Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    T11E OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'MONDAY , l 20 1880 : o
Ca 's 'Whiie'wasJiirg Bppatt ot tbe
State Railroad Comamaion.
A riianco For l/rnls-lntor-i lo Iterj
1 heir I'ronuips Tlio New Mntlio-
illst Cliurch Dcrtlcatcd Oilier
trnoM TtiKiir.E's I.INCOIV niweiu.l
There is ail Interesting bunch of malm
script at the olllco of the railway com
mission , largely the work ot the depose
member , that was prepared during tin
lia/y days of early autumn to bo fired : i
the legislature nnd rushed through , 1
possible , during the dny * of the session
Ids embryo rrport would as complete !
whitewash the napless cominlBalou as :
job of that kind could have been done 1
it were lo go in , but it is evident that th
change in thu board tlmt placed Jmlg
Mason as n member will bury thh pn
Mimed report , ana if any report is liande
In it will not bo one wholly given over t
whitewash. W'hat little railway legUh' '
tiou has over been passed teiu
ing toward regulation is diawn an
quurlcrcd in this mass of nothingmi'
and shrouded in nil the sophistry that n
eminent corporation tool could mustei
The partial report pretends that a groj
deal has been done when nothing at n
has been accomplished , and Iho co :
monopoly and the rale on grain , thr
consumes one-half of Its value in Ilio su
gle Item of transportation , are held up i
measures that , if inlcrfred with , won !
ruin the dear corporations , and an
means of cheat ) tran.sporlation , such as
water route , are held up In long pagi
of brief as measures that , it crowdei
would ruin the very people thcmselve
Theeiaiiorato verblairo in this partial r
port hammers away at the Heagan into
fctalo commerce bill , and after slicaiin
thu Cullom bill of what antagonist
clauses to railways that it possesses ,
holds it up a * , the right kind of a tneasui
to bring relief lo Nebiaska. Spec !
rates are uphold , of course , and on tl
question of state regulation of rat OH tli
eloquent repoit , of course , does not fuvi
such an intiuferenco on the part of tl
Htuto in self protection. It Is the opinii
of this repoil that the commission shoii
not have power to alter or amend rate
It is the opinion of the report that po\\ <
should not bo given the commission I
enforce schedules of rates on Iho road
The commission fraud has iust exact
such powur now that is. no power at :
more than to duiw 8 > lrmes and recoi
mend. To reform this usejcssncss , tl
quasi icport would rise up in its mig
und hi\e : Us powers inci cased so th
wliuu it saw lit to reeonnnend that a ra
bo evened up a little that if
were taken into court thu widen
of the commission should bo ] inma tie :
'J'his was thu magnitude of reloun Unit
was expected to dole out to the pcoplo
keep the commission on its loet in t
future und make it take Ihe place of lie
and blood legislation that would not
a farce and fraud H < J tbo coiuhiitsion
has noon and will bp so long as it is PC
lictuated. lint this sort , ot a lailroad i
port on the radtoad's commission w
not bu railroaded thiough thu comb
session , ami that fact U already apparei
This elegant icnort in fai-t , that now li
plireon-holed in the looms of the co :
mission , loit what Iifu und vitality it li
when Seeiet.iry Koggen : iio o and d
charged its author. Jf any report
handed in at all it will not bu such ami
of meaningless matter that | > O3e < -ses
worth except to mislead and confuse in
aigue over until thu time of action pas
by. Judging by thu fact that these thin
are coming to Iho light , that the comui
bion itsolt knows sis uselosbnoss , and tl
there is no ono on Iho boaul now whc
on tire system ia for raihoad work , a
whoso cheek would bo sullieicnt to fo
Hiieh a report upon the legislature a
uxpoct the pnoplo to swallow It , the bur
in the plgcon-holo will remain und
ruir.S : ( ! AKH ITLriLI.MKSTS.
The work upon ihu city charter to
submitted should not bu concluded wi
out the proper restoration clause tl
will bring back for city taxation the li
hundred or moro lots in the city tl
have been taken by thu laihoad for rig
of way. and the forty miles or more
tiucks in the city that now are taxed
only a. mile and a qnuitcr in long !
Presumably thu lugislatois-electfromtl
county , however , are looking after tl
matter , for during the canvass they roi
ily pledged themselves to look after L
coin's iiiteiests , and did all pos
blu to have it understood tl
they were for the intoiestsof Linco
und were in no sense to bo elected in t
interests of thu corporations. The pi
pie. in reali/mg the vast amount of pn
erty light at their doors tlmt is cover
from taxation , will bu anxious that t
charter pay attention to thii matter ; u
wiien the legislators insist , it it shall 1
como necessary , that the chiirtur co
mlttco ptoparu that instrument so tl
these wrongs shall bo uncovered , \
people will not bu felow in giving tin
credit for carrying out their pledges
willingly made during their canvass , a
thoywill , in so doing , entirely establ
thu fact that they were elected in thu
tcrests of Lincoln.
ciii'iicn viiox.
Yesterday morning the now , Iini
flomu and commodious Methodist cburi
located on ICast It sticet , and known
( jraco M. 1 } chinch , was foinially de
eated , HishopV \ nriuii , of Dmncr , pieiu
ing the soruion and conducting the so
lees , that were most impressive a
listened to by an audience that ca
pletoly filled the building , many desiri
admittance failing to got Inside the bui
ing. The seiinon of ItMioii Warren v
: x powcrlul one , clear , logical and ci
vincing , ami that it was a least of rcas
nnd knowledge to all his hearers was i
universal verdict , ( iiaco church , j
completed , is one of the many hamUo
editions of the kind in the city am
handsome landmark to the eastern p
of tlio city.
uu.vriiiNr I'oitTii ns FKNIri.r. * .
The Lincoln streui railway , that aii
its assimilation of the Durfeu Cap !
City line has become ono of the Mtong
corporations In this or any other westi
oltVi is reaching forth for now terrlti
and booming new lines out in the fc
urb > that will great ] } enhance the va
of ical estate in the direction taken
the now Hues. A now line has been 1
on T\\onty-f-evontli street fiom U to
: md tha line is being graded forward
V towaid Peck's grovu ami in the d'u
lion of the Tou/.a 1 in purchases nut
ktmt ! vicinity , it is also announced t
the company will build thu present w
ter and eaily spiing a line in South 1.
colu out to the penitentiary.
A number ot the alleged politic ! :
v ho wasted their substance In wag
upon the election of Ciiurch llowo hi
boon holding two or three coiisultutii
with tholr late lamented chief , ono
them being held in Omaha but a EI !
time ago , Thcio is a scheme in nil th
gatherings , and it all points to the f
that these worthies are anxious to en
into u general punishment of those wh
stomachs Were not strong enough
swallow Lord High Pee Hah of the I
1'irst congressional district Mikado cr
) inny < Ono still in this will be the
tnuico oi Mr liowo us prohibilion 1
byist , the cro\\d to make it cspecii
warm for the Jiquor meu , wliointrodu
lili ral ( "hiit' ' h Howe ill the kite
Oi'ir-s or TTIK riTV.
Onp of the coming addition ? to the
btnine interests of HIP capital city that
Will open new fi ld in the fcholf nle
It Ado line i th" rstablihinj ; of a whole
sale dry goods nnd carpel house that will
bo one of the heavy institutions In the
stale. It is unaiilhcnlically announced
Hint ono t > f the double three < ; lei V blocks
in the city now Hearing completion has
been leased for this establishment ; that
the entire three stories and basement will
bo occupied with the stock , and tjiat th"
Him will commenceoperation1 ? with live
men on the load , and that business \yill
be opened by them inside the coming
two months.
The ( . 'oncrcfjnUonil church of thlt city ,
it is announced , will bo formally dedi
cated on the coining babbath , and thus
will UP completed the liual act in the his
tory of the construction of this handsome
edifice , one of thu lincsl chinches in Lin
coln.The carpenter's local union will have .1
itrand Chi istmas ball and social at the
metropolitan rink on Thursday evening
nc\t They will see to it that it will bo
one of the most enjoyable c > cuts of tin
season. .
On Tuesday next the convention of
county superintendents , called by 1'rof
Jones , will coin cue at the olllco of tlu
btato siipurlmenilont , and the piosppct :
tire that the attendance at the convcntioi
will be large.
M. Ackerman , proprietor of the I-'A
moiis , had a birthday ce lebration at hli
homo ye leiday at which all the cm
plojusof the store were guests for the
day. Jlr. Ackerm in received a number
of handsome presents in commcmoia
tiou of the event.
Mrs. Weber , the priina donna sopranc
for the grand liieinen's fair , exposition
and conceits the coming wcelc , will arr'm
in Lincoln to morrow to fullill her pan
in the piogr.innno. The firemen's enter
tainmeiit wjll be the event of the week
The new ice ring on O street , occuu.v
ing the entire halt block between Fif
leeiith and Sixteenth , is graded , fenced
waiting rooms and olliccs completed , am
is now ready for Hooding and the coii'-o
nnent amusement and prolit that it wll
The Capital City Courier has moved it
olllco from lOOii L * street to ground lloo
rooms in the 15ond bloc ! : , and it will opci
the now year in an entire new dress will
a job department in connection. lUt
Ilany Bobbins has joined MrVesscl 11
its publicaticn
Air. and Mrs. 1) . ( \ Templeton. o
Omaha , relatives of Captain and Mr-
1'lielps Paine , and Mrs K. A. J'.iine
mother of the captain , were \isiliug wit
them over Hie Sabbath.
Mr A. H Tou/.alln , the railroad mug
nate , who has been maKinjr large un
e.\teu-ive purcJihses in 1/mro'iii re:1
estate , farm lands and the sticet raihva
coriioiation , is expected on a btisincs
Visit to the capital to-morrow.
Mrs Goldberg , of Chicago , mother < :
Mrs. Da\id Wise , is in Lincoln , whern sh
will remain through the liohihus and th
greater portion ot January Malting wit
relatives and friends
.John Nelson , one of Mvre-s , Nissley i
Co.'s popular saiesmen , has accepted
position with Mayer Hros Mr NeUo
is one of the pioinising young men of th
capital city.
The members of Lincoln Post A of th
T P. A belli a very interesting ; soci :
and business meeting at their room
Saturday evening , which was well a
triulcd by Iho hoys who worn in the eih
An additional list of hotels recoinmendo
for patronage was repoited , and otho
minor matters transacted.
The latest investment of Mr. Fran
Shelden is leported the purchase of t'i '
handsome lot on the noithwcst corner t
11 and Fourteenth , upon w hieh it is state
Mr. Sheldon will build a O.OOO resident
the coming summer.
The Woman's Uclief corps ( ! . A II
will give a supper at Temple hall to-mo
row ( Tuesday ) evening , between tli
hours of ( ! and 8. The announcement c
the ladies is that the object is to rais
funds to assist destitute families of ol
C. W. Grcon , Omaha. Church IIowi
North Auburn ; T. M. Itopwood , Holi
rege , who were in the city Satin da1
were passengers east , south and we :
jesterday , en loute homeward.
Some heartless fanner turned loo1
three bushels of cats , till colors and si/e
in Sehiiyler. Kvcrv backyard is no
provided with a double back action o
Prepared with strict regard tornrllVi Strength , ai
. . ' '
JltaHlituInffa. Dr.l'rlcoBlUlclnijl'uwdercoiiul :
no Aratnonla.Llmo. Alum or 1'hospUatos. Dr.Trli e
us i , \ uihfi ; srni r.T ,
E > i.svsEt , . . * ! . < > ii A EM
Ol the Mls&ouri Sute M'-soum of
mSt. . Louis , Mo ; Utmcroity Colle ;
Hospital London , Giosen , GUI many ai
New Yoik. lla\ing dcxotud their .it'c ;
" "III
More cspcclall. ) those arising from impr
deuce , in\ lie all so suffering to corrcspoi
w ithout delay. Diseases of infection ni
contagion cuied safely and t > ptcdily witho
Octcntion from business , and without t
use of d.mgcious drugs , Patient ) whc
cases have been neglected , badly treated
pronounced incurable , should not fail
write us concerning their symptoms. /
letters rccchc immediate attention ,
And will be mailed FREE to any addrt
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , " 1'ractic
Obserations on Nervous Debility and I'll
bical Exhaustion , " to which is added
"Essay on Marriage , " with important cha
ters on DISEASE op THK Kci'iioiiucir
OKQAKS , the whole loriniiig a valuable me
ical treatise which should be read by ;
young men. Address.
ims. s. A i > . I > AVILSO.\ ; ,
11 $ I.uwri'iico St. , Denver , C' <
Trance the Hursory of tlie Gpcrt
America Provides Players and Tables.
The Ore-xt I'laycra of the TVorM and
Thcli Uclnllvc StnmHne Tlio
ltcn lc ! > tc Qualities of
Good IMnj era.
PATIS , Dec. J ) . [ Correspondence of UK
DEI : . ] Although not of much interest to
day , the fact is probably true thai
Franco might claim to bo the cradle ol
the noble game of billiards. In an olil
book dating back to 10-j. , wo find the
mention that an Augustin fiiir undci
Charles VI I , "brought about some mar
velous changes by his preaching. At the
sound of Ids voice fires wore lit in severa
quarters , and the inhabitants , vying will
each other , ran and threw into the llame1
their cards , balls and billiaid tables.1
Already well-known in Iho second hul
of the t-ivtucntli cciitmy , billiards be
came fashionable under Louis XIV , win
was recommended by his pli.vsiet.ins U
play for awhile after his repasts In ordei
to aid his digestion. Michel do Chamil
lard owed his political foitunc lotheskil
tlmt ho showed when playing with tin
grand monarch and was immoitull/.cd n
Iho well known quatrain.
A sreat khiR's protonotnn ; dli-i.
I'm heie the famed Clmiidll.ird lies ;
Tlumifli In the iiimlstiv aeio ,
At billiards ho was qiilto a horo.
Samuel Ucrnard , who played will
great talent for those days , gained , the ;
say , the llrst million of his colossal for
tune in pushing the balls against Cliamii
lard , and it seems to bo beyond doub
that the game continued for a long tuiu
o bo ono of the accomplishments o
persons at court. In our time billiard
lias become such
n France as well as in tlio United Slate ?
bat there is scarcely u littie village with
out its tables and amateurs , and in a eit ;
like Paris if u count wuru made thur <
would be found at least twenty thoiisani
tables. Under Louis Philippe , the polic
regulations reiuiied | that whoever wishei
to open u billiaid hall must proem e i
special licence , which was posted in Ih
hall , together with the rnlfS of the game
it was forbidden to play after 11 o'clocl
at night. , , . . .
Thu improvement reali/cd dining th
past ten years In all the materials upper
taming to the game has caused an equa
pi ogress among lhoc who follow it as
mi. msr : iiiu.uui ) r\
are maths in the United .Stales whei
two largo liou-es mnggln for iiiprcinac.
in the manufacture and sale to ptibli
und prhalo establishment- , inerylhin ;
ncce = snry to the game. The splundii
I'.iuiiMviek and C'ollender tables are u-e <
in l'i anen for all the pritiuipal nuiteiie-
\ \ ith sueli pertect impleniuiits , the gam
has been entirely changed , and the sune
of car ro ins have become so long that th
spectatorlind them interminable. Ton
senucutlv certain modifications have hate <
to IIP found in order to idcase the ir.Ulci.
and at the name time to restiict.tho run
lendenngneailj eer.shot . uncertain
When the balls ai e grouped near the eiisli
ions th ( > protestors eontrne to keep ther
there bv util/iing the rettiin stioke , an
they ean make the tl rce b.ills travel eve
tho' table without parting company , no
are they often obliged to play a st ion
frhot if , bv chance , the balls become supi
latetl. 'An important restriction has
therefore , been imposed in onlor to pn
vent what is called th" Amoiican rm
Parallel lines are traced in chalk , on th
tables at about thitteen inches from th
cushions ; tlie o lines form eight division
or "frames. " When the two balls upo
which the player has to oarrom are in on
of these division , the 111,11 ker ciies "ton !
in1" At the second .shot , il the t v
balls still remain in the -pace , the inarkr
cries "in , " and then a earrotn must sen
out one of these two bnlU , othen\i-e th
player loset his chance
'i ho weight of the cues is about cqn :
to that ol the three balls ; some player
howevei , can only use very light an
tancring ones , whilst oilier * . are accui
tomcd to handle hcaviet and more mai
instruments. Mangin. Damans an
( Jariiior play with cues \\eighing over
pound , wlulo Vignanx , Piot and Slos o
use cues four feet and a halt long an
weighing several ounces heaver tha
tlioso handled by iMangm and the other :
1IM\10 lir.fOMh A C.OOI )
What are tlio qualities necessary for
professor to become a Vignaii\ his arl
and what are the conditions and ciicun
stances in which he will bo obliged t
show these qualities , insisting with tin
and judgment upon those that the m
cessilies of the moment demand ? 'ih :
is the great question , and it is one tin
c-onld not be exhausted in a liundre
panes , i shall simply try to brietly Mil
up these qualities ,
Three elements -ire neccary In a goo
game of billiaids. KirM , aptitude : an
by aptitude , I moan the combination <
physical , intellectual and practical qual
ties that the great masters of billiards a
possess. Vignaux is an admirable tyi :
of this important element. He is lal
stout anil well proportioned ; he has a
intellectual foiehead , bright eyes , and
face that denotes acutuness , self-po
session , serenity , firmness , patience an
energy. So much for the physical an
intellectual pait of the man. Ho ha
besides , made a profound study of his ar
Not that he is a hnrd-workina ; man. hi
ho has been in constant training situ
his \outh In his frequent matchi
played dining his visits to America , an
\vhile on his continental tours , he hi
familiari/e.d himself with all styles <
playing , without in any wn
loweiing his own masterly , free , simp
anil easy manner of putting the bulls i
motion , which was taught him by a ma
ter whoso meiit has hcarculy been su
passed , and who enjoys a high rnpntatln
throughout the United Stales , I alluc
to Uba.ssy , Mimamed the ' l'crret"whoi
1 lately saw and applauded dining a pill
lie perlormanco in this city , lie wi
pitted against his pupil , and foil Iiapph
and prouder of Vignanx's success than <
the admiration bestowed by the coi
noi.ssc'iirs upon his own peisonal play I
was enthusiastic over the magic
resources at the command of his adve
sarv , and said to mo
" 1 am but little in advance of him i
present ; j on will see what results he wl
attain when Ids blood is up. I can on
couut nion ) an honorable defeat. "
scarcely had Ubassy finished his rcmar
when Vignauv , piqued at being so mm
bcldndhaiid.Eut himself seriously to woi
rind succeeded in making a splendid nil
218 carroiiis , ono of the longest ever mai
under the new icgulatlons of thefian
game. Ho was in such good trim , thi :
utonco tlmo , wo thought the man mig
go beyond the third hundred , but
ended accidentally at u moderately dif
cult shot.
Among all tha great players llergi
appear * to me to have possessed the mo
traits in common with Vignuuv , as sin
in Ids physical aptitudes as in Ids gener
conception of the game. They are n
contemporaries , and the younger play
has over his predecessor the advnnta ;
of being able to appropriate all the vai
ous improvements , liorger still lives
the memory of experts , and mav 1
called the veritable
I venture to say , also , that if he d
not originate massing , ho at lenst an
lyzed u and popularized its use. Tl
'orce of li'roko ' * is in r r < r > ort'on to
i'S robust franm He gained glorious
riumphs throughout America , and also
n England.
If statue nnd ttrcnghnre advanli c in
he game of billiards it does no ! follow
hat they tire indnpemable in order to
> pcome a lirst ela s plater. Look , for in
stance , nt Mr. Jacou SchicnVr. JI. linn-
gin , Mr. blosson and Mr. Lucius Piot.
.Not ono of thrm is built like llerculc ;
vet thuy are each and nil cipablo o giv-
ii { ; tlio"mixt vigorous innnilaion , and
seem no moi * embaraa sed When theiv
; iall happ"iis to be in the very center ol
the table than when it 13 at the side , well
within in their re-iclu 1 these
admirable artists overcome the dilllcnltv
of execution by prodigies of addre s and
combination , and , by the way , 1 may
mention hero , a Spanish amateur , henot
Polanco whoWhilst supporting ellen
on crutches makes runs of a hundred
points. M. Matigin , who is nowadays
rather In the background , was of such
strength as a player , that m the opinion
of many excellent judges , no ,0110 cist
could be compared to him. > \ hat wa
wanting in him to become the champion'
Somewhat butler health , perhaps , more
dash , a sharp contest or an opppor
Utility ?
. \MO\O niFXc-n n UT.US ,
the one who occupies the second rank
and nearly i caches the , is M ,
Lucien Plot. M Piot is an artist in lovt
with his ait. The game of billiards has
no longer anj secret for him , and Id'
finished style is equal to his science , li
spite of Ids billliant fuecesses , 1 am eon
vinccd that he has not jet shown all hi-
stiength. If ho could only re olutelj
master hi * Irritability and the oeea ional
waveiing of his excitable temperament
he. would shaie the fume of Vignaux am
A ( TT U , CHAMPION III Till. M OKI 1 > .
Last , but not least , I wish to aeknowl
edge the merit of the most celebrated oi
American playcisv of the one who ha-
pnccended in Blinking the iiede-tal of < iui
Vignanx. Younger than his rivals
.Solueller has marched towards pcrfeettoi
with a more rapid step , und is actualh
the billiard champion of the woid. It ii
said that Slos on executes in better style
and far quicker , the American "break.1
That is pos-ible ; noveithelcss , I am in
clmcd to believe that on the whole Scliu-f
for is his superior. What makes hin
peeiless H his gift of decision. His all
emb aeing ghinco is exlraoidiniu'y. tin
pine * . with which he aihvuts dillioulties
his endurance dtilu2 ; a eiiMs , the mast
cry of his attack , and the consmumati
science of IIH return stiokes conuiel ad
miiation and explain the. icsult
nchioved 1 am leluetantly obliged K
merely name some of the
HlitKlMt IMUMlll A1.111I S
who'ic poitraits 1 should hnve been delighted
lighted to sketch. The ploiad ot grea
phijers opens with Mingnnd.tlic invento
of the cue tip , Saurat , Paysan and Noel
then Haithelmy , Nkolas , the ( nbleii
brothel sChailes Mmger , Uomain , Desiie
Venancc , and , m our day .loseph C'on
stsir.t , Leulber , Dumaiis , (5arnier. ( Gay
( iabuol , Ualy , Dault , Uaiadle , Uaiba
loux , Antoniti , father nnd son , Hobeit-
aud Randolph. M.ij they jiaidon tin
ionrnalisl , kept within limits by an in
llexible hairier1 All these eminent jno
fessor- , and olheis whose nanu's my
memory tads to recall , po ess or pos-
scs-eil in dilVeieiit degiees that haruioni-
oils combination ot qualities thai I invc
called aptitude , and which is the Hid el
cinenl in the game
'lllfsHUMi IMI'OIH VM ii.U : ISI1I ,
i-i will , and b\ will 1 n.ean the ellorl o
moial qualities entitely distinct ft on
physical proiertes ) , from knowledge o
Ihe game and tiom manual -\lority. < . Ii
outer to win a match it is not enough t <
know how to carom , the plajer inns
show energy , piudonoe ami appreciatloi
of the pace of Ihe game , tenacity , clos
attention , quickness and daring ; in shor
a will siichas tno oleveicpt men posses
only at intervals. Those of us who sav
the match between Vignanx" and Slossoi
at the Salle Valentino , will always re
member the manly ie/igiiation of th
American player while his redoubtabh
adversary was piling up u run ot 1,5'J
point- . In his turn Slossou showed In
.skill , and in a despeiate position made i
run of 1,10.1 points in less than an hour , i
was a marvelous piece ol work , but wa
especially admuable as a demonstratioi
of the foieo of will that nothing eouli
shake. Slia'llbr and Vignaux have moi
Inan once shown similar examples of en
ergy. Experience of match games teacho
H professional player that he must have :
ceitain suppleness in his play : that is It
say , that ho must adapt It to circum
ht'inces. He knows and fuels that in i
given moment in
alone lies his chance of success Shouh
the opportunity be. favorable lit ! wil
crush Ids opponent by risking dangeiou
shot * ; at another moment he wjll have li
concede libeiall.y to adverse fate , phr
with gteat pruitciicc , be calmer and moi <
calculating and , as it weie , lend an ea
to the heart-beats of the game in pro
giess. At the beginning'ol a match th
stroke of the cue is moio uncertain , thor
is jiecision ) sometimes , but a cot rue
measurement is line. As it is , runs de
] ) t-nd upon these two faetoi- > . With pin
eision alone n player can only obtaii
-mule canomv , whereas when there i
also pioper calculation the runs can b
Will is the more essential element , in
asmiich as spectators aie at times inlol
want and unjust , and do not husilato I
annoy by Ihuir onturius the player will
whom they do not sympatin/e. Grea
matches induce heavy wngurn , and tin
persons betting , not cuntent with uphold
ing their own champion , imagine tha
they have a light to bother Ids opponenl
Kven in the presence of an impaitin
and kindly disposed company , 1 ha\
seen players lose their presence of mini
unilor Ihn inlluenee of a Mill ot neivoii'
ness. Kvery one is nonous at time-
but the clover plascr when he is sei/ei
with what the 1'ieiich call le trae it
doubles his care and attention lie i
slow and cautious , chose- the easiest am
simples ! means of making carioms , an
only begins fiee plnj when be is maste
of his nerves.
Finally , wo must acknowledge thul
how-over mathematical the noble game t
billiaids may be , chance is
A inini ) ,
the perpetual instability of which slngn
larly modlllea its losulis. No one is bt
yond the laws of chance. 1 know som
pjuticulaily lucky jur oiS ( wlio have n
cause to complain on that ground , am
to them 1 would say "Tako up , in a
aniilvmg spirit , the chain of shols tlui
have been made during the coursu of
game , and it jou are not blinded by sol
conceit , you will see , after allt how liltl
jou real merit had to do with them.
Tiio variation of a millimeter decides th
latoofagamn. This iinpoiecptlblo di1
tanee , which has not been estimate
while aiming and giving the strok *
becomes the yawning ciovieo whorel
your foruinn may bo suddenly engulfei
Among amateurs , thu Itbp skill there ii
thu moio frequently luck intervenes , an
this is so true that games of a liundre
points , between poor players , dally shoi
unexpected results , which resemble tli
thousand and ono chance
that come in the dealm
of a pack of cards. A ver
common error is to believe that chance
become equali/cd. The tendency i
equalization leaves room for the forim
tiou of considerable diHeiences in tit
scores , and as the number of games coi
tested by the sumo two players is in
sullicient to form an average , the final r <
suit is not at all convincing. If , on tl ;
other hand , instead of examining tli
games of aiuatcuts , wo scrutiuuo thos
of professionals , wo sco that their sciont
averts manv lucky etroKcs , novciilielus
hcsu lucky strokes will occur sometime :
and this is sulliciont to iilculculubl
change thu results expected. Thus the-
game causes produce thu suuiy
widely l.T-uit . ilianm l . \Vb tt ,
hen is Uierc kit lor n plaj'er to do vfien
ic is in ill luck ? Lnucti it out it no Is a
simple Bin.iteur seeking lelaxation ;
triumph over it by tronp hnd pntient
will it bo be a profes = ' nal I would
strongly dissuade e\ocyono fiom plftjins
v hat Is hero called fa carrottf , that is
I hold this xaclico In contempt. It is fit
only { or Iho wcnk and timid. The worst
of all melhoJs.from an arlUtie point of
\iew , is the one that cos'dsls in tins sort
of play and in purposely making one
single carrom at a lime. To cnrrom
with a very tine s'dc ' on , and to'play
forcibly enough to la.v the ball up against
thu cushion at a distance of about eight
feet from the led , seems to bo the object
of a certain class of players who , by fol
lowing this Si stem , trlard the progress
that tney ought to make. I Inn I : mot
phnerswho succeeded in thus making
carroms with a phenomenal dexterity ;
but much luck is needed , as it Is con
stantly necessary for them to play on
balls lying widely apart. Those ama
teurs , when pitted acainsl afaiil.s strong
adversarvaio Invariably ciuMiod , ihej
cannot hold their own This kind ol
play ought to bo condemned bj amateurs ,
though it does not lollow that It is meaner
or unfair to act on the defensive , either
by a seiius ot prudent shots , or
even by shots intentionally and ncces-
saiily. To attempt a carrom that is beyond -
yond the plajer s skill Is the sign of ig-
not unco or ot rashness Give up the
idea of making carioim , nnd play the
nugatoi y Miot.w hich it is dilllcull enough
to execute cleverly.
This letter is long and I hnvo only
lighth skimmed over a vast subject I
cannot conclude , however , without olloi-
ing a welcome to the gieat Ametiean
billiaid playeis. Maj they letuin among
us this winter. They may depend upon
finding in i'ranco that hospitality which
constitutes the appanage of our beautiful
land 1 can .sco many kindred feelings
and much svmpathy between the two
races stretching their arms lowaids each
other aero -s the Atlantic , there aie also
two characteristic tiails common to both
the worship ot libeity ami the passion
for billiards. A Fin srii AM \ 11 iti !
\ \ \
Itjircduccs Practical Kosalts in BaUlngnna
Koacting never before attained in any
Cooking Apparatus , and will
M&liorize ibPrssenlMBlhois of Booting
I , ) lmt fill rW DiliM or non tod. lmuM lw pen < e I
intreOmlrfniclymimlttcil toths ovsn. lUUUiloui
bTUI cardlDKtb clok00venilooi hpn > lulorou wl."iii
uUtltutlnelor Itndoor coutalnlnu R lie lo [ Wlro
Game Ufunrbs lareana the doorltMtlf.
Throufjh thla Gauze Door the oJr freely
circulates , facilitating tlio PIWCM of cooklnB.ond
rroilucln'j fcxil that is unn.iun lol ; In D vor mill nu-
trillon , nnd nctunllj coolcwd wltli lain coutumptlou of
Juki I bin in uu oven with u closed door.
Jtmalies imenormou" aTlnitli > tli8W lglit ofmnBt.
Ittilooproducea JarRerLoavesoC Bread ,
tlio cook , mill prnmotu *
rr > iali f los nltontlon from
tha hrallli ol tlio family by tha GUIU110U UU&L1TX
o ? IUB rooo coom.p IH IT.
Mnn. MART \\rLcn.ToachprDomostic t oonomy.
lowaSlnte Unlnnltr.mtriii "MrUolllxiriitoiiuJkiiieiit
i < that tliBOVMi ot lliH lUnKemn.oiniBreU wltli .other * ,
- nptoolr morewiuullr tejiteJ iiiovery I art-rrput
. . . , . . .
A nnu , ninu , i ji w IUV UII I'MII .u. u. >
U ouch lotm than OU7 othur fur Mine wui IL ,
SOLD IN NKBEAEKA as { ollowi :
Mil TON UO.LKS ( & faONS . . . OMAHA.
P. Kl.NNKV , . GoRDon.
K C I1KRW1.R . HAV bmist-s.
W K. 'ir.MIM.l.lON , . Mi'Lsox
OU > S 1IKOS . . . .
UAKNLLL fi.S\Vl.l.NiY : ,
1.A I'ADDKN B. S > ON. .
Poibun Ilio Sy.sU'inilh .N'Mi
Di'.lIorno'M lMoclriiItiH I'urcs
's Without Medicines'
Will I'osith Ply Cure Without .Medic-hie
I'dlns in Hie tick , him lieuJ or liiniu N rtoat lie
tlllttl.iiiiili.iuu Ijuiilllly KliouuialUtn l''ir-
iilytK Ni ui > U ii ti i Uu , Itisciiioa < f Kuliit-yn hpl
iiiillUiiiiCii ) ! Toriil I I.l\o < loui AMliinu Hull Jil
l ) ) | ivp > li 0 i ii Kr.ln'lJ | ,
Hun , ImiioltiKT dilurrh ilis , II | > leji Dm
, HyJrou ! u I'xlniuntun
Note the Follow lug ulioVPVO Cured
A J. lloizlunil K b I'.iriiT , J M Ilimlolt nil un
I'oMUnf ImJo L' \ \ l.irnbuui Ami-ilcain i : pr. >
Co A ( r yory , luiuini nl"U luarc hunt SlunrJ ,
' Tuwiinnil. I'nlmor Huutu. IIU'U llolilo Iho > : r-M
iHirn-iiuiii < Uil < 'unnill ) , < f lUu InUMIcviiu , M. VV
lluirU ; a > , KrlB t . S M DivU , Surolur ) American
llor uiiun : .1 I. hliojtror t > \ Mii.tln/n M J C l-iulili
J iinr.Ui51iiilU'iiin nil ill ( 'liiMii. | < i W Hell i
il I ) lurinunloAii lu TU I euiuel Milk Kunkukea
III Jiidiivl N Murrr. Nji > rtlllo. III. uuil uiinirrdi
f titlivn rtpiiuonuux nmrlr .wiirj tonn In the
nl n AlMiilo hici imlu for liidin Cull or vnd
niuuii for Illumined cutilOKua Open Uullr " ' "
evenlMi ; . uiul hiuiiluv l.lucirlc hu eiiioiiiik tree
luiilall Miiloliullii. lie wa runt IHJ.CIIH > mnnil6. | vrlllj
inmriil Jc hailliit' WMilli'n ' * pjoU , UU i > nlr < tu
U Uui nu All IUJT liL-lu ( u > i tmn U6muit at
tallLrtci ( unit ) Imru lour tlmo Ilio imttcr nd
iiuutitili itiUur I'y llune i got > 4 und liontsl
liifttlor I'tcpiietcruua Uanitfaciurur ,
nrc ! > r i tn vifl < ifo > - Tin
'tpil In tliuu * iml < vt cunix nnil e r n f < * \
llvolf n prt tlml In all ca o licro UicMr | < r , | iloou ,
kWnovsnnJ bowels nre InTnlmt. 1'B HHIMVN *
P\ns ( ireiit OPP * > the t-c t. < imrXe t unit < hotpot.
mil tlify li Ta pcrninnwit ur < % In HimmnU
Pfwiscs whorcniudlclno lias beou u ( Kl wliluut nnf
m nl rpsulli Tv
Holinnn' * S.lrcr nn l Mouwcli Part J
Al < rb ( ill ImiiuVtlf fr.T rticM ml , w\
lm orii" > i llJ Vlllill/Ml ! iue MholeJT'l m- 11
Liter iiml
Cure Ki'lon i lilli"ii (
I > lTrh < < vnisr's SK Hi ill uh ,
nhennint < 4tn itc.
lnionN J.Uorniu ] Stointu-Ji I'act
llci nlmc < thK " "ton-Kit RnJ UnTcK Imi ro i
tlio Vpiut'tr.MT. ' . rt \t ml ntlun ,
lK > iinllli 4 till lv > ltiiluXK > n , otj.
. J.U or inul Stnnuu'h r l
, .
\ollim , ryi'lut' , T/lioU | unil
Hill > ntMirr ( * .
M.I Dili LUHTSOf enlonrilccli lof prlM.
\ PAW CO. ,
I HO inilitnn .sf. , X. r.
Display at tholr wnrorooms , 13O5 and 1307 Fnrnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
1303 & 1307 FARNAM STREET.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Coiisiniiptiun ,
yii'onli'ssncss ,
Chills nnd Fevers Or Insoinniii , mil
Typhoid Fcyer , Dissininliition ,
Indigestion , Of Food ,
Ten Vears Old ,
Surgical Fevers , No Fusel Oil ,
IHooil Absolutely Pure
Thl irill cnrtlfy tli HI lnvno * nilnol tlio sample of IIHMiK OK UOl'llllON WIIISKV , rorclrod from
LAWIU.NI KO > riun [ , V Co .imlfouml UIUKHIIIV to Impnrfw Ily free rroin I imcl Oil nml nil nthur ilu'caurl- '
ous 0ub lanccd unit sirlctlr ptuo. I cuuorfiilly rtfuiinnoii I Itie anio for P inillr niul Mo llrltmt | > iritii ot.
, . , . _ , , . . . J.I' 1IAKMIM , I.I ) . . Allulvtloilc'hoiiilBt , Joul vllli'.ICx.
1 ortnloliynruwlals. Wlnp Mcrchint' ! iniHriieor ovurrTlioro I'llcn fl Ji iwrlnutlt- .
II ni'tfiiuiKl lit tlio nbnve , half ainniilioitloi.exiiri-iapiilil.ln I'luin ' Uorcs , will bo aunt 10 nn nililroia In
Ihn Uniteil Mniei or Ciumdn , tin reiolpt uf nix dollar * .
LAWRENCE OSTROI& & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
GOODMAN DinrG CO. . nnd \
JillAlY r DILLOX , 11'liotn.tilc LtqiUH' Drulcw , f Ounifift.
FttinillrtitiiiHtliril t > U GLADSIOXIS ItltOS. tKCO. , Oiintliit.
Jf. T. OLA UK Dlll'G CO. ,
The C. E , Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co
Piopcrty of every description for oalo in all parts of the city. LumU for sale lu
every county in Nobrnskn.
Of Titles of Doiijjlfis county kt > i't. Maps of tlio city slate or county , or any othur
iuforuiatiou dcsiicd , furuisliud fiuu ol charge ii ) > on application.
' .s. STIJIII ; : % . 11. i' . HAtm/rov j. F. fl
Stock Bought and Sold.
Rcfemiccs Fiibt National Dsnk , GiunU ) Co , IIU ; Fin > t National Hank o ( Crcb'
ton , Ia , U.S National It.inlt , Onialiii , Nth.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The Jnr < j < ! bt filoek. Tncos the lowest Itupuitmu .x specialty. All woik warrant-
rd , Coiiiur UongliiB and 10th struuN , Oiualu
Licuii'ciiaUliiii.iULi ' \ foi tlio t mini l'i < iic K.iilioml coinp.'iny
Warranted iilnnlHltlu jv.
Co con , from nlilcli ltciirco o
Oil lias bocu iciuouil. UliaafA )
timttths ttituy'.lt of C'ocoamii- I
wllh finrch , Arronrool orHunjr ,
neil \ llieicfvrp far more uunoro !
cal , coiling Iril than one ctnt a
ru/i. It U dtrlklou' , nu'irioLin. ; ,
ulreii llipnla , c wily illgibteJaul
Imlrably a'iaiU-il | fur imull'Jo M
ill i > fur ) > ' rsona In livallli.
hold \tj \ ( Irurfrn ctcryuhtre.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorciiester , Mass ,
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
\Tero lilppo < l during tliu pact
two yoaik , vithuui a
nicr in < iii > i luplov. Hoothrr
liuiitslulliu world ran tnitli-
Uillyuukuiiuzh a utunTint.
Onn uttut Ulbulcr ouly )
wan i ort ia uucli town
RWT6NBILLACO..D5 Stale 'ii
FCJgygyB Tg 'gKj u uiia t iiniiii" AW u w
AJi < > iu Cm.le Ajjency , 174 * * w i fc. V.
Th.,1 HM-rr I L'.VM | N'l',11 .nuy tri KVKUV
i'.bl of loiiuliniul sulil will. , ml < ll'OVcrmg
nu uiiini tiiuii iiin a cue A.
VSTfl , tliuy Nirli > , i'ij ri-ioniulii , nlillo HID po
< , .1.1',1 ' , ' . Jij ' "iromriita loi.jlliuif . Iti tlui I'AHT
\\OVI.N I'lM'.on ibuithoin tuMiitni imoriiilnii.
lily nny r u ili woai.wliluh would ruin imil vol-
VI'tHHllOUl tilllUbtllli Illlcu.
Iliu Ooiiuin I.UIMS VKI.VKTKUN lias r.oso
HKKNTIIII'Avoiuri iii I'S.IAM ) , nml must
not lioumlomiilcd Hli inn olhurolviluun
Kvi-O vardor thoiJHN'IIINi : IKIIID tliu nniiitt
of "I/M'IS , " nnd n OIJAUANl'KK ol wour uo-
cinniaiiluBOi ] < 'r > ) ur < l
Mill' WI'.M.Jli | noril "I.OUIS" In con-
nuiiiou waii lu t Vc lu u vu ii > sjiolloil 'IM U-l-b *
mid in ii'i ' otlidvny
byld \ > r
. I U
U I n
Mnka d.
.rl lJill.3 tftt > T t l | * l ' " "
IIU. A Q. ( . . 6. 1
111. * I OU