Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1886, Image 1

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Many Oougressmon and Senators Said to
Have Lost Various Sums en Stocks.
Announcement ol' the Coining
flats of Glover oI'Mlssourl to n Cal
ifornia Meiers1 Mrw..MorrUon'H
Laconic Dispatch.
.A I'oor Investment.
WAPinxmov , Dec. H' ' . [ Special Tele-
cram to the HKI : . | II cems that the cranh
In Wall street on Wednesday stiuck some
people In congress pretty hard. A score of
senators and members weie heavy buyeis
nnd aio reported to have lost largo sums. A
local biokeis says ono member diopped
J'JO.ow ) and believes otheis lost much laiger
nmounts. llu was kcttt busy for thirty-six
Jiotirs runnlnj ; down congressmen anil secur
ing loans for them so as to keep up margin" .
Then are between llfty and a hundred mem
bers and senators who deal steadily In stocks
and a few who buy and sell grain , pork , otc. ,
on the Chicago board , or oil at IMttsburg.
Home ol those who have had to do with tlio
land foifeltuies In either end of congress
have been dealing heavily In subsidised roads
and It Is s-aid some of them went "shoif'on
the I'acllle's and Western Union on the
stiongth of the rcpoil from thu house coin-
mlllco on poslofllces und post loads , declar
ing the transfer of the telegraph lines of the
subsldi/ed roads to the Western Union to
have keen without atithoiity oi law. These
t-cnators generally deal llnough New York
dealers , and as they place their money per
sonally by visits to that city It cannot bu
learned how they fated on "Black Wednes
day. " But it is known tliat members ol thu
house lost very heavily and that some ot
them may be financially cmbairasscd it tlie
maiket does not icact.
A roMixu WI.DDINO.
It Is announced that Congressman ( Hover ,
of St. Louis , is soon to marry ono ot tlie
daiighteis of . .Mis. Patten , u widow lady of
Kicat wealth , who eamo heio from Culllornla
u few jeais ago and elected one ot the
lesldences in the city opposite that of Sena
tor Kdmunils , on Massachusetts avenue.
Her foituno Is estimated at 310,000,000 , which
will bu shared by tour daiighteis , all of
whom have leached the manianeable age.
MIA Patten's husband was ono of the ear
liest seltlcis of Calltoinia , having pone out
in 1MI , and pot his start in lilu as .John W.
Mackay and othei.s did by keeping "
The readers of the humorous works of John
riioenlx will icmember Impiont allusions tea
a place of ic = oit whicli he calls I'ray iv Cat-
Ion's. The real name ot thu linn was dray
.V Patten , and the junior member was the
lather of the young lady In question. Mis.
ratten and her daughters have spent most ol
their time in Paris during the last ten yeais ,
nnd on completing theii education they eamo
to Washington to reside. Mr. Clover Is one
ul the youngest men in the house of repio
scntatlve.s and has thu luputation ol
possessing much wealth. Ho is a
lawyer by prolosslon and the son of
the man who is said to have written the
tamous oulcr ol ( ienciiil Hancock in New
Orleans In Vffi , dcehirlni ; the military powci
nuboidlnato to thu civil. Mr. ( Hover is con
splcuous lor bulne an habitual gum-cbewer ,
ml to have never been seen without a piece
fh his month. Tlio Misses I'allcn have been
. onsplciious on the slteets ol Washington
Irom the fact that they aiu always accom
panied by very line ilogs. Ouu of them
seldom goes out without having a monstrous
Siberian bloodhound at tier heels , an animal
ns largeasae.ilf. Another of thu diinghteis
has a line St. Bui mud which has taken tliu
liist pi 1/c al several bench shows , while the
iithcr two also have similar attendants , to tlio
annoyance ol the dudes.
Secretary Whitney has established a new
ilcpaituro In ollicial lile by treating each
employe ol the navy denaitment to a turkey
on Thanksgiving day and some kind ot a
least on Clnistmas. It .seems that his gcner-
uslty ot tlio 15tb ot last month will make him
a great duai of trouble. Ho bought a line lat
luikey lor each employe of the deparlmenl.
but the commission merchant who furnished
tlie fowls and who goes by the musical name
ot ( iiecnapplu did not picsont his bill I
promptly and a ciedltor ol the merchant of f
the Irulty name has stepped in anil claimed I
Iho money , ( iioenappjob cieditor has sued I
Secictar.v Whitney lor tlie lull tmkey bill and I
in tinn tlio commission merchant sets up the
plea tliat ho had no Interest In the money duo )
Irom Mr. Whitney , as ho only acted as agent I
In the sale of the tinkovs. Secictary Whit
ney was in comt yesterday and Fcciircd a
weeks continuation ol the attnehment suit.
SllVII/l 111X11 OKA I'OI.riKI.VN lll.KSI LK.
It is stated that Mis. Moiilson , who Is as
fully intoimcd upon thu .subject of revenue
lelorm as the colonel hlms-clf , and has been i
equally as anxious : ls lo the tale of his larilt t
bill , hist night sent Iho following telcgiam i
lioni Watciloo , 111. , wheie the is now stop-
pliiL' :
"Call it up again and keep them feeling
coinfoitable. All well.
K. 1C. Moniiiso.s. "
IWAI'S i.ovr. nw risis.
The linguistic encounter which Oenoral
Thomas ,1. Bradv , late assistant postmaster
guneial , had at Jeisey City the oilier day ,
has moved ono ot the geneial's old-iimu
Ji lends to iclate some
" ( ieneial Biady ulvvujs liked to see a
light , " said this gentleman , Ibis afternoon.
" 1 ticquently saw him lake an Inleiest in tliu
ait ot manly defenseduring tlio war. Whenever -
over a couple of the boys had a wiestllng
bout oraiough-and-tumblo lUlit , you would
Inviulably sue the general around. And lie
didn't believe punishment should bu ad-
minlsteicd if thu lohud ) a light , unless It
was to maintain discipline. Ho liked tlie
fun. and didn't think it did any haim. When
hu lirst enteied the army ho used to wrestle
and spar and run foot races and participate
in every kind of amusement. But above all
ho liked a well-matched tlsl light. He liked
to sco two 1 > U fellows stand up and give it lo
each olhei. Fiequently I have hu.ud him
js.iv ho wished ho knew how to do il ; and I
believe Unit if no had been given eaily train-
In ho would have been veiy clever with his
hands. Piolubly ho would havu had as
many baltle.s w till his hands as lie had with
hlsVwoul , for ho could stand punishment
with less murmur than any maul ever saw
who was nut a professional.
"But Cicnnru ! Brady lias had a many
inoiu lights than his most Intimate lilends
knowot. He is asconiageoii.s as a lion , and
always would b'.rlKc upon the .slightest piov-
ocatlon. Ono ot Iriends told
mo iirimtly that the ccni'iiil used to punch
the bovs every than tliey eiooked their lingers
nt him , and always kept them in
subjugation , fie far as he was eonceineil. He
had his ! lrs-t Huhl at homo-thai Is his tlrst tussle with a man. He was a young lei-
low nt the lime , and bad nonool thecoipo-
ro-lty that weighs him down now. Ho was ,
in fact , blender In build , but had that love for
light and that brilliancy in his steel gr.iy
cjes which betokened MO fear. In tholitllo
city whet i ) he lived wasa poweilul man , a
cieat giant In physical stiengtli , larger by
lar than is lienoial liiadv at this tune. A
political wrangle a lose , and the bU man was
tliu geneial's opponent in some contest.
Dining thu heat of the c.impalvn hisciupu-
lent opponent imidu a bcand.itnus lomuik
about him and hu took exceptions to it. Ono
day Biady was going down town when ho
saw coming towards bun lilsbmlj opponent.
So he concluded to "do him up , " ns lie niter-
wardexmessed ) it. Hu stopH'd on the sldo-
VMilk , and u tlio big man e.imu up banned
way at him , just as hodld thoiolouel over
nt Jeisiiy City. It was a lieieo encounter.
These two men \\eie bitter enemies at that
tune , but became thu most teadta t friends
afterward. It Is a peculiar feature ot Iho en
counters Biady has had tliat probably with
out exception ho. and hisunt.igonist became
tlie best of friends aftervvaids , just as was
thei'.iso thuothor day. If hu found that-he
was in error.ho apologized , and hu seems to
light his combatants so well that tin y apolo-
gi'.e jf they are in thu wiong , nnd the light
teems to seal them together ns Iriends. Ji--t
to when ho had tinee or four knock downs
In New i'oik a year or so ano. Jlo s ems to
cu on thu principle that n fair am-ironist I ns
hotblng to complain about , and after a gilt v-
luce Is fought out the thing to do is to let the
past lake wo of Utclf and overlook tin
tuibaucc or manner of settling a contention.
In other woids , he recants a light with the
lists the sanio as the disposition by tongue of
n dispute , nnd holds no malice on account of
tlie mode of nibltiatlon. A number of times
while he was in the postoflice dcD.irtment
( Jeneral Brady kicked men out of hisolllce.
bill ho never said a word about It. He will
never qtinnel. Ills lists speak when a po l-
live nsiortlon doe not sulllec. 1 never saw
n man so completely oblivious to danger as
he , and would not ( IP sin prised nt any act of
coinage he would commit. Ills this quality
that made him such lute fi lends aim unre
lenting enemies ,
IILPIIISI..NT : vTivn 1'iiirn's
Iepieentallve ! 1'ilce. of Wisconsin , who
died the othut day , was a very rich man. A
short tlme befoie tlio adjournment of the last
rongiesi he was telling some of the members
of the house committee on aarlcultutc about
a pint ol his early career.
"When 1 was a young man I drank like a
Ihh. I used to go out and booze up and help
the boys paint the town red. Then I was a
laboier and had no earthly possessions. 1 ve
often been asked whj , since I have gotten in
. better ciicumstniieosi , I um n telolnlleiV I
novel drink anything intoxicating now. I
piestuue it Is because I got u cd to abstaining
while I was trying to accumulate property ,
for I used to think that n man could not 10-
tain property when he once had U and dilpk
whiiknil'l } ' alter a whllo the desire voie ?
oft with me. . .
" 1 iritess I got Into the habit of thinking , „
continued Mr. 1'iice , "when 1 was very
young. J lolt homo In a lit of disgust , over
what occurs to me now to have been a very
ludicrous Incident. I lived on a farm when
a boy , and used to haul wood to town. 1 bad
a sister older than myself , and at the time I
speak of shuwa" just blooming into young
womanhood , It was In the spring of the
year , and the neighborhood wcte coming out
In the latest styles. Ono uav when I was
coming In town I deteimlned to buy a dtcss
pattein lor my sister tliat would "lay in the
shade''anything In the neighborhood. So 1
boucht an extremely llnshy pattein , full of
positive colois. Instead of my sister and
mother being pioud of the pattern they filed
with icmorse. and declared they pitied mo
becausn I had such bad laste. Alter looking
at the pattern n. whllo and taking a few days
to study over it , I icall/ud how veiy inap
propriate it was. I was overcome witlt dis
gust and left home. " _
LEGISLATION Nr.nijr.i ) ox Tin : ,
Captain 11. II. Humphreys , I'ittecnth In-
faulty , who Is in town , says that unless theie
is some careful prov Islon made in the north
west to avoid the incieasing dilllcully bu-
tween the Indians and cattlemen that there
will he within the next live the gieat-
o-it Indian war the country has over seen.
Cattlemen are constantly encroachlni ; upon
Iho Indian lands and their cattle me graz
ing all over the reservailons.
Mis. Senator Van Wyck will not iccelve
until after thu holidays.
What Will lie Attempted Hcforb the
Holiday KC.OOKS.
WASHINGTON' , Dec. 10. The cuslomaiv
concuiientresolution fora holiday leccsshas
not > et been olfcred in either branch of con-
cress , but it is tlio general expectation tliat
when the two houses adjourn next Wednes
day il will bo to icassemblo on Iho fust Tues
day In lb 7. It Is probable that the senate
will pass the dollclency appiopriation bill
making provisions for tlie woikof the gov
ernment printing otlico before iccess- , mid
thu hcnato Is likely to tnvii" > act Ultlu or no
business of impoitanco dining tliu week.
The special eiders lor Iho week aio the mll- attorney bill ; a joint icsolutlon author
ising the secietary ot war to accept eoitalr
lands near Chicago for military purposes ; a
bill forfeiting tlio .New Orleans , Baton
Ilougo ifc Vicksburg railroad company land
giant ; and thu Pacific railroad funding bill.
Consideration ot the fust depends upon the
leluin ol Evarls , who is not expected untl
after lecess , nnd of the second upon the
health of Ceneral Log.m , who has been con
lined to his house for some days bi an attack
of iheumatism. As sovcial senatois have
already left town , and mine aie llkelv to go
away on Monday and Tuesday , it Is no
thought probable that the remaining spccia
orduis will bu pics.scd for action , though one
or both may bo taken up for debate. Tin
same conditions aio likely to prevent tin
consideration of the inter-state commuici
bill , but Senator Cullom will try to sccuio lo
It the position of "unfinished business , " so
hat It will take pioccdoiico alter icees ? .
in tlio house to-morrow utter the call of
states for thu Intiodiictlon ol new mensmes ,
committees will bu called for motions to sus
pend thu rules , the call lesllng with tlio com-
mlttec on militia. Mr. Foiney. in behalf of
that committee , will attempt to secure the
passage of thu sunatu bill iucieasliu thu ap-
piopiiatlon to piovldoarms for the militia
lorces ol thu United Stales. Tlio bill lias
been amended by the house committee so as
to reduce tlio proposed annual appiopriation
iiomS.'WO.UOO to { HOO.OOO. Chaiiman Mats-on ,
of tlio committee on valid pensions , will
move to suspend the rules and pass tlio sub-
btlluto tor Iho lll.ilr pension bill piovidiug
pensions lor soldleis who have become dis
abled and aiu dependent upon chailty tor
support. It oppoitimlty oilers thu Mexican
pensions bill may also be called up for
passage. On Tuesday Ihcro will bo n strug
gle lor precedence among tlio suppoilcrs of
the bill establishing a department ot au'il-
cnlliiH ! and labor , tlio bill leorganl/.ini ; naval
buieaiis and tlio Pacllc : funding
bill. The Iriends ot the pending Oklahama
bill havu also determined to urge linul action
on that biibiecl. Whichever me.isuru liist
secines consideration will probably ongioss
the attention ot the house until adjourn-
nient lor thu holidays.
A Wyoming .Mini' * Opinion.
CutrAiiO , Dec. Hi. [ Special Telegiam to
thu Bir.-.l. : ] It. Dlxon , ol Wyoming tent-
lory , recently elected public prosecutor , is In
the city. Mr. Dlxon said lo your icpoiter
Ibis evening tliat I'lesldent Cleveland was
loiindly denounced for his appointments to
olllcu in Wyoming. "I have beun a litelontj
democrat , " said ho , "but 1 bellovu his policy
n fraud nnd hluisoll a worse one. That
doesn't sound very well lor mo to say con-
ceinlng the piesldt'iit ot thu United States ,
but that Is jusi Iho way wo feel in Wyoming
conceinlng Cleveland. " Dlxon Paid that
most of the women availed themselves of the
right of sutfrago their votes wisely
and judiciously at each election. ; Hu thought
that their votes , if allowed to bo east upon
the question of admitting the territory into
the union as a state , would bu in lav or of
such a piopositlon. Mr. Dixon had hcaid
somu talk in thu east about Wyoming becom
Ing a state , but it was nonsense to talk of
such a thing. The tenltory had not thu
lemiisllu population.
Tlio Ohio Liquor Law.
CINCINNATI , 0. , Dec. 10 , [ Special Tele-
Kiam to the Uir.J : He.slstaiico to tlie tax
under thu Dow law looks likely to lesult In
boycotting Cincinnati biuwerles and , it pos
sible , getting the casu into the stipiemc comt
of the United States. Brewers and dlstlllcis
favor the Dow tax , and the keepeisof sa
loons ov\ned-by \ Ilio biewcr * ? . of which there
are a cieat many also favor It. The other
faloon keepers are , as a inlo , resisting by
otfeilng a lax without the penally of letnslng
to pay altogether. This class threaten to
buy bcci and wliis-key herc.ifter outsldo of
Ohio \vla-io it lias been taxed and try
Ihcieby to make a casu that can bo can led to
the United Mates supreme com I , and at the
Kaitio timu bujcolt Cinelnualt brewers and
Hlanchnrcl on Intor-Stato Comniorco.
Cnir\oo , Dee. 10. ( icorgo H. Hl.inchard ,
commissioner ot thu Central Truflie associa
tion , composed most of railroads between
the western termini of Inc. trunk lines and
tlio Mississippi river , lias prcpaied an elab
orate statement olhls views upon the Inter-
Plate comnieivo bill now pending In con-
Ki'iHo'rtec'ares. that hu Is in earnest ao-
voul < vvhh the iiiuln scope and purposes of the >
L > it , but does not endojso the "long and short t
I'U'U' ' and "po'iling1' clauses. He piedicls
that lli'.ittiMiirted grattiiig of the Cullom
and KMvnn buls one upon another "will re-
s"i In hi brld and bitter fruit. "
The Past Sixty Dajs the Most Exciting of
the Present Year.
The StrltiKoncy In Money the Severest
Known Since tlio Panic of Two
Years ARO Some YiilnaUlu
AII IO\ritlM'r > ck.
Now Yor.K , Dec. U' ' . I Spec. ! a I Telegram to
Iho Uin.1 : In Wall street this week was the
most exciting and in some respects tliu most
Important There was , at times ,
a suggestion of the memorable interview be
tween the monkey and Iho panott , but It was
oftener too serious a mailer for Jesting ,
Theio has been no such excitement , no such
appiohmislon , and at thu same timu cautious ,
cool-headed , conservative action in anyone
week slncu thu panic of I'M. Nor Is there
any parallel in Use history of the exchange
for any such tide of speculative excitement
and fear ns wo have had during the week
just closed , nnd that without a siiigiu heavy
failure. The wild speculation In the fancy
slocks , which has been In PIORICSS for many
weeks , has been biought to a sudden and ills-
aslious end , and good propeitles shared It ) .
the depression. For a long time prospective
values have been very fasblonablo in Wall
blreet , and a mania among operators to buy
something with a tntitro assumed the form of
a craze. Stocks which have been dull , and ,
for Ihat matter , which had almost passed out
of sight , and othersol a compaintively lecent
existence , were biought to tlie front and
ruled at a fabulous llgure , In fact , In some In
stances , beyond thu regular dividend paying
securities. A large number of operators
bought this class of stocks , and , as they weio
climbing , many brokers weie foolish enough
o accept as mar/in for futuio
viper profits piesented by the advance. In
his way houses on the sticet became loaded
with .securities whicli had a very limited
narkct in times of tumble , and just as soon
is the banks and monoy-Iendeis discrimina
ted closely In the mailer of collaterals the
Capers' prollts ouickly melted away , and the
'abilc tumbled 10 thu ground , ending on
Wednesday in a panicky condition of
allalrc. The drop In the specialties ranged
anywhere fiom " > to 41' < points , Tennessee
coal and Iron falllng-IO,1 and Nashville
Chattanooga ) ! } . More prominent and
usually active share- ? declined : to S0l $
points , the latter Now York & New Kng-
land. Heading showed tliu next gteatest de
cline , running elf l > yt points. This enor
mous sluinkage in prices wiped out a largo
amount of the suiplus value from the list ,
probably not far Irom 8700,000,000 , and Ibis
tact brought into the market a class of capi
talists anil investors who always come in
great on slumps and panics. Their pur
chases. In connection with the confidence
shown by London , which was rcllected In
veiy largo liuvlne , on Thursday turned tlie
scale , sent prices up fiom 2l } ( , to :1S : points
trom the lowest tigures and lescucd tliu
maikut fiom Us panicky condition. Tliu
events of the week have proved a valuable ,
although In some cases n costly lesson to
biokeis , who will not piobably repeat for
some time to come tlio foolish ex
periment of buying too ticely for
their customers stocks whoso intrinsic
value lies lar otf In the future , und on vIiich
bulking institutions are disinclined to lend
money. The financial atmospheie will un
doubtedly be puihied , and when the next bull
campaign Is stalled it will bo on a sounder
basis In consequence of the enormous liquida
tions which have resulted in slock passing
Irom weak to stronir hands. The cantos whicli
led to the remarkable events ot the week
vvoio much discussed. Tlio fust among these
was the money strlncency , which in seveilty
eclipsed anything witnessed since tlie panic
ot > fay , issi. Call loans advanced Irom 0 pur
cent per annum to K percent per diem and
inteicst , or , in plainer leim.s , of iss' ' . ; per
cent per annum. At times capital was dllli-
cult toabtain ateven the most exorbitant rates
and borrow eis had a most distiossing timu ot
it. This condition of allnlis , however ,
not at all natural , having been brought about ,
in part , by means. For souiu timu
leading men on tliebcnrside of thu maiket
havu been looking up money , and on Wednes
day stictched their position in this diiection
to tlio utmost , witli ( lie lesullalready noticed.
The money squee/o completely ilemoiall/ed
foielgn exchanges , and r.itcs went down
with a nisli. The decline lias been nceeleiated
by a largo amount of gold lor New \ ork ,
botli fionl London and Paris , and to-night
tliero is probably atlont tor this
port some § 7,000,000 or SS.000,000. As soon
as it became evident that relief was pouiing
in the bears relaxed their grip and lul out a
hirgu portion of tliu lunds which they had
pievlously locked up. This soon brought a
decidedly easier feeling ! and money became
accessible aland below tlio legal late ot in
terest , while foreign oxcliango assumed
steadier rales and showed some reeoveiy.
Thu lime Is now lupldly ippioaching lor an
nual settlements and tor .lannaiy dlsbuiso-
monts. piennraiory 10 which money is always
actively called in tiom the sticct and prac
tically locked up lor a few days. 1 f the beats
repeat theii aitilielal manipulation they can
undoubtedly make it unpleasant , for hoi row-
eis in thu closing dnvs ot the vear , and
bunco it Is not surpiislng , especially In view
ot tlio experience ot tliu week , that
a very conservative feeling prevails on all
bauds , even among those who vet iclaln
their bullish Instincts on the stock market.
Another distillblng factor was tlie iiiter-st.itu
commerce bill. The beais have made a
powerful lever ol this , and will doubtless
continue to make iiso of it until such time as
it Is dlsDOM'd of. liallioad bonds held up
much better than stocks and at Iho lowest
point showed a decline ol only 1 lo 5 points ,
uven for specul.illvu issues. Many ol thu
gill-edged moitgages vailed seaicely at all ,
comparatively lew of them having come out ,
Thu strlnuenoy In money allectcd govern
ment bonds to thu extent ot about > ( u % per
cent , nut they showed a p.utlal lu ovurj at
thu close.
Contribution ! ] Prom That City to the
JiroUiiii Stoi'k Market.
CIUCAOO , Deo. 1C. tSpecialTelegiam lethe
the Bii.J : : Thu sudden decline in the value
of stocks In Now Yoik Wednesday quite
naturally caught a largo number of Chicago
opeiaturs. Careful estimates placetlm total
loss of the Chicago men at sa.OUO.OOJ , two of
them Norman B. llc.unand B. I' . Untchin-
son being crcdilcd with having dropped
onu-thlid of thu whole amount. I' . D ,
Aimonrls put down with having comiibittcd
SoOO.OOOamlJuliu It. Hoxio Si'AMW , which
would divide one-half the aQinogato loss
among four men , ( ! eoro .Smith , of the linn
of Kioto , Lliutley & Co. , is credited with n
loss of fcr.0,000 , while X. S. Jones , S. A.
Kent and Ueoigu L. Dunlap aiu said to have
diopped S'iSO.OOO among them. 'I ho situation
before tlie panlo struck Chicago was some
what peculiar , inasmuch asn gieat many of
theoper.itoio had been enga'-'od fursuvcial
weeks prloi lo Wednesday in gutting rid of
their holdings , not becausu they anticipated
anything of a decline , but for the reason that
they were anxious to clear up lor Iho year.
In addition to these the majority ot tlio
houses had been bullish , and only u
day bcfoiu thu simoon borne of them
hail sent out as many bull pointers ns betoro
tlm advance. Thuv were especially bullish
on Now Kngland , Heading , and lilchmond
Teimlnal.s , and tlio consequence was that
quite a number had rotten in on high top
liuuit'A nnd had an enoimoiis quantity of
f-tulf on hand. The decline in th-osa stocks
wassosuddun and pioiiounced that the * ]
men and some houses lost uioro money than
they had made dutins the summer and fall.
How-over , had Urn drop happened line week
earlier the losses heru would have been In tlio
neluhboihood , . . , . . of $ soOO,000. In attempting to
tit piecipUtited tue panic local
lock brokers arc Inclined to credit Jay UouUl
vlth having a hand In it. They say that
Jonld and several others controlling heavy
cash balances saw a favoiablo opportunity to
bleak the market , but tealizlng that It could
inly bu done tlirottith manipulation of cash ,
Iberally raised the Interests on loans made
lexcecdinclydlfltcult to obtain money on
nny terms and then knocked tlio bottom out
ot values by throwing heavv blocks of stock
ipon the maiket. The lirst bieak made , thu
nterest was advanced and in a moment uc-
uoiallzatlon followed ,
Omitlin fourteenth In the Mst With
O I'cr Cent. Inurent-e.
Bosiov. Dec. 1 ! ' . [ Special Telesrnin to the
Jii : : . ] The following table , compiled fiom
peelal dispatches to the Post fiom the mana
gers of the le.tdlngelo.irlnirhott'jes'ot the Uni-
: ed States , gives the ( 'ross exchaiiRes at each
[ lolnt lor the weekending December 1" * , ISMl ,
n comparison with the coirespondlng week
In ISs. * , :
New Yoik , 22.4
Uoslon , , 11.1
I'hlladelphla. . . , OStH2K0 ! 27.2
I1hleago 8.1
St. Louis , , ,
San Francisco iriM)4CJO ) 35.2
New Orleans. . . . 7.H
Cincinnati 10.1oO.000 10.t !
I'lttsbunr ,
Kansas City. . . . 71.1
i'rovidencu 0.0
Louisville 10.5
Omalin I.OOiJ.'JIii .
Minneapolis. . . . 4HIliM , 40.7
Milwaukee 4,1:30,000 :
Denver ; tbonoio , ai.o
Detroit , : ) , , r'r.ioco o.u
" Indianapolis si u
Memphis 12.0
( lalveston 2.140b3S 1.7
llaitford 8.7
St. Joseph , fit ) . I
New Haven. . . ] ,1S7,14J 1.8
I'coria 1,010,110 S4.4
Spiinglield 1111,415
Worcester W,215 ; 1:1.4 :
I'oitland POO.OOO 4.1
Syracuse 010,11 ! ) 14.5
Lowell 4.9
Tot al 81,357'Vs4,770 21.2
Outside New York ; XHlfOtl3 17.b
* lndianapollM partly estimated.
The Cherokee Nuthm'H Delojjntc.
Sr. Lot-is , Dec. 1 ! ) . Advices fiom the
Cheiokeo Indian nation aie to thocffect that
the council of tlio nation has elected Colonel
C. J. Ilniris and H. T. Lamloum as delegates
to Washington to icpresent the Cherokecs
during the piesent session of congress. They
arc instructed at length on Chcroicco affairs ,
among other things to nige uiion congress
the passage ot a bill giving the nation the
right to tax raihoads running through tills
country the same as they do in the states ,
and to compel these rends to cease discrimi
nations in ficlght and passenuer rates
against citizens of the Indian tenitory , as
tiioy are now doing. The delegation Is also
instiuctcd to get nn act of congiess , If possi
ble , to test beloio tha proper courts whether
or not tlie eminent domain net can bo ap
plied to lands of Die Indian territory , or , In
other woids , wheiher the Indian lands of
this territory can 1)0 ) taken by congress and
given to private corporations. The delega
tion is agood one. The Cheiokeo council has
changed the tlmo of allowing stock to be
drlvun in the country nnd extended it ono
month Irom April 1 to Muv 1. This will beef
of interest to stockmen throughout the coun
try. Another law allows persons to ship
lumber and timber out of the nation , i > io-
vlded they pay loyalty on the same as hxed
by law ,
A Desperate I'rizc
Dec. 10. The most savage pri/.o
light , wit bout exception , that has ever been
fought in this part ot the country occurred at
a late hour last night In a disused loft in one
of the wharves in this city , the pilnclpals
being Dick Crouln , of Boiton , and Abe
IIinner , champion light weight ot the United
States navy. Tlio pugilists' hands weiocov-
eiod wllh the lightest ol kid gloves and they
lought until both wen : unable to stand , when
the lefcico declined the contest a "draw. "
Light despciato loiiuds weio lought. Then1
were knockdowns and blood was
fteely drawn on both sides. Tlio laces ot
both men weie terribly cntand dlsngmedand
both hail to lie can led fiom thu spot. Knrlv
In thonlqht the police got wind ofthealfai'i
and on thiee occasions timing ( lie evening
when tlio pieparations hud IK on completed
tor thu light they Kpm-aieii and prevented it.
Theiu was bad blood between the piiiicipals ,
however , and linally tlio lolt was secured ,
into and from which lighters and spectators
had to descend and accnd hand over hand on
lopes. Ten well known sporting men con-
liibiiied a purse of S'-OO , and only thej
besides the seconds witnessed thu Jia'ht ,
Iti'okcrfl Got BniUy l/cl'r.
Xr.w YOIIK , Dec. 10. [ Special Telcgiam
to tlio ! : : . I fho Tribune states that Mau
ri to Wormscr is 111 at Ids uncle's house ,
wheio hu has lived sometime. Ho says thai
In his portion as clerk in the brokerage linnet
ot I. & li. Wormser , he was appioached by
brokeis , who Induced him to open accounts
in their offices without margin. The object
of this oxtraordinaiy favor Is now plain to
the youns clerk where ambition was o.xuited
by oppoitunillcM , Simon Woimsi'r , hi
father , said yesterday : " 1 have not p.ihl on
dollar on account of my son's speculation
and. indeed , 1 have not been asked to do so.
His losses aic only on a few thousand shaica
oi stock and his debt will not como near
S.VI.OOU I knew notning about his vcntuies
until Wednesday , llu was at oncu ills
chained Irom the serviceof the firm. His
accounts hero aio correct in every paiticnhir
although ho was triisle-.l Implicitly. The brok
ers thought that through him they could ue1
valuable 'tips' on the maiket , and now the.v
liavo lost their money , it teives theii
right. "
Somewhat Ailvniiuod in Vcars.
Sr. Lot is , Dec , 10. A letter fiom Sas a
Kowa , Semlnolu nation , Indian tcnitory
gives an account of thu death there on tin
Mil inst. of .Mrs. Susanna Warien , pethaps
the oldest person In tlio United States if no
In the woild. Shu was burn In tlie old towi
ot St. Ant ; list I nc , I'la. , In l''X ) . Miu was
born a slave and was Iho pioperty of Spanhl
master * ! until Ibl * , when she , with otlie
Spanish slaves , lied iiom Iho town of I'un.-a-
cola when it was taken b > ( ieneial Jackson
Shu lived In thu Semmole country Irom tluu
until tlio second treaty of peace- with thu
Semlnoles , when him was icgardcdas thcl
common propeity and was icmoved will
them to the Inaian teniiory. Mio leaves
onedaii'/hter living , who loside.sjn Austin
Tux. , und is in her ninety sevenih jear. hbu
leaves many giaiitlchildien hcie , sume o
tlieiii nearly sevnpty years of age.
Itiirneil lioyoiul Itcco niiion.
] ) ITIIOIT : , Dec. 10. A special to the Tieo
1'ress Irom Ariutmla , sa\s : Thu Iruit uvap
orator of John it. Stump caught llro sooi
after midnight last night. MUs Kli/nbetl
fctumu , aged twenty-two , fclster of thu
projuietor , was asleep In the building at thu
time. When Stump anivcd at the .scene ho
raised a ladder and heroically tried to iescuu
her , but was beaten back by tlie llames , whicl
burst tlirrugh the window , throwing Mini to
the ground. Jlo was picked tip Insensible
with a bioken h p anil a teirible cut in ill
head. Notwithstanding tiio clt'ortb.of the
workmen thu hi Idlng was completely con
Mimed. This morn lug the body ol Mis
Stump was taken from thu rums , buriiei
beyond recognition. Losj.fc-O.OOJ , uninsured
'reparations Beinpr Made Tor tlio Auuunl
Banquet of the Organization.
Krcderlcl ; anil Murphy
In Tr.vltiR to Kill Knuli
Other Up Uiul ol'n Murder
Native lownni ,
Dr.s MoiMis , la. . Dec. ID. [ Special U )
the lit ! : : . ] Theie was a lime , and not ' n
very long ago , when Iowa could fairly bo
called n voting slate. Tlicio Is nil organba-
tion that Is now Nourishing , known as the
"Native low-mi * . , " composed of people who
have lived their whole lives in Iowa. Thcte
are a good many such people , and some of
them como pretty near to being grniidfathois.
It has been thu custom of this oelety , since
itsorgant/ation , to have a picnic In the sum
mer and a banquet and leceptlon In tlie win
ter. Preparations for the latter annual feast
me being made. This will occur on tlio even-
tig ol December S3 and promises to be one of
; hu social features of ( he seasons. Invitations
invo been sent to the governor nnd oveiy
Ivlne cx-goveinor of the state. As il happens
: ho day chosen lor the icunlon Is ex-Hover-
lor Kiikvvood's birthday , and Hie old war
governor Is expected to bu piesent nnd help
celebrate. The association when oiganl/cd
was intended for DCS Mollies pnitlciilaily ,
nit It has attracted state attention and many
jiiests aru expected at the annual icunions
from outside tlio city. Tlio local condition
of membership limit It to gentlemen who
weiu born in tlio state prior to Kehiuaiy
L7 , lbC7. The day of the month Indicated
being that on which -thu first leunioti and
organl/ation were peilcclcd. it has
recently been decided lo extend Iho time
tack so that nil who are members ot tlie. Old
Setlleis' association , and weio heio pi lor to
IbuT , whether natives or not , tuny bo Invited
to the banquet board. Such oiganl'/allons do
Threat deal of benefit in a community , and
suivc to gather up and presoivo eaily local
history and traditions that otherwise would
soon bo lost.
r.r.sioxT.i ) TO TAKE nrmrr'it omen's.
An ollico holder does occasionally leslcn
when ) it is necessary in older to obtain a boi
ler ollice. Tlio governor has already received
tlio resignations of live members of tlio gen-
eial assembly , and every one has icsigned In
older to hold some better ollleo. Several havu
leon elected dlsti let judges. Ono who was a
member of the house has been promoted to
the senate , and so , for ono reason or another ,
there liavo been live icslgnatlous ami live
piomotions. Tliu members ol tlio lower house
have piaetically dischaiged their duties lor
the term lor which they wuic elected , since
tlio legislature hasbut ono session in two
years- . The piesent members have paitlci-
pated in tlie session for tills blennium , and al
though their commission runs to the end of
IBS.7 , they will probably have nolhing more
to do. However , U the govci nor should for
any reason call an extra session of
the legislature the present members
of the house nnd senate would
compose it. There is just a little talk
among cattlemen about this contingency in
case there should bo a seiious outbreak of
pleuro-pncumonia or any other Infectious
diseasu amongtho cattle of tlio state. Thu
appropriation made by tlio last legislature for
paying the state vetciinnrian nnd making
other provisions for the protection of tlio
herds of thu state has been exhausted , and
If an outbreak of any considerable sl/.u
should occur theie would bo no funds accessi
ble with which to light It. In that event the
goveinor might consider tlie emergency ono
ol sutlieient importance to vvaiiant calling
the legislature together in uxtia session. But
it would require a verv uigcnt and pressing
necessity to justlly such a slop with thu largo
expense that would thereby bo incuircd ,
Alter tlio expensive session last summer lor
the impeachment tiial of Auditor Blown , tlio
neoplo ol tlio state aio qmtu willing to forego
the luxury ol another extra session for litly
years I ( 'possible.
coxfuissMi\ ; : :
The people of Iowa are looking on with
great complacency at thc.spectaclo of Con-
giessmen I'ledoilck and Muiphy engaged
in the pleasant position of tiying to cat each
other up. Tlio feud between these two
democratic statesman is an old one , nuginat-
lug In mutual jealousies and riva hit's. It
had one culmination. The other day , wlicn
In a childish pet. Congressman Kiedcrick ic-
slgned , or thicatened to. because his candi
date lor postmaster at Iowa City had been 10-
iei'ted liy the president and tlie c.indidalo ot
I'ougiussinan .Murphy had been elio.scn.
These two democratic brut In en do not love
each oilier , and each has drawn the knilct
and Is waiting to makethe other's career par-
ticulatly troublesome and full of .soi low. The
other dar Kicderiek ihonvht he saw a chance
to call up his tavoiilo bill lor redlstiicting
the judicial district northern Iowa so as to
make Cedar Hupids ono ol the nhees whoio
lederal court should he held. ( Ho live *
that place. ) lie received a favoinblo uipott
lioni the cniiiinittce , ami thought If lie cuuhl
only bring his bill up it vtould pasi tlm house.
It tcqulivd unanimous consent to call up the
bill out ot Its place on the calendar , and
when this was attempted out came the Mtcn-
toiian "I object" tiom Itiotlicr
Murphy. greatly to Frederick's astonish
ment and disgust. That objection kills
ilio bill for this ses-ion as It will never
be ic.ichcd on this calendar , and it kills It
too , polar as Frederick's connection with It
is concented , as his tout oxplics with the
picsent session. So if he was mad befmc.
lie is ten limes madder now. lut ! these two
ilemociatle statesmen aiu not yet thioiigh
with caoli other , lloth aio candidate- , for
the doimiciatio nomination nest year for
governor , and each will Ice.l fill his ancient
grudge against the other , tin the people aio
looking lor a spirited thun when the nomina
ting cuinention is held , and still moiti tun
during the campaign should thu one bu titkcn
and the other be lett.
I.MI OK A .Mrnin.iriiii vr , .
The people of noithwcslcin Iowa have
been gie.itly stlircd ii | ) thu past week by 11
minder tinil at Algona. Tlic case was thai
ol City Miushal LaiKIn , ot KmmolKbuig ,
iigaint-i Matt , lo > ce , a well kunwn citizen ol
that place. Joyce was one of tlio eailj set-
tleib ot that section of tin : stato. lie used t <
to haul goods to Algona hi foio any r.illnml
was dieamcd of , and h.iti long occuid | | a
prominent placu in the communitv. Last
May there was a uu.itiel between him
and the marshal , and attei hot words
and some blows , .lojco was shot by
the niaislwl ami died slmrtly after. It was
known that thoio was sumo ill-leellng le )
twecn the men because ot .loyco'b pie
nounced cntipiohlbiiionlmt - . and emu
thought ( hat tins added luel to ( lie llame. At
any I ate- public indignation was \eiy gicat
and tlneats of Ijnchlng weio ficely made
but not caiiled out. I.arkln was tried in No
vember and the jury brought in a verdict ot
murder in the lirst degree , The deftiiiso su
cured a change of vcnno to Ko-siith 001111)3 )
and the trial has just been concluded. Tin
dufeiiFo set up was that the killing was acel
dental ; that l.nikla teailn violence dion
his levolver to piotect him > -ell , and in the
incico the futal shot was liiod uiiintoution
iilly , Yesterday the jury brought in a Mir
diet of and the city mai.-hal goes
lice. The leading lawyers of thcnoithwc.s
paitot the btato weio engaged in the tn.i
and public interest In it w.ieiy
A IIIIAI. i.srvii : IIUOM.
Dos Moines jirupeity is having a boom. A
tract ot Innd just east ot the city , which VMI
bought for s 10,000 less than a > ago , has
just lieon sold for s.' Tlio now nine
company will bealn dperations with : ii/0,00 / ;
cnpitnl stock with the prhllcgeof lauing I
it to 4500,000. The Iowa Loan and THIS
company begin the election of a 31CM.WW of
lice building as BOOH as siiung opens.
Drowned In Hi nine.
Hivi : Si'in.Nus Veb. , Dec. W. ispccl.i
Telegram to the lii i..jThis mpUMUg abou
i o'clocir , a > i Hiltiam TutkUer was t'flnj ,
homo from town , he fe1l < ! ownan embank
iiic.nt of ( hity ) feet , breaking thu Ice , into
thu Jllue river. Ills two sons , wMo were will
him at the lime , broke the Ice ami waded In to
the water to their necks , but cou'd not iin <
lilui. They KVO the alarui , anil tcarch wa
cept up until this afternoon , when he was
otind forty yards below where he broke
hronch. lie had been helping to clean out
saloon and some say lie was tight at the
hue. but the tact that he had walked across
railroad bridge on tKo ties a lew minutes
cfoio indicated that ho was not veiy drunk.
A Itiiltrontl Km- West Pnlii ? .
Wl-xr POINT. Xeb. , Dec. 10. { > peeln1 to
ho HIK. : | Thebuslnc * ' ? men ol West Point ,
t a large and enthnsIastJc meeting hold In
Craitso's hall lait r\onliur , eleclinl ! . ( ' .
Crawfoid. i : . K , Vnlcntlne. AVHIiam Stenfer ,
Uilah Hiunen , John I ) , \oligh. F. ( ! . ttep-
icit , A. A. Campbell , llciinot ( ioltlsmlth ,
) lto I'r.iiniann anilV. . K. Kiausoas n eom-
nl'tee ' to confer with the manager.s of two
aihoads which contemplate building In tills
lliectlon nc\l year. The light of way liolu
l.o south line of the county to the city and
lopotgiounds in the ell.x wMI undoubtedly
ie tillered to the Missouri I'acllic , and possl-
ily to another load , prohied thov build heio
lext year. The opinion Is gencial that tlio
MNsouil I'lu'lilc can beitelll the town moio
hail any other toad.
A Hey Aliilnotcil.
Ccnvti H M'nis , Xtb. , Deo. 10. [ Special
iVleginiu to thu Hi-r.l Hey Hlllmaii. aged
en years , son of W. F. Illllman , piopiletoi
f tlm Cedar Haplds ICra , was kidnapped on
ho fctioel at 7 o'clock last o\ening by a
voman supposed to bo Jlr . ilillman , who Is
eeklng separation fiom her huobaml. She
las not lived huie at all but came heie jes-
eiday with a middle-aged man with a team
lorn Albion in the toienoon and slopped at
he Commuiclal They leglslurcdat
ho hou'-e as William .hum-son and lady ,
) akes , Dak. , and were very reticent while
here as to who they were. Mr. llillmau
stalled 1 lorn here about Iwo horns later hist
veiling for Albion In puusiiit , but it is
inrdly expected he will ovrtaku thu kidnap-
Flour ami Crist Mill Iturncil.
AHAPAIIOI : , Xob. , Dec. 1 ! ' . [ Special Tele
gram to the IJr.r. . | The Hour and grist
ulll belonging to h. Chile , of Arapahuo , and
ocated In Oxloul , burned eaily this morn-
n r. The mill and contents' weio totally
lestioyed. Loss , iO.OOO ; no insurance.
A. Si'iisatlon Ci-ontcil In Society Oil-
< ; les at 1'au.
| f 'nji < /i / fihsw ( / li . /iiiici ( lOMlini flnmtlt. }
1'Af , Dec. 10. [ New Yoik Herald Cable-
Special to the lir.K.JTIiq news which was tel-
: 'graiihcd a tow evenings ago to thu etlcct
hat M. Jean do Lougiicil had been mairled
hat morning to Miss liauon , in Dorking ,
England , has caused gicat excitement in so
cial circles here. It was no seciet that M. do
Longueil had been devoted to Miss lruron !
lor a long time , and thoru was oven the 10-
portofan engagement , but Mis. Uatron did
not like the Idea and refused her consent to
Ilio match. The young people finally decided
to take tlie matter into their own bauds and
slipped quietly off to England , "Mls.s i&airon &
accompanied by Mis. Thomas McCar
thy , the widowed sister of young if. Lou-
guell. Scnicelyanyonooulsldc of tlie families
mmedlately concerned over know that they
lad gone , and nobody knew of It in tlio so
ciety of I'au , wheie few peopleaio better
known than Do I.onguell and the Uairon
lamillcs. The late Karen De Longucil , Jean's
father , was one of the fust foieigners that
ever settled here. Jlo built an enormous
houie on the route do Taibcs , and was
famous In his day for his genial hospitality ,
Ills good dinners , li's ' choice wines and his
handsome daughtuis. Ho died a low years
ago , leaving but a mnall propel ty. Miss
liairon is the daughter of a wealthy Mexican
gentleman , who also Edied two or llneo yeais
ago. His tainilv has since lesldcd In I'au ,
occupying the \ ilia lirishlon. Miss Han on
has always been consideicd one of Ilio met-
tiest giils In society here. She lias just come
of age , and Iss.iid to have an independent
A Stoniner's Itongh Voya 0.
tit IVV > hy JamcK Gordon IScnnrtt. ]
LONDON' , Dec. 10. [ New Yoilc Herald
Cable Special to the liii : : . ] It now trans
pires tliat the condition of the steerage pas
sengers on board ( be bteameis Xeoland which
lull I'hiladelphla on December 1 , and put In
at Queens town ycsteiday after encountoiing
the gale picdlcted by the Herald , was duploi-
ablc in the oxtiemc. During tlie storm ,
which lasted tin eo days , tons of water Ho wed
Into the steerage compailmonts , satin ating
tlio bedding and clothes. The passengers
were water soaked and lor thico dajs could
get no change. T.iero was caicely any food.
Twelve pa sengeis .sustained severe injuiles ,
having their limbs bioken. One woman was
dlscoveicd dead and in a slate of decomposi
tion. All weie panlc-stilckon and much
.suffei ing and sickness piovallcd. The vessel
wa a floating hospital. The steamer was
l.iiOO miles west ol Capo Clear when the cap
tain determined to run into Quocnstnwn ,
The engine room was lillud with water and
all the lues wcio put out. Tlio .steamer suf-
fcicd tcnibly. _
A Tofltof Speed llotuvnn Cnlilns ,
[ Ci > liljilhsv < , bii.htiniH fliiiilnii n'netl.l /
LO.SDOX , Doc. 1 ! ) . | Xe.\v Yoik Ile/ald
Cablo-Spcclal to tlio ! : : , ] To-day the Cana
dian I'acllic railway , worklnglin coiinect'oii '
with tlie commciclal cable , had a test of spred
bctweun Now Weslmliitor , H. C. , and Lou
ilon. Messages weio oxclianged In ono
minute. The lirnt message was as follows :
"New Westminster t-cnds gicetlug to Old
Westminster. Weather c'lmul } ; luiht lain ;
tlierniometer-l-t. What ib Iho weather with
yon and time of daj' . ' "
The cable , woiking direct by Canso over a
ciicultol Ii00 * miles , Inoiulit nn answer tiom
Londun which was Kvuipcil at ; 'H p. m. , the
leply sent being :
Old \ Yetinlnjiter < bends klndlv gicctin
to its younger name .sake. Weather heio
lieasv lo ; temperature : U ; city envelniu'il ,
but llirco mile.- * outside clear ; timu b,1- : . ' . "
In reply lo this eamo the que.stinn , "Have
you any visitors' . " ' Answer : "Wo hoped to
have Sir ( > . Stephens , hut he was piu\entfl (
fiom coming heio at pri'bunl. "
I'll I'll Oil K ( ' ( ! ( . ! Vl'i ! II ; .
LoxuoN' , Doc. 10. 1'arnell , who has Just
arrived In London , said that lie was slowl )
but ( irmly rccoveiing 1'ioin his lecent gastric
attacks , ills doi-lor will permit him to re
sume his iiaillament duties on the opening ol
the session if ho piumNci to bu cuiefnl , J'ar-
nell does not Intend at present to oxpicss an
opinion on thu "plan ot campaign. " wishing
blot to eo to liL'land to coiitult wltli the juo-
molois of the plan , wlioui ho has not been
hincothocndot thu last bunion of
* " To Protest Aiiliist Kvlollon.
Drni i.v. Dec. W. * \ . meeting is to bo belt
at Kilrnsli to piote t aiMlnit YandelcorS
eiction pjocons. Tlio call for the meeting is
pi inted on hand bills and concludes as lol
lows :
"I'copic oi Kilriish : In llm moot Impoit-
ant criais in our country's histmy yon me in
vlted to bccomo f-olllcri > of Ireland under thu
banner ol the national league , "
An OiTorlnj ; for Queen Victoria.
LONDON , Dee. 19. A committee has bcei
organised with the \iisw of racing a lund to
thu wcinoii and the t'Jrfa' olleiin to ( Jm-cn
Vicfona in honoi of tlm fiftieth year of her
H'igti. Donations fit Hum ono jn-nnj lo uno
poiind wJil bo iecelve'1. AH the Kret't jmii , , '
aru hclpllii ; t'io ' I'loveuieut and I-PMIH "
ba\c bwn i' ' > rmcd throughout
A Unllruud
UKIIIIV , Due ; 10. Jn Juiar ry all K-em-li
employ is on ilio AUauti'Lociainu iallviy
wf" IHJ dlswisbctl anj iculawd b > tJcruuin ,
The Hoyal Time That Greets Their Doming
in Wasliingtou.
low n Murileroiio Itcliol t'lot
Frustrated A Soclely "Man
n Sensation National Capi
tal ( Jovsip ,
Heady tn l.'e
\VA * iiiNurox. Dee. Is ( Special Corre
spondence of the ltrii : Congiess will
likely adjourn for Iho holidays on Thursday
evening next. It will leconveueon Monday
or Tuesday , Iho Hist in the new year. Thcio
me present In the elty now about ! ' 0 per cent
ol the membets of the house. ( Jenerally
about ' „ ' . > pel cent go lo their homes for the
hollda.vs , so that about o"i pi > i cent of Iho
members will be absent dining the holiday
recess. The statesmen at the national capi
tal know as well how lo haveasgood a thno
on a holiday ns any oiioi-Ne. 'I'hey ullhrr
spend thu days with their families or bunched
together In paitiesand have a real jubilation.
For several da > s tlie slate-mien and llinlr
w Iv es hav o Illicit the slot es of the eltj biij IIIR
picscntsi. Many of them are voiy Itbeinl ,
and quite n largo number Interchange com
pliments in the wav ol pio- < ont < to each oilier.
Members give mcmbeis and senators pieces
of jovvolry , boxes of cte.u-s. eases of wino or
liquor , books , etc. , and vice veisa. Many
gho their eletki handsome piesenis , fre
quently in the I'm m of money.
il is piovcrbhi ! that New Kii''lam ! mem-
hcis and those on thu 1'ncllic slope show the
irieatesl liberality. Some of them give sei-
vanls or other common employes piesentH
vyoi til from S10J lo S'.OO. It is said Senator
Standlord gives S.'i.OOO woilh ol piesents to
PCISOIIR connecled with bis household. The
slock men and otheii employed on tlio
lane.lies are liealed quite as liberally. Sena
tors Don Camel on and I'.ilmer have also ex-
raoidlnary ideas about tlieir gifts to lltoso In
heir omplciy.
Manv statesmen are seen on the streets on
'liiistmaR. They aie diiviiv or piomenad-
ng vv Hh fi lends- , and public places deal out
iiueh "Tom and .leny" and oilier popular
exhileratlng beverage's upon tlm outers of
national legislators. On a number of occa
sions popular bars in tlio city havu h.ul un
limited ordeis to Heat their tiiends ad
libitum. Al no place In the country is a holi
day so thoioughly enluyed as In Washing-
Ion. Tlio depaitmenlal people gi'iieially
make up thu gieat swarms oi humanity dial
Hood thcstiects. rXubonuico abounds and
llieie Is an air of } ; ajet } and ab.iudon seen
nowheiu else.
The announcement inaile I'm ' other day
iliat Colonel Oliver I'ayne. of Ohio , intended
to ninriv Mrs. Hopkins , ot Chicago , as soon
is that lady piocmes a diverco tiom her bus-
baiid , piodueed quite u sensation in social
circles heio. Since Colonel I'.iyue begnn to
nsblst his sister. Mrs. Whitney , at her publlo
receptions and dinners hu has been a famil
iar characlor among tlio upper tendom , nnd
is regaided as a good catch lor i.ulie.s ol mar-
raigcablo Intentions. Mis. Hopkins Is an old
personal friend of the Payne family and IB
said to have tlio lieaitlest sympathy in her
trial by all friends of the family.
"Well , piohlblt'lon 'in tientgla Is lust this
much ot a success : It takes a mlglfty lot of
scheming to get a drink in tlie meat major
ity of elites , while In many places It Is next
loan impossibility t wet your whistle with
out making an absolute business ol looking
lor tlio Html to do it with. When a man IIHB
to sneak mound and violate tlie law and run
thu lisk of getting himsell in jail hu don't
caie lor a Miiltcr , and lie emulates the effect
ol the prohibition law. Yes , pinhihillon Is a
success in Ceorgia , a * tlie drinking element
has found out to their chagrin. "
Such was the expulsion ot Kranlc Jtlchaid-
son , thu Washington coiiospoiident of the
Atlanta Consllluiion. And it may bo ob-
thit : what Fiank iioesu t know about
tlio elleel ol the laws on all subjects is not
known by lliu slnewdcst ( leorglan , as hu is a
close obseiverol all events south. Only the
"boys" mo expected lo know the real work
ings of a tompciunco law , tor , although they
may not bo lusher they alone can gel Iho
ical expulsions from Ihoso who fiequont tlio
places which aru supposed to bo suppiess-ed
by pioliibition laws.
' I'lieio is veiy little dram drinking In my
state , " continued Mr. ltichaid--oii ! , "and
thcio will ho less in a few yeair , il tiio pics-
ent laws aie maintained and ontorccd. I'eo-
plo are becoming educated to total absti
nence. It is said that theie is moiu drunk
enness in stales where prohibition lawn
exist. I do not believe that. It Is plausible to
say that it a man can't di ink a di am over tlio he will get a bottle , go home or ulsuwliero
and got diiink. It looks lensonable , but il in
nullue. Ono ice- , very low diiinken men on
the stieets of Atlanta. , A law which ru-
< mlics tuuati lo tell when" ' Im bought or got
Ins intoxicant when lonm ! intoxicated , will
bi-uak up drunkenness in any city ,
m HI i i n ritovi ur.A in ,
"The south. : il the bioaUng out of the re
bellion , possessed no tiucr or braver union
man than Hon. llor.iee Ma.Mr.ird , ol Tennes
see , now " s.uil . a sonthoin con-
giessman to-day. 'When the storm of pas
sion and bailed , which diuvo Governor
Biownlow and ov-1'iesiilcnt Johnson Into
qxile , bioke out. It also ponied Its lelentlusi
fur ) on thu head ol lloi.ico Maymud , lorso
many yeaisa icpic.sontalhuin wingless tiom
the K'noxvllle di tiiet , ultcivvnrd our minis
ter to'I'm key , and iilso postmaster general
In Iho cabinet uf I'resldent Have- * , And Ion : ;
after Hie vv.n , and even up to thi < day of bin
death , the lebch him w ill ) .1 di'.itllless
and demoniac halted ami would li.ivo taken
his hlo seines ol times il Ilio nssissnn : |
could have scon any way of cv.idiiig the poll-
ally ol the law.
' In ono Installed paitioulailv tln time ,
place and Insiiiimrnt.-t had all been pieparcd
lor his miiiilei. and only ilio cool coin-ago oC
thivi ! hi.ivo republican biothois and an uncle
of t huh S'KIV on linn lioni Instant death ,
" 11 vvjisduiing the .invass ol tsri ) , when
Mr. MIIA nurd was posted to speak at the
town of homi'iviHe , thu shire town of
l''ayello coiinly , In West Ten lie < ; ) e. is tliu only county In thu sintu
in which Iheie is a majority ot coloied
people , and ol COIIIHit was anil Is yet
slronglv , Ncvcilhelus * , theio was
and is in the county a gang of as di'speialo
uml diivilish men as can bolound.Vhenlt \ Mrlaynaul
was to ipe.ik'.licru a gang of niUiuiis held a
council and deleimlncil to kill him whllo ho
was speal.ln'in HID com 111.on ) . How'aslli-
loimeil of the la < t. but bi.ivcly ileleimliicd to
miiko his speech , deaih or nu ileath. l''oiir '
despeialo cliaiaclciRveiu ciiosdii lo do Iho
devilish deed , and to provide thi-in with Ilio
noi"-siiiycoui.igo ( Iliej weio idled full of
w'hiski. One oi the leadcit , of tln < republi
cans of Kinetic county was .stieillf lieives ,
as biavo u man as ovur slopped a lebul bill-
let. lie also heatil of tlie plot , and , with
three biiithcis as bia\o nt , luinse'f and nil
nncioenteied the coiiit room and took
on one of the tables used tc Iho lawMirs , All
of them went armed to tlio teeth and le.ulv to
scatter ie.ui at . i moment's luilieo. 'Ilio four
unified soon alter Mr 'M.nnanl .
his siici'di , and In a moment one of
them called hiu'i n ami icnr.iteil Iho In
sult again and ai-nin , all tlo : time tlm four
movini ; toward thoMnml. .lust as the Jnrt
ono piis > iiig 1dm Slitjill Ito-M's p'uclunl '
him by thu islecvo ami whi pcM .1 . lo him :
"Don't Mm fellows Inteiteie wuli M.ivnard.
itou du we litti will sliool you duwn " 1 hi ) '
tellow tin neit and culled a iiuit. A hnr-
wh spin uc U.k plaee , a'td ' thru the
idielb . lowly nled ( mi and d atipcar'Ml. '
it tin y had Interleri-d wllh Ma nwrl Ihey
would l.-i\o been killed to n d' ad * I'alnty ,
loitl'iIteewi weri'di'idsi.ot- \ \ liiravcas )
li cj 11111,0 llu m an * , whirl i' , Su 11 I'ei vi H
was I' for di tinetli n fi6m l > miry
li'-'ii ' . \ UTu-liMir ' ( i 'T\ ' I wool i i Mti'r
\v-c4i IKO-J i. } rV < 41 1 1s jiftrryv u J , f" d ho
if rurii itt'n-"bi ' ids to.tlki- , ' : ; , . Itm
tO'lhCu ' "ill a > il f > i ii ( ti' ' < < light
o'it " 'Kit1' ' h i very rcl JICM ' .v , w :
ti'-lcir ' i > tw i1 'i ' fifktiiii ivt
tfilt , iUiL"