Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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JJtlitmd t < jeiirrUr In utijpnrt of ttiecltr t
tMcntr ttntt j'tr irtck.
c , No. 43.
innoi : ( No. 23.
N. V. Plumbing Co.
New fall goods at He.itcr's.
Additional Council HlnlVs news on sev
enth page.
Leave to wed wa yesterday given ( ? .
J. Witglgmon and Hcrlic Hall , both of
this city.
The Howard Athcnn'inn company was
.it the Ogdim yesterday , gave a fair
.show al the opera house I.i t evening , and
leave for Lincoln to appear there to
The notice have received word to been
on the lookout for a gang of crooks who
have headed this way , prepared to crack
Mifes , and commit general deviltry. It is
a large area to walcli , but the boys will
keep then eyes open.
The council are dodging I he Tenth
street project , but they can hardly dodge
the public sentiment. There is already
talk of having an indignation meeting ,
to give exprcs lon to the fctslings con
cerning that matter , and a'gaiusl the kick
made against paying for public improve
Among Ilie guests of one of the hotels
is a hey ol fifteen years , who is said to be
worth $2.000,000. lie is with his stepfather -
father and stop-mother , both of his own
parents being dead. The family are
stopping here for a short time and are
en route for the old country , expecl-
idg to visit Southern France.
The mayor will not probably call a
special meeting of the council' take
action on the 'Tenth avenue project.
There is such an evident disposition on
the part of some of the aldermen to
dodge a vote on this important matter
that if a meeting was called there would
hardly be a quorum. Hence the call
would be needless. Such seems the
view taken by the mayor.
'The literary exorcises at tl.e sociable
given by the gentlemen of Hroailway
AJ E. church to-morrow evening will
consist of a select reading by Arthur E.
McKnight , the renowneilhoy orator , one
or two select readings by Mr. Stock
man , lately from New York City , and
oilier choice sclctions by our boys in the
JU. E. church. Everybody come.
'The ahlerman-at-largc , Si Duiifnrth , is
said to be dead set against the 'Tenth
avenue project , not because he is over
anxious to protect the interests of any
body living in that part of the city , but
because ho is fearful that it may in some
way all'cct his Hroailway property. It
was supposed that an al'derman-at-iarge
was elected to represent the city
ns a whole and not merely to represent
Street Commissioner Harnett retires
from that olllcc on the lirs' , of the now
year to take the place of justice of the
jieaee. There are already fourteen ap
plicants for tlie position of commis
sioner , and there's more to follow. The
council will have hard work in making a
selection , but they should throw frioml-
slup and partisanship aside , and give the
oily a good man , as the place is a very
important one.
'The trio of strangers who had the
trouble with Martin , the haek-driver.hail
a hearing before Jiulge Aylesworth yes
terday. It appears that tliey had some
liltlo diflioiilty with Martin at the trans
fer , but they made itp.and Martin ofl'ered
to let them rldu up town with him for
nothing. They stopped at McAdams
balopn , and after gelling a dritiK they
got in the hack again and rode up to
tlnsPaeilic house. On getting out there
Martin demanded pay , and a wrangle
resulted. Martin pleaded guilty and was
lined , and Hoberts , one of the trio who
was so badly punished by Martin , was
nlno lined. The Iwo others were dis-
It is a matter of general congratulation
that there tire less than a dozen citizen
who are niakmgany light against paving
and city improvements. Of these few it
5s said that several are alreauy weaken
ing , as tlie.y lincl that tlie public sentiment
is so strong against their action. It is
reported that an attempt will be made to
giyo those few an opportunity to pay for
Ihoir paving in one ases , menl , under the
old hny , concerning which there scorns
to ho litllo chalice lor dispute. It is well
said that if they are afraid that the city
has evceeded its limit , in order to accom
modate thorn and give Iliem longtime in
which to pay their assessments , they can
relieve the oily of that much indebted
ness by promptly paying their assess
ments all in a lump. It is thought that
when called on to pay cash down they
will perspire under their collars , anil
begin to realize that they are trying tn
kill the goose that laid the golden egg ,
Perhaps they may realize then that the
city , by its action , has been giving then
an easy way to pay for their improve
merits , and that to light the city aftci
having been granted this favor is ralhei
lla/.nl Colo.
Fur the llct lin . IT. Cn > / < .
Little lin/cl , trnxrnnt blo&snm !
I' iny of Joy nml bliss I
DiMth hath bnrno thro on his i > nsom ,
And thy presunco here we miss.
Miss thy BftiitlP. lovltift oooiiiR.
'Touch ol chcuto ami linger-llps ;
All the sweetness ot thy wooing ,
Kisses of thy lObobail lips.
Little llnzol , niicc ) spirit i
Flown mvay tnini this dull earth !
\Vhcro tin ; place thou ilnst inliciiti'
Tohat joy hast thoa hii'l blrtliV
Ha/el , cnnic , ( lion ilailliu' a
Whisper Irom thy glowine itnri
He to 111 a swciit uvaiiKul ,
And we'll come ami meet tlieo therol
Hard and soft coal , best quality , f , Missouri and Iowa wood , C. 11
Fuel company , 53 ! ) Broadway. Tele
phone 130.
Buy Christmas wares of W . S. Homer S
Co , No. 23 Main street , and save mono'
by so doing ,
L. H , ( 'rafts it Co , arc loaning mono1
on ull classci- chattel securities at oni
half Ihulr former rates. Scu them bufon
tecuring your loans.
Millinery goods at cost for next 3
days. Mrs. w. J. Scoles , No. 230 Broad
way. _ _
I'orsonal PiiriiKi-apliM.
.Iiuliie Ford , of Hurrisou county , ha
removed to this city and has located hi
ollice in the Kvcrctt block.
T. J , Snnir , of Creston , an old Chicagc
Jlurllngton & Qmncy conductor , am
twice elected shcrifi'ol his county , was f
the Paciliu yesterday en route for Siou
City , in company with SherllV Jones , c
Sidney. 'They are to attend a Mate nice
ing of ishurius at that place.
D , O. Finch , of DCS Moinns , was her
yesterday looking after a case befor
United States Commissioner Hunter.
H. F. Clayton was in the city yestci
T. D , King lias gone to Dubunuo afte
Ids sister , who recently entered a coi
vent there and whoso health is rapid )
Harry Haas went \vcft last evening.
r MUs F. l.anumaid ia home fro ;
A Treasurer OiJered to Ttun Over His C uh
to Himself.
The Mirciiucrick-l'nrkB AVoililliiK
rurtlicr 1'artluulnrK of tlie Siti-
clilc Amusement Notes
The Mlmlcit Muddle.
The case of the district township of
Mindcn vs Peter Elders was before Judge
Loolbourow yesterday , and proved a
novel and interesting one , involving
some peculiar facts. Peter Khlcrs is ono
of the oldest ami most substantial cltl-
oil's of Mindcn. Among the positions of
risl which ho has hold was that of trcas-
rer of the school district. At the close
f his term the board mot to elect a sue-
cssor. There was n tic vole , and
nolhcr vote was taken which resulted in
ho election of another man. Elders
laimoil that his alleged successor was
ot duly elected , and that ho therefore
old over. Ho had at the time about
1,000 of llm school iummy in his posses-
ion , and this ho hold unto. Various dc-
minds were made for it , but ho refused
o turn it over. 'This suit was com
menced against him and his bondsmen
o compel him to turn over the
avh on hand. There was no intimation
hat them was any shortage , but the
inestiou wa simply as to who should belie
lie custodian of the money. He held to it ,
iiitl the suit was kept hanging along in the
otirts. In the meantime his successor
A-ent right along with tlie ollico , taking
n the money , paying it out , the board re.
'using to recognize Elilers , who kept the
jalanco rolerred to. Last September
mother election was hold , and Peter
Millers was again 'elected as treasurer.
Tins suit , thuretoio , was a peculiar ono ,
us it , sought to maku Ehlors and his
bondsmen turn over to the school district
of tlio township tlie amount in contro
versy. As the judge put it , in deciding
lie ca e. it was mainly a question of
? osts , for Khlcrs as present treasurer had
he money which they were trying
o make him turn over. The costs wcro
axed up against Elders and ho will
low bo compelled to turn over the money
.0 hun.-clf. Another side issue brought
ip is the right of Ehlerslo hold the ollice
low. He is a resident of tlio independent
chool dislriet of Mindeu , and is trcas-
ircr of the township outside of Minden
: li-trict. which embraces that part ol the
ownship oiitMile of Minden proper. It
s claimed that under the law the
roaMirer must be elu > on from amom :
he electors of the district , and he not
being a resident of that district , lie
uannot legally served as such ollieor.
lupge Lootbourow intimated that he did
lot concido with this construction ot tlie
aw , but this question was not directly
lassed upon , and another suit may bo
brought to force Klilets out of the posi-
ion. In the meantime he can busy him-
elf turning over $1,000 from one hand to
he otiier , colleting- amount of Peter
Shier and paying it over to Pclcr Khlcrs
Mrs. Dr. 1) . Trncstlell , a graduate of
ho Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics insti-
lite , is prepared to treat all classes of
lisea os "and demonstrate the curative
power of electricity" in accordance with
a now and complete system of Electro-
Therapeutics , Electro-Magnetism and
Static Electricity. Female diseases a
specialty. Located at No. 307 Broad-
ivay , .second lloor. Ollice hours I ) a. m.
o 0 p. m.
Eleclric door bells , burglar alarms and
very form of domestic electrical appli
ances at tlio New York Plumbing Co.
'I'reiich Cook" direct from Paris will
boon exhibition Saturday , 18th instant ,
at Bracken's , No. ' , ' 33 Broadway.
Quietly AVcildcd.
Yesterday afternoon II. J. Hifenbcrick
ns made a happy man , being joined in
wedlock to the lady of his choice , Miss
, /.io Parks. 'The ceremony took place
it 5:30 : o'clock at the residence of Ihe
bride's ' parents , Mr. and Mrs. George
Parks. No. I''O ( ilen avenue. Kev. T. J.
Maukuy olliciated , the invitations being
confined to the immediate relatives. Tlie
nfl'air was witout any display or ostenta
tion , and yet tlie details wcroeicgantand
in good taste. 'The happy pair left on
the evening train for their future home
in Denver. Mr. Hifenberiok was for live
years the ticket agent here for tlie
Chicago & Bock Island , and on the 1st ol
September took the position of traveling
passenger agent of the Union Pacific for
Colorado , with headquarters in Denver.
Ho is a young man of much ability andol
Mot-ling integrity , and was a great favor
ite hero with employers and associates ,
'Tlio bride was born in this city , and lias
been surrounded by many dear friend *
from childhood. There arc many honesl
regrets that she is to now leave the cir
cles in which she has been so o.steemod
but it is a matter of congratulation thai
so worthy a man has won her , and weli
wishes for her in her now home are boll
numerous and earnest.
A line , largo line of the most elo < ianl
watches , chains , silver and plated ware
decorated China and glassware , suitahk
fur holiday and wediliuur presents , at ( J ,
B , Jacquemin & Co.'s , No. 'J7 Man
street. _ _ _
Don't buy your new suit or overcoat
until you look at those at Metcalf Bros' ,
An elegant line of short wraps , new-
markets , etc. , cheap , to close them out ,
JOHN Brxo : & Co.
New goods and Christinas Novelties al
Kirkland's , jeweler , No. ! WI ! Broadway ,
A Yeritnhlc llooni.
Under the above heading the Siou >
County Leader has this to say of the waj
this city has bcon struck :
\Vn refer lo Council Bltilfs , the casteri
terminus of the Union Pacific railroad , am
tlui western terminus ot each of the urea1
pool lines , This town , with n present pnpu
latlon of about iio.OOO , is now Imvini : o
mmlno tiootn. The I'nlon i'aciiic Ivv
almost completed n wagon an.l foot tirlilii
across tlio Missouri , ( 'itl/misof Omaha nm
Council Bltills have formed acorporatlnn ant
obtained a cliaitur from congress for anollie :
wagon , foot and stiwt railway brlugo aorosi
thoiivor , coal Imx Just been ilUuovercil 01
the Nebraska side , und it is believed boll
sott anrt anthracite coal exist on the lowi
side , nml a uow railroad is projected to tin
UliiIVs , A canning factory linn been startoi
the last year of larjjci capacity ; the nev
DiciKscnrn busker , Invented by a fnrme
nenr the Hlulls , uives rise to a factory for it
nuuiufiictuie and thu uiunut.ictiuo of plows :
nearly every one of tlio great implcuiein
companies maintains a western branch housi
at the Hlufls , on accouut of tlie creat am
increasing shipping facilities at tlmt point
1HIK6 packing interests nru there a
inobcnt bciklnp ; grounds fur thu errc
tlon of paulutiK houses. A pajvei
mill ana hamlln fariory , a flronc insurant- '
company , miles ol paving nnU grading , clue
trio lights , extension of street railway lilies
ami imiirou'il watcrwoik.s are some of tli
recvut Hildltlons to tlio town. Just at piescn
what Is inaklne the "boonr * in a mnve on tli
part ot the Union Pneitic railroad to put h
extensive works ami repair shops on tin
Iowa side. 'Ihls , in connection with tin
new railroad bridges , new packing Indus
tjlci" , tuul the inosjiot'tive location of addl
tlonal tRL-toiIfs , ami other business intcro.sU
Is causlui ; real estate to advance rapidly
Ho\i > ral new additions have been plattc <
wlhm | tin * last month , and inlets nr
( linitllni ; , but they can stand it , as the prir
of Uluils proptrly hax bteu lo\\t-r than lua
of property in any other rood town In Iowa.
If thu lilnfls lints ! ROCK ! coal It will Minrlen
tlio hntil on coal for the towns of Western
anil Northwestern Iowa.
Moating stovcsnt coil to close them out ,
W. A. Wood , No..04 Main street.
Sec that your books are made bv Moore-
lonso < te Co. , room 1 , Kverott block.
Weather strips at Chapman's 103Main.
Dr. Hanchctt , ollico No. 12 Di-.arl street.
leMdencc 120 rourth street. Telephone
N'o. 10.
The Mueller Presents.
BcloM- a list of twenty presents which
\ 111 bo distributed on January 1,1837 , ,
unong the < e who hold tickets.
Every 50 cent purchase entitles yon to
us ticket.
FIIIST l'm : KXT One large Music Box ,
Sr.eoxn One line Lady Doll ,
'our ' feet high , $ ! )5.00. )
Tltiui ) PiiKsiJXT One Musical Cigar
loldor , f iri.OO.
FnricTH I'IM > KXT One Musical Cigar
loldor , ? 12.W ) .
FIKTII I'ltKsiiST One line dressed Doll ,
Joy , sfS.OO.
SIXTH l'iisr.NT ! : One line dressed Doll ,
SUVKXTH l'iiisr.ST ; Onn finis Doll , ! fO.M ( ) .
KmitTii I'KKS-KST On Toilet .Set , * : > M ,
NINTH IMiKs-nsT-one 1'ancy Work
Jasket. $5.00.
Tr.N'iu I'HISIST : : Ono 1'iincy Work
Basket , $ . "i.OO.
KuiVKNrii Piiir.XT : One OdorCusc rii : > ixr : One Odor Case
TniitTr.r.XTii i'ir ! > n.NT One Toilet
( Jase | 2.oO.
l'oi'KTiiNin : : I'IIIWKXT One Disiiiuo
'IgMro ifJ.,1. ) .
1'ii'TKKNTii L'IM : IXT : One Bisiinic fie-
ire $1.75.
ji.XTEUxrii I'iisr.xT : : One CUD and
Saucer $1,75.
SivKXTirXTii : : PUESIIXT One dip and
Saucer $1.50.
EiiiiiTiixTii : : 1'iiKsr.XT Ono 1'nir Vases
NINKTIIXTH : : PiifKXT One Statuary
We soil our goods lower than any other
muse in the city and invite an inspection
> ( goods and prices.
No. 103 Main Street. Council Blulls.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
state loans. .J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Notice Opera house barber .shop , bath
ooins re-opened.
AVe have a line largo line of Christmas
lovelties that wo arc selling cheaper
ban ever was known , also mulllers , silk
landkerehicfs , ladies' ami gents' gloves ,
clothing , line .sealskin caps , etc.
Five hundred overcoats for boys and
children , from $1.50 up.
up.METCAI.K linos.
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves 1 lor the next
thirty davs 1 will soil boating stoves at ,
cost for cash only. P. C. DicVor. .
To "See Naples and die" may be very
good , but to own a Now Era clothes
washer and live out a natural life happy
seems more sensible.
This will be the v cek for bargains. Our
intirc line of shawls at 2s per ct. discount.
Way down to close out. They must be
sold. We distance competition in qual
ity of { joods and low prices , is the
verdict of any customer.
ci't-t' HIIIS KO lout , and can
not NO mi
IfT- * * " -U- " " ' " -
This wci > l ( look Tor < IUpl ay < i
t'lirisliiuis .Vovc'llicx ilial uill
Interest I Liiiliemuni Children
Call and see our goods
before purchasing
Trji2i iioio : nut.
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Christmas Goods
Jn Fancy
Pottery ,
Lamps and Platedwarc
At exceedingly low prieus. Please cal
W. S. Homer & Co.
No 23 Main st. . Council IiuTs. ! (
Justice- the Peace
Office over Ameiican Expreit.
To Be Qirtn Away Bj Henry Eiseinan &
Oo.'s" People's Store.
On Jaiiiinrj' tolti , IHH7 ,
Furniture. Chlnaxvnrc ,
UlniiUctSi 1'nbtc Linen , N tions ,
Money , Silk Dress 1'ni-
ILTIIH , Ktc. , Ktu.
Tor cvcr.y two dollnr's worth of goods
, .nn'clin ! < mi , .yo\i will rccclvti a oonjioii
.Ickct , good for one cliancu in the follow-
'up ; Urantl 1'roscnls to bo given away by
is on Jnnuiiry loth , 1837 :
I-'IUST I'lU/JC-Ono stiilo of Parlor
Furniture , consisting of sofa , tutu-u-tolo
and lour trniul cas.y chair. * , all uphol
stered in assorted shades of elegant silk
lushcH. worth $185.
SKL'ONJ ) I'KI/K-Oiic Mahocony Ird $
Itoom Snltt ! , consisting of Kcdstend ,
Dresser and WashStantl of nlcgnnt linlsh
with hoveled gjips , worlli $100.
T111IU ) I'HIXK-Onu of tltu very best
six-drawer Nlckul Plated Doniestie Sew
ing MaeliitKis , 'J'ho very best niachinu
in the United States , wortli $05.00.
FOUKTll 1MUXK 'J'wunty yards
( iuiucU beat grus grain Hlack Silk , cost
t,00 ! ) per yard , worth $00.00.
FlFTH'PKlZK-Ono elegant Seal Plush
London Dyed Cloak , to be. made to order
to lit the husky ticket holder , worth fGO.OO.
SIXTH PIHXK-One pair of the finest
White Hliuikuls made by tlie Pioneer
Woolen mill , of California , worth $10.00.
SEVENTH PHIXK-Onc Hciuitifnlly
Decorated Dinner anil Tea Sol , consist
ing of one hundred ami forty pieces ,
worth $53.00.
UmTll PRlZK-An Kle-rant Seal
Skin Mnir , worth $110.00.
NINTH PKIJCK-A very line Paisley
Slmwl , worth $ (15.00. (
TKNTI1 Pm/K-One Angora Huaver
Siiawl , wortli $ : ! 0.00.
KLKVKN'fll PlUXK-Ono Gentleman's
Suit of Clothing , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed u line lit for the
winner , wortli | : i5.00.
TWELFTH PH1ZI2-A ( Jontiemaii's
Fur Deliver Overcoat , wortli $ ! 10.00.
TlllltTKKNTH PllLUK - Onu loy's ?
Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of
! 1 and 10 years , to bo chosen by the lucky
party holding the ticket. Worth $15.00.
Suit , for a boy between the ages of II and
1 ( ) years , to uo selcctetl by the winner.
Worth $15.00.
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
SIXTEKNTH PHI/.K - One Elegant
IJrass Parlor Table , worth $10.00.
50 yards "i'ruit of the Loom" muslin ,
worth $1.00.
dozen of the very best Celebrated "Oold"
white shirts , of which wo are the exclu
sive agents , wortli $ ! ) .00.
Mulller. vvortli $5.00.
Table Sot , consisting of Table Cloth : uul
: t Do/.en A'apkins worth $10.00.
Present of a Twenty Dollar Cold Piece.
No. 22 One Toilet Set.
Xo. 23 One very line Doll.
! No. 21 One Handkerchief HOY.
No. 25 One elegant Hand Hag.
No. 20 One large Doll.
No. 37 One Stand Cover.
No. 28 One bottle line Perfume.
No. 2U One Toboggan Cap.
No. UO One Table Scarf.
No. 31 One fine Splasher.
No. ! J2 One line Lunch Hasket.
No. 33 One hammered brass Umbrella
No. ! ! 4 One-half doz. fine Towels.
No. 3. ) One SilkUmbrella. .
No. : W-One line Doll.
No. 37 One set China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. 38 One Hrass Uroom Holder.
No. 39 One air Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . 40 One Silk Handkerchief.
No.11 One nice Doll.
No.12 One-half doz. hulio'sfinc Linen
No.13 Fifteen yards HL-S ! Calico for a
dress pattern.
No. 44 One Hoy's Hat.
No. 45 One Hoy's SualsUin Cai > .
No. 40 One line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 One Toilet Set.
No. 48 One nieo Doll.
No. 4 ! ) One line Doll.
No. GO One elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 One liotthPerfume. .
No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief.
No. 53 One child's line LJICO Collar.
No. 51 One elegant Doll.
No. 55 One elegant Doll.
No. Oli One Tidy.
No. 57 One Table Scarf
No. 58 One line Doll.
No. 5 ! ) One .Month Organ.
No , (50 ( One Imitation Steam Piano.
No. 01 One fine Hook.
No. 02 One line Hook.
No. (13-Ono ( Pocket Knife.
No. 01 One line Doll.
No. 05 One line Doll.
No. ( Hi One Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl.
No. OS One infant's Lace Cap.
No : Oil-One baby Dress.
No. 70 One largo Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Hag.
No. 72 Ono lady's Companion.
No. 73 One Silk lufllcr.
No. 71One largo Doll.
No. 75 One line Hook.
No. 7 ( ! Ono line Hook.
No , 77 Ono Lunch Haskut.
No. 'iS- One pair children's Shoes.
No. 7tOno ! pair boy's Hoots.
No. 80One line Lace Collar.
No. 81 Ono largo Doll.
No. 82 Ono Lady's iFnrsoy .Jacket.
No 83 One pair ( jontlunmn's Sus
penders ,
No , 81 Ono pairMen's ( Iloves.
No. 85 Ono pair Hoy's ' Skates ,
No , 8(1- ( Ono nair ( Jifl's Skates.
No. 87 Ono pair ( Sirl's ' Skates.
No , 88--Ono line Doll.
No. 8 ! ) One linn Doll.
No. 5)0 ) Ono large Doll ,
No. ill One largo Doll.
No. 1)2 ) Ono Necklace.
No. t)3 ) Ono pair Cola CulVHullons.
No. Ill One locket ,
No , 05 Ono nice Hroast Pin.
No. 1)0 ) One pair Sleeve Muttons.
No. 1)7 ) Ono Silver Thimble ,
No. 08 Ono fine Hreast Pin.
No , IK ) Onu pair Kid Gloves.
No , 100 One Laeo Handkerchief ,
'Total value of presents , $800 ,
With every $ 'i' purchase you receive n
ticket , also a tlcKct for every additional
$2 inirchaso yon make.
Hold your tickets until January 15th ,
1837 , when the fortunate numbers will bt
announced and invited to call and re <
ceivu their presents.
Yon have to piy ( ! nothinc extra for yow
purchases. W guarantee ( to sell yet
goods cheaper than any other house in
the west , and best stock to select from.
AH orders by mail will receive prompl
attention , ami tickets for the fret
gift distribution will bo forwarder
and enclosed with your purchases , the
same as if you were present in person.
These distributions will be made wit !
every fairness , and you may depend on ii
that the lucky numbers only will receivi
their presents.
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our house.
Customers only will receive the beno
fits.Call and see the above mentioned pres
ents now on exhibition in our inainniotl
store and convince yotirtelf.
Respectfully ,
IlKNllV ElSKMAN & Co. ,
. People's Sttiro ,
Nos. 314 , 310 , .318 and .320 Uroadway
Coiiucil UlulTn.
We beg leave this morning to announce that
our advertised "change of firm" has occurred ,
and we are now ready to serve our friends at the
old stand , 405 Broadway ,
In the formation of the new firm we have
consolidated with Mr , Ed , Stockert , who thereby
becomes a member of the new firm and will be
glad to meet his old customers at the above lo
We will enter into details more fully later on , but it will
be the aim of tlio new firm to save money for all their cus
tomers ,
F , H. ORCUTT , 1
I , M , TREYNORCouncil , [ Bluffs Carpet Co.
Wholesale iiinl retail. Kainiliorf supplied with ten and twenty pound package -
ago *
J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs
I Will Pay the Highest Price ia Cash
\0. < OS UKOAUWAY , - - - < Or.VOI. IJ8.IJ ITS
Fully Kqulppod Xoriiml nnil ronimori-iiil . . Duiiartmcnts Tuition Iookf = , . Honnl and
Hoonib lit KuiisoniibUi Itutu. " N'l lit Scliool Uunnp lliu Winti-r.
s.criusoisr , Frost.
Irj IIO ] follov/ing Companies :
Oetmnn American , of Hew Yark
1'hirnlx , * of Hart/aril.
Hartford , * of Hartfotd.
California ! ! , of San Francisco ,
Scottish Union < National , of Cdlnbuig.
Unionof San Francisco.
Stale , * of Dei Moincs.
Wllliantibutg City , * of Bieohlyn.
Thott rnnrkctl t'tlth a * Insuie also against loss by
Wind Storms , Cyclones anil Tornadoes.
ron SALZ IN' cni'Ncit.
RAIT.S. * * * * + * . *
„ , . , , * * + ,
Fprcinl ndvi-rtisommils , Ruoli us Lost , ro.ind
To Loan , Tor Bute , To Hunt , \\nnls , nonnlinir ,
etc. , will bnlnsorlod In tills rolumn itt the low
rBtoofTUN CUNTS PKH LINK lonliollrst Inscr-
ionnnit KlvoCPiit * I'crl.lnufornach subsuiiiunl |
Ini-ortloii. I.c'iivu ndvcrllfcini'iits at our ollico
No. IS I'eul ' Btrcct , HroKilmir , Council
BAIjK-NHW hoii o Htnl cninwr lot. two
.1 ? blocks from new pnstolllco , corner wash
Ink-ton nvonuo unit Sijth fctrcot. Inquire No.
WANTED A competent Blrl forillnlnif room
\i > rork at No. 112 Fourth slroi'l.
Mlt ) SAI.H Itiirlier shop , wood location , jtood
' iclliiik' . AUUross II , llt'ootlluc.
_ _
t I/ANTMD A Bond Tionankc'cpBr to'tako
> > cluirco of n lininc. lluvn lint onu boy.
Aildress , II. It. , lieu Olllcii , Counnll Ulillfg.
10J Inborors nnd M teiiuiBtors to
work on tlm tMHitlicrn Knnsns railroad In
the IndlHii lorrllory.Ml inllos i-oulli ol Kloira ,
Kiuisiis , The liiro from Kansas City to Klowu
In lly inking a receipt or the ntrent at
Kansas Cily , In tins imino of I' . Slirnllulcl , 8 rn-
liatn of fi.K irill DO nlkjwrd by tlio contractor.
WIIKCS | 2lpor ( month iind board to tlie tfiain-
ttora , nnd i\.M \ per iluy to Ibo liiborers. Hoard
J3.59 per week. Work will lust two yiiuri ) .
liood work for winter. 1'or further Intormu-
lion address ( . ' . Hliciilleld , Klown , Knni-nH. Kef-
cronco , JuhtlcoN. Hchnr , Council IllullB.
JTiOII SALK Or llimtHtnro Tniu'llng. ' 0
-I. UTO stories , lot -Diliti. stalilos , etc. . on
urenilres in center of biinlnoBH portion of Hun-
uoi > h , IH. Address Wllllnm II. Ilutler , Nooln. In.
111CNT A now two lory frnnio lmu .a
contHlnlnir C rooniH , hull : ind ccllnr nniler
nntlro liniibo , on N. I- corner AVCMUO ! ' nnil
I.lttln CurtU btrt'i't. Only T hlockH trom Do.
liHiiy'8operu liouso. Cnllon 51 , ! ' , Itohrer , tit
Itti Mmn street , ( up-nulrs ) .
"V\7ANTID ! A cottiiiro ot llvo or six rooms.
Ti loi-iitod convenient to buslinitin ; small
family , no children. Addrcsd "CrUiy | , " Hee
WAN"l'ii-A : boy irlth pony to curry lieu
route ,
_ _
Foil SALK-Oid puporb for < ale lit the Itea
olBce. _
WANTiit : I'Hrtirs InteiiillUK > o bn married
are wanted to call at thn 1'ryor'i lice job
ofllcc to uelect their weildlntr cards.
FOUND A hunch of keys. Owner cnn luivc
by upplylnjrto Hoe ollico.
POUND A Check on Oniiiha bank. Ownui
can Imvu Eamu by applying to lieu ollico ,
Council lllnltH. _ _
At ! ) th st. and llth live. , ami 31. Gullu-
glicr'a store , Lower Broadway.
R. RICE , M. D. ,
Or ottierTiimwtfTeino\ed without
'Oror thirty yearn pmctifulctipcri
No. 11 I'.eurl 8u Council Jllulli.
tarContultfttlUii tttft.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a Sj hat or bonnet , out-far
will be paid ; $10 , lound ( rip.
Practice in the State and Federal court *
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Buno Blonk.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Op | > olte Dummy Depot.
ct >
a.s. .
Horses and mules kept constantly on
haml , for sale at retail or in car loads ,
Oilers promptly ( Hied by contract on
short notice Slock sold on commission ,
Siui Tiit : & Bul.Kk' , Proprietors.
Telephone. No , 111.
Formerly of Ivcil Sale Stables , corner
1st. ave and -1th street.
SL' < : ns-oitsTO : !
ibst acts of Title , Loan and Rial Es
tat ) Broken , No. 236 Main St.
fi piit'i'luiNt'il llic"inoril rrltii-
hit ; nhnlrm-l b nlx in //i/s / roiiiHu , "
IUHHUH .s f/io "Mt'.AInltun Atmtntct
nlnh nbntrfi < : tn and rmpcrtt'iillll so
licit thn pulvtnni\H'Of nil tltonn ( Irsli1-
lnn correct nliKlmcln of title lo Inndu
and lots in J'otttnutttttuiiic count j/ .
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , hqught and cold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to si-Jen
fiom Several pairs of tine drivers , bin-
k'lu or Uo'ible.
Council lllulh.
Will supply vou with --leaner and bcttci
qiuHtv of
Than any one in the city. A tiial will con
vlncc you.
No 02S Broadway. Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Bugglas ,
CnrriniH-s , r.te , I'to. Council lllurT * , limn.
Maimftioturcrcbr nnil ll < mlrr < In
Hand and Power Corn Shellers ,
Anil HKonuiul Him of II wl on ! s uyrlcultutKl
llllplOIIK'llI' . ,
KCF. If.OI , 1WI. loft' , mid 13 ) T South Main Street ,
_ _ ( . 'oiinull Iliiiir * . limn.
Mnnnf'rs nml Jobliorx of
Agricultural ImpIements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
ftlil'ltif.II"a ! n" , kln'U "f Flmn M olilm nr.
11UO to lllc buutli Mnln Street , Counnll Ululfi.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clothf ; , Curtnln riiliircs , trplmlMnrr Uoo
Etc. No. 405 UroailwRjr Council It luffs.
PKHKO1' ( ! & MOOUB ,
\Vliolcsftln .lohtirro In Ilia
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes *
Not. 281l.iln and 27 1'onrl Sla. Council UluUn ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
SS.U nnil : tt 1'oMl St. . founoll Illutrs.
11AIJLK , HAAS & CO. .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
s' Finiilrics. itp. : No. 2i MHII ! St. , and
No. : ! ! I'enrlSI. , Oiunoll Illutrs.
O.V. . BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. N'n. SI !
( "iiuiicll Hliiift.
\ViliT &
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
Niis. Ifimid IS P.-iH Pt. . gotmcll lIluITs.
n A n.\iss , KTC.
llaini'ni.'tnri.'rsof Biicl Wlmluanlu tntlorsln ;
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
h'o. K3 Miiin ft. . . Council Illnirs , Iowa.
fIA'1'1 * , CAPS. ETC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Noc. Iilliiiul 3tt nromlwny. Council ttlurr. .
Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council ItlnRii , lowii.
\Vluilonlo Denl.'rs In
Illuminating & Lubricating 01U Gasollii
33TO. , HiTO.
F.TIicoilorr1 , Annul , Council llltnft Imrn.
nuxa i'K.
A. OViilTON : A" CO. ,
Hard Wood , Soutta Lumber , Piling ,
Ami IlriilKi' Miiti'rlal SiiRL'iultii'H.WIioluiiiita Lum-
LuroL all Kliula. Ultlco No. K1J Main dt. ,
l lllnlla. town.
'lXES AM )
\Vluilcsllij ;
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
for .St. ( iotttiarit'8 Murh Illlters. No. IJ
Mniii St. ( 'ouiiril llluir .
Foreign and Domestic Wines' and Liquors ,
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
No , ! | C > llroii'l way , Council Itlntls.
The only hotel in Council lllufl' having
And all ino'ein iinprovciiienU.
215 , i.17uid 'Jill Main bt.
MAX MO11N , 1'rop.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. j
AtW.S Uomur & Co' * . No 0' ) Main
4'oiinlv anil
Itaiili Uorliol'AII UlniU a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Order. "
Hooiu 1 Kvcrr.t Block , Ci/uncil JilidlH
Standard Tapcra IJsod All atyli-s ol
ing , n Mafa/liici uud
( \ II. Nalianni Hunk , M. 1' . Binlth .V Co. ,
Ciiuc-iiB' lliuik. Uccrc , Wt-lU .V To. ,
ktrct Nntioiml Uunk , ( I 11. liiKUinnco Co. ,
J'uk r.Uuuk < TH , C.U .Savrn j llank.