Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    p ,
s Which Show the Magnificent In
crease in State School Funds ,
Hpvvard'i Canning Company Incorpo
rates Thr Itlncsters I'leaillnfi For
a Iioclfll.ttlvc CJUICHI Politl-
HIIIIH rit Lincoln ,
tmoM rurnKK'fl t.tvcor.v mmcuM
Theinagnlliceiit and nr.initiconl heril-
iige that the state of Xr-braska lias for its
children Is never so fully ami understandingly -
standingly Illustrated as when the semi-
aiintinl apportionments of school funds
are made and divided between the coun
ties of the state. The temporary school
fund-tho fund raised from n 1 mill tax-
( rum the rentals of school lands under
lease and from the interasl on bonded in
vestments of the permanent school fund
is growing with a wholesale rapidity ,
so great that at each omi-iUinual appor
tionment every school disttiet in the
state notes the increase and the profits
in the Investments , 1'or the six months
ending June 1 of the present year there
was collected and dlsli United in this tem
porary school fund fJ.0IHU.OL This was
a great increase oVer the previous six
months , but thoic has been collected for
the siv months ending llio 1st of Decem
ber , and which will be disbuised during
the month , the handsome amount ol
$ 'J80IT8.12. ! It will be seen | > y these lig-
tires that the increase in this hist past six
months has been , In round numbers ,
$ ( ! 0 , < WO , which will materially enhance
the amount appropilaled to every school
district in the .state. In this connection
it will not bo uninteresting to state that
in the past two years ending the
lirfit of the present month , includ
ing the amount now on hand to
bo appropriated , that there has been
collected and disbursed through this
temporary school fund the grand totul
amount of $1,153,1115.17. All this repte-
sents what the temporory school fund is
doing for the common schools of the
state , lu addition to this temporary
fund thine i.s accruing a gicut fund ,
which is known a.s the uermaneni school
fund , arising from tlio .sales of .school
land , which fund is increasing fully as
rapidly and satisfactory as the temporary
fund through the above showing. The
general fund of the state , while holding
its own in mooting running expensoswill
bo exhausted by the time llio legislature
assembles , and an item of inteiest in this
connection is found in the fact that the
monthly cost of running Hie state oflicos
and Htato institutions aggregates closely
lo ' 0,000 paid out during tlio course of
each month by the ticastiror on the war
rants as drawn by the auditor of public
accounts. The indebtedness of the state
of Nebraska consists , in exact niimbcis ,
of . % fll'i ! ) ( ! ! ! in state funding bonds ,
which tall due in 1S1I7. The annual in-
tenit ; on these funding bonds is about
* ; if,000 ) , which is met b.\ the state sinking
fund , which each year only leaves a verv
small bahnce after meeting the interest.
The foitlicoining icport of the state
treasurer , that will appear in connection
with the leports of the state oflicois , will
undoubtedly bo a very Interesting docu
ment upon the finances of the state ex--
piesscd in detail ,
STvrr. noi si , XOTCS.
The Seward Canning company jester-
day liled with the secretary of slate arti
cles of incorporation of the company.
The business to bo transacted is a ge'n-
01 al canning of fruits and vegetables ,
and the company is org.ini/eu for the
work with a capital stock of ifllO.OOO , in
shares ol j.'ii ) each. If the company de
sires , the ui tides state that the capital
.stock may be increased to $50.000 bv a
two-thiids vote of the stockholders. The
names of fifteen prominent citi/ons of
Seward aic ullixcd to the articles.
\V. T. Eubank , Hheiiu of Cheyenne
county , depaited homeward yesteidav
from an ollicial visit to the state capit'if ,
his mission being to bring a convict
named Leo Munn , who was .sentenced at
the last lerm of court there to n resi
dence in the penitentiary. The .sheriff'
visited the auditor and secured a warrant
for f I'Jl.ilO us his fees for conducting his
man to Lincoln.
The governor has appointed and com
missioned for a term of four years Silas
S. Willard , of Chicago , as commissioner
in the state of Illinois for the Mute of Ne
braska. Commissioner Willard has duly
qualified for the position.
Yesterday afternoon the state boaid of
printing was considering the bids as ad
vertised for and making the awards.
Among these present from outside the
oily intciosled in the results were Cadet
Taylor , of tlio Omaha Itopnblican , and
Henry ( ilbson , of Gibson , Miller A ; Rich
DAI U p. m the boat d made awards on
the bids submitted for the work a.s adver
tised to bo dono. There wore n number
of very interested contestants for the
work , and the board after adjourning
and holding an evening session , decided
to reject all bids and will for now bids to
bo submitted at 10 o'clock to-morrow.
The board of regents met this evening
at the chancellor' ) * ollico in the university
building , but adjourned without com
pleting its business.
is the cry tlfat the old machine and every
unti Van Wyck factor h raising at thu
jiresont time. In the early days follow
ing the election tlio flirnt was inudo
openly in canvassing the legislators-
elect , of Van \Vyck \ and unti Van U yck ,
but of late , cither through a it-cognition
of the sonator's strength on the pail of
bin opponents , or through a wholesome
iindoi standing ot the facts 'm they really
oxiwl , tlmy have abandoned ontiiely the
talk of candidates as individuals and
plead tearfully for a caucus for king
canons , with its seorooy and cell outs ,
and accompanying treachery which up-
pouis at present to bo the
hope of the corporations and the
( ores. Whorefoie , at the pres
ent , if a legislator comes to the camtol
tlio greatest onomv of Van W.vok will not
commit hiniieit , but how ho vvill plead fern
n caucus.
roi.inci.VNs IN rowx
Tlicro has been an Intlux of politicians
in the city and mombois elect of thelegls-
latuie , Ex Senator L'addock , from
Hculrleo , vvu * in tovyn yostoiday. Colonel
E , I ) Webster was in from thu Heptibli-
eati valley. Ev-Llentonant ( Jovernor
Agee , who is musing a > ory wejk boom
lot for thespeakcrhip. was down from
Auiora. Senator KecKly and Hon. N
V , llarlan , of Vork. woio In town , uud
JSruno Teliiict , John Mathieson and
, Phillip Audies , of the UotiglaH county
\delegation , vvoro in the oily securing tlmir
- places ot lesiileui'c for the days of the
j-ctbion. A commingling with these elo-
menU would disclose about every phase
of the political view , btitthoroiscortulnly
an undercurrent and iceojrnition that N.
V , Harlan will be the next speaker
Yesterday tlm record of divorce cases
was accelerated by two petitions in the
distnet court which\\illdo \ fora very fair
average in this Indiana of thu trans-
Missouri country. Thu first case is that of
1'redonek Small Vb. Uosa Smull , his wife.
Small .sets foith in his petition that he
has Jiytd in Lancaster county for ton
years , thai ho vvaa married in the year
1831 , that there has been 110childroubotn
to them , and that he ha.sulw vs conducted
himself as u faithful and kind husband
Tiiu defendant , Ids wife , hn claims to the
contrary has disicgarded her duties , as a
wife , nnd six months after the nupthl
knot was tied wilfully descried him , the
husband , and has been absent from him
ever since. Wherefore , ho prays that the
bonds of matrimony in his cnco may bo
severed , with Mich additional icllcf to
which he may be entitled.
.VTAt.ror st KKi.iims
i recited in the second petition , which is
made by Kallfrinn Schlosser ngain l
Henry Schlossc-r. This ill-mated couple
wore married in 1871 nnd they arc the
parents of five living children , two of
whom , twins , were born on the day when
Henry took French leave and deserted
the petitioner. For llvo j'ours the do-
set ted wife alleges that her husbind has
been given over to intoxicating drinks ,
using all his money for drink nnd pro
viding nothing for h'm family ; that ho has
heen guilt } otextreme cruelty in this des
ertion , leaving her , the wife , to support
thn family by taking in washing , and at
"he time" her laU children wcro born
eavlng her dependent on the kindness of
leighbors for food and care nnd attention
luring said sickness. In view of this
legleet , desertion and cruelty , the plain-
Li II inks for a divorce and for the care
.mil . custody of thn eliih'ren.
The adiiiuined lerm of the Lancaster
'ounty ' district court will commence to-
lay to C.IOM ) up the business in bearing
motions left iinhoaid at adjournment ,
and especially lor Judge liny ward to
close out his iloeuet bofoio the close of
lis term. . Judge Hav. ward will be up to
lav i cadi for the vvoik.
Tlio city council met in regular ses
sion Monday eviiiing but transacted
\erjlllllo business. A numberof petitions
were received and the routine bills wore
passed and upon allowed.
-Sheriff Hyers , of Oa s county , who
dining a long and faithful term ussherill ,
earned a icputalion second lo none in the
state , was in Lincoln ycstetday Mr.
Hyers was one of the strong men In the
stain "onateat the last isiion of the leg-
islatmo ,
There Is an ox' < client opening in Lincoln
for a society for the prevention ot cruelty
to animals , judging fiom a spectacle on
the streets jcstordav when a team was
nnmeielfully pounded beeau-c it couldn't
haul a ton of coal tluough the bottomless
streets of the city.
T K. .Sedgwick , of Hie VorkTimc , M.
Soveiige , county cleik of York comity ,
and Leo Love , of the same place , were in
Lincoln yesterday on a business tiip to
the capital.
Frank Watson , P. Marsden , C , C
Thruno , Henry Oibson. Cadet Taj lor ,
George J. Wrinburt , John Mattliieson
and Carl Xiclson weio Omaha citizens in
Lincoln vestoidav
C1 W Maitin , LougPino. I'.A Harris ,
Stcilmg , 'Ihomas Wolf , David City ; J.
M ( Hustings , Alex Campbell ,
McCook , J. II. ruy , David City and II.
W. Curtis , Ashland , woio Ncbr.iskuns at
the capital city yesterday
1'or twenty years Henry F. ISalcom , of
Shirley , Muss. , nutllurud with rheumatism
He found no relief til ! he took Hood's
Interest Inn Itcinnuthcrcil In nnd
Aliuur iViiiimosa. lovvii ,
Axuiosv , la , Dec 13. [ Correspond-
enceof the Un : ] T H Eicanbrack , ot the
Him of Hcmlev & Erranbraek , leading
uttornejs of this part of the stute , and
who is alro grand high priest of the Koyal
Arch Mason" of Iowa , slipped and fell on
the sidewalk yesterday and broke his
right arm in two dillcrcnt ; places , al-o
splintciing the bone badly. He came
very near to death's door last , summer
while attending the national meeting of
the Koyal Arch Mu ons at Washington ,
1) . C lie and bis wife were on the sum
mit ol Washington monument , busily en
gaged in sightseeing , when unobserved
be stopped of the edge leading down the
mode ot ascending and would have been
instantly dashed to death but for a young
man , who caught him as l-o was going
ever and pulled him back.
The trial of Joincs Solt-i , of this county ,
who inmdered his wife with a hatchet in
his cow pasture two years ago , will take
place on the IGth insl. in Ihedisliict
court before Judge GifTon. It is thought
he will be sentenced to death , as his guilt
is undoubted and the crime committed in
cold blood.
Hiram Seoloy. the young man who shot
and instantly killed another man , with
whom ho was engaged playing cards and
over which they had a dispute , at Maquo-
keta , Jackson county , a little over three
yours ago , was 'last Saturday released
from the penitentiary on the expiration
of his sentence of three years ,
Sehmit , the man sentenced to be hanged
on the 1st of January , 1888 , for the iniir-
del of a man in West Union , has arrived
at the penitentiary lo servo the interven
ing year between now and the date of his
execution , according to the now Iowa
law that requires that the man shall
servo one year in the penitentiary before
his execution. Ho is a boy in years and
claims that he received ? riOO for the job.
He shot u inun by the name of Smith and
then sot lire to the house , nnd when Mr.
Smith's wife camoto the window endeav
oring to escape fiom the burning build
ing ho shor her aNo. Ho says ho would
prefer to bo hanged now , but unfortu
nately ho cannot have his profoience
A general move has been made by the
democrats to secure the postollice , but
the great trouble In they ons divided
among themselves , there being two can
didates in the field , Mr. N. S. Noble and
Win. Cunningham , both leading democrats - .
crats , and each has got out Ids petition
and sent them to Washington tor the
consideration of ( Jrover. \ \ hich ever
way ho decides St dissatisfaction must bo
the result.
John Moititl , the oldest settler in this
( Jones ) county , died at hU homo recently
on the farm whcio ho settled .November
0 , 18J7. lust fifty years ago next Novem
ber. Ho was burn in tlm town of Ovid ,
Seneca county , .N. Y. , in 180(1. ( He wa-j
the owner of 750 aorc.s of land.
A Sohool ISoy'a Conti-ilmilon7""C2i
Ucc lllh.
1 don't euro what they say Oakland Is
a nice place after all. Mr. Henry is ageing
going to have icvivul meetings in the
new Mothodosl Church , so the boys say ,
nnd then vvu will have a Pick Nic. And
vvu Have had a giand lima a Coasting.
even thu old gi ay headed women turned
out and wont a wlii//in down the hill
just tw fa t as any of tl'o boys. It has
been aw ful muddy for several days and
it bllcks iiko fury.
You id Truly
Complexion I'otvdor is an tib.solulo
necessitv ot the n < lined loihil in thiri cli-
mato. Po//onl's combines every element
of beauty and puiity ,
A Preferred Creditor.
Mnouii Telegraph "Minn fren' , " said
a ( icoigiu meiohiinl to n drumnici who
used to fiollc with hlpi , after the former
hud compiomlsed all around at 10 cents
on the dollar , and gained a year to wind
up the business , ' 'I'm going ter make of
yon or vol you call him or brevercd
gralitor. How VPS dot ? "
"Thanks , old fellow , thanks. 1 knew
jou wouldn't go back on me , How urn
\u\\ \ going to ari iingo it r"
The meicliant led him aside .
"Veil , " nail ! he , closing one eye , " 1
vnnt to tell jou lito now dot nobody vus
goiutm' got cr d n cent outer dis pi/i-
ness , "
'And you pall this maklug mo a pre
ferred creditor ? " The drummer's U.KS
could have boun knocked oil' with a stiek.
"Vy not ? You know all about id now ,
but dem udder v oilers von't liud id out
fur TCI' 3 oar. "
Soma Funny Blunders. Made ( her the
Uimod by Tolo rai li With n Dozen
Pills A Mistnko Tlmt Set .1
Whole Town in nil
Ilitlf a do/en or more of the newspaper
01 respondents of Washington wore or-
finally telegraph operatois. In the
course of a general conveisiUioii on the
mbjcct of telegraphy the other night , a
inmbcr of Interesting icmiiiiscencos
vvcio staled.
"It was my knowledge of telegraphy1
: akl the correspondent of a prominent
western newspaper , "that enabled mete
to get a start hi newspaper work. Nearly
hovon years ago ttio old Cincinnati ( ! a-
ettc rented a private wire , connecting
'icnoral Ho.viilon's ofllce In Washington
with the editorial looms of thn Uri/.otto I
was employed as the operator at the ( . 'in-
iinnatl cud. I hadanatuinl fondness
for newspaper rcpoi ting which the city
editor encouraged by giving mo an as
signment occasionally whenever a pros-
iiuoof vuuk kept the logular stall'other-
wio employed. One da.\ Colonel
WINoii , the lailwaj editoi , came into my
"I will give von an otpoiluniy ] ( of
earning ? U ) and securing a gooil ileal of
ciedit besides.'said ho , dropping into a
chair , 'if you succeed in finding a gun-
tinman vvho = e iinmu I will give you , and
getting tin interview with him. The gentleman
th'imin is Mr. Chailes Sohill' . 11" has
boon cnt to this country from England
as the representative of the nrhmgersyn-
dicate , which is Irving lo seemo n lease
of the Cincinnati Snutlioni railway , Vou
will oo at once it is a matter of . very
general Interest to the people of Cincin
nati. Thn officials of the road reluse to
talk , and Mr. Sehill' . who has linen in the
city several days , cannot bo found , al
though hn is regNtoiod at the
hotel Now. if you can find Sehill' and
get nn interview with him I will see that
you receive llie proper credit at head
quarters for it " '
"I promised to do the best I could , and ,
without any clearly delmed purpose in
view , loll tlio ollico and walked up to the
( ir.ind hotel. The elerk assured me unon
inquiry that , although Mr .Sehill was
registoted theie , ho had not * cen him for
sev oral days. What to do nu\l I couldn't
tell. Mr. 'Schiir was a stranger to me. I
could form no idea wlioie lie could be
found , and in my dilemma I started to
leave the hotel. As I did so two gentlemen -
men entered from the Mi'iot. As they
passed mo the ono who wastalkiug-.poki !
with an accent so English that it in
stantly oceuried to me that this might be
the very man 1 was looking lor.
"I lettaced my step- ! , but bcfoiel could
overtake them they had h.dtedin front of
the little tolcgiaph ollieo in tlio coiner ,
whole the one 1 had overheat d began
wilting a dispatch , I took a position
within sound 01 the instrument , and be
gan seribblinir away upon a suppositions
dispatch mvself. The young lady in
cluiige received her pay for the dispatch ,
and slatted lo send'it to the central
olliee. f vyas interested only in thu sig
nature. When that was reached the in
Htriimeiit clicked oil' the name 'Charles
Schiir' '
' 'Ah ! I have found you at last , ' was
my mental comment , 'now for my inter
view. '
"Approaching I introduced myself.
" 'How aid yon knovv it wa I'1 he ex
claimed in some surprise. I evaded the
question tlio best I could , and proceeded
to urge him for the interview , but he cut
me short by siying :
" 'Will you print it precisely as I dic
tate it if 1 givejou the information ? '
" 1 pioimsed with gieat promptness
'Then. ' said ho 'there is but one other
condition. Tell mo how you knovy mo.
I have put myself to no end of pains to
conceal my identity , and was haltering
myself thai I should leave the city to-mghl
and give you all the slip. '
" 1 gav'o him the information. He
laughed heartily and said : Ton deorvi
the news for your ingenuity , ' We wont
up to Ids room , anil at the end of an hour
the interview was written. The nnxl
morning the ( la/otto loaded the saoryam
made it the feature of the paper. Tlu
other newspapers printed n brief pr.ra
graph .something like this :
"Mr. Charles Hcldll , of London , whoso
presence In ( , 'incliiiiati tor several days has
had relerence , it is hclioveil , to the much.iso
of the Cincinnati Southern road , left the city
Inst night lot Now Oi leans without nny of
tlio nnwspapei men being able to scciue ui
Intel view.
"This interview gave me the chance 1
had been .scekinjrto become a reporter.
" 1 remember " continued
, the same
speaker , "an inexcusable error I com
nutted while employed in the Hostqn
ollico some yoais ago. There lived ii
Winehendon , Mass. , a gentleman of the
name of Munloek , the president of the
Cheshire iiuhvay company , a stockholder
in it number of oanking houses , and the
owner of considerable real estate m
Boston. Shortly before the incident I air
about to relate happened , Mr. Munloek
opened a branch olliee in Boston. Thif
ollice was was placed in chaigo of a Mr ,
Huckminstor , whoso family rcsido in
Winehendon. One day Murdock tolo
gtaphed liuckminstcr to mail him at
once some important paper * in a law lUicKmiiistor was III at Ids lodgings
with n sovoio cold , and directed his elerk
to telegraph that fact to Munloek in
older that Muidock might undorstamf
the reason of tiio delay Thu clerk in
Rtoad of sending u message fully explain
ing Ihu matlor. merely wrote : "Buck
minster is sick. "
"How it happened I never know , o\
ropt that I was moro dead than alive
when I went on duty When that ills
patch reached Winchcndon it read
'Hnekminster i dead. ' i'honqvvstravolcc
fust , and in less than thirty minutes. 1 an
told , the whole town was in an upro'ir '
Mrs. Uiurtcmistcr passed rapidly fron
one fit to another. Munloek was frantic
with fear Jest Hiickminster had proved j
defaulter mid then committed .suicide h
a moment of remorse , while the irlonds
and iiDighbors of the deceased mat
racked their brains for seine .solution o :
the mystnry The lirslsouth bound tram
leaving Winclicndoii can led with it Pros !
dent Murdouk and several of Ituckinln
ster's relatives , who propo.-cd to remove
Iluekmliihtor'ii body to U jnoliemlon
Von eau imagine their feelings upon
teaching HuckmiriMor's led < ; itigs to Jim
him onjojiiig thn best of health and won
doling , until it was explained to him
what U was all about.
"And what did they do with you ?
asked one of the company
D"N thing. I had always rendcrei
failhfiil oi vices before this occurrence or
I would have lost my place , for Muidock
inudo fecvctul attempts to have mo dis
charged "
"Speaking of 'oulU,1" said another oh
tolccraphci , " 1 remember ono in partic
nliir in the case of an eldurly maictei
lady , who telegraphed her family physi
eian fiom Kaiatogn that thu waters were
not giving her thu icllof she oxpected.ani .
to send her a prescription by wire , She
received this by telegraph :
" 'Take a doof pills.1
"She took them ami bucaine so tori
ously ill that her physician was sum
moned it ) great liustu. Ho came to the
olugniph ollicu in a towering rage tin
next day iinu declared that thoopeiator
who received the message was ucurJy re
sponslble for thn lady's death The < lee
or had said ' I'ake a dose of pills. '
"Ji\ory telegrapher will toll 3-011 how
operators quarrel over the wire. The
licit who are the moat quiet and gentle
tinnly in their per'onal relations arc
oftentimes the most disagreeable to work
with. U is so easy , you know , to call a
man a blank fool vv hen several hundred
lilies of wire sopnrate you , nnd besides ,
the fear of the ednseqiienccs Is veiy
slight. I shall never forget nn amusing
light I once heard between nn operator
at Xenia , Ohio , and another at Cincinnati.
After each had exhausted his vocabulary
of billingsgate , the. operator at Cincin
nati suddenly subsided and refused to
continue the' contest , whereupon Xcnia
snapped out
"MVhat's the difl'erence between you
and n jackass ' Quick as n lla h came
the reply- Must sixty miles Ask mo a
harder one. ' "
"Is It true , " asked one of the bystand
ers : , "thai an operator's moods may bo
determined by Ids manner of tiMng the
key 1 * "
"Heyond a doubt , " was the reply. "If
.V \ou h.ivo been in the habit of working
regularly ' with a man , you can tell before
you exchange half a dozen messages
whether \ he is feeling fresh and buoyant ,
tired or la/.y or out of sous , by his innn-
ncrof transmission. Tlicro is as much
Individuality about n nun's Sending' as
there is about his neiimanshtp , and he
tiC bo as readily distinguished by it. A
case In point is related by Alf Savllle ,
who worked one of the government wires
between Nashville and Louisville during
the ! war One day , while the wire was
idle , some one at an Intermediate station
called up the Na hville ollico and began
asking Savlllo a number of questions
about the movements of troops and other
matters connected with the army , lie-
fore ' two minutes S.uillo lecogui/ed Ids
" 'I say , ( Joorgo nilsworth. what the
devil are you doing theio * ' Hushed Sa
vllle , cutting into the middle of a sen
tence. There was a moment's pause ,
and then came the answer , slowly and
" ' I 'cut in' on the wire two days
ago , and have secured a good deal of in
formation , but I might have got more if I
had only kept my mouth ( key ) shut.
( Joed by , Alf. I'm going. ' There was a
sudden click of the wire and then the cir
cuit closed.
"Ellsworth was the celebrated confed
erate oper.itor who accompanied .lohn
Moigan in Ins raids through Kentucky
ami Ohio. Savillo and ho h.itl worked
together In Now Oilcans before the war ,
and each was familiar with the other's
style of sending. "
( ! ont has various names accoidlng to
the parts allecled , as podagra , when in the
feet , chiragra , when in the hands , < ! > ic.biit ;
v\ hoi her the attack is fust felt in the
feet or the hands , rub with Salvation Oil
al once. It annihilates pain. I'rico 2"ic.
1'oimlar tiial shows the worth of every
article , and ! - ' $ years' constant use has
proven th gieat ollio.icy of Dr. Hull's
Cough Sirup , it has no superior.
Bleu lMotiire-iieIy | Mad.
Chicago Tiibuuo : John T. Moncnof
has just received the largest lump of
money ever paid by the United States in
pension money at one lime , $13,200. He
was in the Eleventh Illinois eavalry.and
was hurl in the spine while with Sher
man , near Atlanta. lie was long an jn-
mate of the Indiana hospital for the in
sane , but is now a harmless , feeble man.
lie lives with an only daughter at Can-
The queerer case is that of John Owen
.Snyder , of Millgrove. Three years ago
a nervous trouble came upon him , from
which ho found relief only by walking
until completely exhausted. His strange
malady irrew upon him , and ho would
get up in the middle of the night and
walk live , ten or lifteen miles. Since the
beginning : of his tionblo the linui that
Snyder has been off his feet will not g-
gieirate over a very few hours. Eating
or sleeping in davlight or darkness , he
keeps up his travels and perpetual tramp.
Around his house there is a beaten path
a foot deep , worn by months of incessant
walking.He goes at a steady gait of a
little over three miles an hour ,
Iv-four miles every twenty-four hours ,
518 miles each week , 2'JoO miles every
month , ! i7,0')0 ' ) miles a year. In the last
two years he has footed it as far as twice
mound the globe. He shaves himself as
ho goes about bis beaten track and t.ikcs
his nourishment us he walks. He is al ° o
a pensioner.
Friend ol' Woman.
This title is often applied to Mrs. Lydia
K. I'inkham , ot Lynn , Mass. , by happy
wives and mothers who have been cured
of distressing disorders and relieved of
piinand stiflbring by Mrs. I'mkham's
Vegetable Compound. Mrs. L. 11
ot Strother , S. U. , says in a recent letter :
"Your medicine has done mo so much
good that I don't think I can stop taking
it until I am entirely well. I owe all inv
good feelings to yon. The doctor cant
get any credit for curing me , it is your
medicine that has done mo moro good
than anything j have over taken. " A
dressmaker in Findlav.O. . Pays , "I have
derived so great u bcnellt from the use of
your Vegetable Compound that I recom
mend it in the strongest terms , with the
utmost confidence and am sure it wilt
euro the most stubborn cases , leonsidcr
it I'cry ) inici better than an.oth'er . pre
paration made for tilt Female Com
plaints. "
.Jofl'erson'H Helled Ions.
Philadelphia Record : Joseph Joflorson
IR wilting Ills recollections of the stage.
His experience began with his fourth
year , when , as related to William Win
ter's biography , ho was brought bctoro
the footlights by Thomas 1) . Hleo , the
famous doline.itor of negro character.
"This comedian , on a bonelit occasion ,
introduced the child , blackened and
arrayed like himself , into IdH perform
ance of 'Jim ' Ciow'and little Joe wan
carried upon thoseeno a bag by the
shambling Ethiopian actor and emptied
from it with the appropriate couplet'
I.iullus nnd gentlemen , I'd have you foi to
know ,
I'&e got a little darkey hero to jump Jnu
The boy immediately assumed the exact
attitude of Jim Crow Hice , and .sang and
danced m imitation of his sable com
panion , and was a perfect mliiiatuio liku-
ness of that long , ungainly , giotu qtio
and exceedingly dioll " J'loni
that thiio Juflorson hud ijuon a conspicu
ous ligiuo upon tliei EnulNh
Preptrad with strict regard to rnrltr ,
Dr. '
noAtnmonlaIJmeAlumorrho ) ili&tCB.Dr 1'rlce'a
fixUbcU , Vanilla , Lemon , etc. , n ror delicloutly.
Its Enormous Total and Wide Distribution.
Caprices of Fortune-
A imrttnl Kit of l he prcs ! ft'iovi ' One Thousand
Ioilnr , pfthl by theIjOuMiuiit Stnto Lottery
Company during the yonr omllns' November ,
1s * ' , tog-otltnr with ttio niinps nnJ n < Mrct 04
plven lo It o Company by ttio holders , omitting
ttio o ho Imve roiiucsteil It
llecclpu for Itio amounts nrc cm ( lip nt the
omcc'ot tlio Company.
nitAwiN'o or nut KMIIKU ts. ts
I'nlil Ix3iuM\im : \ Niillonnl 11-itik foi no-
i-ounl Win vt McArtliur , l.lmlnulon ,
l.eon Mnrthn , 10 St I'linrlc * si. Now Or-
Ipnns , l.ii . n.OOJ
Ch-u T IM tiler i cnro Cnrhail \ llio. , II
IMiX 1'lneo. Now Vork U.noO
Jacob Mur/olf. lllncks Mutton , Cftl H.OOJ
MrJ Mun vv Nell ? ' " " " f Memohl. , Tenn ISAM
l.onK , Pun I'rancIsoo.Cnl , 1,1,000
T t llnnil. 441 VV 7tli it , St t'niil , Minn 2.01 fl
A M ( lumliiiil , HiMton.MnR * 2.IKX1
fn ! > N Ik honor , 1lic = rn , Art/ . . . SJITO
AT Heck , l.miciiMnr , Oliln -,0 HIT
TC D.umliciiv. Ull7ivilli > . Ky
C iillloriilaii lliiint ( l.iiiillnli t.
IVnnelii o , I'nl . . i'.tKVI
lli'iino iini ; tt , Chlcng-o , HI -.UN ]
nil \\vixn or JANTAHV i.1 , wn.
M Dili it'll * ) ( 'In. cmo M Uro < i , ! ) ( Jliam-
In M M. Now Vnrk
.11' tleii > iiiICT Mnln st. Knii n Cll ) , Mo.
1 < liuriiiKnti'iMCltr. . Mo
.1 \ \ Iliti UPS Kmi n Uitv , Mo II.IHN )
13 A Ituiii'-hlo , I Inolitfiittf , tlliln A.IKO
Jo eplt VV llttiiikclliT , ( lilinini. III 5.IIAI
Allilon II Simmons ! ' . ' ! Klin si. M moip ! < *
tei.N II nee
t'Hiih MO-.II i. lint Hli-kiiry , JM fiOlU
DrV V Tu i net. It ) 'Hi lid * i , NIII 1'uinols-
co. ( nl j.otia
.T II M m t m , Di HI Io iml tSiin I'linuUio ,
( llioct/iiiiiMii , Houston , TON 19
.1 C Klnlnfvlilir & Co , llmntoii.'LV.tiis
111 ! VWINO OriT.IIIUTUtV'l. I11 * * *
Annie Smltli , IIJ t.llii-rlr m. New Oi-
1'ii'iliMli k cliiul , TO ! DnKiilli nu1. Itmok-
Ivn. X V .
\V lUniii'i. Miiipli ) lMii , III Ij.U'JO '
Unltlruil Aliilri'-on , " "
- lcnmor "Onunul ,
Minki't "t Vv hiu rSim I nineteen , Cnl. .
WolN , I iiryo X Cii , Hun I'luni'lsco , till .
( lu Keith , Vk.k liur& . MM
W 1' ltuiliilili | , I4H VVi'.l M , Oiikhinil , fill
11 Huiitli.l'iiilMo , Now Movlio . . . . ' , ' ,00(1 (
VV M rinnciiiie , Onldnnil. Cul SW ( (
\\ulK 1'nruo iV Co * * llntik. Sim riuiiclgui ' ,00 I
.1 CSiMtnuli , Itoil Win * , Minn
W ells I'lugOtl Co' ; < Hunk , S in rtunelsuo
nit \WINO or MAttni in , issii.
\\lbca' , lilt Houtli IDtliM , Omii
'll ' , .Ni'li WOUl
Mi > rchiint < i Xiillotml CliuMnniili. O
iv-Mipei\l : or Arthur M r.liliitN. HliMio-
iniiu'Hlo st , Sun l'iniiel e < i , Cal
Pnptiiln .luiuiis Oanln of Gnrvln \ Co. ,
\ \ oils Kurno \ Co Ilnnk , Sun rnmel 09 IJ.IHX )
OlnT Aiulur-ton , 1 10 Client nut st , him 1'inn-
I'Uio. f'ul ir.,000
1'ieil Wolp , Monttromorjr nnd Cla > ! . ,
h-nn riiinelsfo.Cal
W ( , I olini'O , Koktliliko.MI-n 5,001) )
W V Tlmmif , collided tluoiiiIi llnnlv of
Iilverinoro , l.lvi'inmri' , Cat . L'.nnn
.Tolin fin\e' ! < , 419 UTI'tli ' = tNe\v Yotk . . 2.IKW
OtCitit/.Clnelminti , Ohio . 2,11011
0 Ii Yoiinir , l/oniloii , K . 2 , < HI
.1 I llclenn. ( nl . 2.HOO
Cunnl Hunk. New Oilenna. I.u 2MHI (
( , II Miioro.7iV2 ! ! IflM > ltNllolilMii-q 2,1 IKI
w i-IN rmiro \ Co's ll.uik. Snn 1 nineteen 2,0 , < W
Ml Ailellu I'mvcl'Oii.ultli .Mine. Oner ,
Millinci , Taj lot-si , tfan i'i.intl co , Cal 1,000
nitAwiNT. orPIUI , n. i c.
TliPOclnre [ . .out8 Willltins ( .ourt , llO'f-
tnnMns4 rene ,
Ituins 1' llneon , Portliunl. Mo IJ.IHW
Ilrnost Ant.Kl llnioiuie 61 , Now Or-
IOIIIH I. . i lj.000
John D Hie. I liitii nail Ciilllopu his , Now
Oilo.iiH , 1. 11
T.ovilO Krenoh. rolealuiifr , Ky . .
llenrv [ .ntr , I'litor'-on , f .1
John II Mlnnlnir. I.iiku Shoio nnil Jlichl-
van Sontlioin It It , lok'ilo , Ohio 5.00fl
.lo opli l'l.icot,71HCuao t , Daftiirnt | , 1 1 5.00 '
Jo o 11 1'iatt. Oiintemiiln , ( ' A . . . fi. RI
.Mini Annlo lluike , Wmliliiclon , I ) C L'.IIOO
Cluist Iliia r , Wmliliurn. Ill ' .IIUO
Jli s M Mnullor.'lJil ll\Mon ) nt , Clilcupt aooi
I" 1 ! Cliiinco. I'mtvll-o.Ni'V 2.IJIW
Texas K\prc i Co , Giilvcton , Tex J.IJOJ
.1 It lontllc-n ! : ! Washlim'tiin stlliool. ! > " ,
N V . . . . . . i,2on
On WiiiiKolIn , I'inokiieji Illti. Ill . '
C II I.oob , Now Vork . . r'txi
Iia Amlci xOM , Xo Voik . , iaw
1'iuil lloilu , Aionzvlllo , Ills . 1.TO
nit.VVVINO 01'MAY 11 , 18SO.
W Huiit.Vinotnn.Alii , tluoush City Nil
tloiuil Uiink.Scltnii , Ala . 15,000
Mi * Satnh Apple , M > Ilnyes st , Sim I'ltin-
r Nto , Cnl . . l..OOO
Iliu ry.loliii = nncollccoil ! tlirotiKli Clnuin-
cv.l Stoiiwi'll. Trnln Muster ( J C C1
litillniiv. Clex-oliinil. Ohio . . 15.001
John OKon , T'l 13 till st , Now Voik . 15,1)00 )
t 11 Ho-if.v. VVeit l3noiliurKYtciillucteil
tliiiiiiKh Niilliinnl 1'nik Hiuii , Now V'lt 13,000
1'nlil .Iii > oih | .Muiitruiill.C'iinnl Hunk , for
a put ) In VcuiCriiSIox . . . . 10.000
IMwnril Qnlnn. Alliance , Ohio , tliiongh
Ailuins K\r | < nRClo\oliinil , Ohio . 5,000
M I Inn i-in , WB Uclunmo uvo , IMiiliulel-
phiil. I'd . . . n.UOO
Tlicx Md'onnoll. Mucloiil. Dnk . . . 5,1)00 )
(1 ( A Kliniuclt. ll.lUliiKiio.Mil
lin W O Ilnhlmnl , I.ns Anjfolcs , Cnl 5,001) )
L II .Millar. lliNel , ICy. throu li I1 (3 I'ot-
lor\ Cole ! IInKOtoun. Ky .
Ailiini Anil , 1-S ( Smtlot st , Detroit , Mloli 1.200
Ilunjiiuiln 1' I'iniit ) . Iliirtfotil , Conn . 1 ' 00
. ! 13 Miittliowi , Kniokii , I'nl , . . . U--GO
U II Hiillow , I'lincoliin.Mo 1,200
0 I ! Ppeni'or , .luckfonilllo. Tin . . . . 1,200
S l.immiim.'AU H'wuy. Ouklniiil.C'ui . . . 1,200
M VV ruliiiuil , ltillimui | > illllil . . . 1.200
nitAvviNG or JDNK r. , itw.
Mm Annlo M Cios-i , Kmisus City. Mu . . : toooo
.1 M Illeltelt-i , Crosli'd llntto. Col . . . .10,01 H )
Mis.l Clink , Pcin , riiirlon Co , 1'n 18,00(1 (
J W Wlllliuii'.on , Willow Clinvo , VV Vn riMKi
I'nld lliinkiif Commune , Mriiiilis'I'onii | | 10,000
1'uirt Well's , Karjfo JcCo's IJuiik , Sun 1'iiui-
Cisco. Cnl . . 10,000
.1 T Colby , Willows , Cnl li.UOO
P lil I , I UoUo , People's , Hunk. New Or-
limns , f.n . . . . C.OOil
Win ( J ojiiKiiir.l''S ' Thnliii st. Now Oi-
lu.nif , t.ii 5,001
Anioilciin CvprpcRCo , Columlitis , Ohio 4,1100
W T I'lilinini , 1 lOStulu E > t , HoMon , Mas 2,000
.Tninttb Curloy , llo ton. Muts . . 2,0110
Hninucl I'cuuxin , Washington , DC 2OW
Joshua Iliinoll , l5 I ) st , N W , Winhlntf-
ton , I ) 0 . . . . . 2.000
Clms J Smninurs Rtrnllipri.Olilo 2IHMl
That Nntlnnnl Hank , routine , Mich . . 2,000
Anslo Callliiinlii Hank ( l.til ) , Bitn Kiiui-
elsco , Cal 8,050
Win ( 'loin , Monronv llio , Inil ,
A Il.lniiL-i.Aiinlstoii , Aln 13,1 00
Mrrf Mnry U lldlmuaUS 1'iliuotim SI ,
I'Mtt Hn.tDM , MHS.-I n.oio
VVolH. I'mtfCKVCo's llmik , Sim | '
VV II Ciihliiiiiin , WdiriHlor , Muss
Jno II Hoiipi.'ll'i ' VV Titltt. . Now York r > , ooo
lluiiry Siis--1 Wfslciiiiixo , , < ) & .OUJ
L'liiiTlilL'iiiiiiittMiL'Mujvr Hios liuir ) Co ,
KHIIFIII I'll ) , Mn . . 5,000
Vlto Dllnrpii/o.ioi WiiHliinuton anil I un-
iolts , Now Orlimiu , l i , . 1,0 HI
Iuv ! I.iitoii , Drniiii-oii'li't 2.0W )
.liilin A .Siutuut,5 Iiifn > Lllonviloti-ilt ) ( ,
Mich 2,1100
John \V Mllli'i.l'nltnyiii , Mn 2,01X1
Stcuml Kiillonal IlimU , l.onmillo ICy 2,001) )
K VV VVnricn , i > 5 < Mnln el , SinlnidloM ,
Mn-s 2,0i
I'liuik | ji CiiU'io , Uo ton , MIIS-I . 2,000
J II 1'onu ! ! , So jth Yullolo , Cil : 1'IV1
VVnlU , l' rtfi > > v < 'o H Hunk , bun I'rancUcn. 1,2110
U l < | ] HlluTJiorio'IVmi | . 1,21.0 .
'l'liu MiiHin \ ( 'o , uii : A MoAiiki/i-- " >
liillii-t , Illi-liinniul , Vn . . .
A VVOxlej.Sim rninul-t'ii , Cnl l.-'OO
( loortTO ) Sixth Ht. ini I'lUiii-B-
oo , l ill 1,20)
3lr MHD K Munlook , Oil Folsom st , S in
Kr inc'l-o" . Oil L'-'O )
TTSmllli , caioMr > Rr * l.omko & Uhlcli , riiiiioUL-a.Ciil 1,2i
Chillies Clliruiil , bt 1'mil.Minn . . . i. aw
J1KAWINO OH AUaiJnT 10 , 18-fl
VVdU , I'm co A. Co'n Hunk , Sati rruncUco ,
Cnl 10.000 Itiiliknf Mi'inilil | , Tonn 6,0(10 (
llonr > JiiiJniollulhioolc.MuHS 6,000
II 1'iunU Hnriicu , HUriuilto fct.bonlli lloj-
ton , Mia-s fi/Xtt
.1 N Mnllh , Tint Miinrno , Vn 2,40
Mis C Onlilt > mlth,717 North WulU M , UUI-
cniro , UN 1.200
J ] ) isiio ( | , rhllnilelplilH , I'n
Jus J I'lhicliio.GorCluni umi I'cnllih ) ltd ,
Now OrlouiiH , I.a
MrsJI Hroilerk'U-JS Prlom bt.Nuw ( ) r-
K'llllJ. In
Hank ol Coiiuimiro. Kfllisas C1I > , .M , J 201
VV I ) Wnconult , Montgomery , Aln 1-ilW
Mill J Cnn.Contoiillw , Kiia 1,200
Jno M Miioon , KuiitasCity , Mo J"UO
oiiAWiNO or sr.PTKMonu u , tssi.
Italic Wilmiiith , Di'orlli.lJ.New fork l' > ,030
.Mu.\MiilmnCaib < iii City , Nrr
Jno Coniuir , ctuo ( 'aninuick A-DciKor ,
i'eth tt.tiut I and K , N VV U'ushiiif tot ) ,
Gc < i VV roucti , O eel , Jown 15,0X1
AIIHIIO A inn jo Illholro , Ilu > lon , M 9s IS.dOO
Well . KarjfO i Uo' Hunk. Hint I'runcieto 16,000
rnul Bunker , Orlcntul vriircbouao , 1st
nnd Hrunniin ts , Him I'rnnclw o , Cal
1'ulil nxuliuiiKO Hunk of Di lln , Toin5 10,000
T It | .tf > . Philadelphia , I'
K dtinnloManiUoziJcirino , ia KHIh Bt . , l Ntw Voik 19,000
Mrl.TC Sulllvnn.Chlinolll 5.0X )
i ro 'P , cnru II II Ulsi a , V Co. , ' . ' 0 bu-
jierlor t. Clilentro.lll
3 (1 ( Lnlnnde , Now Oilrans Nntlonal Hank
for n depositor lliero
1) II llcntley. TniTllln. ItomliunsC A WWi >
John It DnrlT , I.onteIlle , Ky . . ' . ( !
15 O Itcod , Portlaml , link . -.iM )
or ot TOIUSU i : , is 8.
Win II Turner , 230 Itaiulolpli st , Chleapo ,
lilt , . . . . . . . 13.000
Clm-i.l IlerrinnM.dnlc r i , Mich . . IS.OtK )
1 N Ixiw , .IniniMlunn , Dak lt > , 'M ' >
I.omlon , Pails ami Ainoilean Ilnnk ( l.lil ) ,
Sun Kriuiclino.Cnl . . I..OOO
A 8 French , 2A Pcrrv l.New Vork I.VOW
M ICII s'tono ' , ,15 IMily st , rinn I iiiue ) > eo ,
MM Mpryllofrnp , onllectPilllitiniKli "lll ( >
out Smith \ Co. , Onu Ille , Cal. . 3.0 * '
Collln Kitchen. ,119 i-oiilli Cherry t , Illcli
inonil , Vn . . " .OHO
li M Whiteslile , riieo. Ti-\ rix
Jno M .Mnnnlns , llixi Dm st. N Wn h
limton. DC . POOO
Aithnr II ll.iin < h ) . Si North M , tloMon ' " . ' 0
r.Tllihhltt. leuf ) onTex.i % . . . . ' . .I" " '
( J W JneMon , llniwnst Die , TIMIII . . S.1" '
DowX llovett. MoJine.Cal . 2.HM
I'm mer < A Di-ovc rs lUnk. \ Ille. K2n l
> \ ells , rniKo \ ( Vs Hank , Sun rnineKi-ti ' . ' .WH
IJnl l Corn lok , Mn-eonta'i. ' 11 ! 1'AXl
1' A Ita'soiu , Ullnwthoinoiue , ChK-niro ,
UN . 1'MI
Oil ( Jrixct. Cnrtlmco , N C . UMO
Win T KldnwAV , New Voik . . I.'IX )
0 It 'stnltli , 12 \ \ gMst.N't'H Voik . . . . J.-TO
DHA'.VIVO orNOVr.MllUH't ' , ISKI.
I'.ll/a .1 I'liliMfiOii , M Miiiillon s | , Iliitton I..WO
A Illeltnim. . I'H ' Cipliiniule 81 , New Oi *
lenns l i . . . fi.ooi
T li Piniloll , Kocnn. Kv 13"M )
Clius o Kkliohn , IVl 'lon't nil tt , ( lilci- :
lfi > , UN 15.W1
Mi A Klii9eMiliielnxlor , Vn , tlnoimh
'I ho Si ale llanUol \ liulnlit.Klclinioiiil 18,000
\Vi-li- \ < , I'aiL'n > V ( os llanK , fan I'tanch-
co , Cal . . . . . fi.OOO
Iloniy r. ViilencliiiHnn l'i inetetn. Cnl
Tniilers Niitlonnl Ilnnk , San Antonio ,
Ti-Mis 6.IVO
W Al Ilionit.lhKloli , MUSH WXHI
A 111 ; In Ciiliroinla Itinik. Mill I'miRl-cu 2.IHHI
U Itoeuo.Moekton.Ciil . . . 'JJWl
Win Tonkin , Sin , lo e. ( nl . 2.non
Jus 1C li/ler. ) ( ( idro , UN . . . . 1.3M
Danlol MeColl. Now ork . I,2CHI
Ml s V fliaw. thioituh I , lloinhiinl , SOfi
\\c t : illli t. New York 1.2iM
WcIN , I'lirtro , V Co's 11 ink , San t'rnnelten 1'IK )
C Hi lileinloh , caie ol C 11 Oriiron > > lall , , Minn . L'J
7'iinil ) vii/irii7iii/i / / ii/ the
7)rtit'fili ) ; tij tltr lltli ji , ir. i-f vibrme In nnnlhri
cotiimii ( i/ f/if / jxipfr In idty.
Tlio Wonderful I'KK Onnco of the I'nnt
liiillan GUIs.
A tr.ivt'Iur sivi" * ii i rotl.ilusctiplioit \ of
tin1 { jracpf til i'KK tliiiico wlik'li wifipcr-
formed for his amusement in I In ) court of
llliopnl. rntllu. Jt shows us that our
8 word ilanci'is and our \oiinjj ; ladies of
the b.ilk't an < not quite up to Iliu stiinl- :
aid of tluniiopul nirl. lie tull us that
a slender uirl , avravcd in an embionl-
croil bodice and shoit skills , likis the i >
wotu by the peasant women in tins part
of India , came forward very fascinating
to him with wrcalliud Mniles ; nnl dainty
stoif , and also in stujja that weie very
sweetly modeled.
She huoinud to me as if she wanted mete
to buy her b.iskut of cyss nlonn wllli
licrsolf. and that tlio UKRS wore e ts. ;
Shu did not dance on them , IIOWUMU' .
She wore on her head a law : wheel of
wiokcrwork , and atotind tins at equal
di tanees wcro placed tlneads with slip
knots at the ends , in eai h knot a glass
head to keep It fiqm closing , The iniiilc
le ins It is a quick , jerking moctnuiit ,
rather monotonou" . and the dancer &i > ins
round in time wit It the measure , winch
grows faster and faster.
As she turns slio sei/es an ej from the
basket , which is held on her left
arm , and rapidly iii'-etts it in one
of the knots. Her circular motion
causes the threads to stretch out like
spokes of u wheel. She keeps on
doinjr this till every knot II.H its ejjt ; , and
her head is biirrouiided by a soil of ante
olo. When she has succeeded in placing
all the egsj 'sho - > pins around so fast that
her features ean iiaully be seen. A false
stop and Hmnptv Uumpty would have a
fall indeed. She has now the most
dainty and difficult part of her dance to
execute , for the dance is not done till
eveiy egp is taken from its thread anil
laid safely back in the empty basket.
One by one the Indian cirl accomplishes
this , never cru'-Iiing a shell or displacing
a single egg. When all are restored she
stons her di//.y whirl , curtsies with grace
and oilers her basket to the lookers , on ,
who often break the eggs to piOM- that
no jiisgler't. tuck has been used to change
I'rom J.V. . rCWIXL , JJudlcy.lll. , Or.
J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm is
the only medicinn that gives mo any re
lief from my cough. I Rave had clnonic
Uronchitis for years , and would not be
without the medicine for anything.
A 1'ooU'fl Coort PnrtitttOi
London Standard A cook in the sorvlco
of the Uev.(5. ( . Lane , rector ot Llltlo
( taddeMlen , Herts , has como Into n
fortune of 1300,000 The lucky poison li
a widow iinnicd Adcoek , nnd Mm lim
been with Mr. I.n'io onlj about a year.
She has receixed nssurancci that her
tillo is undi'sputed. and she has been
necopteil by the court of ehaneery as ono
of tlio heirs. Nor has the amount boon
o\er tated. The legacy Is part of the
proceeds of an estate In London of tlio
' \.ilueof botneon two and three million" , l (
, \\lneh sum is to bo di\lded among ton
i claimants. The estate belonged to Airs.
, Atlooek'i grandfather , a gentleman
named Atuell. and was originally
verj much l.tiger , but In the
| lifetime ot the testator seine sixteen.
I houses \\crogivcntoouoof tlio Ixjndou
I hospitals. A singular clicuinstanco in
eonnected with the recovery of this prop-
city. Money deposited in Chancery
lapses to the crown in tlio event of no
liniw turning up within a certain num
ber ofcnrs and N applied to the reduc
tion of the national debt , and In the
present instance the claim \\as lodged
only two dajs before the oxphy of the
period. Since Mrs. Adeoek teeeiveil In
timation of her fet tune slic has left her 1
situation and Is at pre cnt leslding In 1i
London. Although Mio is nbout sixty
years of ago. It is said that she has al i
ready leeened thirteen oll'er.s of mar
riage. 'I he rectory has during the limb
lew days been besieged with shoals of
letters trom persons soliciting donations
lor all soils of chat liable purposes.
Prof , Clias , Lutiwlg Von Soeger
priif Morof Mcillclnc it l'i llonil Unlvrr Hri
ot the Iliijiil Au trliii Onlor of Ilia Iroii
Criiwiii ICnlitlit Cuiauiinilor of Iliu Itnrul uiinnHi
OrJernf ! nbi < llii | nnlnlit nf tlio llnvnl I'rHMIiin ON
ilcrof the HIM KiiKltittMiovnllar of llio lojliii , ot
Honor , oti . no. nuy -
-laiiimi ons CIK'A meter TONIU stioiiii not t >
ronfiiutiiliMl vlili iiiphnulo nf tin hr rure nlU. UK
In niinoiiv. oCttiownnln patent roinedr. I urn thoi-
nuthl ) ronriTnint wltuiu inoilit of pri < i > uralti > n nnd
Vnon It In lie nut onlr n Ipulllmnln plmrinitcputloal
i > tniliiclkiitHl ownrtli-or tint high < iiiuinpiiiliitluiii
Ithinrfcolvoil In nil imil'of llio wnrlil. U innUIni
riipnca or llrer , ( 'nca.Onlntiii' . Irimnn.t Ciillnuta ,
nhlcli irp ills-n | rcrt In pure gonulno iimnhh imnonM
Crown ShorrT. "
InTfilutihintn nil wli i nrn Ittin Ilimn , Ncrroiti , T > rt *
ppitlcIIMliii | Miiliiiloii * or mllucil "Kli troulc
nej . lliw viil
HerMajesty's Pavorltie CosmetlcGlycarlna
by lti'rllojnllllitiin' " tlio of W lf
noblllly Tor ttio Sklu CoiiinliMlon.of .
llnnp ( 'liapplnit , IKI. or i
LH1IIIU < ; O'3 .Syrupir \ ( - ir < piirllK li
KuniuntccU mtliu bcil b uii irlllnliilliu iu.itk t.
41 \
illlt. Newljr 1 ilrnUliol
The Tremoiit ,
J. C. ft lV.IiilAIt : ) & PON , t'ropilotors.
Cor. 'Hi niul I'StH , Lincoln , Nob.
lltlpqflliO irardijr , itrcet inn Irom.Uouu t9 anr
put tor Hie plij.
J. II. W I1AKINS , .1
Architect ,
Omto 3.1. 31 mid 4" . HI' li'inls Ulock , Lincoln.
Neb. Elo\ntor mil till struct.
Live Stock Auctioneer
Snlos inniln In nit pnrtH of tlm U M. lit Titlr
rntcs. llooini. : Slut o Illonk , l.liiroln , Noli.
( liUlownj niul Short Hoin InilU lorsnlo.
1 $ . II. GOL'I.DIXG ,
arm Loans and Insurance ,
CorrcsDOnilpnuu l to lonn Kulloltoit ,
1 too in < , HlchnrJ lllok. Lincoln , Nob.
SLiverside Short Kerns
Ot strictly | ) U ro lliitot imil I lines Tiij | > oJ cattle.
Herd numbers nliuut W.iuuil.
I'niiillleB ropicM'ntcil : r'llborts , CrttKK ,
Acomlit , HeniL'U , KOMJ or Khnruns , MOM lloso ,
KnlEtitly Duuhns ox , I Int Cronk V'oumr Mnrji ,
1'liylllsus , UIIHIIH siiiil Trno I.ovcs.
lliilN forenlo. 1 I'nrn llutiM Plltiort , I Pure
Bales CinKlis. I Itoioof blinron , 1 VOIIIIK Mary.
I Pine Crulck Slinnk niul ollinii Come anil
Inxptcltho lior.l. Adilicss , OHIS. M. UUAN-
hON , Lincoln , Xob ,
Wlicn in Lincoln slop ut
National Hotel ,
And sel iiuooiJ dinner fo o. 1
Lawrence Ostrom & Oo.
Is Dentil to Consumption ,
JIaliiria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Fevers Or IiiRimiiiiu , and
Typhoid Feycr , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , Or 1'owJ ,
Ten YoarH ( Mil ,
Sursrk-al Fevers , No Fusel Oil ,
niood AbsoluU'lj Pure
Thin will t-orllfr tlmtl lurpOTimliirniiiomiiniileor Ill'l I.It iiiMIOl itlKIN VVHISKt'
IMU'IU M hIMIM ) ) & , I tt * , iinl fotiifl I lin it HID to lie perfcr I. Ttcu Iroiu I ii tl Oil HIM ! nil < illi r ili'U tml
UUB dub tauto aail irklly puru. t iiliuuilnllv ri * ' IMHIIU'IKI Hit ) IIMIO lor V inlly iintl M illeiniil ituru 'H * rt
J I' IIAIIM M Al l > , . \MJUIJI | riii.ui . , ! l,01 | illli ( , Kjr.
1 ( M iiHlo by lriucl ) > tn VVIno Muri'hniitHMNilOr ircn OTi-i/wliui" ' I'rlio fl i ptrliniilii
II ii'itfiiuii'l in th" i ' " " " ' . lint I il'i/i'n ' liiiitlas u | iri > * 111,1111 , 1 1 | ) lu n li < 'v > will Imouiil 10 unjr mlilrcn In
till ) Uiiltflit.Miilotur Ciinnrtii < m ui' lit | nl > U dollar *
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Oo. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
i > ura vo.tini \
JtIltIiC } jOX , n'lwlfitilr Lit/tun * Dralcru , \ Oinalut.
l lijj GLstltS'JOXK ISliOS.CO. ( . ,
jr. r. ULAti nuijc co. ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Thejargest mock. Prices thi ) lowcdl. KopulrluR a apocialty. All vrork warrant
Coiner DoiijaJ ! nnd lOtli btii'nU ,
LiccnseUVuti'lnnil.ii : fur thu U I' , depot
The C. E , Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
N. W. OOR. 16th AND HAIlN Y , OMAHA.
Property of ereiy cleicrlptlon for sale m all purls of the city , hand * for sale lu
e cry county in Nebraska.
Of Tilie * of Douijihs nounty k ; > l. iUjn ol tlie city lalv or countr , of awr other
Information desired , furnished ficd of clui a noon application.