Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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{ 'AavrrtlMincnls under this bo d. IWccntspor
line lor thn firbt lnortion , * cents for eaehaub.
( Sequent In-ortion. and JI.MI a line per month
No ndTcrlistmont taken for less than 85 cents
for the flrst Insertion. Boven words will bo
'tiU < > to the line ; they tnuft run coneru
* 'bo I'R1 | ' ln fulvl'ncpl A" * dvor-
tlvoly ana
tlspmonts tnim bo liSntie. . ' .ln b ° r ° r6 , f .f1'0 '
taneM Wi
pin .undundrr no clroum
Uken ordlstontlniipd bytclcphonn.
Parties ndtortielntr In thesu olumns rnd hiv
ing ! ho nnswpra iu'drc'sed In core of THE HK.E
wlllrjlpfl'o nfk for n cbcc * to enable them tofjct
Iliclr 1cttci . as none will bo tlollvercd except
tin presentation of check. All answers to ad.
vorlifrincnls should IIP cncto ed In envelopes.
T OA BLoans Loam.
il rMa'e ' loons ,
. . jit tin ! louna ,
"linttil lonns.
] , < nn 11 m n loans.
Mhorl tlmn loans.
Money nlitiiyn on lintid to loan on nny np-
prtiU'd fpcurltv.
liivi tmonttocurillp bouttht nnd snld.
Omaha Mrianclnl i\clmngc : , n. w. cor. IBtb
and llarnoy.
Cornell , Malinger. C01
* ifAltltlH. HMs IStll Rt.
HAHHIrf to loan on first class mourity. from
\ upwards.
. ' l/OAN nt 0 per cent. J. .1. Ma-
$ lioney , lUa ruriinm 'W
' . Money.
CI'Ultcr.NT , 15th nnd Harney. T5l
$ n ( ) , ( ) ( > O to lotui. SUIIIH 5T-J and upwnrda ,
IxmcBt rntos. llomln , room n , llarkcr
8. M' , eor 1Mb ndKimiiiiii8t _ _ fHI
I'l'.i CUNTMonny to loan.
( jri'iroiy & Hadlev ,
oomB 1 and 3 , HviltcK DlocK , 20 S. IHh Rt.
MONKV lo loan , cash on iiaiiil , no delay. .1.
W and I' L , 8iiilio. | Mill I'm-iinm Bt. . I'm-
ton hotel bulldlnir. 8Ji )
O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
a provpd real estutn In city or county for
New HiiKlnnd l.onn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bniilc. ICth and Chicago sts bill
T\t ONHV TO LOAN At ow riltPS. 0:1 ( rood
.11 city property. Hatcher& Co. , 1216 Doimlus
all eel. ? i ? ' _
; to loan on city and farm jiroporty ,
MONiv rates , Stewart A ; Co. , Hoom n. Iron
Hank fi'H
MONiVTTirAl : < " -At rPiisonnl.lo ratea , on
furniture , fine watchon und olhur puiRomil
( roiiorty. C..I. Caswoll , room 1'J Iron Hank
nlldlnir , Kill and Tarnum. r/l _
> NHTO 17(1 ( AN 0. V. Da vis i Co. Hcu
Hatato and Loan Agents itiO.'i Funimn st.
roTrin roT.OA.V-On teal oslnto and ohTT-
L toK D K Thomas.
OMV T > i.o VN
upwards on llrst class nial caltito Ecourlty ,
Cohb , 1515 rnrnam H | . f > ( )7 )
OSI5Y J.oNi..l > at C K.ll
OiJIcs , on furniture , pianos , . ,
personal property of r.ll kliulR. mid all other ar
ticles of ulw. ' < > . without removal 319 H 1'Hh ,
over lllnchaiT > 's Commission store. All busi
ness strictly eonn.toiitml. f-H8
lr0f)00 ) To loan on Oc > alm city piopeityntfl
P percent. 0. W. Day , Per ill3 : Douuhisst.
_ _ _ _ _ COO
MONI'Y to loan by the imdorsljriiod , who baa
tlieonly property ortf ul/od lOiin a onoy
InOmnln Umns ot $10 to JI.OOO mndo on fur-
ulturp. plaiiOR. organs , ImrpcB , wagons , machin
ery , io. , without romoval. No delays. All
bunlnost strli tly confldcintlnl Loans eo mad o
thnt any part can bo paid at nny tlmo , caoh pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
mndcion flno wntchrs and diamonds. 1'orsons
should carefully consider who thor are dealing
with , im many new concerns are dally comlnir
Into oilntence. Should you need money , cull
nnd ra mo. W. it Croft , Itooni \Vlthnell
Itulldlnc. IBlh and Harnov. fin'l
Bt'rilNHHH CHANCUS-t OOwlll SPriiroono
of thn best paylnir shoe htoiog In cilv. Dally
9.luilio ( , pxpnnf ns Rtiiall , oed reason foi-
tf. Addiess , U ! I8 lleooflloo. 00321
SAI.I'-Nowstock ofl.iidh.h .
Goods , tosether with store lluurcs. lliislno'-a
In full coniluot with oed trailo. I.oi'iitlon bent
on Howard st , occupying Vi htoro In Riiuaro ol
ftolld brlelt. .1. r Hammond , 1I5S. lilth st.
"IT1OH cntlro stock of holiday pooda
-L' at a fwerltlcoat i etiill , to clot-o out the busi
ness , Consult your own Interests by consult-
Ini ; my prices on thu ( jooda. I am dutetmlned
to elope out , W. T. Seaman , cur Farnam und
Eleventh et - 5na8l
IhtuipB. Will
n-iit or Icn'u bJIkllng. Imiulru nt pioml > ef ,
I'lercn . : *
_ rill."I _
P ( U.lAvIi-NUe : flesh slock ol irioceriP8 on
CmmnliiKHst. Hush A. Solby , 2IB S. 151 h.
\\rAN"l'in > I'v .Ian. HI. an mli'iiM In sotnu
pnyinv busbies * , by a purl v of tominioano
nnd liu inccs cxpeilunco. Address II 21 , llco
olllee. 50- )
FOH H\I.1'-A bitHiiOM emablHIied In this
city t o yeam paying fiom JIMI toi.'OJ
pcrmontb. Contracts tiitnod over iruiiuuiteo-
\ " i per month. Addio-s H2I , lhl ollluo ,
5fll !
\\TANT1D-I'mtnor ! with a hinull capltm lii
if rclnll giocory. Address A 01 , Ili-nollicu
\ _ fiifl 20
rpo i-\C.llANJn-Aboiit : ( M.tO'Un ' diyKodds ,
J- notions HIOCI ilosand ftoio fiiinituro , In n
Kood llvo town In thn Ki'puliliean'ullo ) lor tin-
Incnmboicd limn land lu Ncbrunku or Itiwu ,
I'lilinproMil lauil preferred. Aiidicas lock box
7B , Alma , Nub. . 487-2 *
OH 'ALl-Ciirrlcifn : 1-borouriiphlo Pludli" ,
llrst lloor. 1720 St. Mnry'a nvc. 4C't 2" > '
HAI.I' A good rpstuurant hi iMS at u
luirKHln. liliUliP.M7 | N. 10th Ht , ara25 (
M--O itll.V ; (115A 5 wollnnpo
JL liu ; acics in I 'oik county. Nebraska , lor
ban Ifso or hnulwnru and furnl-
tlllc. Addiess M. T. H , Spilngviow , NcU.
_ _
ffil ) 1\'C1IANUI5 ! For mori-hundlso , 430aeios
Iliilrlv liiino\cd | Nubiu&ki : land. M T. H. ,
. Nek 450 83
- 1In Omulinforilrii r liiixSncvt In iooii loca
tion lu city. Address A. 11. T. ; ! 'l n. 15th BL
city. _ _ _ _ D5I-2J ; _ _
1Olt SAI < i : Hnpid Holler Da mp Loaf Copier ,
JU rliaiinon ! rili-H. l.cltnr and Hill Files , I'll-
tiK- Cabinets and Tminifnr CIIHOJ , lndexi > for
cdgor audullpurpotoj. Kxpueitlon bnlldliii ; .
. _ _ _
It HA1.Klluttliof - iihop , t\ lib tools and II >
tuii-g ; roiMl loiutlon ; powd IIUBIIO' | . C.I' .
, Niithca ) t coi. 8-lh und fuimim , Ni'J J f ,
M Ammi rmnfktrTiil i.'iioir iJv
JL1 Hun iloliiK f l.0 biisitiri-s p r month. ln-
iUlit | < ur ailditts room 8U , Oimtha Nut'l bank
bid rtU
1 , yjl Hs7T7l'-Or trnde For iiuii'thanillso.'fllO
1 acres of No I Inrui Jaiul near ( Iraml
tX.I. Cjman _ _ " _ M5
HOI1M ! > > Ixita.rariim.l."uiii- (
llemls , room J , lluiKci b'ovk ti. W cor.
Ifitb ana 1'uriiii n IJ. Ml
liAI.UVrllinlnliliniHil biidfiiPhs7 III one
I III ) iMMt llllhlllll K Illllllta HI IIOIlllWDSt-
pin Nobrailiii.hitimtodat Itrokun llow , Cueler
county , .Sob , : flock pon-slstlnjr ( if ilry ioods.
I'lcllunK , lioijts anil tlmoi ; will thow up wood
Miviiil of business. HPIIMIUH for t-ollln r will 1 >
k-iven by ni < aip > rliiK lock buz l. lirnlen llow ,
( uMrriumuty , Net ) . ftS7
BKMM hNCIIAM'K- peed ocntion for
ciockur ) tun ! IIIICOII'M wmo kiorc , niiiiliu | ut
A Uiiriiiiin. Hi'S. Ulli Mr. f 3
| ( U U > A1-I ! lluniwixvo" iiicii < - Uo olti'r
Jour Nhi If mid heat ) haulwnrn bii lnusj for
Mle. tocotlmr with our lt-n o oikt nwid will ,
Ti-ortu lurpcist In Ibo dtv and lor-itlun llio IW.L
Del ( up from llio tiiiKlni'F * laukp for Ft-lllnt ;
'llu * Itiivm nnrdwiuu Co. , 10-.10 ( t > Mncoln.
U linoi'KH.'franco and Healing Mo-
ilium K. W cuiMm andCasa.
W J 1R
Ir Mi iyn * . piivalo school lor
, hidies U ui girl * ut iiuitliiu-'st cor.
1' III nnd Knumi > i bit. l'upil viUbt ixicoivcJ uu
niulivlt-r jiuviM. 6I8J1"
Al Mm. DiNumia V. " \ \ ain-n
i ) iint. MJlMl nnd biiiines ) Medium
o. 0 , W North Uih tt , Omatm , Neb.
_ _ _ COS
1 > Ht-0 > < ALI.adlp > wUhlnif t-ood dmnotlo
lio'p cuii be wt < ) l nuppucd b > calllnir ul
Omut u hiiiplu ) taunt lliuxuui , lly.Nouh Uth kt.
_ _ _ _ _ bitt 25
| > 1 ' S < > N.\Ii Kx | > nft Hdy copyist , ttml-class
1 iM > r.uinii. liriio vxnerlonou. tuinlll r uilli
If | aixlcommcrolHl PHIIUIS , wants orU lo do
ul i i"o. 1 ilros ioiisiiniitlo Work rocoltod
HI' I ifli'l-lH'J Adilrnn II ) , lU'liolllce. Sfit
illXYKl"Oll )
jOUI-K fpnnlcl iu r. Pkiuiii r-atiii n to etuiro
' l c u iiuj wraUuutiunu ivitivd icwuril.
( ilO
3t VTA biVHn watersrunu-1 , mt-4Iuui sue.
Jl naroUl ; uii- > ers to ih niiiuu ot "I'ont. "
' r.\i tU plain | , l , f l ii-pr ! -ward lor ro-
tuuiofii.imulo Ml muia l.lliitor.UCDodKO
M Juu < ivtkuuic. ro :
' 1 'lATBD-Oco Ilav C'U ( oneTje ro. 1.T ft
i < * * ? ' ? " * " * ' " fuieh-inl.ilarl.iuu'- tuil ,
l.l JJ L-tiu , 1CH t j 24
STItAVf.DorRtolen from Sill CBllfomla t ,
Dec. 7th , yellow pointer pun , four months
old , larire cars and large WP ! > foot , white strlpo
In fncc , wC'lffhs nbont ! l pounds. Liberal ro-
wnnl. Itelurn to r.ngmoorooiltnnn Oil
Worke. f.76 25 *
_ _
IO. T A gold lotketMth tin typo picture In-
l closed , finder lllipcpno libornl rrwaid
by icturnliig llio f.nmo to A. J. Wood , 1W3
St. " 93
_ _ . -
LO5T-A iloir ; Mloodhound , pry Inrire.short ,
dark Krny coat with white patches on
cht'tt and fccts had strong pltiln leather colmr.
lon'c notify or return to 1U MadJesM , SI03
st. Oood rpwnrd , 6B8ai *
I' STOM5N- Two red cows nnd
\ni i rVtrr'anded D It. Any lufoima-
Tdo K'wul iC tI'9Pk1'VOT ' / ' :
ho owner , Denis O'llolll ) ' , M.ot Iowlur. , .V.1 * . *
" ' ' -
FOBT-A Npwroiindlniidpupdoir , abnur
j mt'iilhs ' old rimlcr roturti to W. 15. Annlii ,
Pherman n\is opposite Ctnc at , and claim re.
unnl. _ _ _ HM
Clalrvoynnt ,
A HAM AI.AHKA , Clnravo\nnt anil palmlet ,
51J South ICth et. Ml
l.'Ol/'M . ) .
MIAKt'.N Ut'-Ono bay yent llnu colt. Call nt
X glMloiido-H. - fif 2t
IJIOl.N'n-'nie plaeo to net thn be t oysters In
1 the city , bum polnlF , New York counts
ami celoctH at Silver Moon , cor. lluhnndSt.
Mary'aiivo. J. 11. C ) Nolll. prop. 41MJ17.
Al'l'LVnt tlio Omaha HoulMry lliirp uco :
south ICth fit for volitions of the bettor
cla , stoici , liiitolj , etc. , iniilo nml f on ulc.
HournUto4. 5W7-21'
F ltUI ! Parties pnrchnsliDr iniichlnps of nip of
nny chntitPtPrwill I eoclvp " > o days' Insliun-
( Ion In thoii'eor Bamo without charge. C . W ,
llal.oi , I5U'J rattiam , IK)7 ) 25
l'.MOVr.D-l have icmovod my onion from
the Iron Hunk hiiilillim to 15 < U Tarnum
t , vrheto 1 Rhall IIP plonsod to show the
Caliniaph ami FtenoKtapb in hi-rctolorn. n. W.
Jlakor , Ah'ont. LOT 2. .
IT UANK.VSONA Co olfor ( rrcnl Induremnnts In
I1 nil kinds ol Jouclrydamoudsrom ! ! f l , f 1) ) ,
r.'iO , f 10iplo frill ) ; iliu ( riuato't bar 'Alns CVPT
knii ncomo : and tco. 1'ratiu.V Soni , Co. , 8 JO
8-outh Hth st. 4U2t !
_ _
Ti1o"lMVcil'Vvil5.-i.iiritv : : . In a very hup
JL1 winterHlieat Hum la Illinois for Nebraska
wllrl lands or drilj ; Block ! Addi ys 1' . O. box IS
I'aclflc.lmii'Uon , In. M31M
'p ,1. 111. \ < ii , pnlenlre of woluht molar
1. iiovoi No. : un.iJ. llliKrff & simms. owncis
ol all tenltory oxoopt Dakota Tor. Jvo other
flutes sold up to date , Dec. " ( ) , l"-rt Anyone
wMilnij terrltor > uildreii T. J. lliirK ! ( , Waveilv ,
Nob. KJ1 2o *
Al'I'LYiit the Omaha lleplstry llureau.i.-'O
south ntb st tor rood tnulu and fpmalu
help. lniiloyoi.sKct : | hulp trco. BOS 81 *
C liiSStlnn,47 | 1 > rivy Miulta" cleaned by the
' odoro-i ! prooesi * . K. Kwlnir , 1' . O tio4J7. .
l J J 7 *
S\ttiiTtKH'r \ sqiiRia I'liino , ji rnonthlV. A
1 llosno IBIS Domrlis. (110 (
> T-Sq.m"riT Flauo fJ momnr A
Hospc. 151,1 Douulns. fill
JjlOH SAtiU 20 bend of unbroken American
V mures from 1 to H years old , weight Wo to
I.IW poundH , ut Xti'i OutDliur flt. 'I ho above will
bo sold cheap for cash. John T.owls. 6 > lSil _ *
f ,1011 SAM : Tjpc-wrltcr , JCO. J. U. llaxnes ,
- Oninhii. 5OT
"T71OH SAliC rirst Class tinnlturo of nine
JL room hoiiso with piivilCKO ot rent , city
water , KM. Address H 81 lice olllco. M02C *
MIVniYSr ilni. % solid ROM , only $8 BO
Frank A : Sou A : Co. , 28J South I It h st. 2t
FOH SAfji : Sound , ( jonlle boreo with bar-
npss , cheap. ( Jiocory House , Viaduct
llloek , Walnut Hill. Ml 2J *
RIIlNn STONK rimr , soliil i-'fiM. at only } t. at
Krunk X fcon & Co. , 2W South llth tt111 ? 24
iTOIl SAMJ Now org-an , 14 ptops , r. octavos ,
Killil l.lucl : wirlnut ca o , iKinutltully carved ;
uover moil ; a bargain. Inquire , IhiKune linviil ,
1.JJ8 N. 1Mb ht , 47l i ! _
. DIAMOND-Raoilflc-p. I'noe by
> 2 Flunk mid Son & Co. . 2JO South llth Rt.
4 ' 24
SAM ! I'urnituro of boanlln hou o
170H and bouso for leaio nt u Ijiu.Miti. In-
lulroContial hotel , So Omaha. 171) ) 83 *
, K A HAT diamond oar-rmirs at u great bar-
4,1 I train. Kranl ; A ; Bon it Co. 49 , ' > 84
Tin Halilil ttollor Damp T.fAt Copier ,
giiaonon I'llcu , l.ulter and Illll flloa and I'll-
Imr ( 'Hlilnnlsancl Tr.inelor Caous , Inilotpj for
und all purpoaw. U\i > osltlon bnlhling- ,
/ ' - ' fl" . rrniilc & Son
Si Co , 8JJf-otlth Hthot. Wj4 _
FOH SATiK TCIIIII of huiaun. ti'hipalnior
llros , lit 13 10th St. b52jll
TTIOH H.I.K Furniture aiuTlca n ot nix-room
JL' lioiifo , time on part. Cull 12U ! North -7th
Urei't , two b'ooKii liuiu Hod Car lino. b''J '
TTIOII SAI.K Caoap. iron columns inrt < rln-
JO doirrapaiiuUahle for front on brick build-
Inc. Koriiarlloiihirs'iuulv lit thNo'll''n. ' till
WANTHD Homo inun with small capital to
lincst In u common sen i > unterpiiM > .
Kilty ilollnaH H daydu.irol p pcn-ifl iniido In
vour own city. Call on Chas. Hedirts , Atlantic
bolel. ll 84
" _ _ _
\\'ANTHD-An nctlvp Intclllininl boy about
) ' l.'i In llrst-class aichitecliiral olllco. Iltcol-
li-nt chaneo to lent u. > fudt take euro < ) f oliico.
( iood habits and fair education icijulred. Ail-
II Jt lice olllco. COO
\\.rANTiD : A boy totnsh dlsbos , once ,
> V lOJfi N. W. cor. Cass t-l. O'.U 21 *
\\'ANTIU ) A ilriiirtilnrk , fli-rmnn preferred.
' Apply t Max llujlil'a Unig rtore , cottier
ICth anil llnrnoy st. _ 572 83 *
WANTED Aeoollioy liotwonn H and II ,
rluht imnr. Good lns do Job. 1717 at.
Jl ar > ' 81150. r'IJrJl '
_ _ _
VA"M' r-TToini'iinrfiTy" Tl c-fas ciiiu
V\ , K I - ' i I s
> maker , btcady orli nnd tfood wni-od ,
21 ! " 6 18th hi r' ' ' '
WANTUD Hy n law coisc-t luanul'itulilrcr.
an experienced cm sit b.up-inan for tbo
lariri1 retail dado in the State of Nauriii-Un. Ad-
ilicss nltli lulorence. locK box No. l.ur.i , Nuw
York. ' OO J 1
A P'tirli-r fT a horsc roiito "on
Daily I'vcnlM ! , ' Hoc ; ono living In
west parl of city prulerrcd. _ S4i _
\\T A NTIifT y\lirrl i7t's" laToT HKi-m-v
> i rciniiviul Irom I'.W Fiutiuut to 1 I'M 1'ur-
nani Hliect. 'Ill '
WANTIJI ) hTonoifinphor. one who under"
hliiiulji douhlo outry bookkcopllltr. Ad-
dipss. llh letcrunce , Hutiiit' tulury duiiied , A
4H , llcoollico. ' . .I-
fil'.VTSInthaiiitvorconntr } can mni > o'iln
JIO n tin ) HolUnw our 8pujlaliici. N"V. .
eomuaiiv. l'J7 l'rn iia K. (112 (
I'ANTKO CVoU , at Huimett lloiibo , imiiio-
\ dlali-ly. 6M
If ANTl'D A ( rood trlrlfor Mlrlii'ii ' woiU und
> iriolilmr. Apil | ) ut 117 Noun 14th st.
WAVfiu-.W : > tlrls for llr t mid K-POIII !
woiki itoiid na ps. Cult 1' ' ! ' Xoiln luth
si and Capitol uvu , Omaha Kmplntincut
bureau. 5J-0-4
" \\rAN'rhl-tnl ) ! lor ivncial hoiifp ttnik In
M ptltulol > nidiu liuue , No. 617 S. l.'ih st.
ft5 ! 3
\ TANTiiltlirl : lor'pnpralhonscnork : none
11 but llnt-cnuq need apply ; l'Jl ' Dodh'Oht.
f)5l 2,1 J
\ WAV I'HD I TiioriunTeii clj-ivr Valommil
i Htuloli'rrlloi ) uo'iuiilntud on. h tuipnies
roqii red , Aililrcsj , until , l n , 6 , 1 7 , 11,2) ) , Hue
_ _ _ _ _
\\TANri5D-A larty with fcomo Pxpeilonco In
it tlio mllllnciy buklnuis to ) ro ton countiy
town ; ono compctunt to uVo ihuiuo ol biul-
ncosiuic ; smoJtrate. Call at 4)1 North If.tu
bt. Ml 2J
\ \ TAXTf.n-OooJ jrlrl for ffonor.n housework.
> i 2111 Iliinic ) tt. : tuferuucu io < | Ulro < l. & 77 20
\\7AV1F.D A innid trill for pcnoral house-
IT nui .in t.ii'ill ) ol ( wo. Hood home unit
a I cad j oiuplu ) incut , lii.juiro lil'j N. I'lii.
\v ) WOIIIMI foitjouurul liouspHiuU.
1211 Diueniioit n. 6 > 0 25 *
\TOTIcr. Lndios wiBlunt' nny V ml of hair
iwcik mudu to unlercull IJIO Jacoon ct.
6-H 2S
\ \ 'ANTUD ' Aslrl for Kcnural hon-e\votK.
' ut SIS fcoutu 15th ttrcot. Wl 25
" \\rAN"nD : l < mlif nn-l pcntlnncn In city or
l I country to Inku tpt't ' worls utllieir hoti.Mj.
JI.OU tu JU.nJ u d.iy cajjy 13K to ; nor * tent by
niHil , nocuma > sinjr N\tinno a good c ; jiund
lor or work and Zurich eu-ndy ( -miloyni-nt. |
Ad iic-Ji. wi'li ' bluuii ) , t town Mii ; to , t 4 Vuw
St. , Cunumiti , O. ' '
A Pfolc ( wr-ivan prpfflired' . 117
N. lit hat. lirhtolOjjtrnnJCtiKii Hou c.
_ tt/i 21 * _
W AV1T.D deed slrl forscnornl hoit'owork
_ iO 3. 2 tH. Mil at _
\ \ AN IT.D Cook muf o onii plrl. " Kiifjiiiro
1 ? of C. K. Mnjno n w cor. 11th and Hnrnpy.
_ _ 241 _ _
' "
N'I tI-CiOod : clrl for''eneml" huu e-
work , 111.1 tlonndnnro. 798
TVTANI HO"inltiiie * & Ri 7itT lo to irn
' eraphy 1'rospect peed for po'ltlon wh n
competent ; address W. J. I ) , , Hooiu 1 , Crounsu
blk.Omnhn. _ _ _ _ _ 117 _
WANTKO A younif Amorlc.xn . or ( iDrniiiit
l.'lrl to nf'Ut In hniKowork nnd rnro nt
children. Itcforoncosi required. 8-tl S. suili M.
4mi si
\\TANrr.O Situation as bookkeeper or as.
ftlMnnl.or ns Shipping clerk , by u ml'ldlc-
nzr-d timn with HOO I rofprpiices : experienced In
J.0 ( rles nnd linnln are n > < ealcdmiu. Moderate
ini. . . . . . A.oclpd mid will no iniywhrro nnd no-
pppt any M.1ti . P n position. Address ( I. 11,315
N. 1Mb st. B'fi &
\ rANTUD-llvayounK miC n | io itlun ns
V > ImokkiWnr : hat n hint thrv. . ' > .9'lrJ ' > cx'
prrlince Address 1120 Hco ofQco. Pr > 0 j-'J"
" \\rANTIID llv a younir innn , pinploi7" > cnt
* bplwepu M'hnol boms tor board nnd loiltf-
Ing. Addiefcs 1127 , IIPO. 65J2.I'
" \ \ \\7ANTr.D- iircllntiipinnn n pl-ieoln BIO-
eery store , A tjood worl > or. Addrpss I )
ifl Dee oliice. 4M M'
' ' or to do Kdlfral olllcp work. llc-l of i el-
erciiccsiflven. 11-- , llopotllco KM 81 *
T\AN I'UU Situation by BonUon7uii iixpor
' ' onci'd in liurdirnro nnd iiirrkMilMiml Itnplo-
iiient . > Vniiiit tnkc clnirco of binnch store In
nnvr rnlltond to"ii cslnm tllorollih ) nnd cap-
ntilo. A 1 lofercmos inojuiling prrsont oin-
plojer. Addro" , It II , Iteci oltlro. ttlO-CT *
\ATAM'I D Volt to know tluit I iniiko n eppo-
' * Inltyoftvpu filter PopjIiiK with the t-y-
cloetjtc. 0.V. . Hnkor , HO'J ruinnm st.
WAK'1'151) Two or three furnloliotl rnoiim
tor housekeeping In wood locality to keep
table boimlurs. Addtvsa II M Uoo ofllco.
WANTI3D A pony InlifRy pole nnd double
EOI of ImrncB * clionp lor cnsb. Addiesa
with ] -lco i , It : lco ! olllco. r > 7l 21 *
WANTIIO Tnblo board , by tour tt < ntteinon
In pilvntnfnm ly , if po'slble , nnd In ttiu
vicinity or 2.1.1 . itnd 1'iuiir.iu Addie'i V. II.
MitchHl. 1510 Dodfio Ht. 500 il
WANTED Worlclnitmon nnd others who tn-
tenrl piircli.isin lots in the Aniu'x. inith
Onialin , to know thnt the prudent prices will lie
iii'icnncil ono third nnxt hntiirtlnv Twenty
hits mild yostcnbiy. This propeity Is booinlnir.
It joii want n lmn'aln oomp n iiiiiiiinir.V. . S.
Bom oy. snlo ut'cnt , 111 S tlth fct. 6 : > 3 S.J
\ \ ' AN'I I5DTo not us nsimt for uuntoni pnp-
' Inillstsln ncKollutliuloiin-ton llniil incclpt
nnd Improved InnJs. Gcoiao A. Van Inwouen.
Krth rmtto , Nob. n.'HJ"
WANTitBto : > ( < kor dry roods , clothlnir nnd
APHIS' furnlslilliBrj-'OoiI-t or Hoots nnd rthoos
In pxrhnnifo for Qinnliu icnl estate. Sclilcslii-
erltroi ,0148 nth tt. \r > J jy
\\ANTKii -r > 0 men to cut bnckwlunr cakes
' and mnplo syrup ovorv mornliiirut Norrls'
Hestauiiint , HHh St bet. Dndiro and Homclis.
Strulffht board per uoo , ? ) . -J ; 21 meal tic.tul-i ,
$ .1 r > 'i ' nin
FOH HUNT No. inoi North ( Mil St. Now
hoifp with all modern convonionocs ; owner
oceupltH two rooms and wishes to hoard with
the futility , Iniiiilio no\t door , mil , or to Hal
low Itios , 151U Ionuhi3. ) U01 CO'
FOIl 1IKNT And furnlturo for pule of n six
room t'RttiiKO. l''iiinlturo nearly now.
2517 Popplolon iivo. t'J ! 21 *
T OIl IIINT-Stoit',1UN. : IJtli t-t. DOJ ' 'S *
JjtOH KKNL' Nlro 1-iooni cottiuo. well , cist-
1 orn , birn , I Hamilton St. , half liloclc
from SuundeiH. Apply nuit door \vost. 5.'i7
1J > Olt ] tiNT : 8.'tn I.Pilvonworth St. 10 room
honsn ; mantpN , bath room , etc. ; perfect
order : elicaii to rullahlo iiarty. Also 11 mom
housocor \ Ir lnlaavn. and U. S. ( Irani at. ; all
modern Iniprovoinant * ' . lonir tlmo to rooil
putty. Clinic & . I'ronch , 151(1 ( Doiijtlas St. wj"4 ;
Itr.NT-lf you want to rout n house , rail
on llenawa&Co.oppasllo postolhco , [ > U'J
1T < OU HUNT 2 IIOURPS. Intilllro o. 7 i Poilth
1 Milt. .1.1" . Mnilcmler .t Co. T.18 2J
"IT'OK ' Itl'iNT Two 7 loom home" on ear line ,
* elty and cistern water. Moul A : Jamlcson.
yis a i5th - < t. ciu
FO41 HI.NT3 houses 10 rooms inch , with all
modern Improvoimmui , 21st and lliul.
lii'iultoot ' Jr. I'mil , l&thnndDodito. 514
FOli HUNT Or lease. Twenty acru
pardon , with house nml Htalilo ; Insldo pity
lltoltsof SidneyNob. Apply to It. McPudiluii ,
Hldney Neb , Mi J G *
OIl HKNT rnrnhhod 7-room house on Vlr-
trlnlu nvo , S'J5 per month. J. r. llummoiul ,
117 S. Itlthst. 415
"IT'Olt HUNT ! i room house on I'tunam st bet.
J1 18th and Itlth. Cltj and clstein water , slipds
ami ( iiilliullcilnifH : brink cellar , 45) ) per inontli.
J. 1' . littmmoml , 117 S lotli bl. 410
IrOH HliNT Siiitabh ) lor Jobhlnir Hnutip.Soe-
end mid Third 1'loorrf , : > 1\NO w'llli base-
mpntiind olovutor , t-ntrancu trom Iront on
Douglas St. , and entrunc on ground lloor Irom
rcnr to uloviilor. Address A J.J. lieu olllci- .
' . '
T7 > OH HHNT-2nowhousosS. V. cor. lllbanii
J1 Vlnton. Jiuiulroon prumlsps. 25r
F OH HUNT a room houuo S. W. cor. 7th ami
I'acinu. Imiulro M. V. Marlln. 211
F r-OH HI'.NT A now rot men on upper Kurnani
H. Iuiulioat2IOO | rarmuiipt. .Ml
F lit HUNT-A birn for 4 houd ot hoi ecu. In-
( | illro ot M. I' . Martin. BH7
F OR Hl'.NT lliiiMlmr snltablo for n drill ;
htoio In the Illicit locution In th uitv.
i ) , Omaha National bank build-
Infr. _ Wt
'IT'OK HUNT Anleo 6-room coitajro.Tiy S. T7
JJ I'dtui-bon , s. o. cur. l&tli nnd JJouulan.
I neil Id' NT-A lO-ioinii brick hou,0lth , Im-
provoinonts : f'W ' porinonth. In-iulroot MM.
I'aiititt , near cor. "Oth imd rarnum. 40J-20 *
UlINT-Hmall cottat'e KW fa U lh. tl.
40J 2l
7 > OH Hi.NT-.SI : > new brick stores with base-
liientd.ooriivr r.luvpnth und llouiinl ; cholco
location ; nil couvonliMicci. l.ciultl Ilinnhiiin ,
Hoom I , Crolbton block , C2T
IilOH HU.Nl'-Ononowcolltiiro,7 loomrf ,
J1 Tin on now 2-story hoiigm , # 10 , ono ut # .15 ;
wolllocated , all convenlimi-os. Luavitt Hum-
hum , Hoom I , Ciotoluon block. 127
irwit in\r : 7-room cotlii/o In Walnut IlillT
ToriiH , JW pur month. Apply to D. W. haxo ,
1U4 Kuiiium St. 2yj.
Foil r.ll.vr uo noros uljoinmi ; city north ,
westsultnlilo tor d-ury or market pardon-
Apply to Thoo. Williumi , lice OIliw > , U14 Fur-
_ _ _ _
KI5NT rooiiM , Hiirnpy ntniu ;
HiulSUt , f'l ) per mouth. H | U inditin nn-ir St
ry'eitvu. ( Iron-lib , } i.'iior | mouth S. A. Slo-
ni , 1512 1 .11 imm * ' . 117
HI'.NTNcntl ) fnruNhed IOOIIIK , HIS
I low aril. tub 'i *
Foil Hf.NT-With l-o.ifd n lunihhed
lllOCiifSst. Wt !
IiiUH HUNT Two fiirnliilioiFiiiinTKiiiriibi7 >
for couple hoimol.oopitii' . Also , ono mil ur- , Apply loom 7 , Nu W7 l ltn bt ,
" 1/loK IliNT : LIU-BU. front , oitice loom , iiorlh-
i. won louiurlDtnund Hainey aU. flOWpcr
mouth. 1'Jl
llis : r f Jut P ! isx fumidhod rooms , Irom
.l5iJJ Da\t > iipoit. 511 2tl >
FOH ItliNT I'loasunt furnlihud looms with
buaid. t-ouihcaei cor. llth it ml Howunl.
6 7 21 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ " " "
rpWO uciithimiui c.uiTiuTo""nudTolim"lu
Iprliatii lamlly , $2J per montli. No ether
boarder : . . AdJiOsS 1125 Ucu Olllcu. Ul 8J *
ni2NTi'wo"riwmru7Hr7 I' fs si : i
luuiou luufeniKl uuJ joforeuuea ic.mlrud
_ _ _ _ _
" " "
tjloiriin T-Nri ly" ? urnl lii l "roMn" . 8227
J DoilKO t-t , ; fiu , luth , ruriiuce lu'iil. 5bL 80
I OHHKNT Twonlc-ofuriilshnJ looms , with
1 tiro. Apply 151 } Ciilirornu et. ! > f.t
FOH HI5NT N'lco win m room , t-ultublo for 2
irontloinan with board , tl pur wcan.uiy :
board. fJ W. 1BI N. Hth st. 8sH ie
HliS I' Furiikliad rooms , modern c-on-
venteuccs , 31SN. 15th et. 4si 83
u HUNr-KurnUheJ rooiuj"TuiiTodKo ]
HKNl'-T-l.iirt'c. hundsoma cjst rooms ,
nndEiillonr unfurabtiei ! roatus. l'irt > t clajj
tnliv. S4iJ ! furimm 8t. 475 8jj
1fHU HU.N'l'- Alter January 1st , I ullThaveS
nicely f nr'ilshod roouio , aoublo orfclnplo , to
uU ; liavu ant" r.einly uovr. cJioup. CiUI mid o-
curuHouu W5b. lilU ttrnvt , nuar ft. Utry'a
THOH HP.NT Two linfurnlsiPl roonn forl.itht
Jl1 housohocplnif. 809 Howanl 't , between Sth
andl'th. ' > > ' 4M
T7\OH \ llf.NT furniahod rooufeT12 per tnnutli.
JL1 70d N ISth St. 3 l 23'
i/U H HI2ST t'nfnrnlshpil i-r/oTii / , "ilitahlo for
JU offlce. Inquire Mrs. A Hice , Ilushman blk.
( J
Ttnvf nnrffe Tr < TnnTli TtnUcr M II h
- closet , eni , furnneo nnd bivtU , yjl S. Sflth st.
1 block north St. Marv's nvt- . 5J
H1OH H15XT Very dp lrixblo furnlslipd noms
lu sultp or Sinirlo , hot an J , wild water , pus
nnd bath , irdl Howiiij si , IKtrglns block , on
the third lloor. 51028
" 1 71O I fltl ! N T O iie TTiTiiTs iit f i-ooTiTor iTsTi 1 1 fol
JL ? two , wlih or without board , two blocks
from postollke Knqulro at 117 S. ittl sl
TjiOltltKN r-IfiirliishpiTroom * roTcemTempir. %
i.1 Oood location Inqllll o r B Cas . 4H1 ! 23 *
771OH HUNT A laijro c.i't roomnllh alcoios
JL1 sticot curs at door. No. 11. South IM. 450
rp\VO front IOOIDS Jplnlntr.f urnishcdjylth
for3ic < Mitlom < > nClS llthist. _ Ml SI *
OH HUNT riniilshed front loom , 1900 I'nr-
F iiuin. CI7
T7 > OH ilENr ruriTulioil room $0. -'iiM ' Jim-
Xney. . fin ( ) 2a *
Trs ? * > i llfrVT Arnnm RillUblo for loilr Kont-
' ' 507 South lllth t. WfSSI'
OH UBN'T-Nowly fnrnli hcd7lioate.n { . " .nllt
room 2'ilt St. Mary s H\O. -XA
fTIOIl ItKNr Twit ulfolv fuiiushod rooms ,
JO suitable forSorit woiitlcmoii : lovely loca.
lion with every modern improvement 141 >
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
710H Itr.NT-ruridJhod room. A. llospo ,
J irtnii\mln3st. , : \ UH
lir.N'T Tour unlurnisnod rooms
FOH boiisckoopini : to stnill lamlly , lo-
Inirs pleasant Ati < J will rent cheap to itooit
pin ties ; reference rfliliilrod. Address A. fl-i.lloo
olllco. _ _ H
"JTIOH HUNT Suite of npwly futnlshod rooms
JL1 In new houo ; modern convenience : to
I JI Do lite st. VfO
"ITHtlt HUNT I'llnilahpil rooms for llRht housA
-L1 kcepine , lleomors fclock , cor < * th V How.ird.
_ _ CII
171011 IIHNT Kuriiisnod loom , IBID I'odito.
JL1 684-il-20
FOH HUNT ' 1 rooms iinfiiinlihol suitable
for bonsekopplnir. 1017 N SOth st ; apply lo
M. T. MartinIMS nth nt. 40) )
Jf\OlFTtn\T \ fiiirKe e'loiant rooms.wrTh closet
1 Pouthfiont 14lit Chicago street , MB
IJfoHltllNT-SlcpplTi'jTooms fiirnlshoil nnd
Juiifurnlsliod , at BUU Howard bet. bth and nth.
_ 1 <
THIII HKNP DoJlniblo innvly fninisliPil
' rooms for ( Tpntleint-n. Gas , bath nnd fur-
nacohoiU. 2J21 o. 3WJ15 *
"jjlOIt ItrVT llandeomcly furnished front
-A- room , use of bath. u. o. cor. lUth and St.
Mnryanvc. Mrs. M. Waliuco. fij 2,1"
"IjlOH KI'VT Kloiriint rooms on stront car
J - line , bull and tfiH , s. w. cor 2Jth nnd
Webster. 138
"IjlOH HI'.NT 1 rooms sultablo for houao-
-t ? kecphif. ( 711 I'liclOcst. Hent , $15.03.
> t
HB\T I'o ffentlomon only , two fur-
nl-hed rooms m voinl location , 2 doors from
Etrcot cursonoun tlrst lloor lariro front IOOMI ,
buv window , pus and rovlstcr. 52j per moulh.
Other frfit room , second lloor , rojrMor aud
fras. $15 per month , Holorenco roiiuu-od. Cull
ntdosk7 , 15)9 ) Rirnam St. , llrst flo > ) r. Oil
/"lOTNIIH ft AUCIinil'Sadd-to South Omahn ,
v-/ for sulo UC. . II. Muyue , 13th i : Ilainoy.
531 2U
OO Acrps for phitttnir , 1 1-1 from Union atocic
* yuids.ouly Si8) per aero. 1I ) . Tanner A ;
CO. 4b'J 21
OTNKIl * AHCIIFH'S add. to South Omaha ,
for sale by C. K. Muyne , 15tu and llarncy.
r/Jt 20
1 1 ? .VH ) each Tor beautiful lotn In Cotnor A
$ Archers add. to toutli Omaha. C. U. Miiyno ,
15th and I Ini liny. 51)5 ' 'ii
AHCIirjt'S ndd. to SoulhOmahr
\J for sale by L. 1 ! . Mayne , 15th and lluriio ) .
C'Jt 2tl
WICKuaraiitpotho following asyood bargain
and Riii-o to advance :
100x140 , half block Irom 10th . t near ioutb
end of vl.'iiluct. will advnnco 25 per ct hen via
duct is finished , for u few days at J > ,500 , f-VXlO
cash , bil 1,2 , und 3jcaid.
ICl lo-3t on lnrd hi hot Iflli and 19th , with
ti'iu'kHL'o In iilloy , 7 room hoiif-o : miiko oirer.
Lot U block 1 I'ottor addition , ourit ftont.lioau-
iltiil view of city ; very cheap iitJl.GiX ) H"h
1'ronoh. 1510 Douglas Rt. 5 < H JJ1
ofNnTlAUfMliil'S"udd : to Foiitb Omuhii ]
C lor Etilo Dy C. J ) . Mayno , 15th and Harnuv.
5U1 20
to f'K > each forliPRiitlful lots In Cotnor k
Aicher'B : idd. lo South Omaha. C. D Mnvno ,
15th nnd llaniuy. 5U5 20
/ " lOrNlIlt & AHCIIKirS mill to South OmnluT
VJ loraulo by O. 15. Miiync , 15th and Ihirnur
T.OT 111 DeiiiM's Add. , 3lwO'i : ; cu-li.
J-l Two lots In I'o-lpr'n Add , coi tier.I.'OO.
Lot coiner of UOtli iiuu Llmlsay bte , fi.100 ;
f''Oii biilanco frll ) per month.
Lot on "Hth ht , In I'ark Itulldliig asacciatlon ,
. .
lloimoof IIvti looms nml two lull lot" , euat
f i outs , corner , ? 2lU'J. $7iW cithh.
Stock ot iiiprchanill ° e for tradu.
llou o and lot toi tunic.
H. W Huntio.13,1'SOS Farnam ritreel.
Kl ai _ _
' : .VJ lo J.ViO pitch for beiuitiliil lots In Cotnrr \
$ Archcr'bitdd. toi-onth Omuim. C. 1' . Ma ) nu ,
1Mb & llarnoy. W > M
( OTNIIH , t AHCIir.H'S ndd to South Omaha ,
for Bulu by 0. K.Minne , 15th nnd Harncy
5JI 1
i ) ISASTIiont lots Kilhy pl.icnonly J7M cacli ,
' ODD third cash , bal nice easy torniH. IM ) ,
Tnniicr A-CO..1UI5 Ilowaid Ht. 4MI 81
lo $5 Kl piioh lor bpiititlfnl liiln In Coiner A :
$250 ' add. lo Boiith Omaha C. K.Mu.viH' ,
25th ami llarney. ! > ' > ' < 'M
. & AIICIIliH'3 ll'ld t .
for fiilo b ) C. K , Mayiur , 15th uud Hurnny
5'.ll 20
ACilHAl * und mo l elp-ruiit ( 'hrlslmss I'rpi.
out. f > IniiiM'S nnd lol.s near Hcd Cur MOP ,
tuilv tl.MH puoh. jiJllciiali , bal.iuoe cn.-y , r. D.
Tuiinur A Co , 1015 llowaid st , ( Kli 20
TO $500 Pilch for bountiful loUIn Cotnnr
$25J Arclii'r'H tidil. to South Oiimlia. C. I ! .
Mayno , 15th und llarnoy. O'.ij 20
ToTXr.ll ArAll7'IHHrH ! n'dih to SiMiliToiiialm' ,
G lei saleby C. II. Miiyne , IDth and Ilurney.
) o.u-h for boiutltnllolr , 111 CiilniM'
SaryiTOfW K add. to South Omaha. C. 15.
Mnynu , 15th nnd Harnny , fii5 : : ii
Iors-ICondairs addition , t-niin-
d.rrt i.t. , jut ! couth ot Hull I , Inn It. H.ttnU
to f SIM , iiionlhly p lymonu. WU | build lioiiso If
Hiuitod. 1) ) . Kcndull. re. , e. w. ' cor. 17th and
CalltoinlUBK ' . ' 1 27
COI'Xf.ll A AHCIIIIH'S add lOToiilh Onmliii ,
foi'Milo by C. K. MIOIIJ , ] 5lli mid llarouy
' fiSfl 8-1
Ch2."i0 ( .0 SVW each for l > i'ii * ( in Cotnor &
< P Aichpi'V add to Soutli Uinuliii. C. \ ' . Ma ) ne ,
15tn und Hnrney. ' Mrs solO
, V \IU'lliiC8 : inl.l t
forsaiu byC. 11 Mnyno lliti'mid llurni.'y.
( b 2"ATOfVl ) ) each lor hoiiuiifiTfloU in ( olm-r
lO ft Aiclier'tf ndd. to Souili Onuliii. ( / ' . 1 ! .
' , K.lli 1111,1 liuru > y. , . &II520
10' feet fronton I.oiivniiwoithiUnr2d ) : ftieut ,
ttllllio sola cUonii If lukon .it oma r. U ,
Tiinnui .V Co. , 1015 Howard bt , I 4MI 21
/ 1HT\nH A ; AltOHKK'S mid tj.rtotith Omiilm ,
w lui-Mtloliy C. K. M.OIIO , 1510 JjnJ ll'inmy '
l'- fi'Jl 2d
) Tl ) ? GQ o toil lor hruiitlfiil lots In ( 'oliif-r
$2T4) . Aioher's add. lo huiith Omiiha. . O. II.
M.iynp , 15ih and llainny. fiil52l
OOI'NritAltCIIKH'S adit toboiith Omiihu ,
for Milt by C. 1 Miiync , 15th auJ llurnty.
b'j | 20
Tjloll SAf.l > --I.ot r.flrrjj feet on Imvonport
X' bet ( lib and 12th airueta with 2 boueca ,
f ) . < m. ( i.OJOciKhunl Ion ; tiuiu
We huvo a 1 IMO list of intlle city property
both bnjinussanl ru ! donco , Ilipt cfuss 1'ur.
I'llKMTS Will < tO WCll tO tl'O Ui , Murbllllll A I.O-
beck , 150V r.iunam- 107
COT-NJUil AHCHHH'Sudd to South Omiihn ,
foi salu by U. 11 Mi ) no , 15th und llarncy
5V4 20
SKK P. DTiinncr AC'o.'tlUt of cboico South
Omaha Jolt. 4i > 'J2l
C OTXKH A. AUfdliH'S.nld. toSvuth Omahni
' lor milu by C , U Mnyno , 15th und Hurtu-y
ia20 \
d > 253 lo f VX ) bncU lor bodutUnl lot * In Cottier &
tJ3 Ai"-bi-r'ttail. toS&uth Oiiuhu : 0.1' Mune ,
rth uuil llarnoy. 5'i5 : o
O.M H * r Alt' ' HKH' cidtoSu lib
l' I'o.iic by C. 11 Muuu , tota ana H"
QOfTH OM UtA-Our Imoks show a lanro ll t
V-i of property In and around South Omaha
where money Is belli * made now nnd will bo
doubl'vl ' m me spring.
UnlnpMlots on M. N. O , 21lh , 21th nnd 1.0110"
Kpsldencp lots and ltoii o nnd Inlslnsyndt
CMP Inn I , l"O7ler Place , 1'otto , A , t'obb 3 nddl
lion , etc.
flrpeory A Itndlcy ,
Hoomi 1 and 1 HP lick's ne v liloeK.tM si. 15th st.
{ h 'TO TO $ VOpiiph lor liOHtlful lols In Cotnpr
lp .V Atchcv " add. to South Omnha. C. H.
Ma ) no. loth nndlhirnpy. 6V , 86
pOTNKHiV AKCiII'.ll s7 ] d7lo S < > uth Omnlmi
\J for sale b } C. II Mil ) tie. 15th and llarnoy ,
Wl Vfl
\\rii 1IAVT constant inriilry | for nil Hinds of
i buMupis mid rosMem-p property. If you
hnvo tint-property for F'lle ll t sumo with us.
SchlPSlniror lira ? . ' 114 SlOlh st. Kiljl
10 $ " > f > 0 rftch for t cat Hfnl loM In Cotiirr
Saw . Arrhor's add to South Omuim. C. 11
MnIIP , 15tb and llurncy , iV > " 20
"r\m \ \T\TrcTTr.H7 ? ndd. lo Southllmaliir ,
\J lor Mlo by U II Mane , 15th nnd llanu > ) .
6'M 2ft
djVl to ? 5'0 pncli tor bpaiillful lots In Cotnpr
CD A-Aitber't mid. lo South Omiihn. C. U.
Miine , IMli nnd llanipy. _ MB0
'i'NllHTAUC'HKIfS ndd. to Pouth Onmlnt ,
tor sale by C. I'-Miijnc , Intli and llnnip ) .
W I 20
( t > 2'iO to $ W cnrli for benullful lots lu Cotnpr \
t ! ) Archer's add. to South Omuim. C. K. Mavno ,
15th and Hiirncy. fi'tt 2il * AHCHlTt'S ndd. lo South"oinahiiT
V fur snlo by C. 11 Mionu , 15th nnd Humpy.
fi'Jl ' 20
dv'iin To MVI i-iipli ir bpnutlfnl lots in Cottier
$ ft Aichor'V'ad.rM . CJ" ' " < " " ' } " < | - I- ;
Kith and . ' - '
Maytle , llarnoy. J'-
AUSTIIACTS oF'lTI'tTlIH and tit Ins"In "iml
estnto pimtantod. Mldlntld OtinrantoO
nnd Trust company , bV)5 rarnum st. 4ill 25
150 TO fXil ) cnch for benullfnl lots In Coiner
$ Sc Archer's ndd , to South Omaha. ( T. r .
Mil ) IIP , 1.1th nml llarney. MT > JM
GOTNlUtA7 AHOIir.H'Vadd. tnSonlh Omaha ,
for snip by C. 1 ! . Mnno , intn uud Iliiinej- .
'iOTO $ .W ) each for bouutlliil loM In Cotnnr
Ar Arclier'a add. to Soutn Omaha. 0. U
, li > tli ami llnrnoy. fin 6 20
r .OT front ( IK 'J htroets. 25lh and I'lioillc , 2
J JhoiiKesf'.r > l)0 ) ! t- s > torms.
llcstlot InOrclmnl lin'l with R room house ,
barn , well. cistern , fruit nnn shade tieo , ? lGOJi
Uiisv lernis.
Pull lot nnd 7 room house , well ana cistern ,
1'itiknrS ml I , SJ.S'Kl : cany lei ins.
Lots S , 10.11 , 1. , 2i nnd2S , blocit 7 , Orclntrn
Hill , vorv elipup
S W. por. Illli and Tactile , OiHIUJ.a ( Inn cot-
tn-'r > , ? s.nt)0. )
Me.idA-.lamio30nniSSoutti IMh. 4fii !
& AllMIKlT\Sniw7firSoiiTh ( ( 'liniilm.
lor sulo by C. K. Mayno , Pith and llurney.
5'U 2fl ; : TO 1 910 o-iPh for hiniilllul lolsinColncr
P .SrArihor's mid. to South Omnlia It. Ii.
Ma ) UP , 1'ith nnd llnrnoy. 595 " ( I
" TN'ih\tTl.8 "AlimTION IVnnts Hinnilors
f-t.nst . | south of Dolt Linn Will clvo Homo
( food bargains on n row lot ? . 1) Kummll. TPS. B.
w. uor. 17th and California sts. :18I : 27
d ' ! i lTO J 500 each lor lipmillful lots In CotiiPr
" Archer' s itihl to South Onialin C. U.
M.iyno , 15th nnd Hat ney. BTi 2ii
C OTNlTirrrVHClIlJH'S mid. to South ( ) mnli-i ,
lor sale by C. Ii. Mayne , 15th und Harnuy.
r.tu 2fl
rf > 250 TO f500 Piich for beautiful lots 111 Cotnor
3 ? A Aithur's add. to South Omaha. O 11
Miiyno , 15th and lliiinuy. 5'I5 2ft
0FSTirAHCIIUH'8 : add to Bomli Omaha ,
forauloby C. K. Maync , ICtti and llarnoy.
fi'll 2tl
RWAN'X-CO.l'ron7.or block , opp. postodlce
. irtli-t will otter for asiiort llmobArgainsoti
the lollowiii tmmcii properties :
( ii\78 onS. IS. uornor lutli und Davenport Pis.
21x10(1 ( on S. K. corner 12th and Douirlas its.
Oil\UI2 on S. W. corner 12th and Dodtfu six
h'lvl20on H. H. corner Kill and D.ivonport 6ts.
0(1x1.10 ( on corner 1Mb andClilciiiro sts.
\t1ion Douglas liptwoou 12th and Clth Rts.
tlJ.NGiion Howard botwt-oti Illtb and llth 3ta.
ISOvliUon 1Mb runulmrto U. 1' . tracks
A tow choice lots in Tostor's nilditlon ,
A few cholcu lots in Shliin's tidillliou
A fnwcliolco lots In Orchard Hill.
And thu largest list ol lands tor nalo or trade
nf any firm In Omnlm. We want ? 101D 1 1 worth
or morchaniU'o Ir. oxchan c for laiiilH and
Omaha property. 3' ' < 2 21
ri > 210 to f510 each for bountiful lots lu Cotm-rft
D Archor'rt ndd. to South Omaliii. 0. K. Mnyno.
15th ami Ilaruuy. W.'i 20
(7rNliUV'AltlliH'S ( : ( ; : aihlto South Omaha ,
lor Bulo by C. IMiijne. . 15th and Hainuy.
5'll 2d
"HAcTcAtii : Slots onlv f 1,750 each. I'lisy
toims. V. D. Tiinnoi- ; Co. , 1015 llowunlbt.
4bd 21
0 H'NT.H A ; AltClir.H'Smld. to South Omiihn ,
forsalo hy 0. II Mayno , Ifith and llarney.
F1NI5Heslilonco lot on Georgia nvc. . North
ot liPiivcnwortli , 5j < cl4) ) lor a lew lUyt ) , ut
f-,7rJ ! , J.sou ciisli , bul. 1 , 2 , .1 and 1 ) card.
( iieifory Si Iliiillny ,
HoouiH 1 and 3 , Hcdlck'ri now bll < . , 3 3 a. 15th.
4J" >
OTN ilt .V AHCirflltlfadd. lo Hontli Onmhni
forbttlo by C. K. Muynu , 15th and Ilurney.
15250 to J.ViOoicli for tieaiillful lota In Cotnor A ;
tl ) Arclmr's add. lo South Omaha. C. 15. Mayne ,
IBtli nml llarnoy. 5U" > 8i (
( OTNIH & AHCHHH'SIXM. tosomh omaim ,
C luraalo by C. Ii , Mnyno , luth uud Ilainoy.
Ml 2il
ANf-COM I'LAOR Lots on U2nd nt. . near
llio 1'ark at 52,110 to $ , : ti)0. ) On Comiilii
nvi > . near Hickory . , ? 1,700 lo ( ? l , " > 0. on : wth
st. near Iho I'arii. Sfl.'loO. On Viitrlnla nvo near
Woolwoith aty..OJil to f.,5-0. On I'hll Slmilduii
ft near HloKory nt 1,575 , inc. , Ma. lc. Wo
Imvuuny nuinbDi-ofloib In this uildltloii , ul'o
boiibcg and lot.-1. Some ol thu licit homes In the
fitPiroiy \ Ilndlpy.
Hooma 1 and II , HedickM new lilk , U2J U. 15th * t.
C " ( iTNI.irA ATtCIIBH'SHdil lo'snulh Omnhul
lei bule * jy C. 11 Muynu , I'.lli und Humpy ,
511 20
S > 2-Vto ) S'llleach beautiful lots in f'otner A
ti * Archor'stidd. toi-outh Omaha. C. H. MID in * ,
15th und llarnoy. fi'r 20
/ ( ofNI'Tl Arlt'HKH'.S aTlTiTTsmiHi Omiiha ,
v > foroalo b ) O. 11 Miine , 15ib und Hnrney.
fi'Jl M
1 OT on ( Icoi il i nvo , onii liiok ! Irom Btruct
j cm/iJ. r. D. TUUIIITA. ( Vi. ( HJ 21.
AHCIIKH'.Siidd lo South Omaha ,
' f C. H. Manu. 151 h nnd llarnoy.
5HI 2
cjiiutIAHI , I'l'tiuiiM ir IIro Irom bii ! iioHS ,
JL1 | olli-r my onllro KlocU of ( ipnoral Mm-
cliiiMIKfroiK-i tliitr ol Drv ( ioiidi * , lioinly ) ludo
( lothlntf , HaU.ind Caps , Itiiotsiiml Mini' , and
( iioccrit'S \Vonliliako improved and uiiim-
proM-il rval rsiuo In oxclruiKo lor part of
nmoiint Can show iii | a Kood ri--ord ol' liu-i-
nr-.i. Ailili-.n lock but No , 7 , Ninth llend ,
Neb y7. .1. 15.
/1 < ) YNUl.V AHCIir.IfS.iili ] . loSoulii Omaha ,
\J In eulo by C. II Miiyne , 15tli mid Hurioy.
) TO $7)0 ) ouch lei bountiful Ids niColni-r
$27) AicliriS udil. to South Omuim. O. II
Ma ) no , 15tli nnd lluiney. 5'j ; M
OTMHA : Aitcnr.ii's
formic by C. K. Mujnu , IDlh mid llnrnoy.
5' ' 5 21
rniii : uiyi1 invusfnuMit ) ot oircrcd-
J > . 101 nuros tour miltis i-oiiiliunit liom po--t-
oilico , 1 l-l luiloj liom rituclc yiuds ; IMS uoautl-
fill , f l',0 pur acre ; udiouiiuif propuriy on north
sellliutit $ JVJpcriLio. Hellor A , C.impboHj'l \
I'urnum at , Ituom I. IU
C ( OTM5II.V AIII'HI.H'-iiidd. toHouth O.iiului ,
' lur tiilo b ) C. 15. Mil ) no , 1.1th aii'l ' IlinnO ) .
5'J ' | 2 }
( } > - > ) TO tVUc.irh lor boaiilllu ! lots In Ditucr
O A Airhnr's udu. tu butltli Oamli I. C , 15.
Maym , r.ih urid Hanicy. i/JV il
COTNLH A. AHCIinit'S amTTioKduih oimiTa
lei nUu by 0. 15. Miiyno , J5lb and llmnuy.
O MATlATllfw- > ririllk 2 , LotTii nml I , blk
ii , fWOcai-li. 1 )1 1 , illk il-y cash
(1 1 ivory A I In Hey ,
Itoomr 1 ami ] , It'Mlck's Now III ) ; , 2M s. IMli st.
COrS'ii ; [ V Alll''S a.ld tobouth Omaha ,
loraule by C. ll iuyne , l&tli uud llainoy.
[ > 'n .0
1O lfVJ ) filch for bountiful lots In Coiner
$ Art-hci-'ii udd to South Umahii. C. 11
Mayno , | 5th uud Hurnoy. K'3-2d '
" OTMUlVAHOIIEHS iidd , to .South Omahn ,
lur julo by C. II M.iyiu , IMh and lluriie ) .
. f.'ilA .
' 'Vj 'IO t5 l CIUM lor buoutifiillotb lu C'/Jlncr
$ iA nlier's ii > iii to SoutU OmuhJ C Ji.
IMhund ilr.rnuy , t > 'M"K
Kl'M.l'STVlKAND LOANrf-H. It HnlJ &
Co. m 3isn ' on
_ _ _ _ _ _
ilOTOJ&OO ouuli fUrlicmiUfuU-i'SliiC'Jtucr '
it Axobfr'B wad lei ojtb ( Jrm ' ' '
, ISth r.ud l
17IOH SAWJ Ily Schio iniror Pros ,
JL1 fin South lotn otropf.
1 ? < 1 feet on S5th st no r 1'Arn.un , will fell all
orpin ,
f < nvrt' lots in fit fit * m pitk , SIM ppr nero.
Vnsy terms. Tntj Is vrry doslrablo for Burden-
) * i acres , Improve I , noir rlty , lining , turn ,
crl'ij , ot > \ < 'hpnp and on easy term * .
I.ot InSpnlo' nijcr'j idilltton JSjJ teCH
CH y terms. fo ) JB
A AHCIll'U-3 add. to South Omahn ,
for jnlo bj ( . ' II. MHUIC , 16lhaud llarncy.
* '
pnl'N'l.ll 5. AltriU'U-Kadd. to South Omaha ,
W iorsnlu by L' . li , Miino , lotli nnd llnrne ) .
fiat i
' < C > > Ixits 1'arni ,
HOI' < ,1nnit monnr loaned.
lloml , ro < Mnt ; , Ilarko blocit , a W. cor
Ifilh and F.irnain < M. IQ {
HUNT llntiso , 4 rooms , corner 1'hl
. Slipridnn and llowaril RI .
llou-n ) , ii rooiiu , all modern Improvements ,
lliirney and 20th 9U.
Now tirleli Rioro. north Ifth st
4 lliiSOHll's hotel , south tilth
at , f 1ft per month
Itrick warehouse on 11. It. track and p.nrd
anl tnry llarkor biilUlinsr , 15th nnd rnriiam ,
CO feet snuaro.
C. 15 Ma > ne , 15th and llnrucy. 2J7
SH'OTo fiOOcach for bountiful lots In Cotnor
fc Arolicr' add to South Omnlia. C. II.
Ma.uip , IMli nnd Humpy. 5M-2fl
BOVlt NirUKKXOur now addll'lo
wo t \Viilnut Hill , on Hamilton struct.
Ily seleetlnt ? lots nt JlfiJ for Imldti and fl" . for
corner" , you will miiko n tfot > cInvpstmont. .
Terms 10 per oent pish and f. > monthly. No
charpo for showing thu lot ) Mmshsll , V Io-
beck , IM'J Rirnam fito
'iVITO $3X1 each tor boiUitlful lot In fotucr
p A. Ari'lior's odd. to South Omaha. C Iw
May no , nml Hainey. iViV.'d
\ ITChnip : , 2J acrp ivlnif west of
\Vn , ' ' " "III In tracts to suit- Will soil all or
pnrt Sclil ! > . ' "ffOi Hros.nit S. Uth Ht. l'5D ' iW
. filio"eaeiTt'or onulllul lots In ( 'ntnnr
S2.WTO ' add. to fo"Uth pmuhu. ( \ U.
Mnyiic , 15th and llnrnoy. P3VSM _
pr.UITIll'L southeast comer II.
U I'lcco. lilk-li and iirhtlv , " lots , only $ ltio !
for both. f575 cash , bulanco vury easy terms.
1' . I ) Tuntier A-Co. 4SU21
oioh forb-nutlful lots lu Cottier
Anhor'w ndd. lo Ninth Omuim O li
Mil ) IIP. IMli and Hnrney. 6'ijM
scotn plnep beloip yon buy In that beau-
lliul rrsldeiicc locality. 4SI 81
$ "V ) TO ? MM caoh lor beautiful lots In Cotn-r
A ; Atelier' * n-ld. to South Omaliii. C. i : .
* , ) , ; . > ne , ifith and llninpy. (
11 Kill mil bi'b'ly ' rosldoiipo pinpoity oppii-
J'l pitii main'Cni.-"ico llnnscom p'irK. Call
lor toi ms. 1' . D. 'I miner Oo. , 1(115 ( llow.ird st.
i2MI TO S50H pai-h for honiillfiil loM In Cotiu-r
> A AiPhcr's add to South Omaha. C. 1 <
l'i ) UP. 15th and Hiirnoy. 5 ! > "i Si *
: \i , I.ST.VTI : n \ ito.IN cimli'o luminous
lot , near cor. Son url at , frontlnir on Kuuii-
rlnrs st. und paved BC. ; oho-ip for e-uh. .1. L.
Hk'o &C < > . ( ever Cummcrolitl liink. 771
$210 TO $ .V)0 ) each for beautiful lots hi Collier
i Arelior's ndd lo South Omaha C. II.
Miiynp , 15th and Huiiuiy. fi'J.'i 20
> \HCHril S add. to Sou7li Omuim.
foi saltby t. . 11 Ma ) no nth and lliurtey
59 ! 20
Foil Some of the lii t HErricultiir l
land In Kastoru N'cbra"ka ut $10 p r aorn on
Syeai ' ppri-nnt Inlorpsl and iinliixv.
Willeor cull lor paulculiirs. O. 1' . Davis A : Co. ,
Omaha. Nob. MUJ80
OOTNlH * AHCIinit'S add. to ' oillh Omaha ,
lor sale by C 1 JIajuoluth nnd llainej.
fi'.M 8 > l
CD ' > 'l ' TO ? " ' 00 Piich for boivittftll lol III Cottier
ip , V Archer'M add. to South Omaha. C II.
Maynp. 15lh and Ilurney. 5Q'i 2fi
OTNI'.H.V AHCHIIH'S uild. to Soiltli Omaha
O lor f > ale by C. K. Muiio , l.'ilh and llarney.
IlOlt S.viiRn : ft. trontuif ' , on Dodifo at. 2
blocks east of tlio postoMleo. A bart.iln at
SlU.OOu ; $ liAW ) ( cash. Marshall & Lobcck , 15U
tarniuu. iil
850 TO $5Cil pncli for bnautllul lots In Cotunr
§ A : Archcr'H add. to t-outli Omaha. C. K.
Dim , 1Mb und Hainey. BUS 20
OTNlfilTv AltiJllnTFsndil. toHoulh ( liuaha
O lor tiilo by C. Ii. Maync , 15th and llarnoy.
fil'l 211
SlMVP. IIAHOAINS Two corner lots in
G1 Ilnrdotto 00111 1 , only 1 blocks from Sum-
ilpi'HMicoto-irs. W. * l. Ilushman , Hoom lu ,
lliichinr.n Illoi'lc , N U cor JGth anl DuUKhi-i.
J5il TO $5IK ) pnch for bpuullfi lol ( u Coiner
§ A : Aicnor'B ndd. to i-outli oinnhu. 0. Iv
lync , 15th und llarncy.
/ 10TNKH AIICHBlt'K mid. toioutli : Omahn
vy lor dale by C. II Mayno , 15th und Hiiuipy
rtn 20
FOH SAI.K-20 nt-ios Uln * wo-it of Walnut
bill In triu-ls to suit. Will Mjll all or part.
Schleolnnc-r Ilros.ni4 So. loth n. DM ! ! 0
TO fiOlli'iicli for lipaiilltul lots In C'otncir
$251 Archcr'.s add. to South Omaha C. II
MilUP , I5tb and llarnoy. iVi" > 2il
. ; AHCHUHS add. 10 South Omaha
OOr.NDHA by C. U.Mayou , 15th and lliiim-y.
r , il 20
[ j ASf I'llONT lot , Vlijrlnla uto. , foncud , on
-J urade , only $1,200 , lor a lew duyn f. D.
Tuunor.VCo. 4S' ) ; > 4
Cb'-WTO M'lOouoh ' lor hcMiitllul lot" in Coiner
tp .V Archer's mid. to South Omalm. C D.
Maynf , 15th and llaim-y. 5'Pr , 20
IDIM'.lt A. A IK IIHII'S mid. lo South Omuim
lor Bitlo by C. U. Muyne , 1'ith und Ilurney.
| . I'Ki-ti for lii'iiutlful lot" In CodiPr
$2C01U.VJO ' add lo South Omuim. C 15.
Maiiu,15th nml llarnoy. 5'l" > 20
FOSA-2)U : lUMJfpol.lronllntj nort
on llijrtlol tit root , half w.iy hutwpon .S.iiiu-
deisand.Stalc , iiO'ir ' slrpot car" . City water in
front , $ > ) ' o it'll , l-l unsh , liithiiiua lu l,2uiU't
Addic'S S H.lluo olllco. SH
1OT.ST.II .V AltrilUl'S add 10 South Oimilin
lor nulu by C K. Muyne , I5th and Hurni-y.
nut M
(1 ( 2VTO ) J-5n ouch for biiiiutlful Into In Cotiu-r
P , v Arclipr'H mill , to South Omalm. ( ' . I !
Mayne , 15lh nml llarnoy , 5' ' * > 20
/ 10l'Nr-H A AlTcilUH'titidd. lo .Smith Oiiiab.l
\J lei siili. by C I : . Mnyno , 151 h uud HIIIII > .
5'll 2H
Foil SAU- :
lly M. A t'ploii A Co. .
ir.jj I'.ulimn.
Toicphoni' IS
rlxll , ' , S. II cor. tllh and Howuid hlri. ,
Iip/lniiiuy ill Viiiluet , $ i2 , < iiO ; ilH.ooi c.ish , bid.
1,2 and IIcars , nt h per pout. Fiom HIP fact
Unit a ult-Ftnr ) buildlnif Iirnlnr iii | oipOhliu |
this coi tier , and H u'holu hulf bloiik ol nix clury
bullilm ij illiik'unully ucio s Ihn htreot fiom U ,
miilipn tlm prlLO whom 5i ppr i.oiil u n b iniiibi
on piuch.iMi before W" clo-o . This piopi-riy
Ic only In thn inarkil this week II not told
iln'ii , iiHiiur ttlll erect n biv story buiMmu on
llio lot
ll'i fiinl , Boutli Innt , on lriiriiirn , iille ) on
puoli bide , this xlrlo ol ' 'idl iivo. , , * 1TUIH ; nili-
tliuil CIHI | II this I'n'i uorili fiwu 11 on i foot
ImtornUfnst | IK'M , t will ba bPdiuso dm iglit ,
( riiiM9liopp > 'i > i and hey cliolcianiiili : i uu.
h II t-or. llth uud Niuliolas , C1.\KIJ , Irml. in
tilliiy , f l.yo'l ' TINKCrt8li ) 'J'Mllik d moinunl now
uboiil till- , lot , IlrloautiKn.t'ii ' ) luoililii'S ulfoiildd
for H miiiiulmitoryHiippl ) depot 01 wuiphoi o ,
\ from iiunf2BOOJ won't buy
cull und let UH chow you tbn line
b.uvahis wu Imu in nil klinlrfol ( irop ( < it ) .
fi' . J3j M , A. litou | , V Co. , iVJJ Furiium.
'ir.O TO JS'Kl uncli f or lifMiitiful lulu in Cut nor
& Aiviii-i's iiibl. in ti < i mi Oinalm C. 15
Muyiu1. 15th and ll. rimy. Ctfi 80
1'l'Niil ( : Sc Altt'lllilt'Miidil. in boutli Oiiirlia
0 s.ilo ! ' ) ' C. 1C. .Mil ) lie , lOlli lliul lliiiinj > .
G',14 'M
djasoTO Srwi o.ifh tor bcautllui lots In Cntni-r
< p A. Aroiiursndd to iuulli Oinaliii. ( ! . 15.
.Ma ) nc , r > tuutld Hurnuv. IW 24
' HI NO VAU.15J' .
S1' ( Jur ninr ndtlillnn
So ilh O i. . .
And -lcuiu ! Hill. . ,
MnHiiall J."in-p't ' ,
ins )5U ) > I''arn nil.
) l'\JilV * AUnTilif3"n1 J. to Suuth Omnlm
C1 lor b.ilo by t' , R , Mayne , JMh itid | liuitii y
. ) ' O fiV ) ( Mob for b < iiiutifulIjU ( In Cmiicr
$2.V'l AlPlii-r'b mill M ) fcdlllh OiDVhli. C. 11
M i ) ue , I'.tli ami Hurni'J' ' . IiSt'i * 1
A/I ics , $ ' . ' ) J each if
ho | i b iiort.liiunuiy lal , ' 7. i' D Tuiinur
Art'o ,10k llowurU nu (
lota in
, \r > liL-r'o uil 1. to Suu'h ' Oiu.tha.
Mil ) no. ! % ! > > uud ll.rivy. 5Ju 21
\\l \ \ > l > n't on uiu'i ' rt ni-ar iif. . i i' ' tM ,
JL1 in 11 i-'tfsA : Hir a8U "II. m > > 0 <
1) , juuncr v to , l'-u H > *
HdO'-KS i.cis l r".ij.iwif- . "c el
II ? u , r 11.1 ) Itarfc r bloi u , , \v r
Uth BQI ) Furimm Hi. f > I
\TUYlliM < > r-Hiiy lot In Calkins. " f 10 will
m hmkp ) our first piivmptit nnd fn per month
thereafter will buy n $ .1 > 0 lot. IMlkln s addition
Is bpautltnlly sltunled west of -ilnut Hill on
Cumlnvc tDo net miss the ohnncu for n real
citato lntmont in Omahiu J. f. llnmmond ,
117 s. leth j-t , iaa 3J
> I ! \lf PI i HOMf.n 8-story 7-room
l > hou ps facinsCaldnpll st.,2 blocks ire < l of
Paunderss oily untprtbtoUKbout houjc , M ! or
plo'ct up stairs , sowpiniro and inortorn Improv-
Inputs , poich whole ldth of Iront , pleasant
i-oomo Uh lartfo Hotels , lot fiiveO ! , pi lee , f : ir > m ;
r-Ociuti , bill , to mil. ,1. F. llummoiul , 117. S ,
10th st. . fi'M 2:1 :
ANISflKliD-'Now Is HIP time to sectito loTs"
In this addition bcforo the prices are
i nil-oil. It IsbpfiutlftillyBltuatpil on the north
slilo of Iliincrolt st. four blocl.8 east of liHh st.
llonici < ate all about and bcond this plioli-u ad
dition , and lots less dostiM > lo , nnd jenarilpil
onlv bv Hip slippl arc tnliipd ut from fl.mxi lo
F1.500. 'I liosu lot-taip pftorpd at prlcpsiiitiitliU
from Jlixi to ISIKI ( ) n n iiish pigment of Irom
tM to * IW. biilunco fid per month. J. f. Mum-
tnninl , 117 S. Kith st. MM 2.1
SAtili-Pubdlviiiod lots In WpstOmnhnt
$ jiiitind viflitiiH ) tu f IW ca h ; bal. li
aiulUcRis. ,1. f. Hammond , 117 S. IBlh st.
_ _ _ tUl 23
S1IHIUDAN l'lAC15-it lipmillful lotsal | 100
each ; t > 0nca b , bal. 1,2 and 3) ears. .1 , F.
Hammond , 117 S. Kith bt. 6.U 2U
ITUVF. lirSilNltSS-Coinpf I8th uud Doilfrliit
.L' fil/iiK ) ; pititly linprinod. J. f. Hammond !
117 y. bmi'i-nth R ( . _ _ M'J 2J1 _
d " ' OTOViO'aehfor bpautlliil hit * in Cotnor
U > A Archer's add. to South Omaha. 13. U
Mayiio , 15th nnd llai uny. Mil 20
i ? rsfN iss : i.oi on ijo.n i-TTwoi tii'
JJonl ) Jl/flt.
Corner KVivlla ft. , near Crplghton oollejro ,
cheap ut $ I.OIM
f. D. Tanner Co. , 1015 Howard st. COJ 80
lt > 8. ' > 0'iOf.VOpiich ) for beautiful lots lu Cotnpr
( p AT Atvhcr'fl add to South Omahn. C. 15.
Ma ) Mi' , 15th and Humcy. ! > ' . > ' > 8
IITI'lif Hey bliipcomo lilon ) oiirhoin 'llio
Jrliihl Kindot bate rill olios Slllltotlm
Iront nith IriNb barnulus In Omuli'i iPuU" tnlL' .
Folly 'Ihous.ind Dollar * by us ll.o
past thrPeuecKH , and still tlieic'8 mom to lol
low. bi-caiiso putchu-eis > t | | | buv It ) ou can
show tin in barcaliis. What Is ) imr Idc.i of the
tidlo liiv list , and \ \ hat thou doe-it , do quickly ,
in pur ndvlcp. An Impiovpil plrco on 21th st.
betWPb'Ji rnmhiKH and Hint MS. , icnt * for 175
per moulh , flOUWi. Amuhur business , 14 II.
1 rout , on lubber Dodtrc nt. and Capitol avo. ,
with ! ! story brick um.JPcxtru Imm'aln ; plo-
irnnt homo \\lih lull lei l > n 8ljt 8t.Millut < l
I'lacc50ii w It. fiont on Suuminrs M. ,
fV-'Vi. M it. tionl on Suunilers st. , fn. 0j
011 It fiont corner on Saiuulers , f1nOO ) nil
within one bl ck ol paMMiiput ; nil thi-U'ln.vl
bii iiuss piojiort ) Him Is xnic lo double In 0 or
12 montlirt. Full ' blocl. on Siiundi i * M , cor. on
Lnko t-t and car line , ut n m elm iiai , iln : can
nhoS"i,0 M clear piollt by 1st ofluv , W. : i
lots on south 151'ist ' utcrv low jirloc , 120 fU
Iron ! bu-iiii"-s cum 01 on Suumlets St. , only
$7 , ( id Ono m-i-p jusi oil Suundi-is ft. , $ l.5 ( ) .
2 bi < aiitlfiilicsidpncoli < t- < III nshlmrton Siiuiuu
pu\pil stn-ol in limit of ndi'ltion , $ " , ' - " > 0 i-ach ,
worth fi.COil I'Miiv ' Ml. lull lot on SiiundPiH
M , fl.'iiiii llo.uilllul PIPCP biiHiiippiopurtf
on Muth Iflh t . $ ! , -50 , niii'li ' JH.OI1 Mat 1st ,
127 ft. trout on Shcimau avp . pn\i dsl. , $11,000.
l ( l It. liunt oii2iith Hi , and ( iiulo line by 110 lo
allrt ) , tOBi-l her with Hinull liunn- . f.t.l.'fl'orlh
$1.010 Mm * 1st ! , ! , , II. Irnnt on Suunilers and
ojipni.'d this Mile HinMird , $0,110oith JIOW ( )
M ai 1st. 41 II. trout on I'tnnam si. b t llth
and ISth Pis. , with II storv brlclc blooli. ! "fl.O m.
worth j > i'iti < ' 0 May 1st. I'lim coiner , 17th mid
llonnnl , f-Ti-OiKl , worth ? 1I.I1HU ( Slny IM. l'l ( iv-o
cut out this INI with our mi-dlPllons us to i-iim *
HIM : values In pertain insl lo property iihovo
nuineil and BOO what kind of piopficls llio Itpul
llBtato I'll m of .1. L Illco A Co aro. whoso
oliico is room ( ! , over Co.umoiohil Nallouiil
llank.8 15. corner 1,1th and llout.'las sl. S'.U t'5
A2501O i'lO'caili ' for bp.iutlful loin InCotnir
9 > AtAicher's mid. to eolith Oinnb.v. C. 15.
Mil ) no , 15th ami llartioy. _ fi'Ki 20 _
to South Omiiha
lor eulo by C. 11 Mn > nu , 15ih and llunuiy.
5111 211
" 50 TO S5W inich for bountiful lots In Cotncr
§ A. Arehui'rt ndd. 10 t-outh Omaha. I1 11
lyno , liith and Iliiiticy. , 5'-5 ' 2(1 (
\\riCarnniilhorlml to Invest fM.OOO m Im.
> proved Insldo property What have ) oti
tootfor Wo u.eaiibiismo-n. Mead A.Iumlesou.
Illl.S. 15th st 572
GOLD MEDM. , PABI8 , 1873.
MM Cocoa.
Warranted alxolttlrly jMirn
Coron , fioin wliich llio CXCPHK of
Oilhw 1'ccn icmotwl. It hah < /ii < a
a Hie strength vl Coiou mixed
with Surc-i , Airoviroot. orBiiKiir ,
and U tlurrforc fr more ccononil-
ail , lifting In * than one cent a
dip. It IK ikllcloufl , miniI'hlng ,
fttrciiRthonliitf , c.iilly dlgtnlcd , auil
aihnlubly adapted for Inuillilfl us
jJ well as for person" In health ,
b'olil by tiniforii ctcrywlioro.
W. BAKER 8CO , , Dorclicslei1 , Mass ,
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
Nebraska national Bank
Paiclur Capital $350,000
Surplus 30,000
II.V. . Yatps , ProMclont.
A. K. Toii'iilin'ifn I'rf-iilont.
AV. II H. lln lm.s Ciuliier.
nun iious :
\V. V..Morse. .John H. Collins ,
II.V. \ . Yuics , LotvisS. lluciL
A. K. Ton/.iilin.
Cor lUth ; iiid Fiimiini SH
A lit.icnil I'anliini ; Ihiiinrs-s TnttwacUul.
/ ; A A K 1.1v , r / / / / ; . i a o.
KfiMfciQ ' " ( iiintl''s ( 'Und and olhomof
DUTlUw blKh iriuduDuii ht und cold. Kiisturn
olllco BH Uiiyonslilre et. . lioblon. Cum-apouiV
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And CMcago.
The only rnud in talin for Ui-o Moln'is , Mnr-
eluilliowM f'H llni'ii" . tlluion ! , Iirip. Clilcn-
( rO.MliMi , oti .ml all ii'-'tits ' tiat Tu tii | iflO
lllO lit Hi ' k'l , Cll'al ' ll'lll. W > lllllfllK , I Illll
I lulio NitMuIn OIDUIIII , Wu-ihlik-iiin and Cull
fornln It otf r siipr'IIT ii'lviiiitnyO'i ' unt potsl
ble bv hny othi-r ill 6
Air.onu n tn > r nf ( ho n-nneio-u pnlnls of tu
- ' fnjojfid bv 'In piHinnuf tblsiomt
plufpnOtn i Im nml C > pntnin HH l tIi IB !
nfl.-iyor DAY C < M ( IIP. < wb'ph ' Bro il-H llni-i't
IhHt In'num ur1 RI-I n i"i < i't ' ) PIIU cr > Bp ( , | H
I'AI.A/'I' Bl P.I.IMKd TAliB A-rh | , | i.u , inndpll
iifO-MKfoi-l uuilul , jr.i.rp IUl'AllUItnilAW-
IN ( > MluM fAKi IMIHIIi rmtw ) i b , ) , mill in
wi < lil ) oclpiirnlixl I'AI kTIAI. lilNINd CAIIP ,
MiPwiuM 'if "lii'h nuniii't ' be f < mii | | c'eewlii rn.
Al Co.inoil UliitTktlK irrlnr tliu I nlou I'liul
flo Rr. ooniiMol In I'n on Oei t wilb tlirxe of
ihoChi'd o .V Nonhwigorn Hy In Chlcnvo
the iifcins of iiil < lntroiku | cliuo cotlnvolloii
I'or Ppt'olt , ( 'iil'.iinliuf liili nnpon. ] | rinoln
nml N air rn I uliOlnffi'lo J'lfcl tny. Ti gnHj ,
MoulroHl. i flioti , Nv'f V'irk , I'tui' plnlil' . " ' !
Hini ! * W tli iiiruin nnd nil i olnts i th * nafil ,
n k tlm ilu ! i-t cnt f i- l'k ' * t la the
If K > - HiP pi' 'at' '
M H- ( P r
' i ( I > .1 , > i ' I' i A Ollt
' * ' ' '
VM I-A , ! , ' . ' "Of.r'S ' > ,
( J -i . * ' H < Vtf