Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
\ TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DEOEMBEH 22 , 188(5. ( THE OT SCHOOL wont TLat tlio Mctliodltt University Will be Hear the Pen. THEN HOW LINCOLN WILL BOOM. How Senator Vmi Wycl : Will Spend the Holidays Companion Incor porate The BpcnUnrshlp Con test OtJiur Lincoln News. Irr.OM7nr. TICK'SLINCOLS nuitE c.I Mr A. E. Tou/.nlin , president of the Chicago , Burlington & Northern rail road , departcil westward from this city yesterday after a short visit to his busi ness interests and with his business as sociates in Lincoln. Mr. Touzalin bad nothing to siiy to the public concerning cither plans or promises regarding his future movements in Lincoln , but there are various surmises alloat in rog.ird to his largo tracts ot farms recently ac quired cast of the city. Simultaneously with his departure comes to the Bir. : from an excellent roiirco the statement that the location of the Methodist univer sity is agreed upon. South from the city limits , in tlie vicinity of the penitentiary , lies a large tract of high , rolling prairie , beautiful lo look upun , valuable from location in dollars and cents , nnd owned by W. II. B. Stout. Upon this tract of ground , upon the highest elevation of the land in question , is to be planted the uni versity. Its location will bo closer lo the oily than the penitentiary , east somewhat from the pen and very closely to Four teenth street , were it extended out to that distance in the pr.iirics Hint surround the capital The location will be handy lo the city , much closer tliiin at ether points looked upon. The next thing following the building of the school will be a line of the street rail way to that place ami the penitentiary , which will make both a portion of the oily itself. Then will follow the laying of a pavement , and the citizen of Lincoln wiio may already be approaching bald- ne = s will have hair yet remaining on his liead when IK ; will bo enabled to drive to the now university upon a broad and generous highway of nsphalluni. Si.VATOU : VAN -WVCK arrived in Lincoln from Washington Monday afternoon going to his homo in Nebraslca City. To tlio enemies that he has made , who are in a flurry and worry over his somewhat unexpected arrival , it may help them in their watchearc of the Honator to state that again to-day lie will be in Lincoln nnd will undoubtedly meet fiome of his friends and discuss the pros- peels and promises for the coming sena torial contest. The railroads and the ringsters , who have been radiatingaroimd the gathering places of the poli ticians in Iho capital cily for weeks , may feel greatly put out because the sen ator chooses to pass Iho holiday vacation in the midst of tlie territory that has been in their possession since the days of Hie election , but tlio fart remains that the bcuator is here. The State .lournal , that has alternated between editorials on the war in Utonla and the senator's position on the Kneval land bill , can draw its in spiration from short rauire and enjoy the opportunity of snapping at the senatorial hi'ols. for it is generally understood Unit Mr. Van W. > ok will remain for some lime , possibly until tin1 ballots are taken that will deliiic results for Iho coming six 3'cars. AT Tim sTvrn norsu. Yoslonlay a number of articles of incorporation were received and tiled in the secretary's ollico. Among : these are the artiolcs of the Express Publishing company , of Beatrice , which lixes its capital stock at $ 10,000. upon which it will publish the Beatrice Daily and Weekly Express , do a general printing and publishing business , and limit its indebtedness to two-thirds of its capital htoek. M. A. Brown and M. A. Met'/ger are the incorporalors. The Beatrice Building associalion lias nl > o lilcd a statement Increasing its cap ital stock to the sum of $ 50,01)1) ) ) . Iho building association ot Omaha called Windsor Place has forwarded its articles to the secretary of state for the proper tilings. The capital stock of this association is placed at $100,000 , with the indebtedness limited to $10,000 , and tlie following Omaha citi/.ous are recorded as the incornorators : A. Polack , S. Jonason , A. F. Conrad , Simeon ( ioetC , , H. So- bolker , Martin Calm , J. I. Eichman , Samuel Ivntis and A. L. Wooloy. The business of the corporation will bo such us the title of the company disignatcs. CONCKUNINO TIII : SIM\Kr.iisiiip. : Mr. N. V. Marian , of York , candidate for upcaker of the liouso , was in the city yesterday looking after his canvass. Mr. Harlan , as n member of the last house , went on record as opposed to the caucus system of conducting things , and pre sumably lias had no occasion lo change his policy since Dial time Of the other candidates in the field , it is understood that the late Mr. Ageo has given it out cold and Hat to the railroad managers that this is the particular time that they must como to the front with no foolish- HOBS nnd coquetting ) thatthcnimuscbono foolishness in the mutter , and that ho is not to bo put on" to another day this jear. The fact of the candidacy of Mr. Newcomer scorns to worry tno few fol lowers of the ox-lieutenant governor , and it will bo interesting to wateh him bring the corporations to timo. The last con ference of the leaders for a railroad caucus resulted In adopting a policy , in view of the strength that Mr , llarlan is developing , of trying to send emissaries abioad to iiuluco some one of Mr. Har bin's present Mipportors to outer the racn under the quiet assuraiico that ho could have their help alter a few compliment ary votes , etcetera. The reports from Uu * fabiim policy are not yet received. C'X ( < 1IASK HALL. Monday evening's meeting of the base ball association lesulted in little business have the renewed determination to raise tlio . 'i.OOO necessary to maintain the club through the Reason , and with this end in View .subscription papers .started on the v Ani mis again last evening. There has oeen subscribed to tlie present between 'fil.OOO and ? 1,000 , and it is hoped that tlie iimouut may be completed to report at a meeting called forto-inght , whendulinite nctiou must be taken ono way or the other. The apathy in this matter will have to bo abated at oneo if the club gets down to'busineisstho coming year. A \V1JT. 11KATKU I'L'NISllKH. A man named ; \lolntvro , who has been living on Teiith.and F streets , has an un- unvhiblo reputation as a wife beater , ami being drunk and ubimvo last night he engaged in hi * customary pastime until the pollen were called to lodge him in jail. Yesterday the judge gave him a line of10 $ and costs to work out for the city , and the much abused woman sent " , um word that * ho had left him forever did would go to tome point cast , where her people Jive , nml make her homo with them in future. Two other cases of plain intoxication complrte.l the bill of tare at police court yesterday. TOWN Tories. Oencral Thavcr , governor-elect , is in Lincoln for a day , stopping at the Capi tal hotijh The general has secured his headquarters for the winter , months in the now hotel building on Fourteenth btroet , where ho will Imvo a suite of rooms. The .discussion over the question of w.ho is to ho the private secretary of the. gpv'ornoror is as yet 'premature , for the mricorrespoudqiit : has it from the bcst.suurce that the governor-elect has lundo noielt'ctionnsyetaud will not for Kuno time yet. The city council , at its Monday evim- Ing's session , had a report from ' the committee on gi Mating that i00 ! gas lamp1 ? had been located , mo't of which were nlreadv placed In position ready for lighting January 1 , when it U expected a much bfttei service in the way of lighting the city will be enjoyed. 'J ho Missouri Pacific that has had a force of men at wonk upon their round house , have the building just ready for occupancy , and tor present purpose ? Imvo room for their locomotives. The Elkhorn line has recently built a house of Its own , but both are temporary struc tures that will in time have to be replaced with .something more creditable both to the city and the companies. No sooner was the .Sheldon purchase made on Eleventh and N streets than a bunking house was ready to make a lease for the corner room if a block were built thcro the coming spring. The block will consequently be built and the bank find a location. The gentleman in this city who has leased the two store rooms anil basement of the Billlngsly buildu.g . on Eleventh street for a wholesale and retail tlry goods establishment , Is already In the cast look ing nftor the purelui'-e of his slock. The gentleman in question 13 n person of means and has had former experience in the dry goods business in Lincoln. Mr. Ficd Herrmann , a gentleman who lias been in the dry goods business in Platlsuioulh for several years , has been in Lincoln looking for n location in which to engage in business in the capital city , where he can secure a more exteiibh o field for trade. The celebrated ease of Iho Ilerdman Bros , ngaiusl the stock yards company , in which the damming of Oak creek for a water suppjy occupies an important part , had a hearing in district court , but tlio question is about as far as ever from set tlement. The switching prices in the slock 5'ards and packing house grounds in WiM Lin coln have been reduced nom $5 to $3 per car. The receipts have greatly increased at the yards the pa t week , an average of uoarly 1.-IOO head of hogs reaching the packing house dailv. The stock yards , In u weekly report of busmen , makes a showing of § 100 pel- day as the receipts from tlio pens and feeding stalls the past week. C O. ISiitcs. Andy Miller , A. S. Pad dock and Nathan Blakcly were the Beat rice delegation that was recorded on Liu- coin hotel registers yesterday. Matt Dougherty , of Crete , a prominent candidate lor secretary of the senate was in Lincoln yesterday with an cyo always open to ( he main chance. W. ( i. Whitmore , of Valley and of the Douglass county delegation to the com- inir session of the legislature , was in Lin coln yesterday closing arrangements for his rooms for the winter. .1. T. Spencer and W. C. Dibble , of Dakota City , were in Lincoln from the northeast corner ot the stale o"u a business visit vestenlay. C. W. Knyley , Ued Cloud ; II. It. Park- hurst , .1. B. Sexton , Geneva ; Harry Merriam - riam , Omaha ; W. M. Hurlburt , Norfolk , were among the Nebraskaiis who wore present at the capital city yesterday. For cure of rheumatism , neuralgia in its various phases of sciatica , tic douloureux , semi-crania , &c. , use Salva tion Oil , the greatest pain-cure on earth. 1'rice M cents a bottle. The great superiority of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup to all other cough remedies , is attested by the immense demand for that old-established remedy. The other night , during a disastrous fire at Buffalo , N. Y. , it became neces sary to use an extension ladder , and almost fifteen minutes were lost before ' it could lie cot to the roof , the firemen on the ladder being engaged all that time in clipping witli shears , piece by piece the almost endless network of ires. More Tlmu Thniiks. I'ort Madi = on , Iowa. Mrs. Lydia E. Pink-ham : "J am glad to inform you that I have tried ono bottle of your \ eg- clablo Compound and have found great relief. 1 more than thank you lor your kind advice. I have never loll so well as 1 do now since 1 had these troubles. " Yours resp'y ' , Mrs. W. C. A . The above is a samiilo of the many letters recejvcd by Mrs. Pinkham exposing gratitude for the benefit derived from Vegetable Compound. Another letter , from Kaullhian , Texas , says : " 1'our Compound has done mo more good than all the Doctors over did , for which 1 thanl ; you with all my heart. " Your friend , AnnaB . The luncheons given in Washington arc characterized by a prominent color. A yellow luncheon was lighted with yel low and olive candles ; the flowers were yellow roses , the central strip of plush was yellow. At a pink luncheon tlio favors were pink sachets , with a bunch of violets at the top of each. DIFFICULTY OF BHEA.TIIING , tight ness of the chest or throat , quickly re lieved by a few doses of Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Tar Wine Lung Balm. JJ3 cents n bottle. The champion toboggan slide is being constructed at Kingston , N. Y. The toboggans will go a long distance down ono .stoop incliiui and , paradoxical as it may appear , on the return trip they will descend nearly as great a distance , at the end of which'on ascending a long flight of .stairs the tobogganers will find themselves - selves at the point where they started from. Never Open Your Month except to put something to cat into it. is an excellent motto for liio gossip and the Eiifl'erer from catarrh. Bui while the gos sip is practically incurable , there is no excuse for anyone sull'ering longer from catarrh. Dr. Sago's ' Catarrh Itomody is an unfailing cure for that olU naive dis ease , It heals the diseased membrane , anil removes the dull and depressed sen sations which always attend catarrh. A short trial of this valuable preparation will make the sullercr feel like a mnv be- ing. The celubratod shop called the Bon Mareho , in Paris , has a "band" or orches tra composed ofTil ) of the men ami women connected with the establishment. The other iwening , writes a correspond ent , they gave a concert in the hugo halls of the store , and eminent artists like M , Fattro , of the ( irand opera , were among the fcingers. There were no less than 7.UCO people in the audience. MOST PERFECT MADS rreptred with etdct regird to rarity , Strength , sai HcUafulnct . Ur.rrleo'aUaklng Ponder contain ! 110 AtumontaLlrno , Alum or rbetph&tea. Dr.l'rIco'a Kxtiiae , Y&oUlOt Lemon , etc. , fl&rotd&Uciousl/ , nin KI\T nniRiT1 ui Haw He Rnlea in tlio Happy Land of Free- ( lorn , Tlio numbuc In Art anil How He Thrive1 * Cliniiiploti Literary Hum * bus" lluinbiijts on the Stage Hmnbiij ; in Itcllglon , New York Dispatch ; A disappointed painter once remarked : "Well , as 1 can't sell any good pictures , 1 am going to paint daubs and see how they will go. " He carried his purpose out , let his beard grow , talked obscurely , and acted eccentrically , and made a success of it. lie has forgotten how to paint a gootl picture now , and is such a complete hum bug that he really believes himself a great man. Ho has ceased to bo an artist , but makes money as a charlatan , ami is con tent. His doctrine has been equally suc cessful in other cases. The public ap parently like to bo fooled. They revel in being humbugged and enjoy being Hewed. The humbug in art is a thriving citizen these days. Look at the painter WhM- ler , receiving hundreds ol pounds for sketches ho daubs oil' in an hour. People do not pay for those sketches , but they pay for Whistler's humbug , his vanity , anil his ostentation , his impu dence and professed contempt of the public , and his tirades against the critics who dare to write the truth about him. lie amuses the public , and the public patroni/ccs him as men give the organ- grinder's monkey coppers for making them laugh. Hero comes across the Atlantic another painter , with a picture as big as a pane rama. He is hired bv the your by a smart dealer in pictures , and his services go with his paintings when required. He is brought up the bay like an actor , in a special steamer , with a champagne lunch in tlio saloon. His press agent booms him lo a charm in all the papers. He holds lirst a reception to ministers of tlio gospel , because the picture is on a biblical subject , then a reception 10 the press , and' finally a reception to the elite of the art world. After these U'c ' show opens and the public streams in. A band brays and the mob responds. The noise and llummery that surround Munkacsy invite thorn , just as tlio egotism and insolence of Whisller charm the London public to his shows. Not one in a hundred of them appreciates the picture. It ia the sensa tional accessories that charm them. Ait has nothing to do with it , unless it bo the old art of the advertising agent. A crax.y old woman dies and leaves a lot of valuable and worthless works of art that she had magpiod together. She has been lleeccd and bled on every side by extortionate tradesmen. A smart auctioneer takes her c lalo in hand. Ho rakes up a scandal of her dotage and gives it to the press. Ho llings adu.r- tisempntij and favors right and left , lie sanctions any lie , as lontr as it draws at tention to the stulV he has to sell. He blackens her character in order to make a market for her property. What with the hurrah and the red-lire ho works up true sensation. The whole country is in terested , and 5,000 people go to sec the Morgan collection. The auction sale IE historical event and brings in over a mil lion dollars for what should at most have fetched half as much. Turn to literature. There is a fatheaded - headed epicure , a lubberly young fellow , the son of a sentimental irishwoman and of a surgeon tnoro famous for his amours with his patients than for the cures ho cH'octs upon them. This nondescript creature writes poor poetry and babbles mysteriously about the beautiful and the true. Ho docs not invent a new idea ; ho does not add anything to our knowledge of old things. His poetry is rubbish and his prose is mush. But ho wears his hair long , and lie goes about with his fat legs , liku a woman's , done up in stockings and knoc-broeclies. Ho mops , and mops , and grins , and attitudini/.es , and Ihc public hold up their hands. Sensible people laugh at him , but some millions believe him , and he carries a small fortune homo to London to attest the success of an Oscar Wilde among the humbug-worship ing barbarians of the west. A squablo in two great political parties accidentally set an obscure country law yer in the president's chair of the United States. This favorite of fortune has a sister , a school teacher , who scribbles platitudes and knows all the big words in the dictionary. Every line she writes is adopted out of the books she has read. She is short-sighted and narrow-minded and devoured with vanity. Because she is the president's sister her rubbishy book finds a publisher , gets a tremendous send-olf from the papersand brings her thousands of dollars for what is worth no more than waste paper. Another publisher hires her to boost up his bankrupt magazine , and she would have made another fortune if her vain glory had not involved her in contentions with the publisher and broken their con nection. A young man writes a romance. It is neither well written nor interesting. It betrays no literary gift , no grasp or knowledge ot character , no ability to re vive the dead past and give local color to the scenes ho douicts. It is , in .short , more amateur work that any publisher would laugh at on its merits or rather de merits. But the author is rich , he is in society , ho conies of a family of million aires , and has been an olhccr of slate The publisher dances at the chance of putting the book out. It is heralded as a masterpiece , and ho is hailed as the com ing man in literature. The trumpets blow , the drums rojl , the glories ot Ins genius and his family's gold nro Haunted i\t the public without cessation. Thous ands buy Ids book and possibly believe it good liccauso it was written oy ono of the Astor ttmnly , who dine oil golden platters and own a good slice of New York. And the stage ! Hero is a foolish young society woman. She is the wife of n Wall street banker , with no great gift of brains , She has a cnmi for notoriety. Slut wants to be talked about nnd stared at wherever she goes , and she linds a way to do it in playing at acting. She evinces no particular talent ; she is raw and olimisy on the stage , does not drcis m taste or read her lines intelligently. But she hires paragraph writers to pulV her , ifcite.s a luiid ballad to shock u prim drawing room , goes abroad and forces an introduction to the prince of Wales , and btill keeps her hirelings at it pulV , pull' pulling every foolish act NhccoinmiU ami every sillv word to \ \ utters. Hnnllv she closes an engagement with a manutror , goehfill'to pla.v at studying a little , and the next year uill llirt her skirts in the public's fitce in a grand apotheosis ol humbug. And she will make money. People who love to bo gulled will go to &io ; her Lie cause sue is a society woman , while ac tresses of went will bo without engage- llUMlln. Another case still nearer home. A com- mon-pluco young girl in a comic-opera theater makes a conquest of n leprous young lord , llo promises to marry her but jilu her in the end. She sues him and after a sensational triul receives heavy damrges She is immediately a star Kctress. Only the duy before she \\as only but a utility woman. The winning of a luwMiit makes an artist of her. and behold her crossiu < ; the Atlantic ! giving ridiculous performances at ono of the three great cities of the world. Miss Fortescue ib , moreover , as successful as Mrs. Brown-Potter will be. The public- goes to see ner us the jilted fiance pf Lord ( Jarmoyle. Society takes licr up with on n arms nnd the rest is humbug and victory. This sort of humbug does occasionally fail , it is true , but very rarely , A pretty but not brilliant burlesque- actress mairics a man for money. She linds ho has none and throws him oft" . A lecherous and blackguard nobleman undertakes to be come her manager , and , when the hus band grows restive , kicks him down stairs. The whole delectublo family cross the Atlantic to make a fortune in dear America , where all Uio snobs and fool- ale hungry for humbug. All the details of scandal have bcctt industrously oxs ploded to advertise them. But they go a little too far. The public gets so much of the putrid moss that is becomes disgusted. The scandals are trailed through the bar-rooms and Into the police courts of the town. The show lizzies , the wiokcd lord sneaks ofT to Europe between days to avoid being served with a possible warrant of arrest , and the actress winds up her brief season in mourning nml buys a return ticket. But for one Cameron on the stage wo have a score of Langtrya nnd Fortescuos. The country could not bo happy with out a humbug in religion. A mediocre preacher fails to make any hit in the pul pit by doing badly what others do well. Ho turns to sensationalism for re lief. Ho preaches blood and fire and hurls diminution around him in solid chunks like brickbats , He shrieks silly lies , he pel verts facts to suit his own ends , IIP prances ami froths , and stamps and howls , and whacks liia pulpit till the top splits. It is all noise , rant , nonsense , but it stuns the gullsaml they swear by it as heaven heaven-born eloquence. Noth ing is lee extravagant or too dishonest for utterance.and impiety and blasphemy are not forgotten , Tlio country is speckled with tlicxo baboons who turn the house of ( Jed into u monkey's den. Call them Talmage , Sam Small , Sam Jones , whatever H = o you will , but re member always that their name is Hum bug. Prof , Clias , Ludwlg Von Seeger Medicine ut tha ttoyal University ! Kiiliihl n ( I hii llurid Austrian order or the Iron rnmni Knlirht Commimlor of llm lloyiil Sinn'iU ' Onlerorivibpllu ; Knliihtof tlio Itoyal l'rus UT Or- clerof t'lslloa tCaclaj UliorMlor uC tlio LrfgUi ot llonor.otc. . oto. , " 1.K1I1IU CO'rt COOA niSKI' TONIC should not l > 3 coiWoiiiulfd witli thnlinnlo ot Iruilir curn all . Itli In no cn e of the worrtn patent runinly. 1 nm thor- ouKlilyoonvcrs.intitltlilt mole of prcpHnitlon nut kno < T It to be nut onlr n icgillinnto plKirmnceutlcal product , but nlsownrtnyof tlio l\ljli rotnnuMUl.illoiu HhisretolvMl In : ill purtioCtha worlj. It rontnlm pn enro of Ilcof. Oocn.ytitnlnp Irrmftnd rwlhnya , \rhlch nro dissolved In pure genuine Spanlsli impcrUl Crown Sherrr. " InTitlnutilcto nil who nro Hun Dnirn , Ncrvom , DTV Peptic , unions M ilurlom or NrtlauJ trim vruaU kid- HerSajesty's Favorltlo CosmaticGlyoajlua Usprt liyIIcrnoyftlIIlKlmc"tno rrlncesn nf Waloi nniltlio nobility For the Skin , Coiuhloilun , Kruji- tlont.Chupplne. Knuzlinos * , ; ! ' ! > . LIKIIKJ CD'S ( icniilno Syrup nofSaiiipiirlll. , U gunranlocd u tbu best btrs.ipArlllnlntho market. Tof-dl thouest Window Sash Lock Kvor Invented. \ccnti make blu iirotttc rirru luid tree MninlJ liy mVl Hlcts. M H ; WinWl ; I iillir\tm. N' ' B CEXTCia Poison tlie System with Dniprs.Di'.llonio's Hlectric I5elt Cures Diseases Without Jleiliclnes. Positively Ciiro Without Mctlieinc s In ( he buck , lilpn.htiad nr llinhK ; Ncrvons Do * , ( HMiernl llotillity. Hli < Miniatlfliii. } 'nr- s , Ncnralcla , bc'u ' Ic i , liKtH-es of Klilncyti. .spl iml l > K < "Hs"BToi i > lil Mvpr. ( lout , Astlunn , Ilcurt 1)1- - j , l > ) * .penelnConstipation. Kijt-lpelas , tlon , Inipottincy , Catnrrh , t'llcj , Upllepey , Ague , l > lu- bott'H , llyilroce u , K\lmunllon. Note tlio Following who were Cured A J. noiclaml. H.P. lM er , J. M. Iluslelt , nil on lio.nlot tnile ; E. W. Xarnlinni. Araeilc.m nxprrnn ( ' . : A. ( irruorv , ( ommNBlim irtTChnnt.Morl ; Viinls ; ( .ToHiisend. I'ulmcr Hon u ; lludd Dotile , the urcfit linihcninn ; Col. Coimdly. nf the Inter-Ocean ; S. W Hunts : irlo : st ; b. M. l ) vl , Scoreurjr Aiui'rlCHii HiirM'iriui ; .1. L ShuHlTvr.ZJI.IIiiilUoii t - . .1. C Smith , Jowaler.lllMHrtlsonht. , all ( it Ohlcm-'ni II. W licit i , .M. 1) . AloniionKitrn , Iowa ; Lemuel Milk , KunkiikOf ) . III. , .liulKel. N..MurryNupcmllc , III.and liundii'ds ol othcrji repiegcntln nearly vrry to\vn In the I'nlon. Al o elei'tilc liclts for IHUIHH. Call or Dinl ! > tanui forIlliiitintcrt catalogue Opftn dully , nlso Tonlnis nnd MuicliivK. Hluctil" Sunpeinorlos Iroo nnil nil Mill.i Hi-Hi. Hnwiirc uf IIU/IIH to'.np'UiliM w Itli nriny all.iHCB. ralllnK worlhlttiis inilf , ulth only litn IS oleniflntR All niy belts contain ' 1 clinienti or ImtturlcH , henrn have four time * the power anil ( | ii.intltyoffk-Urlrltjr. lltmiM KuoJn und lioujst llillT. win OKNkllWahash-a ! ) v.Chicago InTcntor'I'iuinlPtor und Manufacturor. Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wpro elilppcd durlug tlio past two , without a driuu- tiicrinourpnitiltiy. Nootlior liniiaoiu \yorldcnn tnith- fully uiako i a BhoiTlnx. Onn ncciit ( ilpalr ? guly ) wanted IB ouch town. SOLD BY LEADING DRUCCIITS. R.W.TANSILL&C0..55SlatoStChic22a . - . - jj.J * > l NrilArHIU hMU88 , plv- ItizrenJv , _ - ' " liniiommild , inothlrgrurrcnu of l.lrctric. - > > A f Ity dlrrrtljr Hircujl , ill wnk pirti.rtnor > ir tlicni .Y Vj.olralt'i | rUViuroi.itilrri glli. tlfctrlo Currtni OVA -felilniuntlT or uetrrfeit SVW Incuh. Urril , tt ImprntrmrntB orcr nil btlit r I flu. Wont rnii'i pr r. tninrnllyrartillnllircninomhl. hralt4 | imliltHo. | , itimp TheSandcn Elactrio Co. IC9 LaSdlle tt. . Chic3ja it Woimy Volne of n ttfttni0 uftiut * ' e nf L teffl ftbte CiYJALE Ei tVAI S 1IC ? 17i ffcltfin Ct cvTi lr - < * * * * V4 | At i H UbVi4 kfb * i'fH JA All Those Iiitotvstrrt in Should Reacl This. .STATH OH ( illlO , ) ISf l-II.INC E 1)B1 ) T , Ofl'H I' 01' Si rKIH.NTENIiP.XT. > ( Jol.fJIIIl JU. . Nor.MIl , lSl i Han Jolin M. I'attUon , v P. , Dillon ( Viitral Ufa Iiiiunuicpt'o , rinrlniiot'O.-Mr ' llejr SirAcroiJ - IngtoroqiilremJiit under uettlon 3 J. llorl'e I Hint- nun ( if Ohio , roio'iolllnj mi nnu l eianiln itlun of p\er > I.ICu liisii'iinra Conipjliy liicorinrnird | In Oh'n ' , lliaro lliei > lpn > uro to rt ! | > | < rttlm roajlt of tlio cuiimliiHlluii just uiiilo. 'n ' confulUnca wtu | uM tec- lion. 1 lounrt j-inir attcti nocurdj mvostert , utidof tUp Tcrrtptlclianrtrr , pnU JTir book nnd acvouiitu n iiiudol ornejt'io ! : nJ cdrrectiiuiii , unrt Itiautfalrs ot tlioCorapiinrln cverj nnir uJminlsterod with eajn- uiyanrt lo ihc ben lnleretofycur | > ollcy holder ) . Itwaa rcrrxnill r-njliune - touot'ca In Iliuutani ; inil.ini lliL'lncr.'j ' ( if new biuinaii thlt year ever la t ) tlieeutmliinlliil lnciea of your eur l > lu over Unit r iortfd the Diet of Decemtor. 1333. It ISHltli I'ridoiliatl lotothcjia-codjof Ohio's nnlr J.lfoCompiny , un'l ' 1 cam Biifcly rrcoaiaipnd It toimy de.lrliwii'Hablo l.lfo InjiiiuicVllli kind n-verdi ami i eraoiul vneom 1 remain. lluspcclfally yauri , HKMtVJ , IIKINMI N. > . Supermdcat. \VedQelrethepubllctokriair OUlo U the only ituto roijulrliu thlt > pt > clal ciunilnatlon. H rouei tram HII oltlte > especially quiillded.nnd who U paid br tbo I'coplo to waUh tlioir iiitfrtst. * In iMjumnCd mot- turn. All lnteti'jtecl rhuuU carefully oiiiuilnc tUU ullJanJ prosperous cutapiny taeforo Intunn.- . J M tinillSTON. Mate Aisent. lloooi Opera lloun IllorV , l.tntoln. uU. C.J , SfJUJSt'lC.Spectal Ajent. .401 N. luthnlroeUOioiih * . ROMAN'S ' tmt.j ( irp riMly wntn and tt > ( nnl rMliblc. Ti'Cy harp bf en tfjlcrt In thousand * of caioi nnil wo cin no l tlvclf n crt that In all cn cn where ( lie 'Ircr ' 9plo MI , kidneys find bonds sro Involved. I'll. UOIMIVM Pun nrpnt onrp tlio best. quickPU and cbPnppitt andthOf h.iYO nriilo pprmin. nt cure In Hum , uid * Metises "hero mi'.llclno In-Icon nittioiit any ( 'ood retulti whatever. Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBOH. " Is Death to roiisninption , Mnlnriti , Sleeplessness , Chills nml Fovei-3 Or liisonuilu , nuil Typlioid Feycv , Uis lmulntloti , Indigestion , Of Fooil , Dyspepsia. 'Ion Years Old , Surgical I' ' No Kusel Oil , UlOOd P Absolutely i' tire The GREAT APPETIZER Till * will rnrtlfy thatIhavooxamino.ltho MimilP of linMiR or IIOI'HIIOM WHISK V , recMrol frim I , \wm-NrKOTIIOM .V. Co ' nnil I'Mind tlip niup to 1)0 porfeo Iv fien ironi Pn n | Oil iin-t nil other doluttrl oils mibjUnciM mill strictly imrs I ( .lu'orlullv roeoiuinon 1 the * line lot K imllr ami M i licln xl i > iriii < > ui. .1.1' 11AHM1M , M. II. . An-il\tlcJe'liMiilsll.oiilsvlllo.Ky. 1 orsalohy lirnitRl * ! * , Wine Mori-hnntianilOrncor oi-erynliBrp I'rleo jM , per liottli1 11 not found at the ntMire. Inl ( In/on liu'tloi. \proi spalil , 111 pl.Un I > DKCI , will bo scut to any mMn'vi In the Unlied Miitui or Cannda , on rccolpt or PIJC iliillnri LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wlioleaale and Distributing1 Agents , \ y t'i ( DILLON , If'ltott'stilc Liquor Dettlfru , f lnt Cl , IDti'JLOXM illtOX. tOC'O. ' , Omitlm. JL T. CLAUK JJJii ( , ' CO. , ai. .3. r. STEPHEN , HAMILTON & CO , , . Live Stock Honglnt. and Sold. Refi'icuccs First National Hank , liiumli Co , Ills ; First National Hank of Crcs' " ton , Ia ; U.S. National Hank , Omaha , Neb. The C. E , Mayne Eeal Estate aiid Trust Go N. W. COB. 15th AND HARNJ3Y , OMAHA. Property of every doscriptlon for sale m all pnrU of the city. Lati'U foe snlo In every county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTKACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Mam of the city slnto or county , or any olhor information dusirea , furnialiod fruo of clmrgu upon application. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest , llupulriug a spoeiiilty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and ir > tli streets , Dinah ; * Licensed Watclimsikur for tlio Union 1'acilic Railroad company. GOLD HED&Ii , PAEIS , 1073. BABIER'S Warranted ofioo/iifcfy / i > tira Cocoa , from wlilch tueercc sof Oil ha been removed. ItliaaMr < 4 timei the strength ot Cocoa lulled frith Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd lj therefore far more economi cal , letting Its * than one cent a cup. It U delicious , nourishing , etroncthcnli ) ? , eaiily dlgnteil , anil ddinlMbly adapted for Irnallds as well na for pcrepnsjn health. Bold by OnifffifeTurynhcrB. I. BMER & CO , , DorcliBSlep , ass , anil Jsil Work. 1020 FiirminA Struut , OTaaba. Neb. FIIEETO T < A.M. IHc * Color * 1 nnjraTloj M catnr Aiiclvnt Mttionlc Emllami , juit illacovcrtd tl itiifii of pitrnpoll , A 1 o Urge tlln LrAi 1 talogufof VibontoUoch * and poodi with t.oilom jrlre * . A'w ' ( > fTtr cf fint-cUt * l > mlnna , J3JJtw t * [ luriou.worLi. UntlXNd A < O LIHGDLN BUSINESS DIRETORY llcecntly limit , luruialiol The Tremont , J. C. rrrXOUKAhDA : PON , I'roprlotorJ. Cor. 8th and I'Sts , Lincoln , Nub. n t"l..V ) per day. btrcot carj from Uouaa n nar partaf tug Oitr. J. II , W. HANKIXS , Architect , . 34 iind 4i , Hlclmrd * lllock , tilncoln , niuvutoroulltli gtiuuU llipcdurot Hi co r of GALl.OUAi CAITt. ! . Fnourllo KM WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer tonics inado lit all partri nf I lift I. B. itt tulr rnlttllooin 3 , .Stnto lllock , Unc-oln , Nob. Uallonar and 3hurt lloin Imlla H II. GUULDING , Farm Loans and insuranoe , Corrcsnondonro In rc&nrJ to In.inj Fnlicltol. llooin 4 , llicheids liluck , Lincoln , Neb. Riverside Shore Horns Of blrlctly pure Dates and HiitcsTuppudonttl . Ileid niuuLcrii about tXJ bund. FumlllbM rcprcsunted : l'ilb rM , Crnvr a , A com Us. lUniloi , Itosu of Slmroiis , io Ho > tm , ICiilutitly DucUuaseJ , Hat Crook i'ouiijr Jlnryd , rbylllscj , I.oiiiuib arid True l.ovt- § . liulU lor iulo , 1 1'uru liuica riuxirt , I Tnra Bute * Cr ) ria , 1 llosaof Sliuron , 1 Yotniir Mary , 1 1'ino Crulck Blnink ami olhors Coinu mid lusiH'Ot the herd. Addiusi , C1IA.S. U. U HAN- BON , Lincoln. Neb. When in Lincoln utopat National Hotel , And KV ! u Eood aluuer ( u i" > o. o.FEUAWAY FEUAWAY Vto * u r.s I , her n nil Slouincli l t > nl ) ImpnrltiMfrom tliohl > ol , niics Hinl tttnliisc * tno ln > l jy. fm. lEoliiuiuM.tx ocniiit Sloniufh l'n < ( C'urM Hllimi n ( > . lncUro ) lliin 1'lirrtici , MHlarln. Nek Ho J i Khotunntlsni.vtc. Holiuiui's Mvcrmul .mouinfli Tad llpimlilo the RMmir li nn I nn < rp | < , Unrraves the Appttltp , corr. > rt A sml niloa lioT > ilitlc < tin ( ' nuplpt ton etc. notmitn * lAvvv and Slnniixfli Vt\i\ \ , . Ypllow. Trilni | , Typhol 1 anil HlllMKOllPM. Al I , nliCOiST.s-lrrnt ) on receipt of pri' e v i \i > . , JVO Jfillittin st. , X J' . CAPITAL , - $40OOOO SURPLUS , - . . . dOO.OOO Accounts of Hanks , Rankers and Corpo rations solicited. Our facilities ( or COLLECTIONS arc excellent and we re-discount for banks when balances warrant it Boston is > a Reserve City , and balances with ub from bankbuot ( located in other Re serve Cities ; count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and inaVe Cable lersand place money by telegraph thiougli- out the United States and Canada. Government Honcls bought nnd f old , and Exchanges in Washington made for Banks without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities , and invite proposals Irom States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds , We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA I' . POTTER , PrcMdJnt. JOS. W. WORK , CiiRhiur J State Agents FOll TIJtt TIJtto , PIAS Omaha , Web. Nebraska National iBank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capitfil $200,000 Curphib 30,000 H. W. Yntei , President. A. K. Touxiilin. v"ire President. W. II S. Hughes , Cashier , WIIUCTOIIS : W. V.Morsn , John S. Collliw , II. W. Yiitos , LowU S. Ilecd. A. K. Touzalin. BANKING : OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor Ilith and Farnam Sis A Uc.H'ral I5ankin j Huiiuess Transnctcd. N7w. HARRIS & Oa Jl A A'KUltS , CII 1C A G O , HAIJRC < ) f Countlca , Cities and otlioraof once K Doruughlre it. . TiostoiL Corredpond- fiti "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'Ihe Orlyrlo'il mill Only Ociiuliie. ttfa tQd4l * f Ucll&bU B wM or wortlilfM Imlutlaai. In4np-i. i > i < if LADIES. A > L } cur llruxeltl tc 'H'blilir.tfr' . J i. ll.i' ' oJ UU aft or lugioti u ( MiMp.tQ ) i t r in\tv.ltt in litltr k * rfturii mill. NAME r Clifml.'M Co , aSl 8 MMttuu 4ii r , I'lilUdlu , i'a. Will 1)8 ) given 1 Off Last Ws Prices on At the Only I 28 mm OVERCOATS , . . i Merchant Tailor Madu ut.10.00 80 11.50 40 H.75 45 20.00 CO 22.00 CO 20.00 . : : o.oo MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 28 PER CENT DISCOUNT Off tteatoe Prices on Ci * Jr They are all Tailor-Made and made in Hie latest styles , Buy yourself or you- friend a handsome Christmas Pres ent , At the Only Clothing Parlors , IIIBFarnamstreet ,