seen serailnu'away )
tlm snow liom tlio ginves of Ihcii Iltth
ones , decking them wltli roses , ied and
while' , nnd tinj Chilstmas tiecs to keep their
inenioi } gieen ,
f ( oj i/i / tulit IMi Ini lumen liinilun llettnttt.'l
Miti shi.i s , Dec. ai [ Now Yoilr Herald
C.ihlo-Spoclnl to the Hi i..J To-day the fl
socialists innti. mated heiu a vast vvoiklii ) ;
man'b lumie , ( onslstlng ol a bakeiy , mcetlii
looms , a coopcirdlvo beei biewoiv , a triocoiy
nd meat stoics , on Iho model of Ihu "Ncs-
i ult" In Client , which has done much foi tlie )
pto iess of socialistic ideis in I'landeis ,
homo three thousand toclalints pntnded the
hlnets wltli ml H.IRH nnd I'lnjgliin caps ,
binglng thu Mai.-elllaKe , At Ihu woiking
man's homo some fipcec lies woio delUeied ,
hoel.iliht 15uitiaiidsijlngVolakotipour ; \
ahodu bout until wo JMO able to tuiii tlio
king's pilaco Into an abode for old nnd dls-
abhd workmen. " There weiu no illbtmb-
ances nnd no attempt by the polled to Inter-
lCH' .
Slonmcr MIIIIIH nl Sen ,
[ Oijiyr/u/if / / ; sv , hii Junim ( iiirtlim llinnctt.l
LONDON , Die. ' . " ; [ is'ow York Heiald
Cablo-hpe-elal to thu I5i i : I-A cable-gram
Horn Maitlnlquu fetates that thu Tionch mall }
hteamci La Tianco pissed hero and tdgnahd , * - J
wniloat sea , that a Iliu had bioken out on
board. Thu malU VVLIO loit. 'Jhuoiiro no
liiitliei piitlcml.usol Iho occuncncr.
IP Iho C/ar H.IH
LOMIOV , Dec tti 'Iho Vionim corro
hpomleiit of the Times MVS that Austrian
hlatebiiicit cleclaio that Ihu maintenance uft
peocu Is cntln ly dependent upon the actions
of thoc/.ai , nnd as ho dilnks , delliium tie *
men s may at any moment eauvi I Im to com-
nilt an act of lollj whhh would piec'ipitalet
vv.n. AiistilamiiHi buiiaiU lei hitch aeon-
tliuenuy , Tha IVsthei Llojd havB thu
o/.uV fi'-irsof nihlistrtaroi ! < xessivc ( ) and hei
IH hiisjiic'loiia of cvciybody vntli whom ha
comes in ( oiilnct , includiiin' eu'h his owu
wjlo and ehlldien ,
lo l.i'iiti * .
Hi 1:1 : iv , . ri.The Fiaukfoit Xcllung
R-tjh iliairi lut nber ol ( oc'hUisj. , liuliulluif
II ( rr haUor , memUn uf Uio ic'hhst.i' , havu
lic'en warned to leave the ( tlbtilct iialudcU lu
Ihc'btato of bli'gc by Tuesday.