Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    T3IE OMAHA DAILY BMJ : Hi , 18.30 , j
A Bather Peculiar Decision in tie Oasa By
the Iowa Supreme Oourt.
Meeting of Kulnvny Commissioners
of Northwestern Slates at Dns
JJolnefl louaSlicrlfTrt In Ses
sion lit Hloiix Clly.
The Responsibility -Slilftcd.
Di.s.AtoiNF.s.In. , Dec. -Special [ Trie-
( [ mm to the Uir. : . | The test case argued before -
fore the supreme court last week on Iho con
stitutionality of tlio Sweeney law , domostl-
anting foreign corrmrallonH doliiK baslncss In
the state , was decided lo-day. Tim court re
fuses the application for a wilt of habeas cor
pus a 1 < ed for by the railroads , mid to that extent -
tent rw.-rts the constitutionality of the law.
lint Ilic decision holds thai the case may bo
brouicht before tlio Untied States supreme
court , \\liich could not boilono it tlio decision
wcro against the .slato. So It may bo said
that the court dodges the real issue and un
loads its biiidun upon the hlchcr court. The
( Miii > lees of the road aru icmandud back to
custody , but It is understood that Iho
railway coin panics will appeal at
once to the United Stales supreme coint and
they nope for an Immediate Inuring on the
constitutional questions Involved. After a
statement ot tlio facts , in which each ot the
petitioner ? ) , employes of the toad , arocliaigod
with vlul.Ulni ; chapter 70 , laxvs ot tlio
Twenly-llrst Kcucral assembly , namely , the
bwcuney law , the court sav.s : "It is insisted
by counsel for the petitioners that said chau-
tor 70 is unconstitutional and void , because ,
flHt , It Is repugnant to section 10 , article 1.
of the constitution of the United States niul
section 'M , artlulo 1 , of tlie constitution of
Iowa , which provides that no law shall bo
passed impaliiii the oblin.Uluu of contracts.
M. Said statute is cotitiary to section B of ar
ticle 1 of the United States constitution ,
.vhlch pioviiles that congress shall have
] iowor toiogulate cnmmcrco with t'oiel n na-
lions' and amom : the so\cial states , ii. Said
statute H iCDiiKiuint to tliufoiirtcoiuli amend-
inrnt to the coitbtitiitlon ol the United States
and thercfoto void. . Saiil statute Is
void as an attempt to Interfere
with the jurisdiction of the federal comtsns
established by the constitution of tlio United
States and the acts of conines * . Those sev
eral motiositions have been exhaustively
iirKiied by counsel and In relation thereto ,
we desire to say that their solution presents
Riavcditllonltlcx as to all the pioposltlnns
lint one. This coin t Is not tlio llnnl arbiter
and tlieieforc1 , lu'lli'vlng as some ot us do ,
that Ills doubtful what construction of the
United States constitution and tlio acts of
congress should bo adopted under tlio agreed
statement of facts , we teel ronstialncd to
liold that the statute above mentioned is not
In cotillictvllh tlio constitution of the
United St.itcsor acts of congress passed In
pursuance thereof. To the end that the'ons ' presented may be determined y
tlio supreme court of the United States the
petitioner * wlll.therofore.lio remanded to thu
cusloilvof tliudelenilanlb and such Juifg-
merit will bo lu-cordhiKry cntcieU. "
Uallrond j > lcct.
to the BKII.I A convention ot railroad com
missioners of the noitliwebtvrn states bcsau
in this city to-day. Tlicio were present Uio
followinir commiesloneis and railway men :
Jowa-Petcr A. Joy , .1. \f. McUlll , 1 , . S.
Conin , E. O. .Morgan. Colorado \V. U.
1'elker , Denver. Kansas-Alinerhi Olllotle ,
Jamas Jltimulucy. Dakota Win. M . Evans ,
MHIbauk ; Alex Urlgu's , ( Jmnd Forks ; W. 11.
AlcKcy , Yanklon. Dlinncsota J. U. Baker ,
lilaukalo ; S. S. Murdock , Muidoclc ; Gco. lj.
Ucckcr , St. Paul ; E. S. Warner , JIankalo.
Nebiaska O. I' , ilason. JJncoIn : Charlc.s
Uaschow , Red Cloud ; Jl. M. Warlnif , Lin-
t'Oln. Several prominent railroad men aio
present , and among them K. P. Hliiley , gen
eral trclght agent of the Uhtcngo. Hnrlliuton
AQiilncy : H. C. Wicker , of the Chicago &
Noithwestern ; W. At. Sa c , of the Chicago ,
ISock lulnnd.V : Paclllr : A. C. Hird , of tlio
Milwaukee ; J. W. Mldgely , pool commis-
sloIle and KiastiiH Young , auditor of the
Union Pacific. The cun\unton ( organized
with Commissioner Doy , of Iowa , as chair-
nun , and Commissioner Waiing , ot Ac-
liraslta , secretary. The fiubjccts discussed
have been chiefly the transportation problem ,
pooling , Ihe classillratlononrolghlsanil uni
formity of rates and the best methods of state
control of roads without Interfering with
Inlei-stalo commerce.
Sheriffs In Session.
Sior.x CITV , la. , Dec. in. [ Special Tele
gram lo tliu DISK J The twelfth semi-annual
convention of Iowa shcrllls was called to
order to-day by Piealdunt D. P. I'arrell , of
Alllls county , tiullo a largo number of coun
ties aio represented. The sessiont , to-day
vveio mainly given up to urganl7.atlon , rt'an-
ini { H'ports and appoiiitinL' committees.
County Surveyors.
Dr.s Moi\hS , la. . Dec. in. [ Special Tolc-
gram to the HIK. : ] A con\eiitlon of thu
county surveyors of Iowa was. hold hem
to-day. This is Iho third annual session of
their association , A number of cunntlc.-i
v/eif repic cnted and the session was devoted -
voted to a discussion of the piusent H.vMcm of
county surveying and ether matluis con
nected with their work.
Klro at New Shnron.
Dr.s .Moi.Ni'.s , in. , Dec. 13. [ Special Tele-
cram tothoJlr.u.J A lire at New Hatcn ,
Alaha ka count- , this marnlng , dcstrojcd ton
buslni'su houses around the square , includ
ing a icslanrant. llvtity stal-le. furniture
* tori' , mnrUets , etc. Loss , § 10,000 : Intiucd
for 8r ,700. ,
Operations of suNccro OranuUnilou In
houtli Carolina.
CH.VIII.U.SIO.V. S. C. , Dec. 15. A week ao
the News and Com ler piiblished a dispatch
from York county , South Caiollna , rcjxirt-
Ing thai a wlilte boy named John Leo Good
Itad been so beaten and mangled that he
hoon died and that four colored niuii lincl been
ai rested as the nnndcrcrs mid committed to
jail. It was stated that the theoiy was that
some of the negroes had bemi ilctectod by
the boy In the act of stealing cotton I'rom his
, father's Held , and that to ptcvcnt tliulrar-
icsttlioy killed him. There was gitat ex
citement in the comity In coiisuqneiiee and
so vend more ai rests wore made. The News
and Courier , to get tlio facts , sent a special
comwnondcnt to York anU will publish lo-
monovv theie < > ultiif hUInvcstlKallons.Theii )
is evidently an al.umlng st.ttu of atl.iiis In
Yoilc county , ami It Is piobablo that an or-
gtml/.atluu exists among the colored pdoiilo
whk'h conieiiiiiliitty lliu murder. In tlio event
of Ui'toctlon , of tiny incmlhir arcused ,
Twenty-six negroes me now uiidtT arrest.
An Implosion ihu body ot iho murtleruil bo >
bfforo the distriut jury luouqlit out all the
lucls. Ono of the nogiooj turned state's u\l-
donci ) ami ainitlier admitted that he
killed a man who Mas toiiml unit-
itorod In thu county eighteen nuinths ago.
Su\oral of the coloit'd Mitnc cs at
the Inquest swoiu dlsHnctly that thev had a
club In the county tor thu pin posy of .stealing
fotton , provisions , whisky , uts , The mem
bers \\cie to st d \ \ h.itovcr they wanted , and
If detected wore sworn to kill the pvuonhu
dfti'clod them , The club had ditruroitt name.- ,
but was generally known as "Tim Itlsing
ritar LwlL'u No. 'Jl ot thu ( Jiunil
United Order of National Laborer * '
und Political Soeluy of North Anu'ilru. "
The clmiter canui trom Chailolto , N. t' . ,
imd Is dated Dvcvmhcr , l i , The cluulur ,
lie wincr.onld seem to ehow that the t > o-
cioty hud only Di'inis'iilt'iit iniii lutcrnal ob-
jcctB. Among other things levcalud at thu
inquest a plot to waylay wealthy men
who hail money. Ono of \vltiiOBSiv > ga\e
ndi-talbxl account of the murder ot a poor
| joy , John Leo ( iood , and also iiauius bis ac-
ctuiplUvs hi ciime. Tim I hr Mts of ucneral
uns.abaUl , but the indlgnatron unit
lI''or I ho Cure of n Cough or Sore
TKroat , " .HitwH'tr iinmrJiiut ara
. sluiplu r ; iu'dy.
cvcrnl Itn lnc < f Itnllillnus Kutlrcly
Dnntroycil 1)j fi'lrc.
SnifM.Kii , Nob. , Dec , 15. [ Special Tele-
ram to the r.i : . | Shortly after 0 o'clock to-
Ight fire broke out In Phclp's stable. The
sines spread rapidly Ironi this totho Herald
Illco , the law olllco of C. J. Phelps , Uabcock
ros' . barn , and a dwelling house belonging
i Oadsden & Stcdman. These buildings
en1 a tolal loss and were but partially cov-
led by Insurance. The contents weio saved
ith Iho exception of ono horse , some print-
ig material and a press. ly ! 11 o'clock the
re was under control and had not the water
ipply failed It might have been checked
Nrl > rnxka Dairymen ,
Si'TTox , Neb. , Dec. ! " > . [ Special Telegram
t the lhi.j : : The morning session of the
'alrymcn's ' association was augmented by
10 arrival of a number of pracllcal gill-edged
utter advocates. I. S. Fulmer. Ulbbon , dc-
vcrcil a masterly paper devoted to the Ayr-
ihc oou- and was paid a high comntlmenl
i an olMiand speech by Prof. H. 11. Wing ,
t the state university. The Jersey cow's
icrlt.s were ncatlv lironght out in S. C. Uas-
; tt's speech. All who hcaiil him fully
ullovo lids meek and Innocent little ciltler
Ivcs inllk as rich as cicatn and cicam as rich
s nectar. The afternoon meeting opened
p with resolution * . Piof. Wing oflervil ono
ndorslng the Haled bill now bnfore congress
stabltshlint lixpciimuntal stations In con-
ccllon with the .state agriciilturnl collt'go.
> aborl on olTcrcd one on pleuro-pnctimonla ,
sklng that thodiscasebukeptiiiaiantliu'l | in
'hlcaco ' and other points where the disease
< known to exist. Curtis offered ono bov-
uttmgthosu who kept torsalu bonus butter.
i number of tixcolliuit iiaperseri * read and
ddiesses delivered on me topic * In connec-
cctlon with the dairy Interests of the
The association will close to-morrow oven-
ig wltti a Krand banquet , Icastlng , toast
peeches and a general good time.
'lie Jury Find Him Guilty In Tinrly
MIlllltCH ,
Niw : YOP.K , Dee. 15. Itccordcr Smith , In
lachaigo totho jury In the McQuado case
) -day , iironimiiced the testimony of thy
crvantelrl , Katlu Metz , ns uliect , unshaken
nil woithy of having much woluht. It was
r the jury to decide whether Duffy and
'ullgratr s testimony had been coiroboratcd.
'ho court also reviewed at length aud laid
I less upon the relations of Maloncv and
lomberj oCthe board of alderman \\Iththo
tllcen and attorneys of the Bioad\\ay \ load ,
'ho lact that the pilsoner had not been put
n tilt , ' bland In his own hehall mint not bo
akmi acalnst him , the rcemdor said
u conclusion , .lust half an hour alter
he retiipmenlef the jury , as Uencial Tracy
.nit Mr. Xcwcnmb wcro p.isslim down stairs
u dinner , an ollii-cr ran niter Nc-\coinb and.
atcldnnhltn , breathlessly c.velalmed : "Come
nek ; they aie agieed. " The ciowd , which hardly left the court loom , nislicd back
ml tor se\eral minutes the greatest o.xcito-
nent reigned. But the pilncipal man , \\hoin
Iborty was nt Hiake , showed no more sign of
.uy . Inteiest tlinu U ho weie only an ordinary
pectator. Presently the jury came in. Thev
lada fnncrlal expression of lace. The roll
ms called and Foreman llciny Ottenberg
teed ut > and , in reply to the question , re-
died : " ( iullty of the crime as charged In the
irst count in the indictment. " The roll was
ailed again , and each juror au.swciod ,
UuIIty , " as his name was called. When the
ordlct was given to the comt , ilcQuaili ;
.lone remained unmn\ed. Ills demcanoi was
mt different trom that ot any other day ol
he trial. The jury at oneo loft the comt
ooiii , declining all interviesvs.
I'ostmnRtcrs Xonitnatcil.
WASMINOTO.V , Dec. 13. The president lm <
cut the following nominations to the
onate : Poilmastuis : Illinois t/hailes Weiss-
nan , Wai-saw ; William A. McCann , Sterling ;
. M. Startman , SavannahEdward ; Gardner ,
{ ocucllo ; Michael S. Touliov , Nokomos : E.
i. limns , UlllsborouihC. ; W. Jones , ( Sriggs-
llle ; George W. Hess , Hvanstoii , John
Jidberslon , Delavan ; E. W. Tufts ,
'entralla ; Edward Smith , Cnrrollton ;
. -M. Soler , Carbondale ; K. S. Allen , .toilet ;
. S. Palmer , Dwniolne ; Ellis Urigirs , Itoad-
louse ; W. U. Scandland , Normal ; C'omsd
) urkes , Franklin Giove ; F. M. Jlead ,
ilarengo ; .1. A. Able. Aubiiin. Wisconsin
. J. Kiench , Sparta ; CallXllller , Shcloycan ;
toderick McGregor , Kivor Falls ; ,1. E. Jones ,
' ( iitauo ; J. A. Harden , Superior : 1' , 11.
Jarncy , Wankeslia : Jeicmlah Sullivan , Ash-
, md. Iowa G. J. Hodman , Washington ; A.
ilassle , Logan ; .1. N. Davis , Knoxville :
V. II. Mcrrltt , Dos Molncs ; J.
' . Nee ] , Columbus Junction ; James
'rev , Slgourney ; Finnic P. Modles , Odebolt ;
5. K. I'ltmaii , Leon ; J. P. Carleton , Iinva
'alls ; George Paul , Iowa City ; S. 11 , Uaivuy ,
'entiovlllo ; Alexander Charles , Cedar
laplds ; John llornstoln , Boone ; A. II.
i raves , Afton ; H. S. Gedloy , Malvorn ; J. II.
amps , Kao City ; O. C. Srilnigcon , Belle
lalno. Nebraska W. F. Wolff. Friend ;
'rank Camnhcll , O'Nelir. F. B. Smith ,
'olumbla , Dak. . David ilammcr , .Mitcimll ,
Canada'a I'rciuler on Kxtrudt tlon.
DKTiioir , Declri. . The Fieo 1'ress tO'
norrow will nubllsli an Inteniew with Sh
lohn A. MacDonald , Canadian piemler , hi
enponso to the questions : "What will be
he outcome of the fisheries dispute ? 1
heie prospect ot Its adjustment ? " IJesahl ;
'Theio is , or should be , no dispute. Tht
leaty of ISlSIs Just , explicit and sullicicut.
Is there niospoct of a negotiation of a more
iberal extradition government' ' Her ma
esty's government would make no trealj
ilTectlng Canada without consulting 114 , anil
voulu , 1 am .sure , make any icasoiiabk
reaty of the kind that wo desired , piovlil
ng Iho assent ot the oilier contracting partj
ould bo obtained. Canada is fuvoialno U.
ho making of an extradition tiealy In llu
> ioadeit terms , providing for the siirruudet
if any cilmlnal of whatsoever dcgice , save
inly tlin e uullty of oflciises HO putty as Ic
nakc the use ot the machinery ot cxtraill-
lon nbsiiul. To my mind it is clear that a
leatv would long since have been an lie-
uinpllshed fart but for asnbtlo Inlliicnec
in your sldo of the pernicious clm ; which
iislsts that a man who kills or destiovs by
lynamltois not a criminal , but a political
itlemlor. Werayour iiiesldunt elected onct
n ten Instead of once In four > cai we
iltoulil have siu-h n treaty. "
Thu Government Shares tht Cut.
liosiox , Dec. 15. In the course of
'ailed ' meeting of the Union P.xclllc lailway
llicctors lo-day. Government Dhector Alox-
inder Inquired of Pieslitent Adams why tin
: o\erument lequlremunts for the liist nlm
nontl.s of Iho present year , which wcrt
> T87XX1 ( hi ibS" > , weie estimated at only
50JUOUdining thiiciiut'iit year. In ici > l )
'iitsldcnt Adam * Hinted that this was duu
o tlio war In rat us , which had existed hincit
'chruary last anioiij , ' the traiisciuitlneutal
alho.uU , and which had deslioyod the proui
m the whole Iran contiuenttd tralllo ol thu
.cat. .
lilviTH anil H.ti-liors.
W.vsuis'OTo.v , Dos. 1'j. The englneer-i'
" > tiinato for river and harbor Improre.immt-
> cro taken up by the huuso oommltteo on
l\cr and haibors to day In Using the , ip-
miprtatlons thocoinmltteo is | iursutng thu
nilicy of allowing ; about -Jo percent ot tin
imounts which the chief of cnnlnccH repuit :
in bo pioiitably expended on hnprovenu'iits
f this p-ilioy U adheiod to Hut icsnlt will b.
i bill iiiakhn : an aL'gregalo aimronrlatlon o
ictwccu and 8sfroooo. ; Tin
.ccictary . 01 war iccnmmondcd a cross ap
iroprlen of 510HXoja ( '
No Union I'ouslhlo ,
CniCAfiO , Dec. 15.A sneclal lo Iho lulei
Iccau fiomMailbon , \Vls. , siys : At llu
jpcnlng of this afternoon s session of tin
tate giangc. Patrons ot llusbuutiy , < iram !
Master C.irrdeclaioil that the union of the
image and the Knights of Labor would bt
mpoiMblc. HU reason w.ia un iianeitloi
hat the griuigu co\ild not under any cliinnn.
, tancas adopt the eight-hour byotum and
y It to tlio du m ,
Nomination hy < hp frci
WAbius < i' of { , Doc. JO. The prosldenl
.cut . the lolly wing nomlniitlons lo ( lie buuatt
0-duy ; Preoton Jl , Li-slie , of Kentucky , U
m governor of Jlynuna turrltoiy ; limin
' . . llovdciiiof Mlunosula , toooclmt of tin
lUtnvt court for the district of Alaska.
jomptroller Trouliolra Before the Houeo
Ocmmittoo on Banking and Currency ,
\ Nuinhor or UccoiiiiiionilntlonH
Plnits Not Yet Fully Slnturcd
Potn llcofKitnl/.ntlon of
the System.
Comptfollcr Trrnholm Talks.
W.vsni.NdTox , Doe. 1. . t'omptroller Tron-
lolm apDcarcd before Iho hotiso committee
3ti banking and currency to-day by request
io state Ids views touching the national bankIng -
Ing system. The romptiolter slated to the
xnnmlttco thai ho was not yet tully jircpaied
to suggest a plan for a reorganization of the
lircscnt system , but bellovod that ho would
be able to sueuest a practical plan sometime
: u January next. Meanwhile , ho submitted
for the consideration of the committee the
: lraft of a bill amendatory of the laws relat
ing to national banking. The bill , atlcr pro-
Dosing a number of unimportant changes In
the piesent system , requires llial Iho bonds
required to bo kept on deposit In Iho IrcaS'
nry as a basis tor circulation shall bo Imprest
bearing and when such bonds are called they
must bu replaced within three months aflcr
notice by Interesl-beaiing bonds , anil hi dO'
fault the comptroller Is authorized lo ap
point a receiver to close up the affairs of Hit
bank. In case the bonds deposited to secure
circulation e\cuud the minimum
amount requited by law , the cx >
cess may be placed with other In
tcrcsl-be.ulng bonds or the circulation SO'
cured by the excess shall bo suriiredeicd bj
Iho nssoclntlotilieioujion , the excess shall
bo delivered by the treasurer of the United
Slates to the secretary of the Ircasuiy for ic-
ilymption , with Instructions to deposit from
Ihe piocecds with the treasurer lawful money
lo Hut amount of the outstuiidini ; circulation
Deemed by such bonds and hold on account
of the association holding the bonds. Thu
lilll piovldes that boards of directors shall
bo constituted of not less than live members ,
exclusive of the piesldont , aud of cashier , 11
ho boa member of tlio boa id. The seventh
section It uulawlul for Ihe bank lu
take either in Us own name or that of any
coiporatlon or person tor Its bcne-
lit any moitgagc on leal vstato as
seciuity fur n contempoiancoug
loan or for advances. Hut no association Is
prohibited lioin discounting any bill of ex
change or promissory note not having more
than lour months to lun , although the samu
may bo secured by ical estate , when dis
counted for endorsement In the oidlnaiy
course of business and when the moitguuo of
the lien Is merely collateral. Itelcrrinst to
the surplus luiids tlie bill provides that when
ever the surplus I und ot any bank shall ex
ceed by lit ) iior cent the amount ol its capital
stock the suaieluildcis may lie relieved of In
dividual responsibility and every association
may be relieved of such liability in piopoi-
lion which the suiplus , alter deducting the
" 0 per cent icsei\cd. bears to the whole
amount of capital stuck. Xooxuiuption , bow-
over , can be obtained through and process bv
which any portion of tlio capital stock may
be conveited Into the surplus. In
case the suiplus Is reduced , by loss or other
wise , below the amount required lor exemp
tion , the association is required , after the do-
liclency , to pay the d'-Iiclcncy by aasessment
upon Miaioholuers , and If the deficiency he
not made good , the bank Is to bo placed in
the hands of a receiver. A supplement tc
the bill relating to failed banks provides
that wlieio the assets of any Insolvent asso
ciation lor which a receiver has been ap
pointed , shall be sufllcieutto pay all creditor.--
in lull , the association shall not be deemed tc
be dissolved , but alter delivery to the agent
of the shiuoholders the association shall bv
entitled to risume business , it the share
holders owning two-thirds ot the capital
stock shall have decided to do so. liufort
resuming business , however , the association
Is lequlrpd to icstorc the entire amount of
Its capital stock. Upon the approval of the
eoiiiptrollei , Iho amount of the capital stocK
may bu tcduced before restoiatloii.
Tlio American Association.
XKW 1'oiiic , Dec. 15. The sixth annual
meet ! HIT of the American liaso Ball ossocla-
elation opened to-day. Alter Ihe reaalng of
tlio minutes the report of the board of direc
tors. who met yesterday , was presented tr.
the association and adopted unanimously.
Then the association rat I lied the decision of
the special meeting held about two weeks
ago in Cincinnati at which It was acrccd to
admit Cleveland Into the association ami
subsequently entered upon a discussion of
Urn playing rules.
Tlie report of the joint committco on rules ,
which met In Chivauo a month ago , was roai !
and adopted , tovother , vlth the report of tilt
arbitration committee In regard to altering
nothing In the national agreement. The as
sociation. by a unanimous votfl , re-electee
Wheeler Wycoll as president , secretary and
YOUK , Dee. 15. Tommy Danfortli
aud Mlko Cubbing , tlie Amateur champion
light weights , fought for lorty-lwo minute.1
this morning at an up town spoiling house
It ivas a strong test of Mlko dishing , ami
ho caruo out of this ntniL'gUnvlth a votcian ol
Dantorth'b callibre ciedllauly. An tlie\
entered the ring Danforth weighed 122 ant
dishing ISO pounds. Eight rounds wen
fought and U was I'm idly declined a draw.
The Walmtih Kccoivor.sliii ) .
CIIIOAOO , Dec. IS. The matter of the ap
poliitmcntota iccclver of the Wahasli rail
load system will come up before Juilge Gresham
ham Ijfcro to-mono w. Judge Grcsham. In hi :
ircciii famous decision , deterred an appoint
ment in hope that n settlement might bi
reached between the bondholders and tin
purchasing committee. It appears this even
ing that nothing has been done toward thu
cud , and that the judge will bo called on t <
appoint a receiver to-morrow.
Another Political Ilouncc ,
WA.snixr.iox , Doc. 15. H. C. Hedgers
deputy commissioner of internal revenue
has icslgnwl. The insinuation is to taki
oiled on the appointment and mmlliicalloi
of his successor. This action was lakon at
the Instance of the president , Itoilgers Is i
tcpiibllcan and has been In olllco for man ]
voars. There aru no charues against him
It isuenerully understood that lloudursou
chairman of the Indiana state demoeiatli
uimmlttei' , will be appointed to succeed him
CHIC.UIO , Dee. 15. TJicdUUcuUIcsbetwooi
the Laku Shore railway anil the striker.havi
been settled , James Monagan , president o
the sw Iti'limon's union , and Pliny i ) . Smith
counsel tor ihu load , have held a confmeiiee
As a icsitlt ll'o company will take brick id
tlin old men , with thu exception of the one
who were engaged lu acts of violence again * ;
tliocm-poullon , aiul will abolish thu blac !
llotol l''irn.
Sr. P.vri. , Dec. 15. A Plpeatono ( Minn
special to tlie Pioneer J'lu o sa > s ; Tin
Calumet hotel binned this moruiii ! , ' . D.ivli
McCiillmigh wa * fatally lujiiied and Uov. A
S. Orcutt. a Baptist jiili.Istftr , was killed , /
little colored boy has br iken his back aiu
Vli'Il Prendurgast has been soiioiisiy hurt
nil by tullliiL' wplU. Luss Sis.OJO , iuith
Insuicd , Nothing was saved. Lew Kills-
woith escaped bj u rope trpin thu sccoiu
The ( . 'oiniiroinlso Itallvoad Hill ,
W.V81HS010NDoc. . 15. Too confcrenci
loport on Iho inter-stuto conimercfl bill hu
lieeu xlgned by all the conferees except Sun
ator Plutt und is ready for piescntutlon to tin
two hou es. Senator PJatt will not sign It
Ills principal olijucllou Is prohibition o
Another CJauuilian Kalilcr ,
JfBW YUIIK , Jcf ) , } 5 , WUHnmStorpi , wit |
liasbeen on gated hi the commlfslpa dij
goods business tor many years , ilepujtoj siut
denly , luavhm liU creditpri In tiiu lurch ( (
Has extent iff 850.000. Stor r | b ovpr seycnjj
3 ears old tnl bllnj , nuil It fb HlOBKht hi hai
orvcUoil Canada ft\l \ rlglit.
Sen'At'c1. '
WAsiiixoTftx , Dec * ir. . Among the
iicmorlals presontcd In tlio senate to-day was
mo by Mr. l'iyo from Jlie Hath , Me. , board ol
rado against tlio admission of foreign ship :
o Ameilcan ro Ulrv.
Among the blllg Intrbdticoil and referred
A-cro Hie following !
Uy Mr. Vance To rftppnl chapter 27 of the
ids of 183:1 : tolatlnz to tho'clvll senlcf.
The followlnc bills were reported from the
lostofflcc committee ftliM placed on tlio cal-
; ndar : '
To amend the postal money order system ;
o extend the freu delivery svstem.
Mr. Van Wyck offered a resolution calllnn
m the secretary of war for Information as tr
inw the Missouri commission has appor
loned eeitain money appropriated in the
Ivor and harbor bill for the Improvement ol
ho Missouri river at Omaha and other point'
.n Nebraska and Iowa. Tlio lesolutlon gavi
Isc lo considerable discussion. The tepoil
ivas ordered printed and Mr. Cutlom gau
notice lhat lie would call It up next Tuesday.
Mr. McPherson olTcred a resolution calling
in thn fieeietary of war for Infoimatlon afl In
; ho piopoicd brldco acre s the Artlnir Kill
lu'lwci'ii Statcn Island and New Jersey.
The resolution cffcted by Air. Van Wvck
in telatlon to tlio Impiovciaent ot the Mis-
sum I river was air.dn taken up and fttrthe :
Uutuiecninhnr to a > oto on the resolution
Iho bom of aanivcd. when thu untinislicd
business ol yesteiday , Hie bill repoalin the
Icnuro of olllce act , came up , and was , on
motion of Mr. Hoar , allowed to stand ovei
till to-morrow as untinislicd bi'.sliips ? .
Mr. Platt then called up his lesolutlon Ilia !
xxecutivo nominations shall hoieafter lit
L'onsidcred In open session except when
iithei wise nrdeicu bv a vote of the senate.
Mr. Merrill moved as an amendment the
striking out of the winds "executive noml
lions" and Insertion In lieu thereof the words
"reclpioclty treaties so called. " llu had nt
objection to that change.
Mr. Hoar then moved to lay the icsolu
tlon on Hie table , which was agieed to by n
vote of " : ! to SI.
Mr. Beck called up the blllptoldbiting sen-
tdois or representatives fiom acting ns attor
neys for subsidized railroad companies , tin
liiestioii bcliu ; on a substitute repotted fiom
Ihe judiciary committee. Sir. Heck opposed
the substitute and advocated the bill as intio
Jticcil by himself.
Mr. I'ugli , a mcinbar of the judiciary , com-
iustllicd the substitute * . 1 1 was opposed lo
uch legislation , but If It was lo bo oiiacled
lu > would have It can led oul to its fullest ox
Without reaching a vote thn senate wcni
into executive session , and when the door :
weie reopened adjourned.
House- .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The speaker np
jointed Messrs. Caldwell , Kdon aud COODOI
. oiiferi'cs on the electoral count bill.
After the tmnsactlon of soujjO uniinportanl
outlne business the house in the inornhu
lour w ent into committee ol the whole on tin
bill for the allotment of lauds in severally.
Pending consideration Ihocounulttcearosc ,
ho uiurnlng liour expiieil , and the bill \veii !
jver as unllnlshed business ,
< Jn motion ot Mr. Warner uf Mlssoiul the
illl was passed brhniinir the cities of Atlanta
[ } , ilvc.ston , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Indian
xpolls , Kansas Cltv and Omaha under tin
revisions of section 5,191 of the rovisei
datutes' , which requires national banks hi
: ettnln cities to keen on hand in money ol
[ he United States a sum equal to ! i5 per cenl
D ! tlieir clieulatlon and deposit
The house then went Into counnitleo of tin
ivliolo ( Hammond of Geotgla in the chair )
ju Iho sundry civil apprupilatlon bill.
Mr. Hm us of Missouri , trom the committee
an appropriations. lopoited a bill to suppl )
the deficiency in tlio apmonrlatlon for nublii
inlnting. Commilteu ol' the whole. It ap
iiropilates SSo.Ooo for nubile iiiiiiting am
bindiinr , 517,000 for distinctive paper toi
IT lilted States securities and S5.00J . tor tin
leeoinaseol silver.
The house then adjourned.
A Ijahor Candidate Victorious.
LYNX , Mass. , Dec. 15. George D. Hart
worklngmen's candidate , was elected mayoi
vcsterday over Knuball , citizens' candldati *
by a vote ot R > 00 to WOO. The vote on 11
" " "Xo" ' . ' .
sense was "Yes" 3coo , , .000.
Ijlverr-SiableB in Venice ,
San Francisco Chronicle. There i ;
a litlle company of busines1
men who meet at lunch every tiny at :
rcslanrant. Among Ihora is ono who i :
rather fond of theatricals , and keeps wcl
posted sis to what is Koing on in that do
partnicnt. Ho would ho despised , but hi
lianpona lo lo a very succes8ful man o
business and makes a good deal of money
It docs not require much .sense of hnmoi
to conduct a business , A little more thai
is necessary to keep HJ this column , nor
haps. 1 know somebody will say lhat
and it affords mo ftroal pleasure togel ii
alicud of him. But one man in tin :
group , which cout&lns several youngei
men of more lively dispositions , has at
taincd to a large fortune and ;
bank account without a < 'lint of humor
The moriuiig uftor the Florences playei
"Our Governor , " the liltle crowd wa :
gathered together as usual.
"How was tlio play last night ? " : iske (
ono of Iho young business men.
"Florence was very funny , " ob < crvci
Iho theatrical sport.
"J'dliko lo see a funny man on llic
stage just once , " said tlio practical gen
tlcnmn , who spoke in something ot a for
cign ncconl.
"Well. Florence is funny. He playi
Iho part of a big liar. He lolls cxlraordi
nary htories about when he kept a liver' '
stable in Venice - "
"What ! " vollod the prowler. "What
I thought it wis some such - fool play
Livorv-fitablo in Venice ! I've boon in Veil
ice , and I'll bet yon $ .W there isn't a hv
ory-sluble in Venice.1
The group was quick enough lo .sco :
chance for fnn.
"Well. " said Iho theatrical merchant
"I havn't been in Venice , but I am quili
sure a man like Florence , who has trav
eled nil over Kuropc , would not come 01
the stage and talk of llvcrv-slablcs h
Venice "
"i toll yon there are no llvcry-stuble
in Venice. There hain't ' no use fo
them. "
" .Now don't say that so positively
11 loroncc -
"Florence is a - fool. Ho don'
know ranytlitng , Livory-stahU-s in Von
ice. That's just as iuiii'1 ; us llioso
actors you're always coaching up knows. '
And ho throw a napkin into an umpt :
plate and marched out.i und every du ;
now they havosomo roliwf to dollars am
cents by dlsciin.sing tin ) question ol liver :
stables in Venice. ,
A IMcaaiiiit liiijldunl.
Texas Sinnics. ; Vcdorday aflcrnoon
about U oclocK , a dog wjlli a tin ketth
tied lo hla wagging mat'lunary , was ob
survud on Aiiatin avu. Thu dog did no
appear to bu miiiih alarfiuul at the ladll
any more than the avr lgo polhioian i
when ho is nomlnatedUil n lucrative ol
lice. He tqol ; it as a matter of cour o
There was u tall'ilookiiiir youii !
niiHi standing near a c ) vd on the sidu
walk. Ho looked intently at the dog fo
a moment , then snld- ' ' '
"Uy thunder , that ii Hanker Thoinp
son's little daughter's lost dog he has ol
forod fvi for.- '
Immediately live din'ercnt men , will
their months sticking out IlKu nittoilui : '
bottles , were trying to whittle , and say
ing ;
' 'That's a good little doggy. " ndvniicci
oi ) thu autoninliutl animal , Onu very re
epectablp looking gcnthuiifui with a&ill
li it on , tried to obtain ( he animal by hi
liamUc , but the dog got mixed up will
Ida legs , and down | ) o canio like a pili
driver. Several hnckmon , who wcro sub
souontly ( | arrested lor leaving thai
teams , joined in tlio canvass , and vvhei
the procession turned tlio corner , with tin
dog and attachment : twenty feet in ad
vance , almost ovnry class of oiir oosino
politan pomilalion had its delegate in ll , <
pageant. Then it was that the sleel
young mini doubled himself up ; uid wen
Behind a door until bis cinptU > fi had pass
cd oil' .
A Miser Who Wooed the M uses Will
Forty 'thousand PoHnr * In Cnil
Found Anioiift Ills ICfTcots.
Now York Times : Tito method of life
Imlilts niul ehanictcri lies of a man ma ;
never appear during Ms lifetime and ye
: ill bo sol forth with startling clcarnc
aflcr his ( loath by the collected words o
many aeqiialntnnci" ? . Such is the cas <
of the miser .inmoa 11. Paine , who wa
burled a jo.-ir ago this coming Christmas
niul whose homo was in an attic of No
17 ? lilccckor street. Ills life was a mys
lory to his friend. * , but its f-tory will sooi
bo told in the surrogate's court , where i
contest over his property has begun am
the taking of testimony in which will b
entered upon to-morrow.
When the old miser died ? 10,01)0 ) in casl
was found among his clVucK How nmcl
more property he possessed will be ill
vnlgcd during the proceedings in court
No will was found , and the only heir
lliat could be discovered were four graiui
c-hilihcn of a deceased sister rootling ii
Massachusetts Sumncr , Charles am
Henry W. Chiggolt , and Kli/.a I'ain
Patch. Simmer K. Clapnet , ono of tli
prantlnopliewti of Mr. L'aitic. was mail
administrator of tilt ) estate , with Mr
C'liarlcs F. Ghiekisring , tin ; piano maim
faeturur of this city , Certain friends o
the dead niNor caiuo forward and repre
sented that a will had been made I
could not be found , but heirs institute !
proceedings to establish the lent will
The proponents will bo represented ty
Charles J. Itnbhitt , and the grand
nopliews1 claims will bo looked after b ;
Theodore II. Swift
The story of Mr. 1'aino's early dayi
was published In the Times last Fobrn
ary , but recent investigation has brongjr
to light new facts in regard to his habits
The life of the old miser is an iuloretlnj
ono in the contrast its two pharos migh
have presented. Down town in his Itltli
attic on Hlocekor Direct , it was a lite o
ovticmn avarice and miserly hoarding
Up town the man might have freqncnlui
the houses of learned and cultivated Pee
pie ; he was , also , a constant attcntlan' '
upon operas und concerts , his criticism1
nnonwlileh were generally respected
Mr. L'aino's ancestry alone was eiiougl
to give him an entree in aristocratic eir
cle's. Ho was a grandson ot Uobor
Treat Paine , one ol the .signers of tin
Declaration of Independunu'1 ' ; a connec
lion of T'om Paine , the alheistie writer
and his brothc" , Robert Treat Paine , o
lto- > lon , an astronomer of more than In
cal reputation , died only a few month
before this miser did ,
James II. Paine was born , as near a
can bo determined , on Milk street , Bos
ton , in 1810. He received as good ai
education a Massachusetts could giv
him. Though not specially trained will
a view to writing or in art and music
young Paine early in life developed a re
inarkable aptitude for musical cnticisn
and a quick ear for music itbelf.hei
seventeen years old ho began to write ai
tielo on these subjects for the Hostoi
Advertiser and the lloston Globe , whiel
were read because of their eminent merit
Among his writings for the papers wer
also financial articles , \\hich won for Inn
a reputation in that line by their correct
ness and the wisdom of the proposition
laid down. Paine canui to New Yorl
about tlui year It'O. ' ) , and lesided in tlii
citv up to "the time of his death. Jk\t
eighteen years back he occupied tholittl
old attic in lilceckor street. When youiij
the avaricious .spirit that cliaractcri/.ei
his later years was developed , and it in
creased in power rapidly. On coming t <
New York he was immediately reociyi'i
by tlie houses of literary and musicii
inmdics. He wrote criticisms of oper ;
faand coneortD singers and muhicti
works , and it is nndornlood that he was
oorr-jspondent of Uwight's .rournal o
Music , published in Boston. Music am
art were his life ,
During his later yeans Mr. Paine wouli
spend his clays in the old attic. Tli
room was small and almost choked u
with newspapers and maga/.iiiej , . Up I
the last lew years of his life he con
tinned to write for the American Ar
.louriial and other papers. An articl
written for a newspaper within a fe\
weeks of his death will probably be o I
forod in evidence. On rising in tli
morning the nurse would call for hi
pail of water , which his landlord wa
ordered to have ready , with Bcrupulou
care. Ho would then take hi.s batli
After it , without putting on any clothing
lie would ho on his bed with the sun'
rays .streaming over him for two hours
lie was verv partial to his sun bath.
The miser lived ponuriously. but not ii
squalor , and his habits were irreproacli
able as regards cleanliness. His elotliin ,
was very common and plain , hut no
ragged or patched. Invariably ho wor
area handkerchief around hi.s neck. Hi
coat was always buttoned up to bis chin
Shortly before ho died ho was Mill woai
ing the same cloak that , when twenty
four ycarb old , ho had bought in Boston
This cloak hul ; been the old man'b while
apparel year after year. He wore n
blockings or drawers. He said woole ,
gave him salt rheum. After putting o ;
the old cloak which came to ho so wcl
known to his friends ho would go out Jo
liis meals. At night the old miser woul
start up to visit the opera orothorimii.icn
entertainment * ) . At the academy o
music ho was almost alwav.s to bo foun <
when any new or famous piece was o
the boards , 11 no music was to bo hoar
he would paj a visit to the homo of hoin
ono with tastes like idsown. The mum ;
of thcso persons'will bo a. surprise whe
they : uo presented in the court procooi
Rut Mr. Paine did not change his .liv.-
to go UP town. The same old cloak kc |
oiit tlio cold , and if the rod handkoroldi
had boon turned aside a llannol sliii
would have boon diaolo-siid.and no iiolhu
Onon when going to an extra event ill
private residence some friunda induce
him to put on a nigh collar. He was i
the fidgets all tint evening , and for oni
did not enjoy the music. Paiuo love
dainty foou , but his a\ancious umdei
cics overcame those di-Mroi , und ho ) r. c
most jllainly when ho ale at : u
other 6 expense.
The inker of Bleeoker street and tli
art crllio ol Twi'Uly tlilnl street was hi
teot in height , but hi * head was bent fo
ward and thuio wan a sloop in hinhou
dum. His gall WHhftluiUluiK and liio MOJ
so short ami nnm-Minid that he EOUIIIO
fuublo. When joung ho lookijd in tli
iauo almost the imugi ; of Hufun Choati
but in later hfi1 a while beard1 change
his aniiciUMHtr. The face \MISI oblon
and tnu noiu nr'npjneiit. \\'hei \ ) h
beard turned white it made hii
putriiin-lial. He btudicil a goo
< ( cal in liio JHci'ckor strci
attic , and attained a remarkable know
edge of history and of the location <
phicoa. Hi * m MIT wont nbroad , but coul
lull you the namoa ( if htmit.s and ho1
lliuy ran , in all thu | irincniul ) citiim <
Kurupe , whole Ilii-tlnnitorpwurciituuti-i
jind uliut iiictiuxe wcru in supji and tuc
art galleries in aiiuli und uuli uitira i |
olii'ii went to cliuroh , but probably HUH
for the music fur the jvUyluiu t > c ;
Mr I'.iino du-d alone in hkBlecekc
street homo on Dwenilicr 1 ! ) . 18-i ! ) Soni
frtundd burit'd linn On ClirieliiKirj du
as the licllacrv ringing , past the enure
| u which hu Jmd n/U'ii bat , ho wuo ) iorn
Without mounifi'a , und putt nmiiy lionet
wht-ru he might Jiave hucn wclcoinp w
iiiin ) of uulturo yud ouiud , Ho
risked MIV one to hi * Uleecker slrer
room , ami In the vicinity was known n
James Henry , Up town he used his ow
namo. _ _
Public Mon Created ntul Owned Ii
Ills Unltroad I'lirse.
Washington Dispatch to the New Yorl
World- Congressman Anderson ,
Kaii'a , wlio was re-elected as an anti
monopoly Independent , though provlouil ,
an out-and-out , practically rt
nouneos the ohl'time republican iilon
and announces himself a member of tin
now republican parly. Mr. Anderso :
was opposed for re-cloction by Hi
stromrest synilleate of monnpolUt
headed hyJav Gould and his MHSOUI
Piicille railroad. Ho comes back tli
wonounced enemy of railroadf
He says that tJav ( loiild ha
distributed in his illstrlct npwar
of ono hundred thousand dollars to dc
feat him. Mr , Anderson gives ovidonc
of ( .tould's effort to control the leglsht
lures and delegations in congress fron
the slates through which his roads run
He estimates that the Missouri I'acili
railroad alone spent $ J)00,00 ( ) ( ) in attompl
ing to send the friends of the tailroads t
congress from Iho state of Kansiu. I :
some lustanco.s Gould's candidates wer
elected , though not in districts wher
the people were given an oppoi
timily to express their sentiments am
vote without fear of the power the roads
According to Mr. Anderson's idea , eon
gross is being made up of too many mei
troni the western states who are in tli
pay or under the inlluence of corpora
lions , lie thinks it is growing wor
every year and now , he believes , is th
time to drop the republican party , will
its ideas of fostering and eiicouragiiij
monopolies , and take up something ii
which the people are interested. Mi
Anderson thinks a new party wil
spring up in the west on this issue williii
the no\l tow years.
Dead l-cttct' Clerks ,
Washington Po l The ladies in tin
dead lettei olllce have no sim-enros
They are all Ihe while In a slate of syn
cope trying to decipher the undeeiplier
able and untangle the labyrinths of ink
They pu//lo over them by day and drean
about them by night.
1-1 don't know who ! I can over do t
recompense you for all this worrimenl , '
said Chief Clerk Perry to one of thes
the other day.
"Keep tlie grass banged upon in ;
grave , " yhe said demurely.
The next day came what Mio callei
the worry of her lite a letter trom ( ! ei
many to sonietplaeo in the I'mted ' States
\ \ hat place ? That was the question
She turned the superscription endways
sidownvs , upside down , crossways , cato
cornered and road it in all the language. .
she could think of. Then she wiole i
out anil stood it up tn front of her am
looked at the fascinating thiui : at intei
vals all the afternoon. It seemed to rcai
thus :
'J'hero was nothing in the geog raph ;
that looked like it ; and she was in dc
spair. She carried it home thai nigh
and pu/.7.1od o\or it after she had got ti
bed. l-'inullv , like a Hash ot lightniii"
tlie phonotlu value of the writing strncl
her hard. She rose , lighted ber lallm
( audio and regarded it. A radiant tiinil
illuminated her comely foaturen : is sh
found in the jumble of letters Hie i > rofan
ii'qiilry :
"Why in h 1 don't you write"1
Clear as day ! Then the again sough
repose and slept the sleep of the trl
umphant. .
- -
Frank Bowyer , of Dayton , O. , said tlin
he could hiisK and crib seventy bushel
ot corn between .sunrise and sunset , an
Daniel Muaphy said that hu didn't be
hove it. Ho didn't believe it $ < X ) woith
and , as Frank had ! ? ! JO worth of conli
deuce in Ids own ability , a match wu
made. So at sunrise , in the presence o
a large gathering of farmers , Howye
began , and byI o'clock in the aftornooi
had husked and cribbed eighty-two bush
els of corn , and .so won the [ 50 easily.
A mine-owner near Sheridan , M. T
ropoits the discovery of a now metal. I
carries considerable gold in places , bu
the latter cannot be separated trom tin
strange material by any process of work
ing gold ores. The mineral wheiimeltei
is as white us Mlvur , but much harder.
A , O. Norton , a leading merchant o
Now Haven , Conn. , was lined $ r > 0 am
costs in the city court for giving his cut
tomcrs a chance to guess the number o
boeds in a squash. The nearest gucsser
wore to receive pri/.es , lie was airestci
on the cliargo of disposing of goods b ;
cbanco. Ho look an appeal to1 the supo
rlor court.
General Alison G MeCook. .
of the United States senate , was impo
htely treated whan lie endeavored to oL
tain the privileges ot tlie visitors' gallor ;
in the British house of commons. H
heaped coals ot lire on the head of th
Britisn lion the otncr day by admittm ;
two members of parliament to the Iloo
of the senate.
Speaking of Iho royal manner in whicl
President Arthur entertained ids sue
ces.sor on inauguration day , a Washing
ton correspondent reverts to the stor.
that .John Adams packed up his effect
and left Washington the night before tloi
fcr. = on was sworn in , and John Quinc ;
Adams was ant hunting during Uu > cert <
monies which inaugurated General Jack
WB AI MEWS.JKJffl,1 / , ! ? ,
I'u'iU-.A. v . l ? . ' . > i i Kiitr.K 'iirtti
- ,
FifSSt"2yzn ! * id-Kit uiiKi viMi i-uin
J iii. jui.tin'l. - < H > Uiu jcnrr > oil CJ
> / llyiltit liyll" n , t < all e k I-MU rciUi-
liKtNrii Vl\ " I .l.'ul'hai U tuuifeiiti g h li tin <
Cuiint twr-J-UUIiuunt rcryuf if H tUH
( mtttjtlinpi jtfuiuiif v\rt fll ft rt < rli \\i > rtr irip < f. .
mn rr T > < ; urJiilllirtantontha h4 < l i Jtujhht4t fcUin
ThoKiriJcnClictricCo. HO LtGalltnt.
I . . nt cur'i . _ fSiMi .t. . l lT n iifri ' ,11,1 , lj iiioauarMicaicuru l iUip fTTem 11
ll'r * VonVVbTiir" " iwaFrioi Vif tenitir to c i. .
out oo'ir'receftl . tnrj.'itieJ ! > . lpru Mt
I > HI ! fl Mptl . U | ( vii > / liiWUWaunieilr ' ( " * < ! ' ( I tiCiiirMnai- " * "JU euro I m '
l i
.j j. IJ-ir | , > wV , | K
Few person * icalizp how thoroughly they
are controlled by prejudice even to their
own disadvantage. 1or many years the treat-
incnlof Uhcumitlisin , neuralgia , sciatica and
headache has been by seine outward appli
cation , and , therefore , without Mopping to
think that thcorgin of these troubles must ,
fiom necessity , bo internal , the weary
MilTeier continues to rub , tub and find no
relief. Athtophoro * is taken Intcrnallv , and
at a proof lhat lhi& U the coirect principle
U cure * suiely and quickly. The Matemcn ,
of lho eho liave been cui'ed ought to ( .out
vince the incredulous.
I'ahnyra , Neb. , Aug. ' .W , 18SO.
I believe I have been greatly benefited
b > Athlophoros. I keep it in the house all
the time , and if I feel a twinge of Rheum
atism 1 take a dine. T have not not had to
take any for montlm , and hope I am per-
mancntly cured. 1 have not hesitated to ice-
commend it laigcly and have helped other *
with it. UKV.K.J. HIKII.
Mrs. Geo. HolThian. Cedar Falls , Iowa ,
says' " My husband \ \ cured of Rhcuina-
tism by the use of Athlophoros. Thiec bottles
tles of Unit medicine cured him entirely so
that he has not had an ache of Rheumatism
since , and thai is now en era 3 aar ago For
Iweutycars previous there \\as never a \r\ \
time that he was fice from pain. Doctors rQ
nor medicine could ditvc the disease away. Q
I laving the sciatic ihcuinatism in Ids light
bide , tlie doctor saij \\ouldalways have
it , and Jid not think there was any euro.
Hea . suffciitig from a SCNCIC attack.
Alhlophoros tool ; hold of Ihe disease at
once , and by the time he had taken three
bottles he wa * entirely well and has not
bpen troubled since.
Kvery dnlggisit should keep Alhloiiho-
ros and Atliloplioroi 1'llls , but whore
lliuy oannol bu bonghl of the druggist
tin * Alhlophorod Co. , 1'2 Wall st. , New-
York , will send uilher , carriage paid , nn
receipt of regular iinoo , which is $1 nor
bottlu for Atnlophoriu und 5Uc for tin *
Kor Uvor anil kldiiy ( illscises. ilvsiiepsln. , ! u-
dljc ( tion , fiilii ( " . , iii'rvoiHdi'liliily , dlseivos ,
ot womiui , roii ttmtloii , hundiiclio , liiipiiro ,
Wood , etc . Atliioiiluirus 1'ills uro uiu < iUiilk | > il.
RESTORED. Atlitlnicv
: 'r nmtuiu IVtny , Svrrou. *
Itv. ] .ot Manb ill flO. , llA > ll""r"il * " t > i %
I'vi'ry liximii r tm * . Im4 tlltn
nlf-i'uru , whloh lie nlll wild FRK ti Ui Lin fellowH.
AililrtWU.C J , UVtON-.l'imt Ili Mui UNM-w YinkCIU
Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' ' Trial ,
"VJ7-1K > nro Butrortnot from NMRTOUS PKUIMTT ,
> V 1'Oir ViTALiTr , LACK or N KVK Koiuu ANU
Vliioil , Wi6tIM WluiS'.SH 3oadnUll0 | oiIUi.'a ci
of ! i 1'n.woNAl , NiTuninmilllntc rrum Amis nJ
Oil ! mi CtuSKS. SpHudy rclluf iinJ ronuiK'tu rtulu
Tlio Bnuidt < ll covory f Uio Nhu-licnlh Cunlury
bonilatoncutoi llluslralvilrami'hlttrruo. ' Aildrusl
AKK STIS r TlEBST35a aSA.\'T !
I'.ir sixteen yo.irtt , tlmy havn slci.i.lily . tt liic < l
lirfnvor , niul with Biilc.s ooiistuiilly InuruiiMni ;
liavolioeonio lliu mont popular couct tluoutfu-
Olll till ) tJllllUll NtlltUJ.
TllO I ) , O llllll It II IflltlltM IUIUIKIU ( ) ill SlIOHT
Mr.iiiCM AM > HMHfjONd WAIST , siilliilik- for
all Hollies. The (1 ( iiutlly | ! , niiiilo of l'.n llsh
Outil , Is xtarnmiotl lo wuur twluo as Uin us
oiilhiurycorM't1 * .
llluliO'il a nnl ( < fiom nil ( In * World's urn it
r.ilrs. Iho lust niL'iiul icfi-lM'd is lor ruiii1
li fiiiKF. or Miitir : , from Ihu Into K\ui | > hloii
While flt'oioR ol piitrnlj luivo licdii foiiint
worlliliiHi. , tlio prliiclpli'-i ot tliu Cli ! > vu-rittiiin'
Intvo provcil UiVHliiiililc' .
UotalluiHiiK.1 uuthoiI/oil to rufuud rooiioy , if ,
on I'Miiniiialloii , tlmtui CoiHols do not iiiovutD
ri'picaciiicd I'oitHAi.i : r.viiYwiiiiti : : : ; .
o.vrAUHii'i ' : I'ltiii : o.v AITMCATION.
Thmnly perfect sutjilltutn for Mothnr'
milU. Snvnlunlilo lo ciiolom Infjntum
niul Toethlnc. A prii.rtiKcuioa rood for Dyt-
poptlos , OonsumDtlvnn , Convnleecenis.
i'orlect iiutriuut 111 all WaatlnU Hlsa
Kociulrai nn reeking Our Hoou , Ylia
nnU Feeding ol Infants , umilud fr
I fmtnntly niliimvi tlm inott tlulmt all < itk milt
alniiiruTCjnifoiuUo elivp Ml llllllau [ ur UK. [
crll ln,1tblntf liH ilby Inliilatlitu Iliocllon Ivlrn-l
a mu < li ! | . diiuct luil TI I u In , and n cure In Itwk
Irwult In nil curiUii i n'.cn A rinjilu H1 l r n-I
g uuci-a tlioiuo l Kkiitlc&l PilcoC'hi ' autl $ l 0"
I * ny drugit * > ( . ur li ) innll Hiniiilo Krrit fu
II , . It.l-lJIIH'l'lIA.NS.Vl. Mini
TlMOii lnal null Only
Bife a r.r ir i f uurllil , ( nilittiuDi
locllir | bl < > LA A > L four llruirul'l 'T
* vr f
.I IIIM > U > u * ru iijtrti , i.ltii l t f'ffcr I'f rrlurii mull ,
NAME PAPFR. IIM k | l r Illirnili-Hl Co.
Ufl I U .llii.ll'un M \ iurlI'hll clu. , I'a.
belli liy Orn--ul.l. c lr ) nlii'rr. A V lur "I lilihic
Irr * * Kuniidt" i'lmiyiiuul I'lllo. l r ' " < fcu"
TansIH's ' Punch Cigars
worn lilli'Ul | ' rtii < itirUJJ / puflt
tno JpaitJ , Aitl.uai u. ilruiu-
u i rin < in ftniilov. Kootlinr
liu \ > ril | rnu Until'
lullytacl DH.
dm' iweut ( ilvnlir tiiily )
soiu cv UEAPIHP o :
HW TAHEILLAC0..55 Stale Ei ,
Men cuflrrlnl * Trdni r.o l \ \Kr \ ,
. - > n rvoui. lirl.mii , l cU tt
l > r * li. itui nt. * 'n MJiilttr. *
' .I. ti > nullliiKlrui > i In *
illniilloii iic .r ui m , wl. .
" " ' " ' ' , ' ' ' , " " " " " " "
Ilruuul.iu l Uio
HllOMlfl l
t * II' ' '
A'l | llllllMUU
ru. UK" uf t uruttloiiii uwu.
(1UJID ( ( Lfl. ID Paik , Uc.v Vurh.
toVorc ) for Us at Their Own
r. Blioi i tm | 'ur fulj i
Ulan , IfiKt u ut uai
ruiifc ( t
IK Cental tru