Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1886, Image 1

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A Kimarhftblc Man anil His Bravo Stand in
Equatorial Africa ,
\V1int tlir lionilnn Oeosrnplilenl Soul-
rty liitciuii to Do-Talus With
Dnik Continent Trnvelcih
Oilier rorclRn New" .
Intelefltcil In lilt ) rate.
in i > yi < < ; /it / IHV li'l Jnin'f doiifDiiIfntiflM
LdxnoN , Dec. 21. I New York Ho.alJ
CaDli'-Spcelal to the Hrnl Thu InUiest.felt
by llrltlsh i'otniplicr' : > In the falo of Kmln
1'arha , who Is now making sncli a dcipcr-
ntelybiave stand In equatorial Afnct , was
well shown hj to-ilav's meeting ol tlio toun
ril of the Keoftraphieal society nt theli looms
near lliirlliic.ton Aicide. Xeailj eveij mem-
her of the council vvas present , which Is n
very nntisiml event. After hours of sharp
discussion of the vaiiotis unites , the council
drrldoil to adjourn nrtion until Stanleys
nrilval to morrow shall ulve them the heiieht
of his knovvleilKO of the subject.
Alter the nicetlUK of the council vvas over 1
saw the ncntleman by whoso enteiptlse tliu
project of relieving I'mln leached Its pie .enl
stafe. ; He Is a wealthy merchant , identlllul
with Afilcan research , but desirous of not
bavin ; : his name used until tlieexpMltlon Is
well under vvav.
He said : "All the money needed for the
expedition has been already raised and will
be placed In .Stanley's bauds when he as-
Mimes command.Ve wish to do as tlio
lleiald did In its Livingstone expedition
tell him herenroso ninny Ihousaml pounds ;
K i and lind Kmin by the shoitest mid best
w.iv. but choose jour own unite mid vonr
< IVMI means. Wo shall have JLMU.OOO from the
Kirj'ptlmi t'overnment. 'I lie rest we shall
raise amen ourselves. I'lio amount aheadi
lalsed well , that need not be mentioned.
It Is all that is nerded "
Many piouilncnl nnlhoiltlcs le ardln ;
Alrlca whom I hao seen , the follow IIIR Inter
views jrlvo tlio best Idea of the piej-enl posi
tion of Afilca :
sin JOHN KIKK r\i.Ks.
At Pcven Oaks , near London. In a hoii'o of r
African ctirlosliies , I loiind Sir .lolin Kiric ,
Hi Illsh consul general to Xan/ibar. A Item
little talk about Kinin I'acha , who Is jieison-
all ) known to Kirk , and for whom ho has the
highest admiration , .Sir John Kavc mo an
Idea of the condition ol atfahs on the Xan/i-
bar coast.
lie said : "I'min Pacha does not want to
leave the Cential African piovlnce. He could
at any time li-'ht ) his way out to Xati7ibar , butte
to do this ho would bo compelled to leave
behlud all the l vptlan oniclals with their
families. These men would be at once
killed , and the inovince thus would
relapse Into barbirism under control of
the slave traders. Kniln Is a man of ( ! or-
ilon's stniiip , and will bo killed with his men
rathei than deaeit them. llo is a verv re-
iiiarKahlo man. Cut oil cnthely from Knro
pean siipioitsiinoiindedon ) all sides bi povv-
eriul enemies , ho mles several millions of
natives with such visor and justice that they
will light toi him even aftci they aio naked
nnd destitute of all supplies. So far ho has
beaten back the Malidi's toices fiom the
noith , and pievented seiIons attacks by the
slave traders fiom the east and south. His
proviiuo Is \eiyrlch one , but so nnclvlli/ed
that he colleot" his levenues In ivoiy , which
ho Is forced to sell to tlio
Aiab traders In older to obtain I'.uio-
pean cooiK In the midst of such 1
u country , with lighting on all sides of him ,
ho has taught the neinocs to weave cloth ,
make shoes and cultivate tobacco , lie has
also made n natuial history collection of
Kieat sclcntllie value. In one of his lales
lettcih to mo ho sa > s ho Is out of sugar and
ten and all l < iitopean supplies , andslioit uvcn
of ammunition. Ho asked only for arsenic
to emlile him to continue his natural nlstoij
collection. Attei his ammunition Is ex
hausted Kmin will bo unable to
keep Inck the Mahdi's foiceu. The lotion
neai him Is too jioDiilons to enable
him to htht muskets and spears with speais
nlone. As It Is now , his 4,000 negro tioops
are mainly diesscd In skins. It would be lin-
possible lei n miliiniy foico to fight its way
thiouu-h to Kniln. An aimed eatavan , such
as that Thomson used In colni ; thioiiKh this
I'onnti ) , could easily ic.uh Kmin , but only
b.v paylnc lilacknmil to tlionathes. Afilcan
blackmail of tills typo Is much the same
thlii ) ; , nTtei all , as > om Ameilean custom
duties. The nesioes , In tact , aio i.ithei moio
polite than join Aincilcanp , since the ) do
not Insist on seatchiiu > om lun'saie when
von cioss theli teiiitorv. Stanlej's ionic ,
liom the Xan/lbai coast , nvei Lake Victoila
Naii7a , thiough the U diulii eotintiy , would
be the best and iii'c | ! est way of teaching
r.niln , if the KI UK of rnrandawero notaciucl
drnpot upon whom not the least dcjiendence
can be placed. When bo lieaul some months
nto ! that r.mln was rctiunlnt : via Tuiroio to
Uganda , the kins sent < x laigowar expedi
tion , which killed 10.103 I'tiK'ora mvioea be-
f ir they iieaul It vvas a talse icpott about
Kmin , It Is trim the kln al
lowed Dr. . ( linker to pass throiiuh
tils rountiy fiom Kmin I'acln nn-
harmed , but this was heeaiiMi Junker was
poor and almost alone , and thcioloro not
feared as comltiK to eat nn the countij. The
uxpcMltion to relieve Hmlii must tm a laue
ono. The suspicions of the Ulnt ; are certain
to be roused b ) IthH/uandhy let t 'is also liom
thu foielKti tmderc , who are nnxluus to pn'-
vent Kimhunl taMns their place In central
Afilca. Thrieare no laruo boats on 1/ike
Victoila , liencii the cxi > edition would land
In small detachments at I'vanda and
be cut elf In detail , probably , 01 bo made
planners on lauding. The Con 'o unite , bj
MobuiKl or llljene , Isimposslbla. Onecan-
not ilsk0) miles ol an absolutely unknown
counliy , and no one b able to tell how many
months Mich an expedition would take. lie-
fides , it would bo neiessu > to bilnj ; porters
liom Xan/llur , for the Con o negrues
uro not tialiuU to that Mirt of
woik. The Conuo Tioo htato depends
L \en \ now upon Xtn/lb.u necroes foi labor.
"IVlkln'sioute to the west and eolith of
1'iMHiii would be both Ions and daiiKeiou- .
II would bo tluoneh maishcs , in u My conn-
trj , foiblddlns the iisoof pack animals anil
would be Ion0'exposed to fiom UVat
I'Kandii , vvheio the l.liuis veiy povveiful.
I'lioiiisun'sioute to the nuilheast of r.-anda ,
1 icgaulas tliesho'ti t and > afi--l , a piaitl-
* ral one , for camels 01 donkcjs could beu ed.
It passes along a dlsliict WIIIMO ( ho King of
I'lranda Is leait poueiful. Hy thU
ronto 1 think Kimn could bo
mil ) icaclit'd In el hi ntonlhs lunn Kn > - -
land. .No , I woulit nut liku to a'U > ntogel
them in a le& & ( line thin eltjht incmtlbnp ! -
plloa must not bo luought from Hiu'land. A ?
fabhlons clnneo , to in Afilea.Vlidn J ti.iv-
fcd ! with | j\inci | > touove ot out braUsin
TiipUnd , but fotild not Inulo the.'ii lot food ,
i tlio natives .said the ) vu'ie otd-fa bloiu-d
1'liey wanted new beads , rolltlcally , tlio
it-orst thliiR that ivxdd ' Mich
- hapK'ii to an ex-
( OditUm < vouIJ bMo have Its Ineiiibcr-j held
This would lend to many compli-
cations whcieas , If the ) were killed , it would
only mean a ii"w expedition.1
rot OM.I. OKAS'I'S oriviov.
Colonel J. S Cirant , the compuiion of
Spol.u In many tiips IhiouKli etpiatorlal
Africa , has just -tuine.l to his Orosvcnor
Mirct hoii e from Holhnd , wheie helm ? not
kept himself full.v Infoiincd icsnidini : the
pioiio'ril expedition. He thouRht any loute
possible for Stanley , but ho realh would pie-
fei theeast cm-it route fioniXaii/lbarllirouch
t'u'anda , wh'di ' Is quite well known ,
whereas liicie is mticii entli"ly new ciuntry
fiom tlieCon o to Kmin. Asa nenraphcr
ho would best Ilku to see Stanley take
the long loute from the Conio to Kmin , it-
tin n nit : bv the north of Uganda to \nlbir. .
'Ibis , if succe-jsful , would settle Kco rnph-
leal points ol crcat Inleiest. An armed
force would complicate untleis. It would
bo fai bcttei to tiKe n smill toico and sub-
mlt to all sorts of blaclum1 ! . tf
no native wars weio ( joint ; on ho thoiicht
they mi ht make the tup by vvaof
Xan/ibar In even months from England.
( Irani thought Kmin could leave his jiroviuco
when he wanted to. Ills life vvab appaicnth
In no danger , even If his ammunition elves
out , as his troops are moio Hccnslomed to
htlitnllli ; speais than guns , if l.min had
arsen'cal ' soap and ammunition he could 10-
tain i ontiol ot his piovlnce Indclinitely. He
acknowledged , howevei , that Kinlu , It lie
left the province , must de'-eit the 1'cyptlan
olllcial' , > vliosc half do/en wives mul endless
number ot chlldi en It would not bo possible
to hi Inc south ; also that his valuable scien-
tilii collection would be lost In sudi an event.
ASOlltl It IIA\ ! I 1.1 K'S V ll.WS.
( leneial ( loldsmld , the sreat reisian tiav-
oiler , had also some expeiience In Alrica ,
when he was appointed cominiasioncr to Hie
Congo b ) the l.inz of the llelgians. Although -
though not knowing an ) tiling about tMe
Mohm/i livci , he thoiiuht the /an/ibci coast
lento to Kmin much bitter than the
Congo loute , paitly becausu the conn-
tiy between Xan/iber and I'nilii
is well known b\ native tiaders , who could
boencuRcd as guides , whllo the other loute
has . .00 miles ol utterl ) unknow n countiy. U
would bo useless to attempt to to thiough
Uganda. OT the routes north nnd south of
I'l anda lie tlionglu Thomson b noilhern
loute the moio dangeious.
ro.NCI 1 S10KS IIIC11I 1) .
Takinu the opinions ol the best Infoimed
expi'its as a guide , I think the following
points ma > be accepted without question :
r.niln Pacha Is now alive , but will die as
Cordon did lathei than dcsnt his men It aid
does not lomu In a few month" . It he dies
live millions of people , whom hehaspaitl )
clviliicd , will telapbC Into baibaiiatn nnd the
tranny of the slave hunteis. 'the factories
for shoes and cloth established by Kmin will
die with him. A lirltlbli expedition of some
soil will undoubted ! ) attempt Kmin I'ach.i's
icscue. The route will be fiom the X.uuib-u i
coist , sklrtln ; ; eitlier noith 01 south Uganda
land. In either vase considerable unexploied
countiy must be ti.iveled tliionck. Six
months after the expedition Is decided upon
Is the minliiiiim allowed by the best t
authoiitles for reachlnsr limin. The
expedition will , in any case , be
htrktly n mivato vcntuic , without
olllclal negotiations. Two expeditions m ty
very possibly Mart by diffeientroutes. The
Kiulisli expedition will have a cnainntce ot t
at least i'10,000 from a private committee of
rich gentlemen. J'lie 10,000 offered this
committee by the Koptian coveinment ; b
given not for the icscue ot ] ] mlii , but for
carrying dispatches and piobnbly
ammunition to him. The commmittce
Is n strong one , amply able to
carry out the pinji-ct. One fact which hub
hitherto stood groatlv In tlio way of such an :
expedition is lint no socict ) 01 prominent
Jlnulish public personage can be lonnected 1
wiih it for learof luit.iei invohiiu Knirland
In Kgypttan and other Afucan difllculties
In the event of the expedition beinj cut offer
or by Its action In Kmlii't , countiy. The
main object of all coneei ned Is lo leave 0s 0e
whole matter in Stanley's hands pending ills
arrival to-morrow. Kven the constitution of
the committee is unsettled.
Wlnita Personal Pi lend Haj .
KniMit nun , Dec. JI | New \ ork Herald
Cable Special to the HI.I : | I called to
day on Dr. Itohoit W. Pelkln , who was lor
man ) ) ears in Central Africa , and is now
practicing medicine in Jaliiibut li. lie is n
man of calm , earnest manners , who speaks
quickly and alwai s to the point He said :
"In JSTd Di , Kmin Hey was sent by Gor
don to the equatorial province of Afiica as
governor. When he took the post tl eie wan
an annual dohclt ot i'W.OOO. In ihsi ne sent
down 6,000Mirpliisrovenue. In iss ; ho vvas
In Khartoum and offered to the authorities to
to and make peace with the Maluli. They
refused his help and told him to go back to
his ] > iov ince , develop Hand piotect Its fion- '
tleis. Fiom that day to this ho nevei had ?
nowsoioulers liom the J.L'Jtttian govein-
uient noi supplies The last Jotlois rocel\eil
fiom him at that time were dated March di i
1S8S , and weio addressed to niself r.
1'rom that day till a few
weeks ago no news was heard , though there
vvoui inanv Illinois that ho vvas dead. Tlnn
there came to mo a letter from him dated
December , isso , and another , the latest
iece\od | dated .liilv , Ibss , imm Wundelal.
' 1 ho last mrived tlireo
weeks ago , after mi
oxtraordimilly lapid journey of lour mid a
half months. These letters weio published
and the autl slaver ) soclet ) ot London imme
diately iH'tilioncd the Hriiish government to
send an expedition for his lellef. This was
foliovveitb.v a petition liom Hie council of ,
the Scottish hocietv asklni : tlio
government to send a pacific relict e\M-d- | |
tlon. Alxiut the same time Stanlev wrote
to some H lends In this countiy offering to
lead a government expedition for the relief
of Kmin. Ills bcivlccs vveie olfcred grat
uitously , and he also .said that should another ,
leader be chosen he would give JL50J to the
expedition. The Hrltlt-h government consid I.
ered the dllfeient ineniaiials and vveo foiced
to take aitlon b ) events at Cairo , L'nkiiowii
to them Dr. Schvvelnfoilli , the African
tiavoler and a friend of Kuilnhion.lit ; great
pressinu to bem upon thu Kgptian govern
ment. 'Die ) raised Kmin lie ) lo the rank of
pacha , so that he Is now Kmin 1'acha , thus
icro nl/.lng Ids position and theli rcsponsi-
bilil ) . The ) alsovotedi'lO.OOOto any expedi
tion foi his icllef. i'lielr action altcied the
matter loiisldoiably. The HiltUh trov-
oinment had considered that Kmin
had been lec.illcd and was lioldlng
out auainst orders T'ds. ' however , Is not the
tact , tor , on the testimony of Kncllsh nils-
i-lonarles at I' anda , the letters of recall sent
via / .anbirto Kmin were opened b ) King
Mvvangtand dcstro.ved. The Hrilisli gov
ernment then accepted the olfer ot cot lain
private Individuals to equip a ichef expedi I-
tion , with Stanley as the leader , tlio Ksrv , ji- Ii
tlnn uiant to be given to ( hat expedition.
"Mi. MacKinnon , a Glasgow merchant , Is
supposed lo be chief among the oranla > r of
this scho no. Witli him are some Manches
ter merchants. Complications have arisen ,
foi , although Stanlov otlered to lead a gov
ernment cx'j-edltlon , ho lias not vet con
sented to lead a private expedition , 11 * has ,
it Is unde-rslood , o\H.-rIenced | some dlll'cult ' )
with his azcnt In Anifrlea , who Jried to pri'i
vent him from breaking his lecturing con
tract. If Mauley should be forced by
Ills contract with the king of the Uolglans to
go lirst and settle the Stank1) Palls outbreak
ho could thenco. cioss through M ) am to Kmin.
H ) this route , on the must favoiablo esti
mate , the time taken to reach I'.mlti could not
bo less tlnn twelve to fourteen months. An-
othot unite proposed by Sl.uilov Is Hnoiigh
t canda , lielior-iiij'byhlsptoviousknowlodge
of tlie people lo get llnoiigh Hut the massa-
eics of Christians which occulted In tlmt
cotintr ) , the murilci of Hlshoji Itninington
and the jotinjr king's Invcteralo disiike foi
Kutopeans , make it certain that no small ex
pedition could pass through thalcoiinti ) . In
older to tight Its way through , the expedition
would h vo to bo so laige that It would bo Im-
poibleto equip It in time to relieve Kmin.
Ill fact , It could not cot there lei eighteen
months. The quickest louto is Thomson's ,
from Mninbnsa to TutKo , and could an expo-
tlon be sent along this tonte It might icllevc
Kmin in fem months fiom the sea coast. M )
own louto wnsiuoie snutheil ) , from Xan/i-
bti to M'da Hum , M ICumhim , and the
Mntnn/tjc. This Is gome umnd llio Uganda
cotinti ) and some distance fiom it , passing
through a teirltoiv iieshl ) declared to bo un-
dei u detmaii piotectmato. Thomson's ionic
goes thiotigh u teultoi ) nndei Kn llsh pio-
tedoiate. M ) own louto was ba ed unun
the anliciintion ol no government subsidy ,
and theieloic the snnpimil necessity of id-
Ing cnllu-1) upon phllatithiopists and gco
graphcrs , but now 1 f.ivoi Thomson's unite ,
"llio London geojnaphleal society
had a council meeting to-day , but il Is im
probable the ) wllluiidcitakothooicanbatlon
of nn expedition , noi Hpiobabloilio ) would
suppoii all ) expedition vlatlio COIIRO. It Is
understood"tin1) would piobabl ) vote 100 01
L'f.OO toward an expedition liom the east
coast. The Milan society has
aiie.itly offered toco operate with the Scottish
gcouiaplnoal societ ) In sending out nn expe
dition , astlioj are most anxious foi the safety
of tlieii Cantaln Casaitl , who is with ,
hinln I'acln. The Scottish gcostaphieal so-
clotv Is anxious to secnie speedy lellef foi
Kmin , and ie0'irds with satisfaction
the picscnt scheme ot pilvate
individuals , Stanlev , as the leadci ,
would get all the aid they can give him , pro
vided ho will go by the quickest mute mid
avoid lighting. Hut the ) would not lie satis-
fled If his Is to bo a lighting 01 commercial
expedition , tf that in an ) way lelauls icliot.
Thomson , who is now in London , will , it is
tindoistood , bo most piobibly sent on a pil-
vate expedition li Staule ) cinnot go. Mean
time It is foi otheis to take bteps. Wo will
help as tar as we can , but if the piivate
scheme falls through , then we will step
In. Whatevei oxpedltion socs should eair )
relief by tlie eailk-st possible moment.
Ahead ) the govcinment has dcacd ) , and
nothing is lo be done until Junket
arnvos in London. llo has been
in Xun/ibai A foitnight , and lould
have been telomaphed to. He
leavos/aiutlni toda ) and will be heio in
three weeks a loss ol hvo precious weeks.
\ oiy probab ! ) this will bo Hie Gordon his
tory over again , 'too late. ' Kmin , be II
said , has ammunition cnoiuli to last him to
the end ol the yiiai , provided he is not at
tacked. Khe falls the result will be to Inud
ovei to the slave dealeis a population ot
0,000,000 , Kmin Pacha having retained a
province which Is r.eaily as huge as Europe
intact from slavery. Both domestic slavciv
and slave dealing have bean entnely
abolished tneio since IbsO , while
the people haul been taught the
aits of weaving and cultivation and
loads have been made. The people them
selves have most valiantly defended tlieii
Illicit ) against outside a-r ie-sion , but U ma )
be too late. "
Dr. Kelkln is Kmin's Intimate fi lend niul
therefore speaks vvitli waimth , but fiom an
intimate knowledge of the tacts.
A .Minister tu He Appointed to This
Country Soon.
[ Cii } > l/ i'llitS' / ( . lin Jitincs ( lanluii IScnnrtl. ]
VIKXN v , Dec. 21. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to the Hii-.J Count Kalnok )
Mated ) an official interview
ho would appoint a ministci at Washington
befoie the end ol December. Count Kruf-
sleln , who vvas iirM thought ol for the posi
tion , will be sent elsewhere , piobibly to
Munich. As the' oiintcss has not Iho ilghl
to sixteen quartet IIIKS m had four genera
tions f noble nneeslois , she cannot be ic-
colvedat the com t at Vienna , and Ihoforekn
odico thought It desirable to avoid anjtbini , '
tlmt might be mKconstincd in Wash
ington society , wheie similai appoint-
menlb bother poweis have befoie now made
tiouble. In Vienna such Inequalities are by
no means uncommon , and when the late
U iron Haymeile vvas appointed mlnistci of
toieign atr.uihii sj > ecial exception had lo be
made lo allow his wife to appeal at court.
The nercssily of any vvliitewashtns ot Hal on
Schaeller , late nnnlstci at Washington , as
put loith In dispatches from Washington ,
causes much amusement hero as a pecullail )
\meilcan Idea. H.non Schaeirei has retired ,
alter a long career , on lull pay , and ucelvcd
bcftldes , as is usual is such cases , the giand
AuiIcMi ot the Older of PtiinclsJosopn.
CO.NM i. .IONAB' Ai-roiNrvn sr.
The appointment ol .Mi. Jonas as Consul at
1'ragne has been formall ) notlhed to the Aus
trian government which has pi utilised to
uivohtm his exoqnatui at once. I'cihap * It Is
too much to expect nowad.osol the Individual -
ual tofiaetlhco himself for tlio benefit of his
country , but It could bn wlsh'd that
Mr. Jonas would bo satisfied with the
rehabltation of ills good name by the with-
draw al of all objis-tlons to him and would
resign. Ho would thus sen coin political as
well as onrcommeiclal interest * better than
by eoing to 1'iague. Ho has already become
a bone of contention in Hohemin , and the
Tchcchs regal d his new appointment as a
triumph over the Germans. He will need
to bo very circumspect In his conduct to
avoid snaies and dlllictilllos. Since his
appointment was first made the consulate at
1'iague is , pecuniarily , a loss desirable post ,
as ( lie establishment ot a comineiclal agency
at Helchembiirc has deprived U of much of
Its lies.
1111,11 IVIIOHI vii \ .
At the piesent moment feeling In Holiemla
Is running hlglii'i than over on account of
the discussion of the question of the lan
guage to bo taught In the schools. Kveii In
Vienna It is Impossible to keep Gcimanand
Itohemlaii sonants In the same household.
A ( ierman-tecling otllclal. not llklnc tils lio-
hcmlan namoot Vojac ck , has just had It
changed by the proper authorities into Lang ,
w hkh is certainly pleasanter to the ear. The
Naiadny Llsty thoordei ot thooiing tchcch
paity , calls on all good patnots who ma )
nnfoiInnately have German names , to Holie-
mlanUe them at once. It would Ira haul to
inducetl.e veteran statesman , Di Jlleger ,
to such a bteii. Hut he Is just now in dls-
giace , as being too Gcinmii and not Slavic
enough to sympath Ue w lib Kiissia , In Hun-
tary such changes of name are of dallv oc-
curictice. It is mentioned as a sublime In
spiration of n great Hungarian orator that be
fore entering public llfe.ho became known as
liaii ) instead of lialbschup.
Tlio I'resuleni NoniiiiiUCH-
WASIIIXOTOV , Dec. Sl.-'llui president
to-day sent the nomination of Adolard liner-
non to Le lolkxtoi ol customs lor tindu > tjlct
A Bitter Fight Between the Two Factions
in the House Lobby ,
Sonntor Jioj'aii'rtJjtrtiKSlc With Itlicu
nintlitn Aollte Itullrnnd Opposi-
tn I lie Inter-Mute Coin-
llillCapital.New .
Contest Inu flic niliuunils 55111.
\V \ vsiiiMtTDN , Doc. JI. 1 Special IVlegiam
to the Ur.r.l There is a bitter umloicurront
light uoing On heio bolween the roues of the
mill MormiMi and Moinion lejne-enl itivcs.
The former nte stilvlng In evei ) possible
wi ) to have fie Kdmunds bill pass the house
at this session , while the Moimon lobby arc
tiing to prevent It llaiidoiuli Tuckei's
nbsonco fiom the house at tills llmo dellglits
the Moinion cohoits because he , as c'laliman
of the house judicial ) committee , has ehaigo
of the senate hill. I'hc lieu < ocimmltteohave
all unanimously deflated In favot of the bill
and instiiicled llanpolph Pucki'i to repot t it ,
lint Mi. Tuckei Is not here The Moimons
are spending tlieii money frcel ) lor inltiion-
tal ! lobbyists to defeat Hie hill. They have
In theli omnlo ) some ot the most noted lavv-
) cis of this city , who mo aelhel ) at woik In
behall of tlielr clients. These men , who
stand so high in theli urofcsslon and society ,
and who would blush did tlieii wives and
ilauglitcis know Hie ) were woikinir lor the
dovv nfall of woman under the guise of Mor-
monisni , me seen almost daily at
the eapllol. Tlio gentiles know them , but
the congiessmen listen to theli vvouls.
At present all " -eems well with the Moimons.
To-moirow the house adjourns for the holl-
da ) iccess. Randolph Tucket , who 1-as the
bill In charge , is absent , and there mo but
two months moio nt tills session and the
chance Is with them. Hut still the gentiles
aie not dUcouragrd. Among those heie who
aie lighting lei the bill mo A. .M Umnette
and wile , of Utah ; Kate TicM and her
tiiends , ( loveinor West , Mi. Uascomb. and a
con veiled Moimon who is used as a liightful
example. H costs something to keep the
lepiesent itivcs heni and to mo l w hat ex
penses they h ue. The gentiles of Utah sulk-
scribe each 50 icnts pel week lei the ex
penses ot their iciircjontatlves hcie. Aftet
the iccess theio will be a brief light made foi
the passage ol the bill and vvitli much chance
of success.
'I he attack of rheumatism which has con-
lined tsenatoi Logan to Ills house toi some
days Is very slow in yielding to treatment
and has develoited into a veiy ptinlul ail
ment. Heu'lnnlne In one of the senator's
hands , iheumatisin aitacked othei parts ot
Ids bed ) and Is now giving him grcal piin in
his knees and legs .Kverv movement ot his
body Is attended with soveio pain. Two
phsielans have chmce of the patient. While
the senatoi's condition has not alarmed his
tamll ) they have bfien somewhat nneisy at
the stubbornness of the attack. Thlsnioining ,
however , ho was decidedly bettoi. He en-
jONcd a splendid night's icst and
the sleep was of gu-at benefit to him ,
tATioN Arrivm.
It will be the tactics of the opposition In
the senate to til ? conference report on the
inter-state common o bill to delay action , and
the pi aspects are of success. The measure
cannot be disposed of in the upper blanch of
congiess until some time In January. The
lalhoads have in the city a very .strong lobby tlio bill , and it will become despeiato
when the bill gets on the desk ot the speaker
of the house. Hv the middle ot Jannaiy
thoiuwillbo a great lush of appiopriatlon
bills , and those who can bo Induced to with
hold suppoit of 01 in a weak manner only
endoiso the bill , will be glad to take the push
ot appromlatlons as siifllcleiit excuse lei
postponing action. It is picttvsatoto say
that 11 the bill can host nod oil In the house
until attet the fust ol rebruaiy the chances
of defeating Its pissagc will bo equal to Its
success. It IIHS been many joiis since a
mo isiuo vvas before eonmess which elicited
so much activity on the pirtof coipmalions.
Monmso.N's ins U-POIM MI \ r.
"H Is not likely. " said a colleague of Mr.
Moirlson , "that there will bo such a foimidu-
ble iiiov pinenl for a reduction ot the tai ill for
some time to come as was made on Satuidav
last. Mheic Is no vvav of concealing the tact
that the tarill rotoiuieis have been so badl ) of Mr. MonlMin
they w III not recover during the next session
ofcongicss. Of COUIFC , an etloit will bo
made to > : ct tlnotiKh the house a bill to 10-
term the tail IV , and the men who voted
toi lons'deiation of the Moiiison bill on .Sat
uidav will suppoit It ; vet tlio anti-tailtl 10-
loimeis will be as stioni ; in the Til I let h con-
giess as tliey nro In this one and since the
remiblicans and aiiti-reioim democrats in
tend lo consolidate on : i bill afloitintc intei- revenue and intended to thwart tailll rc-
loim the ) cui dpfeal anv ineahiiio .MoriisonS
1 1 lends mav put foi waul.
" .Mi. Moinson , " continued the member ,
"was woefnll ) stirpilu-d and disappointed at .
and in the voteto considei his bill , llo , at
Hist ten davs betoioho made his motion-
believed some tiade would be cllec'tcd which
would give hint a majorit ) . Two ot Unco
das betoie the motion was made It
began to look dubious. His Information
liom the Internal revenue lolorim-rs vvas
such as to lead him to believe that he stood
no chance ol huccess at all. I lomembei to
havebeen with him onoihi ) when a newspa
per man asked him what he thought would
bo the outcome of his motion. He wasveiv
much dlsheai toned and replied : "If 1 wanted
toglvoMHia shoil answei \\oiildsaytliatl I
did not know , and did not care n d n. " 1
know something ol Mi. Moiii-on's feel MIL'S
at that moment and can sav that he nevei
was so disheaitened In his woik. When the
first call ol the lioiiso was made and a tie wns
developed 1 looked I haul into Mr. .Moiiison's '
hue. lie was bowlldored. Most men would
have looked icjokoil. When the ucall was
made and Mi. Carlisle voted , glvini ; a nia-
jorlt ) of ono , tlieie was a look ol ; r.iln ( ! < Io
uithcr than exultation in Mi. MonKon's lace ,
He .seemed to doubt tlio outcome. When the
final lObiilt wat > aiinminced and it was M en
that the inoasuu ) vVonld not bo coiihldeml , 1
am quite sure that If Mi. Monlson
had been asked what ho thought of
taritf rofoi m he would have civ en the answer
Indicated to the nuwspapci ooirospomlent
without oil ) icservo Mr , Moiiison will cer
tainly push ahead Ids pilnclples In this di-
loctlon , and ) on may be Mint that hU follow-
01 s will tnkii no back Btop , even II the outlook
iii not encouraging. ' '
ruKiriuri : AOAivsr II.VICOIA.
It is not prob.ililo that anthing will he
done at this cosshm with the vailous InlK
looklnj ; towards Iho admission to statehood
ol Dakota , Washington , .Montana and one or
two other territories. The uxlraordiniiiy
cvpiesslons of desire ot statehood being made
by the citizens ot Dakota seeming to Intensify
the ileteiininatlon ol thu majoilt ) in the
house not to have the bill foi that territory
passed. The elfoet ut the demand of Dakot i
appears to bo something like the red ting
before the untamed bovine , and It makes
them veiy nnd to heai the word Dakota. The
object ot the hoiisti committee on terntoiles
In piling up so man ) bills foi new states Is to
disgust the house and Hie lountr ) with the
Mihjcit , It Is conieded b ) ever ) ODD that
action cannot bo taken upon oneot these bills
without action on the othei.s , nnd it Is&iiango
that , although U is proposed to lake in tlueo
demociatio territories with Dakota , which Is
lepnbllcan , the maluiity In the house oppose
the proposition while the mlnorit ) to a man
advocate it. A new house may have less
prejudice against Dakota.
rojnsf ! M.VI : IOIIIAI rim's
Congioss adjouins on the -lib of March
next and will not convene until December.
ThU leaves a season ot rest loverini ; nine
months. A majoilty of the senator * have
nothing to do dm Ing iccoss and preparations1
are being made foi jaunts Spiclal lotn-
mlttces me proposed lei the purpose of visitIng -
Ing Canada and elsewlieie to look Into thn
hsheries question , mid to Mexico to investi
gate our diplomatic lo.latlons with tl'.ut re
public. It is > ery likely that the latter prop-
osltlanwlll prevail , as an Imprtsskin i-xMs
in thohenaio thafuc niateand fiosh Infiii-
matloii concerning Aiiiuim alfaits in Mex
ice and on Hie fOlilhwestern boultr is very
much needed , Such Hips cost , the govern
ment trom S30.000 to s\uoi oich. A spccia 1
committee made inquiries rnncernlni : tlio
lishorles question last summci , nnd It may bo
tlmt another committee will not be autiior-
i/ed to make another Journey In tlmt direc
tion , but us vci.v little useful Information
was ilean"d ; bv the committee's work a
slinng lulil will bo made foi another It IP. It
Isbellived lint Hip soiioiis aifitatlon and In-
vestlgatlon ! of the subjicts at this time nienis
veiy vlgoroiH woik upon them when congress
meets next winter
iir Kdwaul ,1. Spaliling , Fomlhcixaliyi
wInWvas ptoiuotod lasj spline fiom the Sren
ondoavaliv , has been lelnncil liom dutv at
Port lluttehuca and ouleied lo Poit Me-
Dowoll. Ail/onn.
Lieutenant Powlmttin Claik , Tenth
cavaliv. ! 1m relieved the adjutant ol his regi
ment ns recruiting olllcoi at Port Giant. Ail-
7ona. < Lieutenant Clatk Is a ) oung olllcoi
who nude himself famous last summei dm-
Itiirthetncho cnmpilgn b ) dashini : back
under a h'-av v tire to CMIIY o.vvav unaldrd a
wounded non-commisslonod olllcu.
\ini ) leavesgiantcd : Colonel Natlnn A.
.M. Dudl ) . Piisfcavn'r.v , Pint Cnstoi. Mon-
tann I , from Doceiubei " ' 1 , v\ith poi mission to
applv for ono moi , ( h's oxten'ion ' ; Majoi1 -
iiiond P. Kockwoll , niniloiiuastci. M I'anl ,
until ( | .Innnaiv ft ; Major .1. 1 * . llakor , pay-
nnslci , 1'oit Lcavenvvoith , until .lannii ) H > ;
Pirst Lieutenant Joliu A. Luiidcen , Ponith
aitlllciy. Poll Wancn , Boston Haibor ,
twelve davs : Plrsi Llontentnt Geoico H.
1'nddock. Kitlh cavaliv. Poll Loavonvvoilh ,
one moiilh ; L'eutcnant ' Klmoi W. llubbaul ,
Piist nrtlllety , Poll Canb ) , Oio on , one
i * v u MS TO wi "mix INV rvions
Patents weio today iSMied foi in
ventors In Nebraska and Iowa at. fol
lows : John II. Hennctt , Xew 11 inipton , la. ,
lion plow : Klnle ) P. . Heiison. Like 1'aik ,
la .animal poke ; William K. Dlppert , DCS
. Voines , la. , haute ; , lames Ilock-inir , Denton ,
Xeb. . semper ; CrusMathew's , Anamosa , la. ,
breid toistei ; Alex MeKen/ie , Klklioin ,
Neb , sleeve button ; Lillet Mohr. Howard
Center , la. , velocipede ; Wlnslow K. Parsons ,
Wateiloo. la , rullllng attachment foi sewing
AUMU'II D 10 1M1\CT1C1. .
K/ckl Porr.v.of Hcdtoul , la. , and Vililnm
II. Vanllect , or Keosauqtia. la. , nave hi on nil-
milled lo piactlce before the Inteilm depait-
. in.vr.nsi .
Scciolary Lamar , In the tlmbei cultuio con
test of 1'iinco vs Wadsworth , liom HioC.iand
Island district , has inverted the decision ol
the locil ollice made .liilv 10. issr , holdinc
Wadswoith onti ) foi cancellation , and dliccts
that It airain be iclnstnted.
A i-inirioN moM MINMSII us.
Senator MnndeiMin Inlioduced n petition
to-day b.gnod b ) sixty-nine minlsteis , lopre-
scnting 5OJO membeis of the Noi Hi 1'latle
coufcioncoof the M. K. church , in lavoi ol
the passage ol the Chinese . . indemnity bill.
- i > i
A Ponl" Mule Tragedy.
Ni w Yoiiit. Dec. 21. [ Special Telivram to
the Hni. . ] The jmlico hero aio expecting the
capture of W. L. Hlngham , the Noith Carolina
lina deal mute , who Is suspected ol the miii-
dci of his bcliothcd , Li//ie Puilington.
Hingham is passionate by natiiio and jealous
in Hie extiome , with a decided tendency to
insanit ) . Miss Piullnuton wasthomation
ot the deaf mute depaitmcnl of the Ninth
Caiolina state as\lum ot deif mutes aid
blind. She and I3Ingham weie loimeily
pupils theio , but the lattei completed Ids edu
cation at the Institution at Carminsville , N.
V. They arranged to be married next .tune.
Thursday Hlniiham went to Ualclgh. diow
S100 , bought a knife , secured a marriage li
cense , givinz the age of each as twenty-
three , then diove about the city till ho met
Miss Turlington. As she did not icappoat
at the institute It was supposed she Mad
eloped wlthl Jin cliam. Later It was dlscov-
cied they had taken u train as far as Gieens-
boro. Yesteulay It wasleained Hlngliam had
reappeared at Caiminsvillo , cra/v' , but had
disappeared after thieateninc to shoot Piol.
( ioodvvin. of Council HIuIVs , whom ho be
lieved to boa iival. The police have been
inching the woods near Gieensboro lei
Hie missing girl , but so lai without success ,
ultlioiu'ii the people them believe she has.
been muuleicd by Hiinzliam because she 10.
fused lo main him until the appointed time
It Is believed Hin lnin is still in the neigh :
borhood of the city nnd nny be captutod
but iiossibl ) ma ) havcgone to Council Hlulls.
A Svvlnillor KallH.
NhW YoitK , Doc. 21 ISpccial Telcgiam to
the Hri : . ] Wall stieet wassuinilsed by an-
othei of tlio e ei lines which stntle b ) their
vei ) boldness , \osteulay. Aboul5 ! o'clock a
neatly dressed voting man pie = ented hlm-
self at thoofiicoot I. it S Wormscr with a
note ic'juesting them to lend Van Schalck
Co. SOO shares ol Holding , woilh ovci
SIT.OOO. Aicommnjiiig the it-quest vvas a
i heck foi moie than the value ol the stock ,
diavvn nn the Chemiing Yalle ) bank to the
indei of Van Scbakk .v Co , endoifcd bv
them. Woiinsoi's cashiei was n litllo MIS-
nicioiih , nnd M-nt a iiies'oimei bo ) andcleik
to Van Schalck t Co.'s ollico and told them
the ) iniild have the stock but would pictei ' '
Van'-ihak-k's own check. The fact was
then dinoou-ied that the slfn.ituieo wore
forgeik . Tlio svvindlei made good Ins
A Hail Ilrecil ol' AnioriciliiH.
Xovv YOIIK , Dec. "Jl. ( Special Telegram to
the Hi r.l The U oild ? .is duiinirtlic
addicssbyDr Avelingat the woikliiKinen's
liecieadini ; moms last night , the Knulish was asked b ) an audlloi what dlirei-
cmce there was between the and
Knglihh aiistocracv. He said ho thought the
Ameilean uppoi classes had no bleeding
wlmtovei and In lait wore the vvoist Inedof
people bo over met , Tlio Kngllsh nobility
ceitalnl ) had bu-edinu' with all their nitmci-
ous faults. AM'ling concluded In savniKtliat
he had never met such fiighttnilv 111 hied
people as dnilni ; his llfleen weeks' stav In
liist-clasij American hotels.
Anntlicr Kirn in Gnlvi-nuni.
Gi \ i.siov , Dec. 2i. A ills istions til o
Inoko out about U o'clock this morning , in
the residence portion of the clt ) on avenue
K. between Twont.v-flrst and Twontv-second
sticclH. This section ol tlio citv Is almost ex
clusively wooden buildings , ' 1 ho hie smead
with uroat rapidity , owing to the watet In
the elsleins in Hie vicinity betomiiu ex
hausted. Hefoio the tlamos vveiu contiolled
tins ) had swept ovot Hie gioatoi poilions of
two squires , burning twentv oluht dvvellinu.s
and two irrocery stores. Totil kxs esti
mated liom shO,000 to S100,0W ! ;
about f. '
Later osflniates plaon the loss at &Ui , Oi)0. )
The total iiisinaiuo aggu-gates sr/.ooj.
l/ynoliei'.s on Cliinril ,
ClNflN vn. Dio.'Jl. William Mus-cl , tlio
nun derei of Daniel Chrisliimn , al Katon ( ) . ,
wabairosted at Gieencastle , Ind. While
belni ; taken to Katon about noon to-day ho
eamo near belnir 1) nihed. The ofllceis got
him intoacaiiia''o and drove to the jail ,
whom theio was u trowd ot 'M men ,
) elling , "kill him ; " "shoot him. " A insh
was made foi Hie piUoner b ) theciowd , who
weio kept Jj.iek by the olliccrs diawing their
Hohei.Anotiiei ! ifToil was made to get
Mussel altei ho was placed in jail , which
failed lei laik ol oiganl/ation. The uovvd
still lingeru about the jail.
A l < Ynuiliilciil rail lire ,
.Niw : Yunit , Dec. 21. In the special term
of the siipieine cotiit to-day. .Indgo Van
Hi lint gave a decision that the assignment ol
the tlnn of Kosbiith S. Marx iV Co. , Maiden
Line jevM'lliis and diamond dialeis , made
In September. IbsJi , was null and .void , lie-
aside on those urounds. 'I lo firm vvas lom-
posed of three biotheis , Kossiilb , Adolphus
and .lacob .Maiv. The firm failed in that
month lei ovei loooOOJ. The lallure ere-
ated coiisldciablee.xcitemeut , both lieu-and
ilnlin Ituaoli'rt .New Itiislnpss.
Ni.vv Vonit , Dec 21A reiUlicato of m
001 porathHi of the .Morgan Ijon woil.s wns
Uled to-day , The Ini-jjj i.itois. ate Jihn
Hoacli , Gairett Uoarh , * tei hen W. Itoadi.
Tin-capital i Sl0.ou : > . It nunina-t Jrcs and
repairs steam ingines , uuiicrs und nia-
chlii eiy.
> i : no our.AN I/.A t ION.
A Pi r % entire Mortsnrc CAimlnj ;
c-ltoinont In Smith Carolina.
Cil vilt riox. S. C" , Dec.L i
Telegram to the Urr. I \bill now before
the let-Mature to prevent the or anl/itlon ot
coloicd laboters in the nsilcultuial sections
into the Knight * of Labor is causing a meat
commotion among the Icadeis of the eoloiod
people of the state. lev. ! ,1. W. UlToul.
' white ) , one of the most Intelllgenl pie.toheis
of : HIP state , has Issued an nddtc s In which
hosavs | , tint this bill has lor Its aim the
gilndnig down nnd dilvlnir to thowullol
ncmolaboiois. In elosinc his addiess Mr.
On ordsas : "Piom a stmidpo nt of oquli ) .
roiisldeiing the enomiisttncos smiounillni !
all laboicis , the mvsio Is the must oxcusiblo
in forin'nc ' an oKani/ntion ot n legal kind
tobetlei his condition. Do white people iui-
amne that , bv tlneals. they can loopawav
fiom the nogioes.u'entsoi uiiil/oi < , and In
thlswav b.v loice keep them In Ibis state 01
pievent tliem being oigani/ed lot mutual
jiintoetlon'.1 II < o they icckon without their
host. I'liocieat iliawbaok to negiooslies in
the tact of their lie'nc ' too easllv alis-
lied The sli ) locks ol this slate toda ) aie
the I minors , vvlio want crops made and catli-
oiod without piini ; a icasoimblc
pi lee lot Inbor. Thry can lediico
v\aaes to the lowest point , nnd if the ) me
asked foi jtist'co ' It is refused , mid when the
nivioos orguni/o tin muluil piotoction , this
Is lobe prniounc'd Illocnl. at'd to
icsist is to be tncarcoiated In inlson. Soutli
Caiolina , ) om gloiious lUg Hails in the dust.
II the white people dcslio acontcntoit poi uli-
tlonof laboieis.let them give the negiocs tali
tieatment. They will have no dcsiio to go
away. No tilluicmcnts can chaim them
away. The tiuth Is , Hie tieatmont llio negro
laboieis me roieiving has Inoiit'lit them into
abject povcit ) . Noehaimool condition 01
counti ) can Inliii ; them to avvoi so condition ;
hence Hie ) are easii ) peismded away In
sediiethe piomises of cmigiiition mients
Sliould the bill now pendlni : bciomu a law
thcie will be a w holes lie cmigiatlon fiom the
state. There Is a class ot men tint gctncaui
the he.nt and the sviupnthies ot the nesroes
than an ) othei. Hitheito the Influence ot
this class has been used to keep them here
mid l.ope foi bcltei things and times. When
tlie negio pie ichors of the gos | el s.iv. to then
Hocks : 'ArKo and let us go. ' theio will
be a walling In South Cmolin Unchels
wocplnir tholi childicn and iefiisng | to be
comtoiled. "
Matthews' Soconil Noinln.itlon.
Wvsntsdiov , Dec 'JL The nomination
of James C. Matthews , ( coloicd ) to be
lecoidei of deeds foi the Dlstilclol Colum
bia , which vvas one of those sent to the sen
ate to dav , was icfoiicd to tlie committee on
the Dlstilct of Columbia. It is , said to hive
been accompvnied bv a message liom the
president giving his reasons lei endim ; in
n second time the name of a man whose
nomination had once been rejected It is
repnitedtliat the message nftoi reciting the
fact ol the hist nomination and rejection ,
states tlmt a lame nuiubci of poisons In the
district Ind conceived a prejudice against
Matthews , vvhiih fact doubtless influenced
the action of the senate ; that Matthews had
now been in Hie ollico seveial months mid
had moved his capacity b ) rescuing the
n cords of tlio ollico Irom loss mid Illegibility ,
mid that his imnagemcnt of tlie ollico had
had the olfect ol removing much tlio opposi
tion which loimeily existed. Tor these
reasons , and piotesslng an cat nest deslio to
co opciato in securing for colored men just
recognition , ho ventures In the utmost good
faith to send in the nomination again , dis
claiming. hovover , any intention of ques
tioning the previous action ot ihosenalo In
the premises ,
Why SlomoiiVnn
Cmrvoo , Doc. ' - ! . George Slosson , the
biiliaul cxpoit , svvoio out a wairant tills
evening against , I. K. Pellows , scciotaiy of
thcTobey Kuinituro company , ch.nging him
with peijtny , mid proposes to begin civil pro
ceedings to-moiiow a..iinst Hi it company
for lieav.v . damages , claiming that on l-'nday ,
while testing niul nciving hliiis"ll toi the
championship contest vvitli Jacob Schaelcr , a
deputy sheiill and lawor called at his bil-
liaid hall and said the ) had an attachment
ayalnst him lor ? 100dno theTobcv company
lot household finnitine. Altei a boated col
loom tin- deputy and lawyer loft to confei
with the linn , and said the ) would leiinn
latoi. Slosson remained in Ins hall until
limn lor llio match to begin. I ID was ox-
ces-ively nervous , suscctlng , n plotand fcai-
ing the attiuhment would bn solved in Hie
presence nl the audic-nte. Hy 10:30 : ho felt
moio aleise and stcadil ) impioved in ins
playin. . but e mid not Ihen i.veitakc his op.
poncnt In time to w In iho name. He claims
Pellows commlttid neijmv in sweating In
( Sluuson ) . citincaling lib
piopeil ) mid peison lo evade pi ) uient of thn
' " -'to-
- -
'to'I - _
'I hree YeiiiH Km-
W Vsliisi.iox , Dee 'ilSni.itm Saiilsbinv
to day intiidncod a liili piovidiiu'that alter
an ) alien''hall have us.ded in the L'nitcd
Slates lei three jeaishoniay pic-sent Ills i -l !
tl'ili lei admission to ciL/citship. 1'pon pie
sentatlon ot the petition the < ourt shall gi vnt
a leitilicalo stating Hie l.icts. wlieu-npou the
petitionci shall tie snbji i ted to all the duties
ot citl/cnshii | and have all i uhls thereof , ex
cept that ho shall not In "itt'tlod to vote nntl
two voiirfhavo elapsed Horn the tssiiamcn !
Ids cortlllc.ito No pel son shall be admltto
to eitl/enship who cannot speal. tin-Ln.lish
Tim NVvv Yuri. Di.v < ooils MncKel.
Ni w Ynitit. lf-o. 'il 'Iho exports of do
mestle cottons tlio just week has been T.J.i
packages , valued at ? i7"i,0) ) ( ) against l.S.'t
pad.agos valued at &I11 ( XU ) the same vvcil
liiHteai , mid foi Hm expired poi lion of the
vcai a total -Js.p.O , compared with Itir.M !
in the peilod last veai and M.T ! ' ! pika'es
tin the coliospondingtlme In ] ss.i. the-laurosi
total In any pitixlous > e.n , Agents have
undo prices ol ginghams us follows : N'oi-
maiido , h' ' c : ( iiliutta , Wti ; The ueiu-ial
maikit was quiet in dem ind , but iottor
uoods were ui\ linn ,
Itnriu-il Down l ) > I'ird
Ln 11.1 Hoi K. Vili. . Dec. ' 'I The newis ,
reieivcd irom Viloula , tin Inland town o !
Paulkncrcountv , this stale , to the effect thai
about' ! o'clock yosteuhu iiioininf oveiy busl
ness house in the oil ) was simiuianeousl ) so
on lire and bin ned to Iho giound , Iniliullnc.
the ho ins , cubs and outhouses of < iconic am
'I honnis Hauls , residing iibout halt a mill
f i oin Viloiila , Nothing was savoil. Hauls
biotlu rs losing meat qii itilllles ol toiii , ted
dei , cotton seed , etc. Tim total loss Is about
SlW.Otxi , Nobodv has been auostod vet , bit
.suspicion lists on ono 01 two jtispicioimlmr
A Minncniiiilis Hunk l-'ailw.
MINXI vi-oi is. Dec. Jl.-Tliopilvute bink
ing house of O. ( ! . Hush A , Co. , siispeniieil
pajment this morning. Liabilities nolc
known. Tlio cinsonl the failmo Issaid t (
bo the necessity ot Hush to cany the pipci
of Jackson A. Collins , owneis ol the I'niitai
lion mine , on vvlih li he waendoised to tin
extend ol s.ioo.M ( > 01 iKMMO. ? ( 'J ho haul
llnelf is said to bo solvent , and Hush hiin-c ]
is woitli at loa t TOOX ) . It is bclio > ed lie
An.-ii clii.lh In
.Mil w vt KI i , Dec. ' . ' 1 In the mitnlilpa
couit Hits mom mi : the case of I'aul diatt
kan. anaichlst , who is chau'ed with con
tempt of com t in publishing sciniilous aili
cles In the Albcitei Xi-ilnng , U'flcctiiiK ol
the pu-idlng jiiiUi1 , all evideni u hliowed that
the M'Linlloiis aitlcloaiid poem went vviltteii
b ) Ldward Loew , late uty iditoi of tin
Aibeitei Xt-aung , vvhu k-lt the ell ) tut-caiio
Juiliie Sloan H'liUiucd tu th if )
ih. ) ! > at baiil hiboi.
ci'ons liiill.ins I'.ir loneil
WASIIJM. I < A Deo. ' . ' 1.Fho pr < s dent
toda ) gianUdii paulon in Hut ease ol L-impa
Low Ich and Ilntct , threw I'inu Jmlians
itpvv tindeigoiiua sriitonre of live ) i"Ui'lm
In Itui AIU > UII Kii'teJU aiy
assault uu jtwo uiutu men ju Jhaf
territory lu
A Farmer Near Blair Shot Dovru in Oohl
The Pri'potrnfnr f lire Oreil .MnlicB
Uontl UN IXutipo rr
Wnteioik > i Sncoen
IVsteil State Now * .
Work of nn AHIT < S-I |
IIIin. . Neb. , Dee. 'JI - ( Special
to Hie Hit. ] A lioniblo and m.VsteiloiH
tnunlor ocelli i od uboitl thico ml IPS east oC
this place last night at the faim occupied by
11 , liutletischon , Tlie lacts so la < us ) oiir
respondent unlit lenn fiom an ox-
imillutlon ol Iho wife and the
iioml'i-s are about as lollnws Iho
amlly , consisting of hu lM"d vvllo
ind loin children , the oldest about I've ' scars
vcio silling nt the Mippct table at about 7
( 'clock. The table was Mamiini ; ne.ii tlio M vviidow.
The asstssln lired liom the outside
ho window , scndhic three bta'k
shot m small bills Into the
op ol the victim'1 * head , one passing
liiouuh and lodging in the wall nn the oppo
site side ol the loom. Death was liistantan-
oils , the victim tailing loivvaul with his
icad in Ids pltte. 'Iho assassin then inn
noiind the house and Inoke In tlm
leer and was met liv the vvllo ol the vlellm
with whom ho tussled lei seine minutes , then
iioakiiiK awav and intmlng Mis. Hiittcn-
schon descidied Hie man a medium sl/ed ,
with a lull sandv beaul.l'he sis s'io saw
iim walking on the lallioad ttaeU neai thn
muse In tlieafleinoon wilb agnn. Nomotlvo
an bo assigned. 1'nken iillogethei it is the
uost m ) stei ions mid cold-bloodod iniiulcr
that over occurred In this count ) I'hocuio-
ici s jiii.v Is now holding an Inquest.
Wiitcrvvorku Tom oil
Plil MOM. Nlll ) . , DlV 'iISpOOlal \ III tllO
Hn .1 I'lio Piomnnt oil ) council , Inn spe-
ial session last night , sieooptod tlio \\atti-
vvoiks sstom. 'llio final test was made ) is-
Icnlay moininir. The conduct provided that
tlnccoiiL'-ineh stieauis should ho thiovvn ,
100 i"ct high n | the sunn time. Vn no-
cnratu measurement ol tin1 streams by llio
ed ) engineer developed the lui't that tiny
wen-thrown Mom Hfl Ici'i to Hi loot , niul
this | IM tel tin1 test wns decidedly sufsfae-
tor\ , Those winks should luvo been com
pleted upon thu 1st da ) ol Juno. lint they
liauuliagcod along evei since tliin1 be
cause : i suiiicient anniunt ot watci could not
lie oiil.iincil. The oiiiinal eonticl lot thu
well VMIS let to a local lontiadoi , vvluin ) vvnsan entiioh new one. upon which lip
tad just ictelvcdn patent 1'litsvull inllvil
in tlio iiiantil | > 01 vvatci to lie
I mulshed , niul nltci a treed 'I'o ' > dilly
dull ViitfT on all sides the council were eom-
iielleil to luUo the inattet into tholr own
hands. They vme planted the ficuusuof
the sjsteni of dilve vvolls patented by A. A.
Itlchaidson , of Lincoln This ouu , which Is
only one-half the full s-i/c < lei i ncd. fm-
nishes not less than one and one-half millions
of gallons eveiy tvvoiitj-toiu boms. Tlio
pinup Is ol the PIMM patlein nnd hanilles at
thu rate ot nearly a million uallonslii \\enty- I -
fem lionih. 1'iovhioiH aiu made tin pultliiK
in another pump us Joon us icquiicd. J'liu
htmid pipe holds ys.oiiO nullona , and supiilles
pressuio lor water nun ice and In case ol liics
until steam Is notion up when dlicct piusiino
Is used. Thoic aio toiu and n half miles of :
mains. The HNstum ha * cost about S'JS.WK )
nnd it is believed that foi nil put poses it Is
ennal to those costing tin ce times as muiilk.
Tlieio is a fiuneial leelnu that the city has
not a hvsti'iavoith i ven ciMit ol its tost.
The was ( icoijte C. Moigan , of
Chicajjo. _ _ _ _ _
Coi.rMiiUs , Xeb , Dec. " 1. fhiiceial Telo-
ram to the : : . - , II. Sniitli , the
switchman vvlio got hull on 1'ilday nl lit nt
lids nlaco. died al ( > o'clock tins evening lit
.St. Man's hosp'tal tiom Intiinil injiiiliM
icceived. It ban been lioiml altci the ampu
tation of the ciiisiicd anl.leand lett let ; thtit ,
with ins vipnous coiistitiitioii , heoulil
have pulled iliniiuli II. s mother and oilier
iclativts WL'ie. vMth him.
i-h Tonilin anil ( "oUin AITCHIOI ! .
Di NM n , Dec. 'Jl U'onl icachi-s lieioto-
that I ) . M Tonilin and liuiK Colvin ,
banKcis ol AUion , had failed foi SIS.OUO.
'Ihcso fjcnllciui'ii aie all piopiielois of the
hmilc at lieiiKli-iimn and the lieiiiitiliean Vnl-
ley bulk ut I'anibiidue Neb. rhcv weioat-
H'sti'il heio tiMilf'lit on v\aiiants \\oin out
b > .loM'ph Swan , iiiail > uci ol the AKion
iiii , ' house , and t iKin lucK on the nU'ht tiain
In th iiuu of the Hlii'lill olVeld \ ( Oiuilj.
l' tin * Saloon
.Sun \ Cm , la. , Dec 'Jl. ( special 1'cle-
jriam to Die ) ! i i . ] Thiilj-lwo new alj.iiis-
ment nullis.iie issue I b > the ollkeisto day
In a niimbui ol cases. .Muchaliublc 1m-
nltuie and IIMincs have alieadv been le-
moM'd. .Ind , , ' ! ' I , cuinlnlc In I ho elt > to
day , passed upon the bomU ul a niimbei of
piopi-ilv owneis ot bit Idln s now i-c.ilul ,
who aio dcshoiis ot IviiiK Hie pinpi'l bonds
and IfiKiPi ; theli pidiil ] ) out ol lhi < hand1) ) of
the hheiill. 'J ho ijiobiblllties mo that all
Mfh | noniN piesenti d will lu > appi jvul , anil
heiuo v buildings will ' eon lie i < opt mil
tnbiMiscd torothei pnipo-c-i Ih.inaloon pin-
po-ci , As tlio IM\\ and Older league wcio
not ic id } to cnmmenct ! new iiijnnetioii pie
no luilhei action was i.iKen
A Iloiuilj liiNiieil Snli'lili1.
< in sio.s , in. , Dee. til ( bpci l
to the JJi i , . | 1' . A. Slati-n. a shoonmKei niiii
lesUleiit ol Cjeston lot el.'lit jeais , suicided
last nUht. I In lett Ins stoio cail > in tlio
i-veiiliu' to collei t n bill and tailed to leliiin.
llo vvas ( omul this niotniiiu' dead , tin leil uj >
against the b isemeiit ol a si heel lieu o In thu
subinb-i. llo was iiihiiicd lei f > , i > 'M In .ho
A. ( ) . I' U' . , Iowa l.e ion ol Honor , and , t
hi , J.oulu icllel biclelol ( the A. O. U.V. \ .
lie bought ai-en'c ' ,1 weeKa o llochan cil
Ills Illo insurance. b > will jesleiilav liom his
vviro.dlviilliiK II with the ehlldiiMi. J'amlly
and business tumbles niu piobalilj theiuiibe ,
l > 'atal Onlllo Disease.
1)1 ) sMoisi s. la. , Dee. 21. [ .Special Tnli1-
Kiam to the Hi i , ] The goveinor has been
Inucelplnl ninueroiis indent leijia-sU fioiu
farmeis in ( iuthiliuount } intend \clciln- -
ailan out theio to Investigate thu nioitalltr
amoiiL' the hi ids Cattle liavu bci n living by
do/ens frniii no iijiparent ciuse , Accuril-
liiKiy , lliexnvi'inoi tmlaj heni the assistant
hlato veteitiiiiilan to i..ninine thu tiouUo
mid icjioit. -
'I'll o Itotul In Unites ( 'losiMl ,
OIIIMWA , la , Die. al. ISutrlnl Tel
egram to thn 111 K. i A pcipotiml Injniie-
llon was i-iaiiled l.ut .Satnida.v ajjaiiibt
tlio noli d Mm in > Joiilun tloon llefoin thu
will was i--111'd , .Ionian lickci ; | nji the saloon
Jell Moinlai The shcilir put apadlotk
nil thu oiitshlo duoin , ncMn ' stuniiy out.
'J he bin rill has locked seu-jal othei i-aloons.
A riillicli Dcdiciillon
ruin .M VDIMIN , la , Dec 'i\ \ . is.iec aiTi-N
rjjram to the Hi | Thu new M .losi'pli
IiOiuan C.itl'ollcrtiiucll ' U is clolr'atc I at 10
ii'eloil , this nioinlii. with pont'uclal ' hlcU
niasH , llishi > ( ' ( > 4io\i > , ot Divennoil , olllc | .
mink' . Hislmp Iit/i'cialil , ol Little Ito-K ,
Ail , . , mid m iitj inhwti weie pu-si nt.
A 1'iiHtnl fli-i l'n rrnnioiliin.
Wi si I'MON , li , IKc. al C-pieial 'JiJr-
euni to llio Hi i. I .Mi. .1. T. Mi Ma lei , of
thi" place , a postal eleil , who& unite Is be'
twcen Millic/ur ami CliUa'o. bus ju t 10-
cche.l milieu of his , iij | < o titint nt a.chnf
hi ail t lei U in the i.ulw i > ma I sirtlu lei
1 > iva , toMiuiid Mi h K lull i i 'lad
'I da A < ( . JU-lirci !
\V \ VIMS. , in % Di ,1 11 cj u'l'lents.
ni'lHov I the a-1 ittlnng Vl Sdlu"nl
Uou.uiiinl U ir \ dnilr.ilUnUti . \ with | > tt
Ji gheet p y of l\ui\r \ \ jrile * .