Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The DcmpEey-Enike Combination to to
Hero on Thursday ,
Jloro School Ilooni The Gotlitmn
1'ncUlnc Co. The JuilRo's ' Ucllcf
IJIII SulliK Knloon men Amuse
ments Other liocnl.
On next TlnirMlay evening. December
ill , the Doinp'ov-nnrko PiiRilhtic combl-
nation will appear at the exposition
nnnox , nnilor the management of Charles
K. Davis. The two men Jack Donipsi-y ,
the invincible. inltUllo-wulKht champion
of the world nml .luck Hurko , the "frish
Latl , " whom Sullivan failed to knock out
in livu rounds -will nicot each other in a
contest of 1\ rounds , with soft gloves
ntul under Qtioi'iishiiry rules. ' 1'lie merits
of both men arc well known , and they
urn so evenly matched that their meeting
hero cannot fail to bo an mtere.eling ono
to all lovers of the manly art. Charles
K. Davis olVero $100 to any person that
Hiirko or Dumpsoy cannot stop in live
rounds , Qncensbnry mips , small , . oft
gloves , .lack Kemian , ehampion middle
weight of Js'ow York City , and Denny
Costigan , of Providence. It. I. . two
noted boxers , arc with the champions
and will appear in a short bout. Air. J'-
.1. Kallon. who is manager of the ufliiir ,
will present a medal to the. best local
amateur boxer of Omaha , the
medal to bo open to com
petition from all comers , and to bo called
the Dciiip&oy-Iinrke medal , Those wMi-
injr to compete should call and leave
their address at once at the turf ex
change. Mr. Kallon will also match an
unknown to box four rounds , under
Qncensbnry rules , for scientific points ,
against miv MO pound man in the awl-
icnce for " $ riO. Jesse Smith , colored
middle-weight champion of Omaha , and
Joe Oliver , colored middle-weight cham
pion of California , will box four rounds
with chalked gloves for a silver cup. It
will thus be seen that a splendid pro
gramme of sport is provided for tlio
Jack Dempscy's Police Gazette diamond
mend belt , valued at $1,000 , and air. Fal-
Ion's medal and cup , which ho presents
on Thur.sdny evening , will bo on exhibi
tion on Wednesday at Collins , ( Jordon &
Kay's , iyi2 Douglas street.
Throe New Rrick liulldinsa Proposed
to bo Krcctctl.
As has been brielly mentioned in the
HKB the board of education has taken
stops to secure plans unit specifications
for three now brick school houses to bo
built , if possible , the coining year. 'J.1'O '
iirst of these is an additional building to
bo erected on the high school grounds , to
bo a twelve or sixteen room brick , the
cost of which shall not exceed ? 3"i,000.
Members of the board claim that such n
building is an imperative necessity to re
lieve the over-crowded condition of the
high school building. There arc now li.'iO
students in the high school department
with seven grades additional that are ac
commodated in the high school building ,
making a total of about 000 students who
arc accommodated in the building. The
growth of the high school is very marked
and is forcing the lower grades out of the
building. There are no\y four attio
rooms occupied in the building , and until
recently a school has been taught in the
basement. The lower gVadcs that can
not bo accommodated in the building am
compelled to go to either the Farnam or
Dodge street school , both of which , in
addition to boingoutof the way for pupils
livinc : in the vicinity of the h'lgh school ,
are. also well tilled.
The school proposed to bo erected at
ot and Webster
the corner Twenty-eighth
ster streets is a new one and is needed to
accommodate the pupils living in Nelson's
addition and in the territory lying west of
Crcightnn college and south of Cuniing
street. It is proposed to erect a twelve
room building in this location to cost not
more than .i'5,000.
The eight room building , to cost $20-
whieh it is proposed to bo erected at
the corner ot l/.urti and 'I wontieth
.streets , is to relieve the overcrowded con
dition of the Ix.ard street school if
not to abandon it entirely. The. building
now used is on the railroad track and in
an unUesirablo location for a school
building , 'Iho school is also sadly in
need ot repairs , and in the opinion of
Komo ot the members of the board ,
should be sold for business properly and
the proceeds expended in the pnrclni'o
of properly in a mom desirable location.
1 liu secretary of the board has been
nuthon/o and instructed to advertise for
plans for thn buildings atumi mentioned.
.A prize of ? 3',0 for the best , $150 for the
boeond and sJTfi tor the thin ) plan will bo
paid by the board for accented plans for
the proposed buildings. 'I he qncftion of
making a levy lor tlio proposed improve
ments will be submitted to a vote of the
people at the spring election.
A \ii\v HnterprlKo That in A limit
Heady Tor liiislnoss ,
The building that the Godman Packing
company are erecting is Hearing comple
tion. It is located on the bottom lands at
the foot of ( jraco street , or at what would
bo the corner of Eleventh and flraco
streets , if Illi'venth street were opened up
that Jar. Tlio building may bo briolly
described as a four-story frame structure ,
8\100 ( ) foot , painted a bright red color on
Iho onUido , which makes it a very con
spicuous object from the mirronnding
blutVs. It is without doubt one of the best
built structures in the city , and is ono ol
the most complete houses of the kind in
the United States Jl is built on a solid
btono foundation , smooth and perfect in
every respect , and in marked contrast
to the average slipshod mason work
teen in the majority of the foundations
in this city , As it is very essential to
keep out the heat of summer and to pre
serve nn oven temperature during all
Reasons , unusual pains hnvo lit-en taken
in the coiisiniL'tion of the whole building.
1'our thicknesses of the bet > t felt papei
alternate with the s.une. number of Inch
pine board.boshlcs Iho air .spaces in the
construction of the wajU. The main
part of the building Is in ono sense an
immonse. ice box , the ice being stored In
tlio center in .such a manner ns to throw
cold air in every direction and so as to
allow of the temperature bcingrognlntc.d.
The lloord are lilted botweun with foul
inuhos of saw clu t to kcci > out the heat
and ( ho doors are made outhe btiniu prin
ciple as a safe door , ami are fitted to
ggtlior so closely that net a breath of air
can got through. Tlio \ \ indows are made
toliil and are double. Them is
not n poor joint or an nnwork
nnmliUo piece ot work in the whole
building.- The basement has .a cement
floor And will be tuwl as a store roon
and pickling room Tlio vats and pick
ling tubs will be loi'jiU'd on ihclin t floor
On cauh side of the tmilding .thoro ' is n
rtuoko hotisu HJv'l feet that 'will lioli
iiino tiers ot ni'-nt ono above the other
The smoke houses Irivo m > n floors .so" as >
to ngauist aiiy accidents from
iint The simUevill bo produced by the
burmug of gr'cn ' shellbark hickory
wood .The house will have a capacity
for handling 8QJ hogs per day. It is ox-
hnuyv wJil-iia Ju. jaruiuv
ion by the last of the month. They will
my meats In car lota already dressed ,
i.iins , bacon , etc. , and will cure and
) icklc them ready for the market. T. J.
Joilnian , who is superintendent of the
company , has been in the business all Ida
ifc. J. W. Bishop , president and mana
ger of Iho business , is also n practical
nan , besides being a very genial gentle
man ,
The opening of this house is one more
step towards making Omaha a great
iork packing center. Mr , HNhop has
; reat faith in Omaha's future and decided
0 locate hero after looking over the ad
vantages ollercd by several other largo
Covsi Mt'iiox is often only an indirect
result of deranged kidneys. "Over two
. ears ago I became a confirmed Invalid.
My friends all thought I was far gone in
Consumption. I was uro the time had
well nigh come when T nm l leave my
iclpless little children motherless.
\Vilh this dreadful fact staring mo in the
'aco , I resolved to try Warner's safe
cure. My husband tried to dissuade me ,
( linking I was too far gone for any-
hing to help me , Hut I took it , and in
wo weeks' time I was like a new area-
urc ; and in four weeks I was able to resume
dullcb'--at this
sume by household - -
writing I am perfectly well. Mn . lO. .1.
Woi.r , wifcof-ltev. Prof. T. Wolf , D. I ) . ,
ditor Ititllirrmi Qimrtcrly , ( Jottysburg ,
'a. If yon write her , enclose a stamp ,
uul she will tell you that the story is
rue. _
sr , ooo.
Furniture of the Commercial Honac ,
jrtutd Island , Nob. , to be sold at force
sale before January 1st , 18b7 , eon.sisling
of Huils , Hedding , Chamber ! Suits , Stoves ,
. Largo Wrought Iron" Knngc , with Steam
Table , etc. , Dining Koom anil Olllcc Fur-
liturc , etc. Goods will bo sold to suit
mrchasors in unv quantity. Terms o
sale will bo made liberal. For informn
lion , call on or address J. ( > . KAINK ,
_ Grand ls > I anil.
A Home Phi } ' .
"An American Patrician's Daughter"
was played at the "opera house Saturday
light before an audience composed
mainly of friends of .Mr. Kmtl Geislor ,
the author of the piece. The proceeds
were intended for thebenclit of this gen
tleman , who has been sick for some
In brief , the .story is that of a banker's
laughter , who , jrrcally against her
father's wish , marries a Japanese prince
ller married life 13 one of misery , occa
sioned by the inattention , neirlcct and
jruelty of her spouse. She is driven
from her home , and in desperation she is
Followed by her husband , who , falling to
liml her , commits suicido. The daughter
Lhen returns to her home , but her lathjuv
in the meantime has died. Ilij < ieath is
bemoaned by the unfortunate woman ,
who rcgretij too late that she
liad disregarded her father's wishes
U the .selection of a husband.
She linally overcomes the grief and
marries an old lover , when a twin-brother
of her father arrives from Mexico and
settles a fabulous tortuno upon the newly-
married pair.
The selection of a Japanese as the hus
band of the heroine is rather repugnant
to American tastes in every day life. So
much so , indeed , that it is dillicult to
understand why the same should be rep
resented on the stage. In the case of the
| ) lay in question , it detracted from rather
Lh.iu added to the interest of the piece.
The self-will of an infatuated woman
could just as well linvo boon illustrated
by her selection of a Caucasian brute na
it was in that of the colVce-colorcd gcn-
Lloman. Hesidos ttlis the piece possesses
many incongruities , and the language
n certain instances is far from dignilicil.
The leading male character was assumed
by Mr. Dchnicke , who interpreted it with
1 great deal of interest and intelligence.
Mrs. Geisler played the daughter. She
is an amateur , and though her
action was devoid of the grace
mil training generally supposed to
be n desideratum of actresses , she deliv
ered her lines in a natural and eflectivo
manner , especially the lament over the
grave of her lather. Mr. Teichman
lilayed the Hanker Miller like a full
Hedged actor , as if indeed he were in
tended by nature to tiead tlm boards.
Mr. Stocckor had an important part in
the old time lover and later husband of
the heroine , and acquitted himself very
.satisfactorily. Ho would make an ex
cellent amateur actor.
"PAJ.Ir.l > ItATK. "
Mr. Joseph tjrismer and Mrs. Phoebe
Davics make their Iirst appearance this
evening at Hoyd's opera hon e , present
ing for the Iirst time in this city the pow-
crlul drama of "Called Hack.1' a drama
tization by Mr. Grismor of Hugh Con-
way's wonderful romance of that name ,
and one of the most extensively road
novels written for year.s. "Called" Hack"
is said to be ono of the most intereMmg
plays on the .stage to-day , meeting witli tlio
greatest MICCO.SS wherever presented.
The version ns drnmatircd by Mr. Gris-
mer is said by those who have seen both
to far excel in intero.-t that brought out
some time since bj tiio Union Square ,
Mr. Grismer's drama following tlio story
closely in all details , making it a strong
and mo-t eompactdrama , full of thrilling
and exciting situations.
Mr. Grismer and Miss lavie = , although
strangers in Omaha , are great favorites
on the Pacilie coact , where they have
been touring for the past four seasons ,
and to which point Mr. Gri.sincr is now
returning after a must suceo.snfnl season
in the eastern and northern states with
"Called Hack. " The company in support
is said to bo a very strong ono. "Called
Hack1' will be given this evening , Tuui-
day and Wednesday evening- } .
AT HI : : rr.oi'i.n'H.
The pt-c-plu pleaders , Kolix and Kvn
Vincent , supported by an excellent com
pany will open a week's engagement at
the People's to night Hoach tV Mowers'
minstrels closed a live night's engage
ment last night. The company is an ex
cellent one and ha * donoa deservedly big
Coi. . JoMM'ii II. TIIOKVTOX , of Cin
cinnati , O , an honored war veteran , wafer -
for IS years a victim of that old soldiers'
complaint , chronic diarrhu-a. Two dozen
bottles of Warner's safe euro restored
his liver to health and cured his ailment.
Ills daughter was Very ill of tin obslinato
disorder , which tlio bast physicians fatleii
to relieve She had also palpitation ol
the heart , intense pains in the head , ner
vous dyNiop ] hi , and all her vital organs
wore involved. Uy three months faith
ful homo treatment Wth | Wurnor's hate
euro alone , she was fully restored to
health. That was twojcars ago. The
euro was permanent. Col. Thornton
will tell jou it is true , if you write him
and cndovj a stamped cnvolopo ,
Ai.Kiiiut'a ; Cnoin : .
Ciuo\OMr.Tiis : : : Swiss , Knirlish and
American mak .at lowest prices. Max :
Mu\er & liro. , licensed watchmakers U
P. K. It. Open evenings.
Worse Titan a 1'ire Alarm.
Ono of the most drcadtul alarms tha
can l > o sounded in n mother's is pro
ilucod by croup ; dreadful , bucauso it Is
known to bo dangerous ; the moro dtoud
ful booauso the life of a loved ono is in
jeopardy , Chamborbiln's Cough Itemed }
is a .iu-ycr failln ; ; safeguard against this
dfltureroiis dhsea o. Jts reputation us t
proventallvo and euro of eroilp Is fulli
and Tmnly efrtabjj.shoil. In fact it is tin
only remedy which i-uu always bo relied
upou- -j _
-'AHUM ttlt's'
'J'h' ro will H no meeting of Uifc Ora
toria society this evening , Mr. Fninko
having bucit called cast by the death o
; v rcJalivo. F , Wl G HAY , Pr
The Jiuicc'R Holier nut.
The committee of the bar appointed to
ireparo a bill for the increase of judicial
acllltlcs in this district will meet at the
court house at 10 o'clock to-day. It is
tndcrstood that a majority of tlio mom *
jors of the committee 'are in favor of
still more radical changes than were
recommended at the llrsl meeting of the
xttorncys of the district. It Is proposed
low to limit the jurisdiction of the
county court to probate business entirely
and to limit the jurisdiction of the justice
courts , in civil matters , to cases involving
? 100 and less.
Mas. Rpn ltio\vx : , Coldwaler , Mich. ,
f you write enclosing a stamp , will tell
you it h true that in July , 18W , she "was
suddenly Parali/.ed , and became entirely
ISlind , as her doctors claimed , from an
ICnlargcmoiit and Intlamation of the Kid
neys and Liver. She was in an uncon
scious state for two weeks : fare and body
uloated , with agoni/.lng Pain ; could not
keep anything on her stomach ; irregular
action of the heart. Physicians pro
nounced her case incurable. Within a
few weeks the Paralysis left her , Hloat
went down , Knlargcmciit of the Liver
subsided , action of the heart became reg
ular , and she became well in three
months and has felt in good condition
ever since. " Warner's ' safe cure did the
unazing work for her and she will tell
you so. _ _
Ai.mtirmi'fe Cnoin : .
Olnmoml ilcwclry.
The very latest European fashions in
I.Mamond jewclrv arc now bolnir shown
l y Max Meyer A : llro. , Leading Jewelers.
Open evenings.
AulKKillT'b CllOICi : .
hi Pt.inoM and Orgnlit.
From .i-2'2 upwards and on easy pay
ments at Ma.\ Meyer & Hro.'s. Open
evenings. _
The City Charter.
A meeting will be held at the board of
trade rooms this afternoon at 2 o'clockto
rccoiyo the report of the committees ap
pointed to prepare proposed amendments
to the city charter.
Unreal us lit Opera Glnnsc .
From $2.00 to $ riO.OO , the lino-a line to
bo found in the country at Max Meyer &
Hro. Open evenings.
Nippcil nn Overcoat.
Fred Hoyd was arrested at the Union
Pacific depot yesterday by Charley
Marcs , depot policeman , charged with
Ihft larceny of an overcoat that had boon
left in a scat in the wailing room by a
passenger. _
Autimurr's CHOICE.
Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Nat Hrown ,
Prop. $2 per day. Cor. 10th and Farnam.
All street cars trom depot pass house.
Ai.iiinnr's : ; Cnoin : . ParauraphH.
The Vincent combination and a part of
the Called Hack company are at the Mer
Judge P. O. llawcs returned yesterday
from Ins trip to his old home at Louisville -
villo , Ky.
Judge Yiehc , a well known jurist of
Vincenncs , Iml , , is in the city on Jcgal
At the. Merchants R. C. Stewart ,
Campbell ; L. W Hillingsloy. Lincoln ; J.
W. Jennings , Phittsmouth. Hov. Darter ,
Senator VanWyek and family arrived
in the city last evening from Washing
ton. They go to Nebraska City to
spend the holidays.
Mabel Orchard , Grace. Mc.Manns and
Miss Stanton , daughter of Colonel T. II.
Stnnton , have arrived homo from Mount
Auburn seminary , Cincinnati , to spend
the holidays.
At the Pax ton C. II. Van Wyck and
wile , Nebraska Cily : L. C. Hurr , Lincoln ;
J. W. ThocKcr , Ft. Niobrara ; F. M. Sack-
ott.Thos. Hiloy , Albion ; W. II. Newburg ,
C. D. Smith , Lincoln. A. W. Clark. E. P.
Hamilton , St. Paul ; J.W.Ware , Ogallala.
CAPTAIN Gioiri : : : H. Wii/numc , 010
Spruce street , Philadelphia , Pa. , if now
on land , will , if you write and enclose a
stamp for reply , tell von that "throoyears
ago when in Central America , ho was
prostrated with kidney and liver trouble
of a very serious nature , lie was delir
ious , skin very dark , liver enlarged one-
third , stomach too sensitive lor the sim
plest food. " Seven bottles of Warner'n
safe euro completely cured him and saved
his life.
Ai.iiitHiiir's Cuoirn.
Tlio Omaha. Typo Foundry am ! Sup
lily Utilise : Tor Printers nnd
The Western Newspaper Union sit
Omaha is prepared at ajl times to outfit
publisher- short notice with proves- ,
t po , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
sticks and rules , and in tact everything
in the line of primers and publishers'
supplies. Better terms and more liberal
prices can bo secured than by sending to
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by
buying near homo. Second hand goods
in Hie printing line bought and sold. Wo
often have great bargain.- this particu
lar. Send for Tin : PUINTIIW' : Arxn.iAitv ,
our monthly trade journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices and from tune
to tinio proclaims unequalled bargains in-
new and second hand material.
WisiTit : : > - UNION' ,
K'th Streut , bet. " llowardand Jackson ,
Oniah Naucraikti
r'p Cnoici : .
To Answer for Ills Crimes ,
Cily Marshal Cornoy , of Indlanola , In ,
arrived in the city yoitorday to take
charge of Charles Patterson , alias McGee ,
who has been hold in the city jail as a
suspicious character for the past wouk ,
Pnttorson in wanted at Indianola to an
swer to a half do/.on charges of grand
and petty larceny and burgltioy. Ho
was coin feted of ono of his oil'ttnnes in
ISN'I , but managed to escape from Sherill
MoAndrow. Mar. > hal Cornoy says that
Palter on'n story about hU mother having
boon murdered by his father is merest
bosh. The man is a ready liar and has a
fund of such stories wilii which to catch
Iho over-credulous newspaper sporplons.
Prof , Chas , Ludwlg Von Seager
profosor0' > Ieillelnn at tun lloril t'nlvemlty :
Knliilit n ( tha HoJl Aiulrnn Or lor of the Iroi )
I'rown ; KiiU'lit Oammtinlor nC tna llorul Sinmsli
OrJerof UuLellu ; rfnUUtnf tbu Itoyjl 1'rmilmOr-
iicrottnulloa l-.uloiCuot. lcr ! uf tlio IA'JII | o [
Jlcitior.cto.etc. turn :
"I.BIHIO COS C'oUA nEBF TONIO should not bj
confi/uhilnJ nlth tlielionlo u ( trutbr euro all' . It H
hi uoeemaof the wor-lit patent rompdr. I am thor-
puytalr couTeriant with Hi wolo of iin-pucatlon mid
II.OIT it to lia not oulr a icultlmuttt tiluirmuceutl'Ul
product , but ul ow Ttbyot the liUU cuiuiacn < t.ttlnn <
It li t received ID nil partof tuo wurlJ. It cont.ttui
cuence of liter , Co.M.'Julnliiu. Inmttnil Cutlsirj.
wblrh tredltvjlred tai > ur eenaliobp3nliU
Inr luablBtii nil wlin r * Hun no , T3 , Netvou . nrs-
rriiilulll' ui. M-Ur < u > > r arthteJ wltu HCJ * k.U-
uri. Bk. .utiot : liiuAfio.Na.
HerMaJestj's Favorltle CosmeticGlyc rins
Plea bj Her Hoyal lllihncn tQo Prlnresi ofValei
ndtbe nobility for ih ? itkln , Cumplexlon. liru -
tloni.Chiipiilnz Uoustimsu.U.Ol Of druj lau.
LIUUIU CO'B (7enuln birup aorbar i > arlliit , | |
Stilnjr Snloonnicn.
W. H. Harris , of Madison county , yes-
evchiy coniinoncoil suit agfiinst E. D.
1'ratt nnd J. N. Guill for $10,000 , for
nssnult and damage to cliaractcr. Harrh
was a mcmbdr of tlio petit jury of the
Unitcil Slates court , and was urrrstcd on
joniplaint of I'ratl and Uiilll who charged
ilin with the larceny of a sum ot money
'roin Iho Ilonso of Lord's saloon on *
Dorian strr.ot two weeks ago. The
iliunlilV ulk'Kos that before calling : i
lolicciinui to arrest him the defendants
ilni using personal violence lo eject him
from the saloon. They then had him
ocked up in jail during the night , but
failed lo appear against him. lie con
siders himself damaged in uer on and
reputation in tliu amount claimed.
IMieunialism 11 primarily caused by
ncidily of Iho blood. Hood's Sarj-aparilla
purities tliu blood and thus cures llie dis
Ai.itiiKiin's Cnoici : .
The Hiill'alo Courier suggesls that a free
| ) iiss bo given to every theatre-going
woman who will doll'her hat.
Didn't our girl graduates look lovely ?
Yes indci'd ; they all use I'o//.oni's Com
plexion I'owder.
Colonel .IJohn Hay has an cyo to busi-
iness and his literary labors art ! beguiled
with the pleasant paMlmc of buying up
eity lots. The rail estate business of
rioveland i < . enjoying a boom just now ,
owing to his large investments in that
Absolutely Pure-
This powder never varies. A marvel ol
pin ity , strength and wholesomcness. More
economical than the ordinary kinds and
cannot he sold in competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum 01
phosphate powders. Sold only In cans.
Royal BaKinj. Powder Co , , 4GS Wall St. ,
New York.
The selections of Fiuc DIA
mid PEARLS , iniulo for us with
great care in the leading marts of
Europe , summer , have been re
ceived direct through the CUSTOM
HOUSE , iiiitl can now beecu at our
J'ui'tlrs contentitlntiinj flic } > nr-
chnnc of'tliewi/otHlii inv liii'ltrrttn in
spect out' Itn'i/e nml flur nl < , ctuid
avail tlirinnflreH nf
To bi.ll the licet
Window Sasii Lock
Afcnls innLp bit ; piolltK firrn
lunflL'l' . frl'rliili ' liv lilHll lUtt" ,
II II Will. ii.UCIC. :
1 iilli-t on. N'elMiir-ki. :
Tliu Orliiiiil | ami Only Genuine.
Pl'f > o4 l li IIilUMe H-wirt cr urlhli lmHMijrn. | 10 LADlnS. A k jour llruitjl.1 ( , .r
" < lleht tor' Kiiull'li' ' uJ like no mhrr or uulo ic
( tami < llu ui for | krtlculitr ' " litttr ty rotliru . mnll.
NAME PAPER. 'lili'lic.tir I > . ' "
, . Aik fit " lilchei-
HeM lr llriicillI'lrrjHhrrr.
' ln.lliu" I'lillnriuuU'lll. . 1. -olliJI > _
rrrrTO F A.M. nn cticr .i nDjr rio ! { ot
uuUr ArcWi t Miuoulc EnibtaB ] , Juil tllirovvri-a
lit , ruini rf 1'utnr U. Also Urte { Illu'ttilel
C.ixu-'U.of Miiorlol'x'ii I'.nt KOoJl wllli I Mam
rrii- Ali * > Oer ollii.i * ! tinlneil.i' - | > r *
, if , , ( U.ii. wi.rU . III , ill ! Ml. V < ( I
'uUlitl.triliCilMauufaili.ri ri 1 Illr ndiva * Nrwl.U.
" " "
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
AM Cliicago.
Th only roa to take for Den Mnlnm , Mar-
iluilliowM , < trfnr llatitds , Clinton , Olzlr. Clncn-
KO , Milwaukee and nil jiolnts ea t. To tli poo-
pie of Nebrrt lis , Colniado , Wyoming , I'mh ,
Idaho , Novada. OtPKon. WiiRlilngtnn find Cali
fornia , It offcn superior udvantntres not jx } l-
tlutiy nay other line
Araons : A fe r of tlio nuraf rou points of in.
prrloiltf enjoyed by the pntions of thUroad
LutwecnOmiilmnnd Cliicni'O. Rre Its two trnl i
Kilayof PAY COACHE'i liloh am the flnost
tluit'liumnn art ( ind intronulty ran create. Its
I'AI.ACK SMIKl'INO OAKS , ohloh arc modeli
of comfort nnd rlfsatico : ltd PAItIXHI > HAW
ING KOOM CAU3 , nnenrpmsodbr any , and ft
widely ostnlTntcd rAI.VJ'IAI. ' UININO OAHS ,
the enual of nhkh cannot bo found B'itwhero. '
AtCounoll niutrsllietriiliiKor Hie 1'nlon I'acI
do HT. conncrt In I'nion Depot with thof of
the Chicago & Korlhwtaietn Ky. In Chicago
the trkliu of tills line iniiko clo e conueotlon
with those of all eastern llnfis
For Detroit , Columbuf. JivUiinanolls , Ctncln-
null , NiaiMira rHllt.nntlnlo , I'lttBl'Urp , Toronto ,
Montrcul. Huston , NOT York , HiUud lihl | , Hal-
tlmor * . Wadhhiaton and tl | i olnls In the oajt ,
tii the ticket Agent for tlrkoti , via th
* VN HrJnvK TiiM ' *
If you wish the lie t to"on mndatloui. AU
UcUct.nycnUfcl" t'tUu'k ' i nthlsHn' .
IK'iitrol Munnt'or , upiil. l\\tt r AjiL-nt
" " ° " -
WM. 11AI1COOK , - -L , 1UBOLLE8.
Geul. WirtwBApt. . . .sifct ,
As the Holiday season is upon us , would ifc not be mlvisnble and eminently proper to select from our stock
pome useful things ?
Our goods , although not selected exclusively for Holiday Gift * , yet every one of them would make a H.isi- | IV
blo and highly appveciiiled present , which would be useful the year round. This being our first season , wo
have made a place foi- ourselves among you , and by making the interests of our customers our own. We pro
pose to showouv appreciation of their patronage by making startling reductions throughout our entire line
for their benefit , beginning Friday , December 17th , and continuing until after Christmas.
In the Coys' and Children's Department wo oflVr :
.r/.s' Winter tceit/Itt suits , trorfh $3Jor # / . . * ?
f/rade .IJtoi/s' siits , utitde nj [ > In j&vrfoH : ttft/Ief rctJttccfl J
. < 5 to $ $ ti& .
Cttssitnet u tetiits.jutfnunultlij t/oftcn if/ > , reduced Jrvni $ ( ? to
In Hoys' and Children's Overcoats we have them from § 1,95 , upwards , and a very line line of plain and fur-
trimmed ones.
Those at $7.fW Itcdttced to $ V
Those at $8 Reduced to $ fi
Those at $ & Reduced to $11
Those at $ W Meduccd to $7
In the Men's Clothing Department wo have within the last ten days reinforced our assortment with ir
styles in HirMiie s and Dress Suits , and oiler Iho entire line at uniformly reduced prices.
Men's Strictly all wool Suits Reduced from $8.73 to $ < >
Men's Strictly all worsted Stress Suits , Ileduccd/rom $9.8O to $7
Men's all worsted Sach Suits , SfraiyJit and Round Cuts , Reduced
Moi'sjftne CorJfscrew JButtonCut au' tSuitsi n Waclt or brotrn , Re
duccdfrotn JLS to $15
Veryjine,4 JKutton Cutaway 3t es < Suits , Reduced from $ ' 0 $ 17.75
Very fine Imported worsted Sact SuitsJhe coats and vests lined ivith
} § itin , in straight and round cuts , Reduced from $22. 50 to $1O.5O
Evtra , fine Corltscrcw Prince Albert Dress Suits in blues and
cs , Reduced from $3O to $35.75
We call especial attention to our ? 25.75 Prince Albert Dross Suil , not alone to the line quality , but to the
style and the manner in which they are gotten up ; and they should only be compared with merchant tailor's
make , and in price with such goods as other dealers ask $35 for.
Our enormous assortment of Overcoats and Ulsters , plain and fur-trimmed , are made from Edridon & Bur
lington , Iversoys , Chinchillas , Elysinns , Fur Beavers and Montagnacs , some silk and others satin lined. The w-
trcmely low prices of these can only be appreciated after examining the qualities.
In Mulllers and Silk Handkerchiefs we positively ofl'er the most stupendous bargains , for instance :
Cassia * ere Mufflers for dress wear at 25c cacJt , ; wortli 7&c.
All Satin Mufflers at $1.59 ; worth $3. At
Silk HandJaerch'iefs for 25c ; ivortli Stfc.
Including an elegant assortment of better grades in which we can save yon more 11101103' than i'1 ' the cheaper
Anything in our line you may purchase , take it around town , and if you think you can do better , return
the same , ( if not soiled ) , the money will be returned to you instantly without remarks.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at the
Gor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha.
inimal un
CAPITAL , - - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - 400,000
Accounts of Banks , Hankers and Corpo
rations solicited.
Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are
excellent and we re-discount lor banks
when balances wan ant it
Hoston is a Kcscno City , and balances
with us from banks ( not located in oilier Re
serve Cities ; count as reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable tr.nib-
Icrs and place money liy telegraph through
out the United States and Canada.
Government llonds bought and sold , and
Exchanges in Washington made for Hanks
without extra charge.
We have a market for prime first-clafis
Investment Securities , and invite proposals
Irom States , Counties and Citicb when is
suing bonds.
We do a general Banking business , and
invite correspondence.
ASA I' . POTTER , Pi evident.
JOS. _
Hebnuta National
Paid up Ctxpital . $250,000
Surplus . 30,000
II. W. Vatos 1'reslilonr.
A. K. Tou/.alin. Viro Prc-ldont.
W. 11 .S. Hughes , Cushlcr.
in KIruns :
\V. V. Morse , .John S. Collins
Jl. W . Yuios , Lowls S. lleod.
A. K. Tou/.alin.
Cor K'lh and Furnnm SU
A lit .icral Uiiiikini ; HiiMiU'ss Transacted.
N'/wT HARRIS & Co ,
j ? A Minns , CIIWA < : o.
nftPinO ° f Countlt'8 , Cities nml otliorsof
OUHUd lilxli i-'iiiao Dou lil nnd tioM huilcru
ullloe MDovoiishlic sU llosloiu Conospuiia-
eucoaollcllcd. _ _
( lreieitlmi ( > r - nuntiyvr aloir r l * ( Li
rtisiit-i ft/runt ill reiuoiitin. fe * lffl | < anij > hut4 < * itti 9
The Sindcn ElRctris Co. 100 USalk tir Chic a 3
E , T. ALLEN , . D.
Eye , Ear5 Kose S Throat
Room'J Williams nuildirp , cor. 15th and
Dodge bU , Oi.iaha
Hours 8 to laa.i" ° 'to 8 p. m
.j m
, _ ri | %
. " . _ . % jx&
"l3lh St. . Cor Canltoi . venue.
foil THE TnrATJIKNT OP Ail ,
Chronic fit Surgical Diseases.
l/R. McPfiENAKIY. Prop''oto. .
SKILTII jc'ara' II wiifiul nnd | HVII' > I'imlUn
U'elmvo the fni illtr ( , npuiratu | niiil lunnlirs
for tlioewcosful Irculinci.t nf OM-ry fmm of ill-
fniu n.qiiiriii ili.licf medical or mru'luil trciitiiirnt ,
and liu itu nil tiH-ouii'nml liiuMi ati fur tin mKl\
nr correspcind with tin Long vxniiina | | In ti < t
| iH'civi : > 3 hy IcltiT oivihlt-B llrf lo Irtat inniiy lnei3
uciHitillrnUy itliout ffdiiL' ttu in
WKIl'i : jOIt ciUOL'l.All ' on Doforniltlci and
Ilraecu , Chill IVrt , CiirvMtirM of tliu Kpluc
lii-l-A r.i tie WIIJIKN. I'llca , Turn > r , * ,
Cntnnli , Dnuicliltlii , ] nlal.itrin : , Tli'i tr'oly , I'/ui- / !
r l < i , Klllci ) | y , Klilnc.T , i : > c , Kar , SUn , IliooJ uud
n'l ' sur'leal iiii'r.iliuii | .
Iliitirilrii , ItilnilrM , Itr.nrrv. Trnmrs , nml
'I ' kinds cf JlO'llnil nnd Surgical A'p | ' iuuctn ,
iiUflnrcd nml fur rule
Iho only reliable uleiilcal Intt Into nuking
Private , Special $ Horvous Diseases
' r A KI'lit I.VI.'J Y.
AU. - '
from \\lnliTcr cauto nroilin vl , mi 1 1 fffully Iniltil
Wo LIU ifinutu y/jili.liliu ( luiioa lrun : ihc fcj > U-v"
nilhuiil mercury.
New re tnrativotrciUmfi > t for limof llal pn fr
Call nnd mini , It u or ccrd nntnu nntl | ios'.olli ' !
nililnM plainly tuiltim i lu.louc mump , mid \\v
i\ill mid luu. In pliin nrai' ' , our
. .
ITON 1'illVAlH. fcl'fl Ul. AMI N'tRK'l 1 fll8B4 r
( ! T , Hi Mill 11 , ( lO.SOIUilllKA , ( JLKET , VAIIU OC El t ,
UniNAr.r On < iAMJ , or ccd hlnory tf yjur tase tut
nn njilnlun.
1'crtniiin 'ir.slil'1 tomt usinny be ( rci.Ci ( | til lucir
IIORIIS , bv corri' p'Jiidcii. ( i Midulaorijind liisli
inont K i I by until r fl | rcn liK ( I Jd.I.V l'A < It
iU : 1'H'iM ' nmrki lolndlriu
conliiita or c < ii'Ier. One pcnunal Interview p'e
fentd If mnvcnu'i.t Fifty r umt for Iliu ar' mi
moi'.ati'iii ' of imt.ti'i ll'unl ami niciiiau | > : u 1.1
itntonatlo piicc . Arl Irm E" I. ' ll'rg to
Oraalia Medical and Surgical institute ,
Car. 13lhSI. snC CauiloUvo. . OMAHA. UEfi.
State Agent
Omaha , Neb.
ti Wormy Veins vii i
* ' ' .
Carrying Iho nol lum Horn ! nnd Pn-tod StntM
MailBulling CITJiiliiidiiy
Befweesi A fwen ) & flaw York
1-'A1I. AND WINTiit : ,
Salon from 503 to $ ! " > . Htcur'lon trip frrr *
(110 to ! : > . Hreond Ciitiin. vntwnru , fi'is
pit-paid$45 ; excursion. f'0. fltr'nmiro imi'snt'a 4
lit low rales. I'clor Vfrlirhl A. Sons , Uouorn Jl
Affnnla , oi Uro.idwiiy. Now Voru. Jp
Homy J'uiult , 1-ia Kmmuni , ! l'iiiil on t 51 , '
Mu's l-mimm hi : II. II I'lin iii.iu. iCl : 1-iUliAiu >
nnd JaH Work.
1020 l\irnnm b
( ! ( \ \Itllll. . iticr.mKjfjmnn
Mllll'l * | , ur rrtoeauii'ln
in ka.f u > < ! ! , . . f-r 4 nit In itanit | ,
It. II. Ml I'K.AJ.rn. , I. , tlUiiitituu.Couu ,
lleituii/lln it. Newly lu n ual
The Tremont ,
J. C. m/.UI III.I ) 4. MN , I'KJI i nl , rs
for. fth mi I l'-l . Ijlni'oln. N"l >
Ilitc'l il ter * < i * } . blrcOl caiInu IIU.KJ fa nnf
liarldt llin ci'T-
J. MV. . UA\MCIN.'i \ ,
Aroliitect ,
nniif31. . Ul nnd t'l. H'l-lmrds ' lllo.'lilt \ f-jln ,
Kul ) . l.lo uluroi > lltn etiuct.
jh I'eiirt til lli < f tc (
OAU.uitAt 1.AU1E. Hlioltlli "iiM .Arrj.8
! ' . M WOODS.
Live Stock Auctioneer
intidi < In nil ii'i't ' * 'if Iho I
rules , llooiii ' ) , Htlitu IS.oijk , Um-iiln Scb ,
Uullowuy uud dhort lloin bulls lo > M.IU.
15 U. GOL'U)1N ( } ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
_ . li'll i ll II.-Ill I 10 llul'l- . Hull UOJ ,
j Itouin4. K.f'iiAi u II a. I Jin / i -i
Puiversicle Sliorfc Horns
OfMiiitli puio II , . b III , . , f t HUH' .
lit rd imml'Li - alju it " ' Uc.i I.
1'uiin.ic'i * n-pri.ii-i.ttfJ : I'llhem , rp 3 ,
A < uiiil. . ' . llfiuoj. ItosfiifijIinniH , M I o * .
Iviiitlitlv lluohi-iuH , 1 lut t-nioU i < , . 'Iff ' * ! l >
1'hyllibcs , IXi , iu mi I'll 10 I.orm s
Bull , f'.rwio. ' 1 ruru * I ort 1 I'-ar *
IJ.iti 11'riurMB. I HokOuf Kiuu'on , I i' * > .Mary.
11' uu Ci iilck ha-ik mil otm ft > iv'I > '
( . . , titioii ri. .viius-,1 nt . M m\s- :
h,1 un. . NM/
. " ' " | " 'f
Wlicn nl. . " 'j i tv '
National IlQtol , ' ;