Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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nrilrtud ly fftiritr in RPJ-pr.rt of IliccltrM
tninty untfipirHCCk.
IMV.TjLTox , Mnnaficr.
ntflurff Orncr , No , 43.
Hicitr KUITOII No. S3.
1 ho Hoc lii Council IltufTtt.
The UIB : wishes nil Its Councintlufls
patrons and friends the merriest kind of
n riiviftmni , though it will not stop to
take any holiday itself. The BKI : will bo
delivered as u mnl , the carriers will make
the usual collection. * this morning and
the. Council Hlufl's readers will 'be fur
nished tlio complete news daily , without
regard to holidays , and as n necessary
part of the cnjoyinent of the hulid.ty . en-
ton. _ _
rlnlliiGC to-day.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Biirhorn for bargains.
Now fall goods : it Hpiter's.
Complete sets of Dickens for $7.50 at
Hooks of all kinds very eheit : ) at Hush-
Tim Baptist church had their ChrKtmas
last evening.
The Episcopal church is nicely decor
ated with evergreens.
It 1' . Snow saw toil llirti every minister
in the city had turkey for dinner.
J.OtlOPonnds of line eaitdy at reduced
) iri e ; Palmer's , No. 13 Mum street.
" \Voinnn \ Against Woman" this after
noon at Dohany's , also IhK evening.
1,000 pounds of line candy at reduced
price ; Palmer's , No. 12 Main .street.
The Christmas entertainment at the
Saints' church took place last evening.
Tlio money considerations In real es
tate transactions yesterday were * 14,2in.
This Ice harvest promises to ho good.
It is now ten indies thick and more
1.000 pounds of line candy at reduced
price , Palmer's , No. 12 Main St.
( I. W. Chamberlain , tlin horse collar
manufacturer , remembered each of his
employes with : i plump turkey.
1,000 nonndfi of fine cunily at reduced
price , Palmer's , No. 12 Main St.
The work of putting in the Richmond -
mend lire and police alarm is progress
ing o well thai it is expected to be com
pleted by the ilrst of the new year.
The postofliee will be open only be
tween 10 and 11 o'clock this morning.
The carriers will not make a delivery but
will make one collection this afternoon.
The funeral of the late Alev Obortwas
held yesterday afternoon. Ills brothers
of the It. A. If , attended inn body , and
the usual tribute to u veteran was paid to
To-night the printers and their num
erous friends occupy the Temple hall
with a masqueradeIt promises to be
one of the largest and jollicst balls of the
Etonian & Co. with their usual gener
osity donated a large number of dolls to
be distributed by the church folks to the
children who might be missed by Santa
JJcno & Co. generously "gave about
sc > only-live books to the Baptist church.
to be distributed among those who would
enjoy them , but were unable to purchase
F 4OCO , pounds ofinn candy at reduce !
price ; Palmer's , No. 12 Main street.
Nora Fit/gibbon , who uas held for
drugging ami robbing an Ida drove man
in Jim Snodderly's place , was yesterday
turned Jooi-e , the grand jury having found
no indictment against her.
For sale or exchange for clear land
Council BlnH's or Omaha property , :
most , proiuihlng and fashionable trottinir
bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred
Jtule 6. Address P. U. Hunt , llarlan , la.
We carry a larger stock than eyer be
fore. Our stock is the cleanest , best as-
Horted , newest designed in the city. Our
prices defy competition. See aiid coir
vinec yourself. Ilurhorn , Jeweler , No
17 Main St.
There are so many merchants nowgiv-
. inir their customer * a chance for a prue
with every 25 cent purchase that one
fellow who throw a quarter into the Sal
vatiou Ar.ny tambourine asked the
maiden for his ticket.
Rev. Mr. lUuler , editor of the Christian
Herald , delivers the clo ing of his lectures
in the Y. M. C. A. hall this evening. This
is said to bo the best of tlio series , and
will bo illustrated so as to prove both in
teresting and instructive.
Tom McFaddon , who was reported as
having skipped , has voluntarily appeared
unit given bonds for his appearance' whenever -
over wanted to answer to the charge of
having seduced Walnut girl. This pre
diction is made that the case against him
will fall through , and ho will be dis
charged as on the preliminary hearing.
The Sunday sehool of the Congrega
tional church had a tree and pleasing
entertainment for the young folks at the
church at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
One of the novel features ot the occasion
was the appearance of two Santa Clans ,
twins , who like the "Two Johns" inado
much sport. One was the Santa Clans
from the north pole , the other from the
south pole.
The Sons of Veterans had an agreeable
masquerade last evening. The. Temple
hall was very pleasingly decorated , and
the arrangements in all their details ,
were such as to make the all'air vor.y en
joyable , Although one of the youngest
organizations in the oily , it is growing
rapidly Into public favor The purposes
of the organi/ation are most commend-
ablo. and the mombu > hip should be
rapidly Increased.
Miss Eftiu , Elislnr and company last
night produced ' 'Woman Ajrainst
Woman" at Dohany's to a fair sized
hutlicnco. The play is a domestic comedy-
arama. The entire company wore line
in their parts , uiul Rachel Westwood "u
bad "un , " who allowed Bevaio Barton ,
( Miss Elhler ) to marry the man she should
have , i * certainly the woman to bo against
n woman to succeed. The John Tros-
kidur of Frank Weston with the English
nccont is line -ami the play should bo
liberally patrontwl , both at the matinee
this afternoon ami this evening. The
Iday , to bo enjoyed , should bo seen from
the beginning of the Ilrst act , but the in
terest increases with each act.
U is a story of domestic lifo in which
Miss Kllslor as Bessie ISarton and John
Tres-sider after being married one year
liavo their homo broken up by the in-
flnuations of another woman who was
previously in love with lior husband , and
\\lio intimates that Mrs , I'm ider has an
illegitimate child which she is keeping : i
cccrct from her husband.
Weather strips at Chapman's 103 Main.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. ,1 , W , vV K , L. Squire. No.
101 IVnr ! street , Council lilulls.
Centcrville soft-lump coal , $3 75 per
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main
ftrcei , telephone 03.
Stoves I Stoves ! Stoves I tor thn next
' thirty days 1 'will sell heating stoves vtftt
cot .for cash only , 1VU. DEVOL.
Tbe Grand Jnry Completes Its Labors and
Gets Weighed and Counted ,
An Olil Tlukrt Agent Arrested For
Forjjcry JIontROiiicrj' Uoily Not
ABnl - The Doing * in
Court Merc Mention.
Closed Us T/ilior : i.
The grand jury yesterday linl-hcd its
labors and were discharged. They have
made an excellent record for faithfulness
to duty and evident honc ty of Intent. In
dispersing the jury presented the follow
ing communication :
To Ira Sohofield. Potcnmn ol the ( iiand Jnry
of the Disttlct Court , December term. IbN. .
We , the undersigned niember.s of said
Ciaml jury , hoirby tender to you our thanks
for the petitloiunnly manner In which you
have conducted the business of this pand
jury , for the piamrilami cotutcous innnucr
von have treated each and nil of us.
\V. S. IJiuwis A. lj. Hnowx ,
liKoitnt : UIIAYUS Hour lIu.vnxoTox.
A. H. Pr.nuixx. WM. 11. Kvn.v ,
. ) . A , Cm iirntt.i. , Wins ,
Kom.iiT , . ) . VIKMV : : ,
. Jinn TON , JOHN ,
MViiLl'mri : , JOHN JO.NKS.
Sonic interesting statistics were taken
concerning the individual jurymen
1'onr are merchants , live farmers , one
checkhian , one clerk , one expressman ,
one contractor , one justice of llie peace ,
one stockman. The oldest of the jury
men was W. L. Uiggs , aged 7o vears , the
youngest Ira bchnlield and A. H. Perkins
aged -11 years. The avor.nge age was 00
The heavlr't juryman was 'Squire
! % ; , tipping the scales at V.MO pounds
ami the lightiM Dcing just half that
weight , James Veesey. The average
weight was 10'i pounds.
The nativity of the jurymen -.howed
one from Iowa , two from Maryland ,
three Knglishmoii , two from Ohio , two
Pennsylvania1' ! ! , two Germans , one Vir
ginian , one Vcrmonter , one from Illinois.
All the jurymen were married , all but
one had children , one being blosscd with
ciK'it ' , and the total number of children
thiii represented being 03.
L. 15. Pratt" & Co. arc loaning money
on all cla-ses of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
4,000 pounds of tine candy at reduced
price , Palmer" * , Is'o. 12 Mam St.
An elegant line of short wraps , new-
market" , etc. , cheap , to close them out.
JonxHi.No & Co.
llailroiut Tickets.
Yes'erday there arrived from Clarinda ,
A. II. Whipplo , in charge of the shot ill'
of that county , and accompanied by Ma
jor Woods , of the secret service of the
Chicago , Jturlington & Qnincy ,
and Jimmy Davis , another shrewd
detective , of Omaha. The eases
against Whipplo have been worked up
mainly by Davis , Major Woods assisting
him. Whipple was formerly ticket agent
at Coin , and later has been buying grain.
Jt is claimed that he has for some time
been going wrong , and has been guilty
of forging railway tickets. Jlis mode of
procedure seems to have been to buy a
ticket , for instance , from Glenwood to
I'liittsiiiontli , and then erase the name
J'lattsmouth , and substitute therefor the
name of Denver. Such an altered ticket
ho is said to have sold to D. W. Hubhnell ,
of this city , on the flth ilay of Novem
ber last. lie was charged willi a like
olleiise at Clarinda , and his bail on that
charco was fixed at $3,000. Another in
formation has been tiled against him
here , on account of the ticket sold to
liuslincll. Jt is said that he disposed of
several such tickets in Omaha , and
ho refused yesterday to go across the
river , so that it will be necessary to se
cure requisition papers first. When in
this city in November he is said to have
registered at the Ogden house at K. V.
Kosc , of Coin , la.
Tlio Publishers1 Hook sale will clov
out all holiday goods at less than whole
sale prices- .
Wo have a line large line of Christina
novelties that we arc selling cheaper
than ever was known , also mulilers , silk
handkerchiefs , ladies' and gouts' glores ,
clothing , line soalskinoaps , etc.
UKXO & Co.
See that your books arc made bv Moore
hou-'e it Co. , room I , Kvcrutl block.
A "Con" Man ConvhMcd.
The jury in the case of Uoyd , bolter
known as "Camanchc Hill , " yesterday
returned a verdict linding him guilty. Jt
is so seldom that one of this class of fol
lows can be convicted that it is a pleasing
relief from the usual termination of such
cases. "Cumanchc JJill" only got
from his victim , and will have to
take a stretch for it. Ilo is the fellow who
made such a desperate attempt to dig out
ol the city jail , and who so nearly ac-
cnmplMicit his purpose. Ho is a slippery
fellow , and will take any sort of chances
rather than .sutler himself to bo lodged in
the penitentiary. He has been notorious
for years , but this is the liral time , so far
as known , that ho has been convicted.
Although arrested often , ho has always
managed to get the cases dismissed , the
suckorf bought olVor in some way made
good his escape ,
Five hundred overcoats for boys and
children , from fl.GO up.
up.MHTCAJ. . ! ' Uuos.
Heating stoves atcost to close them out
M. A. Wood , No , 504 Main street.
Weather Mrips at Chapman's , 105
Main st. _
Throe ypung fellows were yesterday
before Judge "Aylesworth on u writ of
habeas corpus. They had been arrested
and placed in jail in Gicmvood on the
charge of having burned some of the
fencing of the Chicago , Burlington &
( juincy railway. After examining into
the. facts the judge decided that tlinro was
a lack of evidence Identifying them as
the guilty parties , and he accordingly
discharged them , It seems that some one
knocked three boards on" from the railway -
way fatten and built a lire with them.
Some hours afterward these tlirea were
found warming themselves by the
ciuburs. Thov claimed that they did not
build the tiro.'and know nothing ol its
origin , leaving the inference that some
other party had been guilty of llio offense -
fense , and that they dicovering the
chance to get a little warmth improyed it.
. . .
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at tlio Now York Plumbing Co.
New goods and Christmas Novelties at
KirklamlV , jeweler , No , 3i3 Broadway.
Tlio Holly Not Found.I
The mayor and the marshal yesterday
considered the advisability of dragging
the river for the body of John Mont
gomery , the watchman who fell in from
the bridge at anearly hour Thursday
morning. It was decided that such sv
, seal eh would uvaillittle , as the chances
are that the | > ody tins long siu'cc been
swept far away. The particulars of the
drowning arc peculiarly sad. The other
watchman heard the cry of the unfortun
ate man , and went to his rescue , but just
as ho reached him hl < ? luntcrn xvns
knocked over , and In the darkness his
attempt to catch the drowning man
resulted only in getting hold of his hat.
The drowning man sank out ot sight
before another grasp oould be made even.
John Montgomery was a hard working
young man , who was the only child and
chief support for his aged parents , who
live near the packing house. The old
gentleman is nearly beside himself and
lias to bo watched closely to prevent his
going to the river and needlessly expos
ing himself in trying to recover the body.
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. ( ' . H.
Fuel company , 530 Broadway. Tele
phone 130.
Over $100 worth of presents free to our
customers on February 1. One chance
with eaeh ' 'oc purchase. Moore & Kip-
linger , No. JlH Broadway.
A line , largo line of the most decant
watches , chains , silver and plated ware ,
decorated China and glassware , suitable
for holiday and weddinir presents , at C.
B. Jacqucmin A : Co.'s , No. 27 Mam
street _
Wnntctl In Oniulia.
The police received word from Omaha
that a fellow named Frank. Wilson was
wanted there for a $ : ! 0 robbery. They
found the young man in Texas' colored ,
dive and arrested him with another while
man , who cave his name as I'M ' , Mc
Carthy. The latter was charged with
being drunk , but in view of the coming
holidays the judge made him a Christmas
present of the usual line , and warned
him not to be found hanging around such
places as Texas keeps , al 2 o'clock in the
morning. The other follow , Wilson , was
taken over to Omaha yesterday.
Masquerade suits at Airs. J. 13. Mot-
calf'a for rent. None cheaper west of
Order your carnage and .secure your
tickets lor the grand Christina' ; live
Masquerade ol the Sons of Veterans , al
IStishncll's book store.
Our entire stock of tine plush goods ,
including toilet sots , odor cases , dressing
cases , albums and sera ] ) books , w 11 be
closed out al less than wholesale prices
to-day and to-morrow. Come and select
at about your own prices al Publishers'
Book .sale , 317 Broadway.
Street's oitl Shorenjjo.
It wilt be remembered thut S. 1) .
Street , formerly clerk of this county ,
\yas reported as being short , in his ac
counts , the alleged delicit amounting to
several thousand dollars. Suit was com
menced some time ago against him and
his bondsmen , but the matter has there
rested. Several grand juries have had
their attention called to the matter , but
no criminal action has been commenced.
The present grand jury is said to have
found an indictment against him , charg
ing him with cmbex/.lement. Mr. Street
is now in California.
Notice Opera house barber sh § , bath
rooms re opened.
Frank Stubbs is now the father of a
twelve-pound boy.
C. II , Holmes , a merchant of .Magnolia ,
was at the Pacilic yesterday.
H. n. Williams , of ( ilomvood. vyas in
the city on legal business yesterday.
Smith McPhcrson. of Ked Oak , ox-at
torney general of the state , was at the
Ogden yesterday.
J5ev. M. Baxter , who is delivering a
course of lectures hero , is making his
headquarters ut the Pacilic.
John Hughes , who has been attending
school at Atehison , Kan. , is l.omo for a
holiday stay , lib has been doing nicely
in his work mid is in good health and
I. T. Roberts , ol Dcnison , who is pro-
pan hu to soon move to this city , having
bouglii an interest in tlio abstract ollicc
formerly owned by McMahon , was at the
1'aeilic yesterday.
The annual renting of pows will occur
at the Presbyterian church Monday , Je-
comber 27 , 188U , at 8 p. m. All existing
contracts OMiiro at that time.
Bv order ot the nourd ot trustees.
Saint 1'anl'H Oliut'cli.
Services will be held in this church to
day , beginning at 10'JJO. The usual Sun
day services \yill bo held on Sunday , the
evening service being devoted to the
children , when the presentation of gifts
ill take place.
Don't buy your now suit or overcoat
until yon look at those at Motca If Bros'
jiixt wlntt ifon wont for
Christ HHIS , tit
ojif.nctl len CHHI'S of
A'oreltlcii esiieclullu for Christinas.
You t tnjlntl ncdrly
Yon n > fint < ( inono tticni iiinltlic prt-
remti'c reri/ lou > .
Jftift ; ( ttsojnat I'ccelfi'tl < i very nlfn
lot of IMCC. Scurfs < tml Flm-lnttt ,
' ' to nttilir to
Klcyitnt in'riH'iits for i/on
your wife.
Onr assortment is large , of Silk Hand
kerchiefs , Mull'lor.s , Embroidered and
Hemstitched Haiulkcichiefs , Kid Cloves ,
Silk Dresses , etc , clc ,
Table Linens
Elegant Table Linens in pattern and
y the yard , ami napkins to matoh.
Vo arc selling
In all si/s at nominally low prices
Como and look over our largo stock and
you will tind on some ono of our three
floors something you will want and you
will save money by buying it of us.
Wo do not give lottery tickets and con-
seipjontly you do not have to pay any
extra price for the goods.
To Be Given Away Bj Hcnrj Eiseraan &
Co.'s Teople's ' Store.
On .lantinry l."itli , 1HH7 , CoiiKlstlnc of
Furniture , Olilnmvarc , Clottiiui ; ,
lUanltctn , Tit 1)1 ) n btiinn , Notions ,
Monpy , 811k Drcis I'at-
tcrni , Ktc. , Htu ,
For o.vory two dollar's worth of goods
purchased , you will receive n coupon
ticket , Kootl for ono clianco in the follow
ing Grand I'tescnts to bo given away by
us on Jiuinnry loth , IbST ;
l-'JUST I'lU/.H-Ono suite of 1'urlor
I'uriiltiire , consisting of sofa , tclotileto
nnd lour grand easy chairs , all uphol
stered lu assorted shades of clegnnt silk
plii'-hos , worth $125.
SKCOXD I'ltl/.li-Ono Maliogony Hod
Room Suite , consisting of nedstt'.id ,
Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant linish
with bnvclod glass , worth i lOO.
THIRD rRIXK-Oms of the very best
nix-drawer Nk'kct IMatciI DoniPstic Scvr-
injl Machines. The very best machine
in the United States , worth $03.00.
FOURTH PR1HU - Twenty yard *
( iiilnott best trros grain Hhick Silk , cost
f JJ.OO per yard , worth ? 00.00.
J-'IPJ'H I'Rl.KOne elegant Seall'Iusli
London Dyed Clonk , to be nindc to order
to lit the luek.y ticketholdor , worth ? 00.00.
SIXTH I'lUXK-Onn pair of the liuesl
White Hlankels imtilo by the. 1'ioneer
Woolen mill , of C'alifornia , worth $10.00.
SIJVKNTH 1'RIXK-Ono Heautijtilly
Decorated Dinner and Tea Hot , consisting -
ing of ono hundred and lorty pioee ,
worth sfr.'j.OO.
KK511TH 1'IMKAn EIo Seal
Skin MtilVvortli ifTO.OO.
NINTH PR1XK-A Very line I'aisloy
Shawl , worth $111.00.
TKM'H 1'RIXBOne Angora Heaver
Shawl , worth : ) .00.
KLUVUNTH t'RJXK One ( Jeiitleman's
Suit of Clothing , nitide of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the
winner , worth fl5.00. !
TUKLFTH rRlXK--A Centlenian's
Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth ifliO.OO.
Overcoat , for a boy brtwccn the ages of
! t and Hi years , to bo chosen by the lueky
party holding th ticket. Worth * 15.00.
Suit , for ti boy between the ages of ! ! tind
10 years , to be boleeted by the winner.
Worth $15.00.
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
Hrnss Parlor Table , worth * 10.iO. (
50 yards "J'ruit of the. Loom" muslin ,
worth $4.00.
do/.en of the very be.-t Cclebrtited "CJold"
white Miirts , of which we are the exclu
sive agents , worth * ! ) .00.
ulller , worth $5.00.
Table Set , consisting of Tublo Cloth and
a Do/.en Napkins worth $10.00.
'resent of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No.Ono Toilet Set.
No. aii Ono very line J'oll. '
No. ! )4-One Handkerchief HOY.
Mo. M One elegant Hand Hag.
No. i.0-One large Doll.
No. 37 One Stand Cover.
No. 23 One bottle line Perfume.
No. 20 One Toboggan Cap.
No. : iO-Oue Table Searf.
No. ! ! 1 One line Splasher.
No. : One line Luneh Hasket.
No. ! ! 3 One hammered brass Umbrella
No. iU-One-hiilf do/ , line Towels.
No. 3.1 One Silk Umbrella-
No. IW- One line Doll.
No. U7 One sel China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. 38 One Hra s Broom Holder.
No. ; 59 One pair Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . -10 One Silk Handkerchief.
No. 41 One nice Doll.
No. 42 One-half doladie's line Linen
No. 41 ! Fifteen yards Host Calico for a
dress pattern.
No. 41 One Hoy's JJat.
No. 4,1 One HoyV Sealskin Cap.
No. 40 One line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 One Toilet Sot.
No. 48 One nice Doll.
No. 40One line Doll.
No. 50 One elegant Table Cover.
No. 151 One Uottle I'orfunie.
No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief.
No. 5J ! One child's line Laee Collar.
No. 51 One elegant Doll.
No. 55 One elegant Doll.
No. M One Tidy.
No. 57 Ono Table Scarf.
No. 58 One ( me Doll.
No. 59 One Mouth Organ.
No. 00 One Imitation Steam I'iano.
No. til One line Hook.
No. fi2 One line. Hook.
No. -Ono Pocket Knife.
No. 01 One line Doll.
No. 05-One fine Doll.
> T0. oc , One Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. (57 ( Ono Shoulder Shawl.
No. 08 One infant's Lnee Cap.
No. ( Ill-One baby Dress.
No. 70 One largo Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Hag.
No. 72 One lady's Companion.
No. 7lJ OneSilk Mnlller.
No. 74One large Doll.
No. 75 One line Hook.
No. 70 Ono line Hook.
No. 77 One Lunch Basket.
No. 78One pair ehildren' * Shoes.
No. 70 Ono pair boy's Hools.
No. 80- Ono line Laee Collar.
No. 81 One largo Doll.
No. 82 One Lady's Jersey Jacket.
No 8j ; One pair lientleman's Sus
No , 81One pair Men's Ulovns.
No. 85- One pair Hoy's Skates.
No. 8(1 ( Ono pair dirt's Skates.
No. 87 Ono pair ( Slrl's Skate * .
No. 88One line Doll
No 8l ! One line Doll
No. 00One larce Doll
No. ill Ono large Doll
No. 02 Ono Nty'klnco
No. OH Ono pair < ! old CulF Buttons
Xo , 04 Ono Locket
No. 1)5 ) Ono nice Breast Pin
No. dO-Ono pnir Sleeve Buttons
No. 07 One Silver Thimble
No. 1)8One. ) linn Hntast Pin
No. 89 One pair Kill ( JIovos
js' , , , mo Ono Liieo Handkerchief
Total value of presents. ? 300.
\ \ ith every * ' , ' purchase you receive a
tiekot , also a ticket for every additional
* . purchase yon make. ,
Hold your tickets until January loth ,
1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bo
announced and invited to call and re
eeivo their
You have to pay nothins extra for your
purchases. Wo guarantee to sell you
jroods cheaper than any other house in
the wen , and best stock to select from.
All orders by mail will receive prompt
attention , and tickets for the free
gift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with y our purchase , the
same as if you were present in person.
ThesB distributions will bo made with
every fairness , and you may depend on it
that the lucky numbers only will receive
their presents. .
No tickets will oo issued to tlio em
ployes of our house.
Customers only will receive the beno-
Hts.Call and see the abovn mentioned pres
ents now on exhibition in our mammoth
store and convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
' ' Store
J'eopln's ,
- No-s. 314 , 810 , 818 and 320
Holiday Gifts
A sub itantial present is always most appreciated by the receiver. We are clo
ne ; out all of our furniture consisting of
Elegant Easy Chairs ,
Bedding of all kiuds , and to
Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds.
Mr.Stockert Personally Superintends all work.
Council * Bluffs Carpet Co , ,
1U. . OltriiTT. . I. HI. TltKYNOIt , 111 * STOCK I'.IIT
Wholesale und retail. Famillos supplied with ten mill tweitlj pound pack
J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
Farming Lands in Fow.i , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $ , VOO to
$10.00 per acre School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 vor
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free Information , etc , given by
IE * .
No. 535 Broadway , Council Blull's , I own , agent for Freidrikvcn & Co. , Chicago.
l'ull > I'm Ipped N'lirinnl niul Commrrclid Dpiiarlincnts Tuition llonk , Itonnl niut
Ituoni" at Iti'Hjoimfolo Itati" . Nlclit Sclionl During tlio Wlntor.
ii.t I. IMI'LK.ME.TIV.
Agricultural Implements , Buggies ,
s , Kto . Ktu. Council ninir.s , lows.
Manufttcturcrsol Bin ] Dottlcis In D
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
Anil fiL'omuul line of first class aprleultiirn
implement * , .
Nos. lliOl , 15OT , 1503 and 15QT ? outh Main Slrost ,
Council lliiitT r , ] < mo.
Mnnuf'rs an I .Jobbers of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnrrlaifop. nod nil kinds of Fnrm Machinery.
1100 to 1118 SoutbMaln Street , Council lllurfi ,
Curtains Shades
Carpets , , Window
Oil Clotbp. Ourtnln Fiituron , Upholstery Goo
Klc. No. 406 Urof > ilw y Council Illuffg ,
a , 'ion.\t co , BYT.
Wholcxilo .Jobbers in the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. 8Mnin and ' . ' 7 I'oarl Sis. Council Dluffi ,
Frnit and Produce Commission Mercliants.
'X , - ' < nml ! 1'cnl St. , council muffs.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
s' Fiini1ric" , I'.to. No. 2 J Mnin St. , anil
No. L'l l'e rl St. , Council IllulTd.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Coinmli > Fon. ! .Vo. 5U Jlrtadway ,
roiiiii'll niulta.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
- AND-
NOB. 10 mid 18 I'fAil St. , Council Hinds.
Wdliufftcturcuof HnJ Wholusftlo Donlorsli
Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. .
No. K5 Jlniii El. . Couiioil ntUITl , low * .
HAT , " , CAI'S. K'tr.
Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Gloves.
MOM. an niul nit nrcmdnny , Council
Wholi nlo
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood ! = touk , Council liluffs , Iowa.
Wholisiilo Dunlcrf In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ?
B3TO. , E3TO.
F.Thoodore , Agent , Coutu-ll Illuira. IOHW.
LVMUEli I'll.lXa ETC.
A. OVKRTON < fc CO. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Ami Itridro Mati'riul SpoKlHlllcsVliolosaIo I.uuv
ber of J1 Kinds. OltroN'o. . ISO Main UU ,
Council Itlutls. Iowa.
A.\l ) LlQL'UHii.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
Agent ( ur St. Oouhkrd'g Herb Hitter * . No.U
Vlalu iJU Council Illulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
{ . , Council ll'.ujt.
Wholesale Liqnor Dealers.
No. 110 Hroiuliray , Council BluIIs.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladicsbu ying a $5 hat or bonnet , oncfar
will be paid ; Sio , tutnul I rip.
Spcclnl advertisements , fuch us f.ost , round
ToJ.onn , Tor Sale , To Kent , Vvnnt' , noai'dlntr ,
otrnill boln ° eited in this lolumii m tbu loir
intoofTKNCKNTSPEH LINK fortboflrBt Inecr-
ionmul KivoConta Per Line for each subeo < incnt
irisoriion. I.cnvo aUvoi-H omcnts nt our odlcii
k 12 1'enl street , near llrottdway , Council
'ANTKl ) lly u Inw.tcr of oxperlfiieo , fair
liliran nnd ( illieu rurnltuiu , inelmlineculo ,
'mid liiiKt. ) ' * iiiulu little money , a piirtner-
In real catntn IniBlne&s in Diiiatm or deik
room In nn olllcu. Io.5' ! . ' , .Niw lliimplon , lo\vu.
WANTKI ) A younjr { fill to help tlo house-
oik diiriiKr the mention of tlio ellv
schoolAdilreoS J. .M. , Uoo olllte , Council
FOK SAI.n Harbor ahop.irnoil location , jrood
rousoulor eiilliiit , ' . Addicss II , Ue olllcn.
WANTHD loainborciaHiid 54 toumstors to
\\orkon llic oulhoin Kunsas rnihoad In
tliii Indian turiitory.iiO iiiilas i-outli ol Klowa ,
Kansas Tlio lure fioin Kansas Oily to Klown
Is fH.WJ. Hy taliintr a lueclpt or tlio atrcnt , at
KatiMan City , in the namoof f. fhcnllclil , a r < i-
bale of t j.V. will bo allowed by the contractor.
Wn cvfii'lpor ' mouth and board to llio teum-
Btors , and | 1.V ) ] ior day to I lie latioiorri. Hoard
Jll.W | icr wool. . Work will last Ino vein n.
( ! oed work for winter. Tor fuither luloi mil
lion address ( \ 8beiillnld , Klowu , ICansa" . Kef-
erenco , Justice N Suhur/ , Council BluIIs.
FOIt SAI.IJOiHunt Stotti buildlnp , a ) 0 ,
two itorles. lot ; :5tli5 : ( , stublei , , ete. . on
premise * in center of buslno t portion of Han
cock , la. AilJrc-fs Willlum 11 Hulicr , .Neobu la.
FOH HUNT A now two story fnimu liousn
coiitninliiir fl roomi , lialltTnd cellar under
rntlro house , on N. 1C. corner A\enuo K and
I.Htlii ( 'iirllrt t-trect. Only T blocks fiom Do.
Imny'n opera lieu oi. Call on M. 1' . Itolucr , at
10 , ' Main Ktreot. ( iip-stalrAl.
"VlTAVriJD A cottHiro ol llvo or fix roomi" .
VT located convenient to liiihliii.'H.s ; Fiuall
family , no children. Addrcs * "Oispy , " lice
A doy nltli pony to carry llee
T7MJK HAUC-UM ptipurs tor snlo nt tlio Hoe
WANTCD j'nrtienintendiiDr to bo married
are wauled to call nt tun I'rjor'u lieu job
offlcoto select their ucildiiiK ciirtin.
DlHHoIinioii .Nolico.
NOTICE 11 hmeby clvon that IUfipnilner )
Iierctoforoul6tinubetui't'ii 0 II.Mnlili and A ,
I , MiiiiMin In tlilb day dissolved by mutual con-
KOIII , A. I. . MnsKiii retiring. The | < > h8 Mill
liuL'undiietoil by ( ' , II. Smith , who will lecelvo
and KMtkMilluicouiiibcluo the lal linn
r , II. SMITH ,
A. It. Ml'hi-ON. '
il ( cl -
Abst acts ol Tltla , tm ani Rial 5s
tale Broiei'5 , No. 233 Mala St ,
iinrrltusi'il lliiiilniint
blc abNtnlct iHHiltn in tliin roi
known < tx the. McMuhnii Abitrao
i ,
tilxlt itbuti'itct * itntl ri'ttiiertfullii no-
licit / / ( imti'oiHiycnf all UIOKCt'.sf j-
in < / ctn'ft'ft ( thsti'iH'tK oftltln to In nds
ami luts In rottninitliimln county.
J'rat'tiec In tlie .State anil Federal oourU
Jloom * 7 and 8 .ShuKHfl-Bciio
Will supp'y you with a cleaner and lttt
quality of
Than any one In the city. A trial u ill con
\ ince you.
No (52S ( Broadway. Telephone 110 ,
The only hotel in Council Blufl's having1'
e Esoa/pe
And all molcrn improvements.
210 , 21 ? and 210 Main t.
Star Sale Stables and fllule Kafd s ,
Opposite Uuiuiuv lopot.
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Oilers promptly tilled by contract on
short notice Stock sold on commission.
Snii-nu : A : Hoi.i.r , Proprietors
Telephone No. 111.
Formerly of Moil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avc and 4th street
Horses and Mules
For si ) putposcs , bought and sohi , al reta < l
and in lots. Large quantities , to select
fiotn Several paii > of fine duvcrs , Mn
glc or doMblc.
Council HI nil's.
IS" . ?
\t\ \ \ I\\G \ \ following Companies- ;
Seiman Amt'ican , of Ntw York i
Pliirnlx , * of tlattfoid.
Hartford , ' ' of Hartford.
Callfornlaii , of San Francisco ,
Scottish Union & National , of Cillnbiny.
UnionofSan Francisco ,
State. * of Des Molnei.
Wtlliamsbuiy Cltf , * ofCicoHyn.
Those ntnrneil with a insure alia against leu til
Wlntl Storms , Cyclones anil Toinadoei
RAIT.S. .K ! ' * + -ft'l't'
< : < iunly
ICaiiU IVorK of \ \ \ tiliuls aSjH' : -
Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders
Kooni 1 Kvorot IMnok , Cotinuil KluflB. ,
Staiiilanl Papers Uncil All Mylcs of bind.
iiij ; in Mngu/.Iucs and
l' . H. Nnttonul llank , M. K. Smith A. Co. ,
Cill/.tmb' llank , Demo , WHIs * Co. ,
lret National Hank , C' . II. liiiurauu * to. ; ,
tjnicorA.l'usey.ltaulci'i'i.C.H liuvln s ItunK.
Al Sllli st. ami JJtli avo. , ninl 31. Calla-
( , 'lipr'ri stove , Lowov Jiroathvny.
Justice of the Peace
OlTicc ovci American li
&i Tlio riniut Im
VjT iioiltd Line ot
IT Onudb Wett of
. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
tfo , 209 Ma/n Street. Council Bluffs , lotaa ,