irrt eon TIJE DAIJA' BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING- TETIVS OP snvcntpnov : Dallr 'Mornl.ifr ' Edition ) tncludlnpr Sunday _ , Hur , Ono Yenr . $10 M TV > r Six Month * . ( O IVvr'fhirn Montln . . . . . " Th Ornnhn SmMAy llts , mulled to nny s , One . . 2 00 orrirr. No. Pll xvn M' FAnvA > r .i Nt \ fmorrtrB , itnou r.V Tntnuvis liuitntvii. I.NU cor.RrBposDr.KCCj All romtminloations rpInttnjrfri tonal tnntter "Imulil be tul'lrcssod to the TOII or tun Ilr.r. All liit'Inp" ! tetters nnil remlttanenj ilinuM b M.lroHwxl to TUB Mil PUiii.miisn Co ii' > r. OM/UM. Draft * . oliorks nnd prxlofliro orders to be mndo ) > n > itblo to the enl ref the company , THE BEE POBtlSHINsliPW , PIUPBIETORS , E. ttOSEWATKIl , Emron. TUB DAItiY HER. Sxvorn Statement of Circulation. Ztateot Nebrask.i , ) _ , County of Douglas. I Goo , H. TfFcluiek , ficcrelary or The Hfe Publishing company , does solemnly swear thnt the nctiinl ctrculntloii of the Dally Ueo lor tlio week ending Doc. ITIli , 1830 , was as lollops : Saturday. Dor. 11 . 13rn StiiHlav. Dec. l'J . M.O.V ) Jttonilnv , Deo. W . lfW > Tneodnv. Deo. 11 . 13,0-2 * Wrilnp icay. ! Dec. IB . in..V ! ! ) Tlitirsilav , Dec. 10 . WHO Friday , Dec. n. . .MM5 A trace . I3.2JO C.KO. n. Tzsciiunc. Sul ) erlbcd and worn to before ino this IMh ilnyol December , A.I ) . , IbW ! . N. 1' . Kr.iu ISKAM NolanI'nblie. . ( Jen. 15. Tasehnok , bclnc first duly sworn , deposes mid ajs that he Is secretary of the Jirc I'libllslihifrcntnimny , Hint the ftettinl AV- rrau'c ( hilly circulation nl the J ) llv Hoe for the nionth of .lanitary. 1BSO , was 10.i8 ! ) roplos , for Kubrtmn ' * , IBM , 10.BM copies ; lor Jlareh , IbMJ , 1U 7' copies ; for April. 1SV1 , 12,101 copies : lor Alay. 1SM5 , ] 21TO conies : for June , 18W5 , ia,2'J3 copies : for July , 18W.rjbn copies ; foi Anciisl , 1EW5 , 13 , tOlcopIesifoi September. IbSfi , li.oo ! ; ; copies ; for October , 18SO , 18li , : > copies ; for November , IW , lins ! : conlus. Gi'o. 1) ) . TzsrmvK. Sworn to and subscribed holoru mo this fith davot November , A. D. IBSil. [ SKAUJ N. 1' . rjur , . Xolary Public. Hv another j-oar Omaha's slocking should hold two or three now railroads. SINTI : Boodler JMcQimdcs conviction , Jake Sharp has been cillinjr : for n change of vcuuo. A change of air through u a trip to Canada would bo a safer pre scription. OMAHA'S cvrfmplo of public improve ments Is becoming contagions. Sionx City is now footing up her record for the year nml boasts of an expenditure of nearly half amillion. . BROOKLYN has had another street car striko. Omaha's street cars move right alone until n snow storm strikes tlio truck when the entire outfit strikes work for from twenty-four to forty-eight hours at a time. T CLEVEI.ANP'S inotlier-iii- law brcinninc to assort her rights. Slio does not propose to bo outdone by her children at the white Iiouso in the matter of social diversions and now announces that after January 1 she will hold rcgu- Jar receptions of her own. A CUIAM : separator in Cedar Rapids ex ploded yesterday seriously injuring the bystanders. Cudar Rapids milkmen should stick to the pump. It beats all the new fanglod cream separators on the market and never injures anyone except those who use the milk after the process of diluting is fmishcU. Tin ; real eslato transfers still kuop up with remarkable steadiness. There has never been a time in the history of Omaha when real estate values were so stiflly maintained at the opening of winter - tor as they now are. Kvory indication points to n boom for 1887 which will dis count all our former prosperity. THE condition of the coal trade of the country i * .shown by the current issue of the Foul Trade Journal to bo flourishing and highly satisfactory to the operators , There is an active business in anthracite at all points , nnd the sales arc generally up to tlio list price. It has boon decided In some of the districts not to inako any shipments during the present holiday wcfk , but for January the estimated out put is two and a half million tons , Prices average lc. s than last year and arc con siderably below those of two years ago. The improved condition of the trade is duo to the increased activity in various industries , and it is said that the outlook is for nn excellent season during tho.year 1887. The bituminous coal interest i.s also having n good demand , ami dcspito the natural gas competition eastern deal ers uro represented to bo in a happy triune of mind on the question of demand nnd possible profit. The Indiana1111 - nois and Iowa coal operators are all very busy , and trade is reported in excellent shape so far as demand Is concerned , but belter car borvico is greatly needed. Tins seaboard coal pool mot yesterday. These most interested in the matter the coal producers are said to bo firm in their belief that an arrangement can bo odeotod for the purpose of restricting tiie production of bituminous coal anil ad vancing the price. Kviiit slum senators wore allowed to employ private secretaries at public ex pense there haw bccm inoro or Joss grumb ling by member * of the house at whitt they regard as the injustice of the dis crimination , It I * not disputed that there is justice In tlm claim of senators that the secretaries arc necessary and helpful to thorn In the di'-ehargo ol their duties as Jogislators.nor . that the secretaries should bo paid by the government , just as other clorkti who assist in the business of con gress arc compensated. Hut it is hold that the mcmliMrsof the house ought also to have such assistant. Until recently no biio has hud the courage to make n serious move to bring it about , slnco such n provifion would make a very largo addition to the expenditures of congress. Mr Oatcs , of Alabama , some ten days ago introduced a bill putting tlio matter into practical hlmpe , anil as ho is vorv much in earnest it will un doubtedly bo heard of again , with what result is uncurtain. This bill proposes to autliorhn each member of congress who is not a chairman of a conumtteo to appoint n clerk at the beginning of each is session , whose name shall bo placed on the pay roll of the house in which ho is appointed , and who shall receive $100 a month for the time ho actually serves. I'ypn at the low salary named by the bill the arrangement would cost the gov urniuimt about 19,000 a mouth. Tlic ClirMtmas A < 1a5 which the Christian world has observed , with Incicasinjr reverence nml Kladncs ; , for more than fifteen ccnturic' , doe ? not now need to have its character nnd spirit explained , noc to be com mended to the devout Interest and joyous regard of nil Christian people , It docs not matter that the cxncl date of Christ's birth has never been nnd cannot now bo determined , nor that in the dawn of the Christian or.a another dale in another month wns observed in commemoration of that event. To the more than four hundred millions of living Christians it is sufllclont that the nnlhority of ngcs Ims for flll time established the 25th day ol December ns the anniversary of the Saviour's birth nnd made It the most sacred of nil holidays , as it is also the most joyous nnd the most universally honored. The recurrence of Christmas is an in vitation to sentiment , Of nil the day in the 3'cnr 11 is greatest in its Inlluonco upon the sympathies , nnd in Its power to call into activity the kindly and humani tarian instincts of our nature. Not ag gressively , but with an irresistible ) force , it breaches the waljs of selfishness , pen- uriou ncss , and every form of mean ami narrowing disposition , letting in upon the belter part of man the warm and radiant Minlight of generosity , gentle- lifts and good will. The heart is hard- frozen indeed that cannot bo thawed by this melting nml tempering influence. That nature is a most unenvinblo one that finds no pleasure in the exuberant joy of childhood or the earliest flratitudo of age for the remembrance of affection or friendship , and can sen no recompense in the blessings ot the poor for the gifts of charity. Wisely understood , the prompt ings and tendencies of this season are all bunellecnt , and no one can err in yield ing to them as means and opportunity permit. In no othcv country , certainly , is the Christmas holiday t > o generally and gen erously observed as in this favored land , nnd tlio present season seems to bo ex ceptional here In the interest and matt- nificcnce which characterize it. From all the centers of trade there have been re ports during the past few days of nn ex traordinary demand for all lines of goods to which the attention of purchasers is specially directed at this season. The postolh'oes and express offices of all the larger cities have never before handled so largo an amount of matter at the holi day time as they have been called upon to do for the past week. In our own city dealers in all departments of seasonable goods have had n most satisfactory busi ness , and in most cases the amount of dead stock to be carried over will bo comparatively small. All this is gratifv- ing evidence of the general prosperity , which there i.s favorable protniso will bo still more marked and extended a year lioncc. In full sympathy with the .spirit of the day , wo extend to our rc.'idcrs the soa- son's greeting and heartily wish them all "A Merry Christmas. " The Toxns and Omnlia Itond. The present management of the Union Pacific road have planned a number of fenders to their main line , and it must be evident to all that they must build largely to bo able to hold their own in the terri tory west of the Missouri. To build most affectively to this end would it not bo well for Messrs. Adams and Cullawny to con sider the scheme that has been urged for the Texas road a.s a south west extension of the Union 1'acilic system ? An air line to the northeast corner of the Panhandle of Texas from two or three favorable points ou the line of their load will uhow the advantages they possess - sess for building the line wo have indi cated. Should the Union Pacific build from Valparaiso to Texas the distance would bo I50 ! milca , from Central City 300 miles ; from Grand Island i)15 ) miles ; from Kear ney Junction 290 miles. . To start tlio line from Valparaiso would gave the cost of bridging the Platte , ami would probably secure a richer agricul tural bolt in Nebraska and Kansas , and would give Omaha the shortest line to n Texas. From Kearney Junction would require less mileage to build , but would be the longest line from Omaha. Re- member , gentlemen of the Union Pacific , ° that the cattle of Texas must bo packed in a cold climate , that all ofibrls heretofore - . fore niado to pack beef in the south by the refrigerator process and artificial ice have failed , and that some point in a colder climate will Ret the bulk of this business.t Why not Omaha ? Our clim.Uo is as good for the purpose , or bettor , than tlio cli p mate of Chicago , while wo are ncanl.v , five hundred miles nearer the > grazing lands of Western Kansas , New Mexico in and Texas , while in'no other diivetion can you build with greater advantage to your of such advantage to Omaha. Other Lmtuls Than Ours. ca The event ( if the week in foreign poli tics is the resignation of Lord Randolph Churchill from the British ministry. This stop of tlio dashing leader of the lory progressists seems to have been a genuine or surprise to all parties. Ostensibly taken on account of dlMigroGiiicnt with his cabinet colleagues regarding war and ia naval expenditures , there seems no douot that the prompting motlvo lay deeper than any dispute regarding the require ments of the budget. The Unit's oable dispatches of Friday indicate that Churchill believed himself cramped by the mossback member * ) of Ilia lory parly which surrounded him and felt that of his futijro was imperilled by the of policy of n ministry with which lie could not agree but for which as a minister of the crown ho was held to a to personal responsibility. There is no doubt that Churchill is by iuMincl a dem ocrat , Ho Is keen enough to note that the entire tendency of Drltish politics Is towards democracy nnd that In the onward movement of liberalism , conservatism vatism must either prove itself elastic enough to yield to the pressure or break icy In the attempt at resistance. An oppor tunist from policy Lord Randolph has noted the rising storm of discontent with Lord Salisbury's government and prefers to stand from under while ho may obtain the some credit from resigning rather than to await the inevitable removal by vote the of parliament , The general Impression that Curohlll's resignation is the death blow of the ministry. Attempts will lias doubtless be madn to till the breach , but the fact remains that the only capsule to lenders of thu tones in the lower honso will no longer occupy a scat on the gov the ernment benches to sot the notu of con servative sentiment and audaciously answer liberal assaults bystill more daring attacks on the opposition. M Tht * recent fall of the Freycmel minis try brings out more strongly perhaps than over before the absurdity of keeping up the Enelish parliamentary system in republican Trance. In the first place M. de Freyclnct was defeated by a majority of only 13 in a vote of Oil. Hut the im portant fact to bo noted is that of the 2C2 opposition deputies 170 belonged to tlio right , leaving only 89 republicans , Of the 210 deputies w'lo supported AI , do rrcychict , every one was a republican. Now it is a well-known principle of the right , or monarchists , to cast their solid vote against a ministry whenever there is any chance of overturning it , wholly re- gnnllc&s of the merits of the question under discussion. The right wishes not simply a chniigo of ministry , but a change in the form of irovcrn- incut , In n word , n revolution. Tims the very essence of the English parlia mentary system is vitiated. According to English custom , M. Grevy should have invited ono of the loaders of the rigltt to constitute a new ministry. But ho wns very careful not to do , o. The republican party clings to a regime that is quite impracticable - practicable in Franco , observing it in certain particulars and departing from it in others. The Third republic Is weak ened nt homo and laughed at abroad be cause it obstinately persists in trying to neclimalo a foreign governmental growth that cannot take root in the soil to which it lias been transplanted , Wo believe that Franco will be forced sooner or later to adopt at least the cabinet fea ture of our American federal institu tion' ) , and when that dnv comes , the reactionary parties will surely lese heart and the sickly republic will bo p'ro- nonnccd out of danger. * The demand of the Herman govern ment ! for an increase of the army , witli an increase of taxation to defray tlio additional i expenditure , is vainly resisted in the relchstag. In order to stimulate the patriotic zeal of the Gorman people they are assured by the German news papers that an offensive and defensive alliance is in process of formation be tween France and Russia ; that llio names ot the negotiators are known in llio war office , but that it is not advisable to give them to the public. To this alliance the organs of Prince Bismarck attribute the overthrow of Minister Do Frcycinet , who was of altogether too peaceable a temper ament : lo favorably respond to advances from Russia that might lead the French republic ] into a war with Germany. Thus excited by apprehensions of danger from formidable enemies on their right and left , it is not strange that ; ( ho Gorman pcoulo so cheer fully consent to an increase of mili tary strength and to additional burdens of taxation. Nor will it bo strange , after tin military preparations shall have boon niado if the , present condition of sus pense shall bo suddenly changed to act ual war. Semi-ofilcial Berlin newspapers arc * discussing favorably a proposal to cover llio expense of increasing the army by imposing a tax upon incomes of G,000 marks : and upward. The North German Gazette expresses the hope that the mem be of the rcichslag , after learning pub lie sentiment during the recess , will bo ready to vote for the military bill with alacrity. > * , > . Stanley's summons to Europe , it is now believed in New York , was not from the king . of Belgium , but from private parties in . Great Britain who arc getting up an expedition for the relief of Emm Bo3' . Emm Boy is a Gorman naturalist , ono of Gordon's bravest lieutenants , holding the support of Gondokoro ( or rather Wady Ly ) 000 miles above Khartoum on the borders of Uganda , His story so far is the story of Gordon himself. Ilo has appealed for relief for two years past , and very urgently for a year ; the last letter received from him was early in July , and expressed his determination not to abandon his post , although in the midst of thousands of hostile .sav ages. . Since then the news has conic of the murder of missionaries in Uganda , and tlio determination of the king of that country to block the threat ening advance of civilization. It is llio duty of tlio British to relieve Emin Bey , as . it was to relieve Gordon , but after their ( failure to send help to the garrison in Khartoum there is no hope of a better fate for that of Wady Ly. This private expedition was talked of and its leader ship proposed to Stanley before ho loft England , and ho said while hero thnt ho had not entertained the proposition because - cause there was no asitiranco of success the arrangements. lie submitted , however , a plan of operations , and it Is now asserted that the MclCinnon who tot- egrapheel to him was not the agent of the king , of the Belgians , but a Glasgow mcr- chant , who is ready to spend ifOO.OOO In carrying out the plan. * * The republican coalition in Spain formed at the moment of the hist general elcclioiiri , and composed of "federalists , " these who would like to see a United in States of Spain and ot " 'progressive democrats , " has just boon dissolved. It an important event , for it separates the moderate from the radical elements of Spanish republicanism. The falling out happened over a disciiition as to the future policy of the coalition. The chair man of the executive committed advo Jt cated the abandonment of tint revolu tionary measures and n strict observance is what the Jaws require. But the friends to Senor KuizKorrllla , the arch agitator , wore in A nirjority on the committee , ami the moderate chairman felt culled upon retire , which incans the end of this un natural union. * It is authoritatively .stated thatMr.Par- neil id convinced that tlio position of the Irish tenants is worse now than when he introduced hU anti-oviction uill , He will tin lead a strong attack upon the whole pol and action of the government toward yc Ireland at the opening of the coming se.i- She co sion of parliamont. and * * * fre 1/itcr returns from Manitoba show that yc Norqimy conservative cabinet will for liiivn a majority of about five , instead of at seventeen In the old house. This in dicates more than it proves. Mr. Nor- quay is a half brood conservative who stood by Macdonafd , nnd ho was est. therefore nblo to swing the Metis nation the lory side in the provincial election for a feat that ho will not bo equal to whoa a Dominion elections conio on , The English speaking constituencies were stiong against the tones and so it Is ruu- that nlngall t : r ugli Canada. The date ot the fti neral diction istill a secret. Allot T a month ago the Cleveland LcatUrslMlcu n fund for supplying every imor family in thnt city with a turkey dinner ou Christmas day. It proposed to rat e $3,003 , supposing that the number of famllic * that would apply could not exceed 1C03. LTp to last Tuesday , how ever , the applications exceeded 1,000 , nnd the total wns'oxnoctcd ' to reach3,500 requiring an outlay of § noOO , which has probably been Subscribed , as the fund was within ? oOO of that amount three days ago. Cleveland is n rich nnd pros perous city , but this movement of the Leader hns developed the fact that it is nlso the homo of a great deal of poverty. Besides the very commendable result of making ten or twelve thousand pcoplo happy to-day m the possession of a sub stantial and sufficient dinner , the dis closure of poverty ought to be elfcclivo in inducing the ptospcrous classes to con tribute more generously to the work of organized charity. In this way the Leader's movement will bo not only of great present good , but may prove far- rcnching in its benefits. Kale ricld has 5100,000 worth of telephone stock. to the Hunga rian aitlbt Jluukac'y ; so is Mis. Joscnh 1'ul- iti-er. Senator Hearst owns the San Francisco n.Munlncr , and it costs him n deal of money to keep im the or ui. Captain Jack Crawfoid is now custodian of tlio Foil CraU intlltiiiy icsoivntlou. He was In Denver last week. Mtmkncsy , the Hungarian nitist , sms the bouse Is "one of the most beautiful nml artistic biilldimrR in the woild. " Tiffany , the rli-h New Yoi k loweler , business In that city In IS ! " with a small stock ot statloncij.Veiling { M..iSoith ' the liist day. Thomas 2Snst , the cartoonist , wears a scaif pin of his. own design , icprcscntlnij the union of capital and labor in the shield oC the United States. Colonel Daniel S. Lnmonl , lias taken out a policy on Ids' life. This is oxlravnicnnce * . The latos of Insurance on a president's piivnto secretary must be as cxoibitant as on a lumber yard. Alexander Mitchell will ho succeeded by his son when ho retires from the presidency of the Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company bank in .lauuaiy. Mr. Mitchell has been connected with the bank forty- seven years. Miss Anna Dickinson has for moral months been watching at the bedside of her Infirm Quaker mother In West Pittslon , Pa. Her pecuniary icsouiccs are said to be ncaily exhausted , and it Is announced that she will take to the lecture field naln. A false Charjje. Xcbiaalii Ctlv A'ciw. Out of curlosltv the Omaha Republican asks \\liy the people are blind to the fact that Van Wyck "has been untriio lo his party , un true to Ids prcUmses , nnet untriio to every frlcnel he over had. " The chaiKO that Yan \Vyck \ Is untrue to his friends Is false. Ho would go riown to defeat with them lather than win by selling them out. XIio Art to Please. Jurl llentnn. You maj' boast the wealth of Crevsns , you may have a UiD ai'.s power. And the fame that wins the fututc may bo your easy dower ; But if one modest quality you cannot ailet to these , Your case Is poor and pitiful ; 1 mean the att to please. 'TIs tact that panics eloquence , a f.unous poet said , For It's not the wisest intellect that always Boti ahead : There Is a mild persuasion which plays so well its part , It bafllos rinmiious phrases and defies the spenkci's art. Since life Is full of ! friction , and our paths are sore beset By obstacles that hinder us , 'tis better not to tict , But liy the gentle manner , whatever comes to tease , And piactico with suavity the helpful ait to please. Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Omaha cheapest and best property in that vicinity for sale by C. E. Mayno. IIOI-DUKGU HAPPENINGS. Sudden Death ol'ii Prominent Farmer Tlio Salvation Army. : , Neb. , Doc. 24. [ Corre spondence of thoIlKK. ] A farmer named Lee , living a few miles in the country , diud Sunday. Uo was a prominent man. lie had boon siiflering for a , loiijj time from pulmonary disease , but " as not thought to be near uorn- ing he arose as usual nnd v/alked om around the yatd. Immediately ho began bleeding at the lungs and died in a few minutes. He was buried at the cemetery hero by the (1. ( A. H. on Monday. The Salvation Army has struck town and ate holding meetings at the court house , which nro addressed by a re formed gambler named Graves , but as yet lliey have awakened but little in terest. A committee from the county hoard of supervisors has been checking up Treas urer Ilalh'ren's books and liiul all C ) , K. Subscriptions are being received for stock in a building and loan association , About -100 shares at $200 each have been subscribed and the work has only boon progress a low days. Tlio town is filled with public spirited men , and all worthy enterprises receive promnt en couragement. A party of surveyors , said to bo of tlio Kansas City & Omaha railroad , have been running a linn through thit county from east to west , but the survey docs not eoim > within eight milo.i of Iloldregei. is hoped that our , , gownsmen will not rest supremely content with the 15 & M. , but will endeavor to secure this road if It built , as it would bo a great detriment us should it not copio to our villagj , Thu M. K. Sundiiv school Christmas festivities will take place on Christmas iitelit. Also the Trqmbone band give a grand ball that evening. Messrs. Moivo , of the Trenton , Nub. , to Ileglstor. and H. The Wd&ou , of the Curtis Uocord , arc bath in the city visit ing fnuiub , of Dnntli , The death of Mnalhorine { Croighton , wife of Mr , JosephCreighton , occurred yesterday morning at her late residence , corner of Seventeenth and Cass streets. has been sick for some weeks past , it is believed that her death occurred from consumption. She was lifty-sovon years of ago , and has lived in this city many years. The funeral will occur I ) o'clock Monoay morning al Holy Family church , C. E. Mnyno's prices are always the best and his torras are alwavs the easi . ( Jo to his office and buy a lot in Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Ormilm ( ? vV > 0 to $500 , that will double inside of year. Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Omaha cheapest and best uroperty in vicinity for sale by C. E. Mayuo. Till : IlAPPY FliAST OF FEASTS. How It Will bo Ct-tcbrntert In This City. To-day is Christmas. It will ( of course , bo celebrated in ninny and rations ways. Those who are well supplied witll the world's goods nnd surrounded by admiring friends , will probably celebrate the day in an ideal manner , while these who bow beneath frowns of fortune will doubt less feel the weight of their infliction , and allow the cheerful feast with but repining. * find regret. The dnr however , will probably lack Uioolomcntal severity whieh generally characterizes the close of tho.venr , and this fact will doubtless bo appreciated by the unfortu nate ones , to whom the greetings of the season will eomo wilh but keenest ap preciation oftho misery of their lot. in all the churches and in either places of public assemblage the several manage ments have provided for the celebration of the dav ns may appear from the fol lowing : AT THIXITV. Christmas services at Triiiity Episcopal cathedral will bo ns follows- Children's Christmas Festival , Christmas eve at 7 o'clock. Karly Cell-Illation Holy Communion , 8 a. in. Mm nine 1'raver , Sermon ni1d Sec end Celebration IleilvCommunion , tl n. m , h\enine I'niyei fi p. m. The music will bo ns follows : Processional Liy inn 1 ! > Heading v eiilte Humphrey i e iti-iun I , atilauuis ( Flurlo . ) ubllnte Den Cooke Iplroll Anthem "O. Xlou thnt JJiliiffcst ( Jood Tiding" . " J. Stalner Kvtle Klelson ( iounoil ( JlmlaTlbl Tallls HymniM Willis Ufmla Pntii Uooko O.1T 'itnrj ' Na.r.nth ( Unss Solo Mi. Fianee ) ( Jouiiod Saimlus Taylor ll\nni 'Jio Dikes Clnrln III Kvcelsls Old Chant Ki'cesslenml Hymn l' < Mendelssohn 1'rof ] , ,1. K. Dutlei , Or/n-Hst and Choir Miistri. ] : , M.McDoimhi , Dln.vtor. Thii mu ie will bo repeated the Sunday following Christmas. AT HT. HA ItN'1IA1. . The Episcopal churches in the city will to-day aim to make their services as attractive and joyful as possible. At St. Marimbas tehnruli to-day and to-morrow the nitiMe will bo elaborate and will bn a main feature of the worship. The music which will be rendered has been procured by Mr. East , the organist , from llio composer , Hov. G. F. Cobb , M. A. , anM has never been used in this country. Mr. Cobb is a composer of known merit , and took his musical degree from Trinity colIege.Cambridge , which fnot guarantees the ' worth of nit Ids productions. His muslo is used extensively in Iho English churches in the motlioi country. The choir al St. Darnabn'ri will number fifty on Christmas day , and life Sunday foi- lowing , and has been in training for some months for the Christmas servioos. soNi doubt they will render the service ns finely as the character of the music dc- servo * , it should bo rendered. The follow ing is the musical programme : inPi MATINS AT 11 A. M. Processional hvmn , No. ! M. Ipeolal psalms Hi , 45 anil 85 To Dcnm Dykes Jubilate Matthews Inlrolt Christmas Day , Psalm 8 SL'MKVY. Gloria In Kxcclsls Stalner Anthem Chiistmns Day "Lei Us Now RO Ever up to Itethlclicm'r Hopkins Sunday "Arise , Shine for Thy LUjht Is Come" Kl vey Communion Seivlce. C major Cobb Itecesaional hymn , No , 18 Sl'NIlAY KVKNINO 7GO I' . M. > . . Piocesslonal hymn , No. ' 0 " Psalms 20th Evening Jfntfnillcat Nunc Dlmlttls Cobb Anthem "l.ct Us Now go Uvon Unto Jlenhlehcm" I5ecessioiial hymn , No. 18 to An cllbrt is to bo niado to raise tlio ia remainder of the church debt , and it is to bo hoped it will be successful. WALNUT Iin.1. SUNDAY SCHOOL. to The pupils of this school will nsscmblo ho in the Christian church this even ing to iiclc the fruit of the Christmas ot to tree. There will bo music , recitations " and a good time generally. CATHOLIC CHUKCIinS. Christ ID its will be celebrated in the Catholic churches of the oily willi all Iho ( solemnity peculiar to the commemoration of this great festival. At the cathedral of St. Pliilomcna solemn high mass will nil beTl celebrated at 5 o'clock in the morning. This will bo followed by a succession of masses at 7 , ( land 100 : ! ! o'clock. At Iho latter hour , Pontifical high mass will : bo celebrated bv lit. Hev. James O'Connor. Ho will bo assisted by Key. P. F. McCarthy , deacon of tlio mass , Kcv. M. A. Colanori , sub- deacon ( of the mass ; Uov. F. Doyle , dea con | of honor , and ono of the young so of Croighton college will act ns sub-deacon of honor , Hov. F. Carroll , of the cathedral , will appear as master of ceremonies. The ceremonial of a pontifical lii < ri ) mass , is ono of tlio richest and most impressive in the Catholic church , and is never carried out exeunt upon the most solemn of festivals. to The effect will bo heightened by the attendance of about tvvcntv altar boys at each of whom will be attired in the pur- E. pliccs , soutanes and capes used by tnoni on important religious festivals. In addition to these , the music ot the choir est. will bo under the direction of Mis.s Fannie Arnold , the organist. The number of thu for singers has been incroasnd and the a Twelfth will bo rendered by Hofman'.s orchestra. There will bo no afternoon or cvcnintt service. at In the churches erf the Holy Trinity , sec Eighteenth and Izard ; St. Mnrv Magda len's ' , Jodgo near Sovoneontli ; St. Pat four rick's , Castollar and Fftcenth ; St. Stanis laus , South Thirteenth ; St. Patrick's , aire Bellevue roud. and in ( Jrolghtnn college , be the services will bo the same as on Sunday. that WIWT OMAHA .SCHOOLS. The public schools in West Omnha pro- oinet closed for the holiday vacation yes has terday. There arc three , ono on Lowe will avenue , near Mercer avenue , another on llio corner of Knrakn and street and Mer cer ammo , and the thiid in the old Methodist Episcopal church south of Leaven worth street. The teachers am. HID Charles A. Ooss , Miss Nottio Pritcluird ( nmliVisa Parroti. Appropriate oxoroincs $000 worn held in these schools yesterday , and N. although impromptu , the > all passed off verc satisfactory. At Mr. ( Joss * fjcbool Miss Miiino Kyloy , Miss Mary Kinsley and Miss Katm V. Ryan distinguished est. themselves in very line recitations. Tlio pupils werei surprised mid grieved for when they learned that Mr. ( Joss had resigned - n signed his olmrgc intending begin the praotlro of law in Omaha. His iloparluro will bo n great loss ( o Hut school interests of the county. His suc fair cess m West Oinahit has buon really won derful , fully corroborating the .statement the County Superintendent Bruiutr. that Mr. ( JOSH passed thu bust examination ol aiiyonnhuhas examined since ho has beuij in ollico. neck ST. 1'IIJf.OMBVA'S. the On Yesteiday afternoon the following pro irrniiimc was leudi-rcd by Iho rhililnm of tlmaljo\n bchool In the hull on the corner of ono Ninth and JJarney btieets. Adilicss Miss L. Pnyntor other Chorus ( ilorU in Kxllmt Di s and Ift'cltstlon Four Thousand Vnars tiona Mvl'irst Music Lcaion Mlssd. Whltcalele. C. The CailoU Picnic. Sreno 1. On The Way To The drove. est. Jttcitntlon The lUbj'rf Stocking Miss 31. Crumble. for Tito Oaileth' Picnic. a Seno ! U , AtThodrnvo Kucitation Moral or thu Coldcn Cluorlum Miss M. lleclcln. Solo , , Tlio .sliojilianl Boy Miss Annlo ( Jarvcy. The Cadets' Picnic. to Scene 111. The Return. v i UfcciUtlon. . . , Krln's ' Flatf at MibbJ. Oiolt , B. Tableaux Marble Slalimryitoanmt ( ; Scene From Knth andNnoini St. Phllo- mena. The Nnvltlty. THI ; coxconni v sonurr. Uho Concordin Singing society will , this evening , give n grand Christmas concert and ball at Now Masonic hall. A Christmas tree will bo ono feature of the affair. TIII ; TonoooAN si.ti > n. OTo-dav the slide of the toboggan club at 1 wcnt.v-stxtli nnd I'opplelon ave nuo will bo tormuily dedicated. A splen did day of sport is anticipated by the members and their friends. SttOOrtNU THIS MORN'IN'G. liiero will bo n.sportiuen'.s tournament , opposite the Athletic park on Sixteenth street , this morning , commencing nt 10 o'clock. Live birds , American elnv birds nnd blue reek pigeons will be the game. MR" . I'AKSOXS , Mrs. Parsons , the female anarchist , will speak in Iho annex of the ex-position building this afternoon at SHO : e > 'clock. OKl'ICM. I he county and city buildings will bo rioted lo-ifav. The poslollico will be closed until 13 o'clock , when the delivery usual on Sun days , will take place. The carriers will make but one delivery and that will be in the morning. CHUNKS ritOM COMt..ini'S. Tlio City's rrnspcrlty How Her Toll- tlolunw Stnml. Coi.UMtu" ! , Neb. , Doc 21. [ Correspond- eneo of thoBin. : I Columbus , the town whoie Oeoico frauds Train located the "center of the universe , " andbanklnft on thu belief of his queei philosophy , purchased many acres of pioperty to bo laid nut In town lots , hohU Its own generally HVieakliic , and percepti bly lar eras the come ami RO. While poor Train's predictions proved as false ami hcklo as the prociidstlcatlons ( it Piolessor Foster , the loua weather crank , and while Columbus can never seeiuo the capital of the United .States. It will always loninln a ptosperous , thilvln , : ; little city n lepresentailvo Nebraska town. Many men of state iirninineifee live here the lion. ( ! . W. Peist , and the defeated democratic nomi nee for Rovernor , the Hon. J. K. North. Mr. North does not feel that ho IH any tlio worse for having been a candidate , but sues alone In the even tenor of Ids way , lestin easy mid contented. Illshoiio In the last cam paign wns only to secure n lesppctablootc fiom hlfi p.irtv. No man was menu niixlotis to see ( toncrnl Thuycr elected limn his oppo nent. Sir. North. In the way of iuinio\oniPiits , nn electric Unlit plant Is nmniic the latest. The B. it M. islmililine n line direct to Omaha , from which the citizens expect to dcrho snmn benefit. Others w ho are on to the "poollu K" system of nlleqcd competing lines tail to sue just where the benclit will eomo in. THI : POLITICAL CO.MPLKXIO.V of Platte cnuniv Is democi.itle , but because of n combination this year our will be In the lower house nt Lincoln the Hon. ( ! oo. 1) ) . Bo\\iiiiin , Hois n lawyer of no mean ability , mid his constituents Justly expect tiomo t'e > oil work iroin him. Til an attempt to inttuvlow him "on the situation , " L found him to bu very reticent. ICnoiiKh WHS learned , however - over , to make the statement safe that he did not consider Van Wyck utility of treason as HID hide-bound organs have Intimated. He rather fcivois a caucus , and bclleu > s the sena torial contest will boot short duration , He went on to sa\ that ns nearly as ho could asucitaln. the Miller democrats woio oxortliiK every oirort to ehlve thu Vim Wvck-plcdpcd inciuiiei.s Into caucus. On the question ol tlio ralltoad commission farce , Mr. B. thinks that unless 111010 power Is clvon the membeis of the board , the object ol Its civallon will no\er bo realr/ed. Like all now thiuge , ho was uwaio that as yet it was not in iieiluct "running oidm , and thought . , , , ( ho ropoit Irom the commlssloucis mltfht sutft'ostalnablo amendments. HON. JOHN < * LMIVAN , not the Boston gentleman of pugilistic fame , but u lawyer of Culumous , is the ilumocrntlc member. LIke a innJority of legislators elected this tall , lie , too , letuseil to lespmul any questions I asked him. After thu lad demonstrated thatn democrat stands no more chance to be elected to tlm I'nlted ' States MMiato than Church JIowo stnoJ touo congress , Mr. Snlllvnn will found voting for Van Wvrk. Uon. , f. W. Fuclis , otPlatto Center , float leprosentallve Platte Hiul Colfav counties will ho found possess tlio suiiirt vlewd. Jlo thoiiL'ht tliut "this winter would bo the time to lind out how a man .stamlH on nil questions. " It Is H tact that every member Is boiod almost to death by representatives fiom the liU'crcnt schools of pulllics in tlm state. The null - Van WycJc eiowd lm\o can- vasseel the state two or thrco times in. the hope ot dimming some member. Taking this Into consideration , with the further a thousand women nndtwlno ns many mom ni daily writing lotteiH to the members applying for clerksliljis , It ieallv looks as though legislators salary should commence immodlatoly after elucllon. and continiiu lo thy middle ol tint next summer , Two years afn there \veto aoout lifty emuiLiNO niiii.s who had Httlo else to do than sit in Iho gal- lerv and chew gum at § 'i per day. 'Ihey called tliumsohus cluiks. This H'nr some thing In the nelghboiliood ol six or clchl aie iiifiUus ; vigorous olforts to do the AL FAiiiiutoiiiLi : . Cottier & Archer's add. to South Omiiliu contains 101 lots which C. E. Mayno has agreied to soil in 150 days , and do this the nriens have been placed very low. ( > c > and investigate. Kor sale $2oO to ? . " > 00 each on eiasy terms by C. Maync , N. W. cor. 15th and Ilarney. C E. Mayno's prices arc ahvays tJio lovvest anil his terms are always tlio easi . Cio to his otlieu and buy a lot. in Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Omaha $ ' 'fiO to iJuOO , tlut will d uiblc incide of year. A caslnor in n Now York bank ithe victim of a peculiar belief. Kvory nighl 10 o'clock ho walks ii | > Fifth avenue to whether or not % curtain millionaire's front door has crape tied lo It. For over ycar.s ho lias made this njuhlly journey. Ho doesn't know the million , nor any reason why his death should cxpeote.d. Vet he has a snpur.stitlon when ho discovers the crn c ho looks for , on that same nl < ; ht Homo tiaonl good fortune is to full to his own lot. lie tried to shako oil' this fouling , bat it not depart. Cotnor & ArchcrVindd. to South Omaha contains 101 Jots which < ! . K Mayno has agreed to soil in ISO du.y.s , nnd lo do this prices have boon placed ve < ry low. ioand invotl Hlo. For Biilo at $ WO to eel cash em easy terms by C. K. Majiu- , V > W. cor. ITith and Jlttnioy. O. E. MavncPti prices are nlwa.u _ the lowusi and Ins term.s arc stlwavt the easi . Go to his oDiuu and liny a lot in Cotner & Archer's add tei .South Omaha 25(1 ( to : jUU th.U will double' ins.du of year , A now musical nll'air , the liiiniiini phone , was roccntly oxhiliitcdala elmn-h in Worcester , Ma-s. 'J'ho iiiMniiiioiil consisted of younj ; ladies , roiircaontiiiK touo of tlio bcaio , air.inued behind a screen , showing emly the-ir lii'aiK and siiouldnrs. 'I'lioy worn while msisks rimuhiiiK to the mouth , and around the of each wa.s .suspended l > y a nliboii iniiubiir o { the scnlo ropruseinlcd A youiiK lady Hiood in fumt , who , with : i wanilT j'ln > i'd tunes by poinMnjn \ the whoso number wni tlm tone wanted , which was promptly iittotcd. Koinuhand pieces worei Himy , iniiKiii a ui.iijiio amusiu0 alhtir. . E. Mayne's prices are always the lowest and his terms are alwa.v this easi . Go to hid uuicu and buy n lot HI Cotner & Archer' * add. tn Boulh Omnhii ? 35' ) to ' 300 , that will dcniblu iiuieli ) of yeur. Cotnor & Arohor'a add. to South Omaha contains 101 Jots which O L. Mnyuu has nKnwl to soil jn ! ! 0 day , uud do thU th priees hatii been uiacod y low. do and investigate. J'or ale 3 J.-Wil to f-1W ) nach ouoasy teirms by L. Jkluyno , N W. cor. JClu und llarnoy. Colnor & Archer's mldilion to South Omaha , oonsislmg oflO ! of Hip finest leihovor laid oul. Kvory le > t is a hcnuly. Can bo 5-ccn ; iuil ( lie entire- sitrroitiuling country is visi ble. It is located From ( lie PACKING HOUSES. 5 Minutes Walk from the New Brewery. And oi ? a perfectlylevel Piece of Land. They arc now oiitlic As there fire no poor lots , you can either buy them By Mail Telegraph , Or Telephone Do not wait for every lot will be sold by Jan , 1st. AYOID THE RUSH Or you will be left. * PER CENT Made on money inves L W1 in these lots in 3 months. Price $260 to $500 , Terms Easy , Title Perfect. For sale by Ilkier , 1509 FARM ! STREET 001119 , H/efliclx's / ElocV