Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE , 1)0. ) 12 , PEARL STREET.
Btlivcitd Ij currier In any port of
twenty ccnle fit wcik.
11. VT.TiLTOir , Mnnngcr.
ncflKmOrricit , No. 43.
Niunr FDIIOK No. a.
N V. Plumbing Co.
New fall goods at Kcitei's.
.Solid sthool shoes at Adams. '
BOOKS of all kinds , vcrv cheap , at Hush-
Wnim fell slippers at Adams' .
AlexOhort is reported as quite seri
ously ill.
Complete = els of Dickens for f7.00 at
The Light guniils will meet In the
Knights of Labor hall this evening.
Adams' shoe store , -117 Broadway.
The Pall Mnll club gave its second
party last evening , which like the initial
one was an elegant gathering despite the
Adams & Co have the goods thnj' ad
vertise. Thoj' novel mislead the minds
of the public.
'J'ho motion for dismissal of the thug
gists'cases is still being coiisideied bj *
Judge Lonfbomow ,
The McMahon store building , and other
piopeitj' , is toUc sold to daat 10 o'clock ,
at the eouit hoii c , under loiocloMiic.
D Warm felt goods at Adams'shoo stoio
"Fieneh Cook" diicet from Palis will
be on exhibition Saturday , 18th instant ,
lit Brack-oil's , No. ' M8 Broadway.
Hi aided sttaw slippeis , Adams shoo
* torc.
All members of the Council Bluffs Rn-
lieknh Dogiee Lodge No. ! ! , I. O. O. F ,
taking pail in the beautiful work , must
be present this ( attitdaj ) evening By
order of N (5. (
Rubber goods and over shoSa at
Ad.mis' .
A Macedonia witness befoie the grand
jurj'got so full of Conned Bluffs "pop"
that he had to be sobered oil at the city
building befoio ho was in a condition to
appear and tostifj' .
William Nole , one of the old" > t and
best known iesidoiit-3. is Ijing vcrj low at
his home , No 120 Ftatiklm stiect. He has
been ill for u long time , and his end now
seems vcij near.
I All piieos maiked m plain ligines at
Adims' .
For sale 01 exchange for clear land ,
Council Blulls or Oninha piopeilj' , a
most pioinising and fashionable tiotling
D-joarohl stallion , stanilaul bred. Ad
dress C. B Hunt. HaiJan , la.
See Adams' ' 75c win in slippers for
Before being caught by the advoititcd
"less than cost ' i.iekct on Cluistnias
slippers call at Adams' , 117 Htoadvvnj' ,
Council Blulls , and liud out the fact
that some dcaleis CObT piice is 'way
too high.
Adams & Co don't claim tohavcanj1-
whole near 11,000 pairs of Cluistmas
Mippois , but probnblj" can pioduco a
gicater number of pans than any retail
ing wholesale house in this , our llouiish-
ingeity , and many vaiied stvlcsfiom Ojc
to fl ! I5
The ladies have hit upon an ingc nious
wajof avoiiting the puichaso of exuen-
hive clasps for fancy jackets , etc. They
get huge , rich buttons and take them tea
a tinner and have them made into clasps
at a trilling expense comp.ucd with the
price of the regular clasps. Now that a
waj1 has been lound for getting clasps
without gicat expense the clasps will
doubtless soon go out of stjle.
All stjlcs Christmas slinpcis at
Adams' .
J. II Kcescc , who has so long been con
nected with Harkiic s Bios , dry goods
establishment was taken the other daj'
Tvilh pneumonia , and j'esterday was ro-
iiprtcd to bo in a verj * ciitical condition ,
liis fiicnds fcaiing ho would notsuivive.
This is sad as well as sudden newt * ' .o Iho
many friends , llu has lived hero lor
jp.utand is one of the most highlj * cs
teemed of Council Bluffs citi/ciis.
Boots and shoes neatlj half sold at
Another sale of forty acies is repotted
as having taken place , the laud being lo
catcd in the westein wait of the city , and
the purchasers being a sjndicatc foi mod
of Omaha and Council Bluffs panics.
Despite the unfiivoiablc time of year tor eslato activity thcio is more life than
al auj- time for j'eais and everything in
dicates that with the opening of spimg
there will bo inaiij' transfois and gieat
impiovonient .
The piesent let m of the ili-tiict court
will be. bioken inlobj a hol'ilay ' vacation ,
und will lecoiiveno' about .fanuarj' 11
with one of the now judges on the bench
The ternih of comt for the coming year ,
under the new ouler of thi'igs , has not
been decided upon , but as now planned
the tcims for this comity will bo held in
Febimiij' , May , Augu t and November
Yesteulay nfteinoon Mis G. A Kobin-
ton enleitaiuod a largo number of her
lady friends al hoi homo No. 7'Jl Fust
avenue , the allair bcingun elegant liuuh
con. She was assisted ; by her duiigh
tois. Airs. O M. Bio\vn and Mrs , Jennie
McConnoll. The pailois vvcio biill-
laiitly lighted , and Iho luncheon was
most caiotullj' pro ] > aicd and pleasinglj1
solved , The guests weie lumpily outer
I .lined and the occasion in all its1 detail' '
was really olo'rant
Wigwam .slippeis , No 117 Broadway ,
Adams' .
Mis. Dr Snodderly died Thnr day af
tcinoon , about' . ' o'clock , after a long ill
ness , but ono which vas not ahtrming until
within a short time before death came
bho was foimoily the wife of .mold icsid
out , Dr. Kllswoith , who died jcars ago ,
any aftci wards she mauicd J. W. Snod-
deilp. She was aged O.'yeais , and had
joshled hero since 1810. She leaves one
daughter , Miss Alice Ellsworth. The
inueial will bo hold Sunday attornoon at
ii o'clock , nt the family icsidenco , No lor
South Madison stiect.
Adams has a llcccc lined ladles' slipper
at 50 cents.
A strnngor came into the St. Joe house
and nsked foi a chance to take an after
noon nai > , Ho said ho was a railway
man , and had to go to woik at night , am
Wanted to bo awakened in time to get his
supper , and catch his train. Later m4ho
iiftoinoon he vvas seen to bo sneaking
out of thu hick door , and when askci
what ho vvas doing ho bioke into a run
nuil got away. A bundle vvas aftoi wauls
found , containing some of the boaidors
r clothing , and u wtttch , which ho hai
evidently packed up toady to lake wit )
Llm , when Iho discovery thwarted his
Mm' * mid boys' boots for a few daj a
nt unheaid of pilcos at Adams & Co ,
See that your books are made by Moore
) iou&o tVi Co , , loom 1 , Kvuiott block.
Weather strips at Chapmau's 105 Main
Huy Christmas wares of W , S , Homer it
Co , No3 Main stict't , und save mouej
\ > y so doing ,
Jv. B , Crafts & Co , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at ono
liulf their former rates. See them before
eecuune your loans ,
Millinery Lrooil at cost for next 30
days Mrs. W. J No. 238 Bjroad-
w y.
? he Shooting of JamtB Hughes Baiug ReLearned -
Learned in Detail.
flic Work of ttie Snlrntion Army
Dentil oI'Mi1 * . Snocltlcrty ConiJug
Kiitcrtixlninonls The Jaj's
Doings In ( lie UlufTs.
On Tjlnl Per Ills MO.
The trial of Major Williams for the
nnrder of James Hughes was occupying
he time of the district court ycslcnlay.
Milch Intelcst is fell in the tiial and vari
ous predictions are m.ido as to the out
come. The killing of Hughes occuired
ijearago at the I'nion Avenue hotel.
As lliof-icts were lonuied at the time It
ippcaictl that Williams and Hughes
veto both members of a gang of ciooks ,
heie being four in the p.irty , the Iwo
otheis being Jack Roach , "Three Fing
ered .lack , " as ho was called , and a fol-
ow named Thev. had some
lillieullv , the supposition being that it
was a quarrel over the division of spoils.
Hughes anil Williams hail some angiy
Avoids at the hotel about 5 o'clock in the
if let noon , and Gcoigo Gersp.icher
ordeied them out. Hughes lemamcd ,
jut the tlneo otheis left. Thov lotmncd
ati ) in the evening , and the quarrel was
leiiRWed , and Hughes was shot by the
major. He and his two companions lied ,
ma the two succeeded in making their
escape Williams was hi ought back for
tnal. Thcic no thought but that he
was guilty of the mimlct until one by
one the witnesses to the tiagedy either
dlsappeaicd or changed theii stones as
: o the shooting , and the piedietion began
: i be common that Williams could h.mll.V
! jo convicted.
Distiii t Attoiney Thoinell Is piecing
the case clo olj , and making the most
out of the 'vidence as ho diaws it , olten
Fiinn ninvilling witnesses llm prisoner
lias for his attoimns Colonel Daily and
. ) . .1 L'iun < ' \ Colonel Dulis \ taking
the active management of the case in the
com t loom , and as usual is on the aleit
to catch every point favoiable to thn
| ) iisoner. The major sits as uneonciuned ,
ipp.uenlly , us the dulle-t Jookci on.
Since the tiagedj lie has picscrved the
< -tiietest silence , and , although talking
ficelv with otheia on every other sub
ject , he icsumet , l > is _ silence when ap-
| ) ioacliedon thu slightest L'iieuiiistanee
boidcrin < ? in the on the bloody
event In the com t loom he piesoires
the same reticence , never olleiing a biig-
estion to Ins ntloincy , and haidly mov
ing a muscle from opening to adjonin-
inent. Little has ever been learned of
liis history , but many rumors aie alnoad ,
ill pointing to his [ .being an all-'itound
ciook , vcrv bhrowd , of far more than or
dinary ability and with nerves of lion.
Them was sonic stiong evidence gained
yestcidny Irom Mrs. Unthanlc and horn
lici husb.uid in leg.ud to the dying dec
larations of Hughes. ' 1 hey vveic with
Inm caiing foi his \\ants somewhat a few
days befoic he dieii. JIuglies scut for
ilio priest , and feeling that Ins enl ;
wasneir. in response to a question ot
Mrs. Unthanl ; lie stated that tne delend-
unt shot him. Thciowas ome sp.iuing
holweeii the attorneys and much ques-
Jonmgof the'vitncsscs ab to the evict
language used.
The substance of the testimony was
.hat Mis Unthank asked iiiin if M.ijoi
Williams was the one who shot him , and
Hughe- , told her that he certainly was , ho would have to aiibvvoi to ( Sod
for it. There was much questioning as
to whether the words "Major Williams"
V7cicu el ( by Mrs. Unthank or by the
Ijing manor whether the name Williams
was used at all , or not.
Considci.iblc inloie-t was felt in the
testimony ot George ( icisiiaeher. llewas
liute coiiununicative at the time of the
tragedy , but since then has lorgotton a
staitling number of facts coiiceining
which he seemed then so lannliar. He
was befoio the giand juiy , and so little
could bo Ic.u ncd fiom him , although
there vv as no doubt of his being an eye
witness to the hhqotmir , that the giand
jmy indicted him jointly with the major.
Jack Honeh and Curian. As stated by
Ilie judge from the bench yesteulay this
indictment .is piub.ibly lound against
( icispacher , p.utlj' on aecount of Ins
unwillingiie s as a witness , and p.utlj to
hold him hcic as a witness on the aial
of the case. Their scorns to have been
nothing developed to hav implicated
Gcrspachcr in the minder of Hughes ,
except his own manner of testifying
befoic the coionor'.s juij1 and giand jurj.
In onler to have him testify in this case ,
and in view of tlieie being not sulHcient
evidence against him , the case agiiiibl
Gerspachor was ycslerdaj'dismissed by
the di&tiiet iiitotney , who then put him
on the bland to testify.
Colonel D.ulj' , on tlio part of the de
fense , objected on grounds , but
the objections wore overruled , and the
questioning of ( ici.spaclier began. His
memory was .strangely defective , wonder
fully poor , and his "foigctt ° ry" wondoi-
fullj'good , lie ovhausted the paticnco
of the com t Ho testified to the men
beiiic at the hotel in the afternoon , and
talking together. Ho admitted that he
ordeied them to leave , but could not 10-
member whether thoqu.u rolcd or not ,
Thev weru talking , but not very loud ,
and ho could not lemcmbor what they
said. Ho told them that if they wcie
going to talk loud thoj" would have to go
eomowhoro else to do it. Finally ho ad
mitted that the reason ho ordeied them
out was because they vveio talking loud ,
but ho did not know as they weiomiarrul-
ing Ho lieaul Williams toll Hughes that
if it had not been for him ( Williams )
Hughes would not Imvo hcciun the partj'
Ho did not know that Williams was mad.
Thus ho wont on , forgetting and smooth
ing over matteis as best ho could , until
IKI came to the bccno of the shooting later
in the evening. Wdli.uns and Huclies
had some moio talk , but the witness did
not remember of Williams drawing a 10
volver fiom Ids pocket and pointing it at
Hughes , Ho did not leincmlier of his
draw ing anything out of his pocket , lie
was reminded by the district attorney
that on Thiuvclny the wiincastold him of
this fact , and ho sought to refresh his
mumoiy. He still could not bo lofreshed.
Finally the district attorney asked him if
it was not a fact that Williams did diavv
something fiom his pocket and
point it at Hughes. Gcrity.ichcr
bitid ho didn't know , and kept
insisting on Ids ignoianco until the comt
got out of patience , and gave the witness
a htinging lectiiio , He told the witness
that ho must answer this question , Ger-
snachcr began to got his memoiy back ,
and concluded that Williams did draw
either a revolver or a pair of knnoUles
fiom his pocket and point it at Hughes
( loroptiulicr jumped in and made Will
jams put it up , and kepi him fiom using
it. lie did not know whether it was a
ie\olver or not , but thought it was On
further examination on the purt of the
defense he said ho did not remember of
seeing anj thing in Williams' hand , but
thought ho had something. Within two
or three minutes one or two shots were
tired and Hughes foil to thn floor , and
the others of the gang inn out of the
house. The witness did not know who
iircd the shot. Ho did not know whether
it came from the direction whore Will
iams stood or not. Ho did not know
whether there was ono or two bhots tired.
An attempt was made to show that
( ienipacher had told dlfiereiit pailica
after the shooting that'Williams was Ilia
man who shot him , hut this was b.uxcd
out. ) , Mncrao was called to testify as to
the condition of Hughes when ho was
called to eo him ,
Ofliccr O'Brien was called to testify as
to the major bein Inmo when hebrought
him buck fiom Bl.iir at the tune of ins
C , D. Walters , who was at the time on
the police foice , tcslilicd as to seeing the
party in two or three siloons befoie the
shooting. He testified to Williams being
lame at the time ,
Jr. Hellingcr , who attended the il > ln {
man and held < i pq l-mortcm , described
the wounds in detail , there being two of
them , ono in the breast , ( he other in the
Mr. Gicggs who at the time of the
tragedj1 was cmulo > od at the Metropoli
tan hotel , just opposite , testified to the
major , Uoaeh and Currau coming in there
about ten minutes befoie the shooting
and gelling a di ink. As they pas-cd out
one of them was muttciing to himself as
though in a threatening way. He heaid
the two shot's , and going to the door saw
the man with a limp and * another man
coming out of the pi ice.
'Hie case will piobibly be completed
to day It H not known what the defense
will be , but it is indicated that an at
tempt will bo made to get Williams off on
the theory that it was Ho.ieh who fired
the fatal shot , as the two were standing
near each other , and thus far there has
been no witness who tcstllies that he saw
Williams shoifl Thoelcikat the hotel
at the time , a joung fellow named
ONeill , has disappeared , and although
ho as well asGcuspacher were in the loom
when the shooting took place , he is not
hero to tcslifj- , and Geispacher says he
did not know who shot.
In icgard to the djing declaration of
H'lghes as testified to bjMr. . and Mrs.
t'nlhank , it seems that the defense was
going to advance the theory that I'oach
was some li.nes called majoi and that
Williams was not known by that title
until after the shooting , so that when
Hughes sUl ; that the maor | shot him he
meant Roach , 01 somcbodj' else , and not
The ease is being closel > fought , and
Distuct Attoinoy Thoinell and Colonel
.Daily have Irequcnt pcisonal sparlings
to add to the interest. Ycbtcidny nftei-
noon a question was nut to Goispacher
by Dally , and objected to bj * the district
attoi noy. Gei paolier seemed deter
mined to answer , although cautioned to
wait until the judge illicit. His uiiMctj'
irritated the judge , in view of his foimcr
icticcliee , and the judge told him he
neulif t , be so anxious to answer "now.1
Colonel Dailj * objected to the saicasm
shown in thc'icmaik , and cxpiesacd his
opinion verj'clearly as to the inannei of
the judge tow aids this witness , as shown
in the Icetttie given Gerspacher in the
morninir , and aftci w.uilF by this icmatk.
The judge coollj' in foi mod the colonel
that the leconls would show what had
taken place , and that there was occasion
Toi being out of patience with Mich a
To "Sec Naples and die ' may be veij
oed , but to own a New | ] ra clothes
washer and live out a natural life happy
seems moie sensible.
J\ow goods and Cluistmas Novelties at
Kiijxl.ind's , jewcloi , No. : ! 2i ! Broadwaj-
Five bundled oveicoats for bojs and
chihhcn , fiom fl.GO up.
MKII'.VI.K Bio : .
Stoves' Stoves' ' Stoves' ' 1'or the next
Unity days 1 will sell heating stoves at
cost lor ( Mh only. P C. Di.Voi , .
Substantial aostiacts of titles ind real
estate loins. J. W. iV : L. L Sqifue. No.
101 Pc.ul street , Council Blulls.
Notice Opeia house briber shop , bath
loonia le opened.
We have a line Luge line of Christmas
novelties that we aie soiling cheaper
than ever was known , also mulllers , sdk
handkeichiefs , ladies'and gents' gloves ,
clothing , line sealskin caps , etc.
JOHN Hi.xo & Co.
A line , large line ot the most elegant
watches , chains , silv cr and plated ware ,
decoiatcd China and glasswaie , suitable
tor holidnj'mid weildmir piesentat C.
B. Jacqucmm A ; Co 's1 , No. 27 Mam
fell COt.
I'orsonnl .
' ( Jeoi < roV. . Chile , nephew of T. A.
Cl.u-n , ia pnjojmjr his honeymoon at
Cliciry Valley , N. Y. , but expects to ic-
tiiin vvesl in January , and will Mbit
Council Binds befoii ! re tin nl ng to hi- ,
woik in the far west.
Don't buv yout new suit or overcoit
until jou look at those at .Mctc.ilf Bios' .
An elegant line of shoit * vviap , new
ly , etc. , cheap , to close them out.
JonBLNO \ . Co.
ll.ud and soft coal , best quality , all
si/os. Missotui and Iowa wood. C. 11.
Fuel company , 5'W Broadway. Tele
phone 13(5. (
Heating Cloves at cot to close them ortt
W. A. Wood , No 501 Main sticct.
Dr. Hundictt. olHcoN'o. ISPeiul street
llesidenco 120 Fouith sti-c-jt. I'elephone
No. 10.
Snlvnllon Ami )
Below wo give a list of the meetings
held by the Salvation auny Sunday. 7
o'clock a. m. , hallelujah breakfast ; 11
o'clock a m. holiness meeting , ! ! o'clock
p. m , free and ei j' meeting , 8 o'clock
p m. gland rally at the now opera house.
Colonel Dovvdle , of Now Yoik Citj % will
conduct the soiies , Admission at the
now opcia house 10 cents.
"Br.itnv Pincijiw. " Opeiottn.- -
borved sc its now on sale at Bnslinell's ,
puce 50c. ( Jot j'oui scat at onco.
Masfjnorailo suits at Mrs. J 1 ! Mot-
calf's lor lent. None cheaper west of
Weather snips at Chapman's , lO" *
Main st.
"Opposition lu the HOOK Trade. "
Ono of the veiy best things in the
woild. It has called your attention to
the fact that books are still made and in
existence , a thing that had nearly become
forgotten in this eitj' regardless of the
knowledge that there vvcio sovoial book
storey well filled with books , in the city.
Of com so wo hav o had to cut prices and
soil cheap. That Is all light , Wo can
allbrd to do it. Why ? Because it has
created a demand for books Alrcadv wo
Imvo sold double the number of books at
this d.ito to what wo have any other sea
son If our sales can bo incicased on any
class of goods vvu can well aflord to sell u
little cheaper , Now , "Aiouso j-o
Romans , " coma and son what wo have to
show you in books , Our prioes will bo
all right and our as oitment as good us
thobPot. Vouis , L. ( J. DKMKETT.
For sale 01 exchange for clear land ,
Council Blulls or Omaha pioportj * a most
promising und f.i&hiouablo Hotting
two j-oar old .stallion , standard bicd. Ad-
dicsa P B Hunt , Harl.ui , Ja.
Klcctiio door hoiks , butglnr alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New Yotl : Plumbing Co.
The funeral of Ilio old lady who. died
heie iccentlj'of heart disease , was just
taking place when iho undertaker was
suddenly Intelruptod in his pail of thu
proceedings. A Iriend of UIH family in
sisted that the lady was still alive , and
as death had boon so sudden the Jamily
concluded to wait a little until there was
furthci assurance , A physician was sent
for , and various tests weru apnlled , iiiul
after about thtoo hours , delay the friijmls
vvoie given ample assurance that death
bad really come. The stoppage of the
rites enticed .vouch commotion among
those gathered to pay their tnbute to
their fnond.
Older j-our caninge and secure jour
tickets lor Hit- grand ChiiMtnns Hve
Masquerade of the Sons of Vctcinns , nt
Hii hncll's book stoic.
Hatoss Brothers
This will be the v cck for bargains. Our
entire Hue oMi.ivvls n' ' 2 $ per U. discount.
ks ,
Way down to close out , 1'hcv mu t be
told. We diMaticccompctition in q < id- ;
it ) ofgoods and low prices , Is tiic
vcidict of any customer.
i aw iitlt'nncinaiii'ii'C1 *
Tlictj nri'i'i1 MJHS .so loir , < ( iul
not < < o
'liinvveU Ioi > k for < lis ; > l nj >
ChriHliiiasovfllies thai will
interest tlic
Call and see our goods
before purchasing
Mo ! : iut. :
40 ! Broadway , Council Bluffs
Fpcelnl nilvortlsempiita. such a * Lost , To ind
lo Loan , Tor Sale , 'lo Kent , Vi nuts noiinllnir.
cic , Tvill boliisertiid In this lolumn nt the low
intool'l UNCIZ.N I.srhlt UNI ; foi itietlrrt Inscr-
ion and ri\uConl8PnrIilnoforcncb subsocniont
Inxurtloii. 1 1 : ivo ad\ciliit'inLMts nt our ollifif
No. U I'cul ftit-Lt , neu Uioailw.ij , tounuil
\\"AX1 KD AKliI In do KCDCI.I ! hou
> No WH'-lllllK' . Applj lit 011CU. MlS. II. C.
riioj tier , ' 1M llilnl avo.
. A fnunui ho if III luku n con * to
W.VNTKD j'onr 01 t ofo : hui Incicii'-e. Cull
nt lieu olllcc ; or iitlilress 0. VV. , lice olllco , C'jun-
ull Illullb.
AN KM. UlltTi li tan Itliiiiah iinoti'op.
tlonil ii-luiciieu , wnntoiliis a comiiiuifon
101 nlMlriuiil to ouuslonally untLh o or tno
IliM'-joiu old LlilMrcn ( luting eionln 'B. Ono
wlioso tlinn Is occupied ill srhoil iirofoiied.
Adilu" > s , vvltlt refc rjiiLOIi . J. , LUIC of Ilco
olllco , Council
\ \ ANTED A jolinjr lailyof 14 01 111010 lie
Twi lioi to lni\o n hoinu ilpilnv thn wintot
ciin. ] ) rovlderl she | 8 di-oniiiiKcd itllot T p. in
anil < an Imnish tli8t class luli'inuccs , Und do-
Iinblc place , vvllli ui without iiiij. In CZLIIIIIIO |
0101 chilli diiiliiB even
, nrnsoimllv.IIPWOI ! Uj Icttci , slatinc
loleicuecs , lo Mis II. S. lioo odioo , Council
ITVOH SAIiE-Xnw lioupo anil coiner lolt o
Jj hloeks Irnin ne postolllco , coi nor Wash
Innlon nvciiuo iiiul Sixth strict , luijulro No
KJ1 UioiKlway.
Foil S \ I.r.llailiei shoprood ( lorntionrooil
rou'on foi < \\\nx \ \ \ Aililro's II , Ilcnciilkc
11 ANTIJD A ( fooil honsolipopoi to taUo
V > chanrc of a home , llavu but one Ijoy
Adilices , 11. 11 , lieu Illllce , Council lllnlls.
. ' ii-10) : ) ) liili < ) iu-8 uud ' , ) tonniBtcrh to
WA.N'I on Iho oulhoi n ICansiin inllroml in
the Indl in toil itoiy. Hi ) inllos south ol Klown ,
KIIIIKUS 'Iho line fioiu KIIU.SIIIClt } lo Kloiia
ll > luUng- lotoipt of the ns-eiit nt
ilj.ln thn iminoof ( X Shcntlrld , 11 u-
linloof 81.62 will 1)0 Mllowcil bv the contrnttor.
Wn oiSJl pei mouth nnil lionnl to the toatn-
Blera , ami ll.riO tier < luy to the labuicn * Jlonnl
J3.W per weeK Work will htat two ycm8.
( looil work for wlntor. 1'or further IiuormR-
tlon ndclie R U. r-hnullpld , Mown. KiuiFaa Jel- (
eionco , .lUHtico N ScliinCounullJlliillH. .
FOIt 8AI K Or Hi'iitStore luilldlng , 20ABO ,
Iwo Atories , lot 1x105 , KtnbliH , cli1. , on
premises in lantci of business poiilou ol Han
cock , IR. Aihlrcus VV illlain H Itutlcr , oolll. Ja.
OH HUNT A now two sloiy frame House
contalnlnjr < l looms , hall ami collar under
entire house , on V. IX comer Avenue 1'nml
I.ittlo I'tirtls bticit. Only 7 bloiks trom Do
hanj'sopiirH house Cull on M. 1llohrcr , at
10. Slum street , dip ulro ) .
A totUpo ol flvo or six rooms ,
located convenient to liuslnc < Bs ; email
family , no children. AUaiess "tutpy , " lleo
\71TANIKI ) A hey with pony to carry Ut-o
FOIt S U.13 Old iBiuifl ) | for ealu at the Hoe
WANTKJ ) 1'aitus InlondlriK to bo mnrrled
ftru wanted liicnll nt the Tryor'n Uce Job
oDicelo select their eddhirf cards.
FOl'ND A ImmJ/.of / kiijg. Oivnei cnn Imvo
y npplylurf to Ui-o olllce. _
' A Chuck on Oinnhn hiiiiK. On nor
tan liaxugainuty uppllutr to lct ) > ollicc ,
Council lllulfB.
The enl } hotel jn Council Ulud * having'
And all m < > 'e"i ' iinprovemcntii.
215 , 217and 'J10 Main et.
'MAX MO1IN , Prop ,
Will supp'j ) ou with a cleaner and bettei
quality of
Than ail } one in the city. A trial will con
> ince .ou.
No6a3Bro d\vay. Telephone 110.
To Be Given Away By Henry Eiseman &
Co.'s People's Store.
OnJmiujirj loth , 1887 , ConsUtlnc of
ritrnltmc , Clilntvnnrc , Clotlitnc ,
Illnnketn , Table Unoii , Xotlonn ,
Money , Silk Di'cii Pat
terns I3tc.i Utu.
I'or ox cry two dollar's north of goods
imiolmscd , jou will iccclvo n coupon
ticket , good for one olianco in the follow *
inji Grand I'tcscnts to be gh on away by
on ilnnunn 15th , IBS-
riUST 1'lllXn-Ono suite of P.trlor
ruitiiliuc , consisting of sofa , tete-a-tcto
and lour giand easy chairs , nil nplinl *
stciedin assorted shades of elegant silk
phishco. worth flS5. !
SKCON1) PKl/n-Onc Muhogony Ned
Hoom Suite , consisting of Hedstead ,
Dressci and Wash Stand of elegant tiniih
with beveled glass , \\orth $100.
TII1UD I'KIZK-Onu of the \eiy best
six-diawcr Ntckul I'latcd Domestic Sew
ing Machines. Tlieeiy best machine
in the United State's , worth f03.00.
FOURTH IMll/j : - Twenty 3nidi
Ciiilnett bust jrios giain lil.ick bilk , cost
f.T 00 tier > ard , woith fliO.OO.
riKi'll 1'Kl/i-One : elegant Seal Plush
London Dved Cloak , to be made to order
to lit the lucky liekct holder , woithftiO 00.
SIXTH lMUZi-One : pair of the finest
White Itl.'inkt'ts inude bv the 1'ioneer
Woolen mill , of Cahfoinia , woilh $10 00.
SKVKNTH I'KIZn-Oiie. Ueantifullj
Decorated Dinner anil Tea Set , consist
ing of ono liundiccl and fortv pieces ,
KUJHl'll IMUXHAn Klejrant Seal
Skin Muir , w oith $ ; : o.oo
N'INTH 1'IUXK A ury line 1'aislcy
Shawl , wet th ? ( ! 3 00.
TliNTH l HIXi-Ono : Angora Braver
Shawl , woith f'10 00.
iLiViNTH : : : I'HIXK One Centleman's
Suit of Clothing , mtulo of impoilcd
Woisted , guaranteed a line fit for the
winner , woilh tT 0 ( ) .
TWKLrril riUZn-A Gentleman's
Fur Heaver Overcoat , woith $30.00
THMirKKNTlI PhlKK-Oiio '
- Boy's
l\crcoat , for a boy between the ages ot
H and 10 Deal's , to be chosen by the lucky
parly holdinp the ticket. Worth il5 00.
Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ! and
10 yeais , to bo selected by the winner
Woith tn.OO.
riKTiiNTH : : PHlXK-One
- KIcgant in
fant's Cloik , woith flOOD.
six-j IKNTII : PRIXI-OHO : Elegant
Hi ass P.u lor Table , woitli f 10.00
.10-5 arils " 1 mil of the Loom" muslin ,
woith ti.OO.
do/en of thcvei v bcM. Celebrated "Gold"
white shirts , of which we aie the exclu
sive agents , \\oith 4-SKOO.
Mnfiler , 01 ill f)00.
Table SU , eoii'-istiiig of TaOlo Cloth and
a Do/en Aapkiiib woith $10 00.
Present of a Twenty Dollai Golil Piece.
No 23One Toilet Set.
No 2J One \er > line Doll.
No 24 One Hundkeiehicf HOY.
No ' 33 One elegant Hand H.ig.
No. 20 One Luge Doll.
No. 27 One St.ind ( . 'over.
No. 28 Ono bottle line Perfume.
No 20 One Toboggan Cap.
No. 30-One Uablo he.uf. .
No. 31 One line Splasher
No. ! I2 One line launch H.isket.
No y5-One ; hammered bra - > UmbrelLi
No. at-One half do/ line Towels.
No. in-One Silk Umbtcll.i.
No. M-One line Doll.
No ! J One set China Dislie , suit-ilile
foi little folks.
No ! ! B One Hinss litoom Holder.
No. 80 One nan Men s bilk Suspend
No.10 One bill. H.mdkeiehief.
No 11 One nice Doll.
No 42 One half do < c. Indie's line Linen
No. 43 Fifteen 3 arils Hcfcl Calico for a
dre > s p.ittem
No. 11 One
No I1) One Boj V bu.iNUin Cap
No. li ( Ono line P.nnted Oin.unent ,
No ITOne Toilet Sot.
No - 48One nlec Doll.
No. 1 ! ) One tine Doll.
No 00 One elegant Table Cov or.
No 51 One Bottle Pcifume.
No 52 One Lace H.indkeichief.
No . " > ! { - One child's line Lace Collar.
No 51 One elegant Doll
No fl" ! Omi eleg.vnt Doll.
No 57 One T.iblo Se.u f.
No 5S-ne ) linn Doll
No. ) ! ! One Month Oigan.
No 00 Oao Imitation Steam Pi.ino
No 01 One line Hook.
No 02 One him Hook.
No. li't-One Pocket Knife.
No. 01-Ono lintDoll. .
No in-One line Doll.
No 00 One Dr W iinei's Coisct.
No 07-One Shoulder Minv I.
No OS OIKI infants Lace Cap.
No Gil One Inbv. Die s
No. 70 One l.uge Doll.
No 71 One Hand Bag.
No. 72 One lad\S Companion.
No 73-Onn bilk Mulllcr.
No 71One lingo Doll.
No 7r > One tine Book.
No. 70 Ono line Book.
No 77 One Lunch Basket.
No , 78- One pair eliihlienS Shoes.
No. 7t-One ! pail boy's Boots.
No 80One li'ie L-ico Collar.
No 81 Ono laige Doll.
No. 8'2-Oni ) Lady's .Ji'rvoy .Jacket.
No. 8J Ono p.iir ('d b'us
No , 84One pah Men sMoves. (
No k i Ono pair Boy's bkatcs.
No. feO-Ono luir ( Jill's Skates.
No. 87 One pair Girl's Skates.
No. 89One line Doll.
No 80 One. lint ) Doll.
No 00-Ono large Doll.
No. Ul Ono largo Doll
No OJ Ono Xecklaeo.
No m One pair Gold Cnfi" Buttons.
No ill-One Locket
No. 05 One nice Bieast Pin.
No. no One pair Slooui Buttons.
No. 07 One bdver Thimble.
No US One line Bie.ibt Pin.
No. Ml OHO pair Kid Gloves
No 100 One Lace Jlandkeichief
Total value of presents , | 800.
With everi $ i pureha-oyoii leodivoa
ticket , also a tici.ct for evuiy additional
J2 pineli.i'-o jonmako.
Hold jour tickets until Jannaiy lOtli ,
1687 , when the fortunate numbero will bu
announced and invited to call and re
ceive their presents.
You Imvo to pay nothingc\tia for jour
purchabcs , Wo guarantee to sell jou
goods cheaper than any oilier house in
the west , and best stock 1o select liom ,
AH orders by mail will leceive prompt
attention , and tickets for the free
gift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with j-onr pui chases , the
same us if jou vvcro jiresent in poison
Those distributions will bo made with
every fairness , and von may depend on It
that the Jucl.y numbers only will receive
their presents
No tickets will be issued to the em
ployes of our hoiino
Customuis onh will receive the beno
fits.Call and see the about mentioned pics-
cuts nqvv on exhibition in out mammoth
store ami convince \ouryclf.
Respectfully ,
People's Store ,
Nos U14 , 810 , 318 and B-iO HrOudway ,
Council Hlulln.
We beg leave this morning to1 announce tha i
our advertised "change of firm" has occurred ,
and we are now ready to serve our friends at the
old stand , 405 Broadway ,
In the formation of the new firm we have
consolidated with Mr , Ed. Stockert , who thereby
becomes a member of the new firm and will be
glad to meet his old customers at the above lo
cation ,
We will enter into details more fully later on , but It will
be the aim of the new firm to save money for all tholr cus
tomers ,
F , H , ORCUTT , ]
I , M , TREYNORCouncil } Bluffs Carpet Co ,
Wholesale and retail. I'aniUtos snppliid with ton nuil tvvent } pound pitek-
J , Y , FULLER/39 / Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and tanging from | \ 00 lo
f U.0 ) ( ) per acre. School and slate lands in Minnesota' time 5 per
cent interest , h.uid Buyers fare fico. information , etc , erven by
No. 5V Broadway , Council Bin lib , Iowa , asrcnt for Tieiili ik on vV Co. , Chicago.
Iull > 1'iiiilppcd N'oiinnl nnil ( 'oiiinioiinil . Di nnrtmentn Tiiltfon lliiok ° , . lloinl tuul
Hoiiini-lit ltii onnblu Itutt" Nlt-'hl bclioul Duting Uiu VVIuUM.
26 Pearl Street.
IELCPHONE ( ' CT " T < f-
- -
108 ,
lr | IIC ] follov/ing Companies
Geimnn Amrrleaii , of New York
Phtriilx , * of Hattforil ,
tlattjoid , ' of Hartford.
California * , of San Franclico ,
Scottish Union National , cf Etlinbtiry.
Union , of San Francisco ,
i > tate.refdt Nolnts.
bura C/y. / (
marked with n Insure alto against loss by
IV/urf / Storms , Cyclones and tornadoes
roil bME IN cm NCI
M AM ) PAKV1 I'HOl'llllV VI I.OWIsl
Horses and Mules
Tor all purposes , bought ami sold , at retail
and m lots , Large quantities to select
( torn Sexeral paiu of fint drivers , siti
glc or double.
Council Hlulls.
Christmas Goods
In Fit IK y
Pottery ,
China ,
Lamps and Platedware
At exceedingly low prices , i'lcmc call
W. S , Homer & Co.
No 211 Main st , Council MlullK.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Ixprc
B. BICE , M , B. ,
Or ollior Tumors rcmou.4 HitUout
tbo kulfc orilmwInL'or bluoil.
( ) T r thirty ytars prucluulciptrifcncu.
" U INmrlBt. Council Uluffu.
CousiilttUoii free.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a 1 bat or bonnet , oncf rill
\\ill ) > e p.n j , fie , lound lup.
Practice in the late and 1 cileial cotlil
i ? and 8 bhiijiit lieuo LSlor-W
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Oi.ijlu | ) > Dummy Dcput.
f- IJ
_ _ _
Horses and mules ) constantly on
Imml , for sale at lol.dl or in car loadH.
Oilers inoniptly filled by conti.ict on
bhort notice. Stock sold on commission.
SUM ILK iHOI.I - i , I'umiletors
Teloplione No 111
J'onniiily of Ked Ruio si.ibles , corner
Ibt .iv o and-lth htieul
SlC ( l. : OKt TO
Abst acts ol Title , L an and R a IFs
tat ) Broken , Ho. 236 Mala St.
jr < ti > lnfl t't'lln' /
Me ( ihitrntt ln > oln In Ilil * umntu- f
int an Ilic "Mediation Abitrao l
cH , " ineai-f innn i tVui'iilto/ur- I
ust ahiitftiftH and jvsiff l/nlly * < > - * * %
Ili'lt the ixilrnnutjrof all rtosilrttir -
ing fot't'ert nb'tlt'ai'l oflllh' to
und lota In. ] 'itttan > altaiiilr
COUNCIL ui.L'rrs , IA ,