In holiday goods consist of a vast number of beautiful and newly designed arti cles In Alufllors , Silk Handkerchiefs , Neckwear , Gloves , Fine Fancy Underwear , I'ur and Sealskin Caps , Night Kobcs in Flannel. Canton Flannel and Fine Hand- l.irclilef effect. A largo number of Ovcrcoato and Suits ) , suitable and bought ex pressly for the holidays. I'lne leather and alligator Traveling Hags. Any ono of thcHO articles would make a very acceptable pro'ftit , an.l one that will be ap preciated. E2J5 1223 S 52221 ALL HAIL THE FESTAL DAY ! Witblts Ancient JOJE aud Youthful Toys and Stockings Gaping Wide. KRIS KRINGUE'S MERRY CALL. \ Itcvy of Kllllipsoim ; ISoniilleH nnd linked I'or Iho Oo- A. Foam for Hlg and Iilttlo The Christmas Trm- . O , the Christ mas tree go bright and KrwM ) awaits Old Santa CIuus. And Iho ctdui- ney place all mvopt and clean KIIJIOJ wide Its Doaderous JIVWH. The little stockinet ) are all hunt ; up , nnd bnby'a Just makes four. Won't Old Santa Clnn.s bnsurprlsod wlien he finds there is one morel T hero's an elegant place up in the tree to linns Johnny's pun , and u jilaco for Mil ) imil one for Kato to leave their dulls upon. Dutlor little baby blue ayes a lower branch ho must choose , whore bho may reach and liud the pliioo he's hiui ) ; her now shoes. Turn down the llsht a little , now , 90 Old Santa Clans can't see. And baby and all must no to bed and be as good as good can be , and to-morrow morn not up early , alter a long nlght'tt sleep , a n u . come softly down to the Xmas trod n n d see Who will yet the Ural peep. Dr. 'Jnlm.ico on ClirlstinnH. Christmas bells rimr in family reunions ! Tlio rail trains crowded with children coining homo The poultry.fed as noTcr since they were born , stand wondering at the farmer's generosity. The markets are full of massacred barnyards. The great table will bo spread and crowded with two or three or four ccnerations. ' 1'lant the fork astride the breast bone. } and with skillful twitch , tlmt wo could I never learn , give to all tiic hungry J lookers on a specimen of holiday J anatomy. Florence is disposed to soar ; } give her the wing. The boy is fond of music ; give him the drumstick. The min ister is dlitin" with you ; give him the par- Ron's nose. Alay the joy reach from grand father , who dreadfully old that ho can hardly find tlm way to his jilato , down to tlie baby in the high-chair , who , with ono smart pull of the table-cloth , upsets the gravy into the cranberry. Send trom your table a liberal portion to the table of the poor , some of tlio while meat as well as the dark , not confining j'onr generosity to gi7./ards and scraps. Do not , as in some families , keep a plate and chair for those who are dead and gone , Vo'ur holiday feast would bo but poor faro for them : they are at a better banquet in the skies. Let Iho whole laud be full of chime and carol. Let bells , silver and bra/en , lake their sweetest voice , and all the towers of Christendom Sain imifiio. Jlls ClirltamiiH ( Jin. IttMte Chandler , It sroriH llko a hundred years aco. That wo traveled once through the drifted snow To meet round the Olnlstmns-tree. Vim weiu a child , with a fair , round face , And yon lain ; ; on the tiee , with a shy , sweet craee. Your Christmas picseni for mo. 'Twas ' a scarlet , beaded pincushion hwiit , Brilliant nnd bldny a triumph of nit With a bend bin ! on It a itovo 'Twas bought ot a "sijimw" ( who spoke witli u bropno ) , And youeaidln your note dear little rogiic That you gave it to me with your love , U'i'll , tlmt little rod heart lias iR-on with mo Through distant countries tar over the MMI , Grossed river , mountain and lake , Though never a pin tiuve its tough sides Knimn , For the heart was as hard ns I'lmraoh's own , ilut 11'jvcd It lor your calco , Wo'ro very nmrh oliltir nnd wiser now , Wo met with a formal word and bow , Ami nmny moro things we know ; Wo Uon't hnni ; our Imam on trees , i believe , Nor wmr thorn either iiiwin oartilcovo ; Is It bettor , I wonder , so ? The tieo U Jaih'ii with gifts tn-nkht. And the rolorcd tapnrg nro ( 'hMtalns blight , And Iho Chrjst-Chllil limits above ; Hut my hoped-for u'lft Isn't on ( lie true , 1 want u heait will you wive ii HIP , As you dm lipfoii' , "with your lovo1 anil the 1'iiritaii I < 'oro > 1'athoiH. Harriett IVoseott Spotlbrd : So much tlmu indeed , had been spent and , in their .Slew , so iiiucn evu done in making merry vur Christmas nud Its attendeiit train f holidays , that our forefathers foil it a solemn duty to discontinue Its observance and to take no other notice of the day than to denounce everything associated with it. ' 1 hey wore not of these who would make such a day memorable to their children by a Christmas dinner , where n peacock was baked in a huge pie , the magnificent tall spread at one bide , the head with Us nest protrndgiiig at the other and holding in the gilded beak a sop soaknd m spirits and set on lire , a dnh so sacred that oath could be taken on it , and that must Ijo served , HO- rordmg to time-gray custom , only lo the rhief guest , and only by tno lady of I no house , with miisio go ' ing before and'ull her damscla ig after. Nor this at all because they hndn'l the peacock ; they would not if they had had a wilderness of peacocks ! Nor would these unco good people con descend to sec at a Christmas dinner the pigs head stuffed with shajlots and herbs and spices , soaked in vinegar , and slin- moved in Mierry , in imitation of the royal wild boar's head , a dish moro an cient than the time of Ivanhoe , served them on gold and silver , with llourish of trumpets , as became the king of the for est. The went further ; they would have no Christmas dinner at all , and in their hatred of everything that had once had part in what they esteemed popish idolatry , they extended their horror of the all'air oven to the traditional mince- pie , for no other reason than that it had been wont to belong to the day's feasting , to be called Christmas pie , and that its crust had originally been shaped to rep resent a manger , allhongh possibly every Pnrllandid not know that circumstance. A Symbol of the Season , From the VonAcrt ( lauttr , As birds to sun-land wing their way in blithesome bevies and with soinr. so from the gift hand , Christmas Day. flow tokens that life's joys Drolong. The sea son's smbol , like a o'larm , wish and delight. Is Interlocking and plainest gifts the heart will warm be they but fouud within a stock- lug ! # * # Time can destroy the dearest whim : the sweetest ley iiw'O can bedim ; but on life's way all love to pause each vear a day with Santa Olaus , Tho' heads be bowed with weight o t' ' yea rs. and o n w a r d crowd 11 f o's sadd ing cares , the laem'ry turns nt Christmas tide In cr o o v e s o child hood Joys to elide. * * Then Hung the stockimrs great and small Our chimney- sprite wilt k n o w them ull I Ho reads tlio wMi in every mind and tries tlio wl.slicd-torayoto find. Yes ! ham ; tliostocklng-younjr and old. Let Saint Nick's legend be retold I Let old heads play the 0 hr Is tm as j ) a r t s , w hie h prove that naught can age yo u n ( ; hear Wlmt to Give anil How to Give It. Rules for giving Christmas presents , according to the San Francisco Chronicle : Always give the girl who loves you some thing cheap. Sonie other follow who wants to win her is sure to give her some thing handsomer than you do , anyway , and you will suiler by comparison what ever you givo. She will estimate your g ift by the richness of your nflection. b he'll gauge the other chap by the value of his present , and it's ' two to ono 3'ou'ro left in any case. Always send the girl you want to secure cure something she doosn's need. If you send her anything useful it will never"ap peal to her sentiment , and if she can nso it every day she will forgot all about you on tlio third day out. But if yougivo her something she can only use on oxcop tioual occasions she'll make as many exceptional - ceptional occasions as she can and thinli kindly of you for years. ( Jive an old man a white satin scarf , era a dude scarf-pin. He'll never wear itbut ho will be tickled to death and ho'll leave you something in his will , if he's got no relations to prove him insane posthu mously. Give an old lady something. She only enjoys the all'eclion and fooling that go with it , and old ladies are the most easily made happy and crateful. They have no vanity about things like that , and they have reached that stage whore they would give you back a present that you might sell it and liavo fun with the money , but they will always cherish the memory that you gave it lo them. on Iho GhrlMintls Tree. How came the lights on the Christina5 tree ? asked a writer in thn Cornhill Magazine , and then answers the question as follow : In Iho ninth month of the Jewish year , corresponding nearly to our December , and on tlio twenty-lift li day , tlio Jews celebrated the Feast of Dedication of their Temple. It had been dcsercrated on thai day by Antlochusj it was redcdi- cated by Judas Maccabiuus and then , ac cording to the Jewish legend , snlllcient oil was found in the temple to last for the seven-branched candlestick for seven days , and it would have takou seven days to prepare now oil. Accordingly the Jews were wont on the twenty-liftli of Kislon in every house to light a candle , and on tlio next two and so till on the seventh and last day of the seven candles twinkled in every house. It Is not easy to lix the nxact date of the nativity , but it tell , most probably.on the last day of Kislon , when every Jewish house in Hcthlchcm and Jerusalem was twinkling with lights. It Is worthy of no- lice that the German name for Christmas \Veihnacht \ , the Night of Dedication , as though it were associated with this feast. Tim ( Jrccks also call Christmas the Feast of Lights , and indeed this was also a name given lo the Dedication festival , Chanuka , by the Jews. In every house the sevon-noz/.led lamp , or seven branched candlestick , symbol ized Itiu suven-branchnd candlestick in the temple. This latter was , moreover , made like a true , and each lamp was li' a flower on the treo. Many seven-branched candlesticks were in use in the ( Jerman churches iu the middle ages ; the most magnificent that remains id one in the cathedral o ! Kssen , dating from 1003 , standing nearly nine feel high. Another Is at Brunswick , standing fourteen and .1 half fe'ut high. . For the holidays wo liavo bought an enormous lot of Overcoats , Pea Jacket. * , and suits for boys and men. Beginning with the Ovcrcoals , wo are going to sell for the holidays only , a number of chinchilla and beaver Overcoats for ? } , $ , " , and $0. that cannot bo bought elsewhere for from $ S , $10 and $15. The Pea Jackets wo sell for $0.50 , arc worth at least & . They are ALL WOOL AND FLANNKL LINKI ) . A most suitable present would bo one of our Jersey Ollicc Coats which can bo bought for $ ! ! , if 1.00 and $ .ViO. Underwear , wo will sell from 7i5c a still to $15. A fine ull wool worsted suit for f 10 , worth $15 , Many others , The writer saw a very beatitilul Iron work fland of seven candles in Iceland , made in imitation of ngelica leaves. Ho was told this was only liirlited on Christmas evo. In Milan is ono of the thirteenth ecu- ! ury called the tree of the virgin , with four rivers represented as issuing from the base. Eggcrasill had but three. A superb tree of seven brandies was pre sented to Canterbury in the twelfth cen tury ; another \Vinclntcr by King Canute in JdlW. Anthony Beck , bishop ' of Durham bequer.thcil'what seems tote to have been ono of silver gilt , with an imago of the virgin and child at the too\ \ , to his cathedral. The Blessed Virgin takes tlio place of the Korea Hertha by the well or spring. A seven branched candlestick remains at Litchlicld ; several remain in France , at Lyons , Angers. Tours. Vienna. iThey were placed at the entrance to the choir , and were certainly lighted nt Ihe midnight mass on Christ mas eve , as the Pascliai candle was lighted at Easter. KrlM Urlnulo'f ) Visit. U'lio dashes on In sleet and snow , U'ith ears and checks a iiuldy glo > v , With whoop and shout ami merry jinclcV Good folks , look out , 'tis old Kris ICi-inglc. Ills cap ho raises with n shout , His beard and hair blow nil about , Ho stamps his feet. Mid simiis his linger , For uot an instant can 1m linger , a lie cracks his whin , now left , now rinht , Tlio reindeer speed with all their might , A million stocKliiKs must he tilled , And not a single to J.ook out now there's a pled broke loose , A nd thitre's a doll caught in a noose Now hasten , hasten every one , Or soon we'll see the rising sun. Now , first RO through this narrow frlivet ; We'll liivo the children here a treat , For once a vear , nt least , I'll see The poorest child shall happy be. There , halt ! Flow hlsh this chimney 13 ! "I'ls welt 1 undeistitnd my bl/ , For unvcr mortal .saw before So tiirht a squeeze us this , I'm sure. Now dash away o'er hill and dale , The stars and moon ho ln to pale , And Mrs. Krlnjdo will not wait She never likes her breakfast late. Ttic Nluht He for o Christina * . .1 trench Vtiilutmf ( Ictnctit U. Moon't Millions It was Christmas during the night , when not a being down to a mouse was promenading itself throughout the whole of tlio mansion. The stockings be low the mantel-piece had been suspended carefully , in the hopes Hint Saint Nicholas would render his visit with speed. The infants had retired them selves to their couches , and all of them wore exceedingly comfortable , dur ing which periods some dreams of the confectionery made a dance within their heads. The mother with her handker chief and 1 myself haying assumed my cap had that moment arranged our brains in the condition of a sleep of the lengthy winter , and an excitement so groa't made itself to bo heard outside within the court yard , that from the bottom of my bed I made a spring in order to ascertain to myself the cause. To the window as a Hash of lightning I myself shot , the shutters pushed with a violence extreme , and tlio framework raised. The moon , down upon the bosom of the snow now fallen , Imparted a brightness of tlio broad day below tlio objects , when before my eyes , lost in the astonishment , came a small sleigh and eight reindeer , very little , with an aged coachman , al.-o very small , very animated , very jerky , anil this man. I knew it at once , must be Saint Nick. Than the eaglets a great deal more rapidly his steeds advanced themselves ; ho mentioned how they were called , with a whistling , a crying out : Pusher-oil I Walt/crl Kiser-Up-on-IIis- Two-Hind. 'FeetTermagant ! ! Como now ! Make yourself to go on io the roof of the piazza , to the portion of the fence the moat elevated ! Be in a hurry , be ina hurry I" As the withered leaves Impeded in lite cyclone make for themselves to the sky's height the passage , in the same manner the reindeer the ridge of the mansion as cended with celerity , bearing with them thoshiigli of playthings full , Saint Nich olas with them going also. Afterward , in tlio time it takes ono a eye to be winked , upon the roof I discovered of each small hoof the scrape , the gambol also. As my head to the interior of the apart ment I had brought , and was of myself making the turn , St. Nicholas bounded himself down into the fireplace of the chimneys. From his head oven down to his fout in the fur he was clothed , and upon him the ashes and -oot lay as a thick covering , tarnishing him ; on his back a great abundance of the playthings ho had cast , and , in fact , the resemblance of him to a peddler was very close. HH eyes blinked ; he posscstcil joyous dimples ! His oheoka were ot Ihe roses ; his nose possessed the appearance of a cherry ! His small month was puckered up as the bow ; his beard was whim , suggesting a similarity to the snow ; a .short pipe , of which the smoke engarlanded his head , was between his teeth. He possessed a broad vi ugc ; a circular stomach.ulso , When he laughed , the latter was agitated as the jelly which is placed in the bowl. Hound , corpulent , excessively hilaroiis , ho caused mo to burst out laughing in smto of my serious eflorts at the cohtrol of 1113self. 11U winking eye and twisting head immed iately gave mo lo Know ho was harmless. : Silently he inaugurated his tusk , tilling witli playthings the stockings ; then he himself turned , alongside of his nine his l linger placed and , giving to mo of politeness - ness the salutation , took again the chimney. Within his sleigh he cast himself , whis tling , and as a foalher tlcw his team. Nevertheless , I heard him exclaim , im mediately in the advance of his driving afar oflV "To everybody the Happy .Chirtmas and the good uijjhU" Hongs of liovc. . Sound over all waters , reach out from all lands , The churns of voice * , the clnsplng of hand.0 ; Sini ; hymns tlmt were saiif ; by the stars ol the morn , Sins sonas of tno angels when JCMIS was burn ! Christmas Hints. Don't wait until you can catch your best , girl under the mistletoe bough. Kis > s her wherever you find her. In Illling up her stocking have a care not to "put your foot in it. " A ton of coal and a barrel of Hour would not bo too much for many stock ings. Ahhapelv foot , notlo go any frrlher , is about as neat a thing as can be put into a stocking. The stocking that contains a pair of diamond earrings may not give any more happiness thau one with a t n rat tle. ! tle.Somo Some people think that their slocking would look about right if stuljcd with a sealskin cloak and a sable muIV. 6ti Don't hang up any long red stockings this Christmas. Kriss Ivringlo may not mind them , but there is a possibility that IIt Ihe man of Iho house may come homo slightly befuddled and mistaking them for iv lire , alarm the entire neighbor hood. Amonir the Norwegian It is a super stition that , if a. turkey is killed on Christ mas day something terrible yill happen. Among Americans it is believed some thing terrible will happen if a turkey is not killed on Christmos day or there abouts. This will be a green Christinas for the girl whose sister carries oil" the sealskin sacquo palm , as it were. She'll bo green \ witli \ envy. | Hartford Post : They were sitting by the lire , Job Shuttle and Ills wife. The children had gone to bed and tlio subject of Christmas presents were under dis cussion. "J suppose Jack wants a sled , " sug gested Mrs. Shuttle , "and Jennie wants a pair of skates. " "Now 1 think the sled , should go to Jennie and thoskalcs lo Jack , " said Job. "Why not give us both sleds and skates ? " sounded a piping voice from the inner bedroom. "Von .slm'n't have a solitary thing al all. " said Job excitedly. . But they will. Kvory bureau drawer in the house is chock lull of truck for the children. A Christians Chorus. Lcc C. lliirliitt ' " I. Now till up J > nr glasses of champagne and sherry And turn to the bumper of eircnopf acaln ; The first stroke of. mill night must iind us alt merry , A ml this be tbe chorus that marks the it'f rain : Oh ! Christmas Is here , Tlio best of thu year \Vo'll \ meet It with love , as each heart may decree No sorrow shall darken Our souls , as we hai'ken To th' joj bells that rinc In the yesu's jubl- lei ) I n. Let beauty and cayety trip to the measure Which musical cadences mark for their ff-et The ma/.o of ( lie dance Is a well-sprint ; of pleasure , And adds its own charm to this festival sweet. Oh ! Christmas Is here , The best of thu year ! Then hail It with jolltv , cruel It with dance , For pulses are bentini ; And warm hands aiu meetingi i While ihythm of mu-ili ; the senses entrance ! in. Of feasting and plenty 'tis litly the season , So ( 'ivn to the Indigent part of your stoie ; For ho who withholds it , duos charity treason And tails In Ills duty lo think of the poor. Oh I Christmas Is here , The best of the year The day that wo love ami an era of glee ; The doom clouds nhMI lighten Fioin heaits us wo brixhten The hoiiwsof the needy with gifts full nnd free. IV. A toast for the Christmas tide ! drink It In Wish "peace to the woild , unto all men Alay the sun.iliino ot joy plcrco the shadows ol And life fur imrijuaflliiK , its chulco wines diitlll ! ; Oh I Christmas Is here , The best ol the year , The season of merriment , rlmrlty , bong Such mum'rieij entwine it , Kadi heart shall iiiahrinu ) It Amid the affections which KCOKi'wu ami strong I _ Origin ol' n 1'opular Custom , In the good old times Iho custom of "Kissing under the mistlvloii" was very quaintly defined. Kvery berry on the mistletoe bough hung in the center of the hall entitled a young gallant to a kiss from any member of thn fair f-ex who pasi ud beneath it. Aftisr exacting the penally from thn maiden' ho had to pluck a berry irnm tno bough 'and ' hand it to her as a peace oll'cring. To bo strictly correct the young lady then had to throw the berry on to the burning ynlo log in the open grate and decide by the time it took in cracking her luck during the ensuing year Nowadays the diatom has been shorn of ull its formalities , but the lead ing feature of it has not been forgotten or abamumod , Scores of legends abound IB to thu origin of the custom , one of Iho quaintest of which is worth recording. A prince of royal blood and of fine > liy itio ( ] got separated from his com panions while out hunting. Ho wan dered through the woods and al night ar rived at an old ruined castlo. He knocked at the gate and having s > alislicil the watch man that hoii not a robber or a dan gerous character , was allowed to outer. Tiio only inmiites of the ca tla was a ludeoiu old burou and bi * lovely daugh ter itock Our stock has never been in such u splendid condition ( o meet Iho demand. * of the people. Being entirely new and ninde expressly for us , there is not another stock of goods in tlio city so desirable to chooeo from. The stock * of Overcoats , Suite , Underwear , gloves , Hats and Caps , Ties , Shirts , Childrens' and Hoys' Overcoats , Suits and Furnishing ( foods , are as complete now as a large , well se lected line of goods can make them. TVow Vorlt nntl Oinrilm Clntliin ; ; ( ' 41 , Is tlio 3trnluurtIT : * I'or ( neil ( tHoiU nml H MV The Welcome accorded to the wnndorof was not of the most enthusiastic charac ter , and when in tiio morning ho pa'.d some well-wonted compliments to the baron' * daughter ho was seized rudely by command of the iratit parent and turned out of the castle. Ho wandetcil about for several days , and when almost dead from fatigue and hungry , encoun tered a fairy , to whom he told his adven tu . Shu informed him that if lie re tu to the castle urmcd with a mis tletoe t ) < bough the power of the baron over his ladylove would cease and ho could win her with a kiss , lint the bough Cdm must be plucked from a hollow oakgrow- ing by the. side of a stream , on the opposite bank : of which stood a weeping willow with all its loaves torn off save two. For weeks the love-sick prince searched for this particular oak , out without success. At last lie fcl1 asleep one night under an oak tree , and when ho woke in the morn ing ho observed to his surprise a rivulet just at his feet and a weeping willow on the opposite bank which answered ox- aetly the fairy's description. Ho speedily climbed tlio tree , plucked a bough of mistletoe which grow at its summit , re paired : to the castle and won his bride. A OHEISTMAS TRAGEDY. 11y Jnl In \VliiUna \ < Utc Sprlnuflcltl , ( .V.I.'S. ) Last year , while taking n horseback ride through a section of a southern slate inailo desolate by the war , I chanced one afternoon just at twilight on what once had been u stately avenue , and 1 wondered . at the neglect now visible , still more , as I idly traced it , it opened upon a lawn where stood an imposing mansion. I hesitated to approacli it , and waited underneath the trees , thinking to accost some servant , and aslc Iho name of ils owner. No servant appeared , and , as I wailed in the gathering gloom , I fell something uncanny about thu place : Tlmt said , na plain as whisper In the ear , The place is Inumtcdl Almost fearful.yet desirous to solve the myslerv , I rode up to the veranda that shaded the front of the lower story , and then perceived how fallen to decay it was. The steps that had led from it were quite gone , while the heavy door that opened into the once hospitable hull sagged upon Its rusty hinges and blood hull open , a grctat pile of dead loaves choking the entrance ; and now I observed the broken panes in the long I'rcnch ' windows. Oppressed by tlio silent inlluencu of the place unit half ashamed of my tears , I turned away and sought the highroad. Kemainini ; in the neighborhood for some days , I visited the deserted mansion again , and wondered much why this house , once so delightful , and even now in its decay so full of charm , had been doscrtcd. While I questioned it for an answer its silence dyuied mo , I forbore to ask those that might liavo told mo , lost the mystery might bo violently dissolved. lint one day , riding in a new direction. chance brought me to a house wiicro an old lady sat on thn porch , occupied only with her thoughts it would seem , as her hands lay idly in her lap , and she started as 1 addressed tier. Asking her my way she answered courteously , and I was about' ' lo take my leave , when the thought struck mo that hero.if anj where , 1 should hear of tlio deserted house. So I said : "Can yon tell mo the history of that lonely house that stands in the grove of of live-oaks on the Ghent road ? " She gave a sharp glance , as she an swered : "Xo ono knows as well as I. Why do j-oti ask Leave it to itself. " I assured her I had none but a trav eler's interest , and , at length she told mo its history. Hut lust , she turned toward the open door , she called "Zoo ! " three or four times , and on a smart colored girl appearing ordered her to fetch wine , As she appeared again with decanter and glass tiio old Taily poured wmo for me herself , and wo drank with great cere mony. Desiiring mo to bo seated she be gan lior ( ale , preluding it with "If I am not mistaken you own other blood limn Kmrlish. ] There is mixture of the fiery Frenoh with your cooler Saxon V" I assured her that she was right , I was \ proud to number among my ancestry eome from "fair Proven.c. . " 4-lt pie vails witli yon , young man , and you will sympathi/.o in the passions tlmt iiKidii this story possible. It was long ago yes , fifty years ago tlmt it happened. I was a young girl , and a beauty , sir , with young gallants at my call , ah mo ! "That house is the old ( irantloy hotiso , and Lucille ( intnlloy , my dear cousin , wan tlio only chilil and heir. Wit were ot an ago , and fondly attached. How can 1 describe my beautiful cousin ! How paint her charm ! The ( Jrantloy * on the mother's dido were of French origin , and to Unit HIO owed her graceful form , tiery glance , and dark , glowing ciieel ; ; but , look , " said the old lady handing me a locki-t , going on with her description , while I I ga/.ud at the pictured face within. It was Indeed a magnificently beauti ful face that met my ga/o. In the MJinbor ynt liury eye there shown the possibility of any fate. The hair wiis swept away from the face in rich mms , and the deli cate aijiilline nose , melting lipi. and robe- tinted cheeks miiite a vision 10 charm one. In gu/.ing at Iho ininiatnro , I had loit what tne old lady was Buying. I looked up to apologue , but siio u\eui > nd mo , say ing : "No one could ga/.o on Lucille , and think of aught else. Is she not beautiful ? All well ! "Lucille hud many suitors , among them Dick Floyd , and alas ! my own dear brother Hugh. I know Ltioillu's heart , and had long known that her ufioction was given to Floyd. That secret was buried in my breast , not even to Lucille di'l I brontlio my knowledge. I have said that wo were cotiiirM. and as our plantations joined , our fiuiillies were in the h.iblt of spending the Christmas hol iday , now \\ilh the GrnntloyH , now with us , us , the years alternated. Thul ObrUt1 1 mas wo kept the day at the ( irantleys1 , and Mrs. ( irautley gave a ball. Many n beautiful girl ami gay gallant were there , that night that now'lie in tliolr g'.avca , or are old and sad like me ! After dinner we girls went uu stairs to driv s , and , bofo mi' ready lirst , ran across the corridor to Lucillc's room. Never had I seen her look so beautiful ; I little thought U was the last time ! Her simple white gown , with no ornament saving a great dlaai inotid cross , a family jewel , that blazed upon her throat , well became her sumpw luous beauty. " 'Ah , Lucille , ' I cried , 'How exquisite ! There's many a heart will nehe to-nightl' anil 1 whispered in her car , Ton look like a brido. . " 'Hush , you silly girl , said Lucille. I I 'Hut I wish lo look by host to-night. ' j " 'Why , Floyd would admire you in homespun , ' I said. [ ! " 'Hush , don't breath his nanin. My mother ' atsho spoke Mrs. Orant.lcy I i appeared at the door lo hasten us down | ' stairs. ' SIb "My cousin led the dance with mytt brother Hugh , and never had she nueened It moro royally. All the young men looked 1 ( after them vrilli envious eyes and Hugh 1 seemed in a transport. AH they swept past me in the dance 1 heard Hugh jvhisuor. 'Would that this might last for- over ! I would ask no better heaven than liS bo forever by your si'.to. ' I saw her smile in answer , and marked the glad light spring into Hugh's eye , and pitticd him for the disappointment in store for him. lir him."Tho hours How by , 1 was sought by many , and listening to the murmured wonts of compliment , and whirling down | I the long hall in the wallI had not ' marked the absence of Lucille , until , rest ing iit iii i after a dance , while my partner went to fetch me a glass of wine , 1 became aware of a sudden excitement in the room , and I overheard a neighbor , Mrs. Stanley , saying to a friend , 'Why , she j ha1 * boon gone for the three last dances , and , Mrs. Grantloy has disappeared also. ' "When my parlnnr returned 1 asked him for an explanation , but ho could only tell me that there seemed to be a feeling that something was wrong. "However , the bam ! struck up'and all wore di'.ncing , when all at once the music ceased , and all was confusion. Kvery eve was turned toward the door , and there appeared Mrs. Granthsy holdin < ; Lucillo's hand tightly in her own , bolh mother and daughter palo as ashes ! "For an instant I caught Lucillo's oye. She looked away and shuddered ! "Mrs. ( Jrantley led her daughter into the mUNt of the hushed assembly then , releasing her with a gesture that looked like renouncement , she turned to Floyd , who had elo ely followed their footstep * . Waiving him to LncUlc's side , she turncil to the guests , and said : "Is there not. a clergyman hcreV" and her eye sought among the crowd , while from Luoilie's lips there breathed a mur mur of 'Ho merciful ! ' "Unheeding this interruption , Mrs. tirantloy said in a distant , hard voice. 'I think I numbered the Kev. Mr. Ingails among tbo friends I askcct to spend Christmas night with us ? ' "As she spoke a servant came in from the library , with the gentleman. 'Como here , if you please , Mr. Ingails , your services are required. ' While the clergy man was crossing the hall Mrs. ( Sranlluy resumed , in her even tones : " 'As wo grow older wo grow dull in invention , but our children ottcn prepare sm prises for us. My daughter , I find,1 with a wave of the hand in nor direction , 'with the help of our young friend , Air. Floyd , had arranged a marriage , to make ' ' the festivities more joyous ! ' Mother ! " said Lucille , impl oringly. "Mrs , ( irantley went on , unheeding , 'On .special occasions all should bo in cluded in the enjoyment of the house , and 1 have prevailed on these foolish young people to share , their pleasure with us. Proceed with the ceremony , Mr. Ingails.1 " ''saiit tlio embarrassed clergy man , 'This is quite irregular , I hardly line to-- ' " 'Do ' not f give it my sanction ? Pray go on. ' "Thus adjured , Mr , Ingails began the marriage service , iiiniil a breathless silence. All eyes were lixed upon the ex traordinary group. It seemed much more like a burial than a marriage , and there wa a horror over the assembly that seemed to fix all in their places. Whim it was over and thu minister stepped uway from the iioivjy wcdtled pair , there was a s'.ir ' of uncertainty. None know whether to wish them jov. "Mrs. ( irnnlloy , .still in that ley voice , ( Said , 'Arn thorn none then to congrutu- liili1. the bridoV " .Mother ! " cried Lucille , making as If she would fall upon her neck. "Forgive mo ! ( jive me your blessing ! " Her mother repelled herandsald , "You spoil the play by mich improvised speeches. ForgivciiiJiS in not bet down in my part. " Floyd now spoke for the lirst time. Taking his young wife by the Jmnd ho said : "Sho is not to blame. On DID the fault lies. " "On you " Air ? , ( iranllny pauecd a moment as if for words , then her fury broke forth. "The farce is over 1 have no finther wish for yon ! Farewell. Mrs. Floyd ! Lucy she calk-d bur maid , who fitoou with the othnrnTvants in the door way , surveying the scene , "I'ray fetch your yinnig mistress' wraps for Mrs. Floyd. The night is cold and thcso young pi-'ijilo tal.e Ilio boat. " There was a terrible scene. Lucille throw herself at her mother's feet , and with sobs and cries bebought her for for ( givoness. Her mother looked down upon her while u dreadful smile illumined her lace. O ; . a sudden she drew herself away and said : "Enough of this. ( Jet up. For shame ! " "Some of the friends now came for ward , soiin. helped to raise Lucille from th's Hour , while others , among them , my mothiT , rcniutifitnrti'd with Mr.s ( lianl- Iny : 'y < ni have-punished her f-nikugli. if she Imsdu'Tivvd you , rumeml > " .r " ' ' Is-Ml" Our Present Something which ha * never hcfora been done is what wo are now dolngthat is giving away an article that is not trash anil worthies. ! . We give lo those who buy $15 worth or more , a gold ho.idcd cane , tlmt H retailed at $3. This Is something thiit you v/ill not bo given every day am > " 'My daughter linvo no daughter , ' said Airs. t'.iMiitloy. 'I do not Unow .Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. ' Turning with niiiuli politeness to them again , slio said : "Do not let us hinder you. It ij nearly t ina for the boat to reach Urn landing. U'o must nut tiotain these young people , just about taking their wedding trip ! ' "Arcopling- - wrans brought by Luoy , Lucille and Floyd loft tlio room , without another word , closely followed by MM. Urantlcy , waving them out of tlio house with an 'An rcvoir ! ' and a whnpeiod In- iunelion to her old butler ; who followed Ills ' younir mistress down ihti walk , as wo aftiirward learned , with instructions not to lose sight of them until the boarded the boat. " "What a horrible scenol" said I , speak- Ing for the tiist time. "Do you call thhi horrible ? " said the old i lady. "That was nothing to what followed. lon'l interrupt mo , listen ! " "U'o returned to the parlor , to wonder and surmise on tlio all'air , while Mrs. rirantloy ( shut herself up in the library. From \ oiui ot the servants wo learned that Mrs. ( jrantlcy liad come upon the lovora In ] the conservatory , and had heard Floyd urge , anl Lueillo consent to an clopo- niont ) , anil had taken this way to avenge herself. j , , A poor revenge , yoii think ? It was , indeed , and recoiled upon herself. "Tho tragedy of Unit night was but be- mm. , A half-hour passed , ami the guusl.1 began \ ( ( o slip away , when the old butler burst | into the room , and rushing up to my , , mother , exclaimed , "My Uodl Mis' Clarion ' , who's gwmo to toll missis ? It'll kill'her shol } ! ' " 'Toll her what , Robert ? What baa happancd | ( ? ' "Miss Lueillo and Mars1 Floyd , bof dead , down yander , on the landin' ! Bol of 'emI Doro doy lie ! ' "Tiiero arose a chorus of .shrieks and exclamations , to which liobort answered , 'This gwinu kill Missus ! Jfshe lof thai poor chile alone this never happened1 ! 'Itcold outside , so ( ley wont in do shed down on the landin' , till tlio boat coino ; Miss oryJn1 and Mars' Floyd tryiu" lo comfort her. Mars' Floyd hear nolso outside , and say ho guess boat comin * and ho go out , then we hoarhimspoakin' with some one. lirst low like , then louder , and Miss 'Mo' troublol' say , and she open the door , and 1 hear herssty 'Nol Jso ! Yon shall not hurt him ! ' and den hear a shot , and don another , and a scream---and a fall and den 1 run out. and dero doy liosl with the blood runnin1 on her white dross ! an1 I raise 'em. but they bof jrono dead oof of 'emI " 'Who's dead If' demanded a terrible voice Mrs. Grant ley stood in the door. She was answered by the tramp of feel without , the door opened , and men brought , in , on an improvised bier , the bodies of Lucille and Floyd ! "With a shriek that still rings in my cars , Mrs. Urantloj'Haw all in ono swift glance , threw up tier hands in frantio appeal , and sank forward over her daughter' * body. They ran to lift her up but she also was dead ! "They wore buried on New Year's day. The faces of Lueillo and her bridegroom seejimd transfigured with immortal hap piness. She was buried in the dross siio wore that fatal night , a cloud of lace cov ered the ominous slain over that still heart ! Mrs. Grantloy's features , fro/.en into marble stillness , yet worn that look of horror with which she died. Tlio three were buried , and silence fell upon that house , once so full of lifo and gayety - oty : silence foil upon their history. It seemed strange lo me , who knew but too well out no one guessed the imii'dorir'a name. 1 knew ! " The old lady paused , and wrung her bands ai it the tragedy she told was fresh. After a few moments she collected her self and resinned : "Why should I conceal it longer ? IIo must be beyond reach of reprisal long ago. , It was my brother ! My poor brother ! When I , at last , reached my room that dreadful night , I found or. my pillow a noto. Half beside myself , I locked my door , and read that Hugh , maddened by Ins passion for Lueillo , had followed them to the boat landing , and when Floyd came out lo listen for tlio boat taunted and stung him to the quick. His rage partly satisfied be would liavo left the spot ; but when Lncillo appeared and hung upon her husband's arm , it drove him beside himself , and ho lired toseuLneillo throw herself between Imr hiiftlmnd and harm , and then received tbo second shot ! Hugh , so Iho letter ran. not daring to sen what he had done , lieu trom the sjmt , and lunching home , how he know not , had gathered together what money was at hand , penned the confes sion , and throwing himself on a ( lent , was miles away as 1 mid. Ho called himself her murderer , and charged me not to seek him. "U'lmt could 1 do but bury the secret in mv heart , and wonder , and mourn , with tlio rent , over Hugh's diwippcar- : ui' ' ! . It was laid to hi * grief at Lncilln's death , ami as years pussi-il. and ho did not return , it was supposed that he had met death in some sol.tudo and so it mav be no word his : overcome to nm " Hi-ru ( hi ) old Jndy paiiacd so long iliit at length I ventured to ask why the house was left to decay. " \Vcll \ , " she answered , "Iho ( iranlh y.s wore singularly without relatives , and with the df'afli of Lucille and her in oilier they vanished from the earth. A time ijiisted , Ihu ostatii twirled to tlin ulato , but the man.tioii was left to fall to ruin , and many a ghost story has been told of it. " And so nd < ! i ! the etory of a Christmas day. 1 wish my renders could liavo Ki-on lie old lady that told it. As site pro ceeded with bur narration her bent form grew moro erect , a Hush rose in her failed olicok , her uyos grew bright , and I saw , for the time , llui beauty of long ago. As tbu story ended , she rclapsou oneo moro into decrepit age. and it was again a bent a'ld feeble old lady that thanked mo for my attention , and bade me " ( Jwod duyl" ' 'J . to.siifh a powder that defies ili'-mUi'ii ' b.itu.f ! ' , .vuui'3 to improve * tin.