Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Image 9

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A Remarkable Man and His Bravo Stand it
Equatorial Africa.
\Mint OIP London CjongrniililGRl Soul
oty Inteims t < > Do Tiiluslili
Dnrlc Continent Trn\rJcts
Other foreign NCXXH.
Intel fated In HIi Pate.
tr/ipj/i / ( ulif HMtiyJtiiMf ( Jiiiiloii li'miili. }
Lovuov , Dee. 21. iXexv York llc.ali
Cnnlo-Spcclal to the Hn 1 The Intciest foi
b } lirltlsh geom.iphoio In the fate of I'mli
IMehn , xxho Is no'x making siifli n dospei
ntoJvbinxe Ktanil In oquitoilal Afi ci , xx.i
\xill shown h } lo itax's nicctini ; ol the com :
ell of the uoOFraphloal socletx at their loom
noir llurllngton Aicide. Ni arl } ex cry men
boi of the council xxns inesent , which Is
xorx1 unusual ex cut. After hours of sliar
discussion of the vailotis routes , tlm coiinci
decided to ndjouui nrtton until Slantex' '
nrilxal to morroxx shall glxo them the bend
of his knowledge of the subject.
A ( lor the meeting of the council xxas oxer
saxv the gentleman by xxhoje onloipiiso Hi
pioject of rcliuxlng ftnln leached its presei
( * tnge. Ho is a xxcilthy morclmnt , Idcntlllc
\xllh African research , but desirous of IK
having his namn used unlit the expedition i
xxoll under xv.ix * .
Hesild : "All the money needed for th
expedition lias bruti alicad } raised and x\i
bo plneed In Slanlex's hands xx'ien he a
suines command. Woxish to do ns Hi
Heiald did In its Livingstone expedition
tell him heru are so innnx thousand ponmh
go and nnd I'mln by thu slimiest and be
w abut cliooso } om oxxn route nnd xoi
own moans. We shall luxeIMU,000 from II
Kir ptlnn goxornmont. 'Iho iesto sh.i
raise amoiu onrselxe1' . I ho amount nlie.u
inlsod well , ( hat nosd not bs mentioned
It Is all tint is needed "
Many piomlncnt nulhiuitios legardln
Africa xxhom 1 haxn houn , the following Inti' '
x lew sgixo tlio best idea of the piibent po
tion of Africa :
Sill .1O1IV hlllK I U K1.
At Scxon Oak" , noir London , In a house i
African curiosities , I loiind Sli John ICir.
Ililtlsh consul Koncral to Xin/Ibai. Alter
littlu talk about Kmln Pacha , who is poise
allv known to Klik , and for xxhom ho has H
highest ndmliatlon , Sit .lohn gaxo mo ;
Idea of the i ondltlon ol affairs on the /an-
b i r coast.
He said : "I'mln I'aohi docs notxxanl
Icaxo the Cuntint African iiioxince. He con
at any tlmo light his xxny out to Xan/ibir , b
to do this hu would bu compelled to lea1
behind all the Kgjptian ofllehils xvith the
families. These men xxould bo at oil' '
killed , nnd the province thus -xxou
relapse into barbirism under control i
tlio slaxe traders. Umin Is n mm of Uu
don's stamp , nnd will be killed xxlth his UK
lather than dcscit them , llo Is aerv i
markable man. Cut oft entirely Irom T.ur
pean support , smrounik'd on nil sides b } po'
onul enemies , hu idles millions
natixes with such x Igor mid justice that tin
xxlll lizht toi him cxcn after they aio naki
and destitute of all supplies. So far ho h
beaten back the Mnhdi's forces tiom 11
noith , and pioxontod seilous attacks by tl
slave trailers from thu east and south. II
proximo isn xcry rich ono , butso uncixlll/i
that ho collects his ruxcnues In Ixoiy , win
ho is forced to sell to t
Arab traders In older to obtain I'm
pean coods. In the midst of sn
ncountiy , with lighting on all sides of lih
bo 1ms taughl thu nezroes to xxe.ixo clot
inaku shoes and cultlxate tobacco , ilo h
also made anatuial history collection
great scientific xaltic. In one of his Inli
letteis to mo ho 8i.s ho Isout of sugar ni
tea and all I'mojican supplies , andslioitexi
of ammunition , llo asked only foi aisei ;
to enable him to continue his natmil lilsto
oollcftlon. Aftoi his ammunition Is i
hauslcd Kmin xxlll bo unable
l\oei hick the Mahdi's foice1. The ingli
no.u him Is too populous to
him to fight muskets and spoais xxlth spoa
alone. As It Is now , his -1,000 mvro tioo
niu mainly dressed In skins. It xxould bo li
possible lor a mllltniy force to fight Us xx
ihiouch to ntnin. An armed c.naxan , su
as that Thomson n ed In going through It
oouiiti } , could easily loach Kmln , but on
b } in } Ing blackmail to the nallxes. A file
blackmail of this tpo Is much thu sat
thing , altci nil , as } om Amoilcan ciistr
duties. Thu nogioos , In fact , aie lathoi mi
polite than } 0itr Americans , hlnco they
mil Insist on Reaicliln ; join luggage xxh
> on oioss theli teuitorx' . Stanley's urn
liom the Xan/lbsr coast , oxoi Lake Yictoi
Xjanza , tliiough the I'ganda coiintiy , wov
bo the best and qu okest xx.i } of roachl
Kmlii , If the King of lTgamlaweru notaoii
despot upon \\hoin not Iho least dopcmluii
can bo plneed. When ho hoaid some mont
iigo that r.mln xvas retmning xia Untoio
Uganda , the king sent n largo xvar o.xpo
tlon , xx hlch killed lo.COD I ngoia nogioos I
f oio they ne.ird It xxas a ( also lojimt nbc
Kmln. It Is true the king ;
lowed Dr. .liinkoi to pass Ihroii
his countiy fiom Kmln I'.uha i
harmed , but this xxas becausu .Iniiker xx
poor and almost alone , and theiefoio n
feared as coiidng toeatnu the eounti } . I
expedition to rollexo Kmln must bo .1 l.u
one. Thu suspicions of the king mo oert.i
to bu loused by its si/o and by letters nl-o tu
thu foreign trailois , who ara anxious to pi
xont Dmdtuul talUnc their jilace In leiui
Africa. Theioaro no lirgo boats on La
Ylctoila , lionco llio expedition would la
III biuall detachments at I'ganda abe
bo cut elf In detail , probably , oi bu ma
pilsoners on landing , Thu Congo unite ,
Mobangi or Itijene , is impossible One or
not ihkOJ miles of an absolutely iinknox
countiy , and no one Is ablu to tell how ma
months Mich an expedition xxould take. 1
Hdos , It xxould be nocoss.ii } tobilng poiu
liom Xatuib.ii , for the Congo nogrc
nro not tialnoa1 to Hint noit
xxoik. The Congo I'loo .State depot )
even now upon /.an/lbar necroos foi Inbi
"rolkln'.sioutu to thu wi-bt ami south
Uganda would bu both Ion , ; and iKuizoioi
It xxould bo thiough maislies , In a tly ion
try , forbidding thu iisuot pack animals a
would bu long exposed to allaik fiom Wi
Uganda , xxhcro tlio Kliu Is xci } poxxcif
's route tothc northeast ot t''aml
" "us ! ol dolllroj s could bu u i
at ll
I'jamh Is lo.ibt poweilm. >
route ) think Kmln coiila
p.ibllreached In ol lit monthb liom lit. .
land. Xo , 1 xxoula not like to au-rc' : to i
lUcre In n lets tlmo than eight mouth * , if
plies mubt not bu brought from England. .
fashion-- change , * o in A filmv , , ten I ! i.
LlxIllKSlOllO \ ROl DUI beads.
Poland , but rwdd not trade them foi foe
is thu natives said they xxeid old fusJilonc
They \\iinteil noxv beads , rolltloally , t
Aor t thing that could IiapjxMi to such an i
KiilllxM vxould 1)8 to haxo Us members hi
UUoucra. Tula would lead to many ccmu
cations xxheroas. If they xxcrc killed , It xxoulc
only mean a ir-xx c\peditlon. "
Colonel J. S Grant , the companion ol
Spoke in ninny tilps through cqmtoila
Africa , has Just totuineil to his ( irosxcnoi
stircl house Irom Holland , where he has no
kepi himself full } Infouucd lO nidmg Hu
proposedc\edition. | Hothoight aiiyiouti
possible foi Mauley , but he te.ill } would pic
for the cast coast route liom Xnn/lbar throutrl
I'lrnnda , xxhloh Is quite xxcll knoxxn
xxhcreas there Is much ciilltel.x noxv cmintrj
fiom fie Consjo to Kmln. As n goornplioi
ho would besl like to see Stinlox taki
the long i onto from the Congo to Kiiilu , te
tin nini ; by the norlh of Uganda to Xanrlbir
'l'ils ' , I r , xxould settle geoiiaph
leal points of cieat Interest. An lumei
f"ico would complicate matters H wouli
bo far belter to take n small foico and sub
mil ta all soils ot bhekmi'l. ' 1
no natlxexxais weio going on he though
.hoy might mnko the trip by * o
Xtn/lbirlii scxon months fiom Knglnuil
( Slant thought Kniln could loaxc his pioxinc
xxlien ho wanted to. His life xx.ib appiiontl
in no danger , oxen It his nmimn.ltlon ulxc
out , ns his troou * nro moie Hcctistomcd t
light xxlth siieais than guns. Il Kmln ha
arsenical soap and ammunition he could u
tain contiot of his piox Incc Indefinitely. H
acknowledged , hoxxcxoi , that r.mln , It h
left the piox luce , must desert the Kgplln
olliclals , xliosc half do/en xxixes and cndlet
number ot ( hlldicn It xxould not bu possibi
to bilne south ; nlso Hut his xaUuble sclci
Hlic collection xxould bo lost in such nn oxen
AMHtll.i : III VX I II It's XJl.W" .
( Ooldbiiild , the cioal roisian ti.v
oiler , had nlso some cxpcilciuo In Aluc
xxhen ho was appointed comimsslonci toll
Congo b } ll.u king of tlio Helgiuns. A
though not knowing anything about t <
Mobin/i ilxoi , helhoiuht the Xan/ibci con
loutu to Kmin much betlci than H
Conjjo route , jmtlv because the com
tiy betxxeen Xan/lber and Toil
Is xxcll known bx natixe tinders , who eon1
bo engaged as guides , xx Idle the olhei lou
has 00 miles of utterl } unkiioxxn countiy.
xxould bo useless to attempt to ire throuj
Uganda. Of thu routes north ami smith i
Tganda hu thought Thomsons noithei
louto the moio dnngeious.
cosci i SIGNS iihriii D.
Taklnj the opinions of the best Infornu
experls as a gulilo , 1 think the follow u
points may bu accepted without question :
Kmln I'acha Is noxx allxc , but will die :
Cordon did lather Hun dcseit his men It a
does notcomo In a few months. It he di
the millions of people , xxhom hu has pail
clxlllzed , xxill tolapsu Into baibatibiu and tl
tjr.mny of thu slnxe hnnteis. 'tliu factor !
foi shoes and cloth established b } Kmln xx
din xxith him. AUiltisli expedition of son
sort xxlll undoubtedly attempt Kmln I'aeha
ic'scuu. The routu will bo fiom the Xati/lb
coast , sklitlng either noi Hi or south Ucam
land. In cither caseconsidetablo uncxplon
count ) } must bo tinxelod Hiiough. b
months aftur the expedition Is decided HJK
is the minimum allowed bv the be
aiitlioutlos for leadline Kmln , Tl
oxpcdition xxlll , in any case , 1
btrictly n iiuxato xenturo , xxitho negotiations. Txxo expeditions m
xeiy posslbl } Mait by differentioiitcs. Tl
Kiulish expedition xxill haxo a KU.itantce
at least 10,000 from a prlxato committee
rich gentlemen. Tlie 10,000 olfeicd Hi
committee by the Kn'ptlan goxoinmcnt
glxon not for the rescue of Kmin , but f
caioinp dibpatchos nnd piobab
ammunition to him. Thu eommmitt
Is a strong one , amply able
carry oul thu pioject. Ono tact xvhich h
hlthcitostood groatl } in thu xxa } of such :
oxpiditlon Is that no society or piomlno
ICnulibh public porsonagu can bo connect
xxlth It for lenrof lurt.ici inxolxin Knglai
in Kgitian ] and other Afilcan dilllculti
In Hieuxent of the oxpcdition bein cut i
01 by its action in Kmln's country. T
main object ot all concerned is to leaxu t
whole matter In Stanleys hands pending 1 to-morrow. Kxen the constitution
Hie committee ib unsettled.
" \VImt n I'erKonal I'llcnil Snj u.
lOij > t/i tfjlit I'itti bu Jiiinra ( } < d ni llrtilic'l ' 1
Knixiit linn. Dee. ' < l | N'uw York Hen
C.iblu Special to the 15n. J 1 called I
dax on Di. Koboit W. I'dUIii , xxho f
man } } unrs In Conlial Africa , and Is iu
practicing medlclno In Kdinbmgti. Hu is
man ol calm , oauiubt manners , who spoa
quickly and alxvajs to the jiolnt. Ho said ;
"In 1S.JS Di. Kmln Ho } xxas senl by t.i
don to the equatorial pioxlncu of Africa
tjoxornoi. When hu took the post tl ore xx
an annual deficit of JJ.59.000. In ibSl ne s > e
down sooo , surlusioxcnue. | ) In lbs > ho w
In Khartoum andoffuiod to thu authorities
tr } and iftako with the Mahdl. Th
rot used his help and told him to go back
his pioxlnro , duxolop il and pioloct Us fru
Hots , l 'iow that da } to this lie noxoi li
news or outers fiom the Ltrjptlan KOXOI
mont noi suiiplhs. The last lettois roceix
from him at Hut tlmo xx ere dated Marc
iv * : , nnd weio nddiessed to nisc
I'lom that day till n f <
weeks .ago no news was ho.ud , though tin
XXPIP many Illinois that he was dead. Tin
thoio CMIIIO to mo n letter from him dat
December , IVsO , and another , the lad
icooixed dalod .Inlv , lfek" , fiom Wandel.
'I hu last nirlxed tlnou xxeeks ago , nftei i
oxlraoidlnaill.x i.ipld jouinej of lour and
half months. ThubO letters weio publish
nnd Hie anti slixor } soclol } ot Luiulon turn
diati'lj petitioned the lliltisli goxoinmont
send an expedition lot Ids lellef. ' 1 Ids xx
folloxxoii b.x a petition Horn the council
the Scottish ( icogi.iphical sociutv asking t
goxeiniiieni to send a picilic lellef expoi
tlon. About the snmo tlmo .Sfanlux xxu :
tosomu iilends In this oountiy olTeiiiu ;
lead n goxernmcnt expedition for the roll
ot Kmln. His serxlees woio olforod gn
uitously. nnd hu also said Hut should anotii
lo.idei bo chosen ho would gixo i'DOOto t
expedition. Thu lliitlshgoxoiinm.'nt oonsi
ored thu dlOcient iiiemannls and xxoiu foic
to take ai tlon b } exunts at Cnuo , L'nknov
to them Dr. Schxxelnfoith , ( ho Afiic
tiaxelor andafilendot Kmln , bionglit gic
prossuiu to boai upon the I'gjptlan t'oxci
mont , 'Ihe } raised Kmin lo ! > to the rank
pacha , so that hu Is now Kmin 1'achn , Hi
recount/Ing his position nnd theli icspon
billtj. 'I he } any expoi
tlon foi Idlellof. . iheh action altered t
mnlloi considciably. 'Iho llrltish gi
oinnient had coiibldeiod Hut Km
had boon lecalled and xxas holdii
out against ordert. 'I'Ms , hoxxoxor , Is not t
fact , for , on the tostlmonr of Knglish m
slonailos at I'uanda , the letters of recall so
xia / .anbirto I'mln were opened b } ICIi
Mxxan a and debtiood. 'lliu lirltUh gc
ornment then aicrptod the otter ot ceita
prlxato IndiNlduals to eriulp a iclief ospc <
tlonxith , btanley as Hie le.idei , the JT.z\ \
I tiaT * 4-iant tobo glxen to that expedition.
I "Mr. MnC'l 'iunon. a Glasgow merchant
i bupi > i > : f J ( u LO iJilt'f nmoilg lliu or'anliers
thl&sclio ne With hint are some Manchi
tor mcrchnnts. Complications n.2\c arUu
lei , altUough Staului otlcrcd to load n % i
oiiiiuinit expeilltjon , ho has not . } et co
MMto ) < .t to load a prlx'ato expedition. Huh ,
U is niulei-stooil , ejtiic'rlonced somedllhcul
xxith MJ ; nzont lit Ameilcai \ < > tried to pi
xentlilm fiom breaking Ids leotmliii ; oi
tract. K btaulo } should bo forced
ils contract with the king of the Hclgionsto
go lirst nnd ettlc the Stanley Tails outbieak
10 could theueo cro s througli \ } am to Kmln.
5y this route , on the most favoiablo estl-
unte , the time taken to leach Kmln could note
) o less than txxolxe to fourteen months. An
other route pioposed by istanley Is thiough
Lganda , he hoping'b } Ids prexlotis know ledge
of the people to get iluough Hut tlie ninssa-
ores of chilstlans xxhlch occurred In that
countr } , the inuidei of IMshop llaiiiiliigton
and the } oung king's Inxctornte dislike for
I'uropcnns , mnko II cot lain that no sinill ex-
lodltioncould pass through tliatoounti } . In
iidor to light Hfcxxay throtiKh , the expedition
would luxe to bo so I.UI5" that it would bo Im-
iiossiblclo pqttlp It In time to icliexe r.mln.
In fret , It could not cot thoio lor eighteen
iionths. Tlm quh-kosi ionic is Thomson's ,
fiom .xioiubisa to Tnticu , and could an cxpe-
tlon bo sent .ilimg this routu It nil lit lolluxe
Kmin in four mont'is from the sea coast , M }
awn route xxib moio aonlhoilv. IromanI -
lii to M dn Ituia , M Kuiubno , ami the
Mulaii/lgp. 1 Ids K L'ninprioiind the Uganda
countij and borne di4.11100 from It , pasbint ;
through.i tciritoi } fieshl } dcilaiod to bo mi'
dci adoiman pioteetoi.ito. Thomson's route
goes throii ! ? ! ! a tciritoi } undoi Kn llsh pro
toctoiato. My oxxn loute was baacd upon
thcanticipition of no noxernment subsidy
and thcioloio the supposid necessity ol rely
lug ontliely upon philantliioplbls and ceo
grapheis , but now I faxoi Thomson's louto
"llio London loyal Rcout.iphlcal socictj
had n oyttncil mcpllng to day , but It Ib Im
probable tlicj xx 111 undeitako the oicanl/ntloi :
ol an expedition , noi islliiobiblotlio | } xxoiik
su ) > porl mi } expedition xia the Congo. It I' '
understood the } xxould piobab ! } xoto 1MOO o
X500 tow.ud an expedition fiom the eas
coast. The Milan boclcty ha1
ahead } olTeicd toco operate xxitli the.Scottlsl soelctx In sunding out an exnc
dltlon , ns thej aiu mobt anxious foi the salet ;
of theli Caplnin Cas.atti , xxho is xxitl
Lmln I'.achn. Ttiofccottibh gee iaphlcal bo
eietx i > , anxious to socuie speedy lollef fo
Kmin , and io'inU with bitlbfactioi
the picsent scheme ol pilxati
liulixldiials. Stanlex' , as the le.idei
would get all the aid Hie } can glxo him , pro
xidedhewlll go by the quickest louto am
n\old lighting , liuttlici xxouht notbcs.itit
lied if his is to bo a lighting 01 conimercin
expedition , It Hut in an } xxny letaidsiellol
'llioiiison , xxho is now in London , xxill , it i
umlcibtood , be most piobibl } sent on n pii
xntu expedition -unlej cannot go. Mean
time It is foi othois to take steps. We xxil
help as tar ns xxe can , but if the ptixat
bchuma falls through , then xxo xvill ste
In. AVlutuxci expedition goes should can
icliet by the eailiest possible moment
Alread } the goxoinment has dela.xed , am
nothing Is to bo dune until .lunke
nriixcs In London. He has boei
in Xan/ibat u loitnlghl , and coul
luxe boon lelegiaphed to 11
leaxos/Can/lbai to da } and will be hoio n
three weeks a loss of lixo picvious xxocks
\ ory probibl } this xxill bo the ( iordon bib
toiy ox ei again , 'loo late. ' Emm , bo 1
bald , has ammunition enoiuh to last him t
the end ot the 10,11 , piox ided he Is not a
tacked. If he falls Hie losult xvill be to linn
ox01 to the slaxo deiluis a population o
0,000,000. Kmin I'acha liaxing retained
proxinccwhich is i eail } as laige as Kuroji
intact fiom slaxery. Both domestic slaxei
and siixc dealing hnxe been entlipl
aboli&hud Hieio since 1 0 , xxhil
Ihe people haxo been taught th
aits of weaxing and cuHlxation an
roads luxe been m.ulo. The motile then :
sclxcs haxu most xnluntl } defended Hie : > agunst outside aggic'sbion , but il ma
be too late. "
Dr. Kelkln is Kmin's intimate tiiendan
theiefoiu speaks xxlth xxnrmlh , but fiom a
Intimate kiioxvloilge of Ihe facts.
A Minister tu lie Appointed to 'Mil
Country boon.
[ fiipi/ity/it / / , Im James fimilun llrntittt. ]
YUAN \ , Deo. 'Jl. [ Xexx York Herald Cab :
Special to the Hir.J Count Kalnok
stated } ostordax at an official inteixiuxv th ,
he xxould appoint a mlnlstci at Waslilngto
before the end of December. Count Km
stein , xxho xx as first thought of lot the pos
tlon , xxill be senl olbuxxheio , piobibl } I
Munich. As ihu'-ountess has not the ilgl
to sixteen qiuiterings , 01 had loin gener ,
lions of noble ancostois , bhe cannot be i Vienna , and the fold ,
ollicu thought It dCbiinble to ax old an , thin
that ml'Jil bo mlscoiibtiucd In W is
inglon sociotj , xxhoie slmilai appoin
incuts hv othoi poweib haxo bcloio noxx nun'
trouble. In Vienna such Ineqii ilities are b
no moans uncommon , and xxhon the lal
1 ! iron llayiiiPilo was appointed mlnistoi c
loieign atlairsn speei il exception had to I
madu to nllow Ills xxito to nt cour } ot any whitewashing ot 15uo
bcluellor , late minlstei nt Washington , r
put toith In dispatches liom Washingtoi
causes much amusement hero as n peculiar !
\moilean idea. Union .Schncllei lias lotlioi
nltora longcnieer , on full pa } , nnd uceixc
besides , us Is usual is such cases , the gian
oou'on of the Older of I'lancis.Joseph ,
' 1 ho appointment of Mr. .loius as ' onMI ! .
1'iagiiu his boon lot mall } notlliod to the An
Irian goxornment which has pioinlsod I
ulxohlm his oxoip-utui nt once. I'uihapsit
too much to expect nowadajs of the Indixh lo sicilllco himself lei the bonolit of h
oountiy , but It could bo xxlshul th :
Mr. Joins xxould DO satisfied xxitli tl
lehabltation of hlb good name by the xxitl
diaxxal ol all objections to him and woul
icslgn. Ho xxould thus seixc om political i
xxcll as om comiuoiclal intoiests better Ilia
by truing to Prague , llu has already beoon
a buno of contention in Dohumln , nnd Hi
Tcluchs icgaul his new appointment as
tilumpli oxer the Ccimnns. llo xx'ill nee
to be xory clioumspect In hib conduct 1
ax old snaies and dllllcultlcs , Slnco hi
appointment xxas first madu the consulate i
1'iagiiu is , pooiiniaill } , u loss desliablo pos
as thopslablibliiuont of a commeicKilngonc
at lielchombura has dejnlxed It of much <
llll.ll ri.I I.l.Vli IV 1IOIII MH.
\t the present moment feeling in Jioheml
U limning hlghei than oxer on nciount c
thu discussion of the question oftholai
guago to bu tnuht in tliu schools. Kxen I
Vienna it is Impossible to keep lierman an
nohcmian soixants In the snmo houschoh
A Ciurmnn-fooling olllclal. not liking his IU
homlaii name of Yojacvuk. lias just had
changed b } the propoi authorities into Laiif
which Is ceitainly pleasantei to the oar. Tl
Narad n ) LUt } , thuoiderol thooung tehee
piily , callbon all good pitiiots who ma
nnfoitunatol } haxeUeiman iinines , to lioin
nil.inUu them at once. Itottld bo ( inul I
inducoH.u xeteran statesman , Dr Itlege
to suoli asip _ ( , iJut lie Is just.IJOY \ ] U ais
glace , as bcliiij ( oo ( ieuqtii ) an ' not hl.ix
enough tosmpatlUo\\altussla. | In llui
cniy siuh cihiii es of natnu aiu of dally o
cuncnee. It is mentioned as a sublime li
spiratlon of a gietit Hungarian oiator that b
foreoutorlns public llfo'.hobecamu known ;
Iraio instead of llalbsclui ] > .
TilQ I'roaiitont NoinlnatcM.
WASIUNOTOV , Dee , Ql.-'lho preside :
n-day sent , the nomination of Adelard ( iiie
lion 10 to collectoi uf customs lor the distil' '
01 M
A Bitter Tight Between tlio Two Faction ;
iu tic House Lobby.
Spnntoi-Ijojriui'HBtriiirBlo With Illieii
iiiallHin Aclixr Ilalltonil Opposi
tion to the tntcr-StiUo Cti m-
inprec BillCnpltal Ncxx .
Contesting the lUlnmnil' , I'.HI.
W \SIHMITON , Di-c. Jl. ISpcclal Tolegiau
to the Hi i.Illfcru Is a bitter undeicuiion
light going on hero between thu fou os of Hu
miH-Moimon and Muimon tcpies-nt iUxe *
'llie former me stiixlng in oxeix po sibh
xx n } to oaxe the Kdmunds bill piss the housi
at this session , xxhllu the Mormon lobb } an
ti.xing lo wexcitl It Itandolph Tuckoi' :
absence fiom Hie this tlmo delight :
the Mormon cohoits because he , as u'lalimat
ol thu house judicial } committee , has chargi
of the' senate bill. The house committee ha\ <
nil nuanlmoiHl } dcohied in faxoi of thobll
and iiistiuctod liiimlpi ! ( ! ' 1i ckoi to repot t it
but Mi , Tuckoi Is not heio. 'I lie Moiinoii !
me spending ( hell money fioelj for Inllueii
tlnl lobbistslo defeat the bill. Tliey hnxi
In theli emploj some of Hie most noted laxv
} ois of this elt } , xxho aioaottxel } at woik h
behalf of their clients , Thcso men , win
stand LO high In thuli wofosslou and society
nnd xxho xxould blush did theii xvixos am
Uatightois know lliey xxciu woiklng foi tin
doxvntnlt of woman under thu gulso of Mor
monism , mo seen nlmost daily a
thu cnpitol. ' 1 hu Rcntiles know them , bu
the congiossmen listen to theli xxouls
At present all < .oems well with the Moimon
I'omoiioxY the house adjourns lei the boll
dax locc-bs. Randolph Tuckei , xxho IMS Hi
bill In ohaige , is nbiont , and them .no bu
two mouths moio of Hits session and Hi
chance Is with them , lint still the gentile
me not discouraged. Among these heio win
ate lighting lei the bill mo A , M ISuui'Mt '
and xxilo , ol Utah ; Kale Held and he
lileiuls , ( loxeinoi West , Mi. Hascomb. and :
conxcituil Moi moil xxho is used as a filghtfu
example. It costs something to keep Hi
icpicscntatixcs h"ie nnd to meut xxlmtux
pensos Hiuy haxo 'I hu gentiles of Ul.ah still
scribe each 50 iciits poi xxcok lei the e >
pensus ot their lemescntatlxes here. Aftc
the lecess them xx III bu a bnol light madu fo
Hie passage of thu bill and xxith much clunc
Ot blKcl'Ss ,
SI NA10H l.OfiAN's KlIKLM \ 11'.XI.
'I he attack of ihemiinllsm xvlncli has con
lined Somitoi Logan to his liousu lei bom
dajs Is x cry slow In } Iulding to treatmcn
and has dexelopod into aeiy painful ai
ment. liogiiuiing in one ol the senator
hands , iheiimatlsm attacked othei pails o
his bed } nnd Is nogixiug him great pain i ;
bib knees anil legs. Kxux moxomentol hi
bed } is attended xxith sovuio pain. Txx
plixsicians haxe charge of the pitiont. Whll
the senator's condition has not alarmed hi
tamil } they haxu been somewhat uneasy n
the stiibbm nncbs of the ntt ick. This mm niiu
hoxxexei , ho was decidedlx bottoi. lie er
10) cd a splendid night's icst an
tlio sleep xxas of "benefit to bin
f onroitx/HON AI riiix. .
Itwlllbutlio tactics of the ppposition i
the bcmite to the conference icporl on Hi
Intel-state comuicvjo bill to dcl.aj action , an
thu pie pects aio 'ot success , riiomcisin
cannot bu disposed of in thu uppci branch <
mini some time in .lauuaiy. Th
luxe in the eilv a xei } ? tionglobb
the bill , and It xx ill become duspciat
w hen the bill gets on thu desk ol thu spealu
of Hie house. Jy the middle of .laniiai
there xxill be a gieat niili of appiopriatlo
bills , and these xxliocan ho iiidmcd to xxitl
holdsuppoit ot 01 In a weak m innur on I
eudoisu the bill , w 111 be glad to take the pus
ot appromlatioiis as siilUcienl excuse 1 (
postponing action. It is piottx sulu to ba
that if the bill can bo staxed of ! in the lion-
until altci the hiHtol rebnuiy the chance
ol defeating lispis.sage xxlll bo equal lo it
success. It has been man } } oais since
mo ibino xxas beloio congicsb xxhloh elicile
bo mnuli aetixity on thupirtof eoipoiatioii'
Moiiitiso > i's uisxi-roiN ixn N i.
"Ills not Ilkcl } , " said a lolleague of Mi
Moiiison , "that theie xxill bu Midi a foi mid.
ble moxemcnt foi a reduction of the taillf In
SOIDU time lo comu as xxas mide on Sattiidn
last. ' 1 hoio is no xvax oi com eating the f.u
that the tmIff reloimeis so l.adl ol Mi. Monl on th.
( buy xxill not reeoxui dm Ing tlio next BOssio
ofcongicss. 01 com s < > , an otfoit xvill I
made to git tliiongli the house a bill to n
foi m the t.uill , and the men xxho xoti
foi < ons'dciation of the Moiiison hill on Si
md.iv will snppiut it ; jut the anli-t.iritl n
lo'iiiois xxill bo as sluing in thel'illic-lli coi
gusns they mo in this one and sliico Hi
lemibhoans ami anti loioim demociats u
tend to consolidate on a lull nfli'iting Inlc
nal lexenuunml intended to thxxait t.uill n
toim the } cm deli atanx ine.ibUie Moiiison' '
li lends max put foi xx aid ,
"Mi Moniuoii , " continued the mombei
"was woctull } smpiisod and ilKippointcit : i
nnd In thoxototo lonshlei his bill. Ho , i
liist ten daxs butoioho m ido his niotion-
bnlloxod some tindu would bu elleclcd xxhlc
xxould gixo him a majoiih. Two oi Hue
davs botote the motion xxas made
began to look dubious. His infouuatio
fiom the internal loxenuo loloinu-is
such ns tole.ul I Im to bclloxo that ho ston
noohnnooot suciess at all. 1 lemomboi t
haxubceii xxith him ono da } xxhen a noxxsp ,
per man asked him what he thought woul
bo the outcome of his motion. He wasxci
much dlshoailoncd and replied : "If 1 xxanto
to glxu xou.i Fhoit ansxxoi 1 would say that
did not know , and did not care n d n. "
know .something ol Mi. Monison's fecllnc
nt Hut moment and can say tluthenuxo
xxas bodLslu-nitfliod in Ids work. When Hi
first call of the IIOUMI xxas nude and a Hi ! xx.n
dext'Ioped I looked haul Into Mi. Moiiison'
late , lie was bewildered. Most men woul
lux o looked rejoiced. Whan Iho iccall xxs
made and Mi. Caillsle xotcd , fjlxine : a in :
joiit } of one , there XXMS a look ot ji.itltnd
lather thanoxult.illonin Mi. Morilsim's f.ic
He soumcil to doubt tlio outcome. When Hi
final i xxas annomiiod and it xxas see
that the incasmu vxould not bo consldored ,
am qi.lto Hiiro Hut if Mi. Moulso
had In on asked xxhit ho thought <
taillf reform ho xxould hixo glxon thoansui
Indicated to the nexxspapci coirospondoi
without an } loburro. Mr. Morrison will cei
tainl } push aho.ail his prineiiiles in this d
lection , nnd } ou lirij hu sure Hint his follov
OH xx 111 take no back step , uxen It the outloo
Is not encouraging. "
I'luvit'iiicR AOXINSI I > AI\OI \ ,
It Is not piobablu that mithing xxlll I
ilono nt this Fiction ulth thu xailoushil
looking towards the admission to statehoii
ot Dakota , Washington , Montana and ono i
txxo other tcrrituiics. Tlm oxtraordimii
( ixpresslons ol UoMruot statehood being mail
by thu i ItUensof Dakota seeming to intonsll
the doteimlnallon of the majoritx in Hi
house not to have tlm bill for that torrltor
passed , 'llio ctlrct of the demand of Dakol
appears to bo something like tliu rod tl.i
bi-fotu the untamed box me , and It mala
them xery nmd toheai the xxord Dakota. Tl :
object ot thu house committee on tomloiii
In piling up so many bills foi new st itos Is t
dlsgiibt the liotibu and the lountiy with Hi
subject. It is conceded b } ex cry ono th :
action cannot be taken noon oncol those bit
without action on the othei.s , and ll Is strung
that , although ( t Is proposed to take In tlm
demociatlu ten i tones with Dakota , which
lca''llcan ; ' ' , the maiont > In thu house oppo-
the propose.1 ; xxliilo the inlnorit } tea ma
adxoc.ito It , unux > " ? " * u " 'aj' lin
.i STT\
Conztesb adjourns on the -4th ot Mau
next and will not cotixono until Docomboi
Tills leases a season of rostcoxeiim ; inn
months. A majority of the sunatoi.s hix
nothing tn do during icccss and prcpaiation
are being made for jaunts bpocial eon
mlttc os uio proposed lot thu purpose of xlsl
ing Canada and clsexxhoie to look Into tli
luncriesijuestlon , audio Mexico tolnxcst
catoour diplomatic lolntlons ultli that n
iiubltc. H is xery HUely that the latter pro ]
osltlonwill pntxall , nsan Impre - > lon exisi
in thebonate that ucrurattiand fioah info
matloii couceiiilngmciican alfairs in Mo :
1co and on the toutlixxi'hlorn boidei ibxui
much nt't'dcd. Such trips coil the goxcri
meiit trom S .0,000 toSr\X)0 ( ) onh. A
committee made Inquiries concerning the
liMierics < | ucstion last summer , and It may In
Hint Another committee xxlll not t > o author
1/od to make anothpi iouriiox1 In that dlrof.
lion , but as xciy lUtlo Useful Infoimation
xxas iloaii"d ; by the romuiltloo's xxork n
stionn iihl xx ill bo made for another tiip ll
Is hplloxod tint the oi 10111 .iffitatlon and In
xustlcatlonot tlio suujicts at tills time means
\cij xloiou ) ; woik upon them when ooniros ; <
moots next winter
Major I'd w aid ,1 , SiiaMim ; , Kointh n\ airy ,
xxhoxvas piomolod list spilng fiom the .See
oml eiivalix. has boon leltoxcd fiom dtit.x ul
Tort Iluttchnc.i and oidotod to Tort Me
Doxxell , All/out
Lieutenant I'oxxlnttxn Clnik , ronll
caxalix , lias tellexcd Iho adjutant of Ills ICR !
ineiit .isioeinltiiiu'Otlh'et U Toil liiant , Ail
/oin. l.loutenalil I'laik Is n } oung ollkoi
xxho m i lo himselt f imous last siimmoi dm
llu the \incho campiltjn b ) dnslilnir bid.
umleiah'axx ' tire to only nxxax nnvlded r
wounded mm rommhsiouod ollloei.
\iiux leaxos gtantod : ( olonel Nathan A
M. Dudl } , riisteaxalu , Toil Ciistoi. > Ion
tana , I mm Dcicmboi 'M , xxlth poi mission U
applx for ono moi , th's extcntlon ; Majoi Al
motiil r. Itockxxoll , oitMlcnmastoi. hi I'aul
unlit , Iantiarx u ; Majoi , ) , 1' . Iliikot , pax
misloi , 1-oit I.oaxonxxoith , until .Innuirj Pi
1-iist htoiitonuit .lolin A. Kumlcen , romll
ailllleix , 1'oitVaiion \ , Hostoit Jl.uboi
twolxo < lnxs ; 1'nst Lieutenant ( loot go 11
I'nddook , rittn caxalrx , I'mt I.oaxonwiUln
onoinonth ; I.'eutc'nant ' Kluioi W. llubbnd
I'list ailllteiy , I'oit Canby , Oteon om
I'X H N IS TOX1 STfltV INVrN'lOl'.s
Patents \\eio tod.i } issued lei in
xontois in Nehruska and lo\\a as fol
lows : , lohn H. Uetinott. Ne\x HniniHon , la.
lion plow ; rinlo } T. . Uonson. liUo I'aik
la , animal ) ) eke ; William R. Dlpport , DCS
Molne" , la , hime ; . lames lloclclni' , Donlon
Nob. , seinioiliusMithew | ; : < > . Anamosi , li.
liu'itl toaatoi ; Alex AleKrn/le , KIKliorn
Neb , sloexo button , l.ulol Mohr. llowau
Coiitei. la , , xoloclpede ; Wlnstow It. I'.ii soils
W.itciloo , la , i ullling attachment forsewlns
ADMII u i > 10
T/okl 1'erix of liodlord , la . and \illlan \
II. Vnnlleotoi ICcos.iuiiua. In . hixoboon ad
nutted to piaetice befotc the Inteiloi depait
mcnt.A M nnxsKx DI risiov m vnusi it.
.Sioietiiix' Lmrii. in the timber cultmo con
trstol 1'iinoo xs Wadsworth , irom thu ( iiam
Island dlbtiici , has ie\erud the decision o
tlm local oHico made .lulx 1 , issholdni !
Wndsxxmlh enttj torcaneellation.and dlicct
that it HL'ain be lohistatcd.
A iM'.uiioN t IOM ; xiiMsn \ \ - .
Kenator Mandeison introduced a potitloi
lo day s gnod b } slxtj-iilno minlsteis , tome
seiiting r.ojy , membois of thu Noith 1'latti
coufoieneoof HIP M. H ehuich. in fiu-or o
the < > aao of the CMilneso Indomiilty bill.
A Dent' "Xliitc
\t w YOISK. Dec. 21. [ hpcclal rclo iam t
the I > EI . ] The police hole nie i-xpoctlng thi
eapturo ot W. L. liliiKhim , the Noith Caio
Una deal mute , xxho is suspeeled ot the mm
der ol his bcttothod , M//IC ruillngtoii
Dingham is passiomito by nalnio and jeilou
In theextiome , xxith a. decided tendency ti
insinit } . Miss I'mlinutonastlioniatroi
ol the deal mute depnitmcnt of thoNoill
Caiollna state asxlum ol doit mutes at i
blind. Shu and Uiuuliani xxeie touueil ,
pupils tlioie , but the latter cniniilrtcd his odu
ration at the institution at CaimliibXille. N
V. Thex'anamicd to bo married next June
I'limsdny Uins-'ham xxent to Ualclgh. diox
> "iOO , bought a knife , seemed a marriage II
cense , givine the ago of each as txxenty
three , then droxe about the cily till ho me
Miss I'mlmiiton. As she did not leappon
al the Institute it xvas supposed she li.n
eloped.xvith IMnpham. I.ntci It xvas dlscov
orcd they had taken a train as far as Giceti'
boio. Yestuda ) it xxasloaiued Hingham hn
loappeared at CniminRxille , cia/y , but hai
disappoaied after tlneatoning to shoot I'rol
( ioodxxln , of Council lilulls , whom ho bi
Hexed to boa lix.xl. The jiolico luxe boei
soaichliiK the xvoods near Oiociisboro fo
the missing girl , but so f.u without
altnou.'li thu peojile theio belicxc Sihe hi <
been mmdoied by liinglmm because she u
fused to mat ix him until Urn appointed time
It is boliuxod lui.yliim ! is still in Itio nelgli
boiliood of the oitx- and nny bo cipiured
but posslbl ) ma > hax cgonu to Council lilulh
A Sxxlmllor I-'nils.
Xi xx YOIIK , Dec. 21 ( .Special Telegram t
tlm Hr.K. ] Wall sticct.issuiprlsed by ai
othei of those ciimes which staitlo bj the ]
xeij boldness , xesteiday. About ! ) o'clock
neatly dressed joung man piescntod him
self at theoflioool 1. \ , S Wormsui xvith
note them to lend Van Schalo
.t Co MO shares ot lieiding , xxoith oxi
S1T.OOO. Aicompan > liig thu ic'ipiest xxas
i hock lei mine than the xaluool the stork
diaxxii nn the Chemiing Vallej bulk to th
oidoi ot VaiiSiliiiek it Co , emloi-od b
lliom. W n nisei's c.ishlci was a little sir
melons , and sent a mes'oncei boj and cloi
lo Van Si halek A Co.'s otlii o and told thoi
they ( mild tmxe the sto.-K but xxould pioli
VanSclialck's oxxn eliuk. The tact xxu
then discoxoied that the slsn.ilmcs wor
foiKCiie- , . The s\\indle.i made good hi
oso.ipe. _ _
A Hail llrrrd of AIIIUI leans.
Xow YOIIK. Dee. 'H.hpeeial | Tologiam 1
the ill P.I 'Iho \ \ oild s.ijh that duiinirtli
nddioss b } Di Axullng al the xxorklngmcn' '
liooieading looms last night , the l.nglis
fioclaljst was asked b > an aiidltoi xvli.ildllloi
en co between the Ameikan an
r.ngllsh aiMooraej. Ho said he thought th
Amoilcan iiiiuiu classes had no nnodin
xxhatexerami In laet xxero the xxorhl hied < ;
people hu oxei mot. The English nolillit
ccitalnl } hud bu eding with all their iiuimi
ous faults. Ax cling concluded In sax ing th
ho had nuxci mot Mich irUhtlnllx ill bio
jiooplo as dining Ins fifteen xxuKs' sli\ : I
asb Ameiican hotels.
Anollier l-'iio in < : alenlon
(5 \l\l.-iov , Dec. 21 } A disistious llr
luoko out about ! ) o'clock this morning , i
the residence' poitlon of the city on axenii
K. botxxoon Txx'untx-hrst and Txxontx-sccon
stieutH. 'I his section of the i Itv Is almost e-
eluslxcly wooden buildings. The liie sore.u
with great lapidity , o\xlng \ to the water I
the cisterns in the xlrinltx becomiiu o >
jmustod. Dotoru the llamos wuiu oontiollui
they had sxxiptoxor the gioat < r portions n
two squares , biiinlng twenlx elizhl dwollln.
and txxo gioeuij stoios To I il lo > s est
milted limn sbO.OOO lo S1WI.OJO ; Insmanc
about Swoon ,
Littei estimates place the loss at r-liJj ) ( <
The total insmamo ag iesates gi'V'W. '
lonelier * on ( Jiianl.
CisnSNAil , Die 21. William Mus-el , Hi
muidoioi of Daniel Chrihtmin , at Katon O
xxas arrested nt ( iieencnstlo , I nil , Whil
belni : taken to Katon about noon to-di > h
oamo near being 1) lulled. The ollleers g <
him Into a cauiago and dioxo to tlio jal
xxhuio thoio xxas a trowd ot 500 moi
} ollmg. "kill him ; " "shoot him " A ins
was made t'oi thoprlsomrb } thooiowd , wh
were Kept Inck thuolllcors diaxxlng thei
loxolxois. Anotliii clfoit was mule lo gi
Mussel altci ho xxas plaeud in Jill , xxhlc
Jailed lei Jack ot organl/atlon. The cioxx
still lingoia about thu jail.
A riauiliilonl rnllure ,
Ni.xx Yoith , Doc. 21. In the hpochil Ion
of the supreme court to daj , .Ind o Vn
Hrunt gaxo adoslbion that the assignment c
the linn of Kosbiith S. Marx iV Co. , Maldc
Lane jeuilli is ami diamond dealeis , mad
In.Suptembor IbVi , was null and.xoid , H
declared It to bo the consummation of
schema to defraud their creditors , xxhowei
ihlcll } foreigner , and ordoml It to bu (
. . ' ' > on thosu giounds. 'll.uiirmwas ion
. . . lk.i , , rUr brotheis , Kossutli , Adolphi
'md-IJcob ' Marx. ' " ' J1"1,1 " ' " talluro " ; ! , " "l8
month toi ox ei Sl.Ww.oUv.
ntidcoiisidcubloe.xtitument , bon 'M'v i >
.lot in llo.icli s Ncxx
Ni w \ oiih. Dee 21A loitillcite of n
coiporation of thoMorgun lion woik xx ;
tiled to-day. Thu ineori vatois aio Job
Uoach , ( Jairett Itiaoh , .Stophcn W tto.ul
The capital ii 10 OCX It nunuta"tiiTe-
jopairn b Ik-am engine , bolt ia and m
eld ii cry.
A I'fcvoniitc Mpmitro CftiiRlnc 15\-
I'llenieut In bontli Cnrollna.
CiiXHiKsiov. S. C. , Dee. 21. ( Special
Telegram to the Hit1. 1 A bill noxv before
HIP IctUlnturo to proxont tlio orgnnlntlon ol
ooloiod Inboiors iu the section'
into the Knights of Libor Is causing a greal
commotion amonij the loidois of the ooloiod
people of the stnto. Kex. ,1. W. Olfoul ,
( white ) , one of thumot Intelligent pto.u'lier
of Iho suto. has Issued nn nddte- In xxhleh
he atint > this bill has lot its aim the
gtlnding dovxn and diixlng lo the w ill ol
negiohborois. In eloping his add i ess Mr ,
Olloid ijs' "I'lom n standpoint of oipilt.x ,
eoii'sldeiiiij ; the eiieiimstincos smroumllui ;
all l.ihoioH , the mvio Is the most oxeusiblo
iu formlnu an ouinl/.tllon of n leirilkind
lo bottoi liU ( ondltlon. Do white people im
agine lint , hx IhtcaK ( hex can kiopnxxnx
luiiii the nosiioosnirontsoi mganl/oK , and in
tills xx.u In lone keep them in this siilnoi
ptoxoul them being oigini/ed lei miituil
iiioteetion' . ' II so. tliex lockmi xxltbonl the'r '
iio-t. I'ho cie it di nxx back lo nociocs lin In
the lut of Hull bo'ns ' too en lix Js1tiv
lied. The li ) locks ol this state ID d.ix mo
the lumers. who \xant orops made mid galh-
iiod xvllhout jiajlng a loasotinblo
pilcu lot hbm. Tlioy can loduce
wa'VM to the low i"d point , and if thoj mo
asked foi just'ee ' it N lofu-od , and xxlion the
mvioos oigani/o foi mutual inflection , this
is to hupi jiiounood illeual. ii'd who daio to
lesNt Is to he lnc.iiooi.itod In pilson. hoiith
C.iiolln i , xom glonous ( lag trails In thu dust.
If the xx Into people desire neoutoiitedpo , uln-
tlouof laboiois.let Hum glxo the mvroes Init
tteitmont. They xxlll luxe no dosho to go
awn } . No nllmenunts can clmim lliom
awa } . The Itiith Is. the tioalmont the nogio
laboiers aru rocoixlng has bi out-lit them into
abject pox oil } . No change ol condition 01
countt x cm bring them to nxxor-o condition ;
hincothex are oas 1 } peisuadcd axvny by
sedudlxe ( iiomhos ot emigration avents.
Should the bill now pending beioinu u law
thcie xx dl boa xxlmlcsilo emulation fiom Hit
stato. There Is a cla s of men that got nonici
the hoii t mid the sx mp.ithlos of the nc roo"
than an } othei. llithoito the iulluenco ot
this class has boon used to keep them horn
and I.ope foi bottoi things and times. When
the nogio pioichois of the gosj el six to theii
flocks : 'At No and lot us go' them xxill
be a walling in South Caiolinn H uhol-
xxi oping then olilldiun and lefuslng to bi
comfoited , "
Soeoml Nomination ,
W.xsiiiMiTON , Dec 21. The nomination
of .lames C. Matthews , ( coloiod ) to hi
locoidoi of deeds lei the DIsliict ot Coluuv
bli , xxhlcli xxas ono of these sent to thu sen.
ate to day , \vns icforied to the commlltoo on
the DIstilot ol Columbia. It is said to haxi
boun accompinled bx a message liom tin
piesident gix Ing his te.isoiis Im sending in
n second tlmo the name ot a mm xx host
nomin.uton had once boon tpjocled It r
ropoi toil that the messnge al lei leelting Hit
fuel ol the litht nomination and : ejcctlon
stales Hut a huge number of poibomi in Hu
dlstilcl had conceived a piejudice against
M.itthexxs. xxhlrh fact doubtless influence !
the action of Ihusemto ; that Matlhoxxs hat :
noxv been In thu office sexcial months am
had nroxed Ids capacity b } icscuing the
locords of the olllco liom loss nnd illesihilltx' ,
anil Hut his management ot thu olllco hac
bad thu effect id lomovlng much the oppobl
lion xxhich lormcily existed. Tor thesi
icasons.aml prolossiiu ; nn eniuest dcslru ti
co opciato in EI cuilng for coloiod men jusl
iccognition , ho ventuies in the utmost gooi
faith to send In the nomination again , ills
claiming , however , any Intention ot ques
turning iho proxious action ot the senate ii
Why Slo.snon Wnsi
Ciur xdo. Dee. ! 3I. Ciuorco Slosson , th (
bllliauloxiioit , swoio out a xxariaut till'
oxuning against . I. K. 1'olloxxs , sociotuy ol
HieToboy rmnituro company , chirglng bin
with peijmy , and proposes to bo.iii cixll pro
ccedings to moiroxT azalnsl Hint coinpiny
foi he.ixy damages , cKiimitig Hint on 1'inliy
xx bile resting and neu Ing InmsfU toi thu
championship contest xxlth Jacob Sclnolei , i
dcputx shcilll and laxxei called at his bll
Haul hall and said Hie } had nn attac limunl
against him lor feieodiie ttiuTobox lompan ;
tot household Immune. Altei a heated col
loimx the deputy mid law x 01 left lo eonfei
\\ith the linn , mid .said they would leluil
latei , Slosson leiiiulnod In Ins hall null
time for the match lo begin. Ho xxas ox
eos-lxely noixous , sus oL-ting a plot ami foai
ing the nttaihment xxould ho seixed in thi
piosonco ol the midiem u Uy 10'0 he tel
mm o at ease mid steadil } linpioxed in hi'
plaxln ; , hut u mid not then ( , xeiliKo : his < > p
poncut in time to xv in iln-gnmo. 1 lei him
follows commltlt d peijuiv in sxxeaiing In
( Slo-soin , was.liaiidulentlx coin eiling hi
piopoii } mid poison to ex ado pij mont of tin
debt. _
Throe VOIIIH I'mCIi7t ( iiHlili. |
W xsniMilDN , Dec .I , * en itm Siul-bm :
to day intioduccd n bill inoxlilnu that nlte
any alien shall haxo lesiiloit In Iho I'mtci
States lei thiou } oarahomi } piosont his peli
Him foi admission to c di/onship. Ifpon pro
sentatlon ol the petition the con it shall gum
a leitilicatu st iting the lu Is. x\hcioupon tin
petitioner shall no subju ted lo all the diilie
ol citl/oiishipaml haxu all rights thereof , ex
cept ho shall not hi "lit tied to xoto mill
txxo xeiishixe elapsul liom llio issuance o
his leitilieite No pel son shall be admlllei
tooili/eiisliijiwhoe.innot spo.iK the Lnlisl :
language. _ _
'J ho NPXX YorK DIJ ( iiioilK Mm ! . < ( .
Xi xv Yoliu Die. 'iTlio \ oxpoits of dn
nii'Stlu cottons the pist been " ! , ' > . ' >
paeka0h , valued at 5 ! T"Oi)0 iigaln-t I. * > J
piok.iges x , ilued ut Sill OUU ( ho simo
last } eni , nnd lor the explicit portion of tin
jeai ii total ol 'Js.l'.O. eomunn d with IHT , : , !
in the pel ted last xe.u and li ; . ' , ' . 7 juekage
foi the < onesioiiiliiu'llmo | in iss ; . | | | ( ) laice- ,
total In mix pioxlous xo.ii , Au'ints imx
made prices ot glnghimsas follows.Not
mamle , ' e ; ( al < utta , h e , Iho ginoia
markit ( | Uiet in demand , but uiitoi
oods xxoru xoi } linn ,
nurnoil Down hx I'lr ( Bug * .
LII il. i ! ! " ( K , Aik. . Doe. il. The news 1
roteixcd irom Vilonia , tin inland town o
rnulhnor county , this state , to the effect tlm
about ito'ilodv xosloidax moiniiiEroxoi } Imsl
ness house. In theoltx was simiiltanoously M'
on lire and buiiiid lo thu gimind , inclmlin
the bpips , cubs and outhouses of Com go am
ThomiiH Harris , loshllng about halt u mil
fiom Yilmiia. Nothing was nixetl , Hurii
brothers losing gicat qu unities ot corn , foil
dor , eotton seed. otc. ' 1 ho total loss is aboii
fclWKK ( ) . Sobodx hasbeon anostid mi , Im
suspicion losts on onooi txxo siisiueioiischat
A MlmiPiiiHilih Mnnk I'ailh.
MINM xroi i , Deo. 'Jl. Thopilxato bank
ing house ot O. ( i Hush it Co. , snsjieiiitoi
pajiut'iil Hits morplng. Liabilities notje
I no\xn , The cause of the f.illmo Is haul I
bo Iho necessity of Hush to eaiix , the pipe
ot .liuKhon , V Collins , oxxneis ol Iho I'mltai
lion mine , on which ho un. umloiM'd to tli
extend ol .OUWO orSIWMO. ) ( 'Iho banl
itself Is said to bo folvenl , , nnd Hush himsol
Is wiiith at least $ r > OU < 0. It ta bollixed h
will bu ablu to | ui in lull ,
In 'MiUx.iulcef.
Mil xxt uri , Die. . ' 1 - In the munuipo
comt this moininu' thuia oot I'aul ( iiati
Kan. nuarddsl , who is emuid xxitli con
tempt ot com t In publifhliiK sciiudous ait
cle.s in the AiholtcreiltuiL' , lelledhu oi
the mosidlng jiuUe , all oxidi mo shoxxid ilia
thu Kciinlloiis ailidu and poem woio wilttci
b } l.dward Loxx < , late eit ) iditoi ot th
Albeitcl Xfltnii , who loll thu cllj toesc.ip
at ro | .
JiuUe hloin ' ( iiteiiKd ( iioitkin to Hint
atliaid labor.
" " ' lii'li.inI'.ir ' loncil.
WAHllVifDeo | U-Jlio pu dente
to dn } planted paidon in tu i . < * 1ioi | ,
Lowlihand JJidul , throu 1'iin i lii.i "
nox undiib'otn , ' a , sentence of lixo } . .eafm
prisoiiMient in the Ari/nna fU'iirtnnl . | i > lei
iimiiierous n"SiuIt on-txxo'vxb ttf men in Hi.
teruti/rylu "
A Tftrmor Near Blnir Shot Down in Cold
The l'pitrtrntnr | of the OOPI ! .M alien "
Gooil HM IXoajtp
W ntoiorlcq Hu
Ji'hiotl State N'cxx .
\\oplc n [ nn Atmawtiin
Hi VIP.i'l > . , Deo. 21 - ( Special IVIopram
to the Hi.i.j-A houlblo ntul nisteiioug
inniiloi oceuried about tluoo miles east of.
this place last night at ( ho faun occupied by
11. liiittciischon. The Incts so lai as jour
co'iospondont to iUI IIMIII fiom mi ox-
niuliiiilion < if tin * xxifo ami Iho
pieml-es niu iiluiiil as lulliws. Tlio
fiuiilh , consisting of husband , xx'fo '
mill lout chlldicn , tin- oldest about iieeais
wore sitting at tlio siippei t illi ) nt uluuit 7
o'clock ' 1 lu tnblo was sininlin , ; no.u the
south iMiil ol tin1 hotiso mill IUMIiiHlinv. .
Tlio assassin lircil lioin the outside tnimii'h
llio \ \ iiuluscndliiir thico liM'U
flint 01 small . Inlls Into tlio
top of ( ho xietim's head , OIR > passing
thiomih , in.l lodging in llu > wall nn tlio oppo
site slilool tlio loom. Death was Instniitnn-
ions tlii < xietlm Inlllng loiw.udIth his
head In his phitc. 'tho assassin tlu'ii lan
motinil the house aiul luoko In tlio
d. iov and wns nut bv the wile ot the xlellm
xxithlioin ho tus-ded lot some minutes , tin \ \
bicnkiug in\.ij anil miming. Mis. llulton-
schoit doseilbcd the man us medium sl/cd ,
\\itlui full sandy beaul. Mio .is s'io saw
him walking on tlio iiillund tinok ncai llio
lioiiM < lit thunllernoon xxllhngun. Nomotixo
cnn bo assigned. Taken nlliuullioi It Is the
most uisicrlous mul cold-blooded minder
that exoi ooetmod In this comity. The colu
mn's jinx is now holding an Inquest.
fiotnonCfl WittoruiirUti ToNtoil
I'm MOM , Nob. , Doo. 'Jl. K-pecinl to tlio
DPI .1 The Prcinont oltj oounrll , In a hpo-
cul session l.isl night. accepted the xx.itu-
\voikssstom. 'llio final test was m idu } s-
( onlay mottling. 'Iho contract Pioxlded that
thieo one-Inch stie.uns should lie tluoxxn ,
each 100 i ol high al the s.imi time. An ae-
curate niiMMiipincnt ol tlio stiiains by the
oil } engiueci dox eloped the tact that they
xxoio thiown fioin 112 fol ( to lir lout , ami
this p.n tot the lest xxas docldodlx' sntlsfno-
tor\ . ' 1 IK-SU woiks should h.uo boon com
pleted upon the 1st da } of , lmu > , but they
haxo dl.igffod nlon , ; o\oi slmo that tinii * be-
oaiise n sullloiont auionnt ot xx.itei could not
booiitnlni d. 'Llio oiiginal ( onii.K't lor tliu
well was lot to a lotal lontitnloi , xxhoso
pi in was mi ontholy now 0110. upon which ho
had just locelxedn patent. This xxull Hilled
in the < iumtH01 \\.itei to bo
tmnlshod , .mil altci a good deal ot dilly
dallx Ing on nil sides the ooiinoll worn eoni-
pollcil to take the nuttei into tholr own
Innils. They woie cranlod the tiooiiboor
tho&jstoiu of drho wollspilontod by A. A.
Kh'liait'f > n , of Lincoln This one , which ID
only 0110 half the full si/o doblpicd , fui-
nishos not loss than one .mil one-half millions
of gallons exoiv twonttom hours. The
pnmp isot the leui ) p.utoin mid handles at
the tate oL noarh a million gallons In ( wenty-
fem horns. 1'iovisions ,110 made lei pattlnc
In .inothor [ .mnp as soon asioqiiirod. J'lm
stand iiljfl | holds -sMX ! , ( > gallons , and supjillus1
lirossuro toivatoi scrvioo and In casuot Ihos
until ste.ini Is KOtlcn up when dlioot piussmo
is used. There aio lout unit ah , ill miles of
in.iins. The mstrm IMS cost about , S'JS.uiX )
and It is foi .ill iminosi's It IH to these oostlni ; thieu tlnit's ss niuch , > "
'llioio is a ( loolliiK tliiitllmi.lty'lilft
mil a sjstom woithoi > oout ol" its tost.
The ( onti.xctoi was ( n'uigo ( ' . .Morgan , o
Dieil i loin Ills liijnriOH.
Con MIIUS , Neb , Doe. 21. [ Special Tclc-
giam to the Hi i.j : .lohn H. .Smith , the
switchman who got hint on 1'ilday night nt ( i o'clock this exoning nt
St. Man's hospital liom inleilial injmics
icceixod. It h m been hoped aflei the ampu
tation of tlio i iiisiied ankle and left lev Hut ,
xxith Ins xipoums constitution , he would
haxo pulled thioiuh His'mothcr and other
iciatlxcs xxeiu with him ,
Unnkois Tiinilin null OoH m ArrcMcil.
Divi i : , Doc. 21 Wind leaches hoiuto-
nin'lit Hint D. .M 'lomlln and liuik Colxin ,
b.uikeis of Akion , h.ul failed foi S12.0JO.
' 1 lioso gentli-meii mu all piopriolois of ( ho
hank at Henklmii in and the IU publloan Yal-
Ics bink at C.imbiulge Nib. I'liex weio m-
io-ited lioio to night on xxaiiunts sxxoinout
by .lobcph Swan , managui ol Hie Akion oat-
HIO' house , and t iki n b u k on llio n It-lit ti.iln
lucluigoot thu shenll ol Weld ( ounlj.
.SiDi \ Cm , la , Doc 21 ISjic'tinl Tole-
tiini to tliu li ! i .J Thlilj-two now abito-
ineiit eiders w eio issue , ! by the ollhorsto day
in a nmiibei of < , IM"- . Much \aln , ihle tui-
nitmo and listmos hi\o aliiadv been 10-
mou'd. ilnd e l.owis , while In tlio eit > to-
daj , p.iisi d upon the bonds ol a nmnbti ol'
moperl > ownois ot buildings now H-Unl ,
who modesiions ol ghln the | nipi'i bondH
and t.tUlDi : theli pioji < rl > out ol the h mils ot
the sheillt. The piobihilities mo that : ill
lull oonds piosonied will ho apiuj\id , ami
lii'iico many bulldiiujs will --oon bo n opt neil
tohitusid lei othoi piinid es lliaiiMiloon ) im-
| io > os , Ai > the t , iw ami Oidoi league wuo
not ri'.uli toooimiiciiro new injumhoii pie
leidlii s no fuithei action was tiiUen ,
A Iloinllj Insi i cd
( 'IIIKIIIN , la. , Die. .I Ihiwi iil 'I
to the J5i K. | I' . A. SlaliMt. n shooimil el mul
i ( ' idoiit ol CiO'lon foi el.'ht jeats , smcldtd
histnUht. Ho Ictt his MOID iail > in the
moiling tooiilloi t n bill and tailed toiotmn.
llo was found this iiioinlm ; dead , i mled ui >
au'iilnst tholiasciuont ol ahehonl hoiisoln the
.subuilH. llo was insuied lei - ! , ( ) ( ) In the
A. ( ) . I'V. . , low , i l < o'lon { ol llonoi , mida
St. l.ouls lelh-l hwi'leU ol llu A O. U.V. .
lie boiu'lit nr-i'ii c asccl , ao llochan oil
his llio insurance liv will jesloulaj from his
wllo.dKidiiiK It with the thlldien. I'amlly
mid btislnesb ) tioublus mepiobabb theinnse.
ratal Cattle Disease.
DKS.MOIMS , la. . Di-e 21 i.Spoelal T < 'le-
Kiiim to the III i.The1 ] KO\CIIIQI has boon
In lecelpt of iimnoions indent iciiiicsts fiom
farmeis in ( inlhrlo ronnlj to semi \otorln- -
ailan out thoio to Invosllunto tlio inoit.ilitv
aiuoiiL' Hit' ' hi ids ( ' itllo h.uit been ihlnt ; by
do/ens Iroin no aiipirunt CIIIM : , Afcoiil-
iii'lj ( , thouoMinoi iodn > si nt the astintant
state \otuliMilan to i\ai'iim the tionMa
and lejioit.
Tno Uo.ul in Hit los
OIIIMHA , la , D-e. 21. Sn-diil ToN
eyiam to the Hi K.I A | > oipetual iiijiini- !
tlmi was sullied hut .Salmdij ngaliiHt
tlio notid Moim > .Ionian taloon ISefine tlm
Wilt was is-iied , .loidan lodul up llu-hiloou
mid loll .Monday. 'I he hhiilll pui uiiadhxlc
on the outside doors , linking Stormy out.
' 1 he hf rill hasloil.ed soNtial olhi.i
A ( "Inn oil Deilioiitlon
TOIJI MMUKHN , la , Div ' 41.Sii
e rim to the Hi i- | -'Iho now SI
KomaiiiU'ollc < ' i much was < le lioatel at ID
oMoiKthis moinliu with pontiliolal hl 'i '
lua-s , lti lnii | Coi iou' , of ) ) a\t'iiioit ' | , otllol-
aihik' . llisliop I'lteiahl , ot 1 ittlo Ito-k ,
AiK , and mill ) iiriestxeie juo int. ,
A I' Plci IC'N IM iiiiiollon ,
\Visj I'MON , li , ) , 'il s(1 ( c-Ml 'loldt
Kiamtothe lii i JMr. J . J. 1 MtMa-tu , ot
thi < plii ( ! , | po > til i leilv who u ioiim U ho-
tuci > n .Miduvor and CUlo.i.'o las jiiit in-
ooho.l notiie ot hl.s apjio iituu nt a't ihiof
head rift I. in Iho iatlni > IIMI ) senile lor
lott I , lOMlUCVll AU , h h It'll H IJJIIllt.
'I \ilmli.ilH Itetliftl ,
V\ s IS. ins ln .1 'Iff ; i Ut > l Ullt i " 9
H | | , . i.4 HID aii let 11 UK V' < \ilnii al
It. u a' ' d ItivVtuilrlVordon w'HIi
ot Uiou