THE OMAH A' T > AIT.Y ' TCEE : TTESDAY , DECEMBER ' * " * * * * , Our Present Our stoek IIH * never been iu such a splendid condition , to moot the demands of Something which hits nrvtT before In holiday tfooils consist of a vail mtnibrr of licanliinl and nuwly dcM ncd arti- have lot of Overcoat * , IVa Jackets , For the holidays vte bought an enormous the . Being entirely ami made for there not another ' people. new expressly us , i ? been ilonp is what wn tiri now ( hn ! , that in Mnlllers , Silk llnndki-rohloN , Neckwear , Glove * , 1'ine Fancy Undcurear , and suits for boys and men. beginning with the Overcoat" , we are K i' ' g to sell stock of goods hi the pity so de. irablo to choose from. The , Mocks'of Overcoats , H HIV' ' " ! ! away an article thai is nut trash 1'ur itml Senl.'kin Capi , Nlehl llobcs in I'innnel. Canton I'lanncl and 1'iuc Hand- for the holidays onlv , a number of chinchilla and bearer Overcoats for f4. $3 , .Suits , Underwear , gloves , Hilts ami Caps , TIP" , Shirt * , Cluldrons' anil Hoys' anil Worthies . We llioso who Keruhhif cll'cct , A lar c number of Ovcrcoata and Suits , suitable and bought c\ ami $4. that cannot be bought elsewhere for from IS , $10 and $15. The Pea Oven-oats , SnilH anil I'lmiMiintr Hoods , are complete now as a largo , well se i. give to buy ilaekets we sell for $2.50 , are worth at lea'l | 3. They rtro ALL WOOL AXI > lected line of gooils can make thorn. . . ยง 15 worth or more , a gold headed cano. for Hie holiday * . Fim-Ip.-ithcr and alligator Traveling Hnjr * . Any one H.ANNKL hlN'Kl ) . A mo4 .suitable present would be one of our Jersey OfHee ' ' ' that is retailed at | 5. This is something 3'licou - ami < > mnhi fi.'lolhlni Vn. htlie iEcutlquurU'rs lor these article * would make a very nprnjitahlc present , an.l one that will ! i ) < - ( 'oats whieli can be bought for $3 , ? t ro and $3.60. t'nilerwear , we will M1 from ; that you will not lip given every day ani | 7V a uit to ! ? 1'i A line all wool worsted Milt for ? 10. worth $13 , ttitod should lake adv ant ago of it. THE STATE INSANE ASYLUM , An Interesting Eeport of Nebraska' . ? Patients Bereft of Beaten , EVERY CLASS BUT LAWYERS. Another Tranicrljit ofthtt Vote Mrcnt- Illr ; HOK ItllttC Count ) ItCCCiVCCl nt I ho C'ajiltol Ollior Iilii- colu News. I niOM i n c iir.E'R MNroi..x ntmn iu. I The report of the state insane asylum has reached the commissioner of public lands and buildings' oflico , and the docu ment throws a great tloal of information bioadcast concerning the most populous of all the state institutions. The asylum , besides the largo appropriations Irom the Htatc , has a large farm , well cultivated , in connection , and the income from this aid-s materially in the support of the in stitution. The income in one. year from this is ! ? 8,7M.20 , whieli is very good for one farm , but still a small figure in the maintenance of the institution that asks for its suppoit from the Mate the coming two years a total amount of ? ItWOl)0. ) During the past two years a number of patients from Wyoming territoiy have Inioii cared for at the Institution , and tin revenue derived from the care of thi"-o i.s $ ! ! ,28U.Gij. , There are at the present time in the institution a total of ! ! S1 patients , ' , ' 27 ot whom are males and 147 females. Nearly if not quite every organi/.ed comity in the state is repre sented in the attendance , Douglas county ty loading the list with thirty , Lancaster following with twonty-six , and Hichards third with twelve. Of these inmates thoie are native born Ml males and 81 females , and of foreign born 1011 males and G1 , ' females figures that will no doubt bo considered surprising in the tact that the number of _ patients foreign born so nearly approximate the number of native born inmates. In this report there is a long list of tlio profession and business that the inmates were engaged - gaged In prior to their misfortunes. In these lists every known protcssion and avocation is represented in a greater or less degree , o.xcont attorneys. There are no lawyers there , but two physicians and two printers are enrolled on the lists , and a little compensation is found in that one sowing machine agent is an inmate. The tabulated statement of the diseases from which patients were sutuiring when they lost their reason is also an interest ing item iu the report , the loading causes ascribed being' Hereditary , twenty , intemperance , eighteen ; sun stroke , nineteen , and from religious ex citement eleven males and tour females have lost their reason. The greatest number ot inmates arc , according to ages , between thirty and forty , while there are 1M males and 10r > females who are married and 11'J ' single males and * . > 5 single fcma'cs ' in the institution , The deaths in the past two years as re.porte'd occurring at Mio hospital were fifty . even , nox nt'Tri : COUNTY. Shortly after election the ollieers of Duwcs county state that they forwarded to the secretary of state a transcript of _ the vote whereuy Dawes county was di vided and , by vote of the electors , Ho\ IHittocounty was erected from the south ern half of it. This transcript and report of the result of the election never reached the state house , and after much correspondence a second transcript was received yesterday , which will bo exam ined by tlio secretary and , if found in compliance with the law , the governor will issue a proclamation for the torn- porary organisation of the county. A rr/nnoN niOM oroi ; , Yesterday the secretary of state re ceived a petition trom 100 cili/.uns of Otoc county , asking that the Hate place upon the market twenty-four acre * of ground adjoining the town-silo ot No- brahka City , and known as the 1'ulton tract. This Is a piece of ground bought Irom the utato at an early day by a man named Fulton , and a failure to pay for it cau-i'd it to revert to tlio state again. Thi ) petitioners ask that the tract bo ap praised and placed upon the market for purcluibo as required by law. AITIII : A isinox. I' . A. VanTassol , ot ludlanohi , la..was in Lincoln yesterday interviewing the governor of the state alter a warrant of requisition for the return of a man named Joseph Patterson to Iowa soil for trial. I'attercon U now in jail in Omahahaving been apprehended by ollicers in that city , Ho is wanted by parties at Indlanola for grand larceny , committed a ear or moro ago , and lie has broken jail as well us being a man of larcenous intent. Air. Van Tassel alio stated thai ollieers in Omaha were confident t'my ' had a cno against Patterson for highway robbor\ , IS I'Ol.tlT. 1'IKCl.Us. They have several hard cases in the city jail at present , some of \ \ horn are lit tie h'-s than unfortunates , ono of them being a man with a broken ankle thai yas caused in the summer homo tlmo und never been given proper treatment. Ills case is ono of absolute helplessness , 'Ihreo other prisoners are t > ick und requiring quiring iho care of a physician and a man named Chamberlain is alllieted wit ) a foul disease that will end his existence if : i.Mstiuai : is not forthcoming. Thot > o oa cs all speak thu need for a city bos pital. A man named John WaUh has boot giving the police court omo trouble the fii-t week or more.gotting drunk ten days ago and turning over a 1) ) , feltl. time check in payment , Ho tlieii tried to slot the pavment an.l put the judg'o to some trouble in collecting it and Saturday became came drunk again , Ho nromh > cd if lot oil'to jjo to his homo in Denton and stjiy but tiiter ho was loaded on the train ho Jumped oH'and tried to cluclo iho ollieers Ue was eoon caught , however , und 10 turned to jail , where yesterday heva = - ' lined $10 and costs , and he will work it out ser the city. POOHsruvK r Then' U a great deal of discontent manifest these days over the poor service that the street railway is extending to ill patrons and it is evident that the recent consolidation is not meeting the demaniU of the public as well as tlio competitive lines did heretofore. Theater-poors make many complaints of no cars after the en tertainment closes ; others complain that there is irregularity in the running of cnrfi , and lastly , tlio company is boimr "evercly criticLietf in not meeting the application Sunday for cars to accommodate the public in attending the dedicatory ser vices at the now church in Kast Lincoln. A little reform is necessary. IK TOWN vnsrr.muv. Among the Nebraskans in Lincoln yes terday wore : K. \Vcbster I , Strattun ; .1. WootU Smith. Calloway ; K 1' . Smith , Seward , 1 * . J. Nichols , Fremont ; , f. M. Hamilton , Oxford , O. 1'roM , Princeton ; ( ! \V. Mageath , Omaha ; . ) . \ \ Andrews , Fremont , J. A. Vaiidcrburg , Friend. * . 1'reforrcil to Go to tlio Devil. Washington Letter to Tittsburg Leader. The Hev.jUynm Kccd.who made sncli a remarkable race for congress in ( 'olo- radoonthe democratic ticket , tells n friend hero that tlto voters in the oppo site parti seem lo have come to the same conclusion about sending him to the na tional capital that the uncouth young man did in reference to hearing a rural preacher. It was Sunday morning. In the audience was a tall , lank young man , ignorant , seedy and uncouth. During the preaching the fellow went out of and into the edifice with a which plainly said he didn't care for the minNl r or anybody rise. Finally the man's actions became anno\ing , and , when ho was about leaving the room on ono of his walks , the preacher hailed him "Young man1 , said lie , "you annoy me. Tins thing of your the gospel has resolved it-elf into the sin gle proposition : Would you rather sit patiently and hoar mo through , or go to he devilv" The gawk drew himself UP to his six , cot three , stretched Ins arms and replied , ardonically : "Upon tbo wholeI , think 1 would rather o to thu itcvi ! . " Hook Agents' I'rollti. Philadelphia Record : . . . .1 am afraid , o tell how much i.s mtjile by book agents 'or fear the country will become deluged vitli them , There are enough now in all conscience , but there might bo moro who otild make a good living at tlm business. A. woman wrote to a subscription house n Now Vork not long ago and a'ked if they thought if she took one of their jooks she could mak'c ! ? . " ) a week. They : old her that would depend upon her = nll ; hat they could not tell any better than she could till she tried it ; they only know what others had made , and did not know- why she could not do as well , She sent lor $ ' 2 for a sample book , anil within a month she had made a protit of $ ! ? " > . N'ow her father , who is u green grocer , wants to sell out his green grocery and become a book canvasser. Hut I would ulviso him to keep the jirccn grocery and let the daughter do the onnvassjug ; because all the people In her region maybe bo Hiiuplied with books in time , but they will always bo wanting green groceries Don't lake that "cocktail in the morn ing , " If you have a "swelled head , " nausiatcd stomach , and unstrung nervo.s , resulting from the "convivial party last night. ' ' The sure and safe way to clear tl'o cobwebs from the brain , rccovor y.est for food , and tone up thonurvom system , is to Dr. Piorce's Pleasant Purgtdivo Pellets. " Sold by all druggists. Andrew Carnegie has decided not to build bis ft , 000,000 wistlo on the moun tain near Johnstown , Pa. G'lirlstmas ( lift. A box of Colgate's Cailimuro Soap is u rechcreho present. It Is In Moved that the Chinese in Cali fornia "wilt" from -tl.OOO to ? ; ! , < 0' ' ) in sil ver dollars every week , 'TJrown'u Ilroiiulniil Troiilm * * " nie widely known as an udinlrnblo u'niedv tor Hionrhitls , Jlo.itoeni'ss , Coughs and Tlmmt r oubles. _ _ _ Francis Palms , the Detroit multi-mil- Honairo. lufl only sj..OOO for chuntaulo purposes , _ A clover swindler succeeded in sdling jSfi.OOO wet th ol tickets to an alleged Patti concert in thu City ot Mexico. MOST PERFECT MADS Ircp r dtrlth strictTcrardtoParltr , Strength , eni llfiHbfuluotu. Dr. J'rUo'BalingPowdertontMno ilrttcU ! , VccUl3 | iomua , etc. } Cavoi dellclbusljT. 7/frBJMVffPaXVfffCiTC > * 1 KILLING AN ENTIRE TOWN , Latest Outrages of tbo Monopoly Managers in Nebraska. ABOUT ALGERNON'S AGITATION. 'llic IS , t M. iliiKueruniit mill rSiilllis' ] Ulrty Work Inliiiinan Trent incut oJa Kunci-al Pnrty. Auir.itxo.v.Ncb. , Dec. 18. To the Kditor of the IJii : : : If there ever was a case wlicio the iron heel of monopoly was crushing thu commercial llto out of an industrious ami honorable community it is right here In Algernon. The outrages eoinmittcit upon the hitherto promising town by tne II. iV : M. KaUroad company arc MI open and bold that it almost seeui1- incred ible that they can have existence in this enlightened day. Our good people have partially kept the manor from the gen eral public ear so far with a hope that the leading ollieials of lliu roail would see- tin ; injustice done by their hirelings ai.d make haste to right a great wrong. For bearance , howcAor , has cea'-etl to bo a vir tue , ami it is but the - -prompting- true wciti-rii manhood lo let our lelluw citi- /ens ol Nebraska know bow TIIK IAU.HOA1) ! SUOl.iiX.U'l ; ! is rolling through the .state , crushing out ot existence bushing centers created by the common consent and hard work of worthy people who have tor years labored to secure homos amiil all the liardshms of frontier life. Algernon was located long before there was any talk of a railroad connecting it with'tluouter world. The silo was chosen by the residents of Ibis portion of Ctistcr comity , after duo deliberation , because ' cause of its' advantages as a market center and puMotliee. U lu-n the Grand Island \Vyominir Central railroad , one of the forked tongues of the 15. & M. monopoly monster , surveyed its line throiij/h the center of the town , naturally there was general rejoicing. A general welcome and every possible encourage ment were given tint company , 'iiie owners ot the to n site not only gave the railroad the right of way gratuit ously but offered to lay out KiO acres m town lots and donate every other lot to Hie company in consideration of iU visit. I'illrcus who had substantial buildiiiErs on the line ot survey moved them away at their own e.\cnso. ) ) In fact , was willing to do anything I hat the company might desire. Hut no ; the monopoly had it if-on n cards to play. The Lincoln-Land &Tpwn Site company the big liiirlington dirt can with los ! Phillips on the driver's scat rejected all these magnanimous oilers. Notwith standing the lact that Algernon i.s by lo cation , permanent settlement and eitab- IIslied business , the proper place for a station in this part of the comity. II IK ItAIUtOAl ) C/AUS went immiidialoly to work to consign it to a Siberian existence. They went out on the wild prairie , four ami one-hu'f ' miles cast and laid out the town of Ma t-on and having more land three and one half miles west they laid out another town called Ansley two monopoly mushrounis that will bu dished up and seasoned the company's land ollico in Lincoln for the investment meal of east ern .suckers- Not a depot , not a switch , no conveniences whatever worn granted Algernon nor its 200 permanent residents , The j itusu riiuoucii without even paying the cross road homage of ringing a bell or blowintra whistle. Ihisinesa men bore and I ho sur rounding farmers must go either to Mason or Ansley for receipts and ship ments , and to scouru a ridu by rail. tNnl'J.T ' was then added to injury by the monop- olibts boldly aborting that they uould niiiKe the people ot Algernon abandon their town and bo divided between Mason and Ansloy. In this the railroad icek- oncd bitvoml ils host. Our people have nobly stood by their town and since the raihoad .stirvnyors' htukes were sut herewith the intention of making Algernon's grave its population has doubled and businos-i of ail kinds become correspondingly increased. Tim crisis has now come and the universal demand of uur people is for justice which wo will luue though thu heavens fall. The I ! . & M monopolists will find that they have a community of men to deal with men who knotting their rights dare maintain them. AN ot'TiiAr.n committed the ether day upon S. B , Harris , one of the oldest and most re- apceted citizens of Custor county , has sounded the bnttlo cry , and Algernon is for war. The facN tire tJie o : Airs. Uluahctli Mirriek. of David City. Nth , who was visiting her daughter , Mrs. S. It Ilurris , was taken suddenly ill and dluil on the night ot the Kith instant. The ni'Nt day Mr. Harris went to Ansley and telegraphed Siiorintomtnnt | ) Thompson , at Lincoln , politely requesting him to Atop a train at Algernon and take on thu remains and mourners , as it was Mrs. Minick's dying request that she bo buried at her 9(1 ( ! home. The following reply was received : LINCOLNDeo. . I'iVfbb. . S. Show this to Dec. is , as his Instructions to stoj at Algernon to pick up coipse. 1) . E. TIIOMI-SO.N. I ) , J , St 10 p. in. Mr. Harris accordingly notified the rol atlvcs , frhmds and undertaker to bo on hand promptly at Algernon with the re mains. Ho then purchased the necessary tickets for himself , family , etc. , fron Ansley , thrue-fimuter milea further thai they wore going to rldo On the morn ing of thu Kith the funeral party was a < he Main street erasing awaiting the arrival of the train. U came rushing along on * chedtilo time , but naid no more attention to making a stop at Algernon than it would to a sagebrush by the road side. ot Mit rorxnr.o and as the monopoly courier of cusii'd- ncss disappeared are aid a roll in the prairie , the remains were sadly escorted back to Mr. Harris' residence to await further arrangement" for the interment. The whole community i.s in a fever heat , for fllr. Harris i- lee prominent a man in this locality to bo thus outraged. He is our leading implement dealer , and has paid the railroad company over $200 In the la t tew mouths for freight , notwith standing the fact lie has been placed to the greatest inconveniences in receiving his consignments. Thcro arc now $5,000 in the hands of business men of Al- cerium anil surrounding farmers to aid Air. Harris In the legally resenting this outrage and plenty more obtainable. Obedient to the law we have placed the fate of Algernon in the hands ol the rail road pommis-ioner , and It' they can evade the unbiased testimony of the far mers of this section as _ to the superiority ot Algernon a a station , then state laws are mere air bubbles. When Messrs. Cowilry and I'.abcock were here taking tcstimonv , although they only called upon residing near Ala on and near Ans- loy , every one to man TISTIKJII : ) IN rAVuit \i.ii\o\ ; : \ . L'riMght bills aggregating over $1 , < IOO paid by our bu-.ine s men since .Inly last weni produced. The amount of these bills would bo double had not freight to be hauled by wagon three and ive miles to destination over rough and omc times almost impassible roads. lustico they say is slow but --overe. It vill have to be severe in this ease or there vill be trouble.Vu \ cannot have our own site and ils best lots ruined for lotliing bv monopoly hirelings ; a popuhi- ion of JJCO and its important commercial ntercsts cannot bo forced to KO many nilcs to pa-Mure places , or to Kearney illy miles away , lor freight and ship- iiems.Ve cannot have our beautiful mil promising town decried and shin- lered by monopoly hireling- order to hceep away settlers and investors.Ve will not subiiit to having our mail put oil1at Mason or at Anslc.v and then lie ! rom twelve to thirty-six boms when the "aw commands it to be laid down at our own. Neither will wo longer submit to my full fan- for seven miles that we do lot ride , should we have the good fortune to get on a passing train at the risk of our lives. The day ol meek submission ias passed. This outrage cannot go on .mien longer. We will await the de cision of the commissioners , but in tbo meantime wo want our lellow-eitiwils to < now the hydra-headed monster that is- ' iestroying'our h"rd earned savings and robbing us f homo , happiness and the fiituic welfare ot our children. Tlic ( iranlii. Washington Correspondence Cleveland Lead'-r Harrison toils me that Colonel Krcd (5 ( rant is in business in New York , and that the family are livinc there. Je scirant ( is in San Francisco , and Ulysses is attending to the interest of his wile's ( Mate in Mexico. 1 asked him as to how Grant fell when ho gave his relics o\or to the government. He replied that the general was very well pleased that the government could got them. General ( irant said ho ft'lt that they ought to bo kept together , and if they were divided among his family they would bo scattered. "There was danger at the time , " said Harrir-on , "that the eredilori of Grant it Ward might take thorn , and 1 remember well when 1 had linishcd packing thorn , and told him they wore all read for ship ment , how much relieved he looked , and how ho said , 'I am very glad of it. ' "Hut the taking away of thosp relics , " said Harrison , "made little diflerenco in the looks of Grant's house. The rooms were only bnro for a day or two After that they wore tilled with things fully as curious , and some almost s valuable , I don't suppo o any man ever received so munv piosonts as General Grant. Ho did not know what ho had. Thoio were boxes upon boxes ot rnro and curious things stored away which had been shipped from Europe during his tour , and some of which had never been un packed. A great many thing ) hud been put away because ho had not room for them , and those had boon foigotten. They were brought out after the relics wore sent to Washington , ami I thought the house looked ryally bettor than " over ' When did Grant lir t realise the fact of his approaching death" " "It was at Dr. Douglas' oflico in Xow York. Ho was ulono with Dr. Douglas and myself. Grant had just had an ex amination of the throat , and ho asked Dr. Douglas if he coulci assure him that his trouble would not dovelopo into caneor. Douglas told him that ho could not assure him ot this fact , but that ho hoped ho minht bo able to euro him. General Grant then said : "If you think thus , Dr. Douglas , tlicro , u hope for mo. " Soon alter this's p-arriigo came and ho went away. As wo diovooh" ho told mo not to say anything to the family as to what Dr. Doughs had said. Throughout hiwholu sickness Gen eral Grant's lamily never knew how much pain ho suffered. From the time of \\\3 \ \ \ sickness till his duatli I was noi two hours absent from him. Many nights ho would walk the lloor all night , When the family would ask him in the morning how ho hud rested ho would say , 'pretty well. 'and would try to appear cheerful Ho had the most terrible pain all the time , and I don't think ho had a moment's cessation from pain during these last months. Ho felt greatly relieved when ho had liuinhcd his book , and his happiest days were those just before his death. Durinir his whole sickness ho never grow irritable or lo , = t hid temper. Ho was the kindest man I over know , and ho had a great lovit for his family Mrs. Grant called him Ulysses and she was very fond of him. Ho al.vays called her Mrs. Crant , and ho was cer tainly one of the best of husbands. " An exchange say * Theie are more puns made on Dr. Hull's Couch S.uup , free of charge , than are paid for by the owners. A good thing deserves the no tice of the pi ess. In the treatment of rheumatism , gout , neuralgia , sciatica , etc. , Salvation oil should bo thoroughly rubbed iu , It kills pain. Price ! . ' 5 cents. Ne\v found Inn'd'ICoiu ! it Ion. St. John's Letter to the Montreal Ga zette. The fall term of the supreme court opened on the ! 20lh of November , fit his addre s to the grand jury Sir F. U. Carter , chief justice , animadverted in strong terms on "the exaggerated and false stories of starvation and destitution which had found a prominent place iu newspapers abroad. " "Tho destitution , " said the chief juttioo , "is not at all so ex tensive as it was declared to be. 1 am very happy to acknowledge , from per sonal observation , the Kindly feeling which persons in other countries had and wore ready to show in a substantial man ner , if the stories had turned out true Still the reports had damaged the coun try to a considerable extent" , und he hoped that an ellbrt will be made to discover author and to punish him with the e\- trcmost pnnishmentthatthe law allows. " As the season advances we learn more and more iiow correct arc the remarks of the chiet justice and ! 'O\vgros ly exag gerated have been the reports about the widespread destitution ofour _ people which were put into circulation. Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoine Sain , New Vork and Havana trade , came home in May , entirely helpless with rheu matism. He went to the mountains , but receiving no benefit , at his wife's request began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ho immediately began lo improve ; in two months his rheumatism was all gone , and ho sailed in command of his vessel a well man. Hood'Sursparilla will help yon. Sold by all druggists. The silver mills of Montana represent an investment -20,000,000. . TN TillLATTI3R ; STAGF OF COX- SUMPTION , the iiJllicted will I hid relief and comfort in Dr. , J. 11. AlcLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. Its soothing eil'ccts on the lung-i is remarkable. " 5 cents a bet tle. _ _ Fogg savs that when he asked the fu ture Airs. F. for her hand , he had no idea it was going to cost so much to keep it in- gloves. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM POWERFUL PROOFS. A SulScrcr lor IS Yearn. Knnkiikco , 111 My inotlicr lias lipcn n sufloiiTfiom In- fl.itnmatuiy rliciiinullMn for the lust tlf- tccn JIMIS. Her HmLn bvcumn so swol len Unit hhc could not get about. I cue ; un iill hopcsnt lienccovcry. HOI t [ tried ht.IncolH oil. Tlie tli.-t uppll- cjt Ion cine herielUif : and six hot I lin Iras lieiloiincil a euro. J. J. hUll'HUUT. II ml Itecumc Chronic. Do FereVli > . For fho * I sulTi'ml with In- ( iHinmatory rliuumntlMii , wlili h liccnine clitonle. Tried various nreinu jtioiis. I roiiMiltiil thti l/.t ) pliyslcmiiH , but ull ' without avail / was compelled lo UKJ crntclioi. I hail given up nil hopn of ob taining relict , when I hourd of : U. JucolH Oil. liMMlunlrtliiee bottles nml urn now avellnmn. JOHN K1I.KY. Win 111 J < Wclll | In Gold. New Alo\in4rla ! , Ohio , I was iifllletcil with lutlnminulorjr rheii- mutism for seuiral weeks tosiuh nn ux- tent that I con Id neither leeil nor ilicsi imsclfllliont HP Mtiiu'it. I puri'haseil a liottluof St.Jut olis Oil nnd nller iisln < r two thirds of It I ttas enthcly lined. I consider It uoithiU weight In cold. c. i ; . JO.VHS. SuOVrcil Untold Agony unit Tui-ed. Amcilmrjr , Mil * * . Tor two years I linvu IMXII aiiflmni ; with InflaniiTHloiy ihuimutlsm In my foot , tbo pain holni. HO neiit I Writ unublo lo touch It without surTmliiif un told HKony , I tried eveijtlilni- without obtntnlni ; any inllufiien I heeim to INC ht . .laoohsOllVllli ( hi ) flist ap plication , the. nnliiHlmost In'-tMiilani'on.-ly ivuspil , and < ontlnnliu' Itn usu I wasrn- tlicly cured and luno Ml no i > ain > .lii > . A. J. DDAKInsr Amcilcun llousu. TIIKl'llAlll.l'.SA V0.hi.1.1CO.llalllmcrp ( ! , , Mil , "jfiTSTAR COUGH GlJRg vnr.r. rnoM oriArnt rtnsos. SAFE. SURE. When 1 ny rure 1 do 1101 rr.e n jmrely lo llin iinath nli i jliemi lurii 5ilii. I cur. I l. vo inailu tlio flboueo of ma , KI'lI.IirsK < r PAI.LIMI MCIOf'03 n life tons euidr. Iwwrunt nivromody tocur th wor t c o liocajs j oiliorn IHTOjtluu It no rr on fur not i.owreirlvlogacuri ! rlpnd M one-i > t ratieil _ . ! Jfcnil rroa Bottloutlnir InMDblB rtmeily UlvsBlliri.lniiKll'OJt II tmttfw noilili.K for a trlnl. iinil ( t\U \ cjre jm Addreii Ir II cf KOUT , JMl'enrlBl. . HIV Voile. . , iiljr or.e 111 ( nu vr { > jld t.ieralfn , { nconllnuous FltctHetlMaonrtu - nt. bcu-ntinr , 1'oncrful , l ur Ulf , 'Comfurt > l > ! e mid FtTeriivu.void < r.iuU , OvrrODOOtnitpfl. hfndhtmnp fm pamf hloU Al , n i.i.r.cri KIO JIII.TS : rou itiMUHLU Ct. HUiiHE. iHVthTOS. 101 WABAili AYE. . t i iini TiiMTTTr ma pi fmm i- * . Tiin-l : rr Wormy Veins ofilu hfroium uitm i ( . unn-i. - jfrttj rautt c/ Loot Mnnlioo < l , Debility , Ac , qucll7 ! > lnpuiniiff ; mr < ! b11. . . Elanllo Crodlo- CwffiHS ] & 'AI , AaKr'/m7baEt' ! JIeiCrik. FItFETO P. A.M. Flct C l r 4 Koptvlas of fciiiBul.r Ancient kltMlitc E .lleuuil ) dUHHttrtd ' \n \ thtraat cf I' aK4l. Al > ItiK * lllu.tjil l CiUluui e ( Uucclc Uukt trJ gK-di llb LMw prim Alw < Btr ot bailtfji. rST" " " " ' ( J t | tiri'tji tvurkt. IlKl'HINIJ ' & Hit l btrii.ii4 MttufiLtrtTI IM | UiOftJw-v N vVi'X * MO UK r VTA 11II11. TheGr tfirrmM 111 lU.-iuclyUoi > a HHecuro. rtt iaila ami hoiiL lor 4 ren ! Iu h. H. JJJUJIC it CO , i. ' RELIABLE JEWELER , Watclies , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock , i'riccs the lowest. Hepairing a specialty. All work warrant- od. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Oinalm. JJcensocl'atohmaker for the t'nion I'tiollic llailroad company The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co N. W. COR. 15th AND HAKNJiY , OMAHA. Property of every dcfcription for sale in all parts of the city. Lund * foi i.ilo lit every county in Nebraska. A COMPLKTE SET OF AHSTUACTS OfTitie of Uonglfii county kept. JNlans of the city state or county , or anp other iuformation desired , furnished tree of charge upou application. HOW TO ACQTJIKE WEALTH. Dntwiiiff , Thin Month , on yovcmbrr 20th. Uiy I'vizc * . lllttnl ; * With $2 You Can Sucute One City of Barletta 100 Francs G-old Bond These bonds , are di awn 4 times annually , with ptizcs of 3. 000 , 000 , 100,000000 , 500,000 , 200,000 , 100,000 , r.0,000 , etc. , down to the lowest piue of 100 Fiancs Gold. Anyone sending us $2 will secure one of these Bends and is > then ENTITLED to the whole prize that ittnay diaw in next dinwingt balance payable on easy install * merits. This is the best investment ever offcicd. Resides the certainty receiving back 100 Francs Gold , you have the chance to win four time * a year. LisU of will be sent fiee of charge. Money can be sunt by registered letter or postal note. Kor further information , call on or adittess BERLIN HANKING CO. , 305 Bioailwny , New Yoik. N. B. These Bonds are not lottery tickets , anil aie by law permitted to be sold in the United Stales. One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA NEB. 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio Orinlnnl mill Onlj Ctrnulno. Rftfii ACd alwav * KrlUHl . Df artcf wortlil- tiatufnot l3riiirDnl.o ! in LADIES. Aik jour llruel > t ' ' 'Chlili i ler' EnirTUli" and t l BO oilier , or inlui * < i up.J lo ui fur urtlfliiltri ' 'i Ittttr bf return njall. 1'i CI I liMtfr Clmnlml t'o . . HeM by llriiffBtiU .Trrrnhcro. Ak rcr "Clilchoa ' " ' ' 1 V u-otlwl- P. BOYEB < & CO. Di-AI.UUB IM and Jail Work. 1020 I'ainaui Street. Oaiuha. Neb. BSTflBLISHED ] W USED IN ALL ( 'BtulOKUf an'l ' I'ricre on npiillciillon. Hold by AlllUu beet l'arrlae r.ullilur-i and DaivU'U. CINCINNATI. I ) . H. A. itcTn con rift. BBEXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. 0 Jacobs , UN DEBT A HUE IS 8 t thB ohNtand 1-107 Furnum st Orders byti'le < ? ruh ; ) so.ieited mid promptly ; t- tendetl to. Toluphoiio No. 2'JO. LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRETD RY lloccntly Unlit. .VHly tuiiiKiiDl The Tremont , J. C. l-'IT/liatAI.I > & hON , I'roinlut.ipi. Cor. Hh nod I' ts. , Mncolu , Nob. HatcpSl M per'Uy. btruut curt /rom II < .MI. ) f ) inr pxitut tlio c'lf. J. II. W. IIAKINS. \ \ . Architect , -3J. SI niul 4" , Kl'-hni-di UlocU , Lincoln. Keb. Muvdtorontill ] utiuet , llrt'O'lf ' rl * llroodcrnf a.M.10\/AV tATfie. HIJOIU UllllNl.ITtB ! ' AI WOOUS , Live Stock Auctioneer iniiilo Iu all piulH ( if tlio I' H. iuir rittoe , ItiioiuS , Slate Dlock , Lincoln. Null. Oullonn ) iu l3lmrt Horn ImlU lui = .nlu. II. II. GOULDING , Farm Loans and Insuraiice , Corrcsponilfntu In irirniM to lonns oln ail , Hoom i. ItlcliarUi ItloUt , l.liiculn , Noli , Kiversiclo Short Horns Of fltrlclly PUICI liiitcp iinrl lliuil iHimlierH about OJ boiij. FaiullloH ifirfnntitod | : l-'ilbarts , C Acoiubs , Itviilux , Hosu ot Slmious , llJ HDJO , Knlirlitly DnvMussus , rintC'rofk Vouuy JUuy-t , I'byllUuM , fxjiiane and True lxiru llulU Jorsalu. i I'uri. Muic/i Fllnnrl.l run ) IlnU-l Crutrnti , 1 llosuof Hliuion , 1 Voun/ Mar ) . 1 1'iuo Criili.-k SUunk and oliiois roiiiu niul lnf.povttho hurl. AdUiosa , C'UAs. M. iON , Unouln , Not ) . When in blncoln etopat Rational Ilotel , AnU gel a good ulnn rfo ' Jo. Jo.FEDAWA7 BRS.SMMYIES6S . , MR \WKHNTi : STJtr.KT. Of ( be Misbouri State M"seum of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and NewVoik. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF NeroiB , Chronic and DISEASES. More especially those arising from iinpiu- dcnce , invite all so Miffci-ing to conespond without delay. Dif.eascf > of infection and contagion cuicd safely ami speedily without detention from btit > incM > , and without tlio use of datiyerotib drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly tieated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their M'mptotnb. All let'crii icccive immediate ulti-nlioii. PUBLISHED . And will be mailed FREE to anv nddtet * on icccipt of one 2 cent sltimu , " 1'iacllcal Observations on Nervous Debility und Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which i added an " on Marii.ifje , " uitli important chap- tcison iiisKAfai's ( IK TIIK uitrnont'LMVK pKciANh , the whole lorminjj a valuable med ical treatise uhich Miould bu read by all younj ; men. Addii'is -SIS SI. , Stctnor , < ' ! . State Agents FOU'JllB DECKER Ml PIANOS Omaha , Neb. KMT , iE J&Kifcii\Jl'5 ' \ Window Sasfi Look MK PM'I' 11" ' ( ! . wSjjgij- ) - " . ' " rr ! ? ; . , , , ; { \ P rr n u' wiiUit'ii : u t jJUaaM. hlllln u.i N. . ki I Mu i.buihii OVIT'Ui Between Anfwsrn & Kew York TO THE RHIHE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL * LAKD AliD FRANCE. J'AI.I. AND VMNTKIt. Fn'.on from t" ) to (75. Bxcurti'oil ' I rip froiq K110 to tU. Hooonij Cabin , ( lutwurd , H' < ; jnfjmlUt5 , uxcurniun.V ) . Bt cin 'O musiuu ut low rttU.3. j'otor Wright ft Boua , Uunoru AKi'iils ' , BJ IJroa'ltvHy , I"UTV ( i HTK. Henry I'utul. JJI I ii > iminf . ; IMulson t O > . U B ( 'uinnni t > t. I ) 0 11 < n man