THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : tflttDAY. DECEMBER 17 , 38SO. IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD , Prices More Up a Point or Two ( With Largo Buying Orders. THE STOCK MARKET STIFFENS. Tin1 Hank of ICnglnml Advances Its Itntc of Dincotutt Ono J'cr Cent 3 rnnsnotloiiH In New Vork nntl liondon. Tlio I' World. LoxnuH , Juc. 10 , 1BK : ! ) p. tn. The JJank of Knglrviul ImsadNftiKcil IH rntu of Ulhcount from 4 In f > percent. 1 ji. m. Tlio lliinndal inarketfl lo-dny nro animated niul illsllnctly linllltli. Imcstora Iirepoiirlernte. Jt Is reported that heavy blocks of billllnu Imvelieon ordered forKlilp- nicnt to tlio United Slates. Uxving to thu dis- orennl/nUoii of the c.xchntige , there Is but little business ( loin : : . Tlio fcntuio to-ilay Is llrninrssof coiiKolH. niSO p , in. Strt-et prices after the ofllclnl cliislnc ol thu iinrkel nt4 j > . in. , eloicd ( | inct. Tlio change In nilceswas frnotioiinl anil tin- iinportint. 'Ihere was nothing doing In Ni\V : YORK , Dec , 10 , 10r : n. in 'llic .stock market opened compaintholy quiet. Acnrly all bioker.i had burlni : orders and quotations 1rom j/ondoti belnp nbovo jcstcrdaj's close ca\u a lirinci fcolinir. The leading opeiuton nrn also said to have assured their Jiii'niJK iht y had taken fiteps to inotect the clocks they \verc lUentllled with , und nil 1m t ! buying outers on Ilio ninikct. Tlio InrRt-st crowd is on Hie loati coiner of the oxrhnnire , ntirt the demand for Htoeks Indl- cate.l Hunt n very Jnrnc nhort Inleiost has rwen created. 11 n. in. Tlio mUmices this inornltie at the opptiln over last e\cnlng's closlnp ( jiiMa- tioiiH landed nil to 1J pri cent In Vander- Jillts , while three ar f mr xio a Mi.ido Inuc'i nlid a few nnclmnped. The ndtan- tu''o uas not maintained In lliu ewly deal ings and In most CAMS was lost In tin- lust ten minutes. ljneka\vanim loslnc a , lloaillne 1J , and Canada Southeni , West Point , NoKnuUnd , eaeh I JKT cent. Tlio inaikct then r.dlled and miiterlal pains were ! inndo niulor the leaof ! Omalm. Toward 11 o'clock craiiKers iraye vrny airain and the re- inahulei lollowed , but at 11 o'clock the innrket wns atnln tlrm , close to the opening iiRtiic.1" , St. 1'aiil BhowliiK the heaviest decline ninoni ; the aetlvo stock ? . Money IK hmnliiK Iinni 12 to 20 per cent. JS'oo.v Loans made privately nio atjijper < Jny und Irsal Interest The Shorts" how- ts\rr are borrowine- < > tocks and cam Inn them ntintos ranelnK liom Sto20pci eentper an num. The Mock market alter ole\on o'clock was much less active and rcninincd steady for ome time , but .St , I'.uil lost t , l.ouKvlllo and .Vashvllle 2 , HeaflincL and New Kns- land 1'i" ' per cent. Thu ceneral inaikot afterward - ward beuomo heavy though losses were for hinall tractions only. A rnlH' ftucceeded but lor a small fractions only andpilces boon tra\o awny aenln. Western Union showln ; ; tleclilpd weakness. At noon the maikol was matoilally luthtt.indM'.il { . ttiri : The stock inaikot after 12 o'clock continued to decline hut a short time , when a rally was I nankin < U > d which jrained atretiBth alter 1 o'clock with the moit heavy trading as an accompaniment. Jlelore S o'clock New KiiKlaml and Louls\lllo V had gained zyt per cent ; Hocking Valley and -Jersey Ccntrnl. \ \ < each ; Onion Paeitie , l : a . 1'mii , l' ; Wwt 1'olnt. Hf ; Wp tern Union iinU OIL-SOU Tianscontlnentiil 1 per cent caeh and others fractional amount,1 ; . A sllfiht ( leclinu was made in ti few stocks from Uitse ticnres , but still bettor tlfnuei Mere reached in maiivothcKS anil at 3:10 : p. m. the market was still active ami .stionsr. Up. tn. The stock niiukct since 2 : IB was j 7nin very activnand strong , at or near tlio best hsuies of the day. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Trenliolm. comp troller of the currency , said this alter noun concerning the Wall street situation , that he thought none of the banks weie at all in- volu-d in the panic , lie had receivefl tolc- Rrams from tlm pi tridents ot several hanlrs , nnd they ascilho the pix-heut trouble to the collapse of stoctt operations. Treasurei Jordan s. R his Infoiinatlon \Vallstreetto-daysho-v\a that the thv mand for monov Is excessive at high rates. I'lio acllon ot the department in antielpatinj ; tlio Januaiy inteiest on 4 percent * was talxcu without rcleicneo to Xcw York , tn-Inc in tended to moot the general needs of the country by distributing money to banks In all bcclions. Dillon , O'Urtcn nncl Others Arrcatcd on n Truni ] > ei1-Ui > CharRO. Duui.ix , Dec. 10. .John Dillon , member of parliament for East Wayo ; William O'Jhlon , editor ot United Ireland ; Matthew Harris , niombor of Darliament for Kast ( lalway. and David Shehy , member of parliament for South Gahvay , were arrested to day in the tonn of houghrea , County ( jnluoy , charged with conspiracy to defraud. The prisoners liavobccn octlui ; as trustees In conducting tlio "plan of campaign , " and ha\e been re ceiving from dlssitlsficd tenants reduced icntsjofuscd by landlords' agents. At the tlino of making : the anest the police took anay from Dillon JSO which lie had Just re ceived In trust fiom tenants. The Jour men were taken before a magistrate and remanded for a week. An Immense nation alist demonstration was held at Louirhiea to-dav 1' iitliur Cunningham piiisiUed and a number of other rlvii ; > incii and Messrs. Dillon , O'Jlrlon , Harris and Slieby were on tlm platform. A hngo contliiuenl of Lord illanrlcard'a tenantu were piewnt. Messrs. Dillon and O'lirleu addie < feed the meetlni ; And then opouttd the tiatlonallst rent olllces. Hundreds of tenants came forwardand paid their renta. Huddenly the police raided the olllccs. lns ] > ector Da ls .sei/ed thn money , ilocuiuenlD and books und anesled Dillon. Itisullogcd that Dillon was roughly treated by the liisooctoi. The police proceeded uu stalls and toolc possession of moio money mm documents. They then arrested U'Hiicn and nfterv\ardd Mesbrs. llains and isheby. Tim spccllic charge acaliiht them is that they Merei-onsplrlug to induce ten.ints not to pay their Utvful rents. Tlio Clause ItrjcoteU. lir.iu.m , Dec. 1C. The commission of the rolchstag to which the jfo\ernment's military bill tins been ruftirrod today i ejected by n vote ol 10 to 13 the clause pioposinc to fix April next as tlm datoto put h'tocllect ' the contemplated lncieii ! > o In the Ueriimn niniy. Uhe commission also nxed the peace effective force at men for three jiyus. The > otebtoodlflto I'J. Freiioli llniHiuot. I'Aisis , Dee , 10. ( lencral 1'ellssler wive a bRiiQiiot la t evening to United States Minis ter Mel.ano and the J-'reuch dclc.'ates to the memony of thu dedication of the statue of Jjlbeitv nnllRhtenlnt : the World , ( lenonil J Vlessler e.Mire.Mcs piofound emotion OUT thncoidlallty of the leevptlon aironlinl the ilee ! atlou Dy the pvonio ol' the United Htatw. Arrested Tor Itlot. JlKM'AiT , Dea 10 , T enty-ono persons luuo been hontpiiccd to impiisonmcnt for teuiiiiiryliiir fiom three montlis to ba\en jciu.s for Daitlcliiatiuu' In thu riots hoixt last turn men A Clinnco PoraSerap. I.O.NDII.V , Dee. lO.-Tho llombny ( larutlo snys that thu rrciicliuru ucthely Intili-iilnR ug.ilnst thu Jhltlsh in the Somali counti v on tlin AfiU'an roast , of the dulf of Aden. A party ot rn > iu > hiin > ii. the ( i.utttu bajh , iTtently hooted the 1'runch \\\K \ \ \ o\er DonuMiituhkh lies vllhtn thu teniiory under Jintlsli Pioteetlon. Thu Kticllsh ajjent at Uulhav jiasionuNithnforceot t\\t'nty-i'uu men to lennno the Two Kieueh gunbouis have Jeft Aden since tlioaientbdepAiture ; and Ills pit'suniftl they IIUMI proceeded to JJonpulta. The lliltl h Kiuiboat I't'ii- ( jnln followed thu tanelipstel ! . , I.O.NIIO.V , Dec , 10. Dlspatcluvi fiom Mnu- dalay state that Colonel lluUudlth a body ol IliilVOi trooiis. leeently pursued 7UO De- rolls and kllletlMO of them. Many others veru made prisoners. Ktmes of amnuinltlun vcifcil ! In wnoral places. null loivti , For Nebraska anil lov\a \ : Kulu or snow ; iuiior.aty roitrv-xi.Nxu coNGnuss. Sonntc. WA < iiixriT ( > N' , Dec , 16. AmonR the bills Introduced and referred } \ero the followliiR : Uy Mr. Van Wjck Proposing an Amend ment to the constitution in relation to the election of United States senator. Mr. Van Wjck called up his resolution ofTeicil jcstorday , calling on the secietary of war for information as to how the Missouri rUor commission apportioned inoncj appro priated In the last river and harbor bill for the Improvement ot the Missouri river. Aftci remarks by Jit. Van Wjck the resolu tion was adopted. All. Ulalr offoied a icsolullon Insliiictlnn Iho committee on finance to liiqnlic Into the propriety of icportinc n bill providing fora rebate on all Imported mateiials incorpora ted With domestic materials or converted Into other articles and exported Into foioien countries lor pale , thereby providing for the extension of foreign trade without reducing the pilcosof American labor. Adopted. 'i ho hill -crnntliijr a pension to Mr. " . La- bai.iKnchs. stoninother of A .soldier , uus op posed bvMr. Coekrcll as establishing n new principle and Mas defended bv MCSSH. Kd- mnnds , Ulalr and 1'latt. 'i'ho bill was passed and a motion to reconsider was rejected yens , 8 : Mi. Van Wjck moved to make the spcp. lal older lor the second Tue day In .lannaiy the bill for the relief of hultlcrs and purchasers of land In Nebraska and Kansas , adjoining the Dem or A ; St. .loo railroad. The motion uas tigtced4o. The senate then took up the miGnKlicd business \csterday being tlio bill tore- peal tlio tenurn of olllee act. Mr. J'ldmumls addressed the senate In op position to the bill. Mr. Ceorgo made a constitutional and his- toilcal argument In laxer of the bill. Mi. Kvoilfi aUdresHcd the senate , .slating that ho would vote for the bill and grounds of constitutionality would not coier his \ore , bnt that pound * of expediency would. At the close of Mi. Karts' speech the pen- ate v.ent Into executive -session and when thu doois reopened the senate adjourned. HOIIHO. WAMIIVOTOX , Dec. 10. The sonata bill was D-is ed piovlding that Admirals J to wan and Woidun mnv , after tortv years' service , bo retired from active service on their < nvn appllcaUon , with the highest pay of thecradc to which they belong. Mr. DIncley , of Maine , presented remon strances agaln.nt the Dunn fieo ship bill from several firms and associations tluoiighout the United States. The remonstrances , which weioappiopriately referred , represent that the adoption ot n free hlp policy would destroy the ship building industry in the United btatcs and make this country depend ent on Uiitish yards foi ships for commercial purposes and tor defense in time ol war. Tlio hoii'io then , In the morning hour , lesuiucd In committee of the whole , consld- ciatlon ol the senate bill lor tlio allotment ot lands In seveialtj to Indians. A number of amendments recommended by the committee on Indian nffixlts weio adopted , and the committee having luibcn , the bill was passed. AH amended thu bill provides that tn nil cases where any tiibe ot Indians Isloc.ited upon any reservation < 'ie- utcd for its use , either by ttcaty stipulation on by virtue of an act of cougioss or execu tive older , the scctoUry of the Interior is luithoii/ed , whenever In his opinion , any rcsei vation ot such Indians Is advnntairoons l < u : urlciiltural and grarlng pun > osc8 to ranoo said ir.soi vation to be soiveycdoi re- Hiiivejed , If nccessaiy , and to allot the lands In bald reseivalion In severally to the Indians located thereon , ou their application , it ; imantltlcs of follows : To each liead of l.imily , one-qnaitei of a .socLiou ; to oaeh single peraou overelshteon jeans of age , one- eighth ol a section ; to each orphan child , tinder eighteen jears of age , one-eighth of ft section ; to each othei poison under eighteen years , one-sixteenth ot a section. I'lovided , that In case there is not sufficient land In any of said reservations to allot lands to each in dividual of the classes above named in ( ( uautltles as above orovided , the lauds em braced lu such reservation or rosorv.itlous shall bo allotted to each Individual of aih ot ! Raid classes pie rata , in accordance with thu provisions of this act. Tlm rights and prlv i- leces of citi/.eiiblim are eonfenod upon everv ludlan born within thu tenitorial limits of the United States to whom allotmcuts have been made , anduj > on every Indian who has voluntarily taken tin his residence and adopted the habits of civilized lite. The pro visions of-the bill do not extend to thu terii- toiyocenpicd by Cheronees , Cieuks , Choctaws - taws , Chieasaws , Semlnoles and Osages , ill- amies and Peorias , and Sacs and Foxes , In the Indian terntory ; nor to any of tlio i sor- vatious of the Sent-f a nation o New Yoik In dians. In the state ot New York ; nor to that stiip of turritory in the st.itoot Nebraska adjoining the Sioux nation on tlis south ; not does thu Dili autliori/x ) the establishment of any reservation until the consent of a majokr ity ot the male niembars twenty-one years ol ago shall be first obtained. Mi. liuniH , of Allssonri , cnlletl np the ur gent deficiency bill for public piintlnt : , le- portcd yesterday from the eommittoo on np- piopiiations. The bill was passed and the house went into committee ol the whole ( Hammond of Georgia in Uio chair ) on the blindly civil bill. Mr. Atkinson of Pennsylvania moved to increase Irom Sl-VXMMo SJiHOOOthe ) appro priation for outdoor relief of persons en titled to ontMiico into soldiers'homes. The fiimimlment was rejectbd 101 to 117. On a point of older raised by Mr. Stewart of Vermont the clause ] was stricken out which limits to 31.00J the compensation ot a person holding the olllces ot both circuit and district court clerk. On motion of Mr. Dolman of Indiana an amendment was adopted exempting United States commissioners in cities havinir 100,000 from the provision llmitiiu to SbuO per annum the fees and compensation ot com missioner * . , On motion of Mr. Breckonrldiio of Ken tucky the amendment was adopted piohlblt- ing tin * payment of any of trie money ap propriated to United bUtes commissioners , marshals and elarks , for any warrant Issued or arrest made under the internal revenue Jaws unless Uio prosecution has been ap proved by the United States district attorney and collector of Internal levcnue for the dis trict in which the prosecution occurs. The committee then rose and repotted the bill to thu house , and the previous question was ordered. ' 1 he house then adjourned. A Ne ! > rnnkn Woman's Kick. WASIUNOTOX , Dec , 10. The secretary of thelnterlor , in response to nlcttoi from Sen ator Kdmnnds , chairman of the senate ju diciary committee , asking for Information as to the supposed dllllcultj or want of hai- mony in Utah concerning an Item in the lufttellaut'OUii appropriation bill pushed at Uio last session of congress appropriating 40,000 to aid In the establishment of an industrial homo for polyeimoiis wives and their chil dren In Utah , has transmitted to tins com mittee the annual reportof Caleb W. West , governor of Utah , which contains a reference - once to the InuustiliU home , and a copy ol a letlei from MM Anglo F , Newman , of Mil- coin , Neb. , In which she vlcoiously protestc against Uovvi nor Woat's intiirpretuiion ot that Dorllon of the net making the appiopriu- tlon. Mis. Newman writes that tnu wishes of thH IndiiHtilalChilstlau Homo Association of Utah , thioimh whoso active instrumental ity the appiopilatlon > ecun' t , have been disrouhrded uy the board of control , contrary to the law , Shu also criticises thu methods tuns iar plumed by thuboatd and IntimatPS that all tlio liborund money expended tiy tlm jiioiiiotiTs ot theenterpilsu Is in danuer ot toiiiitsaciitleod to mlsjud iueut mid nils- nmnatement. ; Mrs , Newman a ks for the lugal construollon of the tc\t of the act , us to ltt > intention to Ineludo In thu management ot the home the asMx'Intlou above lefeneil to. The present board of control consists ot thegoveinor , jiiotlce.s uf thu biipremu court and dUlrlU attorney of the tcrrltoiy. A Hliclr Scientific Swindler. WASIHXOTOX , Dee. 10. A bwindler , who is apparently a man of some ability , has been piojlngiipuu people In various patts of the country by representing himself as a sci entist connected with the geological survey , and his career has now been continued with n good dcpu-o of success tor about fotirye.\rs. \ He lakes tlio names , ono aHer another , of the chiefs of the several scientific brunches , and boirows books and specimens from libraries and college museums and money fiom the professors and libraries. He has examined alleged foal , lion and copper mines , and received money for making Uvwntile reports , which he promUed should appeal In the annual publications of the fuivey. Moia than once ho has promised positions iti'thesarv y to persons who hare paid him lltorallv for tlio supposed favor. Kfcently lie has been onBrivtinjr wider the name and tltlo of Captain dormice 'E. Dutton. w hose fame as n geologist and w riter Is well known. Major Powell sajstiiesurvev has heard from this swindler us of ten as once n month for four yeais. and ho thinks Its time that stops weie taken to put an end to his career , an opinion which Captain Dutton thoroughly endorses. The rrcrdtnrm'H Dunk's Affair * . WACIIIKOION , Dec. 1C. The speaker laid before the house A report from the comptrol Icrofllio currency , cx-oltlclo commissioner of the Freedman's Savings and Trust com pany , of the affairs of that Institution. The report shows that on December 4 there van = n balance on hand of ? 7,719. Jle quotes at length the reports or his predecessors 011 the subject , and sajn : Moi tlmn 15,000 dcposl tors had to their credit at file time of the fall tire of the bank only 805 or loss nacli ( and It may bo necessary that these shoulu' bo sought out and paid with as little eon toiaoui as possible. He sais that it would seem pre to allow thiee jears tor the presentation ai audltllic of tlies' ' claims , and suggests ,1anu- uarv 1 , IbSN ) , as the UTIII of llnal lliiildatlon. | Hols Inclliird to think that the estimates of his Imm&dlato predecessor , that 1,000,000 would bo sufficient to settle nil demands likely to be proved , Is correct. In his report the comptroller teflects sttongty on the foimor managcis of the Institution. Interest Orilnrcil W \sHi.voro.v , Dec. 10. The ccielary of the treasurjlias directed the payment with- ont rebate of of tlio Interest duo Januaiy ; ISsT , on United States 4 ] xu cent bonds of the loin of l'J37 , amountlnc to about S,000,000 ! ) and alee thu Interest on bonds issued to the Pacific 1'allvvay company upon presentation ot roiioon and Interest checks at the treasury at Washington orjat any ot the Bubtroastuies. Checks lei registered Inteiest will be mailed to bondholdcis as boon as prepared. Loulnlnim Glulitifl Satisllod. WA.sntxaTo.v , Due. Ifi. Tlio sccretarj of the Interior to-day sent to the senate the reply of the commissioner of the general land 11 ill co to the resolution asking how many claims In Louisiana had been satHicd under the act of June 3 , 18" , relating to the location of ccitaln pilvato land claims. Thn commissioner says 1,472 rlaliuo. with an air- ureitate atea of 1,2.10,400 acres vv eio wholly or partially unsatlsliud at the datoof the pass- uguof tlio act. ? Iilitnry Nominations Made. Wv.siii.Nciro.v , Dec. 10. Thopiesldenl has made thu tollovving nominations : Colonel OilanrtoB. Wllcox , Twelfth Infantry , to bo brlcadici ccneial ; Lieutenant Colonel John O , Moore , assistant Miigeon , to be suigeon gent'Tal with the lank ot Tirlgadlor general ; Colonel James t ! . Dunne , eoi PS of engineers , to bo T-hlet ot engineers , with the rank ol brigadier general. The Army Appropriation iUH. W van NO ION ; Deo. 10. Tlio house com mittee ou mllltaiy aiialus to-day completed the HI my appropriation bill , and thu niens- me will bo icnorted to the house to-monow. It makcsa total nDinpiiatIon ] ol SU Jr , > Tr,2s. : ; The estimates foi the scrvlco aggregated SSS.r , : * ? , and the appropriation for the current was S3.1,7M , < OI. A Home For Hancock's Widow. WASIIINOTO.V , Dec. 1C. friends of the late General W. S. Hancock have , as tribute to his mcmoi j' , raised a sum of money to pm chase a homo for his widow. Trie committee hav Ing the manor oharco decided , niter consultation with Mrs. Hancock , to purchase a house in this city , wheio , therefore , she will hcioaftei make her home. TliTOr nnd Harbor Appropriation * ? . " \VAsiiiN < irov , Dec , 10. I'tio house com- tnlttoe on rivers and harbors resumed work- on the appropriation bill to-day. It has now Tonshly lived the Items on appropriation for nil tlm rivcis in the Atlantic and gulf coast from Maine to Alabama , and all the harbors liom Maine 1o Beaufoit. A Clerical Appointee. Dec. 10. The piosldent to-day appointed Jtev. William Walker , of 1'argo , D.ik. , to bo a member ol the boaul of Indian commissioners , vice William T.John son icslgned. Base JLJall Olllcori. Xiw Toniw , Dec. 10. At to-daj's session of the American liaso Ball association otli- ccrs andcommiftees were elected as follows : Chairman , XnchPhelps. Board of directors Cincinnati elub , A S. Stein ; Cleveland , George Howe ; Athlectlcsvm. \ . Snarsig , and Brooklyn , Charles Bjrno. Base ball men in the city were thrown Into n state of violent excitement to-day when it was announced tlat the St. Louis Biowns , champlonsof the world , had been challenged by the Now Vork giants to play a series of games for a stake of SI0,000 , best four out of eeveu. A foi felt of S-SO a side was placed In the hands of Managei Decker , of thu Bal timore club. Three of tlio games will bo plaj ed on the polo grounds and three in St. Louis , if It should bo necessary to play the seventh H w 111 bo played ou neutral giouuds. THIS TALI ! OF A HANPKEUOniEP. A Conspiracy For tlio J'ossosHion of Pnlno's .Veultli , 2fnw "Yoni ; , Dec. 1C. IbpecIaiTolcsram to the Bui : . ] There is aconsoiracy on the part of Chickeiing and the Claggetts to get the nionoy of James II , I'aino , which in ids lifetime he never intended them to have. The administrator , Mr. Chlckcring , 1ms now in liis pocket SW.OOO belonging to the estate , and Is only under bonds ot 51,000 , Ex- Governor Chamberlain , counsel lor John H. Wardvvcll , who Is tiylng to prove that the mlsur , James Henry Paine , made n will in his favor , said this when the was called In the surrogate's court yesterday. The testi mony taken developed no sensational fea tures until Charles F. CUIclcerlui ; . the piano manufactuier , was put on thu ttuud. lla said : "I had known Palnn for along time nnd had often discussed musical matters with him. One day , In 1SGS or 1SS9 , lie came to my ollice. Ho had In Ids hand a package done ii ) ) In brown paper and tied with ordi nary cord , which was about a tout long and eight Inches wide. Ho said to me : 'Mi. Chlckorlng , will you take this package and put it In jour sate forme ? ' 1 told him I would. He said : "I wish 5ou would put It in your private bafe , which jour bookkeeper ank other employes don't have access to. ' 1 said , veiy well , and put It In my prlvatu safe In liis presence. I did not touch thu package ncaln until after 1 had heard ot hm death. When 1 hcaid of his death 1 Intended to five It to Robert I'nlne , who , thought , would bo his heir. Before seeing Mr. I'alne 1 took the package fiom my safe and opened It In the presence of two witnesses In my private olliou , 1 tound Insldo of the blown palter tills hund- kcrchici ( holding up a green bandana hand kerchief. ) 1 opened onecoi ner nud saw that the bundle rontaincd u largo number ot bills. 1 thought tiom what 1 * aw that the package must contain betwean isw.ooa nnd 840ooo. I closed the package without further Invlitiga tion. I was appointed adminlstratot In Feb- rimij * of tills > ear. Match 1 1 opened the pic.senco of Uohoit Tieat I'alnn and the Bos ton holts , in my private olliee. It contained tour 810,000 cuilllie.des of deposit ill the Mot- lopolitau bank , vvhah are now of no value , nineteen StubilKot thu Uullshead bank and two S10U bills ot thu Columbia haul ; , both of which banks aiu now defunct. MKI : ilJs.V.iu : ) In national currency. In addition there wore nluety-uno shares of the Chicago hand com pany. At compound Inteiest the nionoy left wrapped in an old handkerchief lu the sato of Mr. Uhlckeiiug seventeen vears ago would now amount to over § 1,000,000. Itccopttou Ity Kx-Sccrptury Kiab. Niiv : Vonir , Dec. 10. [ Special Telegram totheBir. : | Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Fish gav o a reception last evening at their resi dence on ilia occasion of the Jiftliieth anni versary of their marriage. The reception was conlined to relatives and nearest filends , Mr. Fish's full beard is silvery now , but his luxuriant hair Is as ditk as when ho was secretary of state in ( irant'd cabinet. Mrs. Fish was Miss Keane , of South Carolina , llfty years ago. Her giaudfatheneprtscnted South Carolina in the old confederation of states , which preceded.the constitutional uplou of states. Mr. and Mrs , Fish have seven children and seventeen grandchltdien. All of ttiem were pieseut except ono ot ttio trandsons , ivho U in school lu Olosing of the Twentieth Annual Convoca tion of Rojrfth Aroh Masons. HOMOEOPATHS IN COUNCIL. rigeon Stioot-Tlic KluliarUsou Drnc Co Tlic Carnival of Venice A Smoke JlolVso Hnrned Other liocnl Arcli The twentieth minimi convention of the grand chapter otlJoynl Aich Blnsons of Ncbrasku concluded its session in this city yesterday. The grand chapter oi lie order of High Priesthood elected the following ufllccrs : Alfred G. Iiastlnjr , Lincoln , president Jfthrf s A , Tulleys , Iteil Gloud , vlcoires { iilent. II. K. Puinler , Platlsnioutli , chnplain. M. J. Hull , Kdpir , treasurer. William U. Uowoti. Omahn , recorder , Jiinio-s Tyler , Onialut , master of cere- U. F. Hawaii , Hastings , cotirfactor. ilolin T , IVIoorc , ( it.iiul Island , Iicrnld. Clmrlus Holmes , Ti-cuuisoli , stevvard. 1. T. Itoninmih , Cfcto , sentinel. The ofliccrs of the Giand Chniitcr wt > ro clrbtctl .is follows : Ithnmnr T. Uonjamln , Crete , Gt.inil Hin : ! ! Purst. Lnchii I ) . Klchafds , Frotuont , Deputy Grand Iliijh Priosl. Charles A. Holmes , Tocimnch , CJnuid Milton J. Hull , Edgar , Grand Scrihc. John U. Diiuinore , Stilton , Gr.uul Treasurer. "William 15. JJovvon , Omahn , Grand Sec- rotary. Rev George William' ! , Granillbland , Grand Chaplain Rov. Edwin R. Richnrdsun , Crete , Grand Lecturer. J'Yaiik II. Cnstor Grand Young , , Captain - tain t > f the Host. Benjamin F. Kuwait , Hastings , Graml Principal Sojournor. Albert W. Cilies , Plattsmonth , Ctiantl Royal A.'eh Captain. Helm .1. Monolt , Omahn. Graud Master , Third Vail. Joseph Allbery , IMair , Grand Master , Sc-oond Vail. Tlohctt E. French. Kearney , Grand Mntor , First "nil , William Gercho , Norfolk , Grand Stew ard James 13. Reed , Tekanmh , Grand Stew ard. ard.James James C. Kay , Hastings , Grand Senti- ncl. ncl.Al Al the council of the Royal and Select Masters , which assembled at 3 o'clock in the afternoon , the ofliccrs chosen were as follow ? A. G. Hastings , Lincoln , Grand Mnster. Ebon K. Long , Omaha , Deputy Grand Master. Frank H. Young , Custor , Principal Con- duo.torof the Work. The next annual meeting of the Chap ter will take place at Hasting * . HOMOEOPATHS IN COUNCIL. Tlic Monthly Bfoetlnc of the Society IjUBt Mgllt. The Ilomfflopathic Clinical society of this city met last evening in the parlors of tlio JMillard hotel and passed feomc do lightfiil hours in the discussion of medi cal-topics. Thcro were present Lrs. ) O. S. AVood , president ; C. M. Dinsmoor Emma J. Daniels , G. W. "Williams , G. G. Spragne , Amelia Burroughs , G. H. Par soli. A. W. Hartupeo amfE. T. Allen. The paper of the evening , presented by Dr. Daniels the of " , on subject "pnou- inonia , " exhibited much study nnd a fine anpreciation of the rare delicate points of diagnosis. Tlm treatment by hoimro- pathic icme/Hcs vvns proven to" the satis faction of the hearers of the paper to be the most successful ct discovered. Dr. Alien raised tlto question of a specific cliaractor of the disease. Dr. Williams thought it not at all con tagious. Dr. llartupec related several cafrps treated alloiiathically wliich died nd others of ii much more serious nature , which , under the school treatment , re covered. Dr. Dinsmoor declared pneumonia to bo neither contagious , infectious nor spccllic , but is duo to blood being driven from the ponfhery to the lungs , and hence the treatment must be directed to restoring the normal circula tion by poulticinc nnd _ this method proves thoroughly satisfactory Ur. Parsoll believed in nrthoring closely lo the .similimura and ventilation. Dr. Sprague tliought that in hypostatic congestion a "llaxseed Jacket" beneficial , l > ut in pnenmouia notha , whore paralysis and collapse of uir cells are threatened it is not advisable. In typhojd condition , when the cells are beeomingiiccluded and respiration is rapid Dr. Williams would apply u. cold jacket , on the principle that the sec ondary effect is to cause congestion to skin. Jr. JJnrroughs advised hot application to the chest , nnd to have it kept on. Dr. Parsons spoke of his army experi ence. He uses vorat. vcr. homaa-pathic- ally.Dr. Dr. Wood believed in Individualizing his cases. Often used cold water compresses - presses , sometimes hot ; room at seventy degrees and plenty ot air. Drs. Hancliott and Parsons wore se lected to present subjects at the next meeting. PO1UMNG AT riGKO.VH. A. Tree For All Shout at Athletic i'nrk Yobtorflny. Au interesting and exciting shoot at Ameiican clay birds nnd blue rockstooK place on the grounds just east of athletic pat k ycsterduy afternoon , A largo number of local marksmen took part in the shoot. Dr. Barnes of I'onca , lil'o of thu bej-t field shots iu tire state , was , iprosent nnd en tered the contests TJili American chiy birds were thrown from traps at an unglo of iiftcen degrees mnliing their tlight Himilarto that of < | iiailt-a'ud rendering the shootlnir ostromoly dillfctilt. The score at Ameiiean oliiy bird V.ts as follows- Petty , . . .t 111 111 Him Ollio 111-1 is \Voilfj- . .0 1 11111 o 1 o ! 1 11 o i i o 1 I IS Kennedy . 1 17 Iliunes. . llllllOllllOOlllOM 1 10 Hunter. lUUiimoOOlHUiOOt 1 is Verier .loioiiouthootiiiiii 1 14 Field. . .till lOOOUtjOl 11 i i ] 11 i H simi ) oii.ioi 11ooi i n oo111 uoo i ia itiemer . .111 1110 10 111 U i o 1 U111-15 Clark..001100101110 110110 101-11 After the lirst shoot : { change was made by introducing blue rooks. 'Ihn blue lock is an excellent Jlycrand furnishes an excellent target. The score on this thoot was ua follow : : . Worlcy 0101110011 n .Imlce IJarnes 11 liiiiooi b Uremer . . , .0010101' ! 11 0 1'enrosu lllllillio U Leeiler llOlliioil 8 Kennedy 10101 10 ill 7 I'iold 0101110011 0 OlarU. 1101110111-8 Simpson llllllli 11 10 X.clla- , . , 0011101111 7 THU mcilAnoSON DItUG CO. Getting Iteatly to Succeed the Good man Drue Comiiuiiy. Representatives of Uio KiduinUou Drug company , ot St.'Louis , ate in the city making arrangements for the trans fer of tlio business nud block of the Goodman Drug company to their l.u-ru. The eentlemen are Jame * Richardson , Jr. , secretary and cashier o the SI. Louis firm , Charles F. \ \ oiler head of the traveling force ; D.ih V , Whcelct , representative of the druggis sundries department for the northwest and Amos Field , of Mncon.Mo. , who is a now partner In the establishment am will diioct the financial a Haifa of ( he new branch of the houso. Article * of ineorpo ration will be filed to-day of the Hlclmrd son Drug company , under the Nebrasksi laws , mid the work of invoicing tin , fltock.wlll be commenced at once in order that the transfer may bo made by the first of the jenr , The benefits that will accrue to I he ootn- moroial intcrusU of Omaha by this change will be very groat. The Richard son Drug company enjoys the distinction of being thu largest wholesale drug com pany in the world , their house in St. Louis being the largest wholesale drug house in existence. The lirni also has an importing house in New York and a branch iu Indianapolis. The Omahfi house will he one of the mosUmpottaut of the firm's branch houses and is estab lished for the imrposj of covering the trade of thogrcnt west and norlhvvest. The stoek carried by the Goodman com pany ill bo more than doubled and In u system made a duplicate of the St Louis house which has necn successfully opcr ated for over thirty years. A HiiutUo Holtftc Hunted. The suioko house connected with Har ris iV Fisher's packing house , situated near the houio of Joseph Shceley , which was destroyed by fire about two weeks ago , was burned ou last TueMlajr night. At the time of tlio lire It contained thirty- six liereos of breakfast bacon , each tierce containing about three litindrod pounds. All these wore considerably injured , though , to what extent , is not yet esti mated. The stoek-was covered with nn insurance of $1,500. Al.irrlriuc nnd Health. .Pi iT. nuufiit. Pa. , Nov. 5 , 1883. IVIrs Lydia E Pinkham : "As is frequently the ease witli mothcis who have reared largo iamihus I have been a great sull'eicrtor years from complaints incident to mar lied life. 1 liayo tried the .skill of a nuui her of physicians , and tlio virtue of many medicines-without relief , ami as an ex periment 1 concluded to try youts. I ean a Mire you that the benefits 1 have derived fiom it came not because ot any faith I had in it , for 1 had but .slight hope of any permanent trood. 1 am not n seeker after notoiiety , but 7 want to tell yon that J have been wonderfully Icntfttted ' . ' / yoitr mcdtuitc. I am now using my fourth bottle and it would take but little argument to persuade mo that my health fejitlly t'cutuml. 1 should like to widely circulate the fad of its wonderful cura- ivc powers " Pnr.BvC. Roof. M.-xnaRor and "Hen. The Spoiling News of St. Louis has the following concerning Frank Handle and the men tccently engaged by him in St. Louib for the Omaha team"I met Stub Bundle , the manager of the new Omaha club , ou Thursdaj' . He was in St. Louis looking for pluycis. Ho has feigned several good men for ue\t year , notably , John C. He.ily , Dick Dwyer , Frank Crowning , T. H. Goodell , Frank Jonius , John Me&sitt and Martin Uiiin- blecorn. Healy is well known as the crack pitcher of the Peach Pie team. He pitches as Chuiloy Sweeney used to when he was thu cnick pitcher of Iho country. Goodoll lias long been llcaly's catclier and is well known as the cra'ck of all tlio back stops. Jcnins is also Irom the Peach Pie team nnd will play at short tio'cj. ' Messitt is from Oneida , N. Y. , and will ulay center field , litimblu- corn played with the Hastings club last year at left field and lirst base. Dick Jwycr , who is now iu Omaha and who is well known in St. Louis , -will cover fiist , while Handle will eatch and iiiayinthc field. Stub says Salisbury will play with the Omahas occasionally , but will not leave town witli them. McKclvy vvill not play any moro and neither will Funk- hauser. They were the star ? of the old team. Stub snys that he has picked his team for their b.nse running qualifications and he e\pectb to get a rattling good nine together. AMUSKTUKNTS. TUT CAUV1VAL or VKNICK. An immense hit was scored last night in Petrolla's "Carnival of Venice. " The opera is sparkling from beginning to end. Tlio music is exceptionally catchy and the situations well planned. No one would have dreamed from the smoothness and precision with which the perform ance went ofT , that it was a first night. Notwithstanding its light character the opera is extremely difficult , and unlim ited time and anxiety were entailed in its presentation. The chorus was perfect nnd the grand march in the sec.ond act was a masterpiece of drilling. Abbott hud a soubrottc part iu wliich the was charming. .Besides the several pretty solos which the opera contains , she sang the pxnnisitc lullaby from Ermine , with subdued accompanimcntof voices of the refrain. Miss Annandalc'smnkc-up for a spinster was a masterpiece aud not oven Sol Smith Russell could huvo ex celled it. Pniette nnd Mioholunu imper sonated two fun-loving young oilicers. Walter Alton was as dryly dioll as usual , nnd kept the audumco in cnntinual good humor. Montcgritib acted the prut of an cldcily beau with hpitiu JMfss Abbott intends to protect her right to the opera by having only the cnsonible music pub lished , ruaervmg the dialogue. The re port that them has uecm dimension in Ilia rompany was emphatically denied. Everything 1as pleasant ns possible. To-night Trovaloro will bo given. Dotlun Street Sidewalks. To the Editor of the HIK : ! 1 wish to call attention to the condition of the side walks on Dodge street , west of Twenty- third street. A stranger walking along in the dark on that street is almost sure to fall , and it is n Ineky person who escapes without a broken limb or novero bruises. 1 am a poor laboring man nud put a nnnow sidewalk in front of my hou5Q some time ago , lint the rich prop erly owners liv ing along the street have loft their walk * in .such misurablo shape that is anything but fciifu after dark. Cannot the authoilties look after this mattm * nud compel a uniform walk if wo eaunnt have , a plunk Mdowajk. Purl2 of the street aie in such condition that it is an impobsibilitv to PUNS atall.compoHing IMU.--oiis le.Miting them to crossover to Farnain stiect in pacing to n point on Dodge elite ! further west. Joixi ) ! , Miuir : Kr.smi.vr. 0 Tlio Promoiinilc Coru-frf , A pleased nudumco of about four bundled pcn-oiih giectcd Mines , Juhc lUv e King and .Mile. * Henrietta Sohubott / al thu exposition building last night , The , wliich consisted of a mini- or of piano s-olos by Mine. Rivu-King and vocaln nmbei * by AHIo , Sohubei t , was excellently performed throughout , The woik of the great piano virtuosi was never more brilliant and won disserved marks of appreciation from thcaudimicc Mile. Schubert's dibits were warmly ap preciated. lirot Itlca. Tlio bank ; Clearances yesterday were. | 7iW , 118.011. The revenue colleclioiia jcslcrday amounted to ? 0,021.88 , Franklin Assembly No 5123 , If of L , will elect ollicers on Saturday , the 18th W. H. Cathoufi. oi Marsluilllovvn , la , spent a few dujs in Oinuha this week vis iting. A plat of Leo'.s addition to Urookllue was filed in the county clork's ollice yes- tordny. The council will meet as a board ot equalization at the clly clerk's olllco Fri day at I ) o'clock. Judge IcCullougli issued n marriage license ycsterdav to Anton Dtula and Miss Annie Frank , both of Omaha. The case of tlm Marseilles Manufactur ing company vs Hajnus on trial before Judge Dttndy iu the United States court. Work Is being jxirihed on the court liousu lotidniug wall. The stone Is bring cut in a shed prepated for the pin POM ; adjoining the eotiuly jail Supeiiutetident Whltlock issued a building pei mil yesterday to O W Christiansen for the construction of two one.torv. , frame cottages nt the corner of Paeille nnd Twenty-first streets to if 150 each. The ease against "Jeilge'1 Cooler , in which one of his fair clknts seeks to recover cover a ring thai ornaments one of the lingers of Cooler's fine It-ilitin hand , has been continued In Justice Hclsley's couit lor ono month. Following is the weather forecast for thu week ending Wednesday , J'ec. SJml Cold ami bhinlery Very cold weather ever Uio greater poitlou of tlie eoutitiuut A cold "dip" uboiit the lilth , i-'Oth aud slht modelating to rain or MIOVV accord ing to la tit tul o. A rcoent number of the 1'olieo ( la/.elto conliiius a Eeii'-alional picture of Don llogan , the reformed pugilist , who is well known here , iu a praying attitude on the platform occupied by the two pu gilists , J Ii , Sullivan and bteve Taylor , who boxed iccontly in Sacramento , Cat. MOTHKIl. JIAS YOUR CHILD GOT THK CUOUl'r Dr. J. H. MeLoun' . > , 'JUir Wine Limp Halm is , a wife and elleetual remedy , plea niil lo take and rapid in its action. 25 eents a bottle. IVroonul \ \ m. ( ! . Hunter of "A Rnp Haby , " is iu tlm city James F.wing. editor of the 'ood River C5ayotto , is at IhcMillurd. Marc Khiw innnajrer of the Ilflle Ells- letcoinp.uo , is at the Puvton. A'-bistant Ailjtitant ( Jeneral Wreck has been grunted a two w ockti" leave of ab- sonec. Howard Ctilhoun , of Nebraska City , a son ot Revenue Collector Calhoun , is in the city. MKsAnni _ : ( iiaeomine went to Auburn to assist nt the wedding of her fiicnd , MU blell.i Het/.el , which occurred yes terday. At the Metropolitan 1'ied Floclman , Swan Gibson. Vahoo ; M. A. Kuarnev , Stauton , H , K. Heiidee , Albion , C. E Stow , Wellsviile , Neb. At the Arcade- . U. Craig , Haslimrs , AV. W. MeCombs Irviiigtou ; i ! . Crabb , Yoik , Gi'o. 11. Godfrey , I'rumont , K A , Burke , Cedat R-ipids , A. 15. Slater , Wayne. AMicry Townsend , rremont. At the Milaid-IL ! E. Wells , E. M Allen , Jtmiata , J L. Raker , Seribner , W H. Diekcn on , Wahoo , T. E. Calvcrt , Lincoln ; J. B. Dinsmnor , Sutton. R 'VN heeler , Osceola A. B Fuller. Ashlr.nd. At tlio Merchant1 ? Win. Stoplien = on , Stcphcnson , b. Van Svoe. F.Ik City , R W. Barber , Waterloo ; M. D. Polk , Plaits- mouthA. . S. MoKny , Friend ; C. D Kullcy , N 01 Hi Platle , G W , Randall , Newman Grove. Al tlio Paxton Jas. Franco , W. J WJntlicr. Kg * Hill , O. Telll , Avoca ; R. E. French , X&irney , J. R. Alton , Grand Island , K. S. Newcoinb , Lincoln ; J H. Collini. I'lemont , LI ) . James , Madison , iliimus Ilassett , Papilbon , Newell South , Humphrey : E. E. Lowman , McCook. Wonts His Ontninis lon. In the county court yesterday E/.ra linger commenced suit against J. W. Shank. The action is lo recover -iSUO as commission on real estate sales made lor the defendant by Lm < rcn. Constitutional Convention Hi iov : , Dtk. . Tcc. ) 3fi. The constitutional convention met this iiioi ninir , Judeo Kdger- ton presiding. Judro C.uuiiliell from the conference committee , piesontcd the tollow- in report : Resolved. That the confeienco coininiltco Tfcoiimiend the lepenllncr of sciitlon S3 nt the KMiedulo ana onllnancc and recommend its ulnptiou. 15o It oid.dned livthe constitutional conven tion that section oiufthe schedule and ordi nance appended to.acconipaiiylne the constl- aitlon be and llics.une is hei/iby rescinded , atirojutivi nnd niaile null and void. Tlio following minority tcpoit was fiiib- inlttecl by Ilulnes : Rcbolved , That the committee submit to the votes of the elector- the .state of Dakota at the next election lor the lezlsl.tturc and Mate otliceis tlm follovvinc : orilln.iueo : Itn It ordained that thu M'ction under the leadinsot "Seheduleand Ordlnancoot the Jonstltutiou , " numbered thillstwo , bo and liosaiiie Is hereby rescinded , abrogated and icld null und void. Alter coiibideiahle discussion a vote was : al.en vvhlcli losmtea hi favoi of tlio adoption of ttie mafoiily lepoil 21 to 9. Thovotewas mdetinaninious. .ludKc Kdpoiton addnsRcd ho convention Advising steadfastness nnd mnnony. A coiniulttco ot two was ap- minted to act with the committee fiomboui Munches of the IcsrM.vturo to ilrait and pro- srnt ninenmiial to congress sectlnq forth the action of this convention. .Indue Campt > cll , A. Ilalnes und Judicu ICdKi'ituu were ap pointed. At the afternoon session a pieamblo nnd insoi lit ions worn adopted reoItliiK the history the history ot the .statehood movement and anpoidtini ; u committee in ease confess re- 'used to taUf > favorahle action theietipon. I'he memorial cnmniitteo Is to pieparo and inhllsh an additns to the people of the United States setting toith the frrievanres of the ipople of Dakota. A resolution was adopted hat thu convention UTOimuend that state cclslattirn make piovlalou for submission to the people at the election ne\t November a reposition that the state co Into operation n January. IMto. At 8 p. m. the convention uljminicil to meet hero the lirst Wednesday n , I line. Huth houses ot the legislature met hlsovenlnff , appointed members of n joint iiuiuoriid committee and passed thu bill nbovo mentioned , which was at omo ap- uoved by Covfiiioi MilUtte. The legislature hen adjourned. JlntiiH t''or CiiK'.vno Dec , 10 , Commissioner Ulniirh- ord , of the Central Traffic osboclation , WHS o-day In leceipt of a telegram from Coinnils- sionei Kilek , leading as follows : "Thotrunk lues recommeml tiat inlnvv ot the aavanfo n live hog r.ites , the rale on dressed lies t > e idvanecd to the following ti.uislilc.ipo to \'evv Voik In romnionaif. . < W cents ; iu 10- h lifrcr.itor earn , or when loaded with dressed icel , K ) tents. " Coinmlsslotier Itlancliaidnt once sei.t out a rlrcular to all Central Tiallie lues asking Joi thcli vote on ( he above ice- uuiiieiidution , vvhii'h he stated will [ uolialily > e put Into etlect on Dccemliei " 0. A Suit Similar to the WnlciMi. Ni.vv YOKK , Dee. lrt--'lhn Hist btep in vtmt appeals lobe a lorn ; and llciecly con- psted pull n alnst a railroad company was ( akentoday bv Ahraliam U'onner , of this city , and Isaac Mr ( . 'oml > e , a prominent eiti- n uf Troj. X. Y. Millions ot dollan am at stake , in Mime iiart thu rum Is Identical with the recent iiitions which have been de cided Rdviir-ely to tlm W.ihash toad. Heduclnu J'iiHscn cr Itiilrr ) . CIIK Af.o , Dee. 10 ( iciifial I'assenger Agent Tee , of the Xorthern I'aelhc tallioad. nho is iit'ro ntU'iidinif tlie vailous mcetlimi , ttalcd to-ilay that after Januarj 1 the maxl- nnm utu tor pussuiitceis on the Jsurtheiu 'achir vv-oiild bar. < unis pci mile. and c iiient ales a cents , llerotofoio tlio Intel in unmo llstricts linvli heen as hUh as 7'anil ' bcfiit- , i'he iiHiii..siiir p'jpul.itiuii U the lei thu rfiiuc'ttori. Tlionliasli Iteeeivcr. CHICACO , Dec. ifl. Judge drcshnm , ID ti > o United .St.ites flif.illcvurt thlsaltftnoon ap- polntM Jiulgii I'll < mas M Cooley , ot Allchl- ran , to Un receivoi o ( I'm ' Waluih In accoidanco wltti Ills decision drlm-red onu v\ock Ago , JiulkTri ( .on Icy U cx-ii.cndier u ( the supreme court o ! IT AH HOYS JDRU&STOKE TAKF FULLY , AND You ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKINGi' - AM ) AM.-- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY US1NQ THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR TOUKD EXCLUSIVELY bN TUB MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Very fwj > opl hnotrthntlhn Khrlnkaae of Menfe fftiotod I ti AclmAtmm IH Ironi tlilrU-Uvato fnrty p rent. All tnKnlcorH InBii' ' < vfintj'-liVtf i > cr wiit , of wnir nndonlr l Tp ty-Uveitiir ccnUofwilid nmller.nuil th lo nttiut 1 matin Intno roahtlnjr 1 < miulain Effect of tlio SOLTD OVEN Door- A TFH f > iiaml Sirloin. mtMUnmor well-Uonn , will fr nrDurriitn nix t'onminmul fnur ounces of ilouhtftu innut.fitonlnftnlo'uof three pound * nnd twelve ounrt > i of juiru.hilnlho lo > In 37S iorcoul.of lltn inlttl r-t'ipht , It fclmwfl tlm euoriuous Loaa or Firxt iS9 CLKT. Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Boor. A TT'V ponnd Klrlotn , inHiliutn or wel- ) < lon .jim It * rmhued to uinonnuurH nmlolRht ouureior Kn , mowing nloini of olUitonncranfJnlr * . VVhllt lliiMloi. * . ! * Urn l > * r c nLof thn totiu udclil. itmirmi the \orj aroull I.OKH IIP imTBi. > rx run ctx f. or JUICE StSD rOS IWJSTRATED CltlCULABS ANDPRICE LISTS. CEAETER OAK STOVES and RANGES are GOLD IN NEBRASKA aa iollows : Mil TON ROGHRS& SONS . . .OitiMtA. I' KUNNUV. . GORDON. DALLAS ft UK ! SON' r. C HKrvVI.K , . . HAV Srmvr.s. H AIKDScCO , Kkiu ACV A CITT. w F. ir.Min nroN , NH OK. 1 n S1URDKVANT&SON. ATKINSOW. I. KASSfcCO. , . CHAIIRON. kUAUSE. LUIHCUR&WLLCH , . . .Coi.u inus. OLDS BROS . Knr.AK. TANNn.L cS\vnrNr\r . FATRDUKV. < 5LTTI.C& PAGER , . I-XAMUIV. N J.JOHNSON , . NORTH DEMI. J J McCAKrnRTV , . O'NiiLi. CITV. R HAZir.VVOOU , . tKccoLA. J S DUKK . I'LAVTSMOUTII. A. PEARSON . SIEKUKO. J G ORr.FN . STROMMVRG. 1 A I'At > nr.N fcSON . SurFRior. 'riMUUUMAN & .1 RAKER. . VBIIPOH. FOR LADIES. MISSCS AND CHILDREN. Onr prodnctloMB nrc tfic erfection tn them Every Objection to ready-mada nhoei la removed. The eucccn utbno attained by our coodi wherever Introduced It became they are glove-fitting , elegant In itylo and finish , of the flneit material * unit workmanship , and moderate in fiilce. The horrors of breaklne-ln renvolrt di they are comfortable from the very first. Nude in nil SIZED , widths and stupes. Ltttn Sc'.ttfjr Kant aJA < lJrti tf J. & T. COUSINS , vomc. n For Sale liy Ifityvvurd J5ro < ? . , G07How aril SrtPcl. Uintilin. ( lie .System Avith ' .Horno'H Klorlrio Hell Diseases Without Medicines. Will I'osIHvcIyriirc Williout I'slrip" In thu iH.lili" lipiid nr Ilinti" ! Norvom lia- hllUr , 1 iiml > ffot ( li nnrul lluhlllly , Hlir innnllniu , I'm iilyKi' . Si urnl ? i * , NJiM . . _ , " ' mil llji-iikf i'uriil'1 I.Ix"-Iniii AttluiiTi "iir'iirl'ftl naws. l > upp | > | u C < inUmitli > ii . l , Iliilllps lion , linimtuio.t'iiliirrli iMi'n . . , ICplli' ' Ajjuu , I'liv * lictn.llrdriiro iho Follovvlngvhti Mcrn „ A 1. IIoul n'l U S C.iriPr J , V llMklcll nil nn of ltd -In. 1C VV Kjirntmm , AIIKIICHII Kxiticta t'o , A flnirnrr inniinl til > n iiiorcliiiul Mo'U Viti l . IVTunnriiiJ. IMInur llnuvi > i l'ui > < l liililu ilmi.iiuil liiirrriiinii , < ill ( oiinill ) , nf lliu Inl rliciaii , M VV IlKnln ( tihrlokt , h M l > \lk Hurolnrr .Miicili-in lldf-IMiKIII , .1 | , Khl'JfTi.T 1)1 MmllKMI Hi , .1 ' Ullllll. " * T'"l\ ' " " ' ! ' _ ' ' . . " ' " . ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' : . / . ! ' W' . . ! : ! ' ' - . . . 'IH n IFI IIIIBM IIIH irrt. ( lliHTrc > i I l > iij | | lllll | llilu wllll 1 111 ! I < - > J.'oil If , Mllll Illily lit I nix ( jclu roiilul'i 2J i la mini lyi li rno lijtu IOMI tliniM lliu jiuwtr iin < l iuuuitynrtlFin ( < l < r ll"Me-i cuou und In n it ii'iilli uli tlio tuott i lK.UV.II ) ( > KMlMWaIm ; ( < jl.a\,0ii | ] < Mto : Ii Ti'iUor rroiniutoriiud iluiiuliutuiui ( & Tansill's ' Punch Cigars 'c-.irs ' , TrUMiiit'n ilriuu- iiinriijiiiluir , Kocuicr ' lu tlm wiulilrAii truth- T , , T'V ' ! i3te3 o'lit ! ntei ; t"dlcalrr town cnln BOID D/LEADISQORUCCISIS $ > -j llWTANilLLftOO..C5Slat ( > t -a WEAK i ' . It il'.rtvfii ii or < . I IHI lfl 111