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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 10. 18SG. NUMBER 181. ITS CL Tbo Piltby Campbell Divorce Oaso Almost Ready For the Jurji A DAY OF CONTRADICTIONS. CommcntR on tlio PlntiH of the lulcr- Cable Company How the Hojnl Mall Monopoly Was Uroken. f4 A Dav < ) ( Denial * . I.oxno.v , Dec. 15. [ New York Herald Cable- Special to the llr.n.l The Huko of Mailuoroiuh denies cveiythtng rclallnc to Lady Campbell , but acknowledges \arlous humiliating liitidcnts connected with other women. Captain Shaw , of the lire depart ment , also denies everj thing. Lidy Miles denies of hei own knowledge llio great part of the testimony against Lady Campbell. 'iliese three points form the leading katuresof to daj's hearing ot the Campbell divortecase. Mho usual ciowd , aristocratic and otherwise , was present. Lady Miles gave impoitant testimony with amused In terest lather than disgust nt her position , The Duke of Mnilhoiough looked grave and , o.s ho confessed the scandalous Incidents in his caiccr , < ecmed much more up ot by the dlscovciy of his lelatlons with a woman ot tlio town than by the allusions to dhorco eases in which ho had liRiircd. Captain Trollope , aldc-do-camp to Cencral Wilds , gave his testimony with such urtncss anil ev iden t disgust thai ov cry sharp " \es" \ or "no" ' caused the audience to smile. Several unfortunate charitable women added to the amusement of onlookers by testimony TCgaidlng Ladj Colin's charities. An In- K'rlptlon to Lady Colin Campbell from the London collaju mlbslon , thanking her for kindness to the poor and expressing the sin tere pra > er that God's lichest blessing might attend her all htr life , on a bible piesented to Ladj Colin seemed , when read bv Counsel Matthews , to especially please the audience. TillKKMIOI.E AOAIX. A kejholo also pla > ed a leading pirt In the pioteedlngs to-day. An architect deseilbed Ids measurements and e.xpeiiments with the keyhole tlnoiigh wliieh a seivanl had sworn to seeing Lady Colin impioperly situated. The architect seemed quite sure that no ono ronhl see through this Kejholc In the man ner described , but Ids testimony was seri- oiislwhakt n by tlio fact that he could not sweat whether housed the lelt or the right rje In his Kcvholo cxpciiments. " 'Ihl makes all the dllTeienic in the woild , " said the lawjer. SKVEitAi. orniit rAiirr.s. Theiovcro several other farces enacted during the day. bit Chailes Itiis cll and Justice JUitt differed as to whether grouse fchol befote the 10th of November should bo called Scotch pigeons or praric chickens. JIneouraged by nelty jokes of this sort , the audience gave full vent to its enjojment of the hltheiioss as it was drawn out b > counsel Mrs. lilood was the firbt witness called but she tcstlbed only as to the prcscnl location of several entirely nnimpoit ant letters between Jli. and Mis , lilood dining lady Colin's engagement Miss Mooie , ot Nine Kims' mission ; Miss Knapton , of Stepnoy , mission , and . Austin , of Cottaso mission , all bore blushing witness to the oxtremcly active work done bv Ladj Colin in their societies. During tlu latter's testimony Sir Clniles Kusscl ( topped n question rccardlng Chailes Dick ens' connection with those chailtlcs bysav ing that so many insinuations had been made that be did not know what might follow Mi. rinloy piaclously put In that hemado IK suggestion against Charles Dickens. Judge Hulls will sum up the ease on Mon day. _ ST.MjHY NOT Denial Tiinttlio Ilclcinn Kinj ; HnsScii For Him. lOipiyi IjJil lVijl > tiJiiincsC ! < ilniiJrilllfM / lluusiiiis , Dec. IS. I.Vew Yoik Heiah Cable Special to tlio Jir.l ! : 1 "aw thl morning a leading olllclal of the Congo tret state who Is now In lliiissols and onjojiii ; the full conlldcnco ot the king. He said "The king has no knowledge of Stinley' recall to lluissels. When Stanloj's "JJinii Jley" scliomo aioso tlm king and the fie < state otllclals discussed whethei bis cxpcdi tlon could hu tinned toacuountln the Interes of the Cotifo htato , but the question was de eldonecatl\el > . ' 1 ho free state administration me ratl.ei put out because Stanley , who wa still In theh pav and al theit disposal , ne. glected to to ask the king's pcrmlssloi , betoro proposing Ids "Kmin le ! > " oxpedillon to the Knglisli government. Ncveitheloss tliokinu' will otter no opposition whatever to the expedition , being on the contriry too triad to contilbuto to Its success by sacnliclng to ItStanluv's seivleei. We , the free htato oillclals , think .Stanley's task of rchCiiing I'.mln Hey will boa vety arduous one , ami l toiii-Uioi the Uganda loute veiy ilsky. 1'ei- haps when Stanley was the Heiald's special 101 respondent ho nu-ervcd the risks , and tliAt Is why he now knows it , as that would bo jiibt like his Indomitable pluck. " A I'OSIIIVK CONIIlADIf'TIOK. L VTFK I'urthei Infoimatlon eliablesmo to contradict positivcli .Stanley's iiimorcd io- call to Iliiisbttls. Of coutse , this does not lirecludo the possibility ot a spontaneous leave Uklng visit of Stanley to the klnr-be- foie betting out on the expedition , ANOTIinil CAIHi : . Tlio Pimm mid Prospects c > rihc Inter- Nat ioiiul Calilo Company. I.d-cnoN , Dee , 14. [ New Voik Ileiald eablo bix-cial to the Hi i : . ] The Interna tional cable cnmpan ) still continues to be a prominent feature on thu stock exchange and calls foil ) ; all .soils of comments and criti cisms. How will the now company eilint tlm pool < om pi n Its' . ' How will It affect the Com- meielal ? How will It atleet the war of uites now going on' ' is the new eompiny going to caue a fall In pool cable block and West ern Union''aio questions one hears on nil hides. J consequcntl ) sought Infoimatlon at the fountain head and cable jon thu follow ing inteivlews : * ft- I saw to day in a little dlngj olllce , Xo . ' 4 Nicholas Lane. Mr .Nimuel C. Fox , thu tec- letaiy ot tlm pioposed International cable coinpiny. Ho appealed hlgblj plea ed to tecelve n vlxlt fiom the Hei.ild and cheerfully gave tlio partic ular rcKantlng Ids ( Omp.iny. Hu said : "Of course jou know wo have met a lot of opposition fiom the pool companies , which , however , has done u a deal of good. Judg ing from the Ibt of applications tor .shares ahead ) in , we t > hall certainly Fiiday ne\twhen IhelUt clos&b foi this countiy and abroad , all the money vvo want , but had the pool lespectfull ) announced that there was no room for another cable Instead ot throw ing mud-at us , well vvo might not have got so much. Now , In spite of all opposition , vvo shall ccitainlv go to our lull allotment and the company will bo lloaled. * 1 he altitude of thu Financial News has aUo Decn something scandalous. Itspiopileiors and a man named Kock , who tried to < this company two jears ago , but who has now nothing whatever to do with us , hada ctlous quariel , so out of personal splto the Finan cial News began to blttcrlj attack us and brought It in Hie nnmcs of two othei men for which I hey ( the Financial News ) have been served wllh a writ and the latter gen tlemen will undoubtedly recover heavy damages. We anticipate that the bulk of our traffic will come fiom Canada and the West Indies , but If mind this Is my per sonal fcellni. wo could join theM.ackaj- Hcnnet companv , why then we should dtive the Moncks and Fenders out of the field altogether. 'Iho lettcis that Weavci , a managing diiector In ( ho Anglo , has been writing to the Times and other panels , have been , to saj the least , misleading. Look at the last icports of the Anglo and Dliect and jou will see in a mo ment thai lie makcb the same llcuies for all his statements. Wo heat and believe thai the traflle of thu pool companies has luciexsed since the irductlon of the latu to ( Id a woid , 118 percent , M ) that wo conhtlentlj hope lor good times , and In about nine months our eablo will be laid forvvotking. " 1 next Inleiviewed Mr. Otto Hochcs , at Ids offices In Lombaid street , In reference to the companj. Ho has been connected with telegiuph about eighteen > eats , and claims to have mastcicd Its evcrj little detail. He said : " 1 was managing dhectoi of tlio Ori ental-American Telegraph company which amalgamated with Adftlph Flamant's Tele graph companj' . well known In Mew York. I Introduced the French syndicate Into the Ponjer Questicr companj1 , and at the same tlmo suggested the Azotes route , but It was out-voted. 1 oilglnatcd the idea of tlio In- tei national company cable. Our object will bo to maintain a cheap tariff and give good service , but had the Mackay-Hennett com pany been forced to join tlio pool then wo should bo obliged to stall with n tariff of 2s ( M , or 8s per woid. This compinj' was only stalled about ayearaeo. Of coinso Its progress has been slow , but fair. It Is scarcely a jcar since we bad om concession given by thu Portuguese government. The same loute lias been on the tapis for twenty jears bill thu opposition has been so stiong it could not be adopted until now One Choatc , of Boston , United States , proposed the same louto In l&O'J and others before and since then have been tijlnc to pcilcct it. Dr. .John Hopkinson , F. ] { . S. , and member of tlio Institute ot civil encineets , has ap proved the specifications ol the ionic * and the cable will Uu made under his pcisotial super intendence and will appoint the staff to watch the lav ingot the cable on ills behalf , Di. Hopkinson Is elccttlclan lo the boaid of trade and to Tilnlty liouse. This loute offers advantages that no other could do. The great point Is that otn first cable will bo laid at a saving of JL.'CO.OOO In comparison with the Di rect cable. Flores , in the Ames , wheie the cables will connect , will act as a relay sta tion , tints avoiding the expense inclined by the other cable company , and again the Avon's i onto can be vvoiked with a lighter and cheaper conductor and insulator owing to the shorter length of Its cable. Of couise vvo expect our fair share of work from the United States and Canada , but one ol our principal aim w 111 bo lo open no cheaper communication with the West Indies. Yes , the scheme has gone to an allotment and the bulk of thu cap ital lias been taken bj Kngllbh investors , thai Is , the first issue of 000,000 which is so- currcd by application guarantees and it part by contractors' shares. l < oi the balance ot the capital we shall make a second issue a n future time in Ameilea and on the conti n cut. 1 cannot give j-ou any Investois' name1 now , but out share list will be printed short ! ) when the names and addresses of the stock-holders will bo made public We expect to have the first cable laid ant ready for woikingby next summer. The eontiacl lor building it lias been given to W T. Henloj-'s Telegtaph works limited , a .Noith Woolwich. Oui contiact gives us the option of pajlng the Hcalejs 200,000 h shaies in pait pajment , bu wo may not call upon then to take. It. Of couise if the Anclo wanted a new cable made , they would send to the TelcL-iaph Construction companj , which Is icallj John Fender , and say : ' 'hay us a cable. " ' 1 he money would bo taken from Pendei's company , tlio Anglo , and go into IVudei's pocket thiotigh his coiibtiuc- tlon eomp my. We did not say to any one : "Build us a eablo. " On the contiaiy I woiked out the cost oftheiaw mateilalsal the pic-sent maiket value mjsell.tben al lowed so much toi making and laying , and airlvcdat the cable's actual cost. Then 1 went to Heiilej'b and asked them : "Will jou lav a cable foi bo much , " and wo came to tei ins. The aveiago cost of each of om cables will bu itn.OOO , fullj equipped , which Includes all thu pielin.inarles , expenses , concessions , etc. Om Idea In stinting lids company Is not to sell out. Oh , no ; It Is not being built foi that put post . Manj of our hhaieholdeis have ex posed themselves as putting their money lot permanent Investment. Hud vvo thought of belling out we should have made a hlghei eontiact In oidei to have some profit nut of It. The contiact h is been madu as low as possi ble in oidei to pav dividends at a low tariff , Of coiir-o vvo would sell It wn got JUO lor each 110 .shine. As an Illiistiatlon of what 1 mean , I may remind jou that the Anglo bought its liist opooncnt , the Fiench Allan- tie company , of 1MK > , foi about .150,000 ot stock , but then that was not the Anglo wo know to-day. Wo have an exclusive con- fiom the I'oitugucso government lor twenty > eais , to I iiul our cable at the A/oies. Tliat Is the only concession wo possess Yes , the ocean bed bus been mapped out to see If la > Ing cables ( hero is feasible. Foi that puipobo wo have e imaged a special steamer that will take special soundings every bout or oftener If lequired. SoundIngs - Ings have alieadv been taken for every six dajh , but our steamers will immove upon this as the cable Is being laid. As our land lines service that must bu led to the Inline , as when the cable Is Inld vvo can easily iiml land line connection. ItlllTlHIl JIAIIj COXTUACrs. Details of tlio lit uaking l'l ' > " ' > * Hojitl .Monopoly. LOXIHIXDee. . 11. [ New Yoik hernia Cable Special to the Jiu : ) The ( iulon .steamer Wyoming , whlcli left Liverpool on hatuiday , had then 100 sacks of mall on noird and iceeUed 500 moie tit Qucciibtown. 'Iho Cunard bteamu Auranla litt Lheipool the same diy wltli only a tew sicks , which .she a peed to take under juotest , in conformity mity with an under-tindliu given by Sir Chailes ltns ell , ( } , O , , acting for the Cunard coinpaii ) In tlieiojal .supicmo court , against a pobtolllco suit. The dUp.uity In speed be tween tlio Wjomlng and the Auianla is piett ) well known , and lias biought up again a bitter dbcnsslon of the Ameilcan nulls question. The Herald of December 1 , con taining the cabled Interviews with the olll- cl.ds of the Cnuaril \\hlte.Starcompan- \ - leb and the postolllco secretarj , lui\o passed mound on 'Uiango and been much com mented on. 1 havu thought accordingly the lollowing papcn , would infeiest jou. They aiun letter liom Mr. John Uuiusto the editor ri ot I'm London Times and a statement sent I me December 10 , with tlio compliments of the secretary to the postofllce. BKORLTAnV I1IACKWOO1 > 'S STATT.MK'ST. "Conslderabio inlsapprelicnsion appears to prevail regarding tlio arrangement made for the convcj atice of the malls from this coun try to the United States. The facts are arc thc o : For pcvcral years past the Cu- nard.Inmaii and White Star companies have seemed a monopoly In the comoj.nice of the mall by forming a combination azalnst the poslofllco and refusing absolutely to c.iny any malls unless allowed to carrv all , except ing only letters specially subscribed bv Iho senders for convcjance by other ships , in the Intciest of the public who have con stantly demanded tlio fieeiiseot all or any fast Atlantic stoimers , the postolllco has lone ndeavored to lueak up tills monoply. As ongairo as the 1st ot October last the post- had before him offers foi the : onvojance of the mails , not only without lonopoly , but on terms lowei bj in pei cent nn those paid to tlm late contractor , but ivvlng to the desire of the government to so- : ure the Berv Ices ot all the best ships foi the ogular mail" , negotiations were lor some line pending with the Cunard and White itnr compinles. Theio two compunles fulng ; ceased to comblno with theii ' 01 mm colleagues. the Ininan com- iaiiy , persistently refused to waive lie exclusive right which they had de- Handed for themselves alone , and their ten et was so framed as to five to them the ox- lusive convojanco of the malls for neatly wovearswlth the above mentioned exccp- Ion of specially superscribed letters an ex- option of which the public avail themselves nit little , pirtly through want of Informa- ton with iczaul to other ships competing \nil to their iclativo speed , and partly liiough the natural expectation that the post fllco will send all letters by the speediest neans available. The Cunard and White Star tender was moreover , limited in tlio hist nstanco to two days in each week , Wcdnes- layand Saturday. This limitation the gov- inment at once declined and asked the two companies w bethel they would be prepared to : any the Ameiican mails on the two davs ot lie week ; Thuisday and Satmdav as foimer- y , leaving the postmastei geneial to provldo 'orthcthlid dtbpateh from other set vices of- eicd him. The two coiiipaiile.s dcclliud to consent to that condition 01 even to under- u the conveyance of the malls on Thtirs- lay and on such Situidajs as wcie other- ivise provided for. But cventiallv the iinard companv olfeicdto piovlde a tldid scivice in each week by cirrv Ing the mails to Hoston by tlieli Tuesday steamshipb In addition to the two services to New Yoilc. Having regard to the Infeilor speed of the ships on the Hoston line , it was evident to the postmaster genetal that such scivlce could not be elthci satistactoiy to the public 01 creditable to the postolhce , tor theie seemed probability that the mall via .Boston would eventually bo outstripped by the Thuisday mail ditcet to New Yoilc. Healing n mind tliat the poatoflicc would be pic- iluded by the terms of tlm Cunard and White Star Co's offer fiom making an improve ment In thu scivico for neaily two jeais , however uigently such impiovnmcnts might be demanded , the government felt they had no alternative but to icfuse the joint tender audio close at once with offers which the postmaster general had received fiom two othei BiUisli companies for the conveyance ot Tuesday and Saturday malls and to use the light which ho enlovs under the intei- national convention of thu postal union to secure the convevance of the Thuisdiy's mall by the packets of the Noith German Llojd. Indeed It was found that if the post- office was to secure a toleiably satisfactorj seivlco on Tuesdajsit had no option foi Thuisday's service , cxcci > t by the Noith Cieiman Llojd , as the Oceanic company declined - clined to provide one if the po tofllce continued to use steam ers of other lines on Tuesdays. Under the arrangement thus made for the next Unco mouths Tuesday's mails wvill go as formeily by the Inmin intcinational line , the newowneis of which have undeitaken to improve the fleet generally , and to replace one ot their ships which is slow by a fastet one. Thuisday mails will bo foiw.uded from Southampton bj expicss steamers of the Noith ( jciman l.lovds , which the owners will detain at Southampton for UhurHlay night's mall. Among the steamers of the ( iiiion company , whoso ottei foi Sattiidaj's mails has beep ao- ceptcd , ate the Alaska and Aii/ona , foi the use ol w hicli as legnlai mall p ickct the pub- lie has so long been desirous , and the post mastei general is not prevented Horn using otliei steamers than those ot the companies whO'O offers have now been accepted. It tlm Cunard and \ \ hue Stai companies elect on leconsidciation to nrike a tendet on the saimi tooling as othei owners , Iheie is noth ing to pievent the use of their ships after the end ol Febntar ) . As an impulsion seems to exist that the postmaster has made aeon- tiact with a foreign counti.v heavily biibsl- di/cd bj Its own govcinment , It ma } bo vrell to no contiact has been made with the Noith Uernian Llojd , and ituther , that the mail seivico to America , fonueil bj- that companj Is not subshli/ed hj tlio ( ! er- man goveinment. The ( lerman mails to Ameiica aio carried b.v the Idojd's steameis , which aio Hiltlsh built , at a consldciably lower latopni pound than that which tlio postmastei PLJS lot the con- vevanco of the mails via ( Jueenstown. In the public comments on this employment of Hiltlsh built steameia owned bj a foielgn company , it seems to have been cntliely foi- gotten that the United Kingdom Is one ol the htatet , composed the univeisal nostal union and Is thus a paity to the International convention , the main piInclplo ot which Is that it gives to every statu in the union the imesti icti d iisu of all postal t-crv Ices by land 01 sea of ovoij other state , at coitain moder- atu lates fixed by the convention. This com pact Imposes an ( Jieat Hiltlan tliodutj if can > Ing tl'o foieign malls veiy extensive ] ) all over tliowoild at fixed rates. Ilia bj viituo of the snmo comnacl tlialtho Hritlsh poatollici1 , not set fieo by the teimlnatlon of Its iccont contracts , completes nn otheiwise Impeifeetbeivleo bj sending thcregulai mails b.v cxpicss bliljib of the daman l.lojds. Letteia MI tiaiihinlttod Imvu been limited to n mere hnndlul sjieclally supersciibed by tlio -.ultcjs , while nil tlio states ( d the continent liavo fully availed themselves overj week of the in Iv Ilege of t > ( ndlng heavy closed malls bj these bteameis troin om own shoics , to thu gicat dlbcontcnt of nianj Hiltisb merchants , who have frequently claimed equal facilities to use the priv iiego ot the Postal Union lor the ttansmlsslou of Hiltlsh closed mails bj foreign Mi-amen. Is no new event For jeiis the Uiltlsh postofllco has made usu of the Fiencli maillliic to Ce > lon , tlio Stialts set tlements , China and Japan , and nnlv by that means has It been able to complete n rcgulat weeklj mail to the o places , because tlio J'en- insular and Oriental company's contract steameis onlv make the \ojaB-o tortnlghtJy , Moreover It Is not iuan > > eara since tufe post master general made a formal contract with theOerujan Llovds forthocpnvoyanco of a weekly null fiom Southampton to Now York , under conditions as to payment very slmllai to those now adopted. That contract was formally approved by the house of co'm- uion | n May , 1870 , aud was In force lor ev- ernljeara consequently \\Itb. contracts en tered Into by the Canaid and Ininan Steini- ship companies for - < ervlccs on other daj s ot the week. No public opposition whatever was made at the tlmo to the cmplojniput of foreign steamers whlcli , Indeed , then as now , most u ofully supplement the two Hilllsh steamers. Tlio sole aim of the i > ot oftleo policy is to sccnio the fullest advantanqc to the public , both as regards the best tians-At- l.antle steameis and as regards tlio price paid for sei v Ices , S. A , Ht.ArivWOOi ) , ( tcncrnl Secretaiy rosfofllce. To daj in the court the question whether the statutes authorl/lng the post master genci.ll to foicoanv steamer to take the mall was set down foi argument next Ftida ) morning. Tlic CJorinan Army 11111 /AW / 1 > ut.lnm ? fttnlitn It Hi in iv , Dec , 1" . [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Hi.r.l Public Intercut In the fate of the army bill grows deeper with each sitting of tltu rclchstaz committee. Still it is quite nnctMUIn whether the mcasuio will pans. All wins to depend upon the final icsolutlon of Messis. Windthoist , Klch- tci and Hickcrl. The commltlco are in no htnry to clo-o their deliberations. Thu minlvteilat ouatis are furious at the prospect of the rclehstag vote being dclajcd till after Chrntiins. The kaiser takes an almost feverish Inteiest in the bill. Reply ing to tlio telegi ant received from Prince Lttetpold on his ictuin to Munich , the kaiser sent the Uavailan icgent a long inessace , ending with the following significant pas sage : ' May the eiinest welds > ou addiess to jour subiects who sit In the iclchsta ; ; have fallen on attentive jeais. " Gndtmit nfTeiullcd Tliciu. CONSIAMIXOPLF , Dec. 15. Ycsteiday Yon Callce , Montfello and Cortl , Austrian. French and Italian ambassadors respectively , told .Said Pasha , Tmklsli minister of foreign alfahs , thai notwithstanding tbc poite's cli- etilar iccommcnding the Bulgarians to accept Piincu Nicholas of MIngiella as a candidate foi the Bulgarian throne , ( .iadban Kflcntll , npecial Turkish cnvojto Hulgaiia , had ex- mcscd in Sofia his pctsonal opinion thai Buiiraiia "would do better to wait until the ic election of Piincu Alexandei was possi ble. " It Is itipoited that Iho Tuikish mill- Istiy , in view of the lepresentatlons and after discussion of them , has sent to the sul tan's pal ice a proposal foi the dismissal of Caliban Klfciidl from the diplom itie set vice as soon as ho rcttnns to Constantinople. A Koyal Kainilv IVml. LOVDON , Dec. I1 ; . The Prince of Wales ind Duke of Edinburgh vigoiously suppoil he candidacy of Prince Ferdinand of Saxc- "obug-Gotha for the throne of Bulgaila. They are using pauinual influence at Uerlin and St. l'etersburgln Ferdinand's favor. It "s certain tliev will apjuovo his candidacy. Victoila continues to favor Hatton- nug , and futility feud is becoming noio bitter. Thojfrilnco of Wales icnores hu presence ol Pjiiico Alexander at Winder - > or , aud has lemotistiated with tlio queen foi advs.ucina Aiexaittlci to tlio rank of the mil- tarv Ki.iml cinssfof the older of. Hath , a rnido to which Empeior William and the Pilncc Imperial otGermany | belong A Vic tony For Rciinctt. . LONDONDec. . lie In tlie appeal of James .ioulon Bennett iv ajj tlje decision award- tie Cj ins W. Tielfj M TO'aaTiiages for state- uentsdeiogatoiy to tlio latter published in .be Now York Herald , the com t ol appeals o-day quashed the verdict acalnst Bennett. Iho present decision takes the ground thaf Hennelt , not beimr a Hiltlsh subject nor r lesidciit ot deal Hritiin , the substitute ! ' scivicu on him in London , upon wliieh the verdict WHS obtained , was illegal. The couit condemns Field to pay costs. Kt's i rnuK , Deo. 15 Stoianolf , a supporter of the legoucj' , .publishes a hit lei in the Slavianinu ( nowspapei ) uruini ; llio jraccdon lans to risu up against Turkish authority am loin the people of eastern lloumelia am HuL'aiia in i oiihtitutlni : a state which shil be " ( iieat HuL-ana , " with I'liuco Aloxande as kinir , otherwise to join in proclaiming ; i Bulgailaii republic. Coded to ( ci IIKIIIJ * . P.vnis , Dec. ll 'Iho Tempshas advice fiomauihai saving that the until e coast lietwecn Klplni and l/iiuoo , Ineludliii ; Mantle baj , Island of ( Jalta , lias been ceded to ( iermanj. Tnnner's Keoord Itrokon. PAKIS , Dec 15. Merhtti completed bis hlty day fast at 0 o'clock this evening. The doctois in attendance , gave him n small quantity ol specially ptepared vvino beloiu uhiiin bu loud. Hu is lu good condition. Gold I''or LON'DON , Dec. Fi. I'inancieis say a lame amount of gold is about to be diawn from the Bank of England for shipment to Amer ica to relieve the Now Yoik market , and if is expected the bank will raise the late ol u\ elianuuto-daj In consequence. Tlio Citmpnlirn In Iicl.-iml. Di in iv. Dee. 15. Dillon and O'Biien it Is announced , will attend the campaign meet ing at Kingston , ' 1 iiiirsdaj1. Filciuls advise Dillon to give ball , contlmio the lenl cam- palRii and touea tilal by jury bj estieat < if Hinetics. The Clct.'t In Bi IINT , Dec. 15. N. Dio/ , now vice dent , has been elected president ol Swlt/ei- land lor lt > sr , and F. W. Heitensteln , pies- ent minister of wui , lias been elected v ice pi evident. Hothaie ladlcals. Dakotn CoiiKtitiitlonal Cniivoiitlon , Si. PAUL Dec. 15.-A Jliiion , Dak. , hpeclal to Iho Plomei Picsasajb- The con stitutional convention met this morning , Picsldcnt IMsciton in thu chair. Judge Campbell piesented icsolntlons which weie unanimously adopted , tliat a committee of nine delegates be appointed to consldei the present plan ot action , also Inviting thu sonata and house ot South Dakota to appoint joint < 'ommlltces ol confeicnco for tlio bamo purpose , and that the president of this con- leiencu and the gomnor ot South Dakota tin Invited to paitlclpate. .ludgo Campbell was appointed clianuuii ot this committee. Jt is Mid that all members ol the committee aio lavvjeis , mid that all agieu tliat thu repeal ot the restrain I UKlan > o Is both light and feasible. Thu convention then adjouined till lo-iuoi low. Both houseof ilie leglslatino met at noon and appointed the. committees ot confeiencu called lor The joint conference committee met tills afternoon , and Messis. Cumpbtll , Owen , M > ITS ami hellnm aigued in lavorof repeal m i : the ie < tiainlng elaiibO ot tliooidl- nance , Mi. ( iaiublo opposln : such icpeal. Beloro the leglslaturo and a lar/e asbcmblago Coveiiior Miilutte to-night dellveied Ids mes sage , uxmcssiug tlio hope that thu popular hoii'-oof congiusj may consent to division and admission. Ganders Arrostoil at Kansas KA.Ns bCnv , Dec. 15. At the instance of the authorities of Sioux City , la , a man named Gandeis was arrested hero this aitci- noon on the charge of complicity in the mur der Hev. George Haddock , prohibitionist , last summer. Ganders , who passed under the name of James Bi own , came down thu rhor In a Hat boat and ban been woiking In a packinghouse in West Kansas City foi &omu wieks. Tlm nature of his connection with the inmdei case is not known heie. A Poruer-O.iiitnrpil. SAN FiiANeisCO , Jcc. 15. Oliver A Lin den has been arrested heio on a , requisition from Illinois , wheie ho is wantud to answer to the charge of terser ) . WALL STREET GOES WILD , TOD Per Cent of the Water Squcc2Ctl Out of Inflated Stock , ALMOST ANOTHER BLACK FRIDAY Tlir SPtrH nT Stint rn t IIP Lai erst Kror Jiocnrdcd In tlio History of tlio Stooic I2\cliatijje One rnllurc Announced , Pandemonium nn tlioStock I N'l.w Yoiik Dec. IV [ Special IVIo i.nn to ( he Hii.J : : The wildest tlmo seen on the slock exchange since tlie big break niter tlio death of ( iitlkild was witnessed to day. Con- tnleiiec had been eomplctelj destioved bj tlie sharp decline of the past tlnoe days , and cvGI > body was picdlctingu linthei diop , and itc.imullh a venircaueo. Tliu stock ox- chaiiRO pieHMiled n scene of the wildest ex citement dining the lltsl hour. hitijusl befote noon , when the announcement was mule that one small house had tailed and that olhcisweio In tiuuble. the exclleuteiil was intensified until the exchange was a pinde- moniiim ol brokcis luslilng.iud howling and climbing ovei one another to sell stocks. Heading bioko 10 pei cent fiom 40 to ! ! 0 , and strong dividend stocks like Lackawiinna melted beloie tlio avalanche ot selling or- deis. At ono lime It was next to impossible to sell anything at nil. Lackiivvanna bioke 0 per cent , Hiehmond &AYest Point b per cent , Now England S pei cent. Omaha 0 per cent , and othei slocks in pioportlon.oilh - western , St. Paul , and Jetsej Central weio about tlio sltongesl things on the list , although there was a diop In these of'J to I pei cent , followed bj' a speedy lallj. Moiicj was 15 poi cent and the piospect was that hUhci rates would bo the into until thu llisl ot the 'car The best explanation ollcied foi the break was that hUh lates lor moncj * had compelled the longs to liquidate , and that , as the maiket continued to decline , the score Ineieased on slop eiders and the tinovvIngot stock by weak holdeis , together with the teirific onslaughts by the bears , cained the market down. Al noon the mar ket had tallied 1 toil pel cenlan.i w.issteadj' . bales to noon weio sbaies. Jho ( lemotali/atlon was incicased aftet U o'clock by the announcement that " > o pei cent was Did foi monej and that none was to be had oven at Unit figure. The falluio of Colin & Co. and one or two suiallei coiiecins still linther complicated alTaiis. It was announced , howovei , tliat the Seligmans had engaged SVJO.OOO gold foi shipment 1rom Pails to this country. Dining the closing hour stiong paities stepped in to prevent a linther decline , shoits began buv ing at the saiuo time and in a few minutes the whole list was up'J to 0 pei cent. Heading Milled from HO to o7 and the di lit ot tlio whole list was upwaid. The eloso was oxclted nt an advance o ) 'J to 7 pei cent fiom the lowest point of the day. 'Jho total sales were neaily 1,000,000 shares , the latgest lecoid evoi made on the slock exchange. I ) . W. Vandeihotl & Co. wiled theii Chicago house this altnriioon as follows : "Don't bo afiaid to buy stocks. You can ralso any amount of iiionuj1 , and this is nn opportunity you will not see aijaln in two jears , may be not in ten. ftlsnbsuid to hiipposo that the bull campaign is at an end. and that we sue to have anothei Ions period of depiesslon , On tlio contiarj , 1 expect to see tno biggest boom in ISbT we hive ever known. 1 believe money will land al ! ! pei cenl per annum thi-Mveek. ( Sold Is coming all Iho time. When Mi. dould gotsroadv he will have all the stocks. Don't get left. This cleais the hnaiieial skj foi.ijc.u to come. ' Ogden whed Baldwin. Wien fc Fainuui to day as follows : "The bcarh have used veiy effort to day and some stooks have sold lowei than they will aealnlin a year. Wu wilhdiaw lioin the bear sidoherow ith. " Xr.wom , Dec n. 'Iho scene at the opening ot thu stock exchange was one of the wildest evei witnessed tlieie. Heading , which closed lasl nighl al 4-l4 per cenl , opened -4 pel cent lower , and sold down in a tew minutes to.J7B { per cent. Richmond tl West Point closed last night at 10 per cent , opened this mornintr at .is , and within a lew minutes sold at ! - . Hocking Yallej , which closed last night at , r K , opened at " 4 , and declined to's ! } , Wostein Union closed last night at 71' ( , , opened at TO , and sold at OS' ' , The stick market at 11 o'clock renewed the break ol the pievious hour and those stocks which hid been stiongest weie in linn attacked and the selling was In the nattiie ol a piuie. The declines landed up to 10 pei cent in tlm active lost , the most conspicuous being N'evv Kngland OH , Heading * } , Om ilia ( , l/uk.t- waiina I6 ; . Now Yoik Cential I , Canada Southern > H > and othei s .smallci amounts Theie was a a slight lallj towaids noon , but at that time flip maiket was actlvnand verj weak. Sales during the lusl bom weru.117- 000 shaies and to nnon 0:0,000. I , Marx A CO.'H fallmn wai > aiii'ounced on the stock exchange , i'hej were long of Tei minal and klndieil stocks. Thu market Is touching the lowest point1 seen for many months. Some stoi ks havu dropped i to.pei ! cent in the last tew mo ments. All biokeis have oideis to hell wlliiout limit. Tlio heaviest losses bj the bulls have been In Heading. New Kngland. Lackawanna , Hocking \ alluv and Ulchiiiom Terminal. ( lOiild&Ciiiiiinadt's brokeishavo been bujing stocks at thu decline , and the market begins to show a bomuvvliat better tone. 1 p. m. The market is still fcveiish , hut little better than the lowest prices. The gim- eial feeling seems to bo tint the worst Is over , and that the panio which seemed Im minent at noon will bo tided over. Salet * up to noon were ( Ml.OOO shines , the largest over known in llio hlstoiy of the exchange 1 : > 0 j ) . m , Theio aio wild tumors floating around icgarding the binks , ( ml tliov can be tiaced to no foun dation. The loptusentativo ot the asso- ated press- has just visited several binking Institutions , Including III'1 ' Aim i lean K\- ( hange , the Fnuith National and thu Hank of Ameilea. and has been assined theio is no ( rouble. In thu associated banks. President Coo , ol tlm American National bank , was strong in his denunciations of tlm itimoi and said : "Theie is nollilng In the whole thing but loud talk of the Wall stitet beais " Some few Hiiall bioker lirnib have been caiulit on the wrong hide ol the market , bill have made pilvntu si ttlemcnts and no 1 inther suspensions aio nntlclpitidat tills wilting. The market at its lowest showed a decline ot loui to fifteen points all along the line. ' It iccoveied one liv o and Is helling off again , Munoj has ud- valiced toM ) p < i cent , 1 Pi p. m , A prominent biouer sajs that the lueak In pi Ice.thi.s morning Is the lesull of Iho vcrj com-eivatlve policy adopted by the banks the past week or mmu In lo-tard to loaiib. They have lieun cliaiging fl to 7 per edit on good slocks , and fiom s to 15 per cent on specialties ; also , that the brukeis beiir ' unwilling to carry slot ka at tliose figures , called on the holdei.s for moie mnulns. Tills binu.'ht out largo selling the piicca tell inoiu stock came out , lesulllng to dav In al most n panic. The present bieak may , therefore , bo credited to Unlit money , and nottoanj Inlieicm weakness In the stock maiket Itself. 'Iho reservebolntr down to MKU a low liKiiro as b-f.oco.OOO , was another unfavorable feature of thu situation. Money Is now 40 to M per cent. 'J p.iii.-Tlie.scencnn the floor of the oxclmnce at this hour , whilu somewhat animated , lias no npc.aranu ; of a panic. Kolin , Loeb V Co. have ordcied the shipment of 1,000 , 000 of gold from London and the Seligmans have oiilered 5,000,0do francs tiom Pails , The ex change. market lias como down to a shipping point. Ills claimed in certain circles hero that the alleged disiistious Direct ot the inter state ( onuncreo bill In itsprthcnt shape. Is reportid to have on the lalhoad Interests of the countiy nan had considerable luiluence in rrcating tlm iwseut dcprrlon. . p. in. 'I ho btock muiket since o'clock liaa shovvu much losa autlvlty , al- tlioueh tiaiisnctlons would boconsldeied ex- ticmcly he.avy on anv other da1. } Pi ices ivcie iiiucli butter and icceivcrs ranging to'J per cent weie made , tint later the decline wasacatn resinned and tlio lowe t Uguies at tained Were leached. The most consplenoits movement was In Manhat- l.Ui. Which was WOIK when the remainder of too list was linn and Its decline from noon liiines ? was ' . ) ' } per cent. 'I ho lemalnder again shovvd some Improvement toward ' 4 o'clock and al .2:15 : the maiket was vety ac tive , hut ceneiallj linn. 'J'i"i : p. m , eveial buv ing eiders appear to have been irlv en In the stock exchange and there Is an Impn sslon that the Helllnir move ment has parsed Its jllmax. Iho delivery luun hasgotto by wltluiut anv fresh fi\llute , which Is icgaided an an ixeellent indicalion. it p. m .Money has Joined at H per eonl. Inteiest per diem , width Is equal to l.'jti percent. 1 hoc-hue was niueli tinner than could be expected at the height ot the excite ment of mlddav and gives pioiulseofamucli beltei m.aikel to moriow. The lust loan was at > , per cenl and inleiest. At the close thom m uket was active and sttonn. ' 1 he entire dltreienees of Marx * Co will not nxceod Si.oiH ! ) and theii Mieedj lestimp- tion Is undoubted. A nitjwT ; ; nov. lie NiuluatOH n .S ehoonor Hnfely ThioiiKli Uoucli Wcnllior. Si..JOHNS , S I ! . , Dec. 15.-Speclal [ Tele- Ktam In Mm lii ) : | ' 1 he schooner Fmlly , J. White , from Sands Itiver , X. S. , toi New- York with a eaigo of piling , has been navi gated into this poit bv a lad named i'attei- son , who was the only pei son aboard ol hot. The vessel silled fiom Sands Kivur with tlneo persons on boaid Captain I'atter'on , Mate Atkinson and the boy. It was intended to put Into anothei porl on the N'ov.a Scotia coast to complete the ciew. blmrtly alter putting to sc.a the male was knocked over board hj Iho main boom. Captain Patterson put off to his jesctte , but was too late to save him. When he tinned to row back to the schooner It had dtsappoaiod. Alter scotch ing all night Captain Patterson linded at Qtiaeo. The 1 id on the schooner stood at the wheel all diy and all nlchi , skillfully navi- srallng her clear ot nnmeioiis daiigcious points and finally made this harbor , lie was once beaten oft by hoivj hold winds , bill when the brce/e chanced no .main attempted to cllect an entrance and this time succeeded. Weaiyvvlth his eoa oless waich aud labor , he ran the schooner on the flats and sought sleep in his berth. The vessel was tound bv the captain , who had icaehed this city and dispatched a tug in seatch ot the schooner. A Ijcttri * from aits. Cleveland. Sf IIA.N ION.Pa.Dec. 1.1 fSpecial Telegiam to the Hi r. . ] Mis. Swan , president of the Young Ladles Christian Tempeianco union , lias received the follow Ing letter liom Mrs. President Cleveland icbpccting the action which the St. Louis blanch oltho union was lepoited to have taken lecently upon the statement tliat wine was placed upon the tabloatn lecenl ciinnci given by Secretary Kndlcott , al which Mrs Cleveland was n guest ; Uivu : MADAM : Youi lettei speaking of the Women Clnistian Temperance union In vour city has been received. Allow mo to thank vou for the contents. Since my return fiom New Yoik I have boon unable to look over all the mall received in mv absence. So tni nothing has conic to mj notice fiom the St. Louis divislsn of join otgani/ation 1 am inclined to think with yon it lias been a mistake stinted possibly by some nowspauer to injure thoWomon's Christian Temrorance union. With best wishes , -\erv sincerely , FltANCKS Foi.SOMjCl.r.Vht.ANn. llio nalhvny Pool Will Wait. CHICAGO , Dec. n. The Genual Traflic as sociation meeting closed to dav with no re sults accomplished. It was decided not to ratifj the appointment of a passengei arid trator until II was decided whelhei one ofll- clal should discharge tlio duties ot both pas- bcngcr aud lienJit arbltialor. A dispatch was iccclved fiom Commissioner Fink stat- Ini : that undei no condition would the trunk lines accept less than 'J8 pei cent of the throtuh cast-hound i.ato on Pacific coast fieight and would make no ariancement to ptoiate on west bound. Tbu commissioner was requested to send out a ciicular askinc lei the signatuies ol all manageis in the al- liim dive on the question ol thu abolishment of commissions after January 1. It being the ceneral opinion that the inter-state com merce bill would pas , the opinion prevailed thit It would be better to delav action on Im- poitant matters until It was known whether theie was to be a pool or not. Ifoke to I5c i\tr. MON i in AL , Dee. n. Judge Dngan deliv ered a judgment in the Hoke esliadition case to-day. Tno judge said thu accused w as chained with forgery and utteilng sev eral di ills and bills ot exchange bv means ot tilling in the body of the blank checks to which the. piopei si-jiiatincs weiu attached , and in this way and otherwise defraudlnp the bank to the e.xtenl of sSUO.soa. I'ue judge ( ptotcd n nuiubii ! of autlioiiti"1- , and hold thai the tilliiunp of such blank checks withoutatithoritv and with intent to defraud was foigcry , and It came within the meaning ot thu cxti.adition Ueatv. Iho judge ic- \lowed and weighed all the evidciuu. and then ( ommltted lloke to jail lot liflci'ii davs to await extiailition to the I'nited States stating tint In thu meantime Hoku could upplv lor a will of haPeas corpus , which the deleiitlaiit'b couiibcl at once gave notke he would do. 'J'lio Opera Howe , Cinrvf.o , Dec r > . ISpecIal Telegram tr the Hi.iI Do VIvo's statements published jesteiday about the Ameiican opeia lows , etceiealed a coed deal of sensation. All lailj principals exteptInch and I'ni.sch-Mndi are oul In caids this moiniiig hianding hi' s'atemonts ' asmallelous 1 dsehoods , with m lounilatlon whatever. Do Vho also fele giaphsllioTiihiino fiom Now Voik ha > Inj ; thu lepottet who wiotu up vesteidav's dis patch giossly mlsicpiesunled ills statements ; that he was go Inn tu qnato accounls with Thomas , hut xiothing moie , and that \\c. \ \ mi ant nothiiu at all malicious. 'I ho icport em heio Inteivleweil a I ilgu nuinbei of elm ins and billet gills last night.ll ex piessed themselves satished In everv tespecI will their tieatineiit and sal iry , and ( l.ilm no ills batislaetlun exists In the companj. A ( 'oiijjrcshmnn Co en p red. N'nw YOIIK Dec. 10. ( Special Teh gram to tlm Hii.j-The : nibtino's RaleUli ( N. C. ) special sajs : "Thu ail Is full nt talk 1,011- ceiiunglliu cilminal conduct ot Congiess- man .lames W. Reid , liufoiu election Hi ld w ah publicly charged with obtaining money fiom the Machovialunk in Winston in using an ordei of Kockingh nn eoiintj , ol which ho was tieasuiei , when in fid thu order was Issued lei the p upuse ol paving llio count v debt. Ills known that Reid i.ilscd J > . : OIKJO oniiiopeilj not worth > nnOOD , ami that bo lias pledged his biluy as mngiessni in until March to more than one person and raised money in .this waj. He is lepurted to have1 gene to C.inad i No Itcliof Alliudi'il. Cnif Uio , Due. IB.-'Hie genual p gu agents of tlio nortaweatein lines met In day lo con < -Ulur the petition "I the Chicago it ( iiandTiunk toad that u concession should bo giantcd them on thrnigh latea to Oicgon and ililtish Columbia t offset the low rates out ot Canada by thu Canadian Pa < Hu. ' 1 Ixiy decided not to depalt tiom their past policy of tieatlng all lounei tioiiK alike , and that theii Interest at thu piesent time cdtifd onlj be biibseivul dfiiiaiidlug thu full iH'ipoi- ' tlons of the regulai tariff lates fiom ( uiia o and Dctiolt. Itiimed ( Jut. CINCIN.N-AII , Dfc lrTlio livestorj build ing occupied bj J M. .McCullou.'hs i\ . Sons , and Idled with uheavj stock ot sceds.pianf , agricultural Impleiiients , etc. was onurcb deattojed b > liio ana wt"r this morning JxissMliuatixl from Si5,0X ( lo SlOoooo , m- tiuraiice About $00,000. WASII1XCTOX AND MONTANA , 4 _ The House Oomraitteo or. Territories Dc- cidfs to Report Thorn Favorably , CONGER'S POSTAL NOTE BILL. CoiiKrrssninn Onrsoy Orson tlie Open' ln ( if Now Imtid Ollloos In Nn- ImmUn The Dnkotn < 1udfc- " Capital News. AVIII Kav or Their Admission. W vsniMiioN , Dec. 15 [ Special Telegiam to the Bu : I The house committee on lori - i Holies to dav decided ( oiepoil the bills to ailmll the teirltotles of Montana and Wash- Inston tonitory Into Hie union. The senate has aheady pissed a bill admitting Washlns- ton tetrilorv , and memlieis of the house com mittee think that both these teitltoiles will be admitted this session , iu they have an In timation tliat the sinatu will agree to amend Us Washington leirltory bill by adding on that lelatlng to Montana , piovlded the hoiiso nets upon both , Muntina Is a demociatlo tei i Itory , while Washington Is nominally re publican , and although ropioscnteil in Wash ington at present by a democrat , It was only on pcisonal grounds that ho was elected. There Is no possible chance for the admission ot Dakota at lids .session , owing pilnclpally to the fact that the pcoplo of that toirttoiy have been unable thus fai to agico upon thu bill that they vvnnt passed. roNOEti's rosiAi. VOTI : nu.t , . Senator Congci to-ddj reported back to the senate a bill of agiealdeal of Importinco to' businessmen In all sections of the countrjt It provides thataftei the passigoot the act' postal notes drawn at ono office shall bo pay able at any othei ollho In thu United Stiles. The piesent law tuovldes thai postal notes an only bu Issued and paid nt money order tllces , and n note diawn bj one postma l r nttslbo made pij able at some specific ofllcn lamed on the note. If henatoi Conger's bill ; oes tlnoiigh It will do awaj with this and n lostnl note will bu good tor Its face In any lostotllce ot the United States , no mattei on vliom it maj be di iwn. xinniASKA I.\NH OFI in s. Itepiccent.itlvo Doisuv called upon Sec- etaiy Lamat to dav foi the puiposo of using the * necessity ol Immediately up- Hunting land olllceis at Clmdion and Hid- icj- , Neb . He pointed out to Mr. Lamm the ciowth of the country about these offices , holncoiiv enience settlers aie subject to and solmpiessed him with the sense of immedi ate action that he ptomlbcd Mi. Doisev that le would call the attention of the piesident 0 the. matter and ask that the appointments be nuldemjed. Chairman Monisoti , of the house commlt- co on wavs and means , sajs con'/ress will adjoin n lor the holidavs one week Irom to- lay. TIII Moitmsov T viurr mi. ? . . When asked at noon today what ho ; hought the piospects were of the Morii- bon tailff bill being taken up toi con- ideratlon , Major Mcklnloy. of Ohio , n leading republican membei ol the hoiiso 'ommlttec on wavs and means , said : "I think the vote will be extiemelv close and doubtful. That Is the oiilj prediction I wish to make about it 11 Is not true , as icported , that republicans w 111 vote foi consideration. 1 do not Know of a single icimbllc in who will vote for consideration , although there may be Iwo or tlneo who may do so " H is generally believed that tlio bill will betaken taken up for consideration by n very small majority. POMAI. XOMINAI10VS Cl ! WOKS. The follow ing nominations of postmas ters In Nebi.aska weie sent to the ten- ate bv tlio picsldonl to dav : Win. F. Wolfe , Friend ; Flank Campbell. O'Nell , and the following in Iowa : < ! eo. C. Hod- mnii , U'ashtngtou ; HIchard liuikc , What- cheei ; Thomas A. Massic. Logan ; .lames N. Davis. Knoxvilie ; Wm. 11. Merrltt. DCS .Moines ; ( ieou-o P. Veal , Columbus ,1 unction : .lames J'ley , S'lgournej ; Fiank P. Matel , Odebolt ; Hdward K. Pitman , Leon ; lames P. Caileton , Iowa Falls ; ( ieoigo Paul , Iowa Citj ; Saniucl L. Haivej , Centievillo ; Ale * Clniles , Ced ir Kanlds ; .lohn Horn- stein , Boonc ; Alice 11. ( Staves , Alton ; lEIcli- Hld L. ( Ildlcj , Malvcin ; .loseph II. James , Sac Citv ; ( ieorge C. Serlngton , Belle I'lalne. Henry 0 Fnges was today appointed iiosliuastct at Luxembiilg , Dubiupie countj , Iowa , vuu Nicholas Audio , deceased. 'Jho following fomth-cliss iiosfolllces will be laised to the picsldoiitial cl tss on .lannaiy 1,117 : Odell , III. , Hiownville , Hid , Helh- vue , la , Santmin , la , AiHpahoe , Neb. , Aiibuin , Neb. , Biokcn How , Nob. nn n VKOI \ M IMIMIII * . It Is said that thu position ot the chief j istice ol Dal.oti , vice Church , appointed goveinoi , lies between Ilallib. of Mlssouil , and Hill , of Dakota , with the chances in Ir.voi ot Hiillls. MtlN I VN V's NI W ( JOV rilNCIt. The picsideiit to daj appointed Mr. Pres ton H. Lesliu , of KiMituckv , to bu governor ot the tenitoij ol Montana , Thu appolnt- inunt was a gieal suipiise not onlv to the Montina people who aio In" town , but also to lint Kentuckj congress men who claim to know nothing about this gentleman. The governoislilp of : i was filled about u v ear ago by tlio appointment ol Mi. llowuid. a prominent business 111,111 and bankei ot Helena , and It was not know n until to night that he had le- htgned , bid II seems thai when heio a few dav sago he called upon Hie piesldcnt and tendered his insinuation , dying that his truit business Interests would not penult him to devote the lime nciessaiy tohlsolll- clal duties to waiiant him 111 continuing as unvcrnoi. A Montana man who knew of llovvsti's dcteimin itlon un.led In endorsing .Mr Mittln Maginms , ex-delegate to con- gn &s , lor the position. M iginnis was a can- dhlalewhen Howser w.a appointed , and it was believed up till noon to-daj ( hit ho was pr.u llcallj suieol the place. inrsidMi IMIIIISJ ini : > iirsiNiir : ; > , Them a > u a niimbut ot vvuilthy hiigur plantciri heiij from Louisiana looking after thuli IntcKsts in tlm way ot dufeitlng a re duction ot the tarlil. One ol them has made u mopositinn to thm He-it thu duty win bu t iken fiom rico laislns and chickoiv the Mig'il p'anteis ' will IUUP to let It go oil ! HU' ; u , "So as to m iko a hiiuikfiiPt for llio pooi man , " as bo puts It It is believed Unit the Morilson lull will bit taken up lot con- Mdei itiiin , bill thai thu pioposllion tosul > Mitiito the bill In ono lenidvlng the tax cm tobacco and alcohol lei aiU will bo adopted. Quito .1 numbei of ( mill protcttinnlMH have aniud heio this evenliu : lei tno purpuso of woikingagtlnst thu Moirl&on bill , .so iioi'i i on n VKOI v. Old.vay. .Johnson , Hilgluis , Last .Af Jf. Day and \V. \ dodanl , rd Dal.ol'i , who have bein here In tin interest ot tlio t < r- iltoiy , left tor i omo this moinlng. they aio satlshcd tliat theiu is no liopo lot llio ad mission ol thu teiilloiv while the democratlo huiise controls le lblatlon , Min i.M'irti.n VT vsv IIVIK Tint eonleienie lepmt of the Intei-htalo i ommcice bill is cp < i led in tlu < liouso at any time Me.mberri m the commltteo sav that they havu the utmost lonlidenco In their abllllj 10 pass the lull , which has been shorn of scveial of the fiatures vvhlili made tdii Itea an IIUMMIIO objectioiiablu tu many of the memheib who ( iievioualj voted ( il.VN IIV. JIM.lit Ol' WV The liouse ( iimmllleit on Indiiin air.iiis to day decided to icpoit tavinublj Ihu bill to grant the SI , Paul , \ , .Manitoba toad tlio right of vva } thioti h thu Fort Heithold Indian HI- hcrvation in Dakota , and thu Hlackfecit le-it'ivation In Montana. A bill of llku cliaiadci was pa sed bv b itli IIOII'-CH in thu last toiigie- , bid was ileteated bj llio presi dent's , veto. 'I ho picsiilentdisapproved into bee ius It w is to i general tnilsieims 'J'liu hill which IMS been favorably ated upon to- dav Is designed to evade tlio hlioitiomlng of thu piciiuiii one CAI'llAI IllillTS , Itepic-ienl.itix Weavci and Fiedeilck , of Iowa , called upon I'lCiiitent Uovelanl Ch.Uiman Mntilson , of thu house commit- tenon wavsand moans say-i congress will adi'iuin ' foi tpo iiolldays ono wee ) : from t'J ' U.I } S'-hinslt.i nnil lovtii XVonilior. I'-iiOxib ; .vi nriU luiva. Fair weather , t .ij mer.