Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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- > Au'crtMrmonls underfills lioirt. lOcentsper
> tor Iho HrH m ortion , 7 cents for each sub-
ecfiurnt Infort'on , nnd HJiO n line per month
No advertisement taken for loss tlinn 20 cents
for the flrtt insertion. Seven words will bo 1 to tli" line ! they must nin consoeu-
tlvti y nnd must be paid in advance. All nilvcr-
tlei/nenls m t bo handed In botoio 2 o'elo-k
p.m , ( ind under no clrcumMnneos'wIII they be
tnki T or < li tontlnucd by telephone.
I'M tit * BdveiUMnif In tlip'oiolumn ? rndhnv-
JnHhoanswprMiJdre'Mil In cnro of TIIK Her.
ir II tltn o i 6k for nrhec't tornnblothom tORct
their letters , m none will bo delivered except
on Tire cntatlon of check. All nnswors to ad-
nM bo purlo'ed In envoi ot n .
T OA3\S-Loaim Lontiy.
jif1 rslaie lontis ,
Hi.-til ml loan * ,
mttel loan" .
n't time loans.
Pliort llmolunim.
Money always on bnnd to loan on any np-
pi-ox edsccurllr.
ItiVitimmt loeurttlPi lioucht nnd eolrl.
Ot , aha 1'inanclal Kxclmnco , n. w. eor. 15th
and Ilai-noy.
Corbolt , Mnnnjrrr. C01
A IIAHKIS. H20 S. lMh"sT.
HAIIHIH to lonn on llrsl chus ecourity , from
$500 upwards , _ _ ! ! ?
' 00COOTO l/MN nt 8 per cent. J. J. Mahoney -
$ honey , 150 ! ) Fnrnnm. 7W _
. CF.NT Mon cy.
It. C. Patterson , 15th nnd Hnrney. SSI
$ nOOOO to loin. Sums f 500 nnd itpxrnrdi ,
Lowest riio ( . Domic , room 3 , Ititrkcr block ,
8.V. . eor liith umljKni mini si a. _ fi'tl _
fC I'l.lfcflNTMnnny'lo lonn.
U Orejrnry A Iliiilloy ,
. , Itooins 1 nnd 3 , licdieK lilock , 320 S. 15th PI.
IONI5V to lonn , cash on nanil , no delay. .1.
> . W nnd .15. L. B'julrc , 1413 Furuiim Et. , Paten \ -
ton iJi
" -moy Loans placed on 1m-
rm > I.IJAH . . ,
rpll .111. n , | iy , , r county for
1 proved ipnl ost.0 . .t/Co. by Uoiiiflns
Noxr Dntrlmicl Lonn k 'If. . . . . , * HII ;
County bnnk. IBth and Chloar" "
- ' ! \ to lonu on city nnd farm property ,
M-t'Nt\ rates , Htawcri A Co. , Hootn I ) , lion
llcnl * S1 * !
' _ _ _ _
MOwtty'rO T.'V * J At reasonable rntns , on
fnriilturo. rtno wntohos nud ether personal
uropotty. C..I. Cnixroll , loom 1'J Iron Hank
, 12h ( nud Fnrnnm. 6 > : i
TO i.OATV-o. F. Uavla&Co. Hoa
J.VJ. Bitalc and Loan Agents 1505 I'nrnnm st.
" _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' " ' ' '
M"NI3V TO LOAN On real cstatoT nd oltnT-
tols. I ) . K Thomas. t.W )
MONKY"-fir I.OAN-III sums of J2oxi nti.-t
upwnrtls on first clns * reul estate mcunly.
I'olter.v Cohh , 1515 Fnrnam st. BUT
MONICV"I.ThNsirnfo" . leod
oftlcs.on furnlturo , pianos , horses-wagons ,
personal pnipcrty of nil ItlmK nnd nil other nr-
tlclrsot value , without roinoval. 1113 8. Mill ,
over IIItiRhiim's Commission ctorc. All busl-
IH'PHstrictly coundontlal. Ci3 !
fljnOO.noO Toloanonllmaliu city property nto
P percent. 0. W. lny , ever l.Ha Doughisst.
MONKVto lonn by the undersigned , who hns
Iho only pinporly orKiuil/oil loan nircnoy
Ir. Omiihn. lxiin' ; or J10toflKiO ( made on fur
niture , plntioM , ornun , horses , wnRon' . tnnchln-
ery , Aa , without removal. No dolnys. All
buptncss ptrlctly conlldontlal. Ixintu so made
thnt nuy pnrt can bo pnld nt ixny time , pnch pny-
rocnt reduclna the cost pro rntn. Advnnco
Hindi ) on line irntclirn mul cllnmonrts. Versont
should onrofully consider who thor nro ilcallnir
with , B many now pouccrns nro dally coralnB
Jnto existence. Htiould you need money , cr.II
nfl fee mo. W. it Croft , Ituoio i , Wltlincll
nulli'lntr. IBth nnd Hnrnry. ( In't
TTIOHSALI ? Desiring to rotlro from business ,
X I oiler my untlro Block of ( ieneril Mor-
chnmllse , ronsMlnir of Dry ( Inoilfl , Itciidy Mailn
' J f'hliX ' | IlntM und Caps , llootH nnd Stioet , and
. irocorlea. Would taku Improved nnd nnlm-
Unrovod ronl estate In oxchntitto for pnrt of
tvinount Can Hhnw up a Kood record ol biMl-
ni > 4 < ) . Addiossloult box No. 7 , Noith Hem ! ,
Neb 3-7. ! J. 15.
BPSINKSS CIIANCRS nvftlwlll hni-urnono
of tlio best payhiK shoo utoros In city. Dully
sales $ 'WO.lHl , uxiummis .umall , KOOd icimon for
Aililicsn , It U2 lleo olllce. < HM 24
TJIOIt BALK My entire hlock of holldnv ( roods
JL1 nt a sacrifice nt retail , to close out the tmsi-
np'S , Consult your own Interests by consult-
lint my prices lui the noods. 1 nm determined
tocloHiMiut. W.T. ScHiunu , cor. Fnrnnm nnd
Klovimlh stH- fiOT" !
17IOHSAM3 llutoliPr'HMnokniKl lUtuios. Will
JL1 rent or lea'-o bdlhllny. liuinirc nt picml'.ps ,
11B3 I'icren Bt. 542 27 *
"IT1OII MVl.lNlce fresh sloekot' irrooorlos on
JL' CninminxBat. Hubb Hi Solby , 218 S. 15th ,
\\rANTl'3l > -lly .fan. 1st. an mturost In some
' ' paying businens , by u pnrtr ol'comnmpans
nnd business experience. Address H 20 , Ili-u
oillco. 515 25 *
\\f-VNTKI ) I'nrtnor xvilli a small capital In
ft retail grocery. Address A 01 , Ijonollleo
rino i\-ciiANi3-Abont : ( ) . . . . .
JL notions , KrorcrloRiind sioro furnlturo , In a
Rooil llvo toxvu In the lto | > uhllcnn Vnlluy for tin-
incumborpd farm land In Nubtafka or lu\xn.
Innd piefurred. AddreaJ leek bov
70 , Alma. Neb. 487-2 *
ITUlll SALI1 Ctirrior'H I'hotouraphlo Studio ,
JL llrst lloor. K20 St. Mary's nve , 4KI 25 *
"ITIOH P.M.I ; A K od ro taiirant biiHlnesg nt n
JU bai-Knln. Iminlro.h07 X. IClh st. ! irB25 *
FpOll SALK-Hiipld lioiU'rlhiTiip Lo TT : < | < "ir7
JJ Slmtiiiou FIU'H. Letter mid Hill Files , I'll-
Inir CabliictH nml Trnnsfer C KOS , indn\a for
J.edKOramlall purposed. Exposition InilUllnif.
_ _ _ WJI _
"I OIt 8ALUIllitchoVshop , xvfth tool.- , und llv-
JL1 tines ; irood location : pnod business. O. r.
3trii < , wintheiib * cor. 2-th and Fainnm. BO'Jjd *
' | J"Ult ) HA Li : A inmit mnrliuriii n ToodTooT
JL' tion tlohivf fi.njo business PIT mouth. In-
qulro oi' ndUrf a ioom2U , Omaha Nnt'l bank
" bid _ " _ _ _ _ _ A-1l ;
"iTSoit SALU of niulo" for miM-ohandiso , fllO
JU aeri'H of No 1 fnrm hind nvar Cirimd
IslRiul , _ C..I _ , Catinn " _ ' 'i1. ;
H Clfsr.s i/ii"Hl'nriin.ii\iuis -muneyonnoiil |
llomti.ronm 'I , HarKor block K. W , cor.
and I'ainnjisU _ fi'Jl _
-Wiill" established bimlnr s. In oun
tno bent bU8lno"ii jiiiliils m noithwoitt-
orn Nrbrnnkn , slltmteil nt ( IroKcn How , Oiiclcr
county. Neb. ; flock oonilntliiK ( < l dry RnrhN ,
olotbmvr , lioolKimd Hhooi ; will nhuxr up uood
ri'oonl otbnslnixs. Hp.isnim tnrMolllnr will bo
ii by iiilaioufillitf leek box 7) , llrokcn How ,
_ _
"IJIlSINKSSoTlANOi : A frond oialfonlor
.1 'erookrry and iiiion's | xntio store , Iminlio nt
A Oiirinmi. Milt * . lUtlijitr. _ _ f > " 2 _
TOH fALltllhiiiwnrn" lln Tiin - Wo offer
JU our ttliclf mid henvy hnrdivaru business f < ir
fitovethPr \ < xvlth our Inaso nnd oed xxlll ,
'Ilium InrecM In the ollv nml location th best.
llctlrliiir from fho business cnuso for milllutr
Thu Ilimm Ilnrdwnri ) Co. , lu-HO i-t. , Lincoln.
fllH. 13. HOOl'lJH.Trnneo nml Hoalmj , ' MeL -
L ( Hum , N. W. cor2Ulh and Cnss
203 J 111'
Ol IfONAli Miss Dyer's privnto ocbool for
Jjoiiiiu ImlUn ami Kld.s nt imilhxve-it cor.
Ifth and Farnam btu. 1'upiU xrill bo rocoixod on
and alter jan. : ' t. fd2jl *
s5iilSONAI/-Mrs. | : lr " Nnutiio V.Nnneti
J clmrvoyanl. Modletl ami btinlucss Medium
r.oom Na 3,121 KOI tb ICtU tt. , Omnlm , Nob.
J JFltr-O.VAL Ladles xTinhltiu nod iloiiu'ctla
hoip can bo ucll Miiilli | | > d li ) onlliuu at
Omaha I'mjiloyiiu'iit Iliucau , ll'J Ninth Mh t.
1" " ) ! I ONAL-IIxpert I id"copyHtT"llrsl-cliiM
puimnii , lairfo ciptrlcimx , lamllinr null
KTH ! mi i romiiu' | > aiicrs , xvantH xrori > lo do
ni Imniti. I'rivei iciiMiniMu. Woitt rocolxed
mill i mriu'il Aildrfts II l.llooolllcu , iCll
\YlTD OH r.TOLr.N"lTlivor colons
. ' ' Spaniel iluir. I'lviirurriiiin fo MIU'O
ikn , Hoyil'b iipoiu house , und rcoslvu lonnul ,
_ lilO 2J
JO' T-A bio'xn water * -pnuli | , indllunisizo ,
jurold \ < : iuiswei > io the naino of "Font. "
l ollnr with plain plain , l.ii'CMl ' rd anl for 10-
lurui f aumolii .ill kouui 1'Jlh bt oriDIO UoOgo
kt .iKUIl'b 'lOllxlllUl' . ( Mi
H \YHD-Ono llnv Cell dnii yoarHid. past
wluto ypot in lin ulu'ail , dark iiiano nnd tail.
t 1 Mi-Lnlu , 1011 SuumtPr ? Mj _ & 'C'2I
sr On F.irmim et. , 'IHuiiS'JnjVl'ue. ' ' VJJ ! , jx
t \ in-of KO 4r" 'iiixj m-pnicle * . Finder xvlil
iio r xraiilwl for uimu by leturnhiK to I ) . W.
c , il5il4ruuiasl. itT25
_ _
O'l \YJ3D ' OU faTOLnrj-Twii red cows and
' J.-r > ox lioloibimvltHl D H. Any Infornm-
ii'u ' in tin -uii.c xx-i | | bo thankfully uccivod by
r i' ixnor , IJcuisiO'lloltly , N , of licr'H nk's
lion HI W ? S7
fOsf A NcwftmiHliiiiid piuuloubotit tour
in nth * oil Fin Urn turn H W F. Auniu.
f-l - iuin : -'pvi" ito O.IIK at , anl cl.nui ru
STIIAVTt ! ) or tokm from 11 Cnllfornlft t. ,
Doc. 7thyollowpf > lntor imp , four months
old , large earn and l ro wH foot ( wbito Hrlpe
In fi o. xrelghn nltoui 91 poun-ls. Liberal re-
xTnitl. llslurn to Ittijlncor Woodmun Oil
WorX . D7U 25 *
LOST -A do * : Illaojlioiind. i ery lareo.short ,
dark uYny ion ! xrlth xrhlto patch PS on
eh' ' t nml feet ; 1md btronv plnln lo.ither collar.
l'lM c notify or return to It. Mniljo hl , S801
Hurtst. ( iOO'l ' icwur.l. M8kM *
M A 1 > AM ALASKA , Clftinyojnnt and pnlmlet ,
512 South lfiUi st. Ml
OUNI ) .
Uay yciir
2US Illondo * t. Ml 24 *
1710IJNITlio place tit ROt Iho best oyster ? In
A Iho Pity , bum points , Nrxr Vork coifnts
nnrt wlects HI Hllver Moon , cor. HMhandSt.
Mnry'fuivo. J. H. O Nolll , prop. 4ISJ17.
Al'I'liYnt the Omaha HoiH , try HiiroMl , 2-.0
south ICth st for positions of the butter
tins' , etote ? , hotels , C'tt1. , innlo nnd foiriule.
Hours ( i to I. GV7-211
"fiUlljn Parties purchaMnir machines of mo of
JHIIV character will rooclveJiOdHjs' Itutrtm-
tlonln the iiKoofsiuiiu wllhout Umrgo. < 1.V ,
linker , 1503 I'm num. 007 58
KIJMOVI30-I Imvo lemnrcil my oillco from
the Iron Hunk Imildluif to Mm Fnrnnm
M root , whom 1 Minll bo pleniotl to glioxv the
Cnllmnph nnd SlonoKiaph as horttoforo. ( J.V. .
linker , Agent. COT " 5
ITMt AN K .V SON' & Cn off or rent Indncoment * In
' nil kinds of Jewelry , diamonds from $10 , JJ M ,
fTO , TlOilpto f.iCTJ : the prpnto t hnrjialns oxer
knonn : comonml suu. I'm n I ; } * Son & Co. , 2-JO
South llth st. mitt
m \
- * wlntorxvliont tnrmln Illlnnls for > olna lm
xvlld Innds or drujr stock ! Address I' . 0. bo t la
I'notllo Junction , In. KlfU
Al'l'liYnt Iho Oinnlm Itr-Rlslry Hiirpnu-SO
pontli > nth Bt for cond innlo nnd fomnlo
help. Kmploy era xt't help frco. 033-1 *
/ IH.saPOOI.1 * , pi ivy vaults Pleixncd hy" " " ! ! !
\J odurlris process. II. i\rlng : , 1' . C ) . liox 127.
K)3 ) .1 ' , -
MMil ! VfliNNA fbfumo teller , rcelTonoo r.ltTs"
J luh si. wn J7 *
POH1U3NT Oruuns , 12 per month , jlospe ,
1.113 nougltxn Ifl9
rjinil HI3NT Pfjuaio Piano , 51 motuhlv. A
f , -MIS. 1513 UoiiuUs. < UO
- : - 1"1 J3 inontiur. A
ijiriKiTirs-i- ,
ell SAM- : l head of unbroken Athi1 * ' "
mures from 4 to ( i ymiM old , wcltfht OPO' "
1.10U pound" , lit 'J-/ri Cunilnir 6t . The iibovo xvill
bo Rold chonji for ciif h. John I.uxvls. Ml L'O"
- „ , . - . $ CO. J. B Hayncs ,
, Oinnha. [ t > 7
POH SALK First Clnss fnriilluro of nlnu
room bouse xvlth pnvlleffo ot rent , elty
xxalor , KIIS. Address 11 24 Hoe olllce. Mo 26 *
" . 1 VS r rInfsr ! so7ll trold , only ? 2.Iifi. "
Frank A Son & Co. , 20 South Wast. 4M21
R HIN13 STONE ruiir7solld irold.ntonly J1. nt
Frank A boil A Co. , 2W Soilth I4IU M.4',17 21
POH SALM Noxv orcnu , 14 slops , fi octavos ,
Milid l.laok xvnluut cnso , Doaulllull.x curved ;
iiox'nrusoil ; a bargain , liujnlro , Ilugciip Dural ,
Ktl ) N. Ibth bt. 47125
cTrlKVnNr. niAMOMl-Suonllco Price by
Ji 1'ranU mid foil &Co. . 'Uriouth 14th t.
4W ' . ' 4
il KAItATiUnmond uniM'mijs nt ix prcnt bur-
Prank \ Son & Co. 41 > T ) L't
TTiOlt SATjIi-lt'ipll Holler Uiimp J.onf Coplor ,
JJ Sliiitinon Kilps , l.ottnr nn'l Itlll Kilos nnd I'll-
Cfiblnolsnnd Trnnsfor discs. Indoxei lor
nnd nil purpoaos. U.vpoaltlon btillillntf.
JOLlDpold lady's xrntPhnt 515. Frnuk A Bon
3 A Co. , 2.M Soutli Hill SI. 4'IO 24
7 < OH SALR TPHIH o [ horses. Schlesln
I 1 Hros.OMS 10th St. 2jO
I Oil S.VI.K 1'nrniniro ami icnso ot six-room
house , lime on pnrt. Cull 120J North Srrth
Htroot.luo blocks from Hod Car Hue. bl ! )
Foil S.VI.13 ( ; nonp. iron columns iiul xvln-
dowcnp.snultablo for front on brick bullil-
Ing. FornnrtlolilixiH-inolv nt thlxtlBco. f\'l \
\\TANTin ; An ixfslstmit on lioolc < 4 nnd oillco
TT xtnrk ; yoiintr manor lady ; nKo poaltlons
of the liottiir chi'SHiipplInd ; store , ollleo , hotel ,
Inplnry , prlvnto liunllv , otc. Umnlin llctrlstry
Hnrcitii , J i Ninth IGth at. ou-21 : *
\\7ANTI3I > Apply nt the Umntiu llojlstrv
V > Huriniii.5ai ! North Ifilli st. Cor po-'ltlons of
the t > ottcrclns : stores , hotels , oto. ; mnlu nml
fomnlo. Hours (1 ( to 4 fi'JT-'Jt ' *
WANT1JU A ninn and xvltc The Momun to
cook ixnd the imin to wait on lublu nnd do
chores. Iniiulro nt 110 ami 118 N. Cth st.
014 2o
\\7AXTKI ) An oxpftrloiipod gi-oour solicitor
> at once ! must come well iccommendcil.
J. 11 , Johnson ti Co. , hctul St. Mary's avc.
031 21
WANTKI ) Some man with sraftll capital to
Inx-cst In 11 common ponso enterprise.
If Illy tlolhtas a ilarelusirof cTpcmca iniido In
your own city. Gallon Chas. HedKU-s , Atlantlo
hot ill. 01121
WANTEli lly a largo corset mnn'ifiicturor ,
nn oTporlonced corset snin miiii for the
Inrro rotiiii tindo In the stntoof Nonrnska. Ad-
dn s with reference , loelc box No. ltif.i. New
VorK. 390 J 1 *
WANTKI ) A oiiTlor for n hm > o ronto oii
Daily livoiiliii , ' Dee ; ono llvinv In
west part of city preferred. it43
\\rA NTKI ) - AlliriitiTt's iiiho r iiRi-nu7
> removed triini HWS rucntim to 11UJ Fur-
nnm street. Mil
\ \rANTii-aood : Fry cook at Mlllanl Hotel
> \ this tiny. IKJJ
T\rANTI3I ) A toTuTii iipliurdue who under- "
> > stiiuds ilonhlo entry bonkkpoiilnif. Ad-
dressxvllh relorcnooi > titlnjr aidary doilrud , A
43lleoolllco Ul
: _
A OltNTSInthoclty or country cin innKefi to
XXJ10 a dixy pt'lllirj our Hpo-Jlaluoi. N. W.
Nox i llycomimuv. 12J7 Faruam ht. fi2 !
, S 1IE.UF.
\\TANTI3D fiooil prlics xvill bo pnld Illty
1' Boxvinir h'lrli to make overall ! ) ami Joan
pants. Uirls lamlllnr xvllhIP | u o of power
inilcliliu'S preferred. Apply nt 714 South Hih
hi root , lid lloor. Ooo. Stllof. ( Jll 20 *
\\ANT1D ! Coo : % , nt Kmuiett House , Imiiio-
> > dlateiy. rea
'J A > ! OOil iflrlfor klti-heu xvoik nml
washing. Apply nt 117 North I4lh HI.
. -tO ; wlrls for llrst and second
xvovk ; treed wiuros. C.ill ll'.i Norln Pith
st. and Caiitol | IIVH. , Omnhii Employment
bin ran. fi l 24
W ANTrJTi "Ktnoriuuiisi " ITpiir Bale main
St'itoli-rrltory ao'iuiilnled on Hi'foreucps
Address , until Jan , 6 , ! So7 , 11,2.1 , Ilco
" ' 11
" \\rANTKD-fioo.l ulrl lor irnnoriil hoiit > onork.
it 2111 Hnriiey l. ; lofereuco loinilrcd , fi7. 20
WANT15D A tfond fill for ironornl lion o-
xtoiKin Inmllyof two. Coed home and
steady iimploymcmt. Iiniuho l ; < ! 5 N , 17th.
fjl 2ii *
" \\rANTI3D Woinnii lor toncral houexvorl > .
li I2II D-iviupmt bt. Ml ) 25 *
"MOTICH I.iullos xvlohmar nny Ulud of hair
-I-1 xvoiK mndo looniercall Ulo Jnclou Ht.
Ml 2(1 ( *
AX'ANTF.D \ clrl for pcnornl liniisoxvnrli ,
11 Ap | > ly nt215 boutn 15th street. < Xl ) - " >
"V\'ANTiD ; Lndiosnud tionllemen In city or
> > country lo tnko IlKht xi-oik at their
Jl.fKMo fJ.iiOa day easd > mmlo ; oik fint by
mnil , no iKimiKMnir. Wuirixoii Kood dotnnnd
lor our work nml I'm i.lsli steady employment.
Address , xrtih eiaiup , Crown MlirCo .2)1 ) Vln ?
8l..0incinnnli , O. '
W ) ( Jlil lor guici'ul ] uiutui\ork \ at
I HI Jones bl. old
\ \ fANTKD fifed jrirl for oucrd : housi xrork
In tinull family. Call nt 1713 Do.lfu ti. ( ill
\ TANT1D ! ( lood trlrl for botisoxvorit
ii Iiibiniill famil > ,2 4 l.onx'cuxirotlh bt. t > 21
\VANTI3D-Tin ) tirU , ono forllrrt mill ono
i' lor suaoiid xvorK , at 2'iH tit. Mary's axe.
Imiuliu "Os S. iJtn et. ( i
1TANTFD-tllrl to do dislmathuijf nnd latin-
\Y dr > x > ork , 710 South 141 ti bt. _ OM 2tl " *
\ \ rANTF.D A oioU ( xuiuvm i > ufmeJ , 117
'i N. lithst , HtUlolOistfrmiuCnop Houev.
_ _ llV.i 24 *
\\rANTF.O-liood eirl for general housexx-ork
> _ _ t o s. ii. _ _ ( 15 21 _
\VrASTlIU ( oolsaiiiffooral trlrl. "iJuquTra
r of U. 13. Mayno u xv cor. l&th and Ilaruey.
\\7 ANYKD-GiMitl K'rl ' lor ycnerul hoiisT-
1 x/iirK , HUiioorgiAaVo. 7 1
"YXrA'N'J.Klf'pJ Tulles & "ifeuta' io ri ' * ( >
Braphy ProtpKcttronti for poltlou xvhon
compe.lont ; iiddrcsa W. J , U , Itoom 1. Cronusa
InW.Omaha. _ _ _ ia7 _
A\r iN'l'rtD A youru Amerioaii ox ( Jerman
' Klrf li > i > ii t m , bnustfxvork and euro of
clitltlrcn. llbfuruuccs ro iuli ctl. 6.SJ B. ft'th ' at ,
\ wjsi
" \"l7ANTKf-Sltintlon ) cfirmir for her c' fir
> > other hko n ork , by young man , nddress It
31 , life omce. PM 25'
\VrA"Nllh-Apiilr ! "nrihd OnTnhn I'eglitry '
llurenn , 2SO > orth Ifilli st. for oed tnalo
nnd femnio help. Kmployers Kvt help free.
\\7ANTI3D Sltiintiou M bookkeeper or 111-
fil'taut.orns shipping clerk , by n mlddlei-
azed mnn with trooil rororeiices : experienced ID
urocerloa nnd Imrdwnro as s.ilcsmnn. Moilernlo
salary cxpeclptl and will no finrwhero nnd nc-
eppt nny Kind of a position. Aiidrcs 0. H , HIS
N 15lhRt. 575 27
_ _
\\A3STUf > Sltrmtlon by praeilcnl printer nnd
' competent nox spapor mnn ! ruferoncos.
Address 11. T , , Ilee ollloo. _ OK ! 5
" \\rANTKn-ilynrc1lnbloTnnu n phcolnero'
! > corystoie. A KOod worker. Address II
oillco. 46" " ! 20 *
_ _ _ _ _
T\AN fF.D Situation by n ( foulOMTntr ] < Kperl-
' cneed In ImnlWArc nnd agricultural Itnplo-
incnls. Would lake charge of branch store In
nexr rallrond tonn xvi > 4tnni thorough nnd cnp-
able. A 1 references including present em-
ployer. Addro-ii. H a , lloo ofilco. 311-29' _
WANTRI ) Investors lo know thnt lots In
HIP Annex , Pouih Oinnhn. hnvo Incronsod
tXTpiity-flvii per com this vrcoX. 1 have a tow
left for { 775 to (090 , xxhlch will soon double tu
prlco nnd xvluch I pan sell for ton per cent rash ,
balance ( S per month. W.S.Soaxey.llI P.14lh st.
020 25
\\-ANri3D Table hoard In nrlx-nto fnmlly
' ' xvhoro thorn nro no other bonrdprs , for
twofrontlempn , xxlthln txvn or three blocks oC
Mlllard Hotel. Addicts Iii3 ; , lleo o'llco. ' 012 2. %
W ANTF.D Nice front room In treed location ,
betxxeen Twentieth nnd Txvonlx-tlftli
flreols , with bonrd for self nnd xvlfo In prlvalo
lam ly. Hefoiutipna onchnnired , addifs .1. W
1'iosser , cnioof Win. A. Wilson A Co. . city.
013 21 *
UrANTP.O You loUnoxv Hint I make n ipoo-
Inltyof tvpo xirilcr copyliiR xvilli Iho i-
olostto. (5. W. linker , 1503 1'iiruam st.
_ 00725
WANTED Two or three furnished rooms
lor housekeeping In irood locality to keep
tnblo boarders. Address II , W lleo oillco
_ _ _ _
\\7"ANT13D A pony buirgy polo nud double
' ' set of harness clump for cash. Address
xx lib p-lcv , II 2U lleo oflluo. 574 21 *
WANTI3I ) Tnblo bonrd , by lour irenllemoii
In private if po slbp | , and In Iho
vldnlty of M and I'nruivm Addiess F. H ,
Mltelioll. 1510 led o St. HW 24
lA'ANinn To act as airont for IMS torn onp.
* ' Itallsls In iip > ; ot latin ? lo ins on Hunt receipt
nnd improved hiuils. dooraoA. Van Inxvoqou ,
North I'lnltp , Nob. 5-'H27
1"\rANTI3I-8toiof ) ) dry woods , clothins nud
y , ontfl'ltirttlshlnfr ( roods or lioots ami shnoi
In oxcimn ' ° flr Ol"nUii ronl ostnto. Solilealne-
V ' " NVi J"
erllroa .bA _ . _ .
\VANTK n- i "lon < 0 l"ljt
' nnd maple syrup ovorv irtorni.1'nt"or.r ,
Heitnurnnt , Idth St. bot. nnd i ul'l"l3i '
SlralgUt board per weoKiJ.25 ; ticiiCta ,
; M. " ' '
ft . . _ , , . . . , . . . . „ . , , . , . . . , . . „ . . . _ . 'l .i ,
POIt HF.NT-No. l n North IFth st. Noxv
hniisn xvlth all modern convotiionces ; owner
occupies txro rooms nnd wishes to board xvlth
tholamlly. livinlro next door , 1011 , or lo Hal-
loxv Hros. , 1510 Doilplii' . L01 20 *
F OH HI3HT And furiiiturn for wile of a Rtx
room enltiiKo Furniture iionily new.
2517 I'opplcton nx-o. KH 24 *
Tn 15tU St. E05 2S *
FiOHHF.NP Nlro 4-room cottimo. well , elst-
em , biru , 21" Hamilton st , , half hloek
fromSaundein. Apply nextyloor xvost. 5 * > 7
HENT--2JIO Lnuvouxvorth st. 10 room
house : mnntels. bath room , otc. ; perfect
order ; chuni ) lo tollable party. Also 11 room
houocor. . x IrRlula live , und IT. B. C.vantst. : all
motlern Improvomoiits , loni ? tlrao to peed
parly. Clnrk A Froneh. 1510 loutlns st , f.0524 .
POH HUNT If you wnnt to rent n houo , rail
on Honawa A Co. , opposite postolllcc , G31. !
Fill III'NL' Txvo7ioom houses on car line ,
city and cistern water. Moa.1 & Jamlosou.
niR S 15th st. 511) )
FOll HENT3bou OBlO rooms ouch , with nil
modern tmprovoixonts. 21st nnd Hurt.
Inciulro of Dr. Paul , luth and Doiluo. 514
Foil HUNT Or lease. Twenty ncro
iranlon , with house ami st.ihlo ; Inside city
limits of Sliliioy. Nob. Apply to 11. .MoFadden ,
Sidney , Neb. 428.10"
HUNT ll-room house on Fnrnani st. bet.
18th and I'uh. iMtynud cistern xniter , sheds
nndouthiillcthriR : brick cellar. ? . " > ) per montli.
J. F. Hiimmoml. 117 S 10th st. 410
| 710H HKXT-Sullablplor.lobbliiT . . . .
-L1 end nnd Third Floor' , airlOO xvitli ba o-
mcntnnd elex'ntor , ontrnnco trom Iront on
Douglas et. , anil outrnuco on ground lloor from
rear to''luvutor. Address A 33 , HcuollUu.
! 270.
_ _ _ _ _ _
TT < Olt HI3XT 2 now houses8. 13. cor. llth'aud
J A'lnton. Iiutulro on promises. 2i5
fjlOIl URN'l'-'J room liouso . W. cor. 7th and
JL1 I'uelllo. Inmilru M. F. Martin. 211
] 7'OH IIHST A noxvcotto eon upper rarnnm
' ht. Impilroat 2100 Farnam st. UI4
. _
OK HKXTA burn for l IiO'id of horses. In-
qulru of M. F. Martin. tb7
F Oil IlKNT Hulldhiit sullnblo for a d7in7
store In the llnoi ! location In the city.
liKiulie room 20 , Omalm National bank build-
Hip. _ _ _ _ atl ' _
IT OIt HI5NI1 A uleo fi-rn m Isottiivro , by'S. T7
JL ! 1'utorson , 3. o. cor. 15th nnd Donglm.
ijlO lir.NT A 10-room brick house xvitli Im-
provoiiionts ; ? ( K ) per month. Iminlroot Mrs.
1'nrrntt , near cor. SJAtli and Farnnm. 103-2H *
1OH JUINT-Smnll coltntfo 838 S 2"th. ht.
J ] 40J 21 *
17 OK KENT Six noxv brick stores with huso-
inontH.'cornor llovonlh ! and Howard ; eholco
location ; all comx-nlcucm. Loax'ltt lUirnhuin ,
Itoom I , Crcl hton block. 627
' '
iMiit'lt'BXI'-TTne now oollntfo , 7 rooms , * J0 ! ,
1 Thitio nox : J-story ho-iBus , if 10 , ono nt $15 ;
x\ellloL atod , all conveniences. Lonx'itt Ilnrn-
ham , Itoom I , Crcl hlou block. 121
Foil i7i : NT-7-roi > ui ot.ttlifo In WaluuTTiiTi7
Toims,9' > > pur mouth. Apply to 1 > , W. 1511x0 ,
1124 I'nrimui St. 2UO.
TTIOH I'.ltNT M uores a IJoinuiiTelly "nortti-
-L xvost.sultablufor d-nry or market Kurdon.
Apply to TIIUO. Williams , Ilee Oillco , till Fur-
num. f > 'Jt
ifUMl KlT.NT llousn. 0 room' , II irnoy street
and2lst , 1) per monthalso house nQ'ir St
May'sxvo : , fl rooms , $25 per month. S. A.SIo-
mnti,1518 Farnam et. 117
[ JVMl , 1110 JacUaon at.
L 783
roa nntrz-uoous.
UXT Nonily FurnMhol ronm , " uis
Hownrd. 67H 28 *
FOH 1II3.NT With liomil n furnished room ,
171U Cnss St. WU-2J * '
1710U III3NT Two lurnlshod moms snlmhlo
-L1 for couple hoiitel.ooiumr. Also , unnunlur-
nlshwl lOHiu. Apply loom 7 , Nu 5U7 s. I'ltti bt.
TTUHMIKNT Lniifo. front , olhoo room , northf
JU xrcst corner 15thand llarnoy sts. JtO.OO tier
month. 4U1
17IOH HUNT I'li-bt i-l is. furnished rooms , irom
-L ? fb to $12 per mouth. 15'iJ ' Havaiiport. nil 20 *
TTUHl Iir.Nl'-Two IODIIH nt 1117 Cum 8t ; uon
Jlemon preferred and rotoroiieos roiulrod
ftv *
ITVill IH3STlcPly"luiiilihcil Tnoni , SJf : ;
J. i ) ( > dire "t , ; irns , bail ) , tuimu'O heat 6siS2'J
IJxOIHtlJ.N 1' Two nlco tuniUhod rooma , xrlth
I' tiro. Apply 151 10 illforniii st , fiW )
17MJH 1(13 ( S I Nice xx'arm room , aultnbli ) for "
1 t'lintltmon with board , fl per WHUK , nay
board. ( - , ' 75. ! C1 N. Hth t. ilxu Ji'
I OJC ItnN'l' FurnlslioJ rooms , modern non-
? VonlOKdcs , : )19 ) N. I5lh bl , 4JJ ! 2S *
iron HlINT-l'urnisiiod rooni4lot5"lo ) lire.
-T 4U2I
HUNT Lnrsro , handsome enct rooms.
iiiuifulte nf iinfurnUhoJ rooms. 1'lrst class
tnulo. 2r..l rnrtiam el. 4J5 2U
1J10H UUNTAflui Jaiufary Ut7"l will hauifi
JL nicely furnUhc t roomti , doiiblo or shuio , to
aull i'huvo ono i cndy now , cheap. Cull nulsa-
curofdon. Mils. IStU etrnct , nuur Si. M.iry's
nvetiuo. _ 6I"J1
iriOIt UU.NT-Oiio nlcrfy furuUhe.1 loom for
JU ono or txiouiiloincn , apply at UM5 rnrnam
slrcet. U15 25
l ll ItrXT-l-uiu rooms , 101B lodt'e.
furnl hedlrrooiu. ( xrlth
uaoofpnUur , Inquire at 1511 California.
_ _ _ 45Sr0 * _
"T710H ItKNT Txvo Jargo unfiirnshQi : | rooijis ,
J. Ifi minute's xvalt from I'arU avenue cars ,
Lyraau'anJU. Iiujnlro of S. lliiu'it/.or
Iurulshc < frdnt rooms. "oa t
1 and south' xvlndoxrs , 13. ilO nud " * I5 per
iomb.tmy. iuu st. e-'t JQ *
EOll HUNT Noxrly TurnliUoil , Ucate4"fronT
room Wll St. Mary B ave. 241
T70R UKNT A lrse o t room with nleovo ;
JJ stipot ears nt dour. No. 1U South KM. 4.V )
1J OH Hnsi'-Fiirnlsh JfrortVrooni , 1W9 Far-
JL1 nnm , . 817
T710H H13NT Two nnturnlAtiQd rooms tor liirhl
Ji housekeeping. WJ Hownru st , b twpcn th
nnd t'th. ' . 4S5
T/Oll UKHT-fnfurnhhOil room. iiitnho ! for
-L. oillco. In-iinro Jlrj.A llk'o , Hushman blk.
f ) C2J
Til Oil TfllS r A liuiro fTotiV1 chamber with
- clo.sot.pns , tilrnioo nud b th , CO I a. 20th st.
1 block north St. Marv's avo-j , , MS
T/IOH Ilk NT Very de lrnblo furnished nom
Insullo orsimtlo , bol nnl pold vxntor , pas
nnd bnlh , 11111 llovuud st , IlljgiliJ block , on
the llilnl lloor. 5.W20 *
"I J101 (11R NT lJno fiirntshc I room or nTiTlloot
JL1 iwo , xrlth or xnlhout boord , two blocks
( iora postolllco. I3iiiulro ( at 117 S. 17th ot ,
42 24'
1iVU HUNT 2 iiufiirnlshed room" , corner
1 Caldwell and Campbell ft ? . 0g-M |
"TT OH HI3NT Nicely futnlshoJ room xvllh
JL1 lionnlHO.i d 17th-a ' -
miiKNT-Two nleoly tnrnisliol rooms ,
JU sullnblo for3 or.T ffontlomoii ! lovely loon ,
tloti with every modern itnprovomunt. I41J
Jonej Rt. ais
TTIOK'HIJNT Fiitnlsliod room. A. llogpoi
-L1 jpti OouglitsBt. nil
'ffioil HUNT Four uiiturulshnd rooms
JU for hmisekoophii ; In htonll fnmlly , lo-
cnled on OooiKln nveiionrstrootcara.surrouiut.
lues p1ra ant nnd will ronf chenp to itood
pnrtiesi reference reiiulrod. AddrdM A. O.'llleo
oillco. 21T
FOH HKNT-tfulto of newly f urnlslic l room ?
In now house : modern conveniences : to
Rentloraon. 1BJI SIM
F . , IlKVT rTtrulshiiiTroTims fnrlirht ] houio"
keepluc , Iloomors Llock , cor Sth.5 : Ilo < rniil ,
iinfilrnl hoil sutlnblo
tor housekeeping , 1017 N 2Jlh fct ; npply to
M. F. MnVtln , 310 S 15th ft. 401
TfirsST I.nigo oloiriiiit roomi , witli closet
Bouthfroiit. lllOChlciuro strcot , HIH
rooms furnhheii nnd
ilnfuriibi'.icd.ataj'J ' Howard But. fih and nth.
HF.N t1 Daslr.xblo u 'vly furaislud
i' rooms for Rontloiuou. tins , bntn nnd fur-
.uncohoitl. SlXi DodtfO. 3JOJ15 *
Poll HUNT 13lpmiut roo'ns on street ear
hno , bath und ir < u , s. w. cor 2Jth nud
Webster. 1IU
t HUNT .1 vonma milt'iblo for houso-
kooplti ! , ' . 711 I'aolllost. Kent , 15.0J.n )
Foil U13ST To genllomon only , txvo tnr-
nlshed rooms in ITIKM ! location , 2 doors from
street earsouo on first lloor Inriro front room ,
bav window. KHS nud register. S2" > per month.
Other Iront room , second lloor , rorfi-tor mil )
; , ? per tnoiilh , Holoroneo roiiuired. Cull
ntdosk7 , 111 i Farnam st , tlrat Hoar. nil
' ' ' '
O for'snl'o'b/C. J < . Mayne , 15th A Hnrnoy.
OO Acre ? for platllmr , 1 1-4 from fjiii , ; : ; stoclt
-J ynrdp.only $ iii per noro. F. 1) . Tanner v
Co , 439 21
OOTNHit A AHCHFH'S add to South Omnlm ,
for sale by C. E. Mayuo , IHh and Hartley.
531 20
( hIM t > SWO < 'iich Tor boiutitul ; lots In Cottier A :
cp Aichor's add. lo South Omiilia. C. 1' . Muvnu ,
lr > th nml llarni'y. r > ! C > 2(1 (
* AltCllKH'S udtl. to South Oinnhn ,
lor sale by C. 13. Mnyiio , IStli nnd Itnrno > .
iVI4 23
\\fl4KUnranteo Iho following- irood bnrgnln
nnd euro to ndvnnco :
100x110. half block from lf.tHBt , near fionth
end of vlndiict. will ndvanco 23 per et xvhon viaduct -
duct irfllnlslK'd. for u fnmliiycjiit S"iDOO , $ ' . ' , riOO
cii li , b'U 1 , - , nml ; 1 yonrp.
in foot on Iznnl st bet 18th , mul 10th. with
trnrkniro in alloy , 7 room liouso ; mnko uITor.
Lot II block 1 1'ottor ndilltion oHHt f ront.beau-
tltiil view of city ; x-ery cheap ntf l.COO. Chirk k
French , inifl Dousl.w fit. Efrt 2t
" "
/ OTNTH""AItfJHllTl'S : ndd tit South Omnlm ,
\J lor sale oy C. 15. Slnyne , 15th und Humor.
cut 20
_ _ _
$2Sitto ? MX ) each forlionutlfuPlots In Cotncr , V
Archrr's ndil. to South Omnljil. C. K. Max no ,
l.'th and llarnoy. ni > 5 2u
G OTNMir& AUCIllll'8 { ndd lo Bouth Omnliii ,
for r.iilo by C. K. Mnyno , 15th and Hnrnor
5'JtM '
" *
T"oTln Dcniso's Aild. , SIii)0H ! ) : ensli.
JLJ Two lot < In Koitcr'H Add , coiner , $100.
Lot corner of 30th and Lhulsiiy fits , l.lfX ) ;
fiiu cash , lialancn Jin jier montti.
Lot on "nth st , In IV.rl < llnlkllnir nesociatlon ,
SMia wixir.a ,
House of llx'o rooms ntvl two lull lotd , cnst
fronts , corner , ? 'JbiO. 870J cash.
ftot'K fif morcliHiKllso for trade.
liouso ami lot fortrndo.
II. W Huntress. 1308 Itarnam utrcpt.
fi23 21 *
' "iO to f."i0 ! each for beautiful loin In Cotnor k
Archer's add. to South Omul in. C. K. Mnyne ,
h XlUirnoy. . f.O20
, t AllCIir.K'S add toPonlli Omnlm ,
J for sale bj' t' . K. May lie , 15th and Iliirncy
KM zn
f ) KAST front lots Ivllhy plnco only $750 onch ,
> oiio-thlrd cash , biilanco easy terms , K.I ) .
Tanner ikC'o.lBI5IIownrd st. 4b'J "t
( Ji250 to 5 ! > r)0 ) cncli for beautiful lolfl In Cotnor tc
] ) Aichor'a ndd. to South Oinnhn C. K. .Mnyne ,
" 5th mid llarniiy. fil'3 20
ri \ AKClUll'S nld to South Omnlm ,
V- ; for sale by C. II , Mnyno , 15th nnd Hilrnov
r.'JI 2-1
AfilliAl' and mod eli'irant rhi-Ntums 1'ies-
put , n hoiitios and lots near Hod Car l.lnp ,
only f | , HM each. $ : ! 01 cnsh. bahuioo onfiy. V. I ) .
Tanner & Co. , 1015 Howard st. HO.I 20
'J51TO500 rach forbrailtirill lotslli Cotnnr
$ , t Archer'H add. to South Omalm. C. 1 ! ,
Mnynn , 15th nnd Harnny. f'-1" ) 2il
Jl'N r.ll l Altril UK'S ailil. toSmith Onmlm ,
\J I'oi sale by C. I ! . Mayne , 15th and Harney ,
2jOTOf.VD ) each for beautiful lots In Cotnor
S .S ; A roller's add , to South Omaha. C. K ,
Ifith an I llarnoy. 5)5 ) 2il
UVM3H A AHOIIIJH'.S mid to South I
C for snlo by U. 13. Mnyiu , 15tli and llarimy
Cbs."i0 lo T..OO cneli for biiautlfiil lots In Cotiii'r Si
tp Aichnr'saild. to South Oiirilia , 0. I" . Mnvne ,
lftn ami Hnrnuy. 535 20
0" ' 7r.\iit ; .v"\KcfflTlt'3 ndd. to South OniulniT
Jorsulo byC K. Mayno 15th nml lliirnoy.
$250 TO # V eitcl for bcnutifiiims In Collier
\ Archcr'H udd. to t'olilh ' Oimiha. C. I ! .
Mayno , 151 h and llarnoy. 5 ! > 5 2il
I 01 fool fronton L < iavuiix > ortliiuinrSJil street ,
t xvlllbo RoMchoiiu ll'tnkeii nt ouco I' ' ' . I ) .
Tiuinei .V Co. , 1015 Howard fct , lh ! > 21
C OT.NHlt .V AtOllCis Hi'iith
forfaloby C. II. M-iyno , 15th and llaniiiy
i , 20
rt'iVTO ) C-VJfl each for tioaiitltlfl lot. ? In Cotnor
tp A : Arolier's ndl. to > ( iuih'Oninha. O. 13.
Mayuo , 15tl.i nud Hninoy. > , 5'J'i2i1
OOTNI3H A A ItOIIIuF'S aifii.'io Hou7h Orniiliii
lor.-alo by C. 13. Mayuo , 15th and llarnoy.
. 614 2ii
TTlOlt BALH I.otfl'lxllJ ' luit'ou ' D'lvcnport
Jbet tlth and 12ih ulropts 'vith ' 2 liousod ,
? 1 > .OTJ , $ . ' ,0)0oinh ) in I Ionlimn. .
Woirivc al-irgo | isf oC msllo city property
hold rpi.doui'o , tlift elms I'ur.
chafers will do xvell to boo us. ( Marshall li Lo-
beck , IWi Fannnm ' ' 1B7
COT.N'KH V AltClinR'Siiad la South Omnlm ,
toi-buloIiyC. 13. M.lync , 15 } uml Ihirlicy
& ' . ! ! 20
S 13131' . DTnnncr A Co.'sllst of eholcp Soulh
OiuatlU lotb. / ; , , 48U21
W lor 6.110 by t' . 13. Mnjno , IDUi und Harney. '
< r.ui u
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
i'JV ) to SJia oneji for bountiful lots In Coiner A
.1 Arduir'HiiUd. lot-cutti Oinahl. C. H. Mnjuc ,
15th iinU Ilaruey. 595'J '
CCIN AittiKKs 11114 1 < > south
In-1 Mile by C. K. Mnyno , 15in and llarnoy. j
Mil i 20
OMAHA VIlw-Loa , tS.
0 , J1 J t-rt.'li. Lot 1 , Hlk ( , i
Oriiuory All alley ,
Honmsl anUU , HijdlrU's Nowlllk.'WS. lOthst
4'Jl '
forsalo by C. Uatuyno , 15th unU Harney.
V 'Ji 20
* " "
2io"'J'0 JfSJ ) uuol7"for boautiiul loU Li Colnor
p Archer's add lo South Uiualui. C. 13.
Mayne , (5ih ( nndHnrney. K 5-.M
ir\OTNiil : A AHCflEltS ruTiTuTsTiuth Omhha ,
v' fors.ilOb > C. 13 Mnyiu , lolb ami II > irm > > .
6l > l M
$ ' ) oaeu for beautlftil lots In Cottier
$3WTOii'X ' * it'iil' to . oVitu Oman t. C. U
J > rnynu , 15th.und lliirnoy.
RIAL : i.srCri ! ANU iTuANa u."It lu'.i '
Co. in s. t5iu et nit )
SOtTII OMAHA-Onr book * show i larjro list
of proprty In and around South omnha
whore money Is belli * mmU now and xvill bo
doubled in the spring ,
ltti lnc9Jlotson M. N , O. , 25th , 3 < 3th nnd Ilollc-
rue snoots.
HMdcncfl InH nn 1 honsn' rind lotilnsynJl
cfllolntid , Fowler Fluce , roller A Cobb'sadJI
tion , otc.
nroiory A ILidloy ,
mid ; ! nBlloV < i now t > loc , < a ) . Ilith st
WJ TO * r , Wench for boatlful lots In Coluor
> A Archer1. * niM to South Ouuihn. 0.1' .
Mnrnp , Uth nnd ILirucy. GTi 28
C A AHf HKtfSmld. Krtouth ? Omnha7
' for sale b/C. 13. Mnjuc , Dili and llnrney.
Tin ! IIAVii constant inquiry for nil Kinds of
> \ business -iiul roil luncn properly. I f you
have nuy property for s ln list 3.\mo with us.
nicer llros , 'lUSlOllKt. ' Nnj |
2V ) TO f TOO paeh for boa'itlfnl lol In Uotner
1 A Archer's add to South Omahn. C. 13.
Mayne. 13th nnd Hartley * Mi CO
A AIIClTKH'Sa'iM. to South Oniniin * .
OOTNRH by C. 13. Mayno , IS'.li and Hnrney.
&n 20 .
VltoJ.VW oneh for benntlfill lots In Coiner
A' Archer's ndd. to South Omaha. C. li.
Milno , 15th and Harney. f > Ui 2(1 (
' . A AIII'HKH'S add. to South Omnlm ,
OOl'NF.H by C , U- Mil ) no , 15th and Harnpy.
5'JI 20
rt S/0 in fOO c'ich for bo'itltlful lots In Colnor ft
T > Archer's add. to Soutli Omaha. C. U. Mayuo ,
15th and Harney. O''i ' 2J
COTNF.H A AHCIIKH'S ndd. to South Omnlm ,
for sale by C. 13. Mayno , 15th and Hnrney.
Ml 26
25' ' TO iM each for boautlfill tots In Colnnr
§ A Arehpr's ndd to South Omalm. C. 13.
lyno , intli nnd Hnrnoy. f.'is 2rt
A HSf ItACl'sTll TiTl.Ua and t"ltie to roil I
estnto ( juainulod , Mldlaml Oitarintoo
and Trust company , Fiirnn.i st. 401 25
QJ250 TO $51 } ) o inh for beiutltul loti in Cotuor
T A Archer's ndd. to Smith Omiihn. C. 13.
Mnyno , 15th and llnrney. CM 20
OOTNUItA AIICnUH'S vidTo oTilh Omnlm ,
for snloby C. K. Mnyue , Ifilli and Hninoy.
Ml 2 < 1
m K1TO $510 oaoh for bo.-nitllul lots In Colnnr
tp A Archer' ? nd I. to So'itu Omnhn. C. 13
n > lie , 15th nnd Hnrnoy. Mt > 20
' ' ' . A AHlH3irsida\ ( ;
tor siilobyC. K. JI.iyno.15lh and llarnoy.
W4 20
( 2)0 TO ? Vl i each for heitiilifnl IOIM In Cot nor
'T \ Archer's ndd. to South Ouinhn. C. 1' .
Nayno , nth and Itnrnoy. ! J3. . " > "U
Kr.NllALr..S AI > ) lTIOX-rol Sninul
Rt . lint south of licit Linn Will tllvo some
Kood bariraim on n few lots. I ) . Kendnll , rns. s.
w. i-or. 17th and Crtllfornin sis. ; i8t 2T
A " 81 TO J"iW Piieli lor beaulllul Ifits In Colnnr
> > \ Arehor' H ndd to bouth Omaha. ( ' . K.
M.iync. l.'itli nnd llmiioy . C'.1" ) -1
' '
COTNIjiT&.vTMMIKl'i'S alii , to South Omalm ,
forpulo by 0. 11 Miiyti' . 15lh nnd lliirnoy.
631 21
\LE-KO feet on South 20th st. ; W
per loot. Lee , Nlehol A Co. ( i30 27
2Ti ) TO fftfl o-tuh for bountiful lots In Cottier
& Ai flier's add to Soutji Uinahn. C. 12.
Mnyne , luth and Hurnuy. C ! > 5 28
& AUCIIUH'Sndd to South Oinnhn ,
C lorSainby C. K. Mayne , IClh and Harnor.
RWAN&CO.Fron7or block , onp. poitollloo
. . . Ifith st trill offer Ser nstioi't tlincb.wAlnS on
tlin followlnff iiaiued propertlos :
( iiK"N on S. 15. corner Kith iitidDnronport Rt9.
2JvlOnon fl. 15. corner 18th and Dnnzlm sts.
ftfttPU on S. W. corner 12th nml Dodtro FH
Slon S. li , corner 17th and Davenport sts.
roruerlbtb nndChleaio Hts.
on Ddunlaa between 1-tli nnd IBth sts.
. i Hownril between 10th imd llth sts.
12avii2 : on IBth running to 17. 1' . tracks
A few oholoo Ion m Footer's addition ,
A few oholeo lots In Bhlnn's addition
A lnxirehol"0 lots In Orohnnl Hill.
And Iho Inrpcst list of lands lor snln or trndo
of uny linn lu'Omnhn. W'o wnnt $101.011 xxorth
or morfhiindlno ir. cv.chniiK'o for huids nml
Omaha property. ! ! ? 2 21
CJ80 ! ! to $5)0 ) each for beautiful lots In Cot nor &
35 AichorV ndd. to South Omahiu C. 15. Itnyne.
15th and llnrnoy. 59"i : JO
0l'NKAA.UCIlil'S : add to South Omaha ,
for sale tiy C. U. Mnyno , 15th and Hnrnoy.
mil 20
T HACICAdi : Slots , onlv Sl,7r. ' ) each. Fasy
torms. F. U. Tanner & Co. , ldI5 Hownril st.
4S1I 21
COTNKHAr AliCIIIF.H'.Sndd. to South Omaha ,
for sale by C. U. Mnyno , 15th and Harney.
5J4 fi't '
ElNU-lteslfloneo lot on Cleoririn nx-e. . North
of l.n ivonxvoitli , 5)vlll ) torn few d.iys , at
SI.75J , f S50 cash , bid. 1,2 , 8 nnd t yovs
tJrujrorv ff H'ldli'/ ,
Itonrns 1 nud it , lledlck's now blk. , a23 s. 15th.
& AIIOHKU'SHilil. tosouth Omiibn ,
for ealo by C. 13. Mnyue , 15th and Hnrnoy.
5'Jt 20
. * < Oto'iiOciiolifoi < b-'nutlful lots In Cotnor
Archer's add. to South Omaha. C. K. Mnyno
15th ami Harury. r.Vi ! 20
FOHSALK 174 feel on [ .PHX-PII worth st ; ? 75
per toot , , Niehol iVCo. KK ) 27
COTNKIl & -AICHiil'3add. ! : lo South Omalm ,
lorsnlobyC. II. Mnyuo , 15th and Ilnrucy.
531 20
IIANSROM I'LAOK-IxilK on 3ail nt. . nrnr
.11 Ihol'iirk nt f',150 to ? - ' , ' ) . On ( looivla
nve. nenr Hickory St. . $ l,7l'l ( ' to * I.W.O. On Both
Rt. noiirtbo I'nrtt. Tl.niX ) , On Virginia nvo near
Woolworlh ut } ' , < } Ml to ' ! ,5 0. On Phil Sluiridiin
st near lllol.'orv nt SI. 57ft , etc. . etc. , ele. Wo
hnvnimy number of lots In this addition , nlo
houses nml loU < . Somu of thu bo-it homos In the
( Irerory * Hartley ,
Hoomsl amis , Itedlek'snew lilic , ! tjB. ; 15th st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40H _
OOT.VI.u7t ATlCHIJU'Sadd. to South Omnlm ,
forsalu by C. I' . Mnx'ne , 15th and llnrue } ' .
fiV4 20
( ? > 250o ( 5V)1 ) catli lor biMintlfilt lotsm Cut nor A
< * A roller's add. to ; : onth Omului. C. 13. Mavne ,
15th nud llarnoy. . 5H520
" 01 Aluu'lTlJirsTidirioT'miili OimiinTI
forS'ilo ' by C. H. Mayuo , 1'itli nnd H irnc y.
BUI 20
IOTou Ocortflu nxoiio ( block fr'im street
J cnr , $ : ,5'JO. F. 1) ) . Tiiniuir A Co. 4Sj 21.
COTNiit& : AHCIIKlT'tt add. lo Soutli OmahaT
lor f ale by C. 13 , Miiynu. 13lb and Hnrnoy.
dj'.VI TO ? Mil oitfi for bciiutlfiil lots In Cotncr
U ) A : Aiclior's .Ktil. to South Omium < ! . I' .
> 'nj lie , 1'ith and llarnoy. 515-2' !
1 pOIt SAM' A I'i-room biturdlnir house , sa-
1 teen nml barber hliup. ltli a lull lot.
? 7rn < i. i. ( u , Nlehol A ; Co. , JCoom 21Xlthnell
block. nu : 27
OoVNClt .V AlttHIIIIfrt add. to South Ontnlm ,
for snle by C. U. M.tyuo , IfUu ami Harney.
tj > 2.V ) TO $ VD ) each for bountiful lot in Cotuci-
cD > V Archer's mill , to pontli Omiihn. ( / . 1C.
Mnyno , I5lh nnd ll'itiioy. r 'J5-2 < l
( 1TSI3H ( ) * Aiuviiirsniirt.mitn : ) hn
Vfor sale Uy r. li. Mnymi , 15th ami llarnoy.
5' ' 5 .M
T1TIII3 HIST Iiifoslmont yet ollered-
-L 101 acres four miles bo nth we1 from jiost-
ollk'd , I 1-1 mlles Iromtuou.cyurils ; Hcs uoaiitl-
fill : f PJO per uoro : adlolnluir propnrt > on north
so'llnrnt ' $ JV ) per acre. Holier .V Campbell. 150J
Farnam st , Hoom I. 41'J
/ 10TXI3H AlC'lirJl'S aid. ti7souili O
\J for a ilu by ( J. I.1. Mayiio , l.lih and llarnoy.
5' 1 1 tM
2.Vi TO fVUo-icli tor bp.ititlfu ! lull In Cotuer
$ , V Vrchnr'n aJil. to bontli O.nuh l. C. } " . .
, iJth ana llr.rney. ivcv-sii
COTNI3H&'rl adTrTo ! < ( iuth OntliTnT
iorsalo by C. U Mayno , 15th ami Hurnuy.
5'H 21
. ' 50 TO.ou i nch for bouutlliil loin in Cottier
$ \ Aroliur'H mid. toBuiilh Omnlm. C. 13
iyiu > . IMhiu.d H.-.rnoy , f.ij ! 20
Ol' IM'-i-1 Lot ou Lsavcuxvorlh sl.iIJ.\l2J ft ,
JJniily $1,101.
Cornei iOivL'3 ! ft. , near Oicl hton collojto ,
choniiut ? l.'jn '
F. II. Titnupr& Co , 3C15 Howard St. OI 2' ' )
2VITOfsrOeachfor licantlfnl lot.s In Coiner
& Archcr'H ndd. to outh Oiiiahn. O. 13.
, 15th nuU Huniey. 5V5 "tl
Lofiontiiii , ' 2 trD' . tJ , 25h md
ho isteJ5KJ' ciuv torms.
Ikftjot In ori'hnii ) HIM xvilli . 'i roo'n Imnso ,
burn , xx til , cistern , unit and bhalu trcujlUJJ ;
easy terms
Lou10 II. 1" , 21 andiS , bl03U7 , Orchard
11)11 ) , v. ry the ip
S. W. cor. llth anJ V.icltlo , M'J'lluo \ \ cot-
Lot Irontln.on Convent unit 21th st ? . , Im.
pioM-meiits xrorth t'Jui'i ; " lioiiaos , city uiid
cistern untor , ? iVWj , nasv term- .
fi-room vet ( fe'o and lot , 20lh and Charles ,
) , * 4O ( o-ish , but , L'ttvy. Mort'l ' \ Jamloson ,
1 'W ) ; ? Vj ) caeii for beautiful lots in Cotncr
$25 A Arc'Uor'f pdJ. to cioulli Oinulia. C. 13.
Mnyno , 15th and Huruej. C05 20
ID riuth ) Oinnha
lor sale by I' . 13. , UtU uU ) I imy. .
"iriOH 3AI.r-U-SelilciMnjror Hros. ,
JU nit South lOin street ,
IM fcot on th st rnrtum , will sell all
Bnorploti tn Fariinm pnrk. flS per nero.
i.asytermj. Till * Is wry iloslrablo for
Improx'ol , near elty , house , barn ,
crlb .ote. Cionp ! nnilon oisy termi.
Lots In ? cnloi'.njer"s .vldltlon f MJ to } TM on
cnsy torms. * 5 > J fl
OOTNlvIt A AUCIIKU'S add. to Smith OnmhP.
for sale bC 13. Mnxne , IStli and llnrney.
OOTNI3H A AHCHKH'S add , to SoiiUrtTrnniuT
tor talc by C. F. , Maj-ne , I5lli ami llnrney.
HOl'SES Irfts.l'Rrm .L < \ nrti monpv Innnnd.
Ilornlo , room : ! , Hnrko bloon , 8. W. eor
15th an J Fnrn mi sts. Ml
T7IOH ltr.Nr-Hoii o , 4 rooms , corner Phi
J- Sheridan nud Hoxrnrdots.
Hottfio , u rooms , all inoJeru Improvements ,
Harnpy and 20th sts.
Now tiriok store , norih Kith st
4iiow6toresnt > arHasi.'all's hotel , south nth
et , f 15 per montli.
llilck i\ni'cliunto on 11. It , track nud pnvchl
ilnl story llnrlccr bttllJinir , 1,1th , nnd 1'nrnaiji ,
r.o feet siinnrc.
C. 13. Maine , Ulli nnd Ilaruey. 227
ASSOTo fVOoach for beautiful Inls tn Cotnor
tl ) Archer's udd. to South Omahn. 0. I {
Slnyne , IMU and Hm uey. W > 5-2(1 (
BOWLINO ClUKnx-Our now addllltnTTT
xrnst ot Walnut Hill , on Hamilton ntroot.
lly holoetlim lots nt f l' > ) for liuldo imil fl75 for
corners , you will malto n wonil Invcstmont.
Terms 10 per oout cash and M monthly. No
chnrKo for showlnir t10 | lotj. Marshall , V Lo-
bock , 15')3 ' ) Karnain 019
2WTO f5K ( > enoh for boiiutlfnl lot In Cottier
§ It Aieffor's ndd. to South Omalm. 0. IX
lyno , IStli nnd Hnrney. fi' ' . > 5-20
ITIOH BALK-Chonp , 20 norps lylmr xveu of
JU Walnut Hill In irncts to suit. Will sell nil or
pint. Schleslnifor llros.,011 S. lOlh st. 050 ; u
each for beautiful lots In Cottier
CM AArohor's ndd. to South Oinnhn 0. 1 ! .
Mnyno , 15th und Hartley. IM 20
BIJAtTTIFIJL fcouthonst corner Tliornhurtr
I'lpco.hltrh nnd slfrhtly , 2 lots , only fU'lu
for both. J575 cash , balance xery cnsy terms.
F. D. Tniinrr A Co. 4021
dji'fl TO f "iOO oieh for beautirnl lots In Cottier
P A An hoi's ndil , to South Omnha C. 13
Mayno , 15th and llarnoy. BM-'M
"I3H P. lTTimncr ) .V Co.'s IHt ot flVTciTsl
scorn iil.ioo bolero you buy In that benu-
tllitl rosldeuco locality. 4J-U 21
TO f500 onch for bonutlful TotB in Collier
\ Archer's mid. to South Ouiana. (7. ( 13.
Mayno , 15th and Hiuney. Wi-'M
H 1011 and sluhlljlosidntipo propoity oppo-
nitn main pntr.inco llnnwnm pnrK. Call
lor terms , F , 1) ) . Tanner A. Co. , 1015 lloxxnrd st.
4SII 24
tfs2".OTO $ oOo onoh for beautiful lots In Coturr
tp A Archer's add to South Omaha. C. K.
Mnyne. 15th nud Humor. ' " > ' . ' . " 26
KK\ , .STvj l.\KAI ( N-Clmkcb
lot , iH'iircor. Sowai l sifrontlnn on Sniin-
tiers R | . and paved at. ; eho ip for calh. .1. L.
HlcoACo. , ox-ar Comiuorclnl litnk. 715
$2."fl TO 500 each for beautiful lots In Coiner
& Archer's ndd to South Omaha C. 13.
Mayno , 15th and Hnrnoy. li'.Ti KO
. . iVAHCimfS iiTdrttTsdrithlT'iiahnT '
for sale by C. 13. Mayno 13th and llnrnoy
6" "
FOHSAI.n Some of the bmt sirrlculturnl
land In Kitsiorn .Nebraska nt f 10 per iioro i on
JO voara'tlmo , tf pprcunt Interest nnd no taxes.
xVi Itqor c ll lor partleulms. O. F. Javln ) ACo. . ,
OmaluuNob. f-IOJ-'O -
_ _
TlOTMSH AUCIir.H'S add. to South Omaha ,
\J for fctiioby c. 13. Mnyno , 151U and llarnoy.
CP2M TO $500 fich for lion itlful lots in Coiner
tp A Archcr'H ndd. to South Omaha. O 1'3.
Mnyne , 15lh nnd Iliiiney. fiM 20
GofNiirAHcTlllH'H ; ndd. to Poutli Omaha
for sale by C. U. Mayuo , 15th nud llnrney.
Wl Stl
TTIOK SAIR-m ft , fronlin ? on Dod o st. 2
JU blocksoaU ol the postolllco. A bargain nt
$111.000 : $ HJOO ) ( cash. Mnrslinll& Lobcck , 15J9
I'nrnam. 010
) ? for bpnutll ul lots In Collier
$ Archer's ndd. to Houth Omnlm. C. 13.
Mnyne , 1Mb and Ilnrucy. C' > 5 20
OO'j'mMuv AitPiiuirs id. tosoTairoimiirn
for snlo by C. K. Mnyno , 15th nml llurmiy.
fit'I 28
GI3NMIINI3 UAHCiAlXS-Tno cornoc lots in
Hunlotlo court , only 1 blocks from Siiun-
dor'Shtieot C1M. W.l , Honm ID ,
Uushmnn llloclt , N 13 car IGth and Douglas.
d2W ) TO f.500 each for beautiful lots In Compi
CD A ; Arci ler's ndd. to fcouth Omaha. C. E.
Mayiio , 15th and Hnrney . 511520
& AH01IBU'SaddTTrrSn"i7tir Omaha
COTNKIl by C. 1'3. Mnyne. 15th ami 1 lamer.
71011 SAL1 : 20 acres Ijluir xvost of Wnlinit
JU bill In tracts to unit. Will neil all orpari.
Sohleslmjer Hros. , on Ho. loth st U52 110
d 25Q TO f.Vo cacti for licaiitlful lots in Cottier
tl ) & Archer's ndd , to Houth Omaha. O. 13.
Mayno , K > th anil llarnoy. tiO'i "n
'A UCH F.H'S ndd. to RoTilTToimihn
lor sale by C. 15. Mayno , IDlh mid Ilnruoy.
514 2Q
IPASPPHOXT lot , Virtrlula ave. . fenced , on
li < finiilo , only fl/'O'J. lor n lew days A I ) .
Tmmor.VCo. 4J2I
OJ250TO f'ATeacli for bo'iulltul lots in Collier
ip & Aichcr'fi ml : ! . In South Onmlm. C. 13.
Mnyne , 15th ami llnrney , f.5 ' 20
AHCHIIll'S n.ld. to Soutli Omaha
for Bute by C. 13. Mnyuo , 15th nnd llarnoy.
. > l'fO.VK ) each for bimalirnl lots In i > lncr
$2. .V Arehcr's mid tu South Omaha. ( J. 13.
Mayno , 16th and llarnoy. M > 5 20
F on llrl'lol Btrnot , hall' botweeii S.inn-
dorMiiudHt'ito , uoirstieot oirs. City water iu
Irout.fd'JJ oaoh , M cmli , linlnnou In 1,2 nnd 3
years. AOilrois S U. Hou otllco. 2W
AIKJII 1-3 H'S nili'l. toUoutlTomatm
lor enlo by C. 13. Mayne , 15tli and Hariipy.
54 ! ! I-'ii
i:50TO$5llonohfor : beautiful lots In Cotnor
.V Archer's add. to Houth Omaha. C. 13
Mnynu , 15th ami llarnoy. CU" > 20
. AirlKK'S mid. lo South Omaha
foreiilt. by C. K. Mi-ynu , lOtli and Hninoy
nn I 2H
Hy M. A I'plon A Co. ,
FiJ'J ' F.irunm.
Telephone 73
nn. < E3t. ] S. 13 eor. lllh and Hnxvuiil sts. , uoar
bctfhiiilui'ol Vlndnct , 4-K , DO ; $ H.OW oviti.
1,1 ! nniif ; jciuv , ut H per cent. Fnnn the luct
that n Mv-story Im Idlntr is ifiilnir up opposlto
this corner , and a , whole hnlf blookol six Htorv
hull.IIUKSdlitRonnlly aoiosHthu Htiont ,
imiKcs tliu pi leo wliuro 50 per cent e u in * mndo
oi ; purohn o hoforft m * doses , Till * piopurty
l only In tlio market this xtebk If not sol.I
then , owner xx III erect a slx-slory building on
the lot.
115 foci , south Iront , on laiiiU'ii , alley on
ciicli f liiu ; this sidu ofitli ax'o. , tlT.O'il ' ; one-
tliiiil If tills inii't wori'.i JJO'Ja ( rout foot
before /ViuM / ! uoxt , t xvill bo hocn'iso droiiKhl ,
{ riuBshoiiperrt and ho/ cholera sti Ikort IIH.
K Icor. . llth and Nicholas , OlvllK , truck In
nlleyl,2.ll-T1Hi > joash Tnlnk n moment non
nboui this lot , ItHlociUlon.tliii faollitlos iitlordod
lor H niininlactory.Mipplj dopoi ur ttnichoiifp.
Uliylu Ihc joaio from uoxv , # J5OJ ( ) xrou't buy
nivo nsn cell nnd lor IIH show you the line
bimihis HP li.uu In idl Ulii'U of ( iropcrly.
ftijy M. A. I'plou ' \ Co.Till I'.irn im
' , To f W ca"h for boauliliil loti In Colnor
V . \i--IICI-'K mil. to tJO'itu ' Omnlm. O. 13
Mnynu 15th and llninoy. 6tti2 < l
A AltCHI'.H'Si.dd. lo t-onih Omnlm
inr biilo by C. 13. Mnynt * , 15th and II irnny
OTO J-'iUi o.ich for bonutlful lots In Cotii-r
.V ArnhiT'iadd to South Omaha. 0. II
Mayue , lltli mul Ilurnox- . Mi ' . ' 8
t j Our now ad lltlon
Aorusti ) lo t-5 t > rr aery.
Nojir Nritii Oinalin ,
And > } dlcnto Hill.
Miu-iliil ! ) \ Lnboek ,
] K3 1.V5) ) F.irnim.
r 1ri abto Kouth Omahn
\J lor falo by C. r3. Mayne , 15th nud Hurimy
. 5' 0 dacli for liu.iutlful lot' In Cot IIP :
Pj A : A re lit r 'a ndd. lo youth O.niih i. I' . 13
M. < i tie , IMIi anu II irucy. dA 2 < )
Fn K Lots In Albi jlbl's Au.iev , fJjll eioh ii
Mild biforo .Itinuary Ut.'HT. . I ) Tanne"
* f Co , lOUHIoward St. wvi SO _
$2."iQ TO f 59J ( uioh forbeniitltul loUIn Cntnei
Arcliur'o uJd. to Kouili Oinulia. O. 1.
Mnynu , 15th utul Harney , _ _ 615 25
FIND lot on ; nli ht. tt. . when
In Ho' . ' 8X-lill | 3 < ldd. l . , only SV'jilit. : .
third cnali. r. 1) ) . Tanner ' & Co , M' < llo.cir"
street. . > 2
HOU8KS Ixjts.J'nrins i
He njs , room I. Hark' r b'-r K , ft.V '
ICth nod Fiirimm f U. . . ' Or4 |
I.lTTL13toybliiPCOino blow yout horn TliO
JrlRhl kind of bnticntchi * < llsli. Still to the
front xx lib fresh bnrjrnln * In Oninlii renloithlo.
Foil.vThousauJ Dollars worth sohl by us the
pnst Hii-oo xvoek , fttul llll theto'a tuoro to fol
low , boenujp imrehasers will buy If you can
show them banrnlns. What U your Iden of tlm
( ollowluir Hit , nml what thoil doe t , do tiulokly ,
Is our ndvlcc. An Imtuoxed pleco on Kith M.
belwfoii Cumlnirs nud Hurt sis. , rents for $7.1
per month , Sliitxn. Another buslne s. ( I fu
trout , on luh bcl Dodeo st. nml Capitol nvo. ,
xrlth ; ) siorf brick house , oxtrn bnrRdlni elo-
( runt homo xvlth full lot on 2l t t.Millnnl
liu'p , $ V > W. IH1 ft. front on Founders si. . ) . ivi tl. front on Sann IPI-A > t , fn50 :
ftl ft front corner on' Sntinder , pl.VM ! nil
xrlthlnoue block of pavement ; nil lltst-clnw
liiiRitiPb * property lhat Is sure to double In 0 or
12 months. Full block on Snunrtcrs si. , cor. on
Lnko Rt. nml ear line , nl n smclal hnnrnln : cnn
show S5 , < KKielp r protlt l.y 1st of Mixy , 'S7. : >
lotsouMxulli IBth st nt xpry foxv price , ISO ft.
Iront lm < lnc < 9 comer on Sniindcis St. , only
t" , ' > 00 Olio nrro JIIM oil Snitndors ft. , ( I. CM.
" benullfuliesldpucolotsln Washington unaio
IM > oil otroi't in front of nildltlon , f'VV < 0 pnch ,
worth { sl.00iby May Ml. Hill lot ouHiiuiidcrs
St , ? lvw , Henutlful PIPCO bupinp. pivpertr
on soiilh Ifith * l , ? I,2.X ) , xxoHh $ 'lOU ' Mny 1st.
127 ft. trout on8hoimnnnvp.pnxrdst . Jil.WX
COII. fiont oiiiMlh st.niul I'ntlo UUP by 140 tn
nlloy , toircthor xvlth stnnll house , ? 1,7.0 , xx-orlh
f't.OAl Mny 1st fil'4 ft. trout on Snlindcrs nml
oiieticd ihissKle Howard , to.MKi , worth flO.wo
> fiu Ut. 41 fl front ou Cnrnnhi jl. bet Mill
nnd ISih ts. . xtltli 51 story brick hloek. $ WOi ) ,
Auirth fJS.iK'O.Mny 1st. Finn corner , lilh nnrt
HoxviiM , Si"i.0trt. xvorlb $ luoX ) Mny 1st. Fltn o
cut out this ll. t xvlth our predictions ns lo com-
iiifr x-nlnes In ccilnln Insldo proiierty nbovo
named , andseo xvhnt kind of prophrls 1)10 ) Heal
KstiUo Firm of .1. ! > . Hlco A Co are. xrhosn
otllcn is room n , over Co.iimorclnl Natlonnl
llank.S. n. corner 13th nnd Douxlnn si. Cut 25
ToTc H OHTl5 LOl'ir-KrtiTl nil's UdTl iTlmiT nun-
J don. st. , Just south of Holt Mm > It. H.llm )
to $30) ) . mouthlv payments. Will build liouso If
xvntilod. I ) . Kendall , rc < . s w. oor. 17th and I.o
Ciillloi nla sts. as 27 o
' 'KO TO fiV > 0 o.ich for beauliful lots hi Cotnrr
.VAn'licr'n ndd. to South Onmlm. O. K. II
, 151 li and llnincy. , C'i ' ) M IIC
\\rF.aronnlhorl7pd lo luxost $ i,0 ) in 1m- C
' proved lusldo propurty. What Imvo you
tooffor Wn iM'iinbuslnesa , Moml V .lamlosou ,
U1HS. 15th st 6W
. . . tt
Ol' the Misaouii State M-Rcntti of Anato
my , St. Louis , Mo. , University College r.
Hospitnl London , Glcscn , Gcrinnny nml r.o
NcxvYoik. llavinj ; Uevoted lltcir atten
tion r.'S
Nervous , Gluooic and
olc especially those arising fiotn iinprn- 1- 1t
( lencf , invite all so sufTertni ; to coirosponil t-
without dclny , Diseases of infection anil tI I-
contagion cured safely nnd spiedily without IIt
detention from business , and uilliout the ir
use of d.injjcious drugs. Patients whoso irr
cases have been neglected , badly treated or ro
pronounced i.icurablc , should not fail to
write us concerning their symptoms. All
letters icccive immediate attention.
I !
tS'-JUST . &
And will he mailed FRUE to Any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy It
sical Exhaustion , " tohich is added an Ity Ita
"Kssay on Marriage , " wilh impoi taut chap y t
ters on DibKASKs or run UKPKODUCTIVK
OROANS , the xvholelorming n valunblc med i ;
ical trcatibe xvhicli should be read by all
young men. Address
ims. s. & B. n > AVinsoiV : ,
| .ES fl iwrciu'c MJ. , l > unvur , Col.
OF nih. IS
ChGagoMilvajilee&StPaulRl ! , [ , | 11v ( r o
Chicago , AND Milwaukee. K
Kt. 1'iiul , MlnnoapoIIs , l cilur IlnpiilB , ir
Clh'ton , DubuqiiD , Davenport ,
Itock Island , Krcuport , UuukTord , Ito Itd
El ln , Jlailiuon , Jiuii'svillo , o
lic-Juit , Winunn , La Croasc ,
Audall otbcr important points Kust , Norlueait
und HuUthcnsU
Korthronrh tloketa call on tlio TlnkBt Aan
nt 1IUI Kariium htieut ( In 1'axton HotuD.or a It
Union Vftcllle Dupot
ruUmnn bleoncrs nnd tbo Dnost Ulnlntr Can
In the worla me run. on tlio main llnoiof the
and nrory attention is ji.ilJ lo pussuiitfor * by
oonrtnona employrg of the company. n
It , MII.I.KII , Ouncral MannKor. il
J. K. 'I'IICKICII , As9l3taut Oimeral-MBnnrr. it
A. V. H. ( UurENiKii , Uenoml l'UB Uier nl ito
Ticket Aif ent. o
UKO. B. II EArrniii ) , Asilstiiut Qanertl PMISO-
Ker imd Ticket A Re lit
J. T. CLAIIH , Ouutiral Suporlntondant.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago. f o ,
Tha only road to lake for Dei MnliiM , Mar- ! ,
idialltowii. iilnr Hn i | l . I'll.iion , liixle , Chlca-
> -o. Mva | i ' .no 'Old nil point t nui. To the pro- , ru
nle of Nclirn 1 > H , Cnt.irndo , XVvonilnir , Utah , u
I inho. Nu-adn , Or , .
u < in Wm-hln inii nml Cull.
lomlH It offers miiid'-lnr n'hnnlanos ' not pofitl-
bld bv nny othrr in e
Amoiiff a fiixr of Hm numcronH points of su-
ntrlnrlty nijnyiil bv ilu innom of thlsrond
bt'twrru Omnlm nnd i' ' 'i'o. ' imj UN twi > trulni
a ilny of DAY C'lrflir. uli nh ar the
thnt h1 mi-ii nr * B"d ntpiui ivnn rri'HHIlu
i'AI.U'K SI.HF.riNO CAItS rfhloli nro modi'li
of O'lmfovi ' nnd pl" 'i ' i > ' ( H IM lll/ ) | ( nil A W.
ISO liOOM OAI'S , iii'vin Ms nUiv any , tniil Hi
xil'luly ' 1'AI 'TlrtL DIKIN'tl OAIIH ,
tUn r'liml tit whli h riimi" ! IIP "o-uni " nletiyhiiro.
At Connell Hluifn l in- ! i nl'iB of ibo Mninn { 'ncl-
ua Itr. connect In I'n'on ' lnin ) t xvith those of
Ihq f'.hlduro ANo tiiivig'oin Itv. In CliliMifO
the traliiH < > f this 'li't ' > 'Ho ' close loonurtlon
x lth the o of nil ni.-'prn ll'v ,
M.nraiiiTT. n. i1 WILWJW ,
( iimuial Mtiiiai/nr , ( ini1. | 1'xa 'f Ay nl
" ) '
' '