Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Ailtcrtf'cmentunder this hend , 10 cent-por
| t line lor tlir fr-t ln erl'r > n,7 tents for enohsub-
| BcriJft In-ert on. nnd J-1.50 n line per month
, { No a Kort sr mont taken for less thnn Hi cents
ilor t , o first In-f-rtlon. Fevcn words trill bo
| connt .l to the line ; they mu-t tun consocu-
| tlvoiy nnd mint bo paid In advance. All advfcr-
; . .t.-t.rcr- - mn t bo hnndetl In before 2 o'clo-k
i , nnd under no clic < im tanr < > s will thcybo
j.tiO-c.1 or < li c.ontlmitd l > y telephone.
, . ndxtilitlnKlnlhc-iMOlumns-ndll- - .
f'inpU'onn-.ver- ' aOdre t'd In euro of Titr lire
Ttlll rlra o sbk for n cheeV loennble them tofrct
their letter ! , us none w ! l bo dollverod except
on pre."cntfttion of check. All answers to nd' '
vert cnicnlylioiild In
OAf > S - l.onnLonn * .
1 r-.n > p l.nn > ,
C oilntirml loans.
( l.attcl loitli .
l < oiiki Illno lonl1" .
Hjiotl time loiiti- .
Money iilmiys on hnnd to loan on any np-
proiei ! tccurlly.
Inv < tin < 'iit ( eruritln- bought ami gold.
OtTinhn Vlnnticlnl ilxchmiMo , n. " . cor. IMh
an I Hninoy. . . . .
Corliflt , MnnnRpr. 1-01
llAlfmS , ittO S. 15tht. .
HAUIH8 to lonn on llrst cliiss security , from
? riiO iii | urdR. -01
. . . . . . . ' 1 LOAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Mn-
honey , IftJ'.i I'limnm. H )
' liri'AT Money.
Ol'i It C I'nttcr-on , IMh and llarney. fill
.T ( . ( ) OO to linn. Sums J503 nnd upward" ,
$ Lowest rntci Ilomls , room 3 , Darker blocli ,
H.V cor I5lli nnd rnrnniiiBls. _ Mt _
n II 01. NTMonny to lonn.
Orojiory iV Iliidler ,
Itooms 1 nnd 8 , Ucdick block , : KO S. 1.1th _ Rt.
111 ONHV lo loan , cn h on mind , no delny. ,1.
v > l \ \ nnd I' , li. Squire , IIU Kurniim bl. , Pai-
Ion hotel biillUuiK.
riVJ LOAN Money Ixmns placed on Im-
1 piovod leul eslnto In elty or county for
New I'tiulnnil l.onii I : Trust Co. , by Douglas
( oiinty bnnk , inth nnd riiloiiKosls. _ Bill
Tit OMVTO IOA > At ow rates , on
.I'l elty piuperty. lliitvhoric Cu.,1216
Btuet.elty & > - ' .
to loan on olty and Inrm property ,
MHNKV rules , Stewart & Co. , Itoom : i. Iron
llunk Ml
IONUV It ) I.OAN-At iMinaoniililo rntoon
fiirnltnro. line wntoUe- and other porsoniil
iporly. C..1. Cii-ivull , loom IV Iron Hank
luilldimr , 12th and Furnnm. 6'JI
r ON ICY TO LOAJf oTp. lYnvi- : To. itou
M1Ejtntcund Loun AKonts 1505 Fiirnam st.
( i M AN On tcnl cstato nnd eli
telt. U Thomns. f > 'M
MONKV T ) LAX In suniR of J2,0'U nnd
upwards on flrM class ruiil ostuto Bccurlly.
Totter < t fobb , lM5rnrnnm _ t. _ J'W
MOMV MlANtUi nt 0. rflleod A Cosri oaii
oflleo , on inrnlturo , pianos , horceg.wnKons ,
personnl property of all UlndH. nnd nil other nr-
tfclea of vnlno , without removal. U19 S 13th ,
over lllnvhnm'i rvmiml slou store. All buel-
iK-tSKtrlotly cQiilldontlni. CM
0ron.non TolonnoiiOmnlin city property ntfi
P percent. O. W. l > ny. over Ullu UouKJnsat.
MONKVtoloanby the unfloralirneit , wbo hni
Ihoonly inoporlv orRiinl/ed loan nirency
InOmnlm loans of J10 to $ IKK , ( ) made on fur-
nltiirn , plnnoi , orpnn" , hoiws , wnsons , mnchln-
cry. Aa , without rcmornl. Ko delays. All
biinliioM ftrlotly conftdontlnl. Loans BO mndo
that nny psrt can bo paid nt any tltno , ench pay
ment rcduclni ? the ciist pro rata. Ailvnncos
niadoon flno watches nnd diamonds. I'erpom
ulionld cnrofully ronslJor who thny nro dcnllnir
wllh , ns many now oncorns nro dnlly comlmr
Into oxNtenoo. Should you need monor , cull
nd too mo. W. It. Croft , Uoom \Vlthncll
lliilldlnir , 1'iHi nnd Ilnrner. nn't
SAl.r. In Omalin Vlow. two MKSU leot
south trout lot1 * , louethur with very nul > -
1 stnntlnlil-moiiibrlek IKIIKO. 1'rlco $2."lilli S'VX ] biilancu SlU pur iiionlh. Adlie slt IH , lleo
ofllce. f7
| j"OII SAI.i : l.iiiich roitntor iloinc : coed linsl-
Jiui < n , ( joid loi'ntloti , cheap for oiish. ronsoiH
for snlllnif , wlcknoti In fumlly. C. L. llanrhctt ,
1LM ! Doiiphis. 6'jiyu ;
" \ \ 7NTKI ) My .Inn. Int. mi mtrrost In coinn
pnyinif hii'liinKs , by a imrtv nt MIIIIO nipiini
and business ex | ) crlonco. Address It SO , lieu
"Mice. mr , "r ,
Ir ' SALK A liuslncm pstnhli hod in this
Ll'vjii 1 two years imylui- from $1W ) to f-00
leriiionlh. t'ontnicls turned ever iruninntcc-
-iiX' 1129 per month. Addioss It' ' ! , tills olhuu ,
501 ! i !
\ \ TN'l'ii ; ) 1'iirtiior with n biiiH.ll c'lipltiii in
M rotull Krucory. Adilreio A UI , lloo olllcu.
C0)3fi )
rpO nXOIIANOK-Aboilt $ ' ! . : ; 0lin ) dry ( 'oodT ,
-L notlon , Ktoccrlnauml Ktoro fiirnltnro , In n
Kiiod llxii town In the llnpiihlk-iin Viilloy for un-
liipilinborcd faun Inml In Nebraska or luwn ,
I'nlmpiovnd land preferred. Address lock box
Til , Alms , Neb , 4S7-2 *
ITMlll 8AI.I , Curilur's I'linloirrmililo Ptudlo ,
J-1 lli"it lloor.safl. \ . Mnry'd ave. 4ft : 2. " > '
IilOIl SAI.I" A teed lostinifant biiHlncss nt u
' Iwrj-nlti. Iiiiiilre.W)7N. | ) lUth st , ! l78ir ! > *
Tj"lU SAI.II llestaiirnnt nt a Imrvaln , treed
V location , or will trnde for ion ! estalo. I'or
imrtloularudiina ! ) 11 IT , llcooHlce. 407 21
POH SAU'-lmolcoofn ( Irgt-cluss liotol In a
hnomlnir town , i > nuip ; will cxclinnun for
Mod. . AddrosB.1 Kiebcok , llluo Siirincrif. Neb.
< 0ii i ; *
AiOOI ( ) llL'SlNlisS L'IIANCK-WlslilniT to
piilarKe my stock and trade , 1pok n nnrt-
noCormuii iiroferrpil. with uraplialol Ironi
* ilK ( ) ( ) to fVOJO. liuslnoss paj-inif well now :
located In Omnha. HtocK on hiiinl between
< , IK)0 ) to MW. For Inrormntion , nddross. II ,
J2. lloootllco. 4'1S Si
pOU.\'UIANK-A ( ! well Improved farm ot
I HO acres in Polk county. Nebraska , for
ireneinl incrclmudlo or hnrdware and furni
tuio Addie-s M. T. It. , SprliiBView , Nob.
rpl > F.XCIIANii-Fnr ( : merchandise. 430 acres
fairly Nebrnska M T. .
- - linjiioted litud. H.
SpilnjfVlow , Nrb. 410 2,1
TOH TlWDnWouful HUP"to Undo real ostnto
k'- In Omnliii for ilrior i lumlnein ( food lorn
u lu city. Address A. 11. T. 3:1 u. Kith Bt
- Hi' . *
YVl'sTNlfSS ' CIIANCl1- * \\niiliiT. r partner
.1' wlili ( unit t\jm \ to $ .IHH ) . Olllco. either
acmoor hlleut. Hnro chance. Address It 0
lieu olllce , irxi j-j *
$ ri1MH ) Will puiclin-e n lnr ( nnd vnlunlilo
pioporly nnd n well established business U
n llouihhhiK and Krowini ; town which Is u
onnly niiit. nnd within eney rench of Omaha
The property eonslstHorist. , viilmiltln triuts ot
improved laudu and a Inrwo nnd well nppolntei
rroamory. 2nd , registered un-l wraded cattle
rows , horsosandotlier personnl property
The product of the creamery tlmls a ready mar
ketnt Omalin and mny bn largely Ineren8e (
wjtli ncoriepondli ! r IHPICHSO in demand. A
rnte chance tor parties linviiiirmoney to Invest
'llio natural HUWHMO In stock mid Incrtiiisei
vnlim or prontirt y will return the principal In i
hurt llmo , the proper ! v belnir left while n dual
IICHS Is secured to pay lnito ) dlvldeiids from the
Mint , Knqulre for n few dnys on'.yol A. W
lllye , nt I no I'atton lioupc 3.1U-22 *
171OH SALI5 Hostauiant nt A bar ? am. Oooi
-L1 lociiljon , u'ooil liunlnoS ont.ltillsliod. Aluo
Komeoholco lmurnlm lu Impnivcil MIU ) nnlm
pro\ed proiiprtron .SanmleM and llnnullon sts
Cull nt | | 5s. ir.lh II. It , Hull A : Co. UM
IpOlt HA LI5-Hapld Holler Iiunp ) Loaf C opoT ]
I1 Hmniion Files , l.citiuinul Hill Kilos , Fll
ln r t ablnot.s and Transfer l ifon , inilc\o fo
J.eiiKOrnndallpurpc-t , Kvpositioit bulldin/ !
iftTTt SAU5Iliiti'TTor slTopT nTlTTtooU nnd llx"
Ultra ; poou locution ; noixl lutttliiesj. a r
StontBoutheim cur. 2-tb nnd Km num. NJ'JJO
'IjU H SALK A meat iiiiirKernTn , iruoll locif
J1 tlon dolnp f 1.1KK ) inmiiiu * per nionth. In
iitilro or Bildri-iS > oum20 , Omnha Nut'l
_ _ _
i ; Or nude lor iiit'rvTiiiiidri677 4'
r ; ncres of No 1 fnim laud nar ( Irnm
Ibland , _ LJ Cumin _ us
H t'iis Iot8i''anii . .l.'iiiii5nu
lleinl- . room 'J , llurker block a W. cor
andHirnajuts. _ & 'J1 '
' | j'OHSAl.H Woif cutulillancil business , in'onl
J' of tno best business points in mmhwert
cm Npbiusln , sHuntedat IlroXon How , C'uetc
miin'y. ' Neb. ; stock coiulftlnir of dry goods
lotliuiif , loots HnJ tlinojj will show up pooi
niuor I of bin-Inn's. Hoasons for selling will b
given by udaiVMiiigloclcL'ox 74 , UroUcii How
uHt r county , NoU. _ fit > 7
H isiNissriiANt'i : : A coed ocnilon fo
ockory una quton'4 wuio itcre , Inquire a
4. Dormnu. f)7 ( ) S. 13th str. _ M _
ffOU HusuiPiW"o olVe
.LJ ( > ur shelf end heavy hnnlwnro business fo
cole , lo uther with our Itxio nndood will
'lifltio larct.t In ibe city * nd location the best
llrtirlujr from the tUElnois. mute for gelllnif
Tbo ll.ttim Hardware Co. , 102S 0 tt , Lincoln.
ll' ' K. HOOl'KII. Trailed find Ucallus Me-
diuui.N. W , corlX'th umlCu -
tC-O.J 13'
- the Arnold Cooker. The
tiio't eoi.iuiinlcnl and useful nrtlole < it
iltrhen Kurnlturo t > vor mndo For gulp onlSth
t. , Ill at door north of lianlo ot OcttysliurK-
4H 21
* _ _
1 > lilSONAl : Mill Dyer's private flohool for
yoitntf Indies nnd clrls nt northwest eor.
th nnd Farnhtn fts. 1'upilswill iiurccoltedon
nnd ntlor.lnn.3il. C3 012J4'
" 13KHSONAL 15.tport linly copyl-t , flr-t-clnss
1 penmnn , Inrpn experience , fnuilllar with
oral nndcotntnen Inl papers , wants work to dent
nt homo. 1'rlccs tea onaiilo. Work received
nnd rotUtned Addrc-s H 1 , Ilco o'llco. 331
pEHS' > S'AIMr Jlr. _ Nftnnlo V. .Warren
J clflirvojant. M edlcni nnd business Medium
Uoom No. 3,121 North ICth st. , Omaha , Nnb.
IoST t.adlcs Tiican pin on I'nrk nvc enr *
J between the hours ot 10 anil 1 o'clock
Sunday , lUth Inst. Flniler will bo row-aided by
returning snmo to Stephen llowns , Mll JJdq's
OST Hetwten < 'vTitiltiiflinin hall mid post-
i odlce. a buncb or r , kins and bntton-hooK.
Jnvont stamp window of postofllco Liberal
reward will bo paid. 4S02.J'
1OST- -Mrs7 Kmlly F. . Arnold. Horlst , 1310
j Noith istn street , lost n fur tlbbc-t between
opera bougn and Win. Oeiitlemnn s store. Ho
ward for rctuui. | 57 1'2 *
ORI'-A Nowfo-indiniid pup doif , about four
months old. Flu ler return to W. K. Annln ,
Shermnn nve , opposite C.iru st , nnd claim ro.
ward. 3M
Clalrvoynnt ,
AIiASKA , ClnrnvoMint nnd pnlmlst ,
M 013 Honth iGtu st. b"l
TVM'Nn-l'iirso rontixinuiff money. .T. V.
I'lympton.lir ) Snundora t. Mr 22 *
Ill'-At 1531 S. 12th "t.ti re < l mid
wlillo liolfor. iiovSOd714gla _ ! !
: IJ1OUNIThe place to ? ct the best opctcri In
JL' the city , blue pomln , Nuw Vork counts
nnd selects nt SiUer Moon , cor. lUihnndSt.
Mnry'Biivo. J. H. O'Neill , prop. 1HJ 17.
.1. IHiACiO , pntenleo of weight molar
power No. ! M9.s"a. lllnpK & Pimm * , owners
of nil lenltory o.\ei-pt DnUntn Tor. No other
nltM sold lit ) to dnte. Dec " 0 , 1fl. 1 . Anyone
ilu < r torrltory nditiess T. J. Hl.iKtTi Wnvcrlv ,
Nob. Ml iia *
rpo KXnt ANOi : For Nob. Hnd or city prop-
- - ertv s eleiin slock or elotblnir. Aildio s 1) .
It. IJuck , with W. O. Albrlsbt. 2lt ) S. 15th st.
4U".i 21 *
' / , pii\y vnutta dunned by the
CliSM'UOl/H process. K. Kwlnj ; , 1' , O. tm427 ,
W3 .17 *
rfMlTrvinNNA foitimo lelFor , icsldcneo Mtt sT
J Hth st. U < WJ7
1JUllmNT : Organs , J2 pur inonili. neil
1T\1)U \ KKNT Fqnnro Pluuo , f I monthlr.
L1 HRCDO. 151.1 Donvlt * . lilO
oit ICUNT Hq-.mro rinno $ a montniv. A
llospo. 1513 liouirlas. Gil
FOHSAI.K Chcnp , Me\ll terStcreopttcnn In
food condition. Addict U. 11 Davis ,
HOT 754 , elty. 590 22 *
POH SAM : Pound , sontlo horao wllh har
ness , chenn. ( iroccry llousu. Viaduct
Illock , Walnut Hid. 501 2.r
"ITlOlt SAIil5 Now orcan , 11 Hop , B octavo ,
JO solid thick walnut ca o , honutltully carved ;
never ii"eil ; a bargain. Inquire , Kugcno Duvul ,
liCUN. IMhst. 47125
SAIiK I'lirnituro of boardliu ? bouso
FOIt and lintiqtt tor Iciiso nt u bargain. In
quire Conttal hotel , So Omaha. 47 ! ) 23'
] ' OH 8AM5-4 eords pine stovo-wood : chenp
KiiquiroOlu Vlrtrlnm nvo. 44221 *
FOIt 8\jK-UnpM Holler Dump f.onf Coplor ,
Stiaiinon Tiles , Letter and Hill I'llos and I'll-
inir Ciililnotsnnil Translor Case * , Indexi-i for
Ledger and all purposes. Exposition bulldlngr.
PATjR Tonm of hoiaea. Sclilpslni-or
llnH.,0113 lUth ? t. BVJJB
SAI.K I'lirnituro and Icasn ol six-room
Foil , time on part. Cull K'O. : North -7tli
street , two blocks from Hod Car line. 8DJ
Foil SAliK tncnp. iron columns 'ind win
dow caps suitable for front on brick build-
lug. rorparjlciilarsnpply nt thisofllre. 813
irAXTED A first-class ironcr nt the fiu-
> -/ens. BVKJS
\\ANTII ) > A ( ; lil for general hou o work ;
food wiifos ; it. Slovens , )01 D.ivcniioit.
" 07 21
YVANTKO Cook , nt Kmmett House , imiiio-
diatoly. * 'JO
" \\rANTHD A trirl for ireiiornl lioiit-ework ,
'i also o eonlc. Inquire IJ'Ji ' ! S 13th St.
T\rANTI'.I ) ( lirl for Rpimrnl IIOIIPO work In
11 private bonrdlnjheubu , No. 017 S. 1-tli ot ,
K15 W
TVTOTIOR i.adlo wlalilnir nny kind of hair
X > \Toik made to oulor , call 1UIU JiicUion st.
Kit 20 *
WANTKI . * , fjlrls for ( toiienil housoworlc
and second \\crl : ( ! < > od wairo- > . Cull
Oinalm employment liuicau , 119 North lillh st.
53i ) 22
WANTi ; ! ) Ladles and irontlomon In city or
country to take llpht work attliclr
JI.OOlo f } . ( Hn ) dny easily made ; work tent bv
mull , no ciluvnsslnp. Wo nnvo n oed demand
tnrourwoik and furnHh steinly LMiiploymont.
AddresM , with slump , Crown Mltf. Co..2 ! > 4 Vine
st.Cinclniintl , O. 45jJ-JO *
\\7ANTIU ) A lady or Kunllcmnn to take
chnrirnofn busiiicfls t lint's payiiiT ? 10 a
dny ; from $50 to $400 required ; this is a rare
'banco for the right pnrty. Cnll or address Mrs
L' . i-Son , 1KW ! Fnrnnni 8t. 100 22 *
W ANTttiT Cook and Hecoud Rlrl. Kuquiro
of U. 15. Muyno u w cor. 15th nnd Hnrney.
A'XTFI > Uitohonrlrl , wages 53.60 per
week , N. W. cor. Saundcrs nnd Charles
394 21
\\MNTKD-Ladles to work for us at their
' own homos ; f7 to $10 per week can bo
qiiletlv mndo ; no photo , painting ; no canvass-
IIIK. 1'nr full particulars please address , nt
once , Cre = cent Art Co. , 19 Ccntrnl St. , llosloii ,
Mass , bov 6I7 . N15 22 *
W NTKlT-dTrod Kirl Tor trblTornF lmii o7
work , 1113 ( Jcorula nvo , 7110
T\rArTlU ) iuTHidlea , V Keiits to loTrn tellT
i ( jraphy. I'rospectcood for position wlion
competent ; address W , J. D. , Itoom 1 , Croungo
blk.omaha. 137
WASTKI ) A Klrl for ( fcuoml Uousoworl.- .
1VJI Uiim ni , ' st. 4VJ SI *
\\7ANTKl ) -y waiter ? ami chambermaids at
Oi'cldonlal. 4111
T\fANTl-.l-ln faiii"iTyTifrirnr ; ! < reTasTcookT
11 washur and ironer at V.W3 K.irnani ,
451 22 *
\\r.\NTKU-A trooilulil r < ir xonernl house-
TT worx. Must Im iroo < t cook , washer and
irimer. Inqnlro ftW N. I.Jth bt. 4OJ 22 *
cook ami laundro. * ?
11 at yAlT Do > Ue. 47(121- (
\\fAN'FrTfr .CyoiTiitr Ameiloan < iJernuui
' ( rirl to a-slst lii'boiiMiwurk mid PIIIO of
rliildrcn. Itoturunci-s itviulrcd. KTJ S. ' .nth 6t.
409 : ; i
A\'A.N'TUD-ABontH , Wo tinvii the licet Mill.
11 In/art'i'l'i ' ovorlnvrnloil : don't jail to
call nt anon mo BHiilpletj , it. .McDowell , V Co , ,
JIlJU llanipy. 4'to ai
T\fA5 > "l'KlT FTtrtiuTr wltli cmpltal from JT.IHQ
i 1 lo } - , " > /iOl. lliislnusj eitahliahiil In Oiuahii
nnd pp.yuirf , Addri a , ll.ll.lleu ollku. 4JU21 *
\\r.\X nill-l'nrtnor , IniTy or u'ejit , with small
> i papltnl for ualo and mamifauuro of laplo
( rood ; . Aildre- 11 15 , tleo olHco.4r > ) 22 >
VrAXTi:0Immcdiiiti'ly : llrst" plain "Vonl
li niitUer. Steady \\ork and Kood wayos ,
Sltf 5 Kth St. M y.1 *
_ _
\\rANTr.l ) lly n l-ir o co er iimnufiieturpr.
VV nn experienced coMct sniusman foi thu
IUIVP retail trade In the Main of Nourn ka Ail-
du'sa witu rcfereiii.-i , luc-i box No. l.ur.i , Nuw
Vorf. SW .11
VY .VNTI-A : cjirilT for a lun > o iro"iitir oil
i i Daily Kruninv IH-o ; ouu llvinir in
west pnrt of city prelfrrcd. 343
V V removed iroiu 1'WJ I'lUiinu tu HJU l' r-
_ _ J11 !
I'rycook at Mtllanl iTotol
thlk day. OS3
VN'TIIU A Kienoyiaplioi' , < ine who understands -
stands double entry bookkeeping ; Ad
dress , with rt-feruuco , stiitfiiK aalury Jesiri-d , A
4S , Hi e otllvo ' pas
W ANTED-A clock rcpairor nt 110S Io l-O3t. |
J oi
AOIINTS In tfao city or country i'ih ' | maio5 to
(10 a day tc < | llnirour hpvrlulnuj ; N W ,
Ko\ lly company , 1.M7 l'driiini bt. 012
i lly u rctiftble mun a jilnou in cro-
uryttoio. A kooj Morl'or. Arittrtxis II
16 llto ollirft , ' i 0 >
" , Sltimt'on - , t tant , . , .
\\TANTPD n-is u. . , , . . . . . .
11 or todORcnoial olllce wink. Upstof tot-
ercnoos eivtn. It 82 , lleo om co MJ 21 *
" \\TANTnD-Slttjntlonbra yoilnn manffJrr-
' man ) In any rojpocUblo business. Addrpss
H 10 , lleo ofllco. 4O SI *
T\fANTiu : Fitiiatlon by n eentlemnn eiporl-
i onced In Imiilwnioandmrrlciiltiiral imple
ments Would take charso of brunch More in
IIPW railroad town west , am thorough nnd cap-
ntdp. A 1 references including present em
ployer. AiMroM n , HPO olllee. JIW- ! " ) *
7ANTKI1-A furnlRhrd room 1 > r n BPtitlo
> tnnn. Address 11 ll > . Dee. M "Jl *
\\'ANTKD To net n-nsrent for enstorn enp-
> > Itnll ts In nejrotlutliw lo-ini on tlunl tprelpt
nnd Improvpil liuiils. Uuorgo A. Vnn Inweiren ,
Xortli I'lntto. Xol ) . f .KS7
" \\rANTBl-Stofhorilry eood * . clutlilnir nnd
i * ponts' Inrnl-hliiirirooil * or boot * nml shoo-
In oxrhnimo fur Otnnhn renl estate. Schleslng-
crllrns ,014 SlUh < t. V > 3 JO
\\ANT'5li SO men to rnt Inioltwnont c ke-
' ' nndmnploynipxvory mornliiir nt NorrlV
llc-tiuirniit , 10th St bot. Unde nnJ loii lni.
Strnlght bonr'lpor wooKW.V"i'Jl nioixl tientiti ,
HP.NT Two T room boners on ear line ,
oltr and cistern water. Mead \ Jiunlm.iii.
31 ? S 15tli si. 51U
FOIl HP.N'T -3IIOU301 in room" i"xch. with nil
modern Improvements , "l-t and llur' .
Ituiiilru of Dr. 1'atil , IMh and Dodjo. Ml
F7)U Itr.NT llv fob l-t. ntfool f-rocei-y
( stand Tlil plaen IIP. * IIPPII orcitplod n * n
( rrocery for li > ypar . Call nt I'anUoti , V Miller's
hardware store , Ol.'i N llith st. m si
n"01' Itr.NT-Or lenio. Twenty ncro
cnrdcn , with lieu e nnd gnlilrImldo : rlty
limits of Sidney , Xcb , Apply to II. McKudilen ,
Sidney , Neb. _ 428 J f. _
HUNT I'urnNheJ" room hon o on Vir-
IpOK nvo , f (5 ( per month. J , 1' . lliunmnnd ,
117 . " . lillh fit. 115
_ _
III2NTrooinhou ! > e on I'lirimm Pt. brt.
J70II nnd 10th. nty nnd el-torn wulcr , sheds
nnd oiitlmtUilmis : brick collar , $67 per tnontli.
J. K Iliimmond. 117 S 10th St. 4HI
'ITlOlt HKNT Sultnliln for .lobblmr lion1
JL' oiidn-ul Third 1'loor ? , 3K100 with base
ment and cloMitor , entrance trotn irout on
Doiifflns rt.aiiil ontrancp on irround llnnr from
rear to elevator. Address A SJ , lloo oillcp.S70.
itKNT-storcTait N TuttTstr rvjj 2J *
FOIt HUNT Splendid " > room cnttiiRp , tnodoru
Improvement1" , ( rood Mulilo , liirjio line
( rounds , on N. 115th St. It. C. I'attorfon. Ilith
nnd llnrncy. IBS
OH HUNT Snow houses S. 15. cor. llth nnd
F Vlnton. Inquire on promises. 2M
"I/\OU \ HP.NT U room house S. W. cor. 7th mid
JP I'licillo. Imiulro M. F. Maitln. 211
> OH H15VT A noweottaso on upper rnrnam-
. Rt. Imiulro nt 2100 t'arnam at. U4I
Itr.NT A barn for 1 of horses. In-
FOH Hiiro of M. F Mnrtln. m7
6ft HI5Vr-llulldInT ( "iiltiiblo for n druir
store in the llno-t locution In thn citv.
Iniiulroroom20 , Omaha Nniiounl tniiik liulhl-
Inir. _ J P.M _
HKNT A lileo fi-rooin eotfiso , by S. T.
FOK , s. o. cor. 15th and Douglas.
TTIOlt HUNT A 10-room brick liottin with Im-
A. ' provements ; fliO per month. Imiulroot Mrj.
rarri'.tt , near eor. 'Mth nnd Pnrniun. IU3--'ti'
77M5lT"itKN'r-Smnll cottntro K10 S Sth. ft.
J1 40a 24
> OK H1JXT Six new briek stores with Imso-
17 incuts.corner Kloventh nnd Hownr.lj choice
locution ; nil conveniences. J.onvltt llurnhaiu ,
Itoom 1 , Crelhtou ( block. C27
FOH HUNT Stores , tooidonens , furnlshod
nnd unfiiniislHi.l rooms. KIrst class loca
tions. Ko > cs Itontinir Aueney , Itoom 7 , South
east corner 15th and _ 28"j d 24 *
K UKNT-meiTowcolfiiuro77 looiiT3 , ? : tO.
Tliroo now 2-story houBos , JlO , ono nt $ .15 ;
well located , all eonvoiilonees. Lenvitt Hum-
bum , Itoom 1 , Crclilit < iu block. 127
ItKSr T-roomcottavo lu Walnut Hill.
Foil . per month. Apply to I ) . W. Su\o ,
1124 Fnrnnm St. 2'Jrt.
_ _
T71OU itKVT SO acroi aljoininif city north-
JL wctsnltablo tor dairy or in'irkot irnrdon.
Applyto Theo. Willlnma , Ilee Olllco , 014 Far-
Poll KKNT lloii rooms Harnoy street
nmlSlst , JT ) per month , also house near Pt
JIary's ave , U rooms , J2"i per month H. A. Plo-
mini , 1512 l-arnam nt. 117
nVU KKNT Sloro 22x60,111B Jackson st.
roa nsnx BOOKS.
" 17"01t IlKNT I'rout parlor , oleirantly fur-
4. iiKliod ; very doslrublo louatlon ; private
house. 1015 Capitol mo. iU22i ! '
FOH HI5NT Law. front , olhco loom , north
west corner 15th and lliirucy sts. SlO.tX ) ) ior
mouth. 491
T710H ItKt"T 1'iirnlslied rooms for gentlemen.
JO Good location. Inquire 1.103 Cass. 4W 23 *
"I710H H15NT A larso east room with nlcovo ;
Ju sti cot cars lit door. No. 112 South 23d. 4.1'i '
FOH H15NT Nlro warm room , suitable for 2
Rontlomen with board , C4 per weeicUay
bonrd. $2 75. 321 N. llth St. 3-'J Js *
FOIt IinNT rurnMied rooms , modern con-
vonlcnccs , 3I N. 15th st , 4KJ 22 *
] JOU U15NT rnrnlshfd rooms , 1C15 Dodiro.
J 441 21
" 1T1OH H15NT n very desirable furnished room
JL' location central. 1811 Cap avo.
47.1 21
Tj OH HUNT Law. linnd'oino eii"t rooms ,
JL1 und suite of unfurnished rooms. First class
table. 242,1 rnrnam st. 475 28 *
171OH HKNT Two unfurnlsliod rooms forl.t-'lit .
1 hoiisolscoplnir. iiO'.i ' Howard st , between 8th
nud < . > th. 42 < )
FOH IlKNT Kilrnishud iitomti , tl'5 per month ,
70'1N. 18th Ht. 351 23 *
" | 7"OH HKNT A coinforlablo room , with hirjro
J cloaot , with or without bronkfust. h2t S.
19th St. 4HI 22 *
FOIl HUNT Unfurnished room , miltablo for
olllco. Ituiuiro Mra.A Hico , Iliitthmiin blk.
fj * 0 1 MJ 1 5\T A lnrKu i i oiit tTiiimber with
K closet , K S. fin unto ami bath , 501 9. 20th at.
1 block not tb St. Jlnrv's avo. ffii
Oil" ftf NT 'fwu "nicely tiirnl-heir roonTsT
F 107 South 14th St. A. .M. Clark. * 2B 22 *
H'OH HI5NT Very deflrnblo liirnlshod nomi
In suite or Hlimlo , hot und eold water , trm
nnd hath , Kill llon'ni-d At. , HIgins block , on
the third lloor. n'K)2U ) *
fiout rooms Jolnluir.turiu > .lied with ifns ,
for3 gentlemen , 5'J1 S 14th Ht. 52123 *
Hnsi-fiirnlsbed front rooiii , IWH Fur-
nam , 517
"I71OH KKNT--OUO furnished room era tmitn of
Jtwo , wlih or without board , two blocks
I com poslotlico. liiUlro ! | at 117S. 17th nt.
21221 *
FOH Itl'.NT I'm nl-lied rnnms with boutd ,
milinblu for limn nnd wll'o. 518 N. liitli st.
513 2 *
r' oi.m J. SusTllur
iuiy. WOll
_ _
FOH III5NT A mom suitable for four irout-
leinen. M7 South Kith m. 603 SI'
CllTitHXT Nicely ninilshoit liwl room wiili
t } iiEoof purlor. Inquire at 1511 California.
' WS 23'
'I71OK IH2ST Two luritu rooniK luinisheil for
Ji housekeeping , two blocks noith of Millard
hotel Imiulro 2.M north 13th i-t. 37121 *
F"OH HKXT Nicely funiislu-d rooms , nt202i
rnrnuin el. 'JJS 21
FOH HKNT Newly furnished , heated front
room 2311 M. Mnry s avo. 2M
| 7Oll U BS I' Two nicely tiiumhcd rooms ,
-L sultublo fur2or3 jfontlcmpii ; lovely loca.
lion irllh every modern improvunmut. 1415
_ _ _ _ 283
FOH HKNT Furnished loom. A. lli.spc ,
1513 DoiiKla * at. till
I7 OH HKNT Four nTiliirnlsheT room"
J. lor hoiifckoeplntr to tiinill fainlly , lo
cated on lieotK'a ' mo near btroetcart' , surround-
luvs pleasant nnd will rent cheap to peed
parties ; reference required , Addruaj A. ftl.ltco
ollice. _ _ _ _ 217
HI5N1' Suiteof iiuirly furnlshot rouiiu
In new honso ; mnderu convonlonccs : to
gentlemen. ItUI DoJirest. 2"0
F Olf IIBN'I'rurnlsSt'd rooTiis foHTtfht houJo"
koeplnir , Jlecmera block , cor rth.fc Howard.
TrioftirnNf J-'urnishoargbm.TBltt | ) Qdie.
JJ 6 4-.l-2U
POH HKN'l a mom ? iinfnrnWio ; ! silitablo
for bousvknoplnu- N 2Jtli et ; apply to
M. ! ' . Martin , 310 b 1'th ft. 4W
FOH IcTtXT Lariff olofrnnt roonnwllli closet
Soutbfrout 1110 Chicago strret , tllti
TjM > H HKNT SleepliKf rooms , furnished and
JU uuturultUud. ut WJ Howard bot.itU und W : .
_ . .L J--J.-l _ Jfe _
K"OH KKNT-rimiUtiod room * with board , s.
-.a c. cor. 1'urk mo. and Lc < crc"u worth.
30981 *
Fen lir.NT Tp lrftblo nfrly fnrnishpil
rooniq for pontlpincn. 0 s , bnlh nnd fur-
iinco boat. 2ii * > Dodge. "
l OH IlKNT Furnlslipd rtn.l unfurnlshe.1
I room ? , tlriienoy block , cor l.Hh nnd
Doiltrn Dnvis & Hotticrinfc'ton/.Mlllaril hotel bll-
Hard room. 310 22 *
TjlOH Kl'NT Handsomely , furnljlied front
J- ' room , use of bath , n. e.'cor. 19th nnd St.
Mnry's nve , MM. M. Wnlinco. 4n.i 2.1 *
" | 7UH K1" > T Kloiant rooh ; > on street car
* line , b.lth nu.l gM , s. wcor 2Jth nnd
Webster ! . 13.
_ _
1/OH HKNT 3 rooms uiltih'o ' for houso-
-U koeplnp. 711 1'rtcIBost. Heat , SI5.0J.
FOH KENT To front Inmon only , two fur-
nHhed rooms m irood location , S doors from
streetcar- , ono on tlrst lloor HMO front loom ,
liny window , ) -n4 nud register. 52 > per mouth.
Otber front room , second tloor , reffl-tcr nml
pas , ? 15 per month , Hetorenco roTiilred. Call
ntde k7 , UMK.iroam at .tlrat Ml
A MBfliY"sT"TinRs"1fiold ! pold7 tTnTy TiTria"
Frank A. Son vV Co. . 221 South 1 It li t. 4H ! 2t
Ti'OU SAhliorcxchnniro for tlmahn cs-
-L tale , n line ruueh in llullnlo Co. , eon ° l < tlnir
of 2,720 neies line lam' ' , nil under fcnco , 2 ;
ftcrcsof which Is under cultivation , ( lood two
story f i nine hou e , ten room * . Frnmn barn ,
"lalillntr lor 10 bores , enttle b.trn 3.10ft. lonir
Wind mill with tnuks nnd plpesiwo ; hcnd of rut-
ttofromSto4 years old , 'Jin head of hnir10
bend hnr'OJ , enri la/re / house , He house , etc , , 8
miles trom one rallrnnd nnd 3 miles from nil-
other. .1 , T. Hum m nml , 117 South llith ft.
| f.Jt 22
_ _
f)0 ) Acres for plaltlnp. 1 l-l from t'ulon aloetc
i yurds only f J-i i > or acre. F. I ) . Tntiuor .V
Co. 43D 21
"I7IOH .SAIiK A Him lot in Omiihn Vlow for
- 11003 , noitr school bouse. J. II. Kvans * Co.
181 22
" \\7Ktiavcidail plnenl In our hands lor snlo
11 some of HIP llnp t lots In Foster's addition.
Tlie-o lota nro JuM rlirht lor prndo , clnu to
Ktraot cars nml r.ililo line , und unjoin Idlnwlld
on the " ( lillh whore lots mo .elllnR for SJ.dOOOO
to'W ' IK ) . Wo can olli-r thpso lot" for n
short time oulv at prlcM that will pimhlo In
vestors to ipnli/p n handjomo iirnllt. Call nnd
bcetlictn. Hlcls& : lnghraiii,2irs. l.'tli strcot.
Ilij 2 !
T , 8T jour propeity wIth J. H. Kvcns & Co. >
KHINR STONK rimr , solid trolil.nt only $ ! . nt
r'rnnk \ ton .V Co. , 2iO South 14th "t.ltii SI
15th t.
lots , llan com plnco , each . fl.WJ
1 lot , llnnsc'om iiliico . U.-OO
2 lots , Slilnn's ndil. , each . 1.001
1 bouse and lot , Stilnn's nild . . ' 1,100
I house lot , HniMpom pliee . n,5')0 )
II lots on ilrlstol btreot , each . H'W
1 lot , Ilillsldo . 1.70D
S lots Smith st , pnch . 1,001
1 lots , .letter's mid..y. . Omaha , cnch . line
1 lot , . .letter' add. S. Oiniihn . 7.VI
1 lot. Sliiiir * niM . 2,203
1IU-.II1CSS lots on Ifitli ft f ; > W ) per front foot.
Business lots In S. Omithn on N st.
Ituslno-s lots and residence lota In nil pnrtrt of
tlio city. Cutomers If wohavo not nnjthlni :
ou on i1 books. vou mint , wo will find jiroperty
forj-ou.and ussuio you perfect satisfaction.
A 3 KAItATdHmon I eur-nn s nt a itrent burl -
* ± l Kuln. 1'rnnk \ Son fr Co. . W , 'U
FOIt SALK-One One lot in Sunny Side for
f 1.509. J. II. Kvfttis & C'o. 41 2
. / UmiTlON 1-Vonts Smmdors
st , Just south of licit l.lno. Will clxo some
eood bartrnins on n fmv lots. u. Kuiidall , res. s.
w. eor. 17th and California fits. 'Ml 27
QWAN" iCO. , IVoiu.or block , onp. postofllco
t 15th fct will olfor lor a short tiincbnrgnlns on
tli u lolloninp : mimeil properties :
( > 0\7l < on S. 15. corner lotli nnd Davenport sts.
S2\100onS. 1 ! . corner 12th and sts.
liOvliK on S. W. corner U'th and Dodpo sts.
ySvt2ion ) S. U corner 17IH nnd Davenport sts.
( ilixliilon roriinr IHth andOhlciiffO sts.
44\nJoii Douglas between ICtli and Kith sts.
: Kxrfi < Hi Hownrd betneun mth and llth sts.
ISOvl'K ! on isth rimnlnir to V. I1 , tracks.
A low choice lots m I'ostor's addition ,
A few otiolco lots in Slilnu's nddition
A tew choice lots In Orchard Hill.
And the largest lint of lands lor pale or trade
of any tlrm In Oinalm. Wo want ? 100,00 1 worth
ot merchandise in cxclmntro for lauds and
Oiiiuhu piopoity , ! ) 'r- l
"I'-ItACIfAOTJ 2 hit" , onlv f 1,750 each. Kasy
JL terms , r. I ) . Tuunur A : Co. , 1G15 Howard st.
4 a 21
IT10K SALK 101 fppt on I'llmlnir street Avlth
U lourhoufcs. fl5WJ. J. U. Kvnns .V Co.
" 1711X15-Itcsldonce lot on Geoiria live. . North
JJ ol I.oivenwoitli , n'lxll1) ' ) tor n few days , nt
{ 4,753 , $ H50cash , bal. 1,2 , : i and 4 j cms.
( Jronorv , v Hadlny ,
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hedlck's now blk , OJO a. l.'tli.
4 1.1
1JLAINVIKW-.I. It. ivaiiR& : Co. Solo Accnts
JL forao ol the bo tlots In 1'lalnview. 4 1 22
HANSOO.M 1T.ACB Lots on 32nd tit. , near
the I'nrk atl50 to ? 2iOO. : On ( loortrln
avo. uenr Hickory f-t. . $ 1,700 to 1.80. On 30tli
st near the I'nrk , ? lCdO. On Viislnla nve ni'ar
Woolworth at f 2.UOO to t.,5nO. On 1'hll Shnridnn
Pt near Hickory at $1,575. , etc. , elo. . etc. Wo
liavo any number of lots In this addition , nUo
houses and lots. Some of the best homos in the
Oreirory it lladley.
Hooni'.l and 3 , Hedlck's new lllk , KJS. 15th st.
. \ ' Indueeuionts In
nil kinds of jewelry , dlamondc from f 10 , $20 ,
$30 , $10 up to $ .1110 ; the irrcnto-t bnrtrnlns ever
known : coino and boo. Frank & Son fc Co. , 2iO
South llth st. 4H121
I OTon fieorifla avc1. , ono block from street
car , f,500. 1' . 1) . Tanner Ar fo. 4OT 24.
FOIt SAI.K-UO'i ' feet on Cumhifr Ftreot. J. II.
Kvnns A.-CO. 4S1 22
FOIl BAf.K--I.ot ilDxl'K tpct on Davenport
bet llth and 12th etroctH with 2 houses ,
f ! > .OT ) . $ ; .DOO cmli and limx tlnm
Wo hnvo n Inwo li"t of inside pity propprtr
both liiiMiKKsand rcsliloncu , llii-t cfasn. I'ur.
clin or will do well to ECO us. .Marshall AI.o -
bock , ISO ! ) Pnniium- IB7
S 1515 F. I ) Tanner A Co.'s list of cliolco South
Omaha lots. 4bl)21 )
10(1 ( niOICK LOTS-Kcndall'H nddition , Sauii-
I dei-H Ht. , Just t-onth of Kelt Line H. H..SHU
to { xiio , monthly payments. Will build tiousi , If
wnntod. I > . Kendull , ic . s. w. eor. 17th nud
Calltotiunsts. : KS27
SDI.I1) KOlil lady's watch at 515. 1'rank .VSon
&Co. , 22iHolith ) Mthst. . 4 8 24
FOH SAIii- : feel front ou Dmiirliifl WPM | of
20th nt 5100 per 1 rout foot 1IW fu'it front
ou loiiL'ln iieai"'lth ) at $ H5iJorlioiit foot. J.
II. KVMIS Jt Co. 411 S2
B Al'TII'PJ , uvMHS-32-soy 7-rooi
liou.-i's fiicinifCaldwoll xt.,2 blocks west of
Saunderii ; c'ty ' w ter Ihionplioiit bouse , water
closet up stallgewornim and modoiu Improvo-
month , pnrch whole wldlh of liont , pleasant
rooniH with lnr e closets , lot 30\b I , piico , f , ) , r 'JO ;
(510 cash , bal. to xult
Ali-o 32 story it-room liouses , facliur foutli on
Indlnnii st , , 'J blocks north ol filming ; city
water and mo'loni linprovemoiit > ' , poreh nnd
pleasant ruomi ; price , f2,00) ) : fM \ ciibh , bal. to
Milt Also 4 beautiful eottnves OT ilflth nnd Trank-
lln sis. , I blocks fiomtlio slrcpt eais ; 1 rooms
c'Boh , elosots , eto , ci'lbr ainl'eMerii : board
feneu around ench lot and board.walkn nil about ,
I'rlre , f I.lull : f.'iOOea8h , bid. fl , nur month. J ,
P. Hamiiiond , 117 S. Ifitli st. ' S''il 22
.1J i
Ixit 3 block 4 Ivdhy | ilar6. rW front overlooks
entlio fill. $ -i , M will soil lor fl ! ( 0 In n year
'lliree beautiful loiith frontJoU in Orclmr.l
bill , fijrm , easyterms.
Kie/ant east front lot Hnnsopm park r.iidltlon
$7.10. easy teims. ,
Finoti room house , all modern conveniences
on corner lot. onu ot the bust streets In Omaha.
t7.uoo. Wlieeldr .V Wheeler , insurance nnd
isiate : , Douglas nud l.liliet. 51522
1 01 fool front on l.envenworthvuenr d streiit ,
1 w III liu sola eliC'iu If tukon at. once. I' ' " . I ) .
Tannci & Co. , IUI5 Howard t > t , , 4K ) : . ' !
FOH HKNP House , 4 roouu , oornur I'hl
Hlieridan nnd Howunlm.
HOUKU , ti rooms , all modern 'improvements ,
Iliirney and 20th els. ; {
New brick sioro , north Kth st
4 nowstoies nnir HaacnU'g note ] , south 13th
M . f 15 per month.
llrick win cno iiju on It. H. track und pivod
3ul ttory Itnrkcr bulUinj , 13th and Farnam ,
W feethquare.
UP. Ma ) no , Mth and Harnoy 2.7
KINCi JCTKMI'LKTON , ot C'itUens' ,
2iH | Cumliiif s-t. , luivo few biu-galim hi
city Property.
2U acres auliiiilnin propcrtj cheap , nt S cash ,
balnnco easy terms If sol.1 buforu Jan. 1.
il'Jncie ' fruit tunn nml i.-anlfii , KOOI ! 5-room
house , barn , well , etc. , OUT 40) bearliu ; trees ,
Krnpes nn I small f nut in abundance , K I'noli ,
bulunco easy tcruuor vrould tute pay in city
Lund lu Jotva and NobraiKa for eulu ( . ; trade
for city proioilr.
Wonljo have for i put a ci.-o 5'ooui crtttat'p.
ou Clmrlos St. ; S nice . w brick stqnnioum on
Cumhu BtM wy.n UHAcnuint , C-roQin tluti und
bath room. . it7uodcii ( lmproiemeiasu ; HMO lo ,
cation lr Ury ifoodt , toru nud clutUlng ut boot
a .i tliiHJ nttiie.
ijcr ons havinu properly for sale Or runt will
jlo w.ell to li ! i witbua. 622 tt
SKI ! F. D. Tmmcr & Co.'ti list o'f 03 lots ( n Han
kOoni place bolora you buy la that hcnu >
titul residence locality. 48V U
SOUTH OMAHA-Ourbook-Hh.wnlnrgo lln
of property In nnd nround South Omnhn
where money is beinimndt now mid will bo
doubled In the sprint- .
IlnMncMlotS on M. N. O. , Solh.'Wth nnd Hollc-
vu o Mrcots.
Hesldoncn lots nnd hoil'os nml lots In syndicate
cato land , Fowler I'laeo. Pottoi-A Cobb'anddl
tlon , etc.
Oreyory .tlladler ,
Kooms 1 nnd 3 lloJIok's now blook.taj . 1.1th st.
_ _ 407
\\ri5 HAVIleoiistiut inquiry for nil Kinds of
' biulnoss nnd vojldeneo property. If you
Imve nny property for s iln list same with us.
Scl lc-ln orjlro.OHSlOlh st , _ Mljfl _
lruTVvTTiri'T\tTl5 ! SouirrTimntin , Is by nil
X' odds thi > best addition to South Omnhn. J.
11 Hvang 4 Co. ole AgcnK , _ 4" ! 22.
ii OH SALR Hiislnoos lots on nil the best
1 business streets. J. 11. Uvans & Co.
4SI 83
OH SALK-Housoind lot on Vnrk w7uo"
nve. $ ' 1.2.1) ) , worth ? IOJJ. Onto City Heal
Kstato Co. , 133) ) DoiiKlns. 47S
IfaritACfS dF"TirLiS : nud titles to real
estate cum antod. Midland Gtmrinteo
and ' 1 Mist cornpnny , Mul 1'nriiain fit. 4GI 25
LOT frontlnir S street , 2 , * > th nnd ruoillo , 3
hoii-CR , ? 2f,10 ; ensv terms.
Hcst lot In Orohntd Hill witli fi room benne ,
bArii , well.clstfin , fruit and slindo trees , tl.COO ;
vn'v teriiis.
Full lot nnd 7 room house , well nnd cistern ,
1'arkor's ad 1 , f2.5'W ' ; cnsy tprnts.
Irfits2 , 10 II , 12 , 21 nnd 23 , blocK 7 , Orchard
Hill , very cheap.
8 W. eor. llth ntu * Pacific , flflvtS' ! , 3 line cot-
taires , ( H.iiuu.
Me.ul Ar Jumie'iiii , 313 South I'th. 463
BKATTIFI'L Poiitlien t corner Tlioinburij
I'leoe , lilith nudslirhtly.2 lots , only fl.tou :
for both. Ji"5eiish , balnneo very easy terms.
F. 1) . Twiner .V Co. 4 0 3i
/ 1H01CI5 ncres for plntllmr.
\J lllcks \ Inchrnm. nfll 23
Co. Solo . \KClil8. 4SI 22
VIPAV-LotS ' . lot-innil : blk
OMAHA - , I'.lkS. I.
0 , { .300 each. Lot I , Hlk 4lmi,1-i : ca h
( lioiJory " : I lad ley ,
Itoom-1 nnd 3. Itedlck's Now Itllt , 2.1) ) S. ISlh St.
"Tor In Deuce's Add , ? I.'IO,1M ; rn h.
2J Two lot' In Po t ot'- Add , eoiniTI.COO.
Iot corner ol IWth nnrt Lindsay sts , ? l lt)0 ) ;
JC03 cH'ti. balance $10 per month.
Iiot on'nth st , In Park llullilmp n < 3ociation ,
Si.iw. ru.vir > o.
lloiifpol Iho rooms ami Iwo full lolg , onst
front ? , corner , SS.liii ) . $70. ) rn h.
Ftock ol merchandise lor trade.
House nnd lot for tunic.
H. W limitless , I.W Fiirnnm slrcpt.
nai S4 *
FOH8AIK Some of the best nirriciiltiirnl
land In Kn'tnni Nphrnskii at f 10 per I'uro on
SO ypnrs' tlmo , 0 per pent Intnrpst nml no taxos.
Wiltcor mil for pnitlculnr * . O. P. Davis & Co. ,
Omaha. Neb. MOJ.W
ETt ! PA" I"IN P. DIAMns'D-PacrillPo 1'noo by
' \I Prank and Son & Co. . 220 Sontli llth t.
4"l ! 24
7 KASTliont lots Kilbv place onlv J76T each ,
J one third en b , bal.moo easy terms. P 1) .
Tanner i Co. . 10)5 ) Howard st. 4V ) 24
FOH SALK-llySchloslmrcr Itros. .
fill South lOtn street.
180 fcot ou 25th st near Parnam , will sell nil
orpnrt ,
tincielots In Fnrunm iirk , fl'JI per nero.
r.nsyteiins. Tills is very desirable lor ( jardon-
W ) acres , Improved , near city , house , barn ,
cribs , ote. Cheap and on elsv terms.
Lota In Schlejingor'it Addition C-2JJ to $110 ou
easy terms. t53 ! j 0
HOl'SKS LotParni4LnndD monnv limned.
Homls , room 3 , Iliulio hlocK , 8. W. cor
inth ami I'arn'iin sts. fi'ij '
Co. Ill S. 15th st filS
FOH S \ \L15-Dfsirini- retire troin business ,
I oiler my entire stock ol flenonil Merchandise -
chandiso , consl-.tliipf of Dry Goods , Heady Mudo
Clothlm ? , Hats and Caps , Hoots and Slineami
Groceries. Would take Improved nnd unim
proved real estate In oxclrinira for part of
nniount Can how up n uood record of busi
ness. Address lock box No. 7 , North Bend ,
Nob. arr. J. is.
irOSTFltS ADDITION- ! ! beautiful double
J- corners S4.TO1 to $ .1,000 , 1-3 eftih , balance
Inml2yenis. J , P. Ilitinmond , 117 S. inth.
ArATKS fc HKMPULS-.T. H. P.vans k Co.
L Solo Agents lor lots In this nddition at 1500
SOW. 4S4 23
T11I5 IlKST Invoitment yjjt offprcd
101 acres four mlles Miuthwost fiom po t-
olllco , 1 1-4 mlles from stock yards ; lies tionutl-
ful ; 91110 per nore ; ndlolnlmr propnrtv on north
( clllnir nt SJV ) per ucro. Helter & Campbell. 1501
Fiminm St , Honm 1. 412
BOWMNC. OUiKS-Onr ; now addition Is
wo > t ofWalnur Hill , on Hamilton struct.
HysolootiiiKlotial $1.1) for insiiio and fl7 > for
corner' , you will make a ( rood invostmunt.
Terms 10 pur cent cnsh ami KV montlily. No
eharpoforshowln ? the lots. Mnraliall iLo -
bock , IfiTJ Kurii'iin 010
ITIOK SAIiK-Chciip , 20 acres Ivinor west of
JJ Walnut Hill in tnipts to suit. Will sell nil or
part. SchlesliiKor llros ,011 S. 10th at. HW ; > 0
HIOII nnd Rishtly rosidpnpo property oppo-
plto main Piitrtinco llimscom i > arK. Call
lor terms. P. D. Tanner \ Co. , 1015 Howard st.
Is'l st
RAI . -o
lot , near eor. Sewat-1 St. , frontlinr on Sunn-
ders st. and pnved at. : chO'ip for cash. .1. L.
Itlco & Co. , ovar Commorcliil li'iuk. ' 775
'oil SAf.ll-ee Jt rrnntinir on nidcro Rt. 2
blocks east of the postoillco. A barKiiln nt
J10.00& ; $10,000 cash. Mnrshnll & Lobuck , 150
Knrnnm. U10
GKSn'NI ! HAIUiAINS-rwo corner lots m
Ilurdottocourtonly I blocks from Sumi-
dor'H street cars. W. M. llnihninn. Honin 10 ,
llushiiinii Illock , y K cor Kith nn'J ' Oouslns.
Oorner lot in ICount/o 1'lace , 71 foot pouth
front on Locust Mroet and 121 leot on'-t front on
20tb nt.tlie best lot In the add. , f I.UOO ; oiie-thlrit
F.ast front lot In K. V. Smith's mid. , 21st St. ,
uenrOraoe , 44\1402,0f" ) .
Choice lot In Wtfliliiirton Square. j ; , : > 00.
Four lots In Smith I'ark.on Iliudclte St. , bet.
Iilih and Ktu MSt - , < W each.
Full lot. south f i out , nnd 0-rooni house In
Idloivlld ; $5,50)1 ) , luilt cash.
I5aHt half lot 5.1 , Horbauh's 1st add. , no ft front
on 17th hi , f'i.iion , out-third cash , will divide und
bell 30 IVt't fronton 17th St.
Several lots on Nicholas and 1/ard st . . bet.
llth nud Mth , with trackai-o , adaptcil tor ware
house uo. f i inn $ ( , oii ) | to if .1,11110.
A number ol' choice bii ! nu ° 4 nnd residence
IOIH in .South Oimliu and its suburban addi
AliusliiufiKlot , ' " feel ea t front on South 13lh
St. , near Center , ? l,100 , A. H. ComstocK , llooni
10 , CrulKhtou Illock. 511 22
FOH SALK 20 acres hlnir west of Walnut
hill In tracts to Milt. Will hell nil nr part
FchloMnKcr llros.nj | "o. Uih | st. 52 IW
ffASTPHONT lot , Virginia uvo. , fenced , on
.lii Kiiulo. only f l.-'OO , for a few dnys. ) ' . 1) .
_ _ _
OH SALK Two hnndaouiK lots in Hedford
1'lnco at f VJ ) each. J. 11. Kvaus \ Co.
4" I 22
TTIOKH.\r.l'-l21ots llxli : foot , Iroiulnir north
Jon Hrlslol < troi > t , half way butwoon Sum-
dots and .State , no-ir slieot o'irs. ' City wntor in
front , ( so ) each , 1-1 cash , balance in 1,2 mid ; i
years. Addrt s S 14 , lloo olllce , 219
Sl'HIN'G. VAIf.R\ ' ,
Our now addition.
Aoresf J50 to tin per RCIO.
Near South Omaha.
And hydicnto Hill.
Marshall fe Lnhook ,
1 S 15' ' ) ) Fani.iin.
INKS I , ots. PHI "is. Lands money loaned.
ll"iius , room 3 , narkcr block , S. W. cor ,
15th nml Fin mini st * . 514
" \\T15aro nulhorUcd to invest S.Sl.O'K ) in improved -
proved liiiido property . What have you
to olfor Wo ii.eanbualnosj. Moml.Inmioson. .
1)18 ) S. litb st. 57.J
ifIGS ,
! i nrc.
TJio Finest Im
] Tttd Line of
liuod * Wfbt Of
1 lilci'u. .
Mrs , C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
Ho , 209 Mait\StretQuncil \ Bluffs , hwa.
A I enl nnd His Money.
Wlllinm Totco , of lila Grove , nintlo
complaint to llic police last ovonlnp that
ic hml hern robbcil In till * oily , nnd told
ho details about as follows : Ho had
come in on the Sioux City train and was
tbottt to po from here to Kansns City ,
lit * dropped Into .Mm Snodderly's lunch
: ilncc , near the depot , and wlillo edibles
were being got ready for him he became-
icqtintnted with a jonnR woman pis iti ;
her iianie us Nora Van Scoy. She \\n-s
very atVuhle , and ttnalvl asked him to
take n drink with her. lie drank , anil re
membered no more , until on : uvnkeniii
fomn hours afterwards he found his
money , sfOit , finno. Ho was satis-
lied that ho had been drugged anit
robbed , nndo shouted for the police.
Jim Snodtlurlv ami wife , nnd Nora WITO
taken to the station. Norn had in her
possession some papers bolotif-inii to the
man and Mtn explained that the man ,
when lie on inc. to the place , acted wild ,
and saitt the polieo worn after him and
wanted thu folks to tnko care of the-e pa
pers for him , ns Im did not want thu po
lice to tlnd them on him. The trio dis
claimed all knowledge of tliu man liav-
Inp any money , or of Ids losing any ,
"The llerry Piol-ori. "
There was a llt.o nndienco al the oporn
lionsu lasl oveninp ut thu cnterttiinment
plven under thu nitspioes of St. 1'aul'a
church , and consisting ot an operetta
with the above title , The entertainment
was a very pleasing ono , The operetta
is very simple In its plot , there being
hardly enough to It to hang the various
features upon , but the musio is happy ,
and the scenes vnrlutl. The solos were
particularly lino. The Misses .Merkcl ,
who are always favorites , won much up-
plauso. One of the linust of the solos
was the sailor song by I. M. Treynor.
Air. Kobort Hunter , as the horse jockey ,
well earned an encore , his solo being
very sweet toned. Airs. 1. .M. Treynor
took the part of the sailor's wife , and
other lending characters were taken
by Miss Lou Portcrlicld , Miss
May Davenport , Miss Grace Spooner ,
Miss Klsie Hutts and Miss Ida
UtieUdesliell. Amonc the younger voices
those of the Misses Lillie and Jessica
Jackson nailed forth the greatest ap
plause. They are certainly wonderful ,
and as their voices blended it duct
sweeter iuti io from so young singers
could hardly ho expected. It scum * that
in them are the coining Miss Merkols ,
Thu otner parts were well takenalthough
the chorus's were not so good in pro -
portion as the solos , duets anil trios. J'lio
operetta moved off very Miiootlily , and
with no annoying de-lays , the whole prov
ing to be tin entertainment fuliy meriting
t.'io liberal patronage civen it , and the
enthusiastic applause which it called
forth. The only lack in thu operetta was
the absence of that vein of comedy which
serves as spice for the light opera. The
costuming was simple , , but tasty , the
scenes well arranged , anil music as a
whole very good. Miss Julia Judson
sorve.d excellently as an accompanist.
. .
' - - *
All About Avocn.
AVOCA , la. , DOR. 20. Everything quiet
in this neck of the woods , The loss of
the U R. Rating house is felt more and
more every day. D. W. liockhold , the
proprietor , lias rented rooms in the opera
block , ami commenced serving meals
Friday , flis dining room is about forty
by twenty , and can scat forty people
quite comfortably. lie has rented ovcry
available room near for sleeping apart
ments and in consequence can accommo
date the weary traveler. Thursday the
following townspeople invited tliem-
selvea and took supper with Mr.
Kockhold and his ostnnablo lady :
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hct/.el , Mi1 , and Mrs.
George Maier , Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Day ,
Mr. and Mr . F. G. Ilel/.el. Mr. and Mrs.
C. f. Swartfager , Mr , and Mrs. K. D.
J looped. Mr. and Mrs. U. II. Ainsworth ,
Mr. und Mrs. S. C. Il.'irlow , Mr. and MrH.
George Meyer , Mr. and Mrs. C. H
Smith , Airs , and Mrs. li. Peters , Mr. and
Mrs. It. S. Hart , Mr. and Mrs. F. Shepley ,
Mr , and JVfr.s. N. Hodgson , Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Uhdon , Mr. and Mrs. G. W
Arnold , Mr , nnd MrE. . M. Farn-iworth ,
Mr. and Mrs. II. Stephens , Dr. and Mrs.
McConnaughey , Air. and Mrs. E. Cook ,
Mrs. J. K. Powers , Mi-s Henry , Miss An
derson , A. F. Connor , I' . Nordmaycr , A.
W.ColVman.J. Uman , J. 15. Blake , A. P.
Mr. H. and lady being blissfully iguo-
rantof thecomingof the uninvited'guest1 ?
did not in any way detract from the
bountiful repast spread. As the gentle
manly clerk , C. 15. Harding , was quietly
given the word ami al 7 o'clock all was
in readiness for the hungry throng.
Mr. liockhold has purchased the ground
and intends erecting a hotel that Avoca
will be proud of. Work is to commcneo
almost immediately.
Mr. Joseph ISecknoll , the gentleman
who cooked the lirst meal that was served
in the Railroad eating house , seventeen
years ago , and the last ono served , on
Saturday , December -1,188(1 ( , will remain
with Mr. Roekhold , which is a guarantee
in itself of something palateable.
M. L , Wheat , of the order ol the 1C. of
L. , addre cd a fair sued audience
at the opera house Friday even
ing. Ho is a pleasant speaker
and can tell a story with any
of the brothet.s.
It bids fair that the lovers
of going are to have an op
portunity , us the hoardH show :
Friday evening. December 21 Hall and
Hipper at the opera house under the an-
spices of the Good Tomphtr.s. December
i7 ! and 28 Edwin Clillbrd'd well known
dramatic company in Diivoy Crocket ! ,
and Monte ChrNto December III. The
Social Hour club gives tlin fonrlh parly
of their sencd in the opera IIOIIMI.
Mrs. W. A Collinan relumed from
Council BluIVs Friday evening , ivory
much improved ) , where she has been for
the past few dn.vs trciiting with Mrs ,
MarD. , . Porterlleld ( scientist. ) She re
turn'Tuesday. .
Mrs. Swam and Mrs. Henry James , of
Harlem , wore shopping in Avooa Friday.
Mrs. H. W. Wilson , of Audubun , la. ,
Stmdnyod with Avoea friends.
Mr. and Mrs J. It. Jicjon : , having
sold their property hern , will dcnart for
Kansas soon with the intention of locat
ing in Wichita. The best wiahcs of many
tnnnd.s go with them.
George Dudley , liveryman , who has
been with us for the three years , in
tend * totaling In South Omaha. He
thoroughly undeivitands his business and
C'in but men ! with
Avoca is bic.sMid with two now societies.
via"The Angel Brigade , " composed of
our indein-ndent "I'm not afraid"
young ladies , who hold their
becreiC ) meetings , and "Tho Moon
light Iliiinnuirs" who steal fcoflly
to where naught but angels reign and by
persuasive humming o low nnd .sweet
gain admission. When away with jrood
resolutions , timidity gains poisi-ssion -
ol tne brave ones ' < While liuminer.s
fool pci'icctly hufo in the protection of an
angel home.
"The Rabbit Track1' club , organized
three winter * ago , opens with a lull at
tendance. I'lii'ir weekly meetings , held
in their room furnished by the oily , are
proving von interesting , if long es-
siuiis are indicative as the hours passed
together at their last meeting Pund.iy ,
December 19 , were from U a. m. to ? :8i (
p. in . with half an hour for dinner.
X Y 7 .
BICL , M. 3D. ,
Or Otbor'fl'tllCM ' H'lllOVl'l irithOUt
tboWuiruordrawiiiJf of tH > od.
Over thirty yours prticticulc'iicr
No. 11 I'ourlSt. . Coimoil | ! lutl $ .
| 3Con'uUalon fruo.
H of you who have not visited this
busy place at some time , and tlu > o who
have , take note of the wonderful changes
that hnvo taken place there in the past
twelve months. From n do/.on little
shanties then , yon can now sen she smoke
curling heavenward from hundreds of
cottages. Brick blocks can be seen on
nliuiHt any corner. From two stores
then the number has swelled to twenty
or more now , with others opening out
every day. They now hnvo baiiK.s , a
daily newspaper , nnd a do/.on other mi
nor enlcrpri'U'S. But these are mere
nothing compared with the gmit pack
ing industries , which are In operation
there , with their thousands of employes
and such men at their head as Hammond ,
Upton , Fowler and Moiris , the problem
is solved. South Omaha will be the fu
ture packing town of Hie world. There
has been more money tmi'to ' in real es
tate in South Omaha , for the amount in-
vksted , than any other part of town. Lots
that one vear ago sold for if'JTo are now
worth from ' , ' ,000 to 11,000 and ohenp at
that , and there are just as good chances
now as then , and better , for the reason
[ hat we now know South Omaha will
have a population of 10,000 in less than
five years. Now is the time to buy. \ \ o
hnvo n large list of ptoperty here , ami
would be pleased to show it to one and
all. Call and examine our list and take
n ride out and see the town. Wo have a
list of bargains in all parts of town ; come
and see same.
We are uNo Felling very rapidly , lots
in Rush & Sclby's addition lo South
Omaha. This beautiful addition is only
live minutes walk from the U. P. depot.
Parties buying these lots will make ! ! 0 ( )
ier cent on money invested before nt
lay. They are .selling at with $50
cash. Balance in
1 , 2 and 3 Years.
And sec if you do not find snna-thing you
A bargain , ft largo InK 00 foot
Frontage. eiph. : on 22d hi , with small
liousc , in K. \ . Smith's add , cable line
built within 2 blocks. Tilth will make four
lots of llj\MOcaeli. ! 50,800. Oniv $2,000
cash. Mu t be taken al once. Tnis will
sell for $10,000 in tinspring. .
A bargain , llou-ui 7 rooms , lot 100x120 ,
in Omaha Vicy.v. Price $11,800 , $1,000 cash ,
balanci ; to suit.
A bargain. 100x100 , on Sherman avo. , in
Kirkwood. .ft,000 , f 1,000 cash.
Corner lot. ( iO.xl'iO , in Fiurinount Place ,
$2.000 , $050 cash.
A bargain. fiOxMO , on 20th St. , in E. V.
Smith's add , 2,700 , if 1,800 cush.
25x100 , ni-ar William st , on S liJthstore
building , 2- . stories , routs for 02.50 per
month. tr ( A ) , terms easy. This is a bargain -
gain , will nut you 17 pur "cent per yutir Jii
25v 150 , adjoining the above , with two
story frame store building , rents for $50
pur month. $1,000. terms easy. Tnis is : i
great bargain. Call at once as this is OH
the market but a short time.
Ono whole lot in South Omaha in busi
ness part , $1,201) ) . A bargain.
Two houses , one of 10 rooms anil one of
! ! rooms , rouls for $50 a month , in Ilor-
baen'sadd. f 1,000 , $1,000 cash , a bargain.
A bargain. House of 10 rooms , re.nts for
$27.50 per month , in Jlorbnch's add.
$ : ! ,000 , $1,000 cash.
fright-room house and barn , Iforbach's
add , rents for $ ! JO pur month. sfli.OOO . ,
$1.000 cash.
A bargain. 00\132 , on Dodge st. $1,500.
ISpautitiil lot m block lilliiiscoin , ; 1'lacu
$2,500 , $800 cash.
Cor lot gin Marsh's add , $3,100 , $1,000
iJO.xll'O , in Jacob's add , with store und
1 rooms above , rents at $40 per month.
Tins on the I'arlc ave , ear line and a bar
gain. $1,500. $1,500 cash , balance 1 , 2 , ! 1
and 4 years.
2 beautiful lots in South Omaha near
business center , $1,000 each. They are a.
We have farms in Iowa and Nebraska
to exchange for Omaha eilv property.
We havopnre.hasers for first mortgage *
on improved property.
Also have "money to loan" at very
low rates on unproved city and farm
ItlooU I * * , Credit Fonder : ul li-
I'on , S lot * , Iruflir.jne each hide ,
ivtllifii two hlc ct ul't'oal mine.
! > -rooin Iiou o , Idlctvlld , fi"iM > .
Iroom I house , "dl.Avlltl , new ,
> .
4l-room lion- * , Viti-iroTCincnt AN-
HOC' 'iaioulol ! > i\ir I , eant front
< > -rooiii lioimc , < icorniu avenue ,
Iieatud l > y Nlcani , water and
gas. full lot , ham , etc. , near
l.enen worth , 7 , TOO.
Blouse , 8 rooms , 2 lots , Windsor
INaec , ii blot-In west Pnrlc ,
House and lot in ILowe'ti addi
tion , $ ) , NOO.
B'inu new IIOIIMI In HaiiM'om
IMace , Catherines street , IO
rooms , heated by furnace , bent
hunt In the oil ) ' , fllai'galu.
5-room foliage , new , corner
lMh ! and Ohio Hired * , Ijilte'M
addition , ' , M > ( > ; t > I < )0 cash ,
balance 3i5 t > er month ,
I Ine lot in Washington K < | iiar
IJeimlifnl lot in Dcnlbo's mid. 00x19' )
$ laOO , § 100 cash. This a bargain.
.1 lotb in Mayne Place. Call and get
Wo have lots in Doncokon's ad
to Walnut Hill on easy terms.
We havn property for Mile in all juiiu
of town. Call and Hue u ?
Boom 9 , Heilick's Block
2nd Floor.