Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Second Annnal Meeting of the Nebraska
State Association at Sntton.
A Reward Woman's Miserly Mother
Illos In New Yolk , ricnvitiK n I'or-
tuiio .Jnll Ilrenlc nt Tc-
cuniflcli Stutn News.
Netirnftkn Iltillcr-Mnkprt.
SITTON , Nob. , Doc. 14. [ Special Telo-
piain to tlie HKK.J The second unnnnl eon-
vontioi ) of the Nebraska State Dairymen's '
nssoclallon met In tlio Stilton opeta house
this welling. The nii-cHiiR was called to
oiiler by 8. C. IJasseltof Glltbon , nnd opened
with prayer by Kt'V. < ! eor < o Scott. 'I'l.o ail-
dross of welcome was delivered by the mayor
of Siitton , Hon. A. A. Kendall , nnd the 10-
spouse by the secretary , Prof. 11.11. Wine.
President J. Dlxon Amy , of Fiemont , tie-
llrerrit a line and able address , In which ho
Inmentfd the fact that there uoro only sixty
creameries In opeiatlon In Nebraska. Allen
Knot , of Omaha ; 1) . I * . Ashburn , Gibbon ;
Colonel K I ) . Omtls , Chicago , and Nov.
Gcorgo Scott , Sutton , were the principal
speakers In the general discussion.
Mr. Hoot thought the dairymen and farm-
era must maUn more and better butter.
Mi. Ashburn siiKgcstod that the ( 'rndeof
common farm Imttur could bo iala d by edit-
catlns the people through fnrmct's Instltulc * ,
with the dairy Interests liuwly represented ,
lie wished the dairy Interest had a Snm
Jones to ovnn oll/o the people on this sub
ject. Colonel Curtis said It cost more to
make poor tlmn Rood butter. The crcamoilcs
must do bfttcr. They should produce an
article that would keep more than three
weeks without giving an oil llavor.
Jules Lombard , of Chicago , Is hero pat ltd-
paling In the proceedings ol the meeting tn
his own Inimitable way. Those present
fromabioad ale :
From Iowa P. I ) . Miller , I'nnora ; 0. L.
Oiinrlelson , Now Hampton ; A. Jones , Mnd-
From Nebinskn Professor and Mis.
Wlntr , Lincoln ; II. C. A\ery , Henry Kicke ,
Elijah Allen.I. T. Stanhope. Omaha ; John
M. llayley. F. S. Fulton. Gibbon.
The meftliiK Is enthusiastic and promises
to be a sucressful one. Tlio citl/.ein taku
great interest nnd are icrelvlnc the dole-
pates with open arms. The magnificent Oakland -
land hotel , with Its modern Improvements ,
can take care of nil that come. A Inrgo num
ber of the delegates down on the nrngMiniim
ate expected to nritvo by to-mcht'a ' cast and
west trains.
A UnR-t'lckcr's l 'orliinp.
Nr.w VOHK , Dec. 14. [ Special Telcgmm to
the OUR. ] Ychterday Mis Matiduvillo , of
tiownrd , mNeb. . , arrived here. She is the
only ItvlnV dauchter of Maltha Clnrlc , an old
woman who died in Christ hospital In Jeisey
City n little over n week ago. For the last
twenty years of her lite she ll\cd like anilser ,
and her death was caused by pneumonia ,
contracted while picking rugs. At tlio tlmo
of her death It was belo\ed ! that she had a
fortune hidden somewhere , but her imme
diate friends scouted the Idea. Nine i'undred
dollnis of hcis was In tlio possession of
Lahey brothers , Jersey City ijioccrs , and
tlioy surrendered It when called upon to do
RO. A Kmndholi nt'.Mrfl. Clttil o lias just discov
ered the wheicabouts of Sl.'iOO belonging to
her , and It been learned that Messrs.
Motion , Bliss < &Co. , tho. ell-known bank
ing fiim of New York , lia\o S'JS.OOO ot her
money. It Is supposed that about 30,000 Is
concealed In theulendalo woods , near the
Ilackcnsack river , and a search will be made
tor It. Mrs. Mnndovilo has made auplination
to SHIrogato O'Neill , of Hudson county , Now
Jeisey , for letteis of admlnlsttatlon upon
her mother's estate.
A Peculiar Jail lircuk.
TicujiHEir ; , Neb , , Dec. It. [ Sjxcial to tlie
Hun , ] Yesterday about 2 o'clock our jail
birds , seven In number , uot to fooling with
'the lock , running a poker Into It. It gave
way and froedoiu'b door was open. No one
wanted to leave , but six of them forced one ,
Mr. Unlock , of Crab Orchard , to leive. Ho
was borvlni ; out a 5200 fine for sellhu ; lliiuor.
Tito nix others went out In tlio yard and had
n cnnie of b.iBQ bill. After playing a while
tlioy Invited tlio jailor to uinplro tlielrcanio ,
nnu ho unceiciuoiiiuiNy ii'iuiiu.'d them to
their cells ns by law provided.
An Ofllccr's Unlbrtunato Aouitlciit.
JJi.un Srni.vni , Neb , , Doc. 14. [ Special to
the This morning about 3 o'clock E.
A. Wonderllcli , city marshal of liluo
.Siirlnirs , fell down the flk'iitnt' twonty-four
uteps leading Irom the ifotor ollico. I1U
Jioad , face and body wcio terribly builscd.
JIM attoudiiiK i > h.\8lclnn Is yet unable to
determine \vliotlicr or not he is seriously In
jured Interurdly. Ho is nowcunllncd to his
lcd and can scarcely speak. Jle was called
to the Motor oflice on a icport Hint sonui onn
\vns prowllni ; niounct tlio olllce and bixnl :
uudcincnili , _ _
A Tuciimscli lioni-tt oTTrade.
Ticu.Msnii : , Neb. , Dec. 14. [ Special
to the HKK.J Our citizens met at thu
court house to the number of fifty or more to
01 gini/c a board of trade , Thomas Applcgct
vias called to the chnlr , and AL A. Campbell
xvas chosen wem'tnry. A committee of live
wna appointed to ilnitt n constitution and bylaws -
laws lor its government , nnd wilt meet in
one week to iitnlect the organization. Our
people hi'cm to bo a unit on thu subject.
i > roni-liiK | ) to Dedicate.
Tr.ri'MSHn , Nob. , Ddo. 14. ( Special
to the iii.J ) : : The Masons have their
new Imll about complctod and Intund to dudl-
ralu soun' A rommUtuo 1ms proem od the
furniture , nnd when it arrives nil will bn
rcnuy. Tlioy intend to ha\o a banrjuQt and
a big blow-out ,
Truck ImyliiK Coiunieiiiiiul.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Doc. 1 1. fbpoclul to the
HUB. ] TincU layln on the Omaha &
Noilu 1'lalte lirnncli of the It. it M. , rnnnlni :
nortliwi'nt from her * ' , commpiieed yosterdny
Hiid wo hopi ) to ho abln to I a kit lids unite lor
IVnhoo and thu noithuuat by the dawdini ; of
the nflw year. .
Till ) Filth Pnper.
Hi , UK SIMUMI * , Nub. , Doo. II. [ Sueolnl to
tlio JJrii.j Tlio imUerlul fortho Ltlue Spilngs
Hontliii'l urrlvi'.l huiu to-ttay nnd the llrst
IRSIIO of the pai > fr will npiwinr next \ > ei > k. It
will bo lomibllrnu in jKilliirs and under tint
iiianiiirnmt'iit of ! ' . a. Diekuitun. This will
ninkti tivu papora tor llliiu .Smlujrj and \Vy-
iuoi < , and tlltc-on pipers for { i.tgo couiily.
Killed ,' ! , In. , D v. U. iSpecUl Telegram
to the HKIJ | ( Seoiijo Smith , a brakt'iimn on
tlie Ntirthwestoiu road \\\\n \ \ lives In Iloono.
> vas klliod hero this noon. Hit \ > as tin top ol
n flight tialn nnd the wind blow him s > o iliat
lie It'll boi\\cou the cats killed ,
She HlniiPd With Her H rot her.
Kr.oici'K , In. , Dec. 11. [ Kpoclal
to Uio lr.i ! : , | A t-'hl numud Untton , ndoptod
liy Mr , Kurr , ol Hamilton , hasdUappcaicd ,
| t Is t-'ipposed slut nui away \\ltli a youui ;
tuna who -said ho It. S , Smith , of Dcul-
fiou , la. , uud wliu s.i'il ' hu was her
Cottar llaplitw.
i l\riiK-ln.Dre. U , | SpcolilTelc- ;
piaiu to tlie IJr.r.l Tlio lov.a Union Jledl-
V S nsiwlntlon H In rnnvontlnn heio to-d.-iy ,
uml the luwa TiotU > r Hiwdiusu
\vill bo hero to.munow.
Insane Over Two \Vlvps ,
Cr'.uit'ii , la.De < 1. H. i
cram lo tlie llKK.J Slu-i IIT Klttlt' , of Mouonii ,
la. , U nero with Chester Nichols , \\lio Is In.
pane over two wlvod , Ills brother , Jalm
Klcliols , aecoiDpanjliiij him , appeaivd tu bo
O IIUo "ijiu-fli" Uo.
Kcntent'cil Kor llapn.
VAIIOO , Neb. , Doc , H. ( Special lo tlie
Ur.i.l .loliu tjliuiiuui , who was coivl''lcil ! of
rape In the district court last we kwas ,
live years In the niu.teu ; *
* -
The Obligation * of Bnljilillrcil Uo.iils
Treated nt Lioncth.
WAIIIIXOTO.V. Dec. 14 , The entire morn
ing's session ot the house committee on post-
ofllres and post roads was occupied In the
rending of the leport of Kepresentnll\c A. , ) ,
Warner , of Ohio , on the obligations of subsi
dised railways'lelegraph lines. The icpoit
Is based upon tlie Investigation onlciod by
the house last } car under a resolution ot In
quiry by KcpresenlatUo Anderson of Kan-
sis. It Is a very long document nnd begins
wllha Mimmnry of theso\ernl acts provid
ing for the construction ot the 1'aclfic rail
road and telozraph lines for which crants of
land nnd bonds Ime been made. After an
cxhatisthc argument the conclusions of the
sub-committee on the several points at Issue
are stated as follows :
1. That the obligation In construct , main
tain nnd operate a telciuaph line U the Bruno
as the obligation toconstiuct , maintain and
opcialca HUD nt railroad.
1. Tlmt a millond company cannot relieve
Itself nt this oblhratlon , and cannot transfer
It to nn > nthcrcoiiipanv.
3. That as public nldean bo grunted onlv
for wibllu purposes , such telegraph Hues , as
well asrnllroad Hues , must bo opoiatcd lor
the equal bcncllt of all iicr > on , companies or
corpointlonsltlioutillicriiiilnatlonJa favorer
or against any one.
4. In older that all may enjov equal facili
ties , privileges and Iho 110 of such telegraph
ll'ies. It Is necessary tlmt thu same facilities
and ti'ims ns to thu reception nnd tiansmls-
sion of nu miKGs should no uvtondod to one
tnlcgrnpli Hue that ate granted to nnolhor
that In this matter them should bo no ills-
crimination. Conceding that a subsidised
railroad Is under an obligation to maintain
and operate n telciriaph line lor the bciielils
ol all , It follow ? that It Is bound to accept
telegraph matter nt the terminus ot Its lines
from nil telegraph companies.
f > . 'Ihccommllico hud , fiom the evidence
before It , that the lallioads me not maintain
ing nnd oui'iatlng ' b > tlicin > ulves and for
public use lulecraph Hues as leijuliod by the
sevoialnotsoC countess nndur which they
WL-roautlioiized lo build their lines. It l.s
held that contracts entered Into between tlio
railroad company and the Western Union
Trlezinph company , by which the ilphtH
privileges ol the t.iilioad companies were
tinusterred to the \Vestcin Union nro be
yond the seopo of the law. ( Those posi
tions aio sustained by mntiy icleumi-os to
granting nets and decisions of the United
States .siipictno court. ]
0. The light ol tlio Westoui Union or any
other telegiaph company to coii tiuct nnd
oicialc | lines of Its own to tlie I'acllio coast Is
not ( itiestioned , but It Is iiold that the
construction ot Midi lines fan not leliovo tbu
lallroad eumpnules fiom obligations to main
tain lines themselves as it'iiiurcd bythobov-
oral nets.
By wny ot romrdlal legislation , the sub
committee proposed n hill which extends to
thu tHui'rnph lines the provisions of the net
of .luiiclH , 1874 , iclatlug lo rallioado , ami
makes It the duty ot tlie attorney general tu
Institute proceedings in the fedeial courts to
adjudlc.ito nil rlj'litsot parties alleged to hold
contracts or to have lights under any anico-
mcnt cntcicd Into \\llli the rnlliond cotniia-
nles ana to annul and M > t asldo contiacls un
lawfully made , byhlch tlm the inllio.uls
have tliouelit to relieve themselves of their
just obligntlous to malntnlu iiud opciatolu-
tiepcndent telegraph linos. The penalties
picbcribed by thu act ot , ltinu"o , l 7l , as to
inllroads nre iimiit1 applleablo to tclogiaph
linesns well. The report was oiileied to bo
] irlutcd and will bo tnUcii up for dlbeussloii
utati euily day.
WASIIINO rex , Dec. 14. Among the
memorials presented was ono by Jlr.
Spooner , from the ( icrman Aid society of
Wisconsin , expressing the idea tlmt there
was no further necessity foi stimulating emi
gration to this country , nnd that no satisfac
tory reason can bo assigned for allowing for
eigner ! ) to vote and hold oflico after ono
ycai'a residence and before they aie nnturnl-
1/cd , and suggesting the enactment of law s
making ualurallzation and suffrage con-
lotm to a uniform standard , llefcrrod.
The committee on finance repotted back
favorably the bill for the retirement and ro-
colnagoottiado dollars and tlio bill to pre
vent frauds on American manufacturers.
Among the bills Introduced and referred
were the following :
By Mr. Hanlson [ by request } To Increase
tlio pensions of those who have disabilities
equivalent to the loss ot a hand or foot.
On motion of Mr. Hoar the house amend
ments to tlie electoral count bill were non
concurred in nnd a conference asked foi.
Messrs. Edmunds and I'ugh were appointed
conferees on the pait of the bunate.
Mr. Mol'hcrbOU Introduced a bill to amend
thu oleomargarine bill , Koforred. Also a
bill foi the presentation of medals to each of
the ollleei-.s nnd .soldluia who volunteered for
tlui'o months' ben Ice under the piestdeut's
call of April , IBfil.
The debate in the senate on theiepealof the
tenure ot ollico law continued till : i o'clock ,
when the senate went into executive se.sslon.
When the doors leoponcd the semite ad
join ned. _
WASHINGI ox , Ioc. 14. The speaker laid
bofoie the house a letter from the sucretaiy
ot the treasuiy submitting n book of esti
mates for the liscnl year 1888 and also a letter
from thu secretary transmitting a icport of
tests ol iron and steel. Itcferrcd.
The committee on foreign affairs reported
back thu resolution calling on the sccictary
of the tieasury for information aa to what In
terpretation is plvrn by Ilia treasury depart
ment to the tarltl law of 18S3 , which In ono
section declares that fish fiesh foi immediate
consumption shall bo free of tax on arrival
nt our sea and laud ports , and In another
hocllou declines that foielgn fish Impurlcit
fiesh shall bo taxed at the rntn of IX ) cents per
100 pounds. lemiostlng him to tiansmlt
routes of all otllclal coiienpondcnco on the
subject , together with a statement ol duties
collected eaeh year slnco 1W. ' > on Mwcral de
scriptions of UshcaiitMit on the hikes or Ca
nadian tributaries thuicof or In the north
Atlantic. Adopted.
Dining tliodotuto on thn sundry civil bill
In committee ot tlio whole , Mr. hong also
took occasion to ciltlci/e tlio president for
falling lo make a peimntumt appointment of
siipmintmiilnnt of the coast wuvey. The
president was forgetting that "a public
tiftleo is a public trust , " in neglecting Ills
tliitv. and was making the coast Mirvoy tlio
Hpoit of public rldlculo In falling to make
this appointment. The bill was then lead by
Tiaragiaphs for amendnient.
On motion ot Mr. Adams of Illinois the
amendment was adopted appropriating
jltOlHl for tlio breakwater at Chicago. The
amendment was ndopted upprnpilatlng
81.VWO for repairs of thn Smithsonian InhtP
tuto. I'nndlng ( miller iit'tioii the cnminltteo
lose nnd the house aajnurncd.
Appri ) | > Vlntloii Itilla.
Deo. II. Tlio house com-
nuiteu on fotingn alfalrn to-day completed
the consideration of the diplomatic and con
sular appioprlalloa bill. AH completed , the
bill calls lor appioprlatlons iijrgiogaHng
31,071,1X13. The total appiopilation for thu
cuneut year as Sj.soo.oori. Thu total in-
cioasa In thu nppiopiiatlon for consular
bcrvlee Is .stated In the icport accompanying
Hie bill at 5W8.840. No action w ns taken by
the commltteo on the estimate. ' ) for an inter
national boundary biuvuy l > otveen the
I'nlled States and Mexico , the lla > llru arbi
tration eommlsilon , Iho Voutiuola : and
, \miuii'.ui claims comiulsslon and the
Alaskan bouudnrv coimnlb.slon , wlih'h was
lutmied to the lom'nlllt'ts ' on appropriations
lor Inclusion In tlio sundry civil bill. The
cnuiuiKsloii say In their repoit : The cen-
eial pollov of the committee has been to
ri'rognl/otho Impoitaucu to our com-
uieicial luton ls of our consular t-mvief , and
thti pmposo ol tlm bill Is to piovido luluriuutc
stlaiie.1 to tlio u otlloials who nl nicpcnt arc
known to bo underpaid.
Amicably AdJuslciK
CHICAGO , Dec. R The statu oxootitlve
board ol the KnlghU of Labor to-nl Ut dis
posed of the charge acalnst several boot and
bhon uiauufactorlusof Clilc so , whom
a renewal of thu ooycatt has bven thuuttoned ,
nm'nly ' for allvml breich of conlinct with
the kniehts \ the matter of com let contract
labor. A. nit'inber ot vnv < \ of th tlrms np-
lU'nix'd bofoiit Iho board nnd thowcii tlmt the
chaiges6fe nu ( v > 5rrnnted. After an c.v
p > aiiatltniii > r prc > mUs to abate the grievances
comphilhtH ) ol , an niulrnblu fettlfuieut
mr.du In CACU c.tae.
The Contractors For Marshal Onminings'
Bomoval Qo Short.
Tlie Methodist University Slock
Yimls Notes Orover's Counter-
l > nrlsSoldiers' Ornves The
Mlkatlo Court News.
"Tommy , Don't Go ! "
At 7 : TJ o'clock lust evening the council
chainbor WTSonted "u picture for paint-
ITS to study. " The atidicnc-o room was
( illctl wltli expectant , citi/.ens wlio had
convened to hear soniotliinu drop. Prosl-
dunl Hochcl was in the hallway holding a
whisporcrt consultation with IMItor
ISolliakcr of the Republican ; Mayor
lloyd , the Greek editor of Hie Herald and
; ho Third ward reformer were "eaueuss-
ng'1 near the water cooler ; Phil Me-
Shane was in communion witli Councilmen -
men Schroeder and Goodrich ; Councilmen -
men Halley , Dailov and Goodman sat so-
lately wailing for the reforco to call
time ; Councilman ( Caspar concealed hi in-
self in a cloud of smoke from a Thir
teenth street llabuna ; Councilman Che
ney was lost in contemplation of the
contents of a peace tract , while Marshal
Cuinniings stood guard over the irate
which Is designed to separate the conn-
oilmen from tlio common herd. Council
man Mike Lee came in late anil , ob > erv-
inij the eager searching look that was
worn by the outsiders referred to , sug
gested that they had lost the key to the
combination and wuru looking for it.
"Ituthakcr has made a contract but
ho can't deliver tlio goods. " remarked
Mr. Leo. "Charley Goodricn has the now
marshal's star in his pqcki't , P.olliajccr
has a hand-painted billet for him ,
Schroeder has a plume that is to adorn
the now chief's hat which Is the cause of
that hump you will notice under Paddy
Ford's coat. " The m < ired deal ot the
council , however , did not materialize ,
and the preparations that had been made
for the welcoming of Marshal Cum tiling's
.successor were loit. The bouncing pro
gramme that hail been arranged by
Mayor Ho.yd's iiuiiuiircrs failed of per
formance 'owing to the sudden indisposi
tion of one of the star actors. It appears
that after the cast had been completed
by a contract for a one night engage
ment with a republican in&mbur , Conn-
oilmen Lowry and Goodman refuted to
play. The curtain was kept down until
Manager Hothaker learned that the tele
grams , which , at his instigation , had
been sent by Mr. Lee's friends in the
east , could not induce that irenllonian to
join the east in his sensational one act
drama "Fire Cummings. " 'lids was the
hist hope and when it faded the perform
ance had to be indclinitely postponed.
The admission fee was refunded to the
spectators and the council proceeded
with their regular performance as follows.
From the Mayor Approving ordinances
adopted at thu meeting of December 7 ,
and calling attention to a needed amend
ment to one section ot the meat inspec
tor's ordinance. 1'ile.
Same Approving contract and bond
of Murphv , Crclghton < V : Co. for curbing
Far mi in and Cumlnf * streets with Colorado
rado sandstone ; of P. II. McAuloy & Co.
fet construction of sewer h\ sewer dis
trict 31) ) ; of J. F. Uailey for completion of
sewer in sewer district 38. File.
Same Appointing Martin Oleson as
special policeman for the B. & M. in the
1'irst ward , and 1) . C. Shcehcy as special
policeman for the Union Pacific in the
First and Filth wards. Confirmed.
From City Engineer Keturning plat
of Frederick s addition as being not in
compliance with requirements of the
city ordinance. Returned to owner.
From City Clerk Reporting that ho
had paid claims against Ityan & Co. pre
sented by the laborors. The estimates of
Uyan & Co. were ordered paid.
From City Veterinarian Submitting
semi-annual report. Filed.
Of Lcavitt liiirnham Asking for tlie
replacing of sidewalks on Hamilton
street removed by contractors. Si\th
ward delegation.
Of Mrs. Kiimm Jones Asking reduc
tion of n&sessniont on property. Finance
and claims.
Of John O'Kecfc ' Asking that his case
for damages be settled without further
litigation. City attorney.
OfflKriG August Asking damages for
personal injuries received by falling
through detective sidewalk on Daven
port .street. Finance and claims and city
Of Regan Bros. Asking city to secure
claim of $5,000 for material furnished
Raymond & Campbell on the Sixteenth
street viaduct. Viaducts and railways.
By Schroodcr Instructing' ' the city
attorney lo confess judgment in the sum
ot $750 in the case of the German-
American association against tli3 city.
By Leo Changing the assessment on
John Kcene's property on Chicago street
Irom $ , " > 50 to fysu to correct clerical
error. Adopted.
Uy Leo Instructing the city treasurer
to report to the council a report of the
monthly receipts of tbo police depart
ment from thu month of April , 1881 ,
to HID month of November , 1830.
iicroins OK roMMirrnES.
Grades and Grading Recommending
the allowance of $ lf 0 to M. Leahy for
damages by chance of grade. Adopted.
Samci Recoiumuiidiug the j.'iiyment of
$2,800 to James i'ov for extra work done
in grading Harnuy and Sixteenth streets ,
City engineer.
Same Recommending the approval
of the e.-tiniatci of .1. Ryan & Co.
Adopted ,
Streets and Alloys Recommending
that thu cost of cleaning Tenth street
after the cablu company bo charged to
the cable company. Adopted.
Special oidinances making appropria
tions for the payment of liabilities in
curred during the * month of November ,
amounting to $5iil.r : ! : ! > 0 , Passed ,
Amending : the garbage ordinance , mak
ing it a misdemeanor to .collect garoage
without license. Police.
Authorizing the ISJIID of bonds for tli
payment of cost of paving , curbing anil
guttering in district No , 08. Passed.
Declaring thu necessity of changing
tlio grading of Lcavonworth street irom
Sixteen to Thlrty-si.\th streets. Grades
and grading ,
A UI'.N'J U. .
Councilman Leo stated to a BBC re
porter last niixlit , in emphatic terms , that
the reports that have been published in
the Republican ami World about the ru-
publicau members of the council asking
the marshal to resign , are absolutely
false , The republican inombors of the
council have hail no caucus on the mat
ter , and the reports published are merest
TJIU il. l UXi y7j K S \ T V .
Tlui .McctiiiK Last Xlulit fa Forward
tlio Interest * of tlio Institution.
j night there was an enthusiastic
meeting held nt the First MothodUt
church , on Davenport street , near Sev
enteenth , for thu purpose of furthering
tlio movement to secure the location of
the Methodist university at Omaha. Rev.
Mr. llouso culled the meeting to order
and nominated R. C. Patterson as chair
man. Mr. Cole waa elected secretary.
Mr. Patterson made a Tory encourag
ing speech , setting torth the fact that It
was absolutely nercssavy for the success
of the proposed umvor.sity to have it lo
cated in the vicinity ofn largo city. He
stated further that while ho had been un
able because of unftctcd | ) pressure of
business , to attend ; ofhe ; duty of solicit
ing subscriptions for 'tio ) university , ho
had yet secured several subscriptions ,
amounting to botwociblotir and five thou
sand dollars.
Mr. George W. Troaf made an encour
aging address , shoWli/g / that the estab
lishment of a univj'isity at this point
meant the opening or ft theological school ,
a law collciic. a medical college , a paper ,
a branch of the Methodist book concern
and several other enterprises , which ,
of course , would bring money to the city.
11. T. Clarke made a most encouraged
address , which was most warmly received
and appreciated.
The following resolutions directed to
the commission appointed to decide upon
the location for the university were unan
imously adopted :
\Vherea , Von are mrt for the purpose of
considering tin ; Important matter of locating
a university In tlm state of Nebraska , and
Whereas , Tim llrst Information came to us
on Mnmlay cvonlut ; . Meoembcr 13 , owing to
the Illness of the piesldliiR elder ; bolt
Hesolved , Tlmtwe nSnuest fmther tlmo bo
granted us to erystalll/p the ironeral desire
on the part ot tlm cltlpf\s nt Omaha to have
the said university localeu Hi our city.
The committcn leaves for Lincoln this
morning , and will work for the location
of the university at Omah.i with all their
will and oncriry.
It Is Hcmlcrcil Mnnnillccntly l > y tlio
Abbott Company ,
The Mikado was presented in a fault
less manner last night by the Abatt com
pany. The performance Was as smooth as
possible , and excelled that of last season.
The Orchestra was excellent under the
direction of Sig. Toinnsi , and the
chorus unusually satisfactory. Botli the
male and female choruses contained ma
terial above the average , The solo parts
were so well sung and acted as to be be
yond criticism. Miss Abbott interpreted
the gushing , gurgling school girl to per
fection , and her interpolated bird song iu
the .second act was a Superb bit of vocal-
ix.ation that brought her a double recall.
Miss Aubotl lias recovered from the se
vere cold Hint omimrniss-cd her the pre
vious evening , and her voice seemed
freer and more tolling than ever.
Miss Annamlalo's performance was
eminently superior to that of the evening
before , and her excellent singinu and
acting ought to have atoned for her not
appearing in male attire. Slio is the best
Katisha by far that has been seen hero.
Montegriilb was quite capable in tlie part
of Nanki-Pooh. lie retains the manner
ism that have become so idcntilicd xvith
him that they seen a part of him to be
accepted with the rest of him , but what
ever may be said of his method his voice
is good
Waller Allen made all irrestiblv funny
Ko-Ko. His humor is dry and of the
sort that wears well. His astonishing
fall made a sensation. Brodenck was
well cast as the pompous Pooh-bah , and
others of the company were equally Balis-
factory in their parts-
The "Bohemian Girl" will be given
this afternoon and a grand performance
of "Faust" will bo the bill this evening.
Manager Poster and ARIIOS Huntington -
ton , ol' tlio Huston Ideals , nt
DnBcor'H Points.
PnoiiM. 111. . c" . 11. hdilor of the
Chicago Herald : Tl\o \ Peoria Transcript
of to-day contains wljilt appears to be an
interview with Agnes Iluntington , who
makes an attack on Mile. La Blache and
Mile. Xelie DC Lussan , the prima donna
of the Boston Ideal Opera company , who
fainted on the stage during the perform-
ause that afternoon from nervous excite
ment as a result of thu attack. At the
close of the performance the entire com
pany was assembled on the stage and
Addressed by the manager , who asked if
anyone present sympathi/cd with Miss
Huntingtou's attack. An emphatic "No"
from everyone present was the answer.
Manager Foster began proceedings
against Miss Iluntington this afternoon ,
laying damages at $10,000. Miss Ilunt
ington was formally discharged from the
company this cvnmncr.
cvnmncr.W. . H. Fovrni : .
Manager and Pioprietor.
A pres = dispatch from Peoria is to the
olTcct that Miss Iluntington has sued
Manager Foster for $10,000 , and that the
sympathies of the company arc with
Miss Huiitington. Also that Manager
Foster has been precipitated into this af
fair by reason of the fascination of Mile.
Do Lussan.
Sliceloy's New PnckliiK House An
other neorCannlns I0tulllsliment.
Since the burning of Shocluy's packing
house there has boon a great deal of cu
riosity as to what the linn would do
about building up again. It is now
stated that they will build a largo pack
ing house nt the stock yards early in the
spring or as soon as the weather will per
mit. The plans for the house hvu not
yet been prepared and the dimensions
have not been decided upon. Yesterday
an architect tncarurcd olT the ground
whore the old house stood with a view to
the erection of a large curing establish
ment. Tlioy will do all tno slaughtering
and rendering at the yards and will send
their moats up to the curing house , on
the situ of the old packing house , \vlions \
they will bo smoked ami cured ready for
the marled.
George W. Mason is making the nee-
csiary arrangements to ppon up a beef
canning house. Thu building will be lo
cated near Oberno , llosick & Co.'d IIOUMJ
south of the stock yards.
Hie Chestnut Hoi I ana Civlll/.or.
At last a use has been discovered foi
tlio much abused instrument of lorluro.
the chestnut bell. It ha4 been discovered
to possess mcdicinaL.propcrtlcs nnd id
warranted to oll'cct a speedy and perma
nent euro in the most Uagrant cases of
swcllhead. The gupjt'flat one of the liO'
tols where a part of tl4i Abbott company
is domiciled am re ady to furnish tosti <
nioiful ot the bell's cl'oct ) upon a mnnv
ber of that company ) * One of the wakens
had fastened a second-hand chestnut boll
on ihu castor in the ccri&r of the table.
At noon yesterday when the dining room
was lllled with guests Jhn royal Poo-Bab
of thu company r.ilsedlils voice , as is the
custom with "actahs-ind ( attracting the
attention ot all who 4 < < ro in the room ,
began rotating some > iif his experiences ,
Hogot along nicely until ho began tolling
how ho attended prayer with the Prince
of Wales nt his private chapel two year-
ago , At this point a guest rang the boll ,
Poo-Bali glared savairely around and re
ceived more applause than had over wol
coined his singing , Ho gulped down his
codec and left the dining room m a rage.
Ho hlormcd into the ollico and savagelj
demanded of thy olork "Who are most
fellahs who are guying mcV" Ho don'l
relate his experience now , but takes hi ;
meals after thu banquet hall has been dc
sorted by the other guests.
Held to tlio Criminal Court.
CHICAGO , Dec. li , Schwartz , tliebrckman
who. Is suspected ot knovliig something
about the great Kock Island train robbery
was held to the cilmlual court tills mornliifc
In bonds , of SiUX ) on ( he charge of bigamy
U U a&scrtcd that tlio company an * iiUtduug
the cl a-teof ; bigamy against him In ordurto
keep him In custody.
Its llninnrril Fnlluro Discredited by
IjondliiR Cltlrdt * .
CIIAIII.KS CITY , Dec. M. ( Special Tele-
cram to the Bi.i.J : Considerable excitement
has been created by the report sent out fiom
Chlcacro that the s.i\lnt : bank at this place
had failed , and that Mr. P. A. Horlenc , the
cashier , had proved a defaulter to the amount
ot SZO.OOO. Leading eltlrcns hero express the
utmost confidence In Mr. Ko/.leno's Integrity ,
and expect thai as soon as ho nrrlvcs homo ho
will bo able to make a satisfactory explana
tion ot the bank's nllalr. " . Mr , IJor.lenp went
to i'uropc some tlmeairo toariange fet tlie
snloot bonds In a now railroad enterprise In
which he Is Interested , nnd is encaged on
that mission now , but Is expected to ictiirn
soon. The dltectors unnouneo that they ate
predated to make tin any deliciency that may
occur In the bank's assets so that no depos
itor or stockholder fthnll MiHVr 10--S anil the
credit of the bank shall iciualn unimpaired.
Ilnsltincd Krnin the Mail Hervleo.
lis : MOI.NT.S , la. , Dec. 14. [ Special Tcle-
ciam to the Hr.r. . | It was leaincd late to-
Kht that Mr. S. L. Tall , chief head clerk of
the railway mall "service of Iowa , had re
sinned , to take clfect January 1. Ho has
been In the railway mall service for sixteen
years , and for the last few jcars has had
vtractlcally entire charge of the service In
Iowa , with headquarters at DCS Molncs. lie
\\as rated by the derailment as one of the
most cltlcicnt olllclals In the sen Ice.
Oleomargarine Statistics
WASHIMUOX , Dec. 14. The swrclary of
the ttcasmy to-day transmuted to the senate
the repoit prepared by Milter , com
missioner of Internal io\cnuo , In answer to
{ Senator Ingalls' losolutlon catling lor In-
foiinatloii on the olcomarKailno law. By
this rcuoit it appeals that since Kovcmbei 1 ,
the dale at which the law went into opera
tion , special taxes provided for theieln have
been assessed on tldrtv-four manufacturers
of olcomaiRarlnc ; on " 01 wholesale dealers ,
and on U-U5 ictall dealers. The number ot
pounds of oleomargarine assessed at 'I cents
per pound was-M"0,17l. A table Is ci\cu
showing the number of riot-suns and linus
wlio have paid the taxes Imposed nnd tlio
quantity ot oleomarcaiine assscssed 111 ( Mch
collection distiict in tlio United .States. This
shows that tlio principal collections AMMO In
tlio First Illinois dlstiiot. where ! iUii,700 :
pounds weto taxed. Other distilcts wheio
ufacturiiiR establishments ton aroln the First
Illinois , live in Kansas , three In the bccoud
New York , tlueo in the Uhrhth Ohio and Iho
in Khodo Island , Nonoot the dbtik'ts con
tain more than two factories. The \ \ holpsalu
dealers are confined principally lo the follow
ing dlstilcls : First Illinois , Third Massa
chusetts Fust Mlghlpan , Rhode Island and
Louisiana. Thctearonot mole than tour
wholesalers In any one of the other districts.
The letall business is punctually confined to
the Fut Illinois distiict , Third Massachu
setts , Twenty-second Pennsylvania , Khodo
Island 1'iist Pennsylvania a'nd Connecticut
in the order named. The above figures aio
taken liom the letuins so far received. In
the case ot llliode Island the collection re
turns are complete only to November ! " > ,
which is also tlio case with many of the dis
tricts in which the collections appear to bo
llnmlall's Followers Confer.
WASHINGTON , Dee. 11. About a do/en
demociatic members of congress had a con-
t'eieiice to-night at the looms of llepreseuta-
tlvcMcAdoo for the pm pose ot considering
the tnrilV question. Aniotie : those In attend
ance weic Representative Knndall of Penn
sylvania , ( Jieon ami Pldcoek of Now Jeisey ,
Warner and Fryo of Ohio , Mnitln nl Ala
bama , Merrlman of N'ow York anil Wallace
ot Louisiana. After a discussion ol about
two hours , duriuir which the membci.s ad
vanced their Individual views as to what
should bo done , the idllowintc propositions
\\ciuuiiaulmoiislyailonted : Fust that thov
stand opposed to entering upon thu consider
ation of the pendlns Moulson bill ; second ,
the } ' favor a reduction of revenues at tins
session so as to pi event the accumulation of
a suiplus in the tieasiue , but insist that It
shall be effected by some measure which filiall
embmce a repeal or icdiictlon of ceitainof
the Internal rmenuo taxes ; tlilid , lhe\ favor
an immediate change In the ndmlnistiatlui
features of the existing tarlfl laws , separate
and apait from any general icvlslon ot thu
tarlll. A f m thor conference will be held be
fore Saturday ncx-t.
Tyrants at 8oa.
BOS-ION , Dec. 14.-In tlio United Slates
distiict court to-day , Huijli McLlvcin , Law-
rcueo 0'Ncll , John Burns and William
McNally , sailors on the bark M. it K. Canu ,
which arrived from Buenos Ayios on Fiiday ,
complained ol extreme cruel treatment by
Captain ,1. It. Durkcc , his seeorid mate nnd
boatswain. The captain was in courtbut the
two latter have disappeared. One sailor
named Edward Sparrow was treated no
t > i utally that ho jumped overboard nnd was
di owned. The sailors say thcv were forced
on the bark at Buenos Avrps.'boinK threat
ened with death If they resisted and locked'
in tlie forecastle until the vessel sailed.
A Coon Gambling Don Jtaided.
UIIIMI.VGIIAM , Ala. , Dec. 14. A sheriff ,
deputy and four policemen made a raid on
a negro gambling den nuartlds city last
iitRhl , when a fusilade occurred butwcon the
occupants of the house and the olhVei.s. The
result was that hvo of the jtmnbleis svero
captuied and two weio killed. None of the
officers wcio hurt.
For dclicaoy , tor purity , and for 1m
provimir'iit of tin ! complexion , nothing
equals Po//oui'ri Powder.
To-night at this popular rosorl , the
licach and Bowers' refined minstrels
begin n live nights engagement. This
company has been selected with great
care and contains some excellent talent ,
each Individual member being an artist
in his particular lino. They are headed
by Bobby Beach , the greatest pedestal
clog dancer in Amernia , who performs
tliu feat of turning lit'o summersaults
upon a pode.-tal six feet high , and Otis
Dower , who Is pronounced by all as onu
of the best delineators of negro comedy
now before the public , having been con
nected with dlll'ernnt minstrel organisa
tions for years. The music , songs , acts ,
ctu , , being original , bright and sparkling ,
all the old timn worn business being
abandoned. The Jookoy uniformed brtisi
band , which is an original feature , will
give a band parade daily at noon. Ad
mission 15 , 25 and : I5 cunts , no higher.
Causes Its victims to ho mhcrabloliopelcs ? ,
confiispil , imil U-pri"'si'd hi iiiliul , > ery Irrita-
Wo. laiiRUld , anil tlrowsjIt Is a dlseaio
hkhtliii-H not isct cll of Itself. U icqulren
caicful , piTt-Wfiit iittcnllon , and a remedy lo
throw oft the causes unit tone up tlm dlgei-
the means till they pciform Iholr tliillcs
vlllhiKly. JlimiV * SaiwiiaillLi haa proven
jiist the i eijulrfil H'liieily In hundi ciU of cases.
' Sarsaparllla for dyspepsia
' I have taken Hood's
pepsia , from width 1 h ivosulTercil two ) cars.
1 tried many ot hrr medicines , but nuno pi oeil
so satlfcfactory ns llood'i SaMiparllla. "
TIIOMVB COOK , Jtiusli iitctite : Wcht Co. ,
KeYoik City.
Sick Headache
" Tor ( ho past two yearj I havn been
aniiilfl with hevcro bcadaclies aniS djapep-
bli. I A\as Induced to try Jt i > n's Baidajm-
lellif. I cheerfully -
rllla , and lui\o found erwt
fully Kconiinciid It to all. " M"1 K. V ,
AMK.IULK , Nt-w lfa\cn , Conn.
JIis. Slary C. Smith , CarabrWgcpoit , Mass. ,
and IcS.hea4-
was a biilteior fi m dyspepsia
ai-he. She tosk Hood's ' Sarsaparilia and
found it the best remedy fcho c\cr used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sulil by all cUiiBuWi. Hi lx'or 1MaJ ( *
only by C. I. HOOU & CO. , Lowell , Mas * .
IOO Doses One Dollar.
iwjU buy bottle ,
i i
for golds.
< * Dottl ? ju DRUGGISTStfU
- AND Al.Ij"
Vi-rr ft' pi > npla knowlhlttho RlirlnViK of Mnr.ti
roaitfdln oclonBori-n Is from thirty-live to forty ru
cunt. Allmnntconlnlnsnavnutr tl i per cunt. ot jU l
iimlcnlr twontr ! lvoor | cent , of nolld matter , nuil tb
lo intliR rni > tlnaintnnil In thaovn | > o ,
ration ot thu julco. wlilrli U Ilia VITAL PAUTur ULAT
Effect of io SOLID OVEN Door.
A TEN imnnil blrlnln , muillumorwollilon , lll I >
JtEIiucKlito bix | Kuiicl niHl lour ounrei of llon twl
xneiit. nbow I nil a loMof thrpo iMiuunfl mm twelve ounces
of Julco.Miilo tlio loIn ST'i percent , nf tlio toll !
neleht , tt hhown tlie ouormoua Lus3 of 1'ltxx vm
CL.M. .OF TUB JD10F. _
Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door.
A TEN iiounil Sirloin , tnetllum or wclMono.wUI l >
reilucod to nlnoronndu nmlelitlit outicnut llonMiKl
iniitt , unonlnun Io iof elnht ounr ofjiilc . nnllt
thl lei > l9 H e ri > r cunt-of tlm totnl wflnlit. Itnliom
the very Bmull t i nr JIBTKLEm'EiiocxT. . or JUioi ,
BOLD IN NEBRASKA ci3 follows :
V. KP.NNEV , . . . GORDON.
II. AIRI > &CO. . . b nA4iACiTV.
ill , . CiiAliRON.
KAUSR. l.UHIir.R&WEt.CIt , Coit'niius.
J J McCAPrT.KTV . O'Ni n u CITY.
] A I'AnnrN&SON . KurmioR.
TICSJ' ot touuliiiiid Klein ultliout < IUcovnrii [ -
tlmt tht onio other Hum tlio GENOA VELVETS -
VETS , they so closuljrcpemlilo , wlillo llm po
oullnr nriantruini'nts losiiltlug- tlio KA3T
WOVKN I'lIiK ( imililo Ilium tu Miiml liiturmlnit-
bly nny roiiph cnr , which would ruin real vel
vet B nt four tlmostlio pi leu.
Thn Oomilno I/t'IH ) VKIjVKTKKN has I.owo
KAVOiuie In ENfil.AND , nnd niuat
not lie coiifoiiiuloil with miy otlior vnlvi'leen.
ISrcr > ynid of ihcdr.NI'INl ! ln-i in tint imino
or"I. ( > l'IH"nnU H Hl'AHANTlIK ol weai uc-
c'ompntdus ovorj * yard.
NOI'IS WKhl. The word "LOL'IS" In oon-
nectlmi wltlilbn Velveteen l9SiolloiI"l-t-l'-l-b' | )
nnd In no other wny.
Sold by
y. / ; .
Tlie Orlfflnnl nnd Only Orntline.
ftff Hnistwa i Rfilthlf. rtwAirfir unrthl i * ImlUllapl
Inlliifui.blo u LADIES. A k jour Ilru aUt lor
'lltUlif lrr *'knd uk no lacla.t 4a
fitinipilla ui fir | trtlenliu * ///er ( bj rrtlirn mull.
N AM E PA P I : I } . fhWi ter flirmlriil < ) o .
1Ill It lli > ilUi > iih < juuriI' . , l' .
HeM bjr llrncsllli > frjulirrr. ilk fur " < 'hlcliCf
* * ! " IllitflUn t'ennfrnfftl 1'IIU. fkr * i othv >
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were slilppod during tlio pant
two yetira , vrltl/nnc n riruni-
mcr In ( iiirrmiilov. No otlior
IHJUBO iu the wnrlit cnn ti uth-
Una itHout ( ilunlor nulf )
wrtntrrt In ouch town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 State St.Chlonsa
Men fin fTrtlne . from 1.nmt\'tanr.
* * , etc. , rnuliln ; rn > oi In *
ur . , . u
rii clnr.liylli |
fniMlainunit" ' Wwul ll > f > r il
lit lllU tlAlldl
_ _ I infutrimtli' i uf T ru l nM n > * n
MARSTOH RCMI01T CO. 19 Park Place , No/f York.
Mention Oinnlut ll n ,
uiQintis : : KO IIOIMNO.
DOFS > U1' bTH'K ' 10 Till ! IltOV.
neailr fir I" " ' " > lulnulni ITH lal > fr tliiiBiiiia
! column , nil tlm l.mrfdleiit. u.o.1 tor I. 'J"4' ' " 1
- , I.I ' , ' ,1.I '
.T T mamifmtuiKJ It U ml UP In H 'i' \ .
J-ACKAUE" . no thort w Ulit [ Olio | . -um1 "l ;
two pouudi of unr etli r Sun h few lir tttl Mt
U i moteri. wUu tiyj \ \ bAMI' I'AlhAi.B
I tn rrc-tlUFi i mtilySorDm t > rli " ; I J > <
tkniwd * 6rnM * t tin w.r.t nu i " ' } , ( ; [ J , ' ' /n i ° r
Received from ihc leading Mer
chant Tailors throughout the
country , and placed on sale at
Prices :
$2. .OOMerc'iit Tailor Minkat ? 12.00
UO.OO ' 11.00
S5.00 It ! 01) )
40 00 mar.
45.00 SJO.OO
00.00 U8.00
01.00 ' " 0.00
75.00 . ! ,00
, ooo
* 2r. Merchant Tailor Made at f 10.00
; to 11.50
40 1175
45 so.oo
none aj.oo
no i0 ! 50
70 " " ' ' : o.oo