Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. I860 : TUB DAILY BJJK. * COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY MOIINIXG UKC. 23. OFFICE , WU. 12 , PEARL STREET. OtllU'icd bjrnriit'rin nnr ri > rt ° f the city nt t tnly itiUBinr wtoL. I ! . \V. TII.TO.V. Manager. TKI.KPHONCS ; nrfiKr.KSOmcr. , No. U. NIOIIT liunoit No. " ) . 311NOII nilC N. Y. I'luniuiiiB Co Itiirliorn for bargains. Now fnll goods at HoitprN. Additional Council Hlufft news onsets sots of Dickens for VT.oO at HusliticH's. Have yon soon tlie now Itooks at tlto I'ublisliors' book sale. It don't cost anything to look at slip pers at Adams' shoo storu. J ) . V. Ek-liur has pnvclia. od the Pearl Mrcbt property opposite the conit houso. Hooks of all kinds very cheap at Hush- noil's. Call and sco tlie nlcjiaiu slot I ; of books at the Publisher1 book sale ? Is'oarly a i-ar load of " .loo's Hoys" ar rived at llio Piiblishnrs' book Mill1 yester day. They are a li\uly set of fellows. "Husted" High price * on Christina' at Adams' . Hcim-mhcr we still cheaper than ever at Adams , ' No. 11 ? Hroadwuy. An infant iliuifihter of Mr. ami MIN. ( ! . I ! . Kirk wood die < ! yesterday , Mr. Kirk- wood is a nephew of HoburlKirkwood. DNonio sneak thief got away with a spt of billiard hulls from the saloon owned by Harry Iiiman on Alain ( -trout All the new books at away down piieos at the Publishers' book sale. Tile Ko.yal Aroaiunn to-night gives tlu > HPcoud of its series ol parties , ami like its prodoee.sMjM , it will doubtless be an ele gant a Hair. The funeral of Mrs. Wood waul wa-s held veMcrday at the Hroadwuy Methodist cliureh. Kev. Dr. MeCreury olliciatcd. Tlin new militia company is to IIP called after ( ieneral Dodgn. A meeting is to be held to-morrow evening to perfect the wgani/ation. Hooks of all Kinds very cheap at Hush- iii-ll s. Don't forgivl Adams' olearaiiee sale Fign eomes down .lammry 1 and the.n ] > ricua will bo unusually low but tinner. Summers was yesterday assps ed a roiimi sum for getting so angry at Mrs. McDonald as to grab her by the throat and choke her. The entertainment given by the Y. M. C A. last evening consisted i > f readings and recitations , sketches from lien llur , miiiio and conversations. Miitealf Hros. show wiudowsare nightly drawing crowds , for there again appears thi'ro tliis season the apparition of the logle < = s body. It perplexes and pux/.les all , and is indued u mystery. Wo carry a larger stock than nycr ho- foro. Our stock i.s the cleanest , best as- ported , newest designed in the city. Our prices defy competition. See a'nd eon vineo yourself. Durlioin , Jeweler , No. 17 Main St. The boxes being put in for the llich- iiionil ( ire and police alarm are even better than the ones shown as samples Some improvements have been made siiipp the contract was made , and the city gets the bPiielil of these. rermits to wnd have been granted : John Kililorc , Ogallala , Neb. , and Kavanaiigh , Heeljctown , la. ; Alpims Casey ami J'oll.v A. ( Justine , of Wheeler < 5rovc ; C. < } . Peterson , of Omaha , and ( Jraeio Hiiel ll , of Council l.liiU's : . ) . I , . Sin it li. and ( Jrace Summon , both of An old rosulpiil of Omaha , a ro&Klenl of that city lor thirty-three years , ve-tor- ila.y purchased a very elegant gold watch at mil-horn's , on Alain .street , and seemed satisfied that ho got a greater bargain tlian ho could find in his lavorite city. Tally one for Council BluHs , siiul for Hifr- horn's. "In tlio Clouds" by Charles Egbert Cradilock at the Publishers' book sale. The aldermen are ald to be looking with more favor noon the 'Tenth avenue project than they were. It begins to teem that the ordinance st..nds a show of being pa M-J in SOIIIP form , and the petition of thu jobbers and biiiiiii-sj men granted. The council caiinolcllher add to or take away trom the rights ot property owners along the avenue , anil if proport'y Is damaged the owners ran recover sneli damage- without any ( picstion. . .1.V. . Camp and M. P. Kliis , two young lUen who have been for some time with Foster & Hro. , are arranging to OHOII a retail drug slum in llio opera hoti o block , under the linn name of ( Jam ) ) & Kllis. They have leaded the corner store for three years , aiul will open for w-,1- ness tlip lirst of March. 'J'lioy propo = o having one of the most nttractivo and host stocked drug stores in the west , and will doubtless make a success ot the venture. They are both young men of thorough experience in all the details ot the business , and their popularity will cause them to win a large patronage Irom the very start. "What Knty Did" next can be learned at the Publishers' book sale. The announcement made in victor- day's Nonpareil that Marshal Tnrlc.v nail Alex Oliert had both died the day before , was very premature. Air. Oburt lingered until noon yesterday and then pat-sod away. A jr. Turlov was reported yester day as being hotter and with very fair chances of recovery. 1 In is an old citi- /en , condition is be'.ng watched closely by anxious friends , who were greatly shocked in reading the sad an nouncement made ye. terday by that paper , and who were glad to le.irn that it was v.ntnm. U is to be hoped that he may live for years yet. There seems to bo sail need of a real cslatq reporter in the city. One of the morning papers takes great pains to chronicle the sale of the PJielps tract of eighty acres at $75,000 , and the evening paper takes equally gu'itt iiiilns to niuko the correction to the c.ll'eet timt IhoPholps tract is in Kerry addition. The map shows the tract to bo north of Hroadway ami west of the driving park. The price is .said to ha ui been fill ) an acre. Tim papers place it ut nearly a thousand dollars lars an acre. Them is some question about its having been sold at uli , the papers not luring been recorded. Jt is a good thing to 1)00111 ) the town all possi ble. . but there are piioujrh facts to record without mak.u < ; such laughable items winch make the boom scum ridiculous. Dr. Hanchett , oliiceNo. 12 Pearl street. Residence I''O rourtli street. 1'clephuiio No. JO. llrnckett'8 'Woiulor" Store. Wonders will appear before your eyes cvory liino you go to Hrackctt's. Masquerade- suits at Airs. J. K. Met- calf's for rent. None cheaper west of Chicago , _ Order your carriage and sccuro your tickets tor the grand Christina * ; Kvo Masquerade of the Sons of Veterans , at liu/ihueH's / book storu. Huy Christmas waresoV.S. ( . lriinor& ! Co. , K'o , ' 'a Main btreet , and savv moiey t y so doingK ' Substantial abstracts of titles nuil real fktato lonns. J.Y. . & 12. I * , Squire. > 'o. 101 Pearl btrct-t , Council HlufTj. THE DIVISION OF A DAUGHTER Tbc Order Ifsucd TLat tlie Father May Have Her Half the Time. ' DEATH OF ALEX ; OBERT. n Tiuli Pcdillei1 A iToiner Jolncil A Vnrlcly of Spicy Avoca Items il nil ge LouTlxinrow .Slill .Stole. \VtinSball ilnvc llic Iniijlitcr ( ? The Hock habeas corpus case from lcii ! on has been decided by Judge Ayles- worth , and the order was issued yester day , in regard to the little dauuhlor ol the litigants , who arn husband and wife. Hy the order the mother is to have HIP ciHlody of the child , but the hu-band is allowed lo visit her under certain condi tions. He is alsog'ven the right to go to DoniFon and get the child and take her , at his own expense , to hi homo in MarIan - Ian , and there havn a vMt with the daughter. This privilege is granted him for the lirst week in .January and the Ilivt week of every alternate month subse quently. 'I he 'Jay of the child in Janu ary is to be oula , week , that in March is ti > be four weeks , and after that the vMls can be four weeks. In other words , the court has arranged so tnat after a few months the father can have tlie child about half the time. The probability is that a divorce cave will bo brought , and its termination will cause this arrange ment to bo broken up and some new order tanned bv the court in regard to the cus tody of tlie child. Cenlervillc coal $1 per ton delivered , A. Overtoil , 10 ! ! Main. L. H. Crafts & Co. arc loaning money on all clu-scs of chattel securities at one- half their former rates , bee Ilium before securing your loans. About Complaint is being made , especially by traveling men of Council Hlull's , that they have tried at .several dilVcrent points on the Union Pacific to check their baggage to the Hroadway depot in this city , but they arc unable to do so. Those at the * transfer baggage room say there ought to be no dillieulty in checUing to the Hroadway depot from all points , and that agents have such instructions , but agents refu-c. lo thui cheek baggage , and much inconvenience is thereby caused. Hroadway depot is numbered O O. but it does not appear on the baggage cheek Hts at any of the stations. It is a great inconvenience for a Council Hlnll's trav eling man to check toOniahnnml recheck it here , or get bairgago taS.en up from the transfer. It is especially inconvenient for thoM ! who make headiniarlers here , and who trequeutly run in to .spend Sunday. An elegant line of short , wraps , new- markets , etc. , eiieap , to clove them out. JOHN HKXO A : Co. Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from > ? l.oO up. Mr.H-u.r Huos. Ui'acl.-ctl's Kills I lie Hill. big slock. No trouble in linding any thing yon went. ClirKtinns ivt tlie Opcru Mouse. On Friday and Saturday evenings and for Christmas matinee , " \Voman Against \Votuau1' is to bo given at tlie opera house. Prank ilarvey , ths author ol "Wages of Sin. " wrote this play also. The story is one of country life in Kng- land. and shows the sacriliee of a woman wno , lile Walter Scott's heroine , thinks nothing too hard to save her sister from shame. The Chicago Tribune gives an excellent description ol the peculiar method of the piav thus ; The drama that is presented at lloolc.v's this week hears the < -amo relation to a finely pol ished play that a charcoal sketch docs to an etching ; but the charcoal is held in a linn hand , and the picture shows strength , decision and truth. Here is a work with some human liber in it , and it is such a relief to find a drama that is not pinasculated that one feels a pleas ure in praising it. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat until you luok at those at Mcte.tlf Hros' Hard and soft coal , best qnulilv , all sues. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. H. 1'ucl company , MU Hroadway. Tele phone I'M. A Itnil Start In Mfc. A fruit poddlur named Haker , who has a stand on upper Hroadway , was near the packing hou = e yesterda\ , when lie was assaulted by a crowd of boys , one of whom hit him over tlie head with a club , inflicting quite a serious wound. The police made a search for the boys and an estcd William Marble , 1'rcd and Otto Ivahler. These boys insisted that they were Innocent , and the p'llice started om to Hud the really guilty ones. The boys have been dcligntiiig in bothering Maker , and it seems that they carried their sport to the cxtont of angering him , and hence HID trouble , which has resulted more seiioiiiily thu'i the boys expected. ii : ( Joint : Smooth At Hraekctt's. Nice trade and every body Inxppy. Heating stoves aleoit to close them out A. Wood , No. Ml Main street. Weather strips at Chapman ' . > , lOS Main st. Death ol'Alcx oiici-t. Mr. Alex Ouert died at his residence , No. Sia Kasl Pierce street , at noon yester day , after a severe illness. Ho was born July Ifi. 18110 , at Sterhlndingcn , Wnrtemburg , Germany. Ho came to America in 1834. and to Iowa in 18,1(1. ( lie was a soldier in the Into war , and served over Ihrno years. He has resided in this city since 1807. He leaves a wife , two daughter- and one sou to mourn his death. Ho will be buried Friday after noon alt ! o'clock from his late residence. under the auspices of tlio U. A. U. , of u hieh hev.u a member. Klcctrie door bells , burglar alarms every form of duinrstio eicctiical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Jvcw goods and Christinas Xovelt.os at Kirkland's , jeweler , No 3' . > y Hro.idwny. 'n "Krcnoli Took , " Thousands rushing to see it every day greatest attraction ever in the city. Christmas trees of all si/.cs at Haird'u , fj''l ' Hroadnav. Christmas caudles 0 eoiit.i a do/en , holders 0 cents a du/.oii. Over $100 worth of presents free to our customers on February 1 One chance with each 25c purchase- Moore & Kip- linger , No. 411) ) Hroadway. J O I X K l > IN MATH I MUN Y , M'jlll.LAS STii'IIAN. : Last c.vcuiug , at 0 o'ctook , at the resi- ilence of the bride , Ko. 70Q First street , by the Hcv. T. J. Mackey , in the presence of the immediate relatives , Miss Amelia Stephai ) suid William McMillan were ' .united in marriage. The uOwly wcudcit couple will go im mediately to housekeeping on 1'ourth avenue between Tenth and Eleventh sheets. Mr. McMillan is a well known carpenter and contractor. I'ri onnl I'nrncmiili6. C. M. Horl I * at DCS Moiiip . Major Nash , of Oakland , was in the city yesterday. Judge Dow , of Dow City , wa in Ihe Hlull's yesterday. U 15. Calihvell , now of Axoca , was a Hind's visitor je. terday. Dr. Oncmsny , formerly of llus cily , is vi iting old trlends lien- . Jerome MeC'lintock , of the Chicago & Hock Island , lias gone to Chicago. Mics Mary \Iotta/ , one of the touchers in the Curtm street school , is sick. J P. Hunch and J. H. Christian , of Hamburg , were at the Pacific yesterday. S < t. rndcrwootl. of Keg ( 'reek , was looking over the winter boom yesterday. Jerome McClintoek , iitrcnt of thn Chicago cage , Uoek Hand & Pacilicroad , left lal night for the cast. Captain Overtoil , win recently relurupd from Washington , leaves to-day tor Texas on n biiMiui.v , trip. J. M. Sylvo'ier and V. O. MeDmiald lii\p ! returned from college at Indiatiola lo spend Hie holidays at home. jMrs. K. H. ( inrdmor has rerplvptl tin- sad news of the death of her M ter , Mrs K T. Hall , at Idaho Springs , Colo. FrpiJ I.oomis , v\bo has been so seri ously ill for some time past , \sas yester day reported as being on the improve. K. A. HPUMIII , who represents a Daven port syndicate , was at theOgilencMer - day , and looking around for Council Hlnll's land in the west end. From the Topeka Common wealth it ap pear * that Hon. O. 11 , Manning , formerly of this city , is one of tlie directors of the Chicago , Santa I'c California : railroad , of Iowa. The purpose of the company i1- to construct and operalo a line from Keoktik or Fort Madi ou to Kansas City. Cenlpnillp soil-lump coal , SD.TTi pin- ton , iloliviircd , Win. Welch , 013 Main street , telephone S ) , ! . Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! Vnr HIP nc\t tlurty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost tor cash only. P. C. DnVoi , . We have a line largo line of Chri-tmas novelties that we are selling cheaper than ever wa ? known , also nmlllevs , silk liandkerchielladies' and gents' gloves , clothing , line sealskin caps utu > JOHN HI.XO iV : Co. A line , large line of the mo-t watches , chains , silver and jilatcd ware , decorated Cliiua and glassware , suitable for holiday and weddinir present'8 , at C. H. Jacqucmin &s Co's , No. v. ' ? Mam street. _ See that yourbook < . are made bv Moorc- hoiisc A : Co. , room 1 , Kveretl block. Notice Opera lionse barber .hoi , bath rooms re opened. Attention G. A. K. You arc all requested to meet at head quarters of the Abe Lincoln post at 1 o'clock sharp on the 2llh day of Decem ber , 1SSO , for ihcimrposcof atterding the funeral of our late comrade Alexander Obeli. Hy order of W.M. , Commanuer , JOHN LiMH1 , Adjutant. Tlie Dl-jtriot Judge l.oofbourow is still detained at his home in Atlantic by illi s , and did not appear as expected yesterday. In consequence there was no court , and the Williams murder case is lelt hanging open. open.Weather Weather strips at Chapman's 103 Main. tltljttsl iitltnt j/Hit nttiiit fin' TllCllltll'cJHt ! OjK'IICll It'll I'd-iC-i Of * I' iwlulli/ for i-dii jtiid i'oti irtiiitttiiioHfi Hum and ( lit1 in-l- < ivifrr < - rn'tloir. . lltit'c ( ilsn.l'itit rcrriwtl n ri'i'if nict' lot nj L < nc Ni'itr/'it n < l / ' ' / , < ( / / / / > , ' ' ' lo nnil lo iH'csriitit/'ni' i/int > c you ! ii'ife. Our assortment is large , of Silk Hand kerchiefs , Mnll'lcrs , Kmhroidrrod add Hoin.slUclicd Handliercliiet. ' , Kid ( iloves , Silk Dre'--cs , etc. , etc. Table Linens Klofjiiiit Table Lhirns in pattern ami by thu 3'ii''l : ' , nail napkins to mal'-h. ' Wo ave In nil hi/js at noininnlly low pi'ici-s. Conio ami look over our luf D ptoi-k anil you will iinil'on souio ono of our thrcu 1'oors soiniilhiii ! . ' you will want and you will save money by buiing it of us. \Vc ilo not give lottery lit-Lcts and i-on- KOiiuonlly you ilo not liavu to pi\ : \ any extra piiut- for the HARKMESS BROS. , COMING PROPHETIC EVENTS ! During the ncU fi-w jenrs , bcforo Mm yrnr 1000 Grout ItohjMoua Hevliuls1 St-iHinil Ailveuc f Clu'bt , unu Hcfiinievtion anil Asccnsiuii uf LliustiiiiipVitliuut Dylnj ; I TERRIBLE WARS AND EARTHQUAKES ! IiU'hulliiff Ihigliind't loss of Ireland iind Inilfn , nn J Conquest in < ; i' . > I'mnci1 , CIIIIIIIK ) | .M Klnk'iloiiu In lianiil ; 8 picillueil Franco- Hoiuim Confcdcrui'y ot 'JVn KliiKilonis. prior to Nupoleou'c ' Aiiti-Chilnt'a Sen en Vcjib' Co\e- mint with thn Jv\n tliHuli'l vll. "I ; ix. ' ! ? ) , Spicnid of i-oi..HlUin , Communism , .Mhllltro , HoiMtopubllcanlsni , i-pliitinslUin , ciilniliioling til the Gi cut Tnbultitlun mid Aiill-Clul t Muvea- i-iuof Myriuils of Cliri-llans ilurin ? three unil 11 hnl ( > ciir , und then tbo MIllcnnlUQi ut lVuO years , etc. ( Mult iiv " 1 ; Itov. xx ) . ItKV. M. IIAXTEII , Editor ol the Cbilttian Ilcrnl'l iwliU'h cliculutcs : 'WiOi conies every week ) and Cleriryninn of tlio Church of iiifc" ; . land , will tlvo Four l.cctuivx on tbo Co Great Kvcuts of I'liiplu'cy ' Illuitrutvd Tiventy l.argo I'jctuie.s ! Time at iuc- < T. C. A. . iSA. ( Xtrnor Muln and Hrmulway , THIT-'DAV. Dec. M.at7.Ui. : | w . I'HIDAV. Dee.Mth , ut lUO : p , in. , nnd HATl'ltpAY , Lice. Ujlli i.l I't'inpli' , nt i Ji 10. OSE nCSO EDFREE GIFTS _ To Be Given AK.J % Henry Elscraan & Co's Peoples Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January Lotli. 1MH7 , Con UtliiK of Kitrnlturc , Ciilnnwnrc , Clotllitii ; , lUnnUetH , Table Iilncn , Notions , Money , Silk Drnss I'nt- tern * : , Kto. , ISte. For ovrry two dollar's wortli of goods pnrcha edi you will receive a coupon ticket , good tor one chance in the follow ing ( irauil Pie pnl to be given away by u < on ilnnuarv IMh , 1 87 : MUST PUlXK-One suite of Parlor I'nrnitmv. cnn i .ing of sofa , tete-a-tete and lour grand ca y chairs , -ill npho | . < tered in a orled similes of elegant silk plushesvotth U5. SKCOXD PUlXK-Ono Mahogony Hed Kaom Suite , consisting of Hedst-ml , Dresser and \Va hStaml of elegant finish with beveled gbi" , wortli * 1)0. ( ) THIRD PlUXK-One of the very b st i\-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew ing Machine * . Tlieery best maciiiue in the 1'nited States , wortli fOo.OO. roriM'11 PI5IXH Twenty yar.U . fiiiinctt l p t irrus Rniin Hlack bilk , cost ii)0 { : ) ) per yard , \\orth * Ui\00. ni'm'PHl.iOne : elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to be made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth ? liO 00. SIXTH PlilXK-Oncpairof the finest White HlankeN made by tlie I'ioncer Woolen mill , of C.ihfornla , worth f 10,00. SKVF.Nl'H PKI/Iv-One Heantifully DiToratctl Dinner and Tea Set , consist ing of out ) hundred and forty pieces , worth $ .Y.00. EIGHTH PIUXKAn Klcjant Seal Skin Mntr , Worth ! fSO.)0. : ( ) NINTH PUIXP.--A very line Paisley Shawl , wnrlh ? ir > .00. TENTH PHI/K One Angora Heaver Shawl , worth § : m.OO. KLKYENTH 1'IU/E One dentlemanV Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed u line lit for the winner , worth $ ' 1" > .00. TttKMTH PlMXli-A Centlemau's l-'nr Heaver Overcoat , worth IIO.OO. Till KTKKN Til PHHSKOne Hov's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of ( \ and 10 vears , to be eliosen by the lucky party hol'dimr tliw ticket. Worth , | r > .0i. ( I'ontTKKXTII PKIXK-Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ; ! and ti ( years , to be selected by the winnei. Woith * lo.OO. F1I-TKKXTII PKIXE-Onc Klegant in fant's Cloak , worth $10 00. SlN'lKHNTlI PKIXK-Ono Klegant Hr.iss Parlor Table , wortli § 10.00. SKVHNTKKN'TH PltlXM-Oup piece of r > 0 yards "I'ruit of tlie Loom" muslin , wortli f 1.00. KKillTUKNTU PIUXIC - One half of thoverv best Celebrated "Gold" white liirts , of which we are tlie exclu sive agents , worth iffi.OO. NINTEIiNTH PKlXK-Onc Tine Silk Mnllier , wortli J.j.00. TWKXTI10TI1 PKlXH-One Linen Table Set , coiiMSting of Table. Cloth and a Do/.en Napkins worth $10.00. T\\KXTY-FIHST PHIXH - A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. ' . ' 2--One Toilet Set. No. 2' ! One very line Doll. No. -Oiiu Handkerchief Hov. No. 2. " ) One elegant Hand Hag. No. 20 One large Doll. No. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No. 2'J ' One Tolnggau Cap. No. 150 One Table Scarf. No. ! tl One line Splu lu > r. No. : )2 ) One line Lunch Hasket. No.One : ! ; ! hammered bra s Umbrella bland. No. : ! l-One-lirxlf doz. line Towels. No. : One Silk Umbrella. No. li'J-Ono ' line Doll. No. ! 17 One sat Cliiua Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. ! iS One 15ra s Broom Holder. No. 3D One pair Men's Silk Suspend- No.10 One Silk Handkerchief. No.II One nice Doll. No.12 Onc-ha'lf doIndie's line Linen Handkerchiefs. No.i5 ! Fifteen yards Heat Calico for a dress pattern. No.llOne Hoy's Hat. No.Ifi One HoyV > Senli-kiii Cap. No. US One line Painted Ornament , No.17 One Toilet Set. No. 4S-One nice Doll. No.I ! ) One tine Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. ol One Hottlc Perfume. No. .7. One Lace Handkerchief. No. SU One child's line Luce Collar. No. 51One elegant Doll. No. 55 One elegant Doll. No. 50 One Tid v. No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. 58 One line Doll. No. .V. ) One Alouih Organ. No. HO--One Imitation Steam Piano. No. 01--One line Hook. No. 02 One line Hook. No. : tOne Pocket Knife. No. 01-One line Doll. No. 05-One line Doll. No. Oil One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. OS One infant'- , Lace Cap. ' No. ( ill One baby Dres * . No. 70 Ono largo Doll. No. 71 One Hand Hag. No. 72 Ono lady's Companion. No. 7-OueSilk : ) Mullk-r. No. 71One large Doll. No. 75 One line Hook. No. 7(1 ( Ono line Hook. No. ' (7 One Lunch Hasket. No. 78 One pair children's Shoes. No. 71)-One ) pair boy's Hoots. No. bO-Onc li'ic Lace Collar. No si One largo Doll. No , S3Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket. No 8.t One pair Gentleman's Sus penders , No , siOne pair Men's Gloves. No , STiOnn pair Hoy's Skates. No. j ll--Ono pair Girl's Skates , No. 87 One pair Girl's tiKatcs. No. 88--One line Doll No 8 ! One line Doll No 9Ono ! ) large Doll No < H One largo Doll No. ) )2 ) Ono Nitoklaee. No ' .13 Ono iiair Cold Cull' Buttons No. tit OIIP Locket No. ! 5-Om > nice Hrcast Pin I\o. 00--One piir : Sleeve Muttons J\'o. > 7- One .Sijvcr Thimble No. 08Ono line Breast Pin No 8U- One pair Kid ( .loves No. 100-One Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents , $800. \ \ Hh every .f'j purchase you receive a ticket , also a ticket for every additional $ 'i minhaso you make. Hold \onr tickets until January 15th , 1887 , whim the fortnniito numbers will bo announced ami' ' invited to unll and re ceive then presents. KKMKMHKH , You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. We guarantee to sell yon goods cheaper than any oilier house in the west , and best stock to select from. 1 AIAIL OUDKltS. All orders by mail will rnccivo prompt attention , and tickets for the tree gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same a if yon wcrn present in person. Thcsn distributions will be made with ovcry fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbeid only will iccvivu their presents. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our hoil-c. Customer only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call and fee the above mentioned prct- ; cnts now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince yourself. Kespoclfiilly , IU.MCV KI-I-.MAX & Co. , People's Store , . Nos. U14 , 31C , 18 dmf 3.0 Hroadwuy , Council Hiutls. A sub slantial preont is nlwavs mo t appreciated by the receiver. We arc do ing out all of our furniture consisting of Elegant Easy Chairs , Dhaus , Ottomans , lla ieks , Fool Hcsls , Muic Hacki Ktc , I-'tc , to make room fn Carpets and UphoUtpry. This furniture is our own manufacture , and superior in workmanship and material to factory made goods. \ \ c .ire prepared to make to ol der on short notice , Hair Aloss and Cotton Alaltrcsscs , Turkish Spring Heds and HeddinR of all kinds , ami to Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds , Mr.Stookert Personally Super intends all work. 405 BROADWAY , r. U. 03t 18"B' T. I. II. TECi\\OI : . r.i > HTOI'KS'.KT 1Jlo lo and retail. Families - uppiicdilli ten anil ( \\eiily poitiul paek- lltft'S. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs I Will Pay the Highest Price in Cash roil ALL KLN'DS Of * SECOND-RAND FURNITURE AND 8TOTES , 'h'i'ed ' N'"ii l unil Comm-iinil DrpnrtniPiits Tuition floo'ts. nonul nnii lloullis 01 Ki'tMiumblillules , XlRiit Suhool Dunne tluilnlrr. . VvS. . HOLESALE KTOTir OoTiisrciL BLUFFS. UKKHliVKLLS& CO. Whnlcsnlo Agricultural Implements , Bng'tai ' , Cnrrln es , I'te .lie Coune.l llhirte , Iowa. " " Mnnufucttirc-rsof niul Donlcr lu O Hand and Power Com Sliellsrs , . \inl ftKoiiuiul line of llr-t class uprlruUuin iiiiptcnirnts. KOE. ir.Ol , 15JI , 1505 ami 1517 South Meln Slroot , Council lliiill ? . Ion n. 1JAV1I ) JMtADLKV is'tti Nnnuf'rs nnil Jobhrrs of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Cnrrlngoc , nnil : ill kiniU of I'arra MAehlnarr. 1100 to 1116 South Miln Street , Coancil Uluir * , Town. COUNCIL Hi.UFKS CAHPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloihs , Curtnln Flzturos. Upholstery Goo Ktc. No. (05 llrontlwttr Council lown. CHI AH * , JOH.lfCO , I'A PEUKJOY ( & MOOIIK , \Vholes.ilo .lobbris in the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes KOF. SSJlnin aud 27 1'ciul Sts. Council IJlulT , ! , loren. SNYDKU Ar LKA.MANT , STOUAfSIJ Frail and Produce Commission Berclnnls , - 2 , ' . ' 1 nnil ' 'H J'piil. ! . , i ouiicil HlulN. HAKLK , HAAS iV : CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , DnirclMs' Puailrleo. Tic. NIL "Mliiln St. , iincl No. " 1 l-o-irl St. , Council lllnlfs. O.V. \ . JUJTTij , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qcnurol C'omtni.Qii. ! ! N'o. DU Bi ami way , Council JlIufM \\Tin1 & Di'QUKTn- : , Wholesale Fruits , Confeclioncry , -ANH- COMMISSION , NOR. JO mid 18 1'e.iil St. , Coum-il llluOK. . ' . 'KSH ; KTC. HKCKMAN , STK01IHKI1N & CO. , WBiiufHctuiora of ami WholofRlo Do'ilora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K.-5 Muln St. . CoilllollJIJlilJj , IOWR. IUTS , CAI'S , KTC. MKTCALF HUOTHKUS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps ani No * . 313 uiul 314 Rrnmlwiiy , Council HKAVY llAIUHl'Alli : . KKKMNK & riir : , Wholoinln Iron , Steal , Hails , Heavy Hardwars , Ami Wood Stock , Counuil liluff ? , Iowa. OJ/.S. COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , WboU-stilo Doslcrj In - Illnminatlng & Lubricating Oils Ginlln E3TO. , H3TO. t , Council lilutfa. Io\rn. LVUUER riLIXQ K1V. A. OVKRTON iV CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbsr , Piling , Andllridifo Matcilnl ipcclHltli'u.VholujaIo Luut- lieroraU Kiuds. Ollku N'o. 13Malu ) du , Council liluira. luwo. JOHN L1NOKII , Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors Agent for St. ( lotttmrd's Herb HHtoii > Iulu til. Cauuoll Ululla. & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and. Liquors , iSt. , Cvancfl Buy * . L. KIKSClir < C'O. Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. die llroftJwix.v , Council HluiM FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omai.i. ! NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. fj a $5 hat or bonnet , one far be [ ) .iiil ; io , tound nip. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' ' . Si-TO'Z'lCS. Fpcclnl ndvi-i-tifumfiits , such us Lost , Po mil lol.oim , Tor Sale , To ItonlNnnts. . lloiinlinir , etc , inll liolnsorlud In this roliiiuii ut ill" levi i leorTKXJi.NT.S ( : I'KIt 1,1 Xi : fortlicfirft Insi-r- lonnnd I'lvot'cntslVrUnoforoauh suliuiiiint Insurtlon. I.ciivo lUlvorllfrcinunU nt our olliso No. 1I'oal SI lift , ni'.ii' llru ilu.iy , WANTS. l ISin l.iwyoior inni'i'ii'iico , Inlr lilirai-v nnil oIllL-u I n I nil urn , iiK-tiiillnir > .nfol hnr'i-iunl hu w. mululiUlu inonoy , n | i.utni-r- tliililu ii'.il eetnlu hublniii in Onialia or ilisk iDoin In tin ollku. ] lo\r > ; , Now ! limpit > ii , Io .i. WAX'J'j : ! ) \ youn Kirl to holj ) ilo IKHISI-- \MiiK ilurui.-r tlio vai'iit'on ' of tlui nU ci'liools. A-lilitiS J. M. , I'.eo iili o , Council lllnllH. TjHll ) HAf.r.Iliirlicr < lii > pirnoil location. ir < l 1 icmon lor snllliij : . Aihlri- f ) II , l > t-o iiniri < . " \\TAXTM ) lOJIiibori-rsa-i. ! fiJ tennifili'rs to ii ( U on tin' < iul hi-iii Kuiisns rntlioivl in Hit1 liiilliui lurrltoi'v.UJ inllix 'oulh ol KIIIW.I , luiinns. Thi * Inro from Kiinsni Oily to Klmru Is JS..itl. It > tuklnv H roi-nipt of the wont nt KIIIIRUS Citj , In llio iitinui of C. Slionlli III , n HI- liiilu ol t i W will lf iillowi-il liy llio i-oiitriirlnr. Wuifes tai pr-r inonlli tin < l bonril to the iniun- Ftnri , unil $ l..11 ] IHI' 'lay to ( ho Iiiliuiiir . Hoard f.'t.VI IIIT woc'lcVorl : will InM two jours. ( Sooil work lor wiuinr. I'm furfior liitorinii- lion nidi lets C.v'lii"illflri. . Klown. KIIIIMIM. Jof- ( eicnciJuslicn N flclnn ' . , Coiinuil HltiirH. FOIt S.\ri-0r : Hi'iitHtoro UnlMlnif , l0\fin ! , two storlL-'i , lo ! L'SxliU , stubltw , mo. , on proml-cs in ci'iitor of hiMlncvs pui'linii < i [ linn * L'ddi , In. A'lilre s Willluin II. I ! J I lor , > uolu. la. Tj nil HUNT A now two alorjr friunu IIOIIPD A3'uontainliiK < > ] ' < ) oiu , hull ami oolhir under imllro hoiiso , on N' . ] ' , . comnr A\rnun K nnil I.lttlo r.irtis htincl. Only 7 lilurks limn Do- liiiny'bOiorn | liniiso. Call on M. 1' . Uoluor , nl 10. .Minn ttfcjul , ( up-stiilro. \\7"\NTrI-Arottn'0 of HVD or pU inoini. ' ' loonicil ronvunlont to liii&inoiu ; Kinnll fnmlly , no chiMrun. Addii- "Cii'-iy1" | Iluo nlllio. nlllio.WANTCD'A WANTCD'-A hey \rlth pony to carry llro _ FOH S.U.IU..1 ; ] > njoi s foi' Ci-.lo ut lliu Uco olUco , _ _ _ _ _ \ \ ANTHl--rftrlU'S Inlniiillnir to ho nmrrlci ) i are ntuitt'il to o.ill ut Ilia I'ryor's iJco Joli olllctto f pli-rt tiiolr wudilinu ninla. IPOI'Xl ) A huii"li of l.oya. O nur liuvo ' by uppij i HIT to llca oiiloo. STtorND , \ ( liM'U on Ointihii bunk. Oiumr JU run liavii same by iipplyliijT to Hue OIIIL-O , Council Hliills. MELVIN bL' i --OHSTO I mmm & GO , Atist acts ol Title , L an an d R'alEs ' tali Broker , No. 236 Mala SI , Ihivlny ] iiir < hi 'il llio "m < i > , ( rclin' lilo < tl > r > ti-H'l ( Hioli * In till * WHI nt i/- liiioivn an lltv ' 'Mi'Miilum Abstetw Jtooli * , " ! < ' < < ! ft' it on > jii'rjHn'Ml lo fur- niul t'f inTlftilu ( ao- lll'lt tlt < - IHltroiHtfJVof till tllOliK tll'U iiicori'ci'l ( ubHtrttclti of I ilia lo lauda ami lots in I'olldU'tttlamiv count/ ! . MELVIH SMITH & CO , , HO , 236 MAIN SF , , COUNCIL BLUiFS , JOIl.V 1 tll'MC. STONE & SIMS , 1'racticcin the St\to ! \ anil l-oJcrsl courtt Jiooina 7 anil 3 Slu iirt liuno Ulonk. THE BEATON FUEL CO Will Mtpp'y you with a cleaner and belief quality of Than any one in the city A tiial will con v incc you. N'o G2S Broadway. Telephone 110. CBESTON HOUSE The onlv hotel in Council HUilY ) , ' - ! - - - * Ami all ino'ciii iinprovemenis. 213 , 017 and VMll Main U. MAX MO UN , Prop. Slar Sale Stables and Mule Yards. . MUUinVAY. rot'N'U , HUM IX , Dunnii ) Depot , ts * ciT c- S F" 5- 5K Horses and mule ? kept coii taiitlv ou hand , for sale at retail or in ear loads. Oilers promptly tilled by t-onlr.tet on short notice. Sleek .sold on eoinmi.sMon. Snu & Hoi.r.v , Proprietors. Telephone No. 111. Formerly of Keil S.iie stables , corner 1st. ave and itli street Horses and Mules For all purposes , , houzht and sold , at retail ami in lots. Laigc ijunntilies to hcleit from Scxeral pan's of line duvers , sin gle or dohie. . MASON WISS , . Council Hlull's. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL HM'1-IS , I A. 1S)7 FIRE IHSURMCE Iq IIC ] foUo./ing Companies : Seirtan Amnlan , of New Yoih riianof Hurtjaiil. Haitfnril , * of Hartford. ( inllfonila'i. of Han Fmncltro , ki'ittiili Union J fiat/oiial / , of Ltiutb.itt- Union. 1 S.lii ryii/ic/iro. / ! > \te.oflet t btiy Cily , ' of Croo ' ( , n Tlase mui Ai-rf tvltti n * Smutr also agalaitO'.i / fcr/ tVmrf S'oi i.\t \ > , C'jcluiics nnil Ivi . . . iwnt m UMM mi I.I.H .I I [ 7 fflll . \l i IN I ill M II. - III I I IkM > OMMU ONKV I.OANIM ) ov i.noi ) nv ANI > i MM : riu > M uiv AI Low i i IfAII'V . . f * * , I * > I\AI i. \ > + , + f + III r'iilli' } ' Pottery , China , Giasware Lamps and Platedware \t oxoppiliiifjly low IH'O-S. ! Tirade I'lill W. S. Homer & Co. .No'J.'l Mi ; i a > l , Council li itnd Itilllli 4 > 'K Ol' All CiilllK llS/M'C- / iulty Prompt Attention to Mall Orders HOREHOUSE & GO. Uooni 1 Kvei'ct JSIoel. f nnm-'l ' Hl.illF Slandunl I'api-i'a I'ui-'l Ail t > ' 5 1'1' ' of l'in ' ling l- ing in Mug.i/ities ; .U'l BLAIOC BOOKS. HrCKHKNi'm 0. II. Nnlioiml lla.ik , H. K. B nth it Co. , k /ili enrt' Hunk , llvniu , VVclia it Co. , < , . kjibt Xatioiml Hunk , C II | t. i'o. , t. JQlmi A. l'iMD/li.iukur-iC. II biivini'3 Hank. uy Of MAYNE , At Hill st anil Hill u\e. , uml .M. ( store , Lower N. SOHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ofticu over Aincutau Kxjsrrti f *