THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAl' , DECEMBER 21. 1880. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS lill Offered in the Senate For Better Con trol of Contagious Oatlla Diseases. OTHER MEASURES INTRODUCED Tlio IMclIlc IlnllionU PiuKlleijt Dill .Postponed nn n iljioolnl Order Until the Second luetclny In January. Kenntc. Dec. " ( I. Among the peti tions prc'Ptitcd and itferrod vvcio sev eral In favor of a uducllon of the tax on oleomaigarlne , ami one fiom Mt. Vest from the .St. Louis Merchants' exchange asking legislation foi increase of trade with Central and South America. Mr. Vest Introduced a fciibstltnto for the bill to Incnipoiatc the Atlantic > V "acllic slilp lallvvay company. Jt piovldcs for a naked Incoiporallon without any guarantee Irom the goteinmcnt. On motion of Mi. lloir , tlio Pacific rail road funding bill was postponed as a pc-clal order until the .second Tuesday In January. Ho expressed the hope that In tlio meanllmo Ihe matter would l o taken up in the noiist- and bo disposed of one way or the other. Mr.AMilcli olfi-red a concutrcnt resolution H'fiuesUng ilie president lo enter Into nego tiations with the governments ot the several principal sugar producing countries of tlio world with n view to securing a nintti d agicomont by which the United Stttes sliall nisieo to ntlmit fteo of duty sugai and tuolas- HOS , HIP product ofjueh countnes or their colonies , when transposed In vessels under Hie line of either contracting patty , and on vvliich fu ar nnd molasses no export tax oi chaigo Iir.s been levied , on condition that Hiiuli govcinuiPiits shall admit Into their IP- Hpeclhc tountiies or sinrai piodiirlug colonies nies , fien of duly , mim-ial , agricultural and nianufnctureil products of the United Males. J.altl on tliu Inblc. Tlio house bill for the relief of ilio surv Iv ors of tno exploring steamer .Ip.iunctte , and the widows and elillilien of those who pei- Islied In tlio roll cat fiom the wit-ck of that VOS P ! In Arctic seas , was taken up ami passed. The ptt'sldeut pro trm announced the foi- owingauiolntnietils to committeeCom : - niltteu ou clnlms Speaker as elialinmn In place of I'lke , deceased , and Clieno } In place of Snootier. District of Columbia Cheney , In place of I'lke. On epidemic diseases Cheney , In plncii ot Spooner. On Impiove- nifliitb of the Mississippi river Williams , In place ot I'lko. On tianenurtntion loiiti-s to seaboirdVilllams \ , In pl.ico of Mandcrson , resigned. HtlllHC. WASHINUTON" , Dec. SO. The committee on banking and currency reoortcd back the Wcavci icsolullou calling on tlio secretary of Ilio treasmy for information whether any money appropiiatcit by llic sumlrv civil bill lias been expended In Issuing tieasury notes of largo denominations In lion of small notes destroyed or cancelled , and by what authority notes of snmll denomination weio desti o > cd. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Morrison this afternoon Introduced a \ resolution tor a liolldaj iceossfrom Decent- Dor 23 lo January ) . 11 Mr. Illscoel ; then called up Ids motion to suspend the inlcs and pass the hill lulatiug to duties on Sumatta tobacco. The motion Vt as voted down. Under the call ot stateMr. . Toiviishend of Illinois Introduci-il a icsoltitlon calling for executive infoimatiou , which was re ferred. The following is the text of the resolution : Tlul tlio secretary of the tieasmy bo ro- qcstcd lo ascertain \\liotlici any national hanking association located in ttio city of New York 1ms , dnrinu' the present month , loaned its surplus nionny or deposits lo . .bickersoi other poisons operatlnir in slocks and bonds without seem U ) , and merely upon receipts of interest , for the muposo ot en abling a speculiitoi to lock up anil prevent tlio use of money in business Iransactloiis anil thereby produce a scaieity of money and greatly Inc'.easo the latcs of on loans : and also , whether during the sumo period any of the said h.inks toi the pur poses aforesaid knowinuly permitted the total liability of any person , corporation or lirm to exceed the amount limited by statute In said cases ; and that said secretary report all facts to this house as soon as piactlc.ible , with such iccoijiiiioiHl.itIons as he may deem proper. The senate joint resolutlon.authoiUng the secretary of war to accept .itiact of land tvventy-livo miles from Chicago , on Lake Michigan , donated by tlio Commercial club of Chicago , tor ipilltaiy purposes , was passed. The following wore Intioduced : By Mr. Co.x of Now Votk Resolution call ing upon Iho prcsidtiiil lorall coiresi > oiidunco between the department of .state and our minister to Russia , or between that mlnlstei and the llusslaii government. In i elation lo the conduct ot tlio Russian government In the treatment or expulsion of S. Michel- backer , an American cltl/en who was ex pelled from Knssla on account of his bilng a Hcbrti * . and all other correspondence between - twoen our government and that of Kussia In i elation lo the condition or expulsion ot lie- brews who are American t'Hi/mis fiom the terrltoiy of Russia. Jly Mr. Tovvnshend ot Illinois To punish the possession of dies tor coiintertoltlne money ; also to punish bribery in elections ; nlso to punish the passing ot confederate money as just obligation of tlio UnitoJ States. JJy Mr. Hvan of Kaims Appropriating 8100,000 lor thn erection ot a monument lo nozro soldiers and s.dlois of tliu war. Mr. llibt'cck railed up Ids motion to sus pend tlio lulesaml pa n the bill relating to duties on tobacco. The bill amends the statutes relating to duties on Ic.if tobacco , leaf tobacco In bale , box , package or bulk , any part of which Is suitable tin wrap- pern , U not stemmed , 'J5 cents a pound ; It HteinmeJ. SI per do/en , upon the whole con tents of ouch bale , box , package ut bulk. Mr , Morrison , of Illinois opposed the bill. 'I Ho pending proposition , lie said , was to Impose a duty of neon is lo protect tin : homo producer of loaf tobacco , who idieiuly was protected by u duly of : ir > cents per pound That rule vvus mote than ample protection to-day. Mr. llreekonrldgo of Arkansas rosaidi'd the blllfts a moduli piopo-tltloii to piotcct a certain class of tobacco MO per emit. Mr. Hiseock'b motion was lost yeas DO , nnvs KM. Mr. Foinoy of Alabama , on behalf of the fommlltfo on militia , movtul to suspend iho lilies and pass the .senate bill amendlnir the Malnlu.s making an iinniud appropriation to piovldo arms and niuipments for inilltui , vvltli an amendment proposed by tliu hoiiso commltti'o m.iKlng an annual appropriation of S400.00J. AKieed lo > eas lUs , imsill. . Mr. Towiisliund of Illinois , on bclmli of thecommlttfodii patcntx , moved ( n aiispi'iid the rules und past Uiu bill limiting the juris diction ot the United Mali's coin Is in putent CASC3 , and to protect iM-ramis who , without notice , aiu twn.i mlo iiianufactuiPis , uur- cliabCi'H. venders .mil users of patuntcd aitl * olos. The bill limits the jiuisdicllon of Uiu Uniied Slati-H flirts in patent cases to cases vvheroin the amount In controversy does not uxreed S-XW utralnst anj person or citl/im. Section twu provides that puiclmsers of any patent light tor actual use shall not bu li.iblu to damages , royalty , or for tliu value ol sama or tor Infringing the same in iiuy inaiiiu'r. who at the date of buch jmu-h.iso had no knovvlctlttu of tlio claims of any third pi'ison , or that the Inventor of the b.ime ha no intur- tatliewin ailvui-a to the hellor Ihcu-of. That no pciaon who shall In good laltli nur- clmso , use , ni.uiulafluie , or wll , without iiiovloiiH Kuovvledgo of thu exUtenru of tliu iiitcnt tbeiefor , any article , m.icnine , ma chinery , 01 ollu-i thing lor the onclusivo usiuale , or nianulaciuio ot whli-li nny patent lias bet-n or heieaflcr nu > bo granted to any person , poisons or corpora tion vvliatt-vi-r , hhall tw liable to damages or othmvvlbO foi an ! nlilim > mcnt ol auch patent until uftor A wrlllen nollco of the existence thereof hball bavo boon personally sen oil on Kiicti pu on or ix' oiis oi corporation , und nuch an iiifrliiiremt'ut shall bo thereafter con tinued , Mr. TovriiMicnd said ( bat the only imiposuof the mi-asuio was to piotcct Inuo- ipnt iiuirbasers ag-alnst blaikuiall. Mr. Hammond of tieoru'la opposed Iho 1)111 ) mill declined that tlio lUtt Mtttiou would htf'koctown ' sovx'ii-oUlltlH of all tlm patents J n the tMiintiy , Mhllo the u < > mt sc-ctlon vumld pUcw a ptiunlum ou booundiflisin. Mr , Hutteirtoitli of .Olilo ion'artlL-a the thatllu > will J * V * V 4 bill ns a bold attempt to kill the geese that laid the i0lden ; egg. Mr. Henderson of Iowa said that the real purpose of the bill w ns to prevent the ini < s of tlio people who did not enjoy the benefits of I lie golden cgs , but who bought patented instruments , from bPlng mulcted In dam ages and draeged Into court by wealthy cor porations until they weie scncd with writ ten notice , Mr Townshend siw In Iho opposition to the bill a renewal of the old struggle be tween monopoly and anti-monopoly. In order to prr\ rut n vote being taken on Hie bill Mr. Mills of Texas nto\cd to adjourn. The motion was ncrced to .teas Ul , nnjn 121 and accoidlngly the house adjourned. CATTM3 A Now Hill Tor Tliclr.I > ndlcfitloii In troduced In Congress. . WAiinxmoy , Dee. 23. Senator Spooncr lo-ility , by request of .Senator Miller , wlio Is absent , Introduced a , bill to extirpate con tagious plcino-pncumonla , foot and mouth disease and rlt lorpest nmong cattle , and to facilitate the exportation of caltlo nnd pro- duets of lUe stock : Section lnuthor/eslIiCrcsldcnt ! ] ( onpnolnt a commission of three porwn to bo known ns the United btnte * cattle commission. Ho may , In Ids judgment , suspend tlw functions aiu ! ray ot these commlxcloiis nn i lestoro them HL'ti ' at nny tlmi1. The snlanen of the commissioner * ave jlxed at S. ' > , ooo pur iiuiitim. Section a makes ft HiC ilutyol the comiiiis- sloiu-rs to cau e un InVeSt.'wIlon ' to be niado ns to the existence ol con . ' -rl | | s i'leiiio- pnotimoiiia , foot uiul mouth dtsci o ami ilndciicst | , nnd foi this purpose int. ] are authorized to entci , elthei in pet- son or by agetito , nny picmlsps In wlilch tlipy hn\o reason to bolluvo sucli dis ease exists. Upon dlsco\eilng the exist ence of the disease the commissioners mo nuthiul/cd toglvu public notice of the fact , specifying the location , nmt also to notif > In wilting the agents ot nnv tianspoilatlou company doing business in or thronili ; the Infected locality. The conimlsslonurH nro ie- iinlied to establlsli nnd maintain .such quni- atitlne of animals , piemlses or localities as they may deem necessaiy to piovont tin1 of tin1 disease , nnd also to cause the apprnNal and destiuctlon of iuleoled or ex posed nnlmals. The owncisof the animals dcstioH'daiu to bo paid tliicp-louiths the value ot the animals , us determined upon n bisis of health before Infection , In r ise of nnlmals diseased , and full appraised \nluo incase of animals exposed to but not In fected with the disease. It Is movldod , how- a\ei , tliat not more than S1CO shall bo paid lor nny animal destroyed that hnsaiccoulcd pcd- Igrue , or more than tno lor nn with out ] ) edhice. 1'iovided. luither , that in no case shall compensation be allowed lot any animal desliojedhlch may ha\e con ti acted oi been exposed to the disease In a foreign country , 01 on the high seas , nor shall com pensation bo nllowed anyone who knowingly 01 wllliilly conceals the existence ol any such disease or fuel of exp.Tiue thereto. Section ; i niithoti/es Iho commlsslonei.i to innko lilies nnd 10 illations for earrj ing tlio iiiovWons of Ihn bill into filed , the inles to lm\u the effect of law when uppioved bj the pipsldput. Sectinns-1 , r and 7 provide the penalties for oosttucting the commissioners in the per formance of their duty , for concealing the dlseise , nnd lor transporting oi dclherlni ; for transportation tioiu one < -tnte to another diseased animals knowing them to bo such. Section r. . makes it the duty of the coinmls- slonpis wliciover any owner of nnlmals ic- tiised to accept the sum authoii/cd to bo paid under Iho appiaiscment , todeclniennd main tain n risild < | iiarantltio of iinlmnls nnd piem- Ises where cattle may lie found. The other sections make It tlto duty of dl.stilct attoi- noys to prosecute violations ot the provisions of tliu bill , authoiizo the employment of n seciotaiy to the commission nnd of skilled veterinarians , nnd duect that when the functions of thu commissioners mo sus pended their oflicfls nnd records shall bo turned over to the commissioner ol ngneul- ture. Tlio bill nppropiintos 8l,030ll)0 ) ) to cany Its provisions into effect. A similar bill was Intioduced In the house to-day by Delegate Carey of Wyoming , by direction of thu house ngiiculUirnl commit tee. It Is understood the bill was pienared l > y loprcsuntatlves of the Consolidated Calllo ' association. Powtlcrlj- Not in Politic * . PnirAiii.pniA : , Pa. , Dec , ! iO. Qeiinral Master Workman Powdcrly hasnddiesscd a letter to n committee of tlio united labor patty of this city declining an Invitation to address n convention of that party this even- Ing. Powderly says there nro many good reasons why he should decline. Ho wont to New Vork In the Interests of Henry Ueorgo duilm : the late mavoialty campaign because finch action seemed the best way of. refuting thu lalr.u statement that ho had written a letter aealnst Homy Ueorgo nnd opposed the movement generally. Powderly siys that while he is general master vorkman he will nevei again occupy n place , either as speaker or olllcur , on apolitical platfoim. PostnuiHtcrs Nominated. WASHI.NOTOX , Dec. 'M. The president sent tlio iollowlnir nominations to the senate to-day of postmasters : Cairo , 111. , Alex 11. Irvin ; Dccatur , III. , Samuul S. Jack ; Kd- wanisvllle. III. , James 11. Dale ; Kulton , III. , William O. ( ireen ; Atlanta , Ilk. Richard T. Gill ; Jiarry , III. , William V. Whlto ; We- nona , III. , Reginald K. Hepchei ; Paris. 111. , Thomas K. Ciarnci ; Unstlncs , illnn. , Michael McIIiigh ; Sank Center , Minn. , Uriel M. Toby ; Hlack River Falls , Wis. , ( ! . W. Levls. A Duel In Canada. OTTAWA , Dec. 'JO. ISpeclal Telegram to the KICK. ] John F. White , editor of the In vestigator , and J. llnnralmn , niuclilno agent , fought a dual near hero Saturday night. White had chaiged Hanrahan with betraying a joung woman. They fought with : iJ-calibro revolveis and on the llrst Ilio botli missed. On the second ilamahan fell , wounded In thu giolu. Ho was taken to a husnltal and Is doing well. Wliltn disappeared and it IK bo- lloved ciossed to the United States. It was thu first duel In Canada in many years. Aladu uu Assignment , Ci ivi : LAND , Dee. ! iO. Monroe Bros. \ Co. , extensive dealers in lumber , nmdo an imslgnmeiit to-nleht. Chailos Winchester , of Ashburnliam , Mass. , whosti financial em- bairnssuieut was noted a few dnv.s ago , was a general partner In the lirm of Monion liros. A Co. Piovlous to Winchester's dlim-idtles tlm assets of Jlonioo Bros. A Co , wore esti mated at S-'M.OOO. and liabilities at JMT.COJ. It is understood that moio attachments will follow to-moirow. Druldod For the iJeli'iidiuit. (5 ( vi.VK.sro.sDec , 20. A special Mom La redo ays the treat land suit pending In the state dlsttlet court there for the past two \seoks hutween thu I'oxas Mexicwn railroad and the settluro of thu Itortwi grant In / * iialka county , comprising seventy leamies of land , occupied by 1,000 people , was decided to-day in fnvot ot the defendants. ltocur.snii : , N. V. , Dec. 20 , Walter U. Dully to da > made n special assignment to William Puicull foi thobenuiltof Tils credit ors. Ill- , liabilities , which are about SiSO.CW , nit * pilnelpally In endorsements , The as signment In no way nlfeets Hie Rocliester Dlstilliim " eimip.iny , of which Duffy Is piesl- itent. _ _ A Wharf Cavotf In. Pnii.Aui'.t.i'iiiA , Dec 20 , About two hun dred and hfly feet of the Pennsylvania rail- comiuu's exteiisUt ) Height wharf In the old navy yaid property on thu Delawuin river trout , caved in early this momlng. T'heto u.c > a largo amount of valuable Heighten on the wharf , and tlio lo will be lieu v > . Tlio AValush Iteoelvcr , CnicAfio , Dee. ' . ' 0. Judge Thomas Jf. Cooley , Hit ) newly appointed locelver of the Chicago dlv islon ot the Wabash lailvvay , ai- ilved In this city lids morning , Ho at once repaired to tlio United States clirult couit , nualifving us iccelvcr by nlini : his bond fur 310J.OU ) and lelt at once for M. Louis. Itailrond Extension. CIIKAOO , Dec. 'JO. It is aunouuced thnt thu Chicago it St. l.ouls rallioad Is to 1m extended - tended from SUeator , J1L , through GalBsuur ; , ' to Poit Madison , and also from Pt-kiu , 111. , to Sprin ta-ld. where it will connect witli the bt. Louis A Chicago , loimluga throuili ; line to St. Louis. ldiicio Diiriiotl. KKW VOIIK , Dec. 20. Tno engine house ad joining the Catholic protectory In Weit Ches ter was totally destroyed by tire tuU morning. The lees Is JiO.OJi ) and Is coUieJ by Intur- nncu. - - " " - "v - r- njt * r IB- -I K nuK" 'V"-v Jui la Jinani J ft relative. K n. ' - A STATE ROAD'S ' NEW MOVE. The Elkhorn Valley Company Files Amended Articles of Incorporation. WHAT THE PAPERS SET FORTH. 1'lrst Annual Meeting of Dlrcctois of tlic Clilc-nco , Kansas < V- nnd Its 1'lnni Other Stnto Ncvva , Itrjolcp" . Neb. , Dec. i.0.-Spectal | Telegram - gram lo the HKK.J Amended aitlclesot in- corpoiatlon of tlio riomont , IClkhoui nnd Missouri Valley rallioad , filed at the county clerk's ofllco heio to-day , confirms all predic tions made as to the future operations of the load , and Kicmont lejoiees over the prospect. They provide for a main line to begin at Omaha , tlmnco northwesterly thiough Doug las nnd Washington counties to rrcmont. Branch number thice will bo extended north fiom Albion to Onkdolc , thence north thiough Antelope nnd Knox counties to the northern boundaiy of tlio state. Branch imm'jcr ' live begins on the south side ol tlio I'ltktto liver In Saiindcrs county , extends tluons.'i ' Haundeis , Butler , Suvvnrd , Voik , Hamilton , Clay and Adams to Hastings ; thence southfti'slerly to a point on the west- em boundary Ol Adams county. Btanch number six connects wllh branch live In Butlct county ; thence toHt , > H'loitL-h ' Butler , Sovvatd , Sallna , rillmoio to the 50tiJ.'i ' Hno of Nebraska. Blanch iiumboi sovcn hcglns lt a point on the main line In Douglas comlli , theiico to the stoskvaids , also to Umnha. Atllclo V provides Hint the head- quartets of the corpoiatlon shall bo at t'ro- mont. I.V ADAVtS rot'NTV ATAO. IlA'.Tisos , Neb. , Dec. UO. Special Telc- ginm to the BII : : . Articles of Incorpoiation ot the Piemont. niklioin i&Mlssoml Vallov railroad weie filed with thu county eloik of A dams county to-day. Tlio mticles provide for the connecting of branch line numtter llvo with branch number four In .Snumleis county , lunnlng In n southwesterly diiectlon thiough the counties of Butler. Seuutd , Vork , Hamilton , Clay. Adams , to Hastings , nnd tlieiico In n southwestern direction ton point on the westcin boundary ot Adams countv. The capital stock is placed ut S0 , - OOO.OOJ. Tlio Chicago , ICnnsnH V- rAiniituv , Neb. , Dee.0. . [ .Special Telo- iriam to the Uir.J The lust annual meeting- of tlio bond of directors of the Chicago , Kansas it Xcbiaska inilway was held hoio to-day. After the tiansnction of sccict busi ness the bulldhiL' of : i branch line thiough the Republican valley was dlscuised , but no notion was taken. It is understood , how ever , that the line will ceitalnly bo built early In the spilng. The election of ofllccis followed and the lollowins weiochoseu : A. V. Whitney , piesidout ; W. W. Phelps , secro- taiy , to succeed C. P. .lilsoii. After the meeting the officers and dirp tOM left for Boatiico to Inspect their lino. Regular tinlns between Kaiibitry nud Bcatiico v\lil be lunning In less than u week. Appeals to IrlHlimcn. LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 20. Uigent commu nications have been addressed by John Fit/- gerald , president of tlio Iiish National league. to municipal councils of the league In sev eral Inr o cities , urging them to hold mass meetings to piotesl against eviction nnd co ercion and in Hiipport of thu nntl-ovlctlon campaign. Philadelphia has already opened the ball by holding n mass meeting last week nt which over S OOO were raised for the auti- ovlctlon fund. Secretary Suttoii stales that , judging from Ills coi lespoudcncc , tlio wanton nnd stupid brutality of Iho tor v government lias insplied the Irish in Amuiic.i with deep disgust nnd a fierce determination to stand. bv their kindicd to Iho bitter onu , whatever shape the stuigglo may assume. In n Critical Condition. OAKLAND. Neb. , Dec. 20. [ Special to the Br.E.-Fred ] Witte.thoman who laldouton the prairie for eighteen bouts Fwdiy andSatur day morning , Is in a voiy critical condition. lie is considerably bruised all over. Inflam mation ot the bowels has sot In , nnd one of his hands , the physician says , will have to bo amputated. Backemeyci is getting alojg nicely , and it if now believed his hand that was so badly fio/eu will bu saved , Braknmnn Bndlr Injured. UXADIU.A , Neb. , Dec. 20. [ Special Tele- eram to the llii.J : : This moinlng , wlulu the early freight was switching out some cars hero , n biakoman , O. W. Raymond , was hanging on the side of a car nnd was struck by tlio stock chute , knocking him down nnd badly Itijuiing him Internally. It is thought at this wilting that ho will recover. Arnpnhoc's Ilnnkor Kalis. AIIAPAIIOK , Neb. , Doc. 20 , D. M. Tomliu , banker of tills city , tailed to-day for about 570,000 , and the doors of tlio bank were closed. Tomlin states that his assets nro sutliclent to cover all liabilities and that hi- . creditors will bo paid In tull. No cause tor the failuie Is given. I'KOF. roSTICU PJIRDICTB. He Says Anotlior Torriolo Storm i ( juiukly Coming. IJt'w.iNfiro.v , la. , Doc 20. jSueolal Tele gram to the HKK.I 1'iof. Foster , nndlsma > ed by his reverses , is fitlil In the Held. Ho pub lishes a prediction that a heavy storm , fol lowed by a blk/ard aud very cold weather , will bu duo on this meridian on the 2-3d or i'Jd , and will reach the Mississippi river between St. Louis and St. Paid within thcso dates , The location of the cold wave de pends on the location of the .storm , as It cannot go much south of thustoi in center , and If the storm passes north of Burlington thu cold wave will como In nftei the storm and not bo so severe. But if It passes south of Burling ton the cold wave will reach ns earlier and bo Intense. I5y very cold weather he means below mo. He also prrdlcts a wlntiy storm between Burlington and Now Orleans De- cembui . Had rii-o at Ciiprlton. CIIAIIITON , Ja. , Dee , 'JO , Special Telegiam to thu HUK.J I'lioHatuiday nlqht du.stroywl thu extensive loundry and machine shop and steam heater works operated by William Hatcher , buveral neighboring buiidlncsvero In tcieat peril , but savuU after hard labor , The ( ho was n total loss. a Hook Dealer N , la. , Dee. 'M , \ Special Telogiam to tlio Bin : . ] John D. Karris , dealer In books nnd stationery , filed mortgages on his stock In fnvor of Des Mollies parties for upwards at $1,000 to day , Local creditors aUo attach. Itlovvn to Doatli. 8r. PAUL , Doc 'JO. A Tacoma ( Washington - ton tcrrltoiy ) special to the I'joneer Pros ? says : By an aftei explosion oi a train of blasting charged which hung liru in tlio west end of the Cascade tunnel three mun were killed outiight and tlvo others seiiotisly in jured , one \\lioiiihust-liicadlcd. . Names uiu unobtainable. Ho Showed right. There wu : another ininatnro riot on Thirteenth street last night. Olllcor John Brady arrested a Bohemian nnmeil John UOJHO who was raising u row in llullhian s snloon. Kosao's coinpnnious resisted the ollioor anil started u free for all light in which Bnuiy cnmo out fir t best Hoaiio was jailed uud clinrirod with and iiosuuitin un otllccr. Anarchy. Mrs. Lucy E. Parsons , llic vvifo of tlio conduiuned Chicago itnnroliist , will loo- turo on "Anarchy" at Cunningham hall 8 o'clock to-niglit. Ko admusion fee will bo charged , The Grainmercy Park Iluildln" nnd I < oun association bus elected billion Uborfoldor picsldeul , Mr. Lmigeviii vice president , Mr. Heard ocroturrMr. Taylor treasurer. Cims. F. UemdOrflf was ylcctcd superintentlent. I.JKBIO CO'8 nnoln Syrup , * ! o TUB CIIANf3li > CHAUTCU. Tlio Kcvlslon Conimlllcc Their Ilepojrt hi .Shape. Messrs. Itarton ; Uechcl , I'opplclon , Halley , Murphy , Ire , Dailcy , Ciiaso. Crcighton , Kvans anil K. Hoscwatcr , City Attorney Council nnd City Kiiginoor Ko owatcr wcro present nl Ihe board of trade rooms yeslctilay afternoon at a meeting of the coivlmlUco appointed to prepare amendments to tlio city charter. The meeting yesterday afternoon was held for the purpose of hearing City At torney Conucll'.s report on the completed charier. Messrs. Ct. W. Liningcr , Bui no T/.schtick , Philip Andres , George llelin- led and C. J. Smyth , members ulecl of the lej'islatuio , were also present. Mr. Smyth thought tha committee's report should bo made before n mass meeting of citi/etis. Such a meeting will probably be held when Messrs. Council , Creightou and Uosuwater complete the work of re vising that part of the clmitor rotative lo Ilio board of public works The provisions contained in tlio toport ajo amendatory of the forty-third sub division of section 15 of the present char ter are , in substance , that the board hall consist of a chairman to bo appointed by Iho mayor aud city council , the city engi neer and Iho street commissioner , the members nro not to bo absent to exceed two days without permission of the city council ; the chairman is to bo the oxec-ti- live officer of tlio hoard , to give a $10,000 bond for tlio faithful performance of his duties , and torooeivo n salary of $1,800 per annum. The report turtlior provides that tlio board is lo meet every Satur day and remain in session from 'J until 0 p. in ; that it shall keep a compJeto roc- prcl of nil its pioeeodiucs and of all per mits granted by its authority , nnd that tlicstHX'coiila shall be open to public in spection eight hours each day. This board is to have power to provide a general - oral plan for laying out slreols nnd pub lic highways within the city limits. No plat of and addition to the city is to bo of nny validity unless it shall bo accepted by the city cotitK'il after having been en dorsed by this hoard , who shall first re quire all taxes to bo paid on Iho land so ] > lated | , and nil streets and alloys in it to confoim to the present strcnt.s and allojs of Hie city. Tiio board is tile to have power 'subject to the npprova | of tlm city council and mayor to establish all grades not already estab lished at the passage of the act , lirsl hav ing advertised the proposed change for twenty days in the ollicial paper of the city , aud to regulate the location for the telephone and tolegtapli lines , gas pipe und street railways. The report further provides that the city engineer is to give a bond of 10,000 and receive a salaiy of ? : j,000 , per year , nnd have power to aupoint an assistant who shall qualify in the same way and re ceive n yearly salary of 13,000. Tlin street commissioner is to give a bond in llip same amount nnd receive a salary of $1,800. The committee will meet again at 2 o'cloDk to tiny. "MA , MA , IVHKIIIS'S IKY I'A ? " In ISfTeol , HIP Cry of a Mule AYtiiFat tlio Hospital. Last evening , at precisely ten minutes to 0 o'clock , the bell at tile main entrance to St. Joseph's hospital was rung with no uncurtain hand. Two ot the sisters at the time were near Ihe door , and one of thorn immudialoly answered tlm sum mons and opened the door. Darkness was fast settling over the eity.nnd a fierce wind from the north sent a myiiad of minute particles of snow into the sister's face. The storm chamber was vacant , and the sister was about to step beyond it to see by whom the boll bad been pulled , when a slight cry , as if from nn intant , reached her cars. She looked upon tiio lloor of the anlo-room and nicked up a small chip basket , brought it into Iho Imll , uncovered tlio contents whcili lay beneath a drab shawl , and disclosed n male child about two weeks old. The sister who had opened the door and the other who stootl by , divined the act in nn instant. Both immediately rushed out upon the struct , and caught sight of a woman Hying ofi' Mason on to Twelfth street. They followed her , and cried to her to stop. Shu responded in tones of fear and excitement nnd ran along the latter street south toward Pacific. The sisters followed und vyhon Hie fugitive reached Mason , she disap peared on the south hide of tiie Omaha Medical college. When the sisters reached Iho street in question , there was nobody to bo soon , und they immediately returned to the hospital. The waif was deposited in a basket which was now , and looked us if it had been purchased for the purpose for which it was being nsod. Tlio child was dressed in a ready-made white dress , its body being immediately oncnscd in a knit jacket , through the warm sleeves of which Its liny hands extended as if in supplication to its newly found friends. As it lay in the basket it was covered with a shawl. But the latter would not have rendered the waif scout o against the piercing blasla had not the response of Iho sisters been almost in stantaneous. The young gentleman seemed In excellent health with a ready and useful pair of lungs. Ills head was shapely , his face ruddy with the glow of infancy , the hair blaclc , the nose rounded at the tip nnd inclined to be expansive , while the eyes Hashed with the brillianoy of nolished anthracite. The bisters could not POO tlio face of the woman as she Hud. They noted how ever , that she was tall and neatly dad. \VJien the Itii : : ropoilur happened upon tha scone , the young gentleman was dis playing a rapturous appreciation of gas light , the attention Ids unsolicited atten tion had occasioned , lie was put in a sling and submitted to a nair of scales , when his juvenile avoirdupois bcne down tiie index to tun pounds. The sisters Imvo little use for such adolescence. Their time is entirely en grossed with adults , and they will keep Die incipient eituen untiljomocharitably inclined lady or trontlomiui shall be Im pelled to adopt him. Brevities. The bank clearances yc.sterday were fl,38UlJ < M.tt3. fit The case of Murray ! Utacluillor and O'Leary vs thn Chicago , ' Hnrljngton As Quinoy , Is still on trial in the United .Stales court , < ; Ida Jones , a colored irrostitulo , vvtife ar rested yesleuliiy afternoon , charged with having robbed Chris Sol i'pat ' ot $ l < * vvhilu he was in her room. Permit was issued ynslcniay to K.j. . Juynus for ( ho construction of a coltugo on Vatos stroel , between'- Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets , to uosf f500. In the county court yesterday Clias. Kasimiasen commenced an altac-limunt piocecding against John Johnson for t-33 for a balance due on farm woik , The-cliiof clerks of the Union Pai-ilio road are holding a meeting at ; ( juartura to discuss matters of mutual in terest in connection with tl.eir woik. Mrs. Mcssmoro , the woman wliopto- cured $10 wottli of goo-Is from 1'uleonor ou a forged onlor , wa sentenced by JmlgoStonberg jfsleiday to thirty dajs in the county jail , Passengers on the last car going up St. Mary'b avenue Saturday night repot t a remarkable and disgusting act of cru elty on the pail of Ihe driver Tlio liorsos attached to the car became "stalled" at the foot of the hill aud for a time were unable to pull the load. The driver soiled a hoary iron rod and commenced lo boat tlio animals in the most savage manner. Ho was only compelled to de sist by the interference of one of the pas sengera. iors r iM > nii , u I UCill. DOWNED BY HARD DRINK. A Traveling Salesman Falls Dead in n Drur.kcu Fit. A BABE LEFT ON THE DOORSTEP. The Klkhorti's lltton lens 'I lie Ko.trd ol" ICdiioation Forefathers' laj ) Sonictlilnt ; Struclc Mini Amuse- incuts Other hocnl , Died In n Drunken Tit. At 0 o'clock yesterday uroiling a man sluggercd into the Institute hotel at the corner of Thirteenth street and Capitol arcmtc and asked for a room , llo vr.\i in an advanced stage of intoxication , and could scarcely walk. He was re fused accommodation , and sal down ou tlio steps in front of the hotel , and lu a few minutes feh over and gave evidence of bum" in convulsions The patrol was hastily summoned , and n mes ago sent to Dr. Ucbcrt to attend the man. lloiudors at the Institute helped plnco the man in the wagon and called atten tion to his rapidly fallinir condition. Before Ihn police station was rcachud the patrol wagon contained a cm pso instead ot an inobrhite. Dr. Uc- bert who was called in pronounced the death the re Milt of over indulgence in alcohol Coroner Dicxel was notified of the death and had the remains removed lo Ins undertaking establishment. Hue iho deceased was idenliliotl as M. I * . Hyuip , a traveling salesman for.Iolm A. Tolmun iV : Co. , wholesale grocers , doing business at * ( )0-8 ) Lake street , Chicago. The deceased was a man about forty years of ago and lies a family living iu Chicago. He was foi'a number of jcars the junior member of thi' ' lirm of Foul A : Uyrne , wholesale dealers in groceries and liquors in St. Josuuli. and counseled nil of ' tlio business wluto his partner , NIC 1'ord , was in congress two terms from tiiu Ninth Missouri dislilol. lie left llic lirm about three years asro and has since been employed iu Chicago. Ho has been in Omaha for the past week and has been dtinkitig heavily. His family and friends have bpun notified of his death. The coroner's inquest will be hold at 10 o'clock this morning. covjniNc ; TIIU STATK. The "I-JIkhovn Itotitc" 1'rpiinring lo Iliuld Ilrnnchcs , In the county clerk's oflcc ! yesterday an amendment was filed to Iho articles of incorporation of the rrcmont , Klk- horn & Missomi Valley railroad com pany that provides for a material increase of the line ? of that route iu a manner that will touch the best counties in the stale iu crciy direction from thu main line of thu road. The amendment i > ro- rides that the main line of the road shall run from Omaha , and also author- i.'cs the construction of seven branches , as follows ; 1. From the main line at Norfolk in a northeasterly direction , through Pierce , Antelope and Knox : counties to the Mis souri river at a point near thu mouth of the Niobrara river. ii. From Dakota Junction through Dawes county to the northern boundary of the state iu section 11) ) , township S3 , range 50. U. Fiom Sciibncr in a northwesterly direction through Dodge , ColfuxPlulte , Boone and Antelope counties to llic northern boundary of tlio state. 1. From Fremont through Dodge and Saundurs counties to Lincoln. 5. From a point on Iho fomlh branch in S.iuudors conntr we t through Butler. Sow.ird , York , Hamilton , Clay and Adams counlics lo Hastings and from Hastings to tlio western boundary of Adams county. U. Fiom the lifHi branch at a point in Butler county through Butler , Salmo and Filmorc counties to Iho southern bound ary of Filmoro county. 7. From a point on the main line in Douglas countv to the Union Stock yards in South Omaha. The capilal stock of thn company is in- ci eased lo $ ! ! 0,000,000. IX SHOUT OUDEIl. A IJrlof Session of the Donrd of ICdu- cation. Messrs Livesoy and Copeland weie absent from the board of education meet ing. Mr. . Copeland was looking after Iho preparations for the bean banquet that will be given by tlio Now ISnglanders this croning. Mr. Livcsey's cxcuso was not presented. The minutes of the Norcmbor meet ings wcro read and approved. A number of applications for positions ns assistant teachers wore referred lo tliu committee on teachers and text book.- . . The committee on judiciary reported to allowing thu claim of J. J. O'Connor or $1(11 ( for extra work per formed in curbing thu west side of Twentieth street on the ground that the VTork had not been ordered by the board , nnd had boon setllcd in full by Mr. O'Connor. The report was adopted. The committee cm judiciary renoi ted adversely to the Miggostlon of Mr. Black- bum districting Ilio city nnd requiring the sludonts lo attend tlio bclionl in the districts in which they reside. Tiio prin cipal objection od'crcd by the committee was Iho change would nuccssilalo the employment of too great an addi tional number of teachers as all thu grades are not taught in till of the schools. The report wits adopted. On motion of Mr. Long iho salary of Mrs. Surah K. .Thompson , principal of the Omalm View school , was fixed at $60 pur month , The commit ten on teachers and text books was nuthoil/.cd to call a mooting of the board of ov.iminor.s during thu coming vacation if it M deemed neocs- .sury. .sury.On motion of Mr. Clinic a committee of flvu , consMing of th run inoiiibuM of tliu board and two real cstnto men , vveru ap pointed to nppruisc the value of the real cslale and other school property of tlm city. The chair appointed Messrs , Long , liluckburn und Chirk. Messrs. Clark , Duvi.i and Coburn vyrru appointed u comuiitleu to examine into the advisibility ol selling Iho I/ardslicct school prupotty nnd purchase properly for n .school silo turther from Iho railroad , Mossis. Blackbuin Conoyur und Davis were nppolnled n eominiiuto to take similar action with rufci cure totliel'nuiliu street school pioperly. KOItll'\TlliUS' D.W To ISo Colclirati'd at the Hi poult Ion Annc.TiilH i ; > ci > ini ; , The committcca appointed by the New Kngland society to nirango a programme for thu appropriate celebration of Tore- f.ilheiV day mot at the Imposition atinev JaM , night , The repot Is rec ( ivcd Indicate that about live hundred people will in dulge in the dinner , and scuta for the , ic- Romniodation of that number have been prepared. The dinner will ho ready piomptlyut U o'clock. Tliu ladies who liavo pti'parcil ' the meul have arranged a menu thut will gladden the heuit ot the New l nglandcr. ' . The bill includes baked poik and beans , VanLoo brown broad , tu i key , gooie , ham , chiekon pin , Boston crackers , tea , colU'X ) , uuinuLiu jili ) , mince pio. upule pin , doii iuiuts , pickles , rice nnd Indian puddings , bakuu tipples , hoilud cidur .upplo sauce. Iu udditiuri t < / thu menu an iutcicstiaij literary und mil- njr asv. i uour lo r. a.i" - sicnl programme has been propnied. Addresses will bo delivered by Judge Tlturston nnd llev.V \ , K. Copeland vvilli a toast and response by n representative of each of the Now niiglnnd states. Among the musical features will bo a solo b\ Miss Lucia Uogors , a duet by Mi ami Mrs. II. D. Kastabrook , nnd Mr- * lleman's hym. "The Hrcaking Wave ? Dashed Highby the chorus. Tin t-vent promises to bo an exceptional ! ) ' plcasnnl one BOM urii iNiVsriTroK HIM. A I'uslllsMo t'nrninonr Piimutcls nn Maud Slewarl , the female barber , who has furnished so many sensations for lite novvspnpers , was liio cause of n little matinee between two coons on Farnam street on S-mday night. Maud , who is a while woman , lived for a long while with Stewart , n colored barber Some time ago. however , shn gave Stewart the shako and icsted under Iho wing of Ike Glover , the nugilivt. Stewart savs , however , that the fair charmer lias of Into been triinsr to oilcct a reconciliation with him. Ho says ho teceivcd a note fiom Maud S. asking him lo meet her on rnimim stieot on Sunday nighl at 10 o'cloek. Hu mot her and was talking when something struck him at the side of ( lie head and lifted him into tlio street. Ho recovered consciousness iu time to see Glover leading Maud away. Stowait swore out a win rant foi lilorer' " ancst and ho is now in the city jail iivvinticg dial on the ohatgo of as baull and battery. Joseph ( irismer's dramnli/iation of Hugh Cnnwav's absorbing story was Siren an admirable presentation nl the opera house lasl night The play is un CNColient comli-ns'ition of tlio most inter esting details of the story and contains elements ol power above tlio nvorngo The company is evenly and well balanced llnoughoiit , eucli member being so com petent as lo demand particular mention Pha-bo Davis' impersonation of Pauline Match was u surprise. She has a most pel feet conception of her rather unusual lole , and acted with a ! eireo > ol mingled rclitiemoul and power that held the audi ence throughout She is possessed of a graceful presence that is enhanced by a well-chosen vvaidrobu. Joseph ( iristner's acting is remaikablo chielly for its smoothnor.s and polish. Kdgar L Da venport was exceptionally oForer in his art of the slock cringing Italian villiun , ncari. Such refined villainy is not often ho successfully impoisona'tcd. Jr ) Dcnn was n favorite anil the parts ol Teresa and Piiscilla were made quite liumoious. Wilson Deal was cajiablo as Dr , Ccnori se last night greeted the re appearance of the Vincent combination at the People's theatre. The programme consisted of "Father and Son , " and Un musical compdy iho "Uonniu Fish \ \ ifu * ' Tlio comauy ) appealed in both these pieces when it played hero before , and the laigc audience uttcstoil tliu waim an- piuciation AVhicli that mo < enlation had moused. In itself , the lirst named piece is a { join. 11 is a home story , and as the announcement reads skillfully blends both harmonious and the pathetic. As Old Phil Slapleton , Mr. Vincent gives oi.o ( lie most clearly defined and consist ent old men characters over seen heio He makes use of at t to interpret natm e , but the intoi pi elation is a most remark able one. The son , Iho cansu of Ihe fiilher's Iroublo , was artistically de lineated by J. D. Ik'imird , a painstaking and capable young actor , who made a number of hits here last .year. The I laid i ess of Mr. Richardson was another ex-eollent impersonation , while tlio part of his daughter , played by Miss \ incent , displayed in an unusual manner Ihe valalilily of the maiden with the deep , learful emotion of the fiancee when her loved one is in disgrace Jn the after piece , Mossis Hichaidson and Ucrnnrd again appeared with HUP- ce s , thocontial character being Miss Vincent , whoso singing , dancing and un excelled Scottish dialed kopl tlio audi ence in excellent feeling throughout. To-night MJSN Million will be pjaycd. This is one of the strongest pieces in tliu icpcrtoiro , and Miss Vincent's acting of the titllo role is really grcal. THI : AUVKN r or iirin : : u.i M.iit. ; Kflio Ellsler'8 appearance hero next Monday evening as the hurouie of Frank Harvey's powerful ul.ay , "Woman Against Woman , " is naturally exciting unusual intorosl Omuha's among theater goers. Miss Ellslor is the representative in this country of the unstrained nci rous school of acting , which Is the accepted method of all grout foreign aitistos. "She achieves all sno effectssars the Hoston Advertiser , "by unstrained natural moans and wins an audience before it is really of her charm. " Of her act ing in "Woman Against Woman" the the same paper says : "It was as refined , as artistic , as exquisite us anything we. hare soon for many a duy , The tuidi- euce fairly rose to her. " Kllio KlMor , whose name has become a household word all ovur Uiu United Stales , has. cu riously enough , never before been In Omaha. Her appearance , llierct'oro , is an event of more than ordinary imdort- anco , and we are much mistaken if slui docs not call out a very brilliant galaxy of "lirst nightors" lo her opening iu lloyd's nexl Monday crening. Thn CoiuiiiiHhloner'w Itctnrn. Commissioner F. W. Corlis rolurncd ycstciday from Chicago whore ho inn been lor thu past week with tno otlmr conuiiiisioiiers und Coinmisslonor.-I < loct Mount on business connected with the hospilul plans , The other conmiiaqionei * will be home this morning. Joined tlio AIIK-H | , Ycstciday afternoon Mary Hand , thu seven-year old daughter of Mr. Hand , book keeper for ( icoigu Duncan , died of muinbriuious eiouit at lie parents' resi lience , 1800 Hurt. The i umnln ? will bo for worded this afternoim to Cincinnati for Intunnunt. _ The Hhrlnkagn in national Ic-nk cirou- lation duiinir tula year is put at tOUOOO , (100. ( IT ANNOYS , TAKE IT FAITHFULLY - FULLY , /\ND \ YOU THKT THERE t $ Bur oiic feyep Y OR COUGHS ' & COWS BYy | iu o \ > A GREAT MISTAKE has heretofore been made in the treat ment of rheumatism , neuralgia and nerv ous or sick headache. This Is evidenced by the failuie ou tlio part of thousands of ufi"oreis to lind relief , even though they have exhausted the skill of v arious phy sicians and tried numerous so railed remedies. Tosueh Athlophoros is ottered ns a SAKK , si m. ami gt IOK rrur. Its suc cess 1ms been phenomenal , and yet It Is not surprising because it vv 11,1 , do all that is claimed for il. The Athlophoros Co. will gladly refer any who dwiro to make nn Investigation to rcliublr pnitics who have been cured by it , J 12. Uillosplo , Keal Kslalo aud Loan Agent , at Atlantic , Iowa , says : "Mv rheumatism lirst appealed in HIP hip , and then extended down into the legs through the sciatic neive. I sull'erod whether standing or sitting , and It was with tlio greatest of dlllleuliy that 1 sue- ecodod In hobbling to myolllceeacli ( lay. 1 consulted physicians , also tried ovorv remedy 1 could learn of without nny gooil ollocts whatever. Mv great fears vvero that I would alwavs have it. As I was willing n letter to this ftior.d in Chicago , I casually made note of mv ilicumalimit , and thought no more about II. Itul my lollor was nnswoicd vorv , promptly , toll * ins nitto use Atlilophoros , aNo .stating ills niothor's otiso and cure which was moro severe than mine. I at once unf * clw od a bottle nnd by the time 1 had . .it- islied taking it. my rbouiiHitism hail gono. It was a little too quick to top before il was gone cnliioly out of my sy.slom , and J had uuolhoi little attack , but two bet tles of Athlophoros did tlio work. It has boon over a year since that limn. It is an excellent medicine , and lean recommend it to ollu-rs. Kvorv druggist should keep Atblopho ros and Athlophoros i'ills , but whore they cannot bo bought of the drucgi t the Athlophoros Co. , ll'JVall t . Now Vork , will send cither ( carriage paid ) on receipt of tegular price , which is $1 tw per bottle for Atlilophoros and 5 ) c for I'ills. I'or llxerutul MiimillsonwidtAi > ppln. In * itlpi-bllou , vtciikm-ss iicivou * ilmillll } , dlM-.noi of \\IIIIIPII , ooifllpiitlou , lii-nilat-lio , Inipilro blood. Ac. jVtliliiuluiriH 1'IIU nro uup < iunl ( > il. It ' 3@ , v i 4IJS , " ? H } iuirs , Ilioy Inixe S | > IMIV | | italnud n favor , ami with snips oonstnntlInoiiMcliip iiivulieconii ) tlio iint popiiliu curpct tluouirli- out tlio Unitc-d stales The i : , ( ! anil It II iruulos niotniiilo In Snonr Mcmi'M AM > I\TII : \ I.OMI VVvisi , eiiltiiblc for ill lltftnos. Thu C iiualUj , ininlo ol KiiRllah Ccuill , la waniintuil 10 wcai tvrk-o as lonans Hljrlioit iiwnrd" fiom nil tlio World's uli. . 'llic la-t iiiU'lnl rr.oi\ril Is lor I'IIHT Hi nun ot Mi-uir , hoiii iho liito i\publtlon irlil lit Now Oi loans. Wliiip ROCIIOS ol patent. ! h iu > lon l fouii'l HoilliliiSs , Uiu prlii < ' | ) ! ol tliu film o-l Utlnn in\o piovcdlnvnliiiilili ! . JtctalloiH mo iiutliot I/oil to lefuiul monov. if , on I'Miuimiitlon , tlu-so Coit-ctH do not ptoto ns npipkciitcui rott SAM : nvnitwv IIRUK. CATALOG rn riun : ON APPLICATION- . THOMSON , LANGDON & CO. . New York. MALT IMi BISI TQHtci UNEOUALEOforCONSUMPIIOK VVASTINO DISCASHS and GENERAL DEBIIITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION Bit W IV I , WA'l.l.IMl , , 'nr goon in rijl f , Nallonitl OiianJ of K .1 , nlu "Jh allHiitlon wes cullnl t { yom KfMtnue'j \ lij Kr , Lalor , lini gUI , of 1 rrntr > i ntid I | U\A mcii * if * ) M > ttli > i with fit teller rlTuct thini nn ; ' , liftTd li d 1 am lecoinniviiJIiii JUKI urtlclo In TII prui licit , nd flnd U very sJllil.ictorv " or iviTinHa tTT" fhf Onuliia liat thp Sltn turt rtSNCK * r : -slal9 ! cf Bsttli. EISNER & ( Sole > | riu r t L a ) niC. SIB ind 830 Race St. . I'luhdebhia. Px. ( Driif' Co , ( J nl.AjonlsOiniili ; NebraHlca. Or ittv I.lquoilluhil , Cured b > AilinlulMtorluu Dr. niiliu-k' Uolclru Hf uclfir. t ran livglvrn In a cue of cufirnui tlieknnnlvdKeof lh | iemiu Uklnult. nainilcm. and will ftTti t a prnnniii nt cu I epeudf cure , wli l'i ' r the imtUnl l a modumn ) uflnli r or vi Hicouullu wrulc. It lius been Khen In tlii > i- nlidiu ( raim , nod In rvrry InntKKcii ; ieif rt cure hm , followed. l | ncrcr ( ' ! Tim r.yMcinuno Impie iiMtil nllh llmBpecl.1. , It IjeioniHsnii ultu liniiu-nlhlllty for Ilia liquor Hp | > tlll lorxlx FORSAI.P V FOM.OWINI ( DIIUOOIHTS ! /UrilN A ( ' ( . , < ! or. i.-Jili nnd Ilanuli * . nod Jfilli & OunilnB Hln. , Oinuliu , Nrb.l t. 21. FOSTiiK tV KIM. ' . . L'oit'iell ninrtn , Joua , r ll i > r wrlti * for immpl.ut cnnuiidnc liuiidred * r ; c < ? nlnioul/il from thobot wmutn Him men Uvia tel tb'icouuuv , . BEFOREANDAFTER Electric Appllincci art Knt on 30 Oiy ' Tilal , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG Oii OLD , are fcuirirlin : from NHUVODS liKmurr , WHO VITIUTT , f.itu or Nruvit oiwit * u VIOOB WASIIM. Wr it > Hisr uiul all llicjsi > ili uasi < htL l't.MSii t.'AIuut inultlnK train ADKKD i.J OTIIKK CiLUks t iMH ly rclUI nnl oonpli tu M ' * > - ritloiioJIUilTH Vi8on iiilM nioi > iiOi uiiii u rim irruvlnt iliM v rjr nl llic M' inmh Ocutur/ ' .HICH. . ijr-fr ftr ff-f .ff WANTED ! to V/orU for Ua at Their Own Homos , $7 $ to $10 $ Pe ? Week Can Be Quietly Midi r.upliot. i > lit ! < / iiocinra'tirii ; lurlulptcif ulHrx Jc4 b uddreaj nl uiu n I Itl.M l.M Alt ! I O , 1. ' M U. . I..IL Mu < i , UOf CCRffiAN ASTHMA CURE M' | I. llamz iiMdlirlr.htlilloii iMa"li.ulm- it tut i ! 'Wt1'or ' l.r'inill .sVoilii iffin'tia Umr > Ilr.ILMIIlP MANVt .n I" CHUhC'S liud U IIO Mil . lionio l > ; oriu uhd mil iltuf tncnty ycniti. Tirol' 1 liy mo t d ) | | l < ' " ! ' < I ixum IftH nitluiiit' lieiicllt ; fiirt'l IIIHIKHI id tUic inuntlii , itnd unto UK n liuii'ln. ! ) of otln'i ' * I'lill iijrlloyliirj tei\i \ on ujijijuiuu. . T U . No il WfitUiH M , Ju j CiJvll ( >