fo A ? * * * ? * ? ( i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1886. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS MONDAY MORNING DKC. 20. OFFICE , WU. 12 , PEARL STHEET. lirlltutd bj tftiiitr In nnj jinrl of tliecltynl twenty itiitsi > cr neck. M. W.Tiuo.v , Manager. TKMII'UONKS : Hc i ? > rffiOiTiCt. No. < J. NIUIIT liimoit Ko. ! J. Ml.NOll .MKXTION. N V. I'lmnlmiK Co. Publishers' book . ulc. ! ' . Wilcliur has bcun nrrustctl for being drunk. Milliters of nil sorts mill kinds nt Hark- ners Hros' . Complete sets of Dickens for ij-t.oO at llnslmell's. Htirliorn for bargains. Centervllle coal -tl l > cr ton delivered. A Overtoil. 1W ! Main. Tliero will bo a meeting of the I'liion Veteran Legion this evening. Silk handkerehiufs both \vhito and col- 01 H Embroidered handkerchiefs from JO to iflt.DU nl Hnrkncrs Hrotliers. Thi ! ease of Tom Hrooks e.omes up be- foie Judge Ailc-wortli this morning at 10 o'clock. Hugs in all si/.e , very cheap at I lark- ness Hrothers' . Olliccrs from Omaha wore .yesterday here looking for a fellow who .stoleJo" ) in Omaha .Saturday nielli. Don't misH seeing tlio lnJidaj novelties at Ihirkncss Mro . ' . Thu trial of "tho major1' will br eon- tinned lo-tlav wovided Judge J.oofbun- roi.s Vtoll enough to attend. I Elegant line of lace scarfs and tiselmes- , just the thing for Christmas , at llarkne-s IJros. ' . Thu ICnipIiN of Labor local u emhly will elect ollleurs for the ensuing \ear a week from next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Dougherty has been engaged as matron of the new Cottage Home hos pital. She is a deserving widow lady. In order that the members of the Han- tibt church might unite with the Salva tion army in the opera house , no services were held last evening. Don't fail to bring the children to see .Santa Clans with his sleigh load ol toys , books and good things for the children at llarkness HrolhcrV. This evening at7 : ! > 0 oV-lock there will lie an important meeting the ol- lice of Me-si-s. Udell H : > ? . & Co. , tor the purpose of orgaiii/ing a boating associa tion. Stamped ( Idles , splashers. dre # ing-ease rovers , sideboard .scarfs , towels , ete. , in all sorts and kinds , vcr.j cheap at llark ness Brothers' . The cily council will not meet this evening , the aldermen being afraid to meet the Tenth avenue ordinance , which is on its third and linal reading ; also the Indian creek settlement. For sale or exchange for clear land , Council Blurt's or Omaha property a most promising and fashionable trotting two year old Mallion , standard bred. Ad dress P. 1 $ . Hunt , Harlan , la. A fellow giving his name , at O. F. Wright , who is booked as being drunk and carrying a billy , will bo tried before tlio police-judge this morning. He soars high in selecting an alias. The new ice rink will be completed in about a'week , and why not make your boy a present of a pair of skates. Cooper A : MeUco have the genuine acme. The funeral of the tale Mr. J. II. Keesee will be held this aiternoon at 3 o'clock at the family residence , corner of Third and Worth streets. Tlio inter ment takes place in Fairview cemetery. The colored people will give a mas querade on thu night of December i.'l , in Bloom & Nixon's hall on 1'carl street , nt which they will serve a possum supper with "Charlie" Crump as "do carver. " Among the arrests made early Sunday morning is one .1. Smith , who will this morning answer to the charge of being intoxicated and kicking over signs. Ho put up his watch and chain for his appear ance. Mrs. Alex Oberl , who wa placed in a ward in the city jail latu Sal unlay night , ho as to allow Mime one to care for her sick husband , has been allowed to return to her homo with the promise that .she will allow Aleck proper care and attend ance without her interference. Marshal Vanta ol. of Indianola , who arrested Joseph 1'atterson , alias C. F. MeCoo , in Omaha , was in thu city yester day looking around while waiting for last night's east bound train to start. He goes to Dos Moinei for a requisition. I'littcrooii lias been under indictment fcinee It-bo for grand larceny at Indianola. I'Mdio , son of I' . J. and Carrie Hanson , nged three years , one month and seven days , died of pneumonia at 8.10 a. in. yesterday. Oing to the sickness of hii in-other , Freddie , the funeral will take place from the residence of his grand- jmrcnts , II. C. Hanson , No. sas Upper Washington avenue , at 'J p. in. to-day , Friends ot the family arc iuvited to at tend. The dear old grandmother has finally learned that James ijiiinn's trial takes place in Now Albany , Ind. , in February , but in her scrap book yester day bite , in her dotage , failed to contra diet the statement she made a week age that ho had had his trial and was to In hung. The Nonpareil is a little late , bin if she d put on her eyeglass and read tin JJr.i : she would have discovered a weol ago that "James Leo , " as he was knovvi here , has never had his trial. See that your books are made bv Moore house it Co. , room 1 , Kvorott block. Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main L. H. Crafts & Co. are loaning mono : on all classes of chattel securities at one half their former rates , See them befon beeuring your loans. liny Christmas wares of W.S. Homer ACe Co , No. ' „ ' ; ! Main street , and save mono1 by ho doing. To "See Naples and die'1 may bo vor good , but to own a New Era clothe' washer and live out a life happ' teems more sensible. Substantial abstracts of titles and rea estate loans. J. W , A : K. L. Smiiro. Nc 101 I'earl street , Council Hlull . Notice Opera house barber shop , ball rooms re-opened. Stoves ! Stoves I Stoves ! tor the nex thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves a cost for cash only. 1' , C. DiVoi. : . Special lithium Sale. For this week only wo will sell ull-sil ribbons as follows ; Jvo. 'J. JVb , 3 , Xo , J , JVu. 7 , .Vo. 0. Xo. 7 : Jo. 4o , fie , b'o , lOo , ISo nt 11. Friedman's , No.lOD , Uroadway. Wo hnvo line largo line of Christmn novelties that wo are selling cheapc than ever was knuwai , also mnillers. sil handkerchiefs , ladies' ' and gents' glove clothing , line sealskin caps , ee. JOHN UEXO & Co. A line , largo Uno of tlio most elega ; welches , chain * , silver and plated wur < decorated China ami glassware , suitab for holiday and weddinsr presents , at ( 1) ) Jaeiiuouiiu & Co.'S , < o. 7 Mai btreeU SUNDRIES FROM SUNDAY , Some of the Utterances of the Pulpits and Doings of the Pews. STOLEN GOODS RETURNED. nclter Street CnrKncllltlcs-Uimioi-otl Sklji ofn Collector of Cliailtlcs TinSnlvnUon Army Coming I2\ciit . Tlio Opera House Srr\ Ice * . La.'t evening in the opera hou e ser vices \\eie held by the Salvation Army. The house was crowded to overflowing , many per onf < bcinp compelled to remain standing and the top gallery war nearly tilled , A more promiscuous audience never assembled in this city to hear the word of God. It was composed of all plii1 ! " in "oeiety rich and poor , male ami female. There were gamblers , saloon keepers , merchants , the rich and the poor. Many , in fact the majority prcc- out , wore there through curiosity. 11 was estimated by Manager Doliany that 1,000 persons were present. An admis sion of 10 cents was charged. The Mage was occupied In members of the unity and recruits that nave been en- lifted in the eily , the meeting being presided - sided over by Colonel Dowdie , of Kng- land. The . ' ervices consisted of prajing , singing and short talks , in which the s > in- ners weie invited to seek salvation. To-night in Doliany's old opera house , on Bryant street , the recruits of the army , who have joined it in this eily , will be sworn in , and an admission of 10 cents will bo charged. Colonel Dowdie will answer all ques tions to night that may bo handed in to him in writing , in re gard to the workings , etc. , of the Salvation Army , as many erroneous ideas and rumors are alloat , in regard to the same. This allernoon at ! > o'clock in the Baptist church Colonel Dowdio will give a lecture , at winch everybody will be welcome. _ Healing stoves at cost to close them out. AV. A. Wood , No. 501 Main street. Dr. Hanchett , oIllceNo. 10 Pearl street. Residence 120 Fourth street. Telephone No. 10. "Sister Dora. " There was a large and very attentive audience at St. Paul's ' church last even ing to hear the lecture civcn to young ladies by the rector , Rev. T. J. Mackoy. He sharply rebuked that unfortunate and foolish state of social life , winch resulted in girls being brought UP with a notion of doing no practical work. The society young lady was given a polite educa tion , could play the piano , paint plaques , do fancy work , but had no practical aim in life. It was too frequently the chief aim ot such a life to get married. Such a woman was more of a help-eat than a help meet. The husband's income by her evtravaganl and unwis-e management was more of an outcome than an in come. This aimlessnci-.s of life was frequently not so much the fault of the young women as of those who had their training in charge , and the fault ot the society with whoso customs they sought to comply. In order to inspire some thought of no bler work and higher living the speaker gave a briot but vivid biography ol Sister Dora , a young English woman , who sacri ficed much to devote her life to charitable and especially hospital work. The work accomplished by her was marvellousami bho proved a worthy example for others to follow. In closing ho urged the young women not to wait until some great work was demanded of them , not wait idly for some high position to open , but to do faithfully the li'tle ' , evcry-day duties. There was plenty of work , easily found for those who would seek. The duty nearest at hand should be done and would lead to their duties. Work , helping others , making the world Imp- pier and better , such .should bo the aim. They .should catch the .spirit of Sister Dora , who even at the last shrank from entering into the last re t prepared for such a saint , because "there seems so much work yet to no. " There should be such an anxiety to work as to one to even begrudge the time for meals and lav sleep. "BjiifV : : PifKUUs. " Operetta. Reserved - served scat.s now on .sale at BiishneH's , price 50o. Get your .seat at once. Masquerade suits at Mrs. J. E. Mot- calf's for rent. None cheaper west ol Chicago. A l > 'oHunt. . At the Congregational church yester day morning tlio pastor , Rev. G. \ \ . Crofts , preached an excellent set mon on the text , "Take us the foxes , the little foxes that spoil the vines , for oui vines have tender grapes" lie pictured very vividly scones in the vineyard , and drew many practical Ies ons from the growth of the vino. He urged his hearers to beware of the .small sins and to cherisl : the tender inipul.-cs. The lesser iins , tin evil inlluence.s , wore especially danger cms , as they were considered insigniti cant and not suflioiently guarded against The children should bo watched over a1 tender yine.s giving promise of muci rich fruitage. They should bo guardeii closely. In the elder persons every righl impure , however slight , should bo cher ished , and every wrong one promptly re strained , Ho portrayed how the angri thought when cherished might dovoloT into the deed of blood , and how tlu slight sin , if not thrust out , might develop velop into some most grievous one. Tin sermon was throughout a fruitful one and numerous truths were taught eon corning chielly the importance of littli things. Special Sale. At Mueller's , No. 103 Main streo to-day special sale of albums. To-morrow Special sale of line plusl goods , such as toilet , dressing and ode eases , manicure , cull' and collar boxes Come anil sue the linest stock at lowcs pr'ccs. ' Over $100 worth of presents free to on cu.stomcr.3 on February 1. One chaiic with each 25o purchase. Moore & Kip linger , No. 411) ) Uroadway. Co 111 I iltf The dates booked by Manager Dohan from now until February 1 are as belo\\ December 21 Operetta , "Berry l'icl > ers. " December 21 and 25 , with Christina matinee Efh'io Ellslci1Vomau Aguim Woman , " January fi Joe Muriihy. January 7 and tj "Cold Day on th Laulands. " January 10 Harry Minor's "Hilka. " January 1U Haneli JJo. 10. " January 22 VA'cston Bros. January 21 "lUo Grande" company January 111 Florence lijndloy. An elegant line of short wraps , uov uiurketii , etc. , cheap , to close them out. JOHN BE.NO & Co. W. S. lirpwn Xot a K. iif U Coi'NCii. BI.VITS , Dec. 10 , Editor Br.i Plenso allow mo 'space enough in yoi paper to contradict a statement in th morning's Nonpareil to the ellbct tin W. S. Urown , who is reported to ha\ collected money for the aid of Mrs. We Johuion and tiieu run away with tl .uionpy ho collected wn < s a member of the JC Ijightfi of Labor. This is not so , his name not being on the books of the as sembly J.ierc , Respectfully , R , N. WHITTI r.siv : , F. S No. 1008 , K. of L. Hotter Street Cnr 1'aelHilcP. There has been much speculation as to the intention of the Council IHutrs street railroad in putting on estra cars. One of the HUB men yesterday in his rounds met Win. H. Htirns , the general agent ol the Union Pacific and manager of the street railway , and asked what in formation he t'ould give the public in re gard to putting on the now cars and run ning cars more frequent. He stated that spine of the material for thrswitches had not yet arrived , but if the weather would permit he hoped as soon as possible to complete the'.switches and sitlo tracks and have the extra cars , that are now here ready , riinnlnc before spring , and as < eon as this can be done the car will run oftcner and the entire length of the track. Tlio S Below : s a li t of twenty presents which will be distributed on January 1 , 18S7 among tho-o who hold tickets. E\cry 50 cent purchase entitles you to one ticket. Fiiist Piti : i.NrOne large Music Box , $75.00. Srroxi ) PiM'Pt.vr One line Lady Doll , four feet high , $ : tU)0. : ) TIIIUD PHUMNT : One. Musical Cigar Holder , $15.00. Fonmi PitisiNT : One Musical Cigar Holder , * 12.50. Firm PisusuxT One line drcscd Doll , Boy , $8.00. Six 111 PIIIMXT : ; One line dressed Doll , $7.00. Suvi.vrii One line Doll , $ ( ! .00. Eicirni PiiKsiixT One Toilet Set.sf5.UO. NINTH PitisUNr : one Fancy \\ork \ Basket , § 5.00. TUMII PII-UXT : : One Fancy WorkBasket Basket , $5.00. EI.UVU.NTII PitusuxT One Odor Case $2.7.5. Twuu'ni ] 'IIJM.NT : : One Odor Case $2.50. TminT.r.NTii PIIUSU.NT One Toilet Ca e $2 50. FontiuKvm PKUSUST One Hisiquo Figure $2.25. l-iniiUM'ii Pitr-sUvr-Onc Blsiqne fig ure $1.75. SIXIU-.MII PII : > IM' : One Cup and Saucer § 1 , 75. SuvuNTUUNru PIDM-.NT One Cup and Saucer$1.50. . KitJiitui.XTii PiiusT.XT Ono Pair Vn es sM.OO. NixiniM'ii : : : Pii : : < r.XT--One Statuary $1.50. TWUN n u i n Pituscvr One Swiss House -$1.00. BWe sell our goodOower than any other bouse in tlio eitv and invite an inspection of goods and prices. Mrii.i.ii : : : Mr.sir COMTANV. No. 10 ! ! Main Street , Council Blull's. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat intil you lo'ok at those tit Mctc.df Bros' ' Hard and soft coal , best quality , all M/cs. Mi ouri and Iowa wood. C. B. 'net companv , 50 ! ! Uroadway. Tele- ihcno 1UO/ The Stolen Property Upturned. The trunk that Woodford and Sulli- MI shipped by express to Ottumwa , con- aining .some of the properly stolen rom Mrs. Davis' store in Omaha , and ordered returned to this city , has arrived , nit is still in charge of the express com- wny , as Judge Aylesworth was out of bo cilv yesterday , and consequently no search warrant could bo issued. To-day lie olliccrs will examine the trunk. It is iiipposed to contain most of the prop erty stolen. "Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main st. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and very form of domestic elect ! ical appli- unces at the New York Plumbing1 Co. Tlio Ai'iny of tlio Ijortl. Colonel Dowdie. of the Salvation army , ivill lecture in the Baptist church at ! ! Vclock this afternoon. All diri.stians , as well as all others , are invited. The col- ) iiel is a very pleasing speaker , and this will be his last day in the city. On ac count of this meeting in the Baptist church. the meeting announced lobe held it the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 1 o'clock , will ' ) c omitted to-day. Order your carriage and secure your ckots lor the grand Christinas Eve Masquerade ot the Sons of Veterans , at Bushncll's book store. Now goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirkland's , jewelcr.Js'o. ; 121 ! Broadway. Skipped Willi Subscriptions. 11 is rumored that W. S. Brown , who icted as one of a committee to solicit subscriptions among his railroad co- laborers , for the relief of Mrs. West Johnson , whose husband was some time since run over and killed at the transfer , lias skipped out. taking quite a largo amount of the funds that ho had col lected. Brown has been employed as a car repairer at the transfer , and lias previously borne a good reputation. Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from $1.50 up. up.M KIT-AM' Bitos. Robert Wylio is in the city visiting his sister. F. II. F.astman , of Ida Grove , was in tlio city yesterday. L. C. Lomhardt , of Imogeiio , was a Blull's visitor yesterday. Recorder-Elect Thomas has moved to this city and now resides at No. 025 Blull street. Harry Inman , who has been laid up for several days , was out yesterday morning for a while , J. C. Morgan , of Kearney , Neb. , form erly editor ot the Globe of this city , was among the callers at the White house Saturday. Charles Adolf and wife arrived yesler- day from Kansas to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs , Peter Beelitelo , the parents of Mr.s. Adolf. Rev. J , H. Malcolm , pastor ol the Pres byterian church of Chirinda , has received a llatloring call to become pastor of one of the leading Chicago churches. C. A. Boyd , of Minneapolis , was an Ogilen guest yesterday , but loftlast night for Kansat. City on business. Ho will re turn to spend Christmas hero among his old friends , W. E , Butler has been appointed ofli. cial reporter for Judge Deemor's court. He has served in tiiat capacity in tin Third district for thirteen years. Ho am his wife are expected to remove to this city shortly. "Mr UOCTOK'S HIM. for Ilia past font yours has not been $10 , " writes F. G liniloy , of ao South Oth street , Dayton. O Ho had Vertigo , Indigestion , Great Nervousness vousness , Inflammation of the liladdcr Kidney Disease Bleeding Files Eighteen bottles of Warner's safe cun permanently cured him , as he will tel you if you write and enclose a stampei envelope. Ask your friends mid neigh bors abqut Warner's Eiifo cure. Don't fail to call t W. W. Chapman1 ! early Monday morning and see his ele gant line of pictures , easels , articles to ducorattng , etc. , before going elsewhere A SPKUAI. discount on pictures one wcel only. GIH Studentsnt Harvard. 1JO5TOX , lre. ) 10.-The Harvard alines s now seven Tears ' old , and ninety-three girls of sweet'scventcen , 01 thereabouts , nrc enrolled upon its catalogue ; last year hero were only fifty-live girls in the col- cgc , so that this is the most prosperous ear in the history of Harvard. Queer chool for women. Of the charming lincty-three , twenty-two are taking full work , while the remainder arc taking pceial courses , twenty-one taking only one apiece. The students come from hirly-two dilVerent .school ? , from the fol- owing States. : California , I ; Indiana , 1 ; owa , 1 ; Massachusetts , 60 , Now llatnp- hire , 1 ; New York , ! ) ; Rhode slaml , 1 ; Illinois , 1 ; Kansas , 1 ; Maine , 2 ; Minnesota , 1 ; Pennsylvania , 1 ; Ohio , 2. The following arc the more loptilar Indies in order- English , Latin , icrman , Greet. , History and French , i'ltcro were two graduate * at the last commencement , one of whom received n crtilicato of linal honors. Two ineiii- iers of the sophomore class received , certificates of second-year honors in the classics at the same time. The demander or instructors trained in the Harvard iiethods is rapidly increasing , and the innox is unable to ( ill tlio demands mude ilioii it , which would seem to indicate n > ro < poroiis future for the school. "The icalth of our students , " says the instruct ors "lias been satisfactory during the car , and in fact our experience thus far irovcs that there is no danger for a voinan in a collegiate course of inslruc- ion , provided it is not combined with lalo ipurs in the parlor mid ball room , No lisposltion is shown to Hill with the larvard students. " Mrs. , T. T. Richcy , 5(121th ( avenup , .ouisville. Ivy. , was a continued inva- id for cloven years , daily expecting loath. Doctors pronounced her trouble o be neuralgia , temalo complaints and ivery other known disease. For months icr loft side was paraly/ed. Could leither cat , sleep nor walk. Finally the loclors gave her up. She then began to ise Warner's safe cure , and November f , 1885 , she wrote : "I am as well to- lay as when a girl , and feel about twenty ycarsyounger. Warner's safe euro has vorked a miracle in my ease. " Mrs. { iehoy will gladly answer stamped in- jtiiricd. Millinery goods at cost for next " 0 lays. Mrs. W J.Scolo.s , No. 2 : ! ( ! Broad- vav. If//tf.sf / ll'lHtt IIOII ll'idll / ' ! ' t'ht'islHW.s' . ( it leu wses of JTowltics esiH'riallfi for Clirintniun. Yon can Jiu < l nearly EVERYTHING Von ivdnl ( iniouft tlicin and the ) irt- crtttirc t'a'ii Ion : i'p ufmtjiift ivi'clt'cd < i in1nit'c / Jot oj Lace Scarf a ( tint IVsclins , t presents for i/on to inaltcio IJOIll' IVifC. Our assortment is large , of Silk Hand- -icrchiefs , Mufflers , Kmbroidored add Hemstitched Handkerchiefs , Kid Gloves , Silk Dresses , etc. , etc. Table Linens Elegant Table Linens in pattern and by the yard , and napkin- mati.-h. We are .selling In all si/s ! at nominally low jiricos. Conic and look over our largo . toek and yon will lind on sonic one of onr three lloors somelhinir you will want and you will .save money by buying it of us. Wo do not give lottery tickets and con sequently yon do not have to pay any u price lor the oods. BARENESS BROS. , THE HEATON FUEL CO Will bitpp'y you with a cleaner and bcttei quality of OAL Than any one in the city. A tiial will con vince you. No C2S Broadway. Telephone 110. CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council HI u fib having And all mo 'era improvements , 215 , : > 17 and 21'J Main st. MAX MO1IN , Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Hardsi WAV , COUNCIL HU'FF.S , Oi)0tlto | | Uiiiamy Dci > ou _ _ _ _ . _ Horses und mules kcjit constantly on hfiud , for sale nt retail or in ear loads , Oilers promptly Hllcd by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , SiiLUTEit & lioLKV , Troprictors. Telephone No.U. \ . Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , cornel 1st. avoautf4tu street. HUNDREDREE GIFTS To Bo Given Away Bj Henrj Eiscman & Oo.'s People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January Ifilh , 18H7 , Consisting of Furniture , Ctttniuvnrc , ClotliliiCi UlntiUctn , Table Utien , Notions , Money , Silk Droxs Pat- tcrii , lto. ] , 15 tu. For every two dollar's worth of goods pm-cha cd , you will receive a coupon liekct , good for one chatiee in the follow ing Grand Presents to be given away by us on January Kith , 18S7 : FIRST PlH/E-Ono suite of Parlor Furniture , consisting of sofa , tete-a-tcto and tour grand eaty chairs , all uphol stered in assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth $12. . SECOND PRlZE-Ono Mahogon.y Bed Hoom Suite , consisting of BedMcad , Dresser and Wash Stnndof elesranl liuis-li with beveled glass , worth $100. T11IHD PRI/E-One of the very best six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic' Sew- nig Machines. Tin ; very best machine in the I'nltetl States , worth $05.00. FOURTH PRIZE Twenty yards Guinelt best eros grain Black bilk , coat ) * : U > 0 per yard , worth $00.00. FIFTH PRIZE-One elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bn made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $ (10.00. ( SIXTH PRlZE-Onopairof llio linest White Blankets made by the Pioneer Woolen mill , of California , worth * 10.00. SEVENTH PRIZE-Onc beautifully Decorated Dinner ami Tea Set , consist ing of one hundred ami forty pieces , worth $ ,7..00. EIGHTH PRIZE-An Elegant Seal Skin MnIT , worth $110.00. NINTH P1UZE-A very fine Paisley Shawl , worth $ (1,1.00. ( TENTH PRIZE-One Angora Reaver Shawl , worth $ ! ! 0.00. ELEVENTH PRI/E--OIIP Gentleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the winner , worth 135.00. TWELFTH. FR1ZE--A C.emlemau's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth $1)0.00. ) TH1UTEENT1I PR1RE - Ono Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of ! 1 and 10 years , to bo chosen by the lucky party holding the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIZE-Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of II and 10 years , to bo selected by the winner. Worth $ in.OO. FIFTEENTH PRIZE-One Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIX'l EENTII PRIZE - One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIZE-One piece of 50 yards "I1 mil of the Loom" muslin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half doxcn of theverv Celebrated "Gold" white Miirts , of which we are the exclu sive agents , worth if'J.OO. ' NINTEENTII PRIZE-Onc Fine Silk Mutller , worth $5.00. TWENTIETH PRIZE One Linen Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth ami a Do/en . .Napkins worth $10.00. TUENTV-FIRST PRF/E-A CaMi Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22Ono Toilet Set. No. 23 One vcrj line Doll , No. 21 Ono Handkerchief Bov. No. 2.1 Ono elegant Hand Bay : . No.2i ( One large Doll. No. 27 Ono Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No. 2 ! ) One Toboggan Cap. No. : ! 0--One Table Scarf. No. ill One line Splasher. No. ! ! 2 One line Lunch Basket. No. ! J1- ! One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. ! ? One-half define Towels. No. ; ; 5 One Silk Umbrella. No. IW-Onc line Doll. No. 117 One set China Dishe.- , suitable for little folks. No. ! 18 Ono Brass Broom Holder. No. ISO One pair .Men's Silk Suspend ers. ers.No. . ' 10 Ono Silk Handkerchief. No.II One nice Doll. No.12 One-half doIndie's line Linen Hand kerchiefs. No. 48 Fifteen yards Host Calico for a dress pattern. No.14 One Boy's Hat. No.15 One Boy'.s Sealskin Cap. No. 40 One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Snt. No. 48-Ononico Doll. No. 40-One line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Pcrlume. No. 52 One Lace H.indkcrohic.f. No. .VI One child's line Lace Collar , No. 51 One elegant Doll. No. 51 One elegant Doll. No. fid-Ono Tidy. No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. r.S-Ono line Doll. No. 51) ) Ono Month Organ. No. 00 One [ nutation Steam Piano. No. 01--One line Book. No. ( V2 Ono tint ) Book. No. ICl-One Pocket Knife. No. 01 One line Doll. No. (15-One ( line Doll. No. Oil One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 Ono infant's Laeo Cap. No. ( ! ! ) One baby Dre s. No. 70 Ono large Doll. No. 71-One Hand Bag. No. 72 Ono lady'.s Companion. No. lU-OneSilk Mnlller. No. 74Ono large Doll. No. 75 One line Book. No. 70 One line Book. No. 77 Ono Lunch Basket. No. 78-Ono pair children's Shoes. No. 70 One pair boy's Boots. No. 80 Ono line Lace Collar. No. 81 Ono large Doll. No , 82 Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket. No 811 Ono pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No , 81 One pair Men'.s Gloves. No , 85 Ono pair Boy's Skates. No. 8(1 ( Ono pair Girl's Skates. No , 87 One pair Girl's Skates , No. 88--Ono line Doll No 811 Ono line Doll No. 90One large Doll No. 1(1 ( One largo Doll No. 02 Ono Necklace No. Oil-One pair Gold CulV Buttons No , 01-Oiut Locket No. 05 Ono nice Breast Pin Iv'o. 1)0 ) One pair Sleeve Buttons No. 07 One Silver Thimble No. ( J8-Ono line Breast Pin No. 8'J-Ono pair Kid Cloves No. 100 Ono Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents , f 800. \ \ ith every $2 purchase yon receive a ticket , also a ticket for every additional $2 niii-chuM ) you make. Hold your ticktus until January 1Mb , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bn announced and invited to call and re ceive their presents. REMEMBER. Von have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. Wo guarantcu to sell yon jroods cheaper than any other house in the west , and best stock to sclcci from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will reeeivo prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if yon were present in person. Thnsa distributions will bo made witli every fairness , and you may depend on il that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo issued lo the em ployes of our hoiiac. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call and sec the aborn mentioned pres cnts now on exhibition in our miimmotli store and convince yonrt-clf. Respectfully , . llENHV Elr-K-UAN & CO. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , aifl , 818 and 3JO Uroadway , Council Blull's. Holiday Gifts A sub slantial ptesent is always most appreciated by the receiver. We urc clo inc out all of our furniture consisting of Elegant Easy Chairs , Di\an , Ottomans. Ha sack , Foot Rests , MuMe. Racks , Etc. , F.lo , to make room fos Carpets ami Upholstery. Tins furniture is our own mnmifnulmc ; nml supplier In workmanship and material to factory made goods.Vo are prepared to make to or der on shoit notice , Hair Moss and Cotton Muttrcs o ? , TurKish Spring Beds and Bedding of all kinds , and to Upholster and Repair Furniture of all Kinds. Mr.Stookert Personally Superintends all work. Council Bluffs Carpet Co , ( 405 BROADWAY. r. it. ozecc'B'T. i. it.Titr.i.xmt , t'.B > sro < -uiuT ; BUTTERINE DSITTCDIMC , mid retail. Families siippHulith ton amieulypoimil ( \ pai-k- BOS. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , Council Bluffs I Will Pay the Highest Price in Cask FOR ALL KINDS OF XO. ( > * ISItO1MVAV , feii 9 / % ? /3fc5-g - gg@ r 1'ully Kiiilppcd | Noimnl and ( Ymiirn'rehil Departments Tuition Honks , nonnl and Itoiiins ill HiMi i > nublo Itulc" . Niplit School Dunni.Um Uinier. S. , Frost. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sppi'lixl ndvcrtiDumrntri , bilrh its Lost , To ind lol.imti , 1'nr Sale , To Hunt , Vuinls , Honnllnir , elf , "ill Iinln ° ort0'l ' In this coliiinn lit the loir rnloori'KN'CiNTririit : : M.NIi foi-tliuHist lii or- Inn and 1'ivuOnts 1'cr Line for each Mibcoqnent inecrllnn , l.i-nvu iiJvttl otiH'iils nt onr Dillon No. 12 1'cal slioct , near JlroaJway , Council llluffB. WANTS. ' - llroiidwuy between Bill nnd mill J his. n Imly'f liniul hBlclid conliilniiiK poilu- inonlu Itli inonry in II. A hiiiuiblf IUM aid tur leaving u nt Dec onk-n. \ \ ANTHU A gill to do ( iciicnil lmu-e oik. > * No A\u liliir. ) Apply ut once. Mis. II. C. Clioyney , ! HH Thlril uvi > . : fJlltl. who fan nirnlili unoxuop. . ANIC3I ifluii'iicu , niinluil us n companion j lei n Indy and to o"cnBlonally wiilcli OX'LT tivo ' lllvi'-3r.'ir-oM olilldrcn dniln r iHonlii'jH. Onu wlio e tlino N occiiii | < l a < K'lio il pielenod. Adili'C s. with lolertniro , Mis. J. , emu ol lieu ( illioo. Council lllulls. \l'\NTiD ; - . \ yonmr hid ) ot Hop moiii who ii wishes to have u homo iliirini ; iho winter can.piovidcd 9hn K dlsciiftHRed alloi7 p. in. anil can Iiiinlsn llrsl-clas-i iil < iionco , llnd u di- sliiibloplace , with or wllliont pay , In exchan o tor takinir supervision over child during tn PH- iiitr" , occii loniillv.ns or by letter , mmm * rclornifi-s , to .Mrs. II. S. lloo olllue , Council Illulls. 171011 SAI.IJ-Xuw liniiMi anil cm nor lot , two J ? block * from noiv postolllco , corner Wash inirton IIVPIIIIO uiul Sixth street. Inquire No. ICI1 Ilioiiilway. S.U.KIliirlinr Miopiirnml Incut ion , moral reason for nulling. Addicts II , I Iff olllce. U/ANTni / ) A Rood lioiisclicepor lo taUo ulinrire ol u lioinc. llavo Inn one hey , II. It. , llco Ollice , Council Illuire , : ) - ) ' : > ) tuiimstern to WANTii-UIhiboir'iBiiiid unik mi tlio Soiillii'i-n Italians inllioad in tlio liiiliiui ton Itory. en inllm F-ontli ol Klo\va , Knn im 'I'lin lure tioin Kan-n1 * City to Klnwn lx fK..iu. Hy laUiim H uuclpl ol thu nucnt H ( ICiiiiFns l.'lty , in MIP imino ol C. Shcnllclil , a rn- balu of J"i ' > ' ! will ijo iilliwei ) liv the contractor. Want's J2H pur month and hoard to thu IOMIII- pteis , nnil $ l-iO tmrdity in Hie lahoior-1. Hoard ? a,5'J tier wocK. Work will lust two yearn. Cooil Moik for uliitor. Tor ruilluir liitoimH- tlnn nddiess ( . ' . Mionllold , Kiotvn , KiuiPiia. Itof- eioncu , .lui-llco N. SchnrCoiinud llltinj . _ SAlii : Or ItentMoro hnildlng , iU.\iU. FOIt i < torli" < , lot „ ' ! > * Ii'ri , sluhlos , Die. , on in-uinliics in contur of liiiflncis poiiion ol llan- cock , lit. Address William II llutlcr , cola. In , HUNT A now two elory Iriimo liont-o EHHt I ) looms , hall and cellar under iiillro hoimu , on N. li coi nor Aicnuo K nnd l.illlo Curtis -Hi-el. Only 7 lilockx fioin Do- liany'HopciB hou'u. Cull on .M. r , llohicr , nt 10lnin atroot. ( up-Hiilrsi. A eotluro ol Ilvo or il.rooms. . WAhTIJII conviinloiit to hiistncHs ; xmall fninlly , no cliildron. Addli-gb 11Cii py , " Hid olliec. 7"ANTiiA : boy with pony to carry llco route. I HAMi Old papers lor biilo at the Iteo olDco. _ _ I'nrlit-R IntPiulliiir to hn mnrried ere wiinlud lo call ut I ho I'ryor'n lieu joh ollleo to select their cUdlnK curds. I'ND-A liuiu'li of liuyB. Onuer unn linvn liy | | | In to Hue ollice. _ POI'ND-A Check on Omalm bank. Oumn- c n huvn sumo by utmlyiMK lo lieu olliec , Council Illulfa. THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease 'J'ho rmcFt I m ii i.iuc or lKVfot ol Mrs. C. L , Gillette's Human Hair Emporium Ho. 209 Main Street Council Bluffs lawn. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at r6tnil and in lots. Large quantities * to select from Several pair * of fine drivers , mn glc or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council lilufl'i. OFFICER & PUSSY , COUNCIL BLt FFS , I A , lird 1SJ7 FIRE INSURANCE \t\ \ \ llje following Companies ; Ocrman Ameiicait. of Hew 1'ofA r/iitntx , * of Hart/Old , ttaitfoul , ' of Hartfoid. California ! ! , of Sun ri Scottish Union A National , of fitinbuig. Union , of San Fnini'ljco. State , * of Des Malnes , Willianisbiiry C/ly / , * of BiooMijn , Tliost markctl tilth a * Insitic also against less ty It'iiiiStoi ins , Cyclones and Tomailtics 17 ron -.Ai.n IN < ran u. * III I HAMI OMAHA ONKV LOANID : os c.oo AND f\KM I'KUI'IKIV Al I.OUIsT RAILS. * * * , * + + * M j * k Christmas Goods 111 Fillie.y Pottery , China , Glasware 3V , s'\ Lamps and Ptafeelware At oxpeeilin lj low priors , I'leife call W. S. Homer & Co. .No ; i Main si. . Ctiiiueil BOOK BIDING I. 'ilK < : r * , .IiMirnnls , roinily uiul Itanli 1orli ol'AII lihitln aSpic > lully Prompt Attention jo Mailorders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kveret Blork , Council liluflH. Standard I'apera Usoil Ail ntyles of bind. ing in Mttga/.ines uud BLANK BOOKS. IIKFiitKNJI'rt. ( 0. n Naiionnl Hunk , M K. Smith .V Co. , ClllzcnH1 llant , llrurl"TclU A Co. , HIM National Hnnk , C II limiranoi Co. . ijfflcer Al'uptyllurik ) . .o. 11 buvuijis Hank. Of G , MAYNE , At llth t anil lllli itvo.i and .M. Oallni 's itoro , Lower Uroadway. N. SCHUHZi , Justice of the Peace Office o\at Aincjican K