Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Page 3, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 , DULL TRADING IN CHICAGO , The Bear * Have the Upper HRW ! of Tra ing on 'Obange. A GENERALLY LOWER MARKET , InniHivlt ; \VlieatConimiiitIcntutl to Uthor Ccrcnls I'rovi-lons Alto IUMOI- ; | lie Cnlilo l cni iinl MKlit llofih l.owrr. < : HICA < ; O piionrcn .MAIIKIIT. III. i.J : This was n xcry iluil tiny in the bread Sinn's market. 'I'lio wheat licnis were nualn in chaw but they tlltl not have It all tiielrovvniiy. . Tin1 temper of the local speculative ciowd eonllnues decidedly bear- Mi , ami many bull opeiatois arc worulm. that slilo "for a tuiu. " Slmit sellers had xery Illllonovx material to xvoik up Into news hc.voiid Hit- fad Hint cables weie. a shade eas ier all ninund. There are sluns of a rel.iu - lion In the money market , but the situation ! . still rnlliei illscourasliiB to boirovvcis nnd to caiiiors of piopcrty. The icceipts of wheat ( ontlniiulaige and expoil clearances -how upwoll. Thoohancr- the tone of loicl.n maikets scorns to be In tv certain titmice a IP- Heel Ion of llio weakness heio. 'I'lie holiday inncthlty may bu another factor. Them XMIS nn almost idler absence of outside busi ness and the wheat pit was enveloped In an atmosphere ot lisilcssness and languor , The i unco was M(1 ( and ' o'clock pi Ires show a decline , as compaicd with vrsterdnv. of V. 'Ilioopi'liiiic was tit 'sl'.o for Mn > . Fiom that point down to ss'c ' the dot-lino wasunchcektd , Intmiiv 1 01 w he-it to cover shoit sales tinned pilccs iii ) again and the iiiaikPtnil\anretl to 'V , siibsciiuontlx sell- unroll to1-1 : ! cnml olosliiK nt * s'l < v. I lie bulk , bv no moans lame. ot business tians- tii'led soi-mcd to bo done nt * sT , W ' ' . < - 01 was only moderately active , ami tins lluetu- tillonsweiu again within an eMieiwIj n.u- i > w laiue. At the east ; iml tlie sun- ailon unchanged and the eloM-of busi ness at tlioiosulilrscs-dini heio lound prices for nil Intuics nliout Hie same as xostei- day's latest bid. Mnv diopr.o.1 fiom ii'e : ' , at the optfnlnulO'l'I'hC ' , then leacU'd to IJ'4tt ' ( ' ' Hint. 'I he sold -t'i',11 , anil elosetl at lonifs homo and tlm buxliiir was piinclpally bv the sheiK Oats \\eio aiialn quiet anil I cat me lt ss December and > clnslnn u shade easier nt 2.1"io. May oats niletl sle.idj witli hales at :10VIVTheie : : ; ( wnb another day oFllidit iccelpts of llvu lioirMind the - sinn mnikols inlcd Ri'iioiall.x Him. lli \o- inneol tiadlnirxas light , and altlioinrli xal- m's tlo not sio\v | mntmial change , at I ti'eloeK what xaiialions theie wore , as 1-0111- liaicdilli xcsleidax , weio in the. tliicctiim ol impiovcmcnt , The dullness in wheat was piiinmnnli'ated toacPilaln dou'ieo to pinxi- stons , and at no time was theio inueh aotiv- Itv In tlie deal. , , . . 3Wp : ! in. In the alteinoon tindliii ; the Icollntr in the wheat pit was eonsldcralilv minor for n time. May ndviinolns to Nl-V" K.'he. lul ! to\\ild : the eloso theio was such : i jiiossuiu to sell that all the advance lost. The dual closings weie : Wheat stioiiKor and : i shade lilahpr at 7.1 So tor Dpcember. .tiV' tor Jauuaiv. 17' ' , e lor Kehruaiy , "s' ' ilor Maicli , W.e foi Max- . Coin tinner at : ! 0'o for December , : ! ' ! ' - , < lor .lamuiy. : r. . t ; lot Feb- in.tix , rrui'i' ' ' ! ' ' 'si' tor Mau-li , I''V lor May. Oils" linn "at iVkU toi December , "OjK ( ; tor Al.iv. I 'oil. Miadv nt Vll.M lor Deeember , fll.ti ; ) lor .lanuary , Sll. 0 lor l-obiiiaiy , H-.o ; ; ; for Mnv. Laid steadi at Ml. " ' lor Decemlier , Ml7' ' , lol .Kiniiaiy , Vi " 3 lor I eb- nmry , ? 0.o : ) lei .May. CUICAOO lilVK STOCK. CiiifAno , Dec. 21.iSpeclal Tclesriam to the HII-CAVM.I : : | : The maiket to-day was dull , weak anil on tlie whole pi Iocs xxero lowei. F.aMern sldppeis weio doing but little and dti'sscd beet btiyeisveic haul to please. Sales xveio made slow Iv all mound and com mon to fair stock sold lOc lower. It is toi late for all } lanev holiday piiocx an. ! Ilio nunlclsoast : ami xves-t aic lull ol poiilti.x never bofoit ) so cheap , liiijeis picked fu-lafoxv desirable caltlo at about .steady ) iiices but Ihc general deniaml wasxorj light and the mai ki I elosetl lowei all aionnd. Ship ping osteeiI.'V ) to l..O ) llis , 84.1.1 i I XI ; i-'OO to if,0lis. : ) 5'J.7.1r 10 : I'V ' ) to 12utl Ibs , y : ; . : : : ; < r < : : .70. Ste.ckcis and Icetlcis falilv aolivt nlf'l.IO ' ; cows bulls and mixed , SI.,111mi. : 10 ; iulk. S'-MOGii-V ) ; Texas cattle , S2.10M'UO. . Ilois 'ITadc lo-daj was not quite as active us yesterday , xot the meat bulk of ainvals In ought aboiit the same i : ol prices , at the close tlui genoial market xvas .lo lower , wliilolHit soiisxvoio fullv lOc lower than al tin- opening , and at Ihc decline Hie maikoi closed dull , xvitli spccnlalor caiivingii i.ugi 'u-r over. Fancy heavy sold al _ I.M ) i 4.00 ; best picking -oils , ft.iKKicl. H ; litrli SUX'dil'JO : light light. SI.lMlif4.10 Toikei- . -l.iertil.1.1 ; lou li ami commoi mixed , * : : . ' . 0I 0.1. 1'1.\A.\J1/\U \o.v Voile. Dec. 2I.-MONKV On quiet al : i lo Opel cont.cln-lng at 'Jpt rcent PIII.MH .Mur.CAN 111,1 : l'Ai'ii : 4' ' < j : dTiiiii.lxn KNCIIANOI : Steady ; ; for bixtyduj DillsSl.S1. ; ! , tlcmand. ( ioVKitx.Mi.Nri , tioviMiimcnt bonds weit dull but steady. hiorns The tocl : mnikel olleied . . . . xiolciit contiasls , clui'ging in an lionr Iron cxlicma activity to ni.dsiimmci dullness am from decided weakness lo Moat .stitm lh ' 1 ho opening xx.isntrain cxtiemely vvo.ik , HID declines ( mm last ovcniug's ligiues laiiirluu Horn ' to I' ' . . | iei cent. Tim tian-.ictlons x\eio veiy lamu anil a linilicr tlccllno was es la'.illshed In oaily dealings , Heading bclim conspicuous with a "tiiop" ot l ° f pur cent Tim decline xvas ohccr.ed In the liisi low minutes , hovvoxoi. anil slienglli as iiccidei ns ilio loimei xx'oaKncv * was soon ihspiaTOtl Tin ) maikut bei-amo positively dull in ( in nfleinoon , piices lemainlm , ' hteady to Him li Ilio meantime , hut toxxaid 2 p. m. Die up xxard moxi nient wasacain icsiimoJ , aecom lianlod by a linger business and the iimia1 llnall } closed stiongat about the best ilime of Hie day. Kverytldnt ; on the. active Us Mums mfiteilal gain this evening , while Tonucssco coal if , down 3 per eent. STOCKS o > i XVAI.I , V cent bonds. . . ! ' " " C. A. X.V. . . . . pi elei ted . Now 4'n X.Y.O ] 'aclllcf..sof'HI. Oioiron Tian. . . ai } , ontrai P.icllic . PacilicMall. . . . IT' ' P. I ) , , \ : F. Dr i en co. . . , P. P. 0 C. I ) , Aj ( Koek Island. . , 1) . L. . .vV , St. L. iVS. F. . . J ) , , t U. ( } I pieloned. . JJriB. . . . C.M. iVSt. P. . ) iiofenod. . 71 i iiiefoirctl. . Illinois lill St. P. iVO J. , II. i W. . : : i'4 ' Texan P.ieltic. . . 21 Lake Shore line Union Paohc. . . L.A N rd'4 W..S1. L.\J P. . Mich. Central. . . Mo. Pacific 10.1 Western Union ,0 Not them Pac. . O. . H. AX. . . pit-tentd. . * Kx dlv. 1MIUDUU12 M.VItl Clilcnco , Dee , 21. Flour Dull and unchanged : xvlnter wheat Hour. & 4.UV& 4.10 ; simthein , SH.tWs-l.OO ; S4.00f4.10 _ Mlchlran fott sprliic " ; _ .Minnesota bakers. St.r : r.vo Jloiir. quiet' at SS.'JS a.W in b.irieU , Kin ) icU.OOvicU/Jo In sacks. Wheat Moderately active ; opened easier at kft't'oO. lower and closed steady ; cash , 75 ? c ; January , 70\fc ; February , 774c ! ; May , ( : or'n Steatly and moderately active ; opened about Ilio same as yesterday's closdni ; ml closed HWio. higher ; cash , ! Mj < c ; Janu- ry , fA\e > ; February , J'-iyfe ; May , 42.e } , Onts-Dull and heavy but sllfhtly easier ; cnsh , CSJfc ; May , 30c. Jl > o-liilUt ) Jc. Hurley Dull al We. Timothy seed Prime , , Flaxseed inc. WliiaUy $ Pork Fnlily actixo ; opened easj at SK@ to decline , fell elf } _ ® ! more , later became linn and rallied 1-Xif l7Ke , tintl clowil eom- Tiaratlvclv hteady ; cabb , Sll.M ; January , fll.60 : Kebiuary. 311.70 ; May , 512.07 , I.ard Prices a little more tavorablo to sell- orb ; cash. 8l22Jtf ( ; January , J0.274 ; Ft'biu- ury , gaK : ; May , 5tVH % Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S4.W31.S.1 ; shmt t ribs , 55 0 for January : short clear , j 6.15 ; lluticr Steady ; cicainery , 21Q27c I'ull cieam rlcddar , . l-l- ? > ; , l.-4ftU c ; young America * , 12 , M1"0 ; ikim * , 7 , fl'i , ,0. , Hides In' good request at former prices : ho.ixy green alted. 7'w7c' ' bull hides. V'Ce : dry salted. 110l2c : lry salted calt , v'i'J'.io ' ; deacons , 2Veach. . 'fallow Slow : No. 1 country , D\c ; Xo,2 , -fie : cake , 4c. He eliiK Shipment" .'3 .T.or ) ai.oo-J Wheat.bu uu.txr ) -I.OOD Corn , on 1R.1.CO ) ioitO ) OaKbu KKI.OOO iM.uoo { JO , lill ' . ' .000 -I.-)1 ! ) ! iRtliy.Oii 7.1.0JJ 21.000 Now York , Dec. 21. Wheat K rcld ) . 4lfiOO ; cvpotts , S-,000 ; ca li UW'jC. nnd ipllons \ i'tfe ' lovxei , closing steady , tie- 'llitopiUtly ' icrovored ; ungraded ted , blftf O' o ; Xo. : i led , S7c ; Xo. 2 retl , January , 'losing ' at ' c. Coin Lower , closing steady ; tccelpl * , il.iwu ; oxpniK 4i'iXKungiaded ' ) , 4rn47\c : No. . ' 1. H'j < rt4V c in elevator , I7catloat ; Xo. 2. 4(1'.c ( ' In elevator , 4JJij4i4t3 alloat : Jan- laiy elo > lng at4i'4c. ' Oats I'occlpls , 4OX > : ex-pnil' none ; nixed xveMein , u.V foc ; ; white westein , : U i lie. lie.Kgits - - ' m : xx-ostorn. 24 170. I'oik-I'M m nnd In mndcratodemand. Pctioleum Steady : uulteil elo ed at tV'4e. LardModeiatol ) actixc ; westein steam Hutter l'lini ' ; xxcstoin cieamoiy , CO" ? ; : igln eioamoiy. ai'rtit-.v. Cheese-Quiet ; westein Hat , 11iM2Jjc. MfiincntmilR. Dee. 21. Wheat Weak nml lower ; Xo. l haul , cash and January , "lo ; May. * > Jo ; Xo. l northcin , cash nnd Januaiy , ; > ; sjt. ( ; Xo. 2 noithern , cash and Janiiiii v. 70c : May , T-v. Floin jjuiot ; patents , Sl.lOJll.O ) ; bakets , Itcccipts'Wheat. . 2i.noi ! , bu. Shipments \ \ heal , 07,000 bu. ; Hour , 21,000 1)1)Is. ) Mllwnulccc. Dec , 21. Wheat Finn ; cash , 74 Januaiy , 70 : Maj , J'4c. Coinjmet ( ; Xo' 2 , ; ' . 'iJ4'e. Oats Sic.ul.v ; Xo. 2 , ytic. It.xo Lower ; No. 1 , .IIJj'c. Hailev StiMily ; Xo. 2 , MVe. Provisions Hfttliei ; iiork , December , Sll.O ) ; Jiuiuaty. 511.01. Cinoliinatl , Dec. 21. Wheat Dull : No. led , 0 , Corn In fair demand ; Xo. 2 mixed , 'he. Oat.s I'nmer : No. 2 mixed , Jil' ' ialilc. Kjo Laslei ; No. 2. .VJc. Pink- Nominal at S12.0J. Laid Dull at SD.20. Whlskej Finn at St. 1,011(0 ( , Dec. it. Wheat-Wealj ; Xo. J retl , casli , 7l'4c ' ; January , 7VV1 ; May , I'oin I'.a < y ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , ai' ' 'e ; ili'iiuaiy. ' Jll' e ; .Max1 , li'.i' ' c. Oats Uaiely stoadv ; No. 2 nd.xcd , cash , Js , ( ' .Mie : Fcbiuaiy , 20'e ' _ bid ; May , : o\c. IJxe n.isy at 5'i'jc. ' Wldskv-Sl.i : ) . Poikstc.uly at 11.7\ LiidSliong at 310itfU.1. ( ( . HnUei Quiet ; cicamcryMB27c ( ; tlaiiy , A l lei noon IJoaid Wheat llrm ami V" ' e higher. Coin , ' .d'J.u hlKlici. Oats , ' a1 ' 4c higher. Liverpool , Dec. 21. Wheat Quiet but steady and demand fair : holders oiler mod erately : lodxvosioin spriii7s ldi ( 7s.1d per cental ; led westein , winter , 7s Id Tsiid pel cental. c'om-SliMily and tlemaml fair ; new mixcil wostei n" 4s lid nor cental. KaiistiH CitxDoc. . 21. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 iedash , Hie bid : Januaiy , iR'e ' asked. Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , "C.'oC oid ; Jan- narv , : 0 ' .c ; May , : i.l v'c. Oats Nominal ; 2c bid for cash. Hulk Meats'Shoiiltleis anil long clear , New Orleans. Dec. 21. Coin Stoadv and in tali tleniand ; white and mixed , > > ' I7c : yellow.4vc. . Oats ( Jnlct ; wliilc weitnrn , SOylOc. Con Hog Pioduets Firmer ; pork , & 11.50 ; laid , relined tlcice , SO.OO. linlk Meals-Shouhlcis ? 4..10 ; long clear autl deal lib , SO.CK ) . IS HTOOK. Uec. Ul. The Diovei's Joiuual u'noitsas lollows : Cattle KeeelptH. 0,000 : slow and ri'iUOc lower ; .shlpplnj ; steers , s0@l.s : ; ( ) ; stocliers and ( ecdcrs laiily active at SieOit.s.'iO : cows- . bulls and mixed M-rA Ui ) ; b'llk , S-.lOfc ) J.,0 ; Texa-J cattle , pMUfH ) . lliusUecuipls , : i',000 ; slow and rather weak ; loiuh and mixed , S:5.MI@I.1U : ! ; p.iek- IIIK ami sliininnir. SJ.UoSKOO ; llaht , 53.SOM 4.'i ; skips. g-A'A-rfna. : . ! ) . Slicup-KecciptM , o , 00j weak and 10il.r ( > e lower : nati\es , SiWuM.'J'i ; wcbtein.fJ. . tOuc : ! .O ; Tesaus , ' - ( ttSAO.Jambs. .'jl cPfy , Dee. ' 21 C'olVlc Itceeipts- , J.4UO ; i-hlpmeuts , 100eak ; ; eows , ficulOc lower ; good to choice shipping steins. io.'J'iC'i1 i..1 : ! ! : common to medium. fe"'A"S-.i" ( ' ; stockers , Vi-JXai".1 ! ; feedln stceis , y .ytta , . ; .4icows ( ; SI r > 0 ( . -.0. Heirs Kceeipts , lU.roO ; shipments 100 ; weak and lOj lowei ; eomnion to choice , iH.HOOril.SS. Si. Ioiiln. Do-.21.-Cittle-Iteceiptsl. " ' ° 3 : shipments. * 7W ) ; irootl elioico heavy n.ittve steeis , l.Unl.7.'i : ) ; laii to Roud sliippms , St : , : > 0i > i : > . - ) * > : mrtuhuis' stems , lair to eboice. i..OiliM.irr ; feeders , i.ilr to uootl , S..0w.l" : ! ; stoclets ; , laii to eood , .OOJt-J.TO. IIois Ittveljilsl',000 ) ; sldpmeuts , 1 , : X ) ; mm and closed stioiiK : choice be.ivy ami buti-lieis' .selections ! . : J5 f i..V > : p.iekinj ; , lair to Kootl. l.l.V'il . ' " > : Voilreis , inedlinn to laiicy , S i.lrX * ,10 ; pig- , common to ; ; oed , S2.S ( ! I si. OMAHA MI ! STOCK. Tuesday , Dec. 21. Calllc. Tlmcallli ! maiket was moio active today and ninier. tioud coin led steels vvi'io in de mand and sold at better jukes than have been obtained lor sometime. Tlieielsvery ! iito ! Hi-maud lor hall lat Htotk iinilnode- iii.inil at all lot old tiliicow . Tim iccclpls v elo IlKbt aB.iIii to-day nnd tliKiuaiket openeil active at an advance ol .ViilOc. The demand was noud and cvcrj- lliimrwas snld early in tlie day. Tim lew late.uihaN weiusoltl as i-oon asnnlo.uled , Slteep , Then ) wa ono loul in to day , but none sold. Tlieio Is semi ! demand lei choice sheep , but common aie not wanted. Cattle . 200 Pre-vailiui ; tliopun'aillnsi'i'U'iJi ' p.ild for live stock tin tills mn ket. Choice steel * , m ) to 1500 ll ) = i..S4.00rl..r.O Cliolctibleeis , UOU lo 1HJJ IDS . ( ioodloclioicacorn-tea cows . . . 2.t5.1i ( < ; t.00 I'an to met mm grass cowa 2.00 , < ( ( Doit to choice bulb L.IOdi'-.rX ) Liuht and ineiiiuni nogs 4.10 ( 1,20 ( lootl tocholeo heavy nogs 4.1.VS4.J71 , ( iood to cholco mlx'otl no 's UUMl.'i ( iood to elioieu hliuep 2.7.V < M.IO ! Falrtogood bheep 2,2.l.2.r 0 Iti'lircsniitiitivo Sales. niii\-rii : ) SIIIHS. : : Xo. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. 22 . .11J2 iH..V ) ii4) . . . . ! ! " ! FIOO 1I1..10H ! 1.VJ 4. . . . II17 4,00 i..twi : : i.7.i M. . . . 110.1 . 4.M ) oa Jlt'I.l.s. Xo. 1. Xo. 1. 1. Xo. 00. 12. ri , 51. 51.U U ) G5w. w. 51ai. ai. 7.1 70 70. 70 CO. IKJ. 0.1 45 Hauce ori'rlccs. Kliaxxliic the highest ami lowest uric" " * paid for loads of hogs ou tlxis luaiVet dunui ; the ) ia t < > xcii days an I for tl.c same time lastyear : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j Nov. p lice. T SC 7 Iov. Ibs * lith i.1 Cl ( S , ) . " " ! ' 4.rr Ctlt& 3.23 3.-V ) 16th 36-i I.S5 4.01 tf/I.SO it..T'ifl.H.'i ' lith n 9X H.r , i 3.r'i n.w IMh 3.10 in ' 'i JW M U"S J.i , . , . , Wth 370 < I''I.W 4.aj lii 21 build ty ' . ' 1st SiinilBy 4.10 ( BI.'STt 3.JJ fl'UO . . , . Mock in this market are mndo ' iwrcxvt. live xvi'lirlit tinlcs ? otherwise stated , i Dead lings soil at ; 4c per Ib. for all xvelchts | "Skins" or hops weUldnc less than 10J Ibs. no value. Pregnant soxvs arc docked 40 Ib * . and stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector. .Notes. Hogs all sold. Cattle stronger. lloss.VwlOo higher. Light lecclpUofliogs The hoc maiket continues lo loom itf. Thric Is a demand for good lat Cattle. Very little sale for poor butchers' stoi'k. F. it ell , Wahoo , had two loads of cattle In. Cattlu leached a hlKher point than for Minus time. T. J. Coilee , Ponca , had a load ot caltlo at Ilio yartls. ( { . W. Spencer , Blue Springs XVASU visitor at the .xaids. W. 11. Stone , Plum Cicek , xvas In with a load ofbeep. ( . John 11-dl , Ciu-ton , la. , was looking oxer the maiket to-day. Samuel Scott , Claiks xvas heio and sold txxooais ot ho- ; : * . The Analn Amoilcan I'roxlslon company boni'lit lO.tMiogx to-day. J. I ! . LxnL'ford , 'IVkamali , was In and mat- Kotctl two loads ol cuttle. 1 ! . A. Templclon. Tokaniah , xvasht-tc and sold txvu loads ol lal cattle. J. Cox. Hampton , xvas at the yards again to-day looking attci feeder- . Thomas Ha/lcion , Chuinda , la. , xvas lieie and maiketed a loatl ot cow- . i : . W. niaek , Plaltsnionth. xvas boie and got the tonol the nmikct lor his nogs. James ICaily , Wlnlei'ott. la. , was iicic and disposed of a load ot coin tetl cattle at a xory satixtaetoiv puce. A. A. Itiyaul , 'I'nadilla , la. , was hero and sold a loatl of choice coin led sd-urs that brought tlio hit-host j.ilcu ot anything sold on the maiket for a lung lime. William Hays Vulnainbo. biouglit in n car ot lilies and the ciiildten , Tim loimcr woie sold nnd the latter taken to the city to be v.ippilcdvHuJhilslnms present * . Among others xvho sold hogs on to-daj's niaikoi woie Hie folto'iviug : F. Dunning A- Co. . S'lolbv ' ; Spells A Co. , llrainaid : 11. Jell ley. Oscoola : MorseKogors A. Co. . Nortl ; iJuiid ; Fuller , V Paten , Fulloilon ; Slatci , Fi.i/ior A stieleVayne ; I.alta . 'c < ! reen , CrairA. ; L Spearman , Sprlngilold ; xViutois Moigan , .Sho'bv. ' la. ; .1. 15. Clbson. U.nlan ; K. K. Itobcits Keunaid : IfeiniiX ; Stotis , Kxxinjr : W. J. Davis. Dannebro : D. A. Male. Madison ; J W. Davis A : Co. , lloxvint ; T. H. Mmpliv , Central City : l' . C. r.iul' , Platte Center : L. s. Powell , ( iiand 1-l.ind ; John Qulnn , Wooti iJixer. D. b. llandi > \ : Co. . LoiipClty ; M. Kellar. Madison ; Xeison A Yoinifr , O.tkl.ind ; W. C. Cuiininu'luim , Mlllord : < ! . L. Smith , t'ljsses ; James Danbyshlaiid ; Sncll A : A novv. Asliland ; Linn it Co. . Nodawav : f. H. Hall , Vllllse.i : Kribbs iX : MoFailand , McPaul , la. ; II. 1 $ . Dc.xter , HIair. OMAHA \YioijisAiji : : : Tuesday , Dec. 21. . . . . . . ? urc tor rnnnnlot * nf - , dsfiu/O'i ( / ( , 'ic marl.fl rocfiii'flic / ins on frulti raprficn" tnc ) > i-iccs ut ichlth rmtshic unlcr * rc illicit. Kd'.s Tlic niaikei remains about steady , thn bulk selling ittSlc. Pol i.rnv Diosseil chickens liavc been in a little biitter demand dining this past few tlays anil liaxe sold at rc < 5-c. TuiUeys aio s lling at loiallc. ( ccsc antl ducks lV < 10c. Unr.nsi : Full cretin clic.ldais , sluirlo , l'c ) ; lull iicani tlals , twins , lie ; youn ? American , I4'jc : lancy Svvi-.s , l4i H ; hxvlss , impjitcd , 2.V ; Llmbnrgci , I2 > i'itfc : ! ; biick , 14c. < MK 1'iairic clnckons. choice per do/ , S4.00 : iiiall ] , per < Io81..10 ; ducks niallaid. pel do/ , . -l.i.i K-.OO ; ducks teal , per tlo/ , l.'il ( Kl.'iO- ducks'mlxcil , tier tlo/ , l.-.M ; gees.- , lier do/ , si..1d : : tleer , saiidics , per II ) , 10 < 12c ; tlet-r. c.ucasseper Ib , ; @sc ; elk s.idtliuper llW10c ) ' ) ; elk , carcasses , perIbtV'icanlcIoiH- ; , ciiildle . per Ib. IU.i/l2e ; antelope , eaieasse-- , per Ib , 7wt-e ; Jack labbits , poi do/ , ? : ; .53c" 1.00 ; small labbit1pei doOOo. . A I'i'i.i:1 : The ' locks on hand are not heavy ami the maikut ! > tinner. Clioice .Mi oiiii and Michigan stock at ji M5 't.50. Ovioxs Tlieio is no liome-jiow n slock on the market to speak uf. Quotations mo nominal at 51.2.1 itl.'jO ; Caliloinia , pi-rib , 2 , ' di" < > . Or.i.Kiiv The market Is stutdy. Choice stoi-u per tlo.45c : e\tia hti'Kc , per do/ . , -inc. Ox si r.its > iedinms , 20c ; stamlaids , Tic : selects , 2h ; e.\lia selecls , : ! 'c ; X. V. counts , lOe. CK\\nir.iiis : : Capo Cod. 1'iincv , per bbl , Sii.OO : : bell and buale , jiui bbl , S'.Od. ' Hxv WAS , viillow , per lmii"h , ? 2.00ut2.2.1 ; bananas xellowl.uie , peibuucli , fc' > .rAjlt.w. ( : ) bn.MO.\s .Me'Mna , pel box Sl.OO'iKUiO. On.VM.i.s Kloiida , choice , MO JIU to bo\ -5 00 ; do , > box . ( iii.xri.s Malnijna , per bbl , COlb gioss , ? ti.)0 ( ) , MAIM i : Si C.AK Slric'lv pure , .V ) Ib boxes , tier Ib , Mi1 : choice 5e brleks , 2" > Ib boxes , per II ) , l'2c ; clioice p.'iiny cakes. 21 Ib boxes , jier Hi l"'ce ' : : ! - ' : gal Obi , CC. < K ) ; 1C jral. lialf bbl , ? .1.5' ' > . POI-AIOI a Tlic inaikot Is lit in. Theionru vciy lew eoiiilni ; in , and tran-aclloiis uie mostly limitctl 10 the nak-s 01 small lots fiom the sloie at rouOV. Pnovi-io.Ns-llam , supar-ciiretl , 11) ) ft- ; bieakfast bacon , su.arenicd , boneless , It)1 ) ( , shoulders , Oo : clear side bacon , so : dry salt sides , ic : lined beef , hams , lie ; dried bcel , icsnlar , lie : mess pmk. per bill. M2..10 ; laid , .10 Ib eaiiN Kuiroanks. ( i'4c ' ; laitl. 10 , 5 anil Ji Ib nails , r.ilibanks , 7' ' C" 'if- Kunn AND .Mu.i.sri-rrs U inter wheat floiir , best quality patent , 5:2.75 ; seeoiitt qual ity. S2.40 ; hcst quality sniinic xvlieat flour , patent. S .CO'bimi , 10o perevvlclioppcd ; fenl , 70i ) per cwt : white corn meal , ufle ; j ellovv col n meal , MC ) per cvvt ; scicp.nln , OOc perewt : hominy , 82fw per cxvt : .shorts , 51n perewl : sraham f I.CO ; liay , in bao ! , S.1.10 C.OOncr ton. Metllnm. In bbls. SO..V ) : do , In half bbls , 11.75 ; .small , in nbls. S7.10 ; do , in ball bbls , S 1.2.1 ; c luklns , In bbls , Sb.50 ; do , In half bbls. S4.M. Sxnri1 No. 70. l-gallon ke s , ; N'oxv Orleans , per uallon : ibc < { 10o ; manlo : .syrup , hall bbls , "old lime. " per pallon , ? o 1 gal lon cans , uer doSlO.oo ; half gallon cans. per do * . 5.50 ; qnaiteans , Sli.Oi ) . .Minor la-- 1 Ib , ni c ; mirror ; i Ib , 5'ic , : minor closs till ) , o e ; ( iraxes1 corn , l lit , Oc ; Klne > > loid's corn. I lo , 7c ; Klnssford's closs , l jb. 7c ; Klnijslord's trio s , Oil ) , 7'i ' ; Klnirsfoul's pine , : > lb , 74c ; Kiniisfoids bulk. ic. Tnii\rr o Plug , ellmav , 4Jc ; hoiscshoe , H7c ; slur , : Klc ; spi'.uliead , ul' ' . : piperhcldsiek , OOc : gold .shield , _ le ; merry war , 2-lc : J. T. J. , 'lie. ToiiAi-ro SmokliiBr , Durham , Is , , llc ; K's 54cn. ; . 57c ; lfts , OOo ; inecrsuhuin , 30c ; old style , 2Jc ; I' ' , .V. O. , I5e ; spirit cured , 45c. .M.xu'iir.s-Pcrcaddle , 250 ; bouaio eases , 5-l.0 ; : mule siniare , 51.20. CAVIIY Mixed , UjtlUjc : stick s tiaineau's sotta , butter and PlcnleI'jc ; eic'amss'c ' ; Kinde cl > Mia , i StiAi-s Kiik s sax on impcilal , Si.70 ; Kirk s satinet. ! l.OJ ; Kirk s hlainUrd , $ a.0l ; Kirk's white ItitSbian , S4 < K ) : Kirk'n whitecap - cap , SO. . ' . * ) ) dome , sa.b5 ; wa&hbiaul ) , SH.10 ; v\ldtn cloud , S3. 75. Hoi'K-S' Inch , Oli'c ; 1 Inch , 10V- ; ' . Inch , 10J4e. CANXII : > ( joois-Oy.stcrsstandartlei ] case , 21 ; otrawbeiiies , 2Jb. iicrcase.S2.JO ' ! ' . 2 Ib , per ease , & 2.10 ; C.tlltornla peais , per case , 84,50 ; aiirlcots , pcrcasi ; Sl.COpeaches , pi"- ease , W.25 ; xxhlle cher ries , per ease , SO.OO ; pUims , per case , S3.01) , liluebenles perci e , Si.n.l ; o c plums , 2 Ib per case 52.50 ; pineapples , ! ) Ib , per case M.200T1.75 ; 1 Ib nn.-Kerei. per doSI.30 ; 1 Jb. salmon , put do ; , & 1.5K31.CO ; 2 Ib goose , bciiles , percase , Sl.7.1 ; 2 Hi string beans , poi case , fel.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case. Sl.tX ) ' Jib marroxvlal peas , per ease , S..JO ; 211 early Juno peas , per case. 52.75 : a li > toina loes. < u'.2.1a ; ib. irn S .IO 'V.'O. DiilKD Fin trXo. . 1 qiuiter apples , 5'jOj Co ; In ovapoiatrd boxes l'-l- ' .e : black- bcnlns , boxe * . 10ljjlle ( | ; peaches , .Salt Lake 17e ; raspberries , new , cf.'c ; currents " @ ? iC prnnti , new ft1'jfi > fc. .SfOAiii Powdeieu , 7c ; cut loaf , CJmiic ; ( Jiaiiuluti-d , OVmO , c ; contc.ctiont.Ts' ' A , ti't.e : standanl extra t' , bcs.Mfii ) ; extii ( \ -'icM'it. ' ; mt-dium yellow , 4jbg.ic. ( COKFKKS Ordinary giades , 14'jdilV fa l""Al"He ; prime , 1 > < { < 31CQ : choice , Ifiyl'iHc faiiy gicen ant ] jtllow , Wujlicj old gov- * rrnment Java OM20ef fnlrnor Java. 10 , ft 20c ; Mocha , 22n''k' : ArhncKle's toasted 10 j , e ; MoLaughlln's \ \ Xroasicil , l Vi Dilvxoith s , lti' ' rs Itcd ( Jioss lfl4'e. doncrnl Wont. Medium lM < t-We per Ib ; ( me heavy , 14 UGe ; llglit. irtl c : qoaie , IKjUOe ; burry wool , C't JC"lT uinns ( Ircen bntchei-,0''e : georn cured , So ; drv tllnl , ll'f" \ \ diy suit , KiMOu ; erven calf skins , i'd'-ie ' ( ; damaqoil ldde . two-tlilitU t price. Tallow 'i'fe. ' Orease Prune ] white. 3e ; yyllo-v. 2o ; brown , Pf bhcep Pelt4 * > ® 7.V. Lr.ATiir.n Prime slaiKhler sole leather , ' 0'ii.ttc : > Iniocco i \ pebble , 2s < t"Jc ; toppings . . , III-.AXX IKiiiMVAiir Iron , late 5J.OO } ; tlovvs ! < elsiirclaleast.4'eeiuclblesteelOKc : ; ast tools , ifo. 120 lee ; waicoit spokes , per sot , S.OJi.--V'O : hubs , per sot , § 1.2.1 : lelloes , biixvetl tlrr. * 1.5. > ; lonirtiei. each , S c ; axels. ac'i. ' 7. > : suimie nut * . Per Ib. VuTb' ; coil liain , per Ib , f-'ulle ; nnlleable. i ! V ; non xxedtcs , Oc ; ciowbai , Oc ; hairow teeth , 4'fe. ' , spilng steel , 71" ' : llunlen's her "hoes , 1 1.50 ; Unidcn s mule shoes , ? 1.50. Hal bed wlto. In car loN. St.O'J per 100 Ibs. Xalls , lales , 10 to so , S..rx ) : steel nails , S2.C.1. Shot , Sl.tti : buckshot , SI , si : oilenlal powder. jjeirs Si 50 ; do. half kcas ; , yj oo ; do. quaiter . cgs. SI. W : b.ast . nir knis ? , S'J.Jil ; fuse , per lo pot. C" > c. Lead bar , Sb- N Aiivisiir Hauels , iieritalion : I'urnl- ure. e\lia , M.10 ; luruitun' , No. I. Sl.Ot ) ; Loach extra , M.40 ; coach , No. l , SI. 20 : Da- mr , exlia , S\ \ . " > . ' Japui , 7te ) ; nMmnttinn , e.xtra Me ; shellac , Sl-io ; haid oil linibli , S1.50 biMiins OoIoL'iie siilids , is.s proof , SI. 17 : lo 101 pioof. ; .epiriK second quality , 101 proot.1.17 : tht iss pniof. SI. 10 Alcohol. Sheaf bourbon ami ixo xvlnskles , K ! KnindiO" , impoiled , 5M.OOilti.VI ; [ lomcstlc , Sl.0' 3.Ki. ( Oins impoitcti , S1..V ) iMi.00 ; tlomcstlc , 81.2-V 3.Ki. ( Champagnes , impoilcd. per case , S'Js.ooyi'St.OO ; Ameiican , poi c.i e. SlO.OO liVii I'Aisiis On. While load. Omaha , ! ' . P. , TV : while lead. St. Louis , pine , ? 7.M ; Mar- bellies gieen. 1 to Mb cans 2c ; I iciicii 71110 , L'rcen so.xl , 12o ; French /inc. led seal , lie ; French ylne. In varnish nsst. uoc : l-roncli 7lnc. VC ; xermlllion , F.nirli h , in oil , " , lc : ted. lOc ; ro o p'n'f ' , lie ; \ cnctian led , Cook- "on's'J c ; Venetian it'll. Aincilcixn , I'.o ; led lead , ; ' c : eliioine .xtllovv , genuine , 2flo ; clirome yellow , K , lie ; oclnu. lochclle , : tc ; iiclire , Fioiich , 2'\c ; ochie , Ameiican , I'ac ' ; Wlnloi's mineral. 2' c ; Lehlgli blown , liC ; Spanlsli brown , J.c } ; I'rinceS tr.inoial , * Dux PAIN rs White lead , c ; Kiench lnc , 12o ; Par ! , wliitinir. 2' ' e ; whiting , flitters , J V ; vvhltinu' " . coin'l , ! ' ' ; lampbinclc , ( icr- tminstown. 12c ; lampbia' ' ! : , oidlnnry. v ; Prussian blnc.-iV ; ultramarine , l.scxandy ; ic- brown , sc ; umber , burnt -lc ; umber , law , 4e sienna , burnt , 4c ; sn'iina , law , lc ; Pane gicen , cunuine. 2.V. PaiN ( iieeii. com mon , 2A" elnomo green. X. V. . 20j ; xei million A'liciican. lkc ; intiiau law mul burnt uinticr , 1 H > cans Uc ; inxv and burnt hienna , I2e : xandxke brown , ' ' ! c ; ie- lined lampblack 12o' coacli bl.tck and ivory bla-k. Itic ; tlrop black. IGc ; Piiissian blue , 40c : nltramailno black , l 'e : clirome greenL. , M. & ] ) . , Me ; blind . .lid shutter gicen , I. . . M. A I ) . , lOc. Pails green , ' . ' c ; Ii.ilian ictl , I5e ; Venelian led , He ; Tuscan , 22c ; Ameiican xeiinllllr.ii , L. iX : I ) . , 'iOc ; yellow ochie , 2c ; L. M. ife 0. D. , lsu ; ( , " ) inl ochre , We ; paten drv ; uialnlng color , liithl nan , daikoak , walnut , chestnut and nsli. i-.v. DilffisND t IIKXIH Ai.s. A out , caibolle , -c ; acitl , tirtaric , " > Je ; balsam copaiba , per ti\ -sic : : baik sassalras per U > , lOc ; calomel , | icr Ui , 7 c , cliinclionhlia , per oKK1 ; cliloio- lorin , pel ll > , 5'V ; Dovei s powdeis per Ib , S1.2.1epsom : salts , per It , H'ie ; glyceiine , pure , per Ib , " > t'c ' ; lead , afetate.pcilb.21c ; nil , castor , N'o. 1. per jr > I. , SL.'iOc ; oil casioi , Vo. 2 , pei gal. , fl.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 31.40 ; oil orliraiiniiui. Me ; ouium , S.J.CO : uuinine , P. A : W. and It. AS. . , per o70e ; potassium li.dide. per Ifc , Si.7.1 ; S'llic'n. ' PTO/ , I1'sul ; - pliato mornhlne , jicr oz. ? ' .M > : sulplmr , pci lb,4c ; stivchiiin" , pi to51.21. . uoAiin > . Xo. 1 Com. s.l.s. 12 , H and 10 ft S17.r,0 Xo.'J 14 ' 12 , 14 and 10 ft 14.7.1 Xo.3 " 4l I4. , 14 and 10 ft K'.M ) No.4 ' 4 _ " l ! ; . and 10 tt. . _ . _ . . . 12.00 II\UN-IIS ) \t ) IIMlltll" . I 10.i10li1.BO | IR.51 l".tWll-.OJ2i.0.j21.00 | _ ia.-,0 , IO.M lu.w I7.u'jiii.ujij.oo22.uo , 2\8 10.W lll.Vltl.'iO ) | ' 17.0U 18.1-1.00 ) 21.0J uxio Hi&'i iorir..iVii".Wj ) | ! i oo u-'t/o ) -'i.i4 . . . . .lu.ri jiii.r.Hi..riO ) | 17.0' ' ) i.s.iKjirJ.oj- < .t < -b\.s _ _ . _ Kioiri.iVinriOii7.ooii8.i | ) | " jaMKrsooi | rnvcirfo. No. 1 , 4 it C Inch , 12 antl U ft. , rough. . .217.0-7 Xo. U1 A : Cinch , 12 and 11 ft. , lough. . . 14.0J rnu.iNo AM ) I'Auririo.N. stcom. , 4in While Pine. Paitition..03 Jcl " ll " " 4l . . . il.'i'J ' iMCom. ' in. Xoiway Pine Ceiling. . . . 11.00 SlOfK llOAHDb. A 12 Inch , s.l s. 4HC f"1.00 1 ? 12 inch 41 ' 42 I ) 2 WO Xo. 1 , com. 12 in. , s 1 s. . . 10. ISA 20 It. . . 21.0J Xo. 2. " " " " " . . . ] . .r > 0 Xo.2 , 4l " . , 4 < 12 .t 14 ft r.UO l 4l " I tt 10.00 SIIII' I.AT. Xo. J. plainSand 10 nieli S17..10 Xo. 2 , ] ) IanSamt : 10 inch 15..10 . i. xrit. NXelcar. S2.CO ; A standaul , S'l.-W ; Xo. 1 , Sl.l'1 ; Lath. S2.2.1. l'osr.-Whlto Cedar.0 In. , J.s , I2c ; S In. qrVJ c. Iteul I hiiiK * Transfer H Tiled Dec-ember 'JO , isti , reported for the BI.K. Kvcrett < : IJ.illo'i ' and xxile to D-iviil W \ oung. lot 1 , 1'iuvn'Mibtlix - , xv tl --tO. : ; ) . 'J'lie Union Pacific Itv Co to John H.inn- lots 2-3 , blkIS I'laltc Yullcv , xvtl , James .S Dennett and wife to Chas K Dris- col , lot 2:1. : NelsonV niltl. xv (1--M.10D. S II II Cl.nk ( tnistee ) In Kami Mortunsen , lot 2 : < , blk 2 , WcstShle. xv d'A ) . Allen h Kllby ami xvlfe and Marcus P Mason et al to James Stockd.ile el a ) , lots 2 i-s MO-ll-l-MIMI , blk 10 , Caitliau'f , xvd- J-iiiX : ; ) . ( ! eo V llieka otal to 'lustavns ' ICinkle , lots 21 22 , blk 0. Han-corn place , w tlS4100. . O P Sexvard to ( ! co W P.uker , xv 50 ft of n'ol lot 5. hllcl. Park place , xv . ( illbcrl M Hitchcock and xvllo to Oilunds TelTt , lots 1blk 7 , Jciomn park.vv d-S4000 , City ol Omaha to the heirol ( ieo Kleiner , deceased. : n.\sb It besfiunliut at tlic s > vv cor ol lot ft , lilkMs , Omaha , qS2yu.20. . ( iustavns A Klnklo to Wllhelmlno Uan- niann , lot J2 , blk 0 , llaiiscom place , xv tl ? 25W ) . John Svoaelnu and xvlfo lo Clias Metcl al , Jot in , blk : ) , ICount/e's : ! tl add , xv d M'.IOJ. John S-.Miller antl wife to Win Paint'et al , otf , nelng'Jl.xl'ii It 01 lot ; ! 0 , Sunnsitlc , w d -M'iOO. Albeit .lohnsDii ami xvifo lo Hans Olesen , Jot 10 , blk4 ' , Albor place , xvd-SlOOO , crms CHICAGO SHORT LIKE Chicago , Miteaukee 4 St , Paul R'j ' THE BEST ROUTE hco oMiiiiJi ut mm mm n TWO TBAINB DllKT' nGTyVBBN OUAHA COL-NOIL AND- St. I'aul , Jlinnoaiiolls , Cedar Itnpidu , Clinton , Diibiirjiii ) , Davenport , Hock Idland.Freepurt , Rockford , Elfrin , ilailison , Junesville , Belolt , Winona , J i Crosse , Aud nil otUor m port nut polnu Kust , Norllioail BUI ] Boutlicust. Kortlirough tivVctt call outlio Tiokut A'ren Bt 1401 rarimm ttrnot tin r.ntOQ Hotuli.or a Union l' clilo Depot I'lillinuu blueut'ia utul the Bnaet Dining Cam In the TJorld are run oi > the muiu llntiortlta Oincioo , Mn.wAL'KiB & ST. I'AUL IUII.WAV neil * rerr mtcntlon U paid to pissonguri b/ uourlnon * emploj-ci of tb coiiiuDy. : | li. MiM.EH , Uciif ml MiuiHjjer. 3. f. TUCKCII. AtsUUUt lientirtl Mn gt r. A V. B. L'iiu'tMKti , OeuernJ l' BbecL' r * nd Ticket Agent. UEO. K. HcArKOiin. AcbUtuot Oeaertl r unJ Tlckbt Agrot 1. V. Ciiin , Uimtriu BuporiiitcnJeul , ntp n i ii xi * i IT TiAtn T i nt i n fllE RA1LAUMIi \ \ \ TABLES OMAHA. Anl\o l.C.XU' ( 'malm ' Omalia UNION I'ACII'IC1. I I ) epol inih anil 1'iciee sis. I 'acltic lApre-s Ji.'Oam S:2Dpm : H'liver Kxpicss r > : 'JOpm 10 : " > am * Local r.sjiress IhbOani o-.0.ipm * K\cepl .Suiitlay. H. & M. It , It. I ! . ) epol loth ami IMcllic Mall antl i\iiress : 8:10 : am Night Kxpiess ! 0l ; am C. H.AQ. . It. H. lepot lOtli ami Pa-Hie st- Mall and I'xpio s 0:00 : tint Kxness | pin 0:20 : am K. C. St. , ) . A C. H. > rpot 10th nnd Paclilc sis. Via Platlsmoiith rio : i 0:20 : am jlncoln Lx press i-.oOam 'MCxecpl Monday. i-\copt | ; Saturday. Depot l.ltii and Webster st , * Monx City Kxpiess ' Mini-roll A ccommoilal ion I0:0um : : : f > : i' pin "Except .Sunday MISSOl'lil PACirtC. I'epot ' l.'itliand U'ebsterst. Day KMUCSS 0.2-1 am 11 : iu am Nliilit i\piess : 0:00 : pm , U10)im ; ) Ijincoln tl.VJani ; ! 0:10 : pm " * NION STOCK YAKDS I "oax o l.caxo Tit A INS. I'S Y'ds Omaha * K\eept fill am ytr.ini ! : . Tiainsleavini : U. T. depot ; :0"iam : * " : : > " > am pot In Omah.i at 10 : : > 5 a. iioam' ' ' > : " > am In.1:0.1 ! : .p.m. an'd.s. : ' . ' ! ) j . ! iII i : : ManiilO'Oani : ( in , nntf tho-o leaving : .Mam to-Viam I'liion stock > anls at ilou : II SO anil 2)0im : ( ) ] t , m. and 10:51 : a. m. arc : : ' . .0pm'3ifiim ; ) Inough passcneor trains : i:1.- : . pm1 1:0' : , pm ill otl'Cisiiroiegular stock : : ! ' > pm ' . " UKiiun xaitls dummy tiains betin.ipm | " ! weoti Mock xaitls atidi * 8:2.1pir : * Omalia. _ _ | I Leave I Lcaxo I' . P. HIMDC.I'/I'L'AIXS. Tr.inslei.Omaha , * K\cept .Sunday. | : l2um io : : nm ti'onnicN wiih S. C. A- > :1.1 : anil P. at Council HlnlN. I i : 'M am1 VOOam ConnectswlthC.l \ \ : 12 am , sVlm : ) ( ( ) . , C. vV X.V. . , I' , M. , V nn M0:00am : nnn St. 1' . . ( V It. I. , V : f. at n ' ! l. 10 am Council ItlulK : ' ) pm1 % tl:0pm : ( ) U'onnccts with \V. St. : ir pm 2:00pm : I , . .V I'.alConneilHIniK "i pin J\20 ! : jim tConnectt with all oxen- " jm : iGO : pm inij Mains tor Cliic.ino at * 4:00pm : Couneil JJInlK Ttainsi .1:00 : pm leitxii Omaha at 1'nion' ' : IOpm WiOinn IVtcilic depot. 10th and : I2 pm tOMOpm Pierce sticcls. : " < ( ) jim 7tK.lpm : 17pm h : l.ljiiii lo-.diipm , , . - | Leaxo I Auivc CONXF.CTIXi LIXL-S'l'iaiihlei Ir.instor tlepot I tlejiot ( J. H. I. .V P. : * J : lfi am I ! * ; ! . * ! a m "ICscept Suntl.ty. ! > : ] " ; a m ' * . "ii'i : ! pm tKxeept Monday , 0:40 : i m * 7:00 : pm C. A- N.V. \ . ! > ; n a m Alltialns inn daily.- 0:40 : p m 7:00 : n m C. U. A : ( ! ! > :1.1am : ' Oio.3 ] l 111 7:00 : p m nlfi : a m ! ' : Ma in All trains inn daily. , 0:10 : p m 7:00 : p m K. C. St. ,1. , V C. H. M'xcept .Satnithiy. 10:0,1 : am fi Ka in < ENCCitMonday. } . sb.15 : pm r.o : : ; p m W. St. L. .t P. All tiains run daily i I 200 ; pm S. C. A. P. All tiains inn daily ( j 7:0. : niu HW : ! a m 1 I 0-25p : m bropm : Only I.IIIP Kunn nj.ntr.i : Ill'CI.ININU LllAMt t "A It. , IK In ecu Onniliii , f.s Cilij < tnl , S7. Lout * . 3 TEAIDTS DAILY 3 nr.r\vju.x TniniH "ill niiivn nt nml leave fiom the < ( ; , St. 1' , M A. O.i depot , l.Jlli mul XX'eliitcr i ceH , Dnei-t connection iiinilc in I'liion If ) > | int , Knn fns < ity , lor nil points South uud W'e.-t ; In Union Depot , St J.oiil > , lur all | o.nls K.i-it mil It. train ? . Tut tlel cl , -It'oiiliijf our liei liis. ami other In- lit mi t 1 1 , u II i n In I M if ( i.t , l . , M. ] ' . , V | , 0. K. 11. ) iltipot , I. > t i anil 'A'eli-lei 'itiieta , 01 I1. P. . Vooiii : , T. r. ( joom ULV. ' 1'Iekot Airenl. Titivi'lltu' l'n . Ajront. l.Fi/ ' L'.iriiuiii SIH c'l.tnnulia. VV. II . Xr.u M AN. II. R. TOWNSHNII , ficn Tritlliu Mun'ciCJonl. . 1'ithsi : I'lek ut Ast SI , I.OIIK J ) . L. SlfAXK , E ' Artists' Material , A. UOHl'K , , Ut. , Artists' MaterialH , J'ianos and lill Duiitliin Hrett.Ouiahi , Agricultural Impfanients , J-A itiuii , \Vuol 8lolc lt'i In A&rricnltiirul Jnijilcmi'iilH , Wagons , C'urrtnk'i'8 nnd IliiLVlPiiJOIIPI Hlirct , ttlu o < > n Uth itnd llllli.Oin.iliii.Nili. LIXIXUKll .C MKTL'ALFCO , , Agricultural ImplomcntM , W'a-oiiirarrla2C9 ! , lliutilps , lite. , Wholcialo , O.niha. WliolosaluDcMlori In ApfrlonlitiiMl InipltMiients , i and Iluriiit-'i. W. OUJ. ' . & > Jnd ' , < ! > , JOHHH > t Butter etnJ Eggs , Hnyors of JJutter and K KefrlEr tor and I'ailitne llouau , llth iin.l l.u.u n worth HI. I' ' I' . IE II. 'Imtk , tnnalia Builders' Hardware and Scales , IfTMKllA I'd IT iP TAYLOR , nuilder.s'IIardxvare.v.Sc.iln ItepairSliop Moclmi.lca'Touliiami Ilulfaln Si ilet. 1IJJ Duutu > i. , * tv Omaha. Ni-u. y//j. . , vtTfKD cC ( ; o7 .lobboi's of Hiu'dxvitre nnd Nails , Tirmnre. sheet Iriiii. iic. ; AkCiiK S.n Jlowu binlei , nud ilUml IVwdcri u Oinulu.M l > . liKCTOlt ,0 inHAIKLMV CO. , Wlioleaalo Ilnnhvave. XTnlrrn nrfrlv for JetTut-on t-tccl Kullr. Auitlo 1'uwilerfo , fuirbiinVni.uidarcl ( K'iiU'i. I'oiuir lUtli mul Ilarnuy. I Iron Works , ' I'l'M J'AXTOX tV > Iron Works , Wronglit ' > d Tatt Iron Ilulldliig Work , Iron Halm llailiur , Itenin * id.lrdnri , bicam l.n lntt llruti V.'oiL , liii.crul . foundrr , Mi.flimo aril IllxLimllU for OBice apJ Worti. U , 1' . nib Uuoi. Boots and Shots , Mnnut.itiif i Kil VVlioUfslpDc.ilers In Hoots and Slioe , n ( Until rr iino > H iilwnrf pn Imnrt iinMihR , Nph A 'I AuMlii. > PII | m r. Mousi ! , ( > co. lobliors of lioolsautl Sliop . Ill J'ntnnui t , ltn ) ha , Nrb. Xlniiufnclorj , frunmot ttrppl , UoMnii. / > r. / , / Knblipr lloDfami ) Slioo < . luUUpr miiHtitoilfliitliliij } nail 1 > U llnott , s , , ili n-t 111 no , lull nml I ) nitf ; i Beer , Agft. \nlipuscr-ltu li Hre\viiiR- s'n , Mpp < M l llrrtnil * l-'nitM , nmlwcUPp nnil Tiliincfr. " M'OtfX TV ILKlt , Lsijfpr Heer lireweis , \ ' < 1l North I'lh sircpi , Onmr-n , Nol > , Coffee , Spices , Etc. Oinnlia Coffee ninl Rjiiro Mills. ; Pf.Onrr ! < > * . Sfllio . llaklna 1'Ottilor. 1 livonmnt - trine. l. ui-U > 7 Illtio. Ink. Kir nil lUllnrurr { ; 7t r KN , c6 Li : . ' MILKS. Home ColVoomtd Spire SHIN M'f'c Co. tvtfro Hov ii-rsniiil pliv < rln > lcra , Slmmf-uniior * r Hrtkinj ; Poutlrr , 1 Uvurl m Mr.irt * . Ithil ic. ( Mi- . 'ri nnn 111 * ol n tr 1rn | < < kiino lluino llU'tiil Uo.irttil > ( Tro. l'f. llownril l. ttiaibn Nh. . Cornice , .lohn Kpciieter , Prop. ilAimrnchircr tif ntiltnnlrpil I'on nint fonilco. DoilpH mid mi nml K'2 ' N , 1011) r-t . liniiilu. Ni'h. IIOLTK , of OrniiniPiifal ( iiilvatii'/t'il Cornice" , DoiitiiTVlnHMf. . 1 mnli > .MpinllcSk > : , ( . ' . HOS. U'l i M . ( ini.lln. coji.\ic : oiits C. Spec-lit , 1'roii , Ralvanlr il Iron fornli'elP. 8iM'ir lmim | > pil I'at- i-nl Mi'lnlli-skjllglit. CM aiuUil ) f l.'tliM iiniahn. Carpets , OUA HA C.lllI'KT CO. , Jobber * of CarpeH , Curtains Oil Clodi ? . l.'u s , l.liioiuumi , Mittlnfs. Kli1J1I Doiic'n ' ! Ktrri I. , S. A. < HiCHAHJ > . Wholesale Carpels' ' , Oil Clollis. V , Ci.rtuln ( ioi > d , Klc. 1 3 lainain Mrret , ( a ll . Nob. Crockery and Notions. " ' ' ir. L."iriti'jirr , Acont frtr tlto MjnufAt ttiroi * am ! lini'urUrp of Crockery , ( ! Ia < sware , , ( lilunus i'tc. oniu' , JIV South 13th ft. Omaha , Null. Commission anil Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Inllcr , nuBanntl I'roihirc. t'oiuli-i.iacni" ffillcltccl. lte. liii.irlf-rrf | f r MI nrwuuliiny Ilnx r > Hiul ( , I'.ipu llaski1 . lill Duilfc-crtri i l.ttnmhii. Ctinimi-sion Merehants. I'mlt * , riotluco intl I'uivis'oi.n ' . , OnMtlri. N ( li. Storage and Commission Mcroliant. bi'OLi.illn-5 ' llullor. BBBI. flu CSD Poultry. Uume , Ilislnnt. Kir. . KIP li'J-onlll Itlli li"t-t WrEDKMAX < fCO. . , j. , i.nt'ti Commi'.sion ilereliunt. , I'oullri , lluttcr , ( .111110. I MUM cti' . S.-O S. 14th it Onmlin. Ni-h. " ll'KKKS t fienoral Conimis ion Merchant" , Anil Juliliprt "it KoteiRii nml Domesilc Fniltf. I'f.rrc- . binrili | > iiii"oil , lUrl.ViirPiinn < o iiml oniii11J N. 't lilitcrnih st. , iinahi. : Nrb. ' ] lppliom 77"i. Coal amf Lime. " " J' . MFLKHTOXK ,0 CO. , DnMcM In Hani ami h'olt Coal , Odlcoand jttnl , irtli nml Nlpliol.iii tb. , tVunba , Neb , arfc 'J'clciihuiu1. ( V 7. tito. i . .J.tiiMiu'rfi \ r P.Ooonv\v , V. I'rct , J. A. hl-viil.m.AVI ) , ilnc. nnd 'I'rcas. OMAHA. COAL , COKE < D 1AMI1 COM r A XV , .lobbers of Hard ami Soft Coal. 2fno-.ith'iiltlcciilhclrppt. ! O'liiha , Kc'b. .T. .1. .roitXKoy , rc.o. . , Maunfactnrei-s of Illinois \VliileLime. And shipper * of rn-tl ami Coin. fuiniMit , IMnilpi IJrt'o , lluir , I ho liriik , Dniln. Tile anil s , . . , . , | 'ipl , ( mi . 1'ixton Itufl. > t. . Ouitlm , f.rb. 'IVIiipliiiiiuHI. Confaiionery. F. r. . . Mnnur.jctiiviinf Ctnireefioiieri , JobliciM of 1 .ui t.NulF I'li'l I'Un.K Ull I iirii.iin M. OMI , tt.i Stack Commission. M . /Ti 'fiK/ ; r ( ftoxx , Live Stock CoiiiitiNsion. fco. ! Knikp , Vau.iiror Union Strct Var.l'.S IIII.UM Telppl nnc MI. HArACi : { ' C.ItFKX , Jiivc Stock Commission Jlcrchauts , KUIpmculB of uny mid nil Umtu ul Hiork bullclte l.'nlon Stoi li Vnrilp , il.niilut , . * , i'l > . Cigars anil Tobacco. 3TAX MKYKlt < ( ' CO. . Johliern of CiQaiTomc ! < o , nnd Ainmiinltliin. VI to T. S lltii M. , 1070 to U.-l IMinim M , liiiulnNpl ) > ilatiurucliu'ers of Kine Cisrni'R , AnJVlioU ale li.-Hh-r * in l.isf Tubanui , Ku . 1 mi'lllJ.N. llth rtri'iM , Onu'iii , J1OUHKK < ( ' It'OOHL t.\l > , VVlinletiili ) Ii-K'ur In Cijrarii , 'l'obatxoH : , I'ipcs anil .Smoktirs1 Arlicles. iKOntrfor I ) . 1r lorf .V Oo , rinn ruliiuJ S.nuk- lojTobac.-os Mll 'rfukoa , W'ls u.nlru No. Mi Northsixtuent'iMreot Omilin , Vnb. Dry Goods , M. / ; . fiMirir , c cot , Dry fi'oods , Fiiviilsliinif Uootls AX ) lUanilllO ! ( Dcitiuliic. mr. lltlifit . O linliii. Nrh. Distillers , Dlctlllcn of l.iiur | > n , Alcohol nml PpliIn. lniorierfc , | nnd Jubbrr of WiiR'tunil l.\\u \ < irt. WrLLOWKI'KIXdH DIHT1LLK' V CO. ami llAlll D CO. , lmpnrlpr anil Jobbcrc of riuo Vl'IrP * ami l.l < ; iior . bolo niniiiifjiotuiiKiif Kflinedr * K H Imllii lilt- Icrt uinUluuirt'loi.lqunrii. 111' . ' ll nfy hi. Drugs , Paints , Ctc , jr. T. cLAJHtn nnua co. , LnvgoM Uriiff , Painl.Oil & ( ; lass House \Vcitol Cbhnuu I'niniilcto l.lito uf HinuKitte Bun- duel lilt lUrnt'f hi . Drain Tile , Etc , A. It.8E ' - IV' J.W.Ilriironi > .uer.\Tfoa II. J. l ! > IISON. V.l'ro , and hui > i. Til i : UNI OSf II YlHtA I/LIC JHiAlX TILK CO. , Office : IS ti. llth M . Onialui. Npb Mnrlilnrrr uj tupl'llti for Jlunufnciuilii. Ci lurniDrain 'lilt. Furniture , DKWVrrfiroxi : , WholemtlnDcnlcis in Furniture. KiiniHinU Omiiln. Ncli. CJfA IlLIM NUll'KllICK , Furniture , IJeililintf , I'jiliolstory , Mliri.n , etc , IK ) ; , 1206 1.IU I'lirnniun , Oum\ja \ , Butchers' Tools. LOIflfi .IlllLLKlt , * Tools mul Suiiplies , fit afl ViHil idrtui lu toCk 121S QpHIJOBBERSDIRECTOnY Oroceriet , /MA'VO.V , ( } ALl.l'IIKn ,0 CO. , \VlmIrsalo Ovoccrlos nml I'rovislonts Nt" : , . ' ( > ? tTPmnl7Uf > IDlliS Jit-co it / > tr.o co. , WIlolC lllO ( tt'OCOl'M , ' "In nml l.OftTctiTorlli l , Oiu h.t , Hafdnare , uj. . Heavy llni'dwarc , Iron nntl Stocl , rlti ( : . W'apmi Mo < V , llxrvlnaro l.iimbrr olp , Mini 1JII llmiipy n . tiiufiliH. Wholi nlo Iron inul Slpcl , ii iiclfnrrjijio\Vo.nlStiKk ; , HOITT ll r , ii , mid uisi l.riivonitortii ft . Unialin , So\iis ( , Kttiijrc ? , Kttl'iiui'ex , Tilt'H , 1 M nllrMlrntr , ltrn ( iooiii. 101 nnU 18J raintm \ Lumber. i.or/.s' Dealer in Iiiiinlipr. Latli , liiinc , Susli , Door * , Ktv. Vnnl Onrni-rttli nml IKUEII ; ( urnri 9ih nml tif co. , Litnilicr , SUP ItlliFlrpri.OmihK.Noli. | rolpctfpr. Jentlry. M , r Wholemilo.lpwclei-s and Music Dealprs ? . lrnU > rf in sTIrnRll. | | , , Diininmlp. WiilHif. I lei k . Juni'lvi nTmiltnnil .MnttmnK > < . Ml iimlKV lUti M , cur - , iiiiiuhn , Noli. < \ X XLumber. Lumber. Till nn I ( 'nllroiTln i-'tipots , Omnlm , Ncl > nt ID ir. tut A r , Lnmlier , Lime , Cement , Kte. , Kte. C'.r. C.lh . nml Kniikl.ii u. , OnrtVi. .Sn > , J.llllllllM1 , T. ir. itAitrurjA'MnKj : < . To Dealers Only. onirp , HOT. r.irnnni lrppOni | h' > CITAS. J { . LKK , Jinrihvooil LiunlicV , Wood CuI'll : * mid l'.irnurt I'lootlni ; . Vtlinlhl Do Dinutm. ; r > /r.v A. WAK WIELD , \Vliolt'saIo Ijiimber , Hie. rlPit nnd Ann'rh-in roillnml tVinnil Mnt urMllnuukiMi lUili.iulli' t cnu'iitaml Hill Viilnir While l.niic Live Stock. r.v/o.v STOCK \MDS \ co. , Of Omaha. l.'mllMl. ' .tiihn K. Ilo > J , Sjpnrlntcrdoiit. Millinery ami Motions , 1. oTiE'liFKLDKIi , r T'O. , liniorli'rs | HIU ! .lobbcn of Millinery and Notions , Kl'niul l-ii ll/irni'N s.a.t | , Omalui , NVI > . fJot ions. T7r. "GOODmen ( co. , Arpth'-onlj Dlioit InipnrlPKut ( eniiaii & French To.s . iV Fancy In-Ni linii-K.-i. cuunKo prlipi duplicntpil nlihot.t Hi'.d- Inrlrrlclit. lli ; > r nnm.siioi-tilnMli.i. XV'liolepalo Di-nlrri In Nolioin and Kiii'iiishinnf ( looils , ( OlnniHir , i > 'J'-iilh st , iiinnhii. T'lX'YA.liJt ,5l HCUXKIDKH , Xotions , Hosiery and l.'ents' Kiiniisliina : tioods. IKKiinil 1013 rir.inni HI Oninlin .V'h Paper Boxes , / . / , . II'ILKIK. Manitfacdtivr of Paper CiStll'iS ' . Hai-ih ii , Nolir.'Hkn. ' o-.lon li > niii'lf > IliUvdnml nlll rect'lvo 1'roinpc alien ! on. Overalls. CA \ / ' / IL i ) jr. i .Vf TA en 'i ; ixa MaiiiifactiirerM of Overalls , Jrnnn r.mlp , tlilrlI'll' Uti'iin I Jl'll Doiiulin , limnht. Vi-i > Printing , jniKfT f'h'ifrj"COMI'A .vr , .lob I'rintfrs , lUitnk luok ! MaKera , And lloolv lllnil < > ri > ll > > mill UK S > ulh 1 oLiULiitti tlipet. tltnth i , , N' < I * . TfvsrJiYi.vrsM rim r.\/oJv Auxiliary I'aiilisiiers. rpu. l'ii > .i mi I I'rliiliTi hiiiiin | | ! t'J ( ! -llli'l | 'C-lf'll Stl "Hi. Safes , Ctc. j : novKit < ( ' co. , Afjcnt" tor Hall's Sal'o & Lock Co.s' I'lr.i nnd liuruar Proof Mnio , 'I nra lurkKiilta und.lnil W'oni IIUI 1'iir mil fiHut Onmlin , Sell. U.AXDItKKX , Omalia Siifp Work1- . Ifmiurui liirciml 1 irc.'ind lMMl.ii I'ni'if Sji'i n Vim ) ' DoireJ-ill Worl.Miut.i r .ml W'no Won. Cui. lllhiiiHl.'arlii.ii.v.i ' iiiiiBini ' , ! > Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. Disnitoir tV co , , W'lioleralu Jl.inuln' ' lurei f Susli. Dnors , Hliiiils and MfmIiliii'H ( , , flinnPli o u'i1 , 121 h anil l/nr < l ht , Onm tin , Noli , Door , Itlinil-i , LIP Hill f 'mill Tlin iciinlli Hired , t. Nub. A ( iiitiitli'l * ] ntoui. of lliitliU'iH' x f rK i t "n rit / xo 7'TT Manufacturers , of Sush , Doors , Ulinils , Mniild'Pi ! .Snli | Worfc.incl Intprlor llnnl Wood I inith Ju < ilupiuuu. Js. U (01 Hilt nml J.U4tut > iin rlf , < ) iuiliu. : 5-i't Pawns. CjmiCJffLL JT.U. " CO. , " \VliolesnIo \ Pumps , i'ipc , Kiltinus EtoaniPinl W'nlcr SuiiplUn Itr > I'lumii-iii 1 r McM rojrlCo i ( , oiyl llll i'nuuni > i . llinuli.i. NI-II A. L. Nl'JtA.\f , ' CO , , , l'iies | ami I'ltiiri gtcam , W'ntrr , llnllunr inul Illlniu Siii-liif | | Kin , WO , tUVurU I'M rmuam rt , Oi.mli i , Ki-li _ r. S , ll'JXD KX1ll\Knul I'UJiT' CO Ml' A N I. Iliilhi'lay Wind tlllli ; r mai mil W't.lrr Snr [ lien , J'liiniblnirUoi-lk lii-ltlnr ll- ( - 1'ld ' iiml > 'M iuf jum it . Ilinnlili. h K I olto-i. Maiuini. 'li'lrphiinii K'i ' M. Tninks. ' " / / . / / . MAItllOFF , WliolesHle'r Miliurd Hot ul Illo. Wagons tinif Carriages. A. , / . FilJirfiOX , The Leading < -arri.iiro ! Factory , ( I- 1 AI i i i , ri > 1Ji I UW uud Ull Do < ! i ! nirexi. timiha Buildiity Material. OMAHA LCMiir.n co. , iH'i'lf ' i.l A < l I , o I * if Hulldiinr Miile-rial atliole ! al < . tu-i't r.d I'luort Vantto '