Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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In 5 , 10 and 20 acre tracts , suitable for sub-division , now for sale in I
One-half mile south , of the stock yards , adjoining "Albright's Annex , " on the east , Union Pacific and
B. & M. Railroads running through it.
Offering the best opportunities for prof
itable investment.
9 V "
REMEMBER ! There has been more money made by purchasers in "Albright's ' Annex , " than in any
other property in South Omaha , A STILL BETTER OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED NOW ,
Examine Map and obtain prices at the office of
IGHT 1 1 t
Its Troubles are Finally Adjusted Without
Further Lawing.
The Terms orSetllbiiiGiii Tlie HurUc-
luiiiHoy ) Combination llntli-
ery and Pnllon'H Dispute
Oilier Ijoonl Mutter * .
Settled nt Tmsr.
Tliu long drawn-out lifjl't ' between the
two factions in the board of directors of
tlio South Omaha land syndicate has ; it
length lioiin settled , and. it is thought , to
the satisfaction of nearly all parties con-
Jt will bo remembered that la t sum
mer it was announced that the prop
erty of the Hyndicato in South
Omaha had been sold to a foreign colorio
of capitalists. Jt was churned that the
negotiation had been conducted by Mr.
Swan , the purchasers , it was stated ,
agreeing to build a number of magnifi
cent ro-ddenees , roads and a line of ealilo
cars and make a number of other im
provements , \Vhou the day came
for thn ( ransfur , it was an
nounced that the negotiation with regard
to the ale to the foreign svndleato had
failed , anil that the matter had been eon-
Mimmatcd by a halo Instead to J. II.
Ito.-dor , of Carlisle , 1'a. The transaction
with the foreign syndicate \fi\a \ to have
been in cash. \ \ ith Hosier , only n part
was to bo paid down , the iv-t to bo given
in Installment * , and besides , no improve
ments worn to bo guaranteed. The price
was $10,000. Under Ihe..ecirciimslanees
a minority of the directors objected
They had previously eon.-ented to
the sate to the foreign syndicate on the
terms anil conditions proposed , but
\vhon they saw that those were not oven } ted in the sale to Hosier , they re
fused to ratify the tinntfcr , pronounced
the nnderlaMng a traud and prepared to
light it. Them objectors were Mo.-irs.
Hamilton. .Murphy ami Swobn. Those of
the board who fa\orcd the nllejred
for were l'a\ton , Jler , Swan and Woolworth -
worth , 'the ea > u vtcnt almost slmnl-
tancoii'-lv ' to the dMiicl and I'nited
States courts , and finally all its features
were sot down for consideration
In the latter place. One or two
passages at arms took plnee between the
opposing counsel , when at length bettor
counsel prevailed and it was decided to
H'ttlo the case without further Interven
tion of the courts. I'or some weeks back ,
tlils determination has been wori.iug out
and has at lengtii , with the exception of a
single feature , been accomplished. Of
the stockholders in the syndicate , Messrs.
Svtobo , Wood , Joseph and ( ioorgo
llarkor , Hamilton Murphy , Mar-
kol and H. 1) ) . Kogcrs withdraw
from the syndicate , and cun.-equontly
Muajrs. Hamilton , Murphy and .Swopo
retire from the board of directors Milton
Kogers , who was among the objectors ,
lias been induced to remain in the asso
ciation. The settlement wns made by the
Iwrehasers agreeing to pay to oaf'h of the
gentlemen retiring . ? ? 7r > 00. This is an
increase over the sum originally oll'ored
of between $ VOJ ami irl.UH ) , and has
boon MfoupUul becanso the objectors foil
aftur lading the ease they
would lie just about as badly
oil as they are nt the present time.
This nr'mw. huvvrvor. Iris not been
jiaiJ , and , sitid ouo of the objectors this
iliorn' ' " , ' 1 don't know b'lt f slit ll take
ml \ ten and oomiie ] them to pay irumedl-
utoltf. liny aru boiling jnOIKrty i very
Jay , and yet wo don't get our money. "
"It 11 bo all right , though , 1 guess. "
'oiid another , "because the receiver still
has hold of it , and lie gets the money.
They are holding their cash , I expect , seas
as to keep their bank account at the end
of the year. "
Cotncr & Archer's add. to South Omaha
contains 101 lots which C. E. Maynu has
agreed to sell in SO days , and to do this
the prices have been' placed very low.
( Jo and investigate. For sale at $ ' 2. " > 0 to
SliOO cash on easy terms by C. E. Maync ,
N.V. . cor. 15th and Harnoy.
Licensed Watchmaker lor the U. P
Hallway Co. U.S. K\MVOXJ > ,
Douglas and loth.
Tlio I'n-iilistlc Comhinntion Arrives
In 'Jliis Cliy.
Yesterdav moniiig Charles ( bettor
known as "Parson" Davies , Jack Iturko ,
thick Dompso.y. UennyCostigan and Jack
Kecnan.the members of Iho combination
which appeared at the nnncK lafct night ,
arrived in this city from Denver. They
are qiiartorr-d nt the Merchant ,
"Parson" Davie.s , tliq manager of the
combination , is one of the best known
men of his business in America , and
needs no introduction to the sporting
public ot Omaha , llo isa well built ,
handsome man , with regular features
which are strikingly like those of a good
Jesuit father , llo has 'i mild blue eye ,
which still further carries out the com
. The "Parson"
parison. sobriquet was
given him by W. 11. Vanderbilt some
seven or eight years ago , during the
great six days walking match at Madison
Square- garden in Ktw York city. Ho was
at that Uiiiu manager for O'Loar.y , the pedestrian -
destrian , and was frequently on tlio
track. As ho was walking around one
afternoon , one of the spectators noticing
him nuinircd , "Who's that * " William
Yandcrbilt was sitting near and hearing
the query replied quickly , "That's Par
son Davics. " The title titled tlio general
appearance of the gentleman so per
fectly that ho lias retained it over since.
SJJack linrko is the s.nno quiet , gentle
manly follow that ho was when ho ap-
deared hero fourteen months ago , having
elMiiged little , if any , Miiee that time.
llo has never been in bettor condition
than ho is at the present time. His
weight , str'tPjicd for lighting , is 1US
pound- , and his height 5 feet U inches.
Unrko is much more muscular than lie
was a year ago and is capable of hitting
a blow of greater power.
Jack Doinpoy , the great middle
weight , ia quiet , unostentious individ
ual , uhine modeity , however , does not
prevent him fruin "getting there all the
Munn. " Ho is slightly smaller than
llurko. weighing nil pounds when ready
lor business. Ho is accompanied by his
wife , whom ho married some months ago
in Oregon.
The other two members of the combin
ation. Cojtigan and Keenan , are both
excellent uo\er > , and havu achieved a
great reputation in the cast.
Cottier & Archer'sadd. to South Omaha
cheapen and boit property in that vi
cinity lei sale by C. K. Mayno.
In the district couit yostoulay 1 { . C. I'.xt-
tenon commenced sjdt against P.itilek
Ljnch to quiet the title to lot a , In block "A , "
tiamului.sit Hnuebaugh's addition ,
J. 1) . Mutphy commenced a suit In the
district court yoitciday to settle some real
estate trouble with It. 0. Patterson.
Mis. Kiln .MeNaiuam eoiameneed fore-
elo.-uno pnxTPilimis in the district rourt yes-
tt'itliiy against iNlclioliS9iid ) Kuthoilno Kean
to secure a innitzaKe of S 100 azainst tcitaln
real ivmio In Douglas codutj that Oeloiips to
O ! ' . May lie's , prices ire always tlio
lowest and his terms avo- always Iho easi
est , < Jo to his olllce nml iiuy a Jot in
< 'o'iur& Archer's add to South Omaha
for $ ' . . ' 50 to fSOO , tbat will double iusidc of
Fallen and Rnthnry Settle a Dispute.
An Olil Kcrnl.
For some time past there has been bad
blood between the Hothory snorting ele
ment and the followers of P. J. 1'allon.
On several occasions this feeling has
cropped out , though never so seriously
as to-day.
Yesterday morning Ed Kothery met
Mr. Fallen in llio Merchants ,
hotel. Uothcry accused Fal
len of tolling a newspaper
reporter that the canard about McCorm-
ick's death had boon started by the lloth-
cry clement to injure him ( I allen ) . This
Fallen domed having done. Hothory
applied a nuino to 1'allon ' which will
hardly bear reproduction in cold print.
This aroused Fallon's ire and lie lot out
his rightmto Hothery's face , knocking
the other man back several feet and cut
ting his eyo. Interference prevented
any fuilhcr blows and the two men were
separated without any further trouble.
Air. Fallen said yesterday in .speaking
of the matter : "Hothory's accusation that
1 had inspired McCormick's statement in
a morning paper is false 1 did nothing
of the soil. I did say , however , that it is
not a hard thing to guess trom what
( iiiarter the story did emanate. And
that's all I did say. "
Coiner \ < k Archer's add. to South
Omaha cheapest and best moporty in
that vicinity for sale by C. J' . . Mayne.
Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Xat Brown ,
Prop. W per day. Cor. l.Tth and Farnani.
All street cars iroin depot pass house.
C. E. Mayno's prices are always the
lowest and Ills terms are always the easi
est. ( ! o to hU ollieo and buy a lot in
Cotnor Archer's add. to South Omaha
tor § . ' . " ( ) to 000 , that will double inside of
a year.
THIS .Sli.\ lT.\J ItlXIC.
\\linl Ono InleriMicil Mas lo Hay
Aliout tlio Sulioiue ,
"Xo , sir , the ice ska" " Ing rink project is
not dead , " said one of Iho gentlemen in
terested in the scheme to a reporter yes
"Our plan is this , " ho continued. "Wo
propo-o to get ItlD 5 subscriptions to the
schema. Tina will give us a fund of7500
which will Iv enough lo boa id our rink
in and furnish us with electric light. So
that whether wo make any money or not ,
wo shall bo sun ) of our expenses. Then
o shall sell tickets to whomsoever wo
please , taking care to bar out objectionable -
able characters. The work of solicit ! ! ! "
subscriptions is being pushed
and as soon as wo got a
good simp of o dd weather , wo shall com
mence operations. .No , wo elull not '
have the rink boarded on top. That
would bo too expensive , considering the
short tinio that wo have left. We pro-
po > o to make u success of this thing , if
possible. Once or twice before the
scheme has been tried here and lias
panned out a failuro. "
"Is the location decided nponyctV
"Xo. As soon as wo have secured a
suflle.iont numborof signers to our paper ,
wo shall submit the imostion to tiio-o who
have subscribed. TJicro are three or
four lots that wo can secure. "
Cotnor it Archer's add. to South Omaha
contains 10J lots which C. E. Mayno has
agreed to sell in HO days , and to do this
tiio prices have been placed very low. ( Jo
and investigate. For sale at ' .TiO to 500
euch on esy : ( terms , by C E. Mayne , X.
W- cor15U and Harney ,
C. E Mnyno's prices are always the
Jowest and his terms arc always the
easiest. Go to his otllco and buy a lot in
Cotncr .t Archer's add to South Omaha
for f330 to f 500 that will double Snsldo of
a year.
The Omaha Typo Foundry and Sup
ply House for Printers and
The Western Newspaper Union nt
Omaha is prepared at all times to outfit
publishers on short notice witli presscf ,
type , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
.sticks and rules , and in tact everything
in tlio line of printers and publishers'
supplies. Hotter terms and more liberal
prices can be secured than by sending to
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by
buying near homo. Second hand goods
in the printing line bought and sold. Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
lar. Send for Tin : PIUNTUKS' ArxiuAiir ,
our monthly trndo journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices and from time
to time proclaims unequalled bargains in-
new and second hand material.
WISTIIN' : : : Xiwsi'Ai'iu ; UNION- ,
12th Street , bet. Howardand Jackson ,
Omah Xuberaska
Colior ; it Archer's add. lo South
Oniah.x contains 101 lost which C. E.
Maynu has agreed lo sell in ! ! 0 days , and
lo do this the prices have been planed
very low , (10 ( and investigate. For sale
at S'.IO to $0(11) ( ) each on easy terms by C.
E. Mayno , N. W.cor. 15th and Harney.
Maker Place. 55 lots sold in ten days.
C. H. Mayno's prices are always the
lowest and his torm.s are always the casi-
c-t. Co to his ollieo and buy a lot in
Cotnor Ar Archer's add. to South Omaha
for "two " to $500 that will double inside of
u year.
ICoinoilclliii ; tlio
President Mn.Mojer , uf the exposition
association , infoimed a icpnrter yoiteiday
Unit the as iol.dlon piopo cd to roinoilel the
annex , and make it the line-it and most com
plete ihiicint : hnll of its si/ti In the west. In
the fltht place , the loot will bostienstlioiiPd ,
nnd the unsightly posts whii'li aie at ruesont
scnttorcd through the imiklliii ; will bo 10-
inou'd , so at to Icavo the door clear lor dano-
iiiir. Then small ( jnlleries for spoclatnis will
Imcieetcdou tlio nnitli and soutn ends.
The hnseinent will bo modeled into a siiito
of Ki'iitli'iiiQii's ' and ladies' toilet and MIIO- ! ;
liis rooms , togctlior with bannuet apaitiuunu
and n kitchen.
Kxerrtldni ; in fact will tin roinplcto. Thc'-o
changes will Im m , ide at once , in order that
the hull may tie ir.ullne-s lor the b.ills which
will occur dmiiia' the lein.iinder of the
winter ,
Coiner A Archer's add. to South Omaha
contains 101 lots which C. 1C. Mayno has
agreed to sell in ; > 0 days , and to do this
the prices have boon placed very low. < ! o
and investigate. For sale at -50 to $ ,10) )
I'ncli on easy term , by ( i. K. Maync , X ,
W. cor. 15th and Harnoy.
C. E. Maync's prices are always the
lowest and his terms are always the
.easiest. ( ! o to his olltco and buy a lot in
Cotner it Archer's add. to South Omaha
for -f'50 to it)0 ) that will double inside of
a year.
XXA Vllonnr.illonf Michael Uieii-
nan , on DcconiberUl , aued
funeral from family resilience , 70' > Marry
sticet , on December at h--vj o'clock. Inter-
nient at St. Mary's.
Cotner it Archer's add. to South
Omaha cheapest and best property in
that vicinity for sale by C. E. Mayno.
Furniture of the Commercial House ,
( irand Island , Nob. , to bo sold at force
sale before January 1st , lhS7 , coii.-iistiiig
of Hcds , lleddmg , Chambi r Suits , Stoves ,
1 Largo Wrought Iron Hango , with steam
Tubl" , etc. , Dining Hoom ami Ollieo Fur
niture , etc. ( Joods will bo sold to suit
purchasers in imy quantity. Terms of
ealo will bo made liberil. For inorma
tlon , call on or address J. (1. ( HUNT ,
brand l&laud.
Cotnor & Archer's add. to 'South
Omaha contains 101 lois which C. E.
Maync has agreed lo soil in 5M days , and
to do ibis Ihc prices have been pinned
very low. Go and investigate. For halo
at $2.10 to $ .100 each on easy terms by C.
E. Mayne , N. W. cor. 10th and Hartley.
In AVhlcli CrpljjIiton'H Students arc
Now Appearing.
The Daniel Webster Debating society ,
of Creighton college , held ils usual meet
ing in the college hall last evening. The
enterlainmnnt consisted chielly in argu
ing the question : Resolved , "That the
jury system should bo abolished. " The
allirmatlvo side was championed by
Eugene Noon and Patrick Jturko , Iho
negative by Joseph O'Connor ' anil John
Whalon Each side produced some ex
cellent arguments , most of which were
very cleverly answerd by the other. The
remarks of each speaker was enlivened
by introduction , and bits of wit and
repartee. The < me.ilion was decided in
favor of the allirmntive. The nest de
bate will be on January 10 , at which time
tlo.seph MeCarvillo , Edwaul Fnray ,
Thomas McGovorii anil George Mercer
will discuss the wNdoin and merits in
general of the Missouri Compromise.
The students all look forward to a pleas
ing entertainment upon their reassem
bling after the holidays.
C. E. Mayno's prices are always the
lowest ami his terms are always the
easiest. Go to his ollice and buy a lot in
Cotner & Archer's add. to South Omaha
for i0.r > 0 to ftoOO that will double inside of
a year.
MTH. Dilliiiiin'ri Funeral.
' 1 he fimural of Mrs. Henry Dillman oc
curred yeitorday afternoon at ! J o'clock ,
t the of Mr. Pilchard , on Harnoy
street between Eighth and Ninth streets.
Tim Concordia .Sinking society rend
ered music for the occasion ,
Cot nor & Archer's add. to South Omaha
contains 101 lots which C. E. Mayno has
agreed to sell in 110 days , and lo do this
tlio prices have been placed yor.y low. Go
and investigate. For sale at if'.TiO to ij-'iOO
each on easy terms by ( J. E. Mayne , N.
W. cor. 10th and llarncy ,
Ai.imi < ; iu'a CIIOK i : .
linker Place. l.oTTfrhl to f'.00.
C. | K , Mayno's prlci-s are always the
lowest , and his terms are always the
easiest. Go to Ids olllee and buy a lot in
Cotner AT Archer's add. to houth Omaha
for $2' > 0 to $ JOU that will double inside ot
a year.
1'ollco Court.
1'ive driinki were arraigned before his
honor yesterday moining in police court.
Three paid lines of ? r > and coats , and the
rest were di-chargcd. John Kelly was
sent up to the county jail for thirty days.
Maud Wilfonl and Clias. Williams , u
colored man and woman had been ar-
rcitcd for lighting. They were lined * 5
and cosia.
Cotner & Archer's , add. tuSouth Omaha
contains 101 lots which C. E. Mayuu has
agreed to sell in :50 : days , and lo do lid *
Iho prices have been placed very low. ( Jo
and investigate. I "or sale at $ i"iO to ? .Vd )
each on easy termsby C. E Mayno , N.
W. cor l-lth and Harney.
Ai.111:11.ill's : CIIOH K.
Coiner & Ar-'hcr's jidd 'o South
Omuiia ( iMt.iiiu 1 < M lots w li eli C K
Mann lias agreed to sell in ! 30 days , nnd
to do this the prices hav bci n placed
very low. do and mycs'ig-it" ' . tor sale
at50 to $ WO. each on v > s\ terms by C.
E. Mayne , .N. \ \ . cor. lOtu and llnrncy.
Good Work In a Hestnuraiit The Par
lor Tubes and tlio Knulno.
The latest chance that has boon given
the Harden hand grenades to do their
work was given yesterday at the. Gate
City restauranl , V. C. Seaver , prop. ,
Ill ) N. IClh St. , where a lire
caught in one of Iho heaters
and blazed up with alarming rapidity.
One of the waiters threw a Harden gren
ade , nnd extinguished the bla/.c , without
calling upon the firemen.
Mr. George F. Wade , the general man
ager of the Harden lire extinguishing
applianoos for this section , lias estab
lished his olTicc and depot at 1(118 ( Capitol
avenue , and keeps a largo stock of all
diacriptions , including tlio hand gren
ades , the tubes , the portable extinguishers
and a Star chemical engine. Tlio latter
are coming into favor rapidly as a means
of lire protection for small towns , largo
factories and lumber yaids.
The most in favor at this season are
the s-ets of lubes , placed in brass holders
and mounted on plush-covered panels ,
for parlor ornaments as well as
protection. Marshall Field it Co. ,
Charles Go-sago and N. Matron , of
Chicago , have sold these sets for $10
each. They can bo bought at Iho Omaha
denol for $7.
There is an apprehension among per
sons who are not familiar with HID Har
den extinguisher that the Tumid will
damage clothing or carpels. That , the
liquid is perfectly harmless was shown
yesterday in the presence of a reporter.
The lluid is also guaranteed not lo de
Mr , Wade loaves early in January , I ) .
V. , for Bo-ton to take chaigc of his New
Knglanil agency for the Harden goods.
Mr. Charles T. Morton. Iho assistant
general manager , will have charge hero.
Place-Cull W. G.
llakr-r - on Albright ,
UiaS. 15th air. , for choice bargains.
Ai.imi'Jin's CIIOK i : . Hingham , of Pennsyl
vania , ! > mid to have been e\ceenillglv
iurtiinalo in sloe ) ; specul itiuiis during
the pntt iwo niontlii
Absolutely Pusre-
T'liti ' powdi r never varies A marvel ol
purity strength nnd i\hotr * > o'ncor-s Mort
economKal thjxn the orl rr n V , n's an I
cannot be folJ in compe'i'ioM wnl. > 1 " 'ii'
tilU'lc ' of lotv tp-t , fchort wel.t ; lu < > ni
pho phatu poi\d''n ' , ? ? olJ or. i' , $ ° MN
Royal HaKiii" 1'owlfrrCo. , tO1 ! Wft'l ' St
New York. -
The selections of Fine 1)1 Ar
nml PEAULS , mink- for us witli , .
great cure in tile loading marls 0 $
Europe , tl.i.s summer , luive bcon re
ceived direct through the CTSTOMJ
IlOUSl'3 , and cnu now lie scon at oiii'-
i'ttrllt's coiili'iiiirtolhif/ i > ni'-
nftfirsff/wnln / tiff iin'iti' < lt < t In-
sjii'rf our Idi'tjc dinl line ninth
< ll' ! l llll'IIUH'll'CH Of
Max Meyer & BreT
T Wormy Velii3 "I IIK , "cnnnm urtn , ti.i , , , < „ .
f .i mi , . . „ / Lout Mnnlionrl , liRblllty. Ac _
.nVro Ca& ' l WAJR&S , ? rT
CIVJ/.LE CLUELVAL ZSBHS7 , J7l Falica C ! . . HjvTClf.
iiiSSS J I3lh St.Cor Capllo , * vcnu * .
rm\ \ KIT Ti.rATHfKT or AI.T ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
\j \ , WIcMENAMY , Prop 'otof. '
KIXIIII UIH 11. filial nml li'Utu frniiaa
H.'li.ivit tlia f u ililm , Hi | | iirntuii nnd HinulU4
fui Hie tmci tit 'I licmiiiriKof c\ < y form of illn-
H-I n 'iiiul.'ij ! ciihrr mull , al in minjl , al Irrnlmtut ,
.in I m\ ids nil tui mni' aii'l iiivigtli uti 1 , rtlirin tlvc <
IM DHC IMIIHI iv fill lid Lu'ii ' ? i'ii 1 1 n , 0 111 IffftU
in ; in'i * I" I"1' ! i inuli IIH In tual lunntutti
1. llllHinU | > Uitlionl " ' Mir Illi 111
Will II- i nit < IHCI I.\U nn Diformmci nnd
lira' ft , ( hilt IVi I , < iiri ° .tiii < i uf tlie tinru |
DeiAHrs i r Wiiut . I'I'IB , 'luinm Conrcr * ,
iitiHiili llr'im luLt , IiiliRlntinn , Ijciinnty I'lirnt-
> - , Dinlfpry , Kidney , Kjc , l.irii.m , Illooil oi.d
a I r ir > ; "ul oiiirntlun *
II-il l i li < h , Inlinliir * . lln < rr , Trimtm , dml
I k'UilHof ' Mullra ! mil bui'iiui | , Aj , [ , uiicct , > uuu <
i. .n mini i' ml fur a.u- 4
Ilia enl relublo t,1 ilical Intl tula m.- ' .
Private , Special ' $ Nervous D
' ' A hl'lli IAI.I V.
Al.f. f'ONTA'.liH ' ' S
'r , in ululvtrriu in > imxlimsl BUM , , ii'uliy Irrnlnl
U ' i in irmolu Sjrj li htiu Jiuuu i ffuiu MIL JtUlll
v 'h i it niereiirjr.
N'.v ri' torulivH trr&t' ' iflit I if ft f * lit nr > xir
' . anitimifiiliui ! or ccml imiii" uiul | ioe' ' clll u
MUM plainly w.iitcii tiiilu i muniii , uru wu
,1 , mul jou , In pLIn rni' , r , niir
pn VATE cjncuL it TO wcr
I "Oi. rillVATK , i-l'Slil A-.U Krltr I * Jll rilE *
-111 < * ! , WfAhKW. hl'ritKATOlSKIlfKl
it , Hi run IK , ( luh JIIIIH < , diecrniii
Sri.l TIKE , AMI All. Il-H | k. ( , ' TIIS Orxlr
I i.iN r.r onoAHi , ut ti : < ! li. iorj uf mr jltvr
i.n opinion.
I'IMGIIB iiailik t. rltlt us may he tr'tecl ct Itie'r
li'iEit * , IJJT I'.irtfjH.iiiJrn'-c ' Miulir Int1 * anrt Inpt'n
JICI'IM ' t lii ( ii"H r > r | , rn h i I HJY \ I'A ( K
L I I JtMM t I HtI'l t ro i.ia k < lu li i\rt \ u.
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Omalia Medical and Surreal InstUuto , . J
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