Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    I A
r" IT
Answer Filed by tx Railroad in a Famou :
Foreclosure Suit.
Conic1. ] ' Accepts II" ! tlcoolvrr-
fillip or the Wnlinsli New Uc-
velopinonts I'ollow Jiitlcc
, < 7rrnlmin'H 1'colslon.
IntrrcRtIne For
finr , I'.i. , Dec. IT. iSpeclnl Telegram tt
the Uir.1 : I.ast lay n fdreelosiiiosult vvn <
Innnght tn nil the courts Mini ; the line of the
Now Yorl. , Chlcn o & HU I.imls rntlrond bj
the Oc tiat Tiift company of XewYorK
Tiic answer , filed l > > the itefendnnt yesterday ,
avcis that tlictiroceedlng to consolidate tin
stbck , pioperty : iiul franchKcs of the scveia
iallroail companies In Now Vork , I'cnnsyl
xatiln , Ohio , Indlnnn and Illinois IICCCSH.UJ
fur Hie construction < if the Nickel 1'late , wen
without nittliotltviinil void ; that the ibstto o
the foity jcnr cold Iwiuls to the auiuunto
P'JO.TOOiiLT mile , oriilinustlitlecn nilllinn del
l.its , niul the iiiottg.iKO an security to tin
Central Trust company of .New Vork , an
Ihuioforo vvorthlo H ; that , assiimlni ? tin
Nickel Pinto conip'iny to have been n valh
ciiiliurntiiili , er ani/L'd under the lu\sa nl tli (
several stiilPM tliioiifli which It passed , ntii
with niithniltv tu issue bonils nnil to occitn
the im > ineiit oy ainiiilinue. Raid bonds wen
issued without adequate cnnsldeiatlon , I'lthei
in jnoiioy , labor done , or iiioney or propel tj
nctuully reci'Hed , In violation of thu la\\s ol
Pennsylvania mid niticlo ir. of the state con
Mltulion , niul thai therelore the bonds ol llu
plalntlir nnd the inortinge ; executed to hccun
their iwnient are void. The answer averi
that tiie bonds were Issued In violation ofthc
laxvH nt Ohio nnd Illinois , nnil nro void. The
defendant company submits tint ns then4 lm <
been no lawful consolidation ol the Severn
ralliunit corpeintioim oreanlyed undrb tin
Invv.sof IVniisvlvaiiln with the povornl r.iil
10 ut con orntions ( irganbcct under the laws ol
Mild other Htnt4 % tliu armesald first mortiraic
bonds HnvInK been Issued In violation of the
law " > nC this state , nnd the proceeds , thcie
lore , ImvliiR been almost wholly npnllcil
towiud tiie rnnatttictton of H rallload de
Hcrlbcd us the XlcKel 1'lute. situated outsuli
ol tills Mate , n decree tnr tliu sale ut tluil
portion ( it the toad situated In this state , foi
the iiurpohe ol iiayliiK Mild bonds , would IK
roiiliarv to enuily and law. The answer I ;
Kl MCl ( nun sworn to by V. W. Vniiderlult ,
'I his eusu is ot lnlcii = o Intcicst among eon-
< rul railroad elide ? . There are n laico ntini-
ber il ) ihf > t innrtpauo bonds lu-re and the tie-
fi'iidant's ' answer has i-ieated coiisternatloii
umong iiioilcnuo boiidhoidciB.
The AVnbasli AtTulr.
i r. Louis , Dec. 17 , Talmafje , ceneral
iiiaiiiv.ji'rVell3ll.Ulodgett ; , bolli1-
itor , and .1. F. Howe , Kcueialniciit of the
\\abash \ \ , and c\-recclvei& , returned from
Chicago this moinliiK , nccompatiled by .Imk'c
. .1.V. . I'lillllpo. attoiney for Uio CentralTrusl
{ omjiany. 'J'lioiir.w F. Tutt , ono ol the rp'
cclvtrs , Imd u long conference with lessrs.
15lodcett ; and Tnlinn' P. In conversation
with a teiinrtei Tutt said hu had nothing tc
say conceiiiiiifj the condition of Wnba&h nl
fairs , lie Knew no more of the case than
the nubile , : u > ho hud all of his information
1 loin the i&wrs. Uloileott snld that lie , n
stttoinov toi thu lecohors , would go before
.IiulKO 'J'leut , ot the United States districl
couttlicro to-moiiow , find notify him for
m.illy < if Jiiitgo Uresliam's action. Judsc , Ulod utt i.iys ; , has no knouludgo cil
the Crcsham decision and nptiointinuut only
tliionsli Uie pajM'is. After the matter Is laid
betoio him fonually , Dlodtcctt will nsk foi
liistiuctloiis for the guidauco of the lerolver *
In their tuture movements. Judge Phllllii'i
Htatoil tint while thu press was proclaiming
ttie injury done to Oould by thp apuolntincnl
ot new looclvers and the splitting up of tin
pioperty , the actual harm Is dnuo to a lot ol
innocent people who are bnlders of Wnbasli
Boctmtlcs. l-'or instance , Sll.OOO.OOO of S ! < v
OCOtXXof ) the uciieral moitpape oi blanket
mortgnge bonds nre held in England , lie
deflates Hint the division of the property will
piovo very detrimental , not only to the trust
company's moilpuio but to Individual Mock-
holders. lie bases this statement on the fact
h that Gould's holdings nro of a veiy trilling
nuiount. and that no material Injiuy is < lon
him by'Judgo Gresham's iloclsfon. At the
suprirestlon of the court ( Jcncral Swainc
\vnltcit in Chicago to tiiect.ludgu Uooloy , and
tlio two together will nulve In St. JxHiis
probably on Monday. Judge PhilhiH thinks
that had not .hul o ( in ham made up his
\ ' mind to appoint Judge Cooley be would have
accepted tlio purchasing committee's propo-
IJ , Dec. 17. Attorney Davis , of Xe\v
York , representing n number of bondholder. *
ot thn Wnbaih road , made aptilicatlon to-da >
to Judjjo Walkei , of the United States couit
this morning for nu order placing that portion
tion of thn NVnbasli system within tlio state
of Ohio In the liauils of llrctlver Cooley ,
Objection-was made by N. Jl. Swaylovv , oi :
thopait of Iho present iimnngcment , win
asked to bo hcaul In opposition. The couri
took the mutter under ndv Isemcnt.
Judge Cooley Accepts.
Ciur.iao , Dec. 17. Judge Cooley has 110
tilled Judge ( ! rn.sham of his ncceptance n :
the Walmsh receivership. Ilo will bo Ir
iMXO Monday to Tile bis bond.
Itat 'H Atlvniicod.
Niw : VOIIK , Dec 17. The lolloulng Iw
Just been made public : "By a vote of tin
joint committee It IIRS been agreed to ad
vauco w est bound rates to a basis of sr cent' '
on ninth-das * and vu pints on tcnth-dus :
Trelghttrom Ohir. < ! { o tu Xew Yorl : , takim
fleet Miind.iv , Dccombor J7. C'liculnr.s vvil
DO Usui-d to-day.
fSIgncd : ) "AI.IIUKT Tt-VK.
" \VAfiiiiXTOX \ ! , Dfc , 17. IViltlons for t
reduction ol the tax on oleoniHieailno wen
Viu > ented by Messrs Conger , Cullom , Insulla
Cliacc , Mitchell of Oiegeu nnd Hnnr niu
referred to the committee on agrleulturc.
A bill was Introduced by Mr. Morgan Ic
rcRulato the fees and snlarls of United State' '
district attornejs In New .Mexico and Ail
> fr. Duller offered n inc.imblo and rosolit
lion ii-cltlng the close pruxlmlty of Moxlci
and Iho United States und the desiranlllty o
maintaining the closest ties otf rlundxhlp t > o
t ween the two counttics , and provldini ; foi
the appointment ot a scclcct cemmlttcu o
live bonator.i to visit the places along tin
trouller and the City of Mexico , v > Ith the np
proval of ttio Mexican Kovcriimeut , to liiQiilii
into and icport tijion any illsturbancca th
tuny Imvoocouried between the cltlsrens o
the two tountrloi , with power to send foi
person * ami papers and to employ a stcno
Rrnpnor and s > tich other persons as may bi
uecrsMiry and to sit during the iccoss of con
urcs * , Inld on the tublo anil ordeici
On motion of Mr. AllNoii it was orderiu
that when UiUDCiintoniljiiuiiicd tu-diiy it b <
till Mond.iy.
On mutton of Mr Miller , and alter n bilci
htuk'uiuiit by him , the rcuntf took up and
JMSM.HI without ( lisuu- . > ion unit without ill-
vision the bill for the it'tlremciit und icc-oin-
ago of lnul ilollni.
On mot'.un of Mr , Oongrr , the tiou o bill ti
e\tend the troodcltveiy hy&tLm to tlio po > t-
otltcii doparluu-nt ( iMs cd by tbohoii u on tin
.Mil ) talvHii up niul II.IS.NOI ! . It pro
Mdi'.s tliat loiter c.uilor.s bhall Ixi eiuplovci :
lorfieodeliveivat evorv lucorpdrati-d city
village in boroimh contnlnliig n ropulntlnr
ot vjoooltnlii iStoipoi.ituiimlu , iiiidnmj
Lo so emplii ) o < l ftt evuiy plaj contiilnlui ; t
jUiiilntiuu ] of nut leas than 10,000 vvltlilu it :
I'Oirowto limits , uiTordiuc : to the last ceiioial
coiiMis , or at any postotllco which pruitiirod t
Kto- uivenuo lor thu picccdlng IIMII ! vt-ar ol
iu.tlus3tluinS10.000. .
On motion of Mr. C'onucr , tbu bill < pa > so <
b > the liousnon thetuh Inst , ) authorising tin
employ incut of mull mu i'iigeis in tlmpo-ita
M < rvicu wnst.ikt'ii up , amcudud und pa ed ,
and , i confcivuco asked.
Dills authorizing the construction of r
budgeaciosr the St. Loula rhvr ut tliu niosl
> jiolnt tH'tvccnMlnuc.sotn and \Vt.- >
nud the Mi slsaliipl river ul
Memphis , Tenn , , were reported fiom thu
tue on coiumerce und justed ,
bttuato thPii tools up tht < uniliilshod
of je terduy , beluga bill to
the tenure ot office net , and without further
tll cus'lon the bill was passed yeas CO ,
navs 2J.
On motion of Jtr. MeMlllnn , tlieblll for the
npnolntmcnt of nn Inspector of hulls and
bollcisln Dultith vvas taken up and passed.
After executive session the &cnnto ad
journed till Monday.
WASIIINOTON , Dec. 17. On motion ol
Mr. Cannon of Illinois a re"olullon vvas
ndoptcd Instructing the committee on appro'
prlatlon.sto Inquire Into tlio rocommcndri'
tlons ot the secretary of the Interior for the
consolidation of certain offices of surveyor *
general and limiting It In order to propose n
reduction of expenditures bj the Abolition oi
consolidation of any of tlmso ofllccs on the
appropriation bill.
7 tr. Hclmont of New York Introduced the
following hill , which was referred to the com
mittee on forelan affairs :
Tliat the president be and Is hcicby author
bed tu appoint n commission to proceed tu
such places In the United Slates or else
where , ns limy bo designated by the secrc'
tary of state , to take testimony under the
law of Affirmation , In relation to the lo te-i
nnd Injuries inflicted since the Hist of De
cember , lbS4 , by the British authorities , 1m-
perlnl nnd colonial , upon citlzous of the
United States engaged in lha fisheries nn the
northeast coast of JlrllNi North Amciloa.
Sam commission shall everywhcrcliave In
tcspcct to the administration of the oath ot
afllrmatloti nnd the taking of testimony the
name powers as a commissioner of the cli-
cult rourt , nnd ! be paid the .same fees ns
presented for similar services of the commis
sioner of the circuit court , to etiioi vvlt'i '
tiavcllug expenses.
The house then losiimcil consldoiatloii of
tlit sundry civil npmoprifttlmi bill.
-Mr. Kdcvro of Ohio , objected.
Mr. Atkinson ot I * < mnsylvaiitn moved to
recommit tliu bill with Instructions to the
committee on npptoprintious to report It back
with an amendment Incni.ising from Slfi.ooc
to S'J.OOO.OOO thcappropilatlon lor outdoor re
lief of petrous entitled to admission tn
Roldlcra homos. J.ost jeas lii'i , nays 107.
Tlio bill v\as tlieii passed.
The house thwi took n ICCPSS until 7'Ki : , tbn
o veiling session to be forthecoiibtdciation ol
jH-iislon bills.
D The liotisn , nt Its evenlnir session , passed
eighteen pension bills , and : itlO:0 : , " . nijjouineil
until lo-uiurrow.
The Miinugor or the American Opera
Coiupnny Maken OeiuuN.
Cnir.voo , III. , Dec 17. [ Special
pram to Iho ] Jr.i. . | it Is becoming evident
that there is an urcnnl/.ctl tittompt bclnmuadr
by parties In New York , Philadelphia nnd
Chicago , aided by certain nowspipers , to In-
jiiio tlic Aineilcnu Onein coup < iuy. livery
tiny all sorts of rumors , reflecting not only
on the management of the Institution , but
on their financial standing , are eliculatod.
This nioiiiing a pancr lierc tuiiits a New
York dispatch pretendiiii ; to give an inter
view with the piinclpal dancers of the com
pany , who weio stutcd to have beitu dis-
eliarucd.when , as a mattei of fuel , they were
heioontlm htauo at tlio time the Interview
wns sai < l to have been hold In New York. In
view ot these stories. Manager Locke to
night lssiu > s the following card :
That mallciousiiispatchescoiUiiiiic to bo ? ent
out , noth ttom Now V'orK and Chicago , foiccs
me to ask the press , as a matter of justice , to
make the following explicit dcnialb and state
ments : 1. Mmede CSulcit , piinolpal dancer ,
lias not boon dismissed. 'J. Mmu Caio//i ,
pilnuipal dancer , 1ms not been dismissed ,
y. Mile N lo. first dancer , has not been dis
missed. 4. Mile ri Uillcrt , Mile Cnrozd and
Mile Vie dtiuced last evening in the "Ial !
Costume" ballet , nn account ot their success
ful performance appearing In the local papers
Uiismoinliig. fi. No member of the orchosliu
lias been dismissed. 0. Only those found to
bo incoinpeletit , alter fair trial , from the
choius , ballot and uiinripalK , bave been ills-
mussed , and have been retuined to New
Yoik in the best tiist-cla s coaches that the
Michigan Central and Now 1'mk Central
io.idsatloul. K. LOCKK ,
( icneinl Managoi.
A Coal Town UAVC.
Sun.v.VKDOAir , I'A. , Dec. 17. JJetvvccn 3
and 4 o'clock this morning people living
nloug West Point stivct , In the uonhwcstcrn
scctiou of this botough , wore aroused by n
creaking noise and the swaying ot houses ,
resembling a series of successive shocks of
earthquake. Ttio sensation was produced by
a cave In which took down fully four acres
of that section of town upon which stood
upwards of fifty houses. The greatest alarm
prevailed from 3 o'clock until after daylight.
Alter tlio surface sank the houses awn rod
and totteied , and the frightened people ,
many of thorn with children in their arms
ran in search of places of safety , vvhllo tlio
men collected their most poitRblo piop
erty and convovcd It from too doomed dis
trict. The hurfnco settled from two to tour
tcet , and damaged property to the extent of
froniS50C03 lo 875,000. 'ilir cavo-tn was
cmi'-rd by the robbing of the \v orklncs of tlio
Kohlnoor collleiy , which is located under
that portion of the town.
IH eiiBloii8 In the It n nits.
Nr.w Vonif , Dec. 17. The local assemblies
of the Knights of Labor of this city nnd
UrooUlja , compiling distilct assembly No.
40 , have been working in conjunction with
the central labor unions of the two cities
and have sent delegates to the central uulon
meeting. It Is said that disagioeuieiits imvo
arisen as a result , nnd Uie lenders in district
nsst'inblv No. 4'J ' Imvo been work In K to break
up the connection. A proposition to with
draw the knights' delegates from Uio control
union January 1 was sent out. audit is said
that eighty-live local assemblies voted In
la\orof withdrawing ; lortHive opposed It.
and twenty vvcra non-committal. It is said
that the opponents of the move will refuse to
withdraw their delegates and will to
thogoueral executive board.
Jaiio Whcolor'B Will.
Ui.xvni.ANii , Doc. 17. The will of Mrs.
Jane VVhcolcr , an old woman who vvas recently -
contly uiurdcieil nud whoso nffed husband
vv asm rested for the crliuo , vvas offered tor
piobata thlMiioinliii : . The estate is valued
at trom SIW.OOO to 8200,000 , nnd the greater
part oi It Is left to her nephew , Thomas 1C.
Shaw , of Ulimlupliain , Kngland , Tint west-
oi n rosfltvu hcliool of design for women , of
Hili city , gets property vnluud t 5'JU.noo. Tha
lomalnderof tuoustati ) Is divided between
mimeious ichitivos. ' 1'liu tviiftiits vvlio lived
In Mrs. vVhepler's houses for moio than Iho
years get 550 each.
'J'ho Churoh aiul the K , of Ii.
I'lni.AiiKi.i'iiiA.Di-c. 17. Tfie Itecord this
morning , wiys "An important confereuco
bearing on the relation of tlio Catholic church
to thu Knights of J/abor In the United
State * Is DclioveU to Imvo been hold In
thUclty yc.'itoiiiay between Cnnllnal ( Jlb
bon. Aiflibishoj ) l'oirleuiof : Now York , and
AichblMinn Hyiiu of riilhidelpliia at tlio iesl-
di'iico ol the hitter. " A prominent priest
snld Inst evening In rofeuhiR to the limiting the labor ( iiii'atlon vvas certainly assum
ing Mich purport and drilling Into Midi
elmiinels Hint tins church could not veiy long
Ignore it
Tlio Covermiiom Printing Ofllco.
\VAhiimiirox.Dcc. 17. The bcunlo com-
mltteo on appropriations held n meeting thla
nioriilnz to consider an urgent deficiency
bill providing for the government piluttng
onico. The chlfxf cletk ol the pilntin olllr
was present , but the committee wUhedto
I'ublio I'rlntor Benedict , who Is In Now
York , and postponed action In coiuenn encu
until Monday. The chlot rh'ik Intlmototl
that the force of the minting oHlcii would
have to be furloughed If piovblon foi its pay-
iiiviit wiib not soon iniule.
Au EncllnhmiurH I'ropcrtj-Attat-heil.
Nuvv Yoiiic , Dee. 17.-ludsi ) Hmrott to-day
granted an attnchmeut avalnst the iirojn.'rty
in this state of James Mclienry , of England
, aiB uell known ralltnad mail ) , In HII act on
"bouubt by James L. Monttroiuery to ri-covei-
S'HO.SUt , a-sasslgDeeof claims foimorlv ht-Id
by thu old firm of Barlow l/.uocquo A ; lc-
l-.irland , ' - "
Dropiu-a Doail.
.f , Dec. 17.GrattlotVasliblirue \ ,
ton of Hon. K , B , Waahburae , ud secretary
and gbncral counsel of Hie Ami'rlcau London
exhibition , who arrived litre yesterday in tlio
iiitorcit of Uia iixliibltlou , Uropped dead at
the OdIUiouso to-day or ctnbat pj)0i l iy.
First Atmual Reunion of the Military Ordei
of the Loyal Legion.
The Norton liencflt lz.irfl'4 Dooin-
Cotirt Notes The Abbott ri > Kn o-
nicnt 1'ollce I'otnta Other
Ijocul News.
Tfic tjoynl
Tim lirst anniversary ol the
tion of : i conunnmlcry of the MlHinrj
Order of the 1-oynl Legion in Nebrask :
wits celebrated in n royal manner nt tin
Millnicl liotol last night. The legion
which was organized wllli thlrly-si >
members , now numbers In its ranks
over one hundred veteran nrmj
oilleors , the most of when
with their ladles , were participants in the
festivities incident to their first annual
reunion. Preparations for the event hail
been made upon an I'loborate scale , and
the interest felt in the meeting was muni
festod by the presence of nearly ono htm <
ilretl members of the order with thoit
lading who entered the banquet hull til
the Millnrcl nt JO o'clock last uij hl. The
hall had boon in the decorator's hands
and un'sonleil a scone thut challenged
the adinirutlon of the guests and gave
csperhil inspiration to the male portion
of the assembly. The wall was covered
with immense Hags that hung in graceful
folds.partially concealing : it the end of the
room several slacks of muskets. On the
tables were several miniature cannons
that wore not at all daiiKurous in appear
ance but aided In coiniilctitis : the general
design of the decorations. The tables
were tastily dressed and arranged in tin ;
lorui of 71 halloed square. The following
gentlemen and tlieir ladies were Heated
nt the banquet board :
Lieutenant Aborcrombio , Captain
Alice , Lieutenant Ames , Colonel Hates ,
Lieutenant Hcehel , Lieutenant Hell , Lieu
tenant Bowen. Major Ikeek. Oliver 1' .
m-iffpy , Captain liioutch , Major Brown ,
Lieutenant Burrell , Colonel Carlin , Lieu
tenant Canlield , Lieutenant Clark , Major
Clarkson , Colonel Amimn C'obb , Lieuten
ant Coburn , Cataiu ] ) ( . 'rumor , Colonel
Curtis , Major Dandy , Major Davis , John
B. Dennis , Caprafn . W. K Dorsov.
Lieutenant Dudley , Captain Kwen , Major
1'iMiiee , Jlajor Franklin. Colonel Freder
ick , Lieutenant Furay , Lieutenant ( Jen-
sol , Major Hull , Lieutenant liar-
wood , Major Iliwkin : , Captain
Holmes , Captain Church Howe , Captain
llumphiey , CaDtain Ij.ims , Lieutenant
Jones , Jcsselyn , Captain Keefe , Major
Kent , Colonel Livingston , .Major Lml-
Hilton , Captain Muneliestor , ( ) . P.
Mason , Surgeon Mercer , Lieutenant Mor-
mm , Ensign Michael , Captain Mills ,
General Montgomery Colonel Montgom-
erj' , Captain Moorcs , Colonel Morrow ,
Captain McBridc Lleulonant MnUliiv.
Major McParliu , Lieutenant Melting ,
Captain O'Brien ' , Captain Palmer , Major
Parker , Major Peauody , Cliarles A.
Pierce , George A. Prilchett , Caiitain
Qumn , Captain Rueker , Lieutenant Kuni-
sey , Horace B. Sarson , Hon. Alvin Saun-
clers , Colonel Savatre , Captain Smith ,
Captain Squires , Lieutenant Stnrgis ,
Lieutenant Swobe , Major Terrell , Lieu
tenant Townsend , Captain Utio , Lieuten
ant Wallace , Lieutenant West Colonel
Whcaton , Major Wilson , Lieutenant
Henry H. Wright , Lieutenant William M.
Wright , J. M. Thnrston , E. Kosewaler ,
P. R. Monsoy , S. P. Rounds.
After an invocation by the clianlain of
the Legion the guests gave themselves up
to a discussion ol the following excellent
menu which was served in courses :
Ureen Turtle , au Qucnr-lls.
Ccloiy. Amontillado.
Small Patties , ait SMpicon. Pontet Caner.
Young Turkey. Cranberry Sauce.
S > vccl JJicad In Cases ! Fieneh Peas.
Punch au Ambrosia.
Clilcken Salad. _ _ _ Sliilmi ) Salad.
Cardinal Punch.
Leg ot Veniaon , Cuuant Jcllr.
.M mum's Extra Dry.
Honed Turkey Truffles.
Gelatin of Hoar's Ilond. Game Pie.
I'ipei Iloldsclclc.
English Plum Padding.
Madet la Jelly. Macaroons. drapes.
Kdam Cheese. Cafe Nolr.
Incidental to tlic banquet the Musical
Union Orchestra rendered the following
selections :
Overture "America" . Moses.
Cornet Solo "Liebe Xum Volk" . Supue.
Soloctlon ' 'lolanlhn" . Sullivan.
Spanish Fnntaslo "Li Paoma ! > 1..yrailier.
MuMcitl Melange "This and That".iJoetfer
After the wants of the inner man had
been more than supplied and the cham
pagne had excreised'its tongue loosening
inlluoncc , Commander W. J. Uroatcn
aroe und in n brief -speech welcomed
the guests. Ho spoke of the objects of
the organisation nnd of tlio pleasure and
profit that are certain losults of a meet
ing of so many congenial p pirils under
such pleasant circumstances. lie
did not want to consume
any tiniu in needless words of
welcome , hut would introduce some of
his comrades who had something of in
terest to divulge. Ho introduced Major-
( lOnernl Morrow as a brave soldier and a
genial comrade who would favor the
guests with H paper on "What J Saw at
( jettysburg , "
ur.\iiAi : , MOIUIOW'S
( Jonoral Morrow arose and was greeted
with a round of applause , in which the
laities joined heartily. The general said
Hint so much had boon written of tlio
battle of ( iettysburg , the greatest battle
of tlui civil war , that no would not go
into historical details , but would eonlinu
himself to the narration of incidents that
came under his own observation. Ho
was in the great light that commenced
on July 1 , 180'J and closed on the
fourth , and witnessed the con
flict of the armies whose combined
forces numbered 170.000 men. Ho was
taken u prisoner on tlui second iloy of the
light and observed much of the eonfed-
erato movements. For the first days
they were confident of snccos * , and did
not give up until after LongUrcet's de
feat , The men in both armies were alike
In intelligence and patriotism , and both
bides were lighting to decide
ono thing , tlio fate of the
greatest country ol the world.
Tin ) general referred foellnglv trf the
death of ( icnoral Iloynoldp , with whom
ho was intimately acquainted , and paid a
tribute to his valur as u soldier and worth
ns a clti/.cn and gentlemen , He referred
to the fourful lighting on the second day
In which the Eleventh corps under Gen
eral Howard did Some of the bravest
lighting ot tlio war , liy sheer force of
numbers the liret corps was driven
bud ; uftcr having lost 0,000 ot
the 10,030 men with which thfiy had
gone into the light. At this point the
Lluvonlli corps was forced back and ie-
tioatcd through the town ami reformcil
on Kulji's hill after haying lost 4,030 man.
The lossob in ) ho First nnuKlorcnth corps
were heavier than wore sustained by any
two corps in juiy light during the war ,
To General O. O. Howard's sagacity in
delecting Seminary hill is duo the llnal
success of the Union arms , which were
enabled from this point to withstand the
most determined assaults that were made
by Iee'a valiant men. The speaker also
pales a fitting tribute to the able leadership -
ship of Gem. Doubleday. Following up
his personal reminiscence ( Jon. Morrow
told that the dentil of Gen. Ilcvnotd >
was regretted by confederates as well n
by the union soldiers. The conlederatc
sold6rs ! were jubtlnttt orcY their \ ictorj
of the lirst day. In' ( Jottv umg the pub
lie buildings and churches were used as
hospitals. The speaker said that from
his quarters as a prisoner he could ser
the lines of thefe < vmil armies. Ho could
overhear the planstjf the assaults upor
the federal lines. He heard a member ol
Lco'3 staff say thai the confederate !
would dictate tiieirMVrms of peace in the
halls of congress" , , , The Pounds of tin
Oattlo were heard M.S distinctly m the
prisoner's quartersas on the battle
ground. Longstreot's attack on the
union lines on the second day of Jitl.1) )
was as brave an assault a any army o
thirty thousand men ever made. The re
puKe was considered a victory by the
confederates because LonpMrect sue
cecdcd in driving the federal lines baci ;
a half mile before ho was repulsed. Or
the next day the defeat of Johnston wa ;
a great victory for the union forces
Lee s failure to support Johnston gave
the union forces an advantage that could
not bo overcome. The sneaker witnessed
the light on thp third day from the reel
oi the building on which he was a ( iris
oner. Ho gave a pretty picture of the
hccne before the battle commenced anil
nHo a vivid description of the battle thai
followed. The advance nnd repulse ol
the imposing , valiant charge of Picfcctt' ;
devoted brigade , the ( lower ot the arm ;
of the northern Virginia was vividly
MA.IOII OIiAKKfcOX'3 Al > ! mr.S3
Major T S. Clarkson was called upon
to give something of the history of the
Loyal Legion. Referring to the mstory
of the members of the Loyal Legion In
said : "How varied are the experience'
of the average American eiti/cn. They
are so ditVoront from tlfo experiences ol
the men who were born and raised iindci
the sound of ono church bell. " He ro-
ferrcd to his experience at Gettysburg
where he was born and educated. Hevas
there afterwards in the performance of
his duty to his country. The members ol
the Loyal Legion did thuir duty in the
struggle for liberty. 'Ihey btill "have a
duty to do in caring for the maimed sol
diers and the willows and orphans of the
soldiers dead , who are the special charge
of the government they saved. The onlei
of the Loyal Legion is merely : v social
one and has no secrets. The badge , the !
emblem of the order , was won by the
performance of duty and is dear to the
heart of every man who is entitled to
wear it.
Mr. Jules Lombard , of Chicago , was
introduced by Major Clarkhon and fav
ored the guests with "I Fear No Foe , "
sung in the is
possible onlvin a Lombard. In rosoonso
to an emphatic encore he rendered a
popular Scotch ballad.
Captain Humphreys , of Pawnee , was
introduced as the man who had brought
home a horse that he had carried away
from the banquet ono year ago , and de
livered in his inimitable manner an orig
inal poem , "At Donofoon. "
.TPI > : I. THURvtrtx's Atmunss.
In rising to respond to the tflast , "The
Ladles , " Judge John M. Thurston
thanked the Loyal Legion for the honor
thev had conferred upon him by inviting
him to take a patt in the programme of
the evening. As the son of a soldier who
had died for his country lie felt at homo
with the commanders of the
men who gave their lives in
a common glory. He thought
faome bachelor ought to respond , to the
toast. They wouldn't have w > much
experience but would have more courage
to assert their honest convictions. While
the toast was "The Ladies , ' he proposed
to talk of women. A lady is the artitieial
product ol society. A woman is God's
best gilt of man. Ho said he couldn't
say much of woman's introduction upon
em th because he didn't take muchstock : in
the spare rib story. He didn't see how so
much of the good and beautiful could
have been produced from such inferior
material. Ho thought that some angel
who saw man's lonely condition had left
heaven to become his comforter. Speak
ing of woman's devotion to man ho baid
that she never regretted her love for man
no matter what the outcome was. Eve
is oven quoted as having remarked that
she wouldn't give Adam for the whole
garden of Eden. He referred feelingly
to woman's influence upon the warrior.
Nothing has aroused man to accomplish
deeds of valor as the encouraging voice
of woman. The history of every nation
is roplcle with instances , patriolism.tlevo-
lion and sacrifice of noble women.
At the close of Judge Thurslon's ad
dress , which was xvarmry applauded.
Messrs. Lombard and Northrup favored
the party with an excellent rendition of
"Larboard Watch , " after which the
guests withdrew to the tune of % > AuM
Lang Syne. " The event was an unusu
ally brilliant and pleasant ono and one
long to bo remembered.
Ati InlprrstliiK Exhibition at Canning-
linni'B Hall 1'aclcty Norton' * ! Urotlier.
For various reasons tlio attendance at
the benefit given to Paddy Norton , the
Deadwood pugilist , at .Cimningluim'a
hall last night , was not as large as it
ought to have been , still a neat Mini was
rcali/ed for the beneficiary of the even
ing's entertainment.
The programme consisted of three
four-round bouts , The first , was bolwecn
Clint ) , Phebo nnd Johnny Lu Mountain ,
two llglit-wcightfl , and was an excellent
and interesting exhibition. Some lively
blows were given and taken , both con
testants lelinng with equal honois. Sam
Stovonsou ami Pat Hone sparred four
lively rounds , and the evening's cuter-
tainmont was closed with a comical bout
between Paddy Norton und Arthur
Itothcry , in wliloh both men received
some hard oufTing ,
Among the spectators was Mike Nor
ton , n brother of the pugilist , who has
been iioparated from him fortnn years or
more. ' 11m former is a laborer In the B.
& M. construction gang , near Omaha ,
nnd reading In the local papers an ac
count of hlb brother's sot-to witli llanlev ,
hastened to this city , > and looking up the
pugilist found by comonrlng notes that
they were brothers. For the past day or
two the two brothers } have boon busy
oompaiing notes anil talking over old
1'hoy Able For l > c ti I Protection of
Ynstenlny morniny { * nora.l Covvin com-
nieneed u suit in the $1 .tricl . court which
involves a priiidplo Ich h not alto-
Aether unimporliint. ] _ ho suit Is brought
by the Cijriirmukofs Union , No. 9a ,
ajrainst William ilsou & Co. , eiga
iniinul'actUTers anil § 1 alcra , to pris\ent
them from usini ; hie label of the
uhion , which de > % | : iis all boxes of
union-made cigars , jalleged that this
ihiii tins been making a practice ot put
ting this union label on scab-mado
cigars of an inferior quality , and thus
palm thorn oil'on the publio us fiigl class
goods. This union label , it ib ulaiimnl , is
counterfeited so Miccescfnlly that nothing
but an o\pei t examination win
detect the fraud. Other facts are fret up
in ttio petition , in tmpport of the request
of the plalntlfis , that Wilson Co. bo en
joined fioni using this blue label on their
non-union oigars. Judge Wakely granted
a temporary injunction as requested , and
sot the hearing of the case for next week ,
General Cowln. in commenting on the
case yesterday morning , said : "This
union label otthe cigarmakcrsi ! , a trade
mark which ought to be and mubt bo pio-
tcctcd. If thobo firms can , by using n
union label , bell cheap labor cigars at the
hHiiio piiees as union cigars , It follows
that they will deprive uaiou utou of
work" ,
Xho SjBtpin Completed Ami t Sntls-
Itat-tory Test Mn < lo.
Cou-Miit's N'cb. , He ? . 17. ( Special Tele
gram to the Hi.i .1-Tlie Columbus uator woik
\\urc submitted to J. E. House , of Omalu , a
an expert for examination and test. The
vroik are completed except a few minor
touches about the rncinc hotiso and wolK
The mayor , city council , Engineer Houtson ,
Chailes Suliroctlcr. the contractor , nnd n
Intee number ot our business men and cltl-
7.CU3 looked on ulth much solicitude and In-
teiostas.l. E , Hon e gave Instructions foi
the various tests as they came up to the points
ot excellence and apwoMil , till finally
pressure of lai pounds to the inch was aiv
piled , whan the pumps , engine , water supply
and mains pro\cJ pntlsfnrtory to all coiv
cerned. It ia intended In a few days to ulu
them another olllclnl tc t licfoic they n\t
tinned o\er to the eiiy. We me all pioml ol
our water system , an honest Job bv our own
lownsnmii. Chnilcs Sclmicd r. The lie o
was attached at the extieino cud of tlicnmln ,
about half a mile from the works , tlnowinv
a sticam from spicim-fivo to ninety feet. A
committee , iepie cntlnc ihc IcmllneItiMir
mice commutes In tlio Ktate. ait ) liuro ninklne
rates , based on oui bettei piotcttinn
Jlenilly Gin In u Poor Honor.
UNADII.IA , N'cb. , Pec. 17. [ Special Tele-
cram to the lltn : . ] A sad accident occmreil
at the Oteo county poor faun last evening , by
which n panppr nnmcd James Douglas lost
his life , and nnothci pauper fiom Nebraska
City , known by all ns "Old Pctci , " Is not ex
pected to live , llv some means at presenl
unknown , the dnmpci In the furnnce thiit
supplies the house with Moain got tinned ,
thoretiy allow I nc the tens to escape , lilllnp
that irortlon of the building occupied by the
paupers with its deadly effect. Douglas and
Old Petei occupied the same room. When
they ictlictt It appears that they loll theii
door open , and when discovered this mom-
Ine by their watchmen who h d hnitl work to
cet to their mom on account of the density
of the as , Douulas was dead and Old Petei
in a d > Ins condition , but H Is thought now
lie may iccovor. Wheio the lilnme lies can
tie haidty satdnt jucsent , but the mattci will
be I
Gr.indn a Snbjoot oCHnconlatlon.
biouxCiT\ . , Dec. 17. | Tele-
Kram to the HM : . | Considerable speculation
has been liululROiI In lieio to-day by a lai o
number ol citizens as toliat ( ir.tnda , the
llntldock anestt-d at Kansas City ,
will testify to. Jinny are inclined to believe
that ( iiaiuia has alicady been "woikciV'by
the defense add hence will testify in Its In-
teiest. Tilt ? llcrlliu : , who was with ( ir.uida
when arrested , had hcen In Sioux City some
time previous and the supposition Is Hint the
) > lans tor GMndn's nircst were then consum *
mated. This is merely chcumMantlaland
speculative1 , however , but a douldt at
tention was paid to It to-day.
Grnnda's Confosston.
TVAXS.VS cm , Dec. 17. Sj hosier tiiamla ,
alias Unindcrs , under arrest for coiivpllcitj-
In tue lladdoct : murder , will be taken to Sioux
City to-niKhl. The state will publish the
confession made to-day , in which Cianda
ndmlts he was with the pai ly and drunk
with them. They agreed to attack Umldock
and anothpr piomiiient piohibitioiilRl.
Arensdoif , he silircd the shot which
killed Haddock , ( ii.inda , with his wife and
Kashnit/kl , who is no.vundi-i arrest nt Sioux
City , floated down the liver on a flht boat
and Kablinitrkl went on to Cnlifoinl.i.
A Railroiul Man Resigns.
Ki.oiviK , la. , Dec. 17. [ Special Tclofiiam
to the UKK.I II. I. Clailc , jronci-al innnapcr
of the Keokui : A Westcni railroad , 1ms ro-
slcned to accept a position as division su-
ppiintcndont on the Qiipen * descent loud ,
with he.idriiiaitcis at Yieksburtf , .Miss. Ills
successor has not been appointed.
Iowa Democratic State Committee.
DJS : Moixns , Dec. 17. The Ocmnciatlo
shite cential commlttpo mot hero to-day , clos'
Ing up the affairs of the cain ] > aign. The
resignation of Chaiimnn Klnno and Sccrc-
tnn * Charles were ncccptcd , the former hnv-
been elected district jmlip * and the latter was
iceently iiminlntcd postmaster at Codai
Bapids. Eel. 11. ilnntei. of Corning , vva- .
elected chairman and A. P. McQuirk secio-
tary to hll the vacancies.
Kcliraaka anrt Iowa Wnatlior.
For Nebraska "and Iowa : Pali wcntlici ;
Ho Did Pretty Well.
IJovrov , Dec. 17. Ever since the dlscoveiy
of the defftlcatloiis of Treasurer William
Heed , of the South IJoston laltioad company ,
expei t accountants have been woi king iipo'n
the books cndua voting to unravel the tangled
accounts. The experts' examination is now
complete and their repoit has been iiiade pub
lic , lly this it Is llowll that tlio over-issue
of stqekby the tic.isiuer Is 1'JO , " shares and
that the cash dedication is Sl. ' > U , < 577 , which
Includi'.s the complete wlpimr oat of the sur
plus of iK > ' . > , ; ui ! and additional stealings to the
amount ot SbO,718. The company now
knows just what its loss is In cash , mil the
iUf8llon | of liability on ovitr-i.-isncn ccitili-
eitos is sitll to be dftciuitncd. it the com-
ptny is liable foi the market vnluo ot such
slimes the amount taken by lU-cil In that
way would be in round numbers xSlvWrOl ) ,
lunklnc a total siiipliisof 8 76.1177. ] Jccd was
tlusHflcrniiou .sentenced to bovon years Im-
An Ensine'fl I-'richlftil Fall
Dr.Avmi , Dec. 17. The News' Uuunteon
special says : As the Salt lake express on
the Delimit KIo ( irand lonil was loiindlny :
the curve on the approach to the bi Idge across
the GunnlMm i Ivor , at ' o'clock this mornliii ; ,
the onalno struck a cow lying on the track
nnd was dcialled , tuinhliai ; over nail over
Into the river bolow. Engineer Welch and
ilroniMi McConncll vvcio instantly llllod. ;
The coaches nil i outlined on the track , No
onoclbo was injured.
Heavy Dnina es Awarded.
Sr. Lot'is , Dec. 17. .Mr < . Juliet Cunln.i-
1mm , who was hciloasly Injuu-d borne time
Hgo by jumping from the street car of the
People's line , wldclnvas In imminent clangor
of collidliiR v\Ith u tallroail tialn at FouitU
and Poplar miwt crossing , was io-ilnv
a wauled S VWO damages hy a jiny In the cli'
cult coint.
Tlnrncd Knutnuky Wlilfiky.
C'lxc'iVN.vii , Dec. 17. A sjeclid ) fiom
Uvvonsboro , Ky. , B.IJ-B that tiieainliouso ot
the JT. Welch DlBtlllintr company burned
last night , consuming 1. 800 bauds of whisky.
It is thought that the lire was of Incemilni/
Causes Its victims to lift inlscr.ihlcI
ronfiisnl , und depressed In mind , my irrlta-
lilti , l.uiRiiliI , ami drowsy. It Is u dlscaso
which docs not K''t well of Itself. It rcciilirs |
rait'ful ) peisMent attention , and n ruinedy to
tluow off the causes inul lone up the diges
tive orpun till they perform their iliillc ?
vIlliUKlHood's Sixu.ipnrlll.i has proven
Just the rcfiuliLii remedy in hundreds of CHSCS.
" I have tiikdi Hood's ( diriapaillla for dfi-
pcpsla , from which I haveMiBercd t\\oC8is.
1 tiled tnnnyotlici mi'dlcliicg , butnulio provdl
' flar-nparllli. "
fo batlsfactory as ljjjod's
THOMAS COOK , Itmsh l.lcituu Uelit Co. ,
> cw York City.
Siclc I 3cadache
" Tor the past two years I bare been
aRllelnl llli teveio lieaiUrhes and dyspep
sia I vva * Indweit 10 tiy Hood's Raisapa-
rllln , ai > U have found creut relief. I a n-
fullj recommend It to all" M s. 1-- I-
A.N.VAIIIX , hi-tt ILivcn.Coim ,
Ml > U. fSinlth , t'anibrlilgepoit ' , ,
and sick head
vras a bUffi-rer from dyspepila
ai lie. Hi > took Hood's Hursaparlllii mid
fouudlt Hit ocbt icmul ) bhoever UitU.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold l > y all ttnigglBt . tl ; lx for $5. Msdo
wily by a I. HOOD 00. , Lowell , Mas * .
IOO Dose Ono Dollar *
lias heretofore been ninde in the treat
incut of rheumatism , neural ia anil nerv
ous or sick headache. This is oviilcnceil
by the failure on the pat t of thousands o
sufferers to find relief , even thonsh thej
have exhausted the skill of various phy
sicians nnd tried numerous so eallci
romrdioi To such AthlophorosisolTeri'i
as a s.u i : , si ui : and Qt'H K ct UK. Its sue
CO H has been phenomenal , and yet it i <
not surprising because it v 11.1. do nil thai
is claimed for it. The Athlophoios C'o
w III gladly refer any who desire to innki
nn invetl < ratlon to reliable parties win
have been cured bv it.
J. K. Giljcspie , Heal Kstato and I.oar
Agent , at Atlantic , Iowa , says"Mv
rlieumatism Ih t apiieaied in Ihc hip ,
and then extended down into the lost'
through the nciatie nerve. 1 suU'orei
whether slaml'iAg or sittliif ; , and it waf
with the greatest ot dllllculiy that 1 sue
needed in hobbling to inyoflk'ccach day
I eonsulted physirians , also trie < l over\ ,
reimuty I could learn ot without any gooi
olleets whatever , i\ly \ great fears wen
that 1 would alwavs have it. As I vva1
wilting n letter to this friend in Chicago
I casually made note of my rheumatism
and thought no more about It. Jiut nn
letter wi.s answered very promptly , toll
inc me to use Atldophoros , also statin ; :
his mother's ' case and oure which vva' '
more suwro than mine. I til once pur
elisvcd a bottle and by the time 1 had flu
islii-d taking it. my rheumatism had gone
U was a little too quick to lop before i
was pone entirely out of m v system , am
1 had another little attack , but two hot
tier , of Athlophoros did the work. It luv
been over a year hinee that time. It is ai
oveollontmedicine , and lean rceomuiem
it to others.
K very druggist should keep Athlopho
ros and Athlophoros Pills , but where thej
cannot be bought of the druggist tin
Athlophoros Co. , ll'J WallSt .NowYork ,
will send cither ( carriage paid ) omwelpl
ot regular nriec , which is $1 Oil per bollh
for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills.
I'or llv or ntnl hltlncy ONca'p" , ilyanenilii.hi
dlKtistloii , vrcukm is , nervous doblllluKpiist'i
Ot UdllK'll , C01Hlll.ltloll , llOlllllU'llO , llllpUK
blond , \c. Athloilioros 1'IIH nro uniiitialixl 11
Electric Appliancei are cent 01 30 Daji' Trial ,
TrrrllO ere rairorlna from KRUTOUS PBHIUTT ,
Vnion , Wi Tlii Wv itHEVK sKi. an 1 Ml Ilium ilisflnnw
ofE.1Oi | L NATUIIS rtibiltlni ; from A lit' . us nnrl
OTIICH Cwir . Bppoiljr mlle > f nnl complcln roFlo
rntloiiotlH : .TnViuoiianiJUKiiooDUr iiVTrxB
Thd ( fmndfrt illimovcry of Hie Mnrlpxnth CrntutT
IP , - -t * * xxsrrxx * * T7 rt-tr 'ai sas 5yxm
"Wo ilo ln > icli\ certify tlnil o supovvlw tlio
ariftiijrcmclliB Cm ullthi * Monthlj iiml Quartci-
Iv Di-ntvlngb ol Ttio Lonlvlmm Stftto IjOitci.v
I'oiniium.mid in | > creon innrmgo and control
UiL'dniMln B tlioiiisal\e , nnil Hull llin biuun nui
comlnctBd wtlli lionnMy. fnlinofis und In cooil
lailli to HT l nil vfillo" . f"i < 1 " 'o inuhrirl/e thu
Comviinj to USD tins eorjlfloito with
Ikiot ( lurbifiinturosatliH-lioil , in I'.s
incnls "
We Iho iindflrsijnic'il llnnki niul ] lnuko-A | will
t > nr nil I'rbos iinxxvn in The Louisiana M'ltc
i < oltctles which may bo pruorutort fttoiir couii1
tcri > .
1'ioMdont Louisiana NntloniU Hunk.
.1. W. KILmiUTH ,
I'lotllont Stiito Kutlonnl Hunk.
A. lui.mvi.v . ,
J'i'csiJciit Mow nrlenna Nhtlounl Hunk.
Incorporated In IH'll for 25 yearn i > f the leirli
Inturc lor Kdiiculloiml niul Clmritiililo piirpoeos
with n cnpitnl of $ l. < nW,000 to whlcli n rrnorvo
fund of ( V > 0UUO lias clnco been iiddOil.
] ly nn ovorn holmlnpr popular vote Its 1 runoliUa
vpas miulon pnrt oftlio pruaotit Stiilu Constitution
iidontOillcoomnor"il A. D. 137V.
The only lottorv over rolcd oil nna olnlorseJ
liy the people of any stntu.
Itnnvnrc lt-sorprntponcn.
Itssriifia sliiKlo numbur drawm9 tnko plaou
monlhlv , niul Hid flb.m-iiiinuul ( UuninvH roxu-
lailyovor > nit months i.liino mid Dopcinhcr ) .
A .sn.R.fnin OrronTiiKtTVTO WIN A FoitTttNe.
lui Oimul UmwiiiK' , Clnss A. In tlio Academy oC
Musio , Nourlcuii. ( ) . Tuesday , .luiiuitiy lltli ,
18S7.1Wth Mhuthly Dniwlriir.
Notice , Tickets are $10 only. Halves , 35
Fifths S2. Toaths 51-
nui'iior fi.v ixn ,
EIAIini ! I'lll/CSOf
4 1iitin 1
foi'iii/B ov
M "
lliJ ( )
2IW PiiMisnmoiiniinfctn . RstVioo
Application for mini to olulm sliolild lin mnilo
onlr to Hi * iifllco o ; tlio coinpun > in NuwOr
For fuillier lurorrnfi'.lor. wnto rlnnrlr , ( rirttcr
full mldrcM. I1)STAIi Nlrr,8 Hipross Mono/
Mrdorc.or Now Vork Uvi luiiiftn tn onllimry Inf.
lor. currency br oxprosa at our exponsu ai
drt"80 < 1'
.Sun Uilcunsrja.
Waijlilncrloii , U. 0.
. O , Mcnny Orders purahla iind a < lilroii
rojflBteroalcllpra to
KBIT Orlaniis r.n ,
H , . . . II IJ li1 I'j ' . . Tlmi ( tin | irsrnrn u (
I'arljr , nhuiiro In clinriie ( it Ilio ilrnwlnui , In u ismr-
niln i of nlnoUii > i f.ilrno.n mil liilriirlli , tlnil Ilia
nil ( "MIX" , nnil tliKt ll' ) OIIH inn | > oi > lnlf
luini ] wlVut niinilcm will dMw n rrlra All imtlu *
itu'ion rilllllkCllllllll ! ! „ lOlIIIIIIHlltlU I'll/l'HllI llll l/lt
; try < n h lilting 0111 uny o'lier , . - . . - -
IIOMIn ureemihllrr Kiidunly > un In iK'UUhuiml ilo
niiicl Iliouimary
j\iAitsJ'tt.v 'riuvr.iKr.T : ,
book , il fr ' ' . _ t'llolll4l Ji _ l ld lijrJ > klhnl
ly thd Suodlkor trentntdnt by l'iof. fm/k
iltlioul un > uneriitloii ui dctontloii tuini lutioi
IT , Nnrdlkcr'e UHllioil of oniitivr ruptura lion
lorwd by tlio loud I us fiUynlrluiis of Kmisiu ,
.lid ! iofcrpspwli\liy KI ntiy pli ) lcluii or bnnW
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iin 110 sui'ii at oitlco
I nil nnd outinlnc live of chup .
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ConsKlinjr of
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