THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY7 , DMJI&MJKJWJR 20. 18S6. > WHQlESfilE AHD JOBBIHQ OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. A'tlilt t'li'It ItAl , l.MI'l.b.MKAT.'i. DKEKK , WELLS & CO. , Agricnltaral Implements , , . ito. : Council lllnfTs , IOWA. OX Mnnufiicturorsof nnd DualcM In D Hand and Power Com Shelters , And njrenoinl line of flr t clnij Implement * . . ! . IfiOMVU 1SO.inmliJ.t7 ? oitlh Main Slroot , Council lliiitr * , lona. _ " " "DAVID HUVDLKV & "co. , Mnniif'r'f nn 1 Joblfrs of figriCQltnral Implements , Wagons , Bn gles , Currldffrfi , nnd nil kinds of Knrm Miiohlnnrr. 1100 to Ilia South Mnln Street , Counull lllullj , lown. COUNCIL Ill.UFFS OAIU'KT IJO. , Carpets , Cnrtalns , Window Shades Oil Clotlio , Ctlrtnln Dilure , Upholstery Ooo Kto. No. < 03 llronditay Council Itlulfs , , ; ; vr. & MOOKK , Jobbers In the * Finest Brands of C&irs , Tobacco fi Pipes Nos. ZSMaln and 27 Ponrl la. Council lOtVH. COMMISSION. SNYDKR & LKAMAN , STOUAOK FrBlt and Produce Commission Morcliants. XM nndi'rt 1'eitl . t. , Council Illurfa. DHUliaiST. * . 11AKLK , HAAS & CO. , Drngglsts , Oils , Paints , Glass , ) ' Pundric * . r.ia. No. 22 Mnln St. , and No. 'Jl 1'unrl HL. Council Illnirfl. Uli 'ITS. O. W. UUTTS , Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty Oonoral Commission. N'o. 5U llrandwny , Council WIHT & DUQUH'ITK , Wholesale Fruils , ConfcclionerVt -AND- COMMISSION , Non. in mid 18 IVnrl St. . Council llhilTH. UAJtXESS. KTC. 1JKCKMAN , STIIOIIHEI1N & CO. , Jlnnii'Bctnrcrs of nnd Wliolo ald noalora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KS Mnln St. Council lUuITi , Iowa. It ATS , CAPS. KTC. MKTCALF UKOTIIKllS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. No' . 31 ? nnd 3(4 Ilroiidwny , Council IttntTt. HKAVV KEUL1N1 ! & VELT , Wlioloinlu Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And WoodSloek , Council Illutfrf , Town. COUNCIL IJLUFFS OIL CO. , AVholesnlo Donlors In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ; Gxullia HJTO. , EJTO. 8.TheodoroAiont , Council IllulTa. town. LUMUEK A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , AmlHrMeo Mntorlid Sipoulnltlo8Wliolu < inlo fium- bur 01 all Kinds. Ulllco No. I'JD Mnlu BU , Council Ulutfa. lown. LIQllUltS. JOHN LINDKU , \VholeKnlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors .Agent for St. ( iotthartl'a Herb ltlttPi-3. Xo.U MuUiKt. Council JJIulIs. SCI1NE1DEH & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , A'oGOJ Matn Sf. . C.mnclt Muffs. I , . KIIISCH'L' & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Ilrondwny. Council Din IT * . JOHN' V. STONK. JACOII BIM-3 STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , v\ Fraction in thn State and Federal courti f > , Rooms 7 and B ShiiKtU't-Iiuno lilook , COTJNCIJl , 33IXJiniPS FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Oinalm , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN , Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , oncfni \vill be jmkl , $10 , loiuul hip. MELVIN SMITH & CO. , BFCCKSSOliS TO McMAHOH & CO , Astiacls of Title , L can and tata Brokerj , No. 236 Main St. JInvlii'i intrclinicrt tlic"nwst i-clla Me filial met liookit in this count i/- /tiioirn an ( lift M/rJ/fiftoii Abttrac Jtool.-n,1' it'c e nitni iH'eiHii'i'd lo fur- n/s/i / ttbsti-antx and rt'Sfirrlfulli/ - licit tlm flutroiuiuoof all tliutte < lc , i > ' - inif torrect almtract * nftltlv to Ittntli tiiut lots in i'attaii'titttiiHle county. , mm SMITH & c'o , , KO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS . RICE , m. p. , Or cttior Tumors removed wltUou . O > or tbiity yean pCM > tiraJ xpcrt utu KO. u j' < uvrie . council uiittrs ! : SPECIAL NOTICES Advert laments under this ho d , 10 cents pnr line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- nequent ln crtion. and tl.BO n line per month No advertisement taken for le s than 25 cents lor tlio Urst Insortlon. Seven words will b counted to the lines tlipy rauM un consopu- lively mill must bo paid In ndvnncc. All ndvcr- tlscrnrnH roust bo handed In before 3 o'cloik p.m. , find under no circum tanccs will tlic > betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtlis luheitlMng In the u'olutnns nmi hav ing the nnswors ni-'dre sed In cnre of TUB HER will nlcn o nsk for n chccV ( oonalilo them to pet their letters , n * none will bo delivered except on prcsentntlon of check. All answers lo nd- vortiv-monts should IIP enclosed In envelopes. * HAIIIUS. ! W ) S. 1,1th 9t. HAII1US on llrst clnss security , from fVW upwards. 2U1 * 500,000 TO TOAN nt 0 per cent. J. .1. Ma- $ honeIW.i Km num. 7t > 0 I'KHCUXT Money. c Jl. C. 1'ntteifon. 1.1th nnd Hninoy. Ittl nnnno lo loan. Sums tCOO and ttpwnrd" , $ Lowest rule * , llomls , room 3 , llnrker block , B.JiV. c < ) IMh iinil PnMiiinista. _ f > 'M _ Gl'l.ll CUNTMoney to lomi. ( Irejfory k llndloy , Itooms 1 nnd 3 , Itedick tilock , iiit ) S. 15thfS \ . ONKV-To lonn on Itonl l-IMnto. C.V. . Mount , Itenl IMiuo nnd Investment- , , nlbst. ! lir , V ) MONEV to loan , cash on Hand , no delay. J. W nnd E. L. Squire , 1113 Furimtn St. , Tax- ton hotel building. P23 _ rpO LOAN Money Lonns placed on Ini- 1 ptnroil real estate In city or county for New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. Inth nnd Chlongo Ms. 8ll ! ONiv TO LOA > At ow rntoj , on good city property. Hntchor& Co.,1210 Douglaa BltPPt. KK. S sfONIJY on pity and fnrm property , 1YI low rules , Stewart & Co. , Hoom 0 , Iron Bank. fi0' OKEY TO LOAN At reasonable rates , on M furniture , line wntchps nnd other porsonnl property. C.J. Caswoll , rooui 19 Iron Hank building , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. 5.l ! ' ON15Y TlTl.OAJf-0. F. Davis i Co. itoT M Eelnteund Loan Agents 1501 Furnam st. f.'J.1 M ONl'.v TO r.OAN-On real estate und ohM- tols. D I Thomas. 630 M ON5\ ' > lOAN-Insumsof2noo and upwards on llrst clos-i real eatalo security. rolcrt Cobb , 1515 ] ' rnnm st. _ 5 T M ONivr : iToTvNiriTnTcTFTlleod & Co'B.f-oan onics , on furniture , pianos , horcen.-w nsons , personal property of all kindi. nnd nil other ar ticles of VBIUO , without removal. M3 8. 13th , over IlliiKhiiin's Commlsiilon stoio. All busi ness btrletly conQdentliil. 6'J8 ' $500,000 To lonn on Omaha citv pioportynto percent , a. W. lay. over 1 I3 Doui-'liisat. CM L .OANS Louna Loans. llcnl estate loana. Collateral louuj , Clinttcl loans. Longtime loans. Hhort time loans. Money ahray * on band o loan OB nny ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold. Omnnn Financial exchange , 150J 1'arimni. Corbet tM _ _ nuggar. 601 MONEV to lonn by the undersigned , who has the only properly oiganl/ed loan agency InOmnhn. Loan ? of $10 to 11,000 mndo on fur- nlturo , pianos , organs , horecs , wagon * , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Lonns'so made that any pnrt can be paid at any time , cuch pay ment reducing the cost pro rain. Advnnces rnndoon One watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who thor ni-o dealing with , on mnny now concerns are daily coming Into existence. Should you need monor , call snd see mo. W. n. Croft , Itooro ( , Wlthncll Building : . 16th nnd Harney. BflT BCBIHE3B CKA.WCE3. A GOOD lirsiNESS CHANCE-WI hlng to onlnrgo my stock nnd trade , 1 scckatmrt- ne/v Gorman preferred , with n capital of fiom f3OHO to (1,0)0. Husinoss paying well now ; located in Omaha. StocK on hand between f VM > to ja,000. IV.r infoniKUIon , addresi , 11 , 12 , Hoe otllco. 1T3 21 * rpOV.XUlANfii-A well Improved farm of 1 ItX ) acres in Tolk county. NourR ku , for gcninalmerchandlRo or hnnlwaro and lurui- turo. Address M. T. H. , Springviow , Nob. 410 21 TO EXCHANGE for merchandise , 430 acres tnlrly improved Nebraska land. M. T. H. , Sprlngvlow , Nob. 450 2.1 RAI.i : Cheap for cash , u llrf = t-cla s la- dies' anil gouts' oygter and lunch room , opposite SI I'util depot. Address H 8 , Ileo ot- lice. 4'IOllt * FOH SALK-Onur store In Diistln , bobtlllllo town In Northern Holt Co. , Neb. : nlcu fanning country. Will tell Mocknnrt building or stock alone ami rout building ; invoice 5100 , building $5.V ) : good opening for young physi cian to stint business with small capital. Address dross John I'orrobt , Atkinson , Neb. 400 20 * V\TANTKD To Invest $2.000 to f 4.0(10 ( In some > > well established business. Hefinuncea given nnd required. Address H 4 Hcu. 31918 * FOH SALE A complete stoclc ot millinery , fmioy goods and store fixtures : situated on ono of the best hnslncbs streets In the city ; will bo sold very cheap ; 'must bo sold at once H cash , bulancn secured liy city real estate , n bin bartrnln for the right party. Call on or nddreg ! A. II. K. , No , 4,04 north 1Mb St. , Omaha. Ne < brnska. 329-18 WA Wfl nT-Tii 1 1 nor with T-.OOO to fl.OUO , ell estnlillshed nierclmntllo business In this olty , wnntto incienso business. Address , A OH , llco'jlllce. < . > 2-lH FOR THADU-Would Ilkn to tnido real astute In Omalm for drug business in good loca tlon In city. Address A. H. T. 821 n. 15th at , city. 351-23 * " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " - B" fJSlNKSH i CHANClI-M'antod. a "partner with from fl.ooj to t.1,000. ontco , oithoi activoor silent. Hiiro chuncu. Address H 0 Ileo ollice. 3'J3 ' 22 * "IjlOH SALE A fiend restaurant business at 11 J bargain. Inquire. 807 N. IBth St. ! II819 $ li.VXW-Wlll purchase n large nmTvoiutiidc property mid a neil onUblliihod business In n lloiiiMilug and growing town which is 11 county seat and within eapy reach ot Omaha , The proper ! v consists of Int. , valuable tracts ol Improved lands and a largo mid well nppolntcil creamery , 2nd , registered nii'l graded cattle , cows , hogs , horses and other personal property , The product of the creamery finds a rendy mar kct In Omaha and may ! > R largely Incronact with n con oyiondlng Increase In demand. A rare ohnnco for parties having money to Invest Thn natural increase In Mock mid Incrt'iiei-i value of property w 111 return the principal In i shoit tlmo , thopioportv being loll while a bull ni'i > Is hocurcd to pay largo dividends Irom Hit stait , Cnqulro for a few days only of A. W , Illyc , ut Ine i'acton hoiuo. li.Vj-22 * 171OH PALK-Ilestaurnnt nt n bargain. Oooil Jv locution , good business estublNhcd. Also some choice burgalns In Improved ninl unlin provc.l properly on Suiimlcra and Huinllton so CiiMjlt 1 15 . 16th. H It. llHll Co. 3iO FOH RALE Harbor simp in town of 1,00 ! population , one other shop In town.gooi rc'iuun for t > ullhi . Address Ho\ l > , t > Idniiy , Null 2D7 20 _ If OH 8ALi-llapia : Holler Damp f/oit Coplur , 1 Hliniinon Vilftt. Letter nnd Hill Kilos , I'll ing Cabinet HIII ! Transfer Cubes , inihneii foi Ledger audall purpojea. Exposition bnll.Imt ; FOHSALE Atnburguin , n first-clam Oio crry with n llrai-clusi iriulu ; no bottei locution in Omaha , Addruii , A , 37. H o ollice 320 H ) _ _ TTuiii SALE OH THADEFOIoodiarin / jatii Jtnlotvnor cnetrrii Nebraska or ICiuipus a tine suburban residence und fruit place , t ( niilos 1 1 0111 po toltlcn in Counoll Hliilfe.lmprove incuts Ural-clans uiul place In good onlcr , IB 1- acres , nearly nil In bearing fiuit I'or pi.itlcn lira iiddicss II. G. Jlcdee , Council Hltills , In , * ; i 10 AX'AXTED A tlriit-cla > > 9 grocery or gonoru 1 meipliaiidUo busiiitiMi in the city or nd jncpiittowiH for cash or illy propcity Mem A ; jBinleou , 318 a. 15th. _ 17fl FOH 3AL1 ; HntLhor ihop , with tools mid fl\ tuics ; good locution : good tmsluo.-j. 0. I1 btorr.Eoutheast per , 2-th und I'lirnnm. Si * ) J G * ir < OII SAL ! : A meat market in A good loot - ' tlou doing fl.UH ) bueiiious per month. In udjtcss lOomSU , Oinnha Natl haul Lid. SJJ _ _ FOH SALE Or trftdu for mi'ichundiftu , 6li ncrpi of No 1 farm jund nvur Cram Islftnd. C. J , Cunan 15 HOI'SKS ' lAtsl'ariiis.Lnnminonuyionnoi IleinKroont'J , HarKor blucl ; , BV > i-ot Jflh nmi 1'ama.uBti. ' svi _ TTIOH SALE WfH-establishc UuslnW * . In c-ii -L of me best .business' points in luntir.vcjt Wi Kdbrasku , ItuiiteJ ut llrokpn Uow , .Piitie : cattnty. Neb. ; stock con lstinz ol dry-goods clothing , liooUuud ghooj ; will show up BOOI record ot buoliu-ii HCUROHS for < -elUny will bi jriTcn by cdarosslns lock-box II , llrokcn How Duster county , Noo. W7 KPo 11IA > Ti-A : peed ocMlon for I Jerockery nn4 queen's ware store , Inquire nt A Doriimn. CU7 S. 13th sir. M 17011 aAIiE-Hfiiriwnro llu mo - Wo offer JL' our shelf nnd henry hnrdw are buslnosi for alp , together with our lease nnd peed will , Irnne lareeM In the city nnd location the best. letlrlnp from the bu lnes caue for selling The llaum Hardware Co. , 1023 0 st i Lincoln. 1-0UN I ) . IT A black marc , while stnr In TAKEN . August Schmidt , Mlilnrtl , Neb. 437 20 1/lOt'ND A pocket-book pontalnlngn sum gf -U money. Owner can linvn the santp liy np- > lylng to E. T. Allen , William's block , room 0. ; swi8 * IporND-Thepbco to get the best opeter In 1 thuplty , bmo points , New York counts nnd selects nt Pllver Monn , cor. 19th nnd St. Mary's nvp. .1. II. O'Neill , prop , 41n J 17. I < OST. ) ' An EmrTl li masTlTr dog , crosiin t ToK I7)'T black face unit i'nre , ' . .I Inches high nnd weighing 10U ponnils. A llheial ruwnrd will bo mid lor bis return to May M. Dundy , coiner l.eavenworth si. nnd Georgia nu- . j79 | I1 * T IBT- Ono set of upper fa1 o teeth. Iteturn .l-J to Dr. Hillings opp I1. Oincp over Eaholm & Akln's Jewelry store and got rowmil. oil * 19 OST-A Ne fonndlnnd pup dog. about four j months old Tinder return to W. E. Annlii , Micrmnn live , opposite Cark st , nnd claim re. \\iird. 3M rADAM ALASKA , cinnxToynnt and pnlmlst , I 612 South ICth si. Hal PERSONAL. Huy the Arnold Cooker The most coonomlcnl nnd useful nrtlelo of Kitchen rurnlture over made. Tor a.ile on 18th Bt. , llrst door noitli of Baltic pf GoMysburff. " littdtcs' irold wntehos for $20.00 nt Krnnk 1 bun & Co. , ' "JO South 14th street. F iltPONAL Khlnusloiio rmfca nnil earrings , solid iod ; ! , nt jaw ) , nt 1'nink & t-on & Co. M IIS. II. inOlT. ! ! . Trance mid HenllUK Me- ilium , XV. . cor 20th nndCass. fOEHSONAIi-Expcrtl'uly copyl't. tl I penman , large experience , fntnlltar with legal nnd commercial papers , wants work to dent nt homo. 1'iices loiiMiiiabte. Woik rceolvod and returned Address 11 1 , Dee ollice. 331 L-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Wnrron . clairvoyant , M < dlcnl nnd bmlness Mmltuiu Hoom No. 3 , 121 North ICth gt. , Onmha , Neb iXCII : < VNOi : I'or Nob. land or city iirop- - icrty neleioi stock of clothlnir Addresi 1) . 11. llnck , with W. 0 . Albright. 'JI8 S. 15th st % BOOTS nnd shooJiit nboiit your own price nt V. T. Androw1 * . 712 N luth st. . until Dee. Hint. Mr. Gi > o. S. Mlllor will then occupy tliu store wllh asplondld stock. 371 _ : ssFJoLs71'rlvy ( ' vTmlts eiciined by the C odorli-is process. E. liwlup , 1' . O. HOT 427 , IK)3 ) J 7 * ' 111' VIKNNA lortune teller , icsldcnciTrilH 3 T _ 14th at. _ _ _ [ " ! ' YOl lm\o nttond mort > fairj ! or note to ills- L count eco Mead X JamlosonT > 18S 15th tt . _ 571 _ YOU liuvo n need niort ao ) or note to dis count see Mend & .liitnloson , 318 S 15th Bt. 571 F 1 OK Itr.NT Orcans , t'i per month , ilospo , 1513 Douglas. fiOO moil itliNT sininro Pinno , j montnir. C Hospo , 1513 Dou.uKs. filO TT1OUKHNT Snuuro I'iano tJ monthly. A Jt ? Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 011 ' VOIT have n good mortgaito or note to dis count bee Mead & Jamloson , 318 S 15th st. BASE BIZSCEX.IJAireOUS * . ' 8ALU-t cords pine stove-wood : elietip 3.'Oil 01.1 VlrKhun aye. 412 21- T710H SALE Or trade. Two peed organs : ono J ? six and ono ton stop , lor particulars In quire nt lloom 1 , over 1304 Douglas St. 41 ! ) 18 * f : Karat pair Diamond carrincs , line woollcr > at S375 , Trnnk \ Sun & Co. , 220 South 14th St. T71OH SAIr. neiitilno diamond rlnirs , $10.00 , J ? ? 20.00 , $ .10.0) , $10.00 , and up to SJUO.UO. nt l-'rank & Son &Co. , ' . ' 40 S. llth st. 180-18 METHVSTHIngs.Bolid : gold , J2.50 onlv. nt A Krnnk & Son . ' < Co. . 220 S. 14th st. 1UO-18 SALE Cheap. A sunn of horses , sound , FOH kind and L'ontio. Iluvo been in-ed until pros- cut tlmo lor grocery delivery. Inquire nt No. 717 Nortli IBlh bt. S''U ' ' 1 iflOH SALE A first clas Argand lin .o burner , cost J45 00 , used only two months. Apply at St. Charles Hotel , Hnrnoy st. 270 10 FOKSALE-ItnpIl Holler Damp Leaf Copier , Shannon Files , Letter and Hill Kites and Fil ing Cabinet * nnil Transfer Cases , Indexes foi Ledger nud nil purposes. Exposition building- , F SALE -Desiring to retire from the business , I oiler for Palo or trade , In whole or part , my entire stock of books , stationery , fnncy goods , show cases nnd contents ; woulii o.ichntigu for real estate. Improved or unlnv rpoved , or lor equity intiuostH , and nssnme < ! * Istlnir mortgngcs , or would exchange for veil ! cles nnd horses. W.T. Seaman , 101 Oil SALE Team of horBCl , llros. , 014 S 10th et , 852 JU Tjioil SAI.K Furniture and lease ol six-room JO house , time on part. Cull 1202 North 27tt street , two blocks from Itcd Car line , 89J FOIl 8A.I.IO Cn np. iron columns ind win dow capa suitable for front on brick build' Infr. Forpartloiilnrsapply at this otllco , SI'I WA.KTED FE2CAU3 XOU.P. \\rANTF.D Tlueo women cooks to go tc i Fort Nlohrarn. flood wages. Applj rooir No. 1,1'tiMon hotel nt 5 o'clock to-day. 454 20 " \\TANTED ImniPdlatnly , good compctom T T second girl. Apply 1914 Fnrnani , 452-20 * \\7ANTED Young lady between JO nnd 2 ( ' yours ol ngons cnjlitar ; inugl Iho will pnrPiitH and furnish best of roforencos. War rcn F. Ilrown , SI. Mary'd nv. and I'.HIi it. 413 1'J \\rANTF.D-Iloueckoepor , Sill n. IVIli st > 3iJo-l * \\rANTED-A good girl nt 80 South 21 > T street , 337 18 * WANTED-ilrl ( for Kenenil housework- must bo good cook , washer nnd ironur S. K. cor. liith nnd llnrnoy. 345 IS * \\rAN 1'ED Experience ) itgcnt on liborn II coniinlsslon. Address wltli rofeienccs T F.llwoodoil , publisher , 47 North 13th St. , I'hllu dolphin 2&'l IH \VANTED-Flrzl , class liuKor nnd cook"nffiO > > K. ICIh it. 427 IB * WANTHD Woman to do gonoial hout-o work , 1 In family , ( iooduiges puld U : N.Ulhbt , 4M WANTED-A small girl tolaUciTro ot bubj IH 1W.1 N.J7UHK. 43-i l W ANTKH Dining loom girl at Hnntois House , cor. Dodge and loth ht. 42.J Ib * w ANTEH-CiIrl lor eonornl housework Apply , J. Ki-ndls , ll'Jtl S. Uth t-t. 425 'JJ * V\rANTUD Younif girl us COOK. Apply 1'J ) > > Cass. _ S7U 1U * _ \\'ANTED I oed couV ; one with eiporlencn 11 nootheisiirod upply. Address 'I tin Schll Ici'.ldn Uruvc , iu. in ; 1'J * " \ \ rANTEDInimodlitti'ly , UlKirls to work h' ' ii ilifesmaklng. NorthvJSt cur. lltlli nnd St Mnry'dUM ) . Slrj. M. WiilUtu. aM IU * \\'ANTED-At oncp.giil iit-iil.enu'iiworth ; _ > . _ KIJ \\fAXTiil-A : liidy or iniiitlomnn to tnki ii chargnofn Iwstiirg * tliat's pnyluv f 10 i day ; from * 5) to $ toi ) requlriid ; thld inn run chance lor the right party. Cull oruadnibt , Mrs E. .V Sou , 1W ! FariiHin st. UK ) . ' ' - ' . . . . . . _ Klrl. Kiiquir < i i of C. E. Maynon w cor. 15tn und Iliirney Ay ANTr.n-20/ ) ladies to try the < ! ol < * i Medal Coltco nnd ipcoit'O a beautifu electro Mcel engraved phutu In every package For siilo by j-mirjjrocei ynmn JW IV \\rANTEn-Kltclu7n ftnuTo5 \ 3.50 pp" i tveek. A' . W. cor. Saunde.-s und Chnrliv at I 21 \\7ANTED I.ttdln to orl. tor us nt thpi II own bomoi ; K to { 10 per wet 1 ; can IH qiiluilv imi'le ' ; no photo , imlnting ; no canvass ing. Fur tull particulars please address , u once , t'rcscgtit Art Co. , IU ( 'uttttalbt , Hostun MiMe , box 61VO. K > 5 2. ' ' " " \ 11'N FED - ( Jd'jd"gTrl'lor Bcncrul 11' wbrk , 111J Uuortjla UTO. for drcssiuak IngcHnfl'id ' orkut I'Ji ' , oonier 10th iut < . tie. 0:4 : ; u * " \\TAM'M 3J IrtilliM S "genl-l to lo fll li grnphy I'ro poet rood for posluon competent ; uddit'M Vf , J D , HOoqi I , Croiiast MW.OmRha 111 ? 7'XETED-tT.AI.B HELP. , - . . . ANTED Miller A competent mini ns sto- onil In a full toiler intllt wi'gos ' flO | ior month. J. P. J.oxixii , MnnaffciY Scollc , Nob. 4,11 M * VUANTEDpont WoltnVetbe l > e t sell- ii ing article ovcrluvoiHiM ; don't mil to cnll nt nncn ( no samples ) . IU McDowell A Co. , l.Tfl Harncy. , 43,121 * yANTED-l'srtner with cniiltnl from > to 1,000. Hti lnp established in Omaha nncl p.lj Ing. Addicts , 11,11. HmtUlllco. 4"S" " 21 * \\r rKr P neV.lndydV7onT\vith smiili i i capital for sale mid manufacture of stnplo poods. Address II 15 , lice olliCC. 4V3 22 * " \\rANTKD A man who understands the i pnlnt ninl glass hu hipss , nnd U willing to tnnko himself gciiprrtllv useful. Address with references V. O. llo-x fa 433 11 _ _ WANTED Hy n largo corset manufacturer , nn experienced corset nio < tinin for UIQ Inreo retnil irndo In the Mnto of Nebraska. Ad- die .g with toU'ieuce. locK box No. I , lit" . Now York. _ _ aao J 1 * T\rANTin : A carrier for n horse onto "on i I Dmly Evening Hoc ; ono llvlnir 111 west jmrt of city preferied _ u S "VxrANTED Albright's ifibor iTgenVr ii removed Irom 1 WS 1 nrnnm to 1120 Knr- imin Miott. 311 VVrANTKD 50 ngents. The hidden mystery ii Is now found. Never since the hlrtliof Christ Ims tlioro been siii'h n chmiee for peed , active , cneigctle in on to iniiKo tnnnuy us now. Address , Or S. O. Morris A : Co , KimirMin , In. . . . t Mlllard Hotel ii Hi Is day. ma \\rANT13D- A tonoginphni' , ono who under- ii slnnds double I'litiv bookkeeping. Ad dress , wllh refui unco , stilting Milury desired , A 4s , Hcooflico V.a "WANTED - Itelliiblo contractor tcT liiflld 11 dwelling , two story , 31x11 In exchange lor 80 acres good land. Lumber , llmo nnd hard- wnro ntrtilslicil Call Hist house north 1'opple- ( on nvo on east side CU'orgla , Any evening ntio"r B:3d. : Irt'.i ' \ % 'ANTEfwVouns-man willing to work ; viw who can cook prclprrci ! . Itiiiulro this ilntf ; Lunch Counter , 20J N. 161h st. \\rANTF.D-Good , quick bushc-lnum ; steady ii t'liiplovmont to light man. W. It. ( llbson ACo. . , 317 South Ijilh st. r 'lLi ' WANTED a partner with nsmnll cnpitnl In n iflnllgiocory. Addreis A (11 ( , lloo ollice. 1S8.1S * . ANTF.D-A wolfboror , 13jrs i3nTst f .1. VT _ _ Vnock. J17I ) 18 \VANTED A man to do st-iblo mvl other 11 light work. Apply to lloom 12 , No. 1,513 Dodgn st. 374 IS * . IHnkeis" Llfo Aeaoclntlou of St. I'nill. TUT. .Minn , have No'irnska ' work for. n lew peed solicitors. Koforonces iH < ci s nry Address - dress Wlluox&Stoelo , Htuto A-ent-i. ( l/lncnlii , Ncu. 131 deolU W ANTED A clock repairer ut 1108 Dodjro 1(13 ( St. AOUNTS In the city or country can nmtof5 ! to ? 10 n ilny selling our spo lnltios. N.V. . Novelty comiinnv. UJ7 Karnam st. 012 SITUATION WAHTBD. \\TANTfD-Situation ng cleric In grocery. Do lros uxporlenco more than snlnry. Address 11 13 , Ileo olllco. 431 ! \\7ANTED Situation by a young man ( fier- 'i mnni In nny icspcctublo business. Address U 10 , lloo ofllcc. _ 44021 * " \\'ANTRD Sltunllim us housekeeper or 11 nurso. Itoluicnccs. Addrcts 110 , lloo oillco 121 20 * \ \ ANTED Situation by n gentleman o.vporl- 11 onccd in hardware and agricultural Imple ments. Would take charge of branch store in new railroad tonn west , inn thorough nnd cup- atile. A 1 references including prej-ont out- ployor. Address , 11 3 , lloo Olllco. 330-20 * " \\7ANTKn-Sltiintlon by professional nur.-o M ( mnlo ) . Inquire , Ouiahn honso. Harnoy Bt. , bet. 12th finl iith. : 23.1 IU * DIIIT WANTii-300,000 : yds dil-t on hind no\t west of Cruighlon collcsu. lioft-s V Kill. 413 18 " \\fANTIU ) Kront room und alcove , with board , In good location , tor young mini nnd wife ; give lonost terms lor piy in ad vance tenant. Address , H It , Ileo olllco. 44 * . 10 * 'ANTKD-A good stable. T 21 , Ilee ollice. in , ' \\rANTED-A neatly furnished room , well- > heatedut icasonable prleo. AdtUoss A 19 , 15eo otllco. 104 \\7 ANTED Stock of dry goods , clothing nnd IT gouts' furnishing goodf or Hoots and shoes in exchange for Omaha real ostato. Bchlpsln- ; cr llros , 014 S 10th st. Mil jfl Ml men to cat buckwheat cake * and maple syrup every niornlnv nt NorrlV Hcstaiirant , ICth St. bet. Dodge and Douglas. Stritlght board per weeK , S'J.23 ; 21 meal tickets , 1.50. ni3. RESTT HOUSES AND I.OT3. FOH HUNT A now und elegiuil house of 11 rooms ; all modern conveniences. N. Shelton - ton , liilli I'mimm st. 307 18 * LEASE A llrst-cla'-s hotel sltimted In n TO tin ivlnur town. Tor particulars ndilresi Andruw Anderson , Stromsbnrg , Neb. 192lb * F I'OH HHNT-Smull hou = o , filM S. 17tl beit JueKson and Luiivenworth , f-ts. 3b2 18 * Ii'Olt HUNT House , 5 room , good well and 1 cistern , largo bam. I'opplotou and Virginia nvo. 3S4 18 * I/'Oll ' HENT-A 10 room brick house with im- JT provouients ; fill per mo. Iminiro of Mrs. I'arrittt , near cor 2ilth nnd Fnrnnm. 40H 18 * TpOlt HENT-Housoin SoTith OirnihuTiiiqulTo JL 1UI4 S. 1Mb St. 337 18 FOH HENT Now 4-roorn house , good locn- ciitlou ; full lot ; roadto occupy In a few days ; $16.00 per month. D. H. OooJrlch. Hoom 19 , Crnnlto block. 434 IU FOH KENT An olegnnt.l-room cottngowltn burn , city u atcr and cielern : tull south front lot ; nlco homo ; will bo rendy to ocuupy In four Uuys ; f2,1.LO per mouth. D , H. Coodriuh , lloom 1'J , Crnnlle blocic. 431 1'J ' FOU OHENT-Or lease. Twenty iicro gnrdon , with house nnd stable ; Inside city limits of Sidney , Neb. Apply to H. Mnl'addcn , Sidney .Js'cb. 42 .18 * _ _ FOII HENT 7-ioom house. Apply Tni3 LjiTo t. 417 211 * _ _ I poll HUNT I'lirnlslicd 7-room house on Vir ginia nro , $35 per month. .1 , 1' . llummoiul , 117 S. 18th ht. 415 _ IOH HENT H-rooui home on I'linmin st , bet. 1 18th and luth , City ami rl.-imi water , shells nnd outbuildings : brick ei-llar , $3' ) per niontb , J. Hammond , 117 S loth bt. 410 i jVlK HENT-Three hoii8es7by linlToir"lir7ir ! J-1 1610 Douglas st. 421 at Foil HUNT il room brick house , cellar , wol and clo-ets In Omaha View , f 10 per month Apply ut St. Clmrleg Hotel , llnrnoy Bt , IVM IU | ot HENT Sullablo I'or JolTbl JJ end nnd Third Floors , lUgKlo with incut und rluvntor , entrance Irom Iront on Dougla" et..and cntiaucuontrrnund lloor from rear to Muvntor , Addrees A 3J , Dee oihcc. . 270. _ _ HENT-Sloro fill N. JJuI " t. " 5'jj ' s ! FOH KENT Splendid .1 room i-ottrigp , modern lmi < ro\unient ! < l gooil t-rttilu , lnro llnu grounds , on .N. 10th bt. H , U' I'litturbon. 15tli and I In nicy. ; ir > H * ' 371OH HEST 3 now houses 8.'K. cor. llthnnd Vinton , liifUlru | o n proiiiici's. 2M Iti'.NT-'J room house S , Vt'TcorT lh and I'ncitlc. Inquire .M , I' . Murtln. 2U Ij-OH HENT A nowi'ottHgoim upper rnrnum ' st. Inquire nl 2109 Farnum st. till F OH HEST-A barn for 4 of In > isna."lr7 qiilro ol M. 1' . Martin. & > 7 FOIl HENT iluilding FiiltHUQ lor a ilTiiff store In the lines ! locution in the city. Inquire room 'M , Omaha National bank build- " Ilijr. _ _ 8jl _ "TT'ljirilKNr-A ' nlcw S-rootii cotfi c7 by d , 'i' . JU 1'oKTsen , 8 , o. uur. 15th : iu i Douslut- 47T _ | ? ( JH HEXT II room bongo Mm and Dudno et : 1 ani'ly lo.M. F. .Mitt tin , U10H nth l , 4Ul HiST-SmnI : ! co 403 2i nM ) HKST-Mx now bus - J1 iK cnts. uirner I'.luvuiitli nnd Hnikard ; choice locution ; all convonlencpa. l.u.ivltt Hiirnham , Itooot I , t'rolyhtou block. U.'J Tjiolt HENT-Ptoros , iw'lilrniiosT tiunblioJ JU und iinfurnlshiid rootnt. . I'lmt clu.-i.s IDUH- tlons. Koyes lltiiitlii Afcnoy , Hoom 7 , South east cornur 15th nud Douglas. 2SJ a 2J' ITKHlTlhNT Aritnre and tiiise'iiK-nl on a po < d ' biihlnc'iSit. Inquire of I ie , Niuholi : Co. . Uooin f , Wltnnell blotfk. an Jntllt ItENT Ono nuw oolUitfc , 7 rorms , JVJ. 1 Tliruo new 2 utory houst-i , S10 , one nt f Jj ! wedlocated , lUI coavonlcafcs. Ixiatltt Hunt. liaiul'ooiult'rplibtoii block- . 127 H : Nl'-7-room"cotta oTn"sVttlnut FOH - - HUL Toriu , tSJ per month. Apply to U. W. Baio. 1421 lurnain Su a. TT1tH HRNT M ncre * ndjolnmi : pity north- -1- west , suitable for dairy or market garden. Apply to Thoo. Williams , lice onice , 8H Far- na _ tn _ SSH TfiOll HENT-Nlcc six room cottagp , 1513 Cnl- i1 ifuinmst. 7 10 * [ 7Um HKXT A nr t clmfrentniiMtit , inquire J-1 of l f , Nlcliol , V Oo , _ I.W _ iViou HINT : Hon p.'iJ room1" , il'irney street Jnnd 21st , S.W per month , nl o house near ft Mft'y > nve , 0 rooms , J-23 per month S. A.Slo- man , 1512 nirnam st , _ _ _ _ _ _ 117 llVMl HEM store 22siW , llliS Jackson st. J : 7M ron ITiOIt HEVTrurnlshed room with board for JL.1 two gentlemen , or gentleman nnd wile , 2007 L'll * * M. 44.1 Ul * _ iroil HENT-rurnislu-d rootm , 1015 Dodge. J _ _ J _ 411 2J _ FOH ilENT nc irnii oftlip room with steam heat and telephone : centrally located. In quire of W A. Wl son * Co. . wholesale teas nnd cigars , 111(1 ( nnd Ills Ilnrney stieot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iroll HKN'i' Two fut niched rooms , tmv win- .1 ? dow , modern convonluncci , 1721 Capitol nvo. 331 IU * "TTHlll ItENT Two iinrurnlshe I rooms for light Jl1 housekeeping. WJ llowanl st , bet cpn Sth nud tub. ' 4M " 17011 HEN'T Nice warm room , sultnblo tor 2 I' gent lemon with board , $1 par uouK.uay boanl , $ . ' 7fi. ,1-il 21 * _ fT'Olt urNT Kurni uitU rooms , r JL57IOU 7IOU HENT rurnlshod Un\er room : piano ; 1 KlWCnss. iWl 20 * OH HENT Furnished front room , Idl'i Cn s. 202 19 * _ _ _ _ 710II HENT Furnished rooms , J1S per mnnth , L1 705 N. IRtli HI. Jliil 23 * "IT10II IIKN'T Aiileasnnt loomulcclv furnlshoil J-1 and wnrmi'il , with tlisl-cliiss table. Two gentlemen prcfuirod. N E. tor 12th and t'iyrcu. 422 IS * _ "ITiOlt KENT -Elegant luinhhed rooms with JL1 board , heat nnd all modern conveniences Prices i-unsonnble ; ilrslrnblo locution. 1M2 Chicago street. 380 IS * " 171011 KENT r.-irlor for trputlomnn nnd wife , JL ' nUo other rooms nnd board , 1312 Chicago. 3.10 18 * IT\OH \ ! m.vr ; FurnMiod rooms for man and JJ Ho or two gentlemen. 618 N 15th st. 375 18' "tjiOTlIUJNTVL'ircP pliMstint fiiiiillhod fro nt JL room : terms ronsonablo. 710 N. l7lhBt. 21H is * FOIl HENT-Two very pleas tut rooms In Fiat 4 , N. W. cor. 101 h nnd Cim. 3ol U ) It KENT Unfurnished room , sultnblo for ollice. Inquire Mic.A. lllcu , llushmnn blk. " 171011 HUNT A largo front chamber with J-1 closet , gns , fumade nnd bath , 5UI a. 20th st. 1 block north St , M HIT'S avo. Cfi2 " 171011 llEM'-Snllo of newl/ furnished rooms JLA in new house ; modern conveniences : lo Bentlemon. lu'l Dodge st. 2fiO TjiOIt HEN l' Furnished"rooms for light house JL1 keeping. Hoomoi'S klock , cor Mils Howard. (114 ( : tUINT ! Furnished room , 1810 Dodco. 5M-d-29 F 'OH KENT To gentlemen , largo turnisliPd 1 room wllh largo clo ot. $12 n month. 1712 Ciilltornln st. 317 KHNT ! l rooms unfurulfhoil Btntablo FOH for honsekocplnir , 1017 N 20th st ; npply to M. P. Miulln,310H 15th St. 40. ) "IOH KIJNT-Ono nicely furnlshocl room with I ? ( hst-eli\ bonnl. Ill S.Mtli St. , bet Doug las nnd Dodge. Also day boarders wimtoiL um 20 * > OH Itr.NT Two pleasant newly furnished IJ rooms In nice locality , nil modern convcnl- ciuics , for two or four gentlemen , In small pri vate family. Itcfciences required. Address H 5 , Ileo olllco. 3J5 W > 01t Hixr : Very desirable room suitable ij ' for two , In new homo with every modern convenience , 1911) ) Dodge. 703 FOH HUNT Largo olognnt roomswith closet tfonthfront. 141B Chicago btreot , 810 FOH KENT Two largo rooms lurnlshed for housekeeping , two blocks nuitli of Mlllurd hotel. Iniiniro2. 0 north 13th st. 37121 * F OH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , at 2025 Fnriinm St. J3 21 FFOH FOH HEN'T Newly furnished , hoate.l front room 2.111 St. Jfnry save. 200 POU UK NT Two ulcoly furnished rooms , suitable for a or 3 gentlemen ; lovely Inca. lion with every modern Improvement. 141,1 Jones st ; _ 293 FOH HENT Kiirnlshod room. A. Hospe , ir > 13 Dnuglas et. 911 _ fTlOlt llKNT Kour uulurnhlied rooms Jlor hoiisekpoplng to small family , lo cated on ticoigia nve near bt reel cars. bUrronnd- iugs pka nnt nnd will rent cheap to good parties ; reference required. Address A. Bl.llco otllco. _ _ _ _ 247 EOH HUNT Sleeping roonn , tiirnliheil nnd unfurnished , ntb30 Howard Dec. bib und ! ah. _ _ _ 103 _ "JjlOll HUNT One furnished room orn suite ot Jtwo , with or without board , two blocks frompostollico. Enquire nt 117 a 17th fit. _ 24220 * "II10H HEN1' I'urnlshofl rooms , modern con- JO venlences,3isn. i5thBt. iBJ.-lO- T710H HENT Furnished rooms with or wltb- JC out board , lil'.tn. 19th st. 3)t-20 * FOH HENT rnrnlshod rooms with board , s. u. cor. I'litk n\o. and Lcnvcnworth. Lcnvcnworth.W9 ! W9 21 * Foil HENT Dnslrublo newly furnished rooms I'or gentlemen. Gns , bath nnd fur- nacp boat. 222.1 Dodge. B'OJ15 ' * OlTTtEN'T Furnished nnd unfurnished rooms , ( iruoney bioclc , cor 13th and Dodge , Davis & Iletbui-ington. Mlllard hotel bll * Hard room. 310 2J FOH HE.Vi' Nicely lurnlshed rooms near St , Jlnry's avcniut , fiftl South ISlh streot.ual ! soon. 251 19 * " 171OH rtEN'T Elegant rooms on street cnr -I- line , bath nnd gp.s. , s. w. cor 20lh nnd Webster. 132 1/lOH HENT 3 rooms fjiiilable for housIT K keeping. 7111'ucinost. Hent , J15.01. " 171OH HENT To gentlemen only , two lur- JL nlshod rooms in uood location , 2 doiirs from all cot cursOMO on Mr-it lloor large Iront room , bay wlndovr , gas and leiiister , FJi per mouth , other front room , second lloor , register ami gas , Sin per month , Hetcronco required. Call skT , liTjrarnam st , first floor. nai rou OMAHA VIEW No such n chnnco over he- lore ( itlcnil for M < ( inrlng ele nnt lots nt such low prices. Hoggs XHill. . 413 ib OMA VIPAV I'ul your money intotlip l ninl you nro nuro to double In a jcur. 11318 OMAHA VIIIVS Hpciual pilccs tor IU ( lays then lots will be advanced flOO each. Hovga . HIIIL 413 It , _ _ _ OMAHA VIEW will sell CO more lots only , nt cut prices before nntUing ncnernl advnnco , : Hill. 41318 OMAHA VIl'.W-Qo nnd see th.t lots. They nro tory cholrc. Hlg ipcclntlon itt pn unt II. 41318 OMAHA VIEW Hargtilns for 10 days , thru prices xo up. Hoggs it Hill. 4.3)8 ) ' - for 10dayf.olen geniiral ad\Hiicu. Hoggs A llul 413 in OMAHA VIiTv-0.od UiirgahTs newT 11111. OMAHA VlEW-Iuvoit now H you would mai > o money. Hoggs .V Hill. 4131 < i AJI'.llllASKA properly in pxchnn.-e for nil 1 > kln'tsofravrcliiuidlkt ' ) J. F. Hammond , 117 K lUli > , t. 4'Jl IS OMAHA VIJ'.NV Socniii your lots now pncP ! will bo hdvnnuid In 10 diiye. llogus & Hill. 413 Ix _ OMAHA VIEW ( 'lic.ipot nmi beet lots in clt > cut privoi lor 10 djys. lloyia \ Hill , JIU id FoilTHADE-Hiacifsof bind 4 miles noith of APhhind , fi'eb. ; will trtidu lor ulty proji- crty , go id laud "i-ll Impioied. 4U > Jnerfs wi-IlimpiOk'ud , linil in lowu , will Irnilo for city property or Nebraska lunu , t inlleifrom tiiithru ; CcnU'r. 48lots in IkPiinc-y's uddllinn , 4 miles fiom WtiJU St. Depot in Chicago , will trade for Oina * 1m iiroport- lloiifo and lot for merchandise , H , W. Huntress , 1KH Furnuin at. 401 ift * OSUHA VIEW It .rill pay to buy eomo nf lho-o MliBii ) lots llotrtfi A : Hill. 4IJ IS OMAHA VIEWYOUCJII double yo'iirTnoifoy Inline ycsr < ni tho.te luM ut thupri-suut lowpricwi lliwfr "III , 41318 Car. .IWil''O f-rt. crotrnllylo- cated , will MHMI bo Nu. 1 b'i--ucs5 property IW.W ) , Itop n & Hill , HO * rariium. GILT EDO Hint on Wi fct. nor Harney. 4U IW > ft. omt front. IU1P , fO.C-XS. J. r , Hum- woud-HTsi. ICtbM. TNVE3TMEST-rSO.ooOwiU buy ft property JL that will soon be worth a million , liogps .v Hill , 413 18 _ IN VESTMUN'T-WIll ell 12 lots our f rcond nd- dltlon , for-WWcash. ) Ibxgs A Hill. 413 13 JTAllA \ IliW SiiMich n chance uow"opi"ii for imPMing money as may bo found tn thmo lotS.r-HoirpsA. Hill , 4IJ 18 B K.UTUTI,1ol In llawflinrir n"d7l , 4S\llTTtT I'rlcu. JI.OOO. HOO cnsh , J. IMInmnuiml , 1178. ICth St. 401 IS "ATC ! t KuTtvT Itoal KMiUo \ Loan UrokoiS , Ulfi. DoUKln * trort. A vnlunhlecoinor on Douglas nud 12th st. Cnll for prleo nnd torins. IJiHKU , 2jth st.cabto ( roiuli with now liouso. * f2.70J. OCxl. ; , Nleliolnsst.Pwltoh proiH-rtj , JI.CiiJ. . Snpru4ju < t south of llann'om I'arU , with 8 nine-room hoii'ps. lino. f'.WJ. 41x13,1 , poiner Hninlttnn and Irlno strools. ciplit-rnom hoiifp , new , 4,00. ) . 41x110 , E V. Smithy n.ldltlon . , only one block from eii'lo. lliHi * vnlnable property , * ? 2,0 > 0 Oni'-hnll Hlock. Itlntt's addition , 8AtX ! ) . This U an Inti'stmont. A valuable corner , 6fl.\U. , Dodge und 121h , $10OIU A largn list of South Oimilin proprrtr in which tlioro are big bin gains. 417,2(1 ( BVEHVIIODY-Hiiy nlot In ralklns' : * IO will make your flm payment , and ? 1 nor month thcrcntter will buy a t'J'Hllot. Calkins' nildltlou Is bentllifully sltuatud wn-t of Wnlnut lllll.oii Cumlngp st. Do not HUM this chnncn for n real pstntn Investment in Oinnha. Nuw Is the tln.c. .1 , E. Hammond , 117 S. inth st. 401 IS SI'IEMII ) > HAItOAlN-ln peed homo near " " " ' HroiuUuiy depot , Council Hatcher A. Co. S IOtTIt Onmha lot . lluy otm. IllrKs Ii'17 111 0HOICK iiere pioperty. lllcks V Innhriim 213 S. luth SU IW7 ID /1I1O1CU noretlor plnttlnir. V.X Hicks > VII II A | I A l'AVLollk' Louiit . blk 0 , fiiJOoncli. Loll , Illk 4lliiol-iensli GrcKory .V 1 1 ml ley , itoomel nndy , licdlclt's Now lk,3ios. istiidt. 401 | 7HU SALE-llyPclilosiufor Hros . JU fil4 South loin Hlrort. IPfl feet on 2,1th st near Farnam , will sell all orparl , fmciolots In Fnrunm park , $125 per noro. En y terms , Tula U very desirable for garden- ing. ing.HOncrps , ImprovoJ , near olty , house , burn , crib ! , oto. Cheap nud on ea"v tei ins. Lots In Sctilosingo.1' : } addition S2.1J tn JTMon cusj terms. W ) J 0 BLEOANTi'itM front lots In Han > eoin pmce. Hicks \-lnglirmn. ; it'.7 . IU " - > US Lot.s.Fnrms.Lands money loaned. HOl"US Hemls , room 3 , ItniUo blocK , S. W. cor 15th nud Farnam srts M1 KATTfisTATR AND LOANS-II. H. Hull & Co. 115 S. 15th St fll8 _ _ "V\r [ "K offer for snls or rout good house on CUPS ' i near 17th Bt. on street-car line-lid close to liUBlnoss ; n b.irenln If sold quick ; cnn bu ocou plod nt once. Hicks A. Inghrain , 215 S. 15th st. FOKSALU Pe irlna : toretiro troin liusmuxs , 1 olfvrmy ontlro stock of ( icnonil Mor- chandlso , c > onsl iliitf of Orv Ooods , Heady .Made 1'lothlnjr , IlKtn imrt Caps , Hoots nnd Shoo' , and Groceries. Would tnlio Improved und nnlm- jiroved real eslnto In oxchaiieo for part of amount Oiiu sliow up n oed record ol bust- ness. Address lock bo.x No. 7 , Nortli llcnd , Keb. 327. .1. 15. _ rnili : 11EST INVr.ST.MU.VT YHT OKrr.ltKO- JL 101 iicrcs four mlles southwest iiom post- nlllco. 1 1-1 iiillos fiom stock yiuds ; lies beauti ful : SIM ) per HCIOJ luljoiiilnir property on north Relllnir nt $2" > 0 per ncro. Keller \ Campbell. 1B03 Kiirniun Bt , Hoom 1. _ 412 OUTII OMAHA OM offer sivfo nnd BUIO S proflt. Hlulis& Inghrnm. ! JU7 IU loti > . All the rngc. Hlrks & Tnghrani. 307 111 CMVLIXU OltlJEXOur now addition "iT west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street. Ily selecting lots nt $15' ) for Inside nnd * 17,1 for corners , you will make n good Investment. Terms 10 per cent cash nnd $5 monthly. No charge for showing the tots. Marshall k Lo- beck , 1509 I'nrnam 8t9 OH SALK-Chonp , 20 acres lying west of Walnut Hill In tracts to suit. Will soil all or Sehloslnsor Hro3.fllt S. 10th St. OW 3D \\7 Ilhnvo eonslnut Inquiry for all kinds ot > t business and residence property. If you have anv pioparty lor sulo list the eamo with us Hicks It IriRhrmn , 215 S. 15th Bt S07 1'J rji\I.iSTATin/V.tUAIN : Choice XV lot , near cor. SowaM St. , fronting on Saunders - dors su and paved sr , ; cluvip for ca h. .1. L. Ulco & Co. , over Commercial bunk. 77.1 FOH cho'.co ui'rm for platting Bee HlcktjiV Inghram , 215 8. 1.1th St. 307 19 Ir > AHMS flood bargains on 30 or 40 very 1 clKiice.lnrms , All paying fHlr Interest on Investment. Hoggs & Hill. 41318 _ T71OK SAr.i-r.a ft. tronting on Dodge St. 2 -L ! blocks e-xsl of the postofflco. A bargain at S19.000 ; StO.OOO cash. Marshall i Lobcck. 1.VJ9 tnrnniu. tild II' you want your pioperty sold < | UlcU , list It wllh C. W. .Mount , Estatoand Iiivoat- ment Co.,31H S. 15th St. 315 1'J ' OMAllAcorr.erlotsCOxir.O loetut fB'j SOl'TH to t'lJO. Can't bo bent , Only ono-lourtli cash , balance ' , 2 ui'd ' ! ) years nt 7 percent. Hicks .V Irighrnm. ! iG7 1'J FOIl SALT ! -Finn house and lot avo. Vivo Improved on B15 th St. , from f3,003 10 Lot onfieoiglnnvo. , $2,503 , near I'oppleton. Honso and lot in Walnut Hill , ? 3OUO ; Jl.rtGO cash , balance $25 per month. House and lot , cor. I'opploton nnd Delnwnro ; hns all modern improvements ; heated bv stouni , fiJ.OIii. On OKsy payments. i)5vl4'J ) fpnt on St. Mary's IIVP. A great bar- tram for3'J ' dnyu. c. W. .Mount , HeM Estate and Jiivestui ntCo.,31t > 8,15lh st , 310 ly irOIt HALE-Lot 41x125 , cor. 13th nnd JL1 Dorcas $1,100 Lot 22ft. fronlKKOOn Ix < avou\Mirth sU , be tween I'm K and ( .eorgln nvo 3,000 W\150cor , Virginia nve. mid Woolworth St. , Hunscom place 2,200 Holler.V ( 'nmplicll , 150i ! J'nrnnm St. , Hoom I. 853 20 AIlSTHArrS OK TITLES and titles to ninl cstuto giiainntnd. Midland Uimnnnteo and ' 1'riiBt cainpauy , l.lit.1 Farnam st , :1SO-I'J : > WE oiler two sections of good farm land In Howard county , this state ; price fS.OO to Jii.COpcr ttcie ; n blif bargain it told quick Illukn , v Ingbnun. 307 1'J QI'KCL'LATION-Bouth fronton Iliunnynear O 31 t , $1.501. F.legunt lots. Finest rosldunco epot In city , IlarKUliis. Woith more money Now. 2-Blory , fi-room , linv window hnneo. cost $1,200 to build , lot Mx ( ! 157 , S. 15th ft. $3.100. A tine aero In llelvcdore , flOO , und 2 In New port ut J.TiUdaoh. liipy. ! List your piojioily Mlih Hook , real e'tati' , 15''J Farnam TJI III IF VOU have property to sell Hat It wllh Hleki & Inghram. 215 Smith Fitocntli ft. 3C > 7 10 G ESIJINE HAliOAINH-Tivo corner loU uT llnnlotto court , only 4 blocks from Hiiun- dor's t-trcot onrd. W , M IliiHhman , Hoom 10 , llusbman Illuclf.N IJeor ICth andDuuglas. 017 _ \\7E mo nsi < nti > lor South Omaha lots. 11 id.9 ii \ Inghrnm. 3'IM'J ' NO HFMIllJIl-lxjt fronting two htrootn.hoiKO on ouch end rruiinir lor j jur month ; 2.1th ami 1'iielllo r..Vn. llou-onndliaif-lot , 25th nnd I > altlo. ? l/m. Worthlooklngat. lloiirtd uiul hiilf-loi , llth and 1'ncWo $ lr100. Itctlci'Hiio it. Corner lot llth and l'icillo ; II good hoiuoi ; gnodipnts SS.iiU ) , First-class rcnl n-tat i nioit sayo * illnoonnto , ! . ' , 'S.I ' it ! > adX Jitinlvin , 3HH,15th t. _ H ICKS&INtilillAM urn ngonts for nil the llnc-st loth in llaiiafoni Miico. 307 IU TTlOlt SALK-IW norns lying wivt of V.'nlut J-1 hill In triints to suit. \Vill fell nil or part , fSchk < lllKt < r Ilios. , 014 , io luth at , S iJ M f 1ST your property with Hlckn V lou-liram JLJ for quick Mtlfd. 3U7-1D \\rK liavt * 0'id plaicd in our haiuH for sale I t Mtiooof the llncbt hits In FOPIIT'B ui'dltlon , Tnesoloiaaiu Jijst right for grudc , close to htivi't curi nnd cable linn , nud unjoin Idlou-jld on the couth huro lots nro bdliag for ' .dOQOO to ' 'tOOC'l. Wu ran oifer thosti lot" for u Miort tlniijonlr ut prlcin that will enable Investors - vostors to rfili/ci a handsome prollt. Call nnd bet * t-h em. HiifcsA ; liifhraui , 215 S. ir.tli street. A UI'J. IAN WiLi ; For onvalor , BBS or - couldiilltd to nil ) duptti. llcuvy inuc-hlu- ury. All the in0diM-n midhrwls. Sullifum'o'i gimrniituud > 1. II. Howmun , S.illnn , Kan , Chudiua , Ntb.Ft. Vi.ijno , In.I. , or l.unn , Oluo , ' inoUfcAl.K-lBKir 4lKn2lCL'l.lrJiii'if north JL1 on HrSlol f ret , lul wjy brtw-in dctsunaHuitu , iioirsl-i'ft cir/t t''f wittm front. { > J3 etteh. M c-aiti II.IMI'I-S iu l.nn1J ; ye rd. Additiss 811. HUMl ! < -j , ' -j WECI Itliaohnlcoooincrlotln Soutli Oronlia. r nit : / AUDlTlON-FroiiM PnundPrt KKNDAW/S t outh of llrlt Line. Will clvo tome good bitrwnln * on n few lot * . O. KvndRll. rog. . w. cor. nth nnd Cnllfornin sis. SM 87 IjlOHSALK A now R room eotl-igo near oor. -I-1 llninoy nml 3'd ; lot S-UKQi nil lifot Mary Im provement . Terms ? . " H > ) ono y-nr. | H ) ) 3 yonrt and t70icii4h : ; must be sold. F. It. Wood row , Hrndstreets. 3I'J H" Omnhn lots , 60x150 feel. HICKS A Inghrnm 8C7 19 S\VAN VCO.Frpnror block , opp. po tonifo 15th ht. will offer for asliort tlmobnrrfntna on the following nnmett propertlps : O0t7i < on S. E corner luth nud Diivpnport sin. 22tiooon 3. 15. corner 12th ninl Doncln * sts. futxlirj on S. W. corner 12th nnd Dodge sN Wxl'.Mon S. E. portiiT 17th nnd Davonporl sts. dxRion ! corner ISth andClilcnco its. 44x132 on between I''th nnd 1 1th sts. 32xr 0on lloHiird belM-pen luth and llth cts. 120U32 on IMh tunning to t' . r. track ? . A few choice lots in FoMor'9 addition , A few choice lots in Hliltnf s addition A tew ehiilco lots In Orchaid Hill. And the largest H t of lauds for nto or Irndo of any tlrtn in Omah.t. Wo wiint $ I03UJ > ) vorth of nicrchnndHo In excimnto lor lands nud Omaha property. \W \ ! 21 TpINEHt'Slilenre lot on Oporpln nvo. , North of l.p.ivpnwoith , 5ixHD tor n few days , nt I'5. ' , f SjO cnsh , bnl. 1 , 2 , 3 nmi 4 J cats , tlrcpory .V Hadlov. Ilootns Inudtl , Hodlck's new blk. , 370 s. IMh. and finer residences will bo built In MOltU lliinsooin place this comliic season than evpr before , t'lillnhd securn n cholpp locution for n bpnutlf nl hnnio before It Is too late , Illoks IH17 IH 1.1 ANPOOM I'LACU-Lots on tend st. , near J ' tlio 1'ni-k nt t'.IM to f2'li . On ( leuiglfi nvp. tionr Hickory st. . $1,701 * to $ tI > in. On TOth st. near the I'nrk , Tl.fXiO. On Virginia nvo near Woolworth at f 2,000 to f..SiO. On Plill Shnrldait fit near lllo'iorynl ' $1,57.1. . mo. , etc. , etc. Wo Imveuny number of lots In thin addition , also houses an 1 lot ? . Homo ot the beat homes In the clly. Oipgniy Allndloy. . Itooms 1 nnd 3 , Kcdlcu's now Illk , 02J S. 15th st. 40il 1JIOK SALE Lot fiflxn * . feel on Davenport .L1 bpt tllh nnd 12th atici-ls with 2 houses , flMVW , f . ' , uK ) cnih nnd lonir time. Wo have n large list of inside pity proppitf both tmMinnsgniid rosldc-nce , Hist class. 1'nr. ebnsurs will do well to sue us. Marshall & Lo- buck , l.VJ'.i Faannm- 1 7 TlHfcilOM'r. LOT.-s-KpiidHlrs"nddltlou , Snun- -I dcis ht , Just south of I It'll Line II. It. , $100 to JSO.i. inoiithly payments. Will build housb If wnntol , I ) . Kendall , IPS. s. w. cor. 17th nnd CilllloininftK IW27 YOU wnnt n bpnutirul slip lorn home call FF and lot us show > ou the lots nunre now of- fcilui ; In Hnnicom place. Hluks & Ingluam. _ _ _ Ki7Jl ] TTIOHSALE- ! ! 7xit2on : rarnam , very oheiip $ hsviiKon Viitnnm , splendid barijaln Mix Mil on inth fit south of viaduct ft.503 ; i3vl : _ on Humpy IB.Oifl JSltlWon Dodge Ifl.OlO Flue lot Drnko's add corner l.'Wl Two lots Itedlck'h2nd mid each f J,2M , f.OO cash good Invnstmont , foiv da ) s only. MxlK Itedlck's'Al add , two htory house , for $3.500. $1.001) ) cnch. South Kiidon t front In South Omntm for JCOO , f'rti.'iO cash ; bargain. EajtSOft lot II. Hasans , block from cars , f 1.50D. Lot H InfilJ , Hedford place , south front , Jf700. Lot t3 In 3 , Richmondfnnlh trout on l.uavoii- worth , Sfi'M. $250 cash , H sold soon. Hoifo nnd lot ponth Iront on llainey , f",100 , North Investigation. Hood Inside and outside Investments , List your property for < | itul ! < 8tilos wllh Ooorgn M. roopor , Heal Fstnto and Investment - mont Co , IMS' Fnrnnm. 21S 1H Sorril OMAHA-Our books show n Inrgo list of piopeity In and around South Omaha whom money is being made now and will bo doubled in tlio spring. Hnslnesslotson M. N. ( ) . , 2.1th , 20th and Hollo- vuo streets. Kesldeuco lots and houses nnd lotslnsyndi cate land , Fowler I'lacu , I'ottori ; Cobb'saddl lion , etc. Gregory .illadloy , Hoomsl ulid3 Hcdlck'e new blouk J U. 15th st , 407 ' n cholco lot In Hmiscom 1'hico bufoio they nro nil gone. Hicks It IiiRlntun. 3 7 1'J "VTEW lloiiho In Hanscom 1'lnco , $1.UOU ; $1,000 Jcnsh , balance $2.1 per month. C. W. Mount , Heal Estate und Investment Co. , 318 S. 1.1th st , 315 19 AX3CO.M Pr.AClltii"iiro KoTnirfafct. Ho- euro 11 choice site for n homo before they nronllirouo. HluCs c In/thrum. / 307 11) ) F INI5ST corner lots in Iliinsuoin 1'lncn. Hlcl.s &lnrliiun. : ; > U7 19 K HAT'K cointitnt miiiiry | for nil Kin-Is of buxInussaiKl resldnnco property. If you have any propci ty tor Hnlo list biitno 'with us. Pchlcslngcr llros ,014 S lOlh ht. 85't JO S\\ what you will , property on sale by the Omaha I ton I I tnto \ Trust Co. , considering location und jirlpoi. Is the Most luvnstninnt m the mnrltnt A thorough ImoMU'iitlun will eonvlncn the mo t skeptical. I'lopcrty well bought Is twice sold , and persons who have nurehiiKcd throiiKh Sanndom & lllniubnugli have never tailed to nniUo money Constant tncit'asnot business tells tlio story. I'alrilenl- Inir. courteous nifuil , live nnd lot live pol icy must win. Thnlr largo list or innldo prop- city Is of the host , ninl tlio ( 'nuul Impioro- ir.iuiu in HiKl uioiiiiil their ll\n nddlllons. with Kelt Line nccnmmmlitt Ion and street car soon to come , must certainly insult In Inriio prollti to inostors. . Nothing risked , iiotliliitc gained. He WISH unit buy Irom the Kntnlo iVTrusl Co , 1501 Fiirniini st. , wlioio i > ue efs will bo sine lo follow your purchases. Head the following partial lUt : Lota in Waalilni.-ioii K > | iiaro for $1,100 to (2.10X Sherman nvuniio IIRVCI ! In ironl of this addi tion nnd elly water In front of every lot. LolsSnundorH A : HIinuhHiigh'x ndil \Valnut Hill trom J4OI lo $7011only V. blouko from Holt Jjlno depot and Ihur hlntloii of Mo. I'aclllo. Mt. riciisant addition Irom t-uy to $3.10--ono- tenth down. SaimduiB .V Hlmnhnugli'M Highland Park nd d lots f roiii fli'Ii to M ) $45 down and Iml. Intl or f 10 monthly payniviltii. rot In Kllhy I'lacd for f l.OOOto f lGuo. Lots In ClarondHii tl.Ufl lo f I.COO , Lnts In Cntrtlpn I'lnce , J'-no to ? lm LotB on North L'Oth btrnot lor f 'J.iKiO lo f'l.M * . Lotu on Hmiinlora street , $ I , X ) to tir 00. &omo of thoiiu nro oust lionts. rcntrnl lots On Dodtrr it. On Cupllol nvunuu. On INiriiain ht. On Slxtoi'iilh st. Toisons wlshintr to Invint In flisl ela < rop- ( irly unit al romoiinlilo prices uru Invited ( o calf and BCU in , us wn nnvo property of nil dn- rriiitloiis Mint In nil locations. Omnhu Heal liMnlr & Trust Co. , 1501 I'Ariiiimjtt. 411 ao Fl ! Itl'NT-Honsi ) , 4 rnonis , uorner Phi Hlii < rldati and llowanl sts. Hou < ) , ! i rooms , nil modern Improvements , Ilnrney and 20th Mi. Ninr brick stnro. north Ifith st 4 now mnrm nnur lluacaH'a hotel , south 13th K | . , (15 pur month. llrivk woiuhousu on It. K. truck and paved street 3rd story Itnrkor bnllC.tii , ' , 15th und I'nvnnin , fifJ fcdtd'iuarc. 0. M. Muyiio , 15th and llnrnuy. 2"7 ! 0LI < ntnl select n oholco ( iniiuir In South Omaha. Hicks & liiuhnim. 3J7 IU O l'KINO VALLEV. O Our now addition Aoroi J ; .H ) to J27 pur acr > . Near t-iiulli Onirthn , And > dlcato Hill. Marshall Ar l.obno'.t , MB IM1 'pKN ncrcs lor platting near Holt Line Ity. , n 1 litrmiln If aul.l at mitt1. IIuksV ! Inghrum. M5 S. 15th ( it BUT la _ \TICE i < o.ilh Ironl lot , Inrlng HniHeom I'urk. J.i A bargain tor ten dntH Hlckd > * v iiubrnui. HOPHIts Lots.FurniH.LandH--money loaned , flumii' , room I ! . HiiikLT bio k , H. W. cor , 1Mb nmi Fnrnam BH. W4 IIV South Qmnhti corner lota. Hlcka ft B " \\TEaro ntiihor/.t ! l lo Invest ? 20oyj in tin- > l inovd.l msiilo properly. What hnvojoii to offer Wu iiicanbuslneaS , Mend & ; Jumlusou. 3lb.S , 15lh St. 571 ! rnci Am HI AND iiuiLi > Kits-i > ianH JL ami epuclhVnlion * nro fcoilullod by tlio Ilonil of l lueailon of the Suliool District ot Omaha , Count ) ol Douichs , tatu of NobrnFUa , for u U or It ! room two story nnd ImBinnotit brick school biiildln-r to bcoionlod on the High School groniulB at un lutimatut co-it ol < ( ' > , - O'j'Jtkjloru ' t\io-f.t < irv and basumunt 12 unnr. bliuK tchool bulliliuir 10 bo orn-iol on the souUiMi'j ! corner or 2-ih and \ ( \ Inii.r airoet-tut un tieilin.itoil uobt ol f : > , < iHUj , unit foi un 4 room nnd IHINOIIHTU briu , . tK'u ( . ! biuldiiig to 'to erected on the northo'ist oornur of 2-It ) ( nnd J4iir < l8iioits at un ostlmiital toil of t' 1,007.00. Tim ot E-luiutlon oltoru the loild'.tliir promi mis , for thn throe piano luboiu- Ij-ftml ly thuin. forilut biill'llnirt , on tlm High Hcliuol grontM und alh anil Webster Btro'iH ; Ut I'romium , . . .t' 10 fX ) 1 ! < 1 " 15) ) m ild " . . 7iiO I'rpiiuuin ( or rlitiutuM spvoiit | ( t oiiib ndoptoil bj tliu Hoar I i < Uull bo < yinvlcr-l part puyinou H UPI | bull i n.-s uru i rt'itf 'J. The H 'Hi-1 Viburvu' the light , to jojtct u'ny or till plans , und nn lu-Miny Mill bo paid lor roJcUtiil I'luna. I'luna.y ord.or of the llomd b'f I'.diipotlon OHAHLt.a