Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 6, Image 14

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DtllUltU bj nrncr In tiny pnrt of IheeltjrM
tiunt ) cti.tiir | cck.
11. W. TII.TO.V , - - Manager.
Titii'ItONE3 : : :
r'-sOllirF. , No. < 3.
Kim on No. Hi.
N. Y. I' Uo.
Hiirliorn for harciiin" .
Is'cw full goods : it Holler's.
Additional Council Hlufl's news on lingo
Complete srls of Dickens for $7.00 ul
IJixlincH'.s. '
Have yon soon ( lie new books at tlio
PublMicrs1 book Milo.
It don't cost tuiytlilnir to look ul slip
pers at Adams' shoo storo.
1) . ] ' . lituher lint purchased tlic Pearl
fctrccl property o ] > ] > osilo the court houso.
Hooks of all kinds very cheap at Hush-
Call and SPO llio elegant slocl : of books
nt llio Publishers' book snlu ?
Nearly a car load of 'Mop's Hey * ' nr-
riyrd at HIP I'' book siln : yester-
-Jay. 'J'hey are a liuly set of follows.
"Hiislcd" High prices on Christina *
at AdamRoinemher wo . cll cheaper
than pvur at Adams , ' No. 11 ? lirondwny.
An infant daiijjhtor of Mr and Mix ( !
IS. Kirk wood died 3 esicrday. Mr. Kirk-
wood is a nephew of Hoberi KirUwood.
DSonio Mioak thief got away with a sot
of billiard balls from the saloon lately
owned by Harry liuni'ii on Main street.
All Iho now books al away down piices
ai the Publishers' book sale.
'J'he Royal Arcanum to-night trivns the
H'cond of its series ol parlies , and like its
predecessors , it will doubtless bu an clu-
Kant aIIair.
'I'he funeral of Mrs. Woodward wa <
held yesterday at the Hrondway
Methodist church. Rev. Dr. MeCreury
'J'he now militia company is to be called
after ( leneral Dodge. A meeting is to tic
held to-morrow evening to perfect the
Hooks of all kinds very cheap at Biiih-
nell .s.
Don't forget Adams' olouranoo sale
Fibril conies down .lanunrv t and then
price.- ) will be unusually low but firmer.
Kuey Summers was yesterday assessed
a round sum for getting so angry at Mrs.
Mi'Donahl as lo grab her by tlie throat
and choke her ,
The oiilertninntont given by the V. M.
( ' . A. last evening consisted of readings
andjecitatioiis , sketches from Ben Jlur ,
inn-ic and conversations.
Metenlf Bros , .show windowsare nightly
drawing crowds , for there again appears
there lliis season the apparition ol llio
legless body. It perplexes and pux./.U'.s
all , and is indeed a mystery.
Wo carry a larger stoek than over be
fore. Our stock is the cleanest , best as
sorted , newest designed in the city. Our
prices defy competition. See and eon
vinro yourself. Hiirhorn , Jeweler , No.
17 Main St.
The boxes being put in for the Richmond
mend lire and police alarm are even
better than the ones shown as samples.
Some improvements have been made
hince the contract was made , and the city
gets the bcnelit of the-o.
Permits to wed have been granted :
John Kildore , Ogallala , Neb. , and Li//.to
Kavanangh , Beebetown , la. ; Alphus
Casey and Polly A. ( Justine , of Wheeler
Grove ; C. (5. ( Peterson , of Omaha , and
Oracio Buehell , of Council Blull's : J. L.
Smith and Grace Shannon , both of
An old resident of Omaha , a resident
of that city tor thirty-three years , yester
day purchased a very elegant gold watch
at nurhorn's , on Main street , and seemed
. * atislird that he got a greater bargain
tlian ho could lind in liilavorite city.
Tally one for Council Mlnlfr , and for Bur-
"In the Clouds" by Cltailes Egbert
CraddoeK at the I'ubiisherV book sale.
The aldermen an ; said to bo looking
with more laver upon the Tenth avenue
project than they were , l ! begins to
teem that the ordinance s'.uids a show
of being parsed in some form , and the
petition of thu jobbers and business nien
granted. The council cannot cither add to
or take away from the rights of property
owners along the avenue , and if property
is damaged the owners can recover sucli
damage- without any question.
I. W. Camp and M. P. Ellis , two young
men n ho have been for some time with
l'o > tor k Bro. , are arranging to onen a
retail drug store in Iho opra lion o
block , under the linn name of Camp &
Ellis. They have leat d the corner store
for three years , and will open for busi
ness the lirst of March. They propose
Inn ing one of the most attractive and
be-l stocked drug stores in the west , and
will doubtless make a success ol Ihu
venture , They arc both young men of
thorough experience In till the details ot
the business , and their popularity will
rnupo them to win a largo patronage
from the very start.
" \Vlmt Katy Did" next can bu learned
at the Ptiblisfiors' book sale.
The announcement made in yester
day's Nonpareil tiiat Marshal Tnrfey and
Alex Obert had both died the day before ,
was very premature. Mr. Obert lingered
until noon yesterday and then passed
away. Mr. Turlov was , reported yester
day as being bolter and \\ith very fair
chances of recovery. HuLsan old citi-
y.nn , whoso condition is bcmg watched
closely by anxious friends , who were
greatly shocked in reading the sad an
nouncement made yesterday by that
paper , and who w ere glad to learn that
it was untrni ) . It Is to bo hoped thai he
may live for years yet.
There seems to bo sad need of n real
citato reporter in the city. One of the
morning papers takes great pains to
chronicle the sale of llio I'lielns Irael of
eighty acres at $75,0)0 ! ) , and the evening
paper lakes equally great pains to make
the correction lo Ihi'oll'coUliat thoPhclps
tract is in Ferry addition. The map
shows the tract to lie north of Broadway
mid west of the driving park . 'J'he iirico
is said to have been Jfo'D an acre , The
iiupurs place il al nearly a thousand dollars
lars an acre. There is some question
about its having been sold at all , the
papers not having been recorded. Jt is
good thing to boom the town all possi
ble , bul thorn lire enough facts to record
without making such laughable items
which make the boom socm ridiculous.
Dr. Hanehelt. olllcuNo. 13 Pearl street.
Residence 130 Fourth btreci. felcphoiio
No. 10.
nrnoUelt'N "Wonder" Store.
Wonders will appear before jour eyes
every time yon go lo Brackclt's.
Masquerade- suits at Mr.s. J. E. Met-
calf's lor rent. Ncnu cheaper west of
Order your carriage and secure your
tickets lor the grand Christmas Eve
.Masquerade of the Sons of Veterans , at
UpshncJPs book store.
lliiy Christmas Wares of W.S Humor &
Co..No. 3o Main strcel , and save money
uy eo doing ,
Substantial abstracts of titles r.utl real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl Bircot , Council BlutlV.
The Order Irsuecl That the Tntber May Bare
Her Hfilf the Time ,
Admitting n Pnili I'cilillcr A ilohicr
Joined A. Variety of Spicy At nun
Items > luduc liool'liourow
Still Sick.
U'lio Shall tlnvo tlio
The Rock habeas corpus ease from
li"ii oii has been decided by Judge Ayles-
worth , and the order was is u < nl yester
day , in regard to the little daughter of
the litigants , who are husband and wife ,
By Hie order Iho mother is to luuc the
custody of the child , bulcgWie lunband \
allowed lo vi < it her under certain condi
tions. Ho i al o given the right to go to
Denison and got the child and take her ,
al bis own expense , to his homo in Hur-
inn , and there have a visit with the
daughter. This privilege is granted him
for the llrteok in January and the lirst
week ol every alternate month subse
quently. 'Iho stuy of the child in Janu
ary is to bo only a week , that in March is
In be four weeks , and after Unit the visits
can be four weeks. In other words the
court has arranged so tiiat after a few
months the father can have the child
about half the time. The probability is
that a divorce ci : u will be brought , and
its termination will cause this arrange
ment to bn broken up and omc new order
issued by the court in regard to the cus
tody of the child.
Cenlervillc coal § ! per ton delivered.
A. Overtoil , 180 Main.
L. II. Crafts & Co. arc Joining money
on all classes of chattel securities- one-
half I heir former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Complain I HIT Altuiu Ha ungo.
Complaint is being made , espuci.illy by
traveling men of Council Blull's , lliatthey
hiive tried at several dill'oront. points on
the Union Pacific to cheek their baggage
to the Broadway depot in this city , but
they are unable to ilo 'o. Those at the
transfer baggage room say there ought
lo be no difficulty in checking to the
Broadway depot from all points , and that
agents have such instructions but agents
refu > e to thus cheek baggage , and much
inconvenience is thereby caused.
Broadway depot is ntimbered O O , but
it does not appear on the baggage cheek
lists at any of the stations. It is a great
inconvenience for a Council Blull's trav
eling man to chock to Omaha , and rceheek
it here , or get baggage taSen up from the
transfer. It is especially inconvenient
for the e who make headquarters here ,
and who Ireipiciitly run in to spend
An elegant line of short wraps , new-
market. * , etc. , cheap , to elo o them out.
Five hundred overcoats for boy.s and
children , from $1.50 up.
Mr.rru.r Buos.
ItrncKi'tfs Kills the. Hill.
l > ig stoek. No trouble in finding any
thing you Wi'llt. '
ChristninM nt Hie Opera Moitae.
On Friday and Saturday evenings and
for Christinas matinee , "Woman Against
Woman1' is to bo given at the opera
hou c. Frank Harvey , ths author of
"Wages of Sin. " wrote this play also.
The story is one of country life in Eng
land. and shows the sacrifice of a woman
wno , lil.e Walter Seott's heroine , thinks
nothing too hard to save her sister from
shame. The Chicago Tribune gives an
excellent description ot the peculiar
method of the phiv thus : The drama
that is presented at llooley's this week
pears the same relation to a finely pol
ished play that a charcoal sketch does to
an etching ; but the charcoal is held in a
firm baud , and the picture shows
strength , decision and truth. Here is a
work with some human Hour in it , and
it i- ; such a relief to lind a drama that is
not emabcnhited that one feels a pleas
ure i'J praising it.
Don't buy your new suit or overran
until you luoli at those at Mctc.ilf Bros'
Hard and soft enal , best quality , all
si/os. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B.
Fuel company , 51 ! ! ) Broadway. Tele
phone 130.
A Bail Stan In li ! > .
A fruit peddler named linker , who has
a stand on upper Broadway , was near the
packing house yesterday , when he was
iHsuuitcd by a crowd of boys , one of
whom hit him over the head with a club ,
inflicting quite a serious wound. The
police mr.thi a search for the bovs and
arrested William Marble. Fred and Otto
Kahler. These boys insisted that they
were innocent , and the police started out
to find the really guilty ones. The boys
have been delighting in bothering Baker ,
and itfenms that they carried their sport
to the of angering him , and hence
the trouble , widen has resulted more
seriously tlui'i the boy.s ON peeled.
Kverytlilng Goin ; ; Smooth
At Bracken's. Nice trade and every
body happy.
Heating lovcs at cost toclosn them > - > ut
A. Wood , No. 501 Main street.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 105
Main st. _
Death of Alev Ohcrl.
Mr. Alex Ouert died at his residence ,
No. 513 East Pierce street , al noon yester
day , after a severe illness Ho was
burn July 15. JSflO , at yterhindlngen ,
Wurtembnrg , Germany. Ho came to
America in 185 J , and to Iowa in ISM , He
was a soldier in the late war , and soncd
over three years , lie has resided in this
city since 1807. lie leaves a wife , two
daughters and one son to mourn his
dentil , He will be buried Friday after
noon tit 3 o'clock from his hitu residence.
under the auspices of the G. A. R. , of
which hevaj a member.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms a".d
every form of domestic oicetiical appli
ance's al the Now York Plumbing Co.
New goods and Christmas Novell. . es at
Kirkland's , jeweler , No. < h'l ! Broadway.
"French Coolr. "
Thousands rushing to see it every day
greatest at'.ractiuii ever in the cily.
Christmas trees of all si/.es at Baird's ,
53ii Broadnav. Christmas candles 5 ccnu
a do/.cn , holders C cunts a du/.TU.
Over f 100 worth of presents free to our
customers on February 1 One chance
with oaeh 35a pwchasa. Moore & Kip-
linger , No. H'J Broadway.
Last evening , at 0 o'clock , at the resi
dence of Iho bride , No. 709 First street ,
by Iho Rev. T. J. Mackoy , in Ihc presence
of the immediate relatives , Miss Amelia
Stcpluin and William McMillan were
united in marriage.
The newly wedded couple will go im
mediately to housekeeping on Fourth
nvcnuc between Tenth and Eleventh
streets. Mr. McMillan is a \\cll known
carpenter and contractor-
Personal Pnrncrnphs.
C. M. Horl is at De.s Moino * .
Major Nash , of Oakland , was in the
city yesterday.
Judge Dow , of Dow City , was in the
Blutl's yoMorday.
E It. Cnldwell , now of Avoca , was a
Blull's visitor yesterday.
Dr. Gncrn-my , formerly of Ibis cily , i- *
veiling old irictuls here.
Jerome MeClinlock , of the Chioago &
Rock Island , has gone to Chicago.
Mis-s Mary Motta/ , one of the teachers
in thcCurti'n strcel school , is sick.
J. P. Beach and J. B. Christian , of
Hnmbiirj , were al Ihe Pacific yesterday.
S (5. ( Underwood , of Keg Creek , was
looking over the winter boom yeslerday.
Jerome MoClintoek , agent of the Chicago
cage , Rook I land vJc Pacific road , left last
night for the east.
Captain Overtoil , ho recently returned
from Washington , leaves to-day lor Texas
on a business trip.
J. M. Sylve = lor and F. O. McDonald
have returned from college al Indianola
to spend the holidays at home.
Mrs. E. B. G.U'diner has received the
" -ad news of the death ol her sjxter , Mrs
E. T. Hall , at Idaho Springs , Colo.
Fred Loouiis , who his : been so seri
ously ill for "oinu lime past , uas yestcr
day reported as being on the improve.
E A. Benson , who represents a Daven
port syndicate , was at the Ogden jester-
day , and looking around for Council
Blull's Innd in the west end.
From the TopokiiCommonwealth it ap
pears Hon. O II. Manning , formerly
of this city , is one of the directors of the
Chicago , Santa IV .t California railroad ,
of Iowa. The purpose of the company is
to construct and operate n line from
Keokuk or Fort Madison to Kansas Cily.
Conlonilln soft lump coal , $375 per
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main
street , telephone. ! ) ; > .
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! j < or the next
thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves .it
cost for cash only. P. C. DtVoi. : .
We have a fine large line of Christmas
novelties tiiat we are selling cheaper
than ever wa < known , alt-o mutllcrs , silk
handkcrehiots , ladies'and gents' gloves ,
clothing , line sealskin caps , olo.
JOHN Bi.xo & Co.
A line , large line of the most elegant
w.itcluvs , chains , .silver and plated ware ,
decorated China and glassware , suitable
for holiday and wedding presents , at C.
B. Jacqueiniu < ! e Co.'s , No.7 Main
See that j'our book < are made bv Moore-
house A ; Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Notice Opera house barber shop , bath
rooms re opened.
Attention G. A. K.
You are all requested to meet at head
quarters of the Abe Lincoln post at 1
o'clock sharp on the 24th day of Decem
ber , 1SSO , for the purpose ot attending the
funeral of our late comrade Alexander
Obert. By order of
W.M. Rorr.i : , Commander ,
JOHN LIN nr , Adjutant.
The District fourt.
Judge Loofbourow is still detained at
his home in Atlantic by illiic-s and did
not appear as expected yesterday.
In consequence there was no court , and
ihe Williams murder case is left hanging
Weather strips at Chapman'H 105 Main ,
ivli'il nun ir < tii ! for
Chris'nuts , at
't'jiist aliened It-n rrsvsof
Novell rs fsficclnllj/ for Cliri. l 11111.1.
Yon i-tni jlitil neni'li/
1'on tcaiit ainonij Hum ( tn < 1ti < '
rt-fifirc rrrjf loti' .
Hare iitmtjnxt rewired a rrr// / nice
lot < ij Ltti'p , S.VVMtint ! FiMiitit * ,
prcuciiitifor yon to nntL'n ( o
your icifc.
Our assortment is large , of Silk Hand
kerchiefs , MulVlers , Embroidered add
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs , Kid Gloves ,
Silk Di'es.H-s , etc. , etc.
Elegant Table Linens in pattern and
by the yard , urn ! napkins lo match.
Wo are selling
In all M/.Ts at nominally low prices.
Como and look over our large stock and
you will find on some one of our three-
lloors something you will want and you
will save money by biiiingii of us.
We do not give lottery tickets and con
frequently you do not have to pay any
eslriv price tor the goods.
llurinj ! the noU few years , liefoio the ycnr IKO
GiT-ul llolijfious Kevlt'uls' Second Ad\eniof
ClirUt , mm Hunuriecilon uiitl Asuviibiuu uf
CluMlaiis Without Dying !
Tni'UullMir Knirlitnd's loss of Irolund and liulin ,
n I Counties m ( ii-ini my by I'rnnciclmiiiMng
: M Kingdoms In Daii.M 8 piudk-ted Franco-
Jtoimui Coiifedcnicy ol Ton Kingdom j , prior to
Niipolconlo Atili-Cliriitt's Seven Vvura * Coxo-
mint wltli Iho Jinri ( lluulel vll 1 ; iv.7) ) ,
Spioud of t-oi'lHlUin , L'aiumunlan ] , Nililtltm ,
Ik-iHtinniblicntiism , fcl'iiitiuallMii , ciilininotnis.
In the Grout TrlbtiUitiun and Aml-Clii'M Mu sa-
cruof Myriads oft linstluns ilurhi ? tlirou iinil
u Uall' ycura , uiiililioa tlie Mlllviuilum of l./JO '
years , etc ( Mntt xiKl ; llov. xx ) .
lliV. : M. ItAXTUU , Klilor or tbo Chrlstlnn
HcniM ( which cliculntos 270.10J conies every
wcok ) Cicrtryinun of tlia t'huicli of Km ? .
Innd , wll give Four l.oclurt'S nu the Coining
Great Uvc-uta of I'loiuiccy lllu trutuJ wilU
Twenty'o 1'iotuies ! Three nt ue
a.a. . .
Corner Mnln Rtid Ilroailwkr , TJrT | lA V. Doo.
liM.ut'C'tJp. ' ui . KltHIAV. Dec.Jitli , ul It0 :
ftinl7rXlp. : in. , nud 8A'l'l'HDAV , Due. SilU ut
Musimlc Tomplu , at .TIIJ p , ui.
To Be Given Away Bj Henry Eitcmnn &
Oo.'s People's Store.
On tlnminry iHtli. 1887 , Consisting of
rurnltiirc. Clitnnwnrc , Clothing ,
IllnnUcts , Tnlilc Idncn , Notions ,
Money , Silk Dress 1'nt-
terns , Ktc. , Klc.
Tor every two dollar's worth of goods
purchased , you will receive n coupon
ticket , good tor one chance in the follow
ing Grand Pic ents to bo given away by
us on January Kith , 1W ;
FIRST Plil/E-Ono suite of Parlor
Furniture , consisting of sofa , teleatele
and lour grand easy chairs , all uphol
stered in assorted shades of elegant silk
plushes , wet th $135.
SECOND PRI/CE-Ono Mahogony Bed
Room Suite , consisting of Bedstead ,
Dresser and VYa h Slamlof elegant linbh
with beveled glass worth * 10 <
THIRD PRlX.E-Onu of the very best
six-drawer Nickel Plulcd Domestic Sew-
mg Machine * . The very best machine
in the I'nited Stale * , worth.$05.00.
rot'RTH ' PIMX.E - Twenty yards
Guinea best gros grain Black riilk , cost
$8,00 per yard , worth sjfin.Ol ) .
FIFTH PR1.EOuo elegant Seal Plush
London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order
to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth < ( ! 0.00.
SIXTH PIIXK-One ! pair of the llncst
White Blankets made bv the Pioneer
Woolen mill , of California , worth $ 10.00.
SEVENTH PKl/E-Onc Beautifully
Dccor.iU'd Dinner and Tea Set , consist
ing of one hundred ami folly pieces ,
worth $53.110.
EIGHTH PHl'EAn Elegant Seal
Skin Mull' , worth ifl.O.UO.
NINTH PRIXE A very line Paisley
Shawl , worth fc(15.00. (
TENJ'Il PRI/.E- One Angora Beaver
Shawl , worth .fn : OD.
ELEVENTH PRIXE- One Gentleman's
Suit of Clothing , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the
winner , worth $ ! 15.00.
TUELFTH PRIXE- Gentleman's
Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth ? : iO.OO.
Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of
; and Near.s ! , , to be chosen by the lucky
party holdinir tlic ticket. Worth .f lo.Oti.
Suit , for a boy between the ages of H and
1(1 ( years , to be selected by the winner.
Worth * 15.00.
fant's Cloak , worth .1 = 10.00.
Bra-x Parlor Table , worth $10.00.
f > 0 yards " 1'ruit ' of the Loom" muslin ,
worth ! ? 1.00.
do/.en of the very best Celebrated "Gold"
white "hirts , of which we are the e.xcln-
sive agents , worth sn.OO.
Mullier , worth S5.00.
Table Set , consisting of TaUle Cloth and
a Do/.on Napkins worth $10.00.
Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No. 33One Toilet Set.
> 'o. 211 One very tine Doll.
No. 31 Onn Handkerchief Box- .
No. 25 One elegant Hand Bag.
No. 30 One large Doll.
No. 37 One Stand Cover.
No. 38 One bottle line Perfume.
No. 3D One Toboggan Cap.
No. HOOuo Table Scarf.
No. "I One line Splasher.
Ko.One : ! line Lunch Basket.
No. ! ! :5- : One hammered brass Umbrella
No. 81 One-half define Towels.
Ko. : ! . - > One Silk Umbrella.
No. ! W- One line Doll.
No. ! )7 ) One set China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. 88 One Bra = s Broom Holder.
No. ti'J ' One pair Men'ri Silk Suspend-
No.10 One Silk Handkerchief.
No. ! ! One nice Doll.
No.13 One-half dox. Indie's line Linen
No.I : ) Fifteen yards Best Calico for a
dress pattern.
No.11 One Boy's Hat.
No , W One Boy'- , Sealskin Cap.
No. II ! One line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 One Toilet Set.
No.ISOne nice Doll.
No.I ! ! One line Doll.
No. 50 One elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 One Bottle Pcrliime.
No. 53 One Lace Handkerchief.
No. 5 ! ! One child's line Lace Collar ,
No. 51One elegant Doll.
No. 5"j One elegant Doll.
No. 511 One Tidv.
No. 57 One Table Scarf.
No. 5S One line Doll.
: Xo. 5 ! ) One Mouth Organ.
No. CO One Imitation Steam Piiino.
No. < ! 1 One line Book.
No. G3 One fine Book.
No. Oil-One Pocket Knife.
No. 151-One line Doll.
No. 05 One line Doll.
No. 11(1 ( One Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl.
No. ( W Ono infant's Lace Cap.
No. ( i-Onobaby ! ) Dres. < .
No. 70 One largo Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Bag.
No. 73 Oneliidy'h Companion.
No. 7l-One ! Sillc Mullier.
No. 71One largo Doll.
No. 75 One line Book.
No. 70 One line Book.
No. 77 One Lunch Basket.
No. 7S-ne ( ) pair children's Shoes.
No. 7-Onn ! ) pair boy's Boots.
No. 80 One line Lace Collar.
No. 81 Onn largo Doll.
No , 83 One Lady's JciM > y Jacket.
No 8J ; One pair Gentleman's Sus
No. 81 - One pair Men's Gloves.
No. H5-Ono pair Boy's Skates.
No. 8i ( One pair GirlV Skates.
No. 87 One pair Girl's Skates.
No 88--ne ( ) line Doll
No 8 ! ) One line Doll
No ! -One ) large Doll
No < 1 One largo Doll
No. lii-Ono Neeklaee
No M One iiulr Gold Cull' Buttons
No. Ill One Locket
No ' . -Ono nieo Breast Pin
No. ! ) fl- One jmir Jjlenvo Buttons
No. 07 One bijver Thimble
No. OS-One line Breast Pin
No 8V- Ono pair Kid Gloves
No. 100-One Lace Handkerchief
Total value of presents , $ SOO.
N ith every $3 purchase you receive a
ticket , also a tickel foi every additional
! j' . ' purchase you make.
Hold your tickets until January 15th ,
1887 , when Ihe fojlun.itc numbers will bo
announced and inviied lo call and re-
! " "
CeiVtl"Ulll"S ! EMBER
You have to pay nothing extra for your
purchases. We , giinranleo to sell you
goods cheaper than nny other house in
the weal and best stock to select from.
All orders by mail will receive prompt
attention , and tickets for the free
gift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with your purchases , the
same as if yon wrin present in person.
These distributions will bo inado with
every fairness , and you may depend on it
that the lucky numbua only will receive
their present ; ! .
No tickets will bo issued lo the em
ployes of our hou o.
Customers only will receive the bene
fits.Call ami see the above mentioned pros-
cnts now on exhibition in our mammoth
slorc ami convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
llK.NItV LlsHMAN & CO. ,
People's Store ,
Nos. 3U , JUG , 318 and 3'JO Broadway ,
Council Ulutft.
A sub .Mnutinl present is always mot appreciated by the receiver.'o arc clo-
ing out all of our furniture consisting of
Elegant Easy Chairs ,
livan , Ottomans , Hass.icks , Toot Ilo it . Muic Hacks , Ktc. , Kto , to inako room fo
Carpets and I'pholstery. This furniture is our own innnufaotnro , and superior in
workmanship and material to factory made goods.Ve \ nro prepared to make to order
dor on short notice , Hair Moss and Cotton Mattre e * , Turkish Spring led ) and
Ui'dding of all kinds , and to
Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Rinds.
Mr.Stockert Personally Superintends all work.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co , ,
r. it. oitrrr T. i n. a'tit3c : ,
Wlioles.tlo anil retail. Kiiinilios < npili | < il itli ton and twenty pound PIU-K-
J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
I Will Pay tko Highest Price in Caeli
Mca |
\o. nuo AI > IV tv , . . IS L 81 ITSs
'ffo = 2 $
--e"llJ5 = ;
f s WV B55
& \ / & & . $ &
- * * .
ftf 's'f. A . ' ' ' W
f.f 2 r-r SffC& \ - ' > ? >
I'ully Rni'lptcil Norinul nml ro-nm"Hinl n iinrtmrnts Tuition Monks , Hoitul nnl
Itoiiius At Itciisoimblu ItnU'Nlpht . - . heel Dunn ; 111 * \\inlc-r.
rtri HAL.
DJKHK : , \ \ KLLS co.
V liolcsnlo
Agricultural Implements , Bugji33 ; ,
Cnrrlngcs. DC ,1'te. Couni-il lllufTs. IOHR. .
Miuiufiicturorpof nnd Dunlurs In a
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
And iiKcnoiitl llnu of l\rt \ class ucriculturn
Itnpleiucnts.,15 ! , 1B03 mill 13)7 ) ? o\i tli Main Street ,
_ Council IJ.ulK IOWB.
DAVID JMtADLEr'itelrai
Mimiifj-B im'l .lobbm of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Carriages , and till lilmla of Farm Machinery.
UOO'to 111B 3ouiU.Mp.ln Sireet , CounoU UlulTa ,
lo ca.
Carpets , Curtains , Y/indow / Shad9s
Oil Tlollis. Curlnin riiturog , Upholftnry Goo
Ktc. No. (05 lroiM\tny ! Council UlUtTs ,
li ! . JO/MCC'O , ll'j
PKl'iKdOV & MOOIU- : ,
Wholesale .lobbrrn ! n Iho-
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMatn nnd .7 1'onrl Sis. Council lllaffs.
Fruit and Prouace Commission Merchants.
w , ' < mid M I'uni st. ,
HARLK , HA/VS ite CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
B' Fiinilrlps. lite. Nu. 22 Mnln St. , and
No. L'l 1'pitrl St. , C'oinifll Itluils ,
\Vholesale \ California Fruits a Specialty
Ocincrnl Coinml' Ion. Xo. Hit Brond i > Bf ,
Coiinrll DliilT .
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
Now. in and IS 1'c.irl f-t. . Council llluOTn.
. H.1H.VKSS , KTO.
llnnu'Rvliiroig of And Wlinli-snlu llortlnrsin
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
Ko. K5 Muln Et. . Council lilnffj , lona.
s , CV4/V ? . mi' .
Jobbers In llats , Caps and Gloves.
No ? , ait anil Oil nioudwiiy , Counril Illuifi.
Iron , Steel , Hails , Heayy Hardware ,
And Wood Stoek , Council IllnlTs , IOTR.
( JJ/.S.
Wliolisalo lioalcrs In
IllQfflinating & Lubrleatia * Olli Gi
ETO. , E3TO.
E.TIieodorc' , Afc-unt , Council Illuffe. lotra.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
iuilHndBO MntnliU SicclHllloVholu | < .i:8 :
berol U1 Kinds. Olfico .Vo. 130 ilRlu dt. ,
Council 1 Hulls. loivtu
\ \ hult'jiilo
Imported and Domestic Wlu & Liquors
Ajfcui ror t. ( iottliard'g Herb lllilin'S. NoU
MuJn til. Council Itlulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xt SW Alain St. , Ctfuiictt liluju
ectricteitl Sif bti ? riiip rlHi intU * * in rt5i" | Oiauti * , X oo.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers ,
No. lie Ilroiulwny. ConiiPil
1514 DouglaSt. ; . , Oma'u. '
I.aclicbbuyin a ? 5 hat or bonnet , one far
will be p.iid ; ? io , lound dip.
Spcclnl advcrtisumnits , uoh us t.osl , 1'oind
lol.oim.ror Sale , To ttiMit , \ " > niit , lionrdinir ,
etc , nlll lmln < < citcd In tins ( olunin nt llio low
ralooCTIINCr.NTSl'KU M.N'i : rnrtliollm inscr-
ionand rivoL'onta 1'cr Llnu for c > ucli subsoijuoiii
Insertion. I.ciivo iidvorlibCmc'iits nt our ollico
No. \ 1'cul ' slicet , n fur Uiu.vliv.i7 , Council
'V\7'\N'ni : ) ly ! ii luwyur of oxiiprirncc1 , fnlr
T libr.u-.v nnd olllcu lurnituio , liichiihiig-tllo : ,
lior < nnd blurry , and u litllt * money , n | > : nliu > r-
. -hli | 111 ri'il o3liU : ) luibiiii-'aS in Oniuliu or ih"-k
iixiin in un olllcu. IIu\5. , New lluinpton , lonn.
W.ANTI3D-A yoiinir tiil ! to liolp do hou'-c-
work tliinnx' tliu vucntion ol tlio < MJ-
oliool3. Addii-ss J. M. , lloo olli.o : ,
IJ > ( ) lt 8l < l ! - Iliirlicr 'liop.t'O" I location , pond
1 ioa < jn I'or s-illinj ; . A'lil-o-s ' II , HoiolluT. .
VvrAX''ii"l ! : ) < Hliil > flrj'ia ti.l M tciiin < lcr lo
it mil-It cm tlin SoulUrin Jvuusas rniliond in
llio Indiiin turrllorv. Ml inllmoulh ol Kiowti ,
Kiinsns The liiro from Kiuihn4 Guy to Kiown
K JS.iiO. Il > uiMiiir n roccipl or the Htront nl
Knntii * Cltj , In Iho imnic or C. iMmnntlil , n if
Imti'of $ " > .f > - will DII ullowrd liy llio poiitrni'tor.
M'tiKO4 $3Hpor nioiitli iiinl hoard lo the Icnni-
fclom , and S1..V ) pen iluj to HIM laburor- ' . Mould
53.1) ) jirr wock. Won : will litht nvo ymiri' .
liood woik lor ivutiir. I'or finthcr inlormii-
lion ( Killings C. flu'iitlr'il ' , Kioivn. ICiin-in. Kef-
eicnct' , Justlfo N Soliur * . , Council IlluiK
FOIIHIr.Or Ili'ul Sforo hnll'llng , aO
two ilurio1 ! , lut : . ' "iilil' > , staliluH , nii : . , on
premises in rinlor of Intilnosn [ niitluii ol Hun-
cock , hi. Addri'31 ? U'llllnin II Ilutlcr , Neolii. In.
Fnll IIKNT A now two story frnmu
oontnininirl ! rouins luill unit colliir iimlcr
I'lillro lion-'O , on N. 1 ! rornrr Axonun K nnd
I.iltto C'lrtit ' slrret. ( Inly 7 lilocks irom Do-
lriny'hO | > frn liouso. ( 'till on M. 1' . Ituliiur , nt
10 , '
" \\7".AVnil-A : eolliiifo of Hvo orIt (
lucnlod convuiifont to liiHmi-x * : finall
family , no ulilldrvn. Addicxii "Cii-iy | , " life
WANTKD boy with jmny lo carry Ili'o
\ ( for fltilo nt Uio Uco
UH H\tii-Ji ; I i/niioiu
1 olUcc ,
_ _
WANTIiJl 1'nrlics Intoridintf to lie nmrrieil
nro wanted to OHlI tit thn I'ryor'e Uce Joli
ollleo | o hdert tliulr woddlnu ciiriU.
Ii Ot'ND A liuni'h of ) .oys. Owner can Imvo
liy nppiyiiiK to lieu oiiico.
tjlOI'ND . \ ( lt"ik ) on Oniuliii liunk. Owii'T '
JU ran liu\osimo by uiiiiljintr to live ollicu ,
Council lIluDs.
SL' ( < IOil's I TO
GO ,
Al > st ads of Title , Lan : an d RcalEs
tate liroiori , No. 236 Main St.
bin nlixlrael btiolw in Iliiv
Hnoit'ii tin Hut ' ' .MvJhtlKin
Jloolm , " n' < t iv non > jn't'inr
{ * / * ubhtwts ( ttul vrttflfulfuUii so
licit Ilia ixttnnHWttf nil tlwuti ili'ttir-
iiicurrnl { aliiilrnrt * nf title lo Inmln
ami tuts In I'ottttnmttnniin cotinti/ .
1'ractico in the State and 1 eil-THl court *
Jtodnu 7 and 8 Sluiivt } : 15uno Ulonk.
Will f-upp'y von with a cleaner and fcMtor
quality of
Th.m any one iu the citj. A will con
\iucc ) ou.
SToC28 IJmidway. Telephone 110.
The only hotel in Council Uluflb having
AnJ all mo 'ern ' improvements.
8IV.M710 ' Mam tt.
MAX M01IN , 1'iop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
OppO'-IIU ' UlillUII )
FO s
o * r v
H e y *
Si ?
Hordes and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in ear loads.
Oilers promptly tilled by contract on
bhort notice. Stock sold on coinmisMon.
Siii.rn.ii & lloi.r.4 , Proprietor.
lelephone No. H 1
Formerly of Keil S.tic stables , corner
lit. ave and tth street
Horses and Mules
Kor al ! pin poses , bought and sold , al letad
and in lots. Large quantities to select
ftoin. Several p.iirt. of line dri\eis , Din
gle or do-'ble.
Council IJhiil.s.
Kjlnbl slicd lb')7
IOU. } >
\r\ \ \ frjo vin Coirpar.ies . :
Gciman Aniri/can / , of Hew foih
/"mrd.i , * of Hart/mil.
Harlfortt , < - of Harlfaitt.
Callfamlai. nf SKII Fianclsco ,
&i'j/ ( / / llnhii A Nntlciial. of \lmintg \ ,
Union , ot Stiit rtai'claro. '
u'Ul'l * uflCSOl.lfS. / .
ttllliamstiig lily , ' ff Dicul \ > i
Tliosc irniieJa-itltn * lintiraulso t\jalnst \ loss by
\'inJ \ Storm * , C'j < lottos < i/i < / furnailtics
' | AM > r.MfM IMIOTISI v AT 'Lou i r
KAU- . . * „ , * , * * * .1 , * . * * * x
Istnias Goods
III ' ' '
Pottery ,
China ,
At cxt'cc'diiiffly low pi'c"s. I'lcusp call
W. S. Homer & Co.
4No2j : Muiii si. . Coiindl Bln"H.
E.c-clgrrs , .lotiriiaN , < Miily ! mid
ItaiiU V4 oi-lt > f Al
Prompt Ailention to Mail Orders
Hooui 1 Kveret UlorK < .jimcil JSIudii
Staiidunl J'upi-M l'sc-1 .Ml fe'jl'-s ' of Ijin
iiigiii Masu/.iu-s MH !
C. n. Nnlionnl llu.ik , II. H. Binllli & Co. ,
OlluciH' llnnk. Uediii.Vclla Ar Co. ,
' HanW , ( . ' H. Iiiuiirt I : > t o. ,
OUicoi -t.C. II n.iMiii.r3 Hunk.
At ilth si a ml lltli u\o. , unit .M. < tlla-
pher'B store , Lower IJroadway.
Justice of the Peace (
Oflicc oyei Airpi'can ' K