Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    nAFATTA T ATT.V rpTTTT'n.Q'n AV. 9' * 1QOR
Novelties. argains , Our Present
In holiday goods consist of n vast number of boauliful mid newly designed arti For the holidays wo have bought nn enormous lot of Overcoats , I'oa Jacket" , Our slock has never been in such a splendid condition to meet the demands of Something which Itm tievor before
cle ? in Munlors , Silk Handkerchiefs , Nockwcar , Gloves , 1'ino 1'auoy Underwear , and suits for boys and men. IJeglnning with tiio Ovot coats , we are going to sell the people , lining entirely now and made expressly for us , thorp is not another been done Is what we are now dolng.lhat
I ur nnd Sealskin Caps , Night Robes in Flannel. Canton riunncl nntl Fine Hand for the holidays only , a number of chinchilla nnd beaver Overcoats $ , $ , stool : of goods in the elty so desirable to choose from. The stocks of Overcoats , is giving awa.v au artlclo that Is not trash
kerchief oirccr. A large number of Ovcreoatn nnd Suits , suitable and bought expressly and $0 , that cannot bo bought elsewhere for from $8 , $10 and $15. The I'eu Suits Overcoats , Underwear Suits and , gloves L-'urnhhini , Hats and ( foods Caps , Tie * . Slnrti. Children ? ' and HoyV and wouhless. We glvo to those who buy
, : , nre as oomploto now as a large , well si -
pressly for the holidays , Finn leather and nlligalorTravoliiig BURS. Any ono Jackets we sell for f2.50 , nrc woith at loasl . > . They nro ALIi WOOL AND lecleti line of goods can make them , ? tC worth or more , n gold headed cano ,
of these articles would nml.c a veiy ticrrptablp present and that will be FLANNEL LINED. A most suitable present would be one of our Jersey Office that retailed . This
, ono is at 53. fa
ap Coats which can be bought for $ .1 , fi M ) and $5 50. Underwear , we will sell from The \eu' York and Omaha Clolltinu Co. 1 * Hie ISi'mhBUiirtcr * for something
preciated. ? 5c a suit to $15. A fine all wool worsted suit for $10 , woi th $15. < > uoi1 < 'ooiU and Kotv B'rlce * . that you will not bn given every day and
you should take advantage of it.
TLe Proceedings of YesteidayY Scssiou of
Hcbraslia's Educators.
A Ijnrao Niiiiilior r Nolnrlo ? I'uldlc
( . ° iiiinihKluiic' ! < l ticncral 'lliuyor
ri * thuViiiuoirH ItolioT
The county superintendents' conven
tion was in session through the day yes
terday at the olllco of the slate superin
tendent. The attendance at the session
- was creditable nnd the discussions long
and animated. All aimed at resolutions
looking toward changes in the law to
Minplify Hie present laws and engraft
upon the legal lore of the stale now laws
loc-tfrcdila and amelioralo Iho present
condition of tlio fohool laws and school
olliei-rs , and as the discussion would fore
shadow for Iho general good
of Iho general public. At Ihis
convention Superintendent Jones is pre
siding and County Superintendent Me-
dusky , of Lancaster , is secretary. The
following county miperinlondcnla were
in attendance- . N. Hart/ell , of Buf
falo E. A. Enright , lioono ; L. E. Coolcy ,
] titler , , D. M. Amsboiry , Custcr ; W. C.
Dibble. , Dakota ; F. C. Tym , Dodge ;
James H Humor , Douglas ; J. 15. Sctlon ,
J'lllmotx , Li , t ) . Ilorham , Gage , K B.
Barton , Ilamillon ; C. A. Manville , Holt ;
E. B. Cowles , Jelicrson ; W. D. Conir-ton.
Johnson ; F. D. McClusky , Lancaster ;
John T. Nosbit. Lincoln ; B. W. Baker ,
Morriok , W. JSieh , Nonaha ; William
Vallontine , Otoe ; Airs. Mina Ilopwood ,
IMiolps ; Charles Gales , Pierce ; J. C. liaho ,
Polk ; John J. Faulkner , Hlchardson ; . ! .
D French , Saline ; S. C. Bond , Sarpy ;
Mjron AV. Warner , Seward ; S. S. Mnr-
phy , Sheridan ; F. M. Gallant , Thayer ;
: md K. S. Franklin , York. The conven
tion is in its work taking up the school
laws in a methodical manner and if
'lOeessary will continue its session over
until to-morrow , that the work that they
will present to Iho leglalattire may bo
ratified because thoroughly considered
in advance. Yesterday at noon the entire -
tire assembly adjourned upon invitation
of Chancellor Mamitt to visit tlio now
labrntory al the stale university , which is
the especial pride of all connected with
that institution. And another feature of
the superintendents' ' convention not to
lie overlooked is tiio delegation of a half
dozen school book agents , who surround
n county oflicial at ovcry turn and press
for recognition their especial books for
the thumbing of the young.
The governor yesterday commissioned
the following American citizens , resi
dent in Nebraska as notaries public , thus
adding to tlio plethoric list of these of
ficials already In the stale : Ciiiciniiatus
J. Hills. Harvard , H. A. Kiifus , Uavbnnu ;
O J. Collman , Broken Bow ; William
Murthi , Fremont : Benjamin F. stnufl-uri
Fremont ; F. H. Ualbraith , Omaha ;
George K. Pritchett , Umiiha ; Edgar
H Scott , Omahai John Hammond ,
Omaha ; Frank E. Bell , Omaha ; Geo. F.
llnsKoll , Omaha ; Saniuol S. Van Buran ,
Omaha ; Doxlor L. Thomas , Omaha ; Ed-
nuiiul C. Lane , Omaha ; Charlo * W. Kyle ,
Omaha ; Franklin U. Joy , Odoll ; W. J.
Fisher , Wymore ; John H. Wilsoy , Grand
Island ; Charles Bedford , Fnirbnry ; James
A. Clino. JVllndcn ; E. 1 * . Holmes , Lincoln ;
( iuorgo S Smith , Lincoln ; C. C. Caroth-
< irs , Lincoln ; Thomas W. Moore , Lincoln ;
Thomas C. Monger , Lincoln ; William
lloliner , Lincoln ; Irvine A. Fort , North
Plait ; William Gnreok , Norfolk ; M. L.
Hay ward , Nebraska City ; James I. Klica ,
lloulrege ; Henry C. Newman ,
Columbus ; S. T. Anderson , MeCook ,
T. O. Edcoeombo , Hnlo ; Fred L ,
HairU , Ord ; John A. Unlhank , Arling
ton ; Mauln Burns , York. In addition to
the foot that ono of thorn appointments
illustrates an anoient historical statement
with slight variations in which
a man named Cmelniittns is called
to bo a notary public , the fact is apparent
that Omaha and Lincoln are laying a
foundation for a great real estalo boom
through the crei'tion of notaries enough
in those two cities to make every man ids
own real estate agent with power to draw
pipers , to swear and bo sworn. As the
\ear's work is nearly completed in the
line of notarial appointments it may not
be an uninteresting statement of faot to
recite that dnrini.'tho year there Imvo
been eonunib Ionfd in tlio state a total of
1,00 ? notaries.
Aitnn.r.b OK ixcowoHvnotf
olHhe American Havimrs bank of Beatrice
wore tiled jotorda } witli the secretary of
tistate , the place of business to bo in
'Nebraska City Uhe authorized capital
Mock of the bank is $100,000 , the sun-
horibcd Moot to bo 150,000 , divided into
shales of $100 each , 100 per cent to bo
paid at time of snbscriping The increase
to 1100,000 oapihiUloek to bo made at
any lime by a majoritv vote The in
debtedness id limited to $30,000 , exclusive
of tlio deposits ; the business to bet con
ducted by a board of thruo directors. The
following nr.uiod dli/.onb of Beatrice are
tlio incorporators ! George II. Clark ,
Charles E. White and John Henderson.
The board of railway commissioners :
yesterday completed their report , which
was handed over to Ihe governor ami
will appear in print for the benefit of the
lugUlatuiv , Thu rt-port is withheld from
the dissecting garo of the prcus at pros-
ent , hut It is learned that the import , in
ndditmn to the long summary of the two
hi four cases that have come before , wJl
recommend that the commission be given
power to fix lates in disputed questions ,
and that a rate thus lixed Is to stand as
ptima faela until reversed by tlio courts.
How this kind of a leeommendation will
strike the patties who have fathered the
law thus far remains for future develop
ment , but It will evidently not bo very
satisfactory to the creators of the commission -
mission In that a change of that charac
ter would tend to make tlio commission
of some utility. The report will be cur
tailed , insofar as the statistical part is
concerned , lor there is little money to
pay out for its nrintinar ,
Sherift'Jolmson , of Valley county , was
in Lincoln yesterday , bringing with Him
as a candidate already elected for a year's
term at tlio pen ono William Corvln ,
who was sentenced for mortgaging prop
erty that did not belong to him.
The Nebraska City precinct bonds
voted in aid of the Missouri Pacilie rail
way wore placed unon record at the aud
itor's ollleo yesterday. Those bonds are
for -140,000 , ruuningiltcn years at 5 per
cent interest.
Commissioner and Mra. Scott arrived
homo from Hushville , 111. , yesterday and
go hence to Kearney to pass Christmas
at their old homo in that city.
Hcproscntativo J. N. Fuller , of Gage
county , was at the capital yesterday look
ing over the hall that will be lent witli
oratory for a couple of months.
An elegant crayon picture ot the feeble
minded institute at Beatrice has been re
ceived by Secretary lloggon.
AL Iho meeting of the Women's Rchof
Corps in this city Tuesday evening Gov
ernor Thaycr addressed tlio largo audi
ence present , and was received with u
grout deal of enthusiasm. The appear
ance of the old veteran in a mithcnng of
old soldiers is always noted for expres
sions of enthusiasm , and this was no ex
ception. In addition to the speech by the
governor , Colonel Woodward spoke and
some very line music was upon the pro
gramme. The ladies cleared n fine sum
of money , which will bo used in making
Christmas times brighter for old soldieis
needing assistance.
Tories or TUP. TOWN.
Doputp ShcrilV Ycomttus. of Cuss , was
in Lincoln yesterday on his way homo
from a trip down in Otoo county after
ono A. L. Hutohlnson , who removed a
span or mortgaged mules from Ca-ss
county without permission of the mort
gagee. Mr. Yeomans toiind 'his num.
who uH'octcd a satisfactory settlement and
saved arrest and further trouble.
J. W. Reed , a gentleman from ono
of the southern slates , has been in Lin
coln several days looking np business
locations for relatives who intend coining
northwest to enter into business. Mr.
Reed is much pleased with Lincoln , and
is onlv hesitating between this point nntl
Wichita. Kan.
Ono of Iho ( ramblers of the town who
has evidently been having n run of pros
perity has opened n now den in town that
reports say is very elaborate and very
private. Any sucker , however , whose
brains are in his boots can probably find
it If ho wants.
Thoup-town olllccs of tlio Missouri Pa
cific and the ollico of the Pomeroy Coal
company have been moved from the
Richards' block to tlio corner room in
the Alexander block , on O and Twelfth.
The location is one of the most desirable
in the city.
W. II. Martin , who has been a knight
of the road for some tune , with head
quarters at Lincoln , removes the coming
week to Kansas City , where ho becomes
part owner and treasurer of the Kansas
City Builders' and Traders' exchange ,
that will undoubtedly bo a prosperous
business for the company.
W. B. Lanins , of Grand Island , presi
dent of the State Travelers' Protective as
sociation , was in Lincolirypsterday. Mr.
Lanlns says that a mooting of the state
association will bo held at the Arcade
hotel , Omnlm , on Monday evening next.
R. H. Cnthbcrt , who has been ono of
the woi king members of the Travelers'
Protective association hotel committee ,
was in the city yesterday visiting with
Tim now German National bank , thn
latest ( inanoihl institution added to Lin
coln business houses , is now open for
business in the Potsin block , fust com
pleted on tlie corner of O ami Thirteenth
Churches , societies and clubs are all
making elaborate preparations for Christmas -
mas festivities in the capital city nnd it is
evident that tlie day will bo greatly ob
served In Lincoln.
'Iho Christmas attractions nt the Funko
opera liouso are. Thursday eveningKllin
Kllslerin in "Woman Against Woman"
and Friday and Saturday evenings , with
Saturday matinee , tlie new drama ,
"Called Back. "
Dr. llarsha , president of IJclloyno col
lege , and Captain Alee , traveling agent
ot the Burlington route , wore iu Lincoln
E. S. MoMastcrj , Pawnee City ; A. L.
Funk. Red Cloud , J.B.Weston. Beatrice ;
A. 11 , Biihop , Omaha ; G. W. Martin ,
Long Pine , and L. Rothschild , Omaha ,
were 111110112 : the Nebraskatis sojourning
at the capital city yesterday ,
The I'irst Gorman Free Kvangi'lical
Sabbath school will hayo a children's so
ciable on Friday nttornoon ut D o'clock
and n Christmas entertainment in thu
evening nt 7UO : o'clock in the now church
corner Twelfth and Dorcas streets.
Christmas scrvico on Saturday ut the
same place at 10I0 : ! a. in. Sunday at 10.110
a. n . . sorvieo ; prcachlne by Kov. F. II.
W. lirucchcrt , pastor. Sabbath school at
0 a. m. Friends and children are cordi
ally invited to all meetings ,
A glass ns hnrd as any cast njetal , and
not more expensive than uast-iron , is
btated to have been produced by Mr. Sta
mens , of Dresden. Experiments' nro
being made to determine whether It can
bi > nfcodfor ruils on railways.
An Audnolous Knlilioi'V Tlie 1'lilef
Never IIiNcoicrocl.
Home Journal : Ono evening when
Napoleon 1 was in all his glory there
was a grand gila production at the Grand
opera. How many reigning kings and
princes occupied tlio boxes and balconies
it is Impossible for mo to cstimale , tlie
vary seats usually occupied by tlio
claqueurs wore filled with noblemin
Tlie Princess Borgheso , tno beautiful
nnd accomplished Paidino , sparkled and
shone in her box , eclipsing all around her
by the splendor of her loveliness , ns the
sun does its satellites by the brilliancy ol
its rnj-s. On her neck she wore a neck
lace , the diamonds and massive pearlof
which , intertwined and blended w'th '
transcendent art , slilj further enhanced
her incomparable brilliancy When she
opened her bov there was n murmur of
general admiration.
The imperial box opened in its turn
nnd tlio master of the world appeared ,
saluted by those kings and princes with a
formidable cry of "Vivo I'Knipnrcur ! "
It was generally remarked that the cm-
prcss seemed unable to take her eyes oil'
her sister-in-law , nnd appeared to be fas
cinated , dazzled , like the other occupants
of the vast auditorium , with the marvel
ous brilliancy of the necklace. Suddenly
the beef the Princess Borgnese opened
aim a young major presented himself ,
wearing the brilliant blue and silver uni
form of the aides-de-camp of the em
peror's ' Mag. "Her majesty , the em
press , " said he , bowing Jew , "admires
the wonderful neeklaee worn by your
imperial highness , nnd has expressed the
liveliest desire to examine it closer. "
The beautiful Pauline made a sign to one
of her ladies of honor , who unclasped and
detached the neeklaee from the princess'
neck and placed it in the hands of the
stall'olliccr. . The latter bowed gravely
and disappeared. This episode occurred
toward the middle of the second act.
The entr'acte cumo and passed away.
The third .let concluded in ili. turn. The
fourth act came and passed , and the en
tertainment concluded , yet still the neck
lace was not returned.
The Princess IJorgheso look this for u
characteristic freak of Mane Louise's.
N'oxt ( lay , however , she asked if the neck
lace had pleased the empress and whether
she had found tlie setting and arrange
ment of the jewels to her taste. The em
press was thunderstruck , for she had not
seen it and had sent no olliccr for it as
described. Napoleon deigned to mix
himself up in the affair , lie had the
names of till the slafToflicors on duly Iho
preceding evening ascertained. And
then ono by ono , under some pretext or
other , tie had them called before his
sister. She did not recognize one of them.
They summoned the Prince of Otranlo ,
minister ot police , A long council was
hold. Everything possible was done , but
in yain. The unfortunate Foucho was
ready to tear hi.s hair in despair. Ho sol
his keenest bloodhounds at work. His
best detectives were literally worn oft"
their logs , without result. As to their
imperial master , ho was literally bubbling
over with rage , and was almost on the
point of thrashing his chiel of police. But
neither the necklace ( which was worth
nearly a million ) nor the audacious thief
was ever scon again.
The Slim from Tom's Klver.
M. Quad in Detroit Free Press : A lot
of us was silling in the depot room at
Trenton , and the only man who had a
newspaper was reading away for dear
life , when n stranger entered with two
satchels and a tall girl , chucked the bag
gage under a seat , waived the girl to
another , and walked up to the man with
the newspaper npd asked :
"Mister , is there anything in the news
paper about coast defenses'1"
"No , sir ! " was the grufT reply.
"That's singular. Have they given up
the idea , do you think ? "
" 1 don't ' know what you mean.sir. "
"You don't ? Why they've been talk
ing for the last year about building forts
to protect our coast. I live down near
tlio mouth of Tom's creek and I rather
expect they'll build u big fort there. The
way things are now England , Franco or
Germany could declare war against us
and land a force at Tom's river before
wo had our eyes open. They'd land
right on my farm , and nobody knows the
damage they'd do Don't see anything
about a fort at Tom's river , eh ? "
"No , sir. "
"Well , that's singular. If this govern
ment expects mo to get down behind a
rock with my old shotgun and keep En-
rope from landing at that point it's ex
pecting a Icetlo too mtieli of ono man.
I'd light to the death , of course , but the
chances are that a hull navy could lick
ono nigh-siglited man , bo the paper
don'tsay : anything ? "
'Didn't I toll yon no in the Hw
place , "
"Say , mobbo you don'l care a copper
about coast defenses ! " exclaimed the two
satchel man as a red spot appct rol on
cither cheek.
"Nota sir "
copper , !
" 1 thought so from tlio start1 Von live
out in Michigan or Indiana or Illinois ,
and are tucked away in some holler
where the sherilVcan't tind ye , let alone
an invader of our sacred silel Oh , no ;
yon don't keor ! , '
"Father ! " ohidod the tall girl , as she
half rose , but ho turned on her with
"Atari' , vou keep shell I vo allus
tho'ught if Europe declared war against
in wu'il have plenty of enemies right at
homo , and hern's a case to prove it.
Stranger , did you lit in Hie late warv"
"None o' vour business , sir ! "
"There's ' his open hand gentlemen ! "
said the two satchel man as ho turned to
the crowd. "When you find n man who
don't Kcer how soon tlio hull of Europe
jumps on this country you liava found a
man who'd dig up the Loncs of Washing
ton and soil 'em to u Junk man for live
dollars ! "
Diamond collar buttons at EJholta &
Akin'B. ' . . ' '
rropurad with strict regard to Pnrltr , Strongth. oni
IlcnUUfulnos * . Ur. I'ricB'aUakinjjl'owdorcomnlnj
Eitracta , YanlUdi Lemon , etc. , flavor delicious/ ! .
t ? pnwom rff
The Doulinc of Trcatinj.
New York Mail and Express. As a re
porter was standing in a saloon near the
postolllce two young men entered. They
were seemingly ncquainted with each
other.for they stood and chatted together
for a moment. Then ono of them pro
ceeded to the bar , ordered a drink , paid
for it , and went out. The other did the
batnt' a moment later.
"Did you notice those 3'oung men' "
said the white-aproned bin tender after
the door had eloped behind thorn.
"What about thorn1 asked the re-
" \Vcll each ol them paid for his own
drink and drank tilono. A .H'ar aso that
would have attracted a go'od deal mom
attention than it does now. Then n man
coinp into n hi-.Ioon and meeting n friend
would not think of drinking without ask
ing the friend to join him. The fashion
is changed now \crymucli. The boys
still 'set them up , ' but there is not so
much treating back and forlli as there
was. Men meet in saloons just as in
rcbtauruntf , and do not think of paying
for each other's drinks any more than
they do of settling for cacti other's
dinners. "
"Hathcr injurious to the suloon-kecp-
crs , isn't ilV"
"Well , perhaps it is ; but it's also a pro-
vpntativo of drunkenness. Formerly
eight or ten pcr&ons come in at u time.
One would treat , and then each of the
others would feel in honor bound to do
the same. At the end of one round tl o
group would fool in humor for another ,
nnd in the end all hands would have
more than they would bo enable to carry
properly. A\hat caused thu chango.V
Well , von nine mo there1 What causes
changes in thn fashions in trou.Hera and
lints ? J suppose the fashions in drlnkliii ;
! changed in about the same way ?
llcriv-tho genial purto.yorof. mixed drinks
hurried to concoct something that would
settle this nerves of \oungmnn who had
evidently sprint the previous night vigor
ously if not wisely.
Hoi- Mind ,
Yesterday morning Liilie Ivuohl ,
the young woman who was
brought from St. Jo-cph's
hospital and contincd in the
county Jail , was taken to the
private asylum of Mrs. Folsom on the
corner of King and Caldwell streets , per
fectly cured. She wiis nur cd by the
lady in < | iio tion , her madness having
been occasioned by physical ailments.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia.Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache. Headache , Toothache ,
Hare Tliro.t. Hortllag , . Npriilnk llruUci ,
Kuril * , MtuldA , l ruAt Ilil * ,
ilD ( Al L 01IIFit VUUIU I'ilhS 1NO iCIIU.
S'14 Ij Prurirfili tul I > < tl > ril > rjrrb t > . MlljUeull *
Ix'tlU. Jlirmllbinfu 11 lAnfui * ! .
rilRrilAHI.KSA.Tdlll I.HICO. Billlnior .F .
Free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison.
< is \vnixrn STKUKT.
m\viu ; :
Of the Missouii State M-scuni of Anato
my , St. Louis , Mo. ; Unfteisity College
Hospital London , Ciictcn , Germany niul
New Voik , Having dc\otcd their atten
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffci ing to concspond
without delay. Diseases of infection nnd
contagion cured safely and speedily without
detention from business , and without the
use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose
cases have been neglected , badly tieated or
pronounced incurable , Miould not fail to
write us concerning their symptoms. All
Icl'crs rccche immediate attention.
And wilt be mailed FREE to any addicts
on receipt of one 'I cent stamp , " 1'iactical
Obstipations on Nervous Debility and Phy
sical Exhaustion , " to which is added mi
"Essay on Marriage , " \\ith Important chap
OIIGANS , the whole forming \aluixble med
ical treatise uhich should be lead by all
young men. Addiess
SM S. S. iV . BJ\V1E OA' ,
.1 IK Ijawrciirc St. , Dottier , t'ol.
C ItB on"- ' " ' , nml n i < o v and
w Miccft-trnl Cnir.nt.vo'ir own
limno by our ho was Uonf ( weiitw clfflit
yours. Tiontpil by most ol tlin notuii cfyoulnl
Msilhout liimullt ; cured lnmoll' In ttneo
inoiitliE , and slntu tlion Uumltccl * of others
Full particulars scut on uppl callon. T. H
I'AUi : . No. \Vestyitt St , N o Vork City
TbaToBlio ulYorfn > oityforlhe UoT < JIic io ; brlts nsa
thmifrnds of riuei rf llio wont kin 1 and or long andlng
IIRT been cored. In < ! "td. ! utronc In my faith In ItBefficacy
"bat Inlll wndTWO IIOITLES FKFE. wltli VAL-
lMIILB1KEATISK ntril dliieMiMoi > nT ulH > rl > r. OIH9X.
Jims * J-.O.ftCWrMfi. HU.y.A.StUCUMiini'cariat.M.Y
AH Those Interested in
Should Read This.
Iv-ntiviu DEP'i , ( irnri. > SiTnniMTrMiMfT. \
CiiLt Miurs , O. , Nur.otliVK. \ . )
Ilon.Jobn sr Pnltlion. V. I' . , L'nlnn Cmitriil Ufa
lniiurniKcCo.'liiiliinHtl ( , o , Mj Donr SirAccord -
Ins tiircnnirpm Jut uiidvr * < cuiori 2 ; . ' . ItcrUod Slut-
iilc ol Ohio. cinniiclliii MII unnuul einuilnutlmi nf
ocrl.lfu Insurunon Coniimnx Incorpomiod In
OU'o , Iliiivo tlio ploaiuro to report tlio losult of the
oxuminutlon jiut umUo , In compliance wltli 3.ilitBOu-
) folinil yo\ir \ HI OH socnrt'lr Invostoil , mill of tlia
Tt'rybe'toliiiniclor , nnd > otir Iionki und nccoiinti n
model ofiio.ilnon anil cirioctiH ( > , uiHl tUeiHTalra of
tUoCumimny In every wnf ndmlnUtcroil witli esai\-
my unrt to Hie l > t t Inleiotlof yotirlH'llcy ' liolilor .
llwas veryuMtfylnetoinn toiintloa In llioe\.ini ;
limtlun lliulncri'HKOiif now Imilueii thin ji'iir mcr
last , mill Hie Miliatmilliil Imrcji'e of your cur-
plim OUT ttiat rcjiotU'il till ) 31 t of Dccoiutur. 14M.
It It wltli pride ( lint 1110In theimi-JMor Ohld'n onlr
l.lfnConiiuny.anil 1 c.ui mfalf racominenalttuiiny
Uosllliminlliililc l.lfn IiikuriuiCJ.VUb kind iCKUiili
unil | eroiinl e ieom 1 remain ,
IICM > crtfiilly ) oiii > .
JIKSKVJ. ItUlN.MlND , Sujii > iIndent.
We ilc lrc Ihc public to Know tint Ohio Is the only
Unto ioiUlruiK | tlil ipcclAl uiuuilnnlliiii. It comet
IroiMiiiupnic cuciiii'Clally iinillileJMnd | uhul'imld by
tlio iieuplo In wutcli tualrlntrrunlili ) Innnnincu innt-
lent All lnliroii-J | thuulJ curofnlly OKuiulntMlil *
olld.ind pnupiMuci"rnmpimy Imfnro IninrlnK.
J. &I.KMIS'lON.Matn | ) Aconl.
Ilnoni ( > | it'rn House Illock , l.lnculn , Neb ,
C U.HUHKNCK.HpoilalAvent ,
Ueccmly llnllt. Newly t'urulibvd
The Tremoiit ,
J. r. KIT/onitAliI ) je SON , J'lopilotois.
Cor , ttli niul I'tiK , Lincoln , Nob. i.erilabtrcut cart frum.iio.iiO la tar
IIAII uf lUe cil/ * *
Architect ,
OfTicPS 31. 31 uinl < - . JUoliHiili UlocV , Lliioola ,
Neb , lileviitur unlltli tltiK t.
ItrroUorol HrAfilorot
I' " M WOODS ,
Live Stock Auctioneer
Siiloi mmle In ull imiU of the II H. rufalr
rates. Itoom3 , SUite Illock , l.liunln , Neb.
Gullowny un < t Short Horn UulU for salo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrfsnonilciice In mrHnl toloHni Mllclt J.
lloom 4 , ItlcliarJi iHouk , liliicxiln , Nub.
Riverside Short Horns
Of strictly Pine Ilito8iuid ; Hates TuipoJcaUlo. |
1 1 o ixl number * utimil IKI bead.
rainlllus ropiiisontod : r'llberH , Craggt ,
A co ml > s. llcnio.Il05 of Klmroiiii , Min-a Ho uj ,
IvnlKlilly DuohvMos , Hat Uroek \ Dim ? Uutjt ,
iylllst'i , lxuans niKt'lriie lx > ve .
Hull * forialo. 1 rnru Mule * Klluart , ! Pure
HiU ( B CrHKR * ) , i Hose of filial on , I Vnitiitf Murjr ,
ll'iuo CrulcU Mmuk and otliom Come BUI ]
Inspect the liuM. Addiou , OI1.VS. M. lilt AN-
SON , Lincoln , Neb ,
wiicn in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
Auil if el ti toidjlunarfo 2. > o.
Watclies , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest slock. J'rlces the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrant
ed. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Oirmln
Licensed \ViUcliinakor \ for the 1'nion Pnoilic Hailroad company.
Carving Knives and
Fine Holiday Pocket Forks Cutlery. ,
Scissors in
Skates , Etc ,
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
The C , E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands for salu in
ovcry county in Nebraska.
Of Titici of Douglas county kept. Maps ot the city state or county , or unjr ether
information dosircit , furnished free of charge upon application.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , including
, r-M Ji tfii
LYON & -
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the liouso , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
Di-divliifl , Tlila Month , on November fiOtlt. Jilt1'i'lxes. . A'o lll nl > n
Wltli $2 You Can Secure
One City of Barletta 100 Francs G-olcl Bond
Tlicno bonds areiira n 4 tlintb nnnually , with | iri/cti of e GOO,000 , 100,000000 ,
BOO.OOO , 200,000 , lOO.OOO , CO.OOO , etc. , down to thu iouctt ( iri/e of 100 Knuics ( Jold ,
Anyone sciuling us J2 \\lll eecurc one of thctc H nds and it > then ICNTITLICI ) to
the % \hole prize that Itinay draw In next drawing , balance payable on etuy install
incuts , ThU is the bct > t investment ever offereil , lit-sidcb the certainty receiving hack
100 Francs Gold , you liave the chance to win four time * a jrar. Lints of thawing *
willhesent free ofclmrge. Money can ho sent hy reuistered letter or poital note.
Kor further information , callon or addrets DERI-IK 15ANIC1NG CO. ,
3o5 Broadway , New Yoik.
N. R. These Bonds are not lottery tickets , and are by law permitted to be sold in
the United SlnlpH.
Ladles to Work for Ua at Their Own
$7 to $10 Per Y/eek / Can Be Quietly Made
Noptotu. | ialnllnin iioannrmslng. tor OH utlo r
nlm. Uui ilJri ) at onr ,
1 } Cealrnl Hi. Ilomau , Mm * , Uai
Successors to J no G. Jnoob ,
UN DI3RTAK. 12 It 8
A.M > tt.iistAijitnm.s.
t UIH oldatatut 1407 Fflrmim ht Order *
bytnlegruph ttci.lcitod and promptly it-
tended to. Telephone No U25.