Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 8, Image 16
* v THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22 , 1880. THE GRIST OF LOCAL SEWS. A Mysterious Shooting Affray in Which a Pugilist Figures , RAILROADS AND CITY TAXES. A Discussion Bcl'orn .JutlKO Wnkcly A New Kntorprlso Tor Oinnlin A North Oiiiulin Law and Order c Other Sliootlnc n r The nir lin been full of rumors yp < .lor- day about n shooting scrao ] ) which toou place , us alleged , nt rallon's Cottomvootl villa , on Sherman avcinii ) , last nifiht. The story was to tlio ufl'ect that a nniiibcr of Omaha pugilKliu li lits , coiispitMious ntnonK wliom was MeCormlck , wore at tlio road houses dis- c.usiiiif ; tlio merits of various lighters , wlicu a disuuto arose as to I\lc- \ ( JormicK's prowc s. That worthy , it is said , became wralliy. and suddenly let out his n lit inmro" Into llio faeo of a man who WIH : uiakiti" ; li < ; ht oi him. A free lisht , it is said , followed , in whieh revolvers were drawn. MeCormlck , it is alleged , was shot , reci'ivins serious though not iiceoxsarily dangerous wound. Where he was taken to , or what beeame of UK ; man who did the shooting could not be ascertained , Professor P. .1. 1'allou who was ques tioned about tiu ! matter yesterday after noon , denied that any such allair had happened at his plac. Ho could not ac count for the nimore , hut thought thai it was originate by senio envious person who wanted injure him or the reputation of his place. Kutcr qu in tlio ilny it was reported that MeCormick's wounds had been rerelved in a brawl at a saloon in South Omaha , and that ho had died. Me- ( 'onniek since the light in whieh he broke Al Marx's jaw , has been ar rogant in tlio extreme , and triotl to "lord it over" men whom ho considered in ferior in pugilistic ability. It is proba ble that the trouble of Monday night arose from his too free display of tlit-Mi eharactoribtics. K.\IM50AI > TAXATION' . An Interesting Discussion Uol'orc Wakeley Vosterilny IMornlnjj. The much mooted question as to the right of the city to lax all railroad prop erly within the corporate limits , was be fore .Judge Wakeley yesterday morning , and was diseiibscd by Mr. Poppleton tor the railroads and by Uity Attorney Connell - nell on behalf of thn city. The question arose on a demurrer lilcd by Iho city , to a petition of the Union Pacific : railway company , asking for an injunction to prevent the collection of taxes assessed against certain property belonging to tlio railroad company. It was claimed by tlio city attorney that notwithstanding the state 'law requiring railroad and telegraph companies to make returns of its property to tlio state board of cquali/.ation , that the city had ' power to assess all such property as'mig'ut lie within the limits of the city , tlio same as Hie property of other corporations and individuals is assessed. J\Ir. Popploton de nied the correctness of this proposition. and contended that for tiio purpose of city taxation the pro rnta proposition of milage , as determined by the slate board of eqiiali/ation , was tlio only proper sys tem of the taxation of railroad right-of- way , denot , grounds , etc. Mr. Popple- ton also urged that oven is such system was not correct , all objection thereto should be addressed lo the legislature , in place of lo the courts. During llio argument , the cilv attorney nsked Mr. Poppleton if ho denied the proposition , that under the present state law , if the charter in express terms gave the city tlio right to tax all railroad property within the limits , according to valuation , llio city would have such right , : md that such right would not be in con flict with the state law. To the question of the city attorney , Mr. Popplcton responded , that if Mich charter provision was enacted subsequent to iho state law , the city would probably have ; such right , and it would not be in uonllict with the stale law. Upon the conclusion of tlic arguments , Judge Wakely look the case under ad visement , and will probably render hi.s decision before the adjournment of tlio present term of court. With regard to tinlaxcs involved in the litigation , it was further claimed by Mr. Poppleton as a mailer of fact that the cily had already collected taxes for the year in controversy , according to the system for which he contended , and thu city attorney admitled that if such was the fact , the city could not again collect taxes for such year upon a valuation as- t > ehhinnnt , for that would amount to double taxation. The principal question involved still remains lor hoHlcmonl by Iho charter amendment committee , anil it is prob able that in view of the admission of Mr. Popplcton that the charier may be so amended as to assess nil railroad properly for city taxation according to valuation that such un amendment will be made. GOVIHINMUNT CASH. Ilium. Kingmaii Tel IN How it In to lie K\pemlcl. Lieutenant Dan Kingnian has returned from his trip lo Now Orleans , and is packing-tip preparatory lo leaving for thnt place within ihe next week. "I have boon appointed district oflicor of the Fourth district of Iho Mississippi river , " said Hint gcuticmnn lo u reporter yesterday. "The territory I have to cover includes that portion of tlio river from \Varreiiton , juM below Yicksbun * , to the head of the jetties. The government is . commencing extensive improvements in that section such as the removal of sand lmr.3 near Iho month of llio ituil river nnd Iho building of submerged dams in ( lie Alchnfalaya river lo prevent Ihe Mississippi from breaking down ils barriers and bweopiug Ihrougli Iho channel of that river , on its way to the gulf. .Extensive improve- nu.'nts are i\\ao \ \ being made on thu New Orleans harbor , such as the consiruction of proleclive barriers against the under mining of the banks , " "How much has been appropriated by the government for cammi ; on your workv" "Altosrctlior , about ? GOO,000. " Of the amount , aboul $180,000 is available , Lieutenant Kingnian has not yet been relieved from his position as olllcer in clmrgo of iho Yellowstone park work. hiafinucli as thu work is all done in thn bummer when the water in the river is so high as to prevent work being carried cm il is probable that Lieutenant King- man can attend lo both branches of the Kovrrnmcnl service. Ij.\W AND OHDKII. A llruncli of tlio in North Oiimlin. Monday night a very successful \\a5 ! > eld in the basement ot the Saunden hlreet Prcsfci'icrltm church at whieh n branch of the Law' rt'Ul Order league was established. It was called to order bj Mr. Taylor and Mr O. U. Halta stated Iho object of the same to bo t ( > aid In t ! " enforcement of the law in all cases ol infraction * The aim was riot .ncc' cssixrily ilircotwl to the enforce ment Qf the Sloonm law with ro irard ( oRaloons. ft was of broader in " ini trnfaiooiw. ji v nB t / . . . MU "min . k - - vs. nil * I . , J l I f ill llx 'I'll ki W 1 Ml' 111 OP' ' ' all kinds. Mr. llltclilo was elected presi dent of the league , Messrs. Lowe nnd Newman secretaries and S. N. ( Justin treasurer. An executive committee con sisting of the following members was appointed : O. tl. ISallou , Ulias. Walls , John Trench , T 1 $ . Harnes , S. N. ( Justin. Will 11 , Anderson , K. 15. Kussnll , ami John McKwing. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president , nnd $18 ! ) was subscribed to carry out the plans of the league. Ai.nitimir'sCunirn. CljiTTl.VAh NOTKS. The la i Acinof ? lr. ICstellc'i Olllolnt Career. District Attorney Kslcllo yolerdny ar raigned Messrs.Vootiford and Sullivan , charged with burglarizing Mr * Davis' dry goods slore on Sixteenth sticct. lloth pleaded guilty. He a1 o lilucl an information against Valentino Lipp for receiving money under fnl e pretcuses.anil Batten charged with perjury , the latter being thn young man who ran away with anil married the daughter of Mr. James McAnlle , several months ago. The latter two will bo prosecuted b. > Mr. Simeral , who suc ceeds Mr. Kstcllu. The former two will bo sent to the penitentiary , tint * in creasing llui number of tlio e who have been sent there by Mr. Kslellc during the jri" ) > unl term to sixteen. Mr. Kstullo has taken up his permanent residence hero and will continue to praetiro al Iho bar alter retiring from olheial life. NI3W OUTKITS KOI I NIO WSI'Al'KUS. The Omaha Type Koumlry nnd Sup jily House for I'rltiters ami The Wi ) < tcrn Newspaper Union at Omaha is prepared at all limes lo outfit publishers on short notice with presses , type , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks nnd rules , nnd in tact everything in the line of printers and publishers' supplies. Better terms and more liberal prices can be secured than by sending lo Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by buying near homo. Second hnnd goods in Hie pnnling line bought and sold. Wo often have great , bargains in this particu lar. Send for Tin : PUINTCKS' AuxiuAitr , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of goocU and prices and from time to time proclaims unequalled bargains in- new anil second hand material. WISTIKN : : Nr\vsrAi'Kii UNION , I'Jth Street , bet. Howardand Jackson , Omah Nabcruska AuutiGUT's CHOICIJ. Smltli'8 Small i'arcels. Mr. B. K. Smith is now .seriously con sidering what to do with several parcels of properly which belong to him and lie adjacent to lots in the main thorough fares which are now being most richly improved , lie owns twenty-two feet oil l-'arnam street adjoining the lot of A. Calm in the northeast corner of Four teenth street , on which the latter jron- lleman proposes to erect his $150.0)0 ! ) building. If the latter could be enlarged by ( he erection of a building of similar design on Smith's jiropcrty , the value and the beauty of the location would be immensely enhanced. The same condition obtains with refer ence lo Mr. Smith's Jot immediately cast of thn Merchants' National bank , which is now in course of erection on the cor ner of Thirteenth and Fnrnam streets. It is probable that in each of these Mr. Smith's determination to build will bo made in a few days , because tlio build- inp , contemplated can now bo erected with much less expense than if they would be put up at a different time. Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Nat Brown , Prop. $2 per day. Cor. 15th and Farnaiu. All street cars Irom depot pass house. Careless FrlendH. Yesterday morning a well dressed Jr dy in Iho lobby of Hie posl ollico wrole the fol lowing address upon a parcel and depos ited the latter for transmission : "Mrs. M. E. Weeks , G. T. Smith's block , room 88. " There is no such place in town , and to find out whcro the buildincr in question is , Superintendent livers will be compelled to make inquiries of the post masters in many of llio leading cilics. The parcel contains a beautiful chcnilo shawl , which is evidently intended as a. present , and yet , as it now stands , it will not be able to reach its destination. Mr. Kvers says that the majority of parcels addressed in the ollieo are badly directed , and rcMilt in either untold annoyance or loss of the package , and frequently both. For sain or exchange for clear land , Council Blull's or Omaha property , a most promising and fashionably trolling bred 2-year-old stallion , standard bred , llulc 0. Address P. B. Hunt , Harlau , In. German-A in nricnn .School. The ladies of ihe Gennan school asso ciation who have taken charge of the German-American school , 1818 Hartley sir. , have resolved to reduce tlio tuition to 'tl.OO per month , commencing January 1st , 1837. Those wishing to send their children lo .said school will please apply to. anyone of the following members of the committee : Mrs , G , Pomy , 10th and Pierce. Mrs. C. C. Schaefer , D100 Farnnm. Mrs. M. Tibke , ! JOI ( ) Cumins. Mrs. G. lleimrod. 1708 Douglas. Mrs. F. Laugo , 008 S. lUthst. Or 10 M. Heinpol , the principal. Licensed Watchmaker for Iho U , P Railway Co. o. S. H.UIVOND , Douglas and IGlh. He'll r.onk Out Tor thn Kevciuic , Mayor IlowJoy , of Mitchell , ono of the Grovor'ri pots , is in town. Ho has re cently been appointed successor to Gen eral Dcnni.s , deputy United Stales collec tor for the southern district of Dakota , with headquarters nt Yanklon. The major will not lake hold of Ihe affairs of the olh'ci1 until aboul Ihu first of February , bccaiiM ) the work of the position during tlio month of January is such as no new man dcsiies to undertake. Major How- ley's headquarters will bo at Milchell , Ai.iiuumr's CIIOICK. T a Now York AVii * There was no through mail from New York Monday night the fast rain having missed connection at Eomn place because of some inexplicable reason. Our mer chants , therefore , luivo been patiently wailing all day for llio fast mail train , which arrives to-night , which will doubt less have its double load of both mercan tile and holiday mailer. Aniuioiir's CHOICE. .Settled nt Jjnst. Monday night the Omaha Literary as sociation , at Judge Burka'sollico , settled for all lima the momentous question as to whether the ntlitudo of the government of llio United Stales toward polygamy were just and expedient. Folygamists wuro scarce and Ihcir arguments wore more scarce , and Iho government porleis accordingly won the night. ALIIIUGHT'S CHOICE. Fire Alarm fto.\cs. Tlio new ( ire alarm boves oi'di-red for the I'UiYV-'Ul bo located at Sixteenth "and Vintoii , Twenty-ninth . and. Farnam , Thirteenth and \Vvlister , the boiler room of the Unton l'acilio car spj ! > s , and Vi i - hl1'f i'laV Pres.- 1 TJIK COUUT MAKTIAIj SYST13M. An Ai-niy onicer Mnkoe Comment * Thereon. "It is a starllmg fact , shown up by re liable figures , " said an army olllcer vcsler- day ; "Ihal 59 per cent of the soldiers in department were , during the past year , tried by court martial. Most of them , of course , were tried for petty offenses , such as drunkenness , being off duty without leave of absence. This is a pitiful show ing , and nt the same time its truth can not be disputed. It proves that Ihcre is something radically wrong with the pres ent system of court martial. As the thing is now , if a .soldier goes off or be comes intoxicated , lie is immediately tried by court martial , and "sentenced lo a term in. the ? guard hou o. That relieves him from duly and throws llio work on Iho men who behave themselves. 'I his discouargos Iho good soldiers and helps the bad ones The fact is there ought lo be a fixed code of laws , rigidly enforced , with u cc'rta'n punishment for each crime something similar to the coda which obtains in the police court. Then a soldier who disobeys those laws would know just what punishment to o\- peet. Under ihe present system a sol dier , tried by our court martial , might get a sentence , more severe or more leni ent Ihan a soldier who commits the very same crime , but is tried by a different court-martial board. In my opinion there ought to bo less guard-house sen tence and more lining done. Let a soldier - dior understand that an infringement of the law is going to cost him Hie half in- half or whole of hi.s months pay nnd he will bo prelly apt to keep straight. For thai reason a lixcd code of laws and linns ought to bo determined upon. "The percentage of crime among the .soldiers during llio past year , " continued the speaker has perhaps been crcaler on account of the I'lianiro of regiments which has taken place. Men who have been stationed at posts far out in the western country , have brought into the "confines of civilization , " and they immediately proceed to allow their vicious tendencies lull play. This is illustrated in the case of the second and the twelth regiments ol infantry. " Gens. Crook and Dandy have returned from their trip toUobinsonanilNiobrara ALDKIOIIT'S CHOICE. i'.AILi NOTUS. New KnglncB Tor the Union PaclHo air. Bogtto's Arrival. About the end of. this week the Union Pacific will receive from Baltimore len new engines for heavy work. These en gines will be used for freight trains and are known : is "slack-burners. " They are so constructed as to burn slack-coal a .species of fuel which until recently has been useless. In this way a great saving in the item of fuel will be effected. It is said thai Ihis fuel is capable of giving just as great heat , when used in ono ot Ihcse engines as Iho coal oidinarly used. Jill. HOGL'K'S AKKIVAI. . The newly appointed chief engineer of the Union Pacific , Mr. Boguc , arrived in tills cily-jyeslerday with hi.s family from the south. He assumed his duties yeslcr- day morning . Air. Boguc comes hero from Ihe position of assistant , chief engin eer of the Northern Pacific , with highrcc- ammcndalions. A 1UDICUI.OUS Ill'MOIt. Union Pacific officials denounce as an idle and ridiculous rumor llio statement that Lucius Tutlln is to be appointed pnssengor traffic manager of the Union Pacific. They say such a thing has never been thought of. THE CIIICF CI.KIJKS. The chief clerks of the Union Pacific road are slill in session in General Super intendent Smith'soflicc. They will wind up their business to-day. ALIIHIC.IIT'S Cuoicn. NEW YOUIC MEN IX OMAHA. A Firm of Them to Establish n Whole sale Clothing House. Another feature which will be n wel come one to Ihis cily is Ihe establishment of an exclusively wholesale clothing house , which will open hero in the spring , with eastern men , backed by all the capital necessary lo conduct n busi ness of the kind specified on a scale coin- mensurulo with the demands and devel opment of Ihiss-ectionof thccountry. The name of llio firm is known lo Ihe BKI : , but is withheld till later. They will open in a building belonging lo Ihe K/.ra Millard estate on Hartley street , ad joining Hie Millard building now on the corner of Klovontn street , Tlio new structure will bellxlU2 feet , with four stories and basement , costing sflO.OOO , and of a design in harmony with that al ready erected at the corner mentioned. Ono-lialf of the building will bo occupied by tlio linn in question , the other part being taken by another firm , of which nothing may now bo said. $ noou. Furniture of tlio Commercial House , Grand Island , Nob. , to be sold nt force sale before January 1st , 18S7 , cou.iisting of Beds , Bedding , Chamber Suits , Stoves , 1 Large Wroughtlron Kango , with Steam Table , etc , , Dining Room and Ollico Fur niture , etc. Goods will bo sold to suit purchasers in anv quantity. Terms o sale will bu made liberal. For informa lion , call ou or addix-s.s J. G. HAINI : , Grand Island. Mrs. DIllimm'H Dcnth , The remains of Mrs. Henry Dillman will arrive by the Union Pacific from Cheyenne this morning nt 7:53 : o'clock. They will bo accompanied by Mr , Dillman and his three children nnd Mrs. John Richards of this city , mother of Hie deceased. 'Iho remains will bn berne lo Hie residence of llio lallcr , 810 Hartley slrect , from which place Hie fun eral will lake place at il o'clock on Thursday niternoon. Mrs. Dillman had been sick for a couple of weeks , and her mother was called from this city to her bide. Several letters wcro received from her , the last lolling her children in this city to cclebinte Christmas happily be cause their sister was considered out of danger. The next day a telegram was received announcing Mrs. Dlllman's death. AUIIIKJIIT'S CHOICI : . I'CttlS-lilllSOII. Monday evening at tlio residence of Hie bride's parents , 1111 California street , Mr. O. S. Pettis , of ihi.s city , was mar ried to Miss Ida L. Gibson. The grooms man was Mr. O. C. Burdlck , the bride being attended by Miss Helen Copclaud , daughter of the olllciating clorgvmnn , llov. W. K , Copeland , of Unity church , The reception lasted from 8 to 12 o'clock. AI.UIIOHT'.S : Ciioin ; . The Paupers' Feast , Mr. Mahoney , superintendent of the poor , says thai ho is preparing a Christ mas dinner for Hie inmates of the poor house , which will bring jov to them in their misery and'nment. They will bo treated to turkey and oysters , both of which arc rarilies out in Ihal direction. CIIOICK. Skllcs' Villalur. Sarah B. Skiies. asked for a divorce from her husba'nd..Kobert J. Skllcs yester day morning in the district court , Tluj hit ; teris now m the penitentiary for forgery " } WiliH > UC tt t t behind the walls ho had robbed his wife of her wedding pre ents , jewelry , pony nnd sold thcm-to got money to practice adultery , ono of his associates in Hie lat ter crime boJng a woman , residing on Main street iiuCoitncil Bluffs. I'lip ' fnzjcptm nntl Itnlicrt limv , TheCo//ena hou cycsterday passed , at dinner time , into the control of Mr. Hob- crt Law who-has bought Mr. Hinnsoy's interest and lease and will hereafter run the hotel in the mo it approved style. Mr. Law's groal circle of acquaiulances throughout Ibis section of iho counlrv. both as railroad man nnd landlord , \\i\\ \ \ doubtless secure lo him nn immediate and lucrative patronage. Mr. Law has retained the services o'f Joe Ncedhamtho popular young gentleman who has been behind the olliw counter for three years back , nnd .Mr. Ho" * , the young man who , for some lime back , has acted as llio night clerk. _ i I'OZZOIl ) . | No name i < bolter and more pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. J. A Po//om. For Years he has made him self famous by the elegant perfumes ami complexion powder thai bears his name the latlci'haviiig found ils way to Hi belles of Paris Germany and London Everybody admire beauty in ladies Nothing will do more tu produce or en banco it than to use Mr. Po//.oni's preparations parations A man whom ho had married the night before went to a clergyman at Green field , Mass. , not long ago , and saying ( hat Hie cosl of the wedding rcceplion had exceeded his calculations , requested a loan of the $ , i paid as a wedding fee. The money was returned , but has never been repaid. For twenty years Henry F. Balcom , of Shirley , Mass. , suffered with rheumatism. He found no relief till he took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tn Saco , Mo. , ono night last week , Mips Bertha Weyiuoulh tilled ajugwith water , corked it , and put it on the stove lo heat before taking it to bed. When il was hot enough she started up .siairs , nnd then with a big bang , the cork How out and Iho hot water spurted into her face , scalding her badly. She now knows more about the power of slcam limn she did. The Voltnio licit Co. , IMarih.ifl , Mich. wlllscnil llii'lr celebrated Voltaic licit nnd Elcctilc Appliances , on thlity days' lilal , lo nny man ( joimc or middle-ami ) afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality , lack of nerve force nnd vlior , and other diseases. The greatest rcincdal a enl over discovered. Wilto to ] them for Ililustated pamphlet lice. No ilslis incurred , nsJthlnty clays , ' lilal is al lowed. Last week the snow sheds built cast of Rogers' pass , on the Canadian Pacific , were visited by an immense ivalauchc. which sirucii thu sheds and shot 100 feet into Ihe nir and into Hie valley below without having thu least effect on the work. Thousands of tons of snow , ice and rock were in the slide. In Philadelphia recently a weding cere mony was performed with llioPorlogucso ritual. The couple stood under a silken canopy , which was upheld by four posts decorated witli llowers , and at Hie con clusion of Iho ceremony tlio groom crushed a glass under Ins foot as a sym bolic act. Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity , tttrcngth and wholcsomcnes * . More economical Hun the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test , bliort we ht alum 01 phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Ua iii' ' Powder Co. , 403 Wall St. , New York. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 418 I.AWKKNL'K I > E\VI ; : , - - COLOISAEM * , Of the Missomi State M-seuin of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and New York , Having devoted their alien- lion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF ) VIllUJllU ( lllll DISEASES. More especially the c arising from impru dence , invite all so buffering to concspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from business , and without thu use of dangeious drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly trcalcd or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters icccive immediate attention , S3 JTJST PUBLISHED * And will be mailed FREE lo any address on receipt of one 2 cent t-tainp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " tohich is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on D1SEASKS Or THE UUI'KOWCTIVH ORGANS , the lrholclonniii n valuable med ical treatise \\hich should be read by all young men. Addresb ims. s. Ai > . I > AVBISO\ , MS l awriif ! sit , IK'iivcr , Cnl. United Stats Marsl-al's Sale. X TUP. I'll cull Court of I lie I miivl hintu for thu Dislr.ct 1)1' Xi'hra-ku ; cliooKtgiMi , 1 > I ) . I , , rranirr uiul l D. V. ( 'OP , } 1'ubllu iiotloo Is liorrby irUon.tlmt In Hiicuiuul I > J vu Hiu of tiiuiiilur ( it btihi 111 tlllllllXIVII CHUM' , Oil HlOllIll llliy ) ' IJllfC'lll- bur , lb.-fl , 1. Kills I , . Iliurbowur. Miiubul of tlio I'nltcJ btiiU'S tor llio JJldlrict of Nvbtuskn , will , on WoiinoMliiv. t'ui Mli day of January. IhST , lit thu liour at ID o'clock In ilicfoicnuoii oft-.Uil day , In llin tcno liullJinif formerly occupied liy biiiil ( U'lpii'l ' Kills nl JH'lolt jioat nlllco , Holt c-ouiuy , Mttto mill dUtrlcl of NubraBku.t-ell nl imbllu uiiftUm uuuriulu block of ( rood * ami dint- .coiisls Ins ? of utfolifi ill Block ot ilry K < "U , curiuti , boon Hml slioufe , jflovcs , UUIcs n war- iipinii-c'I , i.'c > iitlciiioii'ii liirnislilu'f rou < U and notions. 1 will hell Mild Ktxidi ) iuiJ ( vhuttcls Ifi 1' . S. Miirblml. District of HowAiin II. SMITH A : WIIIIIHT UAI.UWIN 4 : HA/- ? HANK , Attorucys for I'lalntlirs. [ UmttliH , .Veo- J\H Iho Holiday na .on is upon us , would it not be advisable ami oininiMitly proper to select from our slock some useful thing * ? Our goods , althouglniol sploclod exclusively for Holiday Gifts , yet every one of them would make n sensible ble- and highly appreciated present , which would bo useful Iho year round. This being our first reason , wo have mudo a place fof ourselves among you , and by making the interests of our customers our own. We pi-o porto how our appreciation of their patronage by making startling reductions throughout our entire line for their benefit , beginning Friday , December 17lh , and continuing until after Christmas. in the Hoys' and Children's Department wo offer : Hoys' Winter weie/faf suits , worth $3for $ XSetter f/rade Jftoi/s" suits , mitde up in Norfolk style , reduced from ' / * i if fd > j t . * " . - - * * , /jf > l > if/ < pSil > , vy Cavaimere &uitsfauJiionaMt/ it t reduced from $ G to In Hoy- , ' and Children's Overcoats we have them front $1,93 upwards , and a very fhiu Hue of plain and fur- trimmrul ones. Those at $ ? .9O IS educed to . # Z'ftose f $ & Reduced to $ & Those at $9 lied need to $ Gm5O T/iose f $ /f > Seduced to $7 In lln-Men's Clothing Department wo have vulhiu the last ten tiny ? roinforcotl our assort incut with IP\Y styles in Business nnd Dross Suits , ami oH'ortho entire line at uniformly reduced prices. Men's Strictly all wool Suits Reduced from $8.75 to $6 Men's Strictly all worsted Dress Suits , Reduced from $9 .SO to $7 Men's all worsted Such Suits , Struiglit and Round Cn'ts , Reduced from $ US fo $1 V.SO J Men's fine Corlfserew 42&ittloiiCutawa9/ , in bhtcli or brown , ilticedfrom. $ Jt& fo $ tt * Veryfinef button Cnttitva.y Dress SuitsfRcducedfrom $ $ Wol7.7& Very fine Imported worsted 8neJt Suitsfthc eoats and rests lined with Satin , in straiglrf and round cuts , Reduced from $ W.5Q to $19.SO 3'tra fine CorJfscrew Prince Albert. Dress Suits tn Itlucs and TtMcducedfrom $3O to $ t S.t5 Wo call c-ppciul attention to our ? 25f7o Prince Albert Dress Suits , not alone to the line quality , but to llio style and the manner in which they are gotten up ; and they should only bo compared with merchant tailor's make , and in price with such goods as other dealers ask $ ! )5 ) for. Our enormous assortment of Overcoats and Ulsters , plain and fur-trimmed , arc made from Edridon & Bur lington , Ivoivey , ChinchillaElysians , Fur Beavers and Monlagnacs , some silk and others * ni'm lined. The ex tremely low prices of UICM > can only lie appreciated after examining the qualities. In Mufllers and Silk Handkerchiefs we positively oiler the mo&t stupendous bargains , for instance : GctssuiiGreM'ttfflersfor dress tvcar at 2Sc eacli , ; ivorih 7Sc. AII Satin Mufflers at $1MO ; worth $3. * Silk Jlandkerchiefsfor 25c ; worth 5ttc. V Including an elegant ns ortment of better grades in which we can save you more money than in the cheaper ones. Anything in our line you may piircha-e , lake il around town , and if you think you can do belter , return the same , ( if not soiled ) , the money will be returned to you instantly without remarks. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH , Tlic li'f < l Lttiindi'U Stui'i'Ii in tin' U'orlil. Conlnlufi all tlu'lni/t'cilii'iiffi used / > / / Lmiiitli'i/iiirn. Can l > c lined willi o ) ' ii'HIioiil liolliiif/ . Will not stli'lt lo tin ; Iron. .S'mvs iroi'J : tnnl time. Mullen Colltira anil Cnjj'ts loot : ll ; < > iii'iv. JO.\'T THY TO ( JJi'J Tlllt O Ul IT U' . t till IXG J > . 1 V WITHOUT IT , Joii'l Ittlic nn imi tation. Jnsif , ! on luii'Iny llipycnulnn JtLKCTlilU lA'STltK HTAIlClf. Look out ' / < oiii" titnlc-imti'lt ; , A ivoinnn nainy < i tilili't bosom fvv ti Wll'I'Ol' . If your Grocer won't get it for you , write lo us and we will send you a sample and notify you where you can obtain the ELECTLIC LUSTR1J STARCH. ELECTRIC LUSTRE STARCH CO. , 04 Central Wharf , B'slor , Mass , PIANOS li JL A Jk A V 'VaX T > ORGANS FACTORY PRICES FOB THE HOLIDAYS Great Bargains Q PIANOS , from $40 up ORGANS , from $22 up Easy Payments Taken Max Meycr' & Bro E. T. ALLEN , M. D. si'iu'i.ii.ivr , Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat RoQiiiU Williams Ituiliting , cor 15ili and Do.dgc > ls , Omalia. Hours 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in ORfl&MA roll THE Tr.rATMKNT op . Chronic fit Surgical Diseases. L R. MoMENArflY. Prop ? otor. Sutc'i'ii jeiira' lloijmalunu 1'rivnle 1'inUKe U'o | i\vn ! thn fncilltlcB , npparntu * nnd rcinullu for tliobiiccmfitl Irc.ilmcnt of c\cry form of < li . iat-u rofjulrlti cltluT innlloal or feiir lra ) IrriiliucDi , fiiul lu ite ull locotiioninl luvt > tlfatu ; for llicuikt he or cnrricponilllli iiv Long ciperlcnio In Ural ! 'cuffs by IcIliT mnblcn 113 to treat many msn acH'ntiflciilfyutlinut n'"iiiif llitin WHITK rnn IHCIJI..Mt on nofnrmltlci and llraoef , Club 1VU , Ciir > aturc of lUu tJi'iiio tURAi ) < E3 or WuMfw. 1'llc" , Turn irn , Cancrrj , I'ftlnrrli , Bronchitii' , Inhalation. Elertrlilty , I'nral- ) ls , ipllcncy : , KlUnry , U ) , ir , bklu , llioud uud llntTorlrn , Inlmli'V" , Urnrrs. Triunrii , nml nil klnili * nf MrtiliHl cud tjuijic ; l Apji mi.Lt , jn ii- ufnctureJ nmj for tnlo. Th OT | > reliable Institute miking Private , Special t Nervous Diseases r A fil'Kl IAI/J V. AIJ , rosTAuiocs AND JII.OOD , fnim lmtcvcrcaiifpir'iliicial. ) ( urci'6 < fiilly trratfi ! Wu cm rt mu\o H/plrlitio puikou frum Diu njtlrii. iritlinut iniTCiirj' . New rcttnr.itiMi treatment for Inin nf Hal power AIJ , COMJirNIl Vl'IONH < JO MM IJ KYI-HI Cull niul cunvnlt ill or ci'iul mmu nml | iamoni * ntldri'91 plaliilf wnilcn vncloto ttuiuji , nmle \Mllr ciiil you , In plain uiftiiiirr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR UPON I'KIVATK , Hl'fUIAI. iHll hCUI'Ulll r. WEAKMCD * . hrniMATuiiitiKEt , c r , rivi'iuur , OuKuitr.iiuit , ( iiKET , VAIUI-OCRI u , STp.icri'iie , AND AM. fir rur. OrMTn- UIIINAIIT OnuAwt , or icr.illi'.tlory of your ta c fur mi fjiliuon. ] rrr < on * iinaljlii to > Ult us mtty tie trruleil nt tlidr lionU'K , liy < ( irnr | > onili'n > c .Mcilicmvtaiut Iiihtm incnUfcut by iii.ill or exiirru biC < t'UCI.V l'\ < Iv KI ) I'JIOJI OIISI-.KVAT1O.V , nu maikmalndi < i.c ronlrnti or trader Una i > froiul liiti'rvitMv jm lured if convfiilmt Fifty room * fur the u nn moilntlnii nf jiMicnlc Iloaid nnd niirndun.'i ; t\ \ icatonablo pncfiAddntt uP l.i-tliru lu Omaba Medical and Surgical institute , Cur 13th it. anflCaolloUvc. . OMAHA. ICU. Beiween Antwern & Hew York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , I10L- LAND AND FRANCE , wi.vnra Faiou from | > K ) to $7 % lixeurelon trip from fllU to fl.'i. fiH-or.d Cabin , ( .MIHV I.II tl ; | iri iiukl , Jj ; I'tiiir-ilon t' 3. Stoir.- im.igu at low rAibg. J'ulor Wrlirlit & huus , ( loiiora AvuntB. U IlrcmUiuy. No if Vork. llonry 1'uiiJt , l.irnumnt. ; Paulson t < 'a. 1C8 i'uruaui tt ; l > , O i iccuiau , l&i 1 uru.iiu ANQ RAILWAY. LI1-T23. Omak , Council Bluffs o- And Chicago. Tli * only road to take for Dr Molnes. Mnr- lmlltown , ( nlar lUiil'If. ' Clinton , Dlxlr , Chlrn * ( { O , Milwaukee and all points rant. Tn In * pro- pie of Ntit > rn < ) < n , Colnnuln , Wj-onilntr , CiHh , IiliilioNUii'1n , Oregon. SS'"shlii Kiri nml C'nll- fornln , K often nunoilor advaiuutfoi not poisl- bln ! ) } BUJ- other Una AinoiiR a row of tlin niirn rou points of in- Cerlorlty nnjoypd liv llin pnlroni of tliiH ronrt et ccn OmnliH nnd ClilciKfo. mo its twctniltti 11 ilny of DAV OOACIII'.S wlilcli ni llio Illicit tniit linmnn nrt nml umi'iitilly ' rnn rrcuto. It * i' HIIKI'INO : CAKS. ofoonifnit nnd eln inco 1U I'A III/Mi DIIA W- ISO KOOM CAUS , hinuriinusiidliv uny. nnii III wlduly oololiri\ti ) < l 1'AI.ATIAI , DlNIMI CAK8 , Mm f"jiml of wiilch rnnnot tin foiiml nltewliKru. At Council llUilfn llin IriiliiHdf Ilia I'nloii I'ncl- He fly. onnnoot In Union Dnpnt jth tliohe of llio ( , hlKo & NonliMCBlmn llj In ( HilrnHO thn trains of tlilg line niiiko float ) tonnvctlon wllli thofn of nil eastern linns , For Dritiolt , ColinnlmR. IndlunnpollN , Clnrln- null. Klnviira Knllt.lliilTulu. I'lltbl'iiiK ' , Toronto , Montiriil , lloilon , Nnw Vork , 1'liilHilnlpliln UK- ) tlmor * . Wnsliin inn nml all | olnis In th can , ktk tlio tlo'.ot nsenl for lickrliVH | ( ha "NOHTIIWIISTUIIN. " If you wli ) iho IMKI roi-oinmodntloni. All Uckot ii'juntSMili Uctu'U ! ' r a Him linn M.IH niurr. n. v WM.SOW Lieiioiul Mi lidiil , l'm r At.rrnt WM. , | . , ioMjKB , Uenl \\isloin < \ tUnuli * . ' > J'.iss A ft. Unuli i. N'otj THE LOUIS THE LOUIS THE LOUIS Tl. . . vruiiTi.-.n\J\ : It may Hjr.MJtV JI.SI . of u i iimi'I ' eiKlil nllliiut < l < lovunnir Him llu ) , otliin limn HID CtCHOA VEI , . i VETS , ihcj MI vli'M'i } riMulil t. wind Hie jic \\uVI.N ' , ' . . I'T I' ' ( il. ( i llivnt t Miiinl < T u1 U ) . uy r'liivh ' HI-HI , wlueli nuuM ru u i a * ! M'lHiit Iciui1 t'iiiitlu > nrlc" . Tim li n n. 1.UI IS VI.IVIn.l.\ ! - , lx > < j In KStjI.Av | ) . HIM ) lijl | liiiiiiiiliiiiiiil.i | with HIIJ other \ < - > M ii'i'll l. ro Viinlnf lliuli.NI : { XL l .n t < < v iiuino of "IAU H."nnU it ( itJlAM | U. i t wear no. c mt > i'i'H-Vvr | > yard , SO'li ' VV 1,1 , 1.i , ( ( oi I It it I ri < t1i-i w Ihihi \ iKotrmi i > i > ! Iff iind n no.otrvfy , ' ' Hoi I l y X. Ji , VALVOX1UI.