J . HE SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , SATURDAY JSVEIsTNG , DECEMBER OS * 18SG. NUMBER 1SB. WAR'S ' DREAD ALARM TLc Great Question of Peace or Strife Dis cussed in Geunany. HOW FRANCE AND RUSSIA STAND TLc Probabilities and Possibilities of a Con flict Treated at Length. TALKS WITH MANY OFFICIALS. The General Opinion Expressed That the Army Bill Will Pass. COUNT BISMARCK'S SCHEME. The Bulgarian Delegates Received Very Coldly By M. Goblet. A MARITIME MOTOR EXPLODES. Ono of tlio Inventors and a Young Machinist Blown to Pieces. THECOLINCAMPBELLNASTINESS An ICITorl rlie ( fiovrrniiient to Sii ] > < IITI'HH Publication of tin : Evidence DerpnSPil Vessels Dninnucil ly ) Gnlrs Oilier rorcljjn NUUH. All 'Inlk nCRtrire. MijuJiiincs flitiilim Hi mir'f.1 Hi.m.iN , Dec. If. | N'M York llei.ild Cable -Special to the Hi.i.,1 The coincidence be tween ( icnoral Von Moltke's signliicant hiwech ninl tli" sodden ehaiige In tlmnttitmlo of tlic entire Kiisslan press towaid ( icimany Is remarkable. The chorus of Muscovite tin oats wore at once tianstoiined into elln hive ptotest.itlonsof admliatlon. This volte facids tell here to be too piu'ipitatc to be slnceie , mid suggests Canning's livelj squib , "A Midden thotU'ht htilkes mo lot us sweai denial filcnilsliii ) . " Stianccly enough , though , a war with 1'ianco Is what Is upper most In men's minds hoie 'Jlie animosity against that country Is fur less than against ltti * > sln. Thouirli ( ! erman > ciossed the ANu- tlnn liontloi to-moiiovv she would regard the Invasion as undcitaken in belf dclcnse. Wai with I'miuu would bo begun with a liravy hcait ; war with Hussla would just now bo hailed with enthusiasm. Tlio ( iei- 1'ian nolillity to-dav , pronounces the word " .Sclavthnm" with the same contemptuous snecrwlth which the maiquls hi the days of l.ouis < } uiiwoutteied the ) word "Canaille , " iinit dining the discussions in the German imminent made a stumper Impiossion than the statements of the < Ionium staff that 11 war should bieak out to-moirow Cieimauy \\ould oppose only 2,000,000 oC men to tl.o r > , ( XXOOOot ) Ktibstaiis and Frenchmen. At nny rale wo seem to be within nipasiiip.iulc distance of thu time when Km ope will , as was plainly intlm.itcd In the iclchslag the otlipi d.iy , bo compplled to ipiluco lici anna- jiicnts 01 benin the long tliteatoned war. Tin1 cost of kpcpincnp tlieli Manding annies Is inpldly ruining most of tlio continental povvon ? . K\cu I'l.incp , the richest of thorn all , can Imidlj bear Urn strain , anil the en durance ol Couian ! : > has been tiled alniObt to the uttoimost. A rr ; V\CIM iiri i. . \Vltliln thu past few wocks the coin Iction ha" piowi ) sliong heio that in a hnancial duel with rianopfand this constant Increase of the milit.uy foroos ot the two eotiiitnes Is ) ) iartlc.illy a Hnancial duel , Ccinianv must lip woritod. Von MoltKo was conscious 01 Ihls when ho undo his sensational appeal to the lelohstag. It Is generall.v behoved heio that ratlin than quietly wait while tlio ( forman - man ami ) Is being outnumboied , he woiili advise taking the hull b > the hoins and loico matteis qulckl } to.iciisis. rvi VMtior * i'on ( iniMANV. nWar In tin ) IIP.U futuie would bceonsidciod ii cal.imllv hj the ( Ioniums. It would mill tliclr commeice lot a doo.ido and cost lne.il- culnhle blood and money , Hut , even so , 1 1 might bo n lesser CM ! now than later when ItlMimrcK , Von Molku and the kaiser will have vanished. They see tli.it 1'ianco Is doKiredly bout fin getting back hoi losi province * . ' 1 hey themselves are equally do- tcimlncd not to icstoie them. Nobod ) knows what h.is been settled by Klsinaick and Von Mnltko , but ontof-doois It is boloM ! > d thai bofoio manj months , peihaps weeks , Pranci will he suinmonoii to explain herarnianients If hi'i loply Is satisfai'toiy theio will bo no war ; If nnsatlsfactoiy , the struggle so lone Mavod oil mav begin , ri sm\ ( , nil i'Mim.v ; . Mp.inwhllo Ihu aiininipnts tire boln jnishoit on with iieat ai'tUlty , and < ! eimmn will have MK > , ( WO lepealins illo ! > ioidj bj the 1st ot Maich , The feeling In thp Corinan mllllaiy el.iss Is teisely p\picsspd In tlioclooln | innittiph ol Colonel Von KoelKohau' bonk : "A fre l \\m l npco'S'iai } . and the sooner tlio bulk i. ' IM i iv : n.uisr niTH i \i i. 1'ioni the kaNor dow n iho ( iuini.ins aio fill of tlio nimv bill.Vill the lelehstat' latify 'Jlniihd.ij'i vote' ' or will It.on coo ! loilpetlon conclude that such a roinco vvoulil be unp.i tilollc'.1 I h.uo 'inoMioiu'il a uood mam do imtlcs OCPI.S | ) | iinil jonriialbts on this sub jpcl and M > nd > ou theli answois. j ills iiuoslloned p\eral members of the confer am J > utch lielssliiiso pTitii'b , on vvlu > M accept nncoor rojeitlon ol the inrastiro Its fate tin ponds. Ikir Milloi , mi-mtiei foi l ibeok mo uis to volit for tltu bill on pntilotlu triouiuU , thonch he dots not hdieve theio Is ini ) iirgonl ncod foi it. . " DIP fito oj tlio nier'uro U nnrri tain , " IIP ( al < l , ' 'jt is thniuht that pi sibl ) a p.ut o our frpl sliili ! Sii'Uj > will votofoi It. I don' l > ollc\e the ijoverniiient fcais war. If it did nil the Rimy cot psould bo i-lipn thpnrd ' 1 IIP poveruiuout has tin ? poeis \ roquiied to moel an emcigency. ] can only explain the l.alcer'b cacpriK'ss to see the bill j > as ! tiy the lact that liw trusts the rhnncpllor , and the chancellor Ku man , who. when ho will say a tlnm ; , will have It caniod tlnough at ouco Tlio war Illinois cau eil great evoltemen line , espcclallj lastwoek ; but matters seen ( jlik'lin ? ilovvn , Wo oould > aslly u > ; | it 1'ianeo or Ilnashsinj- ; ! ) combination ot the two ] ioers \ inlKht bo danjProiH , This excite iiiciu lae x bud for tradp , but the fjovein incut eaips enl > for polities and military 1 t Anollui dPivl > , whoso uamc I fj < eke lump -.troiisl : > : A1" v II vt Mi jl'US"IOV. " \0 , lltoll't Olkl U .ll ! > Ill Mk'l't ' , Alltll rlanklii } ; of swoiiUma inoio maiuruvre to j > ass thu liill. AsK'i tl > o muh lan.oil of cou lldoutial Cf'i'iunHurati ' is to tlio rouh ta. commltteit they liad i'S i ' itic contidonlul > ' thorn iU all. Thooinri \ ; ( IM I jibout the uiUi'.uv i , MairMan \ ot nil llussla , which wo had already. 1 think he hill will pa s , but If I had mywaj it vould bo rcjccf-d.1 orivioN or vrniTfin. . "I don't take an alaimlst view of HIP situ- tlon , " ald Dr. Aithnr Levj sohn , oditorof ho much io.ul and independent Berliner 'aRblatt. " 1 don't bcllove In the linmlncnco ) f war between ( icnnany and Franco , o tussln , nor iiu I think that 15lsmaioti jellevs lint. On ihc contraiy 1 think His- naick hopes to avert a war uj the moial Ifect which would be produced if the lelch- taK unanimously , 01 almost unanimously , otcd Urn army bill and thus I mill colly bowed llbclf icaily to make all sa'Uiliccs for he salvation of the lathcrland. Hismarck annot really anticipate war , for ho knows hat the proposed Incieiseol thonunj would ic Insulllclent to malvo any apiircelable ofTect ipon KiatKu 01 Itussia. As > ou know , he mlv tisks lot 41.000 men. Of Iheso only 1,000 would be called undei aims n April. Hut the question Is lomplev It has n domestic and a foienn as- > rct ; the latlet interests eveiy ) iie , the loimcr InteiesiB only Hlsmaick and is ! possible I din't .iy piobablo-success us. Hisinaiok seems to live in appichun- Ion that if the empuior disappp.ircd his suocissor mliihl chooio his idvlsors fioin n section of the projMi-ssionist party. Insub- mittiiiL' the army bill to thu leiihstai : he hid i stratotelloal ; object. He wished to compel ; lie juo iesMsts to lendpi themsehps , RS the ricnch < .aj'imi > ossiblo , ' by loioln them to put themselves In conttadiction with theli own piojrt.iinmp , nncpotiilof which is that the inlllt-ii ) bud ot Rhould be voted for thtoe .veils onh- that Is , lei the extreme duiation ol each rcichstag. The o icssUts nuinher alto'ethor sixty- nine 01 se > enty niembcis and Hismaiok sup- po estho > will split on this iiitestlon. 1'art , ho thinks will decide that It Is netessaiy to place patilotism before party ana vote foi thu bill ; pat I , lie assumes , will , on the otliei hand , sij : 'S'o ; we lepiesent the Industrial and commercial interests of the conntiy and we cannot consent to a measure which would add such a gtlevoils t.iof blood and Kohl to our ah cad \ overbuulcned industiies and commoiic. ' "Hutwh.it of the iiltraiuoiitaitio center1. ' Vouwill ha\e noticed in the discussion ot the aimybillby the leichstas coininittee that Uerr Wlndtlioist has eaielully adopted .111 attitude of ieceivo. 1 have no iijrlit to speak in behall ot the center , but know cnouli ( of Wlndtiiorst'b tactics L'cnoiallj to say tint ho adopted this attitude with the scciot Inten tion of at thp las ) momeii tallowing his naitj , = o otten denounced us anti-national , to assume the p.ut of savloius ol the tathei- land bj voting for the bill and soparniui : the rk'Iil to the platitude ol the Ro\cinniiMit Altocethor 1 incline to believe lh.it the bill will Ite voted. As to the toieisn siilootthe nuestion. 1 think that negotiations between riance and Itussla had ically ttoue to some leiiKth niid that the go-between was M. Deioulude. Dciouloile Is inually leninled lioie , and peihaps In I'lance , as a s.uitom. M/e\perienco of Fiance , however , tells me that mostol hei srcat ilistuibanccs have bctn hioucht about by leputed sauteuis. Deiou- lode was warmlv icceived at Mosiow and St. I'eter&burK by personages licloiiciiiK to thccntomageof the c/ir. lie went to Den- matk , and soon aftci wo he.ird of smldoii Panlsli na\al picp.xratlons. Ho isiuaciord with Iloiilanncr , and Houlan cr Is likely to be uuassalled , wliatevei changes'may be made in Iho rrench cabinet. It was in icplytothe rranco-Hussian inovpinciit that Hlbinaick intiodiloed the army bill , yet I don't believe fiance would be so toolish as to piovoko ( ieiniiiny at | ire-ent. One imnie- diato lesnit ol the intioduolion ol the bill is that Kits ila has IICKUII to lecoll. 1'ho sudden overthrow ot Dorrojoinet , howe\or , also doubtless had sonic elVicl at bt. and helped to cool Iho Italian desire lor a I'ronch .dllanco. It showed thorn Imvv little such unstable allies could bo depciulcd on. 1 don't think we may fear a wai in thouirli wo must allow lor thu nntoicscun which , pioveibiallj , , ih\.us liaipons. ) Jtj this 1 expiess the aveiatje opinions iif tb ( iciinan AN OI'I'OSIIION I X-l'lll sslOX- . llcii Iloldheim , cditoi ot HID opposition A'olks Xi'ltang , said : Mho tension is so trie.it that sooner 01 l.dei vv.ii must come. When H dues lomu it is mote Ilkolj at lust to bo between ( ipim.inj and Hussia than ( ioi- iii my and 1'i.uicp. Hutwcen ns and the rrench theio will nlw.iji lie 1'Nass Loth- rlngen , but though , in a Unions speech , liis- mauk said our friendship lot Kussla was built tower high , the dot man and Kusslaii peot > le hate each other , ami wai would be as popular hoio as in Hinsu. I know posi- tivol > , thiough one ot om wealthiest bank ets , that man } gteal ( ioiman landed piopiie. tors , nobles and olllceis have bten healing Hussiaii stocks lately , hut 1 don't anticipate war just jot. While the k.ilsei lives peace will not be bioken , unless in the last ex.- tiomlty. The rcjoolion of the aimv bill would bo fol lowed bj thedlsMiliitlon ot thoroielistig. Hls- inaiok whoonlj wants a I'aiidliil ' moro follow , eis 10 have a woi king majority , would pi obi alth gain uy now elections. The Doiitscho fiolseunlgo paity would Ios. > . but the ( miter thanks to the help ot the piiests , , would re ! turn undlmiiiishcd. As to \ \ imlthoist's ac tion , he hlmsclt will doubtless vote against the bill with the muss ot his p.uly , but at the last moment > ou will see that part ol his toi- 1 ovveis will get a hint to abstain 01 be allow oil to vote us the > please. 'Iho lesiilt will be that the bill will bo canted by a small majoi- itj. Inrhoit , thedangei ot wai with Kits- hl.i scorns greall , lessened sineo the publiea- ttou ol the humble commnniijiio enthusiasm of the olhclal organ HIP other day. Hut a blttei , dlhliusttul loeluig in lOir.itd ( o Hussia exists heio. Thu hostile attitude of tlio Cdinmittce made ii a dlsijiicoablo Impression on the couit and in i'oveminent elides. Alter HIP solemn in leivcntlon of Von Moltkeaiidtho kaiser so much resistance was iiuoxpoded. Immediate - to ! > altei his thieatenlng tpceoh the grand old lit Ul maishal pilvately aiMiiod fover.il coiisuiv.itive iK'putio.s Hi it they had no right to feai war dming the kaisei's lifetime.- A Mill ItAI's Vll W. Dr. DCIIIUPIV , the well known editor of the National /.oltunir , which , though the liber U organ , wai mlv appioves the aimv bill , said : " 1 do not regard wai as Impossible , but onlj font oi live men In all Kinopo know whether It will come , and of the o four 01 live onlj these who ate bent on having wai can telj whether It la Imminent. 1 uou't behove His- maick Is ono of those who are bent on wai. ' \\licnthoUennan \ government made its demand for an Incieascof the army tin- questionablj it was convinced at the time there was cause for alarm , AVecauriot fora moment suppose lliat such men as ( lie Uaitoi , JilsmarcU wnil Yon Aloltko would speak- lightly. Thosowho are foolUh enough to undei rate the seriousness of their words may rue their erior. The present reii'lihtaij or an other will certalnlj pass this measure. Now , as regards Trance , the opinion U geneial In ( ierman ) ' that , iclatlvcly to the French army , ours has at least as great an advantage now Hi In lso Moreover , though the Kiencli are abiave and gallant nation , wo Know that worewe to engage In a etrwrglo our ( Tilurancd would outhvo theirs Man ) < d'nans think it vvinld bo better to ciu h Fiance b' ' > tuiobhe ( SbUout : i , and o secure oursehps a loiii ; term of peace , lost ( icrmans , however , ( litter on this point , for they know that even after the uo t slenal triumph WP could not hope to rii h rinnro o thoroughly that she would lover more tiouble ti . Home could destroy Carthage ; ( icnnany mi ht de tioy I'.uls ; but on cannot wlpn out a nation of v > ( XOXO. ( We must ic'lgn oursphcs to taet . As for lundreds ot jcarsiiast the 1'rcncli and ( Jcr- nans ha\o been , * o will thuj be often at ssue , soiiiPtlines at war , larely at peace , 'lantc has to contend against a giavo euor. icimany loves peace , but not 'at any pilce. ' she watches hei nelijlitiois across the Ithlnc. t thpy fancy they pan choo is their ow n Imo foi attacking us , whv thcv aie mis- akun. " A TAJ.K WITH WI.NnTIIOI ! T. The fate of the aimy bill depends malnl > on lionWlndtlioist. . the toidlnc - plilt of the opposition and bfat the most lnllucnti.il ucmhcrof the lelehstair cominittcp. 1va 1 < foitnuato enough ( . > catch him tit dltvner oday : "Von havehad oven oppoilunity of weigh- ngthe Iact3.6ald I , "Do vou believe that > vai Is coining'J" " .Sir , " said Dr. Wlndtlioist , " 1 do mil be- leve that war Is probable. 1 do not. however , think It Impossible. Kiom mothes of policy much has boon kepttncK fiom us but so lone is the eastern question lemains unsettle I an accident nmj cause wai at any moment " "Would d.inuer tome fiom the east 01 west" " "That sli. istnoie tlian I 01 nnjone em foretell. If Hussla were at wai witli us trance-would join her. It Ki.incudecliiicdvv.il she might , though less ceitalnly , have IJus- sla foi an ally. Hut this I know , and it can not be too olten lepeatid : We ( iermansaie div Ided by bitter political dissensions. 1 , for instance , am on maiii points Hism.irck's ad- veis.uy , but if ever the fatherland Is threat ened and icmembei \ls.iee-I.oiiaine Is now a p.ut of ilio fatherland oui domestic dinprencex would be foigotteii , Catholics and Piotestants would join hands , mil we would march tORelhoi to the civ ol 'Long Iho the emppioi. ' And 1 havpsueh trust In the dis cipline and might of the Herman annj that i belloM' it , even alone , could whipthewoild. " A noi DI IEAII : . Thcie wa a hot a \eltlnc debate in the reichstag this afternoon whethei the house should adjoutn thp 1th 01 rib ol .lanuarv. Uerr Hottlchei , on behalf of the Kovornmeiit. caused agieat upioai bj lobiiking the oppo sition toi It/i srcat inattention to business , and disiogaid ot the kaisei's wish lor n piompt solution of the pending inilltaiv question. Wlndtlioist , Illekeit and Hiohiei did then best to esaspeiate the minister. Khmllj itas \ discoveied theio weio not eno.iKli deputies present to decide the ques tion one way 01 anothci , and the president settled the point cathedra , lixlnjitlie date ot the next sitting toi the lth of .laiiuaij. POINTS PIIO.M PMtlS. 31. ( lolilpt'H Cnlil Itei-pplioiiio ( In- Hill [ fnjiiMiWso > > \ iHUM ( ( tunlm / { 'in/1' ' * 1 I'vms Deo. lb.-f\cvv Voik Heiald Cable Special to the Uirj 'Ihc thiee lovlne Hulgari.in delegates Stoilotf , Kiekotr and Caltehetr aie lecelved coldlj bj M. dob- let , who rcgaids them veij iniiih as Nebu- di.ulne//ai did .Shadiacli , Meshach and Abcdncgo. and no doubt would Jlko to cast them into nbinning , liery fiiinace , forthis Hulg.m.in question Is tell to bo like an pscapo ot LM . It causes u bid smell In the diplo matic atmosphcio and mav any moment 10 suit in a ten Idc explosion. Hulgaiia to day s what Sehleswig llolstein was twenty vears ngo when Lout I'.ilnierton dcscnbed it as the match that set lire to Kurope. .lohn Lemoinne , one of tlie shrewdest political obseiveisln 1'ianco , sajs that as the Sc'hleu- vvig-IIolstein milch Ignited S.idowa and fcodan , so the Dulgaiia match may set abla/e a still l.ugoi conllagi.ition. I'laiice feels thai hoi only political ally in Lmopu is Ciissia. To this slio saoiilioes her seiitiiucnt.il fond ness foi the HulH'ailaii people , and it was on this aci omit that the Fiench cliamboi do' dined to put lovvaid M. I'loquot as piliup minister , rieiiohmen tool that Ueimany may at any moment demand a soiious ox- planatioii as to tlnJ now lapldly iiioieaslng lighting sticiictli that riaiice is achieving undei Hie leailoiship ot ( ioner.il Himhmgoi. The tenipoi of the people ple would not totoi.itP nnvlhing of the kind. Higlitl ) 01 wiongly HIP I'loncli neople leel thattlipv h.ivunot ( hushed with doimany yet , and while holding out their arms to lus- ! sa | look forwanl to the spiing with confi dence. In laot , nevci bcioie has Cpnci.il Chanzj's tannins sajing bci'n IIIOIP kionly appieoi.iti d b > the rienoh people , namely , "The Kiomhmau who tako.s ol ipv.nicho should bP shot , but the riPiiehmaii who does not think of It should 1m banned , " i.xi'i osiox or v MAI 1111 vi r MO i OH. A tiial ol a now mailiio motoi c.imo ofl .vesteiday at AMiioios with most astonishing u suits. A small bolt hid been dillj' luted witli the motoi invented by two ambitious r.iiisian ongineeiH , Mm. Itulsson and C'iv- iPln , This new distovciy claimed to quad- iiiplo tlio oidliimy povvei ot sleim. At I ! o'clock in the aftei noon hundieds ol limit d guests assembled at Asiiiorcs to sen the boat maiiooiivie asamst Hie stoim. Mm. Huls- fcon and Civicin jumped Into the boat , ac companied by a joung midilnlst slxtion joais ol nso named .liiles Moi iot. Ono of the liiventoisgaveoidei "Full spoeil ahead. " The vomit , ' meohaiiioi.in pres-ed a littlehi ink Ivoij kilobaud the boat shot ahead like a bud taking the wing , .so.ucelv had it gene twice Us own length , however , holme a f calf n ! explosion occuncd. The spectatois saw the boat buift Into thniis.inibot nplinteis that foil upon theii heads liken halt Moim. A few seconds latei a man was teen svvim- mlng ashoie.1 This was M. Civrein , who , allhoitghhe had lost anejp bj the explosion , still had strength eiimu'li to keep hlui'-dt alloat until he was picked up by a boat that happened to bo passing by , M , Huis on had sunk to the bottom , lie was diaznod out by adiedgiiu net. Jlewas loiind to bo still allvp. but hisboiiPs were lu < en and his body resPinbled a honlblp woii'id. llo died in the arms ot Count do Ikrrbon , the well known soldlei and author , who , with M. IMinund Hlanca , lately In America , was among the spectatois. Voiins.liilca Moigret completely diis.iiipo.ired. The .Seine w.ndiasged but no trace ol him was found. A boitman who witnessed the explosion said : " 1 saw joung Moisiet cut into two uieies by a Miel plate belonging to the machine ? " si XTHU. i i\r. rou i is The audlcnco at the grand chanty re hearsal of " 1'atiio" on 1'rlday at the opera was ono of the most biHJJaut seen in J'aii ? for a long timo. Ono of the pettiest dios-os was that ot the Duchess de Trovlse , a superb Anne of Austria dioss of chiselled velvet , ii deadleat shades upon a vrhtte satin giound v\lth a petticoat of similar material and bow of pearl satin In the coiffure , Mipcib ilia nuiiuls with velvet bows. How ot pearl round the neck oUho Corniest dn Maillej nestled beautifullj In cream white plush hei fair hair was picturosijuel ) coiffe In tli renaissance style. Mie v > crt > two miguin tout diamond broochej , one just upon the foiehe.id. .Mmo. Fl.oiUet | , eonsldeied th handsoiupsi woman of iho present Rowin uicut , ctompauted bj Prciuiei Cioblutwoie perfect dress of iyilo blue1 vplonllne and china crepe Mid a necklace of diamonds upon blnck velvet. Mmo. l ) rnte , In white satin , covered with niedous lace , her cot5itpabla70 ; with precious stone , wore niojal coionetof enormous turquoises ot w ith diamonds and u necklace w itli ear rlnes to match. Mine. Jlonardakl looked her very best In white < < alin with bertli.i of tulle aronnd the front. 1'rom the lett shoulder to the \Mii t extended an admliibly mounted 101 don of Itusslnil violets and leaves ocureit bv dorous of sprays and broorhes of dia monds. In the hair was a diadem of gems with a tuft of violets. Ono of the most of- feotlv o dresses w(5tn ( by Americans was that of Ml s Totter , of pile pink grosjraln and lace , with five tows of pearls mound her thtoat and In hur golden hilr a tuft of ott pink heatlu > ; % with a humming bltd In the lontcr , \vn nirvv < IN ! uiH. Among HIP Aiubrloins In 1'aiis this week were Mr. l.dward . l.'iuiropunt , HPV. Pi. Littlojolin and Mr. and Mi . P. S. Hoe cvell. The Heiald stoim bad the circcl of fiightcn- Ing many Americans to Hie llueii. ninoim them Hishop rotter , who Is now Slav ing at Cannes. DIKT SJ'IM ) DKOPIMNR. One More Day of the Colin Campbell Scnndal , LONDON , Dec. IS. [ New Yoik Heiald Cable Special to the Hi r.l The Cnmpbell casu In the couisc of Its devious windings , lathei burglariously enteiod this morning ; ho divisional argument court when Justices Hawkins and Dcnman sat. Quoth Hompas , Q. C , : "Vour lomshlps , 1 apply lor a rimlnal information against the Kvcnlng Ncv\s foi tuiiitliigsonuich oi the Camnhell case. " The full bottomed wigs on the bench aul the llowing w lus at the bir looked astounded. "YeV continued Hompas , Q. C. , "I am employed by the treasury. We allege an offense against the public In { licttlating this testimony as obeccne public libel" . The goveinmont wishes to test how tar news- papns can publish nasty testimony. " Alter the judicial astonishment had sub sided a desultory convocation arose , which ended in the conit dismlssnnr the applica tion , leaving tlie gnvcinment to tlielrleg.il pxpeiiments with O'Hiionsand Dillon. n OSINO i on I.ADY roi.iv. Meanwhile hir Charles KusspII had , in the adjoining loom , begun his closlim speech tor Lad > Colin. One could detect In his look miothing like this thotighl : "Shall f I , an ox-attoi ncv general and the present Krskine of thi ! nnglisli lur , bo outshot on mj own piesoives by this Scotch advocate'.1" who cortalnlj made a great speech and a deep 1m- piossion as the friend and counsel of the igilo lamily. Sir Cliailos began uo- mcmhcilng ( Julntilian ) l y an endeavor at oneo to gain thu confidence of the audience. UN tone was Ilatteiinir , almost obsequious , to the twelve. lie spoke at lirst calmly , with gieat delibeiation : "Gentleman of the 1ury : On this , the seventeenth day ol the trial , 1 feel a ceitain sense ot iclief which I cannot doubt is bhaicd bj you. Yon have listened with ittentlon , with patience , J bjlievo witli open and unprejudiced - prejudiced mlndsJ1' , \ opened the case as one in a lemarkahle d. ree painful. It disclosed a story of the mairiod llfeoi two people sul in thcextieme. 1 know it was a nccossitj of Loid Colin's case that IIP should impute to his wife gioss adultly ; that ho must , tlnom > h his advocate , denounce hei asgnilty ot pcijuij ; but 1 did not know that , in addi tion to the ehaiges of adultery and pcijuiy , ho tended to accuse hot of being comeincd ina conspli.vy to suboin the peijury ol othcis. Above all 1 did not know that witnos- ios w eie to he called by the husband to cive evidence which involved the charge of an impure life on tlie part ot hadv Colin befoio tlio date of the consummation ol the mai- i lairo " ( icntlomeii , my Iramcd tilcud has con ducted this case with cieat abllitv. lie has ii'od to the lull his copious vocabulaij in de nunciations of oveiv one In the case whose cvlilenoe , whatovei it might bo , hold against the case wliich he is Instructed lor Lonl Colin upon. Hut Lady Miles was fosei veil lei the in nicipai denunciation. I'jion hoi devoted head was jiouied tlio tullfoiieot Ids wiath. J leqncst jou to ask vouisehes whin ajo , when Lonl Colin aiiiveii lust to the ton- elusion that it vis juoper to n-e donunola- lion ol Lady Miles. It could not have been when he was accepting Ladj Miles' hospi tality at LeU'hcouit liom the month ol bep- tPinbci to Match , noi could It have been when he was pan j Ing on that coriespoiid- ence w ith his deaiost 'Mu//ie , ' and slgnl hlmselloiii atlectionato Coca. ' When was it that Lonl Colin ( list ( lonouncid Lady Miles'.1 Whj , h was on the Mil of Nmoin- bei , 1SS4 , when ho knew that Lady Mile" possessed cei lain know Irdgo she wasdetei- mincd to \ \ -o II he pessisted In tin com sp in which ho was pioceedlng against Ids wile , which Lidy Miles believed unjust and l.ilse. " Keteiiing to Lonl Colin picsontlng ( In eoncsnoniience tiom Ladv Miles to him on the hiibjcot olmella \ \ atson , bu Ch.ttlcs Ku-M'll ii.'mail.o 1 : " 1'hi'j say Lonl Colin wasmeielj seeking to entiap this lady , who had made hei boiisi a hospital lei him , when ho was noglcctci by his own I. ith and kin , vvhoappaiPiitly h.u letused to open their doors to him , togothct will ) his wile. 1 believe tiieic Is no man o ! honor who would not have burned ills ilihi ; hand i.ithoi than pieseno such a oonesjir/n- / dente , passdl In absolute lonndonoe , mini more diseloso It to liolu In lenoilhin over Jjidi Mites and Lad ) Colin Camjibell. " At this oiitbuut J old Colin and his bioth- cis simultaneous'lj halt aioso , as it imppllei1 to v lolencp again- ! the oiatoi , but iPo\eiing ( the phllanlhiojiy of that ancestial Duke ol AiavJn who ( retted thu village wiatching post , they contented thcnisehe , with putting on looks of scorn. Sii Chailes was passing on to the cones pou dent soveiily when the eouit adjoin ncd leaving him to tinlslion Monday. J uiuloi- stand that on Atontlny the J'liilleot and Koj- hole Incident , nq v\t'll as the absciiLeol den- eial Hiitlcr , will form the pnnclpal matteis with which the concluding sjneih will deal. Uoa Itelglqjn Cnjilain llescneil HIP Stanley i'.ills Snrv Ixoi > . | roj.j/i mlil ; MA I'Jcimis ! dunlini llnintlt 1 Hiiissiis , jcc. it. [ Now York llerah Cable Special to the Hii. | 'Iho Hclgian Captain Coquilhat , ehlel ot the Congo fieo i-tato Hanu'ola ht.itlon , returned heio today being compelled to le.ivo Afnca thiouL'h sickness. 1 Intoi viewed him and obtainei fresh and Intern tint details ( oncernlnu the capture of Stanley Tails by the Aiabs at the tiim ; when thoLnglUhman. Deane.ln ( hargu of the rails , was atlaikid by Arabs am obliged to retreat. C oqnllhat , learning a iiangola that there was tioublo ahiad , em- baiked with thltt ) men and steamed up the Congo Imping to lescuo the De.ino expidi tlon This icfciiiblcilbttikinulj on a small Sr.dc Colonel Wilson's attempt to lesmc doidon at KtiaitoiMi ) . Coijinliiat itccuii on ( liu road numeious n.ithe icporii stating thai Deane was titl hold ng- opt , but onaniUng at the falls , he found the Amu X.ui/ib.ir Ihg flvlng over HIP half de tioyrd station , and had to tnin back and lly under A icavy Arab tire. During the flight the teamei grounded twice on the locks , thp Uabs .tlll liriup , and the Cotiuilbat pirt.v lad a narrow e capp. Afterward Coqnilhat dlstfovoieil and ro oued Dpane. On icncnlni ; he jourupv towaid Hangoh the steatnoi w.ts again attneked by Arab" , and Coqtillhit Was ilm clt wounded with twelve of Ills body- ; nard. lie had Immense dllllcully Inieach. ng Hancola safely , lie believes the captmo of the fulls by the Araos will enable thom 0 icsunip for a time the tcnlble slixvo lalds and destruction desoilbed In Stanley's last book Neveilheless , he thinks it will not bo veiy ditlknilt foi the tioo stito to ciptuie the alls ultimately. Of the pioeress of the Conco he gives biUht accounts , saying thi ! latives are betrlntilnu to show thouiselves hoioughli ameiiable to civlll/atiuii. PATI1KK .M'CljY.NN'S OSi : . How It Is Vlpxvpd hy thp AiilliiuUtcu At Itoinr. [ r.iiiiuJlffiblJiimrs ) / ( / / ' Ociiilni llfiinrn 1 KOMI : , ( via llavru , Dec. 13. I New Yoik llpiald Cubic Special to thp Hi t ] Louu mil detailed repoits have been received at IIP Vatican fiom Tathei Mcl.vnn's ( ! eivlesi.is- .Ical supoiiors coneerninz his action In the recent New York election. The whole case las been laid before the popes , who h.is pel- sonally made the most thorough examination nto the facts. Thp pope strongly disap proves of ratherMclilynn's conduct , and has jlametl him thiough the piojier eccleclastlcil channels. It Is not tiuo Hud 1'athPi Mcivnn ; | ias been summoned oflkiall.v to Koine , but it is the pope's Intentions to do so in case Iho s-eml-olllclal Intermediate aeonts now acting in the matter , and who urge r.ithei Mcdlyuu to conic to the Vatican to explain his conduct and detent ! himself , fail in theii task. The aiithoiltlcs at the Vatican coiishlci It of the gieatest Impoitancp that thpic should bo no scandal nor sensational mcasuies of anv kind , and aie vciv anxious that thp maltot should he quietly arranged w Ith as little noise or publicity as possible. Owiuc to these views 1 am not at llbcitj to name the two exalted pielatos with whom 1 conversed on the sub ject , and who received tlio substance ol what Is above htated diioctly liom the pope's own lips. A Stcnnipr'h Toiiifh Trip. [ roi/i ; | ( | ( ) if Vvsti lijnines ; fViilifdllItlllDM / ( Ji MNSIO\VN : , Deo. is [ Nuw York Ilciald Cable Special to the Hir. : | The /calami , which left Antwerp December 1 , for Philadelphia , has just pm In here In a 1m- tcied condition Irom the clients ot a tcrtilic gale on thu bth and width was piodktcd by the Heiald. Tlio Xcalann shipped tremendous - mendous ' eas , v\hich swept hei docks foie and aft , smashing in pieces her wheel house * steoi me wheels , bnlwaiks , stanchions and can led away the life boils , which weio bioken in splinter * . Twelve passcncei" weiehcilously Injuied. and sevcial ol the crew , with broken limbs , had to bu lemoved to the hospital. 'J'he passengers WPIO ) ianlc stiickcn , expectlmi thp steamei to founder. Aftiji some time thev they manazed to ilg n jury steeling apparatus , but the ealu con tinuing , they were compelled to inn Into ( iuecnstown forsifety. 'J'he lorco of the uale was unprecedented nU HM'MOIT DICMAIv. The National Opera Company In a j''loiirlslilnc Comlil Ion. CIIK v.o , Dee is. ( Special Telegram to the Hi i.l : Theodore Thomas docs not In- temi tosevei his connection with the Na tional Opota companv. I'm thei more the stateniPiit telciianhed fiom New Yoik to thccllcct that Kmma.lucu has lett 01 intends to leave the tompanj , Is without ( lie slight est foundation in fact. Chailes K. i.ocke , business manager of the co.npany , said todav : "Much of my time dm ing the past wPok has been takPii up in making denials ot l.ilse and malicious icpoils sent ovei the countij liom New York by patties who seem to have some Interest in dostmjlng the reputation and good name ot the National Opoia fompinv. lamglul to have the op- jiortunitv ol makiiig a L'eneial and exjilicit deiiias ol all inniois ol dissensions within the company , ii"s well as togive the IIP diretl to all ' tunes leiKiiiig to our linaiicl.il dis credit. Within thicn da\s it has been tele- giaphed trom Now York that thieoofoin piiniii donnas , besides Miss .Inch and Mi. I liomas , had eithei icsi.'iied or been dls- thaigeil. Vow , to those w bo know the facts , suohiepoits are simply piieille. I should not notni' them but lor the l.uttlHilbo- lii'ui tlio s\mpitliy ol thu public is with us , and boonise 1 am desiinns that our lilonds should know , oneo toi all , that tiom an atti-lio and linancial standpoint we aie todav stionuei thin e\ci. I a aln iepe.it my empli.itioiepu- tiitlon ol theeh.iigos in question. I'll , it no inisiipiiioheiislon m iv exist In the minds ol the nubile , lot me sa > that while , fiom the si/e of our eomp.un , it is ni'ci s-aiilj e < pen- hive , jet it is not as e.xpoiiblui as was the Maplcson company when he hiouglit out I'atti , deister. and othei hi.h-piitcil aitists. om ii'ielpti in I'hiladclphla and st , Louis this season exi ceded anj receipts Maploson e\ei tin k in IhOM'clties , notwlthslandliigthi ) olstiieles vvhlih hive been thiown In om wav. 1 his season om icteiptKin Chicago will bo liboralls in excess ol those ot last > ear. II.i\ewenot it'.ison ' to lie ! eneoni- .U'i d ' " ' "U hat can vou siy dellniieh Hvaiding the piesent attitude of 'I lieiiiloip Tnoinas.1'1 "MI tai liom rpsiuiiinc.Mt. Thomas Is moio interested than evei , with his woik in ( nn- neillon with this cntcipii-o , Ills li'.nin tuo company at this time lo KO to Iliooklyn to i oniim t the nniiuat comeil of the IliooMvn I'hilhiiiinonio sii'iel.v N in aicoidanoe \\itii tlio plans which he at langeil la-t .Inly , Hi wi'iit t'.i-t becaii'-e it was stipulated in his conn lot. I happen to Know uo.iti\clj that Mr Ilium is is now ( oiisideiim ; plans ol Inline work for the open that will etfoi t an othci upwaidstop in its artistic cai eel. Tlio rialit'AualiiHt ilio ! < rmiii' . I.OMiii.x , Dorlh. . The MOI lalmnig oi tin null lent campaUn in Iioland is adopted lij the leadoinol thu National Le.igup.isa stop towaids the feupjiiesblon ot the league. Tlit funds of tlio league have aheady IICPII tiaiiv foiled to I 'i an CM in oidei to jiicveiit their R'i/uio by the aullionties and the ienl monevs deposited vMth the trustees will aNo IIP hocicted to gii.ud them agan.st govern ment soi/uio. Thu proclamation wains .ill pci.oils Unit the inciting of tenants to retiisi to pay 01 withhold touts N an illegal act anil that the antl-ieiit mouimont by whntnvei means can led out Is iiiminal ( oiisplraoy. In addition it savs that all inonovs , leielpts and dooiinients given oi i.'ceued toi the piu- pose of hiuh consiii.uj | uru liable to t-ei/ini and that poisons in whose posiCssion they .lie found shall bo ariosted. Ihls bupepiiig measiiie Is the jiiodiution of Lonl Ashburn , lord ciiaiK.olloi ol lu'laud , un < j assent to its piomuTgattoii was obtained at > eslerdaj't > cabinet council. It is hoped that Lngllih and liish home nilois will now ieM niitll thu meeting of pailiament. when eatly action can be taken in opposition to eui lions anil to tostiaill the go\ernrui'iit's loeietvo aitivi- tl < 's in the mi .mimic , however , the unionist p iporn clamor ioi tlie Immediate Mippipsslou of the National Leau'iie , and own demand that a tnal l > > jmv we suspended in li.-laml II juiios ipfusp to convict the adu > calw ol the anti lent movement. 1'iov Inoifil Ci-edilH \ CiedilHdopp'l | Pxi.ts Dee Is J 'ii i m.bpi ol | < in in .uciiriunio - / , ti ti | ( ! irM.iuineinl.il un r > > the gijVenttiik'iit tuuaj atiupti t j/iuniicut / tiedits aiuendcil bj Pie > natp. M I IUIJIIP ! pif l'lent of tlio chaiiilMr , ii-itd j dci-ec iiif the session ot IT LACKED JUST FIVE VOTES , The House Defeats Morrison's Motion Tor OoasitU-ulioji of tlio Tariff. THE PROTECTIONISTS APPLAUD. rite I'ros-tiiont ASMIIIP lM ! * f"'t > tin- ( llv c DiiMoy ol' Ills Intention to Opi'li Nrlirn Ka limit OPdcCfl Nat ion nl Caplti'l .Nows. "Mort IMIII'M Motion lioM. WAstnxiiiox Doc is-Special [ TelegiaU' othe lli.t : . ] It was an exciting SCIK-C In the loitso ihisafteinoou when Hip vole was being aken on Mi. Mmiisoii'imotion ) to lonsldor ilstnill bill , 'the giillelics v\eie ciowdod with su'Ctatois and M membois ol . .ii wote n their seats. All voted except two one , a epubllcati , opposed to oousldoiatloii. and one n domooi tt. .ImUo KOIKIU , ol Texas , who wasln t.uoi of eonsldoiatloii , so that hoii nbsonoo vvas equ il to a ] ) in and did not Heel the result , .ludgo Kenean was down In he bisctiient of the capital l.iking u bath when he was In fanned that tlio vote was uo. ng taken. "tlo ii , " he exclaimed to the at- cndant , "help me dics , I must vole , " mid ie stetipod out of the bath tubovon moieagile lian he moved out of the capital of \ liglnl.i with , lolf Davis at thosuiiondei ol liiilimond Hid the tall of the conlodoiacy. As he did so i messi'iu'or aiinoiinecd to him that HIP lames were being lead on a lecill , ami that 10 must hasten U ho not to vote. The iudgo tad on his snlrt and imntalooiis and insisted m ninnlng up In die house In that condition , but the attendant piot-Mcd When his shops ivhoip belin ; put on he V.MS infotmed lli.d the vole was a tie. The judjo is old and fat and Iressed slowlj. Dneeth the news came to him that .Spcakoi Cirllslo Ind voted on the iccall and tluisKavo HIP bill ono majonty. Tlie * judge smiled , thinkod heaven , and dressed mote dpliboiatelv. Above him theio v\eie coiitctlons ot the voles and i hangos till the tally sheets showed till lor and IM against coiisideiation. .lust beloie the vote was announced and when It was too late to he K-coided the veleian conlodeiato and ex- poslinnster coneial C. S. A apptmod on the tlooi pulling like a poinoise and poiploxod. He was onlj ipoonciled when ho learned Hint Ids vote would have done no mind and that Hie lepublic.ius had lost a vote also bj the lailossness ol a member. It wassug- uested lo Ue.iitaii that Ills constituents would never toiirhe him unless he told them it was tlielhst bith he had taken lei live ye.iis. Mi. Monlhon felLvcii good when he thought he had catrled his point , and wic mm Ii ills- misted , though not sutpiised when 1m * .ivv how near he eime to success and vet tailed , lie stehed and s.dii " \ miss is as good as a mile , " and acknowledged that that ended the Halation lei the pr sent AllMKHUAIH S ( HI Ml roUMHPS. ( . 11.I. T.ijloi , asshi nit citv altoinoj of Kansas Citv , N in the city making pielimin aiv airaiigements lot n n.Mional convention of colored tbinkeis ol the land. He was to- daj asked to state the pm poses and objects of tills convention , and .s.ud : ' 'Thu conven tion is to be composed of lepiesentnthe col ored moil ot even state , and will probiblj bu held in AVashingtou .oino t'lue ' c.irlv in tlio nextjeai. Th > ) object 01 the tonvontion Is the advancement ot the colon d lace. Ills proiiosod to lonn a national committee , who shall be composed ot onorcpicsenlativo fiom each state , also an executive committee , who slnll have-all Ihopowoisot u full convention. This executive committee shall have the ill- lecting and marshalJinc ol Iho colored votcis ol eaon state , audit shall bo theii duty to l.ij boloie those colored voters the questions at issue in tlie campaign on hand , and shall ad vise and conn-el them how to cast theli vote. I am In l.uoi ol thocolored mm being inde pendent , holding aHcgiaiiot ! to no political p.ut } . lint voting as his own inteiosts host uiLt.ite " Mi T.i ) lei .siv ) ho is a demooiat , and gives evidence that the object of his con vention is to make democi its ol ooloied voteis , and his eiloits mo not meeting with gieat success. i IIP sir. VAT TIIV irr. ( jonoial liven slid lo-div that the lepoits about his taillni : health are gipillv nxagueia- ted. Jlet-aid that he issutloiln tiom dia betes , but that hehas hnpiovcd veij much of late and Instead of having iin idea ot belli' , ' r < IIi"il next sirlng | he expects lo bo at Ihu head ol the slirn.il sei vice lei the next PI ( | II > eais "Koi , " lie said. "I havei. t fell so . \-ll lei sovpi.il jeais .is 1 do now. Captain ( iiiolj , who was di sit'ii ited as assist int ' hlof sipiml olllcoi , lolievos ( ienei.il Ha/en ot loiitino matters , but the lattei olliioisa\- > ho expoi Is to remain at the helm. M in : VSKA. i VMI oi i n i s ItoiiH'si ntitixo Doiscv e.illed upon I'lesi- donl Clinoland to day and incpd the neoss- sit v ol immodhteh opening the land olhces at Milnev and ( hiidion After lieiinii : the statements tlie pipsiilpiil told Mi lei ) i > \ that ho loorigni/od that action sliould he taken at om e and th it ho would maku the appoint ments in n voiv tew davs. AN IMI'OIIIS I lll.c ISIOX' . SOIIIH lime during the last session HIP at tention ol liepipsenlathe 1 ! ikei was called to the ease ol an old atmiiienil who liad been m out-ot the M.iss.irhiisctts lociiiienN , and who toiind hlnis it at theoloMiot the w.u with .1 technical ihaige ol doseition against Ins moid in the wu : ( lop utmoiit. 'I hn ca'-o wis iither ii podili.n one. Tun man in ijiiostionb id boencapti I and taken inisonei bv iho enemy mid was p.uollod , lint in such a dilapidated phvslei ! condition that he WRS compelled ton main in the hospital toi main months , lie was alieiwaids sent to the eonv.ilc-i cut ramp and tiom there was allowed to letiiin to his home to ntteiU IP- ( iipei.ite. This tool : him , i long while , ami when ho hn illv lecinoiid snilli ienth to ie- tuin lo duty he loiind that a oh.ilge ol dosei- tiini h.nl . boon loooided against him. Just about this time I'tosident Lincoln's oidei ( -Milling absolute amiiestv to all who woie i haiKod with doseition | | thev would ii'tiiin to the ami ) and linish out the tenn lot which tlies enlisli d , fitti u toil his attention , ai'd he lelunn d undei that onli i oail.in . l i. ' > onlv lo "IIMJ seveial monllishen the wai dosed howasgi.intid an boiioiabledisi liaige lldin the last loinpail ) ill whlih he helved , but Ihedosi'ition m ul.n In his in s | enlistment Mill lomaiiii'il at ; ihist him 'I'lio \al depnt- mont ollii la 11 woe ; uu'od to deal his icconl on the giound that I.ini'oln'.s pioclaimition w.isab-oluti'iind tlioii ) ( onld be uo hall wav Jiaidon. Tlioj ndniilteil the nHiro ol | hs | \iewol the ( aso , tint lilted that It It wcro lollowed It wiinlil entail an endh s iimount ofwoikanda gioat deal ot cxpon-o upon the government , and did hied lo iiciedo to it. Ml. H.ikei was icqiiostod to niakiia Inlet ol Ids points , which ho did , foi submission lethe the wai depaitment , alhi whidi they weio tiaiislonod to thi ) attoincy irenond lei an opinion. All. Hakei veij dlMieell } ( ailed attention to the attorney /enei.d's own c ise , and the idling of the Mipicim * couit on th.it . ( | uestiou 'Jlie icsidt ol the attoriioy gen- pial's Investigation has just been made pub lic. HP lull } sustains the position taken by ippiestntutivp : HaUi r , that wlienamaii 10- tuiiiid under I'lPstdi nt LineolnV piodinia- lion to this Demon ( d Iho I'liiled Si ites ho was entitled to absolute paidon foi any hliiiitiom n us with which ho might have been oh.iiirid pnvious to Hint time. 'J bo point IMI veiy iiitresting ono.ind vci > im- jiciitant , as it will efled Ihoiis.inds of him- ilai caes wliiLh ham on'iined in the pail , 01 I. KiKIll II \ IKiN'S. ' 1 ho.ippioprmtion committee ol the hou-,0 do not piopoio to piy anv iiaituuln attention - tion to the lecommendatlnns ol Hie jiiesldent mid bccrct.iry ol war in le aid to ( oititii-a- tioni11 a bill is luportcd at all it will bu the ( iistomory mea uio aiipioprlatint : but a few huiiilidl thoii'aiid dollais toi the pus crv.ition of lorts alieady in cxUteneo and theio is not Iho sh.'hltst likelihood tint the oxieiKlitiiio of any guat amount wilt IIP niithoil/oil li ) < on'icKS toi thu | iiiriovp | ot l u- ginnlng a svhtom ol toils along om M-I i n.isi lei WM < I HK W U 'Ifpaltliiflit > .i-i'l ! ( u la' " . liiii tidi ! > 1 iiPii'i'ent ti i s > \i ii < K' , ciiiiion \ ( .iiu.iuii 1,4.1 di ni i i it j i < foil ; , ol Atiemptii ) lo bo Id aim n > < i.r > v lOsUltuu Jio.U ) uld.ji.ii. . . c n tv > niKiii'.f lined lei inodermv.il lun llno u K in o Bhovt thuf vvlth jfiins of tlir > IHIVVOI ol tint t jutt Lumpleted the boaboaril ciHen of the riiltpd Stale * could be absolnti'lv protected asaitiM auj loleiijii voxels whidi in.Jit t tempt IOCOIUP within slum of the slime. A ri in ir in n PIM > roMinx v i os. Thctp aic Indications Hmt i com ! will be fonned in the hoiisp f , < i the ol public bnildliu bills bofoio the dom ol the session in such a flood , is to < ast In tin' slndoftll olhPi log lollltif comtiluntiotis for which this bodv bus bpon colobrited Tliere ale Hill I v ( n foitj ot llit'se inuisiiii's on thp calendarninlas main men who aie px'ivmelj anxious that thoii billsshoiild P.ISI SOIDP of them b uo even boon IP old Ipd on Hie iirom l o lo seoii'o lav oi ihlo ncti'm on I. i oi this cliai.ietei now pending. 'I he tool inn ol thpsp jMopo-cd MI IK lines N pietiv well < -ont- tered fhiouirhout the I nliod M ; t - and as a lesiilt at least olid man iniieailv e iv Mnto monKKMtei oi lps ilo.ieo ; woikiuc in Ihltt * iliiOollon. The diemo mini US n das been ikvelijipd. up to datp. Is Hint tlie member UplC PlHilli ! thp i itV 111 which it 1" pIOpOM'd torip.-t a public buifiliiii' shall vi to foi inch ol the othoi hills ot Me dim u toi that Is bolnc pushed bv inoiluM moii'n-i ' and that In lot'iin ' ln < shall not onlv biini. Its own siippmtto beai in lavoi of his n end. h.tl also that oi tnoiitiipi inoinlioisoi fie ( telega- tin n to whidi he hi'Iniii ! * it tins i nil Is ( allied out Ihoio will bo an ennui < v ouillll uHon In Iho surplus of the IUVIIIHOS o ( the I luted Slates and a numhoi ol vot\ band some public buildings will bo oioi ted nt some voi ) Inli'tiortov us. ( if coniM'lla'io wnl lie thosp who will poit.unlv oppose HIPS IHHIII' , and it Is mote than likolv ttial the nowspii < i r noloildj whidi the eoiubiu.ilian w II cconn will seive to nlplho ptopiHlliou in the bud just In the nick ol timo. I Vl'l I VI I1KII I < Mi. Doisov called up in iho house last niu'ht and scoured HIP pissuooi a lull In- eieaslni : the pension ot Captain I'l.ink bweol , ol Chin.s , Neb , lo .moid with Ihu lank he hold when wounded. I'onnies ate MISI.UCC-In HIP < itv that * onio men bants wete oiloiinc M.US per hundnil for Ihoin today. It Is undoi teed that steps will tic taken bv coiuipss to piovldo lot HID eoln.meoi tnoicof HIP sin ill douominalioiis ot ( tilns 1-'and . cent piece * , riii 1.11 ( n VMH s. The tollowing Iowa po-.lm istois w 01 o antuilntod to d.ij : Joshua Diinl.ij LfiU- ndgo , .letleisoii loiinlv , vice I. llop- kiik , leuiovod .las. .loiolman. Shell Hock. Hutloi ooiinlv , vice.IV Mevvail i < moved ; \\nltciN.M.ittliovvs. 'l.ivlor. I'oit.iwoitamio eountv , vice.I. T. Wllifotd. ipsuned \ 1) ) . C.ntPipstllond. \ . I'olo Alto i.ii.nu . MCO Hoiij. riaiiklin , ipsUiieil. A WOMAN'S WOIJ Title of n Ijul.v's I't'onliles 1'ohl In IMvoi cp Court. Ciurvi.o. Dec. ! > fSpeoial Idemam lethe the Hri .J Mis. llaiiirt llulilunlei.tho handsome and an omplishcd lady vvhOM ) name and initial , " 11 II. A. ' dining iho last fovv jeus have been iiiiuo 01 less famllin to the toulois ot news ind soi idy joinnals , appealed in .ImUe < 1.11 licit seonrt todaj as plaliitlll in a divoice suit apunst hi" husband , lloiboil C Avoi I he UM | nu.nj was pnv.itdy he.nd bv tlio in IKD boloiethe iogul.li .S.Hunl ij divoico pioucd- ingsoponed at lo oYloi I , , Mis \voi iclatiiig Iho stoiy ol hoi unbappj niained life. She tostllicd that hu was ni.iniod to lloiheil C. Aviriu Chicago on Oilobei ! , IMG. i'luiy lived togethoi as husband and vsilo until the month ol Ooioi > oi , iss ; when the dual sepaiatlon took pi 100. It wax about that time that the noli lion linnet Hi own , lion nell.XCo. , ol YounsstovMi , ( ) . . ot which tlm dolendint was a member , bocainc lianKriipt. Mr. AVPI then left his accomplished wife , saying that business Intpicsls leqiiiied his presence in i'uiope. ( ios > lps at the time vvhlsneied , however , that his leal obicct which , ol comse , IIP eaielully concealed , waste to meet a handsome and somewhat notoiioiiH Chicago adventuie s with whom he had become Infatuated , aid who had taltcn up hoi lesidonco In Tails On takuu his leave llciboitu'r. . it Is allowed in HIP bill , prom ised to conn United < -'yj i nuniih lei the blip- poitol his wllo and two ehlldien. lint of this it is staled be novel conliilutted om > cent. Meanwhile Mrs Ajei has suppoilod hcr'-elC and the two chlldieii by bei own cxcitlous. linelatilig hoi stoij Mis. Ajoisaldth.it two yoiiis aifl ( hoi hiisimnd hid KOIIP to Luiope. She had not he.iid liom him , and bad Instituted imiiiiiie- among lilemls who bid lotiiinod to this side of the Atlantlo. Tliov had veiy little to tell hot , but dually Illinois began loieirh her OILS that Mi Ajer had boon gulltj ol impiopoi conduct Mak ing a thoioii''h Invosllir.ition she ihsdiveu'd ' thai ho had boon tiaveliiiL' tlnoiigli Tranon with iiiioilici woman who lived with him as hlswile. Heio Mis Avei bocinie eoiuulsed with sohs and nc.iilv bioko down. Slip had made tioqiient nppeils to him lei summit , "inc'dio loll hei , but hid mvcr loci veil any icsponsp. In ippiv to the coml's inqmn as to wiiolhor she hud made iinv ovoilmi s lot a iccom Ilia Hon. Mis \vei lepliid with the ti us PIIIIL'- \I\JL \ \ to hei ( MPJ. "No. sn , I could not iiiulei the ehcum- bt.llll OS 'J he ei = e was conliniu'd foi iinllici cvl- dpuoo. Mivci Is now suit to ho living In .N'ow "i oiK < 113 , ami II Is iiiiuuKd Ih it IIP IH likolv toipi.iiii put ol his lost wealth. Mrs. A\oi was one ol tin i-L be.inlitnl taUnlod and well known women in ( Im-ato Mm was a lounlii , ' belle boloiu and altoi her niaiii.ige Mr. Avei w is at one time linmensplv ii.-li and ho and Ins w ii lived in HKI mod sumptuous stvlo in i largo house on the noith side. ' 1 ln > v had ten oi a do/en servants aid luminous c niiiaircs and hoisos , anil cnteii unod veij lavishly U lion Hie eiash e.imo thu ( OiiploM'p.n ited and Mis. \voi took up hei abode in Now \ nik 1 oru time she eained an Imoiiio bv ( -osslpy lottois Irom Ihc motmpolis 'Urn she was ulv . mpo | > . nt bj fs tihi i A ( o Liter she did shopp.n on ion > n\- \ ion in New Tlio Tire Uccoul MUM 111 M , Dee IH. A honoiis lie broke out at noon todiv iiitludiikd olUi-e of N't'iiUn'Imci's hall and spie.id iapii\ | ! nil ovei the hiii'dlnu' ' . whidi is thieu a stoi > KI 1 atliu strudnie. Tlio hut was not got in Ii i eon- tiol until It had ciillt'il Iho Imu hu I ots psilniatod at ino.OO. CIIK AI.O , Deo. IS Tlielhrie , > in i Minis of the C , ' ' . llaiilonl oil roiiiiin ! < lue- stoiolhco linlldiiii. . No 1'ianditbish au hue , went damaged SV..Ouo hv ILK this pveninur. 'I he ollnes ol tint . . u Tea eoiiipaiiv ami le W. Tliiiisli/n pt oi- and cine , VVPIP di stioved , but Hie lo-- . ( lie ni/in- Inal All paitii'i aio lullj IIIMIIII ! DPSCI 1 1 it hill of Con ii I < i'fi M Noli' . Nl iv 1)iu , , Die. is Chlol Di . i , i m ! of the I'nited Slates , i oieteivice , 1. . . \ mill. hod 1'oliie SupL'iintemloiit Mnii.iv t . .lituas believed th it a 0 couiiteitiit i | ncto vasailoit. It dates liom | s : | i i u ( oiintei Idler WHS eiiitiii < 'd wi' ' - . . uial thoiisaml dollais woitli ot noti . i i , , i.iy vveiebillied and It Is niipposi d ! n , lici-fi dim up mid tct ullii.it Tim duti i < M'e ' ei- ies ( it INWI lelli'i C Is thick mid i < " > , iinl one eluhth of an Inih hhoilci I'un ' tiie oii mm' . In HIP loft laic In thu vi . Ul t ite" HIP h UPIS "K" 'J 'and i aic in [ .i.ived upside down. Will Ailillr.lli' I'hirii ( Jilleiei i PH. CM VM. ASH , Dee ! > . 'Ihu 1 1 il npi n > ( > s of the Mahoniiu valley met n ! < ' > . town to d.ij to ( onMdoi iho demanil of n < i hem who iiio now on a ntnkc fet nn a'ltan ' . ot ID ( ( Ills | K I ton on waces. It was , i. i , in | to appoint aboard nl aibitiation t ' . i n j.osoit fit one opi'ialoi. jiie minei and om < utnnler. 'I his boaid will icport on oi hfii.i laiMjaiy 1 , und pending Its notion Hie nm r- . will till leiiiinc work next Momli > . 'Ilio Itpiiinlim SPII ) II. ii Loiisvnii , Doc. I1 * 'j ho ni. i , of ( ilatiot \ \ iishbiiine , vvl.o died sii idi * In 10 vc steidav , were shliiped lo ni. 1 1 o < .ueiia , ill. , w | ICH ihoy vvill by iutern'd < lam jjiound. Silver sniUo In A i kniif-iH LIIII I Itui i. Dec ! > .1 , . ! . ci.i ty i i ul „ , ' . ' wit' ' i.lvfi tkriii i ii ui .HI U.i ( isisi uii d J J. IMI . Dtt I1 * TU' dc' . i. fl Mr" : A Hni i--a i * t lirr latter Ltrdt ' Cult ridge , has been btttl'd