Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Die P < ut Month r , Prosperoui One For That
Glass ih Trade Spccnlation.
I'riuox Itnli * .Strnnucr on Iio Must DC-
Klrnlitr KliiOn of Cuttle'JliPllo
U'ritilc Slow and Vnhics l/ouei-
rnir Af.o. Dec.Sl. | bp < > olU'iVk'nraii ) totlm
Hi I i Tills lias been a good month for the
"ontsidcs" in produce speculation. In purk
Ilic pi lor liiis liren i mi Hi' a couple of dollars
n biiirel by the "rank Intoilop-ri" : in < l
'Yonntrj. ' ' In Ihe.idviinee of a few
ronlhas ; boon appropriately dubbed A
"wliiMilinai in's biitKQ , ' ' but tliu bulges have
boon li.inl to bcit. The bl ' professionals"
with thu exception of Cud.ihy . and Mnn , who
have been KOIIK ) it alouo and vnaluntf 110
roinbliKitions , have lined b.ully. It has been
n icniaikablu fact that when bitf local opci-
nldrt. li.niunilei taken to bull the wheat
ni.irltct It Ims pi islsU'iillj ilocllnril , and when
thoj lime turni'd aioiind and ti ied to bent It
lm pi'ialstpntly advanced , to that even as
Jii'b and eli'vei a manipulator as N. It. ISfaui
IMS lost hli DOW IT ot Incantation , and the pit
H nll > emus loss lu know he Is dolut ; tor two vents. II has been the
Mxmo In imrK It has been an open
MVirl that the bluest bt'tti In the
piodnrl v\as the p-ivvciful John Plaiikliiton ,
Mid it brcn IIIOHI | L'I | that he will delhei
! < M > oo bairols of c.ish pork if Milwaukee
make in this inaiUut on .hum my 1 , but in
pllc ! i > l It rhe price has advanced over ? 'J a
bani'l. Cables ranio In quite ilnu this nioin-
Inir and biaeed up tin1 emb iniukel , but an )
ndvance made then was lost l.ilei on. May
wheat on the cmb wa M , ' < e. It opened ol-
llriallj at , this Imuie , though some sold nt
Mn4e. At llio snme iiiouicnt thcic WHS a sud
den advances to We , lollowcdb } a leactlon
loM' < c. Kinsh irreipts weie oul ) 1 .0 cans ,
MX ol them being vv Intel wheat. Coin ie-
lelpls weic-iU c.iis. The oncnlus was slow
at 12 4e for May. 1'oik was easier , opening
with plenty of sellei' at vll ST > foi May. but
iinlcklv diopped tojMl.M ) . Koii'lKii advices
vvpicnboiit all thcio vv.ts In thu e.ulv market.
Not iniu'hadvanct' wasexpreled.tPiovisions
weie heavy undo tieo ic.dl/injr. Wheat
dioppod lurk ( i ) h4c. , ' Thi ) inaiket did not
put its best loot lunvard until \\Hlnloni :
toward noon , thimili ; local hiiyini : was inoic
DI less linn ked buloro that time. Ase.tilj as
10 o'clock there ILK ! ln'i'i ) mdto a nuinbei ol
buying oidcih tecelved mound 8V ,
nl which oiluilnirs vveio uuevpei tedlv
lire1 , but the eiov\d absorbed pretty
much eveitlilnu that tin own
on ( he mailet. llv noon New Voik had
CdineJIn as veiv active bujers mid toned the
prlee up to NV c , nl which iijjnri1 the nmilcct
wan veiy linn lei awhile , though enough
iiull/iiiK WMS done within a quarter of an
lioul Iheiealtei to vvoik the maikel donn ' , e
to Wi'ai1. ' Kxpuits Irom the whole seaboiud
wcic twi'iHy-thiee and one-half loads , NV.v
i ork piopei cnntilbiitlni : ten loads. The top
point was s"i" c. vvheie .May sold. As is usu
al ! } thu c.isu such Insim.itlon as theio was in
corn vvabdiawn lioin wheat. Alnv dropped
imlle sicadil.v IromI'iV to I''VW'h' * " 'id '
then iccoveied R portion ot the decline , but
there was nothliic in thciu.irket hu > oud local
"enlplnif. TovvanN noon altenipts to icall/e
on poik welt ) ( jitllu liee and woikcil prices
down in. . ' pm barrel tiom lust iiuotHlloiis. but
when the KIWI test sticnctli was shown In
other atliclos Ihute was moie 01 lus.s of a le-
eoverin this.
Ji.'JO i1. M. Wheat was easiei on tbe aflei-
iiniin lio.iid , hdlmt ; duwu to ' > 'AU ' foi .May
wild elosinu HI S > f > l , , ( < 1 > < 'Vj < ' . l > 'or expoit It wns
( aid r > eveuteen and one-halt boat load.- .
lind been taken at New Yoik and twenty"-
OIHI bout loads at other sea polls. Coil ) was
( juletiind not maieilally ch.uiL'cd , ifstiimal
4J\iiMU 4c tor Alaj. Way poik closed .it
Oec. " ! ! . ( Special to
the Hi i'-Xi-ii.r | Vesleiday's
leeelDts weio ovei S.OCO. The iccelpts to-d.iy
veie.eonsldorahlv lighter and the uiu tor the
week is Iheietoiu loss than la1- ! week , Thu
niai Itet was jjenei ally quiet e.uly , but thcio
was a moie active movement lalei , and
Millies inlcd slioiiiiei on certain deshable
kliidH. As u tide the market wasdiill as cvei
nn thin and eoaise e.iltlo and the impiovo-
nienl was eonlined mainly to slightly more
ftdlve tiiide. .Six veiy fancy l.V.M lit polled
Anirus hteeis sold tot Clnlstmns beef ; the
in ice ie ] . in | LH | at 7.00. Shipping
Mceis , i : WJ to t.,00 Ibs , St-I.'OKI.l'O : I''OO ' to ISM
Ibs St.h' > ( (44ir. ( ; ! C,0 to 1000 Ibs , 83 riOfttS ' .tt.
KlccUeis and let deis , Sl.2rfiiy.70 ; cows , bulls
and mixed , Sl.Ww ! . : ; bulk , S'--'Oii'.ni ) ;
J'OX.lbCO , ? U OJirtJ.50 ; sleiTb , * . ' 70 ® LOU.
lions Tinde washlow and pikes lOuilV
lower Ihan yesiculay , bent lane ) hu.ivy milk-
iiiK i-tTii34 ( 45 and inline piiclttus soils Jl.lil
ffl't.r.o. Mitlit mixed , SU..iOfM 10 ; li lit li bl.
Jlt..Khu-t.M ; Yoikeu , Sl.iKKtM.O'J. ' niiiili ; and
common inKed , > ! ( .nViii.tO. : The m.nkcl
closed weak.
Yoik. Dec. n-Movitv-Oii call
ensj at n loU per cent , closing .it ! ! pei cent.
PUIMK 1'APKU : i pet
KXCIIAVOK Dull , stendy anil
nni'li.iniii'i .7'J < , lei hi\ly daj
( lovuRNMfirs ( joveiiimoni buuds were
dull but Mc.ulv.
bioc-Kb The voliiino of business In slock *
Miuwcil a still lurthei dcercnM' . The open.
In ) ; was quiet aud Miiiicwhnl inc nlai ,
thiiimh xciicr.ill } lirm , the iiiHjonty ot HtoL-kt
Miowlnjf ndvanccs over List evciilnu'd tinal
ih'uios of 'i ; to > 5 ppi cent. 'I ho ai'tlv Ity ills
itmieaieil alter tin ) Mist half hour und juices
bivaiiio lienvv , Jorsoj lieuii ; the load.
1m ; weal , Mock. 'Iheio was little movement
to puces until utter 1 p. in. , when the down ,
wind movement c.iintil stimiclh. 'Ihcrowai
u hllKhttiillv Intlie hist hour , but the ni.irkel
clostii h.uelj stchily i li.iftiuiis hcltcr than
the lowi'Sl prices ,
TouKi ox w\ri. srnrnr.
V crnt bonds. . 100' C. A. N.V. \ . ll. ,
U. b. 4U'K . . . niivj , picfciied . 141) )
X'rw < ' . . . . 1 .V. Y. 0
Pucl.ltc O'f , of 95 1-J < 1 ( Oil-ton Tian B"
, Pai'llic M.dl . .
C. A A H.I P. 1) . * K
( ' . H. A U I35JS Kock Jhlantl . . .
J . I , . A W lii'l's bt. h , A b. K. . , . 81
J ) . A It ( i. . . MI , ' iiiefencd. . .
Kite. : ' , C. , 51. A. SI , P. .
prefeirei ! . 7J I prttlcue , ! . . .
Illinois Centutl l : 'St. ' p , A o
i. , 11. AW . . . ir > iji piolerreil. . . UO' '
Knufcatut Texas. > \ 's TCAAS Puolho . .
l.iikn .Shore Id .Umou . Picltie . .
1 , . AN . . . . iVIH W. , bt. h. & P. .
Midi. U'1'.f ' piutuiicil. . .
ilo. 1'aciflc . . . nTH \\V \ tern tlnlou.
A'oi UK-MI I'ac . W',0. , K. AN .
UU' ( |
I'noDuoi : M v inner.
Clilonuo , Doc. 22.-FollovvlllC quola
tiiiiii > niii'JuO : olusiiiK iiriccst'lour .Sli-ailv
niul uiichan od , winter vvlient Hour , HO.Vi
4.10 ; himthriii. I3.W(5 ( < .oo ; Wisconsin Michigan ken cprlui ; Y\
| i > , vCvt4lU ; MiunciCU bakcrtt , 5.i.,7ici'l.lO
t > &tcnl8 , f4hOiJ .W ; low Ciaites , Jl.TS .MS
! } Hour , quid l S3.'C.Q1J.W . 111 b.iiU'1 *
mid iCI.wisU.-U In tacks ,
Wheat Ituh'd iiiolo active and stronger
nudopoiu'd VifU" hlsher and closed " . "
ftbovoestoiday : cnsli , 77'jU , Jnuuary , 77
IJ-lGo ; February , 7b n-iiv ; May , M 7-1'M. '
Corn ( Julct nnd steady : opuned a shad <
bttter than jestmday'd close , nd closlnu
Cimei cashw t..lauu ; ij , SOifc ; F
. and nominal , cash , 2V' e
May , 3U\ ) ,
liailey ( julct at 52c.
TiniolbybUMi-l'tiiuf , fl.7Ktl.7C.
f lavccedUX W'c.
lork-peiifddiIUtii5QiOo ( ) ) decline , fel
on lO&tv.'i.'o ; prices rallied 7J , ' jlOo , am
Ehscdte4dycabh. ) ; SfU.'AV Jamuii } , > U.wO
J-rbruaiy. 311 10 ; Ma ) , blJ.77' , ' .
J.Brd-Qulel 8Ud tahy , cash , ai7U ; Jau
February > MtfW8' Ma >
. . S4.W\3t,65 ; shoi
Je r , 38.tXH3d.03 ; rlb T ' W fo
lsnuar > ,
Hultf-r Qujet but dcadj ; ctcamery ,
, dnirj "
Qulci but stcadj ; full crenni
ehvddars. K'Wia c ; Hats , li'tOWje ; young
skim ? , ? y < iliV. ! a
llntes In KOOI ! request at former prices ;
heavy green salted. "UdUJic ; bull hides ,
4"ift7c : dry salted , 11 ® ! % ; ilr > salted i alls
S-Cntn p ; ( IcHCoiis , 'Sic each ,
Tallow Slow ; No. 1 country , 3"ic ; No , ' , ' ,
2ic : take , -Ic.
Kocflniv Shipments.
Klonr.lib'i ' .
Wheat. bit . Ni.oo )
Corn , on . 181.000 H(00
( ) dt .Uu . 05.000 W.OCO
Uje. bit . 1,000 1.IXX )
Uancy.Dti . MOOD 2S.fKW
Now York. Dec. . WheatKeccipK
1 Oti.000 ; e\port , W.dOO ; spot about Ic and
options % dil'4e ' hlKlicr. closlna lirm at IUMT rates : unladed red , fc'i ( rtM.'c ' ; No.
ared , sV ! No.2red. ' "O' " ' c In elevator , tK4 ) '
f < 4'jO)4r. ) i. o , b. : No. 1 ted , &T c ; oxtia led ,
t'l'.oi ' January closed al Wc.
( Orn Casii .stiaily and o.ulct ; options
opened ' ( .r.c p lowei , closed steady v > ith the
deillno reeoveied ; iccelpts , Ifi.ww ; r\poil ,
1SV1W ; uiiL-radcd , inn 74e ; No. 3. 40 ( - ) ' ' . ' < c
for new in elevator , Ki'tc ' for old ; No. - .
* 7Ve In elev.itoi , Ib' c alfoat : Januatyelob- > ; ) < > .
Oats \M Ke lildior ; receipts , 4 < , oi)0 ) : ex-
pott * , 4V ) : vve.steiii , yu@'J7c ; white
western. : itii ( He.
I'etrolcum Steady ; nulled , OV e-
K e liulct and lirm ; vve tern , ! M < iTi .
I'oik-Acilvo atuteasiet ; mess ijnetud at
' 'll..V.ilJ.i'i.
l.ardA hnde lowei ; nestetn ( team spot ,
3o.r.j',1'ijn.v. ' .
HuttetQuiet and Him ; vvostein , l'ii JPc ;
Klein ei Gainer ) . Slm.f.V.
Clieeso- Quiet ; vveslern Hat , UyJViJiP.
Mllw/iukop. He. . ' . 21 Wheat K.isier ;
cash , 77c : .l-inuaiy , ii's'c ; MIIJ , sl. ' < e.
Corn htcadv ; No. ' - ' , We.
Oats Quiet. So. ' . ' , Me.
Itve-Dnll : No. ! . : > .
Itarh v-l.nwer : No. a. 60p. .
Provisions l.ovvui ; iiork , December ,
S1I.MO : Januaii , 511.81.
Cinrliiiinil , Dee. 'J3.Wlical Sl
Vo. --Oa-lc. .
Corn s'teaily ; No. 2 mixed , 'i
Oats steady ; No. 'J mixed , ao
Itye-hleadv ; No.J. . fiS'r. ,
I'oik Nominal at tl'J.oo.
Laid -Lower at Si'.in. '
WiiKkc-i rum al il.13.
Attnnenpoils , Dec. 2:5. : Wheat
and higher , No. 1 liaid , cash anil , ) nnimt > ,
7t'K' ; May , > 't ' : Xo. I noilhern , cash and
.lanuary , 7-lc ; Ma.v , M'4e ; No. ii northern ,
eush and .l.inuarv , Tie ; May , 70'4e.
rioui Stead ) and lirm : patents , Sl.-Ufcfl !
4.mbakeis \ , si..Va.iO. : ) ( : )
Kocelpts 107,000 , bu. ; lloiit , 100
hhipments Wheat , I' ' bu , ; Jlotii , 11,000
St. Loulx , Dec. 2.1. Wheat Strong ;
No.J led , enbli , M > Ke ; , bOc ;
Jlny , S7.e.
Corn Finn ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , : i.Vje ;
Janu.ii ) . : i.v jc ; Muv , ' tV iay. ic.
Oats Steau ) ; Xo. li mUcd , cash , ? V
bid : May , : il'e. '
WliNkv-81 18.
I'ork-'Ki y at 511.0 , ) .
Lard llaiely stead ) .it SO.Ojfi.lO.
live Firm at 6lc.
Uiitlei 1'Alrlv active and sleady ; eieaui-
ery , 84nae ( ; ; d.iirv. l.Va.'lie.
Atteinoon Ho.iid Wheat aud coin Vo
lower. Oats , ash.ule lower.
Knn ! is City. Dec. 1U Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , fa h , fi'iC bid : January , 0-u bid ;
Mav,7i4t ( ) bid.
Coin McRdv ; No " , cash. W\c bid ;
.lauunry , . 'O'jC ' bid ; Kebinat ) , JKtcMay ,
: , ; . 'c.
Uats X iminal.
Dec. 'i' ! . The Drovei's Jouinal
lonoi l as follows :
Cattle Receipts. r,000 : shade mnic nc-
lives bliiiiiin ] steers , $ : ) . : ! 0 ( < iUiQ : stockeis
and tcedeis , J .i > c".70 ; cows , bulls and
mixed { si. : : ! . : ; ; b-dlc , s . -'OWJ.OO ; Tcxiii
cattle , t'J oo tT.i.OO.
lion's Keeulptb , fl4,000 ; weak nnd NXime
lower ; touu'li and mixed , S.7.@t ) W ; naek-
IUK and hhipidnu' , 34.UO@-1.50 ; llL'lit , 5r3.0UVD (
4.20 ; skips. W.IiCKiW.10.
Sheep Iteeeipts , 1,000 ; slow and weaker ;
natives , St'ViViM.-'S ; western. S2.50i3.-iO ( ;
rcMins , S1.7rxg8.'iri ; lambs. S4.00ijiri.15.
ItausnH Ciey , Dee.'J. ! . Cattle ItecelpK
1,100 ; blilpmenis , 1,000 ; coed .steady ; com
mon ealc and Mow ; common to choice ,
f3.2.'i(5l.W ( : ) ; stockers. S'i2fifff..7.'i ' ; feedinu
steeis , t2 > 0 ( ci.W : ; cows , Sl..Vi.OO. :
Jlot's-Itoceipts. 14.000 ; hlilpments ' . ' ,000 ;
weak aiKl tslOc lo\vei ; eomnion to choice ,
Ht. l.ouis , Dec. 23OiiUIoUecoipts , 720 ;
bhipmcnts. 70 ! : stronger ; choice heavy native
steels , Sl.0tij4.7"i : ! ; fair to coed bhlppiiiK
steers. si.4.Vul..M : > ; initeheifi' bteeis , fair
lo prime , S.00a4.1 ! ) ( ( ) ; feeders , iair to seed ,
S'J.-'iOWI.'JO ; hlorkeis , Inir tocooil , S .00@2.7. .
Hoj Uecelpt. , ti.OOO ; shipments , 2.000 ;
opened SIIOUK , weakened , and closed AuiiOc
IOVMT than on jesteidav ; choice heavy and
biilcheis' selection ; ' , 4 .Vtfifa.-tr , ; packing ,
tidr to need , S4.00C41Yoikcrs : , inedinni
to tauey , 5'.oO(84.00 ' ( ; pigs , common to food ,
Tluilsdiij , Due. UII.
Dull IP.
The iiiatKft continues active and steady.
'I he meipts wcic "
The iccclplsweie not as heavy as veslci-
day. The maiket opened a little slow and n
sliouir fie lowei and in > ome cases 10o lower
than vesteiday. The demand was veiy tair
mid eveiythliiK in the nmiket was sold.
There weie no fieih anlvnls and nothing
on the m.uket.
Catllo . 400
o s . 3,000
SliowlngtliB pruvailioKpilues paid for1 llvo
oi-K on tills in.ii kcl.
Choice steets. 13V ) to TiOO UH . S4. : @ l.r,0
Choice sleois. 1100 to 130U Ibs. . . . 4.lKHM. < . > i15
( ioodtemleis . iWi3ir ! ( ( ( )
( lood lo choicy corn-ted cows. . . ' . > .Mif(3.25 (
I'an to nici Him Kra s cows . 2.00 ( u'.r o
C.ood to cliolco mills . 1.50a")0 (
Lmht and nieunmi nous . 1.00(44.10 (
tiooti to eholca lieavy tiORs . 4.\Mt4'M \
Hood tochoico mixed IIO A . 4.UV4.10
! oed to ciioico sheep. , . U.7 , ' ) ; < .i.'jo
Kali to coed sheep . 'J.'lVti'i.W
_ I Ofl'l'lCCS.
Shnwini ; the hidiest and lowest
paid for Uuds ot IIOKS on this market
the past feven days and tor the same tune
lastear :
D ec."ifctG i Uoc.Tti"
nth 3 OS 4J4.I5
1Mb 3.70 B1 OJ " "'ji ' 3.M oa i
19th1 3,71) ) ttl.lVJ 3.'iO 411.43
Mlh U 70 ( BJ.M Sunday
1'let Sniiilnr 3.VW Q'l 40
2-.M 3.rj ) ei.7X J.M rt3.)0
3V , . ' . '
OJbJ H.'j 46140
All siloof stock in this market are made
uero\vt. live weltht unless otherwise stated.
PI-Ail biiKsell at nc per Ib. for all weights ,
"btlns , " or hogs \velfc-hlnc less than 100 HIM ,
110 value. 1'ieKiiant bowsaro ducked 4U Itw ,
and btast O Ibs , Uy tbo public Inspector ,
Note * .
Hops lovvfr.
Ontllc market stcntly.
Xo hogs mrlcil over.
A. Slgmnn , lltntilcc , vvn in vvllh n car of
The nualllj of the lie s is not as t ; ( > tl ai n
week iigo ,
K l. Cooper. Wooplnc Water , was a visitor
at the janls.
liob'jrt lunl.\i ) | , Tlnglej , In. , was in to-ilay
X. 1' . Mavlirvv. Villlbca , was hrip anil sold
two loads of entile.
Den Hill , ( ' 'orntnp , l.i , wns line and < old
two loads of hops.
1) ) . S. Pivrkliurst. ( Jrand Island , was lieio
with a load of hops.
Mr. ( iaincll. Dcontur countv , la. , was look-
inir over tliu inaikut to-day.
N. H. Darpitrecn , Wahoo , was in and sold
two loads ot corn led cattle ,
( ! . II. ltobii ! oii. of the Hay State Cattle
company , was a visitor at the ynuls.
J. K.VH on , .Mrssinn , la. , was litre to-d.iy
for the llrst tune and sold a load ot ho 's.
,1. Dnnhy , Ashland , was ut tin1 } aids with u
load of hogs which he bold on the market ,
Mr. il.irkion came in with a load of hogs
nnd ti load of c.ittli' belonging to S. L. Slur-
lev ant.
I ) . J. .Mm oh ) , North I'lutte , Kcnrial tuaiia-
cei of the I'lHvili'i Itivet entile L'linip.iiij , was
licit1 to-d.ij.
A. Wilson , llulihcl , Neb. . wa leoUncovcr
( hi ! market todayNllh a vu-\v ot shipping
hogs hen1.
Ithreiioited that the ohi'ot | of our old
friend , John Moss , c title Imji-r tor ( ! . II.
llnuiuioiid , hail In IOUK ; ! was ( o ( nko
unto liiiusrlt n wile.
Octicrnl 1'roilnoc.
Thin silay , Dec.J ; ! .
TJic/oo'fii7 ! ( ' ) wires moor round lot * of
pnxlwc , nt sola on llic iiinrtoi tolaji. . 'flic
qi/iiMMous / on frtilli iiJicHCiilie / ( prices ut outililc oilers u > c liUal.
K ms The maiket lomains steady at2le.
Pori.Tiu The icccipt ot chickens vvero
heavy to-tiny nnd they were not all sold. The
hulk ot thu sales weie inadt1 nt nhoiit se for
choice stook. TuiUojs weie In good ieipii' t
ut 12e. As usual aicat ( many shipments
will airivo ( oolite. Ducks ami jt'eseseio
Cnr.Ksi , Kulli'iraui eheilditis , slule , IRoj
full Hats , twins He ; jouu American ,
1 11 jf ; fancy .Swiss Wdiin ; Swihi , Imiioited ,
SKH-jMiiiDiiiKer , 13ko lto.bilclc. : He.
( iAMU s'liiiile chickens , eholi'e per do/ ,
51.00 ; ( piail. per doS2.r,0 ; ducks , uiall.ud ,
pel doz. > 1.75 ( 2.00iUieks ; , teal , iienlo/ , Sl.'J.'i
WN1.)0 ; ducks , mixed , per doSI. . 25 ; ceese ,
jiei do/ , Sit Wi : deer , saddles , per Ib , KviU2e ) ;
deiTj c.ucasse" , per ib , 7@v ; elk siildles , jiui
Ih.t'lVjKk1 ' ; elk. e.nea.sses , perlb,0t < < .7e ; unteloue ,
s.uldles. per Ib , 10'cC12c ; anlelope , eaieasses
IMM Ib , 7@N" Jack labhlts , per doS.J.WVi
4.00 ; small rabbits , per doz. We.
Ai'i'i.K1 Thestoi'ksou hand tire not heavy
and the market is lirmer. Choice Ml.ssotni
und MlehlKnn stock at S3 25 ( ftf.oO.
Nh TheiH Is no lioino-Krowu stock on
the maiket to upe.ik of. Quotations ate
nominal lit < fl.25 < l.0 ; C'allloiuia , pci Ib , tyf
( 'KI.KIIY The maiket Is steady. Choice
.stoi'fc per do * . . 35c : exlra laijro , per do/,4Uc.
Ovsn.ns Mediums , soc ; staiul.inK 2fio :
selects , 2b ; e.xtrahclccls , y'3e ; M. Y. counts ,
CitAMiiRnn : : ( . 'ape Ted , fancy , PCI bbl ,
S1H.UO : bell mid biiRlo , per bbl , S'J.OH. '
HAN \ VAHHananasullovv , pci buneli ,
FJ.W . 'Jo ; banana .jellowjaiu'e , pci bunch ,
LF.MO.NB ilcsslnn , per box Sil-DOmO. . ' .
OKAN.t ( s Klnriil.i , cluiice , ISOfi'J-IO lo bo\
$ ri.OO ; do , 5 box lots , 4.75.
( ! n M'l. Mnlagna , pci bbl , GO Ib gtoss ,
. .
.M VPI i : SrdAK Sttie'ly ' iiuir , . ' 0 Ib boxes ,
p et Ib , 15o ; ehoice 'ic bi icks , 2. ' > ib boxes , ppi
Ib , 12c ; choice p.-nny cakes , il Ib boxes , pel
Ib. I2j e.
bAii.n Kit u rI'et 3i gnl bbl , SG.OO ; 1C
gal , half bbl. S3 6' ) .
Put A 101. s The maiket is lirm. Thcieare
vei v few coming in , and transnrtlous 1110
mostly limited to the sales ot sjnall lol.s fiom
thu stoie at CiO.aCV.
JMtoviMO.NS Ham , siifiat-cured , 113ic ;
bre.tUfast bacon , snsni euied , boneless , 10' ' ,
shoulders , Oc ; clear side biieon , be : drya.ilt
bides , 7e ; dried beef , hums , 14c ; diled beet.
i Pindar , lie : moss neil ? , pci bol , Sl'iSU ; laid ,
'lOlb dins , Kan banks , 6Vc ; laid. 10 , 5 and 3
Ib pails , Kail banks , 7J7'1fi\
FI.OLII AND Jln.i.srUKKs Winter wheat
Hour , best rjuallt ) patent , 82.75 : second fiual-
Ity. S3. 10 ; best quality HpriiiK vvlieat
flour , patent. 32.00branr ; > 0cpercwtehopped ;
feed , 70c per c\vt ; white corn meal. 'Me ;
jellovrcorn meal , NIC percvvt ; .serpentnij , OOc
petewt ; hominy , 52Xi ( ner cvvi ; bhoils , 5' c
percvTt ; craham ( l.CO ; hay , inhales , S.'i.-'iO ®
0.00 uer ton. _
Ail Hour With 1hc Propliuta M'cil-
nesdny Night nt Park I'lnce.
Tiie Dccumhor "hour with HIP iioets" : it
tlio Academy of the Snored Ileatt was
somewhat of u dupavtnro from the plin :
laid down in the inontli and faith
fully parried out in the succeeding ones.
It was , however , a very pleasant varia
tion , taking its tone and character from
the season. Instead of nn hour with
some latter day author , it was an hour
with the 11101 mit'ienl and respectable of
all the iioelhand authors the prophets of
Hie olden time No laurel-crowned singer
of Kuropp or Aineriua has ever sur
passed the larjic uttoranc * s of these "oarl.y
tods,1' und it was , tliurctoro , expollen't
taste on the part ol the young ladies of
Park Plaeo to lei them fcpeak in the
he.iiitiful My-ttry PJay , "The I'ii-ht
Ulirislnm" , " which was rendered with
Mieh line ollect last evening. Thu musi-
cai inlcrludi's vvero a particularly at
tractive teatiirp of the elegant little pro-
tjrammp , and hovvctl that the academy
is nn artistic school a- > well as a literary
one , niul that music ( hero is not mere
sonirsinpiiiy , but an intellectual study.
The entertainment closed with a Christ
inas greeting on the part of the gradu-
ati'.s to Hiirht Kov. Hishop O'Connor ,
The following is the programme :
I'loloL'ut1 . MIssMeXamaia
The IJIessed Virgin . Miss 0. OiciKhloii
AiiKelCalulel . Mbb.Stella Hamilton
bt. Joseph . Miss K. (
A.saph , I . i Miss K. MeParlln
Abuer , f J Miss W. Lowe
lloste'fi at nethlehem . . .Miss U. Ktcihcnson ]
Choriisot 1'ropheU. riioins of AiiRClb. In
habitants of llethlehem ,
Ml'sif'Al. IN 1 1 UItIiS. ) :
Kntioe "Itevel du Lion" . Wncnci
Miss Dellone , K. Ciel hton.
"liorato Ciell . Choiusol 1'iouhets
Uaip . Miss Nash
"Uloiy bo to dod" . Millaid
"P.isloips" . Lambillotte
Miss U. JJabi'ock , K. Crclghton , A. MeXaugh-
ten , L. Delloiie.
"Hymns of tliu SlitMiheids" . -
" ( ilorlaln IvxeelsK" . Lambillotto
"Coustiigo" . CioiU
I HllslVAS | ! ( .Jil.I.tlMi.
Misses ( Jiefc'g , A , liabeoek , II. Jones , S.
Lowe , A , .M ( . 'Tallin.
"AChilstm.isCaioi" . , . . .Choius
.St. J'liilomona'N.
On Clulstuiiis nfteriiooa thu following pro-
U'lammo will beieudered by the childien ot
the above school In the hall on the corner of
Ninth and H.iiney sheets.
Address . , . Miss L. P.iyntor
Choi us . ( iloila in Kxllus DCS
Itecitation . . . . Four Thousand Years
Sonu . My Kiist Aliislc Lesson
Mlisti. Whlteslde.
The Cadets Picnic.
.Scone 1. On The \Vaj To The di
Uceltatlon . The Habv'ft
Miss M. Ciombie.
The Cadets' Picnic.
Scene 11. At The ( Jravi1.
Itecitatlou . Moral ol the ( Jolden Ciboiium
Miss M. Heckler.
bolo . The bhephaid Hey
Mis- . Annie ( iarvey.
The Cadets' Picnic.
Kceuo 111. The Hetuin.
HecitJlion . . . . .iriinSriag
.Missj. Croft
Tableaux Marble utuniy Ulcanuig Scene
Kioin Itulh and .Naomi .St. Pliilo-
TheNavltity. _
I'llDlio Sohuols.
Mie public scliools clewed yesteiday nfier-
noou foi the holiday vacation , and will remain
closed until the lirbt Monday In January. At
several of Uio schools lltilo entertainments
v > em given by the scholar ? ot certain classed ,
and the performances vera very pleasantly
rendcied for the enteitalnmcnt of their asso
Among those vveie that hj the scholars of
Mi s Tlptoirs in the hinh school , nnd
that at the Irani. In the Leaven worth school
the tilth A oud tiflh U grades of loom eight ,
in cliaiceof Ida L , Hcmlngton , rondo cd the
following piocramme :
1. Piano solo. Soup of the Hose. Minnie
llorubcreer. 2. Heclt.itiou. May's Dteams ,
May Maud Lawrence. ! ) . Sonc. , loy Hells ,
UIP school. 4. Talk , A Model Christum * ,
liflhA glrK h. .Sonc , Hiotheis How , the
school. 0. Palestine , as II WHS , and now ,
Tilth H class. 7. .Soiur , ( Jood New ? , the
school , b. Pnpoi , ' 1'he Sioivof Clnlsl's Com-
In if , Klla SavaL'e. ' . ' . 1'apei , Tbo KltiR of
KliiL'S. Hertha .Schikft.ui11. . Son p. We
Three KiiiK , the school. 11. Talk. Itnlv then
find now , llflli H elaso. rJ. Musle , Amatori Holh. 1:1. : Story , The News
Hoi's Clulstmn-i. tifth A bo.vs. II Musle ,
Sweet Kvenlnt ; Hells the school , \V I' .
Allen necump.inlst ,
St. < 'atlinnp | .
At this academy for VOUHK ladle * , on Hie
corner ol Klihieentli and Cuss stieels an en-
tritalnliii ; performance was jjlven .jei-lerday
afternoon In widen many of the talented
jmme ladipsof the < -oiool | leiidercd a nuin-
bei of and musical i
At the Prfsliylerlnn Churt'li.
On Chtistmas eve the iiiipils of the ) , >
stieet Picshvterlan church will give atnutaU
In the basement of the ehliieh. The affair
will be in chaigoof Mi . Waruei Welch ,
Cotncr A : AreherV add. to South Omaha
contains 101 lots which C. K Mayno has
ntriTPtl to sell in ! ! ( ) dayi , and to do i\\\f \ \ \
tin1 priet's have hem placed very low. ( ! o
and investigate Tor .sain at fjftO to WM )
each on easy terms , by C. H .Mayne , > . '
\V. cor. loth and Hartley.
Two young crooks in Now York su < > .
( ceding in gutting possession of a cheek
lor ili,70UO ! by surreptitious means , hut
the largeness of the amount fii htuud
tllem and they toio il up.
Ai iiiiium's Ciion i : .
Coiner .v ; Archer'.s add. to Soulli Omaha
cheapest and bi'sl property in llialvi-
mity for sale b.C. . > . K. Alayuo.
Cnrilinnl Me/x-ofantc , or , as l'in . IX ,
used to slylo him , tln living miracle ot
Pentecost , lias at last been excelled in
linguistic achievement liy one Signor
Marcantonlo Canini , of Venice , who , on
undoubted authority , can speak lltiontlj
ninety three languagc.s ,
The Vollaio Molt To. , .llnrahall , Mloli.
vvlllsPiid their eolebiated Voltaic Hell and
Klectilc Appliances1 , on thirty days' til.d , to
any man ( youim or mlddle-imed ) alllicted
with nervous debility , loss ot vitality , l.ick ol
nerve force and vigor , and otliei diseases.
The [ urutesl lemedid aient ; ovei dlseoveied.
Wiite to ; them tor Illlustated pamphlet fice.
No ilsks inclined , asstliiuty il.ijb' trial ia al
lowed. _
Of all tin1 niPinbers of the Herman im
perial family , Kmpcror William is t IIP
only one who does not use v isiting cards.
Don't take tint "cocktail in the morn
ing. ' ' If you have a "swelled licatl , "
nau.siatcd stomach , and unstrung nerves ,
resulting Irom the "convivial party la'st
night.11 Tup sure and afo way to clear
ll'e eobwobs from the brain , recover v.csl
for food , and tone up tlipnurvoiis system ,
is to use Dr. Pjorco's Pleasant Purgative
Pellets. " bold by all druggists.
UaKcr Place lie * north of Walnut Hill ,
west of Orchard Hill and of ( Jram-
mercy Park , in the best residence part of
the city. Tor Saly by W. ( ! . Albright ,
218 b1Mh sir.
Theodore Hooscvclt's boxing master ,
Professor Kong has been prcs-eiitcd with
a J.IOO . gold headed cane in Nc w York.
Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoine
Sala , Now York and Havana tradf , came
home in May , entirely helpless with rheu
matism. lie went to the mountains , bill
receiving no benefit , at his wife's ' request
began to take Hood's Sar.saparilla. . He
immediately began to improve ; in two
mouths his rheumatism was all gone ,
and he sailed in command of his vessel a
well man. HoodV Sar.sparilla will help
you. Sold by all druggists.
i : .
Henry Quirk , a Cl.erokce Indian in In
dianapolis , says ho is the half-brother of
Stonownll .Jackson whose father was
Jiiuharcl May , of llardin coimly , Ken
"U hat powder will 1 use this warm
weather ? Why , Po//oni's Complexion
Powder lasts longer than any other , and
is not sticky.
Al.llKKilll'.s ClIOH'i ; .
A Louisiana panther tioltcd along be
side two little , children who got lost in the
woods for a considerable Ume , purling
like a cnt and never offering to harm
Gifts for Cln istman.
l''or either lady or uiuitluiiian , iiothiiiu
is more delieate than a liox ot ( 'olgate's
exquisite Cashmere Houqiict Soap.
CottiPrA Archer's add. to .South Omaha
cheapest and best pionirt ; > in that
v icinity for sulo by C. K. Mnj no.
Ar.iiKii. ill's Cnoici : .
n the System with Nauseating
Dnigs.Dr.IIorne'H Kh-c-tric Hell Cures
Will J'osltivi'lyfiivp Without Medicine
I'lilns in tliu liui k , hlpii liojil or llnilii * ] Vcrtou * Do
blllti l.iiniliuim , Ueiierul lieliilil ) Rlii'iim'itlttin. I'nr
nljiil * . Neiuul > iiibpii | li j DlM'siex ft Kiiliipjrr spi
iml DlrruM-n 1o ) i.l ) | . l.upr , tlnut. Ahtltmii. lli'iut 111
KPA CII , llypppiirlii OnnntlJ.iitliiii. . ii ; > fllniliii' , liullt.P >
linn , liniiotriipy , c nlnrrb , rill" . Kiiluisj | | , Ague , Ilia
I'Ctib ' , llj.lruic o l.thiiiitliuii.
Note HID FollowInj ; who worn Cnml
A J. Hoiicliinrt. u s l-jrxer , J M Iliii-lolt , all on
liimnlof tin lo , K VV I'urnliMiil. Auii' i : > | irPim
Co A lirrgnrx.tiimiiil li > n in rulinnt stui'h Vunln
r Timmi-nil. I'nlnii'i lnii | . ' , lluilil llnlilp lliofri'it
huin'ii.uiu I'nl Coiiiii'lK. nf 1)10 ) Inter o , c.iiu b VV
lliinls W > irleiit : , ti. VI. | iii\l < HrmMan VinpilPiin
Hor'i'iiiini I 1. hlifiirnr 3)1 Vlinllsoii p | , .1 r sinitli
jpwcltr.lll VlHillsniiM .Hllnf I'lilcmrni if VV Ili'lhu.
M I ) , .Miinuunio\Mi , IOHIU Lemuel Milk. hnuUHliiii ,
HI , Jiulkil..N Murrj X.ipervllle , 111 niul liiuilii'il
nl niliom reiuci-oiilln ui-iiilv CVITJ tunn In tlui
I nl'jn. Aim I'li'ilrii lit \l \ fur liulleH Cull or fi'iul
MHinp lei llluiitiuti'il t'.it'iluuiiB IMICII ihiily. uUn
avt > nlnir * iiit' < iimlHi KUcirlo Sniiicn | irles ) lite
inul nil Mule Hull * llciu.iruof bii im tainii mlei vrlili
nun ) ullukt > mlllni ; wuilrtlCBr.iiiil . uitli only lit. . )
In elements All mj bi'ltn lont.iln ' . " 1 clcnu'iit. . 01
lailorlfj lifni'i' have four tlinui. tliu | n. > t.T . mill
auantit ; of ukMritlly II .nc.-t . gou la ami linn 'Bl
I'ullnKlii Uiu mull" .
JK.I.W.110INKP.M\Vabasli-iivriiiCiii'o ) , { \
United States Marshal's Sale.
IN llll' riri'iiil ( 'mm of the Cnitol MIIIC. lia
Iliu UltlrUt olelirii > kii :
tiioiicncg niul be' v
D. T. finiiiDi ami n V Toe , i
I'ubllo not leu Is licirhj given.thut in puieu-
nniounil l > ) viituuoi miouler ol eiile i ntt'itd
in Ihu iiborn cmiM' , on iliu Htli ilu > ol liici'in-
bcr , 1S5B , 1 , EIIU L. Illerlmwet. Miualiiil ol Hie
fulled Mute * for tlio Dlatnct nf XvbwAn , will ,
on VV ciliifiilin , do Mil ilu.v of .Iunuur > , IbH" ,
ut the hour or lUo'eloiK In thufoieiiuon oftalil
daIn thi. stoic hulldlntr formurl ) uccujilod by
t-niil deleiiilaiiti ut Dtlolt post oilic.i. , Holt
, ( until- , state and ilitlilcl of Nebraska , soil lit
) uil.lit . ttucllon iiLiiiialiiftiifkor nooilsuua cliut-
telsunnliiiiij'iratcuerul atoi'k of dry KOO.IS ,
iiowi ! its , bouts untl 6uo03 , Blihcs , ladles' weui-
inif apparel , yrnllctuon'8 lurnlbliiiu fc-ourts and
iioiluriH. 1 \ > il ] sell tnid poods und chuituls In
hulk , or in luts 01 inui'o by iiliu o In dt-Uill.
J' . H. Muibhal. Uisulci ot NebinUtu.
u > i > t , Attoruej-e far hlaiutlDi.
Prof , Ghas , Ludwlg Von Seep
rrofp nrol MtiUilnp at th llnjal I'liltemltri
knicbt of the llosnl , Mi trian Onlpr of the Iron
rrownt Knleht Comnmi.lor of th II < IT | Spanish
Orderof Hibelln Knlttitof lli HOTHI rniP'linOr.
ilproflhultcil i : Blo , ChotMler of the IXMlon ol
Honor. lo. , tn. , MT ,
"I.Einill CO'S riHH ItBKK TONIC liouM not ba
ronfonntlpit nlih ilicbonl * of lni by cnmlli. lilt
In no eu pof th.iwnnln patent roincdy , l m Ihor-
oushlrc'ontpr" intnllhil' mmlr of prppnrnllon aril
know It in l > e iiot oni > a It'cltlmilo plmnuivcinitlcal
tiroiltiPt , but HlKfiworthjr f thu hlRli romnu < nil tlon
Utia rpreltPil In nil pntfof Ibe world. It miilalin
PMPI1CP of ncpf. Own , tjntnlnp. Iron and < ' | | JH.
"hlch sroill . ilvcd Inimre Bcnulne n tu ti imperial
OronnSbrrM. "
IntnlnntilPlonll ' hnnrp linn lloirn , NPrvo , ! >
ppptlr. ! ) ! ! ! ! ! ! ) ' , Miilnriiiuo or anii'tcd wltb wciH Ulil-
IIP > lien
HerM esty's Payoritie CosraetlcGlycerlua
I7 pd In llPrttoiallllBhnp'1 ) I'rlnrpf of VVfile <
andlhP noMlllr Tor flip kln ConipltMion. Rrup *
lloiif.ChnpiiliiB , llmuline Mlin Of ilniiii ! < t
1.IKHII ) tO'S uvnntno syrun aofs i i'
.iilliv beslburuparlllalulliu nutknU
US I. VVV lil'M I sriUTT ,
i r.\\iic. : . . < oi.ouiiH > ,
Of the Missouri Stale M seinn of Anato-
niv , Si. Louis , Tile , I'nucisilx College
Hospital London , ( iiuscn , tjciinanv aud
New Yoik. Having ile\olcd then atten
TO TUB rur.TMrr OF
NprroiK , f lironic and
Moie cspccialltho'c niisiug from impru
dence , invite all so sniYui ing to uoi respond
without delay. Dis-eases of infection anil
contagion cinctl safely anil sjitedih without
dotcntion fiom business , anil without the
use of daugeious ilrtigs. 1'atiouts whose
ea cs have been neglected , badly tie.ited ot
piouoiinccd incur.ibte , should not f.lil to
write us concerning their s\mptoius. All
let'eis ' receive immediate attention.
And will be m.iiled l'"RKE to any address
on receipt of one ! J cent stamp , "Practical
Obscrv aliens on Nervous Debility and Phy
sical Exhaustion1 to which is added an
"Essay on M.tuiage , " with impoitant chap-
tcrb on DisHVbKs or IIIK KKPKUIU cm i.
oudAXs , the whole lei ininy a valuable med
ical tieatisu which should bu icad bv .ill
} oimg men. Address
DICS. S. A. I . I > AVIis : ( > \ .
MS LsivvroiUT SI. , Bemcr , C' l.
n > * I1.ii < iuet > frrnri or ti.l .
11ac , | , , . , I , , . , Uinffrllr
° lltw Civial- Urethral
. lil rorour III-H llln > t.i.lel
_ . lo HrallhlnuUil9 recl c7 ,
i tiic civialc Agency , 174 f nil" " si , N. V.
All 77 < > r Inlct'i'.iti'il ill
Should Read This.
IN si it i MI Di i- j.on'irror Hi IM IIINTI NDFNI
fill I Mill M ,0.Vil.lli , ICNl. )
lion .Tolin M Pnttlmm , V I' , Union Ci'iitinl Ulo
In uriiiKiMNiClniInntitl , O , My Ioir ) : sh Accorl-
IIIR to reinlrrmcnt | iiiulcr SCLI'IIII ' ' , ' ; . ' UUT | IM | Sl'il-
nicBot Ohio , lomiiollhu n nMIHI 11 c-iuniliiiitlun of
every l.lfc lii uinnco r.ini.uiy | Incuiiioruivd In
Ohio , llnne the plpaiiuulu irporl tbo ivnull of Oiu
pMiinlniillnii Ju t iiiinle , In ( ninpll nice "illl mill sec
I loiinil lour " i-ts iprinvlj InM-flpd and nf HIP
> rybcii Lli.nncloi , nndvonr liouks nd iiLOnnnU n
model of nciit ie siiiiil inrri-ctni'-a and tlioniTnIra of
theComp.itif In cvc'ry n ) ailmlnlhlrrnl with roon
inv nnd ID tliu l.tvt InteiUHtof join polk' ) liolilorr.
It \erjnnitlfjlru tome InnollPi' in tlipt'vanit
Inatlon thetnci utioof noir biiitlneJf lliH n > ci
last > ciir , nd Ibo Milistanll il ( DPIc * of } o'ii 1111
pins o\cr tint reported tln > . .l t Of lioccinljcr , Iss'i
It l with jirlJo tlnii I iioti'tlii'aiuv.Nsor oliin a onli | . ) , niul 1 ijin ili.l ) n loiiiiiKMnl II tunin
rtoMrniRiolliiblu l.lle lii < iirniuMla kind !
und p r > oniil u tpoin 1 HMiuiln ,
IlUsptM tlnllOI1M ,
IIHVUV J. IlIMNMl Nil , sUltiniU-nt. | ,
VWilOMK1 tin-piillK'tn know Hi it Ohio I' ilir unit
blHtn irrjiiirlnu IliN { .iioihil i.x.imln.itliHi 11 iinnii H
InimimiiiliiTbpjipiMi.illi qii.illlU'il niul > tlm Is | M | < 1 hr
tlipiroili'ln | ( wiitili tliclr Inti rc-tsln Insurance
ter . All lnli'ii'sti',1-lion ! I iincfulh OMiiiiIno tills
eolnl tint ) I'lOppcrunft ' conii > iin > Iji'Tuio liiMinnir.
J VI KIIM1-ION st.n , . ASt ( , ,
Ituiiin Opi'iu llousi. lllu L , I Iniuln. Nell.
C. O , k ( . lli\ ; ( KSi | 'tlHl AtOnt ,
404 X I'lli-tiivl.Onialiii ' illlmilM.w
2,829,350 !
Tansill'sPuiich ' Cigars
WPI o Bhlpjiod din lug tlin pait
two yosrs , viitt.out n drum
mer in our t'liiiiloy. No other
Hilly makn aiinh n. Mmwinu.
Ono Remit ( ilpalur oiilyi
wnntttlinouLli town.
Ha'sSaf68VauitsTmeloeks ! ! !
and Work.
1020 Farnani Street. O.uaha.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Hose & Throat
Room ( I Williams Huildiug , coi nth * nd
Dodgu stt , , Omali.i ,
llourt , 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 and T to W p m
Artists' Material ,
A. IJOSI'KJt. . ,
Artisls' Matcrialn , I'lnnos nnil Organs ,
1..1I . Donelni Hl
Agricultural Implements.
VVlioUial li- ) > | rrin
Airrictiltiiral luiploinpnK Wagons ,
nnil Hiif iiM. .lonif utiuut , belwccu Utli
and 101 li ( liiKliii , Nel. . .
it4 MliTCAL'FC ! <
al Jiiiplcmciils ,
, Klc. VVnole liO.n h .
i'A itLx , < ) i-J\ioi { ie MA itris
VVIiolerile Dvalrri In
Affriculiural Impli'nionts ,
( Vagon ? and Jlueillus. Wl ! * )3. 005 nnil ' . ; , Jone at
Butter and Eggs.
Rujors of Hiitler nnil
lU'lrlteralor and I'aihlnr lloujo , llth HDU l.cuv n
' lnI' . U 'liuvt.UiuaUu
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
" '
HIMKIIA I'dH , ll TA YuYlt ,
Uullilors'HurdvvareA Si-ule HopairHhop
Uecuanles'Tool * and llilffalo
v On ) b >
LKE , FItffi'iJ : C > CO. ,
Jobhcrs of Hard ware and Nails ,
Tjuwnto , HiePt Iron. Klc AFCiit > for Howu bcl i ,
anvl Miami Ponderi u .Omnha : > ! )
JUWTOit < tt n'lLHKLMY CO. ,
Wliolesulo Jlardware.
VVtlfrn acentu fur J ) Tvrion Blrrl Kml Acttlit
Voder < 'o , l-nlrbaoia Msndirfl f < ralt . Cornvr
IVlli arid Itaroi'r Otntba.
Iron Works ,
Iron Works.
\Vrmicit n < 1 Co t Iron tin Mln Work , trot ] lt itf ,
lltlllnil. IIPBHH unil ( Urdfru slpnm hiMiliienrt \ \
VVcrk. < ! iiii rnl rguinlrj , Mtchlno uml mrk > nmh
Toi ln ( iiJVVoiV , I" 1' HT < m1tiliMirt. | .
Boots and Shots.
U.inuf ( Inrctf uml VV holf mlf Uctlcrt In
Hoots niul SliooH ,
oniflot ftorX of ( ! oml ain i MI bu
NV S. Hllnl UiuKhs , Nel > A T Anmn .Vnent.
ir. r. MO its K r co ,
Jobliri'4 of Hoots nnil Shoes.
Nil K rn ni M , OiuHhfi Nph MnmifM torj ,
z. ' \ L ix DS i : YAct.
VVlioh"mlp Ititlilior Hont < nnd Shor- .
Hubltcr AtiiU > ileil L'lolliluf LU It'll lloott , hi tub
1 > < 1 Corner lull niul Dmiulm
Beer ,
.M. ji/j.rnTw , '
Agt. for Anheii or-Htish HreMiuR1 Ass'n
I-Hjfi'V Heci1 Hrcwcrs.
L.-'l Noriti lsih SHI-PI , Oninlm , Nnli.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Oiuiilui CoflVo ami Spli'O Mills' .
TCBP , OiilTi' Ppirr lliikliif ! t'owrtcr riirorlni ;
tieuj. l.miiiJry liliio. li. h lic IIU Ic" llnrnt'
Mitel lni hn , Neb
Homo roll'eonml Spice MI1U M'fp Co.
( 'iiffi'oKointi'rBHiiJ Spliv Qrlmlpr * . MiinnlKinitfrs
nf ItivlLlnrf I'nndor , 1 I n nrtntf I'xtriKt * , llluliiK. Ktr
' 1'rv one t if of oir I " * > r.i > kitLC I Ionic Uloud tt < t IMCU
OnfTi'U. luVtHonnril l < im ! ii ) Nvl >
/ : . 1 1 ; LI : < 'OKAI ' rifoiiiiti ,
John Kponeter , 1'rop.
.VlKinifnrtntrr of Cnlrnnlrril Iron unit Cornlc * . 973
liodjc and IU3 niiU IUj N , lOlh ! . , Oimilm.Ncli.
juKM r\Gteno L r ; ,
Mnnuf.u ttirpm of
Oi'iuiiiHMital ( lulvaiii'/.cil Coi'iiierH.
Dornici iniluwn VcnoliMilalu J-kjllklil.cti. . J10H.
1IM M , Uniiilm.
( ' . Spechl , Prop.
RulTsnlrPd Iron ( \iriilr , ' , otr. Hi | ( " IXnip'orcrt rat-
nil .Mi Inliiskylltlit. . WS lllidiUl H Kill "I < lm lil > . _
Car/icts. /
OMAHA < \ill'ET CO. ,
Jobbers of
Carrots , riivtniiis , Oil Cloths , UuijS )
l.lnokuni.MBltlntr. . Kto IMl Iniu ! utri'il.
, sr AT oncii Ann.
AVhole Jiile Carpets , Oil Cloths.
MMIIiiKi. Luriuin CuKlt. Klc. 1(23 1'umaiii t-lrfct.
Crockery ami Notions.
. "
II' . / , . WlilUUT ,
fur the * Mannfflcturrrn nnil Imiiorlort tif
Crockery , ( flu swurp ,
I.nuipt , ( liluiii\ii , itc Ol.ii i' , JIT bi'Ulh 13tli it.
Oiinihn , Jsoh.
Commissio.n anil Storage.
I ) , A. tU'llLKV ,
Coiuiuissioii niul . 'obbinpr. '
IliUlcr , ICffKOrnl 1'ioilucc. ( ontlttiimonin puliiMtil.
litndqu.iiliii fur hli'titkr-ank , ltiT > > Ilttx.1 ! ) mill
l.r.ipu ll nki < ii > . nil liuilccriri < ! , llmnha.
CoiiiinNsion Morehunts- .
Kruilc , I'rotlurr ml Prorlnion * . ( linnlift N > b.
\f. \ ETiiim > iiA7
and Commission .Men-limit.
bi | < * ( lHltln < llnller. Kitir , I'hrcn' . Poultry , ( . .line ,
OjiMi'ri nil' . , MI. lijsuuiu Mill slii'ct
J'rodnc1 * Coiiiniib.sion .Merchants ,
I'oultr ) . Dutlrr , ( JiiMii' , Kinll" . etc. 220 H. Hth t
General ( 'oninii.ssiiin Slprehant ? ,
i .Tobbcrit of FniolRii nntl IJuniHpilc Krutls. ( orre-
iiondoiH c feollt ilt'd. VV'nriOinuhn itntl offlc u , HUN.
'J blltrcnlh M , UnmlHi , .Nfl. 'Ielfihiiiir17a. |
Coal aniLime. .
J' . MfLKWOXK f CO. ,
l > c.ilrm In
lliinl anil Soft , Coal ,
Olltccanit ) nnl , icih niul Nli'lioHi * "i . , Omaha , Neb.
V ar TPlt'pliutiu. 1 7.
UEO. I I.4HMIU. Prc ( ' r.OooriMAV , V. Pre .
J * HiiMiHU t\r > , Sic. unilTreaii.
Jobbers of Hard anil .Soft Coal.
'Allsnutli TMrloonlli Stlfrt , Olimhn , Neb.
.r. .r. , w//.v.s'o.vTr c < T
MannfactiirerH of Illinois WhitnLiine.
And Milppciof I'oitl .11 nl Coke , Ojniunt , I'lagtei
IJtuo , II itr , tire rin < k , Dinln. Tile and t 'w < > i pipe
Otnio. ! 'iiton Hotel , rnuinm rl , Ounhn , Xcb.
'Irlfliinnno SI I.
i'r. . jt v < fco.t
Jliinnfactitrlnjif Confectioners ,
Joblitrnof Kinlli.KlUn nnd I l uii , 1211 I nruum HI.
Lire Stock Commission ,
Live Stock Commissloii. Hiiile , HaniiKt'r
urilonblnci Vard'.H Omnhn. 'I eleplionp JM ,
NA frA ( I K ,1 * C It KKX ,
Live Stock CuiuiniHsioii JferchaiitH ,
Bbipn.cnli of tiny mid hi I klnda of Mock lolldtud.
Union > > ( u < k VBI.IC Ouxbft , M'l.
Cigars and Tobacco.
.Jobbers of ( Mffars , Tobacco ,
Quni "in ! Ammunition , it' , toi'-Mf Illhii. , Itr20 to
lO.'i fRiinon si . Onmlii , S'rli.
llaiiiifiiclurei'H of I'ino C
And WlJclenlf lo l u In I.euf ' 1 < . ! > ( in > , Not M
and 110 N. Hth Mrectnnli
JIO US Kit < l W001 > LAXD ,
\\hnlmnl.i DOH'i'rl ' In
s , TobacciH , I'ipos and Smokers1
i eiitor I ) , I.elildrjJorf i. C.i , rinPutind StooK *
ln roUHCau. , Mllifa UqoVliconiln. . No. IU
MorlU."l leemii tr 0t , Omilin , N'ub.
Dry Goods.
M. / ; . SMITH , P co , ,
Dry ( lorids , FuniisliiiKf fiooils & Notions
110 ? ami 1104 Ikiiijlm cor. HlliHt , OuaU3..NVb.
Ultllllrri of l.lqunri , Alcohol nnd Pplilli liuportrrn
mid JuUlxnuf VVinciicil l.lquori
Wl LLO U'fiJ' It IXfiti DIXT/LLfi' V
CO. tind J I.Kit . ( CO. ,
Imi > orlei < unit Jobbtu of I nit WIRPI and Mqnort
bole innnul.iouireii o | KennfdT H Kkil ludki lilt-
trri > nill > oini < 'loi ' Iquorc 111' . ' limner M.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
u. r. CLARKE nnuo co. ,
LftVKCit Driiff. J'nint , Oil & ( ilass Jlonse
VVeitof I'bhiiu ( ( imiilrle of DiuggnU BUB-
dnci llll llaiiif ) ct . ( InnLn ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. n. bi E" I'rcn J VV llKDroitii Sec.&T'eai
II. J. CA us ON V'.Prei. nnd hupt.
TU / : U XI i ) X II YlUt A ULIO
Offir * 211 F lull kt Ou hn Nrb MHCMncrr mil
huppliei Jor Muoufaeiurlnv CVmrui main 'lilr.
furniture ,
Wliolohalc Ucalerb in Fiirnittire.
J irrem t. , On.ilin Nell.
THiA"fi77KS NH i r jut fc ic ,
Furniture , lietVUnjr , I jliolHtt > ry ,
liltiort , elr. 12CC,19vi abd 11U r inau it , Omah
Butchers' Tools.
" " ' * "
/.Or/S UKLl.KK.
liutclicrs * TooU mill Snppllps ,
SatiiifP r 'liif of all Vlo < ) nlwsjiln nlpck. jJlfl
Jon j it .omstin
Groceries ,
/M.v/'o.v , < } Arij.iunKR .r co. ,
Wlmlosnlo ( h-occvlrs mid rrovlslong ,
No' 7lV.(17. ? w unil til S 10th St. , Omnln , \ b ,
_ 1'ln irM1 HTpnwottli M . ,
Heavy llnnhrnre , Iron niitl Sloel ,
Erring * . Waenn SlnrV. llnnlntip Lumber elo. 11
"nil 1)11 I turner ' . OniAlia.
Wholesale Iron niul Stool ,
, HpuTf lla
Stovoo , Itaiifypo , l''imiaeen , Tilop ,
Manllvi. .tali > Hta s CcxxliJ1 | nnd 1'ill Imnan
Uonlcr In I.mnlipr. Lath , lilinc , Snsli ,
Hoots , Klc. Ynul. rorii ( > r7lli nixl Loutl ) I orner
Mil nntl Dnii-I.n.
\ holi'snlu liiunlii'i' ,
814 " l4iliMiPd Omaha , Soli I rntpptipr Mnn > pr.
Jen dry.
Wholpsak'.lovvolprs mul.Mnsli1 Dealers ,
IliuilirMn "llverniiro. Illanmiulf VVat < lie , Cltfrkg ,
JunolcrsT. . l mnt Mntoilnlii , > n < 101 inul 10J 13tU
, tor. IKultto , utuuhu. .Soli.
< ' . A * . D1ETZ ,
i Muirnlirorr > lnMii < p | < . Onialm Neb
) u : an A r ,
Lnmbpr , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor. Gilt nni ! noiiitlas ill , OKI I'm .N i.
HOAffLAXl * .
1 ill in her.
T. It' llAltrKVLUMHKK CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Orrrp , HCkl 1 nrnani Ktrpcl.Onmliu
' '
Cl'lAN. l LVK ,
11 u rd wood Jjiunbc ; ,
Wood Cm ) ' li > ami I'dniiirl rioorl'it 'Hli nrt D
, /OIiy A.'A } KKI > VKLI > ,
Wliolesalo J.uniher , Etc.
Impnrtpri and Anicilinn Portlnnil CiMuc.nt Nut *
Ajf nt torltllRnnkpp HrrtKitllf Ccuienl mi. . I lien
( Julnrr VV lillul.lniH.
Life Stock.
S STOCK \ ' A If / > N CO. ,
Of Omnhsi.
J-lmllPct John. F noyd , Supnilnt rd nt ,
Millinery anil Notions ,
it rL * KK , v t ' < > . ,
Iniportuia anil Jobhois of
.Millinery and Notions ,
UKlnml 121' . llninpf M.ei't. OniHliH. N'oli
c. s. < ; ooniucn , r co. ,
Air tliconl ; Dlrci I luiiMMlumof
German * Froneli Toys * Kuney Courts
irinUn. < 'lilcnio ; prlcp diinllonlixl wl'ib.nit mill-
luc rielclit. 1415 I nrnaui Hiidct , Oniatm.
S' xorTo\ coT
\Vliolpialu lil ) ! > i la
Notions and Knrnisiiinqf Goods ,
Tenth hi. . Onmlm.
Jobbtri In
Notions , Hosiery mui d'ents' K
( Joodn.
1 and in * ! Karnam it , Oinnlia , Nub
Paper Boies
. / . / . . WILKIK ,
Mannfaclnrer of I'uper HO\P .
lif , I4IUS . Omnli n , NttbniHkn. onlcra li ; iniilUo-
llcllpduud will luccho uroiuiu .iltpnlloii.
ilannfaettiroi of Overnlls.
Jdnn ( I'liiln.Slilrlt. . Kto'l ' JlOl Douii.ii SUP.I ,
( lltlHUM , Npll
TuTKN j'iti\rrsn COMP txr ,
.loh Printer * , Hlank Hook Makers ,
Anil Honk Jllndnp 11 * . iin.l ) i suth , runilicitlb
nr cl OnialiD , Ni-li
n'JiS'j'ni\XKiirtii > A ri'it \fo7i
Auxiliary 1'nlilHlicrfl ,
liiTyue. l'ie < arii anil I'rinli'n Kii 1C )
Picklts , Vinegar , Etc.
KDIl'lX MOUJtlS .0 CO. ,
llannfjrinriMf. fackiri und liialei > ln
PicklcH & Strict ly I'tnn Apple Vi
Ilaklne I'nvrdor , I Inrorlne Kuril u , Txbln SHUCK.
Irrnili MnilHMiabli llluliiK , ( .1111 fr " ( ee''c'i '
t-ole mti-nls for Vork hl l Muni Iliifliitd Ai.plo Cl-
diT , lilf. 1 an > niviiiili 'I. . Oiniiln
Safes , Etc.
. noi'Kit .f co. ,
Aijents for Hall's Safe ALeck Co.s'
Mio ami , Uurif'ir ' Front Slf.ii. . Tlnin i , Viultl
and J ll VViirt J01) Inrnum lrr t a , .Neb ,
Omaha Safe Works.
Uinufiti luriM.ul | ire nml llortlnrl'rjor.Q f. t Vnull
luorn.lau VV. rVrllinti | . [ and Win- Work I'or.
Kill Mill .III. . k m | M DIIIKllt , S..I )
Sash , Doors , Etc ,
M. A. nisnitow a1 co. ,
IV lit < lu ule M jiMilucltirui i uf
Snsli. Doors , ItliiulH unit .Monlilln s
II-jrcli oSlce I. Ih iind 1/ir'l ' u mnlmNr > >
„ _ . . . . . .
Sash , Door , Hliiuls , i
ilul.llll | r I'jiioi , tlf It/J' ' bulllll 'Jllutc..U. slie
Omaun , Neb , A conip i-te n < i n uf jiuiMtit
'lilXf ] CO. ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'ro SlalrVVorkHnd Inlirlnr llniil VVou'l I inlrli
Juil Ui n < i. 2V K i or Kill unit l. JIriiiiAuiluClt.
Oiuytaa , Nub.
Pumps ,
AYhole&alo I'unipH , Pipe , Fitiinif ,
ftcamimd VV'uloi Bupillo | Hi'i < . | iiiirliir f r Mutt
rnjiU.0'c Outfit Jill i'Jinuni it lli.iuni N li.
A. L. VTItA \ ( , ' CO. ,
I'nmps , Pipes uml K
Bte ro , vvmcr. llailway and Jllllln < fiupilipii Kltt
'JV ) , M hurnurji n .OiiMliu N l. . .
U. S. H'lXlt KXf.'IVKttnil I'UMP
IIilladaT Wind Mills , rteam and Water Rui.pll
IMuibbltic UuoJi. llellinc. lliun ) > li < u(1 l.JJ fj |
cam it .Oualiu H K rHtnti SUnn.t.
Wagons and Carriages ,
A , jrHIMl'HON ,
The Leading Carriage I'aetory ,
iKPTAiu ibiiru i > > i
lr and Hil l > oif eltcei. Ouijha
Building Material.
OMAHA /rtr///f cc-.i "
Dealer in All Kiuti * (
Iluildlmr Material \VLiUlosale. .
18Ui SlrfcUin ) Union I' "l6q Tfic < Omaha