Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUKSDAX DECEMBER 23 , 188ft THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS TJ1UHSDAY MOKNINO DKC , 23. OFFICE , HO. 12 , PEARL STKEET. DrlluHU l.jtarritr in nny pftrtof thtclljut 1 * nitjr tnt ptr week. II. W. TIM ON. - Manager. TKI.KFIIONESl nrnKtffiOJricr , Nn. 43 , Hioin Kniion No.21. MINOIl MI5NTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. llurlmrn for bargains. Now fnll goods sit Holler's. Additional Council HlulVs news mi pngc seven. Complete sols of Dickens for $7.50 al HiishneH's. Have you seen the new Iwoks at the Publishers' book jalc. Hooks of nil kinds very cheap til Hush- noil's. On Christmas the dummy train * will run as on .Sundays. Call and see the elegant slouk of book.- * at thi ! Publishers' book sale ? "Woman Amiinsl Woman'1 at the opera house Friday and Saturday even ings and Christniiis matinee. Him ; you seen thu now books al the Publishers' hook Palo. Don't forget Adams' elearaneo sale sign comes down January 1st and then prices will bo usually low but linn. Wo will koeit our store oneti until 10 o'clock to-night or latin * , if our friends continue location us. Harknoss Itrnthcrs. "What Katie Did Next" can bo learned al the Publishers' book .sain. "Busted" High prices on Christmas .slippers at Adams' . Hcmembur wo yell cheaper than over at Adams , ' No.117 Broadway. , " 111 the Clouds , ' by Charles Kgbort ( raddoo.k , at the Publisher ! ) ' bouk .sale. Yesterday afternoon . ) n tieo Sohnr/ tied the knot uniting A. C. Tinner , of Kansas City , anil Miss Amnmla Moore , of Albion , Nob. All the new books at away down prices nt the Publishers' book sale. Many novel costumes are being prepared - pared for the printers' masquerade. The boys o.xpoet a jolly time , and they will li.ivn it , .sure. Some unruly young men last evening created a disturbance in the. Salvation army meeting and WHO immediately "liM-d.1 Last night the Salvation army hall was crowded to overllowlng and numbers wore turned away. Kven the gallery was well filled. Prims on all holiday goods are away down at the Publishers' book sale. Permit to wed was yesterday given to C. A. Lewis and Fanny Vordy , both of this eitv ; also to tJcorge H. We.slev and Kleeta Harle.r , both of this city. One dollar saved will buy an elegant book at the Publishers' book sale. I'or sain or exchange for clear land , Council Hlntls or Omaha property , a most promising and fashionable trotting broil two-year-old stallion , standard bred. HuloH. Address P. B. Hunt , Harlan , la. Call and see the elegant stock of books lit the Publishers' . Captain O'Brien last night arrested a fellow giving his name as Frank Thile , and who seems to answer the description o ! a man wanted in Dakota for grand larceny. We carry a larger stock than over be fore. Our stock is thu cleanest , best as sorted , newest designed in the city. Our prices defy competition. See aiul con vince yourself. Hiirliorn , Jeweler , No. 17 Main St. Two books for the price of one at the Publishers' book sale. llarkness Brothers were too busy to wnto out an advertisement last night and those who wish to purchase bargains in Christmas novelties had better visit them before going elsewhere. Asyill bo seen by an announcement made in another column , Ituv. M. Bax ter , editor of the Christian Herald , is to deliver a course of four lectures in the Y. M. C. A. hall commencing this even ing. The lecture will bo illustrated and will treat of the coming prophetic events. Tom Hroous yesterday gave bonds in the sum of $ ' , ' 00 to keep the ( peace towards F.nnna ( ioodwln. She has got over her infatuation for him sooner than Iio for her , and the court now says that Tom must recover and let her alone. He promises to do so , and to try and make a man of himself. The Sons of Veterans are nrcpnring to tfvo a grand masquerade ball in Masonic hall ; to-morrow evening. Christmas eve. The tickets , including carriage and cloak room , an ; only one dollar , and a most un- joyablo ouuiViioii is jirniulsml. U'hi.s is the lirst ball { jivt'ii bv this yotuif ; or uni/.u- lion , and niiirlt ? a liberal pitronatti. : Hurry .loluiHon , whose n-al naini ) is naid to bo .Slillwull , lius can. ud lint po lice muiili troubli ) , Ho insists on bolliur- inp ; his woman , who w.ints him to t tay away and lit ! her and the children nlono. Ho was rchinscd from custody only thu Dtlinr day. proiuisinn fiiitlifullv to kcup away from thu house. Tuusitay nlglii , noL'ordin1 to this woman's - ho storyho ro- tnrnud to the IIOIIM , ' , and when .she re fused to let him in ho lucked down the door. She had him arrostud again. .lim Snoddorly and his nifo were ills- nharyed yesterday , there hclnsr no ivl- deiiL'i ) to hhow thai they had anything to do with relieving llio l < ii : drove man of ! IH ! money. Thu olhur party in thu ease , Nora ril/gorald , was bound over lo await ihe aetion of thujrand jury , and l > eiii { ! nnablti to furnish bonds , was sent to jail. Little sympathy is felt for the man , who was * M > gieen as to bo fooling around with slranu'o women , and drink- inj ; with thoni. lie has moru oxpurieiu'i' and li ! s monuy than when he struck tin * oily , and experience will nrobablv last him longer tlian money. Mwi\ioridn : | \ suits at Mrs. .1. 1C. Met- calf's for rent. None cheaper west of Chioatfo. Orilcr your carriage anJ i-t-ciire your tickets tor the grand Christmas live Masipierade of the Sons ol Votcnins , at linslincH's book store. Huy Christinas wares ofV.S \ HomortV Co , No.M Main strci.'t , ami uve money i > y so doing. When yon pay the regular price for iiiic book they give yon lira at the I'nbiisher.i' book sale. Nearly u car load of " , lei 's Hoys" hnvo nrnvcd at ihel'nblislicrs' book * aie. They are a lively sot of follows. Her I.over Skipped. The ease of Mel'adden , arrested for thu ( eduction of a dining room girl at Wal nut , Is still fresh in the memory of many , lit ; was discharged on thu preliminnry hearing had before Indgo Aylusworth , but the grand jury has since indicted him. His friends seem to have kept him posted , and when the officers started out to nrivst him ho llew , and Ins where abouts cannot bo learned. Ho 1 u sa loon keeper , and will probably be found behind some bar further west. We hnvo nJino largo TTiio of Christmas nov.eltios Hint wo are soiling cheaper thim ever was kiui\vnl ulsq niulllers , silk handkerchiefs , ladies' and gents' gloves , 'clothing , line tca'Ulcin eupt > , etc. JOHN HINO & Co. that JIU ! pfil 1m fn fi AV * * * k MMft * ii Ann m * TIII nnnT\r n TOI 1 1 ILOhE Or THE MURDER TRIAL SloJor Willi'vi Maintains His Silence and CRJS Nothing for Himself. THE CASE GIVEN TO THE JURY. JlinVatntil Seducer Skip * A CI-A/.T 3lutc Mudcrcr Tlii-calcns * Coun cil Ilufl > I'rofcsBor PcrsoiiAl McntloiiH niul .Short Items. ( Jlvcn to tU tlur.v. Itul c J.oofbourfv .mil recovered from lie illness Mtllicicntly to preside in court vcstcnlaj' , and the trial of Major Will- ams for I he murder of .lames I Inches wasrcsnmcd. Only two wituosM-s were for the .state yesterday , one belnjj ; , who was ( pilte uncnnimunic.v live. He was pretty full tin nljrht of llio shooting , and was carrying bcc troiu the saloon of the Metropolitan hotel to tlie Union Avcnno hotel , where Hughes , and others were drmkltip Little could be col from him in regard to the shooting of Iliighcv , He had stepped out of the room and did not hear the shots or the men run. When litMjuiiie _ in HuglicN was lying on the Moor. Like ( le.rspaehcrhu seemed rather unwilling to tell what ho did know about the allair. Mr. Patrick , who was altrndinir the bar at the Metropolitan hotel thai night , tes tified to Williams mid two others being in there a short time before Ihe shooting. Conncly came in after a pail of boor to take over lo Hughes. Williams : > iul his comrmles made special intuiryas | lo who wii" over to the hotel , and while Conwly was there they took some whiskv and .some hour wine , ana poured it in the bucket of boor. Then one of thnm took the beer back of llic ice box , out of sight , and did something with it before bring ing it back. The Mate insisted from this evidence thixl Uioy drugged and mixed Iho drinks so as lo slupify those over at the Union Avjniie hotel , and thus bo en abled the easier to carry out their inten tion of killing Ilnghe. . This closed llio evidence on tin : part of Ihe .state. On the part of the defense nol a simrlo witness was introduced. Kven Major Williams did not go on the stand to attempt to explain any of the damag ing facts brought out against him. The fad of his continued silence could nol but cause Ihe average observer and listener at the trial to believe that he did not dare tell what ho knew of thotrajjedv. Under the laws of the state Iho prosecn'l- ing attorney could not comment in IMS address to the jury concerning this .silence of the accused. The fact mat any innoeent man would naturally have one on the stand and denied the shoot ing , made the continued silence ot the defence strongly against Him though. No attempt was made to produce any evidence in favor of Will iams , and as soon as the state had rested the artrinnonU bc-ran. Dis trict Attorney Thonicll reviewed the tes timony iiuite cluarly. Ho recalled the fact of these three strangers coming lethe the city and hanging about the Union Avenue hotel , where Hughes was stop ping. How they annibcd the .suspicions of the police , ana wore watched. They wore seen in diflbrent saloons , but always together. Meeting Captain Wallers , then of the police force , they claimed they were going lo stop al Ihe Ogden hou = e , and went so far as lo resistor there in order to throw the ollicers oil' the track. They went to the Union Avenue iiolel in the afternoon and had a quarrel with Ilnghcs , Williams being llu leaaer of the party. Afterwards they learned that liquor was being taken over to Hughes , and they doped it. Then tlic.y wont over and had another quarrel with Hughes. Williams drew a revolver and ( Joorgo ( icrspaclier interfered and made him put it up. In two or three minutes later Hughes was .shot. . The stale claimed Ihuro was a con spiracy between Williams , Unaeh and Curran lo kill Hughes , and that Williams was to do the act. The district attorney in his argument insisted that the evi dence was snflieicnt to show that Will iams was guilty of murder. Hut in ad dition to that evidence was the dying declaration of Hughes. He told several that Major Williams was the one who shot him. Ho knew that lie was going to die. aniMiad Iho priest called. The district attorney scored ( Jerspachor vorv sharply. Ho had neon right there , had seen the whole allair , and yet was unable lo remember , and was very anx ious to conceal the fads. Ho was evi dently anxious to shield Williams , and was willing to help conceal the guilty murderer. Colonel Daily had a hard task to per form , bill he went at it conragconsly.and made a remarkably strong appeal for the prisoner. Ho spent a goodly portion of the throe hours in which ho addressed the jury , in criticising the districl attorney , the grand inry , the court , and the wit nesses. lie declared the prosecution to be a most wicked one. Ho claimed thai Ihero was no evidence to show any con spiracy. The mere fact Unit three men were efiii together in two or three dif ferent places in the city , was all there was to show any o.xcusn for claiming a conspiracy. IT was sheer nonsense lo claim Unit this was any evidence of a conspiracy. If that kind of evidence was to sullire , then any ono could be convicled , no mutter how innocent , The eloquent colonel urged thai there was nothiii' ' showing thai Williams tired the shot , Not one witness had been pro duced who saw him lire it. No ono claimed but that it might have been tired bv one of the other men in the room. Tlio evidence In regard to the alleged dying .statement of Hughes was also gone over carefully and in detail. It was claimed by thu defense ihal there was nothing in this evidence to show but that some one rise than the prisoner was meant by Hughes when ho said , "The major shot mo. " Tlio title of major might have been worn by Itoaoli or by Cnrran. The declarations of Hughes were not definite enough , and clear enough to warrant the jurors in deciding when ho made Ilium ho meant lo be umlor.-tooU that Williams was Iho one who ohot him. The argnmcnt-ion both sides showed considerable bad blood between the dis trict attorney and the attorney for the defense. Colonel Daily particularly devoted - voted much lime and talent to prodding and punching the district attorney , and in his closing arirunicni Iho district ut tornoy was eager in hi attempts to get sweet roveniro. Hoth gentlemen wore listened to closely by a goodly sl/.ui ! audi ence. The case was given to the jury last evening , and the prediction is made llna they will hang- nol the prisoner. L. H. ( 'rafts & t'o. are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. Sec them before securing your loans. An line of short wraps , new- markets , etc. , cheap , to close thorn out. JOHN Hiso : X Co. ICflio Klleler. Miss Kllsbr appears as Bcssio Burton , the Workman's Wife , in ' 'Woman Against Woman , " to bo given 1'riday ami Satur day at the opera houso. Mis ; Hllilor is by talent , hentago and training , entitled to a front rank among American actresses. SlmiS the daughter of the celebrated American elm'raeteractor , John K. KlUler. She has -from childhood been upon the fctago ; nor , oxpcricnco dating Iwiek to the great KUwin Forre'M , to morn 1 n rflat'vo. 1 * W * " * . ! - _ f whom she played leading opposite parts when she was but thirteen ycnrs of age. Harry Sullivan , the famous Knglish trngedian , said of her : "She is the greptoit actress for her Inches in the world. " The Chicago Herald , in speak ing of her successful week there , says ; "Ono finds pleasure in praising so con scientious an artist , She possesses charms peculiarly her own. Her pathos appcnlsj irresistibly to tltchardrst oreasl , anil bcr comedy is of Iho kind thai makes the heart laugh. " The Miicllcr.l'rcociitfl. Holow ; s a list of twenty presents which will bo distributed on .January 1 , 1887 among tlio o who hold tickets. Kverv W ) com purchase entitles you to ono ticket. Fiit-T rur.srxr One largo Music Hox. $ 0.00. Sr.roNi * Pitu-r.xT One line Lady Doll , four fnct high , $ n."iW ) . Tiiiiin PIHMNT : : One Musical Cigar Holder , -f 15.00. Forum I'HI : < IXT : Ono Musical Cigar Holder , Firm I'in : ixT : One line drc scd Doll , Hey , | 8.00. SIXTH I'III > INT One line dressed Doll , 17.00. .Sr.viiNTM I'llKsnsT Ono line Doll , $0.00. Kmimi I'III--KNT Ono Toilet Set. $5.00 , NINTH l'ui > KXT-nnc Fancy \\ork HasK \ .f.VOO. TKVIH l'ui > KNT Ono 1'ancv Work Ha kot , fi.UO. KI.KVKXTII PKK-KNT One OdurCa'-e-- .7.r , . TWT.I.ITII Pii ! > ixT : Ono Odor ( Vo ! , Tminr.r.vrii I'IM > KST One Toilet Case-1. ! . I'ontniKNin | 'IIMNT ! : : One Hisiqtto Figure S'.MM. FtlTI'KNTII I'ltOKNI'-'OllO HisiqllO fig- nref 1.75. SIXTIXNIII I'iir.-ixT : One Cun and .Saucer $1,75. SKVKNIT.UNTII I'II : > U.NT One Cup and Saucer $1.50. KiiiinU.MII I'IJUM.NT One Pair Ya es * i.r > o. NiMiTKr.Nrii Piir.-KXT One Statuary * , I'KI > INT : One Swiss House - $1.00. BWo sell our gooiN lower than any other in th eitv and invite an inspection of goods and prices. Mrii.i.i-it : : MrMr COMPANV. No. 10H Mam Slrcot , Council lUull's. Five liuiidred overcoats for boys and children , from $1.50 up. Mr.K'Ai.r Hiti ix. Heating stove < atco t to close them out A. Wood , No. 504 Main slrccl. Weather strips at Chapman's. 105 Main st. _ Klectric door bi'lls , burglar alarms and every form of domc < tic electrical appli ances at the New York numbing Co. New goods and Christinas Novelties at Kirkland's , jeweler , No. I1. ! ' ! ) Hroadway. Don't buy your now suit or overcoat until you look at those at Mctc.ilf liroV Hard ami soft coal , best quality , nil si/.es. Missouri and Iowa wood. ( ' . H. Fuel company , Oil ! ) Hroadway. Tele phone I'M. Over $100 worth'of presents free to our customers on February 1. One chance with each SJie purchase. Moore iV. Kip- linger , No. 11 ! Hroadway. A lini' , large _ line of the most elegant watches , chains , .silver and plated ware , decorated China and glassware , suitable for holiday and \viddinir ; presents , at C. H. .lacqnomin tt Co.'s , No. 27 Mam street. Sci that your books are made bv Mooro- hotiso & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Notice Opera house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. Weather strips al Chapman's 105 Main. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. .1. W. & K. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Hlnll's. Centorville soft-lump coal , .f.75 : ! per ton , delivered , Win. Welch , ii5 ! Main street , telephone ! ) : ! . Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! tor the. next thirty days 1 will sell honling stoves at cost for cash only. P. C. NOVELTIES t nil it j/nii mini' for H. tit opened leu cits ? * of Xorelt'cs e ) icri < iUy finClirtstiiHts. . You run /Iml iirtirly EVERYTHING You u'ttnt inttoim tltrin tiinltltc prt- ivsut'e rt'i'iloir. . J la re itlsdjiixt i'1-ceii'i'il n rci'inlir lot of Litre. Srui-fn innl J-'isrlius , in'i'xrntufor ijon lo imilH1 lo Our assortment Is law , "f Silk Huid- ; kcrchinfs , .Mufl'Iers , ICinbroiilorod : uitl lli > mstltelinl lluullorchicf.s ; , Kid Cloves , .Silk Dnsua ) , etc * . , isle. Table Linens Kli'gant Table l.iiu-ns in pattern and by the yard , and nupkin- mat < 'h. Vonr sulling In all si/fs ut noniinally low prices. Conic and look over our largo stock and yon will find on some one of our three lloors something you will want and you will save money by bnjinjj ii of us. \Vc do not give lottery tickets nnd eon- M'tnienlly yon do not have to pav any extra price for the gooiU. HARKNESS BROS H , . KICB , M. D. . . Or other Tumor * reimiv < > < ! without , tlo kllift ) orilrnwlnc of blood. Orcr Unity rearb prHclionlei-p No. 11 IVarl Bi. , Ciiuncil IlluIIs. . "What Kiity Did" next ciiu bo .learned ' ut tile rnblinlleVs' book talu. EON IIDNDlftJMiREE GIFTS To Be Given Awy By Henry Eiseman & Oo. ' People's Store , TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January 1.1 III , 1NM7 , Con ltltiK of Furniture , ChltiAivnrc , ClDtlilnj ; , UlanUoti , Table Iiiiien , Notion * , Money , 811k Urcss Pat tern * , Hie. , Etc. For every two dollar's worth of goods purchased , you will receive n coupon ticket , good for one chance in the follow ing ( Jrand Pie.'onts to be given away by us on .lannary 15th , 1837 : FIHST IMllXK-Onn suite of Parlor Furniture , consisting of sofa , tete-a-tete and lour grand easy chairs , all uphol stered in assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth $135. SECOND PKl/K-Onc Mahogony Bed Hoom Suite , consisting of Bedstead , Dresser and Wash Stamlof elegant linish with hoveled glass , worth $100. THIRD PKl/K-Ono of the very best Fix-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew ing Machines. The very best machine in the United States , worth $05.00. FOURTH PIUXK Twenty yards ( Uiiuptt best gros grain Black Silk , cost 111.00 tier vanl , worth $0f .00. FIFTH PR1XKOne elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to be made to order to lit the Inek.y ticket holder , worth $ ( .0.00. SIXTH PRIXH-One pair of the finest White Blankets made by the I'ionccr Woolen mill , of California , worth $40.00. SKVKNTlj PUIZIv-Ono Beautifully Decorated Dinner ami Tea Set , consist ing of one hundred and forty pieces , worth $ , V .00. KUSHTIl PRlHK-An Elecanl Seal Skin Muff , worth $ ! HI.OO. NINTH PIUXK--A very line Paisley Shawl , worth ! f5.00. ( ! TKNTI1 PRIXKOne Angora Beaver Shawl , worth $ .10.00. KLHVKNTH PRIXK Ono ( ienllemanV Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a tine fit for the winner , worth $ ! I5.00 , TWELFTH PR1XH-A ( Scntloinan's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth $ :10.00. : THIRTKKNTH PR1RE - Ono Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of II and II ! years , to be chosen by the lucky party holdinjr the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIXE Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! 1 and 10 years , to be selected by the winner. Worth $15.00. FIFTEENTH PRIXE-Onc Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIXE One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIXE One piece elf f > 0 yards "trail of the Loom" muslin , worth $1.00. EK'HTEENTH PRIXE - One half do/en of the very best Celebrated " ( ! old" white shirts , of which we are the exclu sive agents , worth $ ! .00. N1NTEENT11 PRIXE-One Fine Silk Mulllcr , worth $5.00. TWENTIETH PRIXE-Onc Linen Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth ana a Do/en Aapkins wortli $10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PRIXE A Cash Present of ti Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22One Toilet Set. No. 23 One very tine Doll. No. 2-1 One Handkerchief BOY. No. 25 Ono elegant Hand Bag. No. 'JO One large Doll. No. ! i7 One Stand Cover. No. 28 Ono bottle line Perfume. No. 2U One Toboggan Cap. No. 30- One Table Scarf. No. ! 51 One line Splasher. No. : I2 One line Lunch Basket. No. : ) ' 3- One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. ! M One-half define Towels. Mo. : One Silk Umbrella. No. SO One line Doll. No. 37 One set China Dishes suitable for little folks. No. :13 : One Brass Broom Holder. No. 89 Ono nair Men's Silk Suspend- crs. crs.No. . 40 One. Silk Handkerchief. No.11 One nice Doll. No. 43 Ono-lmlf doz. ladle's line I/men Handkerchiefs. No. 43- Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern. No. 44 One Boy's Hat. No. 45 One Boy's Sealskin Cap. No. 4(5 ( One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Set. No. 48One nice Doll. No. 40 One line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 5l--One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief. No. 5U One child's tine Lace Collar. No. 54 One elegant Doll. No. 55 Ono elegant Doll. No. 50 One Tidy. No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. 58 One tine Doll. No. 50 One Mouth Organ. No. i0 ! One. Inutatio'n Steam Piano. No. ni ( ) ne line Book. No. 02 One linn Book. No. ( -Ono Pocket Knife. No. Dl-One line Doll. No. f5 ! One line Doll. No. Oil One Dr. Warner's Coi'hct. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 One'w La < ; o Cap. No. 0 ! ) One baby Dress. No. 70 One largo Doll. No. 71 One llanit Bag , No. 72 One lady's Companion. No. 7t-OnoSilk : Mutller. No. 74 Ono largo Doll. No. 75 One line Book , No , 7 < ! One line Book. No. 77 One Lunch Basket. No. 78One pair children's Shoes. No , 7fl-Onn pair boy's Boots. No , 80--Ono line Lace Collar. No. 81 One large. Doll. No. 82- Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket. .No 83 One pair ( iuntloiinui's Sus penders. No. 81 Ono pair Men's ( Moves. No. 85- One pair Boy's Skates. No , 80 One pair Cirl's Skates. No. 87 One pair ( Jirl's Skates. No , 88 One. line Doll No -nOno ! > line Doll No. 00One largo Doll No. ill One largo Doll No. 1)2 ) Ono Nfeklaeo No. IM One pair Cold Cull' Buttons No. 01 One. Lookot No. 05 One nieJj Brcait Pin No ! K1 One pair Sleeve Buttons No. Or One .Silver Thimble No. iiS-Onu linn Breast Pin No HU-Onn ntir : Kid ( ilovns No. 100 One I Into Handkerchief Total value of parents , $ 00. \ \ itli every $2 purchase you receive a ticket , aluo a ticket for every additional $2 purchase you uiahe. Hold your tickets until January 15th , 18K7 , when the fortunate numbers will bn announced and invited to call and re- You have to imy nothing extra for your purchases. We guarantee- sell you floods cheaper thim any oilier house in the west , and best stock lo select from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if you were present in person. These distributions will bo inadu with every fairness , and you maV depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo issued lo tlte em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call and see the above mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince ybursclf. Respectfully , HKNUV EIK > IAS & Co. , People' * Store , . ' Nos. 81 , 310 , 318 and UiO Broadway , Council Blull * . Holiday Gifts A sub Mniitinl present Is alwavs most appreciated by the receiver. We are do ing out all of our furniture consisting of Elegant Easy Chairs , Divans , Ottomans. Hassaeks , Foot Hosts , Musio Hacks , Kto. , Ktc , to make room fox targets and Upholstery. This furniture is our own manufacture , and superior in workmanship and material to factory made goods. Wo are prepared to make to or tier on short notice , Hair Moss and Cotton Mattresses , Turkish Spring Beds and Bedding of all kinds , and to Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds. Mr.Stockert Personally Superintends all work. Council Bluffs Carpet Co , , 405 BROADWAY. P K. OKCl'TT. I. iU.Tlcr.Y.VOU , ii : .STO 'KiilT : BUTTERINE BUTTERINE ; WlioliNiilo mid retail. Families supplied with ten mill twenty pound park- IIJJCS. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs FARM LANDS CHAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to f 10.00 per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cent interest , hand Buyers fare free Information , etc. , given by - No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Freidrikson & Co. , Chicago. D LIEGES Fully Kqiilppc. ! Nnriniil nucl CoinniC'i-plnl Dutmrlmonls. Tuition Hook * , llonnl anil HooniB nt Itunsonnblt ! HHICS. Nlicht School Dunn ? tliu Winter. S. OP 'O-IT-jSOET , E > ro = t. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KOTJSOSS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. IMPLKMEXT3. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , WIloltSHlO Agricultural Implements , Buggies , Cnrrla rs , Tie , Tto. Council nlulTs , lown. KEYSTONE"MANUFAtvruiuNG coT MniiufiicturcrNor nml Delators In D Hand and Power Com Stiellsrs , Anil aKt-norul linn of nrft cla s iifrrlculturn Nos. If.lil , I'M , 1iV nml ,1597 ronth Mnln Street , _ Council H.uff , low . DAVID HKADLKY * CO. . Mnnuf'i-8 an 1 .Inbtiors of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Baggies , CarrlRBCf. nnrt all kinils of F rm Mnohlnerir. 1100 to 1110 Soutb Mnin Street , Counoll Uluffi , IOWA. CAWRT.1. COUNcB.UFFS evRl'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , UpliolMory Qoo Xtc. Na 405 llronclwaj- Council DlulTs , s , TOHACCO. JTC. PKREOOY & MOOKK , Wholcunln .lohlinrn In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Not. MMaln and 'J7 I'exrl SO. Council IllutN , r.YM.S / > 7O.V. SNYDKH & J.KAMAN7 STOIIACJK Fruit and Produce Commission Mercliants. a , i < and L'8 Pi-Hi St. , Council IllntK /j ; ; rj(7/.srA / HARLE , HAAS , Vi CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , n' Sundries. I'.te. No. Slain St. , imJ No. " . ' 1 1'enrl SI , , Cnunull Illuffg. Hlt'lTF. O , W. JJL'TTS , Wholesale Califorflii Fruits a Specialty Ounernl Cominifflon. No. &t2 Jli Rdw r , rouni-ll BlnlTi ) . " WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , AND- COMMISSION , Nos. Iflnnd 18 I'earl St. , Council Hindu. HAItXESS , KTO. BECKMAN , STROHBKHN & CO. , llniiu'acttircrsof and Wlinlosiilu Ooiluriln Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ka Main Et. . Counollniufj _ ! , lowsu HATH , rAI'SjK'l'C. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No * , a1 ? iiiniau nroa-Iirny , Council " 2'T'- : _ UK.IVY KEELINE & FELT , \VliolosalH Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Sto.'k , C'ouni : ! ! ll ! ill's , ( J//.S. COL'Nl'IL BLUFFS OIL CO. , WliuU'Etilu Denier * In Illuminating & LubricitiaS Oil ; Ginllu . , EiTO. P.Thoodoro.Ak'fnt , Council llluffa. Iowa. LCUUKH A. OVERTON * CO. . Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , ind llridgo Mntori.-U Spcfiallloa.Wliolosale Lum ber or U Klnda. lltQco Nu. l&l Mala ril _ , Council Illutr * JOWH. A.M ) JOHN LINDEU , Imported and Domestic Wine ? & Liquors Ayciit for St. Gotlb&rci'a Herb Illitcra. No.U Mulutiu Council UlutTi. fcCHNEJDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wioas and Liquors , AotCW AfuiJi i't. , couilcif ! uj * . L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 110 Ilroadnay , Council llluffn. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladicbbuying a 5 ; ; hat or bonnet , oncfnr will be paid ; $10 , lounil ( rip. SPECIAL NOTICES. 2STOOTIOE. Special adrurtisL'incnli. fucli ns Lost , I'O'.iiul 7oI.iiinIor Sale , To Hunt , Vi nt , Ruaiiilnir , etc. , will lielneertcil In thin column ut the low iatoomN : CENTS ] 'EK LINK forihotlrst Inser- innaiid I'ivoCenlBl'crl.lnuforcaL'h < ulsu ) > inunt itiMTlion. I.ciivn advortUoinunlH : it our uOlcn No. 11 ! 1'oul Ftroct , near llroailwny , Council WANTS. WANTHD Ity a iNwjrr of n.\pcrlencn , fair libriiry and ollli'i * f uriilnin * . liU'lmlliiK sato , linrsriiiid fiutrKy , Hilda lltllc money , a piirtnur- chip In real citato liuelncss in Oiuilia or itcnk rooin In nn onico. Ilex ! > ! , No\r Hainiiton , Iowa. \\7'ANTED A ynunir pirl lo help do hon > .c- ' noik ilurlnn : tlio raciitloii t > ( thu oliv schoolH. Address .1. M. , Dec o'liri , Colincll IlluIIs. FOIt -IlnrliorHhop.uooU : locnlinii , trend ren on I'orBnlllns : . Addrnsn II , lien ollii'c. WANTHI'OJUIiorcrgnnd .10 loiunetcr.s to work on ( ho Southern Kiuipa railroad In I lie Indian l nlloryr , ( ) inlUs i-oiith ol Klonra , Kansas. The lure from Kansas City to KUnra Is JH..HI. Ily inklnv a receipt of llio apcnt at KiuiiiisCily , In the naino of I' . Slicnllclil , tire hale or will > > t < allowed Ity the uontnictor. \ViiKPii IM pur month and hoard to thu Inain- Btors.and H.M per day lo Ilin lahorerc > . Itonrd fl.r ! > ' ) per week , Worh will last two years. ( lood work for wl'jtur. Tor further Intorma- lion address C. licntlrUI , K'lowii , Kansas , llof- eicuce , JuMlco N Schtiiv. , Council IllullH. Foil I AIK-Or Kent -Store building.IMM ) . two otorle' , lot ii.lxlfn , stnljloa , ittc. , on premlicit in eontor of hiiAlne > : < < portion ol' linn. cock. la. AddrcM William II Hutler , > oohi. la. FOlt IIGNT A now two glory frnuiu houuo onntalriluirn room- , hall ami orllnr umlnr rnllro IIOUHO , on N. K. cornrr Aventin F and Little Curtis Urccl. Only 7 lilcifks from Do- Imny'b opera houin. Call on M. 1' . Hohrvr , fit ICt ! .Main Mroet , ( up-ntalr.4) ) , WANTHD A uotlaifo ol tire or MX rooniH. loratoil eoiivunlent to liuslnrns ; .muiitl family , no uhlldrun. Addrrsn "Crlipy , " lire WANTKI hey wllh pony to carry Il < > route. ) . , ; - ( ) papcra lor sale at thu ll e oltice. WAN'rHD-rarllesliitcndliitf to hn married are wanted to iinll at the 1'ryor'n lieu juli office to tiflccl their wuddlnv canU. Tf OI'SU A hunch of Kuys , Owner can linvo -1. hyapplyliiM'to llco ollicu. Pl'ND ) A flieel. nn Qimiha hank. Owner ran have Hiimti hy npplyliiH to lieu olhce , Council Illutrs. MELVIN SMITH & CO , , M 1 i -OIISTO I McMAHON & CO , Abs tacts of Titli , Loan an 1 R.-al2s tat-3 Broker. : , No. 236 Mala St. HIP "inott bli ; ( ihfiti'nrt ht > oln in thin count ij- Isnoiun ti thu Mt'Mttlion AbMi'iin Jlonlis , " iri'ttiTiioui iii'cintrcillofui'- nlsli iibxt facts nml fcnin'ctfnllii ao- livit llm jiufi'oiHiyr.of all tlioHiilrtili' - imj rnt't'i'ct iihKli'itrts oftiHi : to lands anil lota in I'dttairatliiinitt count u , mm SMITH a co , , NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. JOHN V S'JONn. JAfOll STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS- -LAW , Practk't. ) in ( lie State and Federal court * . Koouia 7 unii H Shngarl Bciio BO'L- ] | I THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supp'v yon with cleaner mid btttci quality of COAL Than any one in the city. A trial will con vince you. N'uflJS Hroadway. Telephone 110. CRESTON The only hotel in Council Uhut's having v IF1 } re E3soa/pe And all inoJcrn improvement ! , 215,217 and 211) ) Main tt. MAX MOIN ) , P.op. . Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , BROADWAY , COI'NCIL BLU1 FS , 0'i | > obllu Dummy Depot , > \ am K Horses and mules kept oon-tanth on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Oilers promptly lillcd by contract on short notice. Stock sold on comniU.Mon. SiiLi'TKUiV BOI.KV , Proprietor. Telephone No. 111. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables corner lit. avc and 4th street. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large < [ uantitif lo select fioin. Several pairs of line drivers , sin gle or iio"ble. MASON WISE. Council HI nil's. OFFICER & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A. TELEPHONE 100. J xa FIRE IRSURSKCE It ] 11)0 ) following Companies ; Oilman American , of New York Fliirnlf,1 ef llatt/om , Hartford , * of Hotfont , Callforntan , of San Fianflito , Scettiih Union & National , of Cillnb.itf , UnhnafSan Francises. Slate. * afDti Moliiti. Wllllanifbitrg City , ' cfBteoklyn. Those mninetl ttitli a * inline also nyainit Ittit by IVIml Storms , Cyclonci and Toinurtots ron s * .F IN I Ot'Nl II. Jiiu , f r- AMI OMAHA ON1CV LOANED ov ( , oo cirv AM ) I'Ml M l-KOlT-lin LoWK UAIT.S. " * * " + * * * COMING PROPHETIC EVENTS ! l > urinr Iho neU few years hefinu the year 111 * ) ( in-ill IteliirloiiK ' Mn'ullil Ailxentof I'hrlM. and lesurre"ilon ( ami Ax.-envlnn of I lirlMlani ) Without Dylntr ! TEERIDLE WAKS AN D EAUTHQUAKEBI InchiilliiK' Ivii 'liinUV los-iil' Iri'lnnd mill Indln , anil l'oniii | < ts | niUrrnmn l > > I'raner , ehnnifinr " .I KliiKiKim- Danliil 8 pindUU-d rYiinco- HOIIIHII Coufeileriiey ol 'I'en Kingdom" , prior Id .N'npdlrnii'c Anti-CliiKI'H Severn Vi-aiV C v * iiant wllh the . .lewlOiiniel til. ' 'I ; It. Vl , Kpieail ot Soeialbni , ( 'ommiiiilxin , Nllilllun , Iled-llepuhll < > anl4in , Hpli Illun linn , enlirilnolliiK InlhoCreat Trllnilntlon and Aiill-l'hiNl Mntfil emot Myrl.uU of I'ln i tlain dinln r thrcr and a hull'yeais , mill Ihen the .Mllluiiiililin or IIKX ) yeiirn. i'U ! . ( .Mall x | v. ril ; IC v. * > ' . IIKV , .M. IIAXTKK , Hdltor of Ilin Chrlttiaii lleralil iwhieli clicillatns ' 'TU.dill coplrH every weelu ami ClerK.vnmn ol I lie I'huicii of I'.ng ( ami , will Klvit I'liur lerlnri' < i on lhc > Coinlnv ( Jreal Uvents of 1'iopheey llliMlralt'd with Tnenly Laiyu I'icluifts ! At Hie c. - . Cunicr Main ami llroadwav , TIU'IHI ) \ V , liic iiOp. : : in . rillDVV , l > o- . ' 'lib , at I ; : ifl .V7oUp.m. : , KA'I'I IIDAV , Dec. 'ith al'il < ) p HI , BOOK BINDING ( .rilXi'i'M , .BiMiriiuls , < 'oiiily nml itaiili VorUol'All KindN aSirc | > fully Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & GO , Hoom 1 Kvcrnt lllot-U , Council Hlnflf Standard J'apcr.s 1'nud Ad iylf of binil- ing in M.igu/.iticH and BLANK BOOKS. . . I. ' . II. .Vaiional lla.ik , M. K. Himth .V Co. , ' Clli/.i'iifc' ' Hunk , Drrre , WvlU .V Co. , Urst .Vallonnl Hunk. C. II. Innur.tnci ) Co. , Officer & J'Ukeir.Haukurs.u. " s. > uur * Hunk , Buy COAL Of a MAYNE , At Kill H ! anil lltli uve. , ami M. diilla- fflfi-r'n store , I.uHev liromlwuy. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ofilcc o\cr American f-