THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY DECEMBER 20. 188G. THE FUNERAL OF A TOUCH , r A Solemn Scene in ttc Slums of a Great City , lloily of "Poll" Sullivan 1'ollowcil to the Grate by n Host of ( lie Onntl .Mmi'i rrloiuK Nu\v Yonl llcralil : And FO it cmue to n fc\v days ago that Daniel 1' . Sul livan "the loupir" was to be buried. All tlic pomp of thu ronrlh and Si\tlt wards lias turned out to ii.ij tribute to lti < < memory , mid the u who nro di-talncd nway by "business" are reprc-cntod by slatPHiiuu " .Jimmy" Oliver , " .lorry'1 J ! artisan , and "ratty"Vnl li. I'ntil a quarter to 3 o'clock in the after noon the remains lay e\pocd to view in n tenebrous room nt the rear of the un dertaking pitublMittii'nt in Leonard Mrcct , whrni the man while dyinsr was taken immediately after thu shooting by "Tony iho Kid ' limit. Sevim burning cnmlle-s at ( lip head ) f the bier throw threadlike ) nijs of li iit upon : i row of men and womep , who xit with k'trs 'io -pil , pipes aiid cleats iu moutb , arms resting upon their knuo , on IjoncliL'- around tUovull.s. \ . Mns ns of flowers , ropre i-ntiiiK everv n from a inirp to an anchor , and ute to a star , are pru-ent. with the at tached "sympathy' ' of the "Holler llasn Dull club , ' the "William .J. MeKii-rnan asuieiatiou , " ami the "Timothy D Sulli van association.1 in yii outer room men tip naeh other's lials or their eyes and moki' and joke. A silunco graver than at any time be- foie. Two younrr women , clad in black , with their fal'i's obicurud by veils , outer. They place si lloral wreath bearing the woi'ds. "Hest in Peaeo'1 on tbo top of the bnriiil ease. With a glance and a noiso- le-s tear upon the sel , features of the late ' Toll" Sullivan , tbov di'iiarl. "Hully fun , bully fun , bully fun , " i \\hisper , accompanied tune fully by a ipnck and regular .slmlllo of feet , and the elt-iike face and lignro of " .Johnny Look-Up' * is defined beside the corpse. "Had luck to him , there's the banshee , " romes in muttered lU'cctili from the Ijcnehes. "Faith ho'.s been to every fu neral from the wards this IH teen years. " "D'ye know who them gals \\-as ! " asked the uncanny being as he. throws back his head and peers from under lowly-hanging eyelids as though striving to look through hi nose. 'Them was some of the gals what 'I'M' used to gag when they was goin1 to work iiiornin'.s Dasbin'hi'm as lie stood on Martin's cor ner. Toll' wasn't abad 'un. lie used to take the gals' lunch baskets and .keep 'em until the g.ils got mad. Then he'd chuck the gals under the chins and let 'em go n.WRV inilln' . The gals got to like Toll. ' llundve'.I § of 'om from all over , and Ihtmklyn , too , nave been hereto toee him. 'Poll1 iisj'il toay totlie gal- . : 'Ah there , mv si/.e , ain't I sori'y Tn : imu- ried. This is bully fun , bully fun ; bully frn. " " .Johnny Look I'p" vanished like a f-hadow his hoarse and - , song accompany ing "hiillle dying away as lie rcache the btreut. No priest or minister conies to pray over the dead. The interment cannot be made in the consecrated ground of Cal vary cemetery because ol the reckless life of the bullet's \ ietim. "Oh , I'll be with him , " .says "Johnny LookUp , " rotmning to the scene , "and lie won't need no priest nor preacher. I've be.en to four hundred funerals this year , an' 1 Kin imo yer name and d.ilc ior every one. ' 1 he ofo women don't like mo to be around. Sometimes they give me f-1 , $10 and more to stay away with my bail luck. They don't believe in wearing dead men's do's. They give 'em to me. nnd I hocks 'em with yer undo. Does I ride to their funerals ? Not much , cully. 1 runs. Thisain'tasb.ul acaseas "Jimmy J-'lliot's , and 1 don't see why they can't bury Toll' in Calvarv. " On the. sidewalk stand hundreds of women with ha\vl" over their heads and men and children scattered through the mass. The space in front of the door is kept free , and the scene resembles the "citi/ens peasants , soldiers , etc , " with police for the military portion , retire- hinted in theatricals. From every win dow in tin ) neighboring tenements ap pear do/.ons of heads. "Ilello , Owen Kelly ! " "Johnny Ljnu , is that you' " ' Centlcnien , this is Mr. .lolmn.y Sulli- v.m and this is Mr. Micky Martin. " "Hey dare , 'Gillio' Met'loin. " "Lovtiy , how's things * " Ami Ivdwaid Love responds "I'p and up. " Among the oilier celebrities "on deeU" were Mr. "Jack" Styles , who bunod "Jim" Klliott ; Mr John J. Sullivan , Mr. "Mutton Legger"illium Jones , Mr. "Jimmy" 1'arrell , Mr. "Jimmy1' Lovell. Mr. "Danny" Sullivan , Mr. "Johnny'1 Shanly , mid Mr. Mlro-o Taylor , and others' of unknown identity. Ai last the lime arrives tor the proccs- neil to the gra\e. The casket is placed in tin ) "carriage wid six plumps. " The mourners take scats in the carriage , the f ricniN follow .suit. And the members of the Sullivan association , with badges on their breasts and about one hundred Miong , lisad the way on foot as far as thu ( irand street ferry. An open barouche contains the llowers. "My. Jimmy , is dot Sullivan's funer al ? " shouts n boy on a truck to ( he driver ol Iho And all Cirough Leonard , Maxtor and Watts streets the curbs are thiouged with people , who ask similar qiu'-tlon" . As the sun rets leaving the western sky taterraco of lights and shades that eccm < > extend the hori/on porspcctivoly to a distance bo end linitc computation , clods of frii/en earth fall from the grave dig ger's spade upon the collln inclosing ToirSttllUan. A wall of anguish , at first subdued as though battling uith the howling bli/- stard for ascendency , rises loud ami piercing , and then passes away moaning in the wind that whips mid whistles iiround the tombstones of Kvergrcon cemetery , "Johnny Look Up ! " Kro the yellow pmo lid that covers ( he casket hus disappeared beneath the don pour of clay the youth , breathless fron running , with chin in air , nostrils dllatei and eyes nearly closed , jogs ni to tin yawning pit .singing monotonously as he continues to tread the ground , "Itnlb luu , bully fun , " and the mourners laugh light fresh cigars , skiplo their carriages nnd are rattled homo again. Mr. J. J. Uaync , .7J Lake auniuo Jlochostor. N. V , will tell , \ouifyoi write , unclosing blainp , that tins wonder ful story is iruo ; "In ISvJ I was taken lo the Clifton Springs Sanitarium , in i jnosl deplorable condition , with conges tiou of the liver , constant cold hands ; > .m feet , m-liing of blood to the Mead , purpli fcpots on my taec , and my skin was as jdlowas a lemon. The slightest fooi could not be taken , without such distress mill spasms that my screams could be hen nl a long distance. 1 had prolapsus very severely , profuse leurorrliu1 : nnd uterine nlceration so that 1 could not wear a supporter. The doctors said that 1 had the worst case they ever saw. In two months 1 lost 40 pounds of llcsh , and ( .uttering all the lime from intense headaches , and nn hble to obtain sleep , while cold , clnnimj sweats would break out over my boilj firquently- . Under the operation o Warner's safe cure my skin cjcarcd ii | nud I began to gain llcsli , and was able to walk oiu ? full mile , ly case crcatei Eiich an interest at the Sanitarium tha Warner's safe cure lias siiice been pro Foribrd fbrits patients with good results 1 uevcr was to healthy iu my life , " N > w YorJt. Dec. 19. MOVKT On fall inlet , rnnuitiLT from a per cent to 8 per cent , closing at 'J per cent. f'niMK MKHCA.NTII.E I'APEK-I per cent. STKIIMXO HxcirANOr. Birely Mf-ady ; 34.W for sixty dny bills ; S4.b3demand. ( JovniiNMtNTs ( iovcrnineiit bonds were bill hut linn. ISTOI KS The stook market e\hlbited n marked channc from previous dn\sor the \cp | ; and Insteadof ixiitcssiiiefttida rush , a \altliii ; tenilcnev was developed which con- I tied the tlnctations within a comparatively stnnll rantrc , the champs fiom lastevcnlncs ( Dotations beini ; conllncd within 'i' PCI cent llherway. llaily transactions were made at dcclinini : llt'iires , but a linn tone was soon leu'lowil. and by noon parly lo i" ) had ceiiPisdlj been lecovcicd. In the niternoon leclded strength was shown , neeoinpanled ly an Incu-ase In the amount of business lone. The llnal changes aie tfeneially In axoruf higher pilccs. STOCKS o.v WA.I.T. STnr.FT. J rent bonds. . . . 101 C. & N.V \ r,2 > j i ; . H. Vi'i JJViV prefened. . ! KJ'S Ncw-rs 'W-s'N. Y. C : ' | PacificO'sof ' { > - > . lliiv Orrcnii Tran.4i : 4 entlal 1'nollic. . li' . ' . , I'ncllic Mall 73K C.&A aiVI' . . V : I * If'J ? nruionua. . . . I10V1M' . C 41) ) 3. IJ. * O IW liockJslnnd lls'f ' ) . l.v\V I"S1. " , . L. vtS. K. . . . 71J/ ) . .V-H ti tWl 4 , iireteiled. . . 141 Kne : ! I"CM.St. . I' . . . 131 profpirei ! . . ni' < i pieferml. . . 'JT % Illuols Central. 12 V St. ] ' . , v 0 2' ' 1. , H. * W ! MV , ' , - Jansas.VTevas. di ; 'Texas 1'aelile. . . 10:1 : .aUnShoro m' ' . | I'mon r.icllic. . . 1(10 ( [ - . * X O.T4V. . , St. L.A : I1. . 17 . . l i'j ' prefened. . . MJ Mo. I'acllic l-r\\Vchtern | \ Union. IS Noithein I'.IP. . . : s KO. , . U. vtN. . . piefericd. . . WHl PltUliUCIfi MAIIIIIJT. Chlruiro , loo. is. Klmir---Steady and nelmngi'd : winter wheat Hour. 34.o : , @ .JO : sotillii-in. S".Hiu-t.oo ; Wisconsin. Sl.OOdM.10 MlelilKiui fcoft suiinu whuat. 1JJ.500C4.10 ; Minnesota sbakeis. 5 H. . " > OG > l.lO : intents , E4.oi : ; ; i. ( > d ; low mades , 31.T.Y 'J.To ; rut Hour. ciiict | at ? .Vi5Vii.5j ( : ( in bauds , ind M.OiWiV-O in sari. " . Wheat Dull and easy : opened ' ' < ' lower , olosliijc after some llnetiuttlons ' e. lower linn jesfeiilay'stoasli , Tilc ! : .Jiinnary. 'iOJaO ; Kobiuaiv. TT M-lOe ; .May , M'/c. ' Corn Dull but mlct , opening n liadobe- ovv > csteidiy ! , closing ' .e lov\er : cash , 'ii ) T-liV : Jannaiy , : JOe , ; I-oUruinv , : iT 1-UK.- ; May , 4'e. ; ' Oats I-'liin and slvady ; o.ish , ! Mc ; .lana- ry. ' i'tJic : May , "XtJ aic. Kyo Dull al.Vie. llnrlcv Dull nt .V2c. Tnnotliyseed I'rinustiongci : : ( Kl.ixseed-DIc. Wlniuy S1.18. 1'orU Weak ; nimlemtcly active ; easli , ll.iui ; .lanu.tty. Sll.U. ) ' < t.n.'r ; ; ; 1'Y'biuaiy , ll.iii K/ll.U ) ; .M ly. Sll.sfflll.32Jii. ( ) ( ! Ij.ifd .Modrratelv active lint easier ; caili , ( ! -.10 : January , SfU ' , ( aO.-J ; I'eliiu.ny , SO.1 ! " t.iO.ri : ; Mav. 5rt.OJ > 3f. Ilnllc Meats .Slioiddeis S4.SOi ( i.s- ; slioit elear , iO.KV(0.1' ( > ; short libs , 5 , .ti ; > for Jan- 'iiaiy. Hntter-C'ieaniery , ' 2.T Kc ; dairy , iTffiifr. Cheese l-'ull cream ehedil.iis. ll ciile ; latsVKitl'-'nV1 ' yomitf Anii'iicas ' , rya ( > ( . ; ! ; . Kg. ' ' ' iSijtTjc. Hiiles Hpjtv > r Kti'CU salted , tally cined , 75f ( se ; itclit.bjjc ; bull hides. 0 > ( fc : drv sMtPlll'@l2c ; diy Hint. I".rn.l4 ; c.ilf lTir.- . s ini o ; iiLn > > ona , & 0c each. Tallow 7 o. 1 Xo ' . ' > country , , c ; , , H4e ; c.ikc , lc. Flour.libH ! 2i.00'i ) ' ifioOi ) Wheat , nil ' y.0 < )0 ) Corn. DU fc'.OOO ' ' m.i'Ol O\ts.bu ( IW.OOO Hye. bu 2iK ( ) ) 1,000 Uaiit-r.on .VJ.OOO : 'oooo St. Iioiils , Deo. IS. Wheat Kasy ; Xo. 2 red , cash , bOo ; January , S0'8i' ; ilny , bTc. Coin Kn y ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , aV'ijl'i'e ; Junuaiy. : t. > 'jCc ; Mav , W < e. Oats Ivasy ; No. ! i mixed , cash , 2so ' : Januaiy. U'.i'i.c ' . ; May , Jllc- . llvi > Steuily atSlc. Wliiskv-Sl.lit. I'ork-Hasy at Sll.r,0 ll.T5. I.aid-Ste.idj at , 30.10. llutler ( Jnlet and steady ; eicaiucry , .4& ! ! Tc ; daily , i ' " " 1' " City. Dec. ! . Wheat Steady ; Xo. a led , cash , Cl'c. ' ; Januniy , C'.i ' o bid ; May. 7.-1'c. : DCoin Steady ; No. 2 , cash , : ; c'Vc ' bid ; Jan- unrv , : ! lc ; May , : > IM' bid. OaU No.quotatlonp. New York. Dec. I1 * . Wheat Receipts , 7.000 ; exports , f,8,000 ; e.Tsli baielv .steady ; options heavy : unloaded led. h4 ( ! > lc ; No. : ! led noinlnal ; Xo. 1 led , .lie ; Xo. ! icd , h'J'4 ' ( ( ( > b8c ) iu elevator , ! ' 04 < : e afloat , s'J. c i. o. b. ; Januniy clntini ; at Mi e. Coin Cash dull ; iini mthcr weak ; options lower , closing heavy : iccelpts , ar > ,4X ( ) : e.\- poits , h'.iKX ' , ( ) ; ungiadeduiticlbijc : Xo. a. 47'c ' In elevator.ts / ' X e alloat ; Jim- iiaiy closing at 47"c. Oats Moderately active ; leeeliits , , V,000 ! ; export" , 110110 ; western , yi@Co : ! ; while westein. Il7 ( ( 4le. Potrolfiun Steady ; milled closed at C0'bc. JCis { Steady ; westein , ' . ' 4fa'J7c. I'm -Quiet but linn ; elty lainlly mess , Sl < * * iX ) . Laid Modeiately active ; western steam spnt , SO.fii1 , ( 0.5'i. Mutter IMI in ; westein , SSWlOj ; Klgln cieaiiieiv. yiC'till' ' e. Cheese Quiet and llrin ; westein flat , IK' ? ' ' . MliinenpnilH , Dec. IS. Wheat Weak ; Xo. 1 haul , cash and January , 7r ! ' e ; May , si'ic ; Xo. 'J noi them , cash and Jan- a iy. 71he : May , 7c.ic. I'loiir I'uiii ; patents , ? I.IOJ5I.CO ; bakeis. Sa.'iOf:5.70. ( : Receipts-Wheat , lai.OOO bu. hliipmtnts--\\ ! , 41,000 bu. ; Hour , 10,000 bbls. Milwaukee. Pec. 18. Wheat Dull ; oash,70ie : Jannaiy , 7G ; ; ; Ma ) , b4'fe. Coin Mead ) ; Xo. ! i , 'Me. Oats- Weak ; No.JOe. . Itje-l'iinier ; Xo. 1 , .ITc. Mm lov Loner : Na ' . ' , 5t c. I'lovlsloiib ( Jidet ; pork , December , 511 17' ' January , Sll.27/ } . Cliiulnnnti , Dec. lb. Wlicat I'lun ; Vo. 2 , led , bOo. Com Easy ; Xo. 2 mixed. " ( S 'l-H. ' . Oats I'irm ; Xo. A mixed , ! W'v. ' Kyo--giilet ; Xo. 2 , WiVic. I'oikKirmnt $11.7.1. Lard-Klim at $0.1.'iQfl.l7 ; ; . WldsUoj steady at SI. ia. IjlVII STOCK. Dee. 13. The Drovei'a Journal icooitn as follows : Cattle Receipts. 2,000 ; steady ; Clnlstnias , Sri.l K. .M ; blilppliiK steeis. fi.X : : ) @ .h5 ; htockers and fccdeis S'.OU .ai.iO : ( ; cows. bulls and mixed Sl.40 . ) .15 ; Texas cattle , , ca.OOO ; steady , lOo lower : much and mixed , i'J.S@l ) 25 ; pnckltiK and shlnplnc , S4.yo04..lO ; llslit. 53.05 : ; skips , 82.4dftiS.JM ) . Sheep Receipts , 1,000 : steady common to eood natives , SJ.tVKii4.7ri : westom , S'J.IX ) ( t : : .59 ; Tovnns , S'J.OJ(5f3.l ( ; lambs , S4.MKS.W. BSt. I.oiilv , Dec. lS.-CAtllii-Kocclptvr.OO ; Khipments , 200 ; stiomr ; Chil.stnuis beeves , SI.HiS,4U ) ; choice heavy native steers , S4.25 Otl.70 ; Diitchois' sleois. fair to choice , SII.OO ( ! ll.20 ; feeders , l.ilr to itooil. 5. .50 :1. : 75 ; stockers , lair to gooil , S'i.00@2.75. llos ( Kecelpts , a.fiOO : bliipincnl ? , none ! u bhade easier ; choice heavy fat butchers selections , H.DWjJi.Ki ; packlmr , fair to peed , i4.HVt4.iW : Vorkurs , medium to fancy , ga.'Jj ( . { pigs , common to good. $2.50 .1.uo. Kaiik.iu City , Dec. ! . Cattle Receipts , 700 ; shliMiicnts , none ; stronc , active ; common to choice , Sa.a.V'i ' ; block- eis , fc'.Vi ; feeding sleeii , feS.Myj.l.CO' cow , SI Mi.OO. : Hoes Receipts. 12,000 ; shiim-.enls , WO- weak ; 5u and 10c lower , eommoii to choice , S8.SOS4.-i1) . New Orleans , Dec. 18 , Corn-rrlmer ; white and mixed , lX ( < (47e ; yellow , 4bc , Oats Mi m jwhlto wertern. 3tK340c. Corn Meal Quiet at fc2.15. Hoj ? I'rodiicts-Dull ; pork. 811.25. Lard Refined tierce , SO.OO. Hulk Meats -.Shoulders , S4.50 ; loug clear nuil cleat Ub , $ 'i.b7 > v OMAHA MVK STOCK. ' Friday , Dec. 1" . Cattle. The receipts vvere extremely H ht and the maiket dull and Inactive. Values remain about the hamn. There ii no bale whatever lor ail ) thine except good grades of stock. Hoga. The. lint ; market opened at a iKvJino of about 6c and wo * fairly active. . The receipts w.cie llbeikl for Saturday. Later | u the day Squires * Co. . Alehi on , Kan. , put buyers on the market which Increased the demand and strengthened the market. 'I here were no ings of any account left over. The market closed stroncer. .Sliecp. There were no fiesh iccelpts and no de- inai.d. Ueoclpti. Battle 100 Hogs. . 2,700 , PrcvnlllHC Prices. Showing the prevailing price * paid for live tock on this market. Choice steers. WV ) to 1500 Ihs 54.00 1.40 Choice steers , 11UO to 1WJ ibs R. : ft.8- : ( Jood feeder ? , 2.rV IJiiod to choice corn-reil cows . . . . 2.rMi3.CO ( I'Rtr ' to met mm grass cows 2.00rfti.2" ) ( JOPxl to eliolca bulls I.2.U2.0.I . Lichlaiid medium iioss 'J.WM4.00 fMl to choice heavy nogs ( iood to choice mixed nogs : i.l)5C4.0"i ) < iood to clioleo sheep 2.7.V ( : i.iO ! Fair to good sheep 2.2Jrt2.50 ( Keprescntntivc Snln5. cow 8. Xo. Av. IV. t. . . .W : > 5J.85 ; 110(11. No. Av. Shk. IV No. Av. Slik. IV. ; r.0 ( -j--osi.s-o : fi . . . . ' > o 2bni.o.-i 01. . . ! ! 1S 1201.00 ( id. . . 'WO P'O ( .in 72.'i'il 120 4.00 CM. . . 27C , ll ) .05 ii.W2 : : (40 ( 4.00 111. . : tlt 240 1.05 J..l'.ii5 liX ) 4.IK ) IS . . .210 4(1 ( 4.05 IV1..27. ! 210 4.00 " . ( ' , . . . : ! 4 1IX ) 4.05 00. . .271 2'iO 4.TO l'.l..2'H 401 fil. , . : ! IO KOO 1.00 ( ! ) . . . 2vS3 1.05 fiO..1..1) " 120 4.00 : . . . .2 J-i J'O l,05 fis. . . : ; oi 120 4.00 2t . . . ; i 120 4.01 57 . . 2S1 Mt.lfl ) G5 . . .2M V0 4.05 (10..20 ( ! ) 2b ( ) 4.00 HI . . 224 2-10 1.05 75..1SI7 4.00 ( > . . . . ' 'J2 bO I.M ( ft-i | : > 5 2SO 4.00 MI..S& ) 240 4.05 fM. . . . . " . 120 4.00 r,4..27tl 1.05 7.I..W7 1IW ) 4.1H ) 11 . ! UH 120 1.05 : < . . : iu 40 ) . ( ) - rv. , 2in ire .t.oiia f. . ; . . . : u'i ' ice 4.05 ( > : t . . . : .ot vo : 1.10 ( . . . . : ; oi ' . ' 00 4.0 % ro.7 i.iu 4rtri , : , ( MVJ 4.n ( 40 . . .ins 200 4.10 M ) . . . . : 2 401.05 51 . . .aJ7 120 4.1S' ' llangc Showlnc the liltli st and lowest mice1 ! paid for load4 of hogs on this maiket , dtitini ; dajs and lor the .same innu lastyear : ] Nov. f f > ce. isso TTitij. f 12th Siuuliiy laiii D.7U TiJ'IW - Suiulii ; Hth .I.S-5 fiiUO . -l fM irth . 4.00 tjM.ifi , ' ! . ; ; . inth 3C.1 li-j.8.1 4.01 OHM 17th ! : \ . istii a.TO ci'i' ' " > 'I K ) SH.lS'i ' Shipments. Showing the number of eais of oaftle , hn s id sheep shipped liom .South Omaha dining the day : " . . . . .U.V Chicago IV ! II. A : M AtchiMW All sales of stock in this market are uiado tH-rovvt. live weight unless olhei wise staled. Dead Imns sell at''fa ' per Hi. for all weights. " .Skins , " or horfs vvoItfliiiiK Ios than 10J UK. no value. I'le nant sowsuro dockcil10 Ib-s. and stajisSO Ibs , by the public inspector. Note * * . lloss closed Hun. A good ! ioj maiket for Salmday. The Upton packinghouse took ' , & houps to-day. C. B. licynoliir Jamaica , was among the visitois at thoyaids. John Weed , Herman , was heie and sold a load ot butchers' Mock. Keen your old thin cows at home , You can i give them away heie. 1' . A. Uarrelt. Weep'niK Water , was heie and maiketed a load ot ho s. Mr. Maikeson.ol Maikeson .V H-ill , Cies- cent , Ja. , was looking over the .vaids. Squiies i Co. , Hie Hoston paeKois , v\eie on the maiKet to-day and boutjut 7 loads ol boss. Kiniran & Co. . heavy paekeis of Atehlson Kan. , bought 1'i lo.uls ot ho s in tills nnirKet to-day. 1' MeCoy , Auliuin. was vKHint ; his In other * , I. N.'andC. W.McCoy at the j.tids to day. Mr. Kail , ol Fall & .Spencer. Sihcr Citv , la. , was In anil sold a load ol lions at a very .sat isfactory price. The buvcis lor outside paeklnir houses to- KCther vvltli the Omaha btijeis made a 1:001 ! normalkct to-day. Mr. Warnoi'k , ofTrekell & lieahm , Coit- land , Neb. , was In and sola u load ot ho s which topped the maiket. C.Itutlat.ot the film ol C. Kiidal & Co. Xoilolk , extensive li-eders and shijipeis , was in aim sold a load ot ho s. Dm hit : the week past theie has been , for the most pait , a veiy satisfactory hosj maiket , both as to receipts and pi Ices. "We Keep n iccoul ol the nv erate ; vvelRht of all the hoes v\o sell , " lemaiKcil a commission man , "nnd wo niul that dniiiiK the past two weeks thorn has been a uiailnal deeie.ise in tlie weinlit. " "Wo will set oui westein fanneis Into the habit ot lalsiiujtwo crojis ot ! io. > .1 jear , in stead of one ; " icmaikcd a provision man. "Tho Knglish trade ili-iiiumta litjht lion pioducts and the Ameriraii Is leanini ; morn tlmt way every year. Our larmeis will be able to make mote out ot two crops ot li ht liojjs than one of hcavj vveljilits" OMAH/V AVM01jJ.SAliia ; MAK1CI3TS. Gonorul I'rocltiue. .Saturday , Dee. IS. TlirfoUou'lutj prices are jnr round lota of ' " \amsoldtnitlic innrlttil to-ddii. The > n. trutti rcpi-ficnt tnc prices ai . 'leorilenaretltlerl. ' The market remains about steady , the bulk selling : it 2Ir. I'oi i/inv Diessed chickens have been in a little better demand diirini ; the past lew days and liavo sold at & * u. Tin keys aio slow nt HJ10o. ( ; ccesoand ilneks h ( Hc. OHKIISI : Kulli'ieam cliudtluo , slinrlc , Ho ; lull cieain Hats , twins. I"vonni ; Amciiciin , Ul'.jc ' ; fancy .Swiss , llwiri ; Kwlss , Impoiled , 25c ; Limbiirger , 12Kc : biick , ( l.VMi : I'ralilo chickens , choice pel do/ , 91.00 ; ( | uall. per doS1.50 ; ducks , mallaid. per do51.75cit2.00 ; ducks , iierduz , S1.25 < ! ? ! . 50 ; ducks , mixed , pet dofrl.25 ; yeese , per do11.50 : deer , saddles , per Ih. lOndiie ; deer , carcasses , per Ib , 7@o > ; elk iradilles , pel llitiMlOeelkcarcahsi's ; , pcrlb,0c/7e ; antelonc , saddles , per Ib , 10J12e > ; antelope , eaieasses , per Ib , 7MKc ; Jack labblls , pel doS .50j ( 4.00 ; Email rabbits , per doOOc. . Ari-its ; The stocks on hand am not heavy and the market Is tinner. Choice Mlssoml block Is nnoted at 52.75 ( 3.00 , and Michigan stock at S3.25 < iJ.50. : : ONIONS Tlioio Is no home-ziown stock on the maiket to sjicak of , Quotations aie nominal at S1.25. I'oi'AioK.s The market Is linn. Theieaio very lew coming in , and transactions aio mostly limited to the sales ot ninall lots trom the stoie at dOjjOlo. CKI.UKV Tim market Is steady. Choice stock per doMe : extia laige , per do/,40c. Ovs inns Mediums , 20o ; Ntandaids , 2" > c : selects , 2b ; extra bclects , ac ; ; N. V. counts , 40e. CiiANiii.iiniK Capo Cod , fancv , per bbl , S12.00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl , Sf.OO. HAXANAS Dananas , .vellow , per bunch , S'J.OOtf ' . .i'i ; bananas , yellow , laige , pei bunch , . LEMO.NS Messina , per box SO.M ) . OHANOKH .lamalca , per bbl , 510.00 ; Klor- Ida per box , 85.50. Ki.ouu AND iliM.fiTiTFs \ \ Inter wheat flour , best quallt ) patent , S',75 ; second nual * Ity , $2.40 ; beat quality spring wheat flour , patent , S2.iiObran,50opercwtchopiied ; ; feed , 70o per cwt : white corn meal , 00v ; yellow corn meal , hoc per cwt ; scieenlns , OOo percvrt ; hominy , SJ.Ou per cwt ; bhoits , 55o percvTt : eiaham Sl.GO ; hay , In baloj. S5/IOJ4 fi.OOuer ton. _ Grocer * ' IJMI. | I' in bbls , 80.50 ; do , In half bbls75 ; small , In bbls , S7M ; do , In half bbl8.S4.2oghrkiiis ; , Iu bbU , SS.50 ; ilo , In half bbls , Sl.75. Svitur No , 70. 4-galIon kegs , 51.20 ; New Orleans , per L'illou 3b ( < 4Gu ; manic ; Bvrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 72c 1 gal lon cans , oer doz , f 10.00 ; half gallon cans , per do/ , J-5..VJ ; qusitcaus , Si.0ii. : SrAiicii Mirror glass , 1 Ib , Hffa ; mirror gloss , 8 Ib , G'io : mirror jjloss , Olb , OWc ; iJraves' corn , 1 Ib , 6c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID , 7e ; Klncsfoid's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Klugsford's cloas , U Ib. 7Uo : Kingsford's pure , 3 Ib , 7 c ; Klngbfords bulk , 4c. Ton ACCO Plug , climax , 4'3c : horseshoe , 37o ; star. 3l c ; spearhead , aUc : plperheldsick , We ; goldbhleld , 34c ; merry war , 23c : J. T. 'TOHACCO Smoklns , Duiham , Is , J5lc ; J < a files ; , 67o ; j s , OOc ; uicorschum , Wo ; old style , 22(5 ; U. N. O. , I5c ; spirit curea , 4. . MAiciiEs-Per caddie , 2Sc ; square eases , 81.70 : mule souaru , 91.20. lUSDY Jdlxed , yiaD > sfc ; stick , S Cinr KFII".arneau's ( soda , butter and picnic , .V.i1 ; eitami.s jC5 ginger siiap . Hc ; citi Mida , " h Ai'KliK s savon imperial. S3.70 ; MrksMtinel. . S.tOn ; Kirk s standard , M.01 ; Kirk's white Russian. S4 00 : Klrits whitecap - cap , JiVX ) ; donip , 5'J.M ; nnshboaid , S.i.lO ; white cloud. S3. 75. Roi'K-H Inch , % e ; 1 inch , I0'4c ' ; Vt Inch , 10iC. CANNKDOoons-OisterM , standard. perea < p , S.l.v : ! : j.25 ; tt.iw berries , 2 Ib. per ea e. S.VJO ; laspbcriles. 2 Ib , per ea c. 6-.10 : California pears , per case , 54.50 ; apricot1" , per cas. > ; sl.OO- t > eachc , per case , ! ? 5.2j ; white cher ries , per c.v-e , Sfi.OO ; pUtnu. per ca e , SD.05 , blueberries percv e. 51. "M ; e'e plum" . 2 Ib ix-rcase , j2..Vi : plueaplle < " , t Ib , per ca o : i.20 < 7j'i.75 : i lb aih 'keref. pei doSl.i'fl ; 1 lb salmon , pei dor , Sl.r .V1.00 ; 2 lb goose , bellies , IIPI ca e. Sl.75 ; 2 lb trlnir beans , pet ease. SI. 70 ; 2 lb lima beans per c-i-e , Sl.iXi ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per ease. Si.40 ; 2 Ih eaily June peas per case. 2.75 : ; t lb toma toes .V.tOf f3.25 ; 2 ' i.KV/i.iO. Dun D KnriTXo. . 1 quailer apples. . % , ( * Co ; In evaporated boxes I''igl'J'ic ' : black berries boxes. 10X < illc ; ucnehes , Halt Lake , INN' , K'C'fclO'jc ' ' ; pcache.s i-xapoi.ilctl. 15'vc ' ; 17e : raspberries , new , 22c ; eiineiits " @ ! V' & iniines new fli / < * > J/e. SroAtis rowdercd , 7e ; cut loif. C''it'7c ( ! : Fiannlaled , ( \ \ ( < lf > je : eonieclloiiers' A , ( I've ' : staiidaid exlia C , ftttil.V > p ; e.xtra C. 5'iS5Hc ( : medium yellow. l.'hLi.r ( > c. CofKhis Oulinarv grades , U 'al'e fair , IV tv 'c : prime. HJst'liGe ' : choice. l < ; ( 'il Ke ; fancy gieen and jellow. 10iM7c ( ; old eov- ernmeiit Java , 20ii2V' ( ( ' ; Inteilor .lava , Ifii iT ) 20e ; .Moeha , 22f ' . ' 4e : Arbucklo's roasted Hi'4c ' ; MeLauzlilln's KXXX roasted , l''V ' ' Dilwoitirs , l4c ! ; Red Cio , Ocnrrnl WOOL Medium lVit20epcrlh : hneheavv , l i ! li.e ; liglit , 10iHso ( ; poaiso , UMlCc ; burry wool , 2c < i5colf. linn ; " ( Sreen biitchei" . ti o ; gecen cured , e ; iliv flint , llrrtl e ; diy nail. ( HiJlOo ; U'rceti call skins ' . 'M''V ' ' ; damaged hides two-thluls pi Ico. Tallow H' ' e , ( iicase rnme white , 3o ; yellow , ' 'c ; brown. IV fchcen 1'elts 2.f.LJ75c. ( l.tArntt : : : I'rimo .laughter sole leather , tt-'e : pilmeo.ik sole leal her , HtXiVfcc. 1'ppcr ' leather per loot , .Un'.V ; hem , kip.irf. > . ) c ; oaf , kip. NXitftte ; Kiench Kli > . Sl.OOf.0.20 ; hem , calf. Vl.iXHfil.lo ; oak call. si.otHnl.25 ; Kieticli call , St 2 > @l.M ) : Morocco , ieir , : ; 0v.'c ( ! : : Moiocco oil pebble. 2bii13c ( ! ; toppings and linings 00 ( i'.KJc. HIIAVX IlAttDw.vur.-lron , tate ? 2CO ; plowsteel.specl.dcastcciuclble ! ; steel , t'Ke ; cast tools , do. VJfitil c : wagon spokes , pel set , S'.OOCrt:5.)0 : ; hubs per set. S1.25 : lelloes , sawed dry , 551.30 ; tongues , each , 8'c ' ; axels. each. Toe : .sliniiiti nuts , pur Ib. K'i7lc ; coil chain , per lb. ftol'-'c ; malleable. ; itou wcdiriM , 0" : ciowbais CHhauovv ; teeth , 4' ' e , spring steel , 7K'Jc ' ; Huiden's Jioi c shoes. SI.50 ; Uiiidcn s mule shoes , 51.50. Rallied vsiie , In car lots. Sl.03 per 100 His. Nails , rates , 10 to M > , S2.50 ; steel nails , 32.05. .Shot , fcl.Co ; buckshot , S1.V > ; oriental powucr , kegs S2.5J ; do. halt kegs " " 2.00 : do. ( iiuuter kegs , -fl.50 : hlasttiiK kegs , 52.J5 : ; Juse , per 10 feet. CJc. Lead bar , 810 A AUNisiiKs IJaiieH per gallon : I'urnl- ' ture. extra , SI. 10 ; fuuiiture , Xo. 1. ? 1.00 ; coach e.xtr.i , SI. 10 ; coach , Xo. 1,51.20 : Da- mai , extra , 51.75 : .lanan , 70o ; asiilialtum , ext ia We ; shcllnc , 9.00 ; hard oil linisli , _ Cologne spit Its , 1S8 pioof , Si.IT ; do 101 pioof , $1.18 ; spirits' ' . M-COIII ! quality , 101 iirool. S1.1T : do li > s pioof. 51.10 Alcohol. lbt > prooi , S'J.a ) tier wine I'allon. Kedlstilled whiskies Sl.iXWi'l.r.0. " Cu ! , blended. 51.M ) @ U.Otl ; Kentiirkv , "bourbons , ati.oOt30.00 ; Ken- lucky and Pennsylvania i.ves , 3J.OO"/fi.50 ; Goldnn Sheaf bouibon and iye wlilsklos , Sl.6ttft.10o. llr.imllcs , impoited , So.OO < < /b.iO ; domestic , Sl.0 ! ! : > .00. < ; ins. imnorlun , S4..V ) Kfi.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i'Vic'S.oa CliampaKUe.s. imported , per ease , S-e.OO ( < i'i.OO ; Aineilcan , pei ease. I'Aivrs ivOit. W'dtc ' lead. Oniaha.P. 1' . , T > < e ; white lead , St. l.ouls , puie , fcr.T.V Mai- belllesRieen , t to. ' Ibuaiis'c ; , creen seal , 12c ; FnneliInc. . icit seal. He ; I'lehctiT5i' ' . \n \ varuUli Msl. tttfo ; Jirtjieli /.Inc. " > ; vermillion , Ent'lNi , in oil , rfc ; led. lOe : rose pin if , lie ; Venetian ted , CooK- son's , 2'fc ; Venetian icd. Amcilcaii , ISe ; red lead , T ! e : chrome yellow , Kcnuine , ; iOc ; clnome yellow , K , l-'e ; oelno , lochelle. Ita ; ochre , I'rench , UVoclne ; , American , 1'iiC ; Winter's mlnenil , " * , < ; helilKh Inovvn , " ' < e ; .Spanish blown , 2Kc ; J1'luce's ' , Duv PAINTS White lead , t-c : rienchsinc , lie : 1'arivviilttnir. . vijifiwhitinu' ; , uildeis " ' ! whltiiii ; . rom'l , llc ; lampblack , ( Jer- manstown. 12e ; lampblack , oittlnnry , "c ; Prussian bino.-Vie1ultramaiine , IN.1 ; vandyK- biown , he ; umber , burnt -ic ; umber , raw , -le sienna , bumfte : sienna , taw , -le ; Pane gieen , iruiiuino. 2. > oParis ttrecn , com mon , -e ; chrome pieen , N. Y.Oc ; vermillion Aiiiciiran. lvc : inuinn law and burnt umber. 1 Il > cans , I'Je ; raw and bin nt sienna , l"c ; vandyke blown , ' "c : le- lined lampblack 12e- coach black and ivory black , li'c ; drop black. ICc ; Pinssian blue , nltiamailne : black. IPc ; clnome green , ! . . , M. & I ) . , Hie ; blind and slmttoi irreen. L. . M. * D. , lOc ; Pans creen , .So ; Indian icd , ISe ; Venetian icd , ! > c ; Tuscan , 22c ; Amciican vermillion. K. it I ) . , sue ; yellow oelne , 2e ; K. M. * O. D. , IS ; ; good ochre , Uio ; iiaten dryer , SB ; cialnlni ; color. Ilitht oal ; , daikoak , walnut , chestnut and ash. Uc. ! DHPI.IVD iiKMir.M K Aetn. caibolie , S2c ; nciit , tartaiie , Me ; balsam copaiba , per B' , 4"eJiaik : sassafras , per Hi , 10e ; calomel , oil. castor , No. 1. pertr.l. , S1.50c ; oil castor , Xo. 2 , pei gal , 51.10 , oil olive , per gal. , $1.40 ; oil 01 iLMimmii , 50c ; oolum , Si,20 : : quinine , P. \ W. and R. \ S. , per o'JOc ; potassium iodide , i > er tli , SJ.J5 ; sallcln. per < > / , 40c ; snl- nliato mornhliie , ] icr o/ . ? 2t > 0 : Milplmr , per Hi , le ; stiyclinine , pei of. S1.21. Orr L < uiuuar. 1IOAUDS. No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and W ft . S17.50 No. ! 1 " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75 No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 13.DO Np.4 _ " " IB. 14 and 1C ft . J2.00 _ _ LI ± MIKMII % * " i'Miitjii _ _ _ _ ''n ' ' | ( ' ti'u'ort' ' ' it' ' i it 'X4 . JB.VITIlro , ! lll.1iJl7.UOlIH.fW.'i.OOlil.oa | am . io.r.01 . IB : , u ifi..vj ir.ou1 IH.OHXM -.oo iiH . , in .ri-i'in.v ' ) n.ou'''i.ui'i.iu ' 2 IO . JC.5olOfJIB.'iO17.liO ! ) , | IS.IMS-.IIO.K l < U i'xl'J . . . ilrLflU'llUiO ' 17.011 IH.UU a.)0 ( ) L'.00 UtjlS ' IU.W1 IB.MI , trt ill1 ! 17.00 IH.OTj. < > 00 S ) 00 FBXflN'fl. No. 1 , 4 it f ! Inch , 12 and 1 1 ftroach. . . .517.00 No. 2 , 4 A flinch , 12 and 14 ft. , loimh , . . 14.00 f I.II.IVO AM ) l-AHri-III.N. 1st com. , * ( in White Pin' ' Partition . . . % i.oo 2d Com. ? in. Xoi way Pine Celling ! ! ! ! 14oo ! S10CK IIOAIID.S. A 12 Inch..I H. 4iiC . . , . J3i5.00 H 12 Inch " " 4' D . 2.50 : : No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10. 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.0' ' ) No. 'J. " . . . ltf.50 No. S , ' . 12. V M ft . 17.00 " " " " ! it . IO.DO SIUII.AT. . No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch . $17.50 No. ' . ' , plani.H and 10 inch . 10/0 XX clear. S2.W"A ; su'iulaul' 32.W ; No.l , Sl.'j ! ! ; Lath , S2.25. PoHrs-WhitoCeilfir.O In , , 'ss , 13c ; 8 in. qr.s. , 1.c. _ . CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF nib ChicapMilwatto&SPaulRly , ( , THE BEST ROUTE frenOMmaEidCOOIICII. BLBfTS il THH3 TWO TRAINS DAILY IIETWEBN OMAHA COUNCIL ULL'KFd Chicago , AKD Milwaukee , St. Paul , MliuicHiioUa , Cedar Ttapitli , Clinton , Uubuque , Davenport , Roeklslaud.Freeport , Rockford , Elsriti , Madison , Juncsville , lleloit , Winoita , La Crossc , And all other 'mportont iiolnti East , NorlhcaU and Bouttioust. Kortbrougli tlckbti ciill on the Ttolitt Aion at HOI Karuam stitot ( la Faxtou Hutelor ) a Union Facino Depot. Pullmrxn hieeuen und the flnelt D\n\oy \ \ Can to the world ur ruu oa tUa main llntaof the ClUCiUO , UlLVTAUKBC 4 ST. KiUL llilLWAY" , and rerr attention ll paid to pan&n ori b/ oourteuni emplo/eiof tbooompan/ . R. Mu.Liit , UonerM Jtauscor. J. F. TUCKIII , Asslitant General Man ( * r. A V. H. CAHFCKTKK , General Vtuttagsr and Ticket .Agent. Qeo. K. llcirronn , Agiiitant Q nera ) Pa i a- ftr and Ticket Agent J. T. CIUHK , Ountral Superlntbudtul. I itiinn nLr ntnr. ni'.i i < VltS , III tMl'IMl Oniiilid , IJiirohi.uis | s atn unit SI. l.iKiii- . 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 iui'wi.iN : OMAHAALINGOLN 1'iifrr Tiiiins will niiivr til nml lciM' fiom llin it' , .St. I' . , M A. O. ) ilcpot , l.'itli ami Dlicit coiiiuctlim iniulc In 1'iiion Depot , Kim ft\K \ < lly , lornil points Sontli imtl VVc-n ; In 1 nlon ) ) oj > otBt Ixjiils , loi-nil polms K.tbt anJ Ii. I'l'M.M.VX III ITin'Sl.lini'lXfi C.VItSfinnll HKht tiuin- . FortleUcls , slocplnif car bertlis iiml oilier In- f or mi i i n. : ' < n I 11 > t TM i I < ' . , fcl. I-.M. O. H. It. ) ill-pot , 16th nml Wi'lMi-rr-ln Hit , or 'J'lchel Acji-nt. Tinvrlhiif I'UKS. Agent. J5ir : Fiiinuin SliI'i'i.DiiiMlin. W. H. NMVMAN. II. C. TOVVN-ISH. ( Jon Tiiilliu Mitn'cr < ! cnl. I'H'-bVl'lcK t'l A t S ! | . I.llllU. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material , A. nosruJt. . , Artists' Material. " , Pianos and Organs , J'.U DoiiKlni Mreet.Omalm , Agricultural Implements. ( 'JI L'JtCIIJL L 1A JtKEJi , \ \ LolclMo IH'ulei In Afirriculttiral Ckrrl Ki'B nud llu/cli' ' . .lonpn Hicol , bftiriea Vtli nml lOlli.OninliB. Nil ) . /i'/'C'J LP CO. , Apfriciiltnrai Implements , , Htr , , VVIioleiHlP , Omnh * . ri In Implements , ITneoni nnd lluccle : , 1C I. un , 'M nnd .07. Joi f ft Butter anil Egos , Buyers of Duller and Eggs. lU'frleerMor mid I'liktug Homo , nth nnd I.caven- worth Hi. I' I'It. . II. Track , uumliii. Builders' Hart/ware and Scales. jmrinAi'jr < ( : TA yr.oit , Biiilders'Iiavdware it Sea lo liepair Shop Jlecliunlco' Tool * ami IliiIT.ilo Bcalei. 1106 Domlat it. , x liniulin , Nrli. LUX , FUIED cO CO. , Jobljcrs of Hardware and N'ails , TiDHare.ticrt lion , Kic.emu for HOVTB huilei , unil Xliaml l'i ) dt'ri u Omalm..Neb JtECTOJi , f : ' n'JLJIELM Y CO. , Hardware. HUTU fur Jcffcrton Stcrl Nhlli. Aiutln J'OHdcro ( , lulibunkiun(1aril f-rnlci Curncr Ibllt miU llnrm-y. Ocuahn. Iron Works , rAX'MN . 'riEHLixu Iron Work" , VVrori'lit mid T > t Iron. llullUInt Work , Iron tllr . llnlliiiL' Hcmim nnd l.lrilrri , hicnm hn rn. llruki VVtrk. lii n'out.ilry , Mrtiiinv ( .nil IHuikiuJlL \7oik. ( unJVVcrkrI ,1' , lly nUItli utct. ' "OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Boots and Shoes. . . SIIOK cojii'Ayy , .V nuncl\irei nnJ Whole f lo Dc.ilcrc In Hoots nnd Shop * , Corerlrlp.lf.rli of llnMmr Hotnln lnyf on h nd MI S ISllin. . Onmliii , .N b. A.T. Aiiitln.Ai.rnt. IF. 7 * . MOJtSK < C CO. . . . . . .s of Hoots nnd Shoe * . llll Viui m ft , Oninliv Nlh MMmfacUiiT , Summer Llloiliin , 'inle ' KnlilteiHooN and S , , . , , Hut'lier ' aiiilOMcilUotliliii ; unit fell Uouti , U9 i Beer. for Aulieiisor-ltiish IlrpMlnsr Ass'n rlul Ilniiit * . Knu l.rtiiil < tcl frnnJ \ ' \ " NTOHZ * V ILEJt , Laner I ! M'iItrpwevi , IMI Nut Ih l th strpcl. Oninlin. Nch. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha folTee and Spice MIIN. T fl CnTro | . Pnlrp . Iliilinit Tonilor. Hivorliu ItX- Irnc-K , l.miniliT Mine , Ink , Etc nil in lluruoy Mi-icl Utiiiilin , Neb lloino Cofl'ec nnd Spirt ? Mills MTe Co. . of llHKIntf I'nwUcr. I I iforuiK ittrnrt : . Illnlni * . I'm. Trt imBfii'p o ( mr 1 's | > : irkncollninclitpid ) Uunrttiil OilTcn. li < V Itonard l , I'mnli i. .Nvh Cornice. .loltn Kpeitcfer , 1'roii. .MniinfiictiuiT nf ( lnl > nnUpil Iron ntul Oornlce. 953 Hoilgimnil 101 mill IDS N , lOlli t. . ( ininba.Nrti. jtUKMi'ixa ( HOLTJ : , MnnufACturcrii ot OrinniiPiilal ( inlvanizptl rornicc" . Dormpr VVImUiwf. l-insls. ) letall ( < ML > llghtclc. 510S. IVI'i HI , Omulm. fir ( 'OKXH'K H'OJtKN , I' . Sprclit , I'rop. Oelvanljcil lrr > n ( Vrnli'i' , CP. Bpprl Imrrnvnl 1'nt- PHI MiMnllc'-kjll.'lit. ( M KiulilO H 1'lliri .Uniiilm. Carcts. > . OMAHA rjitrisT co. , Jobbers of " t" , riivlains Oil CIollis. li'ini ] " . \iilllnL" : > . I'll * 1511 Dniislm Iri'ct. , S. A. OHClLtliJf. Wlinlomilo Ciiriu'ts , Oil Ciollis , , Curium OOIK ) , Ktc. 1)23 I'liinam btrrct , Oranl'n. Neb. Crockery ami Notions. tr. L.'irJt ic i IT , Ak < ut for I Lie Mnniifni Hirers niul Iniportcro of CrucUery , d'lnsswniv , Lnnipi , Cliiiiun'jc , i tc. OIHiP , oK boiilti 13lll t Onirtln , N'pb. Commission and Storage. j ) . A. iirjtLKr , anil .loliliinir. llnlipr. recsnnil rnxlucc. I onulcmncntB fnllrltvil. li'niluii.irlprB f'tr blitncwino. Ili'iry lloxt'niul lini | > u'i ? . 1114 DoilKUHlii'ut , Iliunlm. I'KYCKK ItltOS. , Coniinhsiou Jlpreliaiit" . I'rnllt. . Proilucp niul l-iovlsions , Otimtm , N'rb. ' ' jr. J-'fi'lDDKLL , mid Cominis.oioii fcic'Clilllo | UniteITrft . riii'PSC. 1'onllry. ( iuiu : : , lM > -r , l.ti % . Cti Il2 > > oiitli lllh Mni't. " II'IKDIHIAX 0 C07 Produce Coiniiiiggion Mercliinits I'oullij , Hultci , ( .11 inc. 1'Milln. etc. S''O ti. Kill it iliuuli.i. Ni'b , WEEKS tC MFLLAJtD , ( icncralinuiissioii ( < McrchanlH , And Jolibpn , of rurclKii nml DoniPttlo I'mllr. . Cnrre- mlPiicp bollcitutl. VV'nrPltnUMi nml onkp , 'I'lilrtefMitli , Omnlri , Nob. Ti'lppbon * ' Ti Coal anif Lime. " ESTOXE r CO. , DC.llt'18 III Hard and Soft Coal , 0Rco ! untl > : ml , li'lli mill Nlotiolm PU. , Omah.i , Xcb. Ym' ' I. li'ijliune.tii7. ( Uco. I . I. mum , l'rp . P. F. OOODHAN , V. Tree. J. A. hfNiii.iu.\vi ) , i-eo. nml Trcnu. OMAJIA COAL. COKE .0 LfME COMI'AXy , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. Dl'-oiuli Vhlrli'i'iilh Micot , Oninlin , Nub , .r. , r. , roifH MniinfactimTRof Illinois While Lime. Anil Milppor * of foul nml c 'ki ' > , I'Pnn'Mt , I'lastcr , IJnip , Iliilr , Mru llrlik. Drain , Tllo nml s ( . pr I-ipi' . OIIUiI'.iJton Ilutcl. K.I n mm M. . Ouiilm , Nrb. TplPiilioiiPHll. Confectionery. ' i < \ r. FA Ytrco. . , Mniiiifactnrlitjjf ronfcctiotiers , Jobbcisof I iuuNine ! mul rifiim. 1211 I aniiim hi. / . / > Stock Commission. M. urn if K < ( ( Hoxti , IJvo Slock Commission. ( Ico. Ilinkp. Mminurr Union Stork \mt1i1.u iiinnlm. 'i'cleptiono ! SA } "AGi : it1 Git REX , Live Slock Comiiii sioii Merclmnts , EbipuicntDof iiiiv Hnil ll klnild of Hoik eullcltcil. fnloaS-tiiik Vunlr Om.itia , .S' 'h. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEyRIl < ? CO. , Johbers of CifyarH , Tobacco , ( I'llia ami Ainmiiiillloii , 2I' > tu2. ) S lltli M. , 10JO lo IUJI rnnillil st . Onialm , Ni'li WEST , ( WtlTSVIIEIt , Manufacliirers of Fine ( . 'tears , Ami Wholenlr Dfklcn-III Loaf Tobiinus , Nur.lUfl ml 110 .S. 1Kb ftrcol , JIOUSEIl ,0 WOODLdXD , \Vliuloralii lle k < r In Cijjurs , 'L'obaccos , i'ipos anil Smoker * ' Articles. Aiautefor I ) . I.elilArt turf & Co , Finn-fill nnd Smok- IcfTobaecix , MlliT.uikuo , Wliooniln. No. JU NorthSl teonth > ltr et , Ombii , "Job. Dry Co oils. M E. SMITH 4 < l CO , , Dry floods , FurniBliiiiK'floods Notions \H'lnnd \ 1IO Douglan. rin.llllir't .OniNlin. Kill. Distillers. lJlitllloitollrUrii ( | , Alrilirplniii1 Hptrlm. I in pullers mid Jol'bcrf of VYIiifumiil l.lquor * . WJLUt n'tiritfXGH nrsTiLLE' y CO. and JLEIt , V CO. , Impnrlpm anrt Jobbctr of fine VVInPi unit Uinnri. bolommiulneluifiiof Krniipily' * Fait Inilln Hit- IcranmlllomtitliMliiiioif. IIU llnrncyM. Drugs , Paints , Etc. Jf. T. CL.-iltKK DIIUG CO. , D\\\K. \ \ \ Paint , Oil & ( ilasu llouso Woltof Culfiiiro < oippli'le l.nio of OiUKKitli Sun- drlct I1H IlArncy el.Ouiali.i , Drain Tile , Etc. A. Il.tJAi nt riff J.VV llrinini.uer..VT'C.ii | II. J. OAIIBOK. V.l'rei , nml .Supt. TJIE IfXJOX HYDItAULW Jth'AIX TILE CO. , Oftlre 313 M lull t , Oinnlm. Nob. Mnclilnirr mid hiippllp * for .MuniilnciuriMK ( Vmcni Ilialn 'Jllp. furniture. DEtrisr , ? HTOSE , Wholesale Dealcin in rnrnitnrc. KMrnam f I , Umnlnf. Ni'b. CJIAJILES Furniture , Nodding , I'pluilstory , Mlcrofi.tlr. 13Oi.liua mid KIO fnrnnm tt. , Onmba. Butchers' Tools. ltiitcher.Hr Tools and StpplicH | , ie Cailogi'ot nil kiudi ( 12 Ii : OHfiHIJOBBERSDIRECTOR J | Groceries , PAXTOX , GALLAGUEU iO CO. , Wholesale Groceries nnd l'rovlsdon i No T , :07U > S > ( in.1711 f. lath , t.Omfthft. Neb. \cco \ n D , nit A i Wholesale IJln niut Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Strcl. 8irlnf | , VVxcnn stock , llnntnarp Lumber , ttc. 1JOI niul I' ll lUrncy nt ( ininlin. Iron and Steel , od Stork. Hpsvj Klo I JI7 tiii l.f.i pnwortli rl. , Unmli.-i , Neb. , w7/7 Stoves , S , i'untncps , Tiles , , llrnsMlnnd' . 151 mid 1 > J3 Knrnam Mrvpt. _ Lumber. LO as n Ji. i nro it n , in Ltnulu'i1. Lath , Ijiinp , Susli , Doors , Ktc. Vnnl < PoniprTUi ami Djiulnn ) Cornfr Vllimiil DiiiiMM * . CHICAGO LVMltKIt CO. , Wholesale latnihei- , MIS. Kill ftrrpl.Omnli .Xeb. I . ( Nilpoltpr. Misniger. Jewelry. ED HOLM , b Eiticifsox. " " Wholesalo.lov\olev8 \ and.Musie Dealers , DrntctMn PllvorKurc. IManiinulii , Wntrlio * , Clock * , Juwulvri'lVnlinnd Mitiirml * . p.c. llll mill IOJ 1HU > t. , cur. Duilue , tiniahu Noli. ' C. X. DIET'/ , Lumber. rih millOnllfori'li."Inpin Onuhn , Sub. M r , Lninlier , Lime , Onipiit , Etc. . Ktc. Cor.rtli niul tioiiclns st. . , Omulin. Nu i. ItOAGLAXD , Iitiinbor. T. m iiAnrm'LUMiiEit co. , To Dealci-H Only. Otllrp , ClIAS. If. LKK , llurdwoiul JmniliPV , \Vooil Oriictf mul rnnitipt MnoiliiK. 2h ( nml ( iiiiilm. A. WA KKFJKL1) , Wholesnlu Luiiilipr , Ktc. InipnrlPrl unit Anii'ilcmi l-oitlinil IVintMil Slnti iniki'n lly.liaiillr I'cUR'iit nuil llctl IJillnry \ \ hill" Ilire Live Stock. USIVXHTOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. I.lnillcil. Joltit K. lioyd , S'ipcrlntcrdont , Millinery and Notions. "imitKmwLnmt ( ' co. , Inil'Oitoio MllUoUljcrs of Millinery nnd Nnliouo , viliunl lai.Mliirnor M.crt.Oiniliii.N'pli. Motions. " " " " "TT.v.7oo/ < / / rco. . , Arc tlio only Dlici t tniprirtprs nf fici'iiinn it French To.v s A : Fancy ( Jootla In.Nflinirkn. Chitnco | nlce ilniilir.itpit iTllliont ilil > Intilii'lKlil. 111. ' ' I mil nn MM'cl. Oiniilu. VVhoto * lie DMlPM tu Notiotn and Kitriiishlng1 Goods 40.1 ami < ii. ' ) 'A Ti'iilli M. , limnliii. Jobl > cr 111 Notions , Hosiery a iiil Gents' Fur Goods. lOndnmllAH I'.inmii ! it.Omalm .Ve Paper Boxes , / . L. H'JLKIK. Maiiiifiichtrer of 1'apcr f.g.lull S .Oil nil n , Ni-bniikM. Onler * l > v mint to. IkllcU unit will rcuulMi pronipi iitlt'iillon. Overalls. VAX WELD MA XTTA C'mt/Xt COJll'AXY , Mniinfactiirprs of Overalls , Jcnr.s 1'i.iits , J-lilrlc , Htc. llO-'inul IMI Ilixiulua Slipct , OlIIHllll , X Printing. JlKS * ItIXTlXG ( 'OM1 > A XY .loli 1'rintei'fJ , Hinnk Hook Makers. Aud ) ! ooE lliniliTA. UK Mini I'M ' sutli tuurtcfnth Blicol. ( Iniuln. Neb Auxiliary I' flpalPr liT } | > o. 1-riM'p's nn.l PrlnlPr * ' SiipilP9 | | , MI3 tniilliTwelfth -trui'l. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. KDII'JX jrfHJt/H ,0 CO. , .Kiaiuifaitiircin , l'n < ken nn I lir.ilpi * In Vickies & Strictly I'uro Apple > iii llnUIni ; 1'oiTilpr , 1 Ifivorlnw Kvti n'lf , Tibli ) Sinn p. I IPIIC h Miift.i" ! V 'ii h llluliiK. i.MH PIN t4 ; ec'lti ' ! f-olo njii'iils Inr U'lk Mulu-siml lli'tii.cil Apple Cl- iliT. no ! I p.-ncnu-irlli M. . ( liii.ilni. Safes , Etc. / * . no y Kit , ( co. , Agents for Hall's Sale & Lock Co.s' Kilo nml llnri : ar I'ro'if Safe * , Tiino Lorlo. Vunlta uriil.lall Worn , iiui | .irirnn stieut ( liniilm , Vol ) . Omaha .Safe Works. MunulBClnrrrBiif rircitnil Iliinil ir rrnofSirrs. Vinill I'uorn.JaU VVnrk.Minl fin unit VYIiu Work. Cur. Iflti ami jHLk on S14 , OiiMh i , N > b , Sasli. Doors , Etc. M.A. Disniioir , rco. . , Wlioli-mlo .Miiiinf.ti'liiriiis of .Sash , Uoor.M , lilinilH and Ilitinph olicc , IVtli and I/aitl MU , < G. /.r.i/.i.v < , Sash , Dour , Jtlliuls , Ilullrilni1'innr , utp. Iffll Siiulli TlilrlpHMlli Mreet , Uiuului , Ntb. A loinplotH slock at JliiilUon' VOIfX MttXCFACTI'ItlXU CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , llonlijii | ; > lnlr Work iind InlPrlor II inl Wood I'lnliU Ju > loiLiicd | , K. K ( or 6tli mid l.u.ivi.jinoilh Bl . Oniutja , NrL > . Pumps , ' CirUItCJULL JCMI > CO , , " \VholcFaloPumiiH \ , i'ipe , Fitting , ftcmnand Wnlpr Snpiillei llpn'liiiHrtPi ' | < f-r tlmt rujBt < .im ( iuu'U. llll 1 mium > | ihnulin , Nph. ' A. L. STltA.CO. . , rtimps , Pipes and Kiiifines , ( Uiini. VVulPr , llAllwur nnd .Milling Supiiliri. Kto. KO , t' ' m.dM. ' larniiiu t. Dumlin. V.VU , U.S. H'JXD EXf.'l.VEniHl I'UML * CO.\fl'A.\y. \ Wind Millii rlemu and VVnter Supnllei , udnrdi , llplllnir limp I'K ' mill SrJI fur- uuni el. . Uiiinriii. H K rplion , llku k'iT , ' Tt unks. ' ' ll''ll. MA/tHO Fl'\ \ Wholesalit Trunk" , tlillnrd Hotel llliirk. < lm h . Wagons and Carriages , A. , / . A7.1//.S'O.V , The Leading1 Uarriago Factory , iiaiAiuiniKii : is.s i ll Dudse .iroel Ouittba , Building Mat f rial. t CO. , A/1 / Liud vf lltiildlug Material at Wholesale. I8th Ctrcet and t'lilim 1'nOllc TTIPK