Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1886, Image 1

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O'Briun ' Talks on the Latest Phases of the
Irish Situation , *
HIP Gin eminent Organ SajB ilic War
Ito WiiRptl VlKoKttisly
Aiiotlirr Colin Compile ! !
. Sppech
The Situation In Irclnnd.
hovnnv , Dec. 17. [ New Vork Herald
Cable-Special to the Urn. ] A Dublin re
porter lust pining nad an interview with
Mr.V. . O'llrlpn , wlio wns siifTeiing ac
utely from n tumble which lie nnd Mr. Dillon
had from a car vvhllp dilving from Loughrcn
to Althenry. lloth shafts of tliu vehicle were
pinnftliHl nnd suddenly bolh were
111111 ? violently to the ground.
Dillon came down on Ids light
Hide and was bully h ikon. O'Urien's head
came In contact with the car , nnd both his
hnnds , which he put out to sivo hlmsell ,
cnmoundrr him and vveio loin nnd scratched
by thohiid , fiosly ground , and his left arm
waSHpialned. Doth gents had to then pain
fully walk ovei a mile lo Atthcniy.
i in : i-oi ici : ot niA < ir.
About the police outrage In Loughrca ,
O'Hilen stilled that they weie not altoclher
unpicpnied foi the swoop. Ills suspicions
being moused hu took piecautlons , and not a
bnwbeo noi a scrap of pnpur of an Incrlmlnnt-
Ingchninctei wns In the room ho occupied
when llio police rushed In. lie said that the
aitlon of the government had not struck
tenor Into the league leaders. The plan of
the campaign will still ho pushed forward
with the same ! al , though tempered with
more caution. Ho would not bp surprised If
ho and his fellow nnloilunales should bo
next Thinsdaj at Loughron , where the cise
against them comes on toi a hearing , ro-
luinpd for Ulal at the present the Con-
naught wintei nssl/en. The grand jury are
not > ct discharged , and there appears noth
ing in the way of the authoiities having the
natlonnl lendeis tried.
Mi O'Hrlen added that the proportion of
noles and gold seiwl by tbo police was very
small , amounting to about Xss out ol a total
of 1.100. Indeed , ho expressed amusement
nt the whole alfnlr , and said : " 1 look to Its
elfect to help on the cause of the
lackiented tenants in ( ialway and
elsewheio in lielaiid. " Ho remarked
these piosecutlous were Iho best
assistance that could be given to the plan of
tlio campaign , which wasnow invincible. It
would go on Increasing and developing , and
even the action of the government , ns exem
plified In the prosecution ot himself nnd three
membcis of parliament , so far fiom pre
venting Iho speed of the movement , had
stimulated , and , as a result , he looked toi
gicater development of the campaign.
Ho wassurpiised that the tiaversers had
been allowed out on ball. Under those cir
cumstances the government pfosecutlou
would make no difference to the ngllatlon
for the furtliPiancoof the campaign.
The latest advices fiom Dublin show Ihero
had not been any fuithor arrests nude in
connection witli the holding of nntlonnl
league rent olllces in futheranco ol the plan
ofthe campaign , and there wns a lull
in tlio excitement which followed the an
nouncement fiom Loughri'a.
TIIK Auritonnir.s in SITAIH.
It is believed that tlio dllhculty ofprocur-
Ingcvldonce on which to base n chaise of
conspiracy hns ciused the authorities to
pause bofoio tiiklnx lurther stops and that
the > aic evidently waiting In hopes that the
leaiiucrs may bo detciied by what has taken
plnco. However , It seems that on Friday Mr.
Carcw , M. 1' . , attended at Ltall ) haiinis foi
tlio purpose ot holding a lent office
for Loid Dillon's tenants. A largo torco of
police vvoiedrafted into the town in charge
ot two resident maglstiates. Mr. Ctuovv ,
beeing his movements watched , gave up le-
eelvlng icnts , butdellvcied a speech to the
people denouncing the government foi ar
resting his colleagues. Ho said it would
btiuniilhe'ii the national cause. It was the
siisesl sign of ' a collapse ol
the gov 01 union t and InndluulUin ,
mi i IIN'H ronitiTio.x.
Mr. Dillon's doctor thinks he will be un
able to leivohis loom for a little , but ho Is
dcteuiiiued , If ho possibly can , to travel to
Kllhirney for the meeting Su'idny.
Mi. O'Hrlen will attend the meeting at
A c.iallo dclcctlvp , wlio cilled nt Dillon's
incidence , meiely announced that ho In
tended to call again to divn. Jt is undeistood
Hut his mission Is losenoa foi nml notlco In
connection with the queen's bench proceed
Mr. Jenklnson , chlof of the criminal Inves
tigation depaitment , nnlved In Dublin to-
The Slandnid , the government oignn , says
this morning : "Tliu news iiom Iiekind nil
goes to show Hint Iho executives do not mean
to do tilings by halves. Dillon and lib asso
ciates luwo been allowed n longer
period of license than could Imvo
been wished , but now that war
isdeclntc'd , It is to bo waged iinielontingly
all nlong Hut lino. Upsides the prosecution
already Instituted at Lougluca , summonses
aio to Iteserved to-day on six prominent pro-
n oteis ot the plan of the campaign to appeal
In Dublin on u charge ot having been engaged -
gaged In an Illegal conspiracy , and ttiero is
reason to believe Hint proceedings will bo
tnkf n. in a loading Instance , ot oiimlnal In-
cltmentat popular gatherings in tliopiov-
incevs. "
wn.vr nnrwss.vs. : .
On the other baud , the Xovvs , OlaiUtono
organ , contends Hiat for permitting the
plan of rumpiUn to assume Its present di
mensions the queen's servants am solel ) re-
sponslb'uand they must bo called to strict
account for their conduct In the house of
VVU.VTf IIVMIIMII. Vl.X VMM DO. Mr. Ohambeilain does not
Inlond to remain n spectator of what U going
on , but employ the shoit Intervals before tlio
opening ofpaillameut in giving his advocacy
agalnsl thu plan. Ho has arranged to ad
dress his own constituents on Janu iry 5 , and
to make a torn In biotiand , ami to bo present
at a onion demonstialion nt llowluk to
m-ognlzo iho services ot Sir George
' 1 ievel.van. '
Closes Ilia * Gutting Address
For Iho Ijoril.
. - , _ .M tSio bu Ja < iua Uunbiii llcniiftl. }
l.o.x ito.x , Dee , 17.-\ow [ Vork Herald
Cable bptcml to the Hiul Justice Hylt ,
on enlerins the court house this morulus ,
ran npninst n hie of sandwich men carrj ing
boards placarded : "Visit the School for
Scandal at the Strand. " Ho Miilli-d at the
ca > ak-aiU' , but still more when , c-onliontlng
tlio jmoi scholars ol scandal , they vveio nil
told that Mr. Kililay would finish to-day ,
Sir Charle-s Hussell to-morrow , the Judge on
Monday morulug , and Hie u-rdlct would be
bronchi in Monday evening. Tlio foreman
announced that he and tils fellows had all
been to Lord Colin's house eyeing the key
hole. 'I hey found that Neptune JJIood was
mistaken as to there being drops over the
kevjiolo , nnd that the architect expert ,
sworn as to the situation of the keyhole and
the measurement , was contradicted by a
Juror , who was also an architect. Judge Hull
had already asked , during the progress of
the case : "Did pvpr two doctors svvear one
way that some two other doctors , called on
the other side , did not sweir opposite to the
lirst pah ? " HP now looked ns If he wanted
toask : "Dldevei two architects ngrccV
Mi. t Inlay n sumed lilssuminin ? up nnd the
outside atmospheie , as well as that surround
ing tlio jury box , was densely fo gy when ho
concluded , as now a stoim raged.
His speech was an nltei nation of Ingcnluos
fog , with povvoiful storming at the fair
todies , Campbell and Miles , and the co-
ipspondents , nonp of whom wore to day pre
sent. Mr rinlav wascspeclallj seveio on
( tenornl Ilutlor , who hid never appealed.
This was corlalnlj an awkward Incident , lor
over slnco the Moidaunt case , It hns become
the religion of nn Knsllsh pentlenmn to
svvenr to anything to absolve a woman's
A full rcpott of the adverse Invectlon of
General Ilutler. who. It Is whlspeicd , had
promised his nervous wife the celebrated
painting of "Tho Koll Call" thnt he would
not bo a wltnesswould till a column. Among
other things he said Iwcio these : 'Ihe jury
hid heaul very frequently that Sir William
Uutler was a gallant nnd honorable soldier ,
but a man might bo nil thnt without being
quite a Joseph on tlio point of mornls , and
it nppc.ued to linn that a gallant aud honor-
nblo soldier , who knew that his evidence
wns vital to the clearing of the char-
actcr of a woman chaiged with com
mitting adultery with him , would certainly
notbonbscn * . It was not suggested that he
had over been tutthor than Dinan , which
was a veij short journey. If Sir William
Butler could hav e denied it vv ould hav o been
n sicrcd duty lei him to have done so , but no
doubt he was away because his evi
dence would destroy Lady Colin's case. Did
they suppose Gcncial Uutler's counsel had
failed fo point out how absolutely
essential to Lad\ Colin It was that he should
como forwird as a vv ItncssVh > , then , did
he nut' . ' Ho was nn honoiablo man nnd a
soldiei , nnd would lie tall a laly In such a
pinch but he knew the cuargcs to bo
truo'.1 Also that if ho got into the witness
box and denied It , ho would pe guilty of pei-
jmjV Thnt was absolutely conclusive as to
the case against General Uutler.
In his opening Mr. Muipny had eloquently
denounced the ch.ugcs against his client aud
hid denounced Lord Colin , and all had pre
sumed ho was going tocallSli William Uut
ler. Hut what were Iho feelings ot the jury
when they weie told that all this tremendous
discharge of heavy artllleiy wns meieli In
tended to cover the of thu gallant gen
Hefcrrlng to Lady Colin's lltermy and
other abllilles , Mr. I'inlay bald : I ceitainly
do not want to denv that she is fitted to shine
in any circle. Hei conduct In the witness-
box shows that she is nn adept in the
dramatic nit. I ridicule her attendance at
concerts In behalf ot the poor. I never heaul
that charity balls were duller than otherballs ,
and from Lady Colin's diary I see she eu-
jojfd herself Immensely. Perhaps charity
might in the present case bo Intended to
"covera multitude of sins" In the case of
a lady who had an Invalid husband. At least
she should not alwajs be absent from home.
Mr. Finlay seemed to muke a great
Impression on the jmy when ho
siid ; "If lloso liacr was a pcr-
juress In chaiging adultry on Lady Colin
with Lord Ulaiifoul , why , when she
was discharged , did Lady Colin's sister ob
tain for Hose a new situation. Counsel ,
howpvei.laboredwhen ho attacked thostrong
point ot Ladj Colin's case , vithat : nearly
nil the piesenl flinges were known to Lord
Colin's solicitors v hen on the trial in which
she obtained the separation , nnd jet weronot
bumght foi vv aid todefeit hei elaliu , nnd Ills
counsel openly sild : "Wo know nothing to
her disadvantage. " This point is , i under
stand , fo bo Sir Charles linsscll's gieat text
In his closing speech to-iuonow.
Mr. Finliy then took up the I'urlleet ns-
slcnntioi. ot the duke and the lady. He
ridiculed Ihe stoiy lint the duke had"swoi n
to about thai lady being a Mrs. I'eiiy , ot
L'imllco. Where was she ? Wliy was she
not put Into the boxV Whit character had
she to lose' . ' Counsel sevoiely dissected tlio
morality ol Lady Colin Campbell's-niolhci.
who , Unnwing the antecedents of the duke ,
hadsinctioned , and , ns n witness , defended
her joung daughter's intimacy with him.
Ho skllltully avoided the threads ot evidence
hanging outsldo Its warp and woof. Ho wove
all the best colors for his client In a labile
where , so to speik , logic was his shuttle and
the accentuated poitioiis oi his shoit hand
notes his words.
Ladles Colin and Miles listened with cilm-
soned fnces. 1'eihaps they hid never heaul
botoio'such eloquent denunciation of them
selves. Liird Colin , suppoi ted by his brothcis ,
except the Minjuls of Loruo , looked Inces
santly nt. the jmy. hli Clailes Uus-
sell seemed iisln , ; up half a ream
of piper' with his notes with an
nit of "Ah , mybcoiehy , go It , but 1 have
tholist wotd , and on n Saluulay for the jmy
tomedltnlo upon thunujhout one whole turn-
dav. "
Sixteendi > s will hive pissed In the tilnl
by Mondn.v nigltt , nt a joint uvpeiibo foi the
fourteen counsels and sit solicitors of nbout
X2,000 per d iy as lain Infoimod by n taxing
costsoxpeit , and with the niiestimated loss
of social morality , while , It the jmy nnil that
Inlidclll } was proved foi both sides , oi that
lielthei had pioved II , eithei result would
leavehusbuid nnd wife ns they mniltally
vveio when thu soiled family linen enlt'icd
tlio judicial vviangle ,
Cuhliint Council.
LoNitox , Dec. 17 , A cabinet council was
held todaj listing two flours. Thu chlet
business was In lelallon loKgjt't- The cabi
net approved tlm circular note , lo thu powers
explaining jul : ; ; md's views on the Kjjptian
qmsllon , bolli tininclal and mllilaij Thu
action ot the liish uxecutive was also np-
pioved. _
Opposed tu iVrillnnnd.
VII.NXA , Dee , 17. A political correspon
dent nsscits that the Russian government
has sent a telegram to I'llneo LoDanolf , Jus- (
.slnii ambibsadoi here , lefuslne to counteii'
unco tliu candidacy ot 1'iiiicu Ferdinand , of
baxe Cobmg-Uotlm , tor the throuo ot mil-
gaila. _
TIFF H uu-r , Dec. 17. Tlio lower hoiiso of
parliament has adopted a bill remitting the
tax on the free cultivation ot siuar In Java
temporarilj ; remiulng iho export duty on
biicai fui n ni'rlod of n\o yeai-s , and giantlug
llVHjtiars' ilelay to sugar manutacUtiers In
the imjment of their sugar dues.
Justice In Xovv South Wales ,
Sv I > N in N , s. W. , Dee , 17.-0f nine youths
sentenced hero , November ii'J , forcilmlnally
ossnult ns ti servant gill , the exeeutlvehas
decided to commute the sentences ot lliiee to
mpiisonmciit lor lile. Six others will be
< k- _ .
U In- . i ? i r soc-lt.
LONDON , Die. 17. 1'ho auction sale ot
blooded block belonging , to tlm Jato Kml
tlie J ° cyi 'eallzcd a total ol
A Close nilllnrd Contqst WlniOPsetl
In Chicago ,
CHICAOO , Dee17. . Central Music hill
wns completely filled with lovers of the game
of billiards when Slos on and Schnofer ap
peared on the platform at 8 o'clock this
evening. John W. McCullough , of St.
Louis , immediately announced that the panic
wns to bo 500 points , cushion caroms for
f 2,000 a side and the gntp money. KiiRcno
Cirtcr was announced as umpire fet
Schncfcr ; John Thatcher , of Cleveland , for
tilosson ; Henry Hjan , ot Chicago , rcfciep ,
andChnries Matthews , of Chicago , mniker.
Without further preliminaries thu playing
began. Sehaefer won the bank , took the
bhck ball nnd missed. SIo on counted one
ami missed. Sclnutercountul one. Neither
counted in the thlid tnnlnr , and althlc rate
the game moved on till the sixth Innlncrr
when Slosson rolled tin fourteen , mostly
in the lowci Icft-lmnd corner , nnd sat down
amid loud applause with a total
ot twenty tohlsctPillt. Seh.efei undo three
and blossou two. Then the "Wl/aid" IP-
siimed his cue and , with the determined look
which ho was wont to conceal riming his last
gnme , he quickly reached Jilosson'sblu'cesl i uii
nnd passed it amid applause. Hoplaved on
steadily. nndlorhlstwenty-sKth shotbioueht
down tlio bouse with a brilliant leverso
LiiL-lIsh one cushion shot the enllto length of
the inble. Hu was about to sit down on the
twcnu-sovuntli , when nn outrageous ° eintch
saved him. He resumed his run with re
newed vigor and when he tlunlly missed nn
pasy cross the table shot , he sat dow n with a
mil of lortjeight to his credit and a total ot
lifty-scvon. Fiom this on foi some lime thu
nver.igcs were better , Slosson making runs
of niteen , seventeen mid twelve , with one or
two noose egcs , nnd Sch.efer inns
ol seventeen nnd nine nnd a
series of single number1 ; . At 0 o'clock
the scoie stood : Schnefer , 100 ; Slosson. 81.
ThPU there wns n spell of trooso eges for both
sides , interpersed with single nnd douule
counts. Thepliying bccnme nnlnteiestlng.
In tlie eighteenth Inning Schaefer knocked
out soventpen points , making his total lound
100. while Slosson had but Oil. 'Iho SCOIP Old
not advance rapidly , but tlie game could not
bo called stupid. A great variety of shots
w ere shown , nnd there were tiequont bmsts
ofnppliuse. The slxlv eli-'hth Inning netted
Slosson seventeen hard earned points. This
so staitled behaefer that he soon nfter , In the
seventy-ninth Inning , milled up tlnrlj-six ,
with apparently no off oil. The score , when
he at last missed an easy two-cushion shot ,
stood : Schaefer. S22 ; Slosson , 2211
In the = nvontvseventh Schaefer woke up
nunln for what was destined lo be a series of
wonderful runs , bcoilngniiiein Ihoseventi-
scvonth he followed it with iiinsot seven ,
twenty-nine , twelve and thlrtseven. . Dui-
IIIK this spin t behaefer gave vv hat Is believed
to bo the iinest exhibition of ciisliion carom
playing ovei witnessed In pnbllp. Men who
had bcnn used to see cushion carom plaved In
hammer and tongs style weioastoiintlud. The
plftvingot Schaefer wns chiefly remaikable
lot his maiveloiislv delicate mastery of Iho
balls. When he had completed his run ot
thirtj-seven there was a perfect stoim of
npplauso. Notwithstanding Schaeter's leid
of 157 points , blosson exhiblled surprising
nerve and astonished eveiy one by his bnlP
iant finish. Theclt50 ( wns ol n most exciting
charnetei. Unlike Slossou , Schaefei an-
peired unnble to play even an ordimry
game , but his mngniticont Icid stood him in
stead and blosson failed to ovei take
him in time. Schaefer's nv orage , 4 50-111 ;
blosson , S 100-110.
Stocks Rule Stend } at Higher Pi Ices
With Less Kxcltcnicnt.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 17. ISnecial Telecram to
the UEP. ] Thn stock market was less ex
cited ami considerably dullci to day than It
hnsb"en lei several dnj.s past. Tlm temper
of speculation was bullish , however , and
with the elimination' of the large outside In
teiest through the exhaustion of margins , it
was thought thnt the mniket would inn into
dullness until the Jnnuary disbursements re
lieved the money mniket , when it wns ex
pected that the bull leaders would take hold
and lift pi ices The advance in the Bank of
Knslind rate of discount was regirded as
a favorable sicn by well Infoimed biokcrs. It
wns thought thnt this action was merely pre
cautionary , and would not pievent u. large
amount ol gold being shipped here. Grangers
were sold down alter the opening to day , St.
1'nul being notiblj weik. Money was" still
Unlit , call loins commanding a sharp 10 pei
cent rate. Theio wns no special
news cnlculated to effect prices , tlie
money situntlon being consldeied Hie most
iiupoitintiactor. It was believed that high
rates foi money would bo curient until the
fiistof the jcir , and In the intcilih biokcrs
counseled their frlnnds to bn.piepared foi
sudden laids on thn mniket. bt. I'aul emu-
ings lei thosecomlwnkk of December sliowul
an ineieasu ol j'.O.X ) , Coil stocks weie
notably weak , and the talk was that Heading
would Invo In bo foiclosed , In which event
llm stock would likely be wiped out entirely.
Cables fiom London announce d the ship
ment ol C500.000 pounds of gold to this conn-
to , and tlie ot something ovtu
Sft.OJnoooin gold tended to allay appielien-
hloiis in ic'irard to tUht money. The weak
ness eailv in the day vvi.s piineipilly due to
lai.o selling from London. Litei London
became a modciato btijcr and Iho whole mai-
ket tinned and then became stcudv , nnd dull.
The sales to noon vveio u'S.CO shares.
Money at ono time loaned at 'Jl per cent ,
but latei was olfeird at Oper cent , and the
announcement that S-J.WW.OOO had been
shipped fiom Soiilhnmnton consigned to this
eountiy caused Iho bulls to buy fieely. The
shoi is were also bujcrs , and thn lesult was
an ndvnneo ot nbout 1 pei cent , n part of
which was lost before the close. Kansas &
Texas was bulled on Ihu passage of thu bill In
coiigiess autlioii/lm ; tliu lailioadb to build
Into the Indian teultoiv , the piospcct being
tint thu tenltoiy would be open to public
settlement before the itiospnt congiess ad-
jouins. The maiket closed easy at atiac-
llimol decline trom the nest prices of Iho dav.
Total sales were about 500,000 sh.ttes.
Sale ill' Slow-art's Art Cnlloollnn.
XKW Voitu , Dec. 17. ( Special 'leleginm to
the liiiJ : : It hns been decided to sell nt pub-
lie auction , next March , the entire A. T.
Stewart collection of plctmes , statuaiy , and
an Immmiso quantity of bric-a-brac and line
art publications belonging to the estate. The
collection Is valued at ovei 81,000,000 and eon-
tains some of Ihu most valuable and cele
brated paintings In this couutij. In the list
are thiPC pilntlngs by Melssonlei , Including
Ihu lamoiis " 1W , " for which Mr. Stmvnrt
paid : i,000ooo li-ancs , and on which tliu nrtist
wasengngcd for Jitteen . Other
jears. gi eat
. . . . .
nrtlits whoso woiks -.i
( ieroine. w' "
( iliutiator . .
Ctmrmcrs. " 'nnd'ltbVa * iionhWii ,
Hoise I'alr " Among Ihn forty and IDOIO
mat bio stamp- are the " ( ireok blave" and
"Lvc" by llliam Powers ; "Demoslhfiies"
and "Floia , " by Craw ford : "WaterNjmphs , "
b > lleirees , ami Hosiuei's "Queen of 1'al-
injia. " 'Iho Dorcelaiii1. . sllveiwarc , Dros-
dcn , sevores nnd rojnl U'orcestei wine.
Japniiest ) and Chinese curios , ruie enamels
nnd brlcn-brac will attracted general alien-
Dospfl With Hid ( Jwis 3Icllclnc ,
ATixrA , ( ! a , DPC. 17 , Thuisdny mom-
ini ; alter midnight the house ofJohnSwII-
lini ; burned down. Inside vveio Swilling , his
wife and tin co children , all of whom were
burned th death. Francis Sanndeis was ar
rested and confessed llmt he had ciushedln
the skulls of the sleepers .taturated the bed
i-lothesvvlth coal oil , applied a match and
left. Citizens seUed the murderei aud car
ried him otfto Ijnelihim.
A rumor has reiched hero that bandeis
was tied to a tree and binned to death.
Golil for New York.
LONDOV , Dec. 17. The steamer Aller ,
which sailed from Southampton to day for
New York , carries 1MQ7.500 . In gold. Ol the
bullion withdrawn tinm llio Hank , ot Kng-
glaiul to-tlay i.JXi,000 ( , w ere toi bhlimient lor
The Senate Ecpeals the Law By n Vote of
Thirty to Twenty-Two.
Slori t on After the Clinlrmnitshl | > of
( lie Inter-Stale Commerce Com
mission Coiicrpssnifui Hold's
rinniicial Dimctilticu-XutcH.
Look Out I'or Kciiulillenn Itcmovnl- * .
W \biitxuiov , Dec. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the ltii.J : Thoic was quite a stir In
the senate to-day during tlm vote on ( he btlt
to repeal tlie tenure of otllco net. The demo
crats weie very anxlousto piss the bill , nnd
ns tlic vole seemed tu bo close they hustled
aintnul tu iiiustct every Mto possible. All
absentees vveio paired , nnd asn result thu bill
was pissed In aoto of " > 0 to 2. The demo-
rrats weie somewhat elated at the passage of
thP bill , ns It w ill relieve the picsldent In
making icmovals of thu restraint now upon
him. It Is goneiallj predicted that the house
will pass the bill * without delay , nnd then
theiewlltbo wholesale icmovnls of lopnb-
llcins In lenure otllces. It Is said that 1'rpsi-
dpnt Cleveland favors thu adoption o ! the
TIII : WM v HUM ) HI : won t > Arn IT.
Tim fi lends oC licpicsentatlvo Moirison , ol
Illinois , saj that there is only one public
position that he would accept aftei his lotlic-
incnt fiom congicbi. They s.iy that should
the conference icpoit on Inter-state com-
mcrcebo adopted and become n law , and
should the commission thcicln nuthorixcd bo
comoosed of the i Ight kind of men. Mi. Moi-
rlson might bo willing to accept the presi
dency ol the commission ns a position that
wouH pnable him to serve ns against
monopolj. It Is believed the president would
like to give the olllce to .Mr. Monison , as ho
Is in sympathv with him In tils olloits to re-
iorm the tailll.
mint's r.vttiAitKASs-MHNTs.
Kemesentnlivo Held , of Xoith Cmolinn ,
who lias gone wioug financially , has not jet
resinned his seat in the hoiiso Ills mail is
called tor at thu house poslotllce by his
biotlier. He lias be"H seen recently In .New
York , nnd Has been in the city since tliu ses
sion begun , ills colleagues oxpiess ono\v
foi his misfortunes , and Ills tumble Is ex
plained thus : He Is a son of Hev. Mima
Held , one of the most prominent clergv men
in Noith Caiolina. 1 ho son's linancial em-
baiiasbiuet is said to ha\o giown originally
out of his having assumed his father's debts ,
and also the debts of a brother.
Captain Kids has modified his petition to
congiess , and is now merely asking toi a
eluiter lot hlsiailway without financial as-
slbtancp from the government. The proposi
tion was beloro the house coimncicr commit
tee to-day and after some diseussion was re-
lerred ton sub-committee. Theio Is a good
deal of ] ) rcjutllc ( ! ng.ilnst I'ads' scheme and
It is not likely that any of them w ill succeed
at the hands ot coneress.
Secretary Kndlcott's .mention was to dav
called to a published statement that he had
written a statement which will be
sent to congress explaining that
the references in his report to Cieneral .Miles'
Apache campaign were madeupon mlsrepte-
sentatlons .ind that ciders were suppressed
which were botore unknown to the secre
tary , and in conclusion that Oenornl Miles'
vindication Is shown by the general order
extending the limits ot his department. Mho
becietary siiid in his reply that he knew abso-
Intelj nothing of any such mattei Devon d
the tact that an order nas been issued extend
ing the limits of the Department of Ail/ona
to what they formerly wore.
run o. A. K Arrnn r > UINU 's SCAM- .
"Either lr. Dabuoy , the pension otilce ex-
ntnlnu' surgeon , is a monstious labilcatoi or
he was.i ttuaidat onn of the rcbnl piiaons. '
sijs Colonel John McEIroy. cctitoi of the
National Tiibnne. Colonel McEIroy ban
been acting with the O. A. It. pension com
mittee In investigating the charge that Dab-
ney was a guard at Andersonv ille , and has
the latest Information on tlie subject. "We
bave lound a number ot witnesses , " said the
colonel to day , "who state positively that
they heard Dabnej say , in a boasting spirit ,
too. that lie was a ptlson guard , and we eon-
sitter him lust asculpibloas his service In
that cipacity was proven. The committed
has not jet concluded Its labors , but when it
does It will report and will lind It it does that
he was a rebel piison guard and that he
boasted of having been one. 1 cannot see
that the one linding will show him up In n
less despicable light than the other. 1 should
think the union soldiers would have more
lespeet for a man 01 boy who served at An-
dersonville as a guaid than one who lioaitcil
that ho hud and who re illy had no- " It is
believed here that when Dabuoy boasted of
having been a rebel piisonguard no thought
he was lalslng his stand with his party and
his bitpoiior olliecrs.
THE Disinicr KXinin s or I.AUOII.
Knights of Labor throughout the eountty
will be Interested In learning ot the piosncnt v
of tills District , The ordw at the natlonnl
capital been sttengthened by the lecent
strikis of thotiados unions ami the prospects
of legislation In congress foi the Imciustof
the orennl/itlon throughout the eountiy.
lleit'tofoie the assemblies hero Imvo occupied
tented looms. Anangumoiits have been
made to construct a magnificent building , to
bo occupied py all of the local assemblies.
When this Is nnlshPd it is the pin peso ot the
oiKanl/atlon , or rather all of the local assem
blies , to hilng to their hall mombeisot conies -
ies- > and others who have to do with na
tional legislation , and teach them something
piactleal of the vvorKandalms ot the Knliditt
of Labor. It is the puiposoot the knights
heie to Induce congressmen to attend the lec
tures and Imo MMIIP of them connected with
llicoignnizitlon , so that when in liters nfleet-
ing the organisation eomo before congress
there w 111 bo well posted men on the tloor oi
each house , 'llils , Is one ot the imposes of
thooxtennlvo pieimatlons being made here
in the way of a capacious buHding and n
splendid hull. When the organisation can
get the ear ot wingless In this waj its mom-
beiscan tnkohnpe ,
AVhon a southern mnmbei of con giess
called upon President Clevelind the other
day nnd talked about the work of the session
the man atthowhltu house said homethinu
ilKuthis : "J hope jon people up there v\lfi
do something with linunce and the customs
laws before jou luljmiiii , 'J heso aio mutters
in vvhleh the country Is vitally jnteiested ,
and If vim don't take some action I'm atriild
1 will have to call jotir attention to the sub
jects axaln , and Inn more Impressive way
than 1 did in mv message. " Thomicuiber is
pu//leil to nndcrtiinnd what the piesident
meant j bulls ol the Impression that It WHS
nn extra session of congress. Jlo sa > H , how.
over , that the piesident may have Intended
to convey the idea that he would bn more
pronounced In his message to congress when
itconvones in Decembei next , binco the
utterances of the president this member
has been feeling tlie pulse ot the house , and
savstlmt thopiesldunt will have to do his
worst , as there is no earthly chance of chanc-
luff1 the tarill at UiUtiesalon , or In any way
modit > ing the silver coinage , etc.
Altliouzh nevvspjpers throughout tliernnn-
ti v have fallen into the habit of late of ictci-
ling In a biieeilng way to the reports of coi-
lespondentsconccrnin ? cabinet changes , it
Is nevertheless turn at least oneehangels
about to take place In the list of I'lesident
CIeeland's counsellor. It may be wild
speculation , and U probably untrue that At
torney Ceneral Uarland ha : in idea of rctii-
ing ; but the people w ho are permitted tu see
him dully luve not the slightest doubt that
he will bo out of tnorabinc't In a veiv shoit
time. If he does not go voluntarily , his
filends fear that he will do so throush nec.'s-
sit.v , as ha Is in my delicate health , not
withstanding the fact that he tries to niako
himself bellee ) that he is impovine ! in phys
ical slioiijth. Mi. Manning is helped in and
out of his carriage , up and down staln\ s at
his residence , atlJie department , and is lifted
up and down the stpps at the \\lnte hou e , ns
though he were nn invalid of manvveaib'
suil'erlug. lie totters and reels , nnd hns all
the nppeurancu of one who biilie's Intensely
and hasgr.iuiappruhenbioitanf iheciulLmiiil'
imminent. Tlio > c who liaVetalked v > lth Jlr ,
Manning recently and who have had the best
opportunity of judging of his
strength , say ho must leave the harrassmcnts
of his oillee or run gicat risk of losing his
life. It Is evident for reasons for which even
his friends do not speak of , but which telato
to the piecailons condition of his health ,
that Mr. Manning w 111 not bo In the eablnct
aftci March next , lie will staj till eoneicss
adjourns In all probiblllty.
TO 111 ! Ari'OINII t ll\\K I'.V V.MIXr.1 ! .
Mr. tsnydcr , present deputy comptroller of
thocunencj , who is to be appointed It-ink
examiner tor New \ork City to take efleet
on the Istof.lantiaty , Is a vounir man who
has mini seveial positions In the department
and has never jet been satlslled with nny.
ills 111 stappolntmenl wn asihlefclcik of the
treasuiersonice. lie did not icmaln theio
vciy lorn ; when hoduliMiiilnedllmt ho wanted
some other place. II applied foi.ovpial
positions , amonu' olheisthu eoiuptiolleiship
of the cuiieuej. ills npplleitlim eieated a
good deal ol amusement , ns he is a very
young man and hns hid eompiiatlvel > lltllc
experience In btnkini : nmtteis , othei than
those of nlt.uik eleik , but he WHS appointed
at lastdepulv eoiuptiollei and lias held that
position lor months. Mi. ripiilmlm
pioposes tit give him this new niaee Itpeiit'o
lie wants II prlnclpallv , and beettf-o he de-
siies to have u man , as he s iwho can teel
the pulse of the totmtiy , ( iilln'i , the piospnt
lucumbpul , has been eudoi eil foi letentUtn
by ncaih everv man intetested in tlmbint.s
ot New-Voik ( Mtv but tlie endowments ate
ot no uo. . Oilhei must g\t. \
( ONTIM ISO Mil IMUKN fill 111
Hlslikeh that the stetetiin of the luteilot
will iuitlioil/i' the continuance of HIP Indian
couit , which was established at StamHuti
Kock ngencj a jeai 01 two ago This couit
was the outcome of the vt'tx euVelho admin-
Kliatioiiof Agent MUilllkiuhh , who in
duced 1 ho Indians to ii-oee upon some method
tor living petty olhiiuleisamong tliemselves.
The icsult was tint .1 court was oi ani/ed on
n plnn similar to the oidltiiiiy jiistiee eotuls
of the United Mates , ot wlildi the piincipal
ehlel of thobioux nation , namclv , Young-
JIaii-Atinld-oMtis-Hoise * , was chosen pie-
siding judge. No-Flesh , another Indian ot
piomiuenee , was made depuU , mid the com t
v\as conducted with der-oinut tuiil abilltj bj
lliese men. itnd Indians v\ho vveio dKcov-
cied in any pcltveilme vveio tiled bv a Jiuy
of Ilieiriu'cis , and tlio juij li\pd tliu penallv
on the Aiikudo's prlnclule "aecoiding to the
cilmo. " Tills thing hns woiked vciy v\ell
until rcccnth , when smuoenlerpilslng pettv
criminal at the ngenex took it into bib head to
question tin ; luiisdictlon ol the court , nud
w hen the faets weie placed befoio the ngent
ho held that'll long as olfeiiders weie willing
to abide , by tlie decisions ol tins tubuiml
without ( jucstion thej would hold good , but
If anjbody questioned them it would be
neeessar } lei the dopaitmcnt ot the interior
to i.itifj the action ol tlio Indians.
1111 : NIW v < tnu SIISAIOIIIAI. num.
Just no\\ the scnsatoiiul light in New
loikstalois causing moie. comment tlian
any slmilai contest pending In ( lie countij.
II is peucially leiaideil as n w.u between
W.uner Aliller and l.ovl I > . Moiton , and al-
thoimh Mi. 1'iank liiscodc is licqucntly
mentioned , there are veiy tew politicins !
heie who think that ho has a ghost ol a show.
Nevertheless , lliseock 3 ft lends anticipate
Hint he may show veiy much moie struiiclh
when the caucus meets in A litany next month
than bolus jet been nodded with , and tint
In event ot a close division ot the Moiton and
Miller torces ho ( Illseock ) unj come in ns
tlie diik hoiso. Mi. Homy < " . . Uinlolgh ,
membei ot congte s fiom the hike Cliam-
plntn distilct , who is one. ot the sluevulest
politicians in the state , look' ' upon Millet's
chances as veiv much better than those ot
Morton , and has bei'ii heiut to expiess him
self on several occasions , as conhdent of Mil-
Id'sioturn to the senate. Unclerordinary eli-
cumstances Mi. Hurlelgli's predictions in
pollcnl m liters would bo entitled to gieat
weight , but since llieiccent election he is not
reeauled as so good an oiacle as lie was
befoie. IuileUh ! ; was nominated by thu
republicans of his district , ana as he hid
been sooaslly oleetPd befoio , the democrats
made no luitlctilnr otloi t to defeat him In thu
rally pnitof the campaign. On the bituidav
beloio election 13uilelgh was In Xovv York
and was met by one ot his congressional
fuends , who asked him how It was tint he
was neglectini : his own bailiwick at a time
so close to election. Ciuleigh lepliul : " ( ) li ,
1 have nothing to do , I liaveawalk-ovei. Tim
democials have nominated no one and I
snail not have to tuin my baud ovci to get
the place. " This was on batijrdav. On
Monti iy , verv iiitieh to li'm smpiKe , he tound
by the New Yoik oapers that the dcmociats
hid nomlnnted a man at the last moment.
He hastened home , lint was too late. The
distiiet Is a big one and he vvus unable to
cover Itthoioughly. His opponent hud iinde
a vciy sliiewd , still hunt and had his tickets
In every polling place in his distill t and his
friends posted to keep his ctndldnev daik.
Thtuesiilt wis tint Jiuileigh was defeated
by about 1.000otes in ono ot tlie stioiiiiest
lepublican distucts In Now Yoik state this
Is tlie icasoii why he is not so ninth an
autliorlty on the ( lueslion
to dav as he might have been had he had less
conlidcnco in his own abllitj to win.
MOmiI 0\'S All. VSl llh AM.-AIsIIIIINfi. ! )
The jiroliablc outcome to-moirow ol Moi-
rlson's motion to consider the tultrwas the
absoiblng ( | iieslion at tlie capit il to day , and
is beingdiseusfed lo-nl lit with enunl Intoi-
est about the hotels. While It is admitted In
both parties to the contest that the vote will
be close , the Indications aio that the m notitv
will bo tound against consideration. A now
linn was given tlie question to day bv a de
mand I rom the leiuoscntatives of Viiginia
and ( lie Caroliims thai an amendment should
bo accepted to abolish tlie lax on tobicco ami
reduce to 50 cop Is the tax on distilled spluts ,
with absolute freedom lei tiult biandvot
domestic mnmilactine. These gentlemen
want Mi. MoriNOII to again permit siuh an
amendment to bo otleied in case Urn bill is
taken up , but nu would make no
agiimuent in advance ot thn yule to
bo tnkon tomoiiow. It was lepoiled
tint the members in quintUm had decide I to
vote agnliiRt considciatlon unless theli ie-
( | iuist should be ginnted , but this icpoi t is in-
Liinect. It Is appiunt that thoio Is an jenrn-
< st ftellni ; among thu moiiihcis liom tlie to
bacco glow Ing states to lepott the tobacco
lax. which last j ear jielded PJB.OOU.UOO , and
Ihlsleellng K heighlenedby thn Inct that the
belief mexails among theli constituents that
thoio Is a fallpiospcct of seeming the lepenl
b > a determined and united movement , it is
not likely , however , that the lobaceo men will
turn azaiust Monlson should ho peislstin
declining to numt to admit Ihelr piopoanl
amendment. Mi. Morrison tould not , at his
personal outlon , admit 01 seclude such
an amendment should the bill
bn taken , up. The amendment
would be geimnnn ami If .1 majority should
biippoit It would of toinso bo Incorporated.
Mr. Monlson , howevei , Is Unown to oppose
any change In the jireseiit t.ixeson lobacco
nnd whlhky , and \\hilo he einnot prevent
such an amendment belnc olfen d to his bill ,
will oppose Its adoption A number of the
tobicco men say they would not vote tot any
bill to lediico taxes that does not Include-
tobacco , which assures so many additional
votes against the Monison bill should that
measniu bo biouulit lo n voto. There is con
siderable talk to-night hboutcei lain mcmbet s
who lust summer voted against consldeiatlon
of the til ill bill voting w lth Moriison to moi-
iow. 'Ihose mentioned jn this ( onneetion
nro'lim Campbell. Mullor. Vieloand Uliss.of
New Yoik , and Tlndlay , ol Marjland.
.Slumld these six gentlemen ehaiigo liom
tm negative to the alllimntiyu mdo tlie ma
jority ollast hummer would bo cut down to
lliiee. It is not believed , hovNever , b > the
opponents of Monison that tlieli mauin will
bufound to bo to nnirow when the vote Is
announced , but even that hinnll hgmo would
bo siilllcieut to detent thn cifoit forcousldeia-
tiim. Mi. Morrison , it is said , admittomdit
that he will bo slioit four or live votes to-
moirow , and does not ipiestlou but tiiat It the
vole should boon thodlicct piopositionto ie-
vlsethotarltfho would bo neaten bj a mm It
lancer inajoiity llian ho was at tliu lust ses
sion. It Is probable that the vote on Mi.
Morrison's motion will bo reached in thu
house about 3 o'clock to-moirow.
A roxn in vru itri'EinthD
A conference of the house ami bunatti coin-
mittees on the electoral ' 'ount bill v\as to
have taken plate to-day , but was deferred at
the request or the senate committee. It is
Intimated that the latter have agreed tu tint
house amendmenrs , o that the conference
will bo merely n matter of form.
A prominent tieasuiy otliclal who was
asked for information on the subject bald
ihls afternoon that it is not at all likolj that
tlm dep-uluient will make any Immediate
calls foiper ! ) conib. in view of the tact tint
t has afreailj given public notice that
U Mauds itady to ledeem all such bonds
outstnndlni. . piying par and u < crued Interest
tatnedateof pie eutation. The amount ot
bouda roUeeuieii uuUcr this "o a
which was Issued Scptcinbcr 15 PJ,20 < V
SKo. ) This leaves SNlW.VXf ( uncalled 8's still
outslandlnc. Of the called bonds them Is
outstanding S7OT5- . 'Iho United States
treasurer has aliendy Issued checks to pay
tlio.Iatiuiiy Interest on the rpglslcied t per
cent loin , amounting m 5 1 ; v > , ouo. Ho will
to nun low Issue checks lopav tholnlanro of
this Intoicst. amountlne to about fcl.stxi.00i.
Olieeksln pivmentot I'ndilc rnihoad inter
est will probiblv bo Issued tomoiiow nlbo ,
nmounllni : to 81WMWO. 'I ho amount of
leglMeii'd Interp t already trnld. vvttli lobato
under the ehculai ot Novembci 10 , Is
( I.V.VTI.AXD VM ) Ull'Ollt nrVlllt ,
deiipinl MeMthoii , ol Nrwoik , and
Miiloi I bonus i : . Slo in , ol tliu "Old liiiaiil , "
called upon Iho piesident to-duv nnd Invited
him to bo pic-sent at tlm "Old ( 'uiniil"
bill to be hold at the Ne\v \ ork Metropolitan
ojieia house on the evening of .Iniiuaij U7.
'Iho pipsulent nckiinwlnlcnl the eomtesy
nnd accepted llio invitation , eondltlotied on
his being iiblp to leave his nubile duties.
in i n. ii i on t ii rux : v\ i i OAV
Scnatoi Mniidi > | s > iii ) IntiodueOd a bill
loda > dliedlng the PIOIHI onireis of
the Kovrrnmpiit lo eicillt the iieeount
ot 1-iist l.lenienint James It Kit in , late as
sistant I'omiiiMiiv ot siibslsieiue nt Port
1) ) A. lius-nll , WjomlUL' teiilloiv , with the
sum ol 13 .Vis , tin. auiount of the shoituire of
mllltiiij stmesnt that iil.ico , oceisloued by
thu mlseondtul and dlslunu'stv ol Coiumls-
suj Spnennt .lames Bowling , ami without
am misconduct ni dlsiuinest.v on ( he pail of
"aid Uculouani Kgaii.
< API i vt 111:11 : 1 s
. .lamesv t'onitci was to dav nppnlntiMl
caugei In the Xi-biaska iuteinal icveuuc dls-
Mis. Maudei'on ami Mis. Vau\V ek arc
assisliiig , i ( tlmdiutield hosplliil Inli being
held heio tills wpt ic. H is n splendid .success
and is foi u laud ible piiiposp. *
heunloi Mnudeisoii , rhnliii > au ol HIP com-
mltiirt on piiiillnir. believes tliat I'liblli !
i'l Intel lem diet's eouiiimitlnu will buio §
tiimeut upon tlip dcv islon of the question
lalsed as to whether he Is 01 is not a
ptintei. I ho othei senatois will raHo Iho
question ol Moiicdipt'H ' lemovul ot it-publican
, Posi vi. onsfii s.
1 he following V'bi.i'k.i postmasters
were aipoiiited ) In da\ . Albeit A. i'ang-
bom. Iliadj Island , Lincoln rounlv.
vieo It. 1) ) . I'isliei. icmoved : I' . .1. Allulirht ,
Itiewstci , liialnn coiintv , vlpu den.V. .
Iliewstei , lesigned ; .hilius H. .lohnson ,
Johnson , Nomalia countv , vice Isuc 11.
Clag'ell , removed : isnae V. York. N'lchols ,
Ijlncoln eouiitv , vice Klchaul Hrown , le-
siiriied ; > iiginhx A. Mmstelius , Wlleox ,
Keunej totintjviceh. . \ \ ' . Mooie , not com
missioned ,
The postotlh'o at Oelav , Lincoln county ,
was discontinued to dij
A postollku has been established nt Ciooks-
ion. ( Mienj fount \ebiaslca.aud l-'redorielc
11 liaiim aitt-n appointed postmistei.
James P. ( loidoii has been coiuinlssloucd
postmasici at .Monteiev , I.i
'Ihetliiiosehedtlle of Ihotu mill unite
fiom Logan Ciove to Concoul , Neb , , has
been chaimcd us follows : Leivu Logan
( io\o Weduesdajs and tsaluulajs at 11 n.
m. ; arrive nt Concoul bj lin : p. m. Leivn
( oucoidVednesd.ns and hatuidays at ! l a
m. ; aiiivoat hop ; in ( Jrovo by 10fi : a. m.
l\Vf.IIlt IM.NS1ON" .
\V vsiiixiiuiN , Dec. 17. Thu liouso com
mittee on invalid pensions today amal
gamated a substitute foi the Ulali 1)111 ) pic-
paied at the last session , with Kopiesentn-
tHe WebeiSblll relatinjr lo the pension ot
dependent pii tlos , and Insti noted the chaii-
111111 to lopoit the m ittet to the house and
endeavor to eeuro Its jiasstge under a sus
pension ot the rules.
Uepresuntathes from the southern tobacco
glowing states to the number of twentj-
hvooi thirty held a con fei once in the rooms
of the house committed on jurtleiarj to dnj- ,
and losolved that while they would vote to
consider the Morrison tariff bill , amendments
should be ottered at the proper time in the
event ot prevalence ot the motion lo consider
nblll providing foi ( lie abolition of tlm lu-f
lemnl jovenue tix on tobicco and ( mil
tandy , nndol a i eduction ot thnwhlskv tax
fiom 'JO ' to fiO cents per callon. A eoiumitlcn ,
consislmg ol Wise ot Viiglnla , .lohnson and
Honncit ol Ninth Cnioliim , Candle of
( Jeorgin , ami Tillman ol houtli Caiolina ,
was appointed lo fominl.ito the amendment.
Tlioblll ilitioduced by beimtoi Aldilch lo-
dnvlo provide lei the leductlon ol inleiest
on tlm bomlLd debt of the United States
aulhoiUen the seeicl.iry ol tlie treisuiv to ic-
celvo at the lip.isury bonds ol the United
btates bearlinr4VJpei cent annual inteiest ,
nud to issue in exchange thoiefoi nn eipinl
amount In United Mates bonds of such loim
and dcnomimilion as he miv pieserlbe , bear
ing luti'iest at the late ot ' - ! > ' per cent aniiu-
ully. Thesis' ! ' j ] > ei cent bonds shall become
payable nt tlm sime dnto ns tlie bonds lei
wliich tliey aio oxchnnged aiopijable , pio-
vided Hut the i > ei mnt bonds Issued In
cxi lianmt tor thu 4 pei tents shall not bo
called in and paid so long as am bonds ol
tlio United blates heietoloiu Issued bearing
higher rate of Interest sh ill bo outstanding
and uncalled , and tlm List ol such bonds
oilginallv Issued thuiotoi shall bo lirst called
In , and tills ordm ol pavm nt shall bo loi-
lowed until all ot sndi bonds ' bill have heen
palled in 01 piid. in eoiisideiation ol the
seduction of inteiest cHuted , the sectetaiyof
tln < treasury iHuiithoii/fd to paj to hoideis ol
United btdes oiV \ jior cent bonds ox-
eliauged lei % pei pent bonds a sum
in each ease to Iho ag ie ate i r 'sont woith
at the time oi exchange of the poi lion ot the
sovetnl iiunrlei-\eaiiv pijments ot interest
fiom which thu United States Isiele.ised li >
such oxelnngo. In ascertaining such iiios-
flit woith , Inieicsl sh ill boeoiiiputid ns not
less than ! J pei cent pei annum , iclnvested
niiaitui-iPirly. 'I ho4 and I'tf pei cent bonds
iceelved In uxchango shall uaieto bn evi
dence oi Indebtedness against tlie Unilid
Mates and shall bo cancelled nnd destioied ;
piovidod , tinthur. that the paj inputs author-
l/oil bj this sietlon may ho dedlled to and
loim put of the Hlnkliu fund ol Ihu L nilcil
States iiiovldcd In the exlstnu law.
Theodoie I ) Wilson , of NnwYf * J , to ho
phlel ol the burenu ol constim tlofi and re-
piiranddiiel ( onstiiuloi ol lliennvv , witli
thu lelutlvu lank ot ( oiumodoie ; IMyDIn-c-
tor.lnme" I'lilton , of rciim-ssee , to lie ehlel
ol tlie buieaii of piovlsiousiindtlolli'n/ '
pijmasti'i geiii-ial ot the navy rlepiitmen :
1'ay lusiiec-toi Itulus I'.uk , of New Yoik , to
b piy diimoi ot Iho na\ > ; I'njiuisiei
James 1. lulfiee to be jiav InsDeitoi of tlio
navy ; Assistant I'aymafitei John Couvln , ot
Ohio , to bo post assist ml puumslei of the
navy ; Chilli's A. Wind ol Mulligan to bo
collccloi ol customs lit Tort Huron , Mieh.
f AIM V1X i\HS * IIK/1 I si
A pommunlcillon liom Ciptaln Kids was
laid beloro tlio lionsoeoinmllteo on commeico
to div. reipiestlng Iho committee to so amend
tlio bill iiio\iliiu' ! tor the constiiutlon ol thu
l.nds hhlp inllw.iy as to confer oulv a chattel
upon thn compiiiy ,
111 I'l 111 If AN MJH MOIIS f M'f I s.
A caucus ot lupublie in senators took place
this iiltr-i noon. It was railed ostenblbh in
nil vacancies In tin committee lists , hemttoi
Dolpli was selected to bn chalimnn on cjnlms
( indhenutorSpoonei forehaliiiiaiiot the com-
mltieo on toast dull nsuj. Halt n dn/.un othei
vac.meles In coiiimitteu niumbcr > liiits were
nlso lilted. The intci state eoinmeiiu bill
was brlelly crllieUed ami dlscussid , and
tnnlf v\ns talked about moio nt length , but
no action was taken in inference to ulihei.
An aUKsoiummtitcu ( on mdti ot business
was appointed and thu cauL-Uss tht.ii ad-
juiirnid ,
Caltlo ICoaitb Kiiooki-d Out ,
Nr.vv YOIIU , Due. 17A deeihlon ot tlie
couit ot appeals was hinded dow n tliis morn-
int' which puts an end to tliesvhuuo to gild-
iron the cllj of Now ) oiKwllli table loids
Thesupiemoeouil had denied Iho motinn ol
theNow YorkCablocoiiipanj toconiimtluirt-
pott of the ( ommissloneis under whicli It
WHS allowed to build o\ei suveiuv miles of
niilwn ) In the streets of this ritj. The couit
ol appeals sustained the siipienu ) couit.
nnrt Kiirinaii Killed.
Dee. 17. Last ni ; lit as nn
engine \va > le-turnliu to bomcrsct , Kj , on
thoCinclntiat ! Southern toad fiom A freight
wie"k near Sunlight , Tcniu , the axle ot tlm
tendci broke ipto anil thu enainevvas Ilnown
down uii embankment. Christopher loole ,
engineer , of hudlow , Kj. , and John Itli'Hly ,
IJrcman , ot Uanvllli ) , Kj. , wire ciuM d to
acatbbeti atli the engine.
A Wlialiug Bark Driven Ashore on the
Pacific Coast ( vnd Wrecked.
The Vessel's Tlutlicif ) so Iloltfii Thnt
the I ) ss nrijifo Ii CtinrnotcrlEca
ii Mltlo Hliorl of Co 1(1-
IMooilcd ? t in ( lor.
A Wt poked Wlinler.
SAX Hi v-soisco , DCP. 17. At 3:10 o'clock
this iiioinlnc the whnllnir link Atlantic vvna
dilven ashoion mile aud a hnlf below Cllft
lloii'-ound went to pieces hi a lew minutes ,
notaspnrrcimilnlnc xtiitidlnir. The wiock
was stiewn nlont ; Iho be.ieh thiee or four
miles. About twenty-five men urn believed
to be lost. The ciptaln and mate , w lth eight
01 ten men , wore Mnpd ,
'Iho lolliiwlin ; is Thomas \Vnrien's
statement of the wreck : " \Vcworo \ toweit
out to sea josti'idixy. Theio wasahunvy
land swell and no wind. Thoument was
slioni'.tnd woeould not uot out ol tlie swell.
vv c le-t KO both niiehors but thu sea swept Iho
decks and was o hoavv Ihu uneluns could
not hold.Vedruied aslimeiind sttuekat
1.10 a.m. Men went beln wasliod oil dur-
IUK all this limn bj Ihu Immense waves
which dnslud ovei in. 'I lie vessel went to
pieces an bom and a hill nftci slio stmok.
' 1 hero wns a vei i heavy fo/ and It wui ? pitch
\\esuceepdedlnlovverlnj ; two boats
lint both capM/ed before LottiiiK two boat *
leiiRlhs trom the snip. Tlm Hist bent con-
tidned L. 11. Dotv , first mate ; Anton 1'eiry ,
thlid niiiti1 , and loui 01 Ihn of the eiow.
'ihat was tlml.isl vves.ivv of them. In the
second boat vveio mjseli , Second Mate JlliiK
nndlivnmenVlionwuwpiesvvnmped the
sei carried ns In till wo touched bottom. when
wo dracued om > elves aMioio.Vo inndo Uo
siu'iials of dlstiess ns it wns too fo gj for any As soon ns the enpliin leached
shoio ho made his wav In nn ( slmustqd con-
IIUoii to tlie life sivluc siniion n fuw hun
dred v.tuls avvnv nnd 'avo the alarm ,
Lhuappuaius was immcdiiitely irot out , but
owlnctn tliedmiviie-s and lot it wns some
time before Ihe w leek could ho located. A
Hue was then shotovi'i hei , but Itwoved ot
no seivice , as it beeamu entangled In xhd"
vvrecKauo nnd iho vessel shoitly wont to
ItlOPI's. "
TUP vessel was valued ni SIO.OOO ; her outfit
at $ ; Insinnnco , Sf > , tO ) . The captain
nndeiew numbi led tort ) two persons , and1
mi to now onlv eleven an ) known to bo
saved. Oulv ono hod > Is thus tnr-recoverotl.
H isiumoied Hint n I.IIKII number of the
dew wuro Intoxicated nud Hint twenty-livo
woio below sleoplim ntf Ihe liquoi when the
vessel struck and thus mot their deaths.
Mnfor Uln'uMiev ' , siipeilntendciit of the
lilosuiiij ; station , Inspected what was left
ofthe wiecked Mssel and called attention to
iho vessel's Umber. Ho said : "llioyuroso
lotten that n slight blow will break them.
'Ihe same state of things exisfs in uvei v pail.
It seems to me that a ikid Investigation
should be oideied and those responsible bo
made an pN.imulu of. In my opinion this Is
little slioit of cold-blooded mimlei. "
The staleiuents ot a number of survivors
( orioborato Major Hlakeuej's nssertlons.
Steam "Whaler Hiivneil.
SVN I''i : v\risco , Dee , 17 , Thu steniu
whaler , Maiy and Helen , burned this morn
ing elf the works of Hie 1'nciiluOiI Traiispor-
tallon company at tlio 1'otiers , In the south
ern part of the city. Theliie coinmunlcatod
with the mnpn7lncot the vcvsel'aua an ex
plosion followed , killing the captain's ' son
and n deck hand. The vessel was badly
damaged , the whole side beiutf bin nod out.
The vessel was binned to the watoiNodco
and Is slaled to bo n total loss. The origin of
the lire is believed to have been spontaneous
combustion ol loose wuste In the the loom.
The Tr.-ule Dollar mil.
\VASIHMHOV , ncc. ir. Tie bill pissed
bj thu MMiati- d iy for the totlicment and
leeoin.'ige ol thu ti.ule dollar leads nb foi-
Isvvs :
That until Julv 1 , ls',7 , tiadi dollar , If not
delated , mulilnted oi slumped , shall bo 10-
colved at the ofllce ol the lieisiirci or any as
sistant tionsiuci of the t'nited blates in O M
change fora like amount , doljiu for dolhii.
ot standaid silvei doll us of the United
Section 2. 'Hint Undo dollars received by
Iho tieasmer or nny assistant lioistirei of the
United Stitos shnll not be p ild out or In any
other m-innei Issued ; but , at thu expense of
the United Stiles , shill ho tiaiismlttcd | o
roinauu minis and shall be ic nidcd nnd
Irealcd as silvei bullion , nnd M thelt bullion
viiluo , shall bo deducted fiom the amount of
bullion lequlied to bu ituu-hnsfid and coined
bv the IK tot IVbnmj ' ! s , Is"1 * , nnd shaji bo
reiomed Into st.induid silvei dollius , nceoid-
tnir to Ihe ptovlslons ol sild act ; piovided ,
Unit the amount to be so dci ueted , ns pro
vided in llils section , shill nul exceed S500-
000 In am mrmlli.
Section I. Hint all liws ami pnrts of laws
autlioii/iiii ; thu co nn.'o and Issuance of
I'liltod .SI lies tiado dollari me hereby re
pealed. _
'I lie Itiioitli ; Comle'r ,
Xi w YOUK , Det ir - Tliu lomt of eonoral
sessions , where Iho conviited boodle alder-
nun , MpQundo , was to bo analgnf-d t < j-dny ,
was cio\v ded to the dooiM ith spectators.
McQuado camn Into point in custody n
1 iidei blientl Knxton five mliiutPB before Iho
openln f ot proc < oillngs. Ho woiu nn air of
biavudo mill i-aiil , " ( mod mottling , boys , " In
a tone and iimnuui s.ivoilng of tliunekless.
As be H moved his oveuoat and pulled oil
his trloves ho smllliiLl ; > sinvevod the fates
about him and nodded roio nltloii to lilendrt
lieio and them in thu audience.
When liu had lukoa his bent
botoiethu bu , ho chilled with one or two
Jilonds who Ii ipjK'iied to Its HlttliiK near.
( ieneial 'liacev. PA 'iiMiatoi TliomaB , I < \
diiilv and Itieliaid Nuvvcombi * , of Mc-
niiitdo's counsel , eiitoied llioeouit loom five
minuteaftei Ilieli i lient. The > vveio soil-
oils , im | Iho I.K'iuil Nowcoiiibo vvnsjjiavo In
IhitoxtiPinu. They each tiill.ed in tiiin to
tlioii client. The lavvu'is lei the proseeii-
lion weie late , in putting In nn npnoniaiiio ,
i iho ncoidei wns on hand pumiptly.
The pisilut , ol spjiti'lico upon MitjiKldit li.ri
been dukir-d until Monday.
I'lio llnv imu-Krt's Dnolor TtillR ,
( 'inc\.i > , Ii 1. 17. Tlio chj roiineiltlnaiiro
rommlttoH to day agieed upon u basis ot set
tlement will ) the phvsIuaiiB who attended
the policemen wounded at Ihe llajmurkct
ilot. Dr , Muiphy was ullnwid h-J.M ) , li ) ,
Lo v < . ' ,00 ( ) nnd Di Jlaiiis ilVJ. Dr. Mmphj'i
hill , ns finally pro-i'iitul to thiMounell , was
fin t.i , iU , Dr. Lees tii..iH , nnd Di. Hams'
V-M Then oilglnal hllh wnio ( onstdeiiibly
higher Altei tins commlUeoa iced upon
tlio umounts to-day Iho tlueu doclois vveio
i ailed in and toimiil otri'ih vveio made vv ilk
tnem to settle tlieli claims , 'limv ilecllmd
toccept tlio amounts olfuieil , Miiit ; such
ai lion would lav them llahlu to thoohaiye. of
pnseiillngoxioillouatu bills Thuj llnally
ntru'od. howovei , to take the oflei umkr
Mm ilcicri Dlhiiiisoil Of
Liin i. HOIK , A | K . Doe. 17 Factor
J Miisand Dick Mullock , two of tlm loin nc-
KIOOS vv ho ii few d ivs ago muidcied Leer o
'j'ratfo In tlio Cliocttvv nation bccuuo he dls-
covcied tin in killltiK his cittle , wt-roiclonscd
on 6iOO bill , mid vveio ( aught lt > u mob \Ved- \
neMlay , taken lo thu sceuu ol tlm murder nnd
iiddhd with bulliili , culi iceelvliig not Ii ss
than torty Minis. Sand ) .Smith and deoiuo
Mnns , thoothci niiiidere-is , aiu In jail await-
Injj Uial.
' 1 ho Ohm Ii > Vv I jaw.
for 1 in u- " , ( ) . , Dee. Ifl. 'Iho siipiemo
rouit tins mniiiiiiK loudcred a UuclMoji HI-
taininr ihu const tutioiialil ) ot the Dow
HIJIUJI tax I iw in all it. le.iltiies ; , lii'ludint ' ;
the las and lien piovi loii3.
Dec , 17. A ciit's o !
rfr | ' f.ini'lititors has been cillid for S
o. < tlHsalU'rnooii to lill vacanii's oil