Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bunnal ! Report Submitted to the State
Bonic I'neis About lic llullronil Com-
inlnsino OpnnliiK nf tlic I'ircinon's
Clint il > l-'nli1 Conoori Otlici1
irnoM riir riT.'cv" tKfot.v nttrtiiu ? . I
'Iho * tate noinml board of education Imvo
Intuited tholr biennial report to the slnto
superliitenilfiit. Tim rcj > oit Jus just been
compiled by the board mealing Iiuld at tliu
fitato nonnni school this \U'ck , and which
uibotliiK was attended by It. K. II , Koimodv
of Omaha , J.V. . Love ot Pinmont , . ) . T.
.Spencer of Dakota City , 0. W. Kalcy or Ilcd
( loud , and Chinch Jlowo of Aiilmrn , all
members of the normal scliool board , Tholr
ii'poitvlll jirovonxcry nttiTltiK ono foi this
Btato Institution nndsl.ow a ruiiinrlinblyRooil
lirogrcKi In the tfrosvtli of thr school and the
woik It la dolne. Mr. J.V. \ . Lovouai In
Lincoln ycsleulay on Ills way homo Irnm
this ftcnslon ot the ho.ird , and Is very cnthii-
slastto over the scliool and the present , older
( if proicicss thai It Is maintaining. The loca
tion of the scliool Is In tlinoulet llttlo village
of I'eni , hi tlm oailcrn part ot Xcmaha
county , tlm building hclng sllimtcd on a
high andcommandlni ; blnlT , sun oiindcil with
Imndsomo grounds and ovcilnoUni : tlirco
RtatoH. Members of the bo.tid consider the
location admirable In ovurv way for good ,
thorough nnd attcntlvn woik , icmovod as It
is tiom towns Idled with saloon- ) and yet
bulnj ; In a to all wants of
the ( I'lmol and liunlshlnt , ' cxccpllonal i-o-
cit'ly. Durlnijtliu two J cars the bnild-
liics have been greatly IncuMscd , a laritn
wine bavin ! ; bn'ti added to thu nmin build-
ini : nlul .sunn ; b'JO.OOOuxnciiili'il In substantial
Imiinnt'itii'iits ol thisrharactcr , and the hoard
ask.scomi'iiilioiH of the work done for Iho
money In connection with any other im-
prinumcnts In tlicutulo. A.s an ovldoncn ot
tliu iKjccfcblty existing for new bulldlniM ,
uioio room nnd moro accommodations , tiiu
i-niollmcnt Is llio best li'stimon.v , tliu Inciciisu
In thu | ufl four ycais twine fiom 'iTo to .170 ,
most of which substantial en In Iian been
made In the two JCIIM lajiast. . The iiU'iano
attondancealcach tcim the picsent jeai has
been neaily ! i50 , which isne.irly as lame a
number us tin ; buildings will accommodate
oviiii under tholr increased capacity of the
lust year. In the jear i > a.t thcio
Inno bci'i ) 1'3 ' ladles unrolled , and
ITS gentlemen , Mjveuty-Hlx ol whom
aiuln ilio liiuhur 01 comolcte tjourj > o In the
hi'lmol the bnliiico In thu olementaiy do-
iiartiiiiintv. Tliu nvi'Mzu ngo of tlm .students
in iilli.'iiiliiiici ; Is nineteen JP.IIS. To tilmw
the dlbUihittion of the btiidonts ovur the
plate , forty counties mo icpiesunted and
theie niCMtiidimls In the school Horn sixteen
btatu.s In all. The total number enrolled the
j > iist , ji'iir from .Nebnihka was -I.Vi. lea\Inu'
twentj-onc. coining liomoutHldo utales anil
us nun rc'Kitlmit ' students. Of the comities in
the Mute Nemalw and Otoo t-cml tiiu Impost
number ol Ktiidents their rtprccntation ) > In
the huhool he I nj : ne.irlj equal. Dontrlns ha : ;
ft ( 'ood attendance , at , has ult > o Cuss , Kichaid-
f.KJolniHon ( and counties adjacent , while
thcrajUitHtiidcjitsoiiiollcd horn ab far west
ns Km iJMIlow and Hull counties nnd fiom
as fururtD Kb PJeico county. There me at
present ton Instructor in uio school , liiclud-
Inc the btibioess and musical clas&us.aiul out-
sidii the principal their salaries ran sj fiom
S7UO to 51,500 each lor the frdiool The
boaid e\pre.-.sln their report that owing to
the lapld Incicaso in attend
ance that r.t least two additional
instiuctor. " will bo a necessity at once. The
board make In their lejtott no t'htim.ito lot-
any new buildings the coming year , statim ;
that for the two ycnis an appropriation ot
Sta',300 ' will liu neccssiry to conduct the
buliool. but Sfi.OuO of this will Ira n.sed in com
pleting the dormitory. The only complaint
that the mcmbeiH of tlm bo.nd had to niako
was that it was hard work in some Instances
for reel accommodations In tlm
way or rooms and boaid In thu vlllaue , and
the member ot the board volunteering tills
ijtatcmcnt leipicstcd that it be mentioned.
import that has jiminoveii through thu un-
liulshcd partot the eapitol building to the
ollleo ortbo 'Ovrinor Is a [ rood deal lmpio\ed
upon trout the mess ol mohingo that was jire-
jiaix'd befora the chamre In the board. What
reception Jt may receive is wholly to be de-
teimlned In futuuv. Jjlbcial extiacts Irom
thu report , liowtwei , will he intciestniL' , and
piehiimahly point out one ot the p.ithw.iys
that will lend to a tieo tor all dis
cussion of the tallroad problem In the
eomirii ; be.sslon. One ol the extracts fiom
the report is as follow n : "Vour commission
ers doubt not the h' and
light of the loKHlatinu ot this fitato to IK
ititoa ot charKes , on height iimliusseni.'cislor
all tifilliu anslng and teimliiiiini ) ; In tills
slate. And u < i iccoiiniieml tliat the tioard of
mil way commlssloneis bo Invested wlthle al
power ami authoiity to decide upon amide-
teimlne what hhall bo deemed jiilma taclo
latcH for the tnuispoitatlon of iieluht over
ono or nioro railioads trom and to all points
wholly within the state of Nclnahlcii , and
the nituof cliames when n lived by tlu < com-
iulssioiiei > shall be taKcn and deemed us lea-
sonnhle rates until nthejwlM ) decided bv the
courts of this fitato upon appeal to * said
com IB , nnd when thocouit lias decided wiiat
Is a uKisonable rate such dcc.slon and late .so
lixed shall be taken and deemed a leasonahlo
late. " Thu
lepoildir-eusfes at coiihldeiablo
leiiKtli the long and blunt haulpiobiem , and
discuses ( lie leatiiics of the ICeacan and
Cullomblllson ihlsliiueRtion. Thoicpoitabo ,
upon the ground ) , ol thu i.ipldly Incieaslng
undcli.inulng population ot thohtate , bcllcu'.s
that tin.1 power In the commission can adapt
ItM'lf to tlu\ ns hv the e\i > relsool dU-
oiotloliand us iiasonabtu iidui aivoidlngly.
The iiiort : | irolles that In Iho opinion ol the
commission many nnd indeed most of
the tales ot chaise * in the .stale ot Neluaska
iortho transpoitatlon ol fiei'hl by the act ol
IbSl an ; now too high ; that the population ol
the bt-aUi lias uieatly Ineieased and ihu vol-
nimiot tratlio coiiesiondinglv | , Ilierehy en-
nbllng the utllroads to e.nry tn-Uht at a less
rate of charges and without diminution of
carnln Kor iiiollt.H. and theieloiethocommih-
slon deimt It mlvl.sbUiund id importanee to
thOhtaleot NebtahUa that the act of lt l ,
known as ( he Doane law , bo lepealed.
The comml.sslon recommend ( lint thn act
crcHtlng the commission bo .so amended us to
coulcr upon the eoiiiinisiioiH-rs the
power and anthonty to deteuiiino what
tsliiill ho deemed a iea enable i.ilo
of charges for the transpoitallon ot
liclghUs tM'twten all points whollj within thu
5tatunt J\'eUia > ka , ando\ei oneoi moieioads ,
leaving the dllteienl loads ovei which tlm
Height Is carried to oettlo the di\ision ol
rhai Cf. between tliemselvin unless they fall
to agree in the \\oilr , when the commission
to decide foi them. In Ihu opinhuuixpie.vs
In thn icpoi tit Is ulbodecmid aihihablu liiat
the law ii' < | iihi ! the roads In tliu.stato to cany
the commlssloncrii' teeielaiies and clerks ot
the commission licooi eliar oMien ti.ivcl-
in lu thitperlormancoot Iheli duties , iiuld-
lii ! ? that tiiiiibpoitation of the commission
should not ho as a compliment , but as the
l > crruniinit of a legitl olih atlon , AV clicd
to the voluminous rcinut is a minontv repoit
un the pait ot Srcieiai.\ Uoj-'O'ii , btatlni ; that
if tht'&n modllicutions ot thu Jaw , giviiu the
eommihsioneiti tHiwei t ll\ tales and power
touct JH cabi's of complaint ii'e not iiddeit
lint he , as onu of thu uuuid uf inlluav coin-
ml .siunt'rri , favors the ici > ot the law
run 1.01 1' tri'i noi.i.i n Mil t.s ,
Articles Incoiixiraltng tnu LmiiC'it.loller ]
miili , of Loop Ciii. hiieiuuin luiinty , weie
inc'liod ' at tlutcfUiuut HIM M-L-ICUUJ ot. state
vcstculav , the e.ipital'i ! < l > r the company
belli , : . ' < 0 , X ) in shales ol MH ( ) each , all to bt >
paid p at tlm comiiiKiiccmtnt ol tnislnt b
unit slians uiin-assosi it le. 'llio limit do-
niK-d lei the eoniiniiancooi the cni | > orutiun
lijuiiuirv 1. VJOT , unit the Inuoinoiator * ate i :
M. 1) . D. KimtrnonV. . 11. MoiiliM. . A. i
'J'heia and K. K.hale \ \ > .
nr\iK inn > K NOII .
Slit riff J. 11. Jlamilton , of VoiK , has
tin islittoiho lU'iiltcntMiy tor InciticeiHtlon
two men mined .Mai tin Ishmacl Charltt
Matluiy , uhcaiebunt up lor two jiars each ,
one lor ohoutlnj ; and the other lorcuttlni ; .
'Umslii'tltf wat > at the auditor's othco jester-
dav and collected % a..Ti as tons ami mileage.
UeorgcV. . \ \ ashbbio , ot Mtndun. who has
been an inmate ot the ii > jlum , li < i lu'ou ] uo-
nouue.d cuic-d anil '
yas'eiday liowas ix pas-
tin r honu-wi.rd on ttio niMin tnnn.
J , Ki Vaiiiiuiiaik , iiC Saujulers county ; II.
C llu&s It , ot Coltax , Wai dlaw , of
< , . : jU\ , > Ui IN ottlio Inriniunx leaielatltlis
w i u liiorupitaj jf'-Uiday.
Till JHI MtN' r.VMU
> . 't'li 8 cliuui > tan. conctrt and exposition
\tlwt bMbMiu'o 3bori of 4' o li t iUu > nt-
i -
tiuut nt tne
rink and It w Hi continao open pcry after
noon and oxcnlng tor Hie week. A largo
number of business men make elaborate dis
play In the booths and arrancemcnts are
complete for concerts In the evening nnd for
d.inrln ? . MM. Weber nnd Sir. Hakeraro
among Iho vncalHH ( isslstlni ; and it Is the
hope of thn hrciuen that they ran M-CUIO
through this fair a generous fund to act aside
for the benefit of disabled llrometi , when such
cases may nunIn the future.
Mnimxn run PITV.
have arrived and will bo iilailtcd al oiu'6.
Tlic'p , with the ICO gas lamii , will gUo a
total of : v > 0 lamp ? in the city after January 1 ,
The gentlemen who are putting In the gaso
line lamps have bought the western territory
of the Ohio Sticpt Light company and have
organised n company ot thoirown , which
will be known us thu western Street Light
company nnd nlll have headquaiteis at
Omnlia and Lincoln. The parties to the firm
are .1. C. Uief-baeh , II. C. Ooodwlll , of
Omaha , and W. K.ICoodn 111 , of North 1'l.tltc.
Jll.lir. MKSTtOX.
The convention of county superintendents ,
after n huge amount of work , adjoinncd > e.s-
Iciday nnd departed homeward , A great
many recommendations ot chances In the
school laws were pa od upon nnd the con <
\ciition passed resolution's highly compJi-
tnmitai v , to the retiring htntosupcrliitunilent.
Thu intelligent compositor or his half-
hiolhcr , the telotrniuhie operator , BO ninlll-
ate < l the names ol the olllcers of tlm base ball
association of Lincoln as telegraphed to the
Un : , Hint thov are herewith appended again ,
that tlio olllceia nmv iccognlre themselves :
I'lcsident. C. W. Mosher ; vice president ,
'iank 1 1. Hheldon : scerotary , J. II. Tlnow :
reasurer , .1. K. llanni ; directors , Jolf W.
Cilnsi. It. McDonald , and It. II. Townly.
I'olteu couit tiasacleif a xcry light business
yesteiday. only ono homeless vagiant bolnir
up hetoro his honor.who was giycn n line and
sentence to sen o for the clt v.
The Jewish Sabbath school celebrated their
Chiistmas at Harmonica hall Wednesday ,
which was very laigcty attended and a MIC-
c ess In ovcrv particular , Mr , I. Kricnd , of
the Ike lli\e , having tliu entcitalnment in
charge. _
C K. Mnynu'n prices nrc always the
lowest and his terms arc always tlm uasi-
ost. (10 ( to his ulllce mid buy n lot in
Cotncr iV : Archer's mid. to .South Omaha
lor $ M ( ) tor)00 , that will double inside of
u year.
linker PJacu.
Cotiiff & Archer's tutd. to South
Omaha contains 101 lots which C. K ,
Alaync IKIS agreed to sell in JJO days , and
to do this ihu prices have becn placcd
yerv low. ( to mill inveslisrute. For sale '
at 250 to $ .100. each on easy torins by C.
K. jMnync , N. W. cor15th uml llarnoy-
Tlircw 3tiil ( at Her.
Mis. Mm v ( irebber has sworn out In Justice
Anderson's court n wan.iiit for the uirest of
Kied K , Ilomper. 'J'ho ladv claims that
Hamper lias some kind of a grudge acaiiM
hci , and tliat the other day when lie nassed
her on South Thirteenth sticct , ho picked up
a handiul ol mud and threw it in hei face.
Cotnor & Aveher'h mill to. South Oniuhii
contains 104 lots which C. K. IMavnu bus
jiljreod to sell in 150 ilay.s , unij to do this
the prices have been plnutui very low.
( jo nnd investigate. For tulo at if''CiU to
500 oaoli on easy terms by C E. Mtiyuo ,
N.r. . cor. 10th mid lluriiev.
O.K. Mayno's prices nre always the
lowest anil his lornis uro nlwiiy.s the ( ! o to his oQieo unit buy u lot in
Cotner iV : Archer's add. to South Omaha.
for..V)0 to : ? jOO , that will itotiblo inoidc of
n yuar.
A fdvely itunnu-ay.
At 3 o'clock jo&tcrdny atternoon n iiiimwar
horse and buggy had undisputed light ol
way down Sixteenth stieeL lu fioutof the
city jail the buggy collided with a brick nlla
and its occupant , (5. Ximmcimaii.waslhiown
out but escaped injury. The collision mi-
jointed the buggy and ficcd the horse , which
was caught on lodiu ) stieet bhjore anylii
thor damage was commlttod.
Cotner & Archor's add. to South
Omahs contains 101 lots which C. K.
Ithiviic lias agreed to sell in ! ! 0 ( leys , and
to do tliis thu prices hayo been placed
very low. ( Jo and investigate. For taio
nt , )0 to ? nOO , each on easy terms by ( J.
E. JMayno , N.V. . cor. 15lh nnd llarnoy.
UT's Cnoicr. .
C. E. Mayne's prices arc always the
lowest and his terms are always the oasi-
e l. do lo his olliue and buy a lot m
Coiner it Archor'n add. to South Omaha
for $ r > 0 to ! ? 500 , that will double iiihiilo of
a year.
_ _
The Union Pacific weathei icpoils show
that the coldest nolnt ou the line jestenlay
was Ciinnison , Col. .where themeiciuy stood
at U degicos abo\ vero.
Cotnor & Archer's adil. to South
Omaha contains 104 Jots which C. E.
Mayiin lias airivod to stll in ! ! 0 dnj'8 , ami
to < lo this the prices have been placed
very low. Go and investigate. I'or sale
nt W50 t ( > $51)11 ) piit'h on c asy toims by C.
E. Maynu , N.V. \ . Cor. loth aiiilllarnuy.
( / . K. iMavno'.s prices are always the
lowest ami his lornis are always the OUH- !
cst. ( Jo to his otllce and buy a lot in
Coiner Si Archur'n add. to South Omaha
for sjsno to 4'VHI ' , that will double ini.ide of
a .
_ _
A pilvato letlei received in this oil ) yestcr-
< 1a > , states that Miss Agnes lluntimrlon , ot
the Boston Ideals whose iccent tioublu with
her manager In well known. Is to leceho a
lienent in I'eoila , III. tier liiond * In that
city Icel M'iy indignant about Ihu way in
which she has been tieated.
Don't Get ljr n
Hill go to C. 1) ) . Mayno and Rel ono of
the beautiful lots in Coiner iV ArelmrV
add. to South Omaha. Wo are
lliosii lots at one-half the price asked for
lulioinliiff lots. Come and mvcsti ntc ,
C. E. .MAYNI : ,
X. W Cor. 15th mill Harnuy ,
C. K. Ma\iio' . prices are always the
lowest anil nis ( onus are always the oabi-
osl. (10 ( to his ollico ami buy a lot in
Cotnor A : Aruhor's add. to South Omaha
lor S'.ViO to ir')00 , that will ilunblo inside of
( "hallos AiiiliTooii , wlio keepa lx.irdiii
limiM ) on Duiwlits snout , brlwcun > iintli and
and Tenth Klructs , ycptonl.ivcausi'd tlm ar
rest ot a lellmv w jio cave Ills 11,111111 as lcIs
iN'oiman and rhnrxoil him with tliu larceny ol
Hurt !'lirK. A little ( luiiKlitur ot Mr. All-
doi.soii claims to luuo beuu JSorman tdUuii ;
UlO W at 'Ill's.
C ! . E. iilayne's pricob are always the
lowest ami his ( onus are ulwaya the easi
est. Go In his olViou ami buy a lol in i
Cotner Atelier's , add. to South Omaha
for H' . ' .0 to "UU , that will double iitbide of r
a year.
Cotncr ik. * Archur .1 mhl. to South
Omaha contains 101 lots which C. E.
Mayno huagneil to sell in ! ! 0 tiayn , and
to do this the prices liuve been placed
vorvlow. Go and invusti .ito. J'or sale
at $ ! r.O to $ . iOO. each on easy ternib by C ,
E. Mio tie , N. W. cor. l.ltli and Uarney.
i tciVi'l. ( .
, lKi McC'iilloeh gnmtud iimrriage
a > cdterday to lliu follow in ; ; pur-
N'amp. Hesidonce. A ( re.
i.lolin \Villiam t < ; . . . ( ) malia , "t
1 Mr.Aniilo Dur.Mtj.Omalia , : ! U
j ( ieorKC I , . llin'lu-.s.iiinlin , ' 'T
I liebuoc.V K , Coo ! . . . .Omalu , 21
C. 1) ) Jlayno's pricus arc ahvay ths
lowest uml Idj to mis are always thu
oasie&t. ( So to his ollioo and buy u lot in
Cotner & Aivlinr's add to South Oiuuha
for * ! M to iitO that w 111 double ; nuidu ol
ai ear ,
Cotncr A : Archer s udd , . lo South
Omaha contains HU lots -which Ut i : .
Mane ha iigrccd to M-ll In : : u days , aud
to do this thu urii'ivi Jiayo bpi > n placed
'ow ' , ( lOjtnd invesligajc , . For aalo
.at $ Q loJf.H iwch < iu < > t rn s l > y C
h. M ijue , X W. coc. IGth mill llafncy.
Coiner & Archor's nihl. lo South
Omaha contains 104 lots which C. II.
Mayno has agreed to sell inVI \ days , nnd
lo no this the price1 ? have been placed
vorv low. Go ami invostijratp. For sale
at $ ' ! fiO to $ . * 0(1. ( each on easy terms by C.
E. Mnyue , N. W oor. IDlhamt llarnoy.
C. E. Mnyno's prices arc always the
lowest and'his terms nre always Iho easi
est. Go to his oflico and buy a lot in
( fttnrr it Archer's mid. lo South Omaha
for $250 to * 500 that will double libido of
n year.
The Sunday scinol of the Haj.tlst
church will have a Chiistmas trco and enter
tainment on Satniday evening nt TtJ-O. Snnt.i
Clans and the Queen of the I'alrlcs will bo
present. All ate Invited. Aflet the enter
tainment the school will adioiiru to the
chinch nnrlors nnd hold a sociable , where
Simla Clans will have his tables spread with
Coiner & Archer's add. lo South
Omaha cheapest and best properly in
that vicinity for sale by C. E. Alnyno.
C. E. Mayno's prices are always Iho
lowest | and nis terms arc always the easi
est. Go to hia ollico and buy a lot in
Cottier & Archer's add. to South Omaha
for 50 to ? .jOO , that will itoublo inside of
a year.
. -
Cotncr & Archrr'd nilil. to South
Omaha-ehoapoat anil best propoilin
that vicinity for sale by CE. . Maynu.
C. E. AIimu < 'H prices arc always the
lowcsi and his terms arc always the easi
est. ( Jo to his ol'ico and buy a lot in
Cotnnr & Archor's add. to South Omaha
for $250 lo $300 tliat will double insiilo ot
n year.
Candidates I'or ttic Pen.
John Wilson , charged with Imvlng swin
dled Grant Lawrence , of rialtsmouth , out ol
835 on a bogus check , plead guilty before
Judge Wakeley .U'Sturday and was sentenced
to eighteen months in the penitentiary.
SheiilTCobtnn will take seven convicted
men to the state prison on Monday. They
are Wilson ; Wood ford and Sullivan , for the
bura-laiv ol Mrs. Davis' place on .Sixteenth
street ; Howard and Oilman , for the burglary
of I'onroso A ; llardln's stoic ; U. M. Chase ,
for laieeny from Major Doyd's olllce : John
Dunn , foriobbury of James Oiuij nt Milkud.
C. E Mayno's pneos are alvvayo Uio
besl ) and his terms are always the easi
est. Go to his ollico and buy a lot in
Cotnor iVi Archor's adit , to South Omaha
for sj'50 to ? 00l ) , that will double inside of
u year.
Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Omaha
contains 104 lius which C. E. Mayno has
ngrccil lo sell in 150 days , and to do this
the prices have boon nlacud very low.
Go and investigalo. J or sale at $250 to
WOO ouch on oiisy terms by O. K. Mnyue ,
IN'V. ' . cor. loth ami llarnoy.
A Now PrcbbyJerlnii Chui cl .
A movement is ou foot for Hie building ol
a new I'leshyterian church in thu woslein
part of the eitj in oulei to relieve the other
city churches ol the same denomination ,
which uio now ovoiciowdod. The proposed
now cdilico will probably bo loiatcd near
Park avenue and Loavonvvorlh streets , and a ,
committee to canvas the subject met last
evening . and discussed plans and mojcets tor
J hirthciinc the movemont. Another meeting
will bo hold foi tinthei consultation in the
Colnor & Archer's ' add. to South
Omaha cheapest and best property in
that vicinity for .sale by C. E. Jlayno.
Cotnor & Archer's add. to South
Omaha cheapest and best properly in
that vicinity for sale by O. E. Mayuo.
Aiil Tor iivlnnd.
SM > NIN. . S. W. , Dec. 2At ) a meeting
hold hcio yesterday Sn.OOO were subscribed
for the benefit pf the evicted tenants In lie-
hind. Suhsctiptions Included S3UO from Car
dinal Moran , nichbishop of Svdnov. nnd Sr > i'0 '
from Alexander Stuait , inline minister of
the colony.
Coiner As Archer's add lo South Omaha
contain.s 104 lots which C. K. Mayno has
ajrrccd to sell in SO days , and to do this
the prices have been placed very low.
Go and invcstifrate. For sale at if250 to
? 500 each on easy terms by 0. E. Mayuc ,
N. W. cor. loth and llarnoy.
Cotner AT Archer's add. toSoulh Omaha
cheapest and best property in that
vicinity lor sale by C. E. May'nc.
.Clio lirnndwny Strool Hail way.
AI.IIANV , N. V. , Dec. 2.1. Judge 1'cckham ,
of the United Stales comt , this moinlngde-
eided lhatlho action ol the legislature last
wlntoi in ropialing the chailcrof the Bro-id-
wayStiecl railway compan.v of Xow York
is constitutional. Judge JVeklmm also
holds that the mortgages aio a lien un the
Cotnor & iVrishor's add , lo South Omaha
cheapesl and best property in that vi
cinity for ale by ( ' . E. Mayne.
Cotnor & Arrher'h add. to Smith Omaha
cheapest and best property in that vi-
cimly for nalc by C. E Mayno.
Cotnor A : Archer's add. lo South
Omaha contains 101 lots which C. E.
Mayno has agreed to poll in ! ! 0 day * , and
to do this the prices have been placed
very low. Go ami inveslijrati1. For sale
al 'J50 to $500 each on e.asy terms by C.
E. Mayno , N. W. cor. 15th and llarnoy.
Cotner Ar Archer's add. to South Omaha
cheapest and host properly in that
vioimt } tor sale uy C' , K. Alayno.
Cotnor A ; Archer's adil. to South Oinaha
cheapest and best property in that
vicinity for sale by C. K. Mayno.
Cotner t Archer's add. to South
Omaha cheapest and bust property In vicmitv , for sale by C. K. Mayne.
A l iul With n ( inn ,
i'oiiT , Conn. , Dec. ! . A cold
blooded murder was pcriiPtialed near New
ton labt nlgnt. William Warner , a young
man well known In this pity , who has been
quite Intimate with Mis. Mary i > ynch , v
young mauled woman who formeily re
sided Hcio with her husband , shot nnd killed
her lit her mother's house , The murdeior e
caped I iota Iho house , and afterwads re
turned and shot himself , tailing over the
body in Mrs Lynch. Ho loft a note In whh-li
he ( ; avt ) the causu ol the minder as jealousy ,
"A bettor article it is impossible to pot
sir , I have tried them all mid iinhesital
iiifjly proiiniinoo Dr. Bull's Couch Syruj
superior to any. " ( E.\o. )
The old hlory : Trivial symptoms wore
no loeled until rhonmati.-ui becan o os-
taiili.-hod , whereas all thu siiHorin ; ; oould
have been provuntod by the prompt USD
of baiation Oil. ' . ' 5 cents.
Schilling : , thu coaolimmioninhivv of
Morosiiii , Iho hanker , has enli.sttnl as a
Uniteil Slates marine.
and ( jineklysubduo the irritation of your
luiiKs and air passages , with a tew dooi-.s
ofJJr. .1.11. JlcLiuin's Tar Aine \ Lui : < ;
Halm. U'5 cents a bottle.
Cottier & Archor's add. to South
Omaha cheapest and best property in
that > n-'tuity for s.ilo byC. . E. Maj no.
Cotuor & Aivhor'sadd.toSonili Omaha
cheapest and best property In that \u-
ciuiti for sale bj O. E. Mayno.
Cotner it A roller's add. toSoulh Omaha
cheapest and best property in that
viunity for saio by C. U. Mayno.
Coiner & Archer' add. to South
Omaha aud best property iu
that vicmity for sale by O. E. Muyiio.
"Ulessoil AH Thou Above nil O her . "
Solno of the cxprc jens of ftratitudo
for the pli > sicnl re tnocitioii wrought by
Mrs Lydia K. L'inkhmnN > 'eiretable Com
pound read like the mjoicings of con-
verls after n religious revival. It brings
Katfiifmn to the body.A lady in Fraik-
tin Parish , La , writes1 1 tiied ono hot-
tlu of jour Compound for Prolapsus
Uteri and Lpnoorrlirta. 1 never had any
thing in my life that did mo as much
good , 1 WAS hardly tiblu lo walk about
without ditliculty. I fcOuM not stop upon
anything without pain. When I think
how good lliatono bottle did IMP , 1
feeln ? if I could fall on my knee ? to you
nnd sav , ' 'IMcssed ail limn above all
others , for tlioti art ono of the greatest
benefactors that woman over had. "
Cotncr & Archer's add. to South
Oinaha cheapest mid best proucrly in
that vicinity for sale bv C. K. Muyni' .
Knit for Tunitn.iny.
WA sniNoroN , Dec. CO. The secrelaiy of
tliettrnsujy has appointed James S. Walsh
to be assistant Inspector of hull * at Kew
\oilc. Walsh Is a piomliicnl member of
Tammany hall.
Home lot * the Holidays.
The trains lioin thccastlastovctilgbiouglit
In eiowds of Omaha } ta cngeis , many moie
than for weeks past. Omaha traveling men
weie numerous among the Huong , and their
happy laces indicated thai they anticipated
the pleasure of spending the holidays at
home. The overland tiiuiis , however , vveio
llghllv loaded , hut fovv uassengers desiring to
spend Chi.slums "on Hie load , "
cxrvv jo RUG STORE :
It praSacas Tractical Ecsulta in Baking ana
R never before attained ia any
iip Apparatuo , ncd will
Je.Onl nil Teed BnVml or Honiteil. flionM Im fvftf'l
infioibn rfroclynlmltlc-.l tolhe ov n. 1hl l aoi.J
l > y iliicnnllni : llio clowj even door Iieroiarara p l. nn-l
nibBlltutlnc for Itadoor conulnlna n lm tot \\lra
Gouru ue&rlyn Inrtrons Ilia door It lf.
ThrouRh this GE.UZO JJcor the nir freely
circulate * , fnclIIUllDC tLeiroceMof cooWn < j.onil
rr.irinclnr f'n-l llmt l < tiniqMHllel ; in floinr oiicl IIB.
irltlon. mid uclually cooked wllh lrd cntoumptloa ol
Juol iljan in nn men vltli n cloBt l door.
nu ruormou" savins In tliowoight of miit. .
oy auu i ODD coofcr.i ) it IT
IiTns. MAHY 1 ! . ricit,7oBc'inrlnmeiticJ nnninr.
Jo BM t"l'nl emltr. Hy.i "MydUilioraUil 'l in nt
in that Iboorpn uf llio Uonun , mconipiirol with otliais
il "it onlr room n.U illy In everypart- ; trout iu
< ,11 as - n result of it uirior vftotilation
theVood Plu.l Iheraln i l.eltcr.vH > , . < .tKln.
Jnjniwr ( tnrilKvor.mid n lar < rr proportion of itilwt
l"trc 111 n.liilM > Jliiittliacoii unii lion ot M
it JUEO ia mutU leas than nniollierlor tumu vf
w.o ran utusniAtEociRcuuisAHD MICE UST
SOLD IK NEBRASKA as follows :
KALLAS l.lilSON , ItAsriNr. . .
J. C Iiur.wr.ll , . . . . .lUv SPRINGS.
KASS&CO CiiAnnnii.
UAUSF I.U11KKR & WELCH , . . Counros.
G1.T1U , & TAGLI' , VtruANKUN. .
J f KlcCAITKUTV , 0'Nii.i. CITV.
J S UUKi : I'UAT-rsMoUTii.
A. 1T.AUSON . .SirRii-JC.
1 O. OKC1.N. SrnnMfc ur.o.
1 A PADI > HM KPON feLt-i-pioif
Oeir profiucljoito itre no _
In them Every Objection to rrady-mndo
hoes is removed. The tuccess nt once
Bltamcd by our foods t4-h ? revcr mtroiluctJ
is because they nre pl rc-fitting. tlejnr.t
In itylc and , ot-Jie fmcst inater Is
tad worfcraanilup , ancj nioJcrfcte in price.
The horrors cf br a nfe-lr. nre cvclJed :
Chcy nrc tociforublc tyoiu the very firit.
Wale in oil Biles , widt'.m end fchapcs.
Lcc'tcn Sjltt / - r'aHand t\JJrm \ tf
1'or Milc liy I fay \vavil 7o9llo > v
aril Street , Oinalia.
The OrlKiinil pud Oi lj
I. lln.aul * . n L A . A k ) - llrugsi.t k
" ( Jiltliulci' * "u : ! Uk iwfU.-r ti HT iuv
w u. ' | . - jiUrl in vtttr 17 r | ( rn m l
KJ br llruizt'lt etrryxlvrr. lik r r "Chl.-
' < - ! ' liuiU.L- n.i.4 1 uj jd I'ai * . 'Iftt * U
As ( he Holiday season u upon us would it not bo advisable nnd oniiiiiMitly proper to soled fi'om Ottt'Siofilc *
some useful things ?
Our good ? , although not selected exclusively for Holiday Oifty , yet every ono ot thorn would ninko n Sensi
ble and highly Appreciated present , which would bo useful the year round. This being our fii'st season , wo
have made n place foi1 ourselves among you , and by making the interests of our customers our own , We pro1
pose to show our appreciation of their patronage by making startling reductions throughout our entire line
for their bench1 ! , beginning Friday , December 17lh , and continuing until after Ulirts
Iu the Uoy.s1 and Children's Department we ofter :
Boys' Winter * t'cif/7it snitttf worth $8 for
Hctter f/t'dde Jioi/s' suits , itmtlc nj ) in NorfoH : stirfe , reduced
$3.7 S to $ 'i.75. ttp , rctfttuctJjfrow $ ti to
In Hoys' and Children'Ovorceats * ! we have them from $1,05 upwards , and a very fine line of plain and fttr-
Inmmed one" ,
Tit one ftt $7M > Ilcdiiceil to $ ( > &
Those at $ & Reduced to $8
Those ( tt $ tt Mettieced to $11.81)
Those at $ i ® Ketfiiued to $7
In the ilon'.s Clothing Department , we have within the hist ten days reinforoc'd our assortment with inw
styles in Business and Ores ? Suits , and oflertho entire line at uniformly i educed prices.
ly nil wool ( Suits XZcdticetfrotia , # W.7 , fo $ ( >
f' # Strictly < iI ivoryfctf Itretis Qteita , JtZctJiteetf from ifl&.SM fo $7
Men's ( U worsted &acl : Suiftt , Strait/Jet ami JKSotiml Cutst Rtdnccfl
from $ A5 fo $1.8.SO
filet b'ttflncCorJisereiv -IJFititf : < tittCttlfett'ty&siifttin blael : orbrotvitf H &
dttees ? from $1& fo , $15
'VeryjfitiesJZJBnfton Cutaway Stress Stiifttylectfiiccelfroiti $ ' < HoJl7.S
1rerijiueffijujtorffd worsted fSaelf Stiiftfifhc eoata < tntf ? ' fs liitetl with
& < ttin , iiistraif/Jst < tn < l roiistelcvitf * , Sie&Mvedjfnmt lft .SO fo , $ if& > , ? >
2Bactra fine Corkscrew Prince- Albert J&rcss &ult& tu > blues < aid
ifltsvfi'Sg ctliiCiitJfroiJt $3& to $25.75 >
\Ve \ cull e-pecial attention to our § 23.75 Prince Albert Dre Suits , not alone to tlie line qualify , but lo ( ho
fciyli' and the manner in which they arc gotten tip ; and they should only be compared with merchant tailor's
inuku , and in price with such goods as other dealer- * ask ? ! 3i > for.
Our enormous assortment of Overcoats and Ulblers , plain and fnr-lrimmcd , arc made from Edridon & Bur-
linalon , Kcrpoys , Chinchillas' ' , Ely.siauFur > Ijcaver * and Montagnacs , some silk and others satin lined. The cx-
Ircmcly low prices of these can only bo appreciated after examining the qualities.
In Mufilersimd Silk Handkerchiefs we positively oiler the most stupendous bargains , for instance :
Gassimcrc Mufflers for dross it'ccw at % > 5c cac7i. ; worth 7i c.
All Safin Mufflers at $ Z.5tt ; worth $3.
SlUv JIn-ndlsercltlGfsfor 25c ; worth & ® c.
Includincil" elegant as ovhneiit oC better grades in which we can save you more money than in the cheaper . ,
Anything in our line you inny purchase , take it around town , and it' you think you can do bettor , iviurn
the same , ( if not soiled ) , the money will lie returned to you instantly without remarks.
All p-oods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
r i
Ciirrj-.nrtlirllpliritim Unrul mil t'nltoil Sluloi
M mi , mil ! ! „ cvory Niturxliiy
Between Antivern & How York
l'\li. AND WINl'Klc.
Salon from SW to $7i Uxcurelon trip from
$110 to ? l-i. Socor.U Cabin , oimvaiu. J3 ;'i ; i jiuur ioii. J&O. Sloomro iw iiiffo
t low rMos. I'elor Wilirlit At botis , OoaarH
ArontR , 65 Droadwiiy , Novr i orlt.
liiiin1I'un It , 1-18 I'iiviuiiii s ! . ; I'aiiUon t OD.
H2b I'lirnam cl : 1 > . O I iciciuiiu I
B B l llsH AIS o ltyS *
Window Sash Lock
KUT Jnvt'iiled.
Arii' iiriVP MJ iirnlll" rtrru
1 ulItT mi
all t3 l "I KMtlnul men
rifl " " ' l"b"lt . <
tnyl i , lxU ,
5 . ' ,
m Slioii prrfuclr ucc. > U lor 05.OO.
Uuicuu > limit j o ir t
The Tremont ,
J. C' . I'lTXOKJIM.UA 0 f , J'r
Cor. Uli iititl 1'Mh , Lincoln , NnU
r.ale f I-/ ! i" ' ! " ) ' btixoi cjn liuiu liuuia O
me cit-
.1. ll.W. IlAUltlXS ,
Architect ,
ntTu' . a J ! . 31 uml < . ' , Hn-lidnU lllocU ,
KeU Ulovntoroiilltli
Jli ic li roj llrnoUi-rnf
L.vnm. Fntnn ilu
1\ \VOUUS. .
Live Stock Auctioneer
uiiulii In all parts nt llm U. S. til l.ilr
runs. I'onin ' . stati1 liluuK , I.inuiln , Null.
Hj uii'l Sliai-t Horn hulb fin i > ala.
Farm Loans ant ! Insuranca ,
CoiTft-'XiiiOi'iict1 Ir ri pirl lo In-ta * h'llu-ltO'L
llontn i. Hi'tmrN Illu li J.iiitxiln Nob.
Riverside Short Horns
( ifMrMlj l > un II It- * till I Hili 3 j'ui > jiiili .Itllc
llnil ni mt i r ulxn i in he Ail ,
I'miii'ii'ti ' rcirti'i\tcj \ : nibert ? , C'tajz- ,
j\r < nMhw. liunlu . Hovbitl' hlmnins , Mu llma ,
Kuik'iilly J > u < : . : 'MCH , I itii C'rtuikoiuir Mniy %
l'liyllu-11- 1 ( iVIUdk UIIll lllll' I > \0 <
llulU loreaU * I 1'iirt' l .iu l-iiin < it. 1 rur
Cau a t ratriu , 1 llo'eut .Sliaion , I VDJIJ/ < iry.
ll'uiu Ctulck SbunK uml Dihora rnin u ii {
> Tl. AUdvoiS , Gil.S. . M. lilt \ * . \ -
WITH , u I/lnco'u top at
National Hotel ,
And cut & lioou oluuor Co 'V > ,
1 EDAU'AV 1'iVP.
Lawrence Ostrom. & Co.
JsJH'iithto ( 'onsiiinilloii ) ,
Malurin. , Hlceiilessncs1 ? ,
Chills anil Fouira Or Insomnia , and
Typhoid Feycr , Dissimulation ,
Indigcstiun , Of Fooil ,
Jysin.isia ) ] , Ten Years Olil ,
.Siirffical Fevers , No Kiihol Oil ,
Hloml 1'ois.oniiiK Alisolut-'ly i'aro
Thttwi'l if t'tf ' Km 1 link I LIIII > o n i . .unul' r t'l'i l > i l II > i Kin is u I --1 i- , i ! Iruia
] tnin M -I'll. i . . , , ! V i , . 1 1 . > i u i > i i * 'i ' i In- i .1 i u , u , i i I i n < i l mi
ou mi , - , u' i i ii > i ji I i > < ' il r n n ! . it I ! Hi i 1 1 M I i < > i
J I' I'M , ' I M M li "in luii ,1 < hi im i. l.'i iioillu , Ivy.
Idr-iili I > llr i -I t \ \ n M i 'i ' n ! i-i HU .1 - < . i > > i I' ' > li r li > i I
It ni U un I iil'ii- ' -lull I i ' i' ' PI > i - mil in c mi li > ' ' . U I' ' ' it t > 'X ' " ' > ' > ' ' "
lliu I.'iiu ' i1 . ' tit.iinr 11111 ilu 'ii i > - ' 'tui ' fc < ,
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Go , Louisville ,
Wholesal Bistrilnitiiiff
tf nin a ro. . tm < i \
It I LIU' t- IHLIAt\ liolt-ifilc Liquor Iti-nlrr * , 1
JI.T. ci. s/// ; i > in c < < > . ,
The C. S , Mayne Seal EsUte arid Trust o
IVoji-rtvof ) o\cry loscriition | forsJii ir. ; dl pnruof thocity. n al In ,
rvory wninu in N < Ijj.nsk.'v.
Of Titles of Douglas county kci { . ol llw city sl.itu or ouuuty , or a y
iuforratttion ( iusireu. furaitliod iri > ( il cUdi-jjo ujion ; j ) | > litaiioii. ;
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Bilverwaro
'J ho hryr t Mo K IVic "i t'n ' > * . 1' 'Irjiz a : \iuiy . .Mltfui. . narrntil-
od. Cunur Drm lts undl i 4r , > '
\\iticliut iKvr ;