Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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An Icrrcaie of 130,000 , Qunrlen Shown in
the Amount of Grain on Pfissage.
Trnillnc In CAttlr Dull and 1'rirrn
Again Kcmcr Tlio Geticrnl H K
Market Itntlicr Blow
Quotation" .
Cini AOO. Dee.C2. [ bpcclalTelegram tothc
IlK.r.J There was an Increase of i : > ) ,000
iinaitciHhhown in the amount of grain on
pas'aie ; this inoinlni ; , but It * < emed to have
iiopaitlenlareircdon the funeral tone ot
tlio cable adv Ices. Cntb talk was that values
would he tnokcn all lo pieces , tint after the
opcninc theie wete no evidences of any Intuition -
tuition to liammci things On thccontury ,
It was ( | Hlle the icveisc. Wheat old tip " 4 ®
" ( .c within live minute * . May onened atM5 < c
and picked right up to M V IVc. I'ru b re-
ecljits wcieonlj lir.eai" . May corn opened
at Wfe aiidwasvcrj dull but firm. The
lirsh ieifcliitsweie210 cais. Bu > crs wanted
to make an easy pork tnarkiit and hid ? 12.00
lor Maj OnUrsearly In thedaj were few
In nnmhei fiont an.v SDIIICO. In the first hour
wheat eontltiiii'derj ' itilet | aruund M' e.
vone : coin sold at 4'0'kC , hut it
lioppeil hack to 4'i'aC. ' Tork
showed an easier tendency. A very fair
hliow ing began to entei the wheat
toward 11 o'clock and In response to It values
l > egan picking up ijnlto Bteadlly. Nc\v \
\ 4ii kers they say , wciu bnjers heie and
small local sfioits weie veiy geneially covei-
ing. Ilntchlnsnn wasn hu > er pietty much
all morning and gave the maiket pietly fair
suppnit , furclng Ma.\ tip to 8l ? < e , hut It did
ii4it slay quite at the top , lend in e fully Jje
lielore noon. On the tip turn to stjfe thcio
wasaicnoit Indnstilonsly clicnlated that
litty loads had hcen taken tor exputt , but at
the top S4im ( ! Ing lots v < ere sold and tlic llfty
loads dwindled down to liV4- . Tills put May
hack to4JJC. . A few minutes betoio 1
oclocU May spurted up Irom fc-t'jc to 84je. !
but there * ecmetl no iriMinliatevcr : for the
movciiient and it tliopped * ipiiekly
back to SISWS4 vc , where it closed
at I o'clock. Increased stienglh
helped to hull coin rather moro than any
single speculative Inlying. Noiton V Wtntli-
limtcin weiealtci Ma > iiuile sliaiplyat times
I atul helned put tills option up to ) ' . ' " ' ( W-l'J' c ,
hut seemed to have no special inteiest In
ki'epine tlm pi leu up to that point. The ml-
Ing tone In piovisluns w.ts bt OIL' : . Tlm
market had something to Incak It , hut it
didn't Inc.ik very mneli. Wai tier had eon-
shlerntile for sale , supiosed ] 10 bo foi At inoiir.
Thuetovvdnt least .sl/ed II up that w.iv.
1'ioni 311. 117' ' ; tlieie was quite a steady : ul-
UDO : p. m. Kluctuatlnn * In were con-
luifd to nairow limits dining the. short scs-
flnn. May sold elf to ts-IJ c. but clobed at
Mhe. Tlio latest repoit trnm New Y4)rk )
was that thlltern Unat loads had been taken
for expoit. Corn was stead ) , closing at
for .Mayand Maj poik wasalittlelower ,
icMlngat ll.irOK.
CUM \i.o , Dee li ! . ( Special Telemam to
the Hi I : . | CAJI n.i : Trade VPIV dull and
pi Ice.s again lower on the ordinaiy run of
fat cattle. There weiu tint few buyers and
4ii > ) one regular shlpiicr luokhii : over stock
this moininir. Dressed beef operatois were
( ( tiitc Indllfercnt , makln > ; the lowest offer of
any day lids week , The Intciruptlon of
Clnlstmas is piohably the piimo cause of the
depiesslon. Unjeis ttir the dressed beef
tiadc aic almost ceitaln that If they load up
with their usual numbers they will have lo
can } the stock until after the vvnikmcn re-
luiu to their employment , and that may ho
thtec or foil ) dav.s , perliaps a week , as Is
usual after one of these wlnlci lullda ) < s.
Native buleheis' stock , espeeiaily common
and canning , is as low as it c\er was , and
likely to i4 > miln so as .is long asTcxans can
lie hiul ut the pieMiiit cheap pi ices , 't'liero is
fair business in tlm stoeker and teeder
braneliof tiadc , but light llttlu things con
tinue to sell at veiy low pilcen. Shlpitni ;
suns. 1:5.7) : to iroo ih , M.oyi i.7ri : liino tovu
Ibs , S.75@l.iO)50 : ! ; ) lo 1200 Ibs , 9i@i ) ! : K ) .
iSlixskeis and feeilcm , S2.iriiff'ji ! ! ) ; cows , bulls
nml mixed , Sl.MjVI.-lO ( ; blill.s. yi.S05i2.00 ;
MVxah cow s si 75Ciii.25 : steets , S'i nu@ i.oo.
lloi.s Tlio gcucial maikut was rathei
hlow , with a slight dow n tmn in prices on
medium und miicd light. Several packing
Inms wlio liaveaii inteiesiin westein tion-es
have pulled out of tl > o Chicago maiket , as
they can do bcttei with their westein
branches , wheiehogMiie cheaper nnd mint1
plentiful than Cldeago. lleoeipts at outside , an Incident that
Imjei.s lien- made use ol to "hammei" nut
maiKct. Tlie gciiciHl mailict closed dull.
Ki4x'uhitois | canii'd over a laiu'i ) numbci.
Kaucj lieavj sold at ft H' > d\.r \ > : best packing
( -oilH. 4M.K : ' ( H.-Oj ) llgnl rnlxi'd , S4 1X1(44.20 ;
light light , < ti.00i.i44.iu ; Ytnket * . S4.l" ;
lougli and cominnn mixed , : ! . 'JOic ; 1,05.
New Vorlr. Dec. ' 'i MONT.V On call
easier at 2 ted pel cent , closing at 3 per eenl
I'ltlMIC .MKItCAMIl.B 1'AI'lClt 45 pel
ijTKiit.i.No RXOKANOK Steadv and nn
i'han/4'dS4.7i / : ! t lot bl\ty d.t > bills ; 5J.8S'4 '
UovicuNHKNrs ( ioveinment bonds vveu
lull but linn.
Si4if usHalf a do/en stocks nearly mo
iiopoll/i'd the business ot to d.iv , tlio ic-
maimlcr I'elnicdiiU ami llbtle s , Tlie open
Ing watt htiong , lirt-t pi Ices allowing advance *
fnmi ' ( , toH per cent over UIH closing ligun'f
if jestciil.iv. l.onlsvllle , t Nashville was tlie
iinly sliongstocU. while Xew Knulind wns
conhpicnuiis foi Us wide llucluailniiH. Tin
maiket became dull toward noon , when n de
cline , whlcb lasted until after 2 p. m. , was
iintnxuiaU-d. The last hour saw n icnewal
ot Inlying and prices ste.nllly Improved u
llin cloiu * . vvhlcli was quiet hut stiong.
y rrnlbnmli. . . . 10034C. & N. W. . .
O.H. I't' * HO'41 ' preteiicd.
vv Vg . 1WH N. Y. C .
Pacific r.'s of 'ttt. i24KOie ton Tian. .
nitial I'ncllic. 42 Pad lie Mull.
C. A A l-lll 1' . I ) . & K
100 1' , I' . U m
C. II. A U Hock Island. . 125' <
II. J < . * W St. L. A-S. K. . . HI'J
J ) . A : It C. jireterred . .
Sll C. , M. I' .
pnifernni. 71H piefeiied . . .
Illinois CentiHl St. P. , 0
J. , II. * W. . . . piefenrd. . . US
iab P.icltic. . .
liiUc Shore ' . IL'nion Paelllc. . .
\ . . \ N ! ? ! W..St. IJ.JK P. . Ib'j '
Mich. Central. Ul pu'foiiod , . .
105VWehtern Union
Js'oithein I'.ic. 2 HO. | . It. &N . .
( iiefcrred .
Clilcnco , Dee. 22. Following quota
tioiis aie2iO : ; i-loslng prUuis- Flour Steadi
nnd unchanged ; winter wheat Hour , $4.U'(2 (
4.10 ; Mtntliein , S'U'Or ' .OO ; Wisconsin
S4.lxvN.1o Michigan koft splint : whi-jt
: i.f > ( K ! < 4.IO ; Minnesota luken. . si.WXS4 : .10
patents , S4ai : < : .W ; low irrades , ei .SC't-'J.l
i ) Hour , 4inet | at i-iyi,5 : ' ; < j in bariel *
Hiid > ; tnoR.2o in tucks.
WheatStionger and opened about tin
ame as vesleiday and close4l % @lie higher
fhb , 71 ] ? ; January , 77'j.o ; February , 7be
liny , bl hc.
Coin Kahly active and firmer ; opene4
nbnut tin * uniiitt us elebing tlmires ye.stertlaj
and rlublni : turn and le higher ; cahli3 ! 3e
Janimry. J lCt > ; february , 3Tc ; May , 4iXc
Oats-Strong anil Hliglitlr improved ; cash
sajci- ; May , 3ti } < c.
l at 5c. !
Hurley Quint at 52e
Tuuotby seed 1'riuif , ? 1.77f1.7S.
Da x seed WoiUI ' e.
1'ork .Moderately tictlve ; declining 12 }
EOo on whole range ; cash , S11.110 : Jniuiaiy
ll.itt : Fehrnaiy , su.60 ; May , Sll.b'JW
Lnrd Killed about 2)4c lower andclofclni
tame ; cash , ) a20 ; Jonuarv , 56.2 : Febru
nry , t0.aM " , May , SO.fWO.OOU. (
Hulk Mfuts-Shnuldeis , t . .b-'i : shot
oh-rir , S6.i5(3fl.'M ; fhort ribs , 85,07 > f fo
Jamuijr ,
lluttet Steady ; creamery , 21Q27o ; d lry
JtVa'iUe ,
Olieese Kull cream Cheddars. 12@12'c
flats , Ii ! © l2'io ; joungAtiiMlcas , 13 > i
limes lu. t'uoit it'ijutst attoimer prices
IipaTV crocn aHcil. 7K(37f ( ? ; null nuits ,
4Q7c : dry Milted. Il < gi2c ; dry tilted calls
K'v'l4C ) ! deacons. 25c cadi.
Tallow hlovv ; No. 1 country , 8.Vc ; No , 2 ,
. Sbipnifnts.'s ' 21.000
Vlicn.uu 1.VMXX ) KOOO
Corn , mi 2U',000 ' ,
O t ! > .DU 14,000 70,000
lye. bn 1,000 1,000
llariC'r.DU 70.000 CO.OOO
New York. DPC. 22.-Whcat-Hof lt | !
n elevator. 8 Ji ( < i01c nHoat nnd delivered ;
amiary , closed at fell.1 'c. . . .
Corn-Higher , closing dull : receipt ? ,
A000ex ! ) oil . fo,000ungraded ; , 4')1i 4 < ' { c ;
So. n. 4GKcafloat : No. 2 , 47'4c In elevator ;
"nntiarypio ed at47\c. ,
Oats-Moderate business ; receipts , 3TOoo ;
3xport , f.-'O ; mixed wcitcrn , 34 ( a6c ; white
westein , : )7ft41 ) ( c.
Petroleum Firm nniled clo < ed _ Rt m\c.
Kggs Firm with fall demand ; western ,
I'orkF.ililj actlvcand llrm.
Lard-A shade lower and less active ; west-
fin steam spot , S0.52' < .
Mutter Firm with lair demand ;
' 2 ( 29c ; Kliiln crcaniPiy. 3t < 3. : > 2e.
Cherse-Flrml ) Held and demand moderate ;
VAfistprn Hat , llftl c.
Milwaukee. Dec. 22. Wlieat-Steads ;
a li , 70 ' „ ' ( : Januarv , 70 ; f : Maj , Me.
Corn .Steady ; No. 2 , : .0o.
Oats-Steady : No. 2 , 20c.
Ityeinlet ( ; No. 1 , Me.
H.ulev Urooplnir ; No. 2 , Mr.
Provisions Knslor ; pork , December ,
11. 0 ; Januaiy , 511.35.
Clnctnnntl. Dec. 2-- ' . Wheat Dull ; No.
, led , tOc.
Corn I'll m ; No. 2 mixed , ! N .
Oats-uiet ( ; No. 2 mixed , .50V.
Itvo l.ovvui ; N'o. 2. 5V.p.
Pork-Nominal at S12.W.
l..ud ! > ) } at 50.15.
WhiskeySteadv at l.ii. :
Mlnni'itpnili. DPC. 2.--WliPat StroiiK
" '
"fiecc'lpts-Wheat. HH.OOO , bu. ; Hour ,
bhipmpiits-Whcut , 41,000 bu. ; Hour , 115,000
St. l-oiils , Der. 22. Wheat-Stronger ;
N'o. 2 red. cash , bOfefcO e ; January , Mc ) ;
May , 1ii'jfOJ ( ' < e.
CoinFlimer ; No. 2 limed , r.isb , 04 % ®
COc ; .January , . .5\e ; Mav , H'J ' xtWJfp.
Oats-Klim ; No. 2 mixed , cash'Me ; May ,
live Illubpi at 5lc.
Whiskv 51 13.
Pork-'We.ik at SlU.ii 11.75.
I.ard-Knsy at SG.OSaC.lO.
nutter .Steady.
Atternoon Hoard Wlirat turn and Jt,0 ' c
lildier. Corn , ca y , 'ic ' lovvci. Oatb , weak ;
Mvnrpool , Dee. 2 . Wheat St .idy and
lumand Impiovlni ; ; boldfrs otlei moder
Ciii n Stead j and demand lair.
lOiiii.iH City. Dec. 2W Heat Dull ;
NO. 2 ii'd , easli , njc bid : Januaiy , 'Jsc ' bid ;
Mav , 75Jn ( bid.
Coin htien-er' No. 2 , rash , fiC e : Jan
uary , liO'ji ; bid ; t < YbinaiiiiU : bid.
Oats Nominal.
New Orlenn < < . DPP. 2J. Coin SlPadv
and In falrilpmand ; vvlnle and mixed , 4fift/
47c : vellovv , 4be.
Oats-Quiet : vvbite vvritern , COQlOp.
Coin Meal-Quiet at i2.15.
nog Products 1'lrmer ; poik , SU.50 ; lard ,
reiined tipreo , SR.OO.
Hulk Meats-Slmnlileis , i'4.10 ; IOIIK clear
ami deal lib0.00. " .
Cliloau4i , Dec. 22. Tlie Drovei's Journal
t4ioiIf. | ) as lollows :
Cattlu Kprelts. | ) 8,000 ; steady : two eais
faney , W.l.ltn.1) } . ; shipping steers S.25i. : ! ( |
4.75 ; stocUeisand feedeis S2.15ii.5 ( : ( ) : co\\ .
bulls and mixed S l..XK5.40 ; ; : bulk , C'J/JOfe' '
2.IH ) ; Tuxa-5 cattle. S1.75jsU.OO. (
llois Hceoipta , : ! 7,000 ; Hlovv and elosini ;
vve.ik ; rouch and mixed. S3.Sil ) ( . : i'j ' ; imok-
IIIK and kliinplntt. $1.21@t.55 ; llubt , 5t3.75y ( }
4. ! , ( ) ; hkips. 52.2.- ) ® ! . 15.
blieep Jtecj-inH , 5,000 ; slow and steady ;
native * , ? -J.OO i4.50 ; ixe tein. S2.50 ( < i.CO : ) ;
'JVvans , S'.00@3.0 : ; ; Iambs * 4.00I5.0il. (
Kansas City. DPC.2-J Cattlft Hocelpt * .
' . ' . ( XK ) ; Bldpinents , 700 : slow and weak ; 5ij
lOc lower : common to ehoicp. SIWitTM.HO ;
oovvs , ? l 50Gi2.s.l : stockeib. 5sJ.25&2 : ' . > .75 ; feed-
, . . .
Hoes Itccelpts 14.000 ; shipments 1,500 , ;
slow and 5u,10e ( lowei ; eommon to choice ,
Kt. liiiuifi , Dee. 22.-UiUIc-Kecelpt ! , 750 ;
Hhliimeiit < i , RIO : stitmg ; eliolce heavy steers ,
Sft.40C'J4.rM ; lair to good shlp | > lnc , steers ,
S3.506tiii : ! ; bnteheis1 hteeis. fair tti
clmice , S'l.00i4.10 ; feeders , fair to good ,
? 2Wl5jwO : ; t4)ckers fall to good , 52.75.
Hogs It4-cclpts , 0.000 ; shipments , 200 ;
casv , closing wealeliolce heavj' anil
bnteheis' selections , S4 ! 15@:4..t)5 : : packlns ,
lair to good.4.15 ( < j4 : > 0oikei : , medium
to l.incy , S't.t'X .lO ; pig- , common to good ,
J2.703 < ' u.
Wednesday , Doe. 22.
The ii'i-elpth of c.itllu weio mme liboial to'
di > and was active. The demand
I m' choice suick of all giadc * K good , and the
leceipts ot all bitch meet with ic.idy sale anil
at good pi Ices. Poor thin stock is not
wauled , and will nol sell miy belli i licit
than on an * , other mail.rt.
1 1 OgH.
Tlie iceelpls weie heavier to-da.v than foi
sometime. w.ib about 5e. lovvet ,
out was active , it the decline. All nllriiiiL-
weiu taken icadlly by tlie packets , nnd the
pnnsweie cleaied at an c.uly hour. Then : nothing leit 4 4-r. _
There weie no ficsh anlvalA and nothing
doing on the maiket.
Cattle . r > 0 (
lliys . . . . . . . . 5.30I
1'rovnllliiK 1'rioes ) .
Showing tliiipiovallins prices paid for live
stock onthlsm.uket.
Choice steuis. 1HVJ to ir.OO . Ib * . ? 4.vr ; ( .50
Choice stiH-is. line to i ; > ou IDs. . . . -i.ooc < < j.2r.
( ioodleoders . .J , < > 5 ( < ti.oo :
( ! oed to choice coin-ted cows. . . 2.S'Wi.25 ;
1'air to inci mm grass cowb . 2.uorn2..r > o
( iood to clioicfl mills . l.50tt' ( > .5 ( )
l.iuht and medium noes . 4KfU.4l5 ( )
( iood tochotco he.ivv nogs . 4.v > fit\ \ . >
( iood to choice mixed nogs . 4.10n4.2r >
( ! oed to ehoici ) sheep. . 2.75wt,20 :
Fall togourt slice 1 1 . L ,2.Vii,2.'iO
COIIN-I I.D sii.jns ; ,
fiO . . . 0 200 4.15 111 . .3-K 660 4.00
. * * . . . .340 H ) 4.15 67. . , . : { ' . 4.0 4.25
70. , ,2M M ) 4.15 4S. . .414 SO 4.4 %
CO,339 SO 4.1-1 44..8i < 9 4'Ji
nnngc orl'rlccc.
ShouliiK the liiulipst nnd lowest nilcr1 *
paid for loads or IIORS on this uutket ilnrlni ;
tlic past seven days and lor tlio same time
lastycar :
Nov. | Dec. ICM Uec.
ICth 3. J 4.01 n.4.20
ITthl : i.v. > ,
uih 3.70 3.W Ot.12'4 ' .
Jflth 3.70 SunrtR.v 3.10
mill , 3/.0 C13.90 I.Oo 3.10Sutnlay
Slot Sllliilny 4.10 A20 O.140
' 4.0) ) .M .1.80 413 40
All sites ot stock in this market arc made
pcrcwt. Itvo wctzlit unless otherwise slated.
Dead ho s sell at Bfc per Ib. for all wcluhls.
"Skins , " or IIOKS weUhlnc less tlinn UK ) Ihs.
no value. Pro iiant sows arc ilockcd10 Ibs.
and stags SOJb * , by the public luspcctor.
Hogs all sold.
Hog maiket active.
( iood cattle sell welt.
N'o market on Christmas.
OIIP Clnistmas steer oiotieht K.O.
IiaTuttle , Kearney , was a visitor at the
< : . H. Hiimmond Co. bought 7CO hogs
T. ,1. Sealer , Hasting * , was here and sold a
e.u of boss.
W. .1. Itloe , PIcKeiell , was In ami marketed
a load of hogs.
llentj It. Wet/4'l. Madison , In and sold
a lo.idof callle.
C. Kalley , Schiller , was looking mound
the vaids to-dav.
J. M. Itavmond , Magnolia , la.came in and
< nld a load of entile.
W. 1 , . Tubbs , Kmeisou , la. , was in nnd
sold tvvociisot cillle.
Mi. K"dlon , Noith l.onp , VVIH at theyaids
to-iliy and maiketcd hogs.
( ! . II. Dlx on. Kmerson. la. , was heie and
markplid ; a loud at steers.
W. II. Mniilson , Yoik , came in vvitha load
of cattle and a hud of hogs.
H Blaeo , T5l.ui , eamo In this allcinoon
vv lib a lou ! ol coi n ted steers.
Mr. P.uks , of P.uks Itios. , Old , Neb. , was
In and sold two luails of hogs
The block Yaid Is making .some 1m-
piovi'meiits in the bank furnltme.
W. P. Iliown , ol W. K. Hiown .v. Co. , bus
gone to Cldea .o to visit his lamily.
John Watson , a cattle feeder ot li.ineiolr ,
v\as among the visltoisat llio jinds
U. ! ' . Simpson , Jii.iyUni , In. , was at the
jards and maikuled llneu loads ot hOifs.
11. V. Talmadgp , Kmerson , camu in to-day
with a load of coin led steels , vvhieli beholden
on ihemailict.
C. C. Cairig , Plallu Centei. was hpic and
sold tluee loads ol hogs. David Thomas
( Mine in wllh him ,
It. K. .vloiton , Hciulcison , was heio and
ohl a load ot cattle and a load of hoits. He
went home well pleased wall tbe maiket.
Mr. KoiiPst , of tin * linn ol Clay , Ilobln'on
* Co. , ot Omaha and Chicago , was heie look-
hit ; attei the interi'sts of tlie blanch house.
The picking houses will closn down on
Chtistmas , and there will not bo anv bujcis
at all on tlm maiket. Slock .11 living on
Cliiislmas will have a good show ol being
held over until the Monday following.
"The gicat trouble has been with our cat-
llo maikel , " lemaikod a salesman ,
"that we nave not been getting any
good cattle Theie is a dem.ind here
lor choice coin led stceis or cow * ,
but we have been setting a lol of nail fat
steeisand old thin cows , which would not
sell 4)ii ) any maiket. "
Gmeral Produce.
\\'cdnesday. Dec. 22.
. . . . . * * urc jor ronnil lota of
if , as mild on the inarhelotfrij / . The
Inn * on frnils represent , tnc prices a !
nutsiae orders nrc filled.
Koos The maiket rcmaiiib about steady ,
tlm bulk selling at 2lc.
Port/i nv Dicssed chickens have been In
a little tiL'ttcr demand dmlmr the past tew
ila > sand have Mild at 7 < 10' o. Tin keys are
selling at lOftlle. Ueeso and ducks UnlOc.
Ciir.rsB Fullcieam cheddais , Mnzlu , We ;
lull cream Hats , twins , He ; youn ? American.
U'ijc ; fancy Swiss , 14ul5 ; hwlss , lniioitcil ] ,
25c : Umburgci. l".X@r. * ' : : biick , I4e.
< \vin-1'iaiile chickens , choice per do/ ,
54.00 ; ipiail. per doS2.50 ; ducks , mallard ,
pei SJ.75u2.004luck.s ( ; , teal , iMTdoSl.2.1 :
( ill.50 ; ilncks. mlM'd , per dm , pl.25 ; ueese ,
per do7 , S3 50 ; deer , "saddles , per lb. lOffV.'c ;
deer , caicasscs , pei Ib , 7@hc ; elk saddles , pei
lliS10cell ( ( ; : . catcasscs , pcrlb.fXit'c ; anteloue ,
saddles , pei lb , 10Jt5l2c ; antelope , caicasscs ,
per lb , 7 ( N' ; Jack labblts , per do , 8'
4.00 ; small ralibiKpri doWe. .
Ai'i'i.i The slocks on hand aio not heavy
and the market Is tinner. Choice Mlb.sonil
anil Mieliigan stock at S'I26' < : ! .50.
O.MO.NS Thcio Is no home-irrown stock on
the market to speak of. Quotations aie
nominal at fel.'o&l.uO ; Callloinla , jierlb , 2' . ,
Uni.Kiiv The market Is ste.idy. Choice
slocic iier ilo'Bc : : extia laige , pei do/,40c.
O\ > ! ! .its Mediums 20c ; standards , ilc :
selects , 2b ; exlr.i selects , 3'c ; N. v. counts ,
Cn\viiiiinii : Cape Cod , tancv , pel bbl ,
Sit.oo : : bell and biisjle , per bbl , S'.oo. '
li V\ANAH lianaims , vellovv , per hunch ,
M.OOty' ' 25 ; bananas yellow , laiw , jiei bunch ,
. . .
liBMONBVresslna , per box Sii.dOnC.'iO.
On..Xdi.s Florida , choice , l.JUu'r'.MO to bo\
? & .00 ; do , 5 liox lots , 134.7."i.
( iitAiT. * Mala'4im , pur bbl , 00 Ib gioss
M vi'i.r. Sffin Slile'ly pine , W ) Ib boxes ,
per Ib , 15e : choice r.c biicks aft Ib lioxes , pel
Ib , llie , choice p nny c.iUes. 25 Ib boxes , per
It ) . Viytc.
bACiuKn\t : r-l'er yi gal bbl , > .oO ; 10
gal. half bbl , ? : t.ftO.
1'orA'ior.s1'he maiket Is film. Theicaio
\eiytcwconilnK in , and tr.insnctions aie
mostly limited to tbe sales of small lots fiom
PIIOVISIOXS Ham , sugar-cured , ll'c ;
bieaktast bacon. Mi.'urcincd , boneless , 10' ' ;
shoiildeis , r > c ; clear side bacon , be : dry sail
sides , 7c : diled beef , hams , 14c ; dried beei ,
icicular , lie : mess poik. per bnl. S12.50 ; laid.
fiOlb cans , Kairoanks , njAJ.tid. ; . 10 , Sand : !
lb nails , F.iiibuiks , 7'17'ic. ! !
Kf.otm ANP'ri'sMnlcr \ wheat
flour , best ipialltj jiatent , 82.75 ; second
Itv. 82.40 ; best quality BuriiiK vvlieat
flour , patent , S > . > ; > vtchopied ; )
feed , 'Oc per evvt ; while corn , ' .Oc ;
yellow ooMkincal , NW percwt ; scicenlm ; , nuo
percvrlrllrfmtny , ti.w per cvvl ; Miorls , fr
perpvvl ; craham Sl.CO ; hay , In bales , S5.50 t }
C.OOuer ton.
GrocerIjlit. .
Vu i i.r > ileilinm. In bbls , ; 4lo. In
halt bhls , itf.75 ; small , in bbls , 7.50 ; do , In
half bblt. S4.21 ; eghrlciiis , in bills , SS.50 ; ito ,
in half bbls , 51.75.
Svni I * N'o. 70. 4-gaIlon kpgs , 51.20 ; Now
Oilcans , per Ballon 3sj/iiio ( ; manlo ; syrun.
half Dbls , "old time , " per gallon , 72o 1 gal
lon cans tier do510.00 ; half gallon cans ,
pel doS5.riO ; 4iiattcans | , So.Ou.
Si uim Mliroi glass , l lb , 5J4c ; mirror
gloss , U lb , 5'jc : minor KOS ! < , illti , Oj u ;
liiaves' corn , 1 Ib , 6c ; Klngsfoid's coin. I ID ,
7c ; Klnitsfoid's ploss , 1 lb , 7p ; Iviiiirsford's
1'ios.s , 0 lb , 7Kc. Klngstoid'b puie , 3 lb , 7 4yc ;
Klngsfords bulk , 4c.
ToiiAcro Plug , climax , 47s ; horseshoe ,
r/7e ; star , iii'c ' ; spi'aihead , S''c ; plperheldslek ,
OOP : gold shield , 3lc ; merry war , iSJc : J. T.
' ! i'c- , .
TonAcro Smoklnif , Dnilmin , Is , 51c ; ?
Sic ; lS. 51c , * ss , fiOo ; mecrhchuni , Mc < ; old
style , 2-'c ; U. N. O. , 15c ; biilrlt cured , lie.
M.ut'iiKa Per caddie , 2bc ; biiuato cases ,
SI.70 ; mule.square , 81.2l > ,
< XNDV MUPd.yail'jc ; slick. fi > j < 2ajfe.
Cn cuKiis Onrnoau's soita , buller and
picnic , h > ; c ; creams , b c ; ginger snap bi c ;
clt ) soda4 \
SOATS Kiiks avon Imperial , S2.70 ;
Kirk- satinet. S I.OO ; Kirk s standard , SS.O'i ;
Klrk'svvhltoHusslan , 51.00 ; KirK's white-
cap. SO..7) ) ; domp , S .W ; vvaihboaul , $3.10 ;
white cloud , 53.75
Jtoi'K U Inch , OKc ; 1 Inch , I0'4c ' ; b
Inch , lOJic.
CAsXFi > OoonS"Oystersstandardppreaso ,
5X15.1(3.21 ( , 8ti.twberries , 2 lb. per case. Si.20 ;
raspbi tiips. 2 Ib , per case , 32.10 ; California
pejrs , per case , 1H.5U ; ajnicuts , ] > er casj ;
$1.60neachea , per case , SS.'iJ ; white cher
ries , per case , 50.00 ; plums , p < r case , $3.65 ,
blueberries porcise , Sl.t > 5 ; e/e iilutns. 3 Ib
nerca e. si. , ' * : plneapules , a Ib , per case
j3.etX55.75 ; 1 lb nih.'kerel. per doz , 3x ! : > ;
l Id salmon , per doz , si.i55W1.GO ; 2 I b goose ,
berries , wrcasc , 81.75 ; 2 lb string bo.UH , per
case , 51.70 ; 2 lb lima beans , per ca e. 31.00 ;
21b marrowfat pcaa , per case. S2.40 ; 2 lb
early June peas , Crease. S2.75 : U lb toma-
r > V :
A , ii' , c : standard estra C , 5W t-I > ! 'ic ; extra
C. .vi05Kc5 medium jcllow , 4J,0V.
CorFKH < Ordinarv crades , 14ilRe ( fnl
l'fj l.'iKc ; prime , is > < < * t6c : choice , inaiohc ;
fancy green and jcllow. ICfU'c ; old rov-
ernment .lava , eOQCOc ; Interior Java , M 5f ( < J >
20c ; Mocha , 'JV'av4c ! , ! : Arbnckle's icasted
10\c ; MehaiiKhlln'R XXX.roasied , 10V ;
litwortir , l4c ! " ' ; Ilcdfioss ,
OcncrAl Mnrlcct .
Woot. Medium iwnuoo perlb ; tine heavy ,
light , lOQtlSct coarse , I4aix : ; burry
IIIDKS Giecn bntcbcrj. f.l < c ; RCCCII cured ,
dry Hint , iKrffV : dry salt ,
1'rlnit ! * 1anehter sole leather ,
S.'c ' ; piimeoak solo leather , : VKS : > be. L'ppcr
Icatbet per foot , aojtav ; licm , kip , 7.Vi Ne ;
oak kip. S5QMC ; Trench kin. S 1.00m 1,20 ;
hemcalf : , ; oak calf. S1.00C < { 1.'J5 ;
Fiencn calf , S1.2.X31.S ) ; Moiocco , booi leg ,
: ; o/tiic : : Morocco ml pebble.ahMyJc ; toppings
and linings 00 < t'JOc.
IIKAVY llAiiDWAiir. Iron , rate J2.CO ;
| ilow .stielNpeeIrtlCi\sl.lScciuclblesteel'Ke ; ( ;
cast tools do. I'-JMl&c ; wagon spokes pet set ,
52.OOtttjj.Ms huhs , ] ) cr set , Jt.4 * : telloes
kawed dry. S1.50 ; tongues , each , Sic ; axels ,
each. 7Se ; Minnie nuts , per Ib. ! Ca71e ; cell
clialn , per Ib. ( KirlSc ; malleable. 7i'.ii ( ! ! ; nun
wedges , Oe ; eiowb.u ? , rte ; h.inow teeth , 4'ne ' ,
spring steel , 7uS'e ' ; Huulen's horiC times.
S-I.M ; Himlon a mule sbocs 9V50. Hnrbed
wlie , In car lots , S4.00 pur 100 Ibs
Nails , rales , 10 to . ' , SiM ; steel nails S'J.OS.
Sbot , Sl.'i. ( > ; buckshot , Sl.sVi ; oilcntal powder ,
keirs , sS2.60 ; do. half kegs , ? J 00 : do. quarter
kegs. SUe : blasting kegs S2.ij : ; fuse , per 111
feet. Owe. Lead bar , FID
Atisitui liaiiels per gallon : furni
ture , extra , SI.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Srl.oo ;
coach oxti.i , S1.4M ; co.ich , No. 1 , 51.2(1 ( ; Da-
mar , extr.i , 51.7oj , lai > an , 70o ; asiili.utum ,
extra b : > c ; shi-Ilae , i.5n : ) ; hard oil tinisli ,
S1..V )
tjiMitiTS-ColoanosnltlK 1S3 proof , SI.17 :
do iOl pioof , ; spirits sroond quality ,
101 proof. S1.17 : do iss proof. Kl.ltl Alcohol.
IbS proot , ri'J.-M per nine L'ullon. liedistllled
whiskies , S1.00/-1..V ) . din , blended. S1..M )
2.00 ; Kentuek } bourbons , 5.'J.JOr . ( > .UO ; Ken-
lucky and rennsjl\anl.i lyes. S'J.OO rffi f > 0 ;
Golden Sheaf bombon and i\e whiskies
_ . . . . HianiUe" , I. . . . . - . ,
domesllo , Sl.iKVaU.oo. Oins. imnorted , S4. : > 0
rtii.OO ; domestic , SI 2 ; > ( i3.00. Champai'iies.
Imported , per ease , S2s\oOrTi.OO ( ( : ; American ,
per case. SlO.OU.ttlil.UO
PAINT- On , While lead. Omaha1. ! P. ,
7'fc ; vvlntp lead , St. IouN , pine , S7.M ; Mai-
belllesgiecn. 1 to Mb cans tic ; 1'ieiiciime ,
creen teal , 12c ; rienchinc. . red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In vainlsh as t. 20c : trench
71 lie. 76f ; vci million , KnglMi , in oil , 75c :
red. lOe : rose pinK. j-ie ; \ enctlan red , Cook-
son'.s , 2 , c : Venetian red. Ameiicnn , l'c ;
red lead , 7'ic : chromo jcllow , gpindiip , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K. I'-'c ; oclire , rochelle , 3c ;
ochre. I'lem'h , 2V ; ochn1 , Ainorlcan ,
1'fc ; Winter's mlntiid. 2'jil.ehigh ; blown ,
2'ifc ' ; Spanish blown , 2l < c ; J'tince't , mineral ,
Dnv PAINTS White lead , P ; French sine ,
12c ; Par ! , wnltlne. 2V ; vvhlilng , clldurs ,
- ? e ; whiting , com' ! , I' ' c ; lampblack , ( ! er-
manslovvn. lip ; lampblack , oidlnary , sc ;
Prussian blue,55p ; ultramarine , Itc ; vandy k-
brovvn , be ; umber. bmnU 4o ; umber , law , le
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , law , 4c ; Pane
gieen , Kenuine. 25c Paris green , com
mon , 22c ; chrome pieen , N. y. , 20c ;
verinlllion Americ.iti. I'-c : intiian
law anil burnt umber , l D > cans , use ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c ; vandvke brown , l"c : relined -
lined lampblack I3e- coach black and Ivory
black. Uic ; diop black. ICc ; Ptussian blue ,
40 < > : nlliHinailne black. 18c ; chrome urecnI/ . ,
M. A 1) . , Ifie ; blind Mid shuller grcpn. L. . M.
; I ) . , ICe : Paris creen , ISc ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian led , ! 'c ' ; Tuscan , 22c ; Ameiican
vennilllon. U. i\j D. , 20 ; vcllow ochte , 2c ; L.
M. A O. I ) . , Ibc ; good oclire. ICp ; paten
diver , Sc ; training color , liehtoaic , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and nMi. I''c.
DnuosAM ) lyiir.vncAi.H. Acid , caibolle ,
S2c ; acid , tartaric , 5'-c ; balsam copaiba , per
11 > , 4ic : : bark sassafras , per lb , 10 ; calomel ,
per ft , 7Sp , phlnclionldln. per ot , 40c ; chloro-
iorm , per lb , &UP ; Dovers powders , per lb ,
S1.25ephom ; satg. | per lb , iy c ; glyceiine ,
pine , per Ib , 30c ; lead , acetate , rer tl > . 21 c ;
oil , castor , N'o. 1. per ind. , S1.50c ; oil castor ,
N'o. 2 , per gal. , $1.10 ; oil olive , nei gal. , J1.40 ;
oil orirannum. We ; opium , SH.20 : ( piinlne ,
] * . it W.and It. AS , , per or. 70c ; potassium
iodide , per Ib , § 2.75 ; sallcln. per o40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oS2.CO ; sulphur , per
lt > , 4c ; itrichnine , per oSl.25. .
Dry LiumDar.
Xo.l Cora. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft 17.50
No.a " 12,14 ndl6 ft 14.7.1
No.3 " " 12,14 and 16 It 13.50
No.4 _ ? _ " 32.14 and 16 it. . . . . 12.00
IllMENslONt > UMill.llS.
isn 14 ft'lll ' ft lb It 20 It's ' ! I
! x4 . . . . ) ! ' . & . . ! : ! .
. . , .
2i8 . 1B.TO lfl.rillf.50,17.00l8.X)2I.OU21.lO , | ( ) ; (
2x10 . . .10.50 IBfil 18.60 17.Hi If ( H ! K.nO2a.OO |
2x12. itt.noi7.HiHiio ( ) ! .nol22.ui
_ IB no' ' 11 ( ) ) 20 oolM.Ojj
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. . roui h.i7.0J
No. ' . ' , 4 AOinch , Band H it. , louirh. . . H.oo
1st com , , Jilu White. 1'Ino l'artltion..S".00
ad . " . . . 27. ' .0
2d Com. * „ In. Noiway I'lniiCellln ? . . . . 14.DO
A 12 Inch. " .Is. 41 ! 0 . SIM.OO
H12 inch " "rjl > . 2.J.M )
No. I , com. 1'i ' in. , sis. 10. 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , " " . . . lb.,0
No. 2 , " ' " 12.fc4 ] ft . 17.00
. ' " 10ft . I0.0i )
No. 1 , plain,1 ? and'in inch. . ' ! . S17..ri9
No. 2 , | ) lanS : and 10 incli . 15..r > 0
\N clear. S2.1K ) : A staiidatd , S-.O ; Mo. 1 ,
5l.l ! > ; Lath. S2.2ri.
1'oHis-Whitu Cedar , 0 In. , Ss , I2c ; S in.
Will .tlnrry In Chicago.
( jveniiiK Air. L. K. Holies ,
city passenger apont ; of the Oiicnxo iV :
Noi'thwe.steni road , left for Chicago ,
where on next Thiiixlav uvcninjf , he will
he married to a voting lady of tliat uity
After n short bridal tour , Air. and Airs.
Hellos will return to this eity nnd take
up their residence on West Furnani street
Newspaper inlerviewinu is f.illin into
hinouiions desnutndc utllio capital , owing
to the. fact that reprcsontativeh of tlio
local press have no security against dm
repudiation of their own .statements and
those ncoredited to others.
.Near Santnck , S C , last week a sports
man is said to have killed fifteen pai-
t ridges at one .shot Tlio birds were
standing with their heads elo-o in line
and ho sent his rillo hall along the line , all' tlio heads of the. lifteen.
Chlcasro , ANI > Jlihvftnkee ,
St. Paul , Minncaiiulis , rcrtar Rnpldi ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Kock Islaiul.Frcuport , Kockford.
Elgin , Wadlson , .lanesvillo ,
Uelolt , Wlnons , La Crosse ,
And all otber 'inporlRtil polnti Hast , NortUtajl
* ncl BoutlicutU
Kor through tlckati cull on the T < ok t Agon
at 1401 Karnam etreet ( In I'axtoa Uotelor ) , *
Uiilun F clHo Depot
Pullman biooucn uul tba fin tt Dlulug Cart
U tht world r run on the main llnigofthe
OlUOiQO , yiU-VTATKIU & Bt. Fil'U ' Hill.WAr ,
and Tery attention U paid to patxtngtra kj
oourteoni employe ! of tbo oompMnj.
K. MILLIII , Oencral Mfumter.
J. if. TIICUCH , Anlttant lioneral Manafr ,
A V. H. Ciui'KNiKit. Geaeral Fk.ui > v raad
Tioiet Ag nt.
00. B. HKArroitD , Aillttaot Ocneral Faaita-
Ktr and Ticket Agvut
3. T. CI.AUK , U aeral 3uv.erlnteuJ nt-
l Arrhe , lca\e
1 Omaha Omahn
Depot 10th and 1'lcrcc sls. |
racltlo 1-Aptess . 7 : ' > 0 am 8:80 : pm
Kxpress lOiWam
"Local incis ' 1 1 :00 : AIII ftOTi ; pin
IJ. AM. . II. It. It.
Depot 10th and 1'acltic sts.
Mall and Express SilOain
Night Kxprc s IOM am CJOpin : :
0. H.A IJ. 1 ! . It.
Depot 10th and VaMH
Mall and K\piess . . ! > : ' am f. : ) pin
! 10 pin
K. ( \ St. J..V 0. H.
Depot 10th and I'acitie sts.
Via riattsnioutli . 7:10 : pin ii:20 : am
Liiii-oln Kxpress . "lOOam
I'AOept Mnndny.
* Except Saturday.
O..SI. I' . M. .VO.
Depot Kith and Webster st.
Slon\CHvK\pic H . stam :
ttU.inerftAecoiiiniitlatloii ) ! 0tOum : ; oil.'i pin
* K\eent Sunday
Depot 15tli and Webster st.
! ) > KMIIVSK . ( l.-'inm , 11:10 : am
VlKhl KMUC&S . liiioopnr ' .ni
Lhicoln K\nu' s . IlltMianii j > : l
"CMON .Vi'ot'K YAKlKSI l.e.uti Leave"
THA1XS. U'S Y'di Omaha
* l'\cept Snndav. 0irOam : * ri , ;
Tiains leavlnir U. P. do- "TsOlnm * 7'i5am :
polln Omaha at 10 : . " > 5 a.1 : .
in. , 5:05 : ) i. m. and su'o p. 10H : ( ) am
m. , and those loaxlim . . . 10:55 : uin
rnlon slock vnrils id ( > : OU ir)5am' : ) ' 2tOpm :
a , m. and 10M : a. m. me 20pm : 3ripm ; (
tlnonu'li passencor ti.ilns : ! lr : : > pm 4 : ii5 pm
all otheisauregular slock 4 : " > * > jmi 1:01 : pm
yaids diimtnv trains be u 15 pm 5:25pm :
tween stock vaids and , > SOOpm ;
Omaiia , _ | I v20pm ;
i Leave ' Leave
I' . P. miDiKTi.UNS. : ; : Trnnslur. Omaha.
l Leave I Aitivo
CONNKITINC LINKS.Ti.insli-r Transtcr
depot deUt ] )
and Jail Work.
1020 1 arnam Street , O.uabti. l\cb.
Onlj Line ItinmiiiK KltKi : HIM UMNO CI1A1H
I ' .Ml ? , hotHccn
OiiHilnt , Itincnlii , l ( ii' < tiri City tinl
St. Linti * .
PiiK-cnger Tifiin lll iiitlvo nt mid Inno
fioni tli ( C , SI. PM \ U. ) ( k0t | , IMh nnd
Webster Mieelf ,
Ulieit connection nnule In I'nlon Depot. Kim
flits ( Ity , lor nil iMimib J-ontli nnil Wc-t ; in
1 nlon Depot , St J.ouis , Jor nil | iomth Hast nnil
1'fl.l.MAN 111 nT.TSI.milM.NI ! C.MISannll
lllKllt tllllllb.
Foi tlcl < ( tt , flecln | r carlioiths iintl other In *
fin in 1 1 4 n , i til i n in 1 1 1 DM til I. , tel. I'M.
O. U. lilu ( ) | > ot , l.'itn nnil VVubsliii'hlicotb. or
F. K. Mounts , T. F. ( ioonniKV ,
Ticket AKenl. 'I'liixellni ; I'wtb. Ajjcnt
15/J F.irnnin Slicet.ciiniiliii ,
VV. IIinMtK. . M.C. TOHS > INI > .
ijcn Ttanic .viiin'ar Oonl. I'ussX'l'nk ft Ast
St. I.oiils.
F A.M. Flno ( V.lcrt.l r.aftt\t.g \ ct
In uUr AncUnl M M > olr Emltu \ , jot dltro. rrn )
ArnPKTO ft Point til Al o Urpe Uludikteit
r lklojt ; * of UtlOLletioclt IDJ food ! with ttttom
l ill , , AllOfir.ref dill cl ibuitlr i , IVlxnllt
cfipnfloui IlhDPIMI A LO ,
Artists' Material ,
7 A. IfOSl'Ell. . ,
Art is IK' Materials , I'iuiios and
I.M.I Dniicliii Ftrrrt.Omnlin.
Agricultural Implements ,
CJIL'JiClllLL I'AltKElt ,
Wliolrtnlo Pctlrr In
Ajrriciiltiiral JinpIeiiieiilH ,
itu < l IliipRlcf. Juno Muct , ti'tmi-u vtl )
le IKultirt In
linplenieiits ,
innd lUn-fics. Wl , WI..OJ nnUCO * , janci it
Butter and Eggs.
.MCSUAXE .fncnii <
Itnycrs of Mutter and KKKX-
Jtcfrlterntor nj rnrtlnE House , llth nnd J.eartn-
HortliSt. . I' I' . U. II. 'lf i '
Builtfers' Hardware and Scales.
ItlMEIiAUG 11 M'TA 'LoTt ,
BiiIld'r8'llnrihvarftiVScaloIe.iairSliop { |
UerbaulCD"loo'niDd llntralci SaUi , ll'JJ Douclut it. ,
v Oaialia. Nrb.
LEU , ritlEl * cti CO. ,
.Jobbers of Hardware and Nnils ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc Acento for Ilowv bt lei ,
unU ilUnil I'uvrrttn'o Omulm Nvb
Miolesalo Hardware.
Vfrtttrn uttnti for Jererrcii Fuel Nalti , Audio
I'OMHrC'u , lmtl > ank > HunO ; cl hralei. C'uiutr
ICitU anil Uariiey. Coiaha
Iron Works.
Inm Works ,
Wr uijit dm ) Pint Iron Ilullillng VVnrL Ii'on Millf.
llHlHiik' , UrMini unO ilrd ; r , blfktu Ki.iU.i ; lltnu
VV't > iklihii ral ffcuuilrj , M .cbiu < mij UlvilitiuilU
Vfi.rk. 4imrKi > I Wor > , U.r. 1(7 (
Beets and Shots.
x HA vSE u ED
Uanuractiirm unrt TTholmlt lc ler In
Hoofs nnil Slioo ? ,
ComplMt rtork of ] lut > b r Good , ilwurt cnt.aud
M H ISlh it. , Utnaht , .Net./ . T. Au.lln , jUft.l.
ir. r. MOJISE , r co.
.lobbors of Hoots nml Shoo * .
1(11 > rn > m tt.Onnhn.Nrti. Mumifactor } ,
Urn , lloitun.
/ . T. i.txJsEr , { ' co.
Wlinl ( " al < Itiililior HonN nml Shot" ' .
llubtlMandOtlcilClulliliiit nnd l-elt llootr , Miuth
rn ! Colm'MUli niu1 Dnuvtiix.
Agt. for Aitlicnscr-Hiibli Mmtiug Ass'n
l i cUI tlrniul" Vnutt , lluilnrlorr nnil Kristin r.
Tonx ILEX ,
Ti iror Ht'er Hrovvors.
l Vorth l th Street , Umfilm , Neb.
Coffee , Spiers , Etc.
( ' //7f h if irjtTtos co , ,
Umaliti Cortec- and Spli-o Mills.
* ) > M , COITCP. picr . llnklne t'OKilcr Mirorln
Unit * , 1 nuiulry lllue , Ink. Kir. I III If. llnrnrj
Mui't.i' imun , NeS
GA ' / ' / > , rorc .i
Jlomt * ( 'ofl'roand Splro Mill * M'f'jr Co.
( "orco Spli P4rlnilrr Mnnnfmtnrcrd
n ( llHklnK 1'onilor , I UtnrliiK IHtniU . Mini if. I'lr
Tr iiniiiirot iMir I n , | > a , knee lUttiio llloMl tU > ittU'd
OotTn1. IrtFMlimiirJ M . oranbncl >
EAGLEcoitxicE nouns ,
.loiiti Ki'ciiuter , 1'rop.
lliuitifiicturi'r nf ( inlvniiboil Iron nml Ciirnlre. wt
l < oi ! r 103 mil l"5 N , lOtli nt. . Omaha. N li.
JtUEMl 'IXG , ( ' IIOLTE ,
Mniuilit'lnrcr * nf
Ot'iumipnful ( tnlviutiypil Cornices.
Donuir Wlnilowi1 I lnnl . Molnlu kjllflit.ttc S10S.
l.'fi > t . Oniiihu.
'IrENTEitX' cojtxtci : n'olsifsT
C. Spi'dil , I'ton.
flnHdnlfil Iron Cornlrro , etc. SmirMiiiproMd 1'nt-
rut Mctnlli"-krllilil. ; U iiiuUUl S ISIIi i > t ( linnlin.
ir A c.i ni'ET co. ,
Jobber * of
Cnr-iots Curtains , Oil Cloths1.
I.H oliMiui. . Mnttli > K . Klc ISU UouRliu mri'it.
" "
, SVA. OItCII.t ItD ,
Wholohiilo Cai'iiets Oil Cloths.
it UHiI , Curtuln l.iuds , itc. : ItJj liuniini Mirrt ,
l > mi . Xi-b.
Crockery and Notions.
U' . L. HrlilGllT ,
A tent for lln > Mjnurn ( IIIKM-BIH ! Iinportcrp of
Crockery , ( tlniswnre ,
LBUIIH , ( 'lihiinci ! , etc. Oinre , UI7 Suulli 15tli ( t.
Oinalin , > ib. :
Commission and Storage.
n. A. uujtLir ,
and .lobliinp ; .
Hull or , ) : iii ; > nnil I'roiturp. ConiiKnnivutii mile Ifd.
lie uihniiirlcif foi Moiionnn1 , llrrry lion f ml
( iniit | > lUfkcle. 1(11 lloilKi'ftn'cl , llninbn.
Conuniosion Jlerchants.
I'riiltr. rnxliice nml I'lorlilniii , On.ulin Nvti.
Storasro and Commission .Merchant.
bi'rdiliit1 ' ! ! Unite" . ttKK . < 'lii'C e. Poultry , ( iuiue ,
( l'li'r Fie. . Ktr IIS'-OIUII Hlh mi vet
Prodiieo ( "onimission Jlerchants ,
I'oulU ! , llutlci , ( .nine , riitltf. Uc. . ' ) B. lUhll
General Ctiniiuiasion Jlerclnuits ,
And Job ! rrx ( if ForPlKn nnil Doincsllu I'niUf . Currf
tiidiuli'iii c K.llclli'J. U r.ri'liuutc : uiil ntlKo. 1IU.N.
'llilltrclilh M. . linfihnNpl ) > . 'I alPiliiine | .75.
Coal anif Lime.
I' . M1LKWOXK .f 'CO. ' ,
Dealer * in
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office m ( I yHrd.H'tli Hiul Nldiolaa Mi. , Oiuuhn ,
\ mt' 'ictpiibonc. I/ ; ? .
Gcv. i i.AtiAi.ilTi'ri" ( ' F. OOOIIUA > , V , Prc .
J. A. M.\HLHlAM ) , ee. nnd
.loliliers of Hard and Soft Coal.
Wi oiHtri'lilrtrcmli Mroot , Oinnlin , Ni'ti.
, T. ,7. , TOI1\NOX ( ' CO. .
Hainifacturersof Illinois White
Aiut Milpper * of Conl nnd Cokp. Cnnii'iit , I'lnMpr.
IJmp. llalr. Hr Itruk , Drnln. Tile and * -cnrr I'ipf
onire. Pixtoii Hole ) . Knrnnm pt , Ouutin , .Sib
F. r. . ,
Manufiicliirinj > : Conft'ctionors ,
Joliberk of I llilis.Nil : nnd ClL'us. UI1 I urnHin bt.
Livt Stock Commission.
M. lt'HKE , C ; SOXS ,
Jjivo Stock Coniniib.sion.
f'.fo. Ilinkc , Mnii.'inor
Union " -lock inrdr.H iiranbii. 'I elcpbnm- ?
SA VAC.E , C.liEEX ,
Live Slock CanniiNsion JIcn-lmntH ,
Shipment ! of : tnr nnd nil Icliule of fluik kullcltcd.
Union stock Vuidf , ( imalin , Ni'li.
Cigars anil Tobacco.
.lolilier.s of I'ijrars , Tolmcco ,
Uunt mid Ammunition , yir loKIH lllh ! . , 1(190 ( to
IllJt tannin M , OmkiHNcti. !
Maiinfucttirera of l-'inc Clears ,
And Whjlc nr : Draliri Iti I.caf Totiiccoi , Nin.lOt
iCilllOX. 'lib lUrrl.Oniilin.
\Vliuloitlo Deultri In
, 'I'obaccus ' , Pipes and iaiaokers1
i unlitor 1) , lgl lnr lorf.VC' ' ) . . Uno-Cntanl Siuok-
, Milwaukee , Wlioounln. No. Ill
( toibn , Nob.
Dry Cootls.
M. K. SMITH ,0 CO , ,
Dry Oooils , Fnrnisliiiitfd'ootls A Motions
1105 and 11UI Oi'MnIui.cor. UlbHl . C/nnli ) . .Stb ,
UinilUri of Uqiinri , Alr.ibol nnd plilti ! : i
mid Jnl'bcrftot WIDLKUIUI
CO. ainl JLKH , l > CO. ,
ImportArn Anil Johferecif J'ini * Miiips nn < l T.linnri ,
buifiamuitiiciuruixil Kvunrdi I' l India lilt-
tor * nnd Dunn < lc | I lfii'ir , 1112 lUrncjM
Drug ) , Paints. Etc.
11. T. CLAJtlfE DltVd CO. ,
Di'iiff , I'lilnt.Oil & ( ilass HOIIHO
Wtiitof c'blcafo I uiniilvtu I.lnu . ol Druti-UU buu-
tiricn till lltrnt H . ( IniMin ,
Drain rile , Etc ,
A. n.RAl Ell Pun. JW llriiHlliri t-Ci.\TlPn
U. .I.C'Allfov. V I'fi-n. undf upt.
TJJE r/.vio.v nvniiAULW
On tit 213 R Hlh tt , Omahn. Neb MnchlncrT od
huppllca frrMnmidtcturiut. Cimeni Dr.Un 'lil .
DEIl'EY , C fi'l'O.VE ,
Wholesale Dralers in I'timiturc.
K.irnsm t.v OinAhn , Nf b.
Furniture , lleddinir , Upholstery ,
Ulrrcrir , etc. 1300.13 nd 1210 Kurnnin ft. Oaiubt.
Butchers' Tools ,
' " ' "
1,01TJS HELLKll ,
ItutohevH1 Tools and Sii'i'incf ,
ituutt * CnHufi ot all kiti'.U Mlwcitlu tc < k , lilt
Croc rii3 ,
1 > AXTOy , GA L LA GilElt .t CO,7
Wholesale Groceries nnd 1'rovislonr ,
Nor. 7M.70r. ; n.l tit P. IQlh M. Om h . N .
McCOJtl ) , Jilt A DY , e CO. ,
Yl oJpsalo Grocer. * ,
IJtn tiid t.fiTenworth t . , Om hi.
ir. ,7 ; jwfb.i rc'//r
HtVvy Hnrdwnrp , Iron and Strcl ,
, \ \ r < m Stnfk. ll rdn ro l.iiiubcr.ctc. VX&
mt nil llnrnry | . . Onuln. _
EDXEYA Ginnoy.
Wliolcsnlo Iron and Slcol ,
, PITJ nna
Ktr , UK ml Kit ) l.Mvriiwurth t. . Oni-iim , Nn , .
. ,
Manlier , tlnln , iirati Ccx-dt. lai nt.d IUi
Lumber ,
Jtii.tnroitn ,
Denier In I.tnnher. Iintli , lihne , Snsli ,
Doorn , itc. : VHiitf-CnnirrTtU nml UmtfUni t'unifi
yih niitl UiMijInv.
CHICAGO L i co , ,
Mhulrsnlo l.ti
8US l < tli "It-ret , Omahn. N'cb. p. ( Vilpelior. W ni.eiv
jn no LM , c iit ICKSOX.
Wholesale .lowolers andMitsie Dealer.1 * .
Uralcrj In Mlmnaro , DniiimiiilP. Wntrho * . I liKkf.
Junulei iTixilhnnil Mntormln , n.p I II uul Uki 111U
_ M our. IMclKO , Ollllllli Noli.
C. X. DIET/ ,
I'll' ' ami OnllfoiTln Slroct * . Omaha Neb.
Fit Ei ) ir. tut.t r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Kit * .
Cur. flit nml iiouk'tun Mi , Dimi'm ' Nc ) .
litiinher ,
a1 , ir. iiAin'EY Li'MiiEit co. ,
J'o Dealers Only.
_ Ontc * . U0.1 PariiBin Xrofl.Oninlii
Hardwood Lumber.
Wood Ciiri'ttt nuil I'lirnHol Kluorlnv. "Hi UIH ! licunt !
Wholesnlo Ltimher , Klc.
Imporloil nml AmxrKfin ruillnint CpniiMit ctnt <
> KUUt lurAlllnnnl ( n llyili-nnlli' I cuivnl nnil Hill
( JI1IIII.ThllOl.lHli - .
LifO Stock.
UXIOXSTOCJf \ lil > S CO. ,
Of Omiiha.
Limited. John C. Bojd , S'JpeilntacdiDU
Millinery < tnJ Notions.
liiiportriiand Jolibon nC
ilillinery and Notions ,
1513 find 121. ' . llntncr M.mM Onnlin , NVti.
"c. 's. GOOD it ic 1 1 r co. ,
Aic tlio ( iiilr Dlicit IuiMirtpr | < nf
Gorman Froneli Toys * I'aney ( foods
In .NclirsKkn. CIO | | KO nrlri'i iliuillriileil xillmut nld.
lujfrpldit. 14151 iriinmi'iiret.Ouiiiliii.
JT 7' . " iTo n So fioI\ cUT
'lioloffilo Delict * In
Kollons and Kiiriii hinir Goods ,
40.1 iimuoi S Tenth Nt , Onmlia.
Joblii'r. Ill
Notions , Hosiery nnd Gents' Fti
lOOGand 1003 Ftrnara > t . Oiinlin. N ill
Paper Boxes
. / . L. iriLKIE ,
JliUiurneliirer of rajicr lo.\e ! ,
fH lllh S. . Oni ill n , NobrJHkii. Onion by innllio
llcltcduud nill it cclve pro.nht
Miiiiiifaclnn'rs ol' Overalls.
.Iciirs I'niti.hhirte , Ktc IKl.'lii'l ' II'll ' Doiii ; ! IK Mii < ct ,
Oniihti. Noli
jTEES JrdXTlX < } ( OM / ' . I XY
, loh Printers , Blank Hook Mnlu-ra.
And llaok lliudrri' ' . 10 ! mid W VmUi luiirticntti
eliicl. ( Imnlii. Neb
WESTEit XEirsrA ! Eli \ioJi
Auxiliary Publisher * .
Donlors I find Prliitcn' suppllci
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
iirihMOHIUK ; < rCo. . ,
.MaDiifncliirPrii l' ( kni nn I | i ilom in
I'ieliles & Strictly 1'ure Apple Vinepar
IlaklnK 1'Dwrlfr , Fluviirlnu I'Tti icii'l l > | o SHIKV ,
l-rrnch Miulii" ! tvi li Illulim , lirwria ! ' "t" ! ! !
ole ugicnia fur Vdik MuiuMnnI lloUiivili | | > l ( > li-
ctur. li" : > I vurrnwurth ( . . Oiiiiiht.
Safes , Etc.
r. llOYElt iP CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe ALeck ro.a'
Kirn mid nurk-ur rroof hafn , , Tun * l.ork' , \ nulU
nidJHll WiirL 10VI IMr.iarn itn'ot ( ) in h , S l > .
G. A.\r/ > / > / ; / ; , v ,
Onmhu Sale \Vork .
MunurnrliiriMiMil hiiculid IliircUrI'rnof * 'f , V ull
leer . .lnl ! WorkShutinn und Wim VSurk Cur.
Kill jiiiJtt | ( k on Hts . Dic.tiJ , Vtb.
Sash , Donrs , Etc ,
M. A. Dibitnoir , e co. ,
Vr holc'itlM Mnnufuriiirortf nf
.Sash , DoorM , lilinds and Mouldincfd , nnicn nihniiJnrd | l .Oniiha Ni-b
( TTr. hY .ii t\ .
Sasli , Door , JillniN , Moiildin H ,
Bulldinv I'liiiv. rii. 10)1 ) Snulu 'I'hmconlli 8ll ct ,
OmHhu. .Stb. A uwiplfli ! l i k .it HiiIMi.iV
Manufacturers , of EM/I. Doors , Blinds ,
linuldln. : HairWkuiiil Intcrnirllji'l Wood MnliU
Juilu | .utd. K.k.cnr 81 li ind l.n.i.cuftuilubu.
Oiiibliu , Nt b
Pumps ,
L 1'C.MI' CO. ,
AVliolnsulc Piimiis , Piie | , Kilting * ,
Ftcnraund Water hiiui'llvi Hen liiittli | < ri ( M U
I 'jMi' ' ( iou l . llll 1-ulnuni M liniilik SkU
AL. NTlt.t\G CO. ,
, J'JIICH and Ki
Btcam , Wul < T , llallivny unU .Mllln.- . hi.i.l | . > Kto.
mi. ' .tfittta'j'i l-krnuni n . oiiiulu Net
Wind Milli. r.taiu mid Wkter
nk'lJuc'li llcllln.- . nine ii'n i
uitl. , Oinnlm H K I ellim , Mvnic
'J clvphnnu K < > ' 10
Trunk * .
lTri. M A Klio'l < "i < ,
Wholesale Trituks ,
Mlllnrd lintel llhitk.
Wagons nnd Camay's.
A. J , iiIMrSOX ,
The Leading Uarriuijo Kactoiv ,
I4U9 and Itll IioUgettreet , Omaha
BuMiny Nute-ial.
o M A if A LmniEft co. ,
He * tnn Ai < Kii at
iliuldiii ? Ihilevftl at UJiole-.Ui > .
lirirc " . 'n-\