Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. DECE.MBEK 2fl. 18SO. . SPECIAL NOTICES , Achcrtl ( mei > ts under thU lio-d , 10 cents per llLolorthefir't ln crtion,7crnt for each sub- ecqurnt tn'crtlon. nnd tl..0 n line per month Mo ntlvort ttmont tnkcn for lcs thnn 2.\ccnU fortho first m etlon. ! Ecvon words will oo counted to the line ; they must run COIHCUI- llrsiy nnd must bo'rifild tn ndvnnco. All ndrcr- llHmcntc mti t fee Iinndtnl In botoro 2 o'clork p.m. , mid under no circumstance * xrll ! tbcybo taken or discontinued bytelcpliono. 1'nttRS ' ndxortiilnsr In thpse lOlumnsrnd hav- lnf.lhf > nn8werfui'ldteM < d In euro of TKR llrr. will | > 1 < ( if n n.-k for a check toennblothcm toppt their letter ? , in none will bn dcllvcrril except on presentation of check. All answers to ad- rortNometiti Mimitd he enclosed In envelope * . " " " TO I.OAJT-MO Et. LOA.N8-l.onin Lontu. ' lli'nl rfa'p tonn , Collatcriiil lonus. ynntttl loiiti . UIIIK tlmo lonim , flu tlmo loam. Money ii1wnB on hand to loan on nny np- Investment Miotintlei liotiirht anil sold. Oinnhn rinnnclnl Ilxchniitfe , n. xv. ( or. Kith nil I llunioj. Corbott , Mnnnnrr. _ COI \iutiq * AiiHjKofiMh H Money tn loiin on lirsl class security , from f.VK ) upwards. " 'Jl _ r,00HiOTO ! l/iAN at 0 per oi-lit. J. J. MaHoney - $ Honey , IfiOti rnrnnm 7UO ' . . GI'lIltrHNT.Money. , 15th nnd Harnoy. Ti4 : ilOO ( > to loin. HnniB iW > and upxvnrd , $ Lowest rnto-i. ItetnlP , room ; i , llurkcr block , S. W. ( ! inth mid I'liriminala f > 'll OI'l-Ul CIl.NTMoney lo loan (11 ( o 15o ry & 11 ad I p v. ( looms 1 nnd I ) , ItcdicK block , 3M K. ISth St. 753 1VI ONI'V lolonn , onslion nniiil , no delay. .1 , x > l W and T. l > . Sipiliu , 11U rainiim St. , I'ax- Ion hotel building. . ' _ _ _ rpo IAN ) Monny l uins plucpd on Im L prox-ed mill cstuto In city or county for Noxv r.tiKland Loan .V Trust Co. , by Douglas t'oiiuty bunk , inth mid Clilrnirn f-lt 81:1 : T\1 DM5YTO LOAN At ow rates , on ifooil I'l oily property. Hatcher & Co. , 1210 Dotmns Btieel MONiv to lonn on city and farm pioperty. low iiitos , Stewart Si Co. , Iloom y , Iron Hunk ( Ml V TO LOAN-At loiisonnhlo rnte , on 'I ' filriilturo. llnp x atchPi and otlior pcrfloniil onorty. O..I. CinHoll , room 1'J ' Iron Hank ilMliifd 12U1 ana Knnitxm. fi'.1 ; ! MONUV TO I.OAX 67 T. Davis .VPo. lloa Kstixto und l.oati Agents inO , * > Fiirnam bt. Mv"Hy"T ) I.HA.v On real i-alato nnd oirnT- lolii. D L. Thomus. MO MOMIY TcrEoAN-ln suniR of Tli o and npwnnUon nrst-clanmonl ostnto w.onrty | , 1'ottprA Cobb , 1515 I'arnain Ft. BJ7 _ Mo.N'v I.OANII : > at"o r. liewf * Co's.ioixii olllcn.oii furniture , pianos , horpos.waKona , personal property of alt kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 1119 S Uth , ox or Illnifham's rommlsajon atoro. All busi ness strictly confidential. 5'3 ' ' $ r.OOXX . ( ) To loan on Oninlm city property at n percent. O. W. Day.over 1.113 Bouplnsat. _ O'jO MONI'.V to loan by the undciRltfnocl , nho has the only proporlv ortfanl/od loan agency In Omahn Loans of f 10 to flXX ( ) made on fur niture , pianos , orirans , horses , w cons , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All hiiFlncns strictly eonfldonttal. Ixinns so made that nny part cnn bo paid at ( iny time , each pny- mont reducing tlio eo t pro ratn. Advances mndo on fine watches and dlamondn. Pernons tliould carefully consider who they are denllnff with , g ninny now concerns are dnlly comlnir Into existence. Should you need moner , cnn nnd * e me. W. n. Croft , Iloom 4 , Wlthncll Dulldlntr , ir > th nnd Harnoy. flfl'l BUBUTES3 CHAIICB3. IJIOll SAM' My entire stock of holldnpoods -A. at n KncrlUeo at retail , to close out the bnpl- ' ness , Consult your own IntcrnMs by consult- IIIK my prices on the Koods. I mil determined toelosooutV. . T. i-eaman , cor. Farnam and r.lovonth Ktn- W1924 roHSAI.n-llutchor'sstockand Ilxtures. Will rent or lease bdlldlnir. lniUlicat | promises , 1IIJ.1 Pierce bt. 51J 27 _ oil SA'1,13 Nice fiosh stock of erocorles on CummhiSt Hich A , Sulby. 2IB S.Mh. \ . - 1710 It SA 1.13 Lunch counter doing jrood bns | Jmw , Kood location , cheap lor cash , reasons lor sellliifr , lckno h In family. C. U llaiifhelt , 134 lloiiKlns. 6'CI S3 * W ANTii-lly : .IMII.TSI. paynur business , by a party ot pome moans nml business oximrlunco. Addtoss II 20. UL-O oflk-n. Wi 'ii * F OH HAM : A business rsfAbllshod In this city two year * payin ? from 1150 to $ . > 00 r month. Contincts turned oxor Kuaiunteo- liiffI2rper mouth. Address 1121 , this olllco , Rill 2I U7"ANTll ! - Partner with n hiniill cnpitai lu retail giocory. Address A 01 , Ileo ollicc DO I i rno iXt'HANIK-About : $ ; tjno : ln lry jfooo , -L notion' , ( fioccrlOH and store fninituro , In a irood litu town In the Itoputillcan Vixlloytor mi- uiciimbui-ed faiin land In Nobranka or luua , I'nlmprovod luml preferred. AUdicss lock box VI , Alma , Nob. 4H7-2 * FOIl SALl : Currloi's PhokisraphlK Studio - llrstiloor. _ 1720 St. Mnry'a uvo , jf.i : ay ' USALI ! A Kood lestniirant business at a Hltfillll. liniulio. K07N. UHllst. U7825' ' 1/IOll'SALH-tntoleoof a flrflt-cliiM hotel In n - * - liooiulntr toun , cheap ; lll exchanii ) for stock , Addiess.1 Kieheok , Illue hjinngs , Nob. 4UU 22 * rptli\LHANn-A : ( : neil Improved farm of JL UiO noriM in I'olk county , Nobrnskii , for Ki'iicrul ' imtrelmnillso or hardxvaro mid furtil tuio. Aildiuas M. T. U. , SpriiiKVlew , Nob. 4W:3 _ rni ) HXCIIANlin-Formofphandlfo , 4io nc7ni - * - fnlrly Impioxcd .Nolirnsl.n Iiind , M T. It , SprliiKVlow .Vpb. < M S.I TTUUl TIIAIHTtVoulil Iilo to undo ruiiresTHto Jin Onmhufor drilK linslnusi lugood IOCR. tlon In cll > Addrcca A. II. T. IU1 n. 1Mb til. Ml-W * _ n part nor with tiom ( I.OOU u > $ .1WK ) . Olllco , pithor nptix-eor IIoiit. llnro ulnuioc. Addrona U e , lloaollipp. ! UI ! f.i * $ lVXW-\\ ( luiniiiiisi' ' a large nnd vuluulihi pioporty mid a null ostabllaliud business in n nnmlshlnvr and frroxvlmr town ixhlch U u oiinty bunt Bud xxlthin oiiGy ri'iu'h of Omahii. 'I IIP properly consist * of lit. , valuable trRcts of liiipioviHl tixiulH nnd a luruo nud uull npolnti\l | cipamory.iul , registered nnd Krwled i-ntllp , cows , l o 8 , horses nnd other pcrMinal piopoity. The iiroduct of thn cieamery llnds B tpndy mar. Kct lu Oiiiulin nud muy bn lurifcly liiciciieod xvlth HeoriPi-pondlinr Incioaso In cluiiiniiil. A nn o ohnnco lor purtlOA ImvliiK iiiiu > y to Invest. Tlio natural incrpn < o iiutook and | ncroa ed xaluoofirapnriy | udiirii tbti prtnolptil In n Khoittiuetho0pmty ! | | being lull uhllua bun | . insjis Bi-oiirod topay laiiudlyldiiuts fiom the uttui. Knnuliii for n foxy days only of A. W , llljfo , at | nu 1'iuton house , ( LVj-tM * 1Oll SAt.H-llnpUl llollur Uninp I.o r IJopioT 1 ? tJhannon Kllfu. l.t-llor nnd Hill Piles , I'll Mm ( 'nbliinH mid Tnir.-Mor lneoK ! , indpxos lor l.odyorniidulliuirpoiiud. lixia.ittou | buildIntr. _ _ _ LWJ1 Ij'Oll AliU Uutuher shop , with tools mnl n\ . * turoi ; Ki'od ' locution : noixl IniBlno-s. O. I' . Siorrn , Bouihpa t cor. suh jiud I'arnam. Mi'JJti' l/ OIl H.tIK- lut'iit market in u oed loci * . ' UniiiloliiK fl.OJU biisiiiPbS IMT inrntli. In- < l > iroor ndduaa lOom'.M , Omiiha Nnt'l bunk lild KIJ l , ( ! oF t , ncria of .No I fiinii land near ( linnd C ,1. Knnnn _ MS Hoi MKsj-Lotn.raririt , LMIHS FiMiuoj [ omit n lleniu room'J , HuiUui biovk , b W. cor , 1Mb nni ) | nuiautiu. _ _ cut " ) SAI.U Wi-U ostabllsiu'd bimifir7 , Tu u'lTci -L of tliu beat InmliiCMiimliitii in . , t Ilrokou How , , .Sell. ; stock consWImr of ir | > goods loot ! und kliopi ; xtlll ihow up wooc of biiMiiets liensoiu fm elllnLtill bo frivriil > yrtlarn ilii lock-box 74 , llroknn llow t'l'Hironunt.x.Nuii. ' _ _ BS7 Til Sli. I-.KS , t ir.x Ni'i : A"VPO I oeation" for .1 crockery iu ( jui en' * wiuo otoro , Imiulro ut A llornuvtu fi07 .J3hstr. | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6s3 Troll a A LK Ilhrrtmun "llujiui'sj- oiler A. riu shi If Hiid liimry UuubMuo buslnosa for Kile , lovi'tlu'r vlili our loa-iu nud k-o'id "III 'i r i > e I ctreit In the elty nnd location thu brat. ilri-li. ( | ( ( from tbo InmnaM cai | ! > u for ei'lldur Tto llnum HnrUirarr IVj. , 102 $ O at . Lincoln , IKll _ "iVtll1 H. IIOOl'KH , Tranc * unJ llenluitf Me. J 'I dUMf. N. > V. roi tt lU u J Cass. ! ! COJ 13 . - MU9 lyi ) > r' < gvhonl fo uudiv ) > ail't Kllb .iiti > ith\\eit cor , in' ( luiuniuiti. l'upiU > xvibcrai'uixe4o'n | | 11 tut t IT Jan. . M. isji ; r K'nm * "Y7 v > urrcii . Mtdlcnl Aud Iiii8iiic4 % Medium ; li .t. , Omali . Ncb.WJ conyut , nrst-eln s pontnan , lar to experience , familiar with l ndeommrrclMt'aper ' , want ? work to do it home. Prices rcn on f > le. Work received mil returned Address II I. Hen olllco , XII IjOST. _ _ _ _ " O.S'P-Lnilles Ineast pin On Park ntTn oar ? bctncen the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock Sunday , luth ln t Finder will bo rewarded by returning sumo to Stephen lion as , Mil. lliUi's 477 2J * _ LOST -A dog ; nioodhonnil\ciy Inw.short , dark ( rray coat xxltli xrhlta patchoa on cho't and feet ; bud Mronir plnln leitihor collar. I'lnii'o notify or return to H. MndjeuVl , rso ? Unit St. Uoodrenard. 06821 * THAYlJt ) nil ST7)TKN-1 wo ted cows anil Jcr y heller" btauded 1) II. Any Inforinn- tlon of the nmo lll bo thankfully received by the on ner , Denis U'Hcllly , N. of Fowler's pk'g liotise. . < VSJ 21 * 1 O.S1'-OUrs. < I hn-lst , 1.111) ) I J Nortli ISIh ( "trret , lost it fur tlbhet liotween opera hoii"o nndVm. . Gentleman's ( tore. Ho ward for return. 4. > 7 " ' ! * rOST-A Newfoundland pupdog. nbout four J months old. Finder return to W. U. Annln , Shei man ave , opposite OarK st , anJ claim re , drd. _ .HOT Clairvoyant. _ _ ! AI.APKA , Clftrnvovnnt nnd palmist , 512 Soiilli Ifitli st. Ml 1'OUNO. tKIlN ITI' Ono buy jonrlliifr colt. Cull nt stis iiiondo st. MJ i.4 * FOrND-l'urpe i-otitnttimir money. .1. V. Plymplon , 1H.I S-aundors st , C08 22 * iOrNIThe place to set the bc t ojstpr" In the city , blue points , Now York counts nml rloots at Hlltor Moon , cor. Will mid St. Mary's avo. .1.11. O'Neill , prop. 4H j 17. 1710H i\"CIIANOi-i : : : < | iiltv In ft very line -i w Inter tt neat tiirin In Illinois for Nebraska wllit Iniids or drilp stock ; Address P. 0. box 18 Paclllu Junction , la. MS'-U rp J. IlfiAOd , jmtenfoo of wolitht motor I poncr No. J1I9.S7IlliiKK & Rlmtiio , owners of nil ton lloiy except Dakota Tor. No other Males gold np to date. Dee. 20 , I8M1 Anwmo wlttiitij ; territory addt ess T. , T. Ill IKK , Wnverlv , Nob. 5.'l ! S1 * privy \anlta clc.ined by the odorlois proLCSS , 13. KwitiB , P. ( ) Itox 427. 1U3 .1 7 * lP. VlT'.XjfA Fortune teller" rcaUTencb fils s" llth st. _ _ _ _ _ _ OKItl S'T Ortrans , * - ' per month , , _ IBljl DoiiitlaB. CO'I ' 1lt"Jtl : > T Siiniu | I'Kiiio , fi inontlilp. A Hosno. 151.1 Doiml'X' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jri12 _ SUM' Sq'Juro I lane U mouttilv. A TDK EAIr-tJ3BCEI.I.AiraO1JS. fOn SAln L' HoviiJo , Omaha. r.i)7 . ) FOH SAI.K-ln Omnha Vlow. two WKSO foot south front loK together with very enb- itnnllnt Jl-room brick lioii'o. I'rlco $2yoi ) ; * 0'X ' ) cii liliilnnce $ 10 i > or month. Address II IK , lleo olllco. Kl tM _ 171011 SAI.i : rirst Class furnltiiro of nlno J2 toomlioti ° o with prix'dt'Ko ol rent , oltv xx ntcr , ffns. Address 11 24 lloo olllco. MO i * A MKTHYST" ) , solid Rold , only $ -.10. . . g-Poutb.Utli St. 49SS1 OH SAI.K Cheap , McAlistcr Stnreoptlcan In wood condition. Address C. H Davis ilex 7.14 , city. 500 23 * FOIl SAM ; Sound , jfcntlo hnrso wllh hnr- ness , clionji. Ciiocory Itouso , Viaduct lllock , Walnut illil. 001 ZJl" R1IINK hTOJJIl rmir , solid told , nt only 1. nt Vrank & bon fi Co. , ' - > 0 South I4th st.407 ill FOIt SAI.n New organ , 14 stop , 0 octnx-o , solid thick walnut CIKO , beautifully enrvpd ; nox'ariiMtil ; n bargain. Imiulto , Kuseno Duval , 1IU3 N. Ibth St. 471 25 Cl OENITINI3 DIAMOVD-Sacnnco I'nco by J2 Frank and Sou A Co. . 2.JO South Hth st. Wl 24 SAM3 Furniture of boardlnp houxo FOIt nnd nonau for lease nt n barnalu. In- ciitioContial | hotel. So Omaha. 47il 23 * 4IlKAIt AT diamond ear-utiKS nt a great bar- I ffaln. Frank If Son A Co. 4)3 ! ) 24 FOIl SALE-ItiiplJ Holler Damp Lent Copinr , Shannon Files , hotter and Hill Files and Fil ing CabiiioUnnd Translor Cases , Indexes for Ledger and all purposes. Exposition building. S"oLIDJ.ol.nady waTch iTt jrj. Frnnk X Son &Co , 220 South 14th Bt IM 24 _ FOIt 8ALI3 Team of horses. Sclilnalnior Hros. , 014 S lOtb St. 813 JO SAl.K Furniture and lease ol six-room FOIt hoiifo , time on pnrt. Cnll 1202 North 27th street , two blocks from Ilcd Car lino. 871 Foil SAI.n Cnonp. iron columns nnd win dow caps sultahlo for front on brick build- Inc. Forpnrtlcularoapply at thlsoflleo. 8 ! ) WAJITE1J-MAI.B HELP. V\7ANTUD A ilriitr dork , Rprninn prolorrml. ' Apply ut Max Uo nt'o diujr btoro , coiner l,1tIi and Iliirnej pr. S7L'3' W AM'iD-A : S < J I boy betweuii 11 nud II , rlKlit nwny. Uood insldo job. 1717 Sr. 'B ii ) o. 571 2.1 * i Vouiiff men for listing nnd mnrlt- InifPlothns ; ulio , driver nt tliB City Steam r.iumilrj. M.'l - " - " \ \ 7"ANTiiVartiior : ) , lady nrirent , with smnll T cailtul ] for Halo HIM ! mixnufacturi ) of stupid Koods. AadiuiM 11 15 , llcoodlco.4r > l ' VVfXSTIUlIinniodliiTi'ly" " liist cla 9 cent T > innki'r Steady xrork and KOOI ! waves. sin s ism st nin xi- WAN'TKO lly Klarfjo coisel mnniifncturer. nn nxpnrloiici'd coiant Hiiiesinan for the Urirn retail timlo In the btulo of Nouruskii. Ad- driifa xrltu lefereucu. lock box No. l.uf.i , Nun Yir . a 0 J ! WA VT'"nn A'i'Frrlcr for n lioi > o rout6"oii Daily CviMiliiK lleo ; ono llx'imr In iroit part of oily preferred 1143 WANTICD Albrlfjhfrt fiiTibf " "aci'iiev rnmifVcd Irom l.'Ud I'urinim to IK'l ) Tar- nnm 8ticct : ill Xxr 'TlirV Gooirrrycool"irt .MIII ill ilotcT IhiHduy. HWI \\T.\TJTIJD A Hlonostraplicr , ono who iimU'r ' > T stands double entry buokkeonlnir. Ad- dust , with inleicnco , st.itiiiK ealary duairpd , A 48 , Uco ollico. IWJ AdKKTS In the city or country cnn miinef , . " , tn SIO n day at'lltnir our njiorliUtiuj. N. W , Novelty coinpiiny , 1-JT rarnam bt , 01" WAHTED-FEMALE HEL1\ A tlrstclnshonor at the AY I'ANTI'.ll ( , 'uok , lit llniinult House , iinino- dlatpjy , KM \NTKD-A Rirl for irouoral hoiifonork , ulao n conk ImiulioDOl h Mill > -l ) -iirl ( fur Kcni'rnl housu win It in pilxnte bonidini ; hoiihc , .No. M7S. I''lh at , & .I5 S.l WANTF.DnCxpericucoir" ciirar atnloliTrilory aoiiuulntcd on. Iti'tercnces ie < | Uircd , 1Mren , until .liiu.n , lfc > 7 , It , 21 , Ilio olllco. 5ii.ll : Irl. N , U ror. LNIh anUiodio. ) .118 ± J \\7ANTnD--dlrl for BOnuml housexvorlc , cook IT etc. Also oneKlrl lo tuko caio of child 4 ypni-sol.l . nml iioi'luimliiu'uorl > , .1 in family to KO lol'ort Niohrrtrn , Nidi , liujulio loom 111 , 1'iulon Hotel , boloio si p. m. 5 < il ( " 2 > \\rANTI5l' ' A lady xxllh t-opio pxpcrlanco In 'i the mlllliigry ImMnoH to po toucoiintiy town , oiio competent to tnho clmnro of biisl- iii ! ! > oi nk'os iiioJcrale , Call nt iJl North Uilii tt. Ml LM clus xxnltn pst iimploymont ulron , VX'iiL'ib f.M per month Pacillo Hotel Co5So | tih ft. _ T\ TANTF.n\ laij-correjpondoiit , > P. O bov No , o , Huffalo , K'unsns. XHH'IIT I.U'llus ivmluiiL' unr kind ( if luilr i > xvuiU miiilu lu onlur , 1'iUl Ulb JucUeoii bt. lor K hoiuoxroiu IIUil M'OIIUll XVCrU ( iODtl WUKOS Cllll Uiimliiiiniiluymi : | < nt lluioixu , Ut > Noith IBth Bt. ] t > jo a _ _ _ _ _ " \\r.\NTUU Luiltcs iiiul irentleinvn In olty or i > country tu tula light work ut their liomne. 1 1,00 to fJ.Ulii day cusily miiduoik ; ttut by iiiull , no c'invii : : liit. . Wnnuxuu gnoil deiuuiut Kirourxxork ami furi.Uli truily finployiiu.nit. Aildri- , with stump , Crown AJfe Co .2\4 Vine St. , CUu-lpiutl , O. _ \\'AN'rU-A UJjr or fentlcman to take t > clmrk-not H bu > linj tUnt s payJiu 110 n Uu > : from (51 to f iQO rmjutnsJ ; tUU U a ruro I'liuiicti for thu rltfht parly. Call or aadro Mrf. Ji A. ton , JW3 V rnuut su 10i > SF \VASTpT.-CooW Hucfuimua tut. Kiiquir * It ofO. K-Uiiau woor. ISUi Aud JUrney. WANTKD-Goo-l plrl for general work , IlUdoorKlft nve. 7J6 \\TA-Tfr.l ) ftiffSd fcs * Rfenf to ibuiT t nio t i ftrfliihy. 1'ro'pfrt ennt\ \ for position when competent : ndduss W. J. 1) , 1 too in t , Croumo blk.OiiiRlux , . U ? \\7ANTKI ) Imillps"to" work tor us nftholr ' own homc ! * 7 Id > lfl per xxci-kcnn bo nuletlv iiiiiiltnn ; plmtii. pnlntititr : no cnnx-ne * > til ) ? . Fur full pnrttculaM plcix < o ivKlifm , nt oneo , Crbjcr-nt Art Co. , Ii ) Con t nil st , Itoston , s , bo t r > 170. Jin _ \ \ AN'nn : 2 wallers nml chntnliorinniit * ut ' Otfl'lcntnl < dl \\7ANT I tt-nrrniiiTlydTnlx ttr t class COOK" > t \ul3hor nut ! I ron or nt 11M3 Knrnixin. \\TANTii : -A ( rouit ( tilI lor frunornl lieu o- T ? rrorK , Mint bo n pond cook , \rn ilinr ami Ironor. Iliriulrc ZU N. 1 Itll St. IGJ B54 \\rANTiJD-A younjr AinoFioiin or llpfnuu ' ulrl to ns lst tn lmu eworlt nnil cnio of children , llofcrcncw iofUlio | < l. 8 ) 3. aith st. 40li ai BITUATIO1T WANTED. AASTr.D A Htlimtmn by n ninn well n ' ' , n the rolall lumber orconl tinilo. cnn Roodolty ri'forpiiofn ni to Intrgrlty BIK ! nhlllty , Aiiiiro3 ii M , iippoiiico , sra 21 ; * WANTnU-Ilyiiydtum ulnti tx | initloii ni bookkoopcr ; hnvo liiiil throa xonrt ot- pcrlcnco. Aililri-ss Itzrt lice olllce. 6".n it * " \\rANTKO lly n. vounp niRti , onitilnrment i botwcon ohool nouisforbo.trd nnd loilif- ff * . . . _ - - - - - - - - \\7ANTKt ) llyincllnblo mnn 11 phoolnnro ci'rystoru. A good \\orher. Aildrpss II 10 llpo olllce. IM 2il * ANTiU ; ? i or lo do Ken tnl otllpp xrork. crcnccs irix i-n. II.J , Hoc oni oo lli'ANTllll Hlluntlon by n Kcntlciniin nvporl- oiiot-d In hardwiiro nud iiprlpuHuriil linplp- inputs. Wouid tnkochiiiv'o of brunch store in nnw rnllrond town wost.nm thcroiiRh iind cup- nhlp. A 1 roferoiioiH including jiro ont. cm- ployer. Aildrcm , II il , lice ollloo. SM-rf * WAHTS. AN'TIIl ) tour vcntlenion in piU'iito fiiiu Iy , if | io slblp , nud lu the x-lrlnlty of 2.1d nnd rnrnixm. AUdroi P. II , Mitchell. ISlft Iod ) o St. GOO ' . ' 1 WAKTBUtVorkhiifiiion und otlior- who In- ti'iid purclingliir ! lots In the Aniiptmith Oiiiulin , to know thnt Iho piu-uut prlct'3 will lid Insrpiisod onu-thlrd next Sixtllrtliiy. 'I'xvpiity lot1) gold yostoidny 'I'hlq piopoity Is tioomins. If you want n Imritixln ooiuu n running. W. d. Sc.upyHolonffi-nt , ill S llth st. 513 LM UANTED To lint nsnircnt for cnstoin r'ip- ttnlltts in iip rotiiitlri- : limns on lliiill lucolpt nnd linptox'cd laiuia. OuuriroA. Vixu Inwpu NoithlMnttc , Nob. B.'SBT T\f ANTRD-Stockof dry ( roods , olotlllnir nnd > fronts'rimilMilnfreoml * or Hoots unit Bhiics In nxclmntro for Umnha ion ! ostnto. Sohlo ln : - prilros .OH 3 Kith St. V > 't jn UrANTKI > Bf ) mon to vat bitckwhont cukos imdmnplo Ryrupox-orv ninnilnirnt Norrls" llostnnrixnt , lth ( ! St bet. Dodsro nml Dniml-xs. HtriilKht board per ncoitSl.-3"l ; moul tickoti , M TO. Ol.'l. REH. HO0E3E3 AND LOTS. I,1011 ItKNT XlPO 4-roiini cottiii < o , xvcll , plst- ' orn , birn , SIS ! Hiimilton St. , hnlt block Ironi Siiuiulois Apply next door xx-ost. Bt" FOIt 1IKNT Nlco tour-room cnttixtfo , well , clstorn , bnrn , "tu'l lliitntltuu st.tliroo doors from Snundcrs st. 553 ,1 HUNT 2JIB T.nnx-oiuvorth st. 10 room _ homo ; mantels , bath room , etc. ; perfect order ; cheap to tollable party. Also 11 room house cor. x Irt-'lnlii uvinud U. S. Otant St. ; nil modern Improvements , loner time to ( rood party. Clark & I'ronch. 151(1 ( DoiiRln. st. fillet FOR liriNT-lf you want to rent n house , call on llonawn fc Co. , opposite postotlicu , KM F OH HUNT 2 bouora. Inqulio o. 7 " 2 South 1'Mi. .T P. Mailondorte Co. DI8'U * F OIt H13NT Two 7 room hoiises on ear lluo , olty nnd cistern water. Mead & Jiuulusoti. F 1011 ItKNTSboiHos 10 rooms enoh , with all modern _ _ Improvements . . . , . . 21st . and Unit. Inquire of Dr. Paul , luth mid Urtdcro. f > U FOIt lir.NT Or lease. Twenty acre ( fardon , with house and stable : lusldo elty limits of Sidney. Nob. Apply to II. McFuddcn , Sidney , Neb. 42SJI1' OIlKUNT-FumFslicd 7-room hou o on Vir"- F Rlnln ave , $15 per month. J. F. Hammond , 117 S. Iflthet. 415 FOH I113NT 'I room house on I'lxrnniu st. bet. IHth and Itith. City nnd ct-iicrn water , sheds nnd outbiilldlnirs : brick cellar , f ) per month. J. F. Hammond. 117 S KHIi st. 410 ' 171OK ItKNT Snllablo for .lobblmr Hoiiso.Sei- -U end and Third floors , 'DxllK ) xvlth base ment and elevator , entrance Irom front on Douplas St. . and entrance on cround floor liom roar to elevator. Address A S ) , Boo ofliee. 270. ilOll HUNT-StoreaUN 1.11 n st. CM 32 * FOIl ItKNT-2 new houses S. U. , cor. i lit hand Vltiion. linpilro on promises. KKNT-Oroom house S. W. cor. 7th and Pacific. Innulre M. F. Maitln. 21,1 I OH 1II3NT A noweottnffoon upper Farnnm 1 st. liuiulront 2100 Farnam st. lUt FOIl HUNT A barn for t head of horse * . In- cjiilro of It. F Martin. tH OJT IHINT-liulidiiK , ' sultiiblo for n dniff Hioro In Ihu finest location in the city. Inquire room 20 , Omaha National bunk build- Inc. _ _ _ _ 8.H _ FOIt HUNT A nicy rroom cottinfo , by S. TT Pctcrdun.s. e. cor. 15th uud Douglas. 477 FOIl HUNT A 10-room brick house with im- piovomeiitsBO per month. Imiulroot Mis. Pniratt , near cor. Mtli nnd Farnnm , 40d 2 ( > ' FOH JCUNT-Smnll cottaso SM S 27tb. ht. 40J 21 * IJXOK 1U3NT Six now brick * toro with bftso- ' montacorner Hlovcnth and Howard ; choice location : all convoiilennes. Loavltt llurnham , Itonm 1 , Crolghton block. C27 FOH HUNT Stores , tesidoneos , turnlAhod and unfurulaluid rooms. Pint class loca tions , Ke3es Itontinir Atrnuoy , Iloom 7 , Soutli- east corner llth nnd DouKlaa.W d 2. " | jUlt ) KiNT-Ono ; new oottatrc , 7 looms , f.Q. ! JT Three now 2-story bouses , $40 , ono at ( , i. * > ; well located , all conveniences , Loavltt Hunt- ham , Room 1 , Crclghtou block. 127 FOH UKNT-7-roomfottinfO In Walnut Illir TermsIM per month , Apply to 1) . W. Pu\o , 1421 Farnam SU 21)0. ) FOIt HISN'T tlfl aoroi ivdjoinmif city nortli- west , suitable for ihtiry or laarkut Kiinlen , Apply to Thoo. Wllllami. Uee Oflloe , I4 Far. num. 89S FOH HUNT rooms , fliirnoy street nnd2lst , $ ' ! J i > or mouthalto bouse netir St Jlary'H avo. U rooms , J.23 per month B. A.SIo- inanM2 ] 1'nrinim st. 117 F I ) ii KJNT : store 22133. niu Jncuson ut.7BS Foil ItKNT - Largo , front , ollke room , north- wuit corner 15ih and llurtiey sts. $10.00 pur month. 4'J1 ' F ( lOlt IHIN'T 1'IrM I'liisi furnished looms , from f b to f2 per month IWJ Dax-onport. fill 3U FOIt Itl'.N'l' 1'loiniiiit funiUliPil rooms with board. outhua.t cor. Htb nnd Howard. 617 Sl f pWO KentUmien ciin hax'u boiud nud loom iTi 1 nrlxatu laiiilly. fJJ nov mouth. No otlior hoarders. Address 1135 lice olllco. 611J' IiloH HUNT Ttto looms at 1UI7 Casj t ; gen Kuuoii proloned und loforoncis roiiuiied MJ _ Foil HUNT Nlro xvarm room , biiltablo for 2 gentlemen xith \ boiud , $1 per WCOK , clay board , ? , ' 76 , Uil K , Hill a. MIa - _ FOH ld'.N"r Fnrnislieil rooms , modern uou. vuiiiuiua-e , 1118 N. 15lli st. 4W rj' " " ' ] ? ' OIl linNl'-FurnTshoa'ioomsVlOIS DodtreT 44424 "JjHHl HKXT Lanro , litindsomo east roinns. Jnml .nlio of unfiirnUliud luoin. , Fir-1 clus. table. 2U'I rnillilin 81. 473 2il > 17 > 0ll HUNT Two iiiifiiriililu'-l rooms for l.gnt . ' housekcoplni , ' . WJ llmvtml st , bftueen 8th and tith. rM 1' III3NT Furnished toorni , f 12 per month. ? 7IMX 18tU at Jol KU "IJ10H HI3NT A comfortahlu room , xvlth larpe J. eloiet , xvlth or without broaUfusl. b.'iti. FOR llUXT-t'nfuriiUhPd room , nultablo for alllce. luiiuira Jilif.A. Itlcc , ilushmaii blu. "IJtOll HUNT A laitrtf front chamhur wltu -L. closet , KIS , furnace and bath , 001 S 30th st , ock north St. Murr'u avo. WU - - . , . --.i/iilcT-lv lurnlstied rooms. * J 107 South UlU St. A.M. CurK. | K9 y ' T/tOll ItKNT Very deslrabiiTfurnliilied rooms L Ingiiltoorsinylo , hot uad cold water. CHI and bath' , 101 i lo | aid hi , lliirglna bloek.oa tboihllxl lloor. KstX6 * * I7tOIl Hl.NT Ooo f urniihed room or a suite of -L' two , with or without board , two blockl from ixmodlce. Enquire nt lit 9. 17th C FOH nKffT-rurnl hed room * for Ro _ Hood locntlon Inquire IVSfHM. 43iiaa * TpOH HUNT A hrito on t rfinm with ixlcovoj - stioet csr § nl tlonr. Xo. 113 Pouth aid. 4 xJ " " oTMliXl' : Afttir .lainlnr.vjsit , 1 will hitve-.t nicely ftirnlshod room i < iloiilikior uliurlo , lo ( ulti luive ono londy now , chcixp. C\ll nud so- furc eon COd S. ISth Mrrct , ucnr St. Miry's hxctine. ' * f > 1"1-1 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - rPVVO fmnt rooms loinlnir.fiPmshot ] with uas , .1 forKeutloiiinn ! ) , ; > ; i3 Mtlilt. 5,15' GIT irOH UINT : TurnUhod to ms with bo-xrd , JBtiltHitlo for man nnd wlfp. 618 N , t.ttlt t , - inoy. _ . " fiOa'2,1 * t 71)11 | HUNT A room ult'tbto for four Runt- -1 1 iPiuen. 537 Honth inth < t. 10 } 21' "YfHJlf 7f R Nl1 Nit Plv furnlshod bed room wlili JL' tiidof parlor , hi'iulrcnt 1511 Cull Corn hi , 4"S t3' FOH HKN'T N'owly ftirillihod , hontoiT front room 2311 St. Mary g m e. , SM FOIt HUNT Two nlcoly furnnhod rooms , Htiltnhlo forSnra oixtlcmen ; lovely loca. tlon with ex-cry modern ! miToromont | 1415 Jouos si an "ITIOlf IIRNT I'lirnlshed loom. A. llospe , X1 lf > n DoiiKlns St. Ull FOlF linNT T7)iTr uuTurnishsil riimifs for houcckpppliiK' to siniill family , 10- oiited on ( loorBlnnxouparMrpotenrsi.surround' ItitrM | ilea ant nnd will iont choixp to ijooil pniticsirefert'iicu requlrod. AJdruss A Calico 'ijlOininNi' Siilto of newly flirnlsho I roomi JJ In nexv homo ! modern convoulonoe * ! to KOiitkiinon. IH-'I Dodirp st "CO TTi OI tl IB VP l'iirn isii od room-i for lljrlit h n tnio koppItur.Heemeisblook , cor rttli.t Howard. nit 1/IOHKKNr rurnistiod room , 18IU lloilvo. JL1 f , | .d-29 FOIt IH'.NT 'I rooms unfnriiMioil suitable for lioii'ekoeplni , ' , 1017 N 2uth st ; apply to M V. Martin , 310 S 1.1th M. Wi I71OU HUNT oloiranT lOoins.wlTTi close ! -i1 Solithfront. Ull'iChloiiBO itrl-ot. 81 FOTfiUJN'l' Sleeping TomusT TurnUlieiilind unfurnl'lied , at Hull Howard bet. 8th and .Hli. _ 1U ( _ Ij > O lUINI' DuMrahle ifowly furiiHhed I' rooms lor trontleiuen. tias , bath and fui- nncehoit. SJ23 DodKC. 3MJ1.V OK UIIN-l' - Kiirillslieil and unfurnished roomiriicnoy block , eor 13th and Doilifo Davis A : Hotlicnuuton. hotel bll- Hard room. : ill ) 2- ! * Hl NT-Hiindcomely fiiinlHhod front room , tmo of bath , n. o. eor. 19th and SI. Mary s avo. Mrs. M. Wnli.iua. 4Ci ! 2i * FOIt HI'.VT lUorrant rooms on street car | line , balh and iraa , s. w. cor 20th and \ Webster. lU ! F01k { 1 roning sultiiblo for houso- coplnjf. 711 Piiollloat. Kent , 15.0J. _ 12J FOIt lir.VT To ffontlumon only , two tur- nlshed rooms in coed location , 2 doors from street carsono on flr t floor lariro front room , bav window , fras and rcuiater. $2" > per month. Otlior ft out room , second floor , resistor nnd Ras$15 per month. Holeronco lonuired. Call at do l. 7.150S P.xrnixtn st , llrst floor. ! D1 FOK , SAI.B-nODSB3-J.OTa. AlNsrilUjI ) Now Is the time to sicurelots in this addition before the prices are iiilscd. It Is beautifully situated on the north sldo of llanciolt St. four blocks east of 10th st. Homo * are all about ami botoiul this choice ad dition , and lots less UeslrMiIo , and separated only by the street are xnluoil t from f I.UOl to fl.WO. These lots are offered at prices rantrlnif from ftOO to $ SOO. On a cash payment of fiom J50 to S100. bahiiico jio per month. J. K. Hammond mend , 117 K. initi st. K ( U2 2 B Acres for plnttlnj. , I 1-4 from Union Block yards , only $ , U5 per aero. I' . D. Tanner & Co. 4S'J 24 POH SAM3-A line lot in Omaha , View for JOOJ , near school lioutc. > . U. Cvans Si Co. 431 33 " \J\7' ' * hixvc bad [ ilaeed In our hands for Ralo T some of the Hiiost lots lu Footer's ndditlon. Tneso lots are Jiit.1 rlirht lor' ' rade. close to streetcars ami calilo line , and unjoin Idlowlld on tlio eonth whore lots are " -cllinfi : for SJ.flOO 00 to 1.500.00. Wo cnn offer jliesn lotn lor a short tlmo only at prkot iliuv will oiialilo In vestors to r < > ail/o u hniidsomo'jtrollt. Call niu | ace thorn. I licks A : liiBhram"JI'i a. 15th street. - , I8T your property ith .1. 11. Kvans & Co. BV13IIVIIODY lltiy a lot in Calkkis. ' $10 will make jour first payment and fi per month thoreafler n III buy a t.'OU lot , Calkin s addition Isbuaiitlfiilly situated west of VV-iliiiil Hill ort CiimliiBS t. Do not miss the ulianco tor a real f late Inxestraont in Omaha. J. I' . Iluminoml , 117 jj. 16th St. fiVi 22 _ HAHHIS & IIAItltIS , a0 S. 15th st S lots , Hiinscom plnuc , each . $ lf > 0 ] 1 lot , Hanscom place . . 2'OD 2 lots , .Shliin's add. , eiich . I.Oia 1 house mid lot , Shlnn's add . H.HMl I liousu lot , llauseoin plieo . S,5X ) il lots on Ilrl tel street , each . hflO 1 lot , IIillRldo . 1,7011 8 lots , Smith Bt.oach . I.IKKI 4 lots , .letter's aild. f. Omahn , each . ( inn 1 lot , . letter's add. S. Omnlin . . 7fK ) 1 lot , Snail's add . ' ! ,209 Iluslneas lotH on Kith st f : Xl per fi out loot. Himiness lots In H , Oaiaha on N st. lluilne tots "nil icBldonco lotn In all parts of the city. Customers If wohavo not 11113 thlnir on oiu- books you want , wo will Unit propeity for you , nucl assuioyou perfect satisfaction. 470 'i2 BTuDT'fKFf ] m > M : - " . " 7-1 oem hoiiMH faciiiffCaldwcll st.,2 lilocke o t of Saunders ; city \\ntor Iliioucliniit housn , xtator clobet up titairs.sowornirn and moilerti Improvo- mont" , porch whole width of trout , pluas'int looms with law closet , lot 80.\t0 ! , pileo , ( J , ' > JU ; 16X1 ouso , luil. to suit. ANo il2-pory | iV-room liounes , faelmr eolith on Indiana MI. , 'J blocks north ot Cunilnn1 ; city watorand modern ImpioviMiiuiit , porch and pleasant rooms ; price , ? . ' ,50) : $ ' 100 cash , bill. 10 suit. suit.Also 4 beautiful cottages on 30th and Frank lin sts. , 4 bloc Ka from the Htieet eats ; I rooms each , closets , cto , cellir and cistern : board ImicoRi omul endi lot and board walks nil about. I'rfpD , * l/iOO ; MUDeash. bal. fSjper monlli. J , 1' . Hammond , 117 S. inth st f > M 22 WI3ffuaranteo thn following as rood bargain and Bine to adx'anee : lOOxlto , half blook from icth ft near south onil nf viaduct , will advance ' * ' ' ) \ < t l'tt hen via duct is Hnlolimi , for a few days at $ " > ,50a , t100 ! cash , b U 1 , 2 , and J yours. ! tl toot on l/ard at bat ISth and luth , with tinoUiiuc In alloy , 7 room houstt ; make Mil or. lot t > liloek 1 Potter addition , unit front , bean- tllul vlowofclly ; very cheap atl'WO. ' Clark It I Vouch , 1511 ! Douiilas st , AOI 24 f OT in Donee's Add. . SI/MI T easli. JJ Two loU In 1'Ohtci's Add , corner , * 1. 200. Lot corner ol IKJIh iind Mmlsay bte , f I 100 ; f ' 'OJ rash , balance $10 per month. ixit on With bt.ln Park llulldmt ; $ I,40U. MIllW ) llon.'ii of HVH rooms and two full lois , cast fronts , corner , S2.1UI. J70D ciiKh , Htoclc ot nieicbiindUo for trade , House ami lot fur trade , JI. W Huntiesj , HSOft Farnam slroet. _ _ IKI 84 * _ _ 2EABT trout lotH Kilby pliuva only (7Ci ) oanh , ono-thlid cash , bnlunco. vuy terms. PI ) , Tanner , V Co , , lOinilowanlst , 4 Ml 21 TjV)3TNU'S ADDITION-a tyiuutllul double X' corner.- * , fl.iVMlo J',09J , > . , eiiBli , biUntifo 1 Hilda yiuiis. ,1. K Haimuotid.'V" H , ictli i fia-i 21 FOK SAUI-flySchloslnffcu llroj . nu oiitlUUtu otroet. 180 foot on 25h ( t near ratrmin , will gi'll ' all or part , ' G aero lots In r'arunm pnrljj f2 per aero , Haiy terms. TliU la x ciy desuablo for t'arden- Inf. Inf.bOaorea , ( mprox'ol , nc'tr city , lionup , barn , ei Iba , etc , t'hetip and on eisy term < . Iot * InSculesliiffiT's ixddltioji J2J1 to f KI on catty term . bjl J o HOIISKS Ut .FnimsniiV ( mnnnv loaned. liuinie , roomll , llarUo 'IjlocK , B. W. cor 1 lit h and I'nrniiin rla. _ ( . _ Ml KUAI. TISTATK AND IOA3U. . 11. U.UI A Co. 115 S. 15th st * ' fd FOIlSAItV ; Dcsirinir toiottio from bii iness , 1 oiler my enlliu block ol ( iinim-iil Mur- cluinilisc , ( oiisltllnir of Dry ( ioijils , Houdy Made ( 'lothlnv , Hats and Cup ; , Hoots nnd Khopi , and Groceries. Would take Improxcd and unim proved real estate In eic'liiumo lor part ot amount Cati sliow up H t/ood record of busi ness. AUdt unlock box Nn. 7. Xoith llrnd , Nab U2T. .1. lo. FOSTIiltS AlDlTION-a beautiful double comers ft , 'Jin tn f.'i.lioo ' , 1-U cash , balance 1 and ) fxra J , F. Hammond , 117 b luth. ST. 22 _ _ \ rATI33 AT HEMPF.LS-J. H. Kxins & Co. L SoloAgout * for loin In this addition at f.VO 1322 * _ _ _ rpHIJ IH58T Investmenl yet"olfered J101 acre * four miles .outhueit fiom pot - ollice. 1 1-1 milOH trom HOCK jnrds ; lion oeautl- fuli ( leO per ucio ; iidjoimnir property on north Bollliiir ut t"J\ per aero. Heller & Campbell. IWt ruriiiuu et , Itouui I , _ tl3 OMAHA Vir.lVLot Vilik sTTotTiTixud 4liik 6 , $ 'JX > e eh. Lot 1 , lllk itl.lUOl-3 tush Qrvvory Jc Httilley , Uooms 1 ana 3 , HodlcWi New Ulk , XX ii. 151 u st 404 II \-Onrbookoi1iow\lnrito list > - ' of property In and around South Omaha whore money Is belux made now and ufll bo doubted Ilitne sprlm ; . nu lnt 4lotion M. N' . 0.,23th.2 h nml Hollo' rue sueols. lle idenco lot < and hoiun * nnd lotsinsvnli cixlelnnd , 1'orrlor Plileo , 1'otltTvt Cobti'sadJI lion , etc , Orejrory H Jtmlley , lloomo 1 ntnll Hellok's now blocS.TJJ K IMli st. _ _ . 407 A\n ; HAVi.coiHtant mnulry for nil Kinds of ' liiKiitimnnd roMdencn property. If you hlxx'o any property fur iplln | same with us. Schlcslligor llros .014 810th H. P.MJ1 FicmT.nTrT'irrU'if- ( , > mixli is by nil odd" " thn hcM addition to South Omhhn. ,1. 11 livnns & Co , Polo Apent . 41 2,3. if Oil S\tii-lii : ! lnb4 * loti on nil tiio bet Implies * streold. ,1. U. l.x-uin \ Co. I * l 2J 8.U.K Ho no mil lot on Park tt'lldn nvo.SJ.SV > .xTorth ? | , OM. ( I.Uo Cltv Heal Kstnto CM. , IJIW Dotitrlns. 47- * " UsritAlTS OK Ttn7iirn'Td : ' tTtT d'rpIxI estalo Riminnlpd , Midland Ouarnnluo nudTriijt company , IWij I'limam si. 4HI 2t I * Ol'fronlliK strcett , 2. > lli and 1'aoillo , 3 - lliotice * , if-.oHl ; < Mm * terms. Heel lot In Orehatd lltll with A room ItntKp , batn , well.elstern , fruit and shndo ( roes.fl.COJ ! onsj terms. 1'nll lot anil T room houie , well and clstonii PaiKor's nd I , fi.VJO : oiny term l.oH'10,11 ' ' . undxM Oi-oliard - , 10,11 , 1'J , .n , tilouKT , Hill , very ehnap. S \V. eor. llth and Pacific , OtUISJ , flno i-ot' tairej , f.WHl , Mi'iiil \ .in m los on , Sl8 Soutn ir.lh. 40H FOIt S \ 1RNew stock ofLndlos' OooiISi toirelliprw Itll ftoro ntture" . Hil lne < in full eoinlitct with pnod Iriulc. l.iioiillon be.ot nnllmmidsl , oeolipylltd 'i ' stoio In nuaio ot fiolld brick. J. 1' . Hammond , Una. inth at _ H.Mr.-Ono line lot in Siinnj Hldo for Jl.fiOO. .1 II V.vani * Co. 4PI .ga . K st , Jnt ' .otith of llrlt Iilno. Will j.'lo nonii ) irood bargains on a row lots. 1) . Kendall , ITS. H. w. cor 17th and California sti : tsi 27 CJWAX & . CO. , Krcnrur bloek , opp. poitoHU-o * ' 1'ithst trill olTrr for it hnrt tlinobixritixlns on the followlnir tiiiinoit propertied ! iW\7' on S. 13 ( nriier liith and Darontxirt sts. HJtllHlon 8. K corner lth : ! anil l > on lm HIS. llilxlJK on S. W. comoi I2lli and Dodiro sis .ssttcnon a 13. eorner I'tti mid laveniort | st . C.i1tiai ! < ni eornor l th iindf lileniid stn. 4l < cl.tJon DonirliiH bolwoen I''tli and Illth 'ti. ! K\Wlin Hnuard tiolivenn Illlh and llth stj. ISOxI'iJon 18th rtmnlnirto tr. 1' . tracks A few clioleo loti in IVnlor's addition , A few olioloo Inti In Shlnn's nddltlon A few choice Inn lit Orchard Mill. And thn hirgogt list < if lauds for sale or trade of anv linn In Om ilia. Wo want JlOi.mi worth nf inereliaiidlio It , cxehanKo for lands nnd Omahn property. at ] at _ " ' rplACICATr-2 ! : lots , only SI.7.VI caoli. Ka'sy JL terms. P. 1) . 'runner & Co. , IfltS Howard st. 4S1 ! SI AM ! ton Ippt on ciiinlnir strostwllh fourAM four houses. ? nnoO. J. It , llvniis A-To. "IIltNIl-Hisldotieo lot on ( loorpla avo. , North - of t.oivenwortli , ( ilvUI tor a few dajs , at 5J,7.J , $ 3 ( ) cn .li , till. 1,2 , n and I j ears ( Irofforv * 11 nd I ny , Koom < i 1 and y , llcdlck's new blk. , 320 e. l.'th. 4U.- > JL for ,10 of the best lots In I'lniuvlow 4M 23 HANSROM nACn-rots on Mnd ht. near the Park at ? 2lr,0 to & .YJOO. On Oooruln nx'o. near Hickory fit. $ l,70n to SI.110. On ilOlli st. near the Park , fl.fitKl. On VirRliiln nxe near Woolxvorth nt $2.0011 to J.1,51'0. On Phil Sheridan st near Hickory nt f 1,575 , me. , etc. , oto. We havonny number of lot In this nddlllon , nl o houses nnd lots. Some ot the best homos in the olty. Orp < rory & llndlry. Ilooms 1 nnd 3 , Ilodlck's noxv lllk , IW ) 8.15th st. 400 FRANK i SON&Co otlorfrrent Inducements in nil kinds ol jewelry , diamonds from $10 , $ . ' 0 , 30 , $40 up to J'HW ; the frrnntoKt ImrtfalnB ox-cr knoi\ : conm and HOC. 1'rnnk , V Bon A Co , , . ' 0 South 14th Ht 4flt 24 L OT on ( IporBlix avc' . , ono block from street i oar , fl.WO V. 1) . Tinnier & Co 48324. F1 I OR SAU ? Wi feet on CutuInR- street J. H. Kvnns & Co. 431 22 FOH SAtili LotCOxllS feet on Dnvonport. bet ilth and 12th streets with 3 houhcs , $ ! l,030. JJ.O'H ) oix < ih nud lon < tlnlo. x\'olinvo nlnrKO hsl of Insldo pity property lioth tm niP'isniiil rpsldonco , fli t efn < s. Pur. chiisors will do xrcll to BOO ui. Murshnll & lo- book , l.lO'i rnnnain- 107 s 'A" V. n Tanner 4 Co.'sll't of choice Bontb Omaha lots. 4M(2i fOO CHOIOK rOT8 Konilall'H nddltlon. Saiin- J dcrs fit. , lust ponth of licit Line It. ll.l'H ' ) to fVM , monthly parmonts. Will bul'.d boiiRb If wauled. 1) ) . Kendall , ics. a. w. cor. 17th nnd CiillInriilnsK 3S827 FOH HALK-ft ) foot front on DoiiKlim west of 20th at $1U ) per front foot. UK ) fuel front on DniiKlus noar-'Otli at ytl&por front foot. J , K. KvMls&Co. 484 2J O AlKJAINS-For a few daysonly. Lot a bloek t Kilhy phieo , en t front ox-crlooks cntiie elty , ? 2nOl ) will sell for f'J.OOO in a year Three beaullful south Itont lots In Orchard hill , ? 2,109 , casytoriiiH. Kio ant east front lot Iliuiscom park r.ddltlon t7."jO , easy terms. Fine ! ) room house , all modern conveniences on corner lot , ono of thobcststreets In Omaha , 17.00) . Wlicclor A ; Wheeler , Insurance nnd Heal Kstale , Douglas nud 15tbt > t. 515 22 1 0"i feel f i out on LoavonwQith , near 22d street , J will bo sold cheap If taken at once. F. 1) . Tanner > V Co. , llllCi Howard st , 4fc9 24 FOH KI3Nr House , 4 rooms , corner Phi Hherldnn and Howard us. House , U roouiH , all modern improvements , 11 unify and 2Db | 818. New brick store , north loth st 4 nowBtoic-i near Husciill'g hotel , south 13th st , * li ! per month. Ilrlck xtarehouHO on 11. It. track and paved street : inl htory darker building , inth and Farnam , fid teetsriuar * ' . C 13 Maj-no , llth and Hnrney 237 BXVIINi ( illDliN'-Oiir now addition. H west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street. llysoloctliiKlots at $151 for InsldP nnd 1171 for coiners , you will make a ? ooil investment. Terms 10 pur cunt 0113)1 ) ami 15 monthly. No ohartco forshowlnir the lou. Sluriliall & Lo- beck , im > Fiirimm CI9 ITIOIl SALlC-Chonp , 'W uoros lylnir west of JJ Walnut Hill In tracts u > unit. Will aull all or piirt. Sclilesinsor llioa.H14 P. Kllh Bt. 1 > W JO BF.AI'TIFI L soutlieust corner Thornburc Plcco.hUrh nnd8lKhtly,2 lota , only flti : u for both. f57ficasli , bahiiico very onsy terms. I' . 1) . Tanner k Co. 4B ! 2l OHOIOli acres lor plntllntr. 11 If If AI I ii lu ain. 3M 23 TlCHCOOU's"AmHTlb.N-J. . KXIUIB & . Co. Solo AKOIllH. 4bt 23 KINO &TI3-tlPI.ITON , of ritl/ens1 IliillU. 2104 ruining bt. , luivd a few bartraliin In city property , 20 acres mibuilmn pronoity cheap , nt H cash , balance easy Icrins If fiol'l ' bofoio Jan. 1. SU'iicre fruit Inrm and Knrdtm , KOOI ! 6-room housn , burn , wull , oto. , ox'er 403 Inuirlim trees , Krixpes mil hinall fruit in abundance , ' * cakh , bahiiico oaa > terms , or would take pny In city Land fii low n nnd Nobraikn for snlc or trade furulty propoity , Woiilao bavo for tent a nice C-rooia rottav , on Charles ( . ; 2 nice mm' hrlokmmo rooniD on Cumliur Btvltli uusomuiit , fl-room llau uml liath room , all modern tinproi B inn in n ; a ilnu lo. cutlon lor dry K' ' > ods htotu nail clothiiiir ur boot mill Hlioo slorr. I'disono Imvlnif propeity forsulc on cut will do xroll to lifl xvith ua , r > 22 22 SKI ) TVD/limwir , v LO.'BM \ uti > * lotsjn scom pluce botoio you buy In Hint bum- tllul robidnnco lomlliy , 48 < 21 HKill and siirhtly ies > ldonco pioperty OIIPO- site iiiulii null unco Iliuiscom piiiu. Call lor terms , F. 0. Tinnier A. Co. , 1UI5 Howaid bt. 15. iSl-AT lot , neurcor. . owarl si , fiontiuir oa Saun- rten Et and paved at. ; cheap for cash. .1 L. KicoA. Co. , nvjr C/omiiiorul > il biuk. 77i TT'OK N.XI.IC-M it rnmimtr on Dodge si. a X.1 blockH east of the poMollloo. A baiwaln at flli.OuOj $10,001) ) cash. Marshall & Lobeck , l&tf rarnum , U1U GENUIN13 IIAIir.AINS-Ttvo corner lots m linrdottii court , only 4 bloukJ I ram Hum- der'sbtreetcnrd. W il lliishm in , Iloom 19 , Uudlimuu lllot'K , N Eoor IGth : xul Oou lni. 817 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T7\Olt \ SALi : 20 noros l > IiiK- west of Walnut J-1 hill Inn nets to Milt , Will tell all or part BchloalnKcr HI-OB. , tttt So. lOtli Bt. 05a o I/1 AST FHONT lot , v'lrtriula ave , fencud , on tu fc-rade. only Jl iOO.fur a Jew days r. D. Tannbr4ii. . 4VJ21 _ _ _ _ _ _ F I Oil HAI.K TIM ) buiuuoino loin in Itedford Place at $ jOJtucli. J. H. Ilviui. & . Co. TTIOK lAK I3lot 4uajfoet. jronllng norlh J on Bristol btrt-ot , half way Oftwcon Saun- de t > nnd State , near struet car * . City water in f rout. $100 eixeli. 1-4 cash , ItHlauc1 * in 1 , " yeara. Address S II , Uoo ollico. HOUSES J.ote.Ftrius. Lands money . nemli. room 3. Unrker block , if. VI. Mr. 1Mb and Knruum Mi. bSi port sAt.n- Corner lot In Konntzo Plnco , 74 foot outh front on l/ocifst lrael nud lil ( eel PIXM frulif on SOth t. , HIP beet lot lit Ihe-ndd. , f-VWO ; orte-Uilnl cash t'.iist fiont lot tn r. . V. Smith' * add. , Sl t st ( near ( Irncp , 44tllO , $2,0 . rtiolpn lot in tt aihlmrton SnuarP , ? 3 , Wi. I'our lot In Smith Park.on llimlcltu et. , bet. ICth nnd istn nK.fJ.fflKU-npli. Full lot. south front , and 0-room hoiisn lit Idlon lid j F.VH.W , hnir cn h. Knt hnlf lot f.t , Hnrbnch'o Ht add. , fi ) ft front on 17th .t , ? I.VW ( , ont-thlril cash , xrlll illxule- and sell DO feet ttouton 17th si , foxcrnl lot * on NMelioln * nnd trnrd si ! . , brt , lllh nud llth , xvlth trncknirp. adapted for \rnro < hou t' U P. fro'ii f l.ojiito f&.xnv , A number of choleo bii < liioM and reMdence lot ? In South Oumlili and Its rfiiburlintt addi tion' . A tm lni > ! lot , 2i on Potilh 13lh St. . nonrC.Mitor $ l.r > iW. A. II. Goiiutuuk. llonm 10 , I'lolfrhton tllock. nil S8 1J1OII HAM' ? omp of the lirM Agricultural J. land In Kastorti Ni-brinkn at ( in per IIQIO ( in > 1ypiiM'timo , 0 pnreont Interp * ! and tin tnxi , \Vilteor oall lor particulars. t ) . 1' . lml ) ACo. . , Omahn , Noli. Moj-'O Ournexr nddltlon Aero fiV ) tn t2 < ppr acr * ) N'imr South Omaha , And sydlcato Hill. Marshall t ibpck , IDS ISO i l'.xrnnm. " \\rRnroniillnirl7ort to invent ? 20,0)J in Im- ' ' protod linldo property What hnvo Jou too ( TorVo iieiinbiislncs9 ! , Mo. , t , V S. Ulhst BEFORE-AND-AFTER Elsclrlc Appliance * arc tent 01 30 Days' ' Trial , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , "VirilO ntf sultorlni from Nnmors Dinniir , > I-o < T VlfAtlrr l.Aci or Minrit FoncB no VlQOtl WA8tlVllXVrAKSI3 < CMllnlnll tllOJ < nlUo\l. ( ! < otn 1'nnsoNti. KITURC nsulllu.t tram Ala-jus anil Orncn t'tVPM Hpcp Ij * filet nntt ronu Irtc rcilo. rstlonotllRAtTit MaimniulMA\IIOODOUAIIASTEHI , ThoKmndc-'t illi.cuv iy uf th * MnctPMitli Cttilurj- bcnilnt onto for lllU'lrati'JI'amiihlct free. Jtdilreu VOLTAIC BEIT CO. , MARSHAU , MICH. illu - HijiioiMInhlS , S'otillroly t'nrcd by Ailuiliilsti > rlti | ; Dr. llixliici * tiolden Siccl < ip. It cnn bCKlvcn In n cup ot coffee ut ton without lhekiiov > lp < U or tti piirson tnkhig ll.Unb ululcly hntmloi' , unit will erfcct a pnrinaiiputnnJ npopdy cure , whot'if r the patient In a moderate drlukorot tv meoliullc wrvck. It li i liprn ulrpii IP tiiou- nniidi ut CASOB , mid In fvtiy initinoav ; ierr ct euro Lou followed it novvr tally Tlin s/nlun ( nice linpifgnnti'd with thn HpptlSc , It beromri u uttei Uuposiltilllty ( or tlio liquor appctllo to uxl t FOR SAru'UY roLunviNo DRUOOISTS : CO. , Cur. lOlli nnrt , inn ) i Ar rnmlncr Ht . . Oniajiu , Neb. ' H. O. FUHTIid ( V HUO. , Council niulTe. town. dill or wrllp for pnmphlt't uonlmnlnR Inindr ) i ) a-1 ; 'llinonl l IromHmtwct wouitu nnd innutram lSLUUUUTY. _ . GERMAN ASTHMA CURB I Instwilly rt < llT ( . thn mart lol nt atUok , nd I Itnmirefl rnmfortfiMe nltwp 1VO TTA1T1XO for IIK-E ] > ill.r .llfling MindbrtnliiJ tlon , Hi action in 1m-1 JinpdUtx. ilirort.indrrrialn.nndi > eiiniiiitbel Imiult In alt curnbl * cft < M > e. A single triftl ron-1 3lncM 3 tlic mnat ikpjitlc * ! . Prioo Sic. nd 1 (101 ( I of druggist , ( mill. I nay or i ; Hnmpln Krco for jutmnp > ? . U.millJKKMANX.M. l'.l , Blpn.I 21,828,850 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were ahlppod dnrlns the pagt two yocirB , without a tlriini- inorfnouretiiplny. Noothsr house In the world can triitti- Ono ucont ( dealer only ; minted In onch town , EDLQ Of tCADINQ DRUCCISTS. R.W.TANSILL&CO..D5StatnSI.Chicaao. United Statss Mara ! ) at's Salo. IN Till : Ciicuit Court of the I lilted Slates for the District ol Nebraska : Oionottcg nnd Schoentgen , , \s. D. L. Cramer and D. V. Coe , ) Public notice Is hoirb ) Klxon.that In nnconnd by vlilxicol nn older ol sale enlurcd In the nluiTd cause , on the llth dav of Decem ber , IBM , 1. Klhs L. IllorbOwor , Marnhiil ot the Unltod .States for the District of Nebraska , XTlll , on XVcdnosday. tHe nth day of January , IfW. nt the hour ot lUo'clockln thofoienooii of Raid day , In Ilio stoio liulldlnn fornioily oecuplod by hiild delondHtits , at Delolt post olllco , Holt county , Plato and district of Nebraska , wll nt public auction acerlnin stock of ( 'oodsaml chat tels , conslBlliuro ! aifoneial Htock of dry oodi , crocerloH , boots and shoos , Klox os , ladli * ' wour- Intf iippuiul , ircntlemvn'it lurnlshlnv tfoods and notions. I ulll sell 'aid Roods and uhnttels In bulk , or In lots or piece l > 3' piece m detail. F.I.IIS L. Ill Kit IKMV Kit. I' . S. Miiislial , District of Nebraska. How xut ) II. SMIIII & Wiinnir H.U.IMMN it HAL- HAM. , AtloriH'js lor i'lalntills. Red Star Line Carrylntr tticBolcliim Itoyal and United Hlitloj Mull.halllni , ' cxory Salurdiiy Between Aniwern & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. FALL AND XINTUU. . Salon from $ tW to S" > . Kvcuraion trip fiotn S110 to SU.V Bocoud Cabin , oulwniil , * F > ; puisld45 ) | ; eicuri lon. IW. Steomco iia'jiag ' * nt low ratoa. Peter Wrlirht k Hens , Ocnora Agents , U Ilroadway , New Vorlc , Henry 1'umlt , 12U F.unamst. ; Paulson t Co. H2U Faiiiam at ; I ) , I ) Fioeuiiin. 13 11'uni.iiu ' * CHICAGO' ESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only ro d fo Inko for Dc Molias , Mar- fhalltown. ( fcrtni ItatiidJ , Clinton , Hixlo. Cine 11- ( , 0 , Milwaukee und ull points unst. To tu * pro tile nf Ntl.raka , Cofoiado. Wyoming , Flah , Idaho , Npxnda. Oietroii , XVarlifnglon and Cali fornia , H attCTi Biipeilur adtuutairHs not po .l- ble by any other line Among ft few of thn numrront points of in- perlorlty enjoyed by the patron * of thl-i road between Oinnhn and Phlengo , mol \ tHt-tinloi ndaj of DAV UJACHK4 lilch ara the finest that hmnnn art and npnnullx onn create. Ita PA LACK SLIIKPINO CAHS hlch are moduli i > fo < > infnii and elejfnnco Its J'AKLOH DHAXV- ING KOOM CAIM , uniurpnsse'l bt nny , and III \tid ly CM.Ietiutd , PALATIAL DINIKU CAII , \h io > iual of n'hldi cnunnt be round oliewhein. At Con neil Illnftg lln > ( ruins of tliu I'nlon I'gcl- fla By. oonnert In 1'nion Depnt ithho | of Ilia Cblrftgo A Norlhwieiein H ) . In Chlcntro Uie tinliia of Dili line inuku cloue tonntctlon with those of nil oftstorn Itnii"- For Dntrolt , ( oluinbua. Indlnnnpoll * . Cincin nati , Nlnifitru Fnllt.nutrnlo , 1'ltlbbilri. ' . Toronto , Monlrcnl , Hoelon , New Vork , I'litlKdiilpblx , ll l- tlmor * Washington and ull I olnle In tliw omt , sk the ticket agent for ticket * via the "NOIirilWESTnilN ' If you w | h thu beit ra oirmoiations All Uckol mron's ? ell t "kv' v . \ tin * iuu . K. v WILSOX. MArut'or , Pug - > \ CJtblil < y Omaha , No b. ADDTIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS. The Insane Slntc , Tin- special lologram in yesterday's concerning tlio expected arrival lioro of \V L. Ilinirhnm , thn orn7.y inuto mur- tlcror , canard no little sensation. 1'rof. K. McKay Ouotluin. whoso life Hingham is thrc.ilcning to take , lias boon a lonelier at tiio institution lioro since August last. Ilo was forinorly n tonoltor In the North Carolina Institution , where young -HIiiR- lituu anil i.i//io , Turlington wore , tlio Connor being n pupil anil the latter a matron , lie nmlorstood that thoyxvoro soon to bo married , but the intima tion ho received concerning any throat * against him was by a telegram received 'I uosday night from hi1 * l > rollirr , snylngi " \Valtor \ lliuglmni murdered Lir./lo Tur lington , lias Mud to Noxv York. Ho thrcatons your Hfo. Show this to tlio po- lien. " In response to Inquiries made br thu Hr.n , Trot ( ioodxvin said that ho hnil knoxvn both Iho .tonne nmn nnd the young lady , but Imd paid no special at tentions lo the lady , and the allowed jealousy of Ilio young man was wholly without nnv foundation. Ho had never Hlvon Hiii liain Iho lotmt occasion for any sncli foolinit , iind had never hntl Iho least intimation Hint Itiniilinni bad any mtrli joalotisy. It conlil only nrlt-o from a dls- ordoroil inititl , and Was an ovldenco tluit , yoinifr Ilin ham ninit uo crar.y. I'rof. ( lOodxvin Hiyfl that yocng Hintj ham is a son of the latoC'olonollUnpliam , an old and | irominont rtNidotil of ( hat .stato. Ho xviis a young man of quick ) > : I HOIKH , but hall never boon in any serious trouble before. The tonnii lady xvas also n duaf ntnto. I'rof. lioothvin in naturally aimoved at havlni ; his natim eonnootoil xvith tbo iill'nlr In so unplosant a public mr.nnor , and especially as Ihoni is no foundation In fact for tlio insanu jealousy of Ilio young man who now tlnoatcns to como to this city for tlio purpose of killin ! him. Tlio ropoit Im * catisod no little stir nt the lustitiit.on , but it is pot thought tliat thci'o will bo an. > furllior sensational developments , it is hardly niMsiblo tlttit joung Hinghnm uan reach this city with out being arrested , for , being a mute and evidently insanu , ho could hardly Cfoapo detoution long before arriving hero. Thn iiolieo liavo boon xvatehing the trains , noxvovor , ami if ho should ctnuo hero liy nuv of the ordinary modes of travel ho xx ill bo taken promptly into custody. Out n Itottlc Ilj " .Vvliif ; . " Vo-iterday John Nicholson being alt > sent , bo phu'oit ayonng man named , Iohi t'onnely in charge of tlio saloon , t'onnoly being usimllyomiilfiyoil in training Nich olson's lu > r os.Vldlo \ Connely wan bo- liind tlu : bar , the cook of the establish ment. Charles IMcCloud , camp In from the kitclion and ticked for drinks. In accordance with instructions received , Connoly roftmcd lo give him any , ami MctJIond became mud , The latter wont , alter an MAC , and Connely hit him over Iho iicad with : i bottle , making .several bloody cuts. The police brought both doxvn before , Inilgo Aylosworth , xvno lined them $ ld.GO oach. I'crsonnl ( ! . \V. Alnllory , of Neola , is in tlio city. F. Hnnna , of Walnut , visited the II lull's yesterday. .1. 1) . Garrison , of Logan , xvas at Iho 1'acilic yesterday. Miss Lennli Hnylor , of Tabor , la. , is iu the city visiting tlio family of Ollicor llendrlcks. Professor Hill , jirlncipal of the Tabor RcbooJH , is In tlio citv on a brief iii'-iioclioa of the educational forces here. It is reported that .T. C. Morgan , for merly of the ( Jlobo of this city , and Intel postmaster at Kearney , Nob. , lias secured a position in the government | > riiitiii ( ollico at Washington. Miss llattie Do Vol returned yesterday from Hockford , 111. , xvhcro she has been attending the ladies seminary. She will spend the holidays nt home A warm welcome is extended her by her many young friends here. On Tuesday , as stated in yesterday's HIH : , Sarah 15. Skilus asked for n divorce from her husband , H. I Skiics. It will bo remembered that Skilc.s opened a boob and Mioo store on Main street , ne\t door to Pierco's shoo store , over a year ago , and after borroxving money under falsa pretenses xvas sent to the penitentiary. Social circles in Portland , Ore. , havrt been racked recently over a suit brought , by a florist for the price of a bouquet which a young man presented to u biidesmaid and then refused to pay for. Traveler ? .should bo prepared for the changes of weather and the effects of ex posure by providing theiubclvci xvith Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. A Nashville doctor's proscription for a lady .sufluring xvith neuralgia : A IK w bonnet , a cashmere slmwJ , a pair ot frailer hoots -ami a bolllo of Salvation Oil. The lady recovered immediately , ut course. _ Statistics in the Nexv Vork Ilerald show that deaths by alcoholism in tliii country have decreased during the past fifteen years from n ratio of 111 to Ij in each 1,000 Irom all causes. Tlio I-'irst KCPII Twinge * As the season advances , the unius und aches by which rheumatism makes itself known , nro experienced after every ex posure. Ills not claimed that lliod'u Snrsupnnlhi is n specilic for rhcumalifeiu wo doubt if there is , or can be , mmli a remedy. Itut the thousands hcucnttod by Hood's Stirsaiiaiilla , warrant VH in urging others who suffer from the rheii- matism to take il betore thn lii > > t keen twinge. The Plonk family in Mucolnton , N. C. , is long-lived , , Jo.uih | isnoxv ninety-eight years old ; his Mstcr , Mrs. Telhroxv , is 1(0 ( years , aud Mr . Weaver , unolher sister , in 10J ycnr-i of ago , Inexpensive ClirlHtmiiH ( ilH. A box of Colgate's Cashmere Hoijuct Soap is a icchcrclu ) picsent. A car load of nops , M.Odt ) poiindK , ar ved in Salt hake , l/lali , from ( jormany , one day last we.ok. They are to bo nsml in mtikitig ( iennnn beer , fK VOIJ HAVK / c'ttti lirual ; U ni ) imuiedintelv With n tow doscof Dr. ,1. II. Ali'Lcaii'.i ' Tar Wiuu Snug Halm. ' .M rentsi hotllo. Follow ing are some of the high dwell * iny houses in Ncxv Vork City : Oslioriio Hats , 171 fret in height ; DaKotU lints , I , ' ,5 lout ; .Mnnro Hats , inn juut , Nuvniru Ilitt. " , 1-H'i feet. The measiiremeni is from Ihu curb level to toot. ftionc'hlal Trooheh" niu Jiroiichitib , lJu.ufet'UL'n-i , Coughs , aud rriit'.it Iruublua. _ A liobton jiarty put a large terrapin in a box and kepi it there three inonllu without loml or drink , hast week he took it out anil touud that it xx-elghcd au ounce morn than it did three mouths ago , So says ihu .Journal , The enl > reliable cure Jur Mil Ui.D , Sago's Catarrh Hemcdy. At ( ireenvillo. I'd , , ln t week thu do mestic servants hlnicl ; for r > 0 rents more ii xxeck. 'J'lioy propoiu lo boycott any girl who refuses to join the movement nnd an } man who rctusob to pay tl > u au \ ancu An liilm .ling jfm in the C'rosby count x ( I e\ ; ( lat l i | is to tlie riled lint hum Ik-iist lev's sircondvifo , xxbom ho iinirricd la t mouth , la knitting him n p-ur of warm woolen stockings for the I inter "