Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1886, Image 1

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Wbat His Friends and the Press Have to
Offer in Explanation.
The Opinion Prevails Thnt the Gov-
rrmnrnt Krnr n Iluropcnn War
Uiimois of Other Cnhlnct
rorrlKii Ncvvi.
'Ihn Ion In tionilon.
lCut < U > tuMVWJH / / laintr ( lonlnn
l.oxnuv , Dec. til. ( Now \or\t \ Herald
Cable-Special to the lli.i | Tlio Campbell
dhonceaso was on every tongue hero last
week. 'I o day nothing is heard biitCliurclitll.
llii ftnnlsl.pd the news to iliu Times alone ,
which had a "beat" on all Its ( ontpinpora-
Jits Ilio Hist llinn in homo jenis. 1 tried
this molding to Inteivicw Loiel liiiiliilili ! ; | , lesidpiico wns liteinliy be
sieged. Hi' , howovoi , declined tw nil comer *
to say an ) thing until n.irllamcnt meets tlnce
wteks hence. I then usitud one of hit
( lose lilemls.ii lor ) nicmlicr ol pailiamcnt ,
\\IID. In oonslileiiUlon that his nnuic should
not he nseil , talked fieelv.
llesild : "Theie hns hcen a Oinchlll file-
lion in the cabinet Irom the st.u I. Ills well
I-iunrti that Sir ! Stiitloul Northcoto wns sliol
Into the peers at Loul Randolph's aim , whc
wanted to tut ildothlr SUIToul tiom the
house of commons. Hut the lattei In the
cabinet soon began to pay back his yoiuip
tin mentor. Iddeslcigh is whatjom Amer
icans ( 'all a lioui lion politician , who oppose ! lives in 1S4T- while
Clinrchlll , n radienl tory. wishes ti
lieep abreast of the times. Will :
IdeR'slelgh as follow bouibons ir
tlin cabinet , ate -mil I John Manner
nnd Viscount Ci.inbmoke , about Rovent )
) cars old pacli ; also Ctuss and Smith , whc
nti ! n\ri stlxty. Lord John Hamilton is :
joung bouition onlj fort > -ono jears old , btil
the son < if a tot ) dtiKu , and whose mother \
thodaughtci ot nnothei tory duke , and vv he
Is jealous ol Churchill's leadership. Tin
latter iiMllj hadonl ) Matthews. in the homt
office , ns .in Intimate siupilhl/lng eolleage ,
umlballsbni ) amllialfourasappaicnt friends
Loul It.indolph was a icfoimci , ngitatoi ami
uonomist. llo Is fond ol quoting the llni
from poet , 'Lot the dead pasl
burv Its dead ; ' also ho is for letting contl
netital politics gonoiall ) take care ot them/
helves. Hi ; ospoelall ) ulshcd diminished tav
ation on the masses Those < ild colleague ;
worn John Hulls on whom Chuichlll acted : o
u led lag. ot tliem at ( list thoughl
Churchill would fail as a Ic ulrr of the house ,
whereas ho m.ulra decided mail. . The lust
friction In the c'.ibinet was ChuithiH' '
proposal to adopt man ) American piocedurc1
Mich as tlio pic\ ions questions and division ,
nnd Ion by working committei'b ,
I hey twltteit Churehill with his intimao >
\\ltb Ciiambeil.iln , who was another led rat
to tlio fossil Iddoslelgh. Next Churchill be
llpI'd In a real local Sdeiuociatie electoiial
county government , not In an > half-waj
measures , b ) letting the homo govorninenl ho eallcil the Mnihoan hy. ' appolnl
Komo local otllclals. 'I'lio London citj torle"
wcio horiliied to see Churchill ojipose theii
taxation ot the rest of London .1 shilling per
tonfoi coal ; also IddesIelghandManners.whr
pointed out his ta\ was as old ns thai
swut toi > , lames 11. CIiuii hill did not ijo
. Ileus in Iddeslelgh coricion , but when jouiij !
liouiboii Hamilton wanted Ss-00,000 - for the
nav .mil old bouillon .Smith wanted SCOO.CKX
lei the aim } , and balisbui ) backed these
they wem the last stiaws on the back ol tin
budget , and Cliiuehill leslgnod. "
"Will ho oppose tliu government in tin
house ? ' 1 asked.
"Perhaps" was tlio auswoi , "foi his fourtl ;
part ) Is not jet dead. "
"Who will MIC coed him" "
"I am assured that it will be Loul Ceoige
llamllloii. who Is the only otlier membei ol
tlio eablnet leally caii.ibln of being the leailei
of the house. Charles Illtelilo , now tlie sue
( cssoi to Dlll.e In the government boaidantl
late .secictar ) to thoadiuiialt ) , will then ge
to the head ol the latlei. Ciulonsly onougli
ho has goneinll ) been a sjmpathi/ei witli
Chine-hill. "
"What will be the goneial elicit iinoii tut
"Well , ask me a week after parliament
meets and 1 can bettci ansvvoi jon. "
rin ss nrixioxs.
'Ihe 'Ielej.raph lathei delends Chun lull' *
stop . md sas frankly that "coiisoivatlbiti to
llxo must be dcmociatlc , "
'Ilio Chmnlclo wiiles sliullailv iinl sivs :
"On thn question of economy being sl'ghteii
by Chine-hill's eolleasues they and not lie
ha\o tluowii HW.IJ tlioii liitnio in politic- . . "
'I lie I'ost climbs the leiu-o on the event ,
but on Urn whole thinks Chuielilll
took the honorable and pitilotlc couisc
'the othei t-'ONcinini'iit ortran , thoSt indaid ,
iiueUhs iin'alii'.t CliurchiU'b pitiiotism anil
devotes tuo ilistiiicl odltoilals to show blni
up as a tor ) tiailor. Tlio Standaid iilic
devoteoot Lout Iddlcslelch.
'Ihn rimes Is pleased with Its jcstoidij's
IIHUS vlitoi\ and h i nothini ; .
'Ihe ( ilailhtonn News m Jubilant and pie
illcls a speedy bicikupol the toiv
meni , butwltlioulgivlns veiv stioin : II
rliMiirni vi.v 1 1 1 OI.I/KS rnriie 11:1 : r.
Mi. Cliiimbeilain , In an address at IHini-
lii'liam ( last evonlni ; , eulo i/ed Chuiehlll'n
indepcniUnt boUlne-s nnd sl iiliuaiitl )
aid : " 1 ( oiift'ss It booms to mo possible I
le.ii It piobable that ( lie old tory Influence.
has trained the impel hand and tbat wu may
be i.uu to face with a torj irovcinnientIIIKO
polle ) nei e ( insistent liberal will bo aiih )
to biippoit. 1 thought tliu
tories had itcihaps irmvvn wise by
expcileiiro and that the.v vveio prcpaied to
govern In a llhcial spuit. If
abandoned that munition then Lout Salis-
luny must bo piopaied for the coiuo-
The latest .uhleco (5a ( m. ) fiom Home nl-
le o that l.oid llaitliuton will ilcclino to
take thoehamelloi hlp 01 uiii po > t In the
'Ihn l'i o > > | ) otiH ) of U'ur.
I.OMIKN , Dee. it. rhoiesl'iialionol ! Can-
dolpli Chuic'hlll from tliocnbinet has oaiiseit
n ooiisntlon. The deslio to Inn ease the ex-
peiiM--of tlio admiralty and vvai otlircs to Cliniihill wasoiioMil ] ] , indieate- Is
bolit'Mil , that llu h'oMiniiient Is ot the
opinion that a Liuoi-inn wai l Imminent
and that o\tia naval and mllltai ) piopara
tloiibon Ilio luit ol riiKland vvoioreiiuuod
to make In i Inilueiiio lelt on tlie continent.
Joseph Chamboi lain lias ilefened his eon-
umplateit vUlt tobcotlatid until the Easter
No otliei inc'inln'i of the cabinet No\pectotl
toinsign. It is aborted Loul Hriitln-ton
will nou&kud tuuhaiimo tlie uillre of iirimo
iiiinUUii. On the other hind It N leiioiUxl
he will bupios ed to take Churehlll1 ! , placn
as lender ot the KO\ eminent paitj in HID
commons. HattiiiL'toi ) iat present In Home.
.nid ha arninsod to lemain tlieieanotliei
w rok
Loul Hiutlnaliw will reluin to London
linmiMlatolv. and nniil ho .irnvcs Lout > al-
IsburyllluituliKiulPs ent. It tlinnKht
lini > iiba.Wetiat ! LoiU Itiiiiingtim wHl.ucept
theoili e , ns ( . hauiU'rlaln and u majority ol
Vw iiHtonM kaders ob . t to Iilsetiln0'fio.
On ithiMitliei liAiid , it Is leained lioiu n 10-
llab'HM i r e that theijueon will mo the nt-
most I'li-asuro to tuilucu hUu to join the min
istry and become a eon rn atlv e lender In tlio
hoii'Pof commons , bello\liiK that ho alone
mil neutralize the. e fleet of Lord Itaiidolph
Churchill's couric. If Lord Hartlnrton re
fuses to take ofllco the conservatives are for
Sir Jllchacl Hicks-Heac-h's lesnmlng tl.c du
ties of chancellor of the oxelieuuer , and the
appointment of the HI. Hon. Kdward htan-
hope , the present colonial secretary , to the
lilsh chief hecrctarjshlp. Loul Salisbury
had a IOIIR confeirnco with lit. Hon. W If.
Smith --eoretary of state for war. nnd Sir
rredpriek I'onsonhy. 'Ihe prlmo minister
returned to llntlicld house this evening
Jlattliew , home sccretaij , is the only mem
ber of iho cabinet whose resignation Is con-
sidoiml probnble. but Itt. Hon. C. T. Kltchlc ,
president of the local government bonid , and
\V. I. . Jackson , tlnnnrlal seeretary of the
trcasur ) , whoshare Loul Jtalulolplrs views
niav possibly ictlre.
Lord liandolph , In an intcrvlovv to-day-
said that his lio.i'th ' was bettoi thanltha < !
been for months tnst. Ills decision tu
retlro , ho said , was the rosull
of due deliberation nnd arose troui
no ill temper or weariness of oflice. He lias
abandoned his contemplattd visit to lie-
land.The cabinet will not meet till next WciV
nes'lay , the mtnlBlefs passing Christmas at
their eoitntiy Mats. Lord liandolph
Churchill nntliorl/es tlio statement that lie
will continue to iIvo ; general -.upport to tlir
government , and on disputed questions In
pull imont will hold aloof rattier than < > \
Jio < o the KDveriimunt , nvoldiiiR ostiytlilii ) !
that mlu'lit jcomrdi70 the entente between
tlio torles and llbeinls on the unionist in in
ciples. It Is ipporled that Lord Salisbui )
has lenew ed nls offer of the premiership tt
Lord HnitinKton , he lilmseli piouoslni ; tc
take tlie foielKn poitlollo , and Loul Hart-
liiKton to have the riglit to select a noitlon ot
tlie cabinet.
Theconservatlvpnssoeintion In Lord Kin-
dolph's constltnenc ) Is an anting toi the
appointment of n lommitteo to call upon
l.oid liandolph and demand of him an ex
planation ot his conduct.
An Informal meetlnc of Cilndstonians wa <
hehl at the National Liberal club to-niL'ht
There was ninth lejoiehiK over the pies
] iectlvo bicak-np of the conservatlve-nnlonls
coilitlon , and tlio hope was exprcsspel thai
l rpniproauliment ] of the Chuichlll
Chaiuborlaln alliance to the Cilnilstoulnii !
will result In thocouiso ot the coming ses
sion ol parliament In the reluin of ( iladstom
to otllce.
'I liu resignation ol lEando'.pli Chiirchll
was pioclalmed tbioiiL-h the stieets of Dnblli
this mornltiR by n bellman. The populaci
showed enthusiasm over the news.
Till ! 1 Kl 1 ISO IN ( ) PUM\\\ .
Hrmjv. lcc. it. ' Ilio Ohurehlll inciden
hns shaken confidence in the libllitv ot tin
ballsDiiry k'ovcinment and lev ivcil tears o
InipundliiK war. The commission ot stal
otllcerh continues niaUlir < airanceiuents fo
new tioons just ns It tlie bill was alreail' '
passed. The war ministry Is hastening tin
jiroduction of rejicutlni ; rllles.
A Talk With I'nnii-ll.
LoMtov. Dee. 'A3. A repoiter called 01
I'ainell at the L'aston hquare hotel this even
ine I'arncll looked ninch palei and tlilnno
than nt the end of the hibt session , but ho I
evidently making coed tnoRiess. He sah
that his physician believes that he will hi
stroniei than foi man > > ears. Ho said tha
his illness became acute about the em
of Uitober , but lot t month
previously ho had been losing tlesh
apjietlto nnd strength , until after the autuint
session he felt almost entirely unable to di
any work. In retiirniiiK to the political situ
lion ho lemarketl that the government , nov
that Kord linndolpb Churchill bad resigned
would have something else to think of tliai
coetclvu povveib in any ensi\ because tin
maikeil absence ot cilme1 , tlie Rcneral moder
atliui with which tlio campaign had beet
conducted and the fact that the obioct of tin
government and the campaign piomotcii
was the .same , namely , that ol obtalnlne lul
lent abatement fiom nnjiehlliiK landlords
had taken aw ay many ot the usual excuse1
tor cocicion. Ite aiillni ; the legality 01 tin
campaign rarnell haid he was nnwIlMim ti
take the law from either Justice O'llriet
orJustice Johnston , both of whom wen
stioiiK political partisans , wlio had received
tl.elr otllces In reward scivlces
and who vveio notoriouslv Inwveis ol
mcdlocio ablllt ) . 'Iheio was connislon li
thojudKiiient itself , ns well as in the proc
tarnation. "In any case. " contlnuei
Painell , "If it should bo linall ) and clcarl ;
decided by a high legal opinion of recocni/ci
aiithurit ) that the campaign is illegal , > oi
must lemo'nber It will be only tcchnlcallr
illegal , and only ho because the same right 01
combination which HID le lslatnieattrr muni
agitation Ieeall/ed toi Ilntlsh workmei
iindei the name of tiadcs unionism , has no
jet been extended to the lush tenaii
laimeis. "
Koiuo I'ouitH ti tinSevontj Vein
ruiiiliiiK 1)111.
Nl YOIIK , Doo. J'J - ibppclal Tcle-giam ti
the iti i : . ! The Woild'bVnshInyton \ sjiecla : "beveial attempts have been mnde ( i
OIIKIUO tlm piesldent In the imiioilant mat
tei ot saving the inleiest of the govcrnmen
as eiedltoi of tlie I'acllleiallroads. ' 1 lie lobbj
In favor ot the liindlu bill make most of tin
siippoil they have fiom the administration
They say the piesldent and tlio entint eabi
net favor the mcasuic. One ot tliu argil
en Is which is used in administration am !
i circles Is th it the I'acilio i all-
loads nio bankrupt nnd that unless some
means aic adopted to extend the debt , the
Kovcinmmit will sciuro nothing. A tliorongl :
lailioul expeit. who has had n niimbi i ot in.
tcrvlews with the ptc-ddcnt upon this sub
ject , said today : "Jheio Is no doubt tint
Iho government could iccovei Its debt
nniler existing lav\s. Tim ( 'initial I'acilic ,
1 am willing to admit , has so wietkeel if
load and tianslciicd Its pioncity that II
mlh'lil escape pav incut , but tlie I'nlon 1'aclhc
isaiiiph abloto pay. 1'he poveit ) ot the
I'lilon r.ullie Is iiigcd lei a leason foi ex
tending its debt b ) the government for
sevcntv ) eais. I'lio facts aio that this mad
pained In Its vvnistjeai S , f > 10)0 ( ) ) above in.
tcieon ) its tils ) bonds and now equipment ,
I'lom Is , I to Issf u baa paid out In dlv ldcnd
to its MoiUmUlois sil. jr-'TO. It has in.
vested ovoi S 1 , 00,00(1 ( in stocks ami bonds ol
some nineteen bunch lines , vvlmh do no )
cam ml ) test on tlulr bonds hv some
M.i'.s.oooannu dlv. Ithaspiul SOIIIO XOK- )
OIKI alone toi the Denver .V .South I'.uk
lallioad , which docs not earn opcintlnu
expenses , bloOiKi. . It lias paid icuilailvt !
pci tent on Its nut motl.-age bonds and 7
and 6 pel cent on Midi as aio subsequent tn
the mortgn o. It has aniicuutcd sstuooooc
bonds not due lill l\s < . ) , and now pioposes In
anticipate . s 1,000 slnkini : fund loans not
dun till ls4 ! ' , and while it has been so gen-
eious too stockholders and Intcilor bond
holders. it has been In i poor to pay even tliu
mulct ) ol annual iie > i cut elite on thogov-
cinmuit muitjae. !
I'alli'.s I'romlMiii ; Niece ,
Nl w Uni IXs I , Doe. 'ii. ( "special lolc-
giam to the li ! i ln l hen Alleluia I'.itti was
in New Orleans throe jc-ars ago , she placed
liu dead biotlieu Cailo's d iiuhtei in the I.oo-
ijuett Leioj iiihtitiito , undi'i caio ot Mbs
JloSe. l.\ei slnio that liiuo the git ) lias been
fie > ln , ' smoothly on with hei school duties
and until jo terda ) . when Her famous annt
ii'vp.iled her plans lor tnevoiiufrglirs futuio ,
it tiioiuiscdtoasnnoventfiilasoidinai ; ) lives.
1'attt shiotlicr Cmlo v\as toi vcais lendoi ot
thooiche- In thoold vailcl ) theater. Ho
mauled n eieolo lad ) . M'lln DCS Hi imp.
.M'llo Carllna shosher w. urn Italian blood
In a inli ol hi , ; diisk ) Pe and lovely scarlet
mouth , with the olive skin and dark halt of
hei tiimll ) blio tins a winning , piquant face
that attr.u U one's aitintlon at once. She hei bixtconth bntlula ) jiistbetoiu
hei iclallvi's arrived in tliuelt ) tliuotlmr d iv
and itcclved homo costl ) nic&cnia fiom both
Mcoliul and I'attl. In Ki'bumiy thepiima
iloiuii will bo In Cincinnati w hero the jotiiig
gill will join them on route for Koioiit' ,
"Crale y Nos" will oo C'.ullnn's future iioiw ,
while hei de'dded musical talent Is to bo
bight ) cultivated , faho Is never to think ot
the opcialic stuii ) as apiofts lon.
* oi i v DIXJ. ! ii In ( Im tual ot eMd ls and
ofl COIR > f the lijntfc.vr'an ' ami ) for eonspirae )
atcalnst tbc logi'iicj , now In IUOKIOHS , e\r-
doiicoh'V. boon uddii'Vd shovvliii ; that the do-
tondants hail bocti in lomniunlcation wit'i '
the Uii' < lan CODMI ! lieu .
The Opinion General Tbat the Pnctiona
TVore Never Farther Part.
A Vpry KxtPiisnc I'rocrnintnc < if IJn-
ternlninonH ArrniiKoet Tronhlo
With ronrili Clas < T'ostniastcrs
\Vi\Hhinctnn Nevvs.
OOSR | | > Alnonc TnrifT
W \MIIVIITOV , Dec.M fSpeelal Tele-
gtam to the Uir.J Tailff rofoimers in the
hou o areconplinr with their arijumeiits the
thicat of the president to cill an oxti.i session
of the Fiftieth congress If something to re
duce the sin plus anil revenues is not done
befoiotho 4th of Match. Ueilnli Wilkins
nnd some other Ohio members aie ptoelalm
ing the vvlllln iiessof tlie del-gallon from
that state to submit to n mild i eduction of the
taillfonwool for the sake of getting tlu
thliu ? stalled , llo adds , however , that tin
reduction must be con lined to coai c wool , se
ns not to Inlet fore with the wool industry ir
Ohio. It Is believed iimong tnillT icformcr
that If a bill was framed proposing even the
slightest reduction on wool that the Ohle
delegation would bo solidly oppo cel to It
The tlneo factions the Itaiidnll democrats
republicans , and Moirlson democrats wen
never farther apait on any subject than a
this moment on reform. Your corrospomlen
Interviewed the twelve or lltteon member'
nnd four senators who were at the ciplta
during the day and they did not think there
wns any duia-ci of an extra session because
they state-el , the country would not cinlorsi
the action of the president In calling an c\tn
session for the purpose of teducitisc the taiif
nnd lesseningpmtectlon ; to the matiiifactur
iny interests. They nil declaiod that If i
session was called it would In icallty bo te
reform the tariff , whatever the ostensible
reason might be. Knowing tills the piosi
dent would not dare to do It.
A good eteal of comment lias been made to
night on the cxtons.lvcncss ot the pmgianum
of entertainments to bo held nt the white
house during the lomalndoi of the Reason ,
No ono seemed tohavo nny ide'.i what was
intended till It was. published this afternoon ,
It Is M'on that between January 1 and Keb-
ruaiv 2S there me to bo live public receptions ,
in which both tlio president ami Mrs. Cleveland
land will participate , foui roccotlons by Mrs.
Cleveland alone , and tlneo dinners foi con
gress and tlie judiciary and ellplom itlc corps
It was hlnti d some time ago tbattheio would
boa gay wind-up at the executive mansion ,
but no ono anticipated twelve entertainment'
ot such goiceous magnitude in tlio shoil
snace of scvon weeks , almost two a week.
People Who have business at the white hoiibu
and who have been talking so proudly of
" .lellersoniiin simplicity. " have nothing to
si ) to-night. The ollieiiU programme tmite
takes their breilh.
Mrs. Folsom , mother of Mrs. Cleveland ,
announces that aftoi Xmv Yeai's she will
fix the day which she will keep dining the
season for her reception. Owing to tin :
length of time necessary to get to-and troui
Onkvlevv and the bad condition of the roads ,
H is moie than piobable slw will decide tu
name the morning lionis , say from 11 to 1 ,
So man ) are anxious to pa ) their lespects tei
Mrs. rolsom that tills announcement will be
received with pleasure. Thorn is considera
ble dilvlngoui to Oikviow lately , notwith
standing tlie bad condition of the loadt , nml
whenever a line cuuipaKO ib seen upon the
streets with its sliming sides spotted with
led clay , it Is evident that It has been within
mistress out on tlie Tonlo ) tow n reid * to the
president's country house. Since Mis. Foi-
som has been maulng calls in tlie city hhc
has received not a few visits in tliu country
TIII : riiiiisiviAs nrsir.
It has been along time sluco wnch a Imcc
and Koneially mixed concourse ot people
wore seen on the btreotb and In the stoic'
herons were seen to-day. It was with abso
lute ditliculty that ono elbowed bis way
thiouuh the eiovvilson Pennsylvania avenue
and bovontli and Ninth btioe-U , the principal
thoroughfares ot business. Scnatois , rcpie-
sentatlvcs , cabinet oHlc-crs , membois of the
supreme court , diplomatic coips nml othei
nobility wedged their way along with hod hack driver. 'Ilio female Inhab
itants of the white house were out shopping
again. Thu nostollieo was so crowded with
people depositing paicels that extra clerks
btood In the Juillvvnjs , icceived pickages ,
weighed them , btauiped them and dumped
them through windows like heaps ol coil.
Cireat long lines ot people vveio nboiil the ox-
pi ess ofilcos , and It was with gio it dllliculty
that the aiibtocracj could get attention , bo
man ) gifts vvero nevei bought at the national
capital botoie. and lilgliei olliceis were never
Known to show so much Intciest In a holi
day. Concessional biiblnesIsontiiel ) MIS-
pcnded , and neailynll statesmen Invo lett
theelt ) foi theli home's 01 N'ow olk.
i in : ri ni.irI'IEIMKK. .
I'ublloriintci Henedlet , in his defense ol
the light being madoagalnsthlsionlirmalloii ,
Isprepirmg to tluovv all the blame on his
piedcccssoi lei the condition of the govern-
meiit piloting oliicu nnd the status ot the
act omits He will likel ) fall of continuation ,
and is iietormlnod to not stand the blame
alone. 'Iho senate committee on piinting
having his nomination | n ehiigohns called
niion him fin a statement ol the condition ol
thoolllep , and in icply hu answers Hint when
ho took charge ho lound thu ace omits mom
than a ) oar behind , with nothing tobhow the
actual cost of mi ) thing that had boon done
during that time. "I'heu , " sas be , "there
me elapses of vvoil ; vvhMi , owing to cir
cumstances ovoi which tlm public puntei has
no eoiitml , cannot bo completed for months ,
nnd ma ) bo will hang onlorjoars Thoio
aiont jueseiit nneonnileted jobs whlcli 1 bu-
lliivoworo oidind bycongioss moio tlian
seven ) eais ago. " Mi. Horn-diet cliims tnat
hevvlllhavo the allalrs of tlio ofllco In shape
h > the liist ot Jaiiuii ) . and that it will IP-
quliu a vast amoiintol book chislng. as well
as othei woik to doit. Then , he sis , all
w ill have boon vv 01 ked over and unite now ,
and people can nndciatand something ot thu
lomlitlon of Din olllce. I ill ( hen hu .n knowl
edges jn Inablllt ) to find holds or tails of
anvthliu. 'Ihosenato coiiiiuitteo will \\IHi-
holda icpnrton his noiuliiition till itreisi ;
statement alter tlio head and tail ot allalu
hive bt'c-n found.
m xnin POSTVI VSTI us
It was si ited at tiio postollico donniIntent
today that more tmuiilo was expeiloncid
now a dxb with tointh olass postmastoib
whodcslieto inuc.ibo their eainings than
was cur known bnfoie , All kinds ol
! -cliemes liiiaginable to i ilbo the lancellatlons
ol slamiis aie being plhd A lot ot newly
appointed iioitmasteis In Ohio am being
watched and a coips otdotoetivos and t.peeial
agents aio on tho-'la ) " in all mils ol the
( ountr ) lei the lubiicatc-d olhcials ot Una
1'Iiat Lleuloiinnt C. L. (1. ( Anderson , assist
ant burgeon I1 , h. A , , wlio \sn > appointed
from civil lllo Novemboi K lias been assUnod
to tompoiary duty at Wlilmilo bariacks ,
Ami ) leivasRiantod Captain John Dell
Waldluck , asbibtant Miieeon , Nuwpuit bai-
raiks , Konliukv , two wookb , I'list Lieuten
ant James O Mackiy , Third i.ivalry. Camp
I'ona , CoIoraelo-'J'ox-is , ono inonlli , with per-
mlbsoii | tonppl ) for ono month'extension ;
1'irst Lleutonaiit Clnrlos H. Watts , riftli
cav ally , I'm t Supply , Hull in territory , hi-
teen davs ; Lieutenant Lawiencu J , Iliarn ,
Twout-first intiintr ) , 1'oit Diil'hesiia , I lab ,
one inonth'a extension ,
I' in STIOV.
< ' C. Woolvvorth , ol Omaha , in nt the Lb-
The Tolil Wain Coining.
WAsiuxmov , Dec. ' "J , I0-i0 a. m A
cold wave la advancing bouthoastward from
Dakota. Id , Influence will bo felt in the
Mississippi valley I'rid.iy and in the upper
and lower lake regions , Ohio nnd Tenncsbco
vallejs Saturday , extending nearly to the At-
lantlu coast. Snowor rain , followed bv
tree/lnc ; weather , Is Indicated through the
nppei anel lower lake regions Ohio valley
and iVmiPibeo and middle Atlantic Mates
tor .Friday , followed by colder ami jair
weatliei lor Satunlay ,
Conclusion of n Coloi-ailo Ijltlntloti
Involvlnc Millions.
DKNVIJI , Dee1 , 'it. The most important
mining litigation over tried In Colorado was
concluded In ( no United Stairs ehcult court
hero today. Millions ot dollars devolved
on the rebiilt of the trial and the precedent
set , which involves the title to ncailv. the
hundred mining chlms In the vicinity of
Aspen , PitUn county , Colorado. The ques
tion nt Issue was whethei the Aspen mines
contained ii sure\elns ( or deposits of ore If
the lissiire theory weic coirect , then the
owners' claims on the apex. 01 vvheio the out
cropplngs am visible on the surface , had n
right mulct United Slates statute to follow
Iho dip vein into other claims. Hut if the
elcpo-dt theory was maintained then the vast
numbei of mines on the side of Aspen
mountain could \n \ operated bv theii owneis
as far as the tioundaiies of theli claims. 'Ihe
present suit was drought b > 1) . M Hvman.ot
Cincinnati , against. ) . H. Wheeler , ot New
Yoik City , and other cipllaltsK Hjmaii
owns the Duiant mine , an ipox claim , and
Wheelci nnd Irlcnds oun the I'nnna mine ,
which lies Immediately beneath the
Dttrant , on the sldo of Aspen
mountilns , Dnrnnt is the older loca
tion , but rich ore was Hist struck
in the Kmma. About worth of
ore had been taken out ol the Iliiima when
tlio Durant people bronchi suit to nxain jios-
sebslon ot the laiima on the apex theoiy anel
the courts enjoined the Kmma fiom fiuther
operations. The ease lias been on trial tlneo
weeks , the best known mining experts In the
west being about equally divided on each
bide. To-night tlie jurv brought in a veidlct
In favor of the Duraiit mine. The Aspen
mine , tlio ilchcst In the camp , lies imme
diately beneath the Emma , and suit Is now
printing to obtain possession of it b ) tlio
Ihirant people1. Two million dollars had
been taken liom the Asiien mine and as
much more In sight when the work on It was
onjoineel. The other ano\ owners have been
awaiting the result of this trial and will now
bring suit to recover possession of those
mining claims Ivlng on the mountain sldo
below them , 'llils Is the tlrst case tried in
Colorado involving the apex theory since the
Leadvillo litigation was begun Inthec.uly
hlbtoryof ttiat camp , and which was settled
about ttirco months ago in the supreme eourt
of the United States against tlio apex theory.
In the Leadvllle cases tlio hanging wall was
claimed to bo porphcry and the foot wall
limestone. In the Aspen case it Is claimed
tbat the hanging wall Is of calcltc and the
loot wall doloiuitlc limestone ,
BcookljuN Street Cnrs Tlcel Up nnd
UnlooNfil iu Ono Day.
Nr.vv YOIIK , Ore. 'it. The many thousand
Hmoklynltes accustomed to USQ the horse
cars of the Hmoklii City rallioad company
vv ore compelled to w allc to day. The coin-
pan ) controls eleven lines ot btri'ot oais , all
of which are Heel up. The men claim the
company has failed to carry out
tlio agreement made with the men lasl March
In lozaul to the horns of work.
One of the causes of the trouble was the tact
that the coinpanv would not rocognl/o the
Knights of Labor nor the Kmplro 1'rotoetive
association in Its negotiations with the men.
At hei'clock about ado/en ears vvcro stalled
under protection of the police. On Last New
Yoik avenue one car was attacked by live
strikers and Iho police piomptly nue'sted
them nnd thus prevented iuithcr double.
The Brooklyn merchants say they will
lobe thousands of dollars b ) Ihe sti Ike com
ing In iiolidi ) ' week. At noon the police
were called upon1 to protect n ear which the
IJrookIii City railway company wished to
btart out Irom the depot at , Uicenwood. ' 1 he
ear was btaited with several police officers
aboard. It only vv ent ono block vv hen it w ns
compelled to letiirn , a mob hnv Ing taken the
borbcs otr. The police wore unable to resist
the men. A car at Her ey street nnd
Toiiipklns avenue was overturned and the
driver and eondnetoi assaulted by a mob.
The police attempted to inteifeio , but wcio
ovei powered and the icseives vvero called
upon to aid thorn. The car was hoisted liom
tlie track nt Fulton and Now A ork avenue ,
and the police vvero called them also. The
driver nnd conductor were assaulted. Ob-
Htructlous have been placed on the tiacks
and it looks as though them would be e\on
more set ions trouble if the eompaii ) persists
in trying to inn cms.
'I lie btiikoot the employes of the HrooMyn
city roads ended to night. The ootiinany re
fuses to give any Infoimatlon as to the teuns
ot settlement , but It is thought that il lias
ace eelcd to the demands of the men.
The fust ear left the Greenwood depot of
the Court street linn at S'M : p. in. The men
when qucbtlone-d claimed the company had
conceded all demands. Picsulent Lewis m-
liibos to eiitoi Into an ) temis of settlement.
In futuio , lie siid , an omploo from each elu-
partmcnt would constitute a committee to
jm'Kont giievanccs , If any. and they would
bo listened to. Ono Hiookljn linn claimed
that tholi loss b ) the one day ot the btrike
w ill bo 8 0,000. , _
The JjOiiiHV lllo At NasluilliTrouble. .
Loiisvm.r , Dee. 2. ! . 1'ho strike of the
Height brakoimnof tlio Louisville \ , Nash-
vlllo mad Is confined to tlio main stem be
tween Louisville ) and Nashville nnd the
noith end of the Knoxvilio division.
No fioight was sent south Irom
hoie todav ovei that mid and none
received. Nollces Iiivo been issued to ship-
peis that until further notlie no height will
bo roceiv on foi HID south b ) tlio compiny
heie. All passenger uain-iire miming with
out inteirnptlou , The management have an
nounced that no htnkoi not at woik In 1
o'clock to moiiovv will be taken Into the sei-
vlco again , licneial Manager Haith inst ites
to-night tint lie hopes to losiimo Iralllc In n
low da ) s b ) the men bmugbt liom otlier
I'OVVllOllj'r , Ollll'lMllllo Pllhllc.
din vi.o. Deo. M. Powdorl's lomniuni-
cation logaidliiK tlio attitude of iho Kniglits
"it Laboi tovv.ud the inaichists' noilco has
been public. The document is not a
goiioial ouler , lint is technical ! ) known as n
decision. It Informs abbomblios how to in
let pict tlio constitution and laws ol tlm ordei
lolatlng to the pmposeil action. Powdoil's
decision Is stited to bo
soml-olliolally t\ve > -
told. It piohiblt i contilbtitions in aid of an-
aichibts , or tliniixleiiillin , ' to them of othei
aid ; no assembly may without the violation
of the constitution aid any politi
cal movement whatevci , much loss
make of Itself an acllvo political
niiehino. Cai pouters local as-embl ) Knhht-i
ol Lifioi held a niPPlIiiu to night at whleli
lesolutions weio adonted calling on all dis-
tiht assemblies to demand an immediate
SDOelal sossUui of the kiiblds' general assem
bl ) . Iho puipo > e ot the ) ) ioiosed | spiclal
session Is stated to bo to allonlaii oppnitun-
Itv to pie-ten haruohiuaiiiht doneial .Mastei
\\orkman Povvdi-rly foi ovi istcppln , ' his
anthoilty. Caipcnteiaassembl ) contains a
lauo immbci of lie-live socl ilistb.
Holi ) ItolibOry in Mliinoiiiolls |
MIXMVI-OI : is Dee. 'il 'llio joweli ) stoio
of J. H. Elliott , on Nicollot avenue , was
robbed last evening ol about S" > , tOO \voiih \ of
diamonds. Tlio ttoio was brllli mtly luhti d
when twonusl. od men alighted tiom adoublu
eiittei in tiont ot the More , and armed with
an axe nnel other he.tvv iiistiuments htc-pped
to the wiiidow. The ) bnrrod the doors witn
a plank to pi event I'gres-s b ) tlio pmpiletoi 01
oloikb. The robborb then smashed the win
dow and ono of ( bum readied in and gmhhcd
a tray iontalniutweiit-tourdiamoiid | lings
'Ihu othei man solzod aveo vahublo'T' . ,
caiat diamond , lioth men then inched to
their cntte'r and drove furiousl ) awav.
The loib In the diamond robbeiv com-
initled last nUht is much itvvs than at lust re
ported , not exceeding tuobabl ) iW. .
Will Itcsimm
Si. I'M j , Dec. -Dovolopmonts in the
HuMi bank -suspension indicate the ioi > uiui > -
tlon of the banking business within a week.
A meeting U called of eastern creditors fur
next Tuesday , wltliavlow of makingniiaii , 1-
meuls by which Hiibh can be it-lir > ved Irom
nil ) llablllt ) b\ reason ot eiidoiseniints on
Mich pauoi. l'uorable u-sp nises hav e be on
received from thu pilnc-ipal i ledltorn and tbo
iiulk-alioiib point tu u &atUfavtoo ueljiut-
- . . . > .
Robert Stewart , iu a Cr.i.y Tit , Shoots His
Wife Twice.
Darios nnd Dcmtnojr Jlakc .
IJIurr on Jnuk llnnlcy lltit
HncK Down 1 he News
ortho Ptnte.
Shot His Wife
Kobeit Stewart , a nozio , llviiii : at 11. '
llaineyMieot , shot hlswife twice lasl night
Inllietlng wounds tint will voiy likelv piove1
fatal. Just at midnight Ulnooi Donavan
who was standing attheemnei of r.lghteentl !
and Km n im heard two pistol shots and Inn.
rvlng in the dliecllon Mum which the 10-
ports camometncoloiod leltow who infotmeil
him that blew art had killed his wlfeand vvn
ti.vinijtoklll hlmsoif The olhcor tmMoned
to the house , which is a one Moii frame
building on the ninth side of the stieit.
Sending n man to the roar door tlio ofllcei
went In nt the tiont and found Stowait
standing In the contoi ol the room holding n
ruvolvci In his Imnd. Slevviut's wile laj on
thollooi suiroundod bv seveial bully f light-
enedeoioied people who live In Iho vicinity
and had been nttiactPil lij the s-imollng ,
hlewatt olleied no resistance to tbootticei
and giving up his gun wns led to jail. Di
bummers was summoned to caie foi the ;
wounded woman , and pronounced , after n
hasty examination , Hint she wan moilall )
wounded. She had lecoivod two wound" .
1 he lint bullet had entered hei right side be
tween the sixth ana seventh ribs , nnd hail
pissed thioush her livci , lodging in the
abdominal cavity. 'Iho soeond bullet hail
passed tlnough her right wrist , 'ibewoik
was done with a:2 : : bulldog revolver. Dr.
Kebert was eallcil In to assist in drc'bslng the' '
wounds , ono of nhlch is of \crydaiiL'orou <
character and but little hope Is ontertiineil
for the worn m's recover ) . Stevvatt when
placed In jail bioko down comnletol ) . He
wild that ho did not know why
nor how ho had killed his wife.
Ihpy had liad no tioublo and wore
not einailolling. 'I hey hid been sciiflllim
and all he lememheis is that ho pulled out hi- *
rcvolvei and shot nt her twice and then tiled
to kill hlniMjIf. Ho would have shot himself
ho8asbiitlliogunoiilyeontained two loiiN ,
Ho was mauled to his wile in .November.
Ho si\s she Is n ladv and ho has no leason to
oliei for his ora/y act. Neighbors of Stevv.u taro t
are at n loss to account for his crime 'llioir
has never been anv known trouble in the' '
lamlly. Stewart denies ho had been
dunking anjlhini : . but the neighbois contra
dict : this , and sa\ that he was drinking beet
with his wife but u short time bcioie the
Stowait is a joung fellow who has lived in
the city a nnmhn ol jeais and has been em-
plojed asa teamster.
Tlir niii-ko-Dcuipsi-y Coiiibiiiation .u
the Annex.
The extensively advertised exhibition ol
the Huike Dcmpsoy comblnatldii dio\v an
audlencoot about two bundled men at tin1
exposition annex last night. At S'M : ) o'clock
a lour lound tlneo mlniito contest toi the
amateur championshin of Omaha anil a medal
was announced. The contestants weie Sam
Stevenson and 1'at Hove. Stevenson had the !
odgoby reison of Mipenoi skill nml was
awarded the medal. .Both men wanted tin
medal and the empty honoi acconipuiylng It
and made a pictt ) i-ciap.
Two nevvsbos were given Iboir initial les
son in the ait of brutalt ) much tothc niniisc-
montof tlie spwtatoisaiiioiiK whom It was
cvident there vvcic no membeis ot the Hu
mane society.
Tlio most Intciosting bout of the pro-
giammc was between JesSniitli and Chase
( iieon , two eoioicd pugilists torn sihei cup
h'mith was the bciviei of the two men
and had thu advanta.'o in headwoiK. ( iiceii
made np for his llsliter weight with good
staying qualities nnd the skill ! nl use ot his
lett arm. that was fashioned altei a wind
mill. Illinois were easy in ( hit hist twe >
touniH In the thiid lonnd Smith took a
gooiidoal ot punishment without miking a
showingloi ImuscM and wasdeelaied hosted.
Alter another kid miteli Jess Smitli anil a
sadillccoloied coon named Joe Olim mot in
a tliue'-rouuil contest. Olivci was muscled
llkoa diaft lior o but wns no matihloi the
aitful dodL'oi , anel got the worst ol tlie con
test.Tho first exhibition ot the impoite'd talent
was in a match between and Jack
Keemn. It was a ghe and lake spit ic
cording to pro-eribed iiilcs , lei four loillids
and satislled the sjice tators.
Thoovent of the evening was thu appeir-
amoot Domp o ) and liuikolnu loin lound
set-to with loin ounce gloves. 'I ho men
wciemlldlv applauded upon theli appcu-
ance. Hurko looked juctty In flesh-colored
tiunks , vvliile Dompsnj sjioiti'd tikuk. A
Blanco at tlio men uetoie timu was called
showed nopomUin vvhiih DcmpsO ) did not
sullei b > a compiiisou with Itmke. He Is
tail , slender , with small arm muscles-mil
spldoi le s that gave him moio ol the aji-
peatanco of a dude tennis plavoi than a
pii'ilist. Once in the iln. , howovu. Ills
stiong points appeal. Hois as quiilc as a
cit.hasa womleiful leit aim and doimoni
line lieailwork than Huike Is cMpablo ot
iloiirIn the loin loumls the men gave an
inleipstlngexhimtlonol tlieli nit.
iicfoio the aiipeniaiico ot Huiko and
Dempse1) .Mi. ration , who man.ucd
the eiiteitainmont. aniioumed thai
oithei llmko 01 Dcmpsov would ac
eopt the ebillcngo ot Kd Kothei ) lei a
matilivvlth Jacic Hanlc ) . Altortlio exblbl-
tion Hem liotheiv aiinoiinied Hi it Ihuhn
and the mono ) woioieadv.that noithei jiuiko
mil Dt'iiipsoy could best llanluv In loui
loiiinls. Ihe annouiuement cieated ion-
bUleiablo excitement , and Dompse > ) announced -
nouncod that ho would not meet II inley lei
feVX ) . but would liet fr",000 to . ' ,100 that ho
could whip him in a liiilil to a IniMi Ld
liotheiy in i opted tliU , and altoi soiuo talk II
was agreid to meet at 11. id e > ' < loc-k to hljn
.Hlli los ol a ueuiont.
"Not in this stile , " veiled Denny Cosluau
iiicxcltPil toneliom ihediossing mom.
" \ on keepour ) apfiliul , " icplied I'aisoii
D iies "I'm making II.IH m itch. "
Mter thecnti it Iho annex llun-
le ) sbickeisiiut I'atMili Diues at tun Mei-
e h nils' hob 1 to pienaro aitli los ot agii omcnt
lei the lijit which Dav ios hid piomised to
make tin Doinp-e ) and Hanloy. Demp-ey ,
howi ver , found a i hiuce to withdraw tliu
blulf ho had niadii b ) lolusing to tight any
pl.n o oxcont in Niw tolk. Kit llollui ) ,
bneking Hanle ) , otloicd to in ike the match
In ail ) sfatuor loruloiv vvost ot the .Mlsi-ls-
hi ] > pl , but neithei Dav ios 1101 Dompso )
would agicc to this tiud the mattei was
A DIMiic : % IN rut : i\ui\ ,
J'ostmasteiCoiiiiinlVillintr to Kilah-
llsli a Mail Jclivi-i ) .it T.IKI p. in ,
' 1 ho Inel th.ij neail ) ail the loulsoiiteting
Omihahavo tiniiisaiilving lioio in Iho ovon-
Int ; with mall too htotobodcliveted btloit :
the next morning , has led I'oitiuastei Cou-
taut to consider the advisability of having a
dolheiy ol Ictteis In the business dbtiict at
about * 'ft o'llock , with tlio possihlllt ) ot .1
second ono nt U o'clock in tlio ovonnn' ! . ' 1 ho
establishment of ihe-e dellvPiles will , ot
conisc , ileiicnd upon the peimlssion ot the
luistal authotities at congioss. I'o seciiio
till" . Mi. Contain proposes to elieulito a
petition to ascertain the l.slu-sol the busi
ness men of town em Pie < | instion. Thu mall
tiom the i'lilou i'ac-illc. the Lll.hoin iV ;
.Mis-oiii i Vallev , and the Missouri I'aeiliu now
it-iuli the postotllcii about G o'cloek in Ilio
evening , too late to be. dthvcrcd befoio
next da ) . When the 1) ) . A M. commences to
mn on UN short lino. Us mail will icach lure
noail ) two hums oaillcr than tonnerly.ct ,
oven this will bo too late lor the latest do-
livoi ) now made in this city. ' 1 lib fait is n
soiiitnot muchanno\.incu to tiaxeling men
btopplngal hiite-ls , mam ol vvbom cannot ro-
eehiMheit Iate-l advkcs bilvto they leave
t nvn on the e ulHj-t iiHuniiu t1 alir , and are
coiiseiientl | ( ) eouipelli'd to liiivn their mall
torwaide'd to them , vvhli-li octaslon de-lay
and bomotimos leiss of important cominniii.'a-
tioiia. It is tlifuiKht. also , that a late delivery
would be of advantage to mcK-hants , some ot
whom eniplei.v men all nlcht , who could lim
pid up orelets which might bo shlpiunl on tlu
early mornlnc train. Howoven , the mattei
ma ) turn out , Mr Content will see whethci
or not the people want the de'llvorv In qiios
lion , and If the ) do , ho will take steps to * e
em oil.
nntTit roid.ows KOLiiY.
A. Lincoln Sorx nut Oil I the Vlrtlin ol
n DnctoiN > Jat | > rne'tlco.
Liscot V , Neb , Dec. . ' 3. ( .Special 1'clc
Kram to tlio Uri 1 l.l/7io \ \ Inkloman , n dome
mo tle In the family of H. H. Wilson. Illi
cit ) , dlee ! this aftei noon attci seveial das ol
Intense stilloilui ; . The coionei was ealli d ti
take ohardo of the lomalns. 'Ihe jnuuj ;
w 0111111 boie evidence of what she liai
passed thioiigh , nnd the suspicion was a. .
once aiemseel that a crime was eemnectu
with the iintliue-lv death of the gtil , and tlm
an aboitlou had been commuted tint hai
taken the ghl's lite Coionei Itobeits a (
once took steps to Investigate and a luij
vvasimpinneled and witnesses summoned ti
iiniavol tlio nistery , I'lio comnei's jurv
aftei taking tlie testnuo'ij ' of 11 H. \ \ llson
In whose family tlio girl was emplo\e > d , ail-
joiunod until tio'olock In the ntomlng , whei
the whole of thoievolting facts will be ascei
tallied and ileteuulnod and action taken
Mi Wil on , in Ills testlmunj , iccltei
that the ghl befoio hoi death line'
confessed to the tact that an ahoitlon limi
been perlormed , naming the ph lelan am1
giving tlio namcol herdcstrove'iallof whlcl
will be bioiight out In the tostimoii ) wber
the eoioner again takes up thu ease. Aetlnu
on the Information abtnlnoil u wa >
Issued nt a late hour to night lor the nuest ol
Dr. C. S. Coolov , a homeopathic phvbieian ol
lltis city , and iilaced in the hands ol an ofti
cor to soivc' , the infoimatlon ebaiging him
with committing the abiullon and causlnp
Iho death of the woman , Lu/le \ \ Inkleman. .
The anost was made lminediately anel
the dot tin will be held tor the
ipsults of the roionoi's investigation. .
The cilmo with which he Is ehaiged Is n
penitontlaiy nllciHu ot liom ono to ten ) oais
sentence' , and fiom what Is known ot tlir
case It pmmlsiN to benne tint will make
damning elisdosuios bufiilu its completion.
The dead girl Is ot ( ieimaii puontago , hi\-
ingiiooplo in thnold woild , but no inline-ill
ate lelatlvc-biii tlio city.
liurular } at li-kaniali.
l'i IVAMVII , Dec. J ! [ Special tothoJJi K.I
A binglai enleied Mi. Hall's bailies * sboi
at Tokamah la t night , between C and '
o'clock , stole hoise blunkets anil bill
falo mbos valued at about S100 , and madi
good his cseapc. As soon as it became kuowr
a v igotous sonieli was Siistituteel I ) ) man ) eit
I/ens , toitothoi with the sheiill. A man vv.v
seen iibont U o'clock miming fiom a lumbei
janl. 'lite inbcs and blinkots wem found so
eielud between the lumbei. I he tialns v\eie
watched and a man was arrested while at
tempting to boatd Hie tieUht lei Omaha al
1 o'clock' , who , it is thought , is the iliiel , al
though he plead not guilt ) .
Him. . Neb , to tlu
Hi 1. 1 The intoiest and oxeitomont ocoa
sionrd by the Dnttcnsclion niuidei Is still nn
abitod. 'I he comnei's imv lias been in scs
sion since Tuesday noon and aio still woik
ing upon the ease anel onlj a Might cine ha1
bo fai been obtained. I'hu mjsteiv deepen'
as the Investigation pmcccds. It ha-
boon ascc'itaincd tint the muideied mm had
tionblo with a toimei liin-d man who an
sweis to tlie elesciiptlon given b ) tlio wlto of
the man who bmke into the l.ouse alter hei
husband laid linen shot. The govnrnin 1
been notlbed and ioiuosted | to olfoi tlio iisna
row .11 el.
A riro'H l'atalVorlr. .
Ci.i.v 1.1xn , ( l. , Doe. ' - ! ! . The faun hotisi
ot Caleb Kussell , neat Si ) bmok , 0. , caiighl
fire at an ciil ) hour tills moinliig. Wliun
the nelghbois airivut ISiinell , v\ho vvas
eighty ) ears old , and Ills wlle'.agul lilt ) , hail
escaped tiom the house , but the ) woio so
much oven onto b ) the. lical and smoke thai
they died slioiti ) alteiwnrd. \ ilementeil
son who slept upstnii- was biiinou to death.
Dnil of a I'onl.
Cuir vc.ii , Doe. 'Jthe ! liock I-Iaiul and
Alton mids today noli lied ( ommi'-sioiiei '
Ilidgloj that , cominom ing J.inuai ) 1 , Iss7 ,
Ihov would eoase Jo pav ail ) expenses In-
i in led b ) the pie sent 1'ieihc coisf assoc-la
lion. When the tr.inscontlnontil met its
latoeivei a ) < > ii ago the I'acilic coisl issocla-
llon was continued in the hope th it the for-
nipi assni Intlon might bo soon lev hod. Itnl
itWIH tot levhid.and fiom lo d iv's a < lion
ot the lo ! < k Island indAltnn It Is liitcucd
tint the I'aclhi eoast assoi l.ition will eeasu
to exist alii i Janniu 1 , 1 > T.
A \VOIII.IH'H Sael Siili-iilc.
Cine MIII Doe. ; ! . - M i s Jessie Johnston ,
dniKilitoi ol Heni ) C. Munch , foimeil ) a
wealth ) boinlol tiado speinlatoi. and wife
ed aoiinglawci at Knoxville , la , ilncw
heise-ll into tlie I d e al 'I hlilv-niuth stieet
ted iv. Hirnih apiuiel and heautilul Ine
attiaetod Ihoallention ol n gmup ol bovs.
vvhosawhei hasleniiig towanl the buak-
vvatoi. Thej siw hei lumi ) info the ice and
iliifttlntw.ii dashing i/niis | the HUM. A
mpo was tluowii to hei , but , she ioln-od lo
Clasp It. The b ) dv was rc-cui'd bv , i j1o | | , , . .
m in hi loie * life was Oxtmcl , hut all i Hints to
icsnscit ito the Mill ido wont of no avail. She
h id usitcd thoollliool Di. C'hambiil tin h ill
an lioiu niov ions to bei do.ith , but hovsas HO
bus ) and Mio so agiiati'd tb it hu tnld hei to
come to the ollloo to moiiovv md oxiilalii hoi
ease. If is stalcil b ) Mis. .loliiiston's lilends hei int"llcil , piovloiis\ | MI hillihnt , had
been more 01 h ss nnbal.iiii id sinio hoi ad
mission to the Iowa liu about loin jcaisago
Ovoistud ) is iho c nisi ! assigned. MIS
Joliiislon tame lo Chh.uo oiih a bhoii tune
a.'o to plaeo In isi-11 iiinloi the cam ol aphsl-
1 1 in. lloi husoaiid was to h ivu been hero to-
moimw to spend the holidays in hoi oiu
pail ) . _ _ _ _
'I .ill. ol' nil i\liu : M-Shlnn.
\V\-.iiiN > ios , Deo. ' . ' 'J - I'lio i\ : , < nm.Slai
h.ii tlio lollowln. : I im pmlibilit ) of the
Kitlioth con.'io-is tiiinu convened at an e-ailj
day in slio piliu is bclnt ; discuss d amoiu'
( public men I'nl-'ss iho piosent eongiess ! piovldu Mime moans ot nllevlni ; tlie
tirnsui ) fiom the Mi'adil ) iucioisiug Miijilns
it is the IH llol of Mumiiiominont ilemociatH
tbat lon.'icss will Im i.ille-d tojcthei to iioi-
fin in that I isk. One ol Ilio high ollheih ol
thmioisiiiy hivs he has no doubt ot any
uxtri Mtsslnn unless this i iiut'ro-s shill deal
with the smpliH qiithilon , llu cxiiicss | Ilia
opinion that the pusidont would lonveue
tin ) Kiftietb f'on.rohs wiilnn tliutv ilav > alloi
the -Hh ot Miiuhchoulil nothing bu done in
the way ol relief foi I hetuasiny b ) that
I-aial ( < tiH ivilihion. ; |
N'l w Or.irvxs , Doc. ' , ' 1 Tu d.ij Soeond
Lngincci 'liiom is Huntoi and six ( ninisei
tiiemon ol the llrilisli hteamei huo/vventto
the coal biinkeinfoi the luuposo of tilmmlng
eoil , Thoongineor c lined a lamp. AN soon
as ho'enloieil tliu bunkoin an explosion oj-
cmrod , o niscd by accuuiul itud n'H coming in
( ontaet with the llimc-i ol thu lamp , 'Ihe
mi inooi and Mix Cinnamon worn bad ! )
bumeil itboiit Il'u laic , hands unit body.
llunloi and throe ( Innamen v.eio tatall )
buiiad , it Is believed ,
Tor Mlo ,
Axvns \ , la , Dec. iC ! . | hpocjal 'I'elegiam
to I InHi i .1 .lamuihalt/ , who muidorod hU
wife twojc-aii ao in tbib eounti with a
hammer , \vas to di ) 1.011(0111 ( id to the ponl-
tentiaiy tor lilu bv JmUo diiloii. alter pit-ail-
lug gulllv ol murilcr in the bivond dixroo ,
Tlio public tee lin l& that Im 011'ht tu bu
hun.j. _
Coiner A. Vrolit r'h.ulel to "south Oiu ih i
lul lulwhuJi I L M tv u > u t-
iii11 iti li . ! > < , iii-l ti < io lU s
tliu prte s II'IM ! ; 11 | . .tinl \ n Kiw
( Jo nmllnvt'.M.r ii" j m , , | , , t ' i
100 tuc h uii e isy l ' 'us by ( 1 !
> { . \ \ cor r U .ui'l l
Iowa Hailroails Rcdnco Kates For Ilio Bono-
Gt of Tftrmers.
HU I'atlior's DlsllUoorillsSucotlicnrt
Online * n Voiutii .Man to Shoot
Himself OtluMIiileicst -
Ing town Nov\ " .
Klnil Kent ( ret Cot-point Inns.
Di s MoiNKs , in. , Doc. il - 'special Tolo-
Biam to the Hi i : . ] Some di.s npo the board
ofiallroni comuilssom | > H ent a letter to
the leading tmuk lines of the siaiu cnlllnit at
tention to the ( act that the rout imp m oit-
cii ! Iowa was nnusuallv small , uhile hi west-
cm Iowa It was qullei plentiful Tortilla
io.ison fanners In eastern low t weio com
pelled to ship hi com to fied theli stock
dining thowliitoi. luvhnv of this fact tlio ,
board asked ( lie rallmnds If it wouldn't be H
Kood iiollov as well IH a kindness for tlm
mads to make the laimciA a special into dur
ing ( lie w Intel tor hauling thclt cum liom
vvestoin to eastern Iowa. Ueplles to this letter -
tor have alroad ) been lecolvpd fiom the
.Noilhwoste in , Illinois Centiat and Mllwnu-
koomads oheeifully pompljlmr vvilli the request -
quest ol theiommissidiiois and auieelnit to
make a rate tliat will bo satlslaoioiv to ( ho
tatmios Most of the road * will mnko a
succial i.itoof 1 * > cents a hiindivil foi local
shipments fiom western to oistem linva for
the pmpo es siigcosle-d b ) the lottoi
Oulrroil llm lln.ul Hnlil
Di s MOIM s la. , Dec. il. 'Special ' Ttlo-
U'lam to the BH.I-Judge Love , of Iho
United Stales circuit i omt , to da ) tiled nde-
oioo oidoiing n sale of the Dos Molncfi ,
Osceoln < t Southern lallrouil to satisfy jnilg-
mcntsagainst It held b ) bomllioldnis nnd
othui lien holdeis. The mid his been oper
ated b ) n receiver foi the past two ye UK , and
an olfoit will now bo made to elcn up Its In
debtedness and ieouani/0 It. The judg
ments against the mad , in the shape of
liens , aie as follows , iu the eider ol piofcr-
ouce stated by ( hocourt : I'iisl lien , tint of
tlio rcielvers ceitlllcates , amounting to
bliiuk doliiis. 'Iho second lien lopiosentH
tlio two el.itmsiunlnst the mad held hv It. 1.
\\ilson * Co. , ol Now \Mk , amounting
in lound inimbcis to SIII-J.IKKI.
Ihe thinl lein is a moohanie- . ' lion of tlio
Iowa ( iiam iV. Lumbei lompuii ) for
SI. M9V. . 'I lie fourth lien Is that of the Oh-
ccola Poiindi ) .V Mai bine company ,
M.UMO. 'I ho nlih lion Is a mechanics lion
held by It. L. Hauling , amounting to
5'J.'JsiVJ. ! The sixth lion Is Hint ol tlie bond-
holdoisloi c'l ' , < .iiV > . ! - < , being sc-cui oil li ) three
deeds ol tmst and tliu dccico allows the road
tondivs in which to imv Into eyiuit the
amoiintol these liens , Intoiest , cosln , etc ,
ainounllng toabout M,101,010 , in dlifanlt of
vv lileli the m id is to bo sole ! b ) I'm comniis-
slonci appointed Joi tint pin pose at such
time ns he shall name. Mr. i : . I , ' . Mason , tlm
piChont receiver of tlio load. Is appointed
commissions lo conduct tlio s-ilc. I ho mud
inns fmm Des Moiucs to Ctiinslville , MIs-
semi , Hi miles.
Strange Cntllo Oisoaso.
Di s MOIXI s la , Dee. 'J.1 ( .Special Tolev
Kiamtotlic Hi.n.J The people ol ( ! uthrle
lounl ) have been sicatlj uxcilod lei seveuil
dajsbj Ihonppeaianco oi a sti ange and fatal
disease among a hen ! of cattle Unco miles
liom Oulhtlo Cciitoi. Many of 11:6 hiiid are
linolmjoited ) thoiotiKhbieds that hue been
onlliolaiiu foi two yens 'Iho lirst out- ,
bioak oecunod li t TliuiMlity , and ealtie have
boon dying cvci slneo Tlio disoiso , whoso
cause and iiatino aio ) ot a niv-doiy , seems to
involve the spine and posteuor pirifi , the cat
tle : d ) ing within a tow liouia aftei beiui { at
tacked. So fai as known tlm herd has not
been exposed lo any contairion and the
oiIgln ot the disease Is haul to nnd. ODV-
ornoi Laiiabee sent the , tuto veleilnaihin
theio thisadeinoon , ami ,1 eaiulul invc" < tlgn-
tioii is being made.
IJxploaion nfn Creamery Soparator.
Ci Dvnlivi'insl.i , Doc. -Spocl.ilTcIo- ! | - to thu Hi i : ] \ dispitcli fmm Spilin-
villo , thiscoint ) , savalhpJMOJ sepiratoi in
the I'lnonix ciiMinui ) oxpioded tills aftci-
neion tlio into of ! > , ' < ) ) i evolutions
lutions per minute , sending Iho lion llyliij ;
in evoi ) diicition , ono iiloeu weighing scv- pounds being llnown w-itli gmat foico
.uaiiistjilioiiso.i full block awn ) . The inner
i ) llndei was thmwn up ihmiigh llm ceiling ,
liieakiiignheav ) plank and a 2x0 Joist. FraK-
inontsol the machine WPIO blown innlldliec-
tlons one pine sti iking the lesidonco ot
( allots , moio than iUlfud nwav , cutting tbo
cm mi o and toai Ing tlie plaste-i oil tlm insldo.
Ollvei .Stupletoi , who had cli iiu'O was stand
ing 110.11 and locolvod a s-p\eio flesh woiind
in the leg. Tlie wound is not dincoious.
'I liosepiialor was not miming al full spied ,
the holt Inviiirf been thio\vn oil to lot 11 inn
Slot x Cm , la. , Dee 'A ! . ISpcclalTole-
giam to iho Ii ! i.J The Dill ) Tiibiino , In a
most olahoiato holulav edition this evening ,
liguros the improvemenls In Sioux City
during issil as almost SI.VW.IDO , 01 about
> -j'.0,0iQ ( morn than in issi. i'ullj i'O.OM '
sqiiain jaids eil navini ; wem laid , coiisldeia-
bl ) ovei " - ri.OOjolovvoinliuit | , iihont V".UOi )
ol cuibing constiucle-il , and firi.ODO ol grad
ing done , making a lolal ot about jMNi.OW )
sin-lit in publiiiniiuovemoiits. . 'i'lio number
ol new dwellings Is JiJ. , tlieeost ol MIIIO and
n ptlis " . ! ! . ; 'til , oost of stoics a ml iiiaehineiy ,
* > ; oi , OJ ; Im ic-ase ol ineic nitilo .stuck , etc , ,
A l''oili | < h 'OIIIIK IMien.
Di \lnisi s , la. , Doc ii. l jioilal Telc-
giamtotht' Hi i. J A illspifHi limn Can-
till ) , Van Union eouiity , icpiuiIlio orobablo
fnt'il atlcmi > t ol a ) oung mm iiiuicd Kltncr
Cowan toe oinmlt suicide. He w is engaged
Ionian ) a ) omiLr lad ) of thu nokhbnihood ,
but Ills latliei ohicclid , cl.iimin ili.a tma.s
too ) tiling to he in n i led Hi olleied Iho
vonng in in a laim II he would Ivo up tlio
gill , lint the voiith lefusod , and bis fathei'H
oliji ctlons welglii'd upon his mind * o tli it ho
vislteii ( In- gill , said gooil b\e. ami tiicn hhot
himself twice.
A liiiiliimil'H Dein.unl.
Di in iji n , la , Dec , ai Siiirid Tele-
( . 'i.ii'i to the Hoi1 1 I'losidi-nt liuich ol the
DubmicA.oilhwe - < tom lallioul lompany ,
madif a di m md todiy upnn ( he eounty
tinsiiii i lei tinli ilaiuo ol Hi. > J ? ( KHi lax
lovli d nnd colic oti il lei tin1 nut ol llm mad a *
voted bv ( ho people The Ina-iii'ci loliiM-il
to band ovi i the mom v i.n tin ( .iiuiiid that
pirt ol the ptld iindci | ii < iii > s | 1'ienl-
ilolil Itiueh v\lll iipjilv to JuiUi ( Dm u lei a
wilt o * miiudamuh toi ompi'l tin in I-MIK.I to
P i ) thu taovoi to tlm e omp in ,
'I ho Ono LIIIID I'alliiro
Slot xCin , la , Dec. iJ | r > i > Puil Telo-
Biam to the til i.j : Simix. CJtj f. oni > busi
ness tailmoot tint voat on line d to dfi ) ' 1 ho
clothing Him of A. W. MI-.SCI < V Co i.tiled ,
the liabilities being KOIIK-W hat < > veiiiOW. * | .
' 1 Inn re-ditors are miinlv Milvvaul.oe piiiies ,
'Jim I'usl National bank ol this ut ) held a
nioitgagi fin Mfi.cdd. An alloini'timu Mil-
vv inkio hat > rake-n piibe'ssuiii < ol llo lock.
What the -.sets aiu einnot hu t < iriuil ,
I he nt
DPS MoiM' la , Dec > ' im lal Telegram -
gram to the | > M : . | - \ hie a1 I i ( tie this
moi nlng iUhtioeMl the luiu nt ie < of
William C.aMior. the dnu sim . i s 1 * .
Watoibun.i iesauimt | and oln < > Jnlli | . ,
lolal loss , J'MKW , lllnUllMl till tJ'-H'
Drou neil in a ( 'J ii-i n
1 v i . s . i I v 1 ) ± " i 1 * "c-
I 111 Infill iMIS L'l 'l ( It I0'e8 |
Iiin.tllli | ' JoiUi ) aiid tvi > elruvvneil
' uh lei ii li'm I ) iiiu jeu * milt' u'li1-
1' v a < ii-v'In ' lixi eiuu u1 r wbn 1 *