THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15 ; 1880. THE DAILY BEE PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TOOIS or sru rntrrio : tMllr I'dltlon ) Including Sutiilny tlier , Onn Yvnr . $ W i TorfllT Month * . fii I'rtrTlirPoMnntln . 21 The Uinntm SmHlny IlKK , mnllc-1 to ruiy uUilie s , Ono 1'car. . . . . . . . 2i emir * . nrrif-r. No. nil AKP 01 * F .nvAV Srnrr New vm * orrlt-K Itomi iw. fittnrNr. Ilinniis WAMI IM > ru.x 01 1 ICE , .No. M.I POIHITXLN ru STUB t All communication * ) rclntlnir to now * ntiil nl torlul innllur uluiulilbo nd'liocd to tliu Uli TUIt 01 TUB IJF.K. itt'MNM * tn-rrn ! All litiflnoff < li-ttcr ntiilrpinHtnncoMioiil < l 1 ndclirKSCll t ( ) TDK III ! * ! rfllt.lHltlNII t'OMI'AN Ovitiu. Irnft ) , rliorkt Mul po lotllco ordo to be lumlu pa ) able to tlio oiiUr of the compan IB ! BEE PUBliSmNuSPW , PSOPIIIEIORS , K. KOSRWATKH , Erin on. TI1R DAIIiY UKI3. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Slate of Nebraska , 1 _ , County of loti las. fSlS- Ueo. H. T/FclnicU , ficciflary of Tlio Oi ruhllMiIiiK company , docs .solemnly HWC : tlmt the actual cliciilatlon of the Dnlly IJi tor tlio week emlliitf Doc. Will , 1S30vus ; follows : Saturday. DPP.I in,1) Sunday. . * . .M.i ( Alonilay , Di-c. (1 ( , W.s Tuo ilnv. Dec. 7 1'J.Ji Wednesday. Dec. K. 1.1,1) ) TluirMlnv , Dec. 'J 1I.O ! Friday , l > ce. 10 in.l Avciatrc. n. " ( inn. It , T/.sntrcK. Subscribed and swoin to lnfoio me tills 11 day of December , A. D. , 1SM1. N. I1. KKII. , IS ISA LI Notary Public. ( > co. II. 'r/.solutck , being lirst duly swoi deposes and says tlmt ho Is secictaiy of tl Heo I'tihllMilm : company , Hint tlio actual n crairo daily circulation of thu Didiv I too I tlio month of January , 18-fl. was 10.it8 : ropli for February. Ibsn , lo,6' 3 copies ; lor Mure Ibbfl , 11.KI7 copies ; for Apill , ISsO , 12,1 roiups : lor May. ISM. 11,4 % ) copies ; for JUL Ibid , m,2is ( coifi | > ; for July , IbsO , l'jnUroplc for Aiurust , itwi , 12,40-1 roplPHtf or Si'titcmbc HMfl , l .otO : copies ; for October. Ihso , 12'J copies ; for November , 1W , tti3 : ! : conies. Gi : < > . II. 'IV.sriiuric. Swoin to and subscribed he-lore me tills 0 dayol November , A. I ) . IS * ! , | SKA L.\ \ N. 1' . FISH. . .Votary Tubllc. Kxr.uv man's house is said to ho li castle. This doe ? not apply to Omal where cvory man's house and door yni up to tlio RIIS inoluris claimed by the g company. WHAT with disappearing ranges , his railroad tarHi'and a combination of tl meat packers to secure low prices the 1 < of the ningeinun just at present is not happy one. Lr.r us hear no in ore of niora ity. The social fabric of Hnglish uri loeriicy is lotlen to tlio core. Uruitca ism is finding its strongest argimionts i the proceedings of the British divorc courts. A KANSAS mnn has been : ipoinl | ) ( governor \Vyonnng , and u New I'oi man to tlio scat of honor in Dnkot President Cleveland appears to be brave carrying out the policy of ignoring ten torial residents in the distribution of te ritoriul honors. Tun first act of the house this sessic was to pass the senate bill rcKuhilin the manner of the electoral count. Tl amendments m\do : urn considered c minor Importance and it is believed wi moot with ready concnrrcnco of 11 upper body. The two questions of tl electoral count and of the president ! ! succession were perhaps the topics highest moment discussed in the last so sion of congress. The < -oeond was di posed of lust summer and it is to I hoped that the first will receive its fin determination before the present co gross adjourns. A Ni\v : YOIIK member of congress c Dresses the opinion that Mr. Clevclai can never carry that state again. 1 thinks Hill would jrol a larger vote th : the president , but does not think : the go ornor could carry the state against a po nlar republican candidate. Mr. Clev /and has been doing his very best f uomo time to placate party discontent his own state , but ho appears to have a eolnpllshed very little in that dtroclio and ho is evidently , FO far ns can judged from the expressions of the ( lorn cratlc press , no stronger there to-d : than when he appointed Magonetoclici the growth of the Hill inlluonco. He h probably loll , however , mitllcicnt powi to prevent Hill getting the delegation the national convention , and It is mo than likely that it will be divided. Oi side inlluenccs may consolidate it in su port of Cleveland , but there will c ( talnly bo more or less rancor , and t ! Hill clement will not bo likely to suppc the president with mucli y.oal if ho nominated. Unless there is a grp change , which there is no good reason i expect , in the next year and a half , M Cleveland will not command the ft vote of his party in New York , and 1 will need it to carry the stato. There it very substantial reason1 ? for the opinii of the Now York congressman , Tin : statement madq on the anthori of a Merlin paper , that the c/.ar , on tin ing a letter upon his writing lablo sn ing that the nihilists were becoming it patient , summoned his ministers at urged them to a constitute snitablo to the condition of the empir and expressed his determination to iu an annual parliament at Moscow , w of course bo generally regarded with 1 crodulity. The e/.ar lias given no pub ] evidence of any Intention to depart fro ihe traditional policy of the empire , to rolinimish in any degree Jus ioverelj will and autocratic ruin. The hulk tioiih are that he is maintaining , and w continue to maintain , all the forms ai methods of despotism svluch dlslingu ! ihe government of Hu sia. Yet it mi not DO entirely abnml to regard such i occurrence as the Berlin paporannounc a.s possible. It would no : be more i markablo or unexpected Hum the cmani patlon of the herfs by his father , ai would bo a wiser proceeding as a mea of strengthening the government popular regard , for the act of Alo.xand Jt made him many enemies among tl jjoworful nobility , who had profited I serfdom as the planters of the south d by shivery. Furthermore , the preso emperor has quito as much need to HO < Fomo wny to appease popular dlsconte mul rclkno himself from the harrassh Jnarof public enemies as had his fathe One can conceive that ho might bo wi ing to make almost any concession improve an existence that must be iicar ; r unbearable. 8(111 ( thu story is high improbable , and doubtless 1ms no mu pubBtnntial foundation than thaiuvontl imagination of % newspaper corrcspon out. An < f\Vlir Not ? Mr , Dawes professes to desire.1 proui ] reform of the tariff. Mr Randall ui nonnccs hiinself a ? nnxioii ? to begin th good work. Colonel Morrinin is pinin for a chanpp to attack the present la1 with his Illinois horlxontal movemci lialcliet Only poor old Merrill slant ready to defend : i system wli'icli rolls u a hundred millions of dollars n year I needless taxationchiefly wrung from tl laboring chases of the country i enhanced prices ami Increased cost t living. What is it thai Mamls in the way ( tax reduction and an opening < foreign markets for the surplus of Atnc ican manufacturers 1 The blind se llfthnojs of the giant Infant indu trl ( who have been fed &o long c the protection pap that they imagine tin the public will consent to a pcrmanoi tax on labor to Increase the profits < protected capital. Therein lie * the essence of the prote lion fallacy. 'The tarill'does not false tl wages of labor. 11 Increases the prolii of capital by restricting competition i the homo market. It decreases tl profile of labor by building up a Chine wall around industry which prevents tl marketing of the surplus abroad at : tihiils up mills and factories 'while labi seeks employment elsewhere. There arc not two per cent Nebraska's population directly ben filled by the continuance i the high tariff. Us maintciiam lt > simply exorbitant overtaxation of tl people of the weft for the benefit of tl manufacturers of the cast. There is i good reason , political or economic. why taxation should continue to pile up national surplus above the requircinon of the government. For years to come tariff for revenue must bo a tnrifl for pr tecliou. if congress would attack the i iiiilio.s ( | of the present tariff manfullym not as cowards there would bn a pioin reduction in its taxes and a generous e largemcnt of the free list. Knovals Hcvnntpcd , The Chicago JVCMW , acting douhtlc under inspiration , rovamus the old at cxplodctl charge of self-interest in co ncction with Senator Van Wyok's ellbr for justice for the settlers on the Denver St. Joseph railroad lands in southern N braska. Senator Van Wvck has foug honestly and fairly for his constituents tliis matter. In roponso to scores of car cst petitions from residents of Ncbrasl who had paid ? 3r > 0 an aero in sottlome of Knovals' fraudulent claim , Scnat Van U'yck declined to support the hou bill , whicn gayo claimants only half tli sum in satisfaction of their claims again the government. The fact that ho owm a small amount of land subject the benefits of the appropriation had i weight with the senator. Ho annoiinci tbat lie was satisfied with the house bi so far as ho him-.olf was concerned an would have accepted the conditions hn not his constituency deluged the scna land committee with petitions again the injiiotico which it would pcrpctrat If tlio house bill which Economist Ho man engineered through that boily hi boon accepted , Senator Van Wyck won have lost a few hundred dollars whi his constituents would have bci as many thousands out pocket. Ho has resolutely foug the cutting down of the allowance Nebraska settlers , maintaining that tl government must boar the entire oxpon of the costly mistake of tlio general lai ollico in allowing entries of settlers i railroad lands and then confirming tl title to the company when settlement ai improvements had been made. Scnatt Van Wyck has hold that every dolli which Knovals succeeded in mnlctii out of the settlers must bo ro-imbiirsi by llio government. His position equitable and right and cannot be a sailed by charges of personal interest. Tlio Ilusliiess Situation. 1'oports.from various centers of tra < sliow continued business activity whii are sustained by the clearance rceor Omaha , as is her custom , stands high t the list of commercial distribution point with the heaviest increase in bank bue ness of any city in the country. Scaso able weather and the approach of tl holidays have quickened activity nearly all branches of retail trade , ai this has had a favorable reflex infiuom on the general jobbing markets. Tl season of stock inventories , repairs mills and annual book settlements is nose so near at hand that comparatively mo crate trading in all wholesale dopai menu may bo reasonably anticiuati until after the turn of the you but Iho situation , ns a whole , full of encouragement for the fnliii Wool is dull , and , while not qnnlab lower , the market is weak to sell. Hoi ors , however , are generally dbinclim to Increase sales at the cost of price co cessions , anil are not urgiug buslno. < Tholrcunlidonco is busoil on thoimprovi condition of general trade , the sliorla ; in the world's clips ( which sumo audio itics estimate to bo equal to a delicicm of SW ) , 000,000 pounds ) , and the probtib ity of decreasing foreign competition the goods trade during the coming &e fcon. There is already seine evidence a falling oil' in the imports oi wooli manufactures owing to Iho advance 1 prices in Ktirupc , and a slight decline i wool values at Iho pending auctions London is not likely to materially chnnj the present promise of the trade. At II moment the woolen goods trade Is in tl butwecn-soasons ! period and very quiet. The grain trade has been less acttyo ( foreign orders , but there has bren a brli bpuculatm ; business In leading market 1'arJy In thu worik whuat prices reced ( somewhat from the highest point own to a temporary lull in the import deinai and to rializationa on recent piirchas by speculators. ; but the partial rcactlc was not unexpected after the "bi llnrry" of la > t week , and most of the .1 cllno has oinoo boon recovered. Tl feaboard markets nvo , in fact , j to 3 ol nont per bushel higher than they u ere week ago , but Chicago quotations are to } of a cent lower. The favorable ge oral uosillon of the trade has not bet changed by the development * of tl week , and thuro is cvory indicMion of i early renewal of activii buying for o port. Corn prices are 1 to 1J cunts low under increasing supplies and a light d muud for export , THE now French cabinet Is a po mako-shift for a ministry which w shape affairs in Franco in accordan with n peaceful public sentiment. Tl volatile and untrustworthy fioblet hea the list as premier. The unpopul Ihuiuuln , who figured in the Roust : trial in 1931 as proGiirctirgcncrnl , ' named as minister of finance. The no French cabinet ! a hotch notch of noi entities. It cannot aland the strain. I/nbonchrrc on Homo IJulo. The English mails bring reports of U great stump speech upon the subject theme t home rule delivered by Henry Laboucl ere , editor of Truth , loa London audieiu on Thaul.pgiving ovc. It is one of tl most powerful efforts which England hi heard during the home rule campatgi It deals with facts as affecting thcoric and punctures the bubble of the lory a ( Turnouts with the weapon of commc ficnsc. Labouchcre is the most brdllai paragraphcr In England. He Is a frc lance with his weapon always at the til He Is fearless and outspoken , shirking i issiio and meeting attack with count attack and irony with torso and pill sarcasm. 1'cfcriug to Ireland's appu for n national existence he sayss We have a federal empire ; all our colon I liavesolf-govcinmcnt. licland has not so government , and what Is the result' ' 0 colonies arc peaceful and satisfied ; Iieland dlssnllsllod and miserable , It Is wild by snr tlmt there M some wonderful distinction I twcen Ireland and a colony ; that Ireland in home sort of way part and naiccl of Kn laud. I know no U\o countries In tlio woi that are under the t-anic rule in which the me such natural dlver encc $ > as England ai Ireland. A sen divides us , loll lon dlvldi us , ini'C divides u ? , natural ( eollni ? ai natural habit divide IK f IIcar , hear. ] Tl uisdom oCoiiraiicPstoisdccided there shon be n parliament in KiiRkuul and nnotli parliament In liclnnd. We , tlio inodcri have Inturlered with this , and we , k than a century ace , s\\ept a\\ay the Irl liaillnnienl. And how did v\e sweep It awa Ily fair moans ? No , by the basest arts ai by the vilest corruption. | Cheers. | Sin then o ha\o been etifiaijcd In a foolUh tas That task has been an attempt to convi lilslimon Into Englishmen. [ Lnughtci We have sought to cribh out Irish natlo allly. Wo have deemed that a crime In li land which we ipcognl/o as a virtue in ovc other pait of the world. This is Iho argument from analogy , is strong and to the point. Mr. Labo chore points to the local parliaments every state of the American union ai in the Itritish colonies. lie defends a ; advocates Ireland's ' demand for her ov Darliamcnt on the ground that granln it will strengthen instead of wcakcnii the empire. Ho recalls the fact thai the Irish loadc have not spoken so strongly in favor separation as the Canadian loaders spo before homo vulo was granted to Canail Yet , since homo rule was granted not word is hoard in advocacy of pcparatio and to-day there is no part of the empi more true to its integrity than the K minion of Canada. Are the lilbh perleel fools' . ' | hc continue' ' 1 have come across Irishmen , andhavelou : that they are sluowd poisons. They nit Know on which side their bread is button They must be awaio that lieltmd is an ag cultural country ; that of the oxpoi ts of liela : at least 08 per cent come to England ; that we were to bliut our ports to their cxpoi they could limi no market elsewhere , owl to the protective duties , and Ireland won be mined. Again , tlio Iri h have fotia well on many a battle field. [ Hear , hea : They are bravo ueople , but they n perfectly awaio tlmt oven it'Mr. ( iladstoiu scheme weio cauictl out wo hhould have t armed force , the fortiesses , the Ileot , t money and numbcis. And the Irish simr. out of wlmt may be called incie "ctisscdncs are not likely to go In for any atteaiut separate themselves fiom England , bccau even 1C they desired to separate , which deny , they know peifcctly well they con not cairy out their wibli. Could anything bo clearer. Hero the argument from the .standpoint self-intorcbt. It is a plain coiniiK sense scries of reasons why if home ru should be granted Ireland would ki still closer the bands which connect hi with England as a political ncccssi instead of endeavoring to sunder thei and to make herself the football f continental intrigue. In discussing ti liberal policy towards Ireland Mr. L bouchoro is no less happy. He pom out that men arc often right in alterii their viown and says : llut It so happens that on this partlnul question of Ireland neither Mr. Cladsto ; nor the liberal party lias changed In opiulo What does a doctor do when called in to a vise In an Illness ? Ho may alter the reniei occasionally , but his object Is always tl name. Ho doc.s not change his aim , whl is to cure his patient ( Cheers. ] Whatdo tlio Arctic exploier do when ho Is trying advance to tin1 polo ? Ho oes up one cliai ncl which ho thinks may lead there , but It 1 finds it blocked with ice ho tiles anotii channel. Yet his maxnc-t points Invariab to the pole. | Cheers. I So , too , It Is with statesman. Ho should not change Ids alii ami objects , but ho should exhaust ovc means , anil ho should alter his mea as often as ho possibly can. When finds one falls ho should try another , In ord to attain his object. | Cheers. | Labouchcro has the happy faculty calling a spade a spade and the knack steering directly for his point , A fo more such plain and common sense tall are only needed to turn the minority favor of home rule into a strong major ! willing and anxious to do justice to It land. Tin : Douglas county bar , in conjiii lion with the bars of the remaining con ties in this judicial dUtrlcl , has dceidi that n municipal court would bo a le feasible method of judicial reform th : an Increase in the number of judges , bill to this effect will bo drafted and i trodticcd at the coming session of tl legislature. With two additional judge the overwhelming load of business wi whicn our district court Is now burdoni will be materially Hghtonou and the no cases can bo moro rapidly disposed of. lirnvpuwortti Street Cirmln. The nicotine called on Monday eye ing to dismit-s tlio proposed change grade on Lcavenworth street was in i sunfco of tlio word a representative on It was composed principally of residon on the side- streets , of property owno living buyond the line of the proposi change , and of men who do not reside the city of Omaha at all. It was co vcncd and collected to pass a re&olutii affirming the necessity for a nowgrad and those who convened it saw th enough votes wore present to carry the point , The council should not bo atfecti in its decision by the result. As a matt of fact , an overwhelming majority properly owners between Twentieth strc nnd Phil Sheridan street , who : It is proposed to once mo cut and till this thoroughfar are unalterably opposed to anoth radical change of grade. The preso grade is an easy ono. , The street h ; already th6 best gradient of any cast ni thocoughfaro running out from tl city. " " A few months ape , when the exist ing grade was adoptedthis was couccdu by the very parties who are now willin ; to sacrifice the property of others to im prove their suburban land. The interests of the city do not dcmam the change. The property owners olncfl ; affected protest emphatically against Hi move. The council should hesitate : long time beforn they plunge the ell ; into a succession of suits for damages with no resulting benefits to the city a large. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : republican" of New York wil have no home candidate to present to th next national convention. This the lead crs of the parly in that stale alread acknowledge. A year ago it was though not Improbable that Senator Evart might llguro a $ . a possibility having th support of the Empire slate , but th maker of elaborate sentences has not n a legislator greatly enlarged his fame o succeeded in establishing-a claim tosupi nor statesmanship. Mr. Conkllng burie his political hopes when ho wn defeated for rc-clcclion to th senate after having resigned , and doubl loss his best friends understand that n republican of prominence and charactc would bo lo'-s available than he In presidential rnce. Arthur , had he livei might have been among tlio candidates Thus Iho republicans f Iho pivotal slat are unusually poor in dlstinguishc leaders , but they will be none the les powerful in the national convention , an the candidate who obtains tlioir unite stipnortwlll have his ohaneos great 1 strengthened. At present Mr. IHain appears to bo the man most likely to d this , but there will be f-ome hard an skillful work done in other interests IK twcen now and 18S8. Inuii : ( IIDXIY : : , of Now York , has ii sued u circular to all the employes of hi court in winch ho urges his officials t treat rich and poor alike. The lowc courts , says the judge , are largely th courts of the poor "and among the lit gants who .seek their aid are many wh by reason of educational disadvantage find It hard to make their rights clcarl understood ; manyother.s of foreignliirtl who are as yet imperfectly ncquaiulei with our customs , and not a few wht smarting under some recent wrongs , ar unreasonably irritated against the worl at largo , and arc incline to regard even would-bo frionil as enemies. Hut in all cases , wha ever may bo the provocation to in p.iliencc , it is our duty to be kindly an helpful and unchangeably polite an good tempered. 'A soft way luriict away wrath'and no man ever yet n grcltcd that ho had erred on tli side of forbearance and self-control. This is admirable. Wo do not kno1 that it needs to bo commended to th fctudyof any courts in Nebraska , but : well rcpaj' the perusal of all court o Jioials , however little they may need th lesson which it teaches , or wherevc they may be situated. Lr/r us favor public improvements b all means. They add to the facilities to travel , to ease in the transaction of bus ness and to the enhancement of proper ! values. Hut there Ls a point where th general benefit cvcceds the private at vantage. This cannot be greatly over stepped without the payment of hcav. damages by the city. The cost shoiil always be counted before entering npo any improvement against Mio wishes t the property owners most alluded. nLL's mother-in-law , whc by the way is not , nor has ever boo Vicky Woodhull , was on tlio stand ycstoi day in London , and made her wanderin boy of a son-in-law squirm in his beat a she gave her testimony. Queen Victor ! has forbidden all reports of tbo trin within the sacred precincts of Wimlso castle. If the same rule was applied t the London cable anil press association thousands of American newspapers woul < be correspondingly bonefitted. Tin : chairman of the house committe on public lands complains that th senate will not keep pace with thu hous in reclaiming the public lands illegall , hold by great corporations. Tlio troubl is that most members of the sonalo ar legally bound to the great corporation as their attorneys and are only too will ing to serve their masters at the oxpcns of tlioir constituents. \ \ IIIN : citizens note the contrast be twcen our paved streets and quagmire of intersectinc : unpavcd thoroughfare they rail'/e ' what the strongest of al arguments in favor of a well paved city Omaha of to-day Is a very dllforont eltj from Iho.Omaha of yesterday ami pave incuts have done much to cause tli change , SKCIHT.\KV : LAMA it has not yet handci In his decision upon the location of th Indian supply depot , but the probabilitic are that no western city will pluck th persimmon. OurW abhlngton dispatche make tlio prediction on tlio authority o the editor of the Hr.n , that the depot wll remain In Now York. Tin : city council should invcstigat under wiiat grant the Omaha Gas am ( las Killing company refuses to make con ncetions with its > mains during th winter reason and declines to porml clti/.ons to lay servlcp pipes within the ! own lot lines. CU11UI2NT TOPICS. The cinr of Kusslaha * * ordered tlmt nex month new names bu irlvbn to all towns an villages bearing Ccnuan names. The new French ministry formed by 31 ( ioblet Is pronounced' the most common place since the war wltU' icnnany. William Kei-d , formeil'y treasurer of tli South Boston Horse rn Ifoiul , pleaded guilt to the chmgo of einbe/.7. iftg 3160,000. , Jehu Baker , concics ' { pan-elect from th Eighteenth Illinois dUtrjpt , was lined S3 an cost tor assaulting a icjiorter at Belleville. , f. L. Itockafollar , president of the Slant ard Oil company , Is arranging to furnlth th manufactories of Cleveland with natural am Senator Mahono Is Paid to have mad $400,000 on the rise of r.icinuond & Danvlll stock. The senator Is a man who Is not t bo crushed. Matthews , the colored recorder at Washlnc ton , is receiving fees at the rate of ; v > , OG per annum through the activity In real cstat in the dUtrlct. On the waters of N'lagara river , Saturdaj AIphonso King walked 100 jards In a hug pair of tin jhoesof Ids own invention on wager of 53,000 made In New Yorlr. The house of roprescntativea has passp < a bill extending the la of the Unite States over tlio public laud strip south o Kansas , and throwing the ic ion open t homestead entries. Uallet dancing Is a nrctty peed biislues when you once get the hang of It. Maun the exponent of the Spanish fnmhticc gets 810,000 n year. Uosnttl cets S12oo < and Subra 50,000. That's better by sever. thousand tlullnis than going tocongiessc cscn being president of a unlserslty. How About Utah ? HiHtfitnl Cnnranl. Whcio was Utah when thu president' was written' ' A year ago Uas a cryln evil , - . - . . , , Kitous n Ctooil Dcnl About Uoiihl , CMtnyn Time * . Jay ( loiild says that ho knows veiy llttl about Jrulge ( Jieshaw. Judsc Urcslwti however , appears to know a jfood deal abou ayiould. Coal 1'owcf Will Mnkc Uiu.ilin. ISpiintifltM ( .V < i , . ) ffrpiiblfmn. The discovery of a vein of coal under tli site of Omaha , Neb , , promises richly for th city's rapid doyelopiiienl. With her excollon facilities as a distributing point and her ad vantage as the center of one of the lines Kialn and cattle dlstilcls In the west , sh lacked only a y. tcm of manufactories hie ttlspoiilldenlly hoped thai cheap fuel wl hi Ing. "Watci-power niado Minneapolis , said a prominent business man , "and coa power will make Omaha. " A high olllclal li tlio Union I'rtciOe load says thcio are Indici Hous Hint a coal-bbnkct unleilies the Whol Missouri valley , and It Is needless to say tliii "a prominent leal estate agent" notes a dc cided HMJ In the value ol leal e late dtirln tlio week in which the discovery has bee known , TlitnklTovpi' . Anri. Never do ihines In a hurry , i Take vour time , And | ahor well. And , \\lieii matters of importance I'lt'ts you inure than you tell , Never rashly maUe Your iiiniil up Whether you shall buy or .sell , Think li over. Yet to hnlt 'twlxt two opinions When jou know Which ono N tight , Is a wrong step and a Ion ? one , Jute daikness from Iho liulit. And li' t you should ailveisely , I r you have the time oie night , Think Ito\er. It may bp some other peison Will \\ioiiiccd , It you should haste : Vor you know by the adage , .Short ami simple , "liable makes waste. " Then lest jou Or any other Should be luliucd or abused , Think it o\er. Mal.e your mind up in the moiulng Alter you Have taken rest , Sleep upon it till the > , llrlght ami himnv , 'tis ' the best , Then rclre heil Choose well and wisely , .Many ha.e implied the test , Think it over. C < > unllc < > * foi tunes have been Jlioken has been Alany a trust , Anil the owners , later fallen 1'ioiti.ite , tiKiilu to bltu the dust I All because of Hasty judgment , Whcic Hie panics fulled to just Think It o\er , Xe\cr do thiiiss In a hurry ! Labor well And take your lime ; You who fnin would , tine mid Honest , h.un tin ; dollar and the dime ; This applies To every .station , KVCIJ land ami every clime , Think it over. Knllroml Taxation. Iliici > ln Dtmvrtal. With all dcleicnco to our esteemed morn Ing contempoiary's as Cition of what th Doniociat said to the chattel-making com mltk'oe must , icpmllato its constiuctlon Tlio Demociat called the attention of tb committee to the fact that SI , 000,000 or so o piopeity hi this city belonging to the rail roads escaped taxation for city purposes. It escape from taxation does not , as our njorii Ing contcmpoiary Insidiously intlnm toil , add any revenue to HIPrura districts. And if it did It leaves th Journal in the predicament of favoring tli tinust'cr of taxation lioin a heavily bin doned city , where It Is most needed , to th lightly burdened rural district , where It I less needed. Tlio revenue laws need amend incut , or lather need the interpretation o couit with Judgment and backbone. Tlio device vice by which taxation Is Irregularly lovlei In behalf of and for the benefit of rallicart Is unconstitutional. Or , perhaps It would b better to say it Is absolutely wrong. Unfor Innately , constitutionality and right do no always run on parallel lines. ThPio Is nothlni so sacied about corporal Ion proneily that I should be exempt tiomthe burdens laid upoi tlio the common lionl. _ _ A Hack-Action Boom. .SI. / / < GMie-Demotrat / , Jiulgo drcsham's presidential boom lias re col veil a big lift from an unexpected quaitet Jay Could charges him with being Inllii enced in his decision In the Wabnsh case b ; his aspliatlons for residence In the wlill < houso.and adds , by Implication , that he ( Jay will do his best to Uecp-liliii out o It. Tha luloi nmtion oimlit to bring ( JicHliam a * gooi many votes In the nominating convention. Our military mid Naval Pnllny. The Journal of the Military Soivlco In slilution for December , contains an article clo in which the "Military and Nava Policy of the United States" is diseiissci by Lieutenant A. L. Wagner , of tlio Sixtl Infantry. While taking a somewhat pussimi.stit view of his subject , thu author present ! an array of facts and figures which an certainly of an extremely interesting am instructive character. De-ginning with the revolutionary pe riod , and following the history of 0111 country to the present time , tiio mos prominent features of our policy an found in every period to bo "Iniidequiiti provisions in time of peace for the neces itles of war ; an injudicious reliance npor raw troops ; and a miscellaneous Inter meddling by civil olllcials with the con duct of military operations. " As an iu < stance of this last leatiiro of our policy , It Is stated that "the changes mailo bj the secretary of war in the disposition ol troops in the field of battle , contributed not a Jittlo to the shameful disaster ol Illudonsbtirg , " In speaking of the militia , examples are given of thuit inofllcionoy in every war which thoj were called upon to play a part. Tin rebellion called forth a kind of force that had boon prnviousy | employed , though on n much more limited scale , namely , United States volunteers. InKV \ those volunteers made a force "peculiar among the armies of the south. " Hut their edu cation was costly , turn was a work ol time even in the school of actual war Three years' experience was ncccssai \ bcforu they became really cllieient , and it w > > 3 the experience of four years ol war that converted the raw levies of 1801 into the soldiers of 1805. Thcso suaionci troops it M as who crushed the rebellion "Tho union was preserved at thn expense of $3,000,000,000 , and the moro lamenthuh cost of mom than half a million lives1. " Lieutenant Wagner , agreeing will manv other military authorities , uellovei that 80,000 regular troops , pitted ngams thu raw lovius of the south and followed up and supported by an army o uOO.OGO volunteers , would have sup pressed the rebellion inshfo o ono year. After c-.tlm.iUng t ! maximum cosl of < ? uch n campaici the writer says ; "It is imposflblc I avoid the conclusion that the lack of wa like preparation cost the United States i loastSO.UXMVXW.OOO.11 This andthonmoiti iiaid in pensions sineo the war , "woul have been moro than sulVieient lo mall tain an irniy of 45,090 men from the bi pinning of the Semiuole war to the breal Ing out of the rebellion. " The shrewdness of our nation in allo\ \ inn Kuropo nt great cost to oxpcrlmct with iron-clads , etc , has often been tli sttbjccl oi self-eoucratuhition by many < our economical cltl/.ons. It 'is argue that when It should become necc'-sarv t that when all doubtful questions t armament , etc. , shall have been settle at the expense of Kuropean nations , w may then construct the best for our ow use. This much lauded policy Is seen i its true light when wo rolled that li eighteen years , by Lieutenant Wagner showing , wo have spent in patcl ing up absolute wooden vcsse' nnd "quasi iron-clad * " which Admin I'ortor declared an enemy would sink r worthless after capturing them mor than enough money to hav built nnd kepi in repair , nineteen I rot clads like the Hritish ; Iulle\lblc , clove like the Italian Lepanto. or thirty nine steel cruisers like the Chicago. \ \ huvo wasted on repairs the cost of coi slructiug pud maintaining a powcrfi Heel , and Ibis is called economy. " Turning to the regular army Lienten ant Wagner traces its hNtory which lui run in the main tlmt of a struggle fo existence , and states the object tor whic it exists. The army KS , or should bo mot than a mere police force ; it should bo school of application for ollleers in tun of peace ; a model for the militia and loree of such strength and organr/.atlo that it may bo capable of easy and qiiic expansion in case of war. It might the be depended upon as a powerlul factor c national strength. It need not be largo to accomplish a of these ends , but it is apparent that i should bo larger than it is. In these consideration1) ) may be foun ' the real and best reasons for'the mail teiiance of an army in time of peaeo. The details of army ollicers at college throughout the country i.s spoken of as sound measure of policy , tending to prc mete and extend military knowlcdg among the people. Founding his provision upon the les sons of the past. Lieutenant Wugne takes , as wo have remarked above , rather gloomy view of the future , A the same time it must lie admitted tlia some , at least , of the .lessons of Iho ] > : is have been useful lo us as a people. I'll action of congress of 181' ) was far mor vigorous than that of the congress of th revolution , whose fatuous trilling in mat ters concerning the prosecution of th war was , on several oc casions , well nigh fatal ti the cause of independence. Agaii the congress of the rebellion was very fa ahead of that of 1811) in its necessities o the case , and voted men and mono , without stint. 15ut in these eases , actio was delayed until war had actually bt gun. The great trouble has over been i the neglect of preparation in time c peace. In this respect wo have been an are still enemies. But even hero there i improvement. Public sentiment whie precedes and directs tlio legislation of th country , is now moro favorable than i has over been lierctolore , to the policy c preparation. This sentiment is echoed i the halls of congress anil thu last yea has seen bills introduced wlio e cll'cct , i th y become laws will improve our navj give us forlilicalions to protect on largest sea coast cities , and greatly in crease the efficiency of our army. True , these have not yet become law ? but the fact that such bills have been ii traduced , indicates that the people rcai i/.o the necessity for legislation in this d rcction , winch must in time have it cllect 'Ihe rebellion was a great odtici : lor of the people in this respect. At it eloso nearly two million soldiers sprea throughout the country , and became sun pie citizens , but citizens who had bee soldiers , and who , as soldiers , could ai predate the necessity for timely prcparn lions , These men could not fail to hav an cll'cct on public sentiment. Organi/ : ' lions of a military character have sprim , up _ as ono result of this dis-semmaiion o military knowledge , which operatic I initiate their members , into tlio eh montary principles of tliu military acl and to preserve a military spirit iimotii tlio people. It is true that the knowlcdg thus obtained is but rudimentary , bull the rudiments arc learned it is some thing. In this profession , as in others , Htop in advance opens uj > a broader rivei nnd shows that still other stop lie boyond. The national guards mail realizes that with hi civil pursuits to attend ( o , li cannot hope to become familiar will moro than the elements of military ci onco. He realizes that a necessity exist for men to devote their lives and bos thoughts to military matters alone ; tha is to i > ay , ho realizes the absolute UOCCH sity for an cllieient rcirular force jf w > are to keep abreast with Iho ago , if wi are to bo in ( imp of pence prepared fo war. Hut in spite of- these oneourapiiif signs , it must bu admitted that they an but signs , and by no means accompli.slici facts. Wo are not prepared for war Legislation Is needed and tmin is nccdei after the laws are made before wo cm make any pretensions to readiness. It I to bo hoped that the near t'utuni may sci much-needed steps taken to give us KOUI < deirrec of that "might" upon which Yoi Moltko has recently said great nation must dfipund for security , perhaps cvei for tlioir very existence. Lieutenant Wagner's article in a timol ; ono , and shows iv candid and pains taking btudy of his subject ; it deserve , moro than a moro perusal , The snbjco Is ono that commend * ii.solf to thuearnoH consideration of every thoughtful cilizoi and patriot. K. A KH'orninr'N flows , Ignoianeo and chicanery are riiinln ; the farmor. Humbug M the onlttr of tli day , and tic * people to bo humlju < 'gcdar the farmers. The farmer recognises iln > fact that Ih general , Mnto , county , township and niii melpal governments must ho Misluinui by somu form ol taxation. Jlo is inlet c.sted in this taxation question , as u I eating out his vital * , and If not change * will .speedily aciomplis-h his ripn. Too much money is paid nut for thu ex ponse.s of our courts All chil suit should bo docketed at a price per hou for time devoted to smih litigations , am this prlco should bo high onouli ; ; to cove all the costs-salary of judge , Hln-nll clerk , balill's , jury , fuel ami lights , am proportionate interest on the real e tali used for court purposes. Tim prnbabh cost should bo deposited in advance , tun additional margins "liould bu put tq from day to duy whun sunl original deposit Iius ben exhausted and securities ttxueted from parties t pay amount In case ol costs going again.-1 them. In cr'.m'nal c.tsc of guilt , UK property of criminals bhould bo liabli for nil costs , and such liability should at tach to the same from HID moment u CIF : < is docketed- the county's lion shouU take preciidoncn of the nltorney's fee1 who dofond.s such criminal. As most ol our criminal trials grow out of the UK * of intoxicants , a special license should hi paid by all wholesale and retail dealer.- * mclutllng druggists , for the benefit o our courts of justice. All fees attache , to any officer , should uarigMknccoutitoi for , and the money received covered inti tlm public treasury , and the pay of al. state nnd county nilipials be a llxojl .salary payable quarterly by warrant on tin public treasurer , iigucd by two distiller * cMed ollleials , to be Ihed by law. There should be but one- treasurer for all the funds collected for publiee purposes - poses in the state , nnd nil motions so collected , whether as leo * , ta\ ( . , sales of waste material , etc. , should bo deposited , and no money should bo drawn out except on a warrant setting forth specifically the object am ) the au thority therefor. Such warrant should be signed , tor municipal funds by the mayor , attested by the clerk ; for courts , by the judge , attested by his clerk ; for county , by thp county judge or chairman of the board of county commissioners , at tested by ( Im auditor ; and such clerks , auditors and others , should bu required to keep a clear record of all such war rants by date , number , name of payee , object and authority , as n permanent public record , and any Illegal or unau thorized use of public funds should bo made by law an embezzlement of the funds so used or applied. Provision should be made by law for a pcrioillu valuation of all real estate by a state board of experts , giving thu valid * tiou at what such property would bring in gold for cash at a forced sale. When property I'1 ' * ° t UPPII fully paid for by a purchaser , the remaining liability should bo assessed and deducted from thu value , and the purchaser .should be given a separate receipt for so miielt of tlio ag gregate tax as would properly belonu to Filch deferred payment , and such receipt should be made by law , uvidcneo of pii.v- muni of thu amount on the debt duo on thu purchase. Internal revenue for HIP I'tuted Statei should bo. collected on spirits , tobacco , and all imilation food products. Tbo taxes on spirits and tobacco could well bo increased , ami on imitations of butler , honey or sugar should berelatively to thu Miluo of a pure article very high' ! Tar ill' taxes on imports should be en tirely removed from' all articles of no- eoi.sitv to the working man , and so ad justed on all luxuries as tnyiel't ' the great est possible revenue. One of the greatest impositions the farmer is subjected to grows out of our vicious patent laws , flu inventor but seldom derives any benefit from hi.s invention. The mldillo men , who buy for a song the invention , nro thu bonellciaries , and th" lax on such products fixed by them to bo paid by commissions is simply limited by their own cupidity. Singer made his ten mil lions out of the sowing women of this country by selling a machine for § ( ! ( ) to $ ij. , while ho sent the same mauliinu to JMiropo and sold it at from twenty-fivu to thirty dollars. Congress should pass a law authorizing any one to maiiufaetuio n patented article by giving security to account to Iho real inventor lor a royally of from SJ to 5 per cent on Ids sales of such patented article. Almost every tool n ed by the tanner yields thu manufac turer from 5rt to ' , ' 00 per cent , growing out of our vicious patent laws ; , and if such modifiei'.lion ho made as is heroin suggested , farmers could procure their implements at an average of 2f per cent less eosl.'tlie real inventor would bo better paid for his brain work and thousands of farmers could till'ord to buy a telephone instnnient and bo in telephonic connec tion with the nearest village or town. Intelligent politicians will argue thai farmers tire benelittcd by the tnrilVlaws. They urge that the la rill"protocU Ameri can labor. Lot us sou about this. Is farm labor protected r How much pro tection is afforded to tlm able man who works from sun-rt'-o to snn-sut on tlu farm for $1 ! ) per month and board ? Do blacksmiths , bricklayers , stonemasons , plasterers , eariienlcrs , quarry men , briekmakors , printurrf , lolugnndi opera tors , railroad men , gastitters , plumbers , butchers , laundry men , teamstor.s , day laborers , stovemakers , tinners , book binders , bridgobulldurs , sailors , bakers , saddlers , harnessinakera , carriagemak- crs , cairiagetiinimcr.s , foundry men , hotel waiters anil others who might bu mentioned , have any protection from the tarlll' ? Do they not get more pay in Ibis country than men pursuing corresponding avocations in Europe ? Do they not receive on tin av erage more pa v than the "Infill" pro tected" labor in eastern cotton and woolen nulls as much as "tariff pro tected'1 iron-makers ) ! If such labor a.s is above enumerated can get along without "tariff protection" in iact , while suffer ing from tariff infliction , is it not reason able ( o urgu that labor in cotton and woolen mills might do as well or better than now , if tlio tariff were taken oil"of all the necessaries of life ? Aside from all this , is it rigid to tax all for the ben efit of a few capitalist } ! ? l"or one , I think not ? Ksialu TransforH. The following transfers were filed lor record with the county clerk Dec. 0 11 Kullog ati'l wife to tlio Western Loan itTiusiCo , lot 1'iblk I Diiiiiwi'K add , ( i c , M. Mary A Collet ! to C II Kellivtr , lot TJ blk I Dpnlsu'saiid , wd , $ : : , ooo. MnrvJ Crnlmm Anil hush to 0 L lail"i ! , lot lii blk L Lewis's add , w d. S'.KK ) . John F .Maldmicv to Win U Hainan , lot 1 lilkilKhkwood , w il , 35. City of Omaha to Kuiul Ncl on. SOxliM ft beginning at the a. e. cor. lotlibllc . .lit Omnha , (1 e , SIOO. lleoWTIIson to Italph W liiruUeurhlge , lot 4 bile r Kllby J'lace , o c , Si. A S I'.idilock ami wlfo to Henry WSnydei , lot 14 blk : i I'luldoek plare , w it. 8'i.ino. A .S Paddock and wife to Henrv W Snyilfi , lot II ! blk ! ! I'aildock place , w il. S'V-MKi. i TJifl City of Omaha lo Tail Christian Tlirano , "ux'-Ji It s ol lot 1 blk ! ! 07 Omaha , < | c , > ' * llalthas , letter and wife to'flicn Olsen , lots U and K ) blk 0 .letter's mid , w l , tf 1'JMi. Ida II Williams and hush to Jos II Illnlr , Kith Intel est in lots In Kloreneo as follow * lotMnblkbs , QnminiiiDO. illii'.M , I In in , li1 In ! H , it , in and H in ' . ' . " > , U In W , 1 1 mul 10 In in'.H ' , Oiiml 11 in W , IS and I'.Hn ' I0li , H mid 10 In Wi , 1'In ! 110 , in In 111. 15 nnd 'M in 111' ' , 11 In blk I'-W , 7 In blk l'"J , lit In blk I II. s In blk 1.10 , : i In blk 15:1.8 : In tilic ir\ l-r-w 15.17 blk In 101 , 10 and ir , In blk in1 ; , 111 bile lin. 'land M in 107. also uutlots 2iO. 'JUl , ' . ; , also lot r blu all , ( | e. S300. \ \VllliaiiiRauil \ liusbto.ios II Itl.ilr , outlets lots IMi , 'J01 , 'jtu ' , also lots and hIK above , n c , i-'i. 'J'lic city of Omaha to .leanle WonlwniUi Howard , iiOxlW It | M > IIIIIIIII $ | ; at s e cor lot 1 blh : : c > Omalm. ( i c. 000. Win O Bartholomew to A II fum.slock el nl. ol7ll ; ! of lot - " Huilueh'o IM mid , w il , : > , l < )0. ) A 11 iMaynoaiul wlfo to c K Maync , lot ' blli 3 Ilelvldeiv. w d , ? : M. Knw.uil Keovcs and wife to IlieOnnhi Laud . \ : Trust Uo , lots I , 7 , S blk . * S , l''lorem ' i , w d , tl. Tim Omaha fc I'loionco Land , v Tru t ( ' to Kdward and Knrali Kcovcii , Jol t ; blk 1 ' > Kloiuuee , w d. SI. , A ti J'.iddoek and ulfoto Itoynohls II fliiA1 , et nl lot r < blk . ' , I'addock place , w d. 51 , < no CcoI'lcUinl to Itoiibi-ii 11 J'icUid ol il pail ! ' Jv' H ' - < n o " 4 ill- 1. VI-.1. w < 1 , SI.OOJ. ilohait U'lfllamsto Kdwiud 11 MieiHdml , 00 acres In lift ir.-l'i w d , SINOO ) . I'oslolllco Cliiuici'H In Ni'ln-ahlrn iiml IllVVII. I'oslollleo change.In NebrasKu during the wii-l ; ending Deoeml-er 11. liSl ( , furnished by Win. Van VJuek of llio PO-.I ollleodoiuirtiiieiit' KslnlilUlip'lAlbany ' .SlieiliKin connij , U'ni. U. Mcliitire , postiiiHstei i AiiM'Imo. Ciibter lonnty , .loi'jpli ' A. Mlcliele , po- nmsU'i ; Jloutll , ColliiK count } , Jlemy I" Kliihe , | i/BUiiasti'i ; l.oiox , Chii.o cimiil' , I'laieiico II. I'airan. postmaster ; Walnut Hill , Douglas county , 1'atriok A. ( invin , post master. Name changed ( irecntniry , Clay coimtj , to OIIL % l > osliua < tfr npjiolntcil Keystone , la\i ) county , lio'jcrt ' L C'a.stiiu. JOWA. 1'ostufllcn changns in Iowa during th" week ending Di'ceeniber ' 11 , 18Sl ) : j' bllslud--lliihtirier Dcc.itiir counu. > ti > : - - { , John. I. Hull , postmaster. lsiontiiiut"l--l'alliiiin ! : , Aiiuio | | : > iso rouii ty ; DcerliiifVirinuba.u , county ; i'lanio Hill , Ikmno comity. I'li-ititiiisU'rn iippointcd Kc'yslor.c , llonliMi count ) , Ohailes W. .Shliouiau ; Lacoj , Mali s ! ui county , L. P. Hallin.'nr : La t'lo-.v , l/o county , 11. Nlll ! aiaiihattnn , Keni i-l , t-ti mu. A. { ! . Mcn'w ( ! ; ( o.scuwk M jv'H'iU' ' cr < ' tv. 1'rai.K Leiimt.uefi-1.