Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Timely Topics Discussed by Seine of
Omaha's ' Preachers Yesterday ,
Tlic Hnittsin | of tlio " " 'y ' Ohoe The
Onnuer of lilolies i-'Jimlly Uc-
llRlon Uov. HnrflK'1'-1
llovr KftGAtic Urn Damnation oi1 Hell ?
The capacity ot Trinity cathedral was
taxed lust night by the audience that
gathered to hoar tlio last of Dean Gard
ner's advent sui-mons , The sermon ,
from tliu text found In lliu llilrly-tliinl
verso of tlic twenty-third chapter of
Matthews , "How Can You Kscapo the
Damnation of Hell1 is briefly outlined
as follows :
I would approach this subject with feollnps
of awe mid satlncs * . I wuuld approach It
only because Us consideration Is .1 part of my
duty , l cannot brlnjr myself willingly to say
much orxpwiK often on tills dismal topic. 1
do not think innrli of penjilo who must
110 frightened atom : I ho way of righteousness
by tin ; fcnr of an avenger behind them that
haiijfs iiiion their footsteps. Hut because. It
Is ono of ( ho truths of the bllilo I not
Hhrlnk from Us contemplation. And tlrst
hell Is a ccrhdntv. Basing our conclusions
on revelation wo find that In hundruds of
places direct ami definite rcferenco Is made
to hell In the bible , "Tho wicked shall bo
turned Into bell and all the people that for-
Kot ( ! od. " ICven our blessed S.ivlonr , from
whose lips foil so elton words ot love and
chailty. spoke unreserved and unequivocally
regarding eternal penalty or pun
ishment. It cannot bo called
exactly a fundamental doelilno
of tbo Christian faith. Hut more than this
may liu wald of It , that a latcer pirt of thn
Christian creed would not exist bad it not
benn for the existence of a boll a power of
evil. Thecxlstuncu of a law presupposed
the need of a law. The facts ot the Incarna
tion and tlic atonement are a statement of
the awiul price paid lor something paid In
the conmiot of Satan , the subverting of the
power of bell.
Secondly , hell Is Inevitable. Thorc must
bo a boll. Tbo fact of heaven has Its coioll-
ary In boll. It Is not a condition to which
i > oor creatures are assigned by an arbitrary
jmluo , but It Is a condition tlio conns of
which are In human nature. Heaven or bell
are already be un In us now. Contemplate
the traitor .hulas , ot whom It was said when
ho died that be bad mine to his own place.
Think how splendidly hu had earned his
wages of eternal death. Jealousy , theft ,
hypocrisy , lying , murder. What an Impulse
tor eternity Ihoso awful sins bad given him.
Thev had given him a certain headway or
Thirdly , what Is bell ? It Is the opposite of
heaven. We must not latub off tbo Idea of
tbo existence of n hell because inanvof the
( statements eoiicernlnir It arc materialistic.
Kternal lire , lalco of brimstone , etc. , are only
( strong expressions used to convey Impres
sions. They are not exact descriptions. Wo
nre In danger of losing faith In tbo real by
our making a jest of tlio lUuratlvc. :
Hull Is a condition of eternal separation
from ( ! od and good. Think of what that
means. Think of the intant in Its inintv
and Hvycctnessl Think one you have "loved
long since and lost awhile ! Think deeply
of all tlio dearest , fondest ties of social and
domestic llful Then fancy sepaiation , eter
nal separation fumi these. Those of us who
aio rnnnble of spiritual delights or
whoso huhcst pk'asures are ( hose ( bat come
111 the exercise of mental or emotional
powers , will understand the awful pain , tbo
intolerable bitterness and anguish ot being
forever obliged to consoit with tbo bestial
depravity and degradation which can be
found even here In Umalm.
Fourthly Hell realized and foreseen
awakens us to repentance and new life.
To-day the voice of grace cries escape to the
mountain. Tbo voice ot John Baptist rings
out as of old at In Hothlehein , "Repent ye ,
for the kingdom of heaven Is at band. " It
is the same message. The angel said escapn
escape tlio burning of Sodom. Tlio I5ap-
tlst repent and enter the kingdom of heaven.
There may you learn tbo title beauty of
holiness and the happiness of divine cooperation
eration In your moral efforts. You will not
live yourselves , but Christ shall In you the
hope of glory.
It Is titiscntinl to All Who Hope For
llov. Willnrd Scott prcnuhcd .yesterday
morning from Matt. ! J:11 : , in the St.
Mary's Avenue Congregational church.
"I indeed bapti/c you with water unto
repentance , but ho Hhall bapti/.o' you with
the Holy ( Jhost and with lire. "
There Is , then , another and a better
baptism than that with water , whether
it bo i > y sprinkling , pouring or immers
ing , a baptism "with the Holy Ghost and
with lire , " thn baptism , especially of
Jesus , and , for my part , IdonotHo much
care how tlio water has touched mo , or
indeed whether as a last resort it has
touched nip at all , provided this better
baptism lists conic upon mo.
In Buying this , I do not niako a Haunt
at our usual Christian ordinance. It is a
beautiful suggestive and obligatory sacra
ment which no one has a right to deny
or to omit , wlm accepts the atonement of
Jesus as his hope and the commands of
Jesus as his rule of life. Wo of
tht ) ministry arc bidden preach
and bapti/.e. You of the audience
are bidden repent and bo baptized.
Neither of us has any alternative in the
matter. The ordiuancn is not advisory ,
prudential or local. It is mandatory ,
directory and universal. Christ did not
leave on the earth a church as a matter
of option , but of authority , and cvorv
nun who has a hope of salvation through
Jesus is under command to aeknowlodgo
him by water , nor can any snob one
hope for the divine blessing until he has
When 1 say , then , that it is a matter of
less moment to mo whether I have re
ceived the baptism with water than that
with the. Holy Ghost. 1 speak only of
degrees. One may bolter be bereft of
the former than of tliu latter , yol , as
people run. the former is tbo one em-
phnsl/.od. We hav < i witnessed a combat
imir iturersmco woworo able to dis
tinguish between religious ideas. It has
divided our minds , our homos , and our
t'ommunitle.s. Jt has been exalted to a
vHilc iiiffiim in religious faith. It has
shut up the Lord's supper ( o some and
from some , and , in Mime instances ,
lias striven to do the sanm
ovuii with heaven , nrolhrt'ii , J
bollovu this to bo wrong , and that
wo aught to stop it. Tlmru is not a
question in the whole twbjoct which
bhonUI occupy the position with us of an
article of faith. Vet they are annoying
and dividing us. AItn \ our present scripture -
turo In our hands wo. shall never agree as
' to the mutters : il issue. It must bo per
mitted to each to bollevo and act for him-
fielf , Let us then so act in fraternal fel
lowship ami work together with common
love and mutual .support for tliu water Is
not saving. It but Dignities a salutation ,
iind that partakers ot a common .salvation
are brethren ,
lint , beyond this , inferior baptism ,
which so exercise's us , Is another thu
imptism "with the Holy Uhostand with
lire" the baptism of Jesus ami if , con
cerning Ihe former wo are too zealous ,
oeriaiiily concerning this latter wo are
too indillbrent. Yet , it is thu baptism.
That with water is of John and of the
disciples. Jesus made almost no use ot
It. There is .but one verse in the now
testament which ovdn Migguitslhat ho over
innploycd it. Hu committed it to men.
The belter baptism he kept for himself.
It Is thu unction from on high. No pas >
.tor can bo its. medium. The high priest
of the old Hebrew days was sot apart by
three ceremonials the washing of water ,
the anoiuliug of oil and the sacrifice
So those who enter Into the fullness of
tbo Christian priesthood to day aru set
apart by Ihc baplism of water , the bap
tism of the Holy Ghost and the sacrillco
of self In the service of Jesus. Most
Christians have passed only the first.
They have had no pontccnat. The endu
ing from < ! od has not filled them. Hy
the washing of water they may be sup
posed to have become clean , but they
have have not become warm. They arc
cold clean but cold. They need to Ite
sot on fire
"To be ailama
With the love of Jesus' name. "
The while-robed In hoavcn are repre
sented as pure because they have washed
their robes , but they are not stolid white
masks of purity" They sing hallelujah.
They have received more than mere
xJow , that Ibis possession is not more
gonoiid among us is dne to several nat
ural cuitves :
1. It Is not considered neces
sary to salvation and people are
willing to do witi' as lltllo religion
in this life as will ansjver the purpose of
saving. They wish to bo coed but not
too good. It Is not convenient to be
over religious. If the baptism of water
will do the rest may bo deferred l .H it is
specially needed. Hut what guarantee
has any onu that his baptism al thn font
was worthily received if It be never
owned by the descent of the spirit ? The
candidate may have been mlstakcnod
and the clergyman may have done only _
as lie was requested. Who is to conlitm
the ordinance V W ator may have lioen
sprinkled on a sinning head who shall
toll us ? The c is no continuation
by the sending from on high , and if that
comes not thu hope of safety is ill-cher
ished. Whim Jesus was baptized thn
dove of approval came -camo at once ,
and , alas I for him who hahad no ac
knowledgment , of his repentance , except
sued as the minister has boon able to irtve.
2. Hut our manner of social life is not
favorable. A public ptofession is some
thing of an ndvantage. It is re-
spcctabic to bo u Christian if
ono boars the honor lightly. A
chief seat in tlio modern synagogue is
still loved , at least on Sunday morning.
Hut a further development oi grace inter
feres. One cannot have much nso for
prayer-meetings and revivals without
losing ground , One's religion , like a
turkey at Christmas , should not be over
done , so , social religion is popular , while
evangelistic religion is not. What a
season wo are now approaching in mem
ory of the birth of a Saviour ! How little
lik'o what one would expect , who knew
only tbo btory in Luke's gospel. The
angels sanir "peace , " but our Christmas
tide Is turmoil. Our hymnals say "joy , "
but wo are worn out with anxiety and
activity. The Magi brought worship , but
wo herald the divine day with pop-corn ,
candy , pin-cushions , dainty aprons ,
sleigh-bells , ribboned whips and robes ,
and within the home , turkey , celery and
cranberry-sauce. December is the month
of burdens , when it should bo the blessed
month. My religion is largely a religion
of secularism. Wo do not wish tlio
baptism of the spirit , and , like the des-
ciploson Gallilcc , Jesus is not come to
us , .and He will not come. There is no
room for Him , bill there is need
for Him , and our religion must pass
on from the baplism of water to the bap-
tim of the Holy Ghost before it shall
have cither safety or power. It may bo
convenient or inconvenient to do so , but
it is right.
U. Hut business calls arc pressing , and ,
to watch people , one would suppose that
the first great commandment was "to do
business' and that the second was like
unto it , as though the whole of life was
wrapped up in one word business. In
a recent number of "Harper's Young
People11 there is given an illustration of
modern methods of trading which is lee
daft to bo omitted. An old negro of a
southern family has brought to the top
"of the old cast hill"a great , roomy sleii ,
bis own make , as a present to bis mas
ter's son. Poet , who complains that "it
isn't ' built for speed not entirely" at
which old Kctiben makes his 'rejoinder :
"Dis sled yent no time-serber. Yo
senV Mursu Poet , dor yent no special
reason fo' gcttin' to do bottom oblatluI. |
1 reckons do bottom ob dat olc East hill
will las' till dis sled got dar every time ;
dal bottom yent gwino to fall out. Dat
a reg'lar Yankee trick to go jim-iam-
mm' down dat hill , knocking
obor obor.vl'ing on do road and gittm'
dar bofo' oberynody else. Dis sled wasn't
made on dat idee. " Yet that is just the
Yankee method in vogue of doing busi
ness , and where a man tries to be a Chris
tian and a man of business at once the
former duty is often left ill-cared for. It
needs to bo said again and again that to
business is not the first and great com
mandment , but that it is to "hove the
Lord thy God. " ami the proof that such a
love is in the heart is found in the pres
ence in us of the Holy Uhost , who is the
divine witness in his people. To luck
that presence is to laeo the evidence oo
regeneration and all the waters of thy
Allontic heaped in baptism upon ans
candidate is lei a testimony ot onc'f
right relation to ( ! od than the sense of
this Divine indwelling. May God help
us to seek and obtain that baptism !
The llov. O , .V. KitvItlKo'H Sermon nt
tlio Se\vnrl Street M. 10. Clmroli.
At the Sownril Street M. K. church yes
terday morning , the pastor , Itev. C. W.
Savidge preached an able sermon on the
subject of "Tho Danger and Use of
Riches. " The following Is an outline of
the sermon from the text from Timothy.
"Hut they that will bo rich fall into a
temptation and a snare , but thou oh man
of God lice these tldncs and follow after
righteousness , goodness , faith , love ,
iKiticnco , incokness1 ; First wo sou God's '
estimate of money in Ibis toxt. God does
not place money among the most precious
things. Ho bays "wisdom is bolter
than gold" in tbo Proverbs ,
Ho says , "A good name is rather to bo
chosen than great riches , " 1'rov.21. . He
sajH "Tho trial of our faith is more prec
ious than Hold , " in 1st Peter 1-7. And he
gives us the reasons for saying what ho
does. He says , "Itlehes arc not abiding , "
( Prov. 23-5 , ) for riches certainly make
themselves wings , they fly away as an
eagle toward heaven. The ferryboat
over the Jordan of death never carried
anything heavier than an immortal soul.
Another of his reasons is that riches don't
tiutlMy "Ho thai loveth silver shall not
bo satisfied with silver. " The best men
ami women have agreed with God on
this ,
George Ilurbo.rt says. "Gold llion may'
that , "
Mrs. llrownlng , in Aurora Leigh , says :
"My soul is not a ] pauper , I can live
without alms troiu men , ami it must bo
in heaven instead of earth. 1-et heaven
look to it , I am not afraid. "
Looking into the text again wo PO that
some determined tojio rich , they will bo
rich. This was true when Paul wrote lo
Timothy. It was true when John Wesley
spoke to thu great crowds in Kncland ,
but it is more tritu than ovor. it is In Iho
very air wo broatho. Money is as drunk
now on nujuoy as men are on liquors.
Our country furnUhos the greatest on
portiinity for money gathennir. Now
empires are snnncmg up richer than
those of thn old Cea.surs. Mwi who will
be rich aru founil oven wilhiii Iho pale of
the church , and even practice the form ?
of piety.
Men bollevo tljat wealth , will bring
them position , happiness and power , and
many wish to leave their children woll-
to-do , but Ike only .fortune you can'leavo
your child is tile fortune you put In bis
head and heart.
Many who started rich sleep in the
potter's field and in the suicidu'ti grave.
Aguiu the lust tells m of the great
evils resulting from the wrong use of
money. Look at Alexander's history as
recorded in the book- written by Abbott ,
livery crime known to man can bo laid
at the door of mammon worship. Mur
der , robbery , dishonesty , falsehood ,
lying the poor , neglected man's nature
dwarfed and crippled. The love of
money is responsible for all those.
One of the old cardinals on his death
bed tilled a basin with gold and bad it
.set near him , and he ran his inflamed
hands down through the gold , turnip } ' it
up in the basin. Money hiul been his
ruin. There are men in tlio church to-day
who do not know that money is their
ruin ,
The last verso In this text shows us that
the man of God should use his money
wisely. God wants bo '
us to self-support-
ing. Ho says : "Ho that providcth not
for his own , especially for his own house ,
hath denied Ihc faith and is worse than
an infidel.1 Ho say * In Psalm M : "If
riches increase set not your heart upon
Mr.iWesloy had three rules for money ,
which three rules ho got from God's
book :
Make all you can.
Save all you can.
( iiye all you can.
What grand objects the Christian has
to-tiny to contribute lo. His own home
to Mipi.'orl , his own church , the poor
about him , lie takes a hand in sending
the gospel abroad , in building colleges
and schools of Jciirning for iho j'ouiig.
May wo bo wise and i' ithful ftitwards of
what God has put in our hands , for Ho
has said : "Occupy till I come. "
Ucv. A. Jacobs Hcriiion nt tlic Iap- !
tlst. Church linst Nl lit.
The First Uaplist church , at the corner
of Fifteenth and Davenport streets , was
well filled last night to hear the Rev. A.
Jacobs , the European evangelist , who ,
niter the reading of the lesson from the
ninetieth psalm by the Rev. Ilcaglo , took
for his text II Kings ivS3 : : "Run now , I
pray thce. , to meet her and say unto her ,
Is it well with theo ? Is it well with thy
husband ? Is il well with the child ? And
she answered , It Is well. "
The need of the ago Is family religion.
Each home should bo ono noted tor piety ,
holiness and pure religion. My reading Ihe
fccrintnro we iind Jbat very few families
could say , "It is well with IH. " If this
miestlon bad been asked of Kve she must
have said , "No. It Is not well with me. " Her
youngest son was slain and her oldest a mur
derer. Noah's wife must have made the
same answer when she thought of tlio eurso
which bad been inflicted by Ids father on her
youngest son. The patriarch Abraham bad
similar sorrow on account of Ishinael.
IScbecca , too , must have bad tliesanie trouble
from tbo quarrel of ICssuti and Jacob. Tbo
former gousht the bitter's lite , and .Jacob was
forced to lly for lofiiRO and sleep out on tbo
plain with a stotio for bis pillow ,
liven the prophet Samuel must have
bait bis heart wrung because bis children
walked not In tbo footsteps of their fattier.
Jacob exclaimed In angnisb , "J shall go down
to the grave mourning the conduct of my
son Iteuben and the loss Joseph. " and the
world lias sounded lor centuries with tbo cry
of parenlhal a-'ony "o Absalom , my son.
my son" Unt the woman In the text could
say II was well with her because bite bad fol
lowed ( Jod's command.
"Js it well with yon husbands"said the
speaker addtesslng himself to tbo married
men in his audience. They ought to be able
to say It was well with them as fathers , hus
bands , citizenc. dod created us for His own
lory. Not for the purpose of practicing
law , or medicine or sm'cubitlng in real estate.
We are tbo temples of wherein ( ! od dwells
by His spirit. Hut wo cannot be God'.s
children while wo aie connpt , while wo are
full ol the devil. ' Every man has an influ
ence. No man lives to himself and no man
dies lo himself. W know not but our inllu-
enco may diag some soul down to tbo
pit. How much dcpnnds then upon
our Iniluenco being for good and the
salvation of souls. Fathers should remem
ber the effect of their bad habits on tlieir
children. Jn view of their great responsibil
ity how careful should fathers be. that ills
well with thorn in the lingiiaic and spirit of
the text. Again , man's duties In view of bis
marriage vows are great. Angels might well
tremble if called on undertake tlio responsi
bilities men assume at the marriage altar.
Cod lias given men thn oppoittmlty to ele
vate their wives to a higher , nobler , holler
life. It is not enonidi that the hands be
calousod with laboring and the brain weary
with studying for the benefit of tlio dear
ones at liomo. Tbo higher motive to lie set
before such faithful husbands la to lead their
companions to ( Sodiind Christ. The speaker
pictured the dying remorse of a man who
had failed to give himself to Christ and lead
his wife and children Into the church.
Wives , too , should ask themselves , "Is it
well with nioV" There is not a wife living
but has the power. If she uould , to brim : her
husband to Christ. The speaker referred to
tlio devotion of ardent swains before mar
riage , and said Iho ladies mizht exercise a
greater power alter marriage than before if
they would only aiako tbo cfl'ort. Ho con
cluded with a graphic description of a num
ber of death-bed scenes where ho had been
present , referred to tlio temptations which
throng the foot steps of the young in this
city and called upon narnnts to take care of
their children and give them to Christ before
it was lee late.
Air. Jacob * will preach al the same place to
night and Wednesday night.
Hnv.V. . J. IInrahu'8 Kernion nt tlio
Presbyterian Church Imm Kvoninjr.
At the Dodge Street Presbyterian church
last evening the Rev W. J. Hursha
preached to a large congregation from
the text :
Amos , Jl , 1'i ; "As the shepherd takcth out
of tbo month ol the lion two legs or a piece
ol an ear. "
Tlio following Is a synopsis of the discourse :
"Amos was a.shepherd , and In these words
he descrllws a scene very familiar to him , A
little lamb had gone astray anil a lion hud
ponm-ed upon it and curried It oil' to his lair.
The t > bei > ! ienl puraiied and cxinc upon the
lion alter the most of the victim was con
sumed ; hut ho rescued two logs and a piece
of an ear and carried those fragments homo
In triumph. And tlio prophet said that thus
( ! od would rescue the lemnant ot his people
from sin and take even tbo fragments ol !
their lives for his service.
I'rom these words we may learn that Ihero
are two great forces at woilc In the universe ,
a destroying and a rescuing force. In your
lives and in your heart-i two eonllietlirj
powers aio at work what will bo the result'/
The destroying force Is represented in
Katan. Hu rs called the deceiver , the ser
pent , ftio liar. How wonderful Is Ids power ,
Sampson loie ' olltlw gates of brass and bore
themaway'in trliimiih ; lint .Satan breaks
tlironv. ! ) thebnrilur.s built around a young
man's heart by Ids mother's prayers and Ids
father' * kindly advice. Hois stronger than
Sampson how wonderful his iKiwerl Then
Satan is very subtle. Hu deceives the very
elect. Ho always takes a man at the weakest
point and at the weakest moment. He
Knows where to attack you and ho does It
with an angel's knowledge and a friend's
The rescuing force U represented by Christ
and the Christian religion. He goes out after
men and leads them bnck from their wander
ings aim saves their souls by His most
precious blood. There may be n man here
who Kays : " 1 have sinned many years. I
have refused niiiiy offers of mercy , will ( Jed
receive me , will be take the fragments of my
life , the dietrs Instead ot the wine , tlio thorns
instead of the llowersV" 1 answer , "Ob yes.
( iodasksyou to come back just as yon are.
Ho would rather have had you come IOUK
aio , but it Is not too late now. "
Luther says that once when ho was sick
the devil came to him and unrolled a largo
roll on which every sin that tbo reformer had
ever done was written down , Anil Luther
said : ' 'What have you there ? " And the
devil answered , with a fearful smile of inallg-
nltv ; "All your siiiK" And the Mont heart
of tlio reformer trembled for a moment , bat
then be said : "Onn tiling you have for
gotten. Writedown on the fned ol that :
'The blood of Jesus ODrist cleaiiseth us from
all sin' . " When .Satan heard that he flow
away with afo.trtul cry. Oh that Is I lie way
to cluut tlio devil of life pieyl That is the.
> uiy to answer him and bo saved.
I'ozzom'd Complexion P.owdor pro
duccs a soft and buauttfill stein. It com
bines every clement of beauty and purity
Sold by druggUU.
Weekly Crop Hevlow. , Dec. If. The following crop re
view will appear .In Ibis week's Is uo ot the
Farmer's Kelew : The tenor ot the reports
from the winter \sbcat belt continue to bo
generally favorable , though the presence of
fly In various counties of Ohio ami Indiana
Is irported , though no serious Injury yet Is
Indicated , Reports from Kansas are not as
encouraging as ono noiith ace , and a num
ber of southern Illinois and northern Ohio
and Indiana countlM report the plant as
looking feeble. Miie-lcntlis of the counties ,
however , throughout ihe entire belt report
the crop as helm ; hi good to fine condition.
The movement of corn Is reported to bo mod-
eiiilcly fiee In Missouri but slow In Kansas ,
Nebraska , Iowa and Illinois. Kivo Illinois
and ton Iowa counties repoit this week that
the corn supply Is so short as to prevent any
shipment , or as ontliely exhausted.
minister of iMnrlno
Tin : llontn , Dec. ! . Tlio minister ot
marine has resigned Ids post , the chamber
having refused to grant the credit tor tbo
building of three torpedo boats , as had been
proposed by that olllcer.
Dec. IP. An avalanche has killed
a band of seventeen smUBu'lors who Were In
hiding hear Vlncetine.s.
Itulgnrlnn Delegates SntlMlcd.
DmtM.v , Dee. HI. The Bulgarian delegates
are much sallslled with the result of their In
terviews with Count Herbert Ulsmarek yes
terday. Theie Is a general belief that the
eandldacv of Prince Kerdlnand f Suxe-
Cobnrg-uotha for the liiilgarlau throne has
_ _
A Cnnip Cnpt lived ,
M'AXDAI.AY , Dec. 10. The Urltlsh have
caplmcd Uosb way's camp. The rebels rc-
titated Into the jungle.
Variety the Splco of lilfa.
There is variety In the letters received
by Mrs. Lydin K. Pinkham , testifying to
the cures cllccted by her Vegetable Com
pound and Iho great relief afforded to
thousands of women inall peclions.
Mrs. C - of Toronto , says : "I have
taken three bottles with very gratifying
results. " Mrs. Slcphcti H - of Shot-
fington , Quebec , says ; "I am now using
the fourth bottle and have derived great
benefit already. " Sarah C ! - of Eugene
City , Oregon , ways : "it is the best medicine -
cine for the female sex I have over
found. " Mrs. C - of Santa Fc says :
'Tour Compound lias done uic a great
deal of good. " Mrs. 11. S. D. - of Port
land , Me. , says : "Jt has done for mo all it
claimed to and I cheerfully recommend it
to all suffering as 1 have done. " Mrs. D .
II. K. - of Lexington , Va. , says : "I have
taken ono bottle and I assure you I feel a
great deal bettor , 1 fcol strong its over
and I've never felt a pain in my back
since the second dose "
NclirnsKn Went tier.
Kor Nebraska : Rain ami snow , slightly
"I was most ready to return a blow
and would not brook at all this sort of
thing , " for I knew I would cure all dam
ages with Salvation Oil. S3 cts.
Never "bulldoze"1 a man , but if you
meet ono with a bad cough you may
'bulldoze1' him lo advanlage with Dr.
Mull's Cough Syrup. i5 ! cts.
Tlic Ueeord Hrokcn ,
SA.FitAxcisco , Dec. 19. In tbo mile and
repeat race between Shamrock and Twinkle ,
nt Bay District track to-day , Shamrock broke
the two-year-old stallion record by four
bcconds , making the second heat in " : 'l > .
The only reliable euro for c.ilarrh is iJr.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy.
Advaiico in Window Glas < nates.
I'jTTSiiuno , Dec. 10. The card rate on
window glass has been advanced 1,0 percent ,
to take effect at onco. Tills Is an Increase of
; ! 0 per cent over last year's prices. The ad
vance is as agreaable to the worklngmen as it
is to the manufacturers , as the wages are on
a sliding scale.
Hn : < rs are prohibited in the seminary
of St. Adnes for young ladies , a Roman
Catholic institution in Brooklyn.
Cardinal Jacnbiiil'H Kositinntion.
KO.MI : , Dee. ! ! > . Cardinal Jacobinl has ten
dered his resignation as papal secretary ot
state owing to 111 health. The pope ictuses
to accept his resignation , but tbo appoint
ment ot a successor to tbo cardinal Is under
Tlio Voltnlc Holt Co. , Marshall. Midi. "
AVI11 send tlieir celebrated Voltaic Belt and
Kleclric Appliances , on thirty days' trial , to
any nmn ( young niiddle-anod ) . afflicted
with nei vousdebiJitv , loss of vitality , lack of
nerve force and vlcor , and other diseases.
The greatest remedial anent ever discovered.
Wilie to them for illustrated pamphlet lice.
No risks inclined , as thirty days' trial is al
Down at Philadelphia they say that the
Rev. Dr. McVickar has gone for an
oriental tour because of the rivalry bo-
twcon tbo low chinch and the Inch
church parties. A few weeks ago St.
Clement's , tbo fashionable high church ,
pent its priest , Father Matiirin , abroad.
Immediately Holy Trinity , the faslnotm-
bio low church , decided that its minister ,
Dr. MoVickar , must go , too. And the
members of both congregations have
written to tlio aristocratic American
church ( in the avenue de I'Alma , Paris ,
urging it to secure the services of their
respective favorites on their pas.-'a o
through Unit citv.
Frank Howyer , of Dayton , O. . paid ( hat
be could luiak and crib seventy bushels
of corn between minrisc mid sunset , and
Daniel Mnaphy .said that hu didn't bo-
linvo it. Ho didn't bollovo it $50 worth ;
and , as Frank had ? no worth of confi
dence in his own ability , a match was
mado. So at minriso , in the presence of
a largo gathering of farmers , Howyer
began , and by 1 o'clock in the afternoon
had husked and cribbed eighty-two bushels
ols of corn , and so won the $50 easily.
The late Samiud Morley left to the cm
ploycft in his great mercantllo establish
ments ij ; ! > 'J.7. " to each ono who had been
there fourteen years$78.75 to each one
who had been tiiuru between seven and
fourteen years , and jKQi.SO to each ono
who had beeh thcrojbjjtwcen three and
seven years. J
ft > doubt It there W elf can be , a specific
remedy for rheumatism ; but thousands who
bavo suffered its pains Ijate been Broatly ben
efited by Hood's ' Sarsaparilli. Jf you have
tailed to flnd relief , try bls great remedy.
" 1 waa atllii'ted with rheumatism twenty
years. I'lcvlous to 1833 I found no relief , but
grew worse , and at ono.tlrao was almost belli-
less. Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo morn good
than all the other im-iUfine I ever baa. "
H. T. BAI.COM , Kblrley Village , Mass.
"J had rheumatism three years , and cnt no
relief Hit I took Hood's SanaparlJla. Jt baa
done great things for inc. I recommend It to
otbcis. " LEWIS JJiwiuuK , lliildeford , Me.
Hood's Sarsajiarllla Is characterized by
three I'l-eullarltles ' : 1st , the rowMmiHou ot
remedial agents ; : dtbe ] > n > / > ortfon ; 3d , the
yroreti ol securing tbo active iiicillsmal
qualities. Ttic result Is a mcilielao of unusual
ctrcictu , eCectlne cures hitherto unknown.
Eenil for U > ol ; containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Snrsaiiarllla tones up my system ,
purifies my Mouu , khari'i-iu iiiy avi'ttlte. BIKJ
scorns to make me over. " J , r , Tuoiirsux ,
Jlegbter of Deeds , Lowell , Muss.
"UiHHl's Birsaparltla beats all others , ana
is mirth \veigliUu ( .vlil. " I. lUiwcnyx ,
130 Bank Blrect , New Vork City.
Hood's SarsapariUa
Bold by all drupgUU. * l ; sli for f5 , liada
only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , M .
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.
An Interesting ; Chapter of Unwritten
History by General Itrlsbln.
[ Written for the Omaha Siiwhty Ihc.\ \
General Adam lindcnu in his rciuinis
cuccs of tit-nut , which nro the most inter
esting I over rend concerning n public
man , pjvcs incidentally many incidents
in the lives of other public men contemp
orary with ( it-aut. In most things I have-
no doubt ( icticntl Undunu is correct , but
now mid then ho uiukos n mistake , and
in speaking of old Hun Wade ho goes
wide of the mark. Il was my good fort
une to bo intimately associated with Son-
ntor VVmlo ami I was almost constantly
with him during otic of the most eritlcal
periods in the history of our country
the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.
It Is concerning this time Sir. Hadeau
writes of Mr , Wade , and in what ho says
is wrong so far as slating Mr. Wade
"was too rabid iv man lo be a safe presi
dent. " Mr. Wade was one of Iho safest
statesmen 1 ever know , and his rabidiiess
was all on the outside. I once heard Mr.
Lincoln uiinovcrhls pretended rabidness
in a way Unit was highly amusing. Wadu
was scolding juyivy as usual because the
war did not progress more rapidly , and
the administration wns not more
radical. Hu said he would do
various things if ho had the
power , and al last Sir. Lincoln , some
what annoyed , turned upon hint and
said ; "Sir. Wade , do you know the duFbr-
once between doing a thing and advising"
another to do it ? You arc senator from
Ohio and 1 am president of the United
States , your people are very radical and
you are their representative. It 1 wore n
senator from Illinois and you wore presi
dent , our positions would bo re
versed , and I doubt nol Hint 1 should bo
hero as : i senator urging you to do many
things which you , as president , could not
and would nol do. Come , now. Sir.
Wade , am 1 not right in this ? " "I'll be
d d if you alnt , " said Mr. Wade , "aiirt
if 1 ever urn president , 1 hope 1 will have
the good RCIISO to do pretty much as you
do. " This was the whole thing in a nut
shell. Mr. Wado's people in tlio JJtick-
eye state were always very advanced in
their ideas , and Sir. Wade was their faith
ful representative. Personally he wa.s
very conservative and if ho had ovorbecii
president be would have surprised every
one by the moderation of his administra
It has often been wondered who Sir.
> Vndc would have called about him if
Andrew Johnson had been impeached.
Ho eamo within one vote of being presi
dent , and it is a matter of very great in-
tercs.t to know whom Mr. Wade would
have called into his cabinet and placed
in positions of prominence , had lie been
called upon to exercise the powers of a
Sir. Wade never said distinctly he
would appoint anv man , for when approached
preached on the subject by his most inti
mate friends , ho always replied : " 1 am
noi yet president and have no appoint
ments to make , and likely never will have
as president of the United States. " Still ,
Mr. Wndc had his friends , and wc who
know him bost.hnda very good idea whom
he would appoint In a certain ovunt.
Ono day when 1 was about starling
frow Washington to Kentucky , Sir. Wndo
called me into the vice president's oilico
and said : "If you see Judge Win. U.
( ioodloc , ot Lexington , Ky. , when you
get out there , give him my kindest re
gards , and ask him if he should be needed -
od at Washington in a certain event
whether be would bo willing to come. "
Ho then asked if L thought Judge Good-
lee would como to Washington , should
ho ( Wade ) need him. 1 said , "Sir.
Goodloo. will do anything to oblige mid
servo you. " "Very well , " ho replied ,
"if lightning flionlu .strike mo in this im
peachment business [ will need him , and
you may say so to him privately. " L
consider the expression of Sir. Wade as
an indtetitiou that in case Andrew John-
con should have been impeached and
Wade succeeded him as president , he
would have invited Judire Goodloo to
accept a seat in the cabinet which ho
would have been called upon to form.
Sir. Wade often said , Sir. Stanton in
Iho right man in the war oilico and
.should bo kept Ibere. There is no doubt
that if Sir. Wade had boon made presi
dent at any time during Sir. Stallion's
life ho would have been called on to act
as secretary of war , as long as Sir. Wade
was president.
Wade had a high opinion of Sir. K. B.
Ward , of Detroit , and believed him to
possess great financial abilities. Ho said
one day , "Ward would make a good sec
retary of the treasury and I should like
to sue him try his hand in that olllcc. "
Without going into details as to all my
reasons for thinking so 1 will say in brief
if Sir. Wade had been made president lo
succeed Andrew Johnson , I believe ho
would have appointed about tin ; fojlow-
Ing persons to positions under him in his
cabinet , vi/C :
Soorotary [ of slalc O. T. Morton , of
Secretary of Ihe treasury K. JJ. Ward ,
of Michigan.
Secretary of war K. SI Stiinlon , of
Washington , D. O.
Secretary of the navy John W. Tor-
ney , of Pennsylvania.
Secretary of tlio interior Xachnrlah
Chandler , of Sliohican.
Postmaster general J. II. J. Cresswcll ,
of Maryland ,
Attorney general Wm. C. Goodloe , of
As to our representatives abroad , J
think ho would have tendered missions
to the following gentlemen.
Minister to Knghind Simon Cameron ,
of Pennsylvania.
Minister lo Franco K. U. Washburno ,
of Illinois.
SIInibtur lo Germany Fred liassatirel ; ,
of Ohio.
Minister to ISussia Andrew G. Cm-tin ,
of PuniiHyivaniu ,
Minlblur lo Austria Win. O. Hrownlow
of Tennessee.
Miniblerlo Turkey James Harhiu , of
Slinistcr to the Sandwich Islands -S.
( ! iturbrid < ; o , of Ivuntueky ,
There were many oilier friend * ! of Sir.
\ \ ado's who would have boon called to
positions of trust and honor in the gov
ernment and among those I may name
Governor Wiirmoulh , of Louisiana , who
would have been olVerod the collintort : > hip
of the port of Now Orleans , and Goncra !
Alfred I'lcnsanlon. who would have boon
offered the collcctordhip of the port of
Now Vork.
Alexander Sands , of Ohio ; .Schuylr-r
fulfils , of Indiana ; General K-lwurd Sin-
Cook , of Colorado ; Donald Cameron , of
PennsylvaniaJohn ; llarlnn , of Kentucky ;
General John M. Thayer , of Nebraska ;
A. ( i. Piiddhi. of Washington , 1) . C. , and
Walter H. Hurloigh , of Dakota , would
undoubtedly all habeen ( ) oll'unm good
places under Sir. Wade ,
1 heard Sir. Wndo say one day when
General Lorcn/.o Thomas was acting ad
interim secretary of war , and making
trouble with Mr. Slnnton. ( hat it ho
( Wade ) ever trot a cliuncc lie would ap
point Uobert Williams ndjutant general
of the army. I ellen hoard him speak In
tlio highest terms of General John SI.
Thayer , then senator from Nebraska ,
and whom Wade characterized as one of
IhntrncEl and best republicans in the
United StaU-i senate.
J. H. WOODAL , Pifsgah , Ala. , writes ;
Dr. J. H. SlcLoan , St. Louis , Mo , Deal-
Sir : The trial bottle of Tar Wine Lung
Halm you sent mo did mv wife a world
of good. 1 enclose ten dollars , for which
i/lease soud mo live bottles Tar Wine
hung ] 5ilm and five bottles Strengthen-
Cordial and Wood Purifier , I think wih |
the help of ihfiso medicines'jny wife will
bo cured in : i very bhort time.
The Most Effective and Popular
Remedy liver Discovered
HV one remedy can .affect so mam cases is this : The diseases have a common
v * cause , and a remedy that can atlect the cause , penuanentlv cmcs a :
Unlike any other organ in the body , the Kidney when discased.'may Hcl be free from
pain , and the very tact that It is not painful leads many people to deny that it U diseased.
Hut Medtcttt Authorities agree that it can be far yonc with diaeafr and net alvo
form nn pain , because it has low if any nerves of sensation , and these are the only
means of conveying the sense of pain ; thus unconsciously diseased it a/li'da the entii'fi
system * We do not open a watchio tee If it is going or is in coed order . . . : We look at
the bands , or note Ihc accui i.ncyof its time. So we need not open the kidney to si-eif HIM
diseased. We itiuly the mulltion of the system , Now then. K1DXKY' D1SHAS13
produces Anv ofc \ \ \ fnlloir Common and I'lt + tinncctcil
luttcriiiR and
tensations ;
ia ; Abun
dance otmtlf. or want U jlow nfiltirk-rnlorctl n-aten Sour Stomach ; Heartburn
with - Dyspepsia ' " . ; Intense pain , upon sudden excitement , in the Small of the Hack ;
.lisappear ? _ . _
AllOUT JT. 11 does cure many bad states of this sybtcm precisely asc have indi
cated. Now wlun the kidneys are diseased , the albumen , the life properly of the blood ,
escapes through their walls and passes away in the watci , while Ihe urea , the kidney
poison , remains , and il is this 1'iilnc/iwiaon ill the blood , thai , circulating through
out the entire body , ajj'ecln erery ornan and prndnecH all the ahore ni/mi > tomn.
Therefore , we say ' conridcnllv that "Vruriivr'N . * > AB > ltt Cure" is TillJUO.VY'
KFFISCTII'JS M'KiyiVIXJ ! WKJt JtlSVOVmUSD for the human race. H is
he common remedy which , overcoming the common cause , removes the ttrcdtcttt
lioasiMe number of evil effect a ft om the anslem. L < t us note a fen1 of tlie < e dis
eases and bow they are ailcdcd by kidney poison , and cured by
CONSUMPTION In a great many cases Consumption is only the
: of a diseased condition of the system and not an original
disease ; if the kidncvs are inactive and there is any natural weakness in the lungs , the
kidney ] > oison attacks their unbalance and eventually then it-ante aifay
and arc destioycd. Dip your linger in acid and it IK burned. Wasli tlic linger every
day in acid and it soon becomes a festering fore and is eventually destrovcd. The kidney
poison acid in the blood has the mime destructive effect upon theliinys : For tins
reason a person whose kidneys arc ailing will have grave attacks ol .J'ncilinonla in the
spring of the year , I.ung fevers , Coughs , Colds , lironcliiHs , Plenrisv , etc. , at all seasons
of the year. Rectify the action of the Kidneys by "VTnrncrS WAS'TJ < 'ure"as
manv hundreds of thousands hhvc done , and you will be snrjH'ised at Ihc improve
ment in the condition of the Innys.
IIV ! PA ! KPT ) PVP UfMT' 'c'nc-v ' ' ac'c' ' ' w'lu ' some persons has nn
lIViiniriLU T L
L OiUil I especial atjinily for the optic nerve ,
and though we have never urged it as a cure for disordered eye-sight , many person * hive
written us expressing surprise that after n thorough course of treatment with "Wj
SAVI3 Curt- , " their ( 'ifc-i < /lil IKIH Itrrn rtt.vtli/ In fact , one of
the best oculists in the country says that Imlfthc plltti'llts that come to him with bad
eyes , upon examination be discovers arc 1'it'ltiiitt oj'lsitliii'i/ / j' f < * i' . We have no
doubt that the reason why so many people complain ol failing eyc-slabl early in life , is
that , all unconscious to themselves , their kidnei/s have been untofordcr'for-ycars ,
and the kidney poison is gradually ruining the system.
OPIUM HABITS It is a well known fact , recently shown anew , that opium ,
: morphine , cocaine , whisky , tobacco and other enslaving
habits captuie their victims by Ibeir paralyzing effects upon the kidneys and liver. In
these organs the appetite la developed and sustained , and the best authorities slalo
thai the habits cannot be not ten rid of until Ihe kidneys and liver are. restored
to perfect health , Kor this purpose , leading medical authorities , tiller a thorough ex
amination of all claimants for the honor of being the only specific for those organs , have
awarded the prize to "WariierV SAi'E C'iire , "
Every reputable physician will tell yon that rheumatism i
caused by an acid condition of the system. With some it i
uric acid , or kidnev poison ; in otbers.'it is lithic acid , or liver poison. Thin aeid con
dition is caused inactivity } of the kidneys and liver , false action of the
and food assiini'atimj oryans. It affects old people more than young
people because the acid has been collecting in the system for years and finally the system
becomes entirely acidified. These aeids produce all the various forms of rheumatism ,
' 'Warner's SAS'fiS i'lire" acting upon the kidneys and liver , neutralizing the ncid
and correcting their faNc action , cures manv cases of rheumatism. "WJirnt'r'N SAI'SJ
Cure , " alternating with the use of "Warner's SAI'B Cure" completes
flic work.
DI AHniTR niQOPnFRQi Gross and other high medical authorities say
DLnUULri UlOUnUlinOi that most of the bladder diseases orli/lnati :
With false action of Ihc kidneys , and urinary tract. Uric acid constantly coursing
through these oigans inllamcs and eventually dcslroystbe inner membraneproducing the
Intense mift'crlntSometimes this kii'ncy ' acic-1 solidifies in the kidneys in the form
of Gr.ivcl , which in its descent to tlic bladder produces kidney colic. Sometimes ( In :
acid solidifies in Ihe Bladder , producing calcnloiifi or Stone. "Warner's SAH"E *
C'lirc" ' has restored Ihousands of cases of inflammation and catarih of Ihe bladder and
has effectively corrected the ter dcncy to the formation of gravel or stone. It
" " 'Oinparison ' with all oilier remedies in Ibis work , liny to-day
BB 3 S5aBys ! } ww22 * 3 K > p i21tJi5vcJiR < tJ'
Congestion is a collecting together of blood in any one place.
If there is loss of nervous action in any organ the blood ves
sels I'o not allow the blood to circulate and it stagnates. If Ibis condition exists very
long the collecting blood clots and eventually desirous the oryan. Many persona aie
unconscious victims of this very common condition. The heart , determined as It is
to force blood inlo every part of the svslcm , has to work harder to get it through the
clogged organ , and eventnaltij the Jfenrt breaks donm and palpitation , excessive
action , rush of blood to the head , distressing he.ld aches , indicate that the Connection ,
has become chronic and is doing damage to the entire system. Congestion of the kid
neys is one of the commonest of complaints ami is the beyinnlny of much chronic
"Warner' * MA Mi 'ure" will remove it.
POMP ! AINT 1 What we have said about Congestion applic1 *
vfVJIVIl Lrill" I Oi with particular force to Ihe above complaints.
They am as common as can be , and as o < ery doctor can tell you , most ol them bey in in.
this conyesllvc condition of the system , which , not being regularly corrected , grows
nto disease and piodnces these countless bufferings Which can be alluded to but nol de
scribed in a public print. Thousands have been permanently cured ,
Rl nnn ni nRnFRQ' Il'snot ' "irons'- 'hatso many , many people writu
DLUUU UIOVJllL/liriOi us that since Ihey have given themselves thorough
treatment with "Warner * * HAI-'J' 'nr < % " lliolr thick and turgid blood , their heavy ,
blotched , iiritablc skin have disappeared under its potent influence. The liidncn poi
son in the blood thickens it. Jt is not readily purified in the hinge , and the result in
the impurities come out of ( be surface of the body , and If there lt > any local dlscana
all the. badness in the blood seems to eolle-t there. Our experience justifies us in
the statement that''Warner * * KAI'E * . Ciii'f" is "the greatest blood purifier known. "
The treatment must be very thorough ,
QTAIWI ApU ni ORnf-R ' am' IC ° plc complain more or less through-
O I UIVlAv n UrOUnULnO , out the year with slomach disordert. : Dys
pepsia , Indigestion , Walerbrabh , heat and diiticss in the btomach , sharp paiim , I'rcipient
ttcbcs , want of appetite , hick of energy. Now , tlK-c are ej'aelly the conditions that
will be producd in the ttomnch when the blood Is filled with kidney poison : I'cp-
pie dose themselves with all sorlb of dtomach reliefs , but gel no better : 1 hey never \yill
L'ut better until they give their attention lo a thorough reviving of kidney and liver action
bv ihe means of the only specific 'Wai-ncrN HAI'J" < J re. "
rT\MQTIDATfHW DJI fTQi These dUtrcGsing ailments , more common
UUINO I IrA I lUINj rlLLOi among one class than the other , arc not
oti''inal disorders , but arc f.ecoinl < iry to Imperfect action of Ihc kIdnens antl
" ' tic is bile , which it. taken ( nun lli > ; blood by the Incr. If the
Ibcoming and the pi'ison get * , into a constipated habit This ,
cventuaiiy followed by piles , is almost always an indication of conyested llccr.
and a breaking down of the KVMCIII. Kcmnxe tliHi-ongosiion , revive Ibu liver and icstore
tbe kidneys by the luc of Warner * * HAE'I1 4'nrt' , " and these coiiktitntioiial tcc-
ondary diseases disappear.
Many people suffer untold agonies all their live * with headache
They try every remedy in vain , for they have not slim k thu
cause. With some-temperaments , kidney ari.l in the blood , in spile of all that can be
done , will Irritate and in/lame the brain and pioduco intense suffering Those oh.
fclinatc headaches which do not yield n-idiy to Icval ticatmcnt , may be regarded quite
certainly aof kidney oriijin.
seen , that the statement we make , that "U'arncr'-i HAS-'cJ < /'are" is Ihe "most cflcc.
live remedy ever discovered for the greatest number ol human disejicscs , " is justified. It
is nol a reincdv without a reputation. Us sales foi Hie past year hav - been urcftler
ilinn crer , and Ihe advertising thereof / < * , - . - than ftrer , showing incontcslably fbat
the merit of f tnvdielne lu- , given it a | < tnnancut place and value.
People have a dreadiul I'rar of Hrisld's dUt-asc , but we ran tell them fioin our ex >
nericnce that it is the ordinal'lildne ! ) ! dixi-ate that proilneei no pain that is
to day thfl iimiteiit ( tteinn oftltv hitman race ; great and all poweilul , because In
nine cases out of ten , its pu-.erice . ii > not t-uspcclcd by c-ithgr the phjoiclJii or thcticliml
The prudent man who find * bim-clf year after . eai troubled with little odd a'tlies and ail
ments that perplex him , ought not to bcnitate a moment as 10 the u-al ra ie of hi * dis
ease. If be Mill jji f hiin'-i-U thoroucb consiituiiotial lie.ihiiciit wi'li "Wiiriior'M
MAI'l } t'lirc" and "WurniTV .SATS ) IMIU , " be will et a new Ic.itc of life ; and
justify inbU own espcrii.u.c , a * hundreds of thuu ando have dpnethal 93 pur cent , uf
human dispffte-i arc icsl A at'f'bri.-iblc to ii < coi.ddiun of the i.idijfy- , , . . ; -
they will disappear "hen t'o c * 'i/''r.-tfi-r.1 ' . to H altli .
* '