Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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_ _
The Examination of tlio Doctor Set Down
Tor MOD day Next. ,
A. Painful Qiilctncit In I'nlltfcnt Cir
cles nt the Stnto Gftpltnl Thiijti
nt AVork Mro nt MIC
Ullnd Asylum ,
IrnojtTnr. ntr.'n Micot , . ncnuAC.
It is a black Christmas for the dead girl
nt the morgue , nnd a blacker ono for the
principals in the criminal practice that
brought to the girl a week of hornblo
ngony that ended her shame and the
crime , nil in her death , that has been the
topic of conversation on the streets for
a tiny. When Deputy District Attorney
Htcnrns took active stops in tlie night for
the apprehension of Dr. Cooley there
wns not n.s much known ns has been de
veloped since , but ccrtninly cnouph was
known then to warrant the slop and ns u
consequence the alleged aboitlonist wns
taken by night into Ciistody and will
have nn opportunity in the courts of the
state to explain the death of Lizzie
Uctikloman. At 10 o'clock yesterday
the coroner's jury , composed of six citi
zens , resumed the examination Inokcn
off Uio nitrht beforo. Tlio testimony
given by Mr. Wilson stated that the girl ,
who worked in his family , had been taken
sick on the. 17th and died on the 2 < 5d. Ho
had suspected all was not right , but had
not taken any step.s to Investigate. A
bottle of ergot hntl been found in the
girl's possession , which in itself wns a
matter of grave suspicion. Mr. Wil
son tetlifled that Mrs. Cobson ami
a friend of the sick girl named
Hatlio Carey had been allomlmg thogiil
during her sickness. The girl before her
death made dying statements to this Mrs.
Cobon and also to Mrs. Wilson , the lat
ter having not yet testified , Mrs. Cobson
recited in her testimony before Uio core
ner's jury that the girl lying dead had toltl
her that an abortion li .d been performed
upon her by Doctor S. 0. Cooley , and
that from it she was dying. The most
sensational testimony of the day , however -
over , wns that given by the girl. Hatlio
Carey , whom it seems has boon a friend
anil something of a companion of the
dead girl , and who throw much light upon
the easo. The testimony of this girl ,
Hatlio Carey , was thai she wont with the
dead girl to the ollleo of Doctor .Cooley ,
ami that in her presence a bargain was
made in which Doctor Cooley agreed to
perform the abortion for the sum of $ 'J5
and that at the. time he was paid $11 on
the contract , Iho girl further testifying
that iu her presence ho , with an instru
ment , performed the act , aud she identi
fied tno instrument and the doctor. The
girl also testified that the dead girl told
her that the fattier of the unborn child
was Charles Barr , of Nebraska City , and
the girl , lialtio Carey , also testified
that the dead girl had been out nights
nnd on familiar terms apparently with n
traveling man named Fuller , and with a
man in thn city named Charles Humble.
A large number were present at the in-
quesl through tlio morning , and the
taking of testimony was withhold atthat
hour that an autopsy might bo hold on
the remains to develop the fact of the
cause of the death through the expert
testimony of physicians. The coroner
therefore in the afternoon called Drs ,
" "Carter , Lane and Hoover to hold thn
autopsy , : ind tlio jury was given a recess
until their findings were promulgated.
When Detective Pound arrested Dr.
Cooley in the night lie took his man to
Justice Brown's office , who had issued
the warrant. The judge passed the
matter until morning , and Pound kept
his prisoner at his ollice in the Richards'
block until morning , when Justice Brown
arraigned him on thoconiplaint as issued ,
and as the coroner's jury hud not yoc
returned their verdict ho held the doctor
for a preliminary hearing Monday morn
ing under $3OUOJondh ) , which werogivon
by the doctor , with Bartholomew Cox
anil L. W. Bilhngsly as sureties.
The autopsy held bv the physicians at Iho
coroner's inquest developed the fact that
tliu mrl had died from the use of instru
ments in performing an abortion , and
that they were usoduy Dr. Cooley to thu
end of causing tlio death of the girl. This
ihiding is in accordance with the facts
elicited before theljiiry in the examination
of witne.sscb and transfers the ease to the
courts , the hearing of Cooley being set
for Monday.A .
pervades thu Christmas air in political
circles , and tlioro is almoit a total
eclipse of anything like politicians in the.
hotel lobbies for the day. There is a
prevailing idea that the railroads will
make their light to secure control of the
scnalu and orgnnl/.e it in their interests ,
but it is equally certain that thu house
organization will not be allowed to pass
without a struggle. An aged politician
of the eity who is neariug the sear and
yellow leaf made Iho nssertinn
within reaching dtatanca of the BKI : that
never before hail a session met under
more general uncertainty than the pros-
cut year.
' Thursday night was a night out for a
couple of highwaymen , and a night that
nt least three cltixim.s fool as thotitrh
oncht to liavo been their night in. Lin
coln has been particularly free from
highwaymen and midnight ulu gers for
some time , but the indications are that one
gang at least has struck the town with ,
liowuyer , not very successful results , On
the night in question shortly after dusk n
young man named Peterson , who was
driving along one of the principal thor
oughfares was assaulted and robbed of $ 'J.
Ho cried out lustily ami the slugger.- *
made good their escape while rcsidentors
came to his assistance Later in the
night about 10 o'clock Charles Gultl was
set upon by presumably the same pair of
woitines , bill ho showed a rigid spinal
column nnd lite thieves worn glad to escape -
capo without booty. Along in the early
morning hours yesterday , the same pair
ran across Pat Mears near the engine
bouse , nssnltlng him and securing ? ! iu in
cash for their trouble. The thugs how
ever , piobably overlooked thu fact that
they were carrying on their operations
near police headquarter- ! ono of them
was arrested and looked up , thu other
one escaping , Yesterday this captured
member of the gang , who gave his name
ntj Frank Mcliuiro , was identified by
( Jnlil as ouu of the two who attac-kcd him
and it took only n short preliminary
healing to bind him over to the tender
mercies of the district court , his bail
being lived at fl.OOU. This man Mo-
( iiiiro hud a liberal supply of bandages
ami strips of elolli In mils on Ids person
and was evidently fixed so if ahot in his
luniirndlngti , he could escape aud bu his physician The pollen are on the
search lor hiii companion ,
of the Carter Manufacturing company of
Omaha were lilcd in the secretary's
ollleo yef-torday. The company will cm-
barK in the business of doming iu paints ,
nnd in the manufacture of paints and
paint material They have a capital
stock of $75.000 divided into shares of
$100 tgach to uo paid in as called for , the
highest indebtedness being Hunted to
$45,000. Thn corporation commenced
Hibincss on the 'i3d of December , l&SQ ,
nnd the papers call for the completion
ofth corporation on the same date , 1000 ,
1.CVI i Tarter , H. W , Yates , S. B , Hnyden
nnd Kvorton W. Bcnu are Jlhe cor-
The Adam * & McUrido cotnpmiy , of
Omaha , have also filed Ihrlr articles of
incorporation at the slate house , and the
snme recite the business of the company
to bo manufacturing and dealing m sta
tionery , book binding engraving and
work of like character. The capital
stock of the company is $10,000 , divided
into shares of $100 each , one-half to bo
paid in at commencement of business ,
, ho indebtedness limited to one-third the
slock. This company commences busi
ness January 1 , 18S7 , the corporation
running ono hundred years and the fol-
owing nnmcs ns ( no iucorporatorsi
JoorgoD. Adams , William W. McBride ,
Claries K. Clapp , J. A. llyan and C. F.
The commissioner of lands nnd build-
.ngs received a telegram early yesterday
pornlng from the institution at Nebraska
City stating Hint n fire nt 0 a. m. had
burned the workshop at the Institution
and most of the machinery in the build-
ng. Inquiry nt the commissioner's ollleo
brings the statement that the building
was a small frame temporary one , of
little value nnd upon whieh Ihero was no
Insurance. They cstlmalo Iho loss nt
$1,500 , mostly confined to the machinery
in the building burned.
ix ror.tcn COUIIT.
Ycstcrdav Fedowny. of the National
liotel , was put under bonds to appear nt
police court Monday morning and answer
to n chnrgo of threatening to kill a man
down at his hostelry near the B. & M.
James Melntec , Iho farmer Hvmc oui
near Wavorly who was tried and ac
quitted during the last lorm of the dis-
iriot court for murder , was helplessly
drunk and was lodged in jail. lie eon-
Iribuled a line lo the school fund yester-
D ! Murphy commenced Christmas eel-
obriling early , passed all Ids cash over
the mahogonv for rum , and was lined
yesterday in court. He will eat Christmas -
mas dinner at the uity jail.
"Years liavo not seen and time shall
not sco' " the people sil down quietly to
butler pain , when enterprise can afford
such a panacea as Salvation Oil.
The old saying , "opposition is the lifo
of business'r has not been sustained in
one instance tit least. Since the intro
duction of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup all
other cough remedies have been dead
In Fredcrickton , N. B. , a few days ago ,
a captain of the Salvation army walked
out of a sloro with n lot of eggs , when his
foot slipped , and down ho went with the
eggs under him. Ho never said a word
when tlio boys laughed , though he looked
mad , nnd in the overling nt the meeting
ho told how the devil got into the cgtrs
just to trv nnd get him to swear. His
soldiers became uproariously happy when
he tohi how ho had dcfoatod his satanio
majesty by keeping his mouth shut.
Inexpensive Christinns Girt.
A box of Colcrato's Cashmere IJoquot
Soap is a recherche present.
\ \ orkmon while repairing a house in
Brooklyn , N. Y. , ono day last week , dis
covered a bag containing $2,500 in gold
under ono of tlio floors , and turned it
over to the landlord. The last occupant ,
a man whoso wife died in the house , now
sues the landlord for the money , alleging
that his late thrifty nolpmato used to
extract money from his pockets habitu
ally , that he could never find trace of it ,
and is convinced that the concealed
treasure was the accumulated deposits
she had relieved him of.
Ilronclilal Trouhps" aio
widely known as nu ndmliablu remedy for
Bronchitis , Hoarseness , Uouxhs and Throat
tioubles. _
The recent snow in the south was a sad
occasion for the rabbits. Untold thou
sands of the little animals were slaugh
tered. They worn bhipped into Atlanta
by the thousand , in many oases .several
hundred being packed in a single box.
The commission houses were blocked
with rabbits , and they were not a last
_ _
Norcr Open Your Mouth
except to put something to eat into it. is
an excellent motto for the gossip and the
Kiiflcrcr from catarrh. But while the gos
sip is practically incurable , there Ls no
excuse for anyone sufl'ering longer from
catarrh. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy is
an unfailing cure for that oll'cnsivo dis-
easo. it heals the diseased membrane ,
and removes the dull and depressed sen
sations which always attend catarrh. A
short trial of this valuable preparation
will make the snfl'orcr feel like a now bo-
ing. _ m _
An Oregon woman recently advertised
for a cook , and soon after received tlio
following loiter from n Chmnman : "Mrs.
Lady Friend She : You when at there
told to mo want to boy cooking. I had
have a boy is good man and honest man
ho neat and clean and doing nicely that
this ono best one never you have before
like ho does. 1 wish could take him to
slay with you and Lcong ( ! itt recommend
to him como to she. "
Ilood'.s Sarsaparilln has cured thous
ands of cases of rheumuli m. This is
abundant reason for bolurf that it will
cure you. Try it.
It is related by a Nova Scotia paper
that while two voting men of Shelburno
were hunting moose ono day recently one
of them cuti'tiid a peculiar hole discov
ered in a clill of rock , but coming in con
tact with some fur ho speedily withdraw.
The two lired several siiots when out
came a little blank bear. They quickly
out an end to the creature and then
looked in to RCQ if they had dona any
miso'-ief inside , when to their surprise
they saw two more lying dead. The lat
ter wore largo , but they were dragged
out. Ono of them was skinned and the
other two slung ovTer their backs and
toted homo.
H. W , SCOUT , Smith Station , Miss. ,
writes : This is to cortlty that Dr. J. H.
McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm is tlio
best Consumptive aud Cough Cure in
jthis part of thu world at least , for I could
not rest nighl or day tor coughing , and
that medicine has cured mo entirely.
"OloU" AVIUIo'ft Punch.
lltchard VYildo , familiarly known as
"Dick , " specially invites all his friends
to his place 12th and i'arnam streets , aud
sample his champagne pimoh to-day be
tween the hours of 12 and 3 o'clock.
fl # 3Hft §
Incidents in the Life of a Desperate
" Qentleman , "
A Hcmnrknblo Sccno nt .1 Murder
Trial CauCcsslnc tlio Crime After
Clcnkcdby tlioCotirt Ills
KnO nt Hot Springs.
Kunsas City Tunes : "Charley Fonlk
was the real name of Charles Wntson , who
wns shot and killed nt Hot
Sprlnpq In the fall of 1333 by
a negro policeman , lie was n
baekcr of the Doran Rang which hot
into n hnck occupied by the 1'lynn broth
ers , on the streets of Hot Sprlnga In 1831 ,
and killed John anil William Flynn ami
the hack driver. Later ho had a snoot
ing scrnpo with Max A. Harris , editor of
the Horseshoe , now defunct. You will
remember tli o Incidents , which were
published in every paper in the country
nt the time and which gave I'oulk , or
Watson as he was then called , tome
prominence , But the most Interesting
incidents of his career happened in a
small town In t'onrmylrnnin.
"Foulk , I think , was born in Carlisle ,
Pn. , a small town of about 10.000 inhabi
tants. When I first know him , which
was shortly after the war , ho was run
ning n gambling house In Carlisle , which
Wis then about as rapid a little place ns
you can find almost anywhere in the
west now. Foulk was then n gambler of
the 'Doe' Slater typo. Ho was tall ami
handsome , cool as nn icielo , dro'scd in
exquisite taste , and his mumicr nnd con
versation were every inch the elegant ,
rcliticd gentleman. Ill : * friends ulwuys
lauded his bravery , while his enemies as
serted that he was only brave when he
had 'the ' drop. ' At nnv rate there were
few who over invited his ill-will.
"At the time I speak of the barracks at
Carlisle , whore the Indian school now is ,
were occupied as an artilleiy post , and
the soldiers aud students from Hie south ,
who were attending Dickinson , inndo
things pretty lively aud helped I lie gain
biers to live.
'One morning : ix soldier was found with
n bullet through his heart on si bridge
over a small stream on tlio roatl from the
barracks to the town. Foulk and tt fel
low-gambler , whoso name i have forgot
ten , were arrested and tried for murder ,
and it was in the course of the trial of his
fellow-gambler that Fould was the c.ivuu
of ono of the most sensational incident
that over happened , in an American cottr
room. The men were given separat
trials , and Foulk was tried first and ace
quitted on : n undoubted alibi. J5y the
way , Foulk was a lirni Ucliover in the
'Tony Wellor' doctrine , and in all the
scrapes in which ho was concerned ho
never failed to prove an alibi.
The evidence in the trial of Foulk's
supposed accomplice was damaging to
the prisoner at the bar. One lady who
lived near the scene of the shooting iden
tified the prisoner , anil swore that she
heard n pistol shot , ran to the door nnd
saw him running halloas from the scene
of the murder. She was certain that it
was. the accused man , because there was
a lighted gas lamp near her door which
enabled her to get a good view of his fea
tures. Oilier evidence equally strong
was _ introduced by the stale , and a con
viction seemed assured.
When tlio defense opened no ono 1 > o-
licvcd that the ea o made by the .state
could bo shaken. Foulk was the first
witness for the defense , and as it was
known that ho was to testify tno court
room was crowded to suffocation. As ho
was sworn and took the stand there was
perfect quiet. Everyone had an idea
that tlioro wais somethingooming. but no
ono wns prepared for what hapnoncd.
As Foulk took Ins scat on the witness
stand lie turned to the stern , gray-haired
judge , and , in a clear , calm voice , that
could bo heard in every part of the room ,
said :
" 'Judge , before I testify in the case I
want to ask you a question. Can I over
be tried again for tlio killing of that
soldier ? '
Tor a moment the silence was almost
painful. People iu the rear of the room
placed their hands back of their heads in
order to hear bettor , but no ono but the
veneraDto judge seemed to have guessed
what was coming. Ho evidently did , for
he replied in solemn , severe tones that
were rundcred all the moro impressive by
tlio nly stillness :
" 'So far as human law is concerned ,
Mr. Foulk , you nro a free man. No
earthly tribunal can try you again. Tor
any part you may have taken in this
murder you will have to answer only to
the great Judge before whom wo must all
bo arraigned. Between YOU and your
Maker this case now rests. '
" 1 heard those worths , anil I shall never
forgot them. Foulk was the only person
in tlio room who was not afl'ucted. As
coolly as if ho was talking to a circle ol
friends he replied :
" 'Thank you , Judge. You arc a man
of honor ami know the law , and I behove
you. I wish to eoh'innly swear , then ,
that 1 killed that soldier. You have nu-
quitted the wrong man. "
"Tlio etli'ct ol this cool , deliberate
statement , made in a voice that never
trembled and could bo hoard by everyone
ono in the court , room , may bo imagined.
At once the silence was broken by ex
clamations of .surprise and indignation ,
which , however , wore quleklvsupprcssed
by the judge. Then , as coolly as he had
mailu the contcssion , 1'otilk told
the story of the murdor. Ho
saitl that as he was crossing
the bridge Uo met tha soldier going
in nn opposite direction. They were old
enemies and had recently had a quarrel
.over the green cloth. Foulk said as soon
as tlio ioldior saw him lie drew his sabro
and started for him. 'Not wishing to
kill him. Foulk continued , 'I drdw a little
old fashioned popper-bor and shot at
him four times , but ns ho still kupt com
ing at mo I jumped oil' the bridge , drew
niv 45 , and killed him. I did it in .self
tle'fonso. If 1 had not killed him ho would
have killed me.1
"Tho evidence of the lady who swore
thatfiho saw the prisoner at the bar run
ning hatluFS past hnr door was easily ex
plained and furnished another instance
of Foulk's wonderful nervn. When ho
jnmpml oil' the bridge Ills hat fell oil' and
flouted down the stream. When tlio sol
dier fell Foulk ran down the street , hut
did not see the lady standing in the door.
When ho had gone a little way ho remem
bered that his name was written in
Ills hat and that if it wn ? ioiintl it would
bo itPod as evidence against him. Wait
ing for a moment , nnd heeing that no ono
had been attracted by the shots , ho delib
erately returned to thu scene of ( ho shoot
ing , waded down the stream , found Ids
hat , anil went up-town through an alley ,
That was nerve. The lady was honest in
her testimony , but she was simply mistaken -
taken , ns was afterwards proved conclu
sively. Of coureo tiio defendant was dis
charged. As to Foitlu'fl alibi , well , ho
could always get an alibi when ho wanted
one. His story of the killing was after
wards proved to bo exactly correct ,
Altogether , the scone in the court room
was a very dramatic one , mul I doubt if
it has over been equaled.
The First Keen Twinge.
As the season advances , the pains and
aches by which rheumatism makes itself
known , are experienced after every ex-
poMiru. It is not claimed that Hood's
Sartmpanlla is n specific for rheumatism
wo doubt if there is , or can be , such a
remedy. But the thousands bcnefittcd
by Hood's SarsaDarilla , warrant ns in
urging others who suffer from the rheu
matism to UiKo it before the first keen
CnlMrAtlngtrlo Willow.
Chicago News : 'The cultivation of
osier-willow lias become a separate
branch of farming , " saitl a north side
chair manufacturer , when asked where
nil the material usntt in chair and basket
making como from , "and a very profit
able branch , to , " ho milled , with an in
trospective turning of his eyeballs.
"There are willow-farms in a good many
states , but untU recently Now York took
the lead. There are siMccn farms de
voted exclusively t6 willow raising in
Wayne county , tfiat state. Of late , now-
over , Georgia has been coming rapidly
to tlio front , nnd it looks as if she would
become the great willow state. I have
just returned home from n visit to a farm
in Twiggs county , Georgia. Twiggs isn't
a bail name for a willow county , la il ?
"Tho labor of planting , citltlvatingand
harvesting the willow is very light and is
mostly dona by women and children , the
prolific broods of little darkies proving
very useful. Low , swampy land is the
best for raising willows , but they will
grow almost anywhere. In planting ,
small shoots or twigs are used , and the
cost is about $15 per acre. From a single -
glo planting crops may be gathered for
years. No replanting is required , and
tl.o only expense is in gathering and
trimming. The former costs about six
dollars per acre moro. An average yield
is about five tons per aere , worth $15 to
$1(1 ( per ton in the rough.
"Tho switches are out from four to
seven feet long. They are placed in bun
dles like sheaves or wheat , and , when the
harvest Is over , are taken tv the stripping-
building and soaked in a vat tilled with
water. The large ends are limn placed
irt a peculiar little machine , which losens
tlio bark for a couple of inches. The
switches were afterward laid , ono by one ,
in the strippers , and , with a pair of pli
ers , are pulled through with ono jerk.
Tins process takes nfl'tho bark ami loaves.
The switches are then wiped with woolen
cloths , bundled , and laid away to dry.
The leaves and bark are dried ami baled
and command a big price. They nro used
iu making certain kinds of medieino and
liniment. The bark ami leaves pay for
the entire crop.
"Tlio big profits made have attracted
a good many jnto the bu lness of raising
willows , ami in the last two years prices
have dropped SJO per cent. There is
plenty of margin yet , however , anil the
indiHtry promises to rival peppermint-
growing in prolltablcnoss. "
The Horse Alter Driving.
Some farmers , after driving their
teams in the slush and mud in the win
ter , think if they dash a few pails of
water over the horsefc limbs upon return
ing , bufort putting the team in the stable
they have lest the poor brutes in the best
Cossiblc condition until morning. The
ict is , it would be far bettor to turn the
animals in the stable and leave them ,
mud and all. until it was fully dry. There
would be far less danger of .scratches ,
mud-fevers , and grcaso than by the plan
of washing. If the legs are washed they
should bo then rubbed until quite dry-
no easy task. If left only partially dry
the most serious consequences are likely
to ensue.
When a team is loft with the hair im
perfectly dried n chill is almost sure to
ensue. Ills not unlike tlio animals , cs-
peeiajly if exhausted , will bo found next
morning still * and with the limbs swollen ,
since the exhaustion of the system | ; ic-
vents healthy reaction of the extremities.
The best plan is to wash the limbs with
warm water and them loosely bandage
them with strips of flannel. These may
be ten feet iu length by three inches wide
and rolled tightly. Commence at the
fetlocks and bandage loosely , lapnmg
one edge over the other , and making a
half-turn fold ol the bandage when joints
are passed to prevent the slipping of the
bandage. In the morning the limbs will
generally be found all riulit for cleaning.
If this plan is not adopted it is altogether
belter to let the team stand muddy as to
the limbs until inurninc , when the dry
mud may casilv cleaned away , and with
little ilanger of injury to the team if the
stable is warm , not subjects to draughts ,
and a liberal amount of bedding b given.
Tlrcslinc ! Corn.
A now mode of shelling corn by pass
ing sttilks and all through an ordinary
threshing machine is said to work most
most satisfactorily. The shelled corn is
delivered clear as is other grains , the
stalks arc broken and shredded , to the
amount of ton acres per day , and whore
the crop is good average the corn may
be shelled at a cost of four cents per
While this means of shelling corn will
not bo available in the great corn-grow
ing regions of the west where the stalks
are le i standing and the corn husked on
the hill , tlio plan seems to oll't-r advan
tage whore tlie corn ib cut anil shocked ,
tlio fodder tormina n commodity .second
in value only to the grain , and especially
so in the fact that the stalks are prepared
in a most perfect manner for feeding.
Any pen-on who has husked corn on the
hill and trout the shook knows that
double the number of bushels can be
husked from the hill , per day , than from
the .shock , and that the fodder run
through the thresher is in excellent
shape to handle if thn statement as to
preparation may bo relied on.
To Cum n SmtiiMlne Jloryo.
Some good horses , says the Pittsburs
Stockman , are addicted to slumblinir
while walking or moving in a slow trot
A well-vernod veterinarian states that
tlioro are two causes that would tend to
produce this faulty notion ; one of general
weakness in the muscular system , such
as would be noticed in a tired hor.-.u . ; the
other , a weakness of the exterior muscles
ol the leg. brought about l > y carrying too
much weight on thn tots. To oll'eet a
cure , he adds , lighten the weight of each
front shoo about four ounces ; have the
too of thu shoe made of steel instead of
iron ; it will wear longer , liavo it rounded
oil'about the same as when a third is
worn out , in order to prevent tripping ;
allow one week's ' rest ; have the legs
showered for a few minutes at a time
with cold water through the hose , in
order to create a wpray : tium rub dry
briskly from.tho chest1 down to the foot
Give walking exeruisd daily during the
week for about an hour twice a day
Whim you commence driving again ,
omit the slow jog oithW walk or semi
him along at it snurp trot for a mile or
two , tlion walk away , Hut do not speed
for at least several weolis. By this means
thu habit of stumbling from either of the
above causes will bu pretty well over
come ,
Snooulnnt Komi for Slock.
In behalf of the Koytil'Agricultural society
cioty of Kngland150 inquiries weio re
cently sent out to farmers there asking
their experience during'tho ' remarkable
winter ot Ib85-t > 0 , It appears that us a
rule the root crops wer/ > short , and the
question was itsUud , "How did you pro
vide food , nnd espuoin'ly succulent food ,
for your cntllo and sheep during the long
winter1'1 ! The answers , according to thu
Live Stock Journal , are various sonio
having benefited by ( hiving silugo ; others
had to use a largo quantity of purchased
food , brewers' grains proving very help
ful in several instances ; while hay and
grain were used to a much greater extent
than usual. In the preparation of food ,
too , advantage was found by pulping
and dialling ; but it seems that those suf
fered least who had provided a suc
cession of catch crops for spring con
sumption. Kohl rab ! helped several
prominent stockmen greatly through the
winter The well known Ulmrjns How
ard knows of uo crop so valuable find
early and cheaply cultivated us the cab
bage , which has greatly helped him
through many dillloult summers with all
kinds of stock. Several others speak
very highly of cabbage ns stock feed In
winter ; some saying that it Is n very
reliable plant , for "however great
the drouth , it produces a succulent
growth. "
Rnrly Lmmbs.
The farmer near largo cihea who
raises lambs for marketing early in tha
spring gets far better prices than ho
whose lambs come nfter or about the
time of crass. But in order to succeed
ho must have a lambing place where the
temperature is above the freezing point.
In extreme cold weather the lambing-
room should bo comfortably warmed.
The young lamb is most susceptible to
cold of any other young animal , except
the .young pig. After the lamb has
sucked once it can easily stand cold , nnd
when a week old It does not ca lly suc
cumb to extremes of weather. The ewe ,
also , at lambing time feels the cold in *
tensely , nnd nt such times will not take
care of the lamb. Often she will refuse
to own it. Since , however , the lamb can
stand and suck the dilh'ciilty is past , nnil
nnd tlio young at ten week's old is nc
tivo ami able to take cnro of itself. There
Is no less necessity of care white lambs
mo very young in the sptiiig. Moro
lambs nre lost by being chilled imme
diately after yeaning than from all other
cau cs whatever.
The lambs for early killing may come
at any time from January 1 to the middle
of February. The ewes , ot course , must
bo kept by themselves , nnd before yean
ing time should each haven separate pen.
Tins should bo warm not le s than 00 ° .
\ \ hen the young is three days old the
owes and lambs nitty bu removed to the
pens with the other owes and voting
lambs. If no provision of roots lias
been provided for the ewes during winter ,
the fond should be a fail proportion of
.succulent foot ) , as sweet ensilage , tor
instance. It is bettor , however , that
carrots or mangels be provided , so that
about live pounds per day may be fed to
the suckling ewes in connection with hay
and grain.
ScnsonnMo Hints nnil SuirrjOHtlouH.
A small night lamp placed under the
drinking fountain will prevent the water
from freezing in the poultry house.
Cows that have no bedding are often
injured in the knees by getting up or
down , especially if the iloor * be wet and
A man who takes to farming because
ho has failed at everything else should
not expect any better success than in
other opitri'tions.
This is an excellent season for repair
ing the fences and buildings. If de
ferred , the spring with its hurry will al
low no time for such work.
Beets and parsnips may be kept fresh
through the winter by packing in . and.
This will preserve their flavor and keep
them from dryimi up.
Cut out the lower limbs from the ever
green trees if too thick. Trim tlio hedges
and get them in shape. This is thea -
son for doing all such work.
Kerosene will cure the flcnly legs on
fowls. Anoint the ICJM once a week with
koro eno for three or four weeks and the
cgs will become perfectly clean.
The practice of washing sheep is being
discarded. Nothing is gained by so doing ,
while it is injurious to the animals as
well as to those who have the disagree
able work to perform.
If your rye seed did not get in soon
enough to como up do not disturb it. Tno
chankos are that it will show up well in
the soring. Seed often remains in the
ground all winter without injury.
Do not fonret to insure your buildings.
There is no knowing when accidents may
happen. Many prosperous farmers have
been ruined by neglecting to have their
buildings and implements secured
against loss.
Too nflich corn to the female causes
weak ojlaprings and milk fever , espec
ially is this the case with cows and
owes. Food that la rich iu oil is never
.suitable for blooding stock. The best
grains is oat , either whole or in the
ground condition.
Tlio Berkshire is n black hog , but is of
pure blood ; the black skin comes ofl'ui
clressiiur , leaving n clear white , which is
generally preferred. For the general
farmer this breed may justly be placed
along with tlm Poland-China at the head.
Cows need light , not only for their own
health and comfort but because good
butter cannot bo made from the milk of
cows kept in dark stables. Air , light ,
cleanliness and warmth are four essen
tials of a cow stable where cows are
kept for profit.
Farmers and d.iirymcn must not ulncc
too much reliance in the oleomargarine
law raising the price of butter. If belter
prices are to bo had they arc for good
butter alone , for the clay when carelessly
made and badly kept b'tittcr will sell at a
paying price has gone. In fact , nothing
to-day helps the aloof oleomargarine so
much as tlio presence of this poor dairy
butter in our markets. Consumers want
pure cutter , but where Ihey cannot got il
sweet and pleasant to the taste they will
of nccc sii\ \ take oleomargarine
o sw iaeB'T 3S5 y& .
! /v- / - , . irr if. bcKntliliro crrul. 1
'r.onirirtnMo mul ECictlro. A-vnlt
AL.HO lMlxVllrC1HhT5aroiV'lPliEA"hfc'I { ) : ? ' ! '
nz. ilQRNE. I'lrtiirnR. ' 101 W ssi : AVc.
Tb > nlypnrfect etibstjtuto for Mother1 *
mllU. JnyaiuuiiU in ohnlern l.ifnnium
nod ToethlnR. A prxdlgntted rood forTJys-
peptic * , Consumptlvos , convalnccants.
I'srfect nutrUnt ! hi I Wasting DUeases.
] { equlreu nn oooVlngr Our Book , ThA Oaro
find Peofllns or Infanta , muliod ti-os.
J3OLj7iEri. norm ALT ) t on tineton , ! !
STHdtfUA GUBE-01 -
lrr ll TiM tt mint violnit attack , nd [
cnmfortatili ilw-p. SO nmlMi r.r P.E. C
' ' uuwl by lDhtl > tlon.ltH action 11 liu. I
meduts. direct - ml rcrlnlu.i -aenreistliel
rnsult In all curabln rxm A ninitlo tri l rim
llniuJ thu skrntlcal 1'rtce GM * and il (
nt auy ilrugKii t. or I > y mull tSumild I'mi fi
tUmj. llr. ICHI'llll rMA.NNM.lVnl.-Jii ;
i aKaJi na ? ; 2aia KKi ? HEsa
ll ijlicietiow * , e iccii1 !
flp rvOE " " ' ' i'i w
' u cs iii MT l'.r Fatlifin i lnnril In iliu lundi
i'l lllW tTfl ) Ihilrhont dr-ltrptlltollli
11WL 4 * xl iii niintifini.r T iu loiillnirii.
UARSTON HEViOt CO. 10 Park Place , New York.
MentionOinalm ttun.
_ _ _ H
When I ruy euro I tiu not tuepn nicrelj to ttip tlieinrr a
time nJ ll. u li ae t Mm roturu ncaln , I clean u rumen cui
I liaw m 'a th dlas if IfltS. ffllJtMt or FALtlNO
EIDSSCaS a llfii lone tlmlr , Iwarrant tuy tonxdj to euro
tt.0 wvrit ciid4. liekiata btlitrs hare fultea ! uu ipa on fur
not n'twrecoUlngarura. H ntl at out * ( or atrvttl 0anila
Free VjlUaofluy IntolllUo rumoililf E pr ' oJ 1'J't
OXc . Jl tontiaa a trial. mJ I IU euro roil
JlililKia ! < : U. a , 11OUT , IU 1'tatl Bt. . > Vork.
nCSTORCD. Ailctuno.
yuutliful luif radenu'iuu inif
* * * * * * * * * * * * rrttmaturtt vutj * errouj
Dft'lllrlxit Manbool , flc. , hiTiojrlrkxi In raiu
_ _ _ uru-r knuwn ri-undv. bai iltiOin ml ktuplo
lf urO."whfthlie iruVu.rpnEHt.hl rciro"w
J.MA.ON.r < MtomuiiCbi3l7 , Ne > f ITotkUir
STTC A. MoN oe Sfa . CMIO OO. ;
will milt , tin , to Ii -
CtibUInt r . - , . . . .
.AmtUur tunJi. J sneim aol & ' .
ftro MMlr vrorn and fs end rollnWe.
bcentcitcd In then nnd o ( MJM n < 1 ire ran * pod
crt thiU In all cues whcr tti llror. uplotn ,
bowolt nn InroUoii. Dn.
VAlu nrem enc the hast , qnWtejt find
anil they liuvfl niful. ' permanent cures In
nfc.i c rthotomoillcliio hnj boon ucJ wlthoU any
KOCH ! result ! whatever.
Carving Knives and
Forks ,
Pocket Cutlery.
Scissors in Cases , A
> .
Skates , Etc , 'IS
A magnificent display of everything t- < l
useful and ornamental in the furniture- Ito
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
jfitxt Drnwiitfit This Month , on November VOtli. Miy rrtzcs , No Hlanlts
With $2 You Can Secure
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These bonds are drawn 4 times annually , with prizes of 3,000,000 , 100,000.000 ,
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ments. This is the best investment ever offered. Besides the certainty receiving back 5f 5
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will be sent free of charge Money can be bunt by i clustered letter or postal note. it
For further information , call on or address BKRMN BANKING CO. ,
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N. 13. These Bonds aie not lottery tickets , and aie by law pet milled to be sold in I-
the United States. IIt
The G. E. Mayno Real Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lamb foe sale la y
every county in Nebraska. i-
Of Titles ofUouplus county kept. Maps of ttirs city istate or county , or any other
information dusiruil , furnished free of charge upon application.
, ir
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware irK
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrant K
ed. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha 1
Licenced Wntchuuikcr for the Union Pacific Hiiilrond company. il
. . sTm9inN. . . . ft
w. s. : xi. r.iHAftiaivrox .B. Is
Xive Stock jSonglvfc and Bold. Ita 1It
Kefcieuccs Fiist N.itional Hank , Giuiidy Co. , Ills. ; Fiut National Hank of Cres
ton , In ; U , S. National UanK , Omaha , Neb. "
tro. es-a. o
losues Mid Trlcttson apiillrntlnn. Reid by
u bc < t Currlncn ilulliicrn nrt Dculwrn.
VINtilNMATI. If. H. A.
Coble lili'J-eai. COO CJH
UK eiiusciii , anil n now anil
, > nuccosjfnl C'l'HUsityour iivn
IIOIIKI t > y ono who wns ilonf twenty clg-lil
ypnrs. ' 4'icnKnl liy most of tlio iiolnil apuclal
lets without bonulll ; curinl InniRuir In tlueu
niontlif , nnil Biiu'o then liundrfils nt' oilmr
Full iMirtluuliirrf cunt on iippl c'litlon. T. II
I1 Adit , No. \VcMillBt Ht , .N ow VoilJ City .
Htci'i.llj llnllt. Newlr runililml
The Tremont ,
j. r. FiT/ai'.UAi.UA , hON , I'ropi luiors.
Cor , till niul i'tfts. , Lincoln , Nab.
Rttatll.Vl i > r il 7 , Slrcvt ( romjiomc to aur
part or ( no cHr.
Architect ,
sUS. . 31 nnil 4" , ntolinnls UloJk , I < uculu.
Klovutoronlltli btiuut.
r. M WOODS ,
Live Stock Auctioneer
Palei ruaUi In ill ) innU of tlio ( ' . H. atfulr
Jliinin .Jatnto lllock , Lincoln , Net ) .
umlSbnrt Horn bnlU
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorreSDoniltmro In rcgim ! to loans solieliol.
Itoom 4 , Itlclinrdj ltloo < { , JJntvlii. Neb.
Hiiverside Short Horns
Of strictly pure Hutps ami ) litua ; TitppuJ oitttlo ,
llunl numbfnt about tVJ head.
rninlllcH i i' | > t ui'UMteil : f'llberli. Crwjt ,
Acorntnf. Hcnloit , Uos of Bliarona. Mesa lo < oi ,
Knlxtilly Duuliefueti , I'lnt Crauk Vuunir Mxryf ,
J'hylllsutf , I-oimiii anUTruu l vo ? .
liulU foreulu. 1 i'nrc Hutcs Fllnart , t Pure
Batf Cr KK9. 1 Hosonf Shtiroti , 1 VomuMury.
ll'iue CrtitoK Hliank anil ethers Om and
inapccttUu hertl. AUJross , 01IAS. H ,
BON , Uncoln , Nob.
When in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
And ye ; njiouJuluoorlo
llolntnn'g Cjlvor nnd RtonmCh P
Atxorb * Ml lmpntltl from the Mdo 1 ,
Intuorfltoi nnd tllallren Ilia uli
IjUcr nnd Sloinach Pa
finn nill.vKiioo ttiilU ( > llon , Junndlc * .
DlntrhPA. Mulnrlt , Sick llonitacno ,
IthtntnatMni , MO.
aEoItnoit > I.Ivor mul Stomach Pad
i ttipSti > m rli nnil tlonols ,
the Aiiiictlto. rorroct * Aurallntlou ,
boiutlBfS the Oomploilon , etc ,
fiSoltuaii'ft Uvcr nndRlainacU Pad
Vrllow ,
lllll' ' < n < iK ,
Al.l. 1)111 GdltTSOr -enl on receipt of prlCo.
Prloc 8 .
CO. ,
William sf. , V , 1'
State Agents d 11
Omaha , Neb.
hperlnlly Dl-itlllnl fur
niMlloluul | f o ,
Till Bi-ST TONiOl o
K ' > In Chief , National Ouon
of N J. , wriln O
"Mr ullmllcn HM r ll l t (
jour Kfjilci.c . Mull WliUkvy \ r.
iir IJK ) | , Dmtgl * ! , of 'litnton r.K
anil I hate * iti i | A four bultlot
with fir littler effect than any /
lm Ltd 1 am rrcuiiimoiiiUni
viiur trtlrln In tnj ( iracllin , an )
And II tury fnttttirtur/ . '
BS77/.52 Or JUITiTlWS.
03lb Orpulur Id * Hlznklu'ea
in lt I ib.l.
.E 't i < ( ! , , . I. ( 1 10 L' H )
318. 813 an4 CSO Race St. . I'WvMpifc P .
DruK ( ' . , ( ! A uiit
to Juo. (1. ( Juuobs ,
UN I > SB JKf T A I 13 li
oldataiui 1107 Ftirnninst. Ordori
aph uo.icltdd and promptly at
tended to. 'L'oleplione No. & 25.
Ludlos to Work for Us at Their Own
$7 to $10 Per Weak Can Ba QulctlMida /
Nupliotu iJ lntiuu. 'jc uniiasiiv Kor/al ! t'ticat
l r , JUHJO uJUre i ut oiii-c ,
I'll' ' ' U-l'Nf AKTCO. .
It Ht II in i < i..M - . Uu <