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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1886)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : WEDNESDAY , DECEMB.EK 22 , THE GRIST OF LOCAL NEWS. A Mysterious Shooting A lira j in Which a Pugilist Figures. RAILROADS AND CITY TAXES. A DIscuBslon Iloforo .Juiluc U'nkcly A .New Enterprise for Omnli.i A North Oniahn I.iw and Order c Other Nous. Shooting n I'nuitlnt. 'flic air lias been full of rumors yester day about a ohooling crape which took place , as alleged , at Kallon's Cotlonwood villa , on Sherman avenue , lasl night. The story was to the ouVot that a number of Omaha pugilistic lights , conspicuous amonj ; whom was McCormiek , were at the road house dis cussing the merits of various fighters , when a dispute arose as to Me- OirinlcV' prowc . That worthy , it is said , became wrathy. ami .suddenly let out his right < | tiarn" into the face of a man \sho N as making ll ht ot him. A free light , it is * aid , followed , in which lovolvi'rs were drawn. McCormiek , it is alleged , was shot , receiving serious though not neecsnanly dangerous wound. Whore ho was taken to , or what became of the man who did the shooting could not be ascertained , Professor P ) . Tallon who was ques tioned about the matter yesterday after noon , denied that any such affair had happened at his plac. Ho could not ac count for the ruinorc , but thought that it was originate by some envious person who wanted injure him or the reputation of liis place. Later on in the day it was reported that IMeUorniiek's wounds had been received in a brawl at a saloon in South Umalm , and that lie liid : died. Me- Cormick since the light in which he broke Al Marx's jaw , has been ar rojant ; in the extreme , and tried to "lord it over" men whom ho considered in ferior in pugilistic ability. It is proba ble that the trouble of Monday night arose from his too free display of these characteristics. HAMjHOAI ) TAXATION. An IntrrcMttiK Discussion lU'I'orc Wakeloy Vrstcrclny Morning. The much mooted question as to the right of the cliy to tax all railroad prop erty within Hie corporate limits , was be fore Judge Wakcley yesterday niorninpr , and was discussed by Mr. PopploLon for the railroads and by City Attorney Cou ncil on behalf of the city. The question arose on a demurrer filed by the city , to a petition of the Union Pacific railway company , asking for an injunction to prevent the collection of taxes assessed against certain properly belonging to the railroad company. It was claimed by the city attorney that notwithstanding the state law rcnnlrinc railroad and telegraph companies to make returns of its property to the state board of equalisation , that the city had iiowotr to assess nil such properly us might no within the limits of the city , the samn as the property of other corporations and individuals is assessed. Mr. Popplelon de nied the correctness of this proposition. and contended that for the purpose of city taxation the pro rata proposition of milage , as determined by the slate board of cqnali/ation , was the only proper sys tem of the taxation of railroad right-of- way , depot , grounds , etc. Mr. Popple- Ion also urged that oven is such system was not correct , all objection thereto should be addressed to the legislature , in place of to the courts. . JJiirin'j : the the citv attorney .jUlkeiLMr _ P. ! > tip1tton if lie denied the proposilion , that under the present state law , if tiic charter in express terms gave the city the right to tax all railroad property within the limits , according to valuation , the city would have. such rijjlit , and thai such right would not bo in con- llict with the stale law. To the question of the city attorney , Mr. Popploton responded , Dial if such charter provision was enacted subsequent to Uio stale law , Iho city would probably have such right , and il would not bo in conflict witli the state law. Upon the conclusion of the arguments , Judge Walsely took the cao under ad visement , and will probably render liis decision bcforo the adjournment of the present term of court. With regard to the taxes involved in the litigation , it was further claimed by j\lr. Popploton as a matlor of fael ll > at the city had already collected taxes for the jear in controversy , according lo Iho system for which lie contended , and the city attorney admitted lhat if such was the tact , the city could not again collect taxes for such year upon a valuation as sessment , for that would amount to double taxation. The principal question involved still remains lor settlement by the charter amcndmcnl committee , and it is prob able thai in view of the admission of Mr. Popploton that the charter may bo so amended as to assess all railroad properly for oity taxation according lo valuation thai such an amendment will bo made. GOVUKNMIONT CASH. Uuiit. KiiiKiiinn To I In How It Is to bo K\cnIciI. Lluntoiiiint Dan Kin nuiii Inn rctiirnod from his trip to Now Orleans , nml is packing-nil preparatory to lonviiig for lnn > p11'0 ! ; within the no.\t week , "I hriNoleon nppointeii liibtriet olVicor of the Fourth district of the Mississippi river , " snid tlml ; ; cnticinan to p. rouoiter yustcnlny. "The territory I have to cover includes that portion of the river from Wnrrontnn , just below Vlckshuru , to the head of the jetties. The government IE conunencin e.\tensive improveinonts in that section Mich as the removal ol sand bars near the month ol the It cd river and the building of Hubimtrgcil dams in the Atchafalai : river to prevent the Mib > ibAippi from Itruakniir down its barriers and * iweppin thron li the channel of that river , on its way to the irnlf. Kxleiibive improve- nients are also beln inado ou thu New ( Jrleans harbor , Mich as the construction of piotcelivo barriers against the under mining of the bunks. " "How much has lit-un npuropvlalt'tl bj Uio uOtcfmricnt for carr > ini ; on join workv" "Altospllmr , nliout 000,000" Of tin amount , about $160,000 is available , Lieutenant Kingiimn has not yet beci relieved from his position as ofliccr it charge of llm Yellowbtono jiark work Iniisnuioh as the work is all dona in tin btimmor when the water in the river i ; so hiyh as to prevent work beinK carrict uu it is probable that Lieutenant King man can attend to both branches of tin govorniuc'iH borvicu. A : \77 oiu ) HI : , Ill Norili Unialin. Vlondav night a very successful mcctin } was hold in the basement ot thoSannder Mrcut I'resbytcrian church at which i branch of the Law and Order league wa established. H was- called to order b ; Mr.-Taylor and Mr. O. II. Halldn statei the object of the same to bo tg aid Inl \ enforcement of the la\y in all cases o infraction. Tlio. aim was not nee css.uily d'reOU'il to the enforce incut of the Slocum law with re 1 to saloons. Jt was of broader in > I 'it M wp w I hi . > . in on-'r * V- * w * all kinds. Mr. Ritchie was cleotcd presi dent of the leaRtic , Messrs. Lowe and Newman secretaries and S. N. ( Justin treasurer. An cxncutlve coinmittee consisting - sisting of the following members was appointed : O. H. Hallou , Uhas. Watts , John Trench , T U. Hnrncs , S. N. ( Justin. Will 11 , Anderson. K. 15. Uussoll , and John McKwiiiK. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president , and ? 18i ) was subscribed to carry out tlio plaihs of the league. Ai.nmoiiT's CIIOICK. XOTI3S. The Imst Acts of .Mr. Kstelle'R Olllclnl CnrrcT. District Attorney H.stcllo yesterday ar raigned Messrs.Voodford and Sullivan , charged with burglarixing Mrs Davis' dry goods store on Sixteenth street. Hoth pleaded guilty. Ho nl o Illud an informntion against Valentino Lipp for receiving money tinder false pretcnaosaml Hntt n charged with perjury , the latter being thn young man \vhovan away with and married the daughter of Mr. .James MeArdlp , .several months ago. The hitter two will be prospentcd by Mr Mineral , who .suc ceeds Mr. I'jstello. The former two will be Kent to the penitentiary , thu in creasing the number ol tluw wliojiavo been sent thuro by Air. ICttello durin'g the present term to Mxteon. Air. JC < lollo hus taken ni > his pormanenl residence hero and will continue to nr.ietice at the bar after retiring from olm-ial life. XHW ODTKITS KOKXiWSPAPHU.S. : _ The Oinnhn Typo I'oiimtry nml Sup ply Motiho Tor 1'rhitorn nnd Putillslicrf ) . The Western Newspaper Union at Omaha is prepared at ajl times to outlit publishers on she t notice with presses , type , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks and rules , and in Jact everything in the line of printers and publishers' supplies , lietter terms and more liberal prices can bo secured than by sending to Chicago or olsowhero. Save money by buying near home. Second hand goods in tlio printing line bought and sold. Wo often have great bargains in this particu lar. Send for Tin : PitiNTuits1 AtrxiuAiir , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of goods and prices and from time to time proclaims unequalled bargains in- new and second hand material. \VisTiiiN : : Nnwsi'Ai'nii UNION , 12th Strout , bet. llowardand Jackson , Omah Nabcraska Ai.mtimiT's Cnoicn. .Smith's Small Parcels. Air. H. 1' . Smith is now beriously con sidering what to do with several parcels of property which belong to him and Ho adjacent to lots in the main thorough fares which arc now being most richly improved , ile owns twenty-two feet oh Karnam street adjoining the lot of A. Calm in the northeast corner of Four teenth street , on which the latter gen tleman proposes to erect his ? 150.0)0 ; ) building. If the latter could be enlarged l > y the erection of a building of similar design on Smith's i > roporty , the valnn and the beauty of the location would be immunsoly enhanced. The same condition obtains with refer ence to Mr. Smith's lot immediately cast of tlio Merchants' National bank , which is now in course of erection on the cor ner of Thirteenth and Farnam streets. It is probable that in each of these Mr. Smith's determination to build will be made in a few days , because the build ings contemplated can now bo erected with much less expense than if they would bo put up at a different time. Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Nat Brown , Pro ) ) . $2 per day. Cor. 15th and Farnam. All btrect cars Irom depot pass house. Careless FricnilH. Yesterday morning a well dressed lady in Iho lobby of the post olliee wrote the fol lowing address upon a parcel and depos ited the Inttor for transmission : "Mrs. M. K. Weeks , G. T. Smith's block , room 88. " There is no such place in town , and to out wlicro the btiildinp in question is , Superintendent Evers will be compelled to make inquiries of the post masters in many of tlio leading cities. The parcel contains a beautiful clicnilo hliawl , which is evidently intended as n , present , and yet , as it now stands , it will not bo able to roach its destination. Mr. Kvers says that the majority of parcels addressed in tlio ollico are badly dircctci' ' , and result in either untold annoyance or loss of the package , and frequently both , For sale or exchange for clear land , Council Dlnll's or Omsilia property , a most promising and f-ishionablv trottinir bred L'-year old stallion , standard bred. Hide U. Address P. H. ifunt , llnrlan , la. o Gorman-American School. The ladies of the German school asso ciation who have taken charge of the ( lerman-Amorican school , 1818 Ilarnoy str. , have resolved to reduces the tuition lo $1,00 per month , commencing January 1st , 1837. The o wishing to send their children to said school will please apply to any one of the following members of the committee : Airs. Ci Pomy , 10th and Pierce. Airs. C ( i. Schaefer4100 lanwm. Airs. Al. Tibko , JJ001 Cumins. Airs , U , Jlcnnrod. 1708 Douglas. Airs. F. Ltinsn , 008 S. lltth st. Or lo AL Hcmuol , the principal. Licensed Watchmaker for the U. P Hallway Co. C. S. HAMVOSD , Douglas and 15th. He'll , ( > k Out I'op the Hovonuo. Mayor Howley , of Mitchell , one of the ( Jrover'o pets , is in town , llo has re cently boon appointed successor to Gen eral Dennis , deputy United States collec tor for the sotitluiru district of Dakota , with headquarters at Yankton. The major will not take hold of the affairs of the olliee until about the lirstof February , because the work of the position during the month of January is such as no new man deMics to undertake. Alajor How- ley's headquarters will bo at Mitchell , Ai.tiuioiu's CHOICE. 2 > S New York Was .Missed , There was no through mail from Now York Monday night tlio fast rain having missed connection at some place because of some inexplicable reason , Our mer chants , therefore , have been patiently waiting all day for the fast mail train , winch arrives lo night , which will doubt less have its double load of both mercan tile and hoiiday matter. AUUIKUIT'S CIIOICK. Alonday night the Onifiha Literary as sociation , at Judge Ilo'rka'd ollico , SrHlcd for all time the momentous question as to whether the altitude of the government of the United States toward polygamy were just and expedient. Polygamists wxro scarce and their arguments were moiosearco , and the government sup porteis accordingly won the night. ALUUIGHT'S Cnoici : . Flro Alarm iloxcs , Tno new lire alarm bovcs ordered for t.lio city , will bo located nt Shtcenth and Yinton , Twenty-ninth and Farnam TlnrteeiUliundcbstor , tlio boiler fooir of the Union Pncilio car bliops. am * n 1'irt.u'to. ! - W. Uit.u Prts , J * V tf * V Tim COOKT MAItTIAIj SYSTKM. An Army Omcor .Mnkcs Comments Thereon. "It Is a startling fact , shonn up by ic- liable figure" ! , " said an army ofliccr ve tcr- day ; "that 50 per cent of tlic oldiors in department won1 , during the past year , tried by court martial. Most of them , of course , were tried for putty ofl"ensc , "such as tlriinkenncvs , being oft" duty without leaye of absence. Tliis is a pitiful show ing , and at the same titno its truth enn not be-dispntcd. It proves that there is something radically wrong with the pros- nut system of court martial. As the thing is now , if : i soldier goes ofT or be comes intoxicated , he is immediately tried by court martial , and sentenced tea a term in tin- guard lion e. That relieves him from duty ami throws the work on the men who behave lhnm ches. 'I his di couargos tlio good soldiers anil helps the bad ones The fact is there ought to be a fi\ed undo of laws , rigidly onioroeil , with a certain punishment for each crime .something similar to the code which obtains in the police court. Tuuti a soldier who disobeys these laws would know , | ust what punishment to ev poet. Under the present sy tum a sol dier , tried by our court martial , might get a sentence , more severe or more leni ent than a soldier who commits the very same crime , but is tried by a dill'erent court-martial board. In my opinion there ought to bo less guard-house sen tence and more lining done. Let a sol dier umler tuul ! that an infringement of the law is going to eo t him the half or half or whole of his months pav and ho will be pretty apt to keep .straight. 1'or that reason a lixcd code of laws and lines ought to bo determined upon. "The percentage of crime among the .soldiers during the past year , " continued the speaker has perhaps been creator on account of the change of regiments which has taken place. Men who have been stationed at posts far out in the western country , have brought into the "confines of civilization , " and they immediately proceed to allow their vicious tendencies lull play. This is illustrated in the case of the second and the twclth regiments ol infantrv. " ( Sons. Crook and Dandy have returned from their trip to Hobinson and Niobrara AMIKIGIir'S ClIOH'R. NOTICS. New lOn lncs for the Union Pacific Mr. Boeuc's Arrival. About the end of this week the Union Pacific will receive from llaltimorc ten imw engines for heayy work. These en gines will be used for freight trains and are known as "slack-burners. " They are so constructed as to burn slack-coal a species of fuel which until recently has been useless. In this way a great saving in the item of fuel will bo effected. It is said that this fuel is capable of giving just as great heat , when used in one of these engines as the coal oidinarly used. J1H. HOOfE'S AUItlVAL. The newly appointed chief engineer of the Union Paeilic , IMr. 15ogue , arrived in this city.'yesterday with his family from the south. lie assumed his duties yester day morning. Air. Hoguc comes hero from the position of assistant chief engin eer of the Northern 1'aciiic , with liighrec- ouimcndations. A liinicri.ous itr.MOK. Union Paeilic ollicials denounce as an idle and ridiculous rumor the statement that Lucius Tultl" is to be appointed passenger traflic manager of the Union Pacilio. They say such a thing has never been thoughtofr - Tin : cnir.K ci-diKs. The chief clerks of the Union Pacific road are still in session in General Super intendent Smith'soll'icc. They will wind up their business to-day. Ai.iiimiiiT's CHOICI : . NEAV YOUK SI UN IX O 51 AHA. A Firm of Them to Establish a AVliole- Ralt ; Clothing lloiibo. Another feature which will bo a wel come one to this city is the cst tblishmont of an exclusively wholesale clothing house , which will open here in the spring , with eastern men , backed by all the capital necessary to conduct a busi ness of the kind specified on a scale com mensurate with the demands and devel opment of this section of thocountry. The name of the linn is Known to the HKE , but is withheld till later. They will open in a building belonging to the K/.ra Milliard estate on Ilarney street , ad joining tiic Millanl building now on the corner of Kleventn street. The new structure will be1K132 feet , with four stories and basement , costing 1 ? 10,000 , and of a design in harmony with that al ready erected at the corner mentioned. One naif of the building will bo occupied by the firm in question , the other part being taken by another linn , of which nothing may now be said. Furniture of the Commercial House , ( jrand Island , Nob. , to bo sold at force sale before January 1st , 18S7 , coiinisting of Hi'ds , Uedding , Chamber Suits , Stoves , 1 Largo Wrought Iron Range , with Steam Table , etc. , Dining Koom and Ollico Fur niture , etc. Goods will bo sold to suit purchasers in anv quantity. Terms o sale will bo made liberal. For informa tion , call on or address .J. ( > . UAINM : , Urand Island. _ Mrn. JHIIimui'g Dentil. The remains of Mrs. Henry Dillman will arrive by the Union Pacific from Cheyenne this morning at 7:05 : o'clock. They will bo accompanied by Mr. Dillman and his three children and Mrs. John Richards of this city , mother ot the deceased. Uho remains will bo berne to the residence of the latter , 81(1 ( lliirnn.vt-trect , from which place the fun eral will take place at : ) o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dillman had been sick for a coiinlo of weeks , and her mother was called from this city to her tide. Several letters were received from her , the last tolling her children in this city to celobroto Christmas happily because - cause their sister was considered out of danger. The next day a telegram was received announcing Mrs. Dillman'a death , _ _ _ Ar.uituiirr's Cnoia : . Pcttib-tiihson. Monday evening at the residence of the briuVs parents , 1111 California street , Mr. O. S. Pottis , of this city , was mar ried to Miss Ida L. ( ilbsoii. The grooms man was Mr. C. C. Burdiok , the bride being attended by Miss Helen Copeland , < laughter of the officiating clergyman , lov.V. ! . K. Coooland , of Unity church. The reception lasted front's to 12 o'clock. AUJUIOIIT'a ClIOIOK. Thn . . Mr. Mahoney , superintendent of the poof , ? ? vs I'1111 ' no Is preparing a Christ mas dinner for til * iu.matps of the poor house , which winbr.iii jo.Vto them in tnoir misery and abaitdonmC4" : : ! ° .V will bo treated to turkey and oystoia , both of winch arc rarities out in that direction. ALUISIOHT'S CIIOICK. SUIlcs1 Villainy. Karah H. SLiles asked for a divorce from , her husband..ltobert J. Skilos yester day morning in thedistrict court. The latj teris 110w m the penitentiary for forgery /tWn"Y\Ji \ Mn Oiklml but lioforn iiojnu I Jjlumr/vlj n iifnmn ojrup Kuiemr p ii > * , I c r LtttJ behind the wiills IIP had robbed liis wife of her wedding presents , jewelry , pony and fold thcnrlo stet money to practice adultery , one of his associates in the I at- ler crime being a woman , residing on Main street iii'l'ouncil Hlull's. Thn rozjicn * nnil Itohpt-t Iitnv. The ro/7.eii3 IIOIKOyesterday passed , at dinner time , into the control of Mr. Hob- ert Law who'has ' brnclit Mr. Uumsey's interest and I6a c and will hereafter run Ihe hotel in the moit approved style. Mr. Law's great circle of aciiuaiutauces throughout this section of the countrv. both as railroad man and landlord , will doubtless secure to him an immediate and lueratho patrounire. Air. Law lias retained the services of Joe Needhamthe popular young gentleman who has been behind the olliee counter for three years hack , and Mr. los. ? the younc man who , for some time back , has acted as the night clerk. t'or./.onl. No name is better and more pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. . ) . A. Pox/out. Tor Years he lui made him self famous by the elegant perfumes and complexion powder that bears his name the latterhaving found its way to th belles of Paris ( icrmany and London Everybody admire beauty in ladies Nothing will do more lo produce or enhance hance it than to use Mr. Po//.oni's preparations parations A man \\liom lie had married the night before \\ent to a clergyman at ( ireen- lield , Mass. , not long ago , and saying Hint the cost of the wedding reception had exceeded his calculations , requested a loan of the ifo paid as a wedding fee. The money was returned , but has never been repaid. For twenty years Henry F. Unicorn , of Shirley , Ma-s. , siillored with rheumatism. He found no relief till ho took Hood's Sarsaparilla. In Kaeo , Me. , one night lasl week , Miss llortha Weymoiith tilled ajugwitli water , corked it , and put it on the stove to heat before taking it to bod. When it was hot enough she started up stairs , and then with a big bang , the cork Hew out and the hot water .spurted into her face , scalding her badly. She now knows more about the power of steam than she did. _ The Voltaic licit Co. , MainlinM , Mich. wlllsond their celobiated Voltaic Kelt and ] ; icctiic Appliances , on thirty days' trial , to any mail ( joitni ; or uiiildle-a ed ) ntlllctcd \\itli neioas debility , loss ot vitality , lack ot nenc force nnil vigor , and other diseases. The in cutest KMiicdid iiKeiit over dlswm'rcd. Wtlto lo ] tlifia for IHlustati'd panmhlel lice. No lisks Inclined , usithiitty days' trial Is ul- Itw ed. Last week the snow sheds built east of Rogers' pas , on the Canadian Pacific , were visited by an immense ivalanche , which strucK the sheds and shot 100 feet into the air and into the valley below without having the least ufleet on the work. Thousands of tons ol snow , ice and rock wore in the slide. In Philadelphia recently a wcding cere mony was performed with the l'ortoiiiie e ritual. The couple stood under a silken canopy , which was upheld by four posts dccor.xled with ( lowers , anil at the con clusion of the ceremony the grooni crushed a glass under lib foot as a sym bolic act. Absolutely This powder never varies. A mnrvcl ol purity , strengtli and wholosomencss. More economical than the ordinary Kinds and cannot be Kold in competition with the mul titude of low te t , short we tfht alum 01 phosphate po Sold only in cans. Royal Halting PowiK'r Co.103 , Wall St. , New York. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , 4i8 I..UVKI.NCR STISIIT. : : Of tlic Misbomi State M-semn of Anato my , St. Louie , Mo. ; Univcisily College Hospital London , ( Jicscn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Chronic and DISEASES. Moie especially those arising from impru dence , iinitc ull so suffering to correspond without delay. Discntcb of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous dnigs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters icceive immediate attention. PUBLISHED _ # And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to Nshich is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap- teison JJISEASKS or THE ncrnonucnvB OKOANS , the whole loaning a valuable med ical treatise \\liich should be read by all young men. Addresb DICK. .s. Ai > . I.YVIIM : > \ , 1 EM LllXVI'L'lU'tl St. , Ht'llVtT , < ' < ! , United Btats Marshal's Bile. ni cull Coin t of tlio I ullf I tiliitea for TNTIIIJ . ol Kuliruskii : UtoiiCrtCf ii ml Scliocntgcii , ) \S > D I. Cramer " " < ! n V Coo. 1 I'ubllc notlco la hou'Uy Khcn.tliat In puroii- HiicauiKl liy Mliuool mi Older ol mln cjituicu in llm atiovn niiuc , on llm 14th 'lay ol Ik-coiii- bor , IK fl. 1 , 151II If. Illurljowfr. MureUul ol tlie Cultixl Mutt-s for tlio iJMnct of Nolj tii.l.u , will , on \ \ udiiitMliiy. I'll ) Ctli ilny ( it January , ) bH7. nt in.'iiQlir ot lo o'flock In iliufnicnuoii ofs.ild - lB Inirot . stotu "I > K"0'1 ' els.cou iipnui.0 . proi-eni' * . boot * un l ll Ch. Kluvc-s. luu' " . our. iiiK-iippuinl.Ki'iilli'miMi'b juniMila * KOOII ' 2 notUiiis. I will holltaW eooila ami clmttclsii. bulk n. . lots ' ' " ' ' , or . 'i 'uVm I.1' : V. P. Mnrnlial , Ill8trlct of Nvbraska. ilowMiD II. SMITH A ; Wiiunir lUl.uwis & MAI/- PANE , Attoruu ) i tor Plulutida. ob. V ; 'l As the llolitlny fwon is upon u , would it not be mlvUnble ami Pimtieully proper lo select from our stock some UBcfiil things ? Our goods , although not seWted exelnsively for Holiday Gifls. yet every one of them would mnko a sensi ble and highly appreciated present , which would be useful the year round. This being our first season , wo have made a place foe ourselves among you , and by making the interests of our customers our own , AVe pro pose to show our appreciation of their patronage by making startling reductions throughout our entire line for their benefit , beginning Friday , December ITth , and continuing until after Christmas. 1 Jn the Uoy. , ' and Children's Department we ofler : * . * . * Jiot/s' Winter treif/M suit * , uwlh $ & for $ JitSS Jlfcffcr f/ntde JHotjs' nttitst ntndc up in Norfolk tttt/Je , reduced from $3.t3 to $2.1 S. C < tbtiniet < > Snitti.Jatiliiuitftb/ up , reduced from $ fi to In Hoys' and Children's Overcoats wo have tliem from ? .t,9o upwards , and u very fine line of plain and fur- trimmed ones. Those ttt $ .M > I $ < > ttuccd to $5.1 * ® Those at $ &neilnced to $ fi TTiosc uf $ & I cd need to $ ( > . .sO Those it $11 > Hcduccd to $7 In the Men' * Clothing Dopaiimnnl we have within the liisl ten days reinforced our a orlmenl with n MT styles in Business and Divss Suits mid ofler the entire line at uniformly reduced prices. Men's Strictly ail wool iSteitv Reduced from $8.75 to $ G J9ffen's Striufly alt worried Sfreos Suits , Iteduccdfrom $ ft.5O to $7 Men's all worsted Sack Sitif J&frait/Jtt tnd Honiid Cuts , Reduced ft-om $ IS to $ JL 2. . # te Men's fine CovJiserew 4&tittoii.Cnfawai/ , in bhsc/f ororonw , M e tltteedfrom $18 to $ TLS Veryfiite,4-ISnttan ditanwy Wrest * SwHafItcducedfrom $2OtoJ.7.7S Very fine Imported worsted Sad : Sitits.fiic coats and vests lined with Satin , -in straight and round cuts , Reduced from IftVS.SO to $ & . & < > .i'tra fine Corkscrew Prince Albert Ifrcss Suits til blues tnd ItJa t'Jts , Reduced from $ $ O to $ ' . * . 7 5 We call especial attention to our $25.7o Prince Albert Dress Suits , not alone to the line quality , but lo Hie style anil the manner in which they arc gotten up ; and they Munild only be compared with merchant tailor's make , and in price with such goods as other dealers ash $ U5 for. Our enormous assortment of Overcoats and Ulster. ' , plain and fur-trimmed , are made from Edridon & Bur lington , Kerseys. Chinchillas , Elysiaii * , Fur Beavers and Monlagnacs , some silh and others satin lined. The ex- livifiviy low prices of these can only be appreciated after examining the qualities. In Mufflers and Silk Handkerchiefs we positively oiler the most stupendous bargains , for instance : Cassiai ere Mufflers for dross wear at % 5c each , ; worth 75c. A U Safin Mufflers at $1.30 ; worth $3. > Stilt HaudhcrcJuefs for 23c. ; worth 3&c. Including an elegant , assortment of better grades in which we can save you more money than in the cheaper ones. Anything in our line you may purchase , lake il around town , and if yon think you c.m do better , return the ame , ( if not Boiled ) , the money will be returned to you instantly without remark- : . All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH , Tin1 1 ! < ' * I Litnntli'iStiii'fli in tin- Woi'ld. Contains nil / / > /n//m//mfs / / / iiKcit Liinnili'i/mi'ii. . Can lie used until of ii'llhiint liollinij. Will not , * tifli to tlic Jfon. Xnri'ti itxirlc nntl time. Jlnltrs Coliniw nml C'V / * / / lllic new. ftOX'T TJir TO GK'J WITHOUT IT. Don't tit hi1 nn imi- tntion.Jjs.s / / o/i linrinif lliryriuiliiK ELECTltW LUXT11E STAJlCIf. Louh out for our fr < iilc-nnti'l > ; A. woman nsliij ( a sltirt bosom for a If your Grocer won't jet ; it for jou , write to us and we will send you a sample and notify you where you can obtain the ELECTLIC LUSTRE STAKC1I. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH CO. , 54 Central Wharf , B stop , Mass. PIANOS Jh JB > Jb Jmi A v a ! * * ' ORGANS FACTORY PRICES FOB THE HOLIDAYS Great Bargains PIANOS , from $40 up ORGANS , from $22 up Easy Payments Taken Max Meyer & Bro E. T. ALLEN , M. D. Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat Room 5 Williams Building , cor > 10th a d Dod .e sts , Oinalia. Hour * 8 lo 13 , 2 { ; > i and 7 to 8 p. m te A 1 3th SI , Cor. Capitol Ivcnuu , ion inn TiiKATurNT op * n. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McrflENANlY.TProp 'otoi. jtnro' lT > | illiil nnJ I'rl > ale IToctu . tins facillllii , Dpiar.itus | nml rtnii'illn for thueiicfcdsfiil trwUincntof c\rry form of ill . riisuriiiiilrliiKclllurnidllojl or trfatnifnl , aii-l linllonllliirrimoaudliivottiKntulortln'UiKliM or corrcnpt > ml | lh ti > . Long cipcrlfniu In tical Inijcn'cs hy letter cnulilcs us to treat man ; i 9ui ( ( .Vcntiilcnlfy without ( wine them WHITE VOIl CIUULI.AU on Dfformltc ! ( und HracfF , C'lnb FeU , t'urvatiirn of tliu Hjuno DI EA M or WOMKV. l'llo , 'I'umjr * , Caucus. I'ntnnli , nronchitin , liiiialntinn. I'.leitrli ily , l' r l. jfls , Kpllepty , Ki'lnoy , Ku , Cur , bLIu , Illood nuJ ull aurglcnloiMTnlloni , llallcrh-ii , InlnUcru , Uracm , TriiHiri , nnil all kimls of Mnllcal anil bur 'ical App , IOLII ufactureilnnd for mlo. Iho only reliable Medical I nil lute miking Private , Special $ Nervous Diseasss 1 rA KI'ITl IAI.TV. ALT. CONTAoliH'8 AND W.OOD DISHASHH from \\lmlc > crcanileprociicfil | mrti tioaloj V > o can rcmu\u bj | > luhti jioUo.i fium Ihe njktfn. Mitlinut inirciiry. New reilorntivo trontmf nt for ln fi of vital power Al.1i COM.Ml'Nf\THKS | ) CdSI'IDKNI'IAl Call nint conn ilt us or cend iiamu nnd post ni" nihlrfti plui.ilj vuittc'ii cnclofc bluuip , millt < i nil ) fiiulu . In plnhi uraiipcr , our PRIVATE CincULAR TO KICK WrAKs > , bi'riiMAToiti'.iiiiii , c r , HifiuiK , Oosoitr.iiiKA , ( imiAniroceiii , STHICTIIIIB , AND AM DUTA * * * or TIIK Otsii i I'mSAiir OKUAM , orttmllisil' ' 'J uf } ourmt for en opinion. 1'monn unible toI H us moy he treated at tliflr lionim. hy e il litn ! < .nnl Jiiitru ineiittrrntby inalliirPXlirffibiCl I'HI ' I-V I' V < I. Kl ) rilOM DIISF.HVA'IIOV.o ) juaik luiiilna' ! ' rontrnt * or tender. Ono pcieoiml Intrrmw fprrfd If Lonirntcnt Fifty r..i-ma fur the M. n moilrlion nf patient * Itoanl und intirnlun c i' rtanouahlc piictiAiMrc nl1 J-otivro lo Omaha Medical and Sorijlcal instllule , Cor. 1 3th St. anflCinltol vc. . OMAIU. N U. Star Line Itoj-ivl nnJ t'u i J Slates Mil. I , fi. Ill Hi LLOHUl.'i.l / Beiween Antwors & Hew Yorh TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AKD FRANCE. \\ivnu. : Painn from | 00 to $ " > . K\r-ur"iioii rlp fro-n IllO to Sl-'i botQiul CaJjin. ( itlltrMil , U'il at ralea. 1'ttur toiicra , Si Uroa.lwur. Now Vojrlc. . Iloniy VUH 'I ' , Ulft r.iinmiT. | : IMuUmj V 0 * . ' kl ; L > , U . > < . , , l , 1 K V A UU i M I I I , I f. Omaha , Council BMs And CMcaga * Tlio only ro d In tukn for Dfs Molnra , Mnr- itiiilltnwn.l cxlar ItftuMF. Clinton , Dlilf. Clilcii- un.MllnniiKno nnil ull iioliiU on t. Tn tli pro file of N'oliiiisku , Culniiulo , WjomlriR , ( 'lull , Idiilio. NoMirtii , OICRIIII. WiiHlilnirlon unit full- fornln , II offer ! flinioilor aUviuitu uii not paiiV- Lin by tvuy oilier line. /iiioiiK n fnw tif tlio niirnnrous pnlntnof in- nnjoyrd liv llm p'llroni ' of ihlflrnnd CtrloiKy iiiiiH'hlonKO.aiti 111 t c trains ndnrof DAV LXIACIIl'.H which HKI Iho fluent tniit linmnn art Mini > nit'iiiilty rnn rrrulr. Iln I'AI.ACK HI.KKI'IXO OAlta , rthlrli uininiicluli oro'iinfnrt mid nln nnrn Itn I'AIIUXt DIIAW INJ HOOM CAKH , mum pnMwl l > v miy mid III wl.lelr . coltiliriitx-d I'AI.ATIAIININ'I | CAH8 , tbfl nqiul of wlileli rniuiot tin fniitnl 'ioH-heic. At Coiinoil Illulfa.i \ \ liiui ] ( , f llm 1'iilun l'ncl- flo Itr. rniiiidct In I'nion Dnput with thnno of Dm ( Mrifn .V Norlhwcplmn llv In ( Tlilfnuo Iho tmlii * of this HUH niiiLo close connection with ttion ) of nil voKlm-n HIIPS. Vnr I'ftiolt ' , t'oliiiiilnis. Jmllnniijioll * . flncln- natl , .Miiiriirn 1'ullK , llnirulo , ritttihiiiir , Toiunin , Montroul. lliiBton , Nu Voik , I'lnuilvlplilii , Mill- tlinore. WiisliniKl'in Mini all | olnii In the nail , ail. the tlo'.ot niiotil fur tickets vln Ilia "NOKI'MWr. ' THIIN. " If yon wlili thii Im't ro n'umn'lntlnni ' An tldict iij.-ont5foll tU'UutB r iillim l.nn. .M.iiroiiiiT. r. v WII.SDV. ( iuncuil Mnnni'iT , firnl. 1'nas r Av lit (1"KM80'lll ( WM. . ' H.iirii.wBl : Uvnl Wii-toniA/t I 'i ' ) l'a s A Bt. THE LOUIS THE LOUIS TKE LOUIS TVHIM Ii > ! iMIM : II limy liI\ I UV 'H'M < i " . J ii , iul : eih'ti' ltli"Ut id . o-i-iuiK 11.hi Uu t- .11,1-1 nan < li. tiCHOA VJ3L- Vf'TS , III t nl > I In t J n allll'ilK ' , Hill , . UK ( III i in in mullein' ' 18 its nt iu 'il ' in I VU1 \ \ nI.S | 'l 1,1 i > o ( hum t i -I in I HIM i i H lilv ii ) 'h > v. ii , win Ii oul < l rum i u t M l 111 IdUl I IIItill' J > H ' . 'iini ( i in u i.'ii in vi.rvr.rri\ : i.i < % Itr.i1,11 l'v > . ' rit. In KSijI. \ U. uii'l ' ill < * l lli.l . .IMI. il..u.ildl | null HII nlbi r \i n < ! l > livfc-u 'ni < ior na tii.vt : iNPiiiiife iui iiiunn oi j."rii < . i u ( ) I\IIA : > 'TI : > ' . t < .m no. COIUII Ultl S I'MT/yUI'll. M-ll tt'UM , 'Uio rtoi \ 'I. .U I"1 'i > f < in- in\ i 11 * f'i tin \ ch utuisn li 8- ' 1 ' J' I.-i > I i tf ( nut it 11 i QI'HI > vy ybol bol 11'j- . . . A' li , FALVOXllll. H 0 i. .n , , a to i . - . ,4 / ob P.