Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1886, Image 1
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , THURSDAY iMOHNIXG , DECEMBER 2B. 188(3. ( NUMBER 188. Lord Randolph Ohtnchill Withdraws Prom the English Tory Cabinet. THE TIMES ON THE SITUATION. A fJravo Slop In a Critical Pcrloil fJrnrral Itiitlct-'n Count illy Action 1'laccn Him socially in Coventry. Itnmly DoiertH Snllnhu'ry. | CY > pi'u'ilN ' ' > till Jiini'i tonion HfintUA LONDON , Dee. 2-t , ) a. in. I New Yoik lie.aid Cable-Special to tlio Hi.Rl Tim London Times , In noticing the resignation of Lord Itandolp'i ' Chiuchill , says : "v\'n lm\i' tills looming to make the start- announcement Unit the chancellor of tlio Mhenuer has placed tils resignation In Die linnds of I.out Salisbury. Tlio rcaMm assigned for this step , grave at all limes , nnd deriving gravity from tlio peciiliaillles ol HIP ex-Ming political situ- ntlun , Is that Lotd Itandolph Clnitehlll , as the minister lesponsihlc for the national HimiiMe.nmnt eoiii'in In tliu estimates put foitli li\ tins wai iilln i > and adinliallty. Tliu re situation of l.oid Randolph Cliarchill has , bevond nil iUcstlon | , deprived the KOV eminent of its ablest mem- liei except the in line minister himself. II has consequently Intioiluccd a. complete chance In the situation. Is It possl- Mo foi Lord Sttllsbinv to go on with an ad- Tiiliilsliatton ronstincted nn the lines of tlio present one , bill without Lord Hindolph Churchill's alilV Lord Kandolph Churchill wfis niiicli more than chancellor of ( he exchequer , lie. was tlio leader of tlio house of commons , and dining the autumn season showed that whatever mav be his quillty as a financier , lit ! has In a hlKh degree the gift of managing nion , and especially of gnldin. ; a loosely or- gnni/cd and linpicsslonable popnlai assem bly. No Salesman who does not po sess that tlll ; can lead the house of commons lo anv Rood puipo e. anil unless the htuiMS is skillfully led even a great and lojal majority will not avail to save the min istry fioin dls.istei. " These extr.icls tindoubtc < lly reresent | the general feeling KS exhibited In the clubs and wheic politicians nsscmble. It Is probable that Sh Michael Hlcks-Hc.ich will now re- inko the rhancollnishlplilch he held under the last tory administration. itUTijnu's nisoii-ici : . Appeals to MIR Honor by Iindy Colin HiiHCly Dltirccardud. [ Ciipyitulit / * , % fume * ( Ionian /l'imrtl.1 LONDOV , Dec. 22 fN'ew York Herald Cable Special to the IlnE.J Dining the last two days London society , satnrted with the del.illsof the Campbell cause relcbro , has been discussing tlio extraordinary rider ot the juiy regarding ( Jenoial Duller. It has also been wondering at his queer conduct In mariying a gieat artiste whose liibt picture , tin ) Ci imean "Iloll Cull , " Is seen In eveiy pi int shop. Ho is the author of a book called "Tlioreat ! Lone Land. " Tiio general is a Catholic , a diplomatist and a soldier , and well rcenrded In all clrelos. Ills club , tin ; .liniloi United Service , called a meeting to consider whether he ouzht to bo o\pelled or not. A court martial Is hinted at for con duct unbecoming an oflleei and a gentleman. Hence , anything relating to his noii-apuear- ancp becomes tor the present a public fonline , Mr. ( ! eorgo Lewis , his solicitor , said to day that every elfoit.IB inadu to induce , him to return. "I used personal entreaties , private - vate rcpiesentatives , the iniluence of icla- tlves , of hleh ecclesiastics ani | of the highest military authorities , but It was no use. 1 i-eived him with a snbpn'tia and enclosed .1 tr note. lie bent mo back tin nolo and took no notice of the Mibmeim , I sent ono of Ills counsel o\ci to Dlnan to ropicscnt that ho owed it tc > Colin \\ellas to himself to attend , but all to no puipnsc. I had some tlmo ace wiittcn , Dicing him to let mo take his cvl' ' deuce , in case anv thing should happen tc him. Jle replied that ho refused to meet n v ague and indellnlle charge ot adulteiy w Itli n n \ othei reply than that of absolute denial , but as soon as aily partlcul.ti ami bpccllio accns.itlonsero biouglit agalnsl him ho pledged himself that , at wh.itevci pnciiliceot lime and coinenience , he would return to give them dlicet , speellic and abso- Intecontiadlction. lt < wilting , lint afttrwiud , when tlio vague and undo- lined chaise was converted into a specillc , although monstrously linpiobabloaccusation , ho had changed hUjuimi , and ho would not conui ; and when ho has chanced his mind nc liouei on e.uth eati ludiHo him to change It , IAIIroi.iNS i.R nrit. Ladv I'amubellroto to him tliN lettei. "Deas ( ieneial Butler : You \\lll remeni' tier that when Mi. Lewis In m > his odli-e pro | > osed for > oui own eouveuleiiei that > ou should bo examined In icn'aid to tin e. i-ti no\\ pending , > uu said itonld be nn- necc'-sary , as > ou Intended to leturn to KIIK land and appear In person at the tilnl. Till- \\asxoob\loiibl } doiliablii In the In teas to youi O\MI character tin1 nothlni ; linlho could then linxo been urged upon 3011 , and I Is theiefoiolth prolonnd amn/einont tha I now learn > ou ha\o changed this liiteu lion. You must know that join f.illuie tc sppcar at tlio tilal will Inlllct umoiibtious in justU-oiipon me , and put mo to eiuel nm iiiiuecuary trouble in the \linlicallon o mj chaiaeter from unfounded Infeiencei dia\Mi by m > enemies and youis from tin single fact ofoiii haing called iijio'i me H Lord Colln's house , Tlieso inlerriues can hi Instiuill > dlspro\en by a single str.ilglitfor \\anl amlmanl ) denial on your part.and ( hi ilenlal 1 haui the right to expect from jou , n .1 filend , a genIIem in and a soldier , llopini hoontoleain that ) ou have iciiimcd jou original intention to appeal in pci on , 1 le main , > our.trtilj. . " in's ( i at 1:1 : n tHe Ho sent thii curt auswci : "DiSAN , Francy , Nov..v. , ItssDonr iv\ \ Colin ( ' .impbell' 1 beg to acknowledge tit uvuiptof join letter of tholMhot Xovcm ber , and In leplj 1 cm oulj icjieat that m ; resolution of not appealing In eUdenco a the foithcoining reiuaiiib unchanged. " AN AiM'h vi. to iuiri : Kite next thii ! > Implored lib \ \ ife ; "Vifjoiiu MANSION , \Vn > r > iMMHi IH-e. lr > , IbNl. M > Dear Lady Uutler : 1 d not Know If ) on of all the ell oil Ih.uemadolo Induce jour husband to re turn to hK original intention of appealing li IHTSOII at the tiial , but as tlio- etfoits.and al Ihe man } others I luuo caused to bo made 01 l\l \ ) sUlvj , ha\e failed utterly In producing an ; filed , Iiito I now to you to nnUo a la ; apc.U ) ) to jour vromanliood to ti and peraiiado jour husband to icpe.i tl'o denial , \\tiieh ho has al ready made in hi .statement and in hUlettois to Mr. Low hot jear ngt > . Itis olmply my lifo as well as m honoi that are at stake , lor if jour liii ! > bixii does not apittMi the vase uiu t go agaliu him , and to lose thU IMSO ould IMS my deal nlo\\ . \Vlll.\ou , thcretoro , btaiuf bj unit c another woman done to de.ttli before > oi when > ou can so easily prevei 1 pray aud beseech j ou to help uie I this darkest hour of my life and get jour husband to reconsider tills his last decision and n pncar In couit. What liaim can It pos sibly do to him to deny a fact altcady dis proved namely , about his two visits to mo ? 1 have been and am lighting as haul a battle as ono \\onian ever had to light liavn iou , then , as a woman let alone as a friend , vslio have known jmi and jours for so long no pity or soriovv for me ? If jou have , jon \\lil Induce jour hus band to come forw.ud and do what he can as any honoiableman vvoiild to help mo In a battle which , remember , I nm lighting as much foi his honor as nij ow n. As j on hope lor mercy in tlio last day show meiey to me now and lljinteti the loidhlrh Is almost pist my endurance to bear by petstiadlng ma husband to appear. " Mill. lltnt.Kll'M VNSWI li. Lady Butler answered it In this sphinx like fnlstlc : "Lit : UUIONKS Irv vv , Dec. r > , 1S5C > . Dear Ladv Colin Campbell : I bee lo hay I uin Inllj aware of nil the elfoits yon have made ami have caused to be made to Induce my luisb.ind to appear and give evidence on oath at jour trial. Your appeal to mo touched mo deeplv. 1 would 1 rould help jou , but I bcllevo tills case to have pissed out of our hands , and to have gone before a tribunal where human aid Is impossible. 1 remain bincerclj jours. jours.EM / vni/tii 1U " \Vlthtlilscoircsuondence In lull publicity it is federally believed Hint Sir Duller must now enter coventrv , so far as club and military lllc are concerned. Ihe Anti-Kent Ii in IN , Dec. Hi The anti-rent agitation in Ulster Is spieadinc dally and many ten ants are joining ( lie movement lor lower rents To-day the tenants on two large es tates In tlio piovlnce made a demand toi 'X > pel cent reduction on their rents. The government , it is repoited. resolved to nrosccuto Dlllontind Healy fortliolt declara tions at jesterdaj's meeting of the executive committee of the national league , that thev would continue to carry out tliu plan of the campaign in delianec of the government Four evicted farmers at Tinhalla , near Carrlck on Stiir , have reoecupled their hold- lugs undei an agreement of tifteen jeais1 puiclmso. Their loinstatemunt has caused much rejoicing. The Nation advises thn tenants , If the plan ol the campaign should result in a falluie , to keen their rent money themselves. His an essential condition of victory , sajs tlio Nation , that the tenants shall not piy biek lents , because their re fusal to do so will abolish landlordism In Ire and. _ _ Heavy Snow lit Germany. Hi in IN , Dec. 22. A heavy snow btonn , which is still raging over a large part of Ocr- inanj * , has caused a complete suspension of railway traffic with Saxon y , Tliuringen and liavaria , and a naitial suspension of com munication with Silesia. 1'osen , Fiankfoit , Main ? , Worms and Strasburg ( Albace ) . Dresden has received no mall Irom Leipsic or Chcmnit/ two ilajs. A dispatch fioin Uassclsajs that the stoim Is raging without abatement over Central ( ionnany and that no communication has been had with Berlin Inco .Monday. How Olailstono Stands. LONDON , Dec. 22. An Interchange of views between Gladstone and his colleagues of the last liberal cabinet on the attitude to bo adopted by tlio liberal party at tl.a opening of parliament has resulted In nn agreement to support tlio government In all legal elforts to suppress the anti-rent campaign , but to urge the Immediate enforcement ot some loim of Parnell'fl ' bill foi the suspension ot evictiotiR. Notwithstanding Painell's dis- phasnie , Messrs. Dillon , O'JJiion and Healy continue thcli anll-icnt tactics. Hrcakine the I'nst. LONDON , Dec. 22. Jacques , the Knglibh faster , paitook of food vesteiday evening , after an abstinence of twenty-one davs. His experiment lo fast until he collapsed had to bo abandoned , owing to the very small num ber of pronto who ( . 'atheied to witness his at tempt. Tills moining he walked ten miles bcloro breaUfast and then lesumed woik in tlio silk laetoiy , where he was pieviouslv empl'jed. ) Clinnilicrlatii'H Irlwli LONDON , Dec. 22. Chamberlain has writ ten to a coiicspoiulunt aletter In vvhkli ho si\s ; ho still adheres to his oiiginal Itish scheme , which lias nothing in common \ \ ith ( iladstone'n measure. No Ollloial Ucuoptlon. Pvnif. , Dee. 2i. Klourcns , mlnlsler of for- eUn atlahs , will leceive the Hnlgaiiaii depu tation as nilv.ito persons , but \\ill accord them no ollielal reception. Tim t'niiaina Canal. I'vnis , Dee. 2J. The nowspapeis stati' that De Lesseps attended a baniiiet | last evening and In the course of a sjieci h slated that it7r : > ( XOOu ) francs v\eio stilf neided to com plete the I'anamn canal. \ Villlnito Compromise. I'Aitis Dee. C2.--.M. do llia//a olfcis to re- liiniiilsh his measures rolalivo to tliu Congo in l.ivm ot tlio measine.ot the chamhci ot deputies. _ Tlu > Humor DUoi I'dili-d. CAino. Dec. 52 'Ihe inmorof the fallot IC.iss.iln , piibl shed vostu day bj tboliosiihoio K.'jptlen , l illhcredlti'd heie. Ilo Cnnnot ItcHl n Hi in IN , Dec. 21. . Kinjieioi William has i < il used to act opt the resignation of dcneial D.iunenboig. A GitKAi1 SOHI.AII : ; . How a Now York Count } Will Hid Ithdr ol' Trani)4 | Xrvvonu , Dee. 'Ji. | S ] > ecial relegiam to Ihi ) Hi 1 .1 Wiistcheslei eountj has Joi many jearsbeen ( lie damp's paradise. The meals fmnlbhed by the bherlil at the expense ol tlio eountj have lon been noted tot tlieli exiellence iimong the nomadic trateinitj' . The conseqiioneo Ins been that the laigc niimbei of ti.unps .siipiioited by the county has greatlj Inci eased taxation. Several plaiib Inivo been proposed toi making the tramps earn their Hv in. , but nil have , upon trial , pioved failures Last Tuesday nluhl the follow Ing plan \\\s ; adopted : A house h to bo built on tlio POOI faun , bomo font nnle- noith or U hlto 1'Ulns , to which all tiamii- shall be committed at > soon as they nolu thcli noses over the Westehester county line. Adam on the havmlll nvir and a small steam pump will Bend plenty otalei lutn the house , which nhnll l > o ho coiibtincted , tlie lesoliition pio\ides , "that it ran be Hooded with \\.tlei to a depth of at least \ \ feet , nntl MI auangcd with apaitments and platform-j that all pel sons committed ns tramps 01 vaurantscan bo placed therein andtheieon , and when the watei is tinned on bo com pelled to bail or bo submeijed ; tlieieby. " Tin wlioioatiuttnro will not cost over 50,500. Dr. Avelliii : niul h.s vvifo and : wu oilier hocialUf met last nl , lit to denounce U'e.-tdiestef * new Hrouclii n , Dee. % - ! ' . h. Tabbett , ol LetliiKton , Kj. , habbold to W. li , Wilson of Abdallah 1'ark , Cjnthlana , Kyt , Ills Intel i-st in tliu trotting stallion Sultan (2:24) ( : ) 01 thobasUolV o.Oou Wilson is now the till iiwnc- lit this famous stallion. Put on ilio Mi > t. Xr.vv Yoiih , Dee. 'W.At tlm regular meet ingof the governing committee of thu Ncv Yoik block exchange this afternoon ? l,000 , ( HX ) additional block ot the railwaj w ai oidei d listed , Snow in MAIM n 1 1 s Dee 22. A. violent snow .storm has been nulnc here todajVessel : have bwi unable tu leave poit , THE NEGROES AND KNIGHTS , Opinion ns to the Effect of the South Carolina lina Law Upon the Blurts. BIG EXODUS PREDICTED. \ \ lint NHn-n ilvn's ItoprrRcnlntlvcN nre I'rov lulons of Wnrnrr'N Hill National Cnpitnl Notes. Anotlirr NCKIO KxotliiB I'roliulilr. WA lllxcirov , Deo. ' . ' J. ( Special Tele ciiun to the BKP.I It is the opinion among South Caiollna people th.itthc action ot the legislature of that state , toioidding the organ- l/atlon of tlio Iviilglitsol 1/iboi , will give a new Impetus to tlio oNodns of the coloreo people , and that dining the winter and loin Ing spring largo numbeis will leave foi Ar kansas and Texas. The agents of the rall- waj companies and coloni/atlon societies in the last named states arc already golnz Into Soutn Carolina , and there Is a movement lei exporting them In latge numbeis to the south paitof Calilornla. The colony agents will pay their faro in advance and take it out of their wages ufler airlval In monthly install ments. The laws of South Caiollna aicmoic opiresslvo in theli provisions than those of other states , and landloids have laboiers and tenants entirely at their meicy. The landloid has by law a fast lien ou the ciopof his tenant , who cannot move Itvitli - out his permission and bulldo/ing is lesoited to to compel the eoloicd producers to sell their crops tollieii landlords who will not pay cash but give store orders , which aio not negotiable. The merchant on whom they arc given chaiges exhorblt-uit prices lei everj'- thtng , but the bujer cannot go elsewhere to trade , as helms no money. Ko emploje of a plantation ot clsovvhcie can leave his em- ploj er without the consent of the latter and sv written permit. No othei man will employ him until ho presents such a permit , and thcrcloio ho Is helpless It Is be lieved that the oitranlzatlon of the Knights would abolish the svstom ot peonacc , and that is why the legislature has passed a law prohibiting any such thing. There is a de mand for labor In Arkansas and Texas. Uettor wages aic paid and there arc no op pressive law s. The railway companies are engaged with tlio plantcis In the Importation of labor , and the agents of tlio foimer aio able to advance the traveling expenses of those who wisli to emigrate , and to piomlso them Immediate employment. This afternoon Kdwurd S. Isham , of coun sel tor the tlrst and second mortgage bond holders , gaid : "The now proposition as out lined does not differ in any matcilal way from tlio one refused by Judge ( iresham last week. It is u meio repetition of the former one w itli some apparent changes. The effect of the new propssltion would bo precisely tlio same as tint of the old one. The oblcct is to cripple a part of uronerty and enable those heretofore in contiol to keep up their In equitable administration , to put an end to wnich was tlio object ol the couit In appoint ing a now receiver. " M.UKASKA Mf-MHUr.S AC WOltK. Jleprebentatlve Weaver , of Nebraska , Is prepaiing a favoiable report from the eonniitteo on commerce on tlio bill bLvman , of Iowa , providing for the con struction of a bridge between Omaha and Council Bluffs' , Senator Manderson will try to call up and have passed In the senate to-Uav the bill ap- pionriatlngS.V5.000 foi KortUoblnson. S30.000 for Toil Uusseli , and S'JOO.WW for the artillery and eavaUy school at Fort lllley. MUS. CM.VKIiANI ) flOKS SIIOPPIVO. Mis. Cleveland joined the tluongof shop- peis to day with the same enjoyment as that whicli the rest of tlio elbowing and pushing throngs of ladles Her can lago in nont ot tlio stores attiacted great attention. Xo small part ot the tlmo of souuty people Is now given to the vaiions charities in which they are Intcicstcd. Mis. Whltnev Intends giving a tieo and attendant festivities to the ehlldion at St. John's orphanage , where she is a constant and llbeial pationoss , by having them all at her house on Christmas day. Mis. Cleveland Is likewise largely interested in the pooi cliildien's dinner at ( lie Chtist- imis club next'1 nesday. At various mission schools voting ladies are busv with their prcpaiatioiis. OMMTAI. NOTH . Ml s I'mnia H. bmitli and Miss Kva M. Lvon. of Nebiaska. have been appointed coptlsts at fc"OJ a vcar in tlio interim depait- ment under the civil servino rules. Andiow C. Lairn , of Iowa , M > 00 cleik in postotllco depnitment , has been promoted to < jl,20J. I'OsTVI niANOKS. The following Iowa postmasteis weio appointed today : Ja . M. Wilson , Andeison , I'rumont county , vice Joseph I'alongtll , deceased ; Jno. W. Fanell , Hinninuliam , N an Hnien county , vlroJno. S. Hogsdale , lemovcd ; D. A. ( ! iay , Lelghton , JIahaska county , vice K. L Holler , resigned , Jno. Wels . Tnikev Cieek , Klllmoie eountj ; \eb , vicoJno. Lcclier .icslcned. mail's New Pension nil ) . WASHINGlov. Dec. 22. At the leqitost of the I 'nion Veteran Aimy ot tlio Republic , .Senator lilali to-day introduced a bill making coinpieheiislvceliangos in the pension laws. Tlio bill piattlcallj icmoves the limitation of arrcais pension act , and maUcs tlio fact of enlistment into tin ) sen lee of the I'nlted States evidence ol physical soundness at the timeol enlistment. H enlarges the class of persons to bo entitled to the henelils of the pension laws so as to Include all who may liavo been disabled while actn illy digged in the bi'ivico ot the United States , whethei thej were mustered 01 not. It also grants a pension to all lemalo nurses In the late wai who Mi ill have aiilved at thoa o ot lit'ty jean and aie without means ot comfoitablo biippoit. Tlio i.ito ot pension lei minor ehlldion Is ineieased fioin { * 2 to S. ' jici month. It Is made iinlaw fill to inject a claim upon nv idonco secured by a se < ret inv estlga- tion or because tlm records ot the wai 01 navy de | ' > iilment fall to show the existence of disease , wound 01 injiny. It is also mndo unlawlnl to reduce a pcnslnn or striUn tlio ii.tmo of a penslonei ftom tlioiolls without giving thiitv days' notlco to the iierson nf- tecttd. When tlio claimant who ( > entitled to nirears of pension dies before Ids claim is udjncated , hh widow , minor chlldron and do- pmidant iclatlves shall bo cntltleil to a pen sion , bucli fuilhei Minis as may bo neces- saiv to pa > pensions Kianted under the pio- visions of tills act Is anpinpiiated in addi tion to tlio5r , oaoOJOappiopiiated bj the last pension bill. Tim Washington Moniiiiinut. W.V IUNI.ION , Dec. 22. A meeting of the joint committee chaigcd with tliu con struction of the Washington monument was hold at the white house thl afternoon , Amen tliObO probcnt was 1'iesldcnt Cleve land , who Is cvolliilo president of Ihe com mission , Tlio annual icport of Colonel Casey , engineer In chaigoof the monument , was submitted and approved. It recites that the woik of constructing the monument Is practically linishtd 1'lans wcro adopted for Improving tlm tenaeoat the base ot tlio mon ument , which contemplate a gradual slope of ground-so as to inaUoit appeal that tlio mon ument stands on a natural hill. The commis sion will recommend that the monument lie transferred to the charge of the bccictary ol war. Congress w ill also bo asked to prov Ide means tor extending the terrace * , toi operat ing the eicator and for the construction of a loilge house. _ Tlio Military Aciulemy. WASHINGTON , Dec , 23. The report sub- milted In the senate to-day by Senator ! Manderson and Gibson , and in the house bj Representatives J3ragir , Laird and Yelle , o the board of v Ultors to West 1'olnt , shows that there were at the time of the visit sev cnty-lhe vacancies'in the academy. It it recommended tlhpt Jjhe yfejjden.t bo autUoi /ed toap ) > ont ! len ( ftidets al large evciy ear instead of every four j cais as at pros- 'lit. Tlie course of stndv In gencial Is np- iroved , 'I lielinlldlngs of ( ho acadenn Rio rencrallj condemned ns unsatlsfaeloty for he u es to which they are put , and a mimbct of improvements arc siigcc-sted. Tlie board express the opinion that lnjn tleo is done loth cadets and at my oniecrs by the fieiiuent lianges of ollleers ns.slgned to duly as pro- es ois at Ihe academy In concluding their 0 the constiuctlon and maintenance ot tele- giaph lines bv the land grant i all toads , pro- Ides that all subsidised lallioids shall forth- vilb and henccforwaid constiuctand operate 01 the lalliond , K < > vcrnment , commeielal and ill other puiposes telegianh lines , and oxer- iso themselves alone all tlie teleuraplt tian- hlses conferied iimn | and obllirallons as sumed by them under thegiantlne acts ; that ho rail load eonipinies opeiato theli tele graph lines so as to , , iToul equal facilities to ill , without discrimination in lav or of or against anv poison , company or corpoiation ; hit any telegiauh company shall have the klit to connect Its lines wlili tlio telegraph lues of tlio railroad company , In order to acilitate the exchange of telegraphic com- iiuiilcation between the two companies : that it In the duty of the conimlssioneis of ailioads to report complaints to tlio swe at j ol the Into ) lor and sec that the older is uopeilv and cftlclently cairled into ellect , nnd , if necc'suy , entorced by mandamus 01 oilier pioccedluir ; that any otllcci of a tall road company who icfuscs to onerate tele- Riaph lines In the manner piovided In this ict shall bo lined not exceeding 31,000 and mpiisonednot less than six months. The Dls.thtcd Veteran ! ! . WASIMNOTO.N , Dec 22. Tlio repoit oftho bo.ud of managers ol the national home lor llsablcd volunteer < odieis ! , which was laid bcfoie the house to day , states that the In mates of the home have been well and com- foitably fed , clothed and housed , and tint theio have been no complaints on these sub- eets from inmates The average numbei of nmates dining the last tiseal > eai was bWO , againstb,0'.0 foi the pieci'dlnc year , an In crease of 11-1H pei cent , 'this ratio of In- cieasolsbaid to bn likely to continue for a lecado to como. The suivivois ot the wat aio mowing old , their disabilities are se verer , and tlie number vvho aie unable to sup port themselves Is rapidly incieasine. The cxpendltuies during tlio yoai were 81 00s,7t ( ) > , iiul llic estimalc for next j c.ii aie Sl.VJi.VM. ! A 1'an-nicctrlc Decision , WASHING TON , Dec. 2-2. Justice James rendeied n decision to-day In the equity court in the suit of J. llariis Hogers against Attoinoy Geneial Qarlaud to dissolve the jartnershlp known as the I'an-Klectrio Tele- ihonc compinv. Tlie nttoiney gencial , in its answer to the bill of complaint , denied all he allegations contained therein and was de sirous to Imve the case tiled on itsmctits ; nit the othei defendants Senatoi Harris , CommissIoiiHr Atkins , Commissioner John son and Casey Youne tiled a demuuer. and on that the case vkv argued. Justice James .o-dav sustained Ida demurrer and dismissed the bill without going Into the merits of the case. The attorney general Is said lo bo dis appointed at this result , as he hoped to have the question settled on Itsmeilts. The Chinese .Mission , WASiu.NoroK , Jee. 2J. Upon lepicsenta- tlons made by Assistant Secruaiy Poitei , of the department of state , the house com- nlueeon foielgn affairs lestorcd to tlio dl- ilommattc and consular anpinpiiation bill lie prov islon laising tlie Chinese mission to tlie liist-class. at a salary of Sl''iOO. KOKTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Senate. WASHINGTON , Dec. 24.1. Mi. Miller , from : hfl coininittoe on foreign relations , lepoited i bill to provide for tlio execution of article 2 of the tneaty with China , of the 17th of No vember , IbbO , on tlie subject of opium trafllc. and gave notice tliat he would ask for its consideration as soon as possible aftei tlie lioiidavs. Mr. Conger , fiom the eommitteo on com merce. icporteda bill to authoil/n the con- htiiictlon and maintenance ot n budge acioss the Missouri livei by Iho Diilnth .V Hlack Hills railway co'iipany. Calendai. The committee on pensions leportcd a bill to amend laws lelatin' , ' to pensions. Cal endar. Mi. Hoar offered a resolution directing the committee on commerce to repoit in tlio liver and harboi bill as lo each public work lor which appropilution Is nmdo tlieieln , and the laets which rendeied such iippiopiiatlon advisable and of national impoitanco , and tlio condition of tlio woik it begun. Adopted. A resolution introduced by Mr. Dawes on the second day of the session , Instructing the committee on finance to inquire into and le- ) oil what spec'ilic lednctionscan be made in customs duties and liiteinat taxes that will lodiico taxes to the necessary and economical expenses of tlie government without impaii- Ing the prospoilty of homo indiistiles oi the compensation of home laboi , was taken up and adopted. At l-iU" the senate adjourned until Janu ary -I , _ Utilise. WASIIINC.TOV , Dec. 22 The speaker an nounced tlie appointment of Messib. I'ornoy , McAdoo and Hopkins as conferees on tlio bill Ineieasing the annual appromiatlon foi militia. On motion of Mr. Toolu of Montana the bill passed granting to the .St. 1'anl , Minne apolis ife Manitoba railroad company right ot way tbtough ceitaln Indian leservations In noi'theui Montana and northwestern Dakota. The committee on postotlices and post toads ii-ported a bill inquiring all land grants iall- road companies to construct , maintain and ouciato telegraph lines. Committee of the whole. The house then in the morning hour re sumed conshlfiatlou , of the Oklahoma bill. Proceeding to arjuu in tavor of the bill , Mi. Springer declared tliat tlio gieat obstacle to the pabsagn o ( tha mcasuio was that lease of the Cherokee stiln to the cattle company. That company IP.ISU ! It lor MOO.OOO and bub- leased It tor S'XK1,000 , leaving n miiiglii of S400,000 with which ; to corrupt tlie Indians and to send a powerful lobby to Washington , The Question to be settled now was whether tlio laud should bu h ld lor white people or tor thu special benefit ot laigo cattle syndi cates. , At the conclusion of Mi. Springer's re- n , arks the commuted lose and the mattct went over , and the hoitso at J : o adjourned until January , The Holler .MaKc-if , 1'iotest. HiiiiNn , I'a , Dec. 2-2. Tlio Internationa ! bollci makers' nnfon-ndjourned this evening' af ter appointing John 0 Corrigan , of Chicago cage , and Christooher Connelly , of Ilamll ton , Ontaiio , asorganUers to the territory west of I'lttsbun ? and noith of the Ohk river. Nnmeioua chances1 were made in tin constitution and bylaws. . It was stated thai tlie San KrancUco ship builder vvho Is U build u ciulser for the government has taker steps to Import Ubor from eici many. A poll tlon vv Hi bo sent to the secretary of thu navj protesting against tills yetion , and all ton Ktiessmen vv-lll be petitioned to pass laws ie quiring that the crulac-ra bp built by .Vmeri can labor. The Ca&o Xi w YOIIK. Dee. 22. Arpiiuients to shov eause why s > tay of proceoUings should no be issurd In the case of exldeimai MeQuadu wasailjourued tnls iiiorntnruntl Tuesday next , SOCIAL AGITATOR TALKS , foe Oreenhnt Kicks on the Monopoly of Trades Unions. IE SAYS THEY ARE SELFISH. How Hie Hnljtlits of lialior nrc to Work a Soolnl Kevoluthm A I'rr ldcntlnl lickrt In 'HK. Tlio War Is On. CnirAoo , Dee. 22. fS | > ecial Teleg-am to the HII : : . | JoeOrecnliut , the socialistic labor igltator , champion ot tlio condemned ami eh- sts and employe of ilio city of Chieapo under Mayor Harrison , says , In an Intenlow : lils alteinoon : "A war Is on between the Knlijhts of Libor and the old fashioned trades unions , thoicsiilt ot which Is of im mense IniDortancoto the laboi element of the country. It Is the decision of the iiuestion , 'Shall all wageworkeis combine for the ben- eht of all wasewoikcisV 01 shall only tlie skilled tiades sincere all other .voiklngmcn that tliey themselves might get high wages'.1' The Knights of Labor Is a union ot wage- wet liuis , whcroas the old trades union Is a monopoly to corner tlio maiket in laboi and foreo the wagesof tlieli own paitleulai ciaft up. They don't e.ire how manv elilldicn are compelled to work long hours foi pittances DO long as they get thelt high wates. There are only a few of these trade unions which now stand out against the Knights ot Labor. Theie arc tlio plumber. " , who woik night hours a day for 4 , and the boss plumboi charges SI tie i hour foi the work his employes do. Tlio motherhood of Locomotlvo Kniclneeis l.s nn- othci trades union wlmso mombuis get sala ries ot about 31,300 per yeai. Then presi dent , Arthur , Is reputen to be .vorth about $1011,000. What do jou suppose they eare whether anybody else besides engineers has anv rights secured to him. The Amalga mated Iron and Steel WoiUers Is a monopoly sulTeied by the CIHCC of the U nlted States to putaprohibltoiy tariff on W.IKCS and ovnrv year to lix the settle of wages for the ensuing twelve inonthb. 'I lioso do/en trades monop olies utmost foi bid appientlcoslilp , so that tlioip aio piactietlly no boys leaining ma chinists' 01 othei skilled Iraile.v If you want an old-st\le , all-aiound skilled work man , you have to send to Kuropo for him. The old trades union has thus do\ eloped into a public nuisance by making It impossible for the i King veneration to learn trades. J'hu Knlphts of Labor are now tryinic to compel every trade and laboi oigani/ation to go into the knights so as to abolish the old Hellish system of sepaiatc and distinct unions , which weio povvei less to help each other even had they been willing. Our object in thus making a consolidation Is to bi ing the issue of capital and labor Into the range of practical politics. Wo demand that the state Introduce indus trial education and manual trnlnhn ; into all the public bchools , so that the rising genera tion mav leal n the rudiments of hamllcialt. 'J hen , it OHO trade is ovei-t-rowdcd , the ) > eo pie may go Into another instead of lying Idio and suflerinu tor bicad. The Knights ot Labor me committed to the intiodiictlon ol tlieelght-houi working day lot all people. Wo are in the midst of a social revolution in this countiy , nnd the Knights of Laboi iep- resent the same movement in the United States as the socialists do In Ucimany. We are to have a Knights ot Labor presidential ticket which will poll n million vi./cs / In 18SS. In Kurope such labor movements can ho checked bv Imprisoning the ackatois , hut vou ein't do that in this counliv. Kven the anaiehlsts aio going to go scot lice. " A Crusade AR.tlnst I'ovrderly. CHICAGO. Dec. Si. District Assembly 2 of the Knights ol Lalioi has appointed acorn- mittcc of live , which Is engaged in an Inves- tiL'atlon of the Rtoek yards sti ike , and it Is asseitcd to-night with seeming authoilty that Distiict Assembly 5T ( the paiklng house employes' assembly ) , has euised a "eciet boycott to bo issued against Ihose of the Cnl- eago picKeis who weie paitieulaily hostile during the latestnl.e. Tlio two dlsliict as semblies ' and 'it , embiaee ncailv all Ilio knights in Chicago and Cook eonntj' . Dis trict Assembly 24 and beamon's Distnet As- semblv ' ! " , it is said , weio asked to siippoit No. fit's boycott. Tlie Intention of Distiict 57 , or ( I'aekinctown as emhh ) , is to inaiuuiate as neaih as osftlnln geneial boj toils iijralnstPvewl ot the puckers and makf it peimanenl. 'llu > aelion ol ( ieneial Master Workman I'owdeily In declniing thostiiko oil' and oiderlng tlio men buk at ten bomit is asserted , has led toasliong loivl movement to have him Mimni.nilv deposed iiom his piesent jiosl- lion. Jt is claimed tliat a speolal hossion of the kniirhtb' genei'.d assembly can bo con vened upon a call issued In livedistiict as semblies Iiom live stales. The e lavoilng tlm move ay that tour olhei assemblies be side No 57 can besecmud hovond doubt , and .such a call will be made. In this con nection It Is stated Ih.UT. T. Harry and W. Caitlon , th ( ! two membeis of the geneinl ex- ecutiviuommittee who weiesent to Chicago to settle the Mrike , loll the city with bittei feelings tovvaids Powdeily , and It is hinted that B.irrv is now Inangiiiating a cnisade against I'owdeily. Tin * UnlghtH and ( he Church. CHIC \oo , Dec. 22.A special to the Into Ocean tiom Milwaukee sajs : Mr , Kieder- kk Wilklns , eliainnan of tlie st.ito executive boaul of tlio Knights of Laboi. had to-day a longeonfeienco with Pastor Hading , pies- ! donlot the Wisconsin sjnod of tlie Luihein church and president of the l.utliern Tiuo- logical bomlnery of this citv The conlei- enco though pi icllcal , was of a most amica ble nature. . Mutual explanations lemoved all misunderstand ! ims and an atrrccmont lel- atlvo to tlio Kond dn Lacdlllicnlty was ai- lived at. A summ.iry ol tlio lesult ol theconfeienco will b foiwarded liv Wil klns to ( ieneral Mastei Woikinan 'I' . V. I'ow- dcily. together with a statement ol the position ol tlio Lnthcian church on tlie ques tion at issue. Wilklns Is stiongly ot tlio opinion that ono veiy Impnitmit i"sult ol the conleienco will bo a modus \ivondi by whicli all tlio iiii'sent fill linn between tlie Caihollc and chinches and tlie order ol tlio Knights of Lahoi will bo 10- moved and liituro dllllcnltles lemoved. - - Hvvindlnm Hie. NctroeH , N'l vv Yoitic , Dee , 22. jSpceial Telegram to tiio IlnJ : Tlio Woild's Chaileston sper- ialb.ijs : Souiocuilosity wus oeeasioned yes terday by thirty negroes leaving ItocKhill foi Tort Mill , wheiotliey met about tlueo hun dred more 110:1003 , who were awaiting n special they s.iid had been chartered t < i take them to Now York , whenio they VNCUI to sail lor Liberia. Tlio train has not yet arrived and tlio lallroad ollidals say that nn arrangements have been madn tor any such tialn. The negroes aio exposed to cold with out enough clothing , but they are conlidmit that tlieli train will mine. It seems that some ono has been enticing the coloied people ple to Kavutheii homes , fell their propcity and go to Liberia , otlering foi consideration a led badge 01 ticket \\hiih would convey them tc New York. The mm who sold the ticket- has not been been since. The londitlonol these duped negroes Ib pitiful , A majoilU of thorn nave sold eveiything they had In the vv oi Id In order to pay tor these fraudulent ticKets. The swindler has cleared seveia thousand dollais by his licaittess tiieki. SI ail o an ST. Lot is , Dec. 2A Post Dlspatcl special from Cape ( iliardeau , Mo , says Warren A. Hirwitmaniifacturors ot woolei uoods. asBlgncd tor the beneid of their cred ttois today. Liabilities eslinuited oetweci SM > , OOO and sioo.ooj. Assets , , " 1 Ins Intor-Stute Coiuiuoron Dill N r.w IIKK , Dec , 22. - { Special Teie rau to tlie Hi t.j ' 1 ho Times cavs. Jay ( joule tolls Ills friends that hU infoimatioii fion Wasbtntton Is * o thoellect that Ihe inter btato comnieiee bill Is likely to go throng ! toneless practically as It 4s. xi\v : YOIIH STOCKS. Tho'Market Loss Active Hut Vcrj rirm. Ni.w YOIIK. Dre 'JJ. ' pecial TeleRiam to tin1 Hi r. . ] ' 1 he stock maiket was less active than tisunl to-dnj but pi lees were very hrm at the opening , and an advahclng tendency was thc feature of the moining trading. The adjournment of eongiess until nllei the holldivs was regarded as favoiable to an ad vance before tlio clove ol the month , and thn best houses , In anticipation of a big bull movement later on , were advising Sheir etistomcis to buy on nil weak spots. The boats however , made tlie point that the market was not likely lohave anv consider able advance until London had liquidated. London people , on tlie eontiaiv , cabled that they wcic well Informal In tegard to the piosperitv of tlds countiy and that event wl.eic stocks were held on slight uiaiiins theie would be no throwlni ! ovei of holdings. Ti.nleis vvcie very hiillNinn VitnderbllK and all soils ol similises In legaid to toitheonilng dividends weio cuinmt. 'I lie statement ol tlio Cleveland , Columbus , rim innatti A. In dinnapolis lor tlio year ending Decem her ,11 , p.utlj isllmatnl , showed net earnings ol Tls.iwo. and a suiplns applicable to dividends ol MIIIIO thine ovei $200.0)0. } onlsvllle V Nash ville was bought In laiei1 quantities bv thu same clique which stalled the boom In It sev- eial months ago. Chicago tradeis wern Imveis of St. Paul , and theie was some talk that this buying would bo made Ihe hisis later on for a simp squeeze Altei Ihe bulge , whicli amounted Iiom 1 to 1'v percent , longs weio disposed to leall/e , and the Ust settled down , losing a pottion ol the eailj advance. Tiadlng dmlnc the afternoon was entiiely In favoi ol the Wins. 'I he passage of the bill tiiiiiwing the I'liion and Central 1'acllic loaihopen to the eoiistiuetlon ol opposition telegraph w lies nflouled an opportunity to bieak WesUrn I'nlon > - , pei ioiu. The boars w ere especially active , and sold confidently wlierevei signs ol weakness appeared. St I'uiil was jammed down below the opening , and Tniim 1'ncllic hung around 00. Thu maiket closed ragged , and the impiesslon was tliat the bears had put out a line of short stocks and would woik lot another In oik In price * . Tlie total sales weio about S.'O.OOJ shaics , riniri i.Vft iiiXiisijAToits. The TcinperaiKT ISNIIO Itiln < * R AhouL a Personal Collinlon. Ail VNIA , G.i , Dec 2J. When Keinesent- nlivuUaidnei aiose to a question of piivilegc in tlio ( ieoigla leglslatuie yesteiday ho had eiowded galleries to heal what he had to s.iv. I'ike county Is the hot-bed of piohibition in tlio ' " undei , Invv state. His'Miy , \ special which allows of a now appoil to the people. In the election of membeis to the present legisl.ttmeMessis. ( laidnerandMadden , two "wet" men , defe/ited Messrs. Mniphy nnd Hurrett , two "div" men. The excitement lesulte j in many local bloody encounters. Night befoio last the lecislatlvo eommitteo on temperance met to hear a petition allow Inc a now election In 1'iko , which vvas advocated by ( i.udner. Murphy was present us the icpicscntalivo of the "dijs. " Ho said the decent people had voted lei himself and the scalawags for ( iardner. Kpitliets ol a vile clmi.ictei vveic nassed , wheictipon Minpliy notlhcd Uaulner that he would heat Iiom him outside. AH ( iHidner icached the dooi Iliiinhy planted a blow In liarduer's face and followed It up vigorously. The mcmueis oftho committee patted the ( oiubatiuits1 and took steps to keep the mat ter secret. U leaked out , however , so that In narrating the story In the legislature yestor- dav Cannier eliar.icteil/ul Mtnphy's state ment as "a base lie' . " I'heie aio many rn- inoisln town as to what will be the outcome of the mallei. PKOGIIAMSIIJ. lie Will \\illr n lil tory nnd Go Abroad. Vi.w Voiih , Dec. 2J. [ Special Tcle iam to the Hi'R.I A Washington special to the lleiald ba > b : Hlalno will not lelinn to Washington - ington this winter. He erNpeets to lenialn in Augusta until hpnng at least. Ho linns Lhe quiet and surliislon of that place vciv icstful to him after tlio long yeais ol political excitement at the national capital. Moic- ovei. ho Is gathering mateiial foi u lilsloiyof tlio VMII ot 1S1 , ! . The data me neatly all in Hand , and it isiirohible tliat the opening chapteis will be written Immediately after tlie holidays Hlaino will go to r.mojio next autumn. He will bo tlio guest of distin guished people In ( Itoat Hnt.iin and on the mntineni , and will spend the niajoi poition of liib tlmo in Pranre. ( ieimanv and lieland. U Is expeited bv histilunds that his piesciue in Iiehind will ciealoagieat liiKire. The el- ted of this upon tlio Irish lace in Ameiiia , it is thought , will he to udd gieatlv ( o Hlalim's pojiul intvvlth them. In ( ieimany ho Is ex- jieilid to makit Iriends , but his pit ( o do lesistanco will bo his vlsil to Ireland , ' 1 ho pie-enl inogianimo is foi him to letiiin to the United States about i-ixtv davs pilot to tnu iiKi'tincol Ilio next reimliluMii eonvdition. The Cnirvno , Dec. 22 Hefoie Judge ( ! ies- liam this nun nlug a pi tltlon on hehiilf of the ieliasing coninutKn of the Wahash tail way was pvi' loreshadowed in these dispatches , isking iliat the Chicago hianih be tnriiPit over to them , they au'ieeing to piy all indehldne s on tills binnc'i ' of tlio load , .is well as t ie inteiest on all bonds to date. .ImU'u ( iiesham deenled to po tpon Imthci lieuingon this matter until next TIICM ! tv. Btbi. I , < U is , Dee iiIt is alleged lo night , II al Iheeastein and wustein f-ctllonsot llic \Vabash i.iilioul will buhepuaied under the new onlei ol things and opeiated under ilit- teient inanngi is. Sr. Lot is , Dec 11 Chief Oieialoi Slmvv , ot the , 'oveiiiiiieiit scciet sc-ivite , letnineil to the city yestoid ty , with oveiy link in tlio chain ol evidence against the lounteili Iteis , Andiew Hnngeilord , Chailes Diikcl and Sjlveslei Mailln , wliom heaiiesled lecenllj , completo.Vlien ho anested Diekel and Hnngeifoid , and then wives , lit llollou , Kim , ho loiuul a compli'li ) oullit ot lonntei- loitln. maihineiy in then iiossissinn. Tnev wiio turnliii : out i oiinteileil h ill dollnis that tbeexaminei in Ilio loial sub tre.isuiy btys aie Ilio best den plums ho h is seen lot ve.ns All time prisoniis will bo ttiini in tlio I nited Matc'b couit .it Topeka , Kan. I ( p. 'Mctilj nn Nl w Yoitu , Die 4J Telegiam to tlio Jlur.J 'Ilio Sun says : Hlsstatulon pittty goodauthoiilv , thongli without olllehtl eonllimatlon as yet , tint \rrhhlsliop Coirl- gan lias lemoved Hev. Dr Mi < ilynn Iiom tlio parish ol St. Stephens and that tlm Ininio lector of the ( lunch Is to ho Itev. duties McCready , of the chinch ol tlio Holy Cross , Dr. Mcdljnn. Ills also stated , Is to ho in stalled us pastoi ol thoihiiuli ol the Assump tion , I'leksklll. These < haiiges me. Ills said , to take place in ahunl a foitnin'lit. Nova Scotia Will Seoeile. Si. JOII.N , N. H , Dee.11 - [ . speeial 'lelc- gram to the liii , ) 'Ihe ( ilobe , tlm olhtlnl organ of tlio Now IJiunsvvuu government , today publibhos a slgntlicaiit niti'le ' nn Nova Scotia's dt termination to M-ieclu iiom thn Canadian < onti delation This is nt- garded as an othcial announctiineitt tliat the leaders of the present goveiniiient p.utv in New Hriinswlck join handb with N'oxa Scotia In tavorol setession fioin the domiiilnn. and mailiime confedeintion. Pink CjiIn lluflalo. Htil'Ai.o , Dec. 2-J-An oiudeiiiii ills easeknovvn as * 'plnk ( iye , " picv.uU uuiung tlio horse s In thlsdty. Tin | slu'd i ilhoad coiniianles have < : lrit'Seun Itoisi's n tl v McKlUt , and lei > . \Vcaihei 1'or Nebraska ami Iowa : Haln 01 followed by fall vveatlit/r. / btl htly cuii IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYR , The lown W , 0. T. U , to Erect a Magnificent Sttnotnre to Rov. Haddock , A $00,000 FIRE AT OSKALOOSA Chancellor Alanatt CJhcs a The Htouk All taken In Uin lilnootn llano Hall Clul > lovva anil No- hrnsk Now 4 , nteiuorlal to Iliuliloclf. Slot N Cn\Ia. , Dee. W--Tlie Women's Cliristinn Temperance I'nlon , of Sioux Cllv , hasor anl/cd an Incorporation foi the pur- iiose of hnlldina lladitock niomoilal build ing. ( iMiind foi this purpo-0 was bought lo d.iv , a valuable uiopeitv ill the coiner of 1'ieno and Seventh < tteels , w bv IV ) tcel. A building cosiltii : not lesstliin S'lWUHK ) 1st olio eieetedtothe ineinoiy ot lev. ! ( iemgo C. Haddock , who fell in the line of Ills duty August it , ISNat tlie hinds ot the saloon consplratois. Among tlio ineorporatoi . iMde Irom the lending tenipoianco women ot Sioux Cltj , are J. Llieii 1'oster , of Clinton ; Mi" . M.,1. Aliiiieh , of Ceilnt | { npid , mid Mrs. Isaac S. htiuhle. of LeMars. wife of Ilio neniber of eongiess trom this dlstikt. Flro at Oskiloosn. ( ) SKAIOOSla. . , Dee. 'JS. ISpcclnl Tele- ; ii\m to the lice ] I'lic broke i < ut in tlie post- onico hcio at 2 o'clock this moinliifr and be fore It could lie put out destroyed juopcrty lo : ho amount of if,0,000. The losses are as foi- ovvs : Opera house , owned by tlio Masons , SJtKXJ , Insuiaiice , SW.OCO : Tines newspaper ollice , S' > ,000. insurance $2.HK ( ) ; Haiims eon- leetlonary stole , M.COO on stock and SSWK ) on building , no insurance : H. S. Hunry , lur nlture dealei , net loss 35. > ,0iO ( over Insinanco : test odice , entiio loss ol finnlslilng anil nail on hand : instnance ol $1,200 on yale ocks. Sued Tor Sioi'N Cm , la. . Dee. 23. ( ieoigo A. Liin pi to day began suit luainsl ( ! revy IS. Camp for 810,000 lei talsc IniDihoniuont and malicious piosccutlon. Camp is a rich , rr- lied farmer and member of the Methodist lunch. Lnn o Is a sign painter who came i ere from Yiinkton about the ; middle of June. Dn the night of the murder ol Itev. Haddock l.ango was with a ciowd of saloon men who planned the crime and Lonvitt siysinhls confession that Lange was at Junk's saloon when Aron&dorf and the ciowd lelt there ) o meet Haddock and that Lingo lollovvail .ho ciowd. Tcndiys that attei the murder Lange got drunk and told what lie know lo Stone , of tlio Tilbune. This Drought Lniife befoio the coroner's luty. whcic he denied overvthlng. When Loavitt contcssed and Aiensilort and com- IMiiIon were arrested , Laneo was airested on complaint of Camp on the charge of con spiracy. Lange was in the counlv juil from October b to October 10 Ho was then balled out. ' 1 ho gland juiy failed to Indict him , ml Justice Koloy plated him undoi Mi ) > bonds to appear as a witness. Ho now stirs Camp. Lange Is the inun who Informed Sheriff MeDodald that for ? KW he would tell who killed Haddock. McDon.iIrt paiil Lange S100 In gold. His story was then taken tn sboitlmnd. H was unsatisfaotoiy and Mc Donald throw the fellow out of tils ofllce. A J'rotcsr Prom Grocers. Di.sMoiNi.s , la . Dec. SJ. [ Special Tele- giant to the HII : .1 Ninety-bcvc'ii ictall' ' trroeers and all the wholesale grocers ol this city , lelnloreed by nearly all tlie wholesaln "ml letiil diuggists , have united In a piotcst against tlm action ol tlie state nhiiimauy bo-nd In placing the sale of < oncentratcd lye and potash exclusively In tlie hands of itrng- glbts. ' 1 bey set lortb that the law docs not warrant such inline. Had the law been ml- deisiood to conleinplate it the bill would not have hern nass l , and it Is known that Its fi timer liad no sue li idea. 1'iotestb have been t-ent in fioin Dnbuqne , KeuUuk , Oskaloosa , Uttuii.w.i.init otbei ) ) olnts. A lilncoln < 3lul ) A LINIOIV N'eb . Dee. 2i. ( Special Tele- giam to the Hi r ] 'I he Llneoln Hase Hill association has seemed tlio necossiiv stoek subscriptions and this evening effected a per manent oigar.l/alion foi the mining season. Tlie ollicois elected arc : C. W. Mashei. | ) iesl. dent : Plank L Sheldon , vko piesulent ; J. P. Sinew , sect etary : J II Hiniii , tieasnrer. and Jell W. Class , 1 ! L. McDonald and I ! . H.Townby dlreetoi.s 'I'lio bo.ud will pto- reed at onre In the woik ol lillinr the list of players. ' 1 lie ( cietnrv has nine men nniier inntrael at the piehcnt time tin tlm eomlni ; season , , who played siioilstop for the club last veal , Is Hie oulv old piavcr sinned thus tai. A loinmlttee lodiatt ai tides ol Inioipoiation wasapiioinleil , and to pre- l > iru iilhO tlie piopc'i hv-laws lot goveinlng the club. 'Ilio Ariipiihoo AiiAi'viioi : , Nib. , Dee. -Sneeial | Tele- i. lethe Hi i .1 The lallmeot the hank of D. .vi. Tomlilin. as lepoiled fiom Aiapuhoe , was a mistake. 'I hens are two banks hyie , the Hink olrapahoo and tlio I'iist Na tional bnik , 'lomblln's hank Is hn.ilod in Cainbiiilge , Veh. and no bank lime was In any way allceled. Kcpoits ot liny bank , hero tailing nroentiicly wltliont Inundation as both b.inks niu on n snbsliinlial footing Tomlilin failed lei about ? ( /.OWi ) ; asbets nbont40OI ) , ' 1 ho depnsilois nrij come out ' all light. Toinblln also uin u hiiiK at Mtron , ( olo. Neb. , Dee. 22. ( Special l'i lo- Kiiim to thn Hi i I Chainelloi and Mm. Manatt , ol the state university , gave n lecep- tlon this evening to the louutv biipeilntcnd- ents. homo lint , in nnmbei , who ,110 attend ing the iiiiiveiilion ot silionl olllceis IIIMS- hlon in tlilsellv.a nnmliei ol Ihe slatit noi- nial M heel hoinl , who wi ie nl-o allondaiilf , and lixal idneitoih ol Ilio city I he allair was a nlrasinl gathciliiL' of a laue number of oIllilaKIn tlio ( ilticatioual lino. Oris.inl/r-il a lioinl ol Tiailo , Col I MillNib. . Dec. 2. . iSpeclal 'I ele- to the Hi i .1 The huslnois men hoio have been discussing out Inilnstiial lutci- isU , nnd to-nighi oi'anl/ed a board i > \ tiade. Our bankers and merchants oninlled tliein- M'lvcs as boon as the ionstitiilloii was : idoited ] , witli a jirospective ineinhC'inliip o hfty to \eiily-hve. . Call for a .Mei-iinn ot ( 'ntllitniini , Di NVI n , Col. . Dec 2. . A call was Issueil lei day to tlie members ul ilio Inteiii.itional Itange assoeiation , htate , lenilorial and local associations and ownois ol i.ingn ( . illlo c'en- erallv lliioiuhout the United Stales , Mexico and Hiltish Columbia , lo tlm annual meeting of Ilio International Kango association , which will bo licld in Denvoi , Col. on the bill of Ki binary , 1 7 I'aoh association con trolling not less than 10,000 bead ot meat tat tle , or hoifis , or both , bind ! he entitled lo u dehuate foi e.u h additional 2t.lMX ) thus 1011- lioltid , piovided , that no slate oi tuiitmy shall b.Miilltlul to mine than one louith thu eutlie Mit ) ol'Hid .i > ! jiii iatiou 'Ilio tiiuo of Urn assemblage will be entirely dovntid to tliu loiiHldeiationol vital questmns and me.iMiies alter ling tlio iiiluiestsot all , uimn theI''HIO ' ' | - bltlon of which depends in .1 lai i ) ineasuiii the fntuit piosiitrityen adveisjty of the vast load b'ippiv ' Indtutiy. r.-iriliinril IS > I lie l'i t'Hidcnt Sj Lotl" Die vJ-Oh'j I' , { Jvve'iis W ceiuii ti limit Uie Iliad National buik of II. i iil * vvln > In l s' emui'/ti'l about t.oo/ioo nl ttit ! funds of tl > tthairkand who In hei n wnuo , asentenio Hi live jeais In ll.e Chester , III J.enitentlaiy t'Jl lhat crlitH * . w i , MMdoned viMerdav bj Ihe pit' idint. He * 1 1 reived about lulf ol his time. .