Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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rnws or < stjn. cntpTios :
Dour ftlornl.if Edition ) Including Sinulny
n. . r , Onn Yonr . . . 1001
forSix McmttH . A < )
I'orThrM Motitl < i . . . 55 W
Otnnlia SumlAf HKK , in a i ! til to nny
, Uno Vvnr. . . . 200
OMAIM omrr , ? : o. Wi AND MS FAHVAM FTtisrv.
Neiv vnnic orrtPR. HOOM ( a. TwnifNit IIIIIMUMI.
WAiiiiNuru.v o trice , NO. Ml foiHtrECvrn P
oor.nnsi-oNnn.xcE :
All rommunlcsttwn rolntlnjrtoijntvs muled I *
torlnl inHtttir wlioukl bo ud'lioewl ' lo tliu lint-
TOH of TIIH Ur.r.
. .
All Ira'Inois letters mid romlttuncos should lie
BIII-RVO | | < I to TDK IIK rum.tsiiiso COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drnflf. chfoks ami po'lolTlun ordrrs
lo be mndo payable to Hie order of tlio comrmtiy ,
K. KOSKWATElt , Rnrron.
Sworn Statement of Clrculutlon.
Stole of Nebraska , I _ .
Hondas.s < '
County of Hondas. |
Ueo. U. Tzfchuck , secretory of Tlio Ilco
Publishing cornjmny , doci nolpmnlv swear
tlmi. the actual clrnulntlon of thn Dally lieu
1'or tlio week ending Dec. ITtli , IfiSC , wus as
follows : in.fM
Sunday. Dec. W ii.oV : )
Monday. IOP.II ) : W.KW
Tuwrtnv. Dee , 14 13U > < 3
Wednesday. Dec. 15 UWfl
riiun tl.iy. Dec. 10 in.OW
Friday , Jcc. 17 13,045
A mace . "iluBO
( ir.O. 0. 'JV.SCIII'CK.
ulwrlfopd and < woiu to ln'foro ino tills iblli
day of Dpo'inbur , A.I ) . , U f < . N. P. *
IS15AM Nolnrv Viiullc.
< ! ro. H. Tzsclmek. lirlnc llrst duly sworn ,
depo'-esiinil s-ays tlmt ho is swrotiiry of tlio
Hoe I'liulfehlngcomtKiny , Hint tlio actual av-
t'raco diilly clirulatlnn of HIP Dallv Hco for
tlio month of Jimunry. ' 8M1 , was 10.8 ! ! copies ,
for 1'Vbruiuv " , 1BW , U ,6'J. > copies ; for .March ,
IWi , 11.K57"copies ; lor April. 1BMJ , 12,1IU
copies : tor Mny. IhhO. ia,47J COPUM ; for Juno ,
18M ) , l'J,2lS ) copfo- . ; for .Inly. IbWi , U.VII4 copies ;
for Aiieust , lb0 , 13-NM copicsfor ; iji-ptoinhpr.
ibbrt , 1H.KX ) copies ; for October , 1 0 , ta.tiS'J
copies ; for November , lasfi , ii.aisconies. :
GKO. ] ) . Tzsrm'rK.
Sworn to and subscribed before nio this fith
day of NoYi'iiitmr. A. 1) ) . IShfi.
ISKAL.J N. I' . I'Jin. . Notary 1'ubllc.
THE railroad lobby will bo iu Lincoln
in full force ill the opening of the leiris-
lalurc each one tinned with credentials
from headquarters and an annual puss.
VAN Wvcic is homo from
Washington to superintend his senatorial
cnmpuign in person on the ground. The
senator knows the ( icld thoroughly and
has no reason lo be anxious about ( he
Ai.i. the indications point to an open
wintor. Kuilroads ami builders are Ink
injr advantage of tint indications by goinc
right nhciid with their work of starting in
1837 with a rousing boom.
TIIU hoard of education arc advertis
ing nguiii lur plans for school houses.
WImt is the matter with the plans
already adopted and from which our
latest and best ward school houses have
been built ? has adjourned for thu holi
days. This will not interfere in the least
with tbo uverufje Washington cor
respondent. The recess makes no
groaler draft upon his imagination limn
tlio limit of thu session.
Tun Ht.iubliatn secm.s greati.y agitated
about thu approaching "senatorial
circus. " If it cnu'tfrutn ticket of admission -
mission it has the royal privilege of youth ,
of crawling under the tent to witness the
exhibition. It will bo well worth seeing
i.KCi1 MoSiiANt : denies
porr.t blank that hooversaidor intimated
that. Senator Vim \Yyok had boi-n hold
Ing back nominations to assist himself
in the senatorial canvass. Mr. M
Shane is naturally indignant over a re
port which ho pronounces entirely with
out foundation.
Hvr.HY railroad atlornuy. in the state is
iDWMiro that Van Wyck is certain to be
defeated. They were equally sure be
fore Iho election that the general would
not sccuro a corporal's guard of a fol
lowing. They were ipiito as certain ( hat
Church Howe would bo elected by a
Coining majority. A corporation clcrk'a
predictions aru as uncertain M the proph
ecies of the cold wave Hag. Like dreams
they generally RO by conlrarius.
RAi. IMiAOO , as chairman of tlio
committee on military iiiYuirs , do-
nounccd in unmeasured lormx the s.vfcle
nf convict labor at the inilitury prison at
Loavenworlh. Jlis report virtually con
dcmtiK the work turned out of the shoo ?
factory ua inferior , and ho believes that I 1
the government has no right to build up
n manufactory to bu run by convict labor
in competition with honest worklu < jmen.
Rouit gangs and convict farms ought to
give ; employment lo felons who need ex-
crciso. There is no equitable reason why
the commission of crime should not only
prove u tux on tlio community , hilt un in
jury to th inturoal * of law abiding and
hard working mechtinics.
. MC'jKii.AN's ; story is a dls
appointment ( o his friends and u boon to
Ids cnoiuies. It is petulant and rpicru
lous In tone , apologetic where it is not
aggressive and viudk-tivu whore it takes
the form of assault on his contempora
ries. If ( inncral McClellan hail shown
half the Impetuosity In attacking Leo
that he manifested in as. aiUug Slanlon
the war would liavo closed before llnrn
fiido was given the roms of the army of
the Potomac only to pass them over into
thn hands of Hooker and Meadc and
Grant , General McUlollanVi memoirs
show him to have boon u soldier of over-
woiming egotism , too cautious for n
great gcnurnl and lee pulled up with
self for a valuable subordinate.
TJIK day bcforo Christinas has arrived
and stores and ba/.aars all over the conn-
tryarc crowded with eager purchasers
bent on buying the last gifts by which
others cuu remember the universal festival
tival of thn year , Amid the claims of
homo and friends , the poor should not bo
forgotten. It is in mini-iterlng to the
wants of riiich that tlio Christmas idea is
perfectly fulfilled. The mcssago of "good
will to men" should impress itself more
deeply on thu hearts of the clmritnbln
and boncvolont on tlio anniversary of the
season whim first iUoundcdoncarth ecu-
Ulrica ago. There are hundreds of God's
nnoily children in Omaha to whom Christ
inas will ho a meaningless name unless
others bettor supplied with comforts and
luxuries unlock their stores and open
their miraQS to nssUt in shoddiug .1 little
ovfr their uicavv life.
These Uiver Improvements.
A. lively hornet's nest was stirred up In
the senate last Friday when Senator Van
Wyck Introduced a resolution of inquiry
demanding why the Missouri river com
mission bad expended all last year's ' ap
propriation at Kansas Uity and St. Joseph
instead of at the points specified in the
appropriation bill , Including Omaha ,
riallKtnoulh , Urownsvillc and NebrasKa
Cily. ( ( Van Wyck called alien-
lion to the fact that the river and harbor
bill of Iho year previous had been dc-
foaled in Iho seniilo because of il3 refusal
to specifically mention the points nt
which funds should be expended for
river improvement. Ho showed how
lie had made a light in person for the
principle that the expenditure of the
money should not bo loft to the discre
tion of Iho commission , nnd had carried
his point. The senator was confirmed in
Ids statement by Senator Ingalls , who
joined General Van Wyck in his indig
nant protest against llio action of the
commission who , ngainst the remon
strance of Mr. lirontch , the Omaha mem
ber , bad appropriated § 225,000 of the
entire $ ! ) ! K,0K1 ) ( to Kansas City and the
remainder to Si. Josonh.
Senator Van Wyck's resolution
was filraight to the point. . 11
was passed after tin interesting
debate and now goes to the
soqretnry of war for whatever explana
tion he may HOC lit to give. It is under
stood that Mr. Kndicolt hold that llio
Missouri river commission like the Mis
sissippi river commission had lull dis
cretion in the expenditure of the funds
committed to their oarc. Congress secm.c
to hold a difleront view. The point was
clearly brought out in the debate that in
a previous congress Senators Van Wyck
nnd Plumb , of Kaunas , defeated the river
and harbor bill because the committee
on commerce declined to specify the lo
cations in Kansas and Nebraska where
iiiouoy should bo expended ,
and that in llio hist congress
this point was yielded by
thu committee lo save Iho bill. In the
face of this the gentlemen on the com
mission flatly disregarded the aclion of
congress and bunched Ihu appropriations
at two points of the river to tlio exclusion
of all Iho rest.
The question involved is a very impor
tant one. A largo number of appropria
tions through special and general bills
arc annually made by congress , which
cover a number of cases which they spe
cifically name , while leaving the bulk
sum to be apportioned among military
posts , harbors and inlets at the discretion
of the executive department which con
trols Ihem. If Iho scorelary has the right lo
disregard a number of Iho points named
lo benefit a few of the others thcro can be
no object in making the bill any more
spocilic than a lump appropriation lo bo
expended at the discretion of tiiu execu
tive. An exception has been made in
favor of the Mississippi river commission
which has not been extended to any
other. General Van Wyck's ' resolution
is now being considered by the war de
partment and the answer will be awaited
with interest.
Kco ) > Witliiu the haw.
The only sate course for the city coun
cil to pursue in furthering public im
provements , especially such as involve
special taxes and a bonded indebtedness ,
is to keep rigidly within the Jaw. The
interests of the city must bo paramount
to those of any contractor or firm of con
tractors , however influential or power
ful. The charter definitely provides for
the expenditure of Ihc levies and as defin
itely prohibits the incurring of anjr In
debtedness beyond what there are funds
to meet. The council 1ms no right
to exceed the legal bounds and
thu mayor no right to approve
contracts which are passed in violation
of the charter restrictions.
With reference to the paving contracts
about which so much anxiety is expressed ,
the most cautious course will be the
widest. No contract should be entered
inlo by Ibo council for which the money
for Iho city's share is not now in the
lroaKurv. To do otherwise would be to
cast a doubl on the validity oE bonds
afterwards issued to cover the cost of
paving intersections and on the legality
of special l.ixos lo meet the expense of
improving the lot frontago. Omaha's
credit is now as good as that of any city
in iho west. It stands high because no
question has boon raised about the legal
ity of the methods by which her indebt
edness has been incurred. Wo have
moved ahead in public improvements
sometimes .slowly but always surely. We
cannot now atlbrd to change our course.
A I'rofllleSH Inquiry.
The Unilod States senate , immediately
before adjourning on Wednesday for the
holiday recess , adopted the resolution of
Mr. Dawc.s instructing the comimllco on
finance "to inquire into and report what
specific reductions can bo mads in ens
toms duties and internal laves that will
reduce laxes to the necessary and ccon
omlcal expenses of the government with
out impairing the prosperity of homo in.
diistrics or Iho compensation of homo
labor. " The finance committee is com
posed of six republicans and five demo
crats. The former are Merrill , Sherman ,
Jonp.s of Nevada , Allison , Aldrloh , ami
Miller of New York. The demoo.rals are
Voorhocs , Heck , Mol'hcrson , Harris and
Vance. Mr. Merrill , Iho chairman of the
nonimitUic , Is already on record nl thi-t
session with the opinion , proclaimed in a
resolution presented by him and advo
cated in a set speech , that legislation at
present regarding the tarill' h not on-
pcdiunl. Senator Sherman is also on
record in favor of abandoning thu duty
on sugar , in whole or in part , and the tax
on tobacco , and against any interference
with thu tariff except as to sugar. Hu
furthermore Indicated a strong dusire to
leave thu whole responsibility of propos
ing legislation for tax reduction with
the democrats. Jones has not
indicated his present viuws , but ho is prob
ably not favorable to any cxtonsivo
vision of the tarill' . The other republican
members of tlio cominittcu are under
stood to no in line with Sherman , though
Aldriuh has indicated thut ho is not on
tiiely unfavorable to a revision that
would reduce or entirely cut oSV duties in
many directions. Ho seems to bo the
mot : moderate among the republicans
who have expressed themselves at the
present session. Thrco of the diimocratlu
members of tint committee , Voorhee- ? ,
Hock and Vance , will favor a thorough
revision of the turiil' in ordur to reduce
revenue , while McPhcrson ami Harris
will probably ta.ko u conservative bland.
From this knowledge and.fair . inference
regarding the uttitudu of members of the
senate finance committee , what reason
able expectation can there bo of any
profitable result from the Inquiry they
are instructed to make ? It Is a foregone
conclusion that the most and the best
they will do is to return a majority re
port , with which the majority in the
senate will concur , recommending re
ductions of duly and taxes in the dlrcc-
lion already pointed out by Mr. Sherman ,
who unquestionably knows the sentiment
of his colleagues on the committee. The
inquiry will result m no advance and will
bring the question at issue no nearer to a
solution than it is al present.
It has Iho appearance , ni-lecd , of
bclua nothing morn than a politi
cal maneuver , Intended to cmpha-
si/.o to Iho counlry the responsibility of
the democratic bouse for the required
legislation. It holds out no real promise
that the relief desired and needed by the
country will be afforded al the present
session of congress.
If this congress can do nothing but
trifle with this question , making it a fool-
ball for factions to fight over , it would
certainly bo bolter to let it alone alto
gether , and endeavor to agree upon some
method of disposing ot the surplus of the
next twelve months that will in part at
least repay the people the unnecessary
taxes wrung from thum under the prevailing -
vailing policy. It is said thai n largo
number of republicans in congress believe -
liovo in lakiug hold of Iho mailer in spite
of Iho fact that they are In the minority ,
and thus showing to the counlry lhat
if given Iho power they will meet the
emergency and give the people such leg
islation as may be needed , Such a move
ment , honestly made , would be welcomed
by Ihc country , and wo have no doubt
would be greatly lo the advantage of the
party. P.ut wo have no faith that it will
bo matlo. There is not only no one on
the republican side of Ihc house who
has both the cou"ago and ability to Ic-.d
suoh a movement , but It would be coun
ter to the evident policy of tlio republi
cans to leave the matter of proposing leg
islation on this subject wholly with the
democrats. It is possible , but not likely ,
that that policy will be abandoned at the
present session.
CutIIii 1C till- Hanks to Account.
A few daya ago Mr. Townshend , of
Illinois , introduced in the IIOUBO a resolu
tion requesting the secretary of the
treasury ro ascertain whether any
national banking association located in
the cily of Hew York has during the pres
ent month loaned its surplus money or
deposits lo brokers , or other persons op-
crating In stocks and bonds , without se
curity , nnd merely upon the receipt of in
terest on the same , for the purpose of
enabling the speculator lo leek up and
prevent the use of the money in business
transactions , and thereby produce a
scarcity of money and greatly increase
Iho rales of interest on loans. And also
whether during the same period anj' of
said banks , for the purpose aforesaid ,
knowingly permitted the total liability of
any pcwon , corporation or firm
to exceed the amount limited
by statute in said cases.
This very proper inquiry was prompted
by the developments regarding the con
dition of the New Yoric banks in connec
tion witli Ihe movements of the slock
market hist week. It was very evident
that the banks had gone beyond a prudent
and safe limit in assisting ( he speculators
and brokers , and there is good reason to
believe that some of them overreached
the law. The fad that the banks wore
in the aggregate within four million dollars
lars of thei r legal reserve was in itself
a Fiispicious circumstance , as showing
an unusual and hazardous extension of
credits , but the faclof the money market
becoming extremely close within a few
days , with apparently no recourse in
the hands of the banks for rollof except
in thp severe contraction of Jeans and
the advance of interest rains to abnormal
figures , furnished the substantial ground
of doubt whether the banks had com
plied strictly with the law , and hail not
p'ermitlcd the speculators lo lock up
money , paying only Iho inlorost for the
privilege. Such a course on the
part ot the Now York bunks has not been
common , but it has ocnurred more fre
quently lhan was in the interest of Hie
legillmalo business of the country. This
last monetary pinch was felt more or loss
In every trade center , and while its injuri
ous ellecls cannot be computed they must
have boon considerable.
Any aclion on the part of the national
banks in aid of speculators and slock
jramblors is lo be condemned at all times ,
it is a perversion of their proper func
tions and a violation of their agreement
with llio people. Their ofiice is to serve
and aid the legilimato business of the
country. When they go outside of this
they disregard a trust and give counte
nance and support to a system which is
inimical to legitimate tnido and hostile
to the interests and welfare of the people.
Hut it is particularly unfortunate at this
time , when the national banking sys
tem Is again a prominent subject of public
attention and discussion , thai the enemies
of the system should bo given 11113 * fresh
ground for questioning its value and the
integrity with which it is conducted. The
motive of the proposed inquiry may be
enliroly commcmlaolo , ami the propriety
of making such an inquiry is unqunslion-
able , but If Iho results should show that
the banks had violated thu law
the efi'cet will certainly be to strengthen i
the enemies of Ihose institutions i
and increase the difilculty of securing
legislation for maintaining and improv
ing the syslom. It will not bo sufficient
to quiet opposition to show that generally
the banks conform .strictly to legal re-
quIrementJ , and that thu lapses are
wholly or chiclly in Now York. The
whole system will sull'ur for the faults of
the part , on the'not wholly unjust ground
that that part is thu centru and heart of
the whole , ft may not bo practicable lo
provide an ab.ioluto ami never-failing
provenlivo of such faulls. The cupidity
of hanJc otllelals will doubtless at times
luad thum , under gival temptation , to
ovadu any conceivable regulation. Hut
it is not ualikuly thut thu okisting law
might bu made somuwhat stronger than
it is in its restrictive requirements with
out any serious disadvantage to Iho sys
tem gonurally , nnd with the cfloet of
strengthening public confidence in it.
Lotto K.VNnou'ii Ciiuijciiii.i , , defeated
jn thu cabinet disagreement ostensibly on
the question of war and naval estimates ,
lias tendered his resignation as chancellor
of thu exchequer. It is rui example for Mr.
Morrison , who , as chairman of the most
important committed of the house , has
been several times sat down upon , After
his last defeat Congressman Ured ten
drcd thn blunt but sensible advice that
the majority of the ways nnd means com
mittee had better resign , so that Speaker
Carlisle can appoint a now committee
that may obtain the confidence ot the
house , or which might propose some *
thing different from the pet plans of t'.io '
chairman. It Is suggested that it
would be an act of grace for Mr. Morri
son at least to surrender a position In
which he has been a signal and consistent
failure in favor of sbnie other man who
possessed the requisite gifts to properly
inltlato and condticl the revenue legisla
tion of congress. Good Inlonlions arc not
of very great value without the ability lo
glvo them effect. 15ut Mr. Morrison will
not emulalo the meritorious example of
Lord Churchill. Ilo will cling to Ins po
sition , regardless of rebuff , ridicule and
defeat , to the last moment of his tenure ,
fully confident that he is the right man
in the right place.
Ait Injustice to AVorlcliiguion.
There is one fatal objection to making
the hours of the city election conform to
those of the state nnd county elections in
which the polls open at seycn in the
morning and close at six p. m. This Is
that such a limit would practically dis
franchise a very largo proportion of votciS
who are mechanics nnd laborers. It
would leave only the tioon hour in which
worUiugmeii could voto. The polls
would bo opened at Ihc hour when
workingmi'ii began work and close when
the whistles blow for supper.
The aim of any change in the election
law should bo to call out Ihe fullest po. sl-
bio vote not to decrease Ihc total. In the
first place our workiugninn are as vitally
interested in asslsiins : lo develop Omaha
as are our capitalists and business men.
A prospering and growing cily means
sldiidy employment for labor and good
wagi'3 for workmen. Hundreds of work-
ingmeu in Omaha arc properly owners
and taxpayers nnd are thus doubly inter
ested in helping to sccuro good govern
ment. Any legislation which throws ob
stacles in the path of Iho free voting of
legalised voters is wrong.
Thcro is only one condition under
which the hours can bo safely
shortened. That is a law making elec
tion days holidays. If tills was done , of
course an hour's shortening of the time
during which the polls were kept open
would make no xlillbronce. Workingmen
would have all the day in which to cast
their ballots. Hut unless the legislature
can bo induced to make this change in
the general election law , there should be
no decrease in the hours in which voters
are permitted lo deposit their ballots.
In this connection , attention is called
to the necessity of more polling pre
cincts , and a double fret of judged and
clerks of election , with more ballot boxes
in which the various tickets can be voted
and counted separately.
TIIIKTV square miles will make a good-
slued city and it will not bo many years I
before Omaha reaches double those limits ]
al her present rate of growth. The pro '
position of the charter committee contemplates -
templates an increase of : i mile for every
20,000 increase- population. As our city
limits stand to-day whore they wore fif
teen years ago the necessity of their ex
tension needs no argument.
Tine city council has no business to
make an overlap to accommodate any
firm of contractors whoever they may be.
There can be no question about thai.
Knitting machine * are splinting up all
over the west.
The rar-btdlders are booking an uiuLitmlly
largo number ot orders at this time.
A great nmny additions arc being made to
textile , paper and niacliinury mills.
A Turret lautecarcoinpniiy has just booked
an order fur 1,500 box , Hat , and eoul cars.
Two or three Welsh Btrel-r.ill makers are
picparing lo roll rails 1SU feel long instead ot I
A car manufacturing company is to ho I
started al Cm Ms Uiiy , Md. , with a capital of ,
The American Iron woiks are having an ad- '
dilion put up that will turn out liOO tuns uC
fitccl per day.
A new sled furnace is bcinc ; put up at
Plttsimn : which will melt twenty tons of
steel at one heat.
Carpenters arc advised to stay away from
tlio Piicltio const. Jt Is said tlmt cheap rail
road faro lias Hooded lliat section with inu-
chautcal labor ,
The textilu manufacturing companies In
several parts of New Kngland are iucieasliig
their capital. The ccnund report is Unit
business is excellent.
An eight-nour movement has taken shape I
In the ninth of .England to supplant tlio' '
nine-hour system now prevailing. Tiiuieis
talk of funning "A National Federation of
Labor. "
SpOiikliiR generally , labor is better em
ployed at tills time ot the year than for sev
eral yeais , and the winter prospects for em
ployment , both for indoor and outdoor woik ,
wore never better.
Wo aio to have several now glass works in
splto of the heavy production of class of all
kinds. Six extensive works have recently
been projected In various nails of the coun
Makers ol American machinery are intro
ducing their specialties into Kimipo. Scales
are u matter of considerable export , A Dos-
ton Him is dolnc a big business in them
abroad ,
Thu accumulations ol Iho savings . linn Us
. . . _ , . .
' ' " - - - - - - -
thionghoiit thu country show a marked Im
provement within thu past year , hut much of
this Is duo to tliu incriMHi'il earnings of labor ,
Uuu tu moio work and butter waist's.
Co-operation seems to bu well planted In
Minneapolis. Thu wnrtilngimm tlieru have
a hiiecu.iHlul coopering Ghtuhlliiliiiiunt , an colony , a mercantile comiiany ,
with a prolitablu Jaiiiulry : nul buvcial MIUCI-M-
lul bullilingand loan u uciiitiuns ,
There Isiinother complaint fiom Shclllcld
cutlery Pi'UiIuabuiit | American and Uuriimn
competition In Aubtialiii. Tnesecompetituis
put up cutlery In boxes fur a clo/.un , which
itvory niio knows ; but itBi'ems Iliat tlU'Ku ; ; *
llslidonot du so ; uiuUbti buyers like their
purchases boM'd up. ,
Thlitcwi of the tweutji-six kiilttlng-iiilllsat
Cohoi's Imviuusiniiuil work undurit iiroiuUo
that no blacklisting is to bu do no. 'j ho oilier
lliirleun mills will not stnit up until n full
suiri'iuli'r by thu umpluycrs ot ctirtuin din-
iniit-d points concerning tliu rctentiun of bomo
ot thu uUI non-union Imnits.
Couipnnlt's to ninmifactiiiu machinery of
all kinds , lmiimiiunt ! ! > , tools , boiltrs and on-
I'lnn.s are s | > ringinn' up appiruntlv by the
duzon , with capital lanu'iiig IKIIII lO.i.OOio
iSJ5UUOO. Theru bfcms tu bu nuuiiiiluu bomu
in wurk of this kind. All the old establish
ments uiu crowded with orders ,
A combination of iivu of the principal
screw iiiauuiacturrrs of the country it > about
iKiIng mudu ut Chlciipeo Kulls , and when It
has wiped out nil Uiu smull liy it will nil-
vancu prices. It Is icportcd thut Ithasol-
Icrod one company at that place 10 per cunt ,
of the capital block of t he nuw combination
If It will shut down tor Iivu years.
Southern cumpi'tltloii is driving a good
nuuiy Nuvr England mills Into thu produc
tion of H 'mer grailo of good * . One of the
mills vvl iih lifti found U nucusiiirc Iu HIICH ; !
till * depaiiuro is thu Ailunllc Curi'Ovatiou , of
Lawrence , Mns ? . Sfnny of the Now Enp-
land mills are purchasing hu e supplies of
cotton , some ot them receiving from 100 to
&o totis per day.
They Mon'l 8ny Uoo.
r/ii/rtcMjrfifa / rtmcf.
As yet Judge Oroslmm has iccclved no con-
giatulfttlons from Iho follows whoso eyes
aic turned toward tlio white house dour.
KntlUed to Generous Assistance.
A'limnft ClTtinrt ] ,
Walt Whitman may bo hard up , but ho Is
too proud mid considerate to follow Tenny
son's example and Inflict the verses of his de
clining year * on the public. For ( his reason
alone he Is entitled to generous nsslM.iuco.
Lnboinnd Capital.
ini Afn0tou Grille.
"Ah , Mr. l.awler1 said n gentleman just
introduced to the Ghlcngo slntcsmnn , "I'm
Kladtomeet you. 1 umlciMand you ate the
great exponent ot honest labor. "
"You arc right that's what 1 nm , " re
sponded Frank , protidlv. My motto Is Labor
with a big L and Capital with a lllllu If , all
Hie time. "
Dcsorvrs Tlianks.
Judtto Circsliam deserves the thanks ot I
every honest man for Ids work in exposing
and , MI far as Ids authority would permit ,
nullifying the Infamous frauds of the Gould
crowd In llio U'abash matter , and it Is ler-
vently to bo hoped that tliu whole shameful
plot to steal a railroad may IIP exposed In
every detail and thwattcd , If it cannot bo
puniMied ns it deserves.
Nnttilits : IN Iiosl.
iHJc .11. mird.
Nothing is lo-t ; the drop of dow
Whldi tioinbli'S Iu the leaf or llower
Is tint cxliali-d to tall anew
In MiinniPi's thniidpr shower.
IVrclmnrc to shine \\lthin tlio bow
' 1 hat I routs the sun nt fall of day ;
Poroliiiiicu to spaikle In the How
Of luuntalns tar invuy.
Xothlue N lost the tinic t seed
ly ( wild biids boftinor blown ,
Finds honiollitnc Milli-d to Its need ,
Wherein 'tis sown and grown
The liiiicunuc of SOUR' hou > .phol ] ( sonir ,
The purfumo uf BOIIIC cherished ilowor ,
' '
'J'liougii gimo I mm out waul sense , belong
To nieinoi \ 's attur-hour.
So with our wonts : ur harsh or kind , I
UUcipil , Ihur arc nut all
They have llioiriiilluiMicoon llio niiiul ,
1'nss ( in but perish not.
So with our dcuda ; for good or ill
They have their power soaicc undeistood ;
TliPii let us use our better will
To make them life with good.
Nebraska .lottliiRR.
Superior is Ihretilcncd with a rcorgan-
i.od brass band.
Sioux county people will vote on Ihe
herd law January 25.
A sixty pound bcavor was plucked by
a sport at Liberty last week.
Nebraska City is anxious lo plunk a
railroad branch from Ihc Elkhorn Valley
Christmas trco.
Henry Nurlin of Cass county , harvested
800 bushels of beans on twenty acres this
year. There is "Nurlin" small about
thai ,
Pullerlon tipplers are tapering off
preparatory ' to turning over tlio custom
ary now leaf , January 1. Last spring's
freshet ' marked miraculous changes in
stimulants out there.
The Uock Island railroad bridge over
the ; Blue river at Beatrice is completed
and the construction train gang will
sample the town turkey to-morrow , The
line west is completed to L'airbury.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. of Hast
ings have declared war on the alleged
"Homo ot the Friendless" in Lincoln ,
better known as the Slaughter pun , In
which thu stale invested $10.000. Some
weeks ago the Hastings ladies sent on un
fortunate girl to the "homo" to oo cared
for. After three days' stay she was
transferred to a female infirmary in Lin
coln , where board and treatment were
furnished for the moderate sum of § 20 a
week. Mrs. Slaughter , superintendent
of the 'home , " informed the Hastings
Indies thnt they must pay tlio bill , but
they refused and the unfortuuato girl
was shipped back to them. Nolwith-
Standing the ofTbrls of Ihe Mipcrinlcndont
to maintain a halo of godliness , the
Slaughler house odors are sulliciontly
strong to command a legislative investi
Oltumwa is lo have a new union depot
nt a cost of 8100,000.
Sioux : City's improvement record for
1880 will reach $1,000.000.
Nine hundred incandescent , besides a
largo number nf arc lights , are in opera
tion at Ottumwa.
The gambling houses of DCS Moines
are helping to swell Iho treasury .surplus
in llio way of heavy linos.
The ab.slract of valuations and of taxes
leviu.1 and entered on the tax lists of
Seott county for Iho year l&Jtl amount to
$0,1)00,1)01. ) )
Linn county pays for the year 1P80 ,
$3Q"l.or ( ) ( ) ) > tax , of which fr 118.80-1.4-1 is for
schools , over ono-lnilf the entireamount. .
It is a .self-imposed tax.
Mrs. Mary Miilioncy , aged ninety-nine
years , died 'in Iowa township , Du'buquo
county , on the 17th inst. She had hfty-
nine grandchildren and twenty-seven
The ofliccrs of tlio law who _ are engaged
in extracting the "serpent's tooth1'1'in .
Sioux City are having a four-ring circus ' a
all to themselves. They tackled A.
Crow's nest Tuesday , and found the chief
of Ihc roost In front of the building with
thu door looked , The sheriff demanded
Iho key and Crow began a search for U.
Just as Iho last crate of diluted serpents
disappeared through thu back door the
key was found , and the officers orilorod
to iind the bur dismantled and not a drop
in the jug.
Dakota ,
The longest toboggan slide in the world
is the S.OOO-foot onu at llismarok.
County ollloors elected in November
will assume their duties January It ,
The first Itomun Catholio cathedral in (
the ! territory will probably bo built at
The Northern Pacllio will roduro its
passenger rate to 4 coins a milo after
January 1.
Nearly ono million pounds of on ; has of
been .sliippcd to Omaha from I hit lilack
Hills since llio 10th of August.
The city authorities of Vanl.ton have
noliliod iho public tlmt cattle running at
largo will bo "hold to answer. "
I'arkslon is roprosonlod by four re
ligious denominations : Methodist. Pres
byterian , Haptist and Calhpliu , and cuch
society contemplates building a house of
worship ,
Tlio Dickinson Coal company hns
begun operations nn a vuin of coal twenty
fool thick. Thu quality is said lo ho far
superior lo any coal iu thu markets of
north Dakota.
Laramiu's now club house has been
The H. & M. is reported to bo In nego
tiation with the Laramiu Clalns Laud com
pany for thu right of way through their
The Laranno Plains Land Mint Cattle
company have purchased 1.000 huad of
stock cattle in Nebraska which they will
fecit lids wlnturon their ranches.
At a meeting of the stock holders of the
Wyoming Contra ! railway comniiny held
in Lusk , U'yo. , December 11 , tlio capital
stock of thu company wus Increased from
S2.000.000 to f 10,000.000.
Acting unrlcr Instructions rccoivort
from Washington , United Stains AHnr > ioj
' ill begun suit uvu' ' . $ tt'ob & Car-
tcr on behalf of ( he government for the
recovery of $175,000 damages for infring
ing upon the public domain.
Among Iho novel sights along Iho rail
1 road ( iu Wyoming Is that of great herds
of antelope. Onu band , which has been
about , Hock Springs the past ton days , Is
supposed to. number over 10,000. A
party went out from that town one day
and rclurncd in Iwo hours wilh seven
teen , which wel-o all I hey wanted , but
they could have killed many more. An
other unrty went from llryuu and bagged
thirty-six before they got tired of thu
sport , and were glutted with meal.
The Kawllns ( ? a/.clto says. "Wo have
often been asked the question why tlio
Union I ! Pacific railway is building a
branch . line up the Plat'to valluy into the
North Park. \ \ lulo the matter perhaps
has been n slate secret in railway circles
for several yean' , wo bohovo there is no
betrayal of conlideneo on our part in
staling that Iho Union Pad Ilo has abso
lute control of nn extensive Hold of uu-
tbracito t ! coal Just over the Hue in Colorado
rado , They an- now building the branch
line of road from Fort Steele for the pur
pose of reaching this coal. The comple
tion of the Fort Sti'olo branch Into the
park means the erection of Ktccl works
j1 ItawlitiH , whuro the steel rails not only
for the North Park branch , but the whole
Union Pacific system will bo made. "
Denver's improvements for the voar
will aggregate $3fO 1,000. ,
Heal e.itale transfers In Denver last
week amounted to ? U)0,7-ti. ! ) )
A special force of policemen have boon
employed in Denver to attack the army
of foot pads and sneak Ihiovus in the city.
The report of the state auditor shows
that on November ! ! 0 , 1831 , thcro remained -
mainod in the treasury in cash and se
curities ! ? oltlltt.01i ! there was received
from all .sources during the two years
ending November ; ! 0 , ist-d , $1.8i7M.-M ; , ; ! ,
making a total of tfl.JKVJ.GS'l.So. ' The
total disbursements during this period
were $ lr > ir > , ! i51.tiO , leaving n balance in
cash and securities of iSilr)71 ; ) > .0.1. The
total debt of the dale is $ ( il-l , : i7. The
grounds and buildings owned bv thu
state tire valued at ? 5'JO,00i. (
The legislature of Idaho is in session at
Hoise City.
The production of gold and silver in
the territory last year amounted to
$ 5,800,000.
ilahez Ohaso is reported to have sold
the Cnusus mine , Scorpion liiiluh. Wood
Kivcr , to an eastern syndicate , for
"The prospects of Idaho , " savs Ihc
Shoshone Gazette , "novor were so' bright
as at present. Immigration nnd capital
is all that is needed to start n great many
industries and settle up the hucst lands
thai lie out doors. "
The treasury of Hulte county contains
; ? ? ! i , ! il cash.
Helena lias contracted for a town
clock to cost $2100.
Hulte. is the paradise of pugilists. They
rank next to Ihe mayor in Ihu social scale.
The Northern Pacific announces a re
duction of passenger rates in the terri
tory , beginning .January 1 , from seven
to live cents a mile.
According lo Iho school census of Hullo
just finished , there are l.USS males and
l,2iO ! females between llio ages of four
and twenty-one years ; Gly males aiuNL'l )
females under four years of age ; total ,
1 , ! > , ' 13 males and lGji ! fumalcs ; total of
both , 11,580. Of this number , there are ,
of colored children , six males and sixteen
females over four years of ago and onu
male and live females under four years ;
Chinese , fouly-four males and fumalcs
under twenty-one years. Thu total in
18S5 was ! ! ,80."i , or 379 more than thu pres
ent census.
TJic J'aclllo Coast.
San Diego has expended over $1,000,000
in building the past year.
A Mormon missionary is endeavoring
to make converts in Linn county ,
During November there were shipped
from Calistoga 400 flasks of quiek.silvor ,
the product of three mines.
Onu hundred and sixty-eight thousand
boxes of raisins have been shipped from
Fresno by rail so far Ibis season.
The Daily Tombstone has boon swal
lowed by the Daily Epitaph of Tomb
stone , Am. This is the llrst ease on
record where thu epitaph was larger than
the tombsloiio.
Never at any lime was Los Angeles
more over-run with the eriiiinal clement
than at the present. Footpads waylay
belated pedestrians nightly , and small
burglaries are innumerable.
Mrs. Standiford , of Snclling , Merced
county , buried ? MOt)0 ) in cold in the
cellar of her house for safe keeping. Her
soven-yeai-old boy found Ihc hoard , how
ever , and had distributed $700 of it among
his playmates before hu was found out.
During November thcro wuru shipped
from Puft'ut Sound ports W.OOO.OOO feel of
lumber , ! Hi , 140 tons of coal nnd produce
valued at ! illO,000. The total value of all
shipments was $853,0(10 ( , and tlio vessels
employed wore of 07.GOO tons measure
C. 13. Ma.yiio's prices aru always the
lowest und'his terms are always the easi
est. ' Co to his ollieu anil buy a lot in
Cot nor it Areher'h add. to South Omaha
for $ 'JOO to ? OUO thai will double inside of
1'fcsunts of Mind.
"Going to give your wit'o u soalfkin
oloak for a Chriclmas prudent , 1 sup
pose ? " cliiriiod Holded to Ulggloswortn ,
as they toddled down struct tognthor.
"Yes , in my mind , " Wigglesworth
testily retorted.
" 1 suppose von would call thai presents
of mind , wouldn't yonv" Holded con
Hut Wigglosworth was too busy falling
over a boy's sled to make reply.
C. K. Msiyno'fl prices are always the
lowest and his terms are always the easi
est. Co to his ollieu and bnv a lot In
Jotnor & Archer's add. lo South Omaha
for f'50 lo $ "jOO that will double inside of
A somnambulist in Albany , Ca. , noted
for his slfupliig-wall'-ing feats , ( -hot onu
his lingers off the oilier night whilu
lighting two Imaginary burglars.
, . .
. . ' '
Addition to
All of you who have not visited this
busy place al some time , and those who
have , take not of thu wonderful changes
that have taken plaoo thurc In Iho past
twelve months. From n dozen little
fdiantlos can now see she smoke
carling heavenward from hundreds of
cottages. Uriok blooks aim bo seen on
almost any corner. From two sloira
then tliu number has swelled to twenty
or morn now. with others opening out
every day. They now have ban KB , n
daily newspaper , and n dozen other mi
nor enterprises. Hut these are moro
nothing compared with the Rival paok-
mg industries , which are in operation
Ihore , with their thousands of employes
and Mii'h men at their head as Hammond.
Liptou , Fowlur and Morris , thn problem
is solved. South Omaha will bo tlio fu-
lure packing town of tlio world. There
has been moro money mii'la in real ns-
lalo in South Omaha , for the amount in-
vkslod , Ihau any other part.of town. Lots
thai ono year ago sold for $375 nre now
worth from $3,000 lo $3,000 ami cheap at
that , and there are just as good chances
now us then , and bolter , for the reason
that we now know South Omaha will
buyo a population of 10.000 in less than
live yoarw. Now is llio time to buy.Vo
have a largo list of property horn , and
would bo pleased to show it lo one mid
all. Call and OMIIIIIIIO our list nnd take
a ride out and nee tlio town. Wo have a
list of bargains iu all parts of town ; como
and see same.
fM'onm | IOIIM > , Idlrivlld , ucir ,
Sr , < iOO IF ( alien tills ivouU.
ilO.vKfcJ , on llarnuyst. with story brick
Uents for fSOOO per year. fUO.UOO. $10-
000 cash.
i lot in block Sfii. $1,800. \ cash , bal
ance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
And see if you do not find something you
A great bargain , 8 largo lots , 00 foot
frontage , imuh. on 23d st. , with small
house , In K. V. Smith's add , cable line
built within C blocks. This will make four
lots of .lOlxldOoach. $0,600. Only $3,000
cash. Musi bu takun at once. Tin's will
scll for $10,000 in the spring.
A bargain. House 7 rooms , lot 100x130 ,
in Omalm View. Price 1,800 , $1,000 cash ,
baluncu to suit.
A bargain. 100x100 , on Sherman avc. , in
Kirkwood. fl.OOO , § 1,000 cash.
Corner lot , COxl'JO , in Fairmount Place ,
$3,000 , $650 cash.
A bargain. 00x140. on 30th St. , in 12. V. '
Smith's add , 5-3.700 , $1.800 oush.
3,1x150 , near William st , on S liUh.storo
building. 3 stories , rents for 03.50 per
mouth. $1,501) ) , terms easy. This Is a bar
gain , will net you 17 per cent per your jn
115x150 , adjoining the above , with two
story frame store building , rents for $50
per month. $1,000 , , terms easy. This is a
great biircain. Call at once as this Is on
the market but a short time.
Ono whole lot in South Omaha In busi
ness parl , $1,301) , ) . A bargain.
Two houses , ono of 13 rooms and one of
3 rooms , runts for $ GO a month , in Hor-
bacn'8 add.1,000 , $1,000 cash , a bargain.
A bargain , llouso of 10rooms , routs for
$37,50 per month , in Horbach's add.
$3.000 , $1,000 cm&h.
Kiglil-room house and barn , Horbuch'n
add. rent * for $30 per month. $ U,000 ,
$1,000 cash.
A bargain. l)0\l"3 ) , on Dodge st. $1,500.
Beautiful lot in block O.Hanscuin Place
$3,500 , $ 00 cash.
Cor lot in Marsh's add , $3.100 , $1,030
! iOxl30 , in Jacob's add , with store nnd
-I rooms ubovo , rents at ? 40 per month.
This on the Park avc , car line and a bar
gain. ? ! ,500. $1,500 cash , balance 1 , 2 , ! !
and 4 years.
Wu liavu farms in Iowa and Nebraska
to exclmngo for Omaha city property.
Wo havopurohns-ors for mortgaged
on improved property.
Also have "money to loan" at very
low rates , on improved city and farm
ISIot-U IS , Credit B'oiM'U'r mldi-
lion , Si lols , ( racluigc c'acli sliit ; ,
u'llliln two blot-lit olVoiil mine.
0-roctni lioilht' , ! dlcir2d ! , $ ,
6-raom IMMHC , Improvement A.n-
Noeiation , lot 5Mxl 51 , east front
O-room Iioime , < * eorlii ; ; avenue ,
Iientod l > y t > lenm , ivatcr nnd
Kilt , full lot , Iiarn , ele. , near
jLcavunworlli , $7 , TOO.
ISoiw , 8 rooms , U lots , WEmUor
IMneo , 'J IMoeli * iveif I'urk ,
ZBoimc and lot in lLou'eN addi
tion , $ IHOO.
Tine mm- house in IKanseom
IMieu : , { 'atlierlno Hired , 10
roonm , lietited Ity fiu-niiee , next
built in llio elty. fCartfaln.
ft-room eolluue , netv , corner
iiMli and Oiilo Mreel * , Lalui'M
addition , ' , SOO ; $ < ) OO eas.'i ,
! 2ft per month.
lot in Washington Square.
ncaullful lot in Dcnlse's add. rOxlM !
; i , ; K ) , $100 cash. This a bargain.
3 lots In Jliiyno Place , Call and gqt
turn is.
Wo have several lots In Duncckon's ad
\Vuliiiil Hill on easy terms.
Wo have property ( or sale In all pnrta
of town. Cull and * uo us.
2&oozn 9 , Hcmick's Bloolr
2ncl Flo ox * .